path: root/src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.cpp
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authorEugene Zemtsov <>2015-02-16 21:58:15 -0800
committerEugene Zemtsov <>2015-03-03 14:39:55 -0800
commit1b6c5406b302c496320d6012dae1342c699c2290 (patch)
treeaaba609c18f194c68c861c6afc516218da3f424d /src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.cpp
parente9f40ce78c9443819829870d94af0239adc16030 (diff)
Pipe based communication between debugee and managed debugger on Linux
Goal of this change is to make managed debugging on Linux possible. (It is not fully achieved, but we're getting there) So far our provision for debugging on Linux is somewhat different from debugging on Windows. Instead of using WaitForDebugEvent and RaiseException as means of communication between debugger and debuggee, we're gonna use pipes. Thankfully from old times of Silverlight Mac debugging we had debugging via network sockets under ifdefs FEATURE_DBGIPC_TRANSPORT_DI and FEATURE_DBGIPC_TRANSPORT_VM. So this change is taking that old way of debugging, changing sockets for network pipes, removes lots of unused stuff and implements whatever is missing on Linux. Testing: Due to infrastructural issues I wasn't able to test debugging on Linux yet. So my testing consistent of 1. End to end net pipe debugging on Windows 2. Testing of twowaypipe implementation on Linux 3. Testing of search for loaded CoreCLR module on Linux.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.cpp')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 1805 deletions
diff --git a/src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.cpp b/src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.cpp
index e00e3f9c82..e9b619de18 100644
--- a/src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.cpp
+++ b/src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.cpp
@@ -3,185 +3,16 @@
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "dbgtransportsession.h"
#include "dbgtransportmanager.h"
#include "coreclrremotedebugginginterfaces.h"
-// Provides access to various process enumeration and control facilities for a remote machine.
-// The one and only instance of the DbgTransportManager in the process.
-DbgTransportManager *g_pDbgTransportManager = NULL;
- memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
-// Startup/shutdown calls. These are ref-counted (cordbg, for instance, is constructed in such a way that
-// the command shell will attempt to load mscordbi and initialize an associated DbgTransportManager
-// multiple times).
-HRESULT DbgTransportManager::Init()
- if (InterlockedIncrement(&m_lRefCount) == 1)
- {
- m_sLock.Init("DbgTransportManager Lock", RSLock::cLockFlat, RSLock::LL_DBG_TRANSPORT_MANAGER_LOCK);
- m_pTargets = NULL;
- }
- return S_OK;
-void DbgTransportManager::Shutdown()
- if (InterlockedDecrement(&m_lRefCount) == 0)
- {
- m_sLock.Destroy();
- while (m_pTargets)
- {
- TargetRef *pTargetRef = m_pTargets;
- m_pTargets = pTargetRef->m_pNext;
- pTargetRef->m_pTarget->Shutdown();
- delete pTargetRef->m_pTarget;
- delete pTargetRef;
- }
- }
-// Attempt to connect to a debugging proxy on the machine at the given address and with the specified port
-// number. If the port number is given as zero use the port stored in user debugger configuration. On success
-// a pointer to a DbgTransportTarget object will be returned.
-HRESULT DbgTransportManager::ConnectToTarget(DWORD dwIPAddress, USHORT usPort, DbgTransportTarget **ppTarget)
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- // Look for an existing target with matching IP address and port number.
- TargetRef *pTargetRef = m_pTargets;
- while (pTargetRef)
- {
- // Matches must have identical IP address and port number and must also be in a good connection state
- // (otherwise we're looking at a target that hit a network error and is just waiting until outstanding
- // references to it have been released -- in these circumstances we allow a new target to be allocated
- // in order to re-attempt connection to the proxy).
- if (pTargetRef->m_dwIPAddress == dwIPAddress &&
- pTargetRef->m_usPort == usPort &&
- !pTargetRef->m_pTarget->IsProxyConnectionBad())
- {
- pTargetRef->m_dwRefCount++;
- *ppTarget = pTargetRef->m_pTarget;
- return S_OK;
- }
- pTargetRef = pTargetRef->m_pNext;
- }
- // If we get here there wasn't an appropriate existing entry, so create one.
- // First the reference structure used to track the target.
- pTargetRef = new (nothrow) TargetRef();
- if (pTargetRef == NULL)
- // Then the target object itself.
- DbgTransportTarget *pTarget = new (nothrow) DbgTransportTarget();
- if (pTargetRef == NULL)
- {
- delete pTargetRef;
- }
- // Initialize the target (this will attempt a connection to the proxy immediately).
- HRESULT hr = pTarget->Init(dwIPAddress, usPort);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- pTarget->Shutdown();
- delete pTarget;
- delete pTargetRef;
- return hr;
- }
- // Everything's good, go ahead and initialize and link in the target reference.
- pTargetRef->m_dwRefCount = 1;
- pTargetRef->m_pTarget = pTarget;
- pTargetRef->m_dwIPAddress = dwIPAddress;
- pTargetRef->m_usPort = usPort;
- pTargetRef->m_pNext = m_pTargets;
- m_pTargets = pTargetRef;
- *ppTarget = pTarget;
- return S_OK;
-// Add another reference to a target already acquired by ConnectToTarget (used by clients when they want
-// to hand a target out to independent code).
-void DbgTransportManager::ReferenceTarget(DbgTransportTarget *pTarget)
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- // We need to locate the target reference for this target.
- TargetRef *pTargetRef = m_pTargets;
- while (pTargetRef)
- {
- if (pTargetRef->m_pTarget == pTarget)
- {
- pTargetRef->m_dwRefCount++;
- return;
- }
- pTargetRef = pTargetRef->m_pNext;
- }
- // Shouldn't get here.
-// Release reference to a DbgTransportTarget. If this is the last active reference then the connection to the
-// proxy will be severed and the object deallocated.
-void DbgTransportManager::ReleaseTarget(DbgTransportTarget *pTarget)
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- // We need to locate the target reference for this target (and the previous reference so we can perform
- // the fixup to remove the entry from the queue if this was the last reference to the target).
- TargetRef *pTargetRef = m_pTargets;
- TargetRef *pLastRef = NULL;
- while (pTargetRef)
- {
- if (pTargetRef->m_pTarget == pTarget)
- {
- pTargetRef->m_dwRefCount--;
- if (pTargetRef->m_dwRefCount == 0)
- {
- // This was the last reference to this particular target. Remove it from the queue and
- // deallocate it.
- if (pLastRef)
- pLastRef->m_pNext = pTargetRef->m_pNext;
- else
- m_pTargets = pTargetRef->m_pNext;
- delete pTargetRef;
- pTarget->Shutdown();
- delete pTarget;
- }
- return;
- }
- pLastRef = pTargetRef;
- pTargetRef = pTargetRef->m_pNext;
- }
- // Shouldn't get here.
+DbgTransportTarget *g_pDbgTransportTarget = NULL;
@@ -189,136 +20,9 @@ DbgTransportTarget::DbgTransportTarget()
// Initialization routine called only by the DbgTransportManager.
-HRESULT DbgTransportTarget::Init(DWORD dwIPAddress, USHORT usPort)
+HRESULT DbgTransportTarget::Init()
- m_ullLastUpdate = 0;
- m_fShutdown = false;
- // Target platform is initially unknown. This gets set when the proxy replies to our initial GetSystemInfo
- // message.
- m_ePlatform = DTP_Unknown;
- // If a port number hasn't been specified query the debugger configuration for the current user, this will
- // give us the default.
- if (usPort == 0)
- {
- DbgConfiguration sDbgConfig;
- if (!GetDebuggerConfiguration(&sDbgConfig))
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Failed to locate debugger configuration");
- }
- _ASSERTE(sDbgConfig.m_fEnabled); // Debugging is always enabled on right side.
- m_usProxyPort = sDbgConfig.m_usProxyPort;
- }
- else
- m_usProxyPort = usPort;
- // Do the same for IP address except the fallback is an environment variable (and after that for
- // local debugging).
- if (dwIPAddress == 0)
- {
- LPWSTR wszProxyIP = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_DbgTransportProxyAddress);
- if (wszProxyIP != NULL)
- {
- int cbReq = WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wszProxyIP, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- char *szProxyIP = new (nothrow) char[cbReq + 1];
- if (szProxyIP != NULL)
- {
- WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wszProxyIP, -1, szProxyIP, cbReq + 1, 0,0);
- m_dwProxyIP = DBGIPC_NTOHL(inet_addr(szProxyIP));
- }
- REGUTIL::FreeConfigString(wszProxyIP);
- }
- if (m_dwProxyIP == 0)
- m_dwProxyIP = DBGIPC_NTOHL(inet_addr(""));
- }
- else
- m_dwProxyIP = dwIPAddress;
- // Allocate the connection manager and initialize it.
- m_pConnectionManager = AllocateSecConnMgr();
- if (m_pConnectionManager == NULL)
- SecConnStatus eStatus = m_pConnectionManager->Initialize();
- if (eStatus != SCS_Success)
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Failed to initialize connection manager with %u", eStatus);
- switch (eStatus)
- {
- case SCS_OutOfMemory:
- case SCS_InvalidConfiguration:
- default:
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- }
m_sLock.Init("DbgTransportTarget Lock", RSLock::cLockFlat, RSLock::LL_DBG_TRANSPORT_TARGET_LOCK);
- m_fInitLock = true;
- // Outgoing requests are identified with a monotonically increasing ID starting from 1.
- m_dwNextRequestID = 1;
- // We store a singly-linked list of requests to the proxy that haven't been replied yet.
- m_pRequestList = NULL;
- // Attempt to contact the proxy and form a connection to it.
- eStatus = m_pConnectionManager->AllocateConnection(m_dwProxyIP, m_usProxyPort, &m_pConnection);
- if (eStatus == SCS_Success)
- eStatus = m_pConnection->Connect();
- if (eStatus != SCS_Success)
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Failed to connect to proxy with %u", eStatus);
- switch (eStatus)
- {
- case SCS_OutOfMemory:
- case SCS_UnknownTarget:
- case SCS_NoListener:
- case SCS_NetworkFailure:
- case SCS_MismatchedCerts:
- default:
- return E_ABORT;
- }
- }
- // Create a thread used to monitor remote process state.
- m_hProcessEventThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ProcessEventWorkerStatic, this, 0, NULL);
- if (m_hProcessEventThread == NULL)
- // Send the initial message to the proxy which informs it of our protocol version and queries the target
- // platform and protocol version. This must be done after the thread above is started since we rely on
- // this thread to process replies.
- DWORD dwProxyMajorVersion;
- DWORD dwProxyMinorVersion;
- HRESULT hr = MakeProxyRequest(DPMT_GetSystemInfo,
- &dwProxyMajorVersion,
- &dwProxyMinorVersion,
- &m_ePlatform);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "GetSystemInfo request to proxy failed with %08X", hr);
- return hr;
- }
- // Check that we can deal with the proxy's protocol.
- if (dwProxyMajorVersion != kCurrentMajorVersion)
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Don't understand proxy protocol v%u.%u",
- dwProxyMajorVersion, dwProxyMinorVersion);
- }
- m_fProxyConnectionBad = false;
return S_OK;
@@ -328,89 +32,19 @@ void DbgTransportTarget::Shutdown()
DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "DbgTransportTarget shutting down");
- m_fShutdown = true;
- m_fProxyConnectionBad = true;
- if (m_hProcessEventThread)
- {
- // Unwedge the process event thread if it's blocked in a Receive().
- m_pConnection->CancelReceive();
- // Wait for the process event thread to see the shutdown status and close itself down.
- WaitForSingleObject(m_hProcessEventThread, INFINITE);
- CloseHandle(m_hProcessEventThread);
- }
- // Cleanup process list.
- DeallocateProcessList(m_pProcessList);
- if (m_pConnection)
- m_pConnection->Destroy();
- if (m_pConnectionManager)
- m_pConnectionManager->Destroy();
- if (m_fInitLock)
- m_sLock.Destroy();
-// Indicates when the connection to a proxy has failed: this target object will remain until the last
-// reference to it is released (DbgTransportManager::ReleaseTransport) but will fail all further requests. The
-// manager will then allow a new attempt to create a connection to the proxy to be made (wrapped in a new
-// DbgTransportTarget).
-bool DbgTransportTarget::IsProxyConnectionBad()
- return m_fProxyConnectionBad;
-// Fill caller allocated table at pdwProcesses with the pids of processes currently alive on the target
-// system. Return the number of slots filled in *pcProcesses. The size of the table is given by cSlots. If
-// more than this number of processes are alive then *pcProcesses is set to the total number and E_ABORT
-// returned.
-HRESULT DbgTransportTarget::EnumProcesses(DWORD *pdwProcesses, DWORD cSlots, DWORD *pcProcesses)
- if (m_fProxyConnectionBad)
- return E_ABORT;
- *pcProcesses = 0;
- // Get an up-to-date process list from the proxy.
- UpdateProcessList();
- // Must access the process list under the lock.
RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- // Populate the output table from the new process list.
- DWORD i = 0;
- DWORD cSlotsLeft = cSlots;
- // Fill the output table with as many process IDs as we have (or until we run out of slots). Carry on
- // to the end of the process regardless so we can report how many processes there actually are.
- for (ProcessEntry *pProcess = m_pProcessList; pProcess; pProcess = pProcess->m_pNext)
+ while (m_pProcessList)
- // Entries for dead processes can persist until an associated transport is released. Don't report
- // these.
- if (pProcess->m_fExited)
- continue;
- if (cSlotsLeft)
- {
- pdwProcesses[i] = pProcess->m_dwPID;
- cSlotsLeft--;
- }
- i++;
+ ProcessEntry *pDelProcess = m_pProcessList;
+ m_pProcessList = m_pProcessList->m_pNext;
+ delete pDelProcess;
- // Return total count to caller.
- *pcProcesses = i;
- } // Leave lock
- return *pcProcesses > cSlots ? E_ABORT : S_OK;
+ }
+ m_sLock.Destroy();
// Given a PID attempt to find or create a DbgTransportSession instance to manage a connection to a runtime in
// that process. Returns E_UNEXPECTED if the process can't be found. Also returns a handle that can be waited
// on for process termination.
@@ -418,455 +52,167 @@ HRESULT DbgTransportTarget::GetTransportForProcess(DWORD dwPID
DbgTransportSession **ppTransport,
HANDLE *phProcessHandle)
- if (m_fProxyConnectionBad)
- return E_ABORT;
+ RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- // Get an up-to-date process list from the proxy.
- UpdateProcessList();
+ ProcessEntry *entry = LocateProcessByPID(dwPID);
- // Process list can only be examined under the lock.
+ if (entry == NULL)
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- // Scan each process in the list.
- ProcessEntry *pProcess = m_pProcessList;
- while (pProcess)
- {
- if (pProcess->m_dwPID == dwPID)
- {
- // We've found a match.
- if (pProcess->m_fExited)
- {
- // But it was for a dead process. Don't report this one (though we know the process is dead so
- // return E_UNEXPECTED).
- return E_UNEXPECTED;
- }
- RetryTransport:
- // If we already know about runtimes in this process then attempt to attach to the first one.
- // CORECLRTODO: In the next version we'll wire up the additional logic to enable the caller to
- // indicate which runtime they want to target within a single process.
- if (pProcess->m_pRuntimes)
- {
- RuntimeEntry *pRuntime = pProcess->m_pRuntimes;
+ NewHolder<ProcessEntry> newEntry = new(nothrow) ProcessEntry();
+ if (newEntry == NULL)
- // If we have a runtime entry already then the LS is already present and we know the port
- // to connect to. If there's already a transport in place then we can (and must) use that.
- // Otherwise we can allocate and initialize one based on the port information.
- DbgTransportSession *pTransport = pRuntime->m_pDbgTransport;
- if (pTransport == NULL)
- {
- // No transport yet, allocate one.
- pTransport = new (nothrow) DbgTransportSession();
- if (pTransport == NULL)
+ NewHolder<DbgTransportSession> transport = new(nothrow) DbgTransportSession();
+ if (transport == NULL)
+ {
+ }
- // Initialize it (this immediately starts the remote connection process).
- HRESULT hr = pTransport->Init(m_dwProxyIP, pRuntime->m_usPort, pProcess->m_hExitedEvent);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- lock.Release();
- pTransport->Shutdown();
- delete pTransport;
- return hr;
- }
- pRuntime->m_pDbgTransport = pTransport;
- }
+ HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, dwPID);
+ if (hProcess == NULL)
+ {
+ return HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError();
+ }
- // One more caller knows about this transport instance. (Which in turn is another reason
- // the process can't be deleted yet).
- pRuntime->m_cTransportRef++;
- pProcess->m_cProcessRef++;
+ // Initialize it (this immediately starts the remote connection process).
+ hr = transport->Init(dwPID, hProcess);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ transport->Shutdown();
+ CloseHandle(hProcess);
+ return hr;
+ }
- *ppTransport = pTransport;
- if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),
- pProcess->m_hExitedEvent,
- GetCurrentProcess(),
- phProcessHandle,
- 0, // ignored since we are going to pass DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS
- {
- lock.Release();
- return HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError();
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
+ entry = newEntry;
+ newEntry.SuppressRelease();
+ entry->m_dwPID = dwPID;
+ entry->m_hProcess = hProcess;
+ entry->m_transport = transport;
+ transport.SuppressRelease();
+ entry->m_cProcessRef = 0;
- // If we get here we've found the process record but there's no known runtime yet. The proxy
- // will send us an event if either a runtime starts up or the process dies, so we'll wait on
- // both of these. We can't wait with the lock held so increment the ref count on the process
- // (to keep the entry and the events we're about to wait on valid) and drop the lock first.
- pProcess->m_cProcessRef++;
- lock.Release();
- // We need to send an early attach notification to the proxy so that when the next runtime
- // starts up and registers it will know to suspend itself until we attach (i.e. this is the
- // early attach). Obviously we're racing with runtime startup here but that's by definition.
- bool fProcessExited;
- HRESULT hr = MakeProxyRequest(DPMT_EarlyAttach, pProcess->m_pruidProcess, &fProcessExited);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- lock.Acquire();
- pProcess->m_cProcessRef--;
- return hr;
- }
- // The process might have managed to exit before we even built a process entry for it on this
- // side. In that case a process termination might have been missed. Checking for the exit
- // status again with the EarlyAttach request above closes the hole (we establish a process
- // entry and lock it in place so any termination events from that point on will be caught,
- // then we fire an EarlyAttach and check the current status).
- if (fProcessExited)
- {
- lock.Acquire();
- pProcess->m_cProcessRef--;
- pProcess->m_fExited = true;
- SetEvent(pProcess->m_hExitedEvent);
- return E_UNEXPECTED;
- }
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Waiting on runtime starting or process termination for %08X(%u, %u)",
- pProcess, pProcess->m_dwPID, pProcess->m_pruidProcess);
- HANDLE rgEvents[] = { pProcess->m_hRuntimeStartedEvent, pProcess->m_hExitedEvent };
- DWORD dwResult = WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(2, rgEvents, FALSE, INFINITE, FALSE);
- _ASSERTE(dwResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || dwResult == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1));
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, " %s", dwResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ? "Runtime started" : "Process terminated");
- // Take the lock again and determine what our status is.
- lock.Acquire();
- // We have no further need to keep this process record alive (once we drop the lock).
- _ASSERTE(pProcess->m_cProcessRef > 0);
- pProcess->m_cProcessRef--;
- // If the process terminated then exit with E_UNEXPECTED. Note that this might be a zombie
- // entry marked with m_fExited = true in this case, but rather than duplicate entry cleanup
- // code we'll let the next process list update flush this record (now that the ref count has
- // been decremented).
- if (dwResult == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1))
- return E_UNEXPECTED;
- // We should have at least one runtime entry now; just jump back to the code that knows how to
- // re-use or allocate a transport on it.
- _ASSERTE(pProcess->m_pRuntimes);
- goto RetryTransport;
- }
- pProcess = pProcess->m_pNext;
- }
- } // Leave lock
- // Didn't find a process with a matching PID.
- return E_UNEXPECTED;
+ // Adding new entry to the list.
+ entry->m_pNext = m_pProcessList;
+ m_pProcessList = entry;
+ }
-// Returns true if the given PID identifies a running process which is hosting at least one CoreCLR
-// runtime.
-bool DbgTransportTarget::IsManagedProcess(DWORD dwPID)
- // Maybe we already know the process is managed.
+ entry->m_cProcessRef++;
+ _ASSERTE(entry->m_cProcessRef > 0);
+ _ASSERTE(entry->m_transport != NULL);
+ _ASSERTE(entry->m_hProcess > 0);
+ *ppTransport = entry->m_transport;
+ if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),
+ entry->m_hProcess,
+ GetCurrentProcess(),
+ phProcessHandle,
+ 0, // ignored since we are going to pass DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- ProcessEntry *pProcess = LocateProcessByPID(dwPID);
-#ifdef _PREFAST_
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable:6011) // Prefast doesn't understand the guard to avoid de-referencing a NULL pointer below.
-#endif // _PREFAST_
- if (pProcess && pProcess->m_pRuntimes)
- return true;
-#ifdef _PREFAST_
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#endif // _PREFAST_
- } // Leave lock
- // Get an up-to-date process list from the proxy in case we've haven't done this for a while and a runtime
- // has started up in the meantime.
- UpdateProcessList();
+ return HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError();
+ }
- // Try once again.
- {
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- ProcessEntry *pProcess = LocateProcessByPID(dwPID);
- return pProcess ? pProcess->m_pRuntimes != NULL : false;
- } // Leave lock
+ return hr;
// Release another reference to the transport associated with dwPID. Once all references are gone (modulo the
// manager's own weak reference) clean up the transport and deallocate it.
void DbgTransportTarget::ReleaseTransport(DbgTransportSession *pTransport)
- DbgTransportSession *pTransportToShutdown = NULL;
- // Process list can only be examined under the lock.
- {
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- // Scan all processes we know about.
- ProcessEntry *pProcess = m_pProcessList;
- while (pProcess)
- {
- // Scan each runtime we know about in the current process.
- RuntimeEntry *pRuntime = pProcess->m_pRuntimes;
- while (pRuntime)
- {
- if (pRuntime->m_pDbgTransport == pTransport)
- {
- // Found it.
+ RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- // Decrement the transport ref count. This is also one less reason to hold onto the
- // process record.
- _ASSERTE(pRuntime->m_cTransportRef > 0 && pProcess->m_cProcessRef > 0);
- pRuntime->m_cTransportRef--;
- pProcess->m_cProcessRef--;
+ ProcessEntry *entry = m_pProcessList;
- // If nobody references this transport any more we can shut it down and delete it. Don't
- // do this under the lock however.
- if (pRuntime->m_cTransportRef == 0)
- {
- pTransportToShutdown = pRuntime->m_pDbgTransport;
- pRuntime->m_pDbgTransport = NULL;
- }
+ // Pointer to the pointer that points to *entry.
+ // It either points to m_pProcessList or m_pNext of some entry.
+ // It is used to fix the linked list after deletion of an entry.
+ ProcessEntry **prevPtr = &m_pProcessList;
- lock.Release();
+ // Looking for ProcessEntry with a given transport
+ while (entry)
+ {
- // If we made the transport inaccessible above we can shut it down and deallocate it now.
- if (pTransportToShutdown)
- {
- pTransportToShutdown->Shutdown();
- delete pTransportToShutdown;
- }
+ _ASSERTE(entry->m_cProcessRef > 0);
+ _ASSERTE(entry->m_transport != NULL);
+ _ASSERTE(entry->m_hProcess > 0);
- return;
- }
+ if (entry->m_transport == pTransport)
+ {
+ // Mark that it has one less holder now
+ entry->m_cProcessRef--;
- pRuntime = pRuntime->m_pNext;
+ // If no more holders remove the entry from the list and free resources
+ if (entry->m_cProcessRef == 0)
+ {
+ *prevPtr = entry->m_pNext;
+ delete entry;
- pProcess = pProcess->m_pNext;
+ return;
- } // Leave lock
+ prevPtr = &entry->m_pNext;
+ entry = entry->m_pNext;
+ }
- _ASSERTE(!"Failed to find ProcessEntry to release transport reference");
+ _ASSERTE(!"Trying to release transport that doesn't belong to this DbgTransportTarget");
+ pTransport->Shutdown();
+ delete pTransport;
-// Run the command line given on the remote machine to create a process. Return the PID of this process. When
-// and if the process starts a runtime and registers with the proxy it will be told to halt and wait for a
-// debugger attach.
-HRESULT DbgTransportTarget::CreateProcess(LPCWSTR wszCommand,
- LPCWSTR wszArgs,
- LPCWSTR wszCurrentDirectory,
- LPVOID pvEnvironment,
- DWORD *pdwPID)
+HRESULT DbgTransportTarget::CreateProcess(LPCWSTR lpApplicationName,
+ LPCWSTR lpCommandLine,
+ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,
+ BOOL bInheritHandles,
+ DWORD dwCreationFlags,
+ LPVOID lpEnvironment,
+ LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
+ LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation)
- if (m_fProxyConnectionBad)
- return E_ABORT;
- DWORD cchCommand = wszCommand ? wcslen(wszCommand) : 0;
- DWORD cchArgs = wszArgs ? wcslen(wszArgs) : 0;
+ BOOL result = WszCreateProcess(lpApplicationName,
+ lpCommandLine,
+ lpProcessAttributes,
+ lpThreadAttributes,
+ bInheritHandles,
+ dwCreationFlags,
+ lpEnvironment,
+ lpCurrentDirectory,
+ lpStartupInfo,
+ lpProcessInformation);
- // Proxy expects the command line as a single string.
- LPWSTR wszCommandLine = (LPWSTR)_alloca((cchCommand + 1 + cchArgs + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
- wszCommandLine[0] = W('\0');
- if (wszCommand)
+ if (!result)
- wcscat(wszCommandLine, wszCommand);
- wcscat(wszCommandLine, W(" "));
+ return HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError();
- if (wszArgs)
- wcscat(wszCommandLine, wszArgs);
- // Check how big a UTF8 version of the command line would be.
- int cbReqd = WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wszCommandLine, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- LPSTR szCommandLine = (LPSTR)_alloca(cbReqd);
- // Do the conversion from 16-bit.
- WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wszCommandLine, -1, szCommandLine, cbReqd, 0, 0);
- // If a default directory is supplied then convert it to UTF8.
- LPSTR szCurrentDirectory = NULL;
- if (wszCurrentDirectory)
- {
- cbReqd = WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wszCurrentDirectory, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- szCurrentDirectory = (LPSTR)_alloca(cbReqd);
- WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wszCurrentDirectory, -1, szCurrentDirectory, cbReqd, 0, 0);
- }
- // Prepare to format an attribute block containing all the launch parameters we'll send to the proxy.
- // There are two phases: first we plan how much space will be required in the block then we allocate the
- // block and fill it in.
- DbgAttributeBlockWriter sAttrWriter;
- sAttrWriter.ScheduleStringValue(szCommandLine);
- if (szCurrentDirectory)
- sAttrWriter.ScheduleStringValue(szCurrentDirectory);
- // Determine how large the environment block is (if it's supplied).
- DWORD cbEnvironment = 0;
- if (pvEnvironment)
- {
- char *szEnv = (char *)pvEnvironment;
- // The environment is a series of nul-terminated strings followed by a final nul.
- while (*szEnv)
- {
- DWORD cbString = strlen(szEnv) + 1;
- cbEnvironment += cbString;
- szEnv += cbString;
- }
- // Account for final nul.
- cbEnvironment++;
- }
- if (cbEnvironment)
- sAttrWriter.ScheduleValue(cbEnvironment);
- // By now we know how large an attribute block we need.
- DWORD cbAttributeBlock = sAttrWriter.GetRequiredBufferSize();
- BYTE *pbAttributeBlock = new (nothrow) BYTE[cbAttributeBlock];
- if (pbAttributeBlock == NULL)
- // Initialize the attribute block.
- sAttrWriter.BeginFormatting((char*)pbAttributeBlock);
- sAttrWriter.AddStringValue(DAT_CommandLine, szCommandLine);
- if (szCurrentDirectory)
- sAttrWriter.AddStringValue(DAT_DefaultDirectory, szCurrentDirectory);
- if (cbEnvironment)
- sAttrWriter.AddValue(DAT_Environment, (char*)pvEnvironment, cbEnvironment);
- // Allocate a new process entry up front (but don't link it into the list until we know we've created the
- // remote process).
- ProcessEntry *pProcess = new (nothrow) ProcessEntry();
- if (pProcess == NULL)
- {
- delete [] pbAttributeBlock;
- }
- memset(pProcess, 0, sizeof(ProcessEntry));
- strncpy(pProcess->m_szCommandLine, szCommandLine, kMaxCommandLine);
- pProcess->m_szCommandLine[kMaxCommandLine - 1] = '\0';
- pProcess->m_hExitedEvent = WszCreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); // Manual reset, not signalled
- if (pProcess->m_hExitedEvent == NULL)
- {
- delete [] pbAttributeBlock;
- delete pProcess;
- }
- pProcess->m_hRuntimeStartedEvent = WszCreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); // Manual reset, not signalled
- if (pProcess->m_hRuntimeStartedEvent == NULL)
- {
- delete [] pbAttributeBlock;
- delete pProcess;
- }
- // Send the launch request to the proxy. It will reply with a PID or an hresult on failure.
- HRESULT hr = MakeProxyRequest(DPMT_LaunchProcess,
- pbAttributeBlock,
- &pProcess->m_dwPID,
- &pProcess->m_pruidProcess);
- delete [] pbAttributeBlock;
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- // The remote process has been created.
- *pdwPID = pProcess->m_dwPID;
- // Take the lock and check whether we already have an entry for this process (this can happen due to
- // an EnumProcesses from another thread).
- {
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- ProcessEntry *pSearchProcess = m_pProcessList;
- while (pSearchProcess)
- {
- if (pSearchProcess->m_pruidProcess == pProcess->m_pruidProcess)
- break;
- pSearchProcess = pSearchProcess->m_pNext;
- }
- if (pSearchProcess)
- {
- // Someone else has already made the update. Discard our unneeded copy.
- delete pProcess;
- }
- else
- {
- // No current entry for this process, link it in.
- pProcess->m_pNext = m_pProcessList;
- m_pProcessList = pProcess;
- }
- } // Leave lock
- }
- else
- {
- // The process was not created, throw away the process entry we'd prepared.
- delete pProcess;
- }
- return hr;
+ return S_OK;
// Kill the process identified by PID.
void DbgTransportTarget::KillProcess(DWORD dwPID)
- if (m_fProxyConnectionBad)
- return;
- PRUID pruidTarget = 0;
- // Look up the process by PID so we can find the corresponding PRUID (which is the proxy's version of the
- // PID).
- {
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- ProcessEntry *pProcess = LocateProcessByPID(dwPID);
- if (pProcess)
- pruidTarget = pProcess->m_pruidProcess;
- } // Leave lock
- if (pruidTarget)
+ if (hProcess != NULL)
- HRESULT hr = MakeProxyRequest(DPMT_TerminateProcess, pruidTarget);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- // Network failure could prevent our terminate from getting through. We don't currently support
- // rebuilding a network connection and retrying, so report the process as dead to prevent a hang
- // in the debugger on this end.
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- ProcessEntry *pProcess = LocateProcessByPID(dwPID);
- if (pProcess)
- {
- pProcess->m_fExited = true;
- SetEvent(pProcess->m_hExitedEvent);
- }
- } // Leave lock
+ TerminateProcess(hProcess, 0);
+ CloseHandle(hProcess);
-// Ask the remote debugger proxy for an updated list of processes and reflect these changes into our local
-// process list. Any failure will leave the current process list state unchanged.
-void DbgTransportTarget::UpdateProcessList()
- // As an optimization, don't update the process list more than once a second.
- if ((CLRGetTickCount64() - m_ullLastUpdate) <= 1000)
- return;
- m_ullLastUpdate = CLRGetTickCount64();
+ CloseHandle(m_hProcess);
+ m_hProcess = NULL;
- // Send message to the proxy asking for a list of processes and CoreCLR instances. By the time the
- // MakeProxyRequest request call below completes the process/runtime database will have been updated.
- MakeProxyRequest(DPMT_EnumProcesses);
+ m_transport->Shutdown();
+ delete m_transport;
+ m_transport = NULL;
// Locate a process entry by PID. Assumes the lock is already held.
@@ -884,1031 +230,4 @@ DbgTransportTarget::ProcessEntry *DbgTransportTarget::LocateProcessByPID(DWORD d
return NULL;
- // If there's still a transport attached to the remote runtime shut it down and delete it.
- if (m_pDbgTransport)
- {
- m_pDbgTransport->Shutdown();
- delete m_pDbgTransport;
- }
- // Clean up any records for runtimes hosted within this process.
- while (m_pRuntimes)
- {
- RuntimeEntry *pDelRuntime = m_pRuntimes;
- m_pRuntimes = m_pRuntimes->m_pNext;
- delete pDelRuntime;
- }
- if (m_hExitedEvent)
- CloseHandle(m_hExitedEvent);
- if (m_hRuntimeStartedEvent)
- CloseHandle(m_hRuntimeStartedEvent);
-// Deallocate all resources associated with a process list.
-void DbgTransportTarget::DeallocateProcessList(ProcessEntry *pProcessList)
- while (pProcessList)
- {
- ProcessEntry *pDelProcess = pProcessList;
- pProcessList = pProcessList->m_pNext;
- delete pDelProcess;
- }
-// Format and send a request to the proxy then wait on a reply (if appropriate) and return results to the
-// caller.
-HRESULT DbgTransportTarget::MakeProxyRequest(DbgProxyMessageType eType, ...)
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, eType);
- // We allocate space for some request related context on the stack. For the duration of the request (until
- // a reply is received) this context is linked on a global request queue so the process event thread can
- // handle matching replies to requests.
- Request sRequest;
- sRequest.m_pNext = NULL;
- sRequest.m_hrResult = S_OK;
- // DPMT_TerminateProcess requests don't expect a reply.
- if (eType != DPMT_TerminateProcess)
- {
- sRequest.m_hCompletionEvent = WszCreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); // Auto-reset, not signalled
- if (sRequest.m_hCompletionEvent == NULL)
- }
- else
- sRequest.m_hCompletionEvent = NULL;
- // Space for the message header.
- DbgProxyMessageHeader sMessage;
- // Format common message fields.
- memset(&sMessage, 0, sizeof(sMessage));
- sMessage.m_eType = eType;
- // Based on request type fill in the remainder of the request fields and record the addresses of the
- // caller's output buffer(s) if any.
- BYTE *pbAttributeBlock = NULL;
- DWORD cbAttributeBlock = 0;
- switch (eType)
- {
- case DPMT_GetSystemInfo:
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Sending 'GetSystemInfo'");
- sMessage.VariantData.GetSystemInfo.m_uiMajorVersion = kCurrentMajorVersion;
- sMessage.VariantData.GetSystemInfo.m_uiMinorVersion = kCurrentMinorVersion;
- sRequest.OutputBuffers.GetSystemInfo.m_pdwMajorVersion = va_arg(args, DWORD*);
- sRequest.OutputBuffers.GetSystemInfo.m_pdwMinorVersion = va_arg(args, DWORD*);
- sRequest.OutputBuffers.GetSystemInfo.m_pePlatform = va_arg(args, DbgTargetPlatform*);
- break;
- case DPMT_EnumProcesses:
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Sending 'EnumProcesses'");
- break;
- case DPMT_LaunchProcess:
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Sending 'LaunchProcess'");
- pbAttributeBlock = va_arg(args, BYTE*);
- DbgAttributeBlockReader sAttrReader((char*)pbAttributeBlock);
- cbAttributeBlock = sAttrReader.GetBlockSize();
- sMessage.VariantData.LaunchProcess.m_cbAttributeBlock = cbAttributeBlock;
- sRequest.OutputBuffers.LaunchProcess.m_pdwPID = va_arg(args, DWORD*);
- sRequest.OutputBuffers.LaunchProcess.m_ppruidProcess = va_arg(args, PRUID*);
- break;
- }
- case DPMT_EarlyAttach:
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Sending 'EarlyAttach'");
- sMessage.VariantData.EarlyAttach.m_pruidProcess = va_arg(args, DWORD);
- sRequest.OutputBuffers.EarlyAttach.m_pfProcessExited = va_arg(args, bool*);
- break;
- case DPMT_TerminateProcess:
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Sending 'TerminateProcess'");
- sMessage.VariantData.TerminateProcess.m_pruidProcess = va_arg(args, DWORD);
- break;
- default:
- _ASSERTE(!"Illegal message type for MakeProxyRequest");
- va_end(args);
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- va_end(args);
- // We must hold the lock in order to send messages, allocate request IDs or touch the request queue.
- {
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- // While under the lock we can check the connection state without races. We either see the connection
- // state is bad and abort the operation now or we successfully queue the request (in which case it is
- // the process event thread's responsibility to abort the request if an error occurs).
- if (m_fProxyConnectionBad)
- {
- if (sRequest.m_hCompletionEvent)
- CloseHandle(sRequest.m_hCompletionEvent);
- return E_ABORT;
- }
- // Allocate a request ID and add the request to the queue (except for messages that don't expect a
- // reply).
- if (sRequest.m_hCompletionEvent != NULL)
- {
- // Allocate a unique ID for this request. This will allow us to match the reply that comes back.
- sRequest.m_dwID = sMessage.m_uiRequestID = m_dwNextRequestID++;
- // The request queue is not ordered, so just place the new request at the head.
- sRequest.m_pNext = m_pRequestList;
- m_pRequestList = &sRequest;
- }
- else
- sMessage.m_uiRequestID = 0;
- // Now the type and request ID have been filled in we can calculate the value of the magic field used
- // as an extra layer of validation in the message format.
- sMessage.m_uiMagic = DBGPROXY_MAGIC_VALUE(&sMessage);
- // Send the message header.
- if (!m_pConnection->Send((unsigned char*)&sMessage, sizeof(sMessage)))
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "DbgTransportTarget::MakeProxyRequest(): Send() failed");
- if (sRequest.m_hCompletionEvent)
- {
- m_pRequestList = sRequest.m_pNext;
- CloseHandle(sRequest.m_hCompletionEvent);
- }
- return E_ABORT;
- }
- // Launch requests have additional data (an attribute block).
- if (eType == DPMT_LaunchProcess)
- {
- _ASSERTE(pbAttributeBlock && cbAttributeBlock);
- if (!m_pConnection->Send(pbAttributeBlock, cbAttributeBlock))
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "DbgTransportTarget::MakeProxyRequest(): Send() failed");
- m_pRequestList = sRequest.m_pNext;
- CloseHandle(sRequest.m_hCompletionEvent);
- return E_ABORT;
- }
- }
- } // Leave lock
- // We're done if we don't expect a reply.
- if (sRequest.m_hCompletionEvent == NULL)
- return S_OK;
- // Now wait on the completion event (this will be signalled by the process event thread once it has
- // matched a reply to our request successfully).
- WaitForSingleObject(sRequest.m_hCompletionEvent, INFINITE);
- // No more need for the completionm event.
- CloseHandle(sRequest.m_hCompletionEvent);
- // Return the completion result from the transmission record.
- return sRequest.m_hrResult;
-// Static entry point for the process event thread.
-DWORD WINAPI DbgTransportTarget::ProcessEventWorkerStatic(LPVOID lpvContext)
- // Just dispatch straight to the version that's an instance method.
- ((DbgTransportTarget*)lpvContext)->ProcessEventWorker();
- return 0;
-// Instance method version of the worker, called from ProcessEventWorkerStatic().
-void DbgTransportTarget::ProcessEventWorker()
- // Loop handling requests until we're told to shutdown or hit a network error.
- while (!m_fShutdown)
- {
- // How the worker reacts to the incoming data is driven by shared state set up by other threads in
- // this process calling MakeProxyRequest(). These calls cause a message to be sent directly to the
- // proxy but also set up state so that this thread will know how to dispatch replies from the proxy
- // back to the originating thread.
- // There are three sizes of message that we can receive: most messages will fit in the common message
- // header but DPMT_RuntimeStarted needs something a little larger (an additional DbgProxyRuntimeInfo
- // structure) and DPMT_ProcessList includes an variable sized list of process and runtime records.
- // Allocate storage for a common header on the stack and always receive the header into this. We'll
- // handle any extra data required on a case by case basis (which is easy since there's no requirement
- // to actually assemble the incoming message into a single contiguous buffer at any point).
- DbgProxyMessageHeader sMessage;
- if (!m_pConnection->Receive((unsigned char *)&sMessage, sizeof(sMessage)))
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "DbgTransportTarget: Receive() failed");
- goto NetworkError;
- }
- // Validate the magic number in the header that we use as an additional check of the messages's
- // integrity (this makes it much harder to launch a network attack based on sending random data).
- if (sMessage.m_uiMagic != DBGPROXY_MAGIC_VALUE(&sMessage))
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "DbgTransportTarget: message failed magic number test");
- goto NetworkError;
- }
- // Most of the incoming messages are replies to requests that we have on our request queue. Locate the
- // original request (keyed off the ID returned in the reply).
- Request *pRequest = NULL;
- if (sMessage.m_eType != DPMT_RuntimeStarted &&
- sMessage.m_eType != DPMT_ProcessTerminated)
- {
- pRequest = LocateOriginalRequest(&sMessage);
- if (pRequest == NULL)
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "DbgTransportTarget: can't find request for reply %u",
- (unsigned)sMessage.m_uiRequestID);
- goto NetworkError;
- }
- }
- // Process the rest of the message based on the type.
- switch (sMessage.m_eType)
- {
- case DPMT_SystemInfo:
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Received 'SystemInfo'");
- PREFIX_ASSUME(pRequest != NULL);
- *pRequest->OutputBuffers.GetSystemInfo.m_pdwMajorVersion =
- sMessage.VariantData.SystemInfo.m_uiMajorVersion;
- *pRequest->OutputBuffers.GetSystemInfo.m_pdwMinorVersion =
- sMessage.VariantData.SystemInfo.m_uiMinorVersion;
- *pRequest->OutputBuffers.GetSystemInfo.m_pePlatform =
- sMessage.VariantData.SystemInfo.m_ePlatform;
- break;
- case DPMT_ProcessList:
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Received 'ProcessList(%u, %u)'",
- (unsigned)sMessage.VariantData.ProcessList.m_uiProcessRecords,
- (unsigned)sMessage.VariantData.ProcessList.m_uiRuntimeRecords);
- PREFIX_ASSUME(pRequest != NULL);
- ProcessProcessList(&sMessage, pRequest);
- if (FAILED(pRequest->m_hrResult))
- goto NetworkError;
- break;
- case DPMT_ProcessLaunched:
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Received 'ProcessLaunched'");
- PREFIX_ASSUME(pRequest != NULL);
- // We successfully launched a process remotely (or an error code indicating why we could not).
- // On success copy PID and PRUID of the new process back to the requester.
- switch (sMessage.VariantData.ProcessLaunched.m_eResult)
- {
- case DPLR_Success:
- pRequest->m_hrResult = S_OK;
- *pRequest->OutputBuffers.LaunchProcess.m_pdwPID =
- sMessage.VariantData.ProcessLaunched.m_uiPID;
- *pRequest->OutputBuffers.LaunchProcess.m_ppruidProcess =
- sMessage.VariantData.ProcessLaunched.m_pruidProcess;
- break;
- case DPLR_OutOfMemory:
- pRequest->m_hrResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- break;
- case DPLR_Denied:
- pRequest->m_hrResult = E_ACCESSDENIED;
- break;
- case DPLR_NotFound:
- pRequest->m_hrResult = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
- break;
- case DPLR_UnspecifiedError:
- pRequest->m_hrResult = E_FAIL;
- break;
- default:
- _ASSERTE(!"Unknown ProcessLaunched result code");
- pRequest->m_hrResult = E_FAIL;
- }
- break;
- case DPMT_RuntimeStarted:
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Received 'RuntimeStarted'");
- // RuntimeStarted sends a process info block as well as runtime info (in case the process is new
- // as well).
- // Read DbgProxyProcessInfo structure.
- DbgProxyProcessInfo sProcessInfo;
- if (!m_pConnection->Receive((unsigned char *)&sProcessInfo, sizeof(sProcessInfo)))
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "DbgTransportTarget: Receive() failed");
- goto NetworkError;
- }
- // Read DbgProxyRuntimeInfo structure.
- DbgProxyRuntimeInfo sRuntimeInfo;
- if (!m_pConnection->Receive((unsigned char *)&sRuntimeInfo, sizeof(sRuntimeInfo)))
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "DbgTransportTarget: Receive() failed");
- goto NetworkError;
- }
- // A runtime has started up in some process on the target machine.
- // Add a runtime record to our database (if it's not already there).
- if (!ProcessRuntimeStarted(&sProcessInfo, &sRuntimeInfo))
- goto NetworkError;
- break;
- }
- case DPMT_ProcessTerminated:
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Received 'ProcessTerminated'");
- // A process has terminated on the target machine.
- // See if we were tracking the process on our side and if so either delete the entry (if it's
- // not being used) or fire the process termination event.
- {
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- ProcessEntry *pProcess = m_pProcessList;
- ProcessEntry *pLastProcess = NULL;
- while (pProcess)
- {
- if (pProcess->m_pruidProcess == sMessage.VariantData.ProcessTerminated.m_pruidProcess)
- {
- // Found a matching entry. Is it in use?
- if (pProcess->m_cProcessRef > 0)
- {
- // Can't delete the entry. Signal the process exited event (which will move some
- // users off).
- SetEvent(pProcess->m_hExitedEvent);
- pProcess->m_fExited = true;
- }
- else
- {
- // Nobody's using this process entry, we can unlink and deallocate it.
- if (pLastProcess)
- pLastProcess->m_pNext = pProcess->m_pNext;
- else
- m_pProcessList = pProcess->m_pNext;
- delete pProcess;
- }
- break;
- }
- pLastProcess = pProcess;
- pProcess = pProcess->m_pNext;
- }
- } // Leave lock
- break;
- }
- case DPMT_EarlyAttachDone:
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Received 'EarlyAttachDone(%s)'",
- sMessage.VariantData.EarlyAttachDone.m_fProcessExited ? "dead" : "alive");
- PREFIX_ASSUME(pRequest != NULL);
- // The only thing we need to do here is pass back the indication of whether the process
- // managed to exit before the attach was registered.
- *pRequest->OutputBuffers.EarlyAttach.m_pfProcessExited =
- sMessage.VariantData.EarlyAttachDone.m_fProcessExited;
- break;
- default:
- _ASSERTE(!"Invalid message typr");
- }
- // If this was a reply then the original request has been updated at this point. We only need to
- // remove it from the global queue and signal the completion event to unblock the requesting thread.
- if (pRequest)
- {
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- // Look for the previous item in the queue.
- Request *pSearchRequest = m_pRequestList;
- while (pSearchRequest)
- {
- if (pSearchRequest->m_pNext == pRequest)
- {
- pSearchRequest->m_pNext = pRequest->m_pNext;
- break;
- }
- pSearchRequest = pSearchRequest->m_pNext;
- }
- // No match, maybe the transmission was at the head of the queue.
- if (pSearchRequest == NULL)
- {
- _ASSERTE(m_pRequestList == pRequest);
- m_pRequestList = pRequest->m_pNext;
- }
- // Now complete the request to the caller.
- SetEvent(pRequest->m_hCompletionEvent);
- } // Leave lock
- // Loop round for the next message.
- }
- NetworkError:
- // We get here if we were asked to shutdown or hit a network error.
- m_fProxyConnectionBad = true;
- // Abort any outstanding requests.
- {
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- Request *pRequest = m_pRequestList;
- while (pRequest)
- {
- Request *pAbortRequest = pRequest;
- pRequest = pRequest->m_pNext;
- pAbortRequest->m_hrResult = E_ABORT;
- SetEvent(pAbortRequest->m_hCompletionEvent);
- }
- } // Leave lock
- // If this isn't shutdown (i.e. we got here as the result of a network error) run through the process list
- // and report them all as terminated (better than having the debugger time-out some request and then hang
- // forever as it tries to terminate the process itself).
- if (!m_fShutdown)
- {
- for (ProcessEntry *pProcess = m_pProcessList; pProcess; pProcess = pProcess->m_pNext)
- {
- if (!pProcess->m_fExited)
- {
- pProcess->m_fExited = true;
- SetEvent(pProcess->m_hExitedEvent);
- }
- }
- }
-// If this message is a reply to a right-side request locate that request. Otherwise return NULL.
-DbgTransportTarget::Request *DbgTransportTarget::LocateOriginalRequest(DbgProxyMessageHeader *pMessage)
- // Search the request queue for a matching ID.
- Request *pRequest;
- {
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- pRequest = m_pRequestList;
- while (pRequest)
- {
- if (pRequest->m_dwID == pMessage->m_uiRequestID)
- break;
- pRequest = pRequest->m_pNext;
- }
- } // Leave lock
- return pRequest;
-// Process an incoming ProcessList message.
-void DbgTransportTarget::ProcessProcessList(DbgProxyMessageHeader *pMessage,
- Request *pRequest)
- // The message header is followed by a sequence of DbgProxyProcessInfo records then a sequence of
- // DbgProxyRuntimeInfo records. The lengths of both of these sequences are provided in the header.
- DWORD cProcessRecords = pMessage->VariantData.ProcessList.m_uiProcessRecords;
- DWORD cRuntimeRecords = pMessage->VariantData.ProcessList.m_uiRuntimeRecords;
- // Impose some reasonable bounds to catch badly formed replies (and so we don't have to worry about
- // integer overflow in the allocation code that follows).
- if (cProcessRecords > 1024 || cRuntimeRecords > 1024)
- {
- _ASSERTE(!"Badly formed ProcessList message");
- pRequest->m_hrResult = E_UNEXPECTED;
- return;
- }
- // Allocate space for all the process and runtime records in one contiguous block.
- DWORD cbRecordBuffer = (cProcessRecords * sizeof(DbgProxyProcessInfo)) +
- (cRuntimeRecords * sizeof(DbgProxyRuntimeInfo));
- BYTE *pbRecordBuffer = new (nothrow) BYTE[cbRecordBuffer];
- if (pbRecordBuffer == NULL)
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Failed to allocate memory for %u process records and %u runtime records",
- cProcessRecords, cRuntimeRecords);
- pRequest->m_hrResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- return;
- }
- DbgProxyProcessInfo *pProcessRecords = (DbgProxyProcessInfo*)pbRecordBuffer;
- DbgProxyRuntimeInfo *pRuntimeRecords = (DbgProxyRuntimeInfo*)(pProcessRecords + cProcessRecords);
- // If we've gotten to this point we believe the message looks valid and we have all resources
- // allocated necessary to receive the response for this portion of the reply.
- if (!m_pConnection->Receive(pbRecordBuffer, cbRecordBuffer))
- {
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "ProcessProcessList: Receive() failed");
- pRequest->m_hrResult = E_FAIL;
- return;
- }
- // Now parse the records and make any necessary updates to the cached process/runtime state we already
- // have.
- {
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- // First we walk the current list of processes and mark each entry as potentially removeable. This is
- // part of the algorithm to detect processes which have terminated, see the next stage for the rest.
- ProcessEntry *pProcess = m_pProcessList;
- while (pProcess)
- {
- pProcess->m_fRemove = true;
- pProcess = pProcess->m_pNext;
- }
- // Next we traverse the incoming list of process records, determining which we already know about
- // (and marking the corresponding ProcessEntry) and those that are new (for which we create new
- // ProcessEntry structures).
- for (DWORD i = 0; i < cProcessRecords; i++)
- {
- // See if we can locate an existing ProcessEntry (i.e. one with the same PRUID as the current
- // process record).
- pProcess = m_pProcessList;
- while (pProcess)
- {
- if (pProcess->m_pruidProcess == pProcessRecords[i].m_pruidProcess)
- {
- _ASSERTE(pProcess->m_dwPID == pProcessRecords[i].m_uiPID);
- // We've found a match so we indicate that this ProcessEntry is still live.
- pProcess->m_fRemove = false;
- break;
- }
- pProcess = pProcess->m_pNext;
- }
- // If we didn't find a matching ProcessEntry create one now.
- if (pProcess == NULL)
- {
- pProcess = new (nothrow) ProcessEntry();
- if (pProcess == NULL)
- goto FailedUpdate;
- pProcess->m_pNext = m_pProcessList;
- pProcess->m_dwPID = pProcessRecords[i].m_uiPID;
- pProcess->m_pruidProcess = pProcessRecords[i].m_pruidProcess;
- strcpy_s(pProcess->m_szCommandLine, kMaxCommandLine, pProcessRecords[i].m_szCommandLine);
- pProcess->m_pRuntimes = NULL;
- pProcess->m_hExitedEvent = NULL;
- pProcess->m_hRuntimeStartedEvent = NULL;
- pProcess->m_fExited = false;
- pProcess->m_fRemove = false;
- pProcess->m_cProcessRef = 0;
- // Allocate event used to signal this process' termination.
- pProcess->m_hExitedEvent = WszCreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); // Manual reset, not signalled
- if (pProcess->m_hExitedEvent == NULL)
- {
- delete pProcess;
- goto FailedUpdate;
- }
- // Allocate event used to signal the first runtime has started within this process.
- pProcess->m_hRuntimeStartedEvent = WszCreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); // Manual reset, not signalled
- if (pProcess->m_hRuntimeStartedEvent == NULL)
- {
- delete pProcess;
- goto FailedUpdate;
- }
- // Link the new process entry to the database.
- m_pProcessList = pProcess;
- }
- }
- // Now walk the updated ProcessEntry structures. Each that wasn't marked as being present in the
- // incoming process infos indicates a dead process. We either remove such entries or, if they're being
- // used currently (have a connected debugger session etc.), we simply mark them as dead so they won't
- // appear in process enumerations and we'll delete them as soon as their use count falls to zero.
- pProcess = m_pProcessList;
- ProcessEntry *pLastProcess = NULL;
- while (pProcess)
- {
- if (pProcess->m_fRemove)
- {
- // The process has terminated. Can we release the ProcessEntry yet?
- if (pProcess->m_cProcessRef == 0)
- {
- // Nobody is using the process, we can get rid of it.
- // Unlink the entry from the list.
- if (pLastProcess)
- pLastProcess->m_pNext = pProcess->m_pNext;
- else
- m_pProcessList = pProcess->m_pNext;
- // Since we've removed this entry from the list the last entry remains the same for the
- // next iteration of the loop. We have to extract the next entry from the current one
- // before we deallocate it.
- ProcessEntry *pDeleteEntry = pProcess;
- pProcess = pProcess->m_pNext;
- // Finally we can delete the current entry (this automatically takes care of any runtime
- // entries and other process entry owned resources).
- delete pDeleteEntry;
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- // Process is in use. Simply mark it as exited for now.
- pProcess->m_fExited = true;
- SetEvent(pProcess->m_hExitedEvent);
- }
- }
- pLastProcess = pProcess;
- pProcess = pProcess->m_pNext;
- }
- // Next we walk the incoming runtime records. Here we're just looking for new runtimes to add since we
- // don't currently support shutting down a runtime without terminating the process.
- for (DWORD i = 0; i < cRuntimeRecords; i++)
- {
- // First find the parent ProcessEntry record. This must exist (if the proxy sent a runtime record
- // it must send the parent process record).
- pProcess = m_pProcessList;
- while (pProcess)
- {
- if (pProcess->m_pruidProcess == pRuntimeRecords[i].m_pruidProcess)
- {
- pProcess->m_fRemove = false;
- break;
- }
- pProcess = pProcess->m_pNext;
- }
- PREFIX_ASSUME(pProcess != NULL);
- // Walk the list of RuntimeEntry records associated with this ProcessEntry to see if we already
- // have this entry.
- RuntimeEntry *pRuntime = pProcess->m_pRuntimes;
- while (pRuntime)
- {
- if (pRuntime->m_pruidRuntime == pRuntimeRecords[i].m_pruidRuntime)
- {
- // We already have this entry.
- _ASSERTE(pRuntime->m_usPort == pRuntimeRecords[i].m_usPort);
- break;
- }
- pRuntime = pRuntime->m_pNext;
- }
- // If this is a new runtime add a corresponding RuntimeEntry.
- if (pRuntime == NULL)
- {
- pRuntime = new (nothrow) RuntimeEntry();
- if (pRuntime == NULL)
- goto FailedUpdate;
- pRuntime->m_pruidRuntime = pRuntimeRecords[i].m_pruidRuntime;
- pRuntime->m_usPort = pRuntimeRecords[i].m_usPort;
- pRuntime->m_pDbgTransport = NULL;
- pRuntime->m_cTransportRef = 0;
- // Link the runtime entry onto the process.
- pRuntime->m_pNext = pProcess->m_pRuntimes;
- pProcess->m_pRuntimes = pRuntime;
- // Since there's at least one runtime for this process make sure the runtime started event is set.
- SetEvent(pProcess->m_hRuntimeStartedEvent);
- }
- }
- }
- // We're done, all incoming data has been consumed.
- delete [] pbRecordBuffer;
- return;
- FailedUpdate:
- pRequest->m_hrResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- delete [] pbRecordBuffer;
-// Process an incoming RuntimeStarted datagram.
-bool DbgTransportTarget::ProcessRuntimeStarted(DbgProxyProcessInfo *pProcessInfo,
- DbgProxyRuntimeInfo *pRuntimeInfo)
- // A runtime has started up in some process on the target machine.
- // Add a runtime record to our database (if it's not already there).
- {
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- // Search for the parent process in our list.
- ProcessEntry *pProcess = m_pProcessList;
- while (pProcess)
- {
- if (pProcess->m_pruidProcess == pRuntimeInfo->m_pruidProcess)
- break;
- pProcess = pProcess->m_pNext;
- }
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, "Processing 'RuntimeStarted' for (%u, %u, %u)",
- (unsigned)pProcessInfo->m_uiPID,
- (PRUID)pRuntimeInfo->m_pruidProcess,
- (PRUID)pRuntimeInfo->m_pruidRuntime);
- // If we haven't recorded the process yet create an entry for it.
- if (pProcess == NULL)
- {
- pProcess = new (nothrow) ProcessEntry();
- if (pProcess == NULL)
- return false;
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, " No existing process record, created %08X", pProcess);
- memset(pProcess, 0, sizeof(ProcessEntry));
- pProcess->m_dwPID = pProcessInfo->m_uiPID;
- pProcess->m_pruidProcess = pProcessInfo->m_pruidProcess;
- strcpy(pProcess->m_szCommandLine, pProcessInfo->m_szCommandLine);
- pProcess->m_hExitedEvent = WszCreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); // Manual reset, not signalled
- if (pProcess->m_hExitedEvent == NULL)
- {
- delete pProcess;
- return false;
- }
- pProcess->m_hRuntimeStartedEvent = WszCreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); // Manual reset, not signalled
- if (pProcess->m_hRuntimeStartedEvent == NULL)
- {
- delete pProcess;
- return false;
- }
- // Link the new process entry into the list.
- pProcess->m_pNext = m_pProcessList;
- m_pProcessList = pProcess;
- }
- else
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, " Found existing process record %08X", pProcess);
- // Now we have a process record we can look for a runtime entry.
- RuntimeEntry *pRuntime = pProcess->m_pRuntimes;
- while (pRuntime)
- {
- if (pRuntime->m_pruidRuntime == pRuntimeInfo->m_pruidRuntime)
- break;
- pRuntime = pRuntime->m_pNext;
- }
- // If we didn't have an entry for this runtime create one now.
- if (pRuntime == NULL)
- {
- pRuntime = new (nothrow) RuntimeEntry();
- if (pRuntime == NULL)
- return false;
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, " No existing runtime record, created %08X", pRuntime);
- pRuntime->m_pruidRuntime = pRuntimeInfo->m_pruidRuntime;
- pRuntime->m_usPort = pRuntimeInfo->m_usPort;
- pRuntime->m_pDbgTransport = NULL;
- pRuntime->m_cTransportRef = 0;
- // Link the runtime entry onto the process.
- pRuntime->m_pNext = pProcess->m_pRuntimes;
- pProcess->m_pRuntimes = pRuntime;
- // Since there's at least one runtime for this process make sure the runtime started event is set.
- SetEvent(pProcess->m_hRuntimeStartedEvent);
- }
- else
- DbgTransportLog(LC_Always, " Found existing runtime record %08X", pRuntime);
- } // Leave lock
- return true;
-// A version of EnumProcesses used when we're controlled by the Visual Studio debugger. This API is exposed to
-// our port supplier implementation via the ICoreClrDebugTarget interface implemented by the
-// CoreClrDebugTarget class implemented in DbgTransportManager.cpp.
-HRESULT DbgTransportTarget::EnumProcessesForVS(DWORD *pcProcs, CoreClrDebugProcInfo **ppProcs)
- *pcProcs = 0;
- *ppProcs = NULL;
- // Update our process and runtime view from the remote target.
- UpdateProcessList();
- // Acquire the lock to get a consistent view of current state.
- {
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- ProcessEntry *pProcess;
- DWORD cProcesses = 0;
- // Count the number of processes we know about.
- for (pProcess = m_pProcessList; pProcess; pProcess = pProcess->m_pNext)
- {
- // Skip reporting of processes that have already exited (and we're waiting to clean up).
- if (pProcess->m_fExited)
- continue;
- cProcesses++;
- }
- // We're done if there aren't any.
- if (cProcesses == 0)
- return S_OK;
- // Otherwise allocate an array large enough to hold information about each process.
- CoreClrDebugProcInfo *pProcInfos = new (nothrow) CoreClrDebugProcInfo[cProcesses];
- if (pProcInfos == NULL)
- // Iterate over the processes again, this time filling in the data for each one in the output array.
- DWORD idxCurrentProc = 0;
- for (pProcess = m_pProcessList; pProcess; pProcess = pProcess->m_pNext)
- {
- // Skip reporting of processes that have already exited (and we're waiting to clean up).
- if (pProcess->m_fExited)
- continue;
- pProcInfos[idxCurrentProc].m_dwPID = pProcess->m_dwPID;
- pProcInfos[idxCurrentProc].m_dwInternalID = pProcess->m_pruidProcess;
- if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, pProcess->m_szCommandLine, -1, pProcInfos[idxCurrentProc].m_wszName, kMaxCommandLine) == 0)
- {
- delete [] pProcInfos;
- }
- idxCurrentProc++;
- }
- *pcProcs = cProcesses;
- *ppProcs = pProcInfos;
- }
- return S_OK;
-// A similar API for VS that enumerates runtimes running within the given process. Returns S_FALSE if
-// there are none.
-HRESULT DbgTransportTarget::EnumRuntimesForVS(PRUID pruidProcess, DWORD *pcRuntimes, CoreClrDebugRuntimeInfo **ppRuntimes)
- *pcRuntimes = 0;
- *ppRuntimes = NULL;
- // Update our process and runtime view from the remote target.
- UpdateProcessList();
- // Acquire the lock to get a consistent view of current state.
- {
- RSLockHolder lock(&m_sLock);
- // Look for the process record with the matching PRUID.
- ProcessEntry *pProcess;
- for (pProcess = m_pProcessList; pProcess; pProcess = pProcess->m_pNext)
- {
- if (pProcess->m_fExited)
- continue;
- if (pProcess->m_pruidProcess == pruidProcess)
- break;
- }
- // We couldn't find a match -- the process must have terminated so it certainly doesn't have any
- // runtimes.
- if (pProcess == NULL)
- return S_FALSE;
- // Count the runtime instances running in the process.
- DWORD cRuntimes = 0;
- RuntimeEntry *pRuntime;
- for (pRuntime = pProcess->m_pRuntimes; pRuntime; pRuntime = pRuntime->m_pNext)
- cRuntimes++;
- // We're done if there aren't any.
- if (cRuntimes == 0)
- return S_OK;
- // Otherwise allocate an array large enough to hold information about each runtime.
- CoreClrDebugRuntimeInfo *pRuntimeInfos = new (nothrow) CoreClrDebugRuntimeInfo[cRuntimes];
- if (pRuntimeInfos == NULL)
- // Iterate over the runtimes again, this time filling in data for each one in the output array.
- DWORD idxCurrentRuntime = 0;
- for (pRuntime = pProcess->m_pRuntimes; pRuntime; pRuntime = pRuntime->m_pNext)
- {
- pRuntimeInfos[idxCurrentRuntime].m_dwInternalID = pRuntime->m_pruidRuntime;
- idxCurrentRuntime++;
- }
- *pcRuntimes = cRuntimes;
- *ppRuntimes = pRuntimeInfos;
- }
- return S_OK;
-// When we're being driven by the Visual Studio debugger CoreCLR supplies an entity known as a port supplier
-// to handle interactions between VS and the remote system when setting up debug sessions. The port supplier
-// implements the connection to the remote proxy by talking to DbgTransportTarget instances controlled via the
-// following class through a psuedo-COM interface, ICoreClrDebugTarget, described in
-// debug\inc\CoreClrRemoteDebuggingInterfaces.h.
-class CoreClrDebugTarget : public ICoreClrDebugTarget
- CoreClrDebugTarget(DWORD dwAddress) :
- m_lRefCount(1),
- m_dwAddress(dwAddress),
- m_pTarget(NULL)
- {
- }
- ~CoreClrDebugTarget()
- {
- if (m_pTarget)
- g_pDbgTransportManager->ReleaseTarget(m_pTarget);
- }
- STDMETHODIMP_(void) AddRef()
- {
- InterlockedIncrement(&m_lRefCount);
- }
- STDMETHODIMP_(void) Release()
- {
- LONG lRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_lRefCount);
- if (lRef == 0)
- delete this;
- }
- // Enumerate all processes on the target system (whether they have managed code or not). The memory
- // returned is deallocated via FreeMemory().
- STDMETHODIMP EnumProcesses(DWORD *pcProcs, CoreClrDebugProcInfo **ppProcs)
- {
- return m_pTarget->EnumProcessesForVS(pcProcs, ppProcs);
- }
- // Enumerate all runtimes running in the given process on the target system. The memory returned is
- // deallocated via FreeMemory().
- STDMETHODIMP EnumRuntimes(DWORD dwInternalProcessID, DWORD *pcRuntimes, CoreClrDebugRuntimeInfo **ppRuntimes)
- {
- return m_pTarget->EnumRuntimesForVS((PRUID)dwInternalProcessID, pcRuntimes, ppRuntimes);
- }
- // Free memory allocated via EnumProcesses or EnumRuntimes.
- STDMETHODIMP_(void) FreeMemory(void *pMemory)
- {
- delete [] (BYTE*)pMemory;
- }
- // Non-exported method used by CreateCoreClrDebugTarget below to connect an instance of DbgTransportTarget
- // to the remote system's proxy process.
- HRESULT Init()
- {
- HRESULT hr = g_pDbgTransportManager->ConnectToTarget(m_dwAddress, 0, &m_pTarget);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return hr;
- return S_OK;
- }
- LONG m_lRefCount; // COM-style ref count
- DWORD m_dwAddress; // IPv4 address of target system
- DbgTransportTarget *m_pTarget; // Currently connected DbgTransportTarget
-// Function exported by mscordbi_mac* to allow the port supplier used by Visual Studio to query remote system
-// state.
-extern "C" HRESULT __stdcall CreateCoreClrDebugTarget(DWORD dwAddress, ICoreClrDebugTarget **ppTarget)
- *ppTarget = NULL;
- // Allocate a new object implementing ICoreClrDebugTarget.
- CoreClrDebugTarget *pTarget = new (nothrow) CoreClrDebugTarget(dwAddress);
- if (pTarget == NULL)
- // Attempt to connect it to the remote system.
- hr = pTarget->Init();
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- delete pTarget;
- return hr;
- }
- *ppTarget = static_cast<ICoreClrDebugTarget*>(pTarget);
- return S_OK;