path: root/src/coreclr/hosts/coreconsole/coreconsole.cpp
diff options
authordotnet-bot <>2015-01-30 14:14:42 -0800
committerdotnet-bot <>2015-01-30 14:14:42 -0800
commitef1e2ab328087c61a6878c1e84f4fc5d710aebce (patch)
treedee1bbb89e9d722e16b0d1485e3cdd1b6c8e2cfa /src/coreclr/hosts/coreconsole/coreconsole.cpp
Initial commit to populate CoreCLR repo
[tfs-changeset: 1407945]
Diffstat (limited to 'src/coreclr/hosts/coreconsole/coreconsole.cpp')
1 files changed, 676 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/coreclr/hosts/coreconsole/coreconsole.cpp b/src/coreclr/hosts/coreconsole/coreconsole.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03ab5e54fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/coreclr/hosts/coreconsole/coreconsole.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,676 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// A simple CoreCLR host that runs a managed binary with the same name as this executable but with *.dll extension
+// The dll binary must contain main entry point.
+#include "windows.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "mscoree.h"
+#include <Logger.h>
+#include "palclr.h"
+// The name of the CoreCLR native runtime DLL.
+static const wchar_t *coreCLRDll = W("CoreCLR.dll");
+// Dynamically expanding string buffer to hold TPA list
+class StringBuffer {
+ static const int m_defaultSize = 4096;
+ wchar_t* m_buffer;
+ size_t m_capacity;
+ size_t m_length;
+ StringBuffer(const StringBuffer&);
+ StringBuffer& operator =(const StringBuffer&);
+ StringBuffer() : m_capacity(0), m_buffer(nullptr), m_length(0) {
+ }
+ ~StringBuffer() {
+ delete[] m_buffer;
+ }
+ const wchar_t* CStr() const {
+ return m_buffer;
+ }
+ void Append(const wchar_t* str, size_t strLen) {
+ if (!m_buffer) {
+ m_buffer = new wchar_t[m_defaultSize];
+ m_capacity = m_defaultSize;
+ }
+ if (m_length + strLen + 1 > m_capacity) {
+ size_t newCapacity = m_capacity * 2;
+ wchar_t* newBuffer = new wchar_t[newCapacity];
+ wcsncpy_s(newBuffer, newCapacity, m_buffer, m_length);
+ delete[] m_buffer;
+ m_buffer = newBuffer;
+ m_capacity = newCapacity;
+ }
+ wcsncpy_s(m_buffer + m_length, m_capacity - m_length, str, strLen);
+ m_length += strLen;
+ }
+// Encapsulates the environment that CoreCLR will run in, including the TPALIST
+class HostEnvironment
+ // The path to this module
+ wchar_t m_hostPath[MAX_PATH];
+ // The path to the directory containing this module
+ wchar_t m_hostDirectoryPath[MAX_PATH];
+ // The name of this module, without the path
+ wchar_t *m_hostExeName;
+ // The list of paths to the assemblies that will be trusted by CoreCLR
+ StringBuffer m_tpaList;
+ ICLRRuntimeHost2* m_CLRRuntimeHost;
+ HMODULE m_coreCLRModule;
+ Logger *m_log;
+ // Attempts to load CoreCLR.dll from the given directory.
+ // On success pins the dll, sets m_coreCLRDirectoryPath and returns the HMODULE.
+ // On failure returns nullptr.
+ HMODULE TryLoadCoreCLR(const wchar_t* directoryPath) {
+ wchar_t coreCLRPath[MAX_PATH];
+ wcscpy_s(coreCLRPath, directoryPath);
+ wcscat_s(coreCLRPath, coreCLRDll);
+ *m_log << W("Attempting to load: ") << coreCLRPath << Logger::endl;
+ HMODULE result = ::LoadLibraryExW(coreCLRPath, NULL, 0);
+ if (!result) {
+ *m_log << W("Failed to load: ") << coreCLRPath << Logger::endl;
+ *m_log << W("Error code: ") << GetLastError() << Logger::endl;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Pin the module - CoreCLR.dll does not support being unloaded.
+ HMODULE dummy_coreCLRModule;
+ if (!::GetModuleHandleExW(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_PIN, coreCLRPath, &dummy_coreCLRModule)) {
+ *m_log << W("Failed to pin: ") << coreCLRPath << Logger::endl;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ wchar_t coreCLRLoadedPath[MAX_PATH];
+ ::GetModuleFileNameW(result, coreCLRLoadedPath, MAX_PATH);
+ *m_log << W("Loaded: ") << coreCLRLoadedPath << Logger::endl;
+ return result;
+ }
+ // The path to the directory that CoreCLR is in
+ wchar_t m_coreCLRDirectoryPath[MAX_PATH];
+ HostEnvironment(Logger *logger)
+ : m_log(logger), m_CLRRuntimeHost(nullptr) {
+ // Discover the path to this exe's module. All other files are expected to be in the same directory.
+ DWORD thisModuleLength = ::GetModuleFileNameW(::GetModuleHandleW(nullptr), m_hostPath, MAX_PATH);
+ // Search for the last backslash in the host path.
+ int lastBackslashIndex;
+ for (lastBackslashIndex = thisModuleLength-1; lastBackslashIndex >= 0; lastBackslashIndex--) {
+ if (m_hostPath[lastBackslashIndex] == W('\\')) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Copy the directory path
+ ::wcsncpy_s(m_hostDirectoryPath, m_hostPath, lastBackslashIndex + 1);
+ // Save the exe name
+ m_hostExeName = m_hostPath + lastBackslashIndex + 1;
+ *m_log << W("Host directory: ") << m_hostDirectoryPath << Logger::endl;
+ // Check for %CORE_ROOT% and try to load CoreCLR.dll from it if it is set
+ wchar_t coreRoot[MAX_PATH];
+ size_t outSize;
+ m_coreCLRModule = NULL; // Initialize this here since we don't call TryLoadCoreCLR if CORE_ROOT is unset.
+ if (_wgetenv_s(&outSize, coreRoot, MAX_PATH, W("CORE_ROOT")) == 0 && outSize > 0)
+ {
+ wcscat_s(coreRoot, MAX_PATH, W("\\"));
+ m_coreCLRModule = TryLoadCoreCLR(coreRoot);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *m_log << W("CORE_ROOT not set; skipping") << Logger::endl;
+ *m_log << W("You can set the environment variable CORE_ROOT to point to the path") << Logger::endl;
+ *m_log << W("where CoreCLR.dll lives to help this executable find it.") << Logger::endl;
+ }
+ // Try to load CoreCLR from the directory that this exexutable is in
+ if (!m_coreCLRModule) {
+ m_coreCLRModule = TryLoadCoreCLR(m_hostDirectoryPath);
+ }
+ if (m_coreCLRModule) {
+ // Save the directory that CoreCLR was found in
+ DWORD modulePathLength = ::GetModuleFileNameW(m_coreCLRModule, m_coreCLRDirectoryPath, MAX_PATH);
+ // Search for the last backslash and terminate it there to keep just the directory path with trailing slash
+ for (lastBackslashIndex = modulePathLength-1; lastBackslashIndex >= 0; lastBackslashIndex--) {
+ if (m_coreCLRDirectoryPath[lastBackslashIndex] == W('\\')) {
+ m_coreCLRDirectoryPath[lastBackslashIndex + 1] = W('\0');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ *m_log << W("Unable to load ") << coreCLRDll << Logger::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ ~HostEnvironment() {
+ if(m_coreCLRModule) {
+ // Free the module. This is done for completeness, but in fact CoreCLR.dll
+ // was pinned earlier so this call won't actually free it. The pinning is
+ // done because CoreCLR does not support unloading.
+ ::FreeLibrary(m_coreCLRModule);
+ }
+ }
+ bool TPAListContainsFile(wchar_t* fileNameWithoutExtension, wchar_t** rgTPAExtensions, int countExtensions)
+ {
+ if (!m_tpaList.CStr()) return false;
+ for (int iExtension = 0; iExtension < countExtensions; iExtension++)
+ {
+ wchar_t fileName[MAX_PATH];
+ wcscpy_s(fileName, MAX_PATH, W("\\")); // So that we don't match other files that end with the current file name
+ wcscat_s(fileName, MAX_PATH, fileNameWithoutExtension);
+ wcscat_s(fileName, MAX_PATH, rgTPAExtensions[iExtension] + 1);
+ wcscat_s(fileName, MAX_PATH, W(";")); // So that we don't match other files that begin with the current file name
+ if (wcsstr(m_tpaList.CStr(), fileName))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void RemoveExtensionAndNi(wchar_t* fileName)
+ {
+ // Remove extension, if it exists
+ wchar_t* extension = wcsrchr(fileName, W('.'));
+ if (extension != NULL)
+ {
+ extension[0] = W('\0');
+ // Check for .ni
+ size_t len = wcslen(fileName);
+ if (len > 3 &&
+ fileName[len - 1] == W('i') &&
+ fileName[len - 2] == W('n') &&
+ fileName[len - 3] == W('.') )
+ {
+ fileName[len - 3] = W('\0');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void AddFilesFromDirectoryToTPAList(wchar_t* targetPath, wchar_t** rgTPAExtensions, int countExtensions)
+ {
+ *m_log << W("Adding assemblies from ") << targetPath << W(" to the TPA list") << Logger::endl;
+ wchar_t assemblyPath[MAX_PATH];
+ for (int iExtension = 0; iExtension < countExtensions; iExtension++)
+ {
+ wcscpy_s(assemblyPath, MAX_PATH, targetPath);
+ const size_t dirLength = wcslen(targetPath);
+ wchar_t* const fileNameBuffer = assemblyPath + dirLength;
+ const size_t fileNameBufferSize = MAX_PATH - dirLength;
+ wcscat_s(assemblyPath, rgTPAExtensions[iExtension]);
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA data;
+ HANDLE findHandle = FindFirstFile(assemblyPath, &data);
+ if (findHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ do {
+ if (!(data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {
+ // It seems that CoreCLR doesn't always use the first instance of an assembly on the TPA list (ni's may be preferred
+ // over il, even if they appear later). So, only include the first instance of a simple assembly name to allow
+ // users the opportunity to override Framework assemblies by placing dlls in %CORE_LIBRARIES%
+ // ToLower for case-insensitive comparisons
+ wchar_t* fileNameChar = data.cFileName;
+ while (*fileNameChar)
+ {
+ *fileNameChar = towlower(*fileNameChar);
+ fileNameChar++;
+ }
+ // Remove extension
+ wchar_t fileNameWithoutExtension[MAX_PATH];
+ wcscpy_s(fileNameWithoutExtension, MAX_PATH, data.cFileName);
+ RemoveExtensionAndNi(fileNameWithoutExtension);
+ // Add to the list if not already on it
+ if (!TPAListContainsFile(fileNameWithoutExtension, rgTPAExtensions, countExtensions))
+ {
+ const size_t fileLength = wcslen(data.cFileName);
+ const size_t assemblyPathLength = dirLength + fileLength;
+ wcsncpy_s(fileNameBuffer, fileNameBufferSize, data.cFileName, fileLength);
+ m_tpaList.Append(assemblyPath, assemblyPathLength);
+ m_tpaList.Append(W(";"), 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *m_log << W("Not adding ") << targetPath << data.cFileName << W(" to the TPA list because another file with the same name is already present on the list") << Logger::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (0 != FindNextFile(findHandle, &data));
+ FindClose(findHandle);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Returns the semicolon-separated list of paths to runtime dlls that are considered trusted.
+ // On first call, scans the coreclr directory for dlls and adds them all to the list.
+ const wchar_t * GetTpaList() {
+ if (!m_tpaList.CStr()) {
+ wchar_t *rgTPAExtensions[] = {
+ W("*.ni.dll"), // Probe for .ni.dll first so that it's preferred if ni and il coexist in the same dir
+ W("*.dll"),
+ W("*.ni.exe"),
+ W("*.exe"),
+ };
+ // Add files from %CORE_LIBRARIES% if specified
+ wchar_t coreLibraries[MAX_PATH];
+ size_t outSize;
+ if (_wgetenv_s(&outSize, coreLibraries, MAX_PATH, W("CORE_LIBRARIES")) == 0 && outSize > 0)
+ {
+ wcscat_s(coreLibraries, MAX_PATH, W("\\"));
+ AddFilesFromDirectoryToTPAList(coreLibraries, rgTPAExtensions, _countof(rgTPAExtensions));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *m_log << W("CORE_LIBRARIES not set; skipping") << Logger::endl;
+ *m_log << W("You can set the environment variable CORE_LIBRARIES to point to a") << Logger::endl;
+ *m_log << W("path containing additional platform assemblies,") << Logger::endl;
+ }
+ AddFilesFromDirectoryToTPAList(m_coreCLRDirectoryPath, rgTPAExtensions, _countof(rgTPAExtensions));
+ }
+ return m_tpaList.CStr();
+ }
+ // Returns the path to the host module
+ const wchar_t * GetHostPath() const {
+ return m_hostPath;
+ }
+ // Returns the path to the host module
+ const wchar_t * GetHostExeName() const {
+ return m_hostExeName;
+ }
+ // Returns the ICLRRuntimeHost2 instance, loading it from CoreCLR.dll if necessary, or nullptr on failure.
+ ICLRRuntimeHost2* GetCLRRuntimeHost() {
+ if (!m_CLRRuntimeHost) {
+ if (!m_coreCLRModule) {
+ *m_log << W("Unable to load ") << coreCLRDll << Logger::endl;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ *m_log << W("Finding GetCLRRuntimeHost(...)") << Logger::endl;
+ FnGetCLRRuntimeHost pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost =
+ (FnGetCLRRuntimeHost)::GetProcAddress(m_coreCLRModule, "GetCLRRuntimeHost");
+ if (!pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost) {
+ *m_log << W("Failed to find function GetCLRRuntimeHost in ") << coreCLRDll << Logger::endl;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ *m_log << W("Calling GetCLRRuntimeHost(...)") << Logger::endl;
+ HRESULT hr = pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost(IID_ICLRRuntimeHost2, (IUnknown**)&m_CLRRuntimeHost);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ *m_log << W("Failed to get ICLRRuntimeHost2 interface. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ return m_CLRRuntimeHost;
+ }
+bool TryRun(const int argc, const wchar_t* argv[], Logger &log, const bool verbose, const bool waitForDebugger, DWORD &exitCode, wchar_t* programPath)
+ // Assume failure
+ exitCode = -1;
+ HostEnvironment hostEnvironment(&log);
+ wchar_t appPath[MAX_PATH] = W("");
+ wchar_t appNiPath[MAX_PATH * 2] = W("");
+ wchar_t managedAssemblyFullName[MAX_PATH] = W("");
+ HMODULE managedExeModule = nullptr;
+ // Have the OS loader discover the location of the managed exe
+ managedExeModule = ::LoadLibraryExW(programPath, NULL, 0);
+ if (!managedExeModule) {
+ log << W("Failed to load: ") << programPath << Logger::endl;
+ log << W("Error code: ") << GetLastError() << Logger::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If the module was successfully loaded, get the path to where it was found.
+ ::GetModuleFileNameW(managedExeModule, managedAssemblyFullName, MAX_PATH);
+ log << W("Loaded: ") << managedAssemblyFullName << Logger::endl;
+ wchar_t* filePart = NULL;
+ ::GetFullPathName(managedAssemblyFullName, MAX_PATH, appPath, &filePart);
+ *(filePart) = W('\0');
+ wcscpy_s(appNiPath, appPath);
+ wcscat_s(appNiPath, MAX_PATH * 2, W(";"));
+ wcscat_s(appNiPath, MAX_PATH * 2, appPath);
+ // Construct native search directory paths
+ wchar_t nativeDllSearchDirs[MAX_PATH * 3];
+ wcscpy_s(nativeDllSearchDirs, appPath);
+ wchar_t coreLibraries[MAX_PATH];
+ size_t outSize;
+ if (_wgetenv_s(&outSize, coreLibraries, MAX_PATH, W("CORE_LIBRARIES")) == 0 && outSize > 0)
+ {
+ wcscat_s(nativeDllSearchDirs, MAX_PATH * 3, W(";"));
+ wcscat_s(nativeDllSearchDirs, MAX_PATH * 3, coreLibraries);
+ }
+ wcscat_s(nativeDllSearchDirs, MAX_PATH * 3, W(";"));
+ wcscat_s(nativeDllSearchDirs, MAX_PATH * 3, hostEnvironment.m_coreCLRDirectoryPath);
+ // Start the CoreCLR
+ ICLRRuntimeHost2 *host = hostEnvironment.GetCLRRuntimeHost();
+ if (!host) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ log << W("Setting ICLRRuntimeHost2 startup flags") << Logger::endl;
+ // Default startup flags
+ hr = host->SetStartupFlags((STARTUP_FLAGS)
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ log << W("Failed to set startup flags. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ log << W("Authenticating ICLRRuntimeHost2") << Logger::endl;
+ // Authenticate with either
+ hr = host->Authenticate(CORECLR_HOST_AUTHENTICATION_KEY);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ log << W("Failed autenticate. ") << hr << Logger::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ log << W("Starting ICLRRuntimeHost2") << Logger::endl;
+ hr = host->Start();
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ log << W("Failed to start CoreCLR. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger:: endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Create an AppDomain
+ // Allowed property names:
+ // - The base path of the application from which the exe and other assemblies will be loaded
+ //
+ // - The list of complete paths to each of the fully trusted assemblies
+ //
+ // - The list of paths which will be probed by the assembly loader
+ //
+ // - The list of additional paths that the assembly loader will probe for ngen images
+ //
+ // - The list of paths that will be probed for native DLLs called by PInvoke
+ //
+ const wchar_t *property_keys[] = {
+ W("AppDomainCompatSwitch"),
+ };
+ const wchar_t *property_values[] = {
+ hostEnvironment.GetTpaList(),
+ appPath,
+ appNiPath,
+ nativeDllSearchDirs,
+ };
+ log << W("Creating an AppDomain") << Logger::endl;
+ log << W("TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES=") << property_values[0] << Logger::endl;
+ log << W("APP_PATHS=") << property_values[1] << Logger::endl;
+ log << W("APP_NI_PATHS=") << property_values[2] << Logger::endl;
+ log << W("NATIVE_DLL_SEARCH_DIRECTORIES=") << property_values[3] << Logger::endl;
+ DWORD domainId;
+ hr = host->CreateAppDomainWithManager(
+ hostEnvironment.GetHostExeName(), // The friendly name of the AppDomain
+ // Flags:
+ // - By default CoreCLR only allows platform neutral assembly to be run. To allow
+ // assemblies marked as platform specific, include this flag
+ //
+ // - Allows sandboxed applications to make P/Invoke calls and use COM interop
+ //
+ // - Enables sandboxing. If not set, the app is considered full trust
+ //
+ // - Prevents the application from being torn down if a managed exception is unhandled
+ //
+ NULL, // Name of the assembly that contains the AppDomainManager implementation
+ NULL, // The AppDomainManager implementation type name
+ sizeof(property_keys)/sizeof(wchar_t*), // The number of properties
+ property_keys,
+ property_values,
+ &domainId);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ log << W("Failed call to CreateAppDomainWithManager. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(waitForDebugger)
+ {
+ if(!IsDebuggerPresent())
+ {
+ log << W("Waiting for the debugger to attach. Press any key to continue ...") << Logger::endl;
+ getchar();
+ if (IsDebuggerPresent())
+ {
+ log << "Debugger is attached." << Logger::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ log << "Debugger failed to attach." << Logger::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hr = host->ExecuteAssembly(domainId, managedAssemblyFullName, argc, (argc)?&(argv[0]):NULL, &exitCode);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ log << W("Failed call to ExecuteAssembly. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ log << W("App exit value = ") << exitCode << Logger::endl;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Unload the AppDomain
+ log << W("Unloading the AppDomain") << Logger::endl;
+ hr = host->UnloadAppDomain(
+ domainId,
+ true); // Wait until done
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ log << W("Failed to unload the AppDomain. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Stop the host
+ log << W("Stopping the host") << Logger::endl;
+ hr = host->Stop();
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ log << W("Failed to stop the host. ERRORCODE: ") << hr << Logger::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Release the reference to the host
+ log << W("Releasing ICLRRuntimeHost2") << Logger::endl;
+ host->Release();
+ return true;
+void showHelp() {
+ ::wprintf(
+ W("Runs executables on CoreCLR\r\n")
+ W("\r\n")
+ W("USAGE: <program>.exe [/_d] [/_v]\r\n")
+ W("\r\n")
+ W(" Runs <program>.dll managed program on CoreCLR.\r\n")
+ W(" /_v causes verbose output to be written to the console.\r\n")
+ W(" /_d causes the process to wait for a debugger to attach before starting.\r\n")
+ W("\r\n")
+ W(" CoreCLR is searched for in %%core_root%%, then in the directory that this executable is in.\r\n")
+ W(" The program dll needs to be in the same directory as this executable.\r\n")
+ W(" The program dll needs to have main entry point.\r\n")
+ );
+int __cdecl wmain(const int argc, const wchar_t* argv[])
+ auto programPath = _wcsdup(argv[0]);
+ auto extension = wcsrchr(programPath, '.') + 1;
+ if (wcscmp(extension, L"exe") != 0) {
+ ::wprintf(W("This executable needs to have 'exe' extension"));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ extension[0] = 'd';
+ extension[1] = 'l';
+ extension[2] = 'l';
+ // Parse the options from the command line
+ bool verbose = false;
+ bool waitForDebugger = false;
+ bool helpRequested = false;
+ int newArgc = argc - 1;
+ const wchar_t **newArgv = argv + 1;
+ auto stringsEqual = [](const wchar_t * const a, const wchar_t * const b) -> bool {
+ return ::_wcsicmp(a, b) == 0;
+ };
+ auto tryParseOption = [&](const wchar_t* arg) -> bool {
+ if ( stringsEqual(arg, W("/_v")) || stringsEqual(arg, W("-_v")) ) {
+ verbose = true;
+ return true;
+ } else if ( stringsEqual(arg, W("/_d")) || stringsEqual(arg, W("-_d")) ) {
+ waitForDebugger = true;
+ return true;
+ } else if ( stringsEqual(arg, W("/_h")) || stringsEqual(arg, W("-_h")) ) {
+ helpRequested = true;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ while (newArgc > 0 && tryParseOption(newArgv[0])) {
+ newArgc--;
+ newArgv++;
+ }
+ if (helpRequested) {
+ showHelp();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ Logger log;
+ if (verbose) {
+ log.Enable();
+ }
+ else {
+ log.Disable();
+ }
+ DWORD exitCode;
+ auto success = TryRun(newArgc, newArgv, log, verbose, waitForDebugger, exitCode, programPath);
+ log << W("Execution ") << (success ? W("succeeded") : W("failed")) << Logger::endl;
+ return exitCode;
+ }