path: root/tests/src/JIT/jit64/localloc/unwind/
diff options
authorRichard L Ford <>2015-12-17 21:23:42 -0800
committerRichard L Ford <>2015-12-22 22:12:54 -0800
commita60e65ab1549d0c584a357f30a4411502b9c1791 (patch)
tree1ce7f4527ae36b975bb3e1ea43347d00b3f239ec /tests/src/JIT/jit64/localloc/unwind/
parent428f413f917a610eae457f44b1870d04ff1f3775 (diff)
Port additional desktop tests to CoreClr
Add exclusions for tests that are failing but that we expect to be able to get working.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/src/JIT/jit64/localloc/unwind/')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/src/JIT/jit64/localloc/unwind/ b/tests/src/JIT/jit64/localloc/unwind/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..718f5e141b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/JIT/jit64/localloc/unwind/
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+// Unwind from Handler block.
+.assembly extern System.Console
+ .publickeytoken = (B0 3F 5F 7F 11 D5 0A 3A )
+ .ver 4:0:0:0
+.assembly extern mscorlib{}
+.assembly extern common{}
+.assembly unwind06{}
+.class private auto ansi beforefieldinit LocallocTest
+ extends [mscorlib]System.Object
+ .field private static int32 locallocSize
+ .method public hidebysig static int32 Main() cil managed
+ {
+ .entrypoint
+ .maxstack 4
+ .locals (unsigned int64 local1,
+ unsigned int64 local2,
+ int32* intArray1,
+ int32 retValue)
+ IL_0000: ldc.i8 0xfedcba9876543210
+ IL_0009: stloc.0
+ IL_000a: ldloc.0
+ IL_000b: ldc.i4.1
+ IL_000c: conv.i8
+ IL_000d: add
+ IL_000e: stloc.1
+ IL_000f: ldc.i4.4
+ IL_0010: ldc.i4 0x1000
+ IL_0015: mul
+ IL_0016: localloc
+ IL_0018: stloc.2
+ IL_0019: ldc.i4 0x1000
+ IL_001e: stsfld int32 LocallocTest::locallocSize
+ .try
+ {
+ IL_0023: ldloc.2
+ IL_0024: ldsfld int32 LocallocTest::locallocSize
+ IL_0029: ldc.i4 1000
+ IL_002e: call void [common]LocallocTesting.Global::initializeStack(int32*,
+ int32,
+ int32)
+ IL_0033: call void LocallocTest::unwindTest1()
+ IL_0038: ldc.i4.1
+ IL_0039: stloc.3
+ IL_003a: leave.s IL_009d
+ }
+ catch [mscorlib]System.Object
+ {
+ IL_003c: pop
+ IL_003d: leave.s IL_003f
+ }
+ IL_003f: ldstr "intArray1"
+ IL_0044: ldloc.2
+ IL_0045: ldsfld int32 LocallocTest::locallocSize
+ IL_004a: ldc.i4 1000
+ IL_004f: call bool [common]LocallocTesting.Global::verifyStack(string,
+ int32*,
+ int32,
+ int32)
+ IL_0054: brtrue.s IL_005a
+ IL_0056: ldc.i4.1
+ IL_0057: stloc.3
+ IL_0058: br.s IL_009d
+ IL_005a: ldstr "local1"
+ IL_005f: ldloc.0
+ IL_0060: ldc.i8 0xfedcba9876543210
+ IL_0069: call bool [common]LocallocTesting.Global::verifyLocal(string,
+ unsigned int64,
+ unsigned int64)
+ IL_006e: brtrue.s IL_0074
+ IL_0070: ldc.i4.1
+ IL_0071: stloc.3
+ IL_0072: br.s IL_009d
+ IL_0074: ldstr "local2"
+ IL_0079: ldloc.1
+ IL_007a: ldc.i8 0xfedcba9876543211
+ IL_0083: call bool [common]LocallocTesting.Global::verifyLocal(string,
+ unsigned int64,
+ unsigned int64)
+ IL_0088: brtrue.s IL_008e
+ IL_008a: ldc.i4.1
+ IL_008b: stloc.3
+ IL_008c: br.s IL_009d
+ IL_008e: ldstr "Passed\n"
+ IL_0093: call void [System.Console]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
+ IL_0098: ldc.i4.s 100
+ IL_009a: stloc.3
+ IL_009b: br.s IL_009d
+ IL_009d: ldloc.3
+ IL_009e: ret
+ }
+ .method public hidebysig static void unwindTest1() cil managed
+ {
+ .maxstack 10
+ .locals (int32* intArray2,
+ class LocallocTest testObj)
+ IL_0000: ldc.i4.4
+ IL_0001: ldc.i4 0x1000
+ IL_0006: mul
+ IL_0007: localloc
+ IL_0009: stloc.0
+ IL_000a: ldloc.0
+ IL_000b: ldsfld int32 LocallocTest::locallocSize
+ IL_0010: ldc.i4 2000
+ IL_0015: call void [common]LocallocTesting.Global::initializeStack(int32*,
+ int32,
+ int32)
+ .try
+ {
+ IL_001a: newobj instance void LocallocTest::.ctor()
+ IL_001f: stloc.1
+ IL_0020: ldloc.1
+ IL_0021: ldc.i4.1
+ IL_0022: ldc.i4.2
+ IL_0023: ldc.i4.3
+ IL_0024: ldc.i4.4
+ IL_0025: ldc.i4.5
+ IL_0026: ldc.i4.6
+ IL_0027: ldc.i4.7
+ IL_0028: ldc.i4.8
+ IL_0029: ldc.i4.s 9
+ IL_002b: callvirt instance void LocallocTest::unwindTest2(int32,
+ int32,
+ int32,
+ int32,
+ int32,
+ int32,
+ int32,
+ int32,
+ int32)
+ IL_0030: leave.s IL_0058
+ }
+ filter
+ {
+ pop
+ ldc.i4.1
+ endfilter
+ }
+ {
+ IL_0032: pop
+ IL_0033: ldstr "Handler block in unwindTest1.\n"
+ IL_0038: call void [System.Console]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
+ IL_003d: ldstr "intArray2"
+ IL_0042: ldloc.0
+ IL_0043: ldsfld int32 LocallocTest::locallocSize
+ IL_0048: ldc.i4 2000
+ IL_004d: call bool [common]LocallocTesting.Global::verifyStack(string,
+ int32*,
+ int32,
+ int32)
+ IL_0052: brfalse.s IL_0056
+ IL_0054: rethrow
+ IL_0056: leave.s IL_0058
+ }
+ IL_0058: br.s IL_005a
+ IL_005a: ret
+ }
+ .method private hidebysig instance void
+ unwindTest2(int32 i1,
+ int32 i2,
+ int32 i3,
+ int32 i4,
+ int32 i5,
+ int32 i6,
+ int32 i7,
+ int32 i8,
+ int32 i9) cil managed
+ {
+ .maxstack 4
+ .locals (int32* intArray3)
+ IL_0000: ldc.i4.4
+ IL_0001: ldc.i4 0x1000
+ IL_0006: mul
+ IL_0007: localloc
+ IL_0009: stloc.0
+ IL_000a: ldloc.0
+ IL_000b: ldsfld int32 LocallocTest::locallocSize
+ IL_0010: ldc.i4 3000
+ IL_0015: call void [common]LocallocTesting.Global::initializeStack(int32*,
+ int32,
+ int32)
+ .try
+ {
+ IL_001a: ldstr "Test Exception"
+ IL_001f: newobj instance void [mscorlib]System.Exception::.ctor(string)
+ IL_0024: throw
+ }
+ filter
+ {
+ pop
+ ldc.i4.1
+ endfilter
+ }
+ {
+ IL_0025: pop
+ IL_0026: ldstr "Handler block in unwindTest2.\n"
+ IL_002b: call void [System.Console]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
+ IL_0030: ldarg.s i9
+ IL_0032: ldc.i4.s 9
+ IL_0034: beq.s IL_0042
+ IL_0036: ldstr "Parameters on stack is corrupted\n"
+ IL_003b: call void [System.Console]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
+ IL_0040: leave.s IL_005d
+ IL_0042: ldstr "intArray3"
+ IL_0047: ldloc.0
+ IL_0048: ldsfld int32 LocallocTest::locallocSize
+ IL_004d: ldc.i4 3000
+ IL_0052: call bool [common]LocallocTesting.Global::verifyStack(string,
+ int32*,
+ int32,
+ int32)
+ IL_0057: brfalse.s IL_005b
+ IL_0059: rethrow
+ IL_005b: leave.s IL_005d
+ }
+ IL_005d: ret
+ }
+ .method private hidebysig specialname rtspecialname static
+ void .cctor() cil managed
+ {
+ .maxstack 8
+ IL_0000: ldc.i4.0
+ IL_0001: stsfld int32 LocallocTest::locallocSize
+ IL_0006: ret
+ }
+ .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname
+ instance void .ctor() cil managed
+ {
+ .maxstack 8
+ IL_0000: ldarg.0
+ IL_0001: call instance void [mscorlib]System.Object::.ctor()
+ IL_0006: ret
+ }