path: root/tests/runtest.cmd
diff options
authorAndon Andonov <>2018-06-27 14:43:36 -0700
committerGitHub <>2018-06-27 14:43:36 -0700
commitd3772d9efc39591d15ffdfbcf60f5b5936c25d0e (patch)
treecceb302103ac423db096a139061e3e9149b162aa /tests/runtest.cmd
parenteeb9e89062de718a5cce60b520aa919299840142 (diff)
Windows CoreFX CI (#18365)
* Add test list CL switch * End-To-End Test Run on Windows * Cleanup * MAX_PATH Workaround * Set Execution directory for CoreFX tests * Add All CoreFX PR Tests * Add test dependencies * Add extra dependencies * Add parallel test execution * Disable OuterLoop tests and System.Data.SqlClient.* tests * Initialize maximum degree of parallelization to Environment.ProcessCount * Remove unnecessary cli option * Update Dependencies * Add "enabled" property to tests * Remove exclusions due to TestUtilities mismatch * Add capability to run all tests for running Helix test lists directly * Refactor build script to build testhost when skipping managed tests * Disable failing System.Threading.Tests.EventWaitHandleTests.Ctor_InvalidMode * Add switch to skip native test build * Add testing documentation * Don't run tests marked as "disabled" when running all available tests * Add switch to build only testhost and remove Core_Root_Stage * Clean up TopN.CoreFX.Windows.issues.json * Refactor build-test.cmd * PR feedback - build pipeline and documentation * PR Feedback - Test Helper headers and comments * Fix buildtesthost option for only building CoreFX test dependencies * Disable intermittently failing test DrawBezier_PointFs
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/runtest.cmd')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/tests/runtest.cmd b/tests/runtest.cmd
index 89a5acdba1..368451a27e 100644
--- a/tests/runtest.cmd
+++ b/tests/runtest.cmd
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ set __DoCrossgen=
set __CrossgenAltJit=
set __PerfTests=
set __CoreFXTests=
+set __CoreFXTestsRunAllAvailable=
if "%1" == "" goto ArgsDone
@@ -79,7 +80,9 @@ if /i "%1" == "jitdisasm" (set __JitDisasm=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "ilasmroundtrip" (set __IlasmRoundTrip=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "GenerateLayoutOnly" (set __GenerateLayoutOnly=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "PerfTests" (set __PerfTests=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "CoreFXTests" (exit /b 0)
+if /i "%1" == "CoreFXTests" (set __CoreFXTests=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "CoreFXTestsAll" (set __CoreFXTests=true&set __CoreFXTestsRunAllAvailable=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "CoreFXTestList" (set __CoreFXTests=true&set __CoreFXTestList=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "runcrossgentests" (set RunCrossGen=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "link" (set DoLink=true&set ILLINK=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "tieredcompilation" (set COMPLUS_TieredCompilation=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
@@ -107,7 +110,15 @@ shift
:: Done with argument processing. Check argument values for validity.
if defined __TestEnv (if not exist %__TestEnv% echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Test Environment script %__TestEnv% not found && exit /b 1)
-if "%__PerfTests%"=="true" (if defined __GenerateLayoutOnly echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Don't specify both "PerfTests" and "GenerateLayoutOnly" && exit /b 1)
+if "%__PerfTests%"=="true" (if defined __GenerateLayoutOnly echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Don't specify both "PerfTests" and "GenerateLayoutOnly" && exit /b 1)
+if "%__CoreFXTests%"=="true" (if defined __GenerateLayoutOnly echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Don't specify both "CoreFXTests" and "GenerateLayoutOnly" && exit /b 1)
+if defined __CoreFXTestList (
+ if not exist "%__CoreFXTestList%" (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Couldn't find CoreFX Test List "%__CoreFXTestList%".
+ exit /b 1
+ )
:: Set the remaining variables based upon the determined configuration
set "__BinDir=%__RootBinDir%\Product\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%"
@@ -203,6 +214,8 @@ if not exist %CORE_ROOT%\coreclr.dll (
exit /b 1
+if "%__CoreFXTests%"=="true" goto RunCoreFXTests
if "%__PerfTests%"=="true" goto RunPerfTests
REM =========================================================================================
@@ -285,7 +298,63 @@ if errorlevel 1 (
echo %__MsgPrefix%Test Run failed. Refer to the following:
echo Html report: %__TestRunHtmlLog%
+goto TestsDone
+REM =========================================================================================
+REM ===
+REM === Run CoreFX tests
+REM ===
+REM =========================================================================================
+set _CoreFXTestHost=%XunitTestBinBase%\testhost
+set _toolsDir=%__ProjectDir%\..\Tools
+set _dotnet=%_toolsDir%\dotnetcli\dotnet.exe
+set _RootCoreFXTestPath=%__TestWorkingDir%\CoreFX
+set _CoreFXTestUtilitiesOutputPath=%_RootCoreFXTestPath%\CoreFXTestUtilities
+set _CoreFXTestBinariesPath=%_RootCoreFXTestPath%\tests_downloaded
+set _CoreFXLogsDir=%__LogsDir%\CoreFX\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%
+if not exist "%_CoreFXLogsDir%" (mkdir "%_CoreFXLogsDir%")
+set _CoreFXTestSetupUtilityName=CoreFX.TestUtils.TestFileSetup
+set _CoreFXTestSetupUtility=%__ProjectFilesDir%\src\Common\CoreFX\TestFileSetup\%_CoreFXTestSetupUtilityName%.csproj
+call :ResolveDependencies
+if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+if defined __GenerateTestHostOnly (
+ exit /b 0
+if not exist %_CoreFXTestHost%\dotnet.exe echo CoreFX test host not found, please run runtest.cmd again && exit /b 1
+set /p _CoreFXTestRemoteURL=< "%__ProjectFilesDir%\CoreFX\CoreFXTestListURL.txt"
+if not defined __CoreFXTestList ( set __CoreFXTestList=%__ProjectFilesDir%\CoreFX\TopN.CoreFX.x64.Windows.issues.json )
+set _CoreFXTestExecutable=xunit.console.netcore.exe
+set _CoreFXTestExecutableArgs= --notrait category=nonnetcoreapptests --notrait category=nonwindowstests --notrait category=failing --notrait category=IgnoreForCI --notrait category=OuterLoop --notrait Benchmark=true
+REM Set the log file name to something Jenkins can understand
+set _CoreFX_TestLogFileName=testResults.xml
+set _CoreFX_TestRunScriptName=CoreCLR_RunTest.cmd
+if "%__CoreFXTestsRunAllAvailable%" == "true" (
+ set _CoreFX_RunCommand=--runAllTests
+) else (
+ set _CoreFX_RunCommand=--runSpecifiedTests
+echo Downloading and Running CoreFX Test Binaries
+echo %__MsgPrefix%call "%_dotnet%" "%_CoreFXTestUtilitiesOutputPath%\%_CoreFXTestSetupUtilityName%.dll" --clean --outputDirectory "%_CoreFXTestBinariesPath%" --testListJsonPath "%__CoreFXTestList%" --testUrl "!_CoreFXTestRemoteURL!" %_CoreFX_RunCommand% --dotnetPath "%_CoreFXTestHost%\dotnet.exe" --executable %_CoreFXTestExecutable% --logPath %_CoreFXLogsDir% %_CoreFXTestExecutableArgs%
+call "%_dotnet%" "%_CoreFXTestUtilitiesOutputPath%\%_CoreFXTestSetupUtilityName%.dll" --clean --outputDirectory "%_CoreFXTestBinariesPath%" --testListJsonPath "%__CoreFXTestList%" --testUrl "!_CoreFXTestRemoteURL!" %_CoreFX_RunCommand% --dotnetPath "%_CoreFXTestHost%\dotnet.exe" --executable %_CoreFXTestExecutable% --log %_CoreFXLogsDir% %_CoreFXTestExecutableArgs%
+if errorlevel 1 (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Running CoreFX tests finished with Failures
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Check %_CoreFXLogsDir% for test run logs
+ exit /b 1
goto TestsDone
REM =========================================================================================
@@ -473,6 +542,39 @@ if errorlevel 1 (
echo %__MsgPrefix%Created the runtime layout with all dependencies in %CORE_ROOT%
+if "%__CoreFXTests%"=="true" goto ResolveCoreFXDependencies
+exit /b 0
+REM =========================================================================================
+REM ===
+REM === Generate the "testhost" directory for running CoreFX tests; download dependencies.
+REM ===
+REM =========================================================================================
+set __BuildLogRootName=Tests_GenerateTestHost
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Building CoreFX Test Host
+call :msbuild "%__ProjectFilesDir%\runtest.proj" /p:GenerateTestHost=true
+if errorlevel 1 (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Test Host Dependency Resolution Failed
+ exit /b 1
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Created the Test Host layout with all dependencies in %_CoreFXTestHost%
+REM Publish and call the CoreFX test helper projects - should this be integrated into runtest.proj?
+REM Build Helper project
+echo "%_dotnet%" msbuild /t:Restore "%_CoreFXTestSetupUtility%"
+call "%_dotnet%" msbuild /t:Restore "%_CoreFXTestSetupUtility%"
+if errorlevel 1 (
+ exit /b 1
+echo "%_dotnet%" msbuild "/p:Configuration=%CoreRT_BuildType%" "/p:OSGroup=%CoreRT_BuildOS%" "/p:Platform=%CoreRT_BuildArch%" "/p:OutputPath=%_CoreFXTestUtilitiesOutputPath%" "%_CoreFXTestSetupUtility%"
+call "%_dotnet%" msbuild "/p:Configuration=%CoreRT_BuildType%" "/p:OSGroup=%CoreRT_BuildOS%" "/p:Platform=%CoreRT_BuildArch%" "/p:OutputPath=%_CoreFXTestUtilitiesOutputPath%" "%_CoreFXTestSetupUtility%"
+if errorlevel 1 (
+ exit /b 1
exit /b 0
REM =========================================================================================