path: root/src/mscorlib/src/System/Text/SBCSCodePageEncoding.cs
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authorJiyoung Yun <>2017-02-10 20:35:12 +0900
committerJiyoung Yun <>2017-02-10 20:35:12 +0900
commit4b11dc566a5bbfa1378d6266525c281b028abcc8 (patch)
treeb48831a898906734f8884d08b6e18f1144ee2b82 /src/mscorlib/src/System/Text/SBCSCodePageEncoding.cs
parentdb20f3f1bb8595633a7e16c8900fd401a453a6b5 (diff)
Imported Upstream version
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mscorlib/src/System/Text/SBCSCodePageEncoding.cs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1009 deletions
diff --git a/src/mscorlib/src/System/Text/SBCSCodePageEncoding.cs b/src/mscorlib/src/System/Text/SBCSCodePageEncoding.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b07149fb7..0000000000
--- a/src/mscorlib/src/System/Text/SBCSCodePageEncoding.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1009 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
-#if FEATURE_CODEPAGES_FILE // requires BaseCodePageEncooding
-namespace System.Text
- using System;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Threading;
- using System.Globalization;
- using System.Runtime.Serialization;
- using System.Security;
- using System.Security.Permissions;
- // SBCSCodePageEncoding
- [Serializable]
- internal class SBCSCodePageEncoding : BaseCodePageEncoding, ISerializable
- {
- // Pointers to our memory section parts
- [NonSerialized]
- unsafe char* mapBytesToUnicode = null; // char 256
- [NonSerialized]
- unsafe byte* mapUnicodeToBytes = null; // byte 65536
- [NonSerialized]
- unsafe int* mapCodePageCached = null; // to remember which CP is cached
- const char UNKNOWN_CHAR=(char)0xFFFD;
- // byteUnknown is used for default fallback only
- [NonSerialized]
- byte byteUnknown;
- [NonSerialized]
- char charUnknown;
- public SBCSCodePageEncoding(int codePage) : this(codePage, codePage)
- {
- }
- internal SBCSCodePageEncoding(int codePage, int dataCodePage) : base(codePage, dataCodePage)
- {
- }
- // Constructor called by serialization.
- // Note: We use the base GetObjectData however
- internal SBCSCodePageEncoding(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(0)
- {
- // Actually this can't ever get called, CodePageEncoding is our proxy
- Debug.Assert(false, "Didn't expect to make it to SBCSCodePageEncoding serialization constructor");
- throw new ArgumentNullException("this");
- }
- // We have a managed code page entry, so load our tables
- // SBCS data section looks like:
- //
- // char[256] - what each byte maps to in unicode. No support for surrogates. 0 is undefined code point
- // (except 0 for byte 0 is expected to be a real 0)
- //
- // byte/char* - Data for best fit (unicode->bytes), again no best fit for Unicode
- // 1st WORD is Unicode // of 1st character position
- // Next bytes are best fit byte for that position. Position is incremented after each byte
- // byte < 0x20 means skip the next n positions. (Where n is the byte #)
- // byte == 1 means that next word is another unicode code point #
- // byte == 0 is unknown. (doesn't override initial WCHAR[256] table!
- protected override unsafe void LoadManagedCodePage()
- {
- // Should be loading OUR code page
- Debug.Assert(pCodePage->CodePage == this.dataTableCodePage,
- "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.LoadManagedCodePage]Expected to load data table code page");
- // Make sure we're really a 1 byte code page
- if (pCodePage->ByteCount != 1)
- throw new NotSupportedException(
- Environment.GetResourceString("NotSupported_NoCodepageData", CodePage));
- // Remember our unknown bytes & chars
- byteUnknown = (byte)pCodePage->ByteReplace;
- charUnknown = pCodePage->UnicodeReplace;
- // Get our mapped section 65536 bytes for unicode->bytes, 256 * 2 bytes for bytes->unicode
- // Plus 4 byte to remember CP # when done loading it. (Don't want to get IA64 or anything out of alignment)
- byte *pMemorySection = GetSharedMemory(65536*1 + 256*2 + 4 + iExtraBytes);
- mapBytesToUnicode = (char*)pMemorySection;
- mapUnicodeToBytes = (byte*)(pMemorySection + 256 * 2);
- mapCodePageCached = (int*)(pMemorySection + 256 * 2 + 65536 * 1 + iExtraBytes);
- // If its cached (& filled in) we don't have to do anything else
- if (*mapCodePageCached != 0)
- {
- Debug.Assert(*mapCodePageCached == this.dataTableCodePage,
- "[DBCSCodePageEncoding.LoadManagedCodePage]Expected mapped section cached page to be same as data table code page. Cached : " +
- *mapCodePageCached + " Expected:" + this.dataTableCodePage);
- if (*mapCodePageCached != this.dataTableCodePage)
- throw new OutOfMemoryException(
- Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_OutOfMemoryException"));
- // If its cached (& filled in) we don't have to do anything else
- return;
- }
- // Need to read our data file and fill in our section.
- // WARNING: Multiple code pieces could do this at once (so we don't have to lock machine-wide)
- // so be careful here. Only stick legal values in here, don't stick temporary values.
- // Read our data file and set mapBytesToUnicode and mapUnicodeToBytes appropriately
- // First table is just all 256 mappings
- char* pTemp = (char*)&(pCodePage->FirstDataWord);
- for (int b = 0; b < 256; b++)
- {
- // Don't want to force 0's to map Unicode wrong. 0 byte == 0 unicode already taken care of
- if (pTemp[b] != 0 || b == 0)
- {
- mapBytesToUnicode[b] = pTemp[b];
- if (pTemp[b] != UNKNOWN_CHAR)
- mapUnicodeToBytes[pTemp[b]] = (byte)b;
- }
- else
- {
- mapBytesToUnicode[b] = UNKNOWN_CHAR;
- }
- }
- // We're done with our mapped section, set our flag so others don't have to rebuild table.
- *mapCodePageCached = this.dataTableCodePage;
- }
- // Private object for locking instead of locking on a public type for SQL reliability work.
- private static Object s_InternalSyncObject;
- private static Object InternalSyncObject
- {
- get
- {
- if (s_InternalSyncObject == null)
- {
- Object o = new Object();
- Interlocked.CompareExchange<Object>(ref s_InternalSyncObject, o, null);
- }
- return s_InternalSyncObject;
- }
- }
- // Read in our best fit table
- protected unsafe override void ReadBestFitTable()
- {
- // Lock so we don't confuse ourselves.
- lock(InternalSyncObject)
- {
- // If we got a best fit array already, then don't do this
- if (arrayUnicodeBestFit == null)
- {
- //
- // Read in Best Fit table.
- //
- // First check the SBCS->Unicode best fit table, which starts right after the
- // 256 word data table. This table looks like word, word where 1st word is byte and 2nd
- // word is replacement for that word. It ends when byte == 0.
- byte* pData = (byte*)&(pCodePage->FirstDataWord);
- pData += 512;
- // Need new best fit array
- char[] arrayTemp = new char[256];
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- arrayTemp[i] = mapBytesToUnicode[i];
- // See if our words are zero
- ushort byteTemp;
- while ((byteTemp = *((ushort*)pData)) != 0)
- {
- Debug.Assert(arrayTemp[byteTemp] == UNKNOWN_CHAR, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
- "[SBCSCodePageEncoding::ReadBestFitTable] Expected unallocated byte (not 0x{2:X2}) for best fit byte at 0x{0:X2} for code page {1}",
- byteTemp, CodePage, (int)arrayTemp[byteTemp]));
- pData += 2;
- arrayTemp[byteTemp] = *((char*)pData);
- pData += 2;
- }
- // Remember our new array
- arrayBytesBestFit = arrayTemp;
- // It was on 0, it needs to be on next byte
- pData+=2;
- byte* pUnicodeToSBCS = pData;
- // Now count our characters from our Unicode->SBCS best fit table,
- // which is right after our 256 byte data table
- int iBestFitCount = 0;
- // Now do the UnicodeToBytes Best Fit mapping (this is the one we normally think of when we say "best fit")
- // pData should be pointing at the first data point for Bytes->Unicode table
- int unicodePosition = *((ushort*)pData);
- pData += 2;
- while (unicodePosition < 0x10000)
- {
- // Get the next byte
- byte input = *pData;
- pData++;
- // build our table:
- if (input == 1)
- {
- // Use next 2 bytes as our byte position
- unicodePosition = *((ushort*)pData);
- pData+=2;
- }
- else if (input < 0x20 && input > 0 && input != 0x1e)
- {
- // Advance input characters
- unicodePosition += input;
- }
- else
- {
- // Use this character if it isn't zero
- if (input > 0)
- iBestFitCount++;
- // skip this unicode position in any case
- unicodePosition++;
- }
- }
- // Make an array for our best fit data
- arrayTemp = new char[iBestFitCount*2];
- // Now actually read in the data
- // reset pData should be pointing at the first data point for Bytes->Unicode table
- pData = pUnicodeToSBCS;
- unicodePosition = *((ushort*)pData);
- pData += 2;
- iBestFitCount = 0;
- while (unicodePosition < 0x10000)
- {
- // Get the next byte
- byte input = *pData;
- pData++;
- // build our table:
- if (input == 1)
- {
- // Use next 2 bytes as our byte position
- unicodePosition = *((ushort*)pData);
- pData+=2;
- }
- else if (input < 0x20 && input > 0 && input != 0x1e)
- {
- // Advance input characters
- unicodePosition += input;
- }
- else
- {
- // Check for escape for glyph range
- if (input == 0x1e)
- {
- // Its an escape, so just read next byte directly
- input = *pData;
- pData++;
- }
- // 0 means just skip me
- if (input > 0)
- {
- // Use this character
- arrayTemp[iBestFitCount++] = (char)unicodePosition;
- // Have to map it to Unicode because best fit will need unicode value of best fit char.
- arrayTemp[iBestFitCount++] = mapBytesToUnicode[input];
- // This won't work if it won't round trip.
- Debug.Assert(arrayTemp[iBestFitCount-1] != (char)0,
- String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
- "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.ReadBestFitTable] No valid Unicode value {0:X4} for round trip bytes {1:X4}, encoding {2}",
- (int)mapBytesToUnicode[input], (int)input, CodePage));
- }
- unicodePosition++;
- }
- }
- // Remember it
- arrayUnicodeBestFit = arrayTemp;
- }
- }
- }
- // GetByteCount
- // Note: We start by assuming that the output will be the same as count. Having
- // an encoder or fallback may change that assumption
- internal override unsafe int GetByteCount(char* chars, int count, EncoderNLS encoder)
- {
- // Just need to ASSERT, this is called by something else internal that checked parameters already
- Debug.Assert(count >= 0, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetByteCount]count is negative");
- Debug.Assert(chars != null, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetByteCount]chars is null");
- // Assert because we shouldn't be able to have a null encoder.
- Debug.Assert(encoderFallback != null, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetByteCount]Attempting to use null fallback");
- CheckMemorySection();
- // Need to test fallback
- EncoderReplacementFallback fallback = null;
- // Get any left over characters
- char charLeftOver = (char)0;
- if (encoder != null)
- {
- charLeftOver = encoder.charLeftOver;
- Debug.Assert(charLeftOver == 0 || Char.IsHighSurrogate(charLeftOver),
- "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetByteCount]leftover character should be high surrogate");
- fallback = encoder.Fallback as EncoderReplacementFallback;
- // Verify that we have no fallbackbuffer, actually for SBCS this is always empty, so just assert
- Debug.Assert(!encoder.m_throwOnOverflow || !encoder.InternalHasFallbackBuffer ||
- encoder.FallbackBuffer.Remaining == 0,
- "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetByteCount]Expected empty fallback buffer at start");
- }
- else
- {
- // If we aren't using default fallback then we may have a complicated count.
- fallback = this.EncoderFallback as EncoderReplacementFallback;
- }
- if ((fallback != null && fallback.MaxCharCount == 1)/* || bIsBestFit*/)
- {
- // Replacement fallback encodes surrogate pairs as two ?? (or two whatever), so return size is always
- // same as input size.
- // Note that no existing SBCS code pages map code points to supplimentary characters, so this is easy.
- // We could however have 1 extra byte if the last call had an encoder and a funky fallback and
- // if we don't use the funky fallback this time.
- // Do we have an extra char left over from last time?
- if (charLeftOver > 0)
- count++;
- return (count);
- }
- // It had a funky fallback, so its more complicated
- // Need buffer maybe later
- EncoderFallbackBuffer fallbackBuffer = null;
- // prepare our end
- int byteCount = 0;
- char* charEnd = chars + count;
- // We may have a left over character from last time, try and process it.
- if (charLeftOver > 0)
- {
- // Since left over char was a surrogate, it'll have to be fallen back.
- // Get Fallback
- Debug.Assert(encoder != null, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetByteCount]Expect to have encoder if we have a charLeftOver");
- fallbackBuffer = encoder.FallbackBuffer;
- fallbackBuffer.InternalInitialize(chars, charEnd, encoder, false);
- // This will fallback a pair if *chars is a low surrogate
- fallbackBuffer.InternalFallback(charLeftOver, ref chars);
- }
- // Now we may have fallback char[] already from the encoder
- // Go ahead and do it, including the fallback.
- char ch;
- while ((ch = (fallbackBuffer == null) ? '\0' : fallbackBuffer.InternalGetNextChar()) != 0 ||
- chars < charEnd)
- {
- // First unwind any fallback
- if (ch == 0)
- {
- // No fallback, just get next char
- ch = *chars;
- chars++;
- }
- // get byte for this char
- byte bTemp = mapUnicodeToBytes[ch];
- // Check for fallback, this'll catch surrogate pairs too.
- if (bTemp == 0 && ch != (char)0)
- {
- if (fallbackBuffer == null)
- {
- // Create & init fallback buffer
- if (encoder == null)
- fallbackBuffer = this.encoderFallback.CreateFallbackBuffer();
- else
- fallbackBuffer = encoder.FallbackBuffer;
- // chars has moved so we need to remember figure it out so Exception fallback
- // index will be correct
- fallbackBuffer.InternalInitialize(charEnd - count, charEnd, encoder, false);
- }
- // Get Fallback
- fallbackBuffer.InternalFallback(ch, ref chars);
- continue;
- }
- // We'll use this one
- byteCount++;
- }
- Debug.Assert(fallbackBuffer == null || fallbackBuffer.Remaining == 0,
- "[SBCSEncoding.GetByteCount]Expected Empty fallback buffer at end");
- return (int)byteCount;
- }
- internal override unsafe int GetBytes(char* chars, int charCount,
- byte* bytes, int byteCount, EncoderNLS encoder)
- {
- // Just need to ASSERT, this is called by something else internal that checked parameters already
- Debug.Assert(bytes != null, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetBytes]bytes is null");
- Debug.Assert(byteCount >= 0, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetBytes]byteCount is negative");
- Debug.Assert(chars != null, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetBytes]chars is null");
- Debug.Assert(charCount >= 0, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetBytes]charCount is negative");
- // Assert because we shouldn't be able to have a null encoder.
- Debug.Assert(encoderFallback != null, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetBytes]Attempting to use null encoder fallback");
- CheckMemorySection();
- // Need to test fallback
- EncoderReplacementFallback fallback = null;
- // Get any left over characters
- char charLeftOver = (char)0;
- if (encoder != null)
- {
- charLeftOver = encoder.charLeftOver;
- Debug.Assert(charLeftOver == 0 || Char.IsHighSurrogate(charLeftOver),
- "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetBytes]leftover character should be high surrogate");
- fallback = encoder.Fallback as EncoderReplacementFallback;
- // Verify that we have no fallbackbuffer, for SBCS its always empty, so just assert
- Debug.Assert(!encoder.m_throwOnOverflow || !encoder.InternalHasFallbackBuffer ||
- encoder.FallbackBuffer.Remaining == 0,
- "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetBytes]Expected empty fallback buffer at start");
-// if (encoder.m_throwOnOverflow && encoder.InternalHasFallbackBuffer &&
-// encoder.FallbackBuffer.Remaining > 0)
-// throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_EncoderFallbackNotEmpty",
-// this.EncodingName, encoder.Fallback.GetType()));
- }
- else
- {
- // If we aren't using default fallback then we may have a complicated count.
- fallback = this.EncoderFallback as EncoderReplacementFallback;
- }
- // prepare our end
- char* charEnd = chars + charCount;
- byte* byteStart = bytes;
- char* charStart = chars;
- // See if we do the fast default or slightly slower fallback
- if (fallback != null && fallback.MaxCharCount == 1)
- {
- // Make sure our fallback character is valid first
- byte bReplacement = mapUnicodeToBytes[fallback.DefaultString[0]];
- // Check for replacements in range, otherwise fall back to slow version.
- if (bReplacement != 0)
- {
- // We should have exactly as many output bytes as input bytes, unless there's a left
- // over character, in which case we may need one more.
- // If we had a left over character will have to add a ? (This happens if they had a funky
- // fallback last time, but not this time.) (We can't spit any out though
- // because with fallback encoder each surrogate is treated as a seperate code point)
- if (charLeftOver > 0)
- {
- // Have to have room
- // Throw even if doing no throw version because this is just 1 char,
- // so buffer will never be big enough
- if (byteCount == 0)
- ThrowBytesOverflow(encoder, true);
- // This'll make sure we still have more room and also make sure our return value is correct.
- *(bytes++) = bReplacement;
- byteCount--; // We used one of the ones we were counting.
- }
- // This keeps us from overrunning our output buffer
- if (byteCount < charCount)
- {
- // Throw or make buffer smaller?
- ThrowBytesOverflow(encoder, byteCount < 1);
- // Just use what we can
- charEnd = chars + byteCount;
- }
- // Simple way
- while (chars < charEnd)
- {
- char ch2 = *chars;
- chars++;
- byte bTemp = mapUnicodeToBytes[ch2];
- // Check for fallback
- if (bTemp == 0 && ch2 != (char)0)
- *bytes = bReplacement;
- else
- *bytes = bTemp;
- bytes++;
- }
- // Clear encoder
- if (encoder != null)
- {
- encoder.charLeftOver = (char)0;
- encoder.m_charsUsed = (int)(chars-charStart);
- }
- return (int)(bytes - byteStart);
- }
- }
- // Slower version, have to do real fallback.
- // For fallback we may need a fallback buffer, we know we aren't default fallback
- EncoderFallbackBuffer fallbackBuffer = null;
- // prepare our end
- byte* byteEnd = bytes + byteCount;
- // We may have a left over character from last time, try and process it.
- if (charLeftOver > 0)
- {
- // Since left over char was a surrogate, it'll have to be fallen back.
- // Get Fallback
- Debug.Assert(encoder != null, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetBytes]Expect to have encoder if we have a charLeftOver");
- fallbackBuffer = encoder.FallbackBuffer;
- fallbackBuffer.InternalInitialize(chars, charEnd, encoder, true);
- // This will fallback a pair if *chars is a low surrogate
- fallbackBuffer.InternalFallback(charLeftOver, ref chars);
- if (fallbackBuffer.Remaining > byteEnd - bytes)
- {
- // Throw it, if we don't have enough for this we never will
- ThrowBytesOverflow(encoder, true);
- }
- }
- // Now we may have fallback char[] already from the encoder fallback above
- // Go ahead and do it, including the fallback.
- char ch;
- while ((ch = (fallbackBuffer == null) ? '\0' : fallbackBuffer.InternalGetNextChar()) != 0 ||
- chars < charEnd)
- {
- // First unwind any fallback
- if (ch == 0)
- {
- // No fallback, just get next char
- ch = *chars;
- chars++;
- }
- // get byte for this char
- byte bTemp = mapUnicodeToBytes[ch];
- // Check for fallback, this'll catch surrogate pairs too.
- if (bTemp == 0 && ch != (char)0)
- {
- // Get Fallback
- if ( fallbackBuffer == null )
- {
- // Create & init fallback buffer
- if (encoder == null)
- fallbackBuffer = this.encoderFallback.CreateFallbackBuffer();
- else
- fallbackBuffer = encoder.FallbackBuffer;
- // chars has moved so we need to remember figure it out so Exception fallback
- // index will be correct
- fallbackBuffer.InternalInitialize(charEnd - charCount, charEnd, encoder, true);
- }
- // Make sure we have enough room. Each fallback char will be 1 output char
- // (or recursion exception will be thrown)
- fallbackBuffer.InternalFallback(ch, ref chars);
- if (fallbackBuffer.Remaining > byteEnd - bytes)
- {
- // Didn't use this char, reset it
- Debug.Assert(chars > charStart,
- "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetBytes]Expected chars to have advanced (fallback)");
- chars--;
- fallbackBuffer.InternalReset();
- // Throw it & drop this data
- ThrowBytesOverflow(encoder, chars == charStart);
- break;
- }
- continue;
- }
- // We'll use this one
- // Bounds check
- if (bytes >= byteEnd)
- {
- // didn't use this char, we'll throw or use buffer
- Debug.Assert(fallbackBuffer == null || fallbackBuffer.bFallingBack == false,
- "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetBytes]Expected to NOT be falling back");
- if (fallbackBuffer == null || fallbackBuffer.bFallingBack == false)
- {
- Debug.Assert(chars > charStart,
- "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetBytes]Expected chars to have advanced (normal)");
- chars--; // don't use last char
- }
- ThrowBytesOverflow(encoder, chars == charStart); // throw ?
- break; // don't throw, stop
- }
- // Go ahead and add it
- *bytes = bTemp;
- bytes++;
- }
- // encoder stuff if we have one
- if (encoder != null)
- {
- // Fallback stuck it in encoder if necessary, but we have to clear MustFlush cases
- if (fallbackBuffer != null && !fallbackBuffer.bUsedEncoder)
- // Clear it in case of MustFlush
- encoder.charLeftOver = (char)0;
- // Set our chars used count
- encoder.m_charsUsed = (int)(chars - charStart);
- }
- // Expect Empty fallback buffer for SBCS
- Debug.Assert(fallbackBuffer == null || fallbackBuffer.Remaining == 0,
- "[SBCSEncoding.GetBytes]Expected Empty fallback buffer at end");
- return (int)(bytes - byteStart);
- }
- // This is internal and called by something else,
- internal override unsafe int GetCharCount(byte* bytes, int count, DecoderNLS decoder)
- {
- // Just assert, we're called internally so these should be safe, checked already
- Debug.Assert(bytes != null, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetCharCount]bytes is null");
- Debug.Assert(count >= 0, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetCharCount]byteCount is negative");
- CheckMemorySection();
- // See if we have best fit
- bool bUseBestFit = false;
- // Only need decoder fallback buffer if not using default replacement fallback or best fit fallback.
- DecoderReplacementFallback fallback = null;
- if (decoder == null)
- {
- fallback = this.DecoderFallback as DecoderReplacementFallback;
- bUseBestFit = this.DecoderFallback.IsMicrosoftBestFitFallback;
- }
- else
- {
- fallback = decoder.Fallback as DecoderReplacementFallback;
- bUseBestFit = decoder.Fallback.IsMicrosoftBestFitFallback;
- Debug.Assert(!decoder.m_throwOnOverflow || !decoder.InternalHasFallbackBuffer ||
- decoder.FallbackBuffer.Remaining == 0,
- "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetChars]Expected empty fallback buffer at start");
- }
- if (bUseBestFit || (fallback != null && fallback.MaxCharCount == 1))
- {
- // Just return length, SBCS stay the same length because they don't map to surrogate
- // pairs and we don't have a decoder fallback.
- return count;
- }
- // Might need one of these later
- DecoderFallbackBuffer fallbackBuffer = null;
- // Have to do it the hard way.
- // Assume charCount will be == count
- int charCount = count;
- byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[1];
- // Do it our fast way
- byte* byteEnd = bytes + count;
- // Quick loop
- while (bytes < byteEnd)
- {
- // Faster if don't use *bytes++;
- char c;
- c = mapBytesToUnicode[*bytes];
- bytes++;
- // If unknown we have to do fallback count
- if (c == UNKNOWN_CHAR)
- {
- // Must have a fallback buffer
- if (fallbackBuffer == null)
- {
- // Need to adjust count so we get real start
- if (decoder == null)
- fallbackBuffer = this.DecoderFallback.CreateFallbackBuffer();
- else
- fallbackBuffer = decoder.FallbackBuffer;
- fallbackBuffer.InternalInitialize(byteEnd - count, null);
- }
- // Use fallback buffer
- byteBuffer[0] = *(bytes - 1);
- charCount--; // We'd already reserved one for *(bytes-1)
- charCount += fallbackBuffer.InternalFallback(byteBuffer, bytes);
- }
- }
- // Fallback buffer must be empty
- Debug.Assert(fallbackBuffer == null || fallbackBuffer.Remaining == 0,
- "[SBCSEncoding.GetCharCount]Expected Empty fallback buffer at end");
- // Converted sequence is same length as input
- return charCount;
- }
- internal override unsafe int GetChars(byte* bytes, int byteCount,
- char* chars, int charCount, DecoderNLS decoder)
- {
- // Just need to ASSERT, this is called by something else internal that checked parameters already
- Debug.Assert(bytes != null, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetChars]bytes is null");
- Debug.Assert(byteCount >= 0, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetChars]byteCount is negative");
- Debug.Assert(chars != null, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetChars]chars is null");
- Debug.Assert(charCount >= 0, "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetChars]charCount is negative");
- CheckMemorySection();
- // See if we have best fit
- bool bUseBestFit = false;
- // Do it fast way if using ? replacement or best fit fallbacks
- byte* byteEnd = bytes + byteCount;
- byte* byteStart = bytes;
- char* charStart = chars;
- // Only need decoder fallback buffer if not using default replacement fallback or best fit fallback.
- DecoderReplacementFallback fallback = null;
- if (decoder == null)
- {
- fallback = this.DecoderFallback as DecoderReplacementFallback;
- bUseBestFit = this.DecoderFallback.IsMicrosoftBestFitFallback;
- }
- else
- {
- fallback = decoder.Fallback as DecoderReplacementFallback;
- bUseBestFit = decoder.Fallback.IsMicrosoftBestFitFallback;
- Debug.Assert(!decoder.m_throwOnOverflow || !decoder.InternalHasFallbackBuffer ||
- decoder.FallbackBuffer.Remaining == 0,
- "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetChars]Expected empty fallback buffer at start");
- }
- if (bUseBestFit || (fallback != null && fallback.MaxCharCount == 1))
- {
- // Try it the fast way
- char replacementChar;
- if (fallback == null)
- replacementChar = '?'; // Best fit alwasy has ? for fallback for SBCS
- else
- replacementChar = fallback.DefaultString[0];
- // Need byteCount chars, otherwise too small buffer
- if (charCount < byteCount)
- {
- // Need at least 1 output byte, throw if must throw
- ThrowCharsOverflow(decoder, charCount < 1);
- // Not throwing, use what we can
- byteEnd = bytes + charCount;
- }
- // Quick loop, just do '?' replacement because we don't have fallbacks for decodings.
- while (bytes < byteEnd)
- {
- char c;
- if (bUseBestFit)
- {
- if (arrayBytesBestFit == null)
- {
- ReadBestFitTable();
- }
- c = arrayBytesBestFit[*bytes];
- }
- else
- c = mapBytesToUnicode[*bytes];
- bytes++;
- if (c == UNKNOWN_CHAR)
- // This is an invalid byte in the ASCII encoding.
- *chars = replacementChar;
- else
- *chars = c;
- chars++;
- }
- // bytes & chars used are the same
- if (decoder != null)
- decoder.m_bytesUsed = (int)(bytes - byteStart);
- return (int)(chars - charStart);
- }
- // Slower way's going to need a fallback buffer
- DecoderFallbackBuffer fallbackBuffer = null;
- byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[1];
- char* charEnd = chars + charCount;
- // Not quite so fast loop
- while (bytes < byteEnd)
- {
- // Faster if don't use *bytes++;
- char c = mapBytesToUnicode[*bytes];
- bytes++;
- // See if it was unknown
- if (c == UNKNOWN_CHAR)
- {
- // Make sure we have a fallback buffer
- if (fallbackBuffer == null)
- {
- if (decoder == null)
- fallbackBuffer = this.DecoderFallback.CreateFallbackBuffer();
- else
- fallbackBuffer = decoder.FallbackBuffer;
- fallbackBuffer.InternalInitialize(byteEnd - byteCount, charEnd);
- }
- // Use fallback buffer
- Debug.Assert(bytes > byteStart,
- "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetChars]Expected bytes to have advanced already (unknown byte)");
- byteBuffer[0] = *(bytes - 1);
- // Fallback adds fallback to chars, but doesn't increment chars unless the whole thing fits.
- if (!fallbackBuffer.InternalFallback(byteBuffer, bytes, ref chars))
- {
- // May or may not throw, but we didn't get this byte
- bytes--; // unused byte
- fallbackBuffer.InternalReset(); // Didn't fall this back
- ThrowCharsOverflow(decoder, bytes == byteStart); // throw?
- break; // don't throw, but stop loop
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Make sure we have buffer space
- if (chars >= charEnd)
- {
- Debug.Assert(bytes > byteStart,
- "[SBCSCodePageEncoding.GetChars]Expected bytes to have advanced already (known byte)");
- bytes--; // unused byte
- ThrowCharsOverflow(decoder, bytes == byteStart); // throw?
- break; // don't throw, but stop loop
- }
- *(chars) = c;
- chars++;
- }
- }
- // Might have had decoder fallback stuff.
- if (decoder != null)
- decoder.m_bytesUsed = (int)(bytes - byteStart);
- // Expect Empty fallback buffer for GetChars
- Debug.Assert(fallbackBuffer == null || fallbackBuffer.Remaining == 0,
- "[SBCSEncoding.GetChars]Expected Empty fallback buffer at end");
- return (int)(chars - charStart);
- }
- public override int GetMaxByteCount(int charCount)
- {
- if (charCount < 0)
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(charCount),
- Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
- Contract.EndContractBlock();
- // Characters would be # of characters + 1 in case high surrogate is ? * max fallback
- long byteCount = (long)charCount + 1;
- if (EncoderFallback.MaxCharCount > 1)
- byteCount *= EncoderFallback.MaxCharCount;
- // 1 to 1 for most characters. Only surrogates with fallbacks have less.
- if (byteCount > 0x7fffffff)
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(charCount), Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_GetByteCountOverflow"));
- return (int)byteCount;
- }
- public override int GetMaxCharCount(int byteCount)
- {
- if (byteCount < 0)
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(byteCount),
- Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
- Contract.EndContractBlock();
- // Just return length, SBCS stay the same length because they don't map to surrogate
- long charCount = (long)byteCount;
- // 1 to 1 for most characters. Only surrogates with fallbacks have less, unknown fallbacks could be longer.
- if (DecoderFallback.MaxCharCount > 1)
- charCount *= DecoderFallback.MaxCharCount;
- if (charCount > 0x7fffffff)
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(byteCount), Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_GetCharCountOverflow"));
- return (int)charCount;
- }
- // True if and only if the encoding only uses single byte code points. (Ie, ASCII, 1252, etc)
- public override bool IsSingleByte
- {
- get
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)]
- public override bool IsAlwaysNormalized(NormalizationForm form)
- {
- // Most of these code pages could be decomposed or have compatibility mappings for KC, KD, & D
- // additionally the allow unassigned forms and IDNA wouldn't work either, so C is our choice.
- if (form == NormalizationForm.FormC)
- {
- // Form C is only true for some code pages. They have to have all 256 code points assigned
- // and not map to unassigned or combinable code points.
- switch (CodePage)
- {
- // Return true for some code pages.
- case 1252: // (Latin I - ANSI)
- case 1250: // (Eastern Europe - ANSI)
- case 1251: // (Cyrillic - ANSI)
- case 1254: // (Turkish - ANSI)
- case 1256: // (Arabic - ANSI)
- case 28591: // (ISO 8859-1 Latin I)
- case 437: // (United States - OEM)
- case 737: // (Greek (aka 437G) - OEM)
- case 775: // (Baltic - OEM)
- case 850: // (Multilingual (Latin I) - OEM)
- case 852: // (Slovak (Latin II) - OEM)
- case 855: // (Cyrillic - OEM)
- case 858: // (Multilingual (Latin I) - OEM + Euro)
- case 860: // (Portuguese - OEM)
- case 861: // (Icelandic - OEM)
- case 862: // (Hebrew - OEM)
- case 863: // (Canadian French - OEM)
- case 865: // (Nordic - OEM)
- case 866: // (Russian - OEM)
- case 869: // (Modern Greek - OEM)
- case 10007: // (Cyrillic - MAC)
- case 10017: // (Ukraine - MAC)
- case 10029: // (Latin II - MAC)
- case 28592: // (ISO 8859-2 Eastern Europe)
- case 28594: // (ISO 8859-4 Baltic)
- case 28595: // (ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic)
- case 28599: // (ISO 8859-9 Latin Alphabet No.5)
- case 28603: // (ISO/IEC 8859-13:1998 (Lithuanian))
- case 28605: // (ISO 8859-15 Latin 9 (IBM923=IBM819+Euro))
- case 037: // (IBM EBCDIC U.S./Canada)
- case 500: // (IBM EBCDIC International)
- case 870: // (IBM EBCDIC Latin-2 Multilingual/ROECE)
- case 1026: // (IBM EBCDIC Latin-5 Turkey)
- case 1047: // (IBM Latin-1/Open System)
- case 1140: // (IBM EBCDIC U.S./Canada (037+Euro))
- case 1141: // (IBM EBCDIC Germany (20273(IBM273)+Euro))
- case 1142: // (IBM EBCDIC Denmark/Norway (20277(IBM277+Euro))
- case 1143: // (IBM EBCDIC Finland/Sweden (20278(IBM278)+Euro))
- case 1144: // (IBM EBCDIC Italy (20280(IBM280)+Euro))
- case 1145: // (IBM EBCDIC Latin America/Spain (20284(IBM284)+Euro))
- case 1146: // (IBM EBCDIC United Kingdom (20285(IBM285)+Euro))
- case 1147: // (IBM EBCDIC France (20297(IBM297+Euro))
- case 1148: // (IBM EBCDIC International (500+Euro))
- case 1149: // (IBM EBCDIC Icelandic (20871(IBM871+Euro))
- case 20273: // (IBM EBCDIC Germany)
- case 20277: // (IBM EBCDIC Denmark/Norway)
- case 20278: // (IBM EBCDIC Finland/Sweden)
- case 20280: // (IBM EBCDIC Italy)
- case 20284: // (IBM EBCDIC Latin America/Spain)
- case 20285: // (IBM EBCDIC United Kingdom)
- case 20297: // (IBM EBCDIC France)
- case 20871: // (IBM EBCDIC Icelandic)
- case 20880: // (IBM EBCDIC Cyrillic)
- case 20924: // (IBM Latin-1/Open System (IBM924=IBM1047+Euro))
- case 21025: // (IBM EBCDIC Cyrillic (Serbian, Bulgarian))
- case 720: // (Arabic - Transparent ASMO)
- case 20866: // (Russian - KOI8)
- case 21866: // (Ukrainian - KOI8-U)
- return true;
- }
- }
- // False for IDNA and unknown
- return false;
- }
- }