path: root/src/inc/binderngen.idl
diff options
authorJiyoung Yun <>2016-11-23 19:09:09 +0900
committerJiyoung Yun <>2016-11-23 19:09:09 +0900
commit4b4aad7217d3292650e77eec2cf4c198ea9c3b4b (patch)
tree98110734c91668dfdbb126fcc0e15ddbd93738ca /src/inc/binderngen.idl
parentfa45f57ed55137c75ac870356a1b8f76c84b229c (diff)
Imported Upstream version 1.1.0upstream/1.1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'src/inc/binderngen.idl')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/inc/binderngen.idl b/src/inc/binderngen.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d20cf93701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/inc/binderngen.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// File: binderngen.idl
+// Contents: Binder to Native Binder Interfaces
+// Classes:
+// Functions:
+cpp_quote("#ifdef _MSC_VER")
+cpp_quote("#pragma comment(lib,\"uuid.lib\")")
+cpp_quote("// Binder Interfaces")
+cpp_quote("interface INativeImageInstallInfo;")
+cpp_quote("interface IILFingerprint;")
+cpp_quote("interface IILFingerprintFactory;")
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "fusion.idl";
+import "fusionpriv.idl";
+cpp_quote("#ifdef _MSC_VER")
+cpp_quote("#pragma once")
+// interface IAssemblyName defined in fusion.idl
+// interface IAssemblyEnum defined in fusion.idl
+// interface IFusionBindLog defined in fusionpriv.idl
+// interface ICorSvcLogger defined in mscorsvc.idl
+interface IAssemblyLocation;
+interface IBindResult;
+interface IBindContext;
+interface INativeImageInstallInfo;
+interface IILFingerprint;
+typedef enum
+ PRE_BIND_NONE = 0x00,
+typedef enum
+// IAssemblyLocation
+cpp_quote("// {6970aad6-d5fb-469b-9098-a03ddc65a4bd}")
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(IID_IAssemblyLocation, 0x6970aad6, 0xd5fb, 0x469b, 0x90, 0x98, 0xa0, 0x3d, 0xdc, 0x65, 0xa4, 0xbd);")
+ local,
+ object,
+ uuid(6970aad6-d5fb-469b-9098-a03ddc65a4bd),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+interface IAssemblyLocation : IUnknown
+ typedef [unique] IAssemblyLocation *LPASSEMBLYLOCATION;
+ HRESULT GetLocationType([in] DWORD *pdwLocationType);
+ HRESULT GetPath([in, annotation("__inout_ecount(*pdwccAssemblyPath)")] LPWSTR pwzAssemblyPath,
+ [in, annotation("__inout")] LPDWORD pdwccAssemblyPath);
+ HRESULT GetHostID(UINT64 *puiHostID);
+// IBindResult
+// IBindResult was added mid-Dev10 when the native binder was split off
+// from Fusion. It seeks to provide a unified view of filepath-based assemblies (IAssembly),
+// host assemblies (IHostAssembly), NI images (the now-defunct CNativeImageAssembly) and
+// other things such as byte array assemblies (currently not expressible in Fusion at all.)
+// At this time, it has not yet been widely adopted outside the native binder.
+// @todo: Is it necessary for IBindResult to be a separately allocated object?
+// Why not create a base interface for the existing IAssembly/IHostAssembly?
+// Changes from Dev10:
+// Removed a bunch of methods that were added as expediencies and would
+// be long term liabilities if IBindResult is adopted as a universal assembly interface.
+// In particular, it is no longer permitted to create IBindResult's that wrap
+// nothing more than an assembly name.
+cpp_quote("// {82cff42f-55c2-45d2-aa6b-ff96e4de889c}")
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(IID_IBindResult, 0x82cff42f, 0x55c2, 0x45d2, 0xaa, 0x6b, 0xff, 0x96, 0xe4, 0xde, 0x88, 0x9c);")
+ local,
+ object,
+ uuid(82cff42f-55c2-45d2-aa6b-ff96e4de889c),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+interface IBindResult : IUnknown
+ typedef [unique] IBindResult *LPBINDRESULT;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // These methods are good candidates for a "universal" Assembly interface.
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HRESULT GetAssemblyNameDef([out] IAssemblyName **ppIAssemblyNameDef);
+ HRESULT GetNextAssemblyModuleName([in] DWORD dwNIndex,
+ [in, out, annotation("__inout_ecount(*pdwCCModuleName)")] LPWSTR pwzModuleName,
+ [in, out, annotation("__inout")] LPDWORD pdwCCModuleName);
+ HRESULT GetAssemblyLocation([out] IAssemblyLocation **ppIAssemblyLocation);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Native image binding.
+ //
+ // @todo: Do these need to be on IBindResult? I'd say it's cleaner for
+ // these to be exposed as methods on the load context as was done pre-split.
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HRESULT GetNativeImage([out] IBindResult **ppINativeImage,
+ [out] BOOL *pfNativeImageProbed);
+ HRESULT SetNativeImage([in] IBindResult *pINativeImage,
+ [out] IBindResult **ppINativeImageFinal);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // This is needed because IBindResults in Dev10 are not "interned" objects
+ // so we can't do pointer comparison on them as is done with IAssembly.
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HRESULT IsEqual([in] IUnknown *pIUnk);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // These are used by the closure code only. We may want to rework these further
+ // post Dev10-MQ.
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HRESULT GetNextAssemblyNameRef([in] DWORD dwNIndex,
+ [out] IAssemblyName **ppIAssemblyNameRef);
+ HRESULT GetNextDependentAssembly([in] DWORD dwNIndex,
+ [out] IUnknown **ppIUnknownAssembly);
+ // Ad-hoc method that gives the closure code the info it needs without native IBindResults
+ // actually having to maintain a reference to its partnered IL IBindResult.
+ HRESULT GetAssemblyLocationOfILImage([out] IAssemblyLocation **ppAssemblyLocation);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // For use on IL's only: Obtain information about IL timestamps/MVIDs/SNHashes, etc.
+ // Note that the MVID/SNHashes may be speculative (as we avoid opening the IL
+ // for workset reasons.) However, everyone in the process will see the same MVID/SNHashs
+ // for a given IL file.
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HRESULT GetILFingerprint([out] IILFingerprint **ppFingerprint);
+ HRESULT GetSourceILTimestamp([out] FILETIME* pFileTime);
+ HRESULT GetSourceILSize([out] DWORD* pSize);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // For use on NI's only: Obtain information about NI version and dependencies.
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HRESULT GetNIInfo([out] INativeImageInstallInfo** pInfo);
+ enum
+ {
+ IBindResultFlag_Default = 0x00,
+ IBindResultFlag_AssemblyNameDefIncomplete = 0x01,
+ };
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Returns the set of flags, defined in IBindResultFlags, that apply to this
+ // IBindResult object.
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HRESULT GetFlags(DWORD * pdwFlags);
+// IBindContext
+// IBindContext represents a Fusion load context. It is an interface
+// via which Fusion provides services to the native binder.
+// Note: This should *not* be adopted as a general interface for Fusion
+// load contexts. The services exposed here are quite specific to the native
+// binder's needs and it would be a liability to make them widely available.
+cpp_quote("// {88db0d1a-460e-4341-96d7-a7c9b68f4679}")
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(IID_IBindContext, 0x88db0d1a, 0x460e, 0x4341, 0x96, 0xd7, 0xa7, 0xc9, 0xb6, 0x8f, 0x46, 0x79);")
+ local,
+ object,
+ uuid(88db0d1a-460e-4341-96d7-a7c9b68f4679),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+interface IBindContext : IUnknown
+ typedef [unique] IBindContext *LPBINDCONTEXT;
+ HRESULT PreBind([in] IAssemblyName *pIAssemblyName,
+ [in] DWORD dwPreBindFlags,
+ [out] IBindResult **ppIBindResult);
+ HRESULT IsDefaultContext();
+#pragma midl_echo("STDAPI GetBindResultFromPath(LPCWSTR pwzFilePath, DWORD dwMetaDataImportFlags, DWORD dwAssemblyLocation, IBindContext *pBindContext, IBindResult **ppIBindResult, HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); ")
+// Interface fraction implemented by ngen binder folks.
+typedef struct
+ WCHAR *pwzZapConfigString;
+ DWORD dwZapConfigMask;
+} NativeConfigData;
+#pragma midl_echo("interface ICorSvcLogger;")
+#pragma midl_echo("STDAPI InitializeNativeBinder(); ")
+#pragma midl_echo("STDAPI GetZapDir(__deref_out LPCWSTR *pszZapDir); ")
+#pragma midl_echo("STDAPI InstallNativeAssembly(LPCWSTR pwzAssemblyPath, HANDLE hFile, LPCWSTR pwzZapSet, IBindContext* pBindCtx, IAssemblyName **ppAssemblyName, IAssemblyLocation **ppAssemblyLocation);")
+#pragma midl_echo("STDAPI UninstallNativeAssembly(IAssemblyName *pIAssemblyName, ICorSvcLogger *pLogSink); ")
+#pragma midl_echo("STDAPI QueryNativeAssemblyInfo(IAssemblyName *pIAssemblyName, __out_ecount(*pdwSize) LPWSTR pwzFilePath, __inout LPDWORD pdwSize); ")
+#pragma midl_echo("STDAPI GetAssemblyNameFromNIPath(LPCWSTR wszNIPath, IAssemblyName ** ppAssemblyName); ")
+#pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CreateNativeAssemblyEnum(IAssemblyEnum **ppIAssemblyEnum, IAssemblyName *pIAssemblyName);")
+#pragma midl_echo("STDAPI BindToNativeAssembly(IBindResult *pGivenILAsm, const NativeConfigData *pNativeConfigData, IBindContext *pBindContext, IFusionBindLog *pFusionBindLog); ")
+#pragma midl_echo("struct IMDInternalImport;")