path: root/src/dlls/dbgshim
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authorMike McLaughlin <>2015-12-15 16:42:20 -0800
committerMike McLaughlin <>2016-01-14 19:00:52 -0800
commitdac4a490f66ef501fb8d7b246ed3c21a8bcfa485 (patch)
treee94702f122dd5eecad9a3a6a2795538bddb47f09 /src/dlls/dbgshim
parentf06fa2ea19a57631d7bac1fad232888a2c039a9b (diff)
Add debugger launch to dbgshim for xplat.
Add the RegisterForRuntimeStartup/UnregisterForRuntimeStartup to dbghim. Executes the callback when the coreclr runtime starts in the specified process. The callback is passed the proper ICorDebug instance for the version of the runtime or an error if something fails. This API works for launch and attach (and even the attach scenario if the runtime hasn't been loaded yet) equally on both xplat and Windows. The callback is always called on a separate thread. This API returns immediately. The callback is invoke when the coreclr runtime module is loaded during early initialization. The runtime is blocked during initialization until the callback returns. HRESULT RegisterForRuntimeStartup( __in DWORD dwProcessId, __in PSTARTUP_CALLBACK pfnCallback, __in PVOID parameter, __out PVOID *ppUnregisterToken) HRESULT UnregisterForRuntimeStartup( __in PVOID pUnregisterToken) Most of the work is done for xplat in the PAL_RegisterForRuntimeStartup and PAL_UnregisterForRuntimeStartup. On Windows, the APIs are implemented on top of the old dbgshim ones. Added reference counting to DbgTransportSession so the cleanup can be done after the transport worker and the main code is finished. Fix a hang in OSX initializing multiple PALs in the debugging test dbg, dbgshim and mscordaccore by not calling FILEInitStdHandles() from PAL_InitializeDLL. Fixed a minor EnumerateCLRs bug in an error path. A ThrowHR instead of returning the HRESULT. Better pipe file/dbg transport cleanup. Now also call the dbg transport connection abort for an unhandled native exception. Added PROCAbort to replace most calls to abort(). The shutdown handler is called in PROCAbort(). Cleanup debugger transport pipes on CTRL-C termination. Cleanup process code; remove now useless CProcSharedData. Added "PROCESS" PAL trace type.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dlls/dbgshim')
3 files changed, 662 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.cpp b/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.cpp
index 42a2d253f9..eeccfe8f2b 100644
--- a/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.cpp
+++ b/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.cpp
@@ -26,9 +26,7 @@
#include <getproductversionnumber.h>
#include <dbgenginemetrics.h>
-#if defined(FEATURE_PAL)
-#include "debug-pal.h"
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
#include <psapi.h>
@@ -40,27 +38,23 @@
// Here's a High-level overview of the API usage
From the debugger:
-A debugger calls GetStartupNotificationEvent(pid of debuggee) to get an event, which is signalled when that
-process loads a Telesto. The debugger thus waits on that event, and when it's signalled, it can call
+A debugger calls GetStartupNotificationEvent(pid of debuggee) to get an event, which is signalled when
+that process loads a Telesto. The debugger thus waits on that event, and when it's signalled, it can call
EnumerateCLRs / CloseCLREnumeration to get an array of Telestos in the target process (including the one
-that was just loaded).
-It can then call CreateVersionStringFromModule, CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersion to attach to
-any or all Telestos of interest.
+that was just loaded). It can then call CreateVersionStringFromModule, CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersion
+to attach to any or all Telestos of interest.
From the debuggee:
-When a new Telesto spins up, it checks for the startup event (created via GetStartupNotificationEvent), and if it
-exists, it will:
+When a new Telesto spins up, it checks for the startup event (created via GetStartupNotificationEvent), and
+if it exists, it will:
- signal it
- wait on the "Continue" event, thus giving a debugger a chance to attach to the telesto
- There is no CreateProcess (Launch) case. All Launching is really an "Early-attach case".
// Contract for public APIs. These must be NOTHROW.
@@ -69,6 +63,504 @@ Notes:
} \
+ char *pszModulePath,
+ HMODULE hModule,
+ PVOID parameter);
+#else // FEATURE_PAL
+ LPVOID p);
+ DWORD debuggeePID,
+ LPCWSTR szTelestoFullPath,
+ __out HANDLE *phContinueStartupEvent);
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL
+// Functions that we'll look for in the loaded Mscordbi module.
+typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE *FPCoreCLRCreateCordbObject)(
+ int iDebuggerVersion,
+ DWORD pid,
+ HMODULE hmodTargetCLR,
+ IUnknown **ppCordb);
+// Helper class for RegisterForRuntimeStartup
+class RuntimeStartupHelper
+ LONG m_ref;
+ DWORD m_processId;
+ PVOID m_parameter;
+ PVOID m_unregisterToken;
+ bool m_canceled;
+ HANDLE m_startupEvent;
+ DWORD m_threadId;
+ HANDLE m_threadHandle;
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL
+ RuntimeStartupHelper(DWORD dwProcessId, PSTARTUP_CALLBACK pfnCallback, PVOID parameter) :
+ m_ref(1),
+ m_processId(dwProcessId),
+ m_callback(pfnCallback),
+ m_parameter(parameter),
+ m_unregisterToken(NULL)
+ m_canceled(false),
+ m_startupEvent(NULL),
+ m_threadId(0),
+ m_threadHandle(NULL)
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL
+ {
+ }
+ ~RuntimeStartupHelper()
+ {
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
+ if (m_startupEvent != NULL)
+ {
+ CloseHandle(m_startupEvent);
+ }
+ if (m_threadHandle != NULL)
+ {
+ CloseHandle(m_threadHandle);
+ }
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL
+ }
+ LONG AddRef()
+ {
+ LONG ref = InterlockedIncrement(&m_ref);
+ return ref;
+ }
+ LONG Release()
+ {
+ LONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&m_ref);
+ if (ref == 0)
+ {
+ delete this;
+ }
+ return ref;
+ }
+ HRESULT Register()
+ {
+ if (PAL_RegisterForRuntimeStartup(m_processId, RuntimeStartupHandler, this, &m_unregisterToken) != NO_ERROR)
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ void Unregister()
+ {
+ PAL_UnregisterForRuntimeStartup(m_unregisterToken);
+ }
+ void InvokeStartupCallback(char *pszModulePath, HMODULE hModule)
+ {
+ IUnknown *pCordb = NULL;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ // If either of these are NULL, there was an error from the PAL
+ // callback. GetLastError returns the error code from the PAL.
+ if (pszModulePath == NULL || hModule == NULL)
+ {
+ hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ {
+ FPCoreCLRCreateCordbObject fpCreate = NULL;
+ char dbiPath[MAX_LONGPATH];
+ char *pszLast = strrchr(pszModulePath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR_A);
+ if (pszLast == NULL)
+ {
+ _ASSERT(!"InvokeStartupCallback: can find separator in coreclr path\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ strncpy_s(dbiPath, _countof(dbiPath), pszModulePath, pszLast - pszModulePath);
+ strcat_s(dbiPath, _countof(dbiPath), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_STR_A MAKEDLLNAME_A("mscordbi"));
+ hMod = LoadLibraryA(dbiPath);
+ if (hMod == NULL)
+ {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ fpCreate = (FPCoreCLRCreateCordbObject)GetProcAddress(hMod, "CoreCLRCreateCordbObject");
+ if (fpCreate == NULL)
+ {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ HRESULT hr = fpCreate(CorDebugVersion_2_0, m_processId, hModule, &pCordb);
+ _ASSERTE((pCordb == NULL) == FAILED(hr));
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ m_callback(pCordb, m_parameter, S_OK);
+ }
+ {
+ hr = E_FAIL;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ exit:
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(pCordb == NULL);
+ if (hMod != NULL)
+ {
+ FreeLibrary(hMod);
+ }
+ // Invoke the callback on error
+ m_callback(NULL, m_parameter, hr);
+ }
+ }
+#else // FEATURE_PAL
+ HRESULT Register()
+ {
+ HRESULT hr = GetStartupNotificationEvent(m_processId, &m_startupEvent);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ // Add a reference for the thread handler
+ AddRef();
+ m_threadHandle = CreateThread(
+ 0,
+ ::StartupHelperThread,
+ this,
+ 0,
+ &m_threadId);
+ if (m_threadHandle == NULL)
+ {
+ Release();
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ exit:
+ return hr;
+ }
+ HRESULT InternalEnumerateCLRs(HANDLE** ppHandleArray, LPWSTR** ppStringArray, DWORD* pdwArrayLength)
+ {
+ int numTries = 0;
+ while (numTries < 10)
+ {
+ // EnumerateCLRs uses the OS API CreateToolhelp32Snapshot which can return ERROR_BAD_LENGTH or
+ // ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY. If we get either of those, we try wait 1/10th of a second try again (that
+ // is the recommendation of the OS API owners)
+ hr = EnumerateCLRs(m_processId, ppHandleArray, ppStringArray, pdwArrayLength);
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ Sleep(100);
+ numTries++;
+ }
+ return hr;
+ }
+ void WakeRuntimes(HANDLE *handleArray, DWORD arrayLength)
+ {
+ if (handleArray != NULL)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)arrayLength; i++)
+ {
+ HANDLE h = handleArray[i];
+ if (h != NULL && h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ SetEvent(h);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void Unregister()
+ {
+ m_canceled = true;
+ HANDLE *handleArray = NULL;
+ LPWSTR *stringArray = NULL;
+ DWORD arrayLength = 0;
+ // Wake up runtime(s)
+ HRESULT hr = InternalEnumerateCLRs(&handleArray, &stringArray, &arrayLength);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ WakeRuntimes(handleArray, arrayLength);
+ CloseCLREnumeration(handleArray, stringArray, arrayLength);
+ }
+ // Wake up worker thread
+ SetEvent(m_startupEvent);
+ // Don't need to wake up and wait for the worker thread if called on it
+ if (m_threadId != GetCurrentThreadId())
+ {
+ // Wait for work thread to exit
+ WaitForSingleObject(m_threadHandle, INFINITE);
+ }
+ }
+ HRESULT InvokeStartupCallback(bool *pCoreClrExists)
+ {
+ HANDLE *handleArray = NULL;
+ LPWSTR *stringArray = NULL;
+ DWORD arrayLength = 0;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ {
+ IUnknown *pCordb = NULL;
+ DWORD verLen;
+ *pCoreClrExists = FALSE;
+ hr = InternalEnumerateCLRs(&handleArray, &stringArray, &arrayLength);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)arrayLength; i++)
+ {
+ *pCoreClrExists = TRUE;
+ hr = CreateVersionStringFromModule(m_processId, stringArray[i], verStr, _countof(verStr), &verLen);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ hr = CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersion(verStr, &pCordb);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ m_callback(pCordb, m_parameter, S_OK);
+ // Currently only the first coreclr module in a process is supported
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ hr = E_FAIL;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ exit:
+ if (*pCoreClrExists)
+ {
+ // Wake up all the runtimes
+ WakeRuntimes(handleArray, arrayLength);
+ }
+ CloseCLREnumeration(handleArray, stringArray, arrayLength);
+ return hr;
+ }
+ void StartupHelperThread()
+ {
+ bool coreclrExists = false;
+ HRESULT hr = InvokeStartupCallback(&coreclrExists);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ if (!coreclrExists && !m_canceled)
+ {
+ // Wait until the coreclr runtime (debuggee) starts up
+ if (WaitForSingleObject(m_startupEvent, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ {
+ if (!m_canceled)
+ {
+ hr = InvokeStartupCallback(&coreclrExists);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // We should always find a coreclr module
+ _ASSERTE(coreclrExists);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ m_callback(NULL, m_parameter, hr);
+ }
+ }
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL
+RuntimeStartupHandler(char *pszModulePath, HMODULE hModule, PVOID parameter)
+ RuntimeStartupHelper *helper = (RuntimeStartupHelper *)parameter;
+ helper->InvokeStartupCallback(pszModulePath, hModule);
+#else // FEATURE_PAL
+StartupHelperThread(LPVOID p)
+ RuntimeStartupHelper *helper = (RuntimeStartupHelper *)p;
+ helper->StartupHelperThread();
+ helper->Release();
+ return 0;
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL
+// Public API.
+// RegisterForRuntimeStartup -- executes the callback when the coreclr runtime
+// starts in the specified process. The callback is passed the proper ICorDebug
+// instance for the version of the runtime or an error if something fails. This
+// API works for launch and attach (and even the attach scenario if the runtime
+// hasn't been loaded yet) equally on both xplat and Windows. The callback is
+// always called on a separate thread. This API returns immediately.
+// The callback is invoked when the coreclr runtime module is loaded during early
+// initialization. The runtime is blocked during initialization until the callback
+// returns.
+// If the runtime is already loaded in the process (as in the normal attach case),
+// the callback is executed and the runtime is not blocked.
+// The callback is always invoked on a separate thread and this API returns immediately.
+// Only the first coreclr module instance found in the target process is currently
+// supported.
+// dwProcessId -- process id of the target process
+// pfnCallback -- invoked when coreclr runtime starts
+// parameter -- data to pass to callback
+// ppUnregisterToken -- pointer to put the UnregisterForRuntimeStartup token.
+ __in DWORD dwProcessId,
+ __in PSTARTUP_CALLBACK pfnCallback,
+ __in PVOID parameter,
+ __out PVOID *ppUnregisterToken)
+ if (pfnCallback == NULL || ppUnregisterToken == NULL)
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ RuntimeStartupHelper *helper = new (nothrow) RuntimeStartupHelper(dwProcessId, pfnCallback, parameter);
+ if (helper == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hr = helper->Register();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ helper->Release();
+ helper = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ *ppUnregisterToken = helper;
+ return hr;
+// Public API.
+// UnregisterForRuntimeStartup -- stops/cancels runtime startup notification. Needs
+// to be called during the debugger's shutdown to cleanup the internal data.
+// This API can be called in the startup callback. Otherwise, it will block until
+// the callback thread finishes and no more callbacks will be initiated after this
+// API returns.
+// pUnregisterToken -- unregister token from RegisterForRuntimeStartup or NULL.
+ __in PVOID pUnregisterToken)
+ if (pUnregisterToken != NULL)
+ {
+ RuntimeStartupHelper *helper = (RuntimeStartupHelper *)pUnregisterToken;
+ helper->Unregister();
+ helper->Release();
+ }
+ return S_OK;
// Public API.
@@ -89,9 +581,10 @@ const int cchEventNameBufferSize = (sizeof(StartupNotifyEventNamePrefix) + sizeo
+ 10 // + decimal session id DWORD
+ 1; // '\' after session id
-HRESULT GetStartupNotificationEvent(DWORD debuggeePID,
- __out HANDLE* phStartupEvent)
+ __in DWORD debuggeePID,
+ __out HANDLE* phStartupEvent)
@@ -162,17 +655,12 @@ HRESULT GetStartupNotificationEvent(DWORD debuggeePID,
*phStartupEvent = startupEvent;
+ return S_OK;
*phStartupEvent = NULL;
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
#endif // FEATURE_PAL
- return S_OK;
-HRESULT GetContinueStartupEvent(DWORD debuggeePID,
- LPCWSTR szTelestoFullPath,
- __out HANDLE* phContinueStartupEvent);
// Refer to clr\src\mscoree\mscorwks_ntdef.src.
const WORD kOrdinalForMetrics = 2;
@@ -196,9 +684,12 @@ const WORD kOrdinalForMetrics = 2;
// coreclr.dll is ours. A malicious user can be running a process with a bogus coreclr.dll loaded.
// That's why we need to be extra careful reading coreclr.dll in this function.
-void GetTargetCLRMetrics(LPCWSTR szTelestoFullPath,
- CLR_ENGINE_METRICS * pEngineMetricsOut,
- DWORD * pdwRVAContinueStartupEvent = NULL)
+ LPCWSTR szTelestoFullPath,
+ CLR_ENGINE_METRICS *pEngineMetricsOut,
+ DWORD *pdwRVAContinueStartupEvent = NULL)
@@ -343,13 +834,22 @@ void GetTargetCLRMetrics(LPCWSTR szTelestoFullPath,
//TODO: So far on POSIX systems we only support one version of debugging interface
// in future we might want to detect it the same way we do it on Windows.
+ pEngineMetricsOut->cbSize = sizeof(*pEngineMetricsOut);
pEngineMetricsOut->dwDbiVersion = CorDebugLatestVersion;
+ pEngineMetricsOut->phContinueStartupEvent = NULL;
+ if (pdwRVAContinueStartupEvent != NULL)
+ {
+ *pdwRVAContinueStartupEvent = NULL;
+ }
#endif // FEATURE_PAL
// Returns true iff the module represents CoreClr.
-bool IsCoreClr(const WCHAR* pModulePath)
+ const WCHAR* pModulePath)
_ASSERTE(pModulePath != NULL);
@@ -366,7 +866,11 @@ bool IsCoreClr(const WCHAR* pModulePath)
// Returns true iff the module sent is named CoreClr.dll and has the metrics expected in it's PE header.
-bool IsCoreClrWithGoodHeader(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE hModule)
+ HANDLE hProcess,
+ HMODULE hModule)
@@ -419,10 +923,12 @@ bool IsCoreClrWithGoodHeader(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE hModule)
// Notes:
// Callers use code:CloseCLREnumeration to free the returned arrays.
-HRESULT EnumerateCLRs(DWORD debuggeePID,
- __out HANDLE** ppHandleArrayOut,
- __out LPWSTR** ppStringArrayOut,
- __out DWORD* pdwArrayLengthOut)
+ DWORD debuggeePID,
+ __out HANDLE** ppHandleArrayOut,
+ __out LPWSTR** ppStringArrayOut,
+ __out DWORD* pdwArrayLengthOut)
@@ -432,7 +938,7 @@ HRESULT EnumerateCLRs(DWORD debuggeePID,
HandleHolder hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, debuggeePID);
if (NULL == hProcess)
- ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ return E_FAIL;
// These shouldn't be freed
HMODULE modules[1000];
@@ -556,7 +1062,11 @@ HRESULT EnumerateCLRs(DWORD debuggeePID,
// dwArrayLength -- array length originally returned by EnumerateCLRs
-HRESULT CloseCLREnumeration(HANDLE* pHandleArray, LPWSTR* pStringArray, DWORD dwArrayLength)
+ __in HANDLE* pHandleArray,
+ __in LPWSTR* pStringArray,
+ __in DWORD dwArrayLength)
@@ -593,7 +1103,11 @@ HRESULT CloseCLREnumeration(HANDLE* pHandleArray, LPWSTR* pStringArray, DWORD dw
// - NULL if the module is not loaded.
// - else Throws. *ppBaseAddress = NULL
-BYTE* GetRemoteModuleBaseAddress(DWORD dwPID, LPCWSTR szFullModulePath)
+ LPCWSTR szFullModulePath)
@@ -674,11 +1188,13 @@ const WCHAR *c_versionStrFormat = W("%08x;%08x;%p");
// The version string is an opaque string that can only be passed back to other
// DbgShim APIs.
-HRESULT CreateVersionStringFromModule(DWORD pidDebuggee,
- LPCWSTR szModuleName,
- __out_ecount_part(cchBuffer, *pdwLength) LPWSTR pBuffer,
- DWORD cchBuffer,
- __out DWORD* pdwLength)
+ __in DWORD pidDebuggee,
+ __in LPCWSTR szModuleName,
+ __out_ecount_part(cchBuffer, *pdwLength) LPWSTR pBuffer,
+ __in DWORD cchBuffer,
+ __out DWORD* pdwLength)
@@ -735,13 +1251,6 @@ HRESULT CreateVersionStringFromModule(DWORD pidDebuggee,
return S_OK;
-// Functions that we'll look for in the loaded Mscordbi module.
-typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE *FPCoreCLRCreateCordbObject)(
- int iDebuggerVersion,
- DWORD pid,
- HMODULE hmodTargetCLR,
- IUnknown ** ppCordb);
// Parse a version string into useful data.
@@ -758,8 +1267,13 @@ typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE *FPCoreCLRCreateCordbObject)(
// The version string is coming from the target CoreClr and in the case of a corrupted target, could be
// an arbitrary string. It should be treated as untrusted public input.
-HRESULT ParseVersionString(LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion, CorDebugInterfaceVersion * piDebuggerVersion, DWORD * pdwPidDebuggee,
- HMODULE * phmodTargetCLR)
+ LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion,
+ CorDebugInterfaceVersion *piDebuggerVersion,
+ DWORD *pdwPidDebuggee,
+ HMODULE *phmodTargetCLR)
if ((piDebuggerVersion == NULL) ||
(pdwPidDebuggee == NULL) ||
@@ -772,7 +1286,6 @@ HRESULT ParseVersionString(LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion, CorDebugInterfaceVersion *
int numFieldsAssigned = swscanf_s(szDebuggeeVersion, c_versionStrFormat, piDebuggerVersion, pdwPidDebuggee, phmodTargetCLR);
if (numFieldsAssigned != 3)
return E_FAIL;
@@ -787,13 +1300,14 @@ HRESULT ParseVersionString(LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion, CorDebugInterfaceVersion *
// Arguments:
// szFullDbiPath - (in/out): on input, the directory containing dbi. On output, the full path to dbi.dll.
-void AppendDbiDllName(SString & szFullDbiPath)
+AppendDbiDllName(SString & szFullDbiPath)
// Return a path to the dbi next to the runtime, if present.
@@ -805,8 +1319,13 @@ void AppendDbiDllName(SString & szFullDbiPath)
// Notes:
// This just calculates a filename and does not determine if the file actually exists.
-void GetDbiFilenameNextToRuntime(DWORD pidDebuggee, HMODULE hmodTargetCLR, SString & szFullDbiPath,
- SString & szFullCoreClrPath)
+ DWORD pidDebuggee,
+ HMODULE hmodTargetCLR,
+ SString & szFullDbiPath,
+ SString & szFullCoreClrPath)
@@ -830,8 +1349,6 @@ void GetDbiFilenameNextToRuntime(DWORD pidDebuggee, HMODULE hmodTargetCLR, SStri
- // Change:
// c:\abc\coreclr.dll
// 01234567890
// c:\abc\mscordbi.dll
@@ -859,8 +1376,11 @@ void GetDbiFilenameNextToRuntime(DWORD pidDebuggee, HMODULE hmodTargetCLR, SStri
// Return Value:
// true if the versions match
-bool CheckDbiAndRuntimeVersion(SString & szFullDbiPath, SString & szFullCoreClrPath)
+ SString & szFullDbiPath,
+ SString & szFullCoreClrPath)
DWORD dwDbiVersionMS = 0;
@@ -886,7 +1406,6 @@ bool CheckDbiAndRuntimeVersion(SString & szFullDbiPath, SString & szFullCoreClrP
#endif // FEATURE_PAL
// Public API.
// Given a version string, create the matching mscordbi.dll for it.
@@ -903,11 +1422,11 @@ bool CheckDbiAndRuntimeVersion(SString & szFullDbiPath, SString & szFullCoreClrP
// the right debug pack is not installed.
// else Error. (*ppCordb will be null)
-HRESULT CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersionEx(
- int iDebuggerVersion,
- LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion,
- IUnknown ** ppCordb
- )
+ __in int iDebuggerVersion,
+ __in LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion,
+ __out IUnknown ** ppCordb)
@@ -925,8 +1444,6 @@ HRESULT CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersionEx(
goto Exit;
- *ppCordb = NULL;
// Step 1: Parse version information into internal data structures
@@ -940,7 +1457,7 @@ HRESULT CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersionEx(
goto Exit;
- // Step 2: Find the proper Dbi module (mscordbi.dll) and load it.
+ // Step 2: Find the proper dbi module (mscordbi) and load it.
// Check for dbi next to target CLR.
@@ -1020,10 +1537,7 @@ Exit:
// Set our outparam.
- if (ppCordb != NULL)
- {
- *ppCordb = pCordb;
- }
+ *ppCordb = pCordb;
// On success case, mscordbi.dll is leaked.
// - We never give the caller back the module handle, so our caller can't do FreeLibrary().
@@ -1032,7 +1546,6 @@ Exit:
return hr;
// Public API.
// Superceded by CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersionEx in SLv4.
@@ -1049,16 +1562,15 @@ Exit:
// the right debug pack is not installed.
// else Error. (*ppCordb will be null)
-HRESULT CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersion(
- LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion,
- IUnknown ** ppCordb
+ __in LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion,
+ __out IUnknown ** ppCordb
- return CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersionEx(CorDebugVersion_2_0,
- szDebuggeeVersion,
- ppCordb);
+ return CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersionEx(CorDebugVersion_2_0, szDebuggeeVersion, ppCordb);
@@ -1075,9 +1587,11 @@ HRESULT CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersion(
// Returns:
// S_OK on success.
-HRESULT GetContinueStartupEvent(DWORD debuggeePID,
- LPCWSTR szTelestoFullPath,
- __out HANDLE* phContinueStartupEvent)
+ DWORD debuggeePID,
+ LPCWSTR szTelestoFullPath,
+ __out HANDLE* phContinueStartupEvent)
if ((phContinueStartupEvent == NULL) || (szTelestoFullPath == NULL))
@@ -1130,7 +1644,22 @@ HRESULT GetContinueStartupEvent(DWORD debuggeePID,
#include "debugshim.h"
-HRESULT CLRCreateInstance(REFCLSID clsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppInterface)
+// Public API.
+// Parameters:
+// clsid
+// riid
+// ppInterface
+// Return:
+// S_OK on success.
+ REFCLSID clsid,
+ REFIID riid,
+ LPVOID *ppInterface)
diff --git a/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.h b/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.h
index 4623e0d344..f706b89c9b 100644
--- a/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.h
+++ b/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.h
@@ -9,28 +9,52 @@
#include <windows.h>
-EXTERN_C HRESULT GetStartupNotificationEvent(DWORD debuggeePID,
- __out HANDLE* phStartupEvent);
-EXTERN_C HRESULT CloseCLREnumeration(HANDLE* pHandleArray, LPWSTR* pStringArray, DWORD dwArrayLength);
- __out HANDLE** ppHandleArrayOut,
- __out LPWSTR** ppStringArrayOut,
- __out DWORD* pdwArrayLengthOut);
-EXTERN_C HRESULT CreateVersionStringFromModule(DWORD pidDebuggee,
- LPCWSTR szModuleName,
- __out_ecount_part(cchBuffer, *pdwLength) LPWSTR pBuffer,
- DWORD cchBuffer,
- __out DWORD* pdwLength);
-EXTERN_C HRESULT CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersionEx(
- int iDebuggerVersion,
- LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion,
- IUnknown ** ppCordb);
-EXTERN_C HRESULT CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersion(
- LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion,
- IUnknown ** ppCordb);
+typedef VOID (*PSTARTUP_CALLBACK)(IUnknown *pCordb, PVOID parameter, HRESULT hr);
+ __in DWORD dwProcessId,
+ __in PSTARTUP_CALLBACK pfnCallback,
+ __in PVOID parameter,
+ __out PVOID *ppUnregisterToken);
+ __in PVOID pUnregisterToken);
+ __in DWORD debuggeePID,
+ __out HANDLE* phStartupEvent);
+EnumerateCLRs(DWORD debuggeePID,
+ __out HANDLE** ppHandleArrayOut,
+ __out LPWSTR** ppStringArrayOut,
+ __out DWORD* pdwArrayLengthOut);
+ __in HANDLE* pHandleArray,
+ __in LPWSTR* pStringArray,
+ __in DWORD dwArrayLength);
+ __in DWORD pidDebuggee,
+ __in LPCWSTR szModuleName,
+ __out_ecount_part(cchBuffer, *pdwLength) LPWSTR pBuffer,
+ __in DWORD cchBuffer,
+ __out DWORD* pdwLength);
+ __in int iDebuggerVersion,
+ __in LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion,
+ __out IUnknown ** ppCordb);
+ __in LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion,
+ __out IUnknown ** ppCordb);
diff --git a/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.ntdef b/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.ntdef
index 942bc220cf..cc62a40304 100644
--- a/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.ntdef
+++ b/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.ntdef
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
; ==--==
+ RegisterForRuntimeStartup
+ UnregisterForRuntimeStartup