path: root/src/vm/mdaBoilerplate.exe.mda.config
diff options
authorStephen Toub <>2019-02-11 23:23:32 -0500
committerGitHub <>2019-02-11 23:23:32 -0500
commit1c28b497ff2d49141f6a63e3f293095161e40d00 (patch)
treea8e073b5be4c9c0d69e398d41a52ec645104fda0 /src/vm/mdaBoilerplate.exe.mda.config
parent8e5f65c4ec87cc58ea80c7473cb2946118c6ade9 (diff)
Delete mda.cs and related dead code (#22535)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vm/mdaBoilerplate.exe.mda.config')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm/mdaBoilerplate.exe.mda.config b/src/vm/mdaBoilerplate.exe.mda.config
index 1cbd20037e..c75d7aa329 100644
--- a/src/vm/mdaBoilerplate.exe.mda.config
+++ b/src/vm/mdaBoilerplate.exe.mda.config
<dangerousThreadingAPI enable="false" />
- <!--
- DateTimeInvalidLocalFormat (amoore)
- Activated by default under a managed debugger.
- Indicates when a DateTime instance that represents a UTC time is formatted with a format that should
- only be used with local instances.
- None.
- An application is manually serializing a UTC DateTime instance using a local format:
- DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
- Serialize(myDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fffffffzzz"));
- The 'z' format for DateTime.ToString outputs the local time zone offset, e.g "+10:00" for Sydney time.
- As such, it will only output a meaningful result if the value of the DateTime is local. If the value
- is UTC, DateTime.ToString will still output the local time zone offset.
- UTC DateTime instances should be formatted in a way that indicates that they are UTC. The recommended
- format for UTC times to use a 'Z' to denote UTC time:
- DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
- Serialize(myDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fffffffZ"));
- There is also a short-hand "o" format that will serialize a DateTime making use of the DateTime.Kind
- property that will serialize correctly regardless of whether the instance is Local, Utc or Unspecified:
- DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
- Serialize(myDateTime.ToString("o"));
- An application is indirectly serializing a UTC DateTime with a library like XMLConvert or DataSet
- serialization :
- DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
- String serialized = XMLConvert.ToString(myDateTime);
- XmlConvert and DataSet serialization use local formats for serialization by default.
- Additional options are required to serialize other kinds of DateTime, such as UTC.
- For XML Convert, pass in XmlConvertDateTimeOption.RoundTrip.
- DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
- String serialized = XmlConvert.ToString(myDateTime, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.RoundtripKind);
- If using DataSet, set the DateTimeMode on the DataColumn object to DataSetDateTime.Utc.
- -->
- <dateTimeInvalidLocalFormat enable="false" />
DirtyCastAndCallOnInterface (chriseck)
<invalidFunctionPointerInDelegate enable="false" />
- <!--
- InvalidGCHandleCookie (chriseck)
- This error event is fired when an invalid IntPtr cookie->GCHandle retrieval is attempted.
- The cookie is likely invalid because it was not originally created from a GCHandle,
- represents a GCHandle that has already been freed, is a cookie to a GCHandle in
- a different appdomain, or was marshaled to native code as a GCHandle but passed back into
- the CLR as an IntPtr where a cast was attempted.
- The symptoms the user will see is undefined behavior (AVs, memory corruption, etc.) while
- attempting to use or retrieve a GCHandle from a IntPtr.
- -->
- <invalidGCHandleCookie enable="false" />
InvalidIUnknown (chriseck)
- StreamWriterBufferedDataLost (BrianGru)
- Intended to detect when users write data to a StreamWriter but
- don't flush or close the StreamWriter. That data is then lost,
- because StreamWriter cannot reliably write data to the underlying
- Stream from its finalizer. Users should use a using block when
- possible to ensure they always close the StreamWriter.
- Poorly written code:
- void Foo() {
- StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("file.txt");
- sw.WriteLine("Data");
- // Forgot to close the StreamWriter.
- }
- This MDA was implemented by adding a finalizer to StreamWriter
- that looks for data in its buffer. As such, it requires your
- program to get around to running finalizers before exiting.
- This should happen in long-running apps automatically over time,
- but can be forced in short-lived test apps (like the above) by
- calling GC.Collect then GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers.
- None.
- User attempts to write to a file, but the last 1K - 4K of data
- haven't been written to the file. This MDA detects this
- data loss during finalization of the StreamWriter.
- User did not properly close their StreamWriter, or arrange for
- it to be flushed.
- Use the using statement in C# & VB. In managed C++, use a
- try/finally to call Dispose.
- void Foo() {
- using(StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("file.txt")) {
- sw.WriteLine("Data");
- }
- }
- Or users can use the long form, expanding out the using clause:
- void Foo() {
- StreamWriter sw;
- try {
- sw = new StreamWriter("file.txt"));
- sw.WriteLine("Data");
- }
- finally {
- if (sw != null)
- sw.Close();
- }
- }
- If neither of these solutions can be used (say, if you have a
- StreamWriter stored in a static variable and thus you cannot
- easily run code at the end of its lifetime), then calling Flush
- on the StreamWriter after its last use or setting its AutoFlush
- property to true before its first use will be sufficient.
- Here's an example:
- internal static class Foo {
- private static StreamWriter _log;
- static Foo() { // Static class constructor
- StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("log.txt");
- sw.AutoFlush = true;
- // Now publish the StreamWriter for other threads.
- _log = sw;
- }
- }
- An XML message, indicating this violation occurred. To the
- effect of "You lost data because you didn't close your
- StreamWriter." It may include a file name and a stack trace
- showing where the StreamWriter was allocated, to help track
- down incorrect code.
- -->
- <streamWriterBufferedDataLost enable="true" captureAllocatedCallStack="false"/>
- <!--
VirtualCERCall (rudim)
This is just a warning. It indicates that a callsite within a CER call graph