path: root/src/inc/clrdata.idl
diff options
authorJiyoung Yun <>2016-11-23 19:09:09 +0900
committerJiyoung Yun <>2016-11-23 19:09:09 +0900
commit4b4aad7217d3292650e77eec2cf4c198ea9c3b4b (patch)
tree98110734c91668dfdbb126fcc0e15ddbd93738ca /src/inc/clrdata.idl
parentfa45f57ed55137c75ac870356a1b8f76c84b229c (diff)
Imported Upstream version 1.1.0upstream/1.1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'src/inc/clrdata.idl')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/inc/clrdata.idl b/src/inc/clrdata.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ef8ddbc6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/inc/clrdata.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+ ** **
+ ** clrdata.idl - Common Language Runtime data access interfaces for **
+ ** clients needing to access runtime state from outside **
+ ** runtime, such as out-of-process debuggers. **
+ ** **
+ ** The access interface defines two different types of code running: **
+ ** The host is the user of the access interface. **
+ ** The target is the target of the access. **
+ ** **
+ ** The host and target can be have different instruction sets, **
+ ** pointer sizes, runtime versions and so on. **
+ ** **
+ *****************************************************************************/
+import "unknwn.idl";
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Forward declarations.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+interface ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegions;
+interface ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegionsCallback;
+interface ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegionsCallback2;
+interface ICLRDataTarget;
+interface ICLRDataTarget2;
+interface ICLRMetadataLocator;
+ * Addresses in the access interface are always the largest possible.
+ * If the target uses a smaller address size then addresses are converted
+ * up by sign extension.
+ */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Creation function.
+ * Can create ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegions.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CLRDataCreateInstance(REFIID iid, ICLRDataTarget* target, void** iface);")
+#pragma midl_echo("typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE* PFN_CLRDataCreateInstance)(REFIID iid, ICLRDataTarget* target, void** iface);")
+ * Interface for providing access to a particular target process. The
+ * data access services will call functions on this interface to
+ * access memory and other data in the target process.
+ *
+ * The API client must implement this interface as appropriate for the
+ * particular target (for example, a live process or a memory dump).
+ *
+ */
+ object,
+ local,
+ uuid(3E11CCEE-D08B-43e5-AF01-32717A64DA03),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+interface ICLRDataTarget : IUnknown
+ /*
+ * Return which kind of instruction set is in use in the
+ * target. Value is one of the IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_* constants.
+ */
+ HRESULT GetMachineType([out] ULONG32* machineType);
+ /*
+ * Return the size of a pointer on the target, in bytes.
+ */
+ HRESULT GetPointerSize([out] ULONG32* pointerSize);
+ /*
+ * Find the base address for a given image.
+ * Image name may or may not have a path. If a path
+ * is given matching is done with the whole path, otherwise
+ * matching is done only on the file part.
+ * In either case, matching should be case-insensitive.
+ */
+ HRESULT GetImageBase([in, string] LPCWSTR imagePath,
+ [out] CLRDATA_ADDRESS* baseAddress);
+ /*
+ * Virtual memory access. If any bytes can be processed
+ * the call is considered successful.
+ */
+ HRESULT ReadVirtual([in] CLRDATA_ADDRESS address,
+ [out, size_is(bytesRequested), length_is(*bytesRead)] BYTE* buffer,
+ [in] ULONG32 bytesRequested,
+ [out] ULONG32* bytesRead);
+ HRESULT WriteVirtual([in] CLRDATA_ADDRESS address,
+ [in, size_is(bytesRequested)] BYTE* buffer,
+ [in] ULONG32 bytesRequested,
+ [out] ULONG32* bytesWritten);
+ /*
+ * TLS data access for the current thread.
+ */
+ HRESULT GetTLSValue([in] ULONG32 threadID,
+ [in] ULONG32 index,
+ [out] CLRDATA_ADDRESS* value);
+ HRESULT SetTLSValue([in] ULONG32 threadID,
+ [in] ULONG32 index,
+ [in] CLRDATA_ADDRESS value);
+ /*
+ * System ID for the current thread.
+ * If there is no "current" thread for the target
+ * implementation this can fail.
+ */
+ HRESULT GetCurrentThreadID([out] ULONG32* threadID);
+ /*
+ * Thread context.
+ */
+ HRESULT GetThreadContext([in] ULONG32 threadID,
+ [in] ULONG32 contextFlags,
+ [in] ULONG32 contextSize,
+ [out, size_is(contextSize)] BYTE* context);
+ HRESULT SetThreadContext([in] ULONG32 threadID,
+ [in] ULONG32 contextSize,
+ [in, size_is(contextSize)] BYTE* context);
+ /*
+ * Generic request facility to allow addition of
+ * queries and operations without requiring an interface revision.
+ */
+ HRESULT Request([in] ULONG32 reqCode,
+ [in] ULONG32 inBufferSize,
+ [in, size_is(inBufferSize)] BYTE* inBuffer,
+ [in] ULONG32 outBufferSize,
+ [out, size_is(outBufferSize)] BYTE* outBuffer);
+ * Interface used by the data access services layer to manipulate
+ * virtual memory regions in the target. The target may not support
+ * modification.
+ */
+ object,
+ local,
+ uuid(6d05fae3-189c-4630-a6dc-1c251e1c01ab),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+interface ICLRDataTarget2 : ICLRDataTarget
+ /*
+ * Ask the target to allocate memory in its address space.
+ */
+ HRESULT AllocVirtual([in] CLRDATA_ADDRESS addr,
+ [in] ULONG32 size,
+ [in] ULONG32 typeFlags,
+ [in] ULONG32 protectFlags,
+ [out] CLRDATA_ADDRESS* virt);
+ /*
+ * Ask the target to free a previously allocated memory block.
+ */
+ HRESULT FreeVirtual([in] CLRDATA_ADDRESS addr,
+ [in] ULONG32 size,
+ [in] ULONG32 typeFlags);
+ * Interface for providing access to exception and context records.
+ */
+ object,
+ local,
+ uuid(a5664f95-0af4-4a1b-960e-2f3346b4214c),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+interface ICLRDataTarget3 : ICLRDataTarget2
+ /*
+ * Returns an associated exception record, if any.
+ */
+ HRESULT GetExceptionRecord([in] ULONG32 bufferSize,
+ [out] ULONG32* bufferUsed,
+ [out, size_is(bufferSize)] BYTE* buffer);
+ /*
+ * Returns a context record associated with the exception, if any.
+ */
+ HRESULT GetExceptionContextRecord([in] ULONG32 bufferSize,
+ [out] ULONG32* bufferUsed,
+ [out, size_is(bufferSize)] BYTE* buffer);
+ /*
+ * Returns the ID of the thread raising the exception.
+ */
+ HRESULT GetExceptionThreadID([out] ULONG32* threadID);
+ * Interface used by the data access services layer to locate metadata
+ * of assemblies in a target.
+ *
+ * The API client must implement this interface as appropriate for the
+ * particular target (for example, a live process or a memory dump).
+ *
+ * This is an old interface you should not be using.
+ * see code:ICorDebugMetaDataLocator in cordebug.idl
+ *
+ */
+ object,
+ local,
+ uuid(aa8fa804-bc05-4642-b2c5-c353ed22fc63),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+interface ICLRMetadataLocator : IUnknown
+ /*
+ * Ask the target to retrieve metadata for an image.
+ */
+ HRESULT GetMetadata([in] LPCWSTR imagePath,
+ [in] ULONG32 imageTimestamp,
+ [in] ULONG32 imageSize,
+ [in] GUID* mvid,
+ [in] ULONG32 mdRva,
+ [in] ULONG32 flags,
+ [in] ULONG32 bufferSize,
+ [out, size_is(bufferSize), length_is(*dataSize)]
+ BYTE* buffer,
+ [out] ULONG32* dataSize);
+ * Callback interface for enumerating memory regions.
+ */
+ object,
+ local,
+ uuid(BCDD6908-BA2D-4ec5-96CF-DF4D5CDCB4A4)
+interface ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegionsCallback : IUnknown
+ /*
+ * ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegions::EnumMemoryRegions will call this
+ * function for every memory region enumerated. Regions reported
+ * through this callback may be duplicate or overlapping. Failure
+ * return results will be noted, but will not stop the
+ * enumeration.
+ */
+ HRESULT EnumMemoryRegion([in] CLRDATA_ADDRESS address,
+ [in] ULONG32 size);
+ * Callback interface for writing/poisoning memory regions.
+ */
+ object,
+ local,
+ uuid(3721A26F-8B91-4D98-A388-DB17B356FADB)
+interface ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegionsCallback2 : ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegionsCallback
+ /*
+ * ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegions::EnumMemoryRegions will call this function
+ * for every memory regions it needs to overwrite/poison with the specified
+ * data buffer passed as input argument.
+ */
+ HRESULT UpdateMemoryRegion(
+ [in] CLRDATA_ADDRESS address,
+ [in] ULONG32 bufferSize,
+ [in, size_is(bufferSize)] BYTE* buffer);
+ * Flags for controlling which memory regions are enumerated.
+ */
+typedef enum CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags
+ CLRDATA_ENUM_MEM_MINI = CLRDATA_ENUM_MEM_DEFAULT, // generating skinny mini-dump
+ CLRDATA_ENUM_MEM_HEAP = 0x1, // generating heap dump
+ CLRDATA_ENUM_MEM_TRIAGE = 0x2, // generating triage mini-dump
+ /* More bits to be added here later */
+} CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags;
+ * Memory enumeration interface.
+ * This is one of the top-level interfaces creatable by CLRDataCreateInstance.
+ */
+ object,
+ local,
+ uuid(471c35b4-7c2f-4ef0-a945-00f8c38056f1)
+interface ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegions : IUnknown
+ /*
+ * EnumMemoryRegions enumerates regions of interest as specified
+ * by the flags argument by calling the
+ * ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegionsCallback::EnumMemoryRegion for every
+ * region being enumerated. Attempts to enumerate as many regions
+ * as possible, even if the callback returns failures during
+ * enumeration.
+ */
+ HRESULT EnumMemoryRegions([in] ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegionsCallback *callback,
+ [in] ULONG32 miniDumpFlags,
+ [in] CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags clrFlags);