path: root/src/md/compiler/regmeta.cpp
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authorJiyoung Yun <>2016-11-23 19:09:09 +0900
committerJiyoung Yun <>2016-11-23 19:09:09 +0900
commit4b4aad7217d3292650e77eec2cf4c198ea9c3b4b (patch)
tree98110734c91668dfdbb126fcc0e15ddbd93738ca /src/md/compiler/regmeta.cpp
parentfa45f57ed55137c75ac870356a1b8f76c84b229c (diff)
Imported Upstream version 1.1.0upstream/1.1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'src/md/compiler/regmeta.cpp')
1 files changed, 1588 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/md/compiler/regmeta.cpp b/src/md/compiler/regmeta.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..230d1e4ff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/md/compiler/regmeta.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1588 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// RegMeta.cpp
+// Implementation for meta data public interface methods.
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "regmeta.h"
+#include "metadata.h"
+#include "corerror.h"
+#include "mdutil.h"
+#include "rwutil.h"
+#include "mdlog.h"
+#include "importhelper.h"
+#include "filtermanager.h"
+#include "mdperf.h"
+#include "switches.h"
+#include "posterror.h"
+#include "stgio.h"
+#include "sstring.h"
+#include "mdinternalrw.h"
+#include <metamodelrw.h>
+#define SET_CUSTOM 3
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_TRACE_REMAPS)
+#define LOGGING
+#include <log.h>
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable: 4102)
+RegMeta::RegMeta() :
+ m_pStgdb(0),
+ m_pStgdbFreeList(NULL),
+ m_pUnk(0),
+ m_pFilterManager(NULL),
+ m_pInternalImport(NULL),
+ m_pSemReadWrite(NULL),
+ m_fOwnSem(false),
+ m_bRemap(false),
+ m_bSaveOptimized(false),
+ m_hasOptimizedRefToDef(false),
+ m_pHandler(0),
+ m_fIsTypeDefDirty(false),
+ m_fIsMemberDefDirty(false),
+ m_fStartedEE(false),
+ m_pCorHost(NULL),
+ m_pAppDomain(NULL),
+ m_OpenFlags(0),
+ m_cRef(0),
+ m_pFreeThreadedMarshaler(NULL),
+ m_bCached(false),
+ m_trLanguageType(0),
+ m_ModuleType(ValidatorModuleTypeInvalid),
+ m_pVEHandler(0),
+ m_bKeepKnownCa(false),
+ m_pCorProfileData(NULL),
+ m_ReorderingOptions(NoReordering)
+ , m_safeToDeleteStgdb(true)
+ memset(&m_OptionValue, 0, sizeof(OptionValue));
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ if (CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_MD_RegMetaBreak))
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"RegMeta()");
+ }
+ if (CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_MD_KeepKnownCA))
+ m_bKeepKnownCa = true;
+#endif // _DEBUG
+} // RegMeta::RegMeta()
+ _ASSERTE(!m_bCached);
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ // This should have worked if we've cached the public interface in the past
+ _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr) || (m_pInternalImport == NULL) || (m_pInternalImport->GetCachedPublicInterface(false) == NULL));
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (m_pInternalImport != NULL)
+ {
+ // RegMeta is going away. Make sure we clear up the pointer from MDInternalRW to this RegMeta.
+ if (FAILED(m_pInternalImport->SetCachedPublicInterface(NULL)))
+ { // Do nothing on error
+ }
+ m_pInternalImport = NULL;
+ m_fOwnSem = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_pFreeThreadedMarshaler)
+ {
+ m_pFreeThreadedMarshaler->Release();
+ m_pFreeThreadedMarshaler = NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_pSemReadWrite && m_fOwnSem)
+ delete m_pSemReadWrite;
+ // If this RegMeta is a wrapper on an external StgDB, release it.
+ if (IsOfExternalStgDB(m_OpenFlags))
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(m_pUnk != NULL); // Owning IUnknown for external StgDB.
+ if (m_pUnk)
+ m_pUnk->Release();
+ m_pUnk = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { // Not a wrapper, so free our StgDB.
+ _ASSERTE(m_pUnk == NULL);
+ // It's possible m_pStdbg is NULL in OOM scenarios
+ if (m_pStgdb != NULL)
+ delete m_pStgdb;
+ m_pStgdb = 0;
+ }
+ // Delete the old copies of Stgdb list. This is the list track all of the
+ // old snapshuts with ReOpenWithMemory call.
+ CLiteWeightStgdbRW *pCur;
+ while (m_pStgdbFreeList)
+ {
+ pCur = m_pStgdbFreeList;
+ m_pStgdbFreeList = m_pStgdbFreeList->m_pNextStgdb;
+ delete pCur;
+ }
+ if (m_pVEHandler)
+ m_pVEHandler->Release();
+ // If This RegMeta spun up the runtime (probably to process security
+ // attributes), shut it down now.
+ if (m_fStartedEE)
+ {
+ m_pAppDomain->Release();
+ m_pCorHost->Stop();
+ m_pCorHost->Release();
+ }
+ if (m_pFilterManager != NULL)
+ delete m_pFilterManager;
+ if (m_OptionValue.m_RuntimeVersion != NULL)
+ delete[] m_OptionValue.m_RuntimeVersion;
+} // RegMeta::~RegMeta()
+HRESULT RegMeta::SetOption(OptionValue *pOptionValue)
+ _ASSERTE(pOptionValue);
+ char* pszRuntimeVersion = NULL;
+ if (pOptionValue->m_RuntimeVersion != NULL)
+ {
+ SIZE_T dwBufferSize = strlen(pOptionValue->m_RuntimeVersion) + 1; // +1 for null
+ pszRuntimeVersion = new (nothrow) char[dwBufferSize];
+ if (pszRuntimeVersion == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ strcpy_s(pszRuntimeVersion, dwBufferSize, pOptionValue->m_RuntimeVersion);
+ }
+ memcpy(&m_OptionValue, pOptionValue, sizeof(OptionValue));
+ m_OptionValue.m_RuntimeVersion = pszRuntimeVersion;
+ return S_OK;
+}// SetOption
+// Initialize with an existing stgdb.
+ IUnknown *pUnk, // The IUnknown that owns the life time for the existing stgdb
+ CLiteWeightStgdbRW *pStgdb) // existing light weight stgdb
+ // RegMeta created this way will not create a read/write lock semaphore.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ _ASSERTE(m_pStgdb == NULL);
+ m_pStgdb = pStgdb;
+ m_OpenFlags = ofExternalStgDB;
+ // remember the owner of the light weight stgdb
+ // AddRef it to ensure the lifetime
+ //
+ m_pUnk = pUnk;
+ m_pUnk->AddRef();
+ IfFailGo(m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.GetOption(&m_OptionValue));
+ return hr;
+} // RegMeta::InitWithStgdb
+// call stgdb InitNew
+ m_OpenFlags = ofWrite;
+ // Allocate our m_pStgdb.
+ _ASSERTE(m_pStgdb == NULL);
+ IfNullGo(m_pStgdb = new (nothrow) CLiteWeightStgdbRW);
+ // Initialize the new, empty database.
+ // First tell the new database what sort of metadata to create
+ m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.m_OptionValue.m_MetadataVersion = m_OptionValue.m_MetadataVersion;
+ m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.m_OptionValue.m_InitialSize = m_OptionValue.m_InitialSize;
+ IfFailGo(m_pStgdb->InitNew());
+ // Set up the Module record.
+ ULONG iRecord;
+ ModuleRec *pModule;
+ GUID mvid;
+ IfFailGo(m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.AddModuleRecord(&pModule, &iRecord));
+ IfFailGo(CoCreateGuid(&mvid));
+ IfFailGo(m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.PutGuid(TBL_Module, ModuleRec::COL_Mvid, pModule, mvid));
+ // Add the dummy module typedef which we are using to parent global items.
+ TypeDefRec *pRecord;
+ IfFailGo(m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.AddTypeDefRecord(&pRecord, &iRecord));
+ m_tdModule = TokenFromRid(iRecord, mdtTypeDef);
+ IfFailGo(m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.PutStringW(TBL_TypeDef, TypeDefRec::COL_Name, pRecord, COR_WMODULE_CLASS));
+ IfFailGo(m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.SetOption(&m_OptionValue));
+ if (IsThreadSafetyOn())
+ {
+ m_pSemReadWrite = new (nothrow) UTSemReadWrite();
+ IfNullGo(m_pSemReadWrite);
+ IfFailGo(m_pSemReadWrite->Init());
+ m_fOwnSem = true;
+ INDEBUG(m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.Debug_SetLock(m_pSemReadWrite);)
+ }
+ // initialize the embedded merger
+ m_newMerger.Init(this);
+ return hr;
+} // RegMeta::CreateNewMD
+// call stgdb OpenForRead
+HRESULT RegMeta::OpenExistingMD(
+ LPCWSTR szDatabase, // Name of database.
+ void *pData, // Data to open on top of, 0 default.
+ ULONG cbData, // How big is the data.
+ ULONG dwOpenFlags) // Flags for the open.
+ void *pbData = pData; // Pointer to original or copied data.
+ m_OpenFlags = dwOpenFlags;
+ if (!IsOfReOpen(dwOpenFlags))
+ {
+ // Allocate our m_pStgdb, if we should.
+ _ASSERTE(m_pStgdb == NULL);
+ IfNullGo( m_pStgdb = new (nothrow) CLiteWeightStgdbRW );
+ }
+ IfFailGo( m_pStgdb->OpenForRead(
+ szDatabase,
+ pbData,
+ cbData,
+ m_OpenFlags) );
+ if (m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.m_Schema.m_major == METAMODEL_MAJOR_VER_V1_0 &&
+ m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.m_Schema.m_minor == METAMODEL_MINOR_VER_V1_0)
+ m_OptionValue.m_MetadataVersion = MDVersion1;
+ else
+ m_OptionValue.m_MetadataVersion = MDVersion2;
+ IfFailGo( m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.SetOption(&m_OptionValue) );
+ if (IsThreadSafetyOn())
+ {
+ m_pSemReadWrite = new (nothrow) UTSemReadWrite();
+ IfNullGo(m_pSemReadWrite);
+ IfFailGo(m_pSemReadWrite->Init());
+ m_fOwnSem = true;
+ INDEBUG(m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.Debug_SetLock(m_pSemReadWrite);)
+ }
+ if (!IsOfReOpen(dwOpenFlags))
+ {
+ // initialize the embedded merger
+ m_newMerger.Init(this);
+ // There must always be a Global Module class and its the first entry in
+ // the TypeDef table.
+ m_tdModule = TokenFromRid(1, mdtTypeDef);
+ }
+ return hr;
+} //RegMeta::OpenExistingMD
+HRESULT RegMeta::OpenExistingMD(
+ IMDCustomDataSource* pDataSource, // Name of database.
+ ULONG dwOpenFlags) // Flags to control open.
+ m_OpenFlags = dwOpenFlags;
+ if (!IsOfReOpen(dwOpenFlags))
+ {
+ // Allocate our m_pStgdb, if we should.
+ _ASSERTE(m_pStgdb == NULL);
+ IfNullGo(m_pStgdb = new (nothrow)CLiteWeightStgdbRW);
+ }
+ IfFailGo(m_pStgdb->OpenForRead(
+ pDataSource,
+ m_OpenFlags));
+ if (m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.m_Schema.m_major == METAMODEL_MAJOR_VER_V1_0 &&
+ m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.m_Schema.m_minor == METAMODEL_MINOR_VER_V1_0)
+ m_OptionValue.m_MetadataVersion = MDVersion1;
+ else
+ m_OptionValue.m_MetadataVersion = MDVersion2;
+ IfFailGo(m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.SetOption(&m_OptionValue));
+ if (IsThreadSafetyOn())
+ {
+ m_pSemReadWrite = new (nothrow)UTSemReadWrite();
+ IfNullGo(m_pSemReadWrite);
+ IfFailGo(m_pSemReadWrite->Init());
+ m_fOwnSem = true;
+ INDEBUG(m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.Debug_SetLock(m_pSemReadWrite);)
+ }
+ if (!IsOfReOpen(dwOpenFlags))
+ {
+ // initialize the embedded merger
+ m_newMerger.Init(this);
+ // There must always be a Global Module class and its the first entry in
+ // the TypeDef table.
+ m_tdModule = TokenFromRid(1, mdtTypeDef);
+ }
+ return hr;
+} //RegMeta::OpenExistingMD
+// Gets a cached Internal importer, if available.
+// Arguments:
+// fWithLock - if true, takes a reader lock.
+// If false, assumes caller is handling the synchronization.
+// Returns:
+// A cached Internal importer, which gets addreffed. Caller must release!
+// If no importer is set, returns NULL
+// Notes:
+// This function also does not trigger the creation of Internal interface.
+// Set the cached importer via code:RegMeta.SetCachedInternalInterface
+// Implements internal API code:IMetaDataHelper::GetCachedInternalInterface.
+IUnknown* RegMeta::GetCachedInternalInterface(BOOL fWithLock)
+ IUnknown *pRet = NULL;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (fWithLock)
+ {
+ pRet = m_pInternalImport;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pRet = m_pInternalImport;
+ }
+ if (pRet) pRet->AddRef();
+ return pRet;
+} //RegMeta::GetCachedInternalInterface
+// Set the cached Internal interface. This function will return an Error is the
+// current cached internal interface is not empty and trying set a non-empty internal
+// interface. One RegMeta will only associated
+// with one Internal Object. Unless we have bugs somewhere else. It will QI on the
+// IUnknown for the IMDInternalImport. If this failed, error will be returned.
+// Note: Caller should take a write lock
+// This does addref the importer (the public and private importers maintain
+// weak references to each other).
+// Implements internal API code:IMetaDataHelper::SetCachedInternalInterface.
+HRESULT RegMeta::SetCachedInternalInterface(IUnknown *pUnk)
+ IMDInternalImport *pInternal = NULL;
+ if (pUnk)
+ {
+ if (m_pInternalImport)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"Bad state!");
+ }
+ IfFailRet( pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IMDInternalImport, (void **) &pInternal) );
+ // Should be non-null
+ _ASSERTE(pInternal);
+ m_pInternalImport = pInternal;
+ // We don't want to add ref the internal interface, so undo the AddRef() from the QI.
+ pInternal->Release();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Internal interface is going away before the public interface. Take ownership on the
+ // reader writer lock.
+ m_fOwnSem = true;
+ m_pInternalImport = NULL;
+ }
+ return hr;
+} // RegMeta::SetCachedInternalInterface
+// IUnknown
+ULONG RegMeta::AddRef()
+ return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef);
+} // ULONG RegMeta::AddRef()
+ REFIID riid,
+ void ** ppUnk)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ int fIsInterfaceRW = false;
+ *ppUnk = 0;
+ if (riid == IID_IUnknown)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = (IUnknown *)(IMetaDataImport2 *)this;
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMDCommon)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = (IMDCommon *)this;
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMetaDataImport)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = (IMetaDataImport2 *)this;
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMetaDataImport2)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = (IMetaDataImport2 *)this;
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMetaDataAssemblyImport)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = (IMetaDataAssemblyImport *)this;
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMetaDataTables)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = static_cast<IMetaDataTables *>(this);
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMetaDataTables2)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = static_cast<IMetaDataTables2 *>(this);
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMetaDataInfo)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = static_cast<IMetaDataInfo *>(this);
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMetaDataEmit)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = (IMetaDataEmit2 *)this;
+ fIsInterfaceRW = true;
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMetaDataEmit2)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = (IMetaDataEmit2 *)this;
+ fIsInterfaceRW = true;
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMetaDataAssemblyEmit)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = (IMetaDataAssemblyEmit *)this;
+ fIsInterfaceRW = true;
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMetaDataValidate)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = (IMetaDataValidate *)this;
+ }
+#endif //defined(FEATURE_METADATA_IN_VM) && !defined(FEATURE_CORECLR)
+ else if (riid == IID_IMetaDataFilter)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = (IMetaDataFilter *)this;
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMetaDataHelper)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = (IMetaDataHelper *)this;
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMDInternalEmit)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = static_cast<IMDInternalEmit *>(this);
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IGetIMDInternalImport)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = static_cast<IGetIMDInternalImport *>(this);
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMetaDataEmitHelper)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = (IMetaDataEmitHelper *)this;
+ fIsInterfaceRW = true;
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMarshal)
+ {
+ // We will only repond to this interface if scope is opened for ReadOnly
+ if (IsOfReadOnly(m_OpenFlags))
+ {
+ if (m_pFreeThreadedMarshaler == NULL)
+ {
+ // Guard ourselves against first time QI on IMarshal from two different threads..
+ if (m_pFreeThreadedMarshaler == NULL)
+ {
+ // First time! Create the FreeThreadedMarshaler
+ IfFailGo(CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler((IUnknown *)(IMetaDataEmit2 *)this, &m_pFreeThreadedMarshaler));
+ }
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(m_pFreeThreadedMarshaler != NULL);
+ IfFailGo(m_pFreeThreadedMarshaler->QueryInterface(riid, ppUnk));
+ // AddRef has happened in the QueryInterface and thus should just return
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMetaDataCorProfileData)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = (IMetaDataCorProfileData *)this;
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IMDInternalMetadataReorderingOptions)
+ {
+ *ppUnk = (IMDInternalMetadataReorderingOptions *)this;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ if (fIsInterfaceRW && IsOfReadOnly(m_OpenFlags))
+ {
+ // They are asking for a read/write interface and this scope was
+ // opened as Read-Only
+ *ppUnk = NULL;
+ }
+ if (fIsInterfaceRW)
+ {
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ hr = m_pStgdb->m_MiniMd.ConvertToRW();
+ }
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ *ppUnk = NULL;
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ }
+ AddRef();
+ return hr;
+} // RegMeta::QueryInterface
+// Returns the memory region of the mapped file and type of its mapping. The choice of the file mapping type
+// for each scope is CLR implementation specific and user cannot explicitly set it.
+// The memory is valid only as long as the underlying MetaData scope is opened (there's a reference to
+// a MetaData interface for this scope).
+// Implements public API code:IMetaDataInfo::GetFileMapping.
+// Arguments:
+// ppvData - Fills with pointer to the start of the mapped file.
+// pcbData - Fills with the size of the mapped memory region (for flat-mapping it is the size of the
+// file).
+// pdwMappingType - Fills with type of file mapping (code:CorFileMapping).
+// Current CLR implementation returns always code:fmFlat. The other value(s) are reserved for future
+// usage. See code:StgIO::MapFileToMem#CreateFileMapping_SEC_IMAGE for more details.
+// Return Value:
+// S_OK - All output data are filled.
+// COR_E_NOTSUPPORTED - CLR cannot (or doesn't want to) provide the memory region.
+// This can happen when:
+// - The MetaData scope was opened with flag code:ofWrite or code:ofCopyMemory.
+// Note: code:ofCopyMemory could be supported in future CLR versions. For example if we change
+// code:CLiteWeightStgdbRW::OpenForRead to copy whole file (or add a new flag ofCopyWholeFile).
+// - The MetaData scope was opened without flag code:ofReadOnly.
+// Note: We could support this API without code:ofReadOnly flag in future CLR versions. We just
+// need some test coverage and user scenario for it.
+// - Only MetaData part of the file was opened using code:OpenScopeOnMemory.
+// - The file is not NT PE file (e.g. it is NT OBJ = .obj file produced by managed C++).
+// E_INVALIDARG - NULL was passed as an argument value.
+ const void ** ppvData,
+ ULONGLONG * pcbData,
+ DWORD * pdwMappingType)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if ((ppvData == NULL) || (pcbData == NULL) || (pdwMappingType == NULL))
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ // Note: Some of the following checks are duplicit (as some combinations are invalid and ensured by CLR
+ // implementation), but it is easier to check them all
+ // OpenScope flags have to be (ofRead | ofReadOnly) and not ofCopyMemory
+ // (as code:CLiteWeightStgdbRW::OpenForRead will copy only the MetaData part of the file)
+ if (((m_OpenFlags & ofReadWriteMask) != ofRead) ||
+ ((m_OpenFlags & ofReadOnly) == 0) ||
+ ((m_OpenFlags & ofCopyMemory) != 0))
+ {
+ }
+ // The file has to be NT PE file (not CLDB = managed C++ .obj file) and we have to have its full mapping
+ // (see code:CLiteWeightStgdbRW::OpenForRead)
+ if ((m_pStgdb->m_pImage == NULL) ||
+ (m_pStgdb->m_dwImageSize == 0) ||
+ (m_pStgdb->GetFileType() != FILETYPE_NTPE))
+ {
+ }
+ if (m_pStgdb->m_pStgIO->GetFlags() != DBPROP_TMODEF_READ)
+ {
+ }
+ // The file has to be flat-mapped, or copied to memory (file mapping code:MTYPE_IMAGE is not currently
+ // supported - see code:StgIO::MapFileToMem#CreateFileMapping_SEC_IMAGE)
+ // Note: Only small files (<=64K) are copied to memory - see code:StgIO::MapFileToMem#CopySmallFiles
+ if ((m_pStgdb->m_pStgIO->GetMemoryMappedType() != MTYPE_FLAT) &&
+ (m_pStgdb->m_pStgIO->GetMemoryMappedType() != MTYPE_NOMAPPING))
+ {
+ }
+ // All necessary conditions are satisfied
+ *ppvData = m_pStgdb->m_pImage;
+ *pcbData = m_pStgdb->m_dwImageSize;
+ // We checked that the file was flat-mapped above
+ *pdwMappingType = fmFlat;
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ *ppvData = NULL;
+ *pcbData = 0;
+ *pdwMappingType = 0;
+ }
+ return hr;
+} // RegMeta::GetFileMapping
+// Metadata dump
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define STRING_BUFFER_LEN 1024
+#define ENUM_BUFFER_SIZE 10
+int DumpMD_Write(__in __in_z const char *str)
+ OutputDebugStringA(str);
+ return 0; // strlen(str);
+} // int DumpMD_Write()
+int DumpMD_WriteLine(__in __in_z const char *str)
+ OutputDebugStringA(str);
+ OutputDebugStringA("\n");
+ return 0; // strlen(str);
+} // int DumpMD_Write()
+int DumpMD_VWriteMarker(__in __in_z const char *str, va_list marker)
+ CQuickBytes m_output;
+ int count = -1;
+ int i = 1;
+ while (count < 0)
+ {
+ if (FAILED(hr = m_output.ReSizeNoThrow(STRING_BUFFER_LEN * i)))
+ return 0;
+ count = _vsnprintf((char *)m_output.Ptr(), STRING_BUFFER_LEN * i, str, marker);
+ i *= 2;
+ }
+ OutputDebugStringA((LPCSTR)m_output.Ptr());
+ return count;
+} // int DumpMD_VWriteMarker()
+int DumpMD_VWrite(__in __in_z const char *str, ...)
+ va_list marker;
+ int count;
+ va_start(marker, str);
+ count = DumpMD_VWriteMarker(str, marker);
+ va_end(marker);
+ return count;
+} // int DumpMD_VWrite()
+int DumpMD_VWriteLine(__in __in_z const char *str, ...)
+ va_list marker;
+ int count;
+ va_start(marker, str);
+ count = DumpMD_VWriteMarker(str, marker);
+ DumpMD_Write("\n");
+ va_end(marker);
+ return count;
+} // int DumpMD_VWriteLine()
+const char *DumpMD_DumpRawNameOfType(RegMeta *pMD, ULONG iType)
+ if (iType <= iRidMax)
+ {
+ const char *pNameTable;
+ pMD->GetTableInfo(iType, 0,0,0,0, &pNameTable);
+ return pNameTable;
+ }
+ else
+ // Is the field a coded token?
+ if (iType <= iCodedTokenMax)
+ {
+ int iCdTkn = iType - iCodedToken;
+ const char *pNameCdTkn;
+ pMD->GetCodedTokenInfo(iCdTkn, 0,0, &pNameCdTkn);
+ return pNameCdTkn;
+ }
+ // Fixed type.
+ switch (iType)
+ {
+ case iBYTE:
+ return "BYTE";
+ case iSHORT:
+ return "short";
+ case iUSHORT:
+ return "USHORT";
+ case iLONG:
+ return "long";
+ case iULONG:
+ return "ULONG";
+ case iSTRING:
+ return "string";
+ case iGUID:
+ return "GUID";
+ case iBLOB:
+ return "blob";
+ }
+ // default:
+ static char buf[30];
+ sprintf_s(buf, NumItems(buf), "unknown type 0x%02x", iType);
+ return buf;
+} // const char *DumpMD_DumpRawNameOfType()
+void DumpMD_DumpRawCol(RegMeta *pMD, ULONG ixTbl, ULONG ixCol, ULONG rid, bool bStats)
+ ULONG ulType; // Type of a column.
+ ULONG ulVal; // Value of a column.
+ LPCUTF8 pString; // Pointer to a string.
+ const void *pBlob; // Pointer to a blob.
+ ULONG cb; // Size of something.
+ pMD->GetColumn(ixTbl, ixCol, rid, &ulVal);
+ pMD->GetColumnInfo(ixTbl, ixCol, 0, 0, &ulType, 0);
+ if (ulType <= iRidMax)
+ {
+ const char *pNameTable;
+ pMD->GetTableInfo(ulType, 0,0,0,0, &pNameTable);
+ DumpMD_VWrite("%s[%x]", pNameTable, ulVal);
+ }
+ else
+ // Is the field a coded token?
+ if (ulType <= iCodedTokenMax)
+ {
+ int iCdTkn = ulType - iCodedToken;
+ const char *pNameCdTkn;
+ pMD->GetCodedTokenInfo(iCdTkn, 0,0, &pNameCdTkn);
+ DumpMD_VWrite("%s[%08x]", pNameCdTkn, ulVal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Fixed type.
+ switch (ulType)
+ {
+ case iBYTE:
+ DumpMD_VWrite("%02x", ulVal);
+ break;
+ case iSHORT:
+ case iUSHORT:
+ DumpMD_VWrite("%04x", ulVal);
+ break;
+ case iLONG:
+ case iULONG:
+ DumpMD_VWrite("%08x", ulVal);
+ break;
+ case iSTRING:
+ DumpMD_VWrite("string#%x", ulVal);
+ if (bStats && ulVal)
+ {
+ pMD->GetString(ulVal, &pString);
+ cb = (ULONG) strlen(pString) + 1;
+ DumpMD_VWrite("(%d)", cb);
+ }
+ break;
+ case iGUID:
+ DumpMD_VWrite("guid#%x", ulVal);
+ if (bStats && ulVal)
+ {
+ DumpMD_VWrite("(16)");
+ }
+ break;
+ case iBLOB:
+ DumpMD_VWrite("blob#%x", ulVal);
+ if (bStats && ulVal)
+ {
+ pMD->GetBlob(ulVal, &cb, &pBlob);
+ cb += 1;
+ if (cb > 128)
+ cb += 1;
+ if (cb > 16535)
+ cb += 1;
+ DumpMD_VWrite("(%d)", cb);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ DumpMD_VWrite("unknown type 0x%04x", ulVal);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+} // void DumpMD_DumpRawCol()
+ULONG DumpMD_DumpRawColStats(RegMeta *pMD, ULONG ixTbl, ULONG ixCol, ULONG cRows)
+ ULONG rslt = 0;
+ ULONG ulType; // Type of a column.
+ ULONG ulVal; // Value of a column.
+ LPCUTF8 pString; // Pointer to a string.
+ const void *pBlob; // Pointer to a blob.
+ ULONG cb; // Size of something.
+ pMD->GetColumnInfo(ixTbl, ixCol, 0, 0, &ulType, 0);
+ if (IsHeapType(ulType))
+ {
+ for (ULONG rid=1; rid<=cRows; ++rid)
+ {
+ pMD->GetColumn(ixTbl, ixCol, rid, &ulVal);
+ // Fixed type.
+ switch (ulType)
+ {
+ case iSTRING:
+ if (ulVal)
+ {
+ pMD->GetString(ulVal, &pString);
+ cb = (ULONG) strlen(pString);
+ rslt += cb + 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case iGUID:
+ if (ulVal)
+ rslt += 16;
+ break;
+ case iBLOB:
+ if (ulVal)
+ {
+ pMD->GetBlob(ulVal, &cb, &pBlob);
+ rslt += cb + 1;
+ if (cb > 128)
+ rslt += 1;
+ if (cb > 16535)
+ rslt += 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rslt;
+} // ULONG DumpMD_DumpRawColStats()
+int DumpMD_DumpHex(
+ const char *szPrefix, // String prefix for first line.
+ const void *pvData, // The data to print.
+ ULONG cbData, // Bytes of data to print.
+ int bText=1, // If true, also dump text.
+ ULONG nLine=16) // Bytes per line to print.
+ const BYTE *pbData = static_cast<const BYTE*>(pvData);
+ ULONG i; // Loop control.
+ ULONG nPrint; // Number to print in an iteration.
+ ULONG nSpace; // Spacing calculations.
+ ULONG nPrefix; // Size of the prefix.
+ ULONG nLines=0; // Number of lines printed.
+ const char *pPrefix; // For counting spaces in the prefix.
+ // Round down to 8 characters.
+ nLine = nLine & ~0x7;
+ for (nPrefix=0, pPrefix=szPrefix; *pPrefix; ++pPrefix)
+ {
+ if (*pPrefix == '\t')
+ nPrefix = (nPrefix + 8) & ~7;
+ else
+ ++nPrefix;
+ }
+ //nPrefix = strlen(szPrefix);
+ do
+ { // Write the line prefix.
+ if (szPrefix)
+ DumpMD_VWrite("%s:", szPrefix);
+ else
+ DumpMD_VWrite("%*s:", nPrefix, "");
+ szPrefix = 0;
+ ++nLines;
+ // Calculate spacing.
+ nPrint = min(cbData, nLine);
+ nSpace = nLine - nPrint;
+ // dump in hex.
+ for(i=0; i<nPrint; i++)
+ {
+ if ((i&7) == 0)
+ DumpMD_Write(" ");
+ DumpMD_VWrite("%02x ", pbData[i]);
+ }
+ if (bText)
+ {
+ // Space out to the text spot.
+ if (nSpace)
+ DumpMD_VWrite("%*s", nSpace*3+nSpace/8, "");
+ // Dump in text.
+ DumpMD_Write(">");
+ for(i=0; i<nPrint; i++)
+ DumpMD_VWrite("%c", (isprint(pbData[i])) ? pbData[i] : ' ');
+ // Space out the text, and finish the line.
+ DumpMD_VWrite("%*s<", nSpace, "");
+ }
+ DumpMD_VWriteLine("");
+ // Next data to print.
+ cbData -= nPrint;
+ pbData += nPrint;
+ }
+ while (cbData > 0);
+ return nLines;
+} // int DumpMD_DumpHex()
+void DumpMD_DisplayUserStrings(
+ RegMeta *pMD) // The scope to dump.
+ HCORENUM stringEnum = NULL; // string enumerator.
+ mdString Strings[ENUM_BUFFER_SIZE]; // String tokens from enumerator.
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> rUserString; // Buffer to receive string.
+ WCHAR *szUserString; // Working pointer into buffer.
+ ULONG chUserString; // Size of user string.
+ CQuickArray<char> rcBuf; // Buffer to hold the BLOB version of the string.
+ char *szBuf; // Working pointer into buffer.
+ ULONG chBuf; // Saved size of the user string.
+ ULONG count; // Items returned from enumerator.
+ ULONG totalCount = 1; // Running count of strings.
+ bool bUnprint = false; // Is an unprintable character found?
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ while (SUCCEEDED(hr = pMD->EnumUserStrings( &stringEnum,
+ Strings, NumItems(Strings), &count)) &&
+ count > 0)
+ {
+ if (totalCount == 1)
+ { // If only one, it is the NULL string, so don't print it.
+ DumpMD_WriteLine("User Strings");
+ DumpMD_WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------------");
+ }
+ for (ULONG i = 0; i < count; i++, totalCount++)
+ {
+ do { // Try to get the string into the existing buffer.
+ hr = pMD->GetUserString( Strings[i], rUserString.Ptr(),(ULONG32)rUserString.MaxSize(), &chUserString);
+ if (hr == CLDB_S_TRUNCATION)
+ { // Buffer wasn't big enough, try to enlarge it.
+ if (FAILED(rUserString.ReSizeNoThrow(chUserString)))
+ DumpMD_VWriteLine("malloc failed: %#8x.", E_OUTOFMEMORY);
+ continue;
+ }
+ } while (0);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) DumpMD_VWriteLine("GetUserString failed: %#8x.", hr);
+ szUserString = rUserString.Ptr();
+ chBuf = chUserString;
+ DumpMD_VWrite("%08x : (%2d) L\"", Strings[i], chUserString);
+ while (chUserString)
+ {
+ switch (*szUserString)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ DumpMD_Write("\\0"); break;
+ case W('\r'):
+ DumpMD_Write("\\r"); break;
+ case W('\n'):
+ DumpMD_Write("\\n"); break;
+ case W('\t'):
+ DumpMD_Write("\\t"); break;
+ default:
+ if (iswprint(*szUserString))
+ DumpMD_VWrite("%lc", *szUserString);
+ else
+ {
+ bUnprint = true;
+ DumpMD_Write(".");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ++szUserString;
+ --chUserString;
+ }
+ DumpMD_WriteLine("\"");
+ // Print the user string as a blob if an unprintable character is found.
+ if (bUnprint)
+ {
+ bUnprint = false;
+ szUserString = rUserString.Ptr();
+ // REVISIT_TODO: ReSizeNoThrow can fail. Check its return value and add an error path.
+ rcBuf.ReSizeNoThrow(81); //(chBuf * 5 + 1);
+ szBuf = rcBuf.Ptr();
+ ULONG j,k;
+ DumpMD_WriteLine("\t\tUser string has unprintables, hex format below:");
+ for (j = 0,k=0; j < chBuf; j++)
+ {
+ // See rcBuf.ResSizeNoThrow(81) above
+ sprintf_s (&szBuf[k*5],81-(k*5), "%04x ", szUserString[j]);
+ k++;
+ if((k==16)||(j == (chBuf-1)))
+ {
+ szBuf[k*5] = '\0';
+ DumpMD_VWriteLine("\t\t%s", szBuf);
+ k=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (stringEnum)
+ pMD->CloseEnum(stringEnum);
+} // void MDInfo::DisplayUserStrings()
+void DumpMD_DumpRawHeaps(
+ RegMeta *pMD) // The scope to dump.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ ULONG ulSize; // Bytes in a heap.
+ const BYTE *pData; // Pointer to a blob.
+ ULONG cbData; // Size of a blob.
+ ULONG oData; // Offset of current blob.
+ char rcPrefix[30]; // To format line prefix.
+ pMD->GetBlobHeapSize(&ulSize);
+ DumpMD_VWriteLine("");
+ DumpMD_VWriteLine("Blob Heap: %d(%#x) bytes", ulSize,ulSize);
+ oData = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ pMD->GetBlob(oData, &cbData, (const void**)&pData);
+ sprintf_s(rcPrefix, NumItems(rcPrefix), "%5x,%-2x", oData, cbData);
+ DumpMD_DumpHex(rcPrefix, pData, cbData);
+ hr = pMD->GetNextBlob(oData, &oData);
+ }
+ while (hr == S_OK);
+ pMD->GetStringHeapSize(&ulSize);
+ DumpMD_VWriteLine("");
+ DumpMD_VWriteLine("String Heap: %d(%#x) bytes", ulSize,ulSize);
+ oData = 0;
+ const char *pString;
+ do
+ {
+ pMD->GetString(oData, &pString);
+ sprintf_s(rcPrefix, NumItems(rcPrefix), "%08x", oData);
+ DumpMD_DumpHex(rcPrefix, pString, (ULONG)strlen(pString)+1);
+ if (*pString != 0)
+ DumpMD_VWrite("%08x: %s\n", oData, pString);
+ hr = pMD->GetNextString(oData, &oData);
+ }
+ while (hr == S_OK);
+ DumpMD_VWriteLine("");
+ DumpMD_DisplayUserStrings(pMD);
+} // void DumpMD_DumpRawHeaps()
+void DumpMD_DumpRaw(RegMeta *pMD, int iDump, bool bStats)
+ ULONG cTables; // Tables in the database.
+ ULONG cCols; // Columns in a table.
+ ULONG cRows; // Rows in a table.
+ ULONG cbRow; // Bytes in a row of a table.
+ ULONG iKey; // Key column of a table.
+ const char *pNameTable; // Name of a table.
+ ULONG oCol; // Offset of a column.
+ ULONG cbCol; // Size of a column.
+ ULONG ulType; // Type of a column.
+ const char *pNameColumn; // Name of a column.
+ ULONG ulSize;
+ pMD->GetNumTables(&cTables);
+ pMD->GetStringHeapSize(&ulSize);
+ DumpMD_VWrite("Strings: %d(%#x)", ulSize, ulSize);
+ pMD->GetBlobHeapSize(&ulSize);
+ DumpMD_VWrite(", Blobs: %d(%#x)", ulSize, ulSize);
+ pMD->GetGuidHeapSize(&ulSize);
+ DumpMD_VWrite(", Guids: %d(%#x)", ulSize, ulSize);
+ pMD->GetUserStringHeapSize(&ulSize);
+ DumpMD_VWriteLine(", User strings: %d(%#x)", ulSize, ulSize);
+ for (ULONG ixTbl = 0; ixTbl < cTables; ++ixTbl)
+ {
+ pMD->GetTableInfo(ixTbl, &cbRow, &cRows, &cCols, &iKey, &pNameTable);
+ if (cRows == 0 && iDump < 3)
+ continue;
+ if (iDump >= 2)
+ DumpMD_VWriteLine("=================================================");
+ DumpMD_VWriteLine("%2d: %-20s cRecs:%5d(%#x), cbRec:%3d(%#x), cbTable:%6d(%#x)",
+ ixTbl, pNameTable, cRows, cRows, cbRow, cbRow, cbRow * cRows, cbRow * cRows);
+ if (iDump < 2)
+ continue;
+ // Dump column definitions for the table.
+ ULONG ixCol;
+ for (ixCol=0; ixCol<cCols; ++ixCol)
+ {
+ pMD->GetColumnInfo(ixTbl, ixCol, &oCol, &cbCol, &ulType, &pNameColumn);
+ DumpMD_VWrite(" col %2x:%c %-12s oCol:%2x, cbCol:%x, %-7s",
+ ixCol, ((ixCol==iKey)?'*':' '), pNameColumn, oCol, cbCol, DumpMD_DumpRawNameOfType(pMD, ulType));
+ if (bStats)
+ {
+ ulSize = DumpMD_DumpRawColStats(pMD, ixTbl, ixCol, cRows);
+ if (ulSize)
+ DumpMD_VWrite("(%d)", ulSize);
+ }
+ DumpMD_VWriteLine("");
+ }
+ if (iDump < 3)
+ continue;
+ // Dump the rows.
+ for (ULONG rid = 1; rid <= cRows; ++rid)
+ {
+ if (rid == 1)
+ DumpMD_VWriteLine("-------------------------------------------------");
+ DumpMD_VWrite(" %3x == ", rid);
+ for (ixCol=0; ixCol < cCols; ++ixCol)
+ {
+ if (ixCol) DumpMD_VWrite(", ");
+ DumpMD_VWrite("%d:", ixCol);
+ DumpMD_DumpRawCol(pMD, ixTbl, ixCol, rid, bStats);
+ }
+ DumpMD_VWriteLine("");
+ }
+ }
+ DumpMD_DumpRawHeaps(pMD);
+} // void DumpMD_DumpRaw()
+int DumpMD_impl(RegMeta *pMD)
+ DumpMD_DumpRaw(pMD, 3, false);
+ return 0;
+int DumpMD(UINT_PTR iMD)
+ RegMeta *pMD = reinterpret_cast<RegMeta*>(iMD);
+ return DumpMD_impl(pMD);
+#endif //_DEBUG
+// Using the existing RegMeta and reopen with another chuck of memory. Make sure that all stgdb
+// is still kept alive.
+HRESULT RegMeta::ReOpenWithMemory(
+ LPCVOID pData, // [in] Location of scope data.
+ ULONG cbData, // [in] Size of the data pointed to by pData.
+ DWORD dwReOpenFlags) // [in] ReOpen flags
+ // Only allow the ofCopyMemory and ofTakeOwnership flags
+ if (dwReOpenFlags != 0 && ((dwReOpenFlags & (~(ofCopyMemory|ofTakeOwnership))) > 0))
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ // put the current m_pStgdb to the free list
+ m_pStgdb->m_pNextStgdb = m_pStgdbFreeList;
+ m_pStgdbFreeList = m_pStgdb;
+ m_pStgdb = new (nothrow) CLiteWeightStgdbRW;
+ IfNullGo( m_pStgdb );
+ IfFailGo( OpenExistingMD(0 /* szFileName */, const_cast<void*>(pData), cbData, ofReOpen|dwReOpenFlags /* flags */) );
+ // We've created a new Stgdb, but may still have an Internal Importer hanging around accessing the old Stgdb.
+ // The free list ensures we don't have a dangling pointer, but the
+ // If we have a corresponding InternalInterface, need to clear it because it's now using stale data.
+ // Others will need to update their Internal interface to get the new data.
+ {
+ HRESULT hrIgnore = SetCachedInternalInterface(NULL);
+ (void)hrIgnore; //prevent "unused variable" error from GCC
+ _ASSERTE(hrIgnore == NOERROR); // clearing the cached interface should always succeed.
+ }
+ // we are done!
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ // recover to the old state
+ if (m_pStgdb)
+ delete m_pStgdb;
+ m_pStgdb = m_pStgdbFreeList;
+ m_pStgdbFreeList = m_pStgdbFreeList->m_pNextStgdb;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( !(CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::EXTERNAL_MD_PreserveDebuggerMetadataMemory)) && IsSafeToDeleteStgdb())
+ {
+ // now that success is assured, delete the old block of memory
+ // This isn't normally a safe operation because we would have given out
+ // internal pointers to the memory. However when this feature is enabled
+ // we track calls that might have given out internal pointers. If none
+ // of the APIs were ever called then we can safely delete.
+ CLiteWeightStgdbRW* pStgdb = m_pStgdbFreeList;
+ m_pStgdbFreeList = m_pStgdbFreeList->m_pNextStgdb;
+ delete pStgdb;
+ }
+ MarkSafeToDeleteStgdb(); // As of right now, no APIs have given out internal pointers
+ // to the newly allocated stgdb
+ }
+ return hr;
+} // RegMeta::ReOpenWithMemory
+// This function returns the requested public interface based on the given
+// internal import interface.
+// A common path to call this is updating the matedata for dynamic modules.
+STDAPI MDReOpenMetaDataWithMemoryEx(
+ void *pImport, // [IN] Given scope. public interfaces
+ LPCVOID pData, // [in] Location of scope data.
+ ULONG cbData, // [in] Size of the data pointed to by pData.
+ DWORD dwReOpenFlags) // [in] Flags for ReOpen
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ IUnknown *pUnk = (IUnknown *) pImport;
+ IMetaDataImport2 *pMDImport = NULL;
+ RegMeta *pRegMeta = NULL;
+ _ASSERTE(pImport);
+ IfFailGo( pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IMetaDataImport2, (void **) &pMDImport) );
+ pRegMeta = (RegMeta*) pMDImport;
+ IfFailGo( pRegMeta->ReOpenWithMemory(pData, cbData, dwReOpenFlags) );
+ if (pMDImport)
+ pMDImport->Release();
+ return hr;
+} // MDReOpenMetaDataWithMemoryEx
+STDAPI MDReOpenMetaDataWithMemory(
+ void *pImport, // [IN] Given scope. public interfaces
+ LPCVOID pData, // [in] Location of scope data.
+ ULONG cbData) // [in] Size of the data pointed to by pData.
+ return MDReOpenMetaDataWithMemoryEx(pImport, pData, cbData, 0);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Zeros used by public APIs as return value (or pointer to this memory) for invalid input.
+// It is used by methods:
+// * code:RegMeta::GetPublicApiCompatibilityZeros, and
+// * code:RegMeta::GetPublicApiCompatibilityZerosOfSize.
+const BYTE
+RegMeta::s_rgMetaDataPublicApiCompatibilityZeros[64] =
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Returns pointer to zeros of size (cbSize).
+// Used by public APIs to return compatible values with previous releases.
+const BYTE *
+RegMeta::GetPublicApiCompatibilityZerosOfSize(UINT32 cbSize)
+ if (cbSize <= sizeof(s_rgMetaDataPublicApiCompatibilityZeros))
+ {
+ return s_rgMetaDataPublicApiCompatibilityZeros;
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(!"Dangerous call to this method! Reconsider fixing the caller.");
+ return NULL;
+} // RegMeta::GetPublicApiCompatibilityZerosOfSize
+// returns the "built for" version of a metadata scope.
+HRESULT RegMeta::GetVersionString( // S_OK or error.
+ LPCSTR *pVer) // [OUT] Put version string here.
+ _ASSERTE(pVer != NULL);
+ if (m_pStgdb->m_pvMd != NULL)
+ {
+ *pVer = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(reinterpret_cast<const STORAGESIGNATURE*>(m_pStgdb->m_pvMd)->pVersion);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //This emptry string matches the fallback behavior we have in other places that query the version string.
+ //From what I can tell the only caller to this method is the code that tests if we need to apply the WinMD adapter
+ //and it checks if pVer == "WindowsRuntime". We don't support the debugger custom metadata source scenario with WinMDs (yet?)
+ //so we intend for that check to return FALSE.
+ *pVer = "";
+ }
+ hr = S_OK;
+ ErrExit:
+ return hr;
+// IGetIMDInternalImport methods
+HRESULT RegMeta::GetIMDInternalImport(
+ IMDInternalImport ** ppIMDInternalImport // [OUT] Buffer to receive IMDInternalImport*
+ )
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ MDInternalRW *pInternalRW = NULL;
+ bool isLockedForWrite = false;
+ IUnknown *pIUnkInternal = NULL;
+ IUnknown *pThis = (IMetaDataImport2*)this;
+ pIUnkInternal = this->GetCachedInternalInterface(TRUE);
+ if (pIUnkInternal)
+ {
+ // there is already a cached Internal interface. GetCachedInternalInterface does add ref the
+ // returned interface
+ IfFailGo(pIUnkInternal->QueryInterface(IID_IMDInternalImport, (void**)ppIMDInternalImport));
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ if (this->IsThreadSafetyOn())
+ {
+ _ASSERTE( this->GetReaderWriterLock() );
+ IfFailGo(this->GetReaderWriterLock()->LockWrite());
+ isLockedForWrite = true;
+ }
+ // check again. Maybe someone else beat us to setting the internal interface while we are waiting
+ // for the write lock. Don't need to grab the read lock since we already have the write lock.
+ pIUnkInternal = this->GetCachedInternalInterface(FALSE);
+ if (pIUnkInternal)
+ {
+ // there is already a cached Internal interface. GetCachedInternalInterface does add ref the
+ // returned interface
+ IfFailGo(pIUnkInternal->QueryInterface(IID_IMDInternalImport, (void**)ppIMDInternalImport));
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ // now create the compressed object
+ IfNullGo( pInternalRW = new (nothrow) MDInternalRW );
+ IfFailGo( pInternalRW->InitWithStgdb(pThis, this->GetMiniStgdb() ) );
+ // make the public object and the internal object point to each other.
+ _ASSERTE( pInternalRW->GetReaderWriterLock() == NULL &&
+ (! this->IsThreadSafetyOn() || this->GetReaderWriterLock() != NULL ));
+ IfFailGo( this->SetCachedInternalInterface(static_cast<IMDInternalImportENC*>(pInternalRW)) );
+ IfFailGo( pInternalRW->SetCachedPublicInterface(pThis));
+ IfFailGo( pInternalRW->SetReaderWriterLock(this->GetReaderWriterLock() ));
+ IfFailGo( pInternalRW->QueryInterface(IID_IMDInternalImport, (void**)ppIMDInternalImport));
+ if (isLockedForWrite == true)
+ this->GetReaderWriterLock()->UnlockWrite();
+ if (pIUnkInternal)
+ pIUnkInternal->Release();
+ if (pInternalRW)
+ pInternalRW->Release();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ if (ppIMDInternalImport)
+ *ppIMDInternalImport = 0;
+ }
+ return hr;