path: root/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared
diff options
authorJiyoung Yun <>2016-11-23 19:09:09 +0900
committerJiyoung Yun <>2016-11-23 19:09:09 +0900
commit4b4aad7217d3292650e77eec2cf4c198ea9c3b4b (patch)
tree98110734c91668dfdbb126fcc0e15ddbd93738ca /src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared
parentfa45f57ed55137c75ac870356a1b8f76c84b229c (diff)
Imported Upstream version 1.1.0upstream/1.1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared')
37 files changed, 14627 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/.gitmirror b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/.gitmirror
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f507630f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/.gitmirror
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Only contents of this folder, excluding subfolders, will be mirrored by the Git-TFS Mirror. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/asmdumper.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/asmdumper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..240e228c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/asmdumper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "asmdumper.h"
+void ASMDumper::DumpToFile(HANDLE hFile, MethodContext *mc, CompileResult *cr)
+ unsigned flags = 0;
+ mc->repCompileMethod(&info, &flags);
+ #define bufflen 4096
+ DWORD bytesWritten;
+ char buff[bufflen];
+ int buff_offset = 0;
+ ZeroMemory(buff, bufflen * sizeof(char));
+ buff_offset+=sprintf_s(&buff[buff_offset], bufflen-buff_offset, ";;Generated from SuperPMI on original input '%s'",
+ cr->repProcessName());
+ buff_offset+=sprintf_s(&buff[buff_offset], bufflen-buff_offset, "\r\n Method Name \"%s\"",
+ mc->repGetMethodName(info.ftn,nullptr));
+ WriteFile(hFile, buff, buff_offset * sizeof(char), &bytesWritten, nullptr);
+ ULONG hotCodeSize;
+ ULONG coldCodeSize;
+ ULONG roDataSize;
+ ULONG xcptnsCount;
+ CorJitAllocMemFlag flag;
+ unsigned char *hotCodeBlock;
+ unsigned char *coldCodeBlock;
+ unsigned char *roDataBlock;
+ void *orig_hotCodeBlock;
+ void *orig_coldCodeBlock;
+ void *orig_roDataBlock;
+ cr->repAllocMem(&hotCodeSize, &coldCodeSize, &roDataSize, &xcptnsCount, &flag,
+ &hotCodeBlock, &coldCodeBlock, &roDataBlock, &orig_hotCodeBlock, &orig_coldCodeBlock, &orig_roDataBlock);
+ cr->applyRelocs(hotCodeBlock, hotCodeSize, orig_hotCodeBlock);
+ cr->applyRelocs(coldCodeBlock, coldCodeSize, orig_coldCodeBlock);
+ cr->applyRelocs(roDataBlock, roDataSize, orig_roDataBlock);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ DIS *disasm = DIS::PdisNew(DIS::distX8664);
+#elif _TARGET_X86_
+ DIS *disasm = DIS::PdisNew(DIS::distX86);
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ while (offset < hotCodeSize)
+ {
+ buff_offset = 0;
+ ZeroMemory(buff, bufflen * sizeof(char));
+ DIS::OPERAND ops[3];
+ size_t instrSize = disasm->CbDisassemble(0, (void *)(hotCodeBlock + offset), 15);
+ if(instrSize==0)
+ {
+ LogWarning("Zero sized instruction");
+ break;
+ }
+ disasm->FDecode(&instr, ops, 3);
+ wchar_t instrMnemonic[64]; // I never know how much to allocate...
+ disasm->CchFormatInstr(instrMnemonic, 64);
+ buff_offset+=sprintf_s(&buff[buff_offset], bufflen-buff_offset, "\r\n%p %S", (void*)((size_t)orig_hotCodeBlock+offset), instrMnemonic);
+ buff_offset+=sprintf_s(&buff[buff_offset], bufflen-buff_offset, " ; ");
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<instrSize;i++)
+ buff_offset+=sprintf_s(&buff[buff_offset], bufflen-buff_offset, "%02x ", *((BYTE*)(hotCodeBlock + offset + i) ));
+ WriteFile(hFile, buff, buff_offset * sizeof(char), &bytesWritten, nullptr);
+ offset += instrSize;
+ }
+ delete disasm;
+#else // !USE_MSVCDIS
+ buff_offset = 0;
+ ZeroMemory(buff, bufflen * sizeof(char));
+ buff_offset+=sprintf_s(&buff[buff_offset], bufflen-buff_offset, ";; No disassembler available");
+ WriteFile(hFile, buff, buff_offset * sizeof(char), &bytesWritten, nullptr);
+#endif // !USE_MSVCDIS
+ FlushFileBuffers(hFile);
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/asmdumper.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/asmdumper.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d848d60e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/asmdumper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#ifndef _ASMDumper
+#define _ASMDumper
+#include "methodcontext.h"
+#include "compileresult.h"
+class ASMDumper
+ static void DumpToFile(HANDLE hFile, MethodContext *mc, CompileResult *cr);
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/callutils.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/callutils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..027929bec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/callutils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// CallUtils.cpp - Utility code for analyzing and working with managed calls
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "callutils.h"
+#include "typeutils.h"
+#include "errorhandling.h"
+#include "logging.h"
+// String representations of the JIT helper functions
+const char *kHelperName[CORINFO_HELP_COUNT] =
+#define JITHELPER(code, pfnHelper, sig) #code,
+#define DYNAMICJITHELPER(code, pfnHelper,sig) #code,
+#include "jithelpers.h"
+// Provides information about the target of an outgoing call, based on where it was emitted in the
+// generated code stream.
+// Primarily, this returns what the destination of the call is (e.g. a method, a helper function), but this
+// can also provide:
+// - A symbolic name for the call target (i.e. the function name).
+// - For non-helper methods, the method signature of the call target.
+// Arguments:
+// mc - The method context of the method containing this call site.
+// cr - The compile result for the method containing this call site.
+// callInstrOffset - The native offset of the call site in the generated code stream.
+// outSigInfo - [out] The signature of the outgoing call. Optional (pass nullptr if unwanted).
+// outCallTargetSymbol - [out] A string representation of the outgoing call. Optional (pass nullptr if
+// unwanted).
+// Return Value:
+// What type of call the outgoing call is.
+// Notes:
+// - This depends on the JIT having registered the call site with the EE through recordCallSite. If the
+// JIT didn't do this, GetDirectCallSite can obtain most of the same information for direct calls.
+// - If the call site is for a helper method, then outSigInfo will not be changed, since helper calls
+// have no signature information.
+// - If you pass in a valid pointer for outCallTargetSymbol, this function will allocate memory for it
+// if it is able to understand that call (i.e. if it does not return CallType_Unknown). You, the caller,
+// are responsible for freeing the memory (with delete[]).
+CallType CallUtils::GetRecordedCallSiteInfo(MethodContext *mc,
+ CompileResult *cr,
+ unsigned int callInstrOffset,
+ /*out*/ CORINFO_SIG_INFO *outSigInfo,
+ /*out*/ char **outCallTargetSymbol)
+ AssertCodeMsg(mc != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_CALLUTILS,
+ "Null method context passed into GetCallTargetInfo for call at offset %x.",
+ callInstrOffset);
+ AssertCodeMsg(cr != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_CALLUTILS,
+ "Null compile result passed into GetCallTargetInfo for call at offset %x.",
+ callInstrOffset);
+ CallType targetType = CallType_Unknown;
+ bool recordedCallSig = cr->fndRecordCallSiteSigInfo(callInstrOffset, &callSig);
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle = nullptr;
+ bool recordedMethodHandle = cr->fndRecordCallSiteMethodHandle(callInstrOffset, &methodHandle);
+ if (recordedCallSig)
+ {
+ if (outSigInfo != nullptr)
+ *outSigInfo = callSig;
+ if (outCallTargetSymbol != nullptr)
+ *outCallTargetSymbol = (char *)GetMethodFullName(mc, methodHandle, callSig);
+ targetType = CallType_UserFunction;
+ }
+ else if (recordedMethodHandle)
+ {
+ CorInfoHelpFunc helperNum = CallUtils::GetHelperNum(methodHandle);
+ "Unknown call at offset %x with method handle %016llX.",
+ callInstrOffset, methodHandle);
+ size_t length = strlen(kHelperName[helperNum]) + 1;
+ *outCallTargetSymbol = new char[length];
+ strcpy_s(*outCallTargetSymbol, length, kHelperName[helperNum]);
+ targetType = CallType_Helper;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogWarning("Call site at offset %x was not recorded via recordCallSite.", callInstrOffset);
+ }
+ return targetType;
+// Provides information about the target of an outgoing call, based on the outgoing call's target address.
+// Primarily, this returns what the destination of the call is (e.g. a method, a helper function), but this
+// can also provide:
+// - A symbolic name for the call target (i.e. the function name).
+// - For certain types of managed methods, the method signature of the call target.
+// Arguments:
+// mc - The method context of the method containing this outgoing call.
+// callTarget - The target address of the outgoing call.
+// outSigInfo - [out] The signature of the outgoing call. Optional (pass nullptr if unwanted).
+// outCallTargetSymbol - [out] A string representation of the outgoing call. Optional (pass nullptr if
+// unwanted).
+// Return Value:
+// What type of call the outgoing call is.
+// Assumptions:
+// The given method address does not point to a jump stub.
+// Notes:
+// - This only works for direct calls that have a static target address.
+// - If you pass in a valid pointer for outCallTargetSymbol, this function will allocate memory for it
+// if it is able to understand that call (i.e. if it does not return CallType_Unknown). You, the caller,
+// are responsible for freeing the memory (with delete[]).
+CallType CallUtils::GetDirectCallSiteInfo(MethodContext *mc,
+ void *callTarget,
+ /*out*/ CORINFO_SIG_INFO *outSigInfo,
+ /*out*/ char **outCallTargetSymbol)
+ AssertCodeMsg(mc != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_CALLUTILS,
+ "Null method context passed into GetCallTargetInfo for call to target %016llX.", callTarget);
+ CallType targetType = CallType_Unknown;
+ MethodContext::DLD functionEntryPoint;
+ // Try to first obtain a method handle associated with this call target
+ functionEntryPoint.A = (DWORDLONG)callTarget;
+ functionEntryPoint.B = 0; // TODO-Cleanup: we should be more conscious of this...
+ if (mc->fndGetFunctionEntryPoint(functionEntryPoint, &methodHandle))
+ {
+ // Now try to obtain the call info associated with this method handle
+ struct Param {
+ MethodContext* mc;
+ char** outCallTargetSymbol;
+ CallType* pTargetType;
+ } param;
+ = mc;
+ param.outSigInfo = outSigInfo;
+ param.outCallTargetSymbol = outCallTargetSymbol;
+ param.pTargetType = &targetType;
+ param.pMethodHandle = &methodHandle;
+ PAL_TRY(Param*, pParam, &param)
+ {
+ pParam->mc->repGetCallInfoFromMethodHandle(*pParam->pMethodHandle, &callInfo);
+ if (pParam->outSigInfo != nullptr)
+ *pParam->outSigInfo = callInfo.sig;
+ if (pParam->outCallTargetSymbol != nullptr)
+ *pParam->outCallTargetSymbol = (char *)GetMethodFullName(pParam->mc, *pParam->pMethodHandle, callInfo.sig);
+ *pParam->pTargetType = CallType_UserFunction;
+ }
+ PAL_EXCEPT_FILTER(FilterSuperPMIExceptions_CatchMC)
+ {
+ LogWarning("Didn't find call info for method handle %016llX (call target: %016llX)",
+ methodHandle, callTarget);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // No method handle associated with this target, so check if it's a helper
+ CorInfoHelpFunc helperNum;
+ if (mc->fndGetHelperFtn(callTarget, &helperNum))
+ {
+ if (outCallTargetSymbol != nullptr)
+ {
+ size_t length = strlen(kHelperName[helperNum]) + 1;
+ *outCallTargetSymbol = new char[length];
+ strcpy_s(*outCallTargetSymbol, length, kHelperName[helperNum]);
+ }
+ targetType = CallType_Helper;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogWarning("Call to target %016llX has no method handle and is not a helper call.",
+ callTarget);
+ }
+ }
+ return targetType;
+// Utilty code that was stolen from various sections of the JIT codebase and tweaked to go through
+// SuperPMI's method context replaying instead of directly making calls into the JIT/EE interface.
+// Stolen from Compiler::impMethodInfo_hasRetBuffArg (in the importer)
+bool CallUtils::HasRetBuffArg(MethodContext *mc, CORINFO_SIG_INFO args)
+ if (args.retType != CORINFO_TYPE_VALUECLASS &&
+ args.retType != CORINFO_TYPE_REFANY)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+#if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_)
+ // We don't need a return buffer if:
+ // i) TYP_STRUCT argument that can fit into a single register and
+ // ii) Power of two sized TYP_STRUCT on AMD64.
+ unsigned size = mc->repGetClassSize(args.retTypeClass);
+ return (size > sizeof(void*)) || ((size & (size-1)) != 0);
+ return true;
+// Originally from src/jit/ee_il_dll.cpp
+const char *CallUtils::GetMethodName(MethodContext *mc,
+ const char **classNamePtr)
+ if (GetHelperNum(method))
+ {
+ if (classNamePtr != nullptr)
+ *classNamePtr = "HELPER";
+ // The JIT version uses the getHelperName JIT/EE interface call, but this is easier for us
+ return kHelperName[GetHelperNum(method)];
+ }
+ if (IsNativeMethod(method))
+ {
+ if (classNamePtr != nullptr)
+ *classNamePtr = "NATIVE";
+ method = GetMethodHandleForNative(method);
+ }
+ return(mc->repGetMethodName(method, classNamePtr));
+// Originally from src/jit/eeinterface.cpp
+const char *CallUtils::GetMethodFullName(MethodContext *mc,
+ const char* returnType = NULL;
+ const char* className;
+ const char* methodName = GetMethodName(mc, hnd, &className);
+ if ((GetHelperNum(hnd) != CORINFO_HELP_UNDEF) || IsNativeMethod(hnd))
+ {
+ return methodName;
+ }
+ size_t length = 0;
+ unsigned i;
+ /* Generating the full signature is a two-pass process. First we have to walk
+ the components in order to assess the total size, then we allocate the buffer
+ and copy the elements into it.
+ */
+ /* Right now there is a race-condition in the EE, className can be NULL */
+ /* initialize length with length of className and '.' */
+ if (className != nullptr)
+ length = strlen(className)+1;
+ else
+ {
+ // Tweaked to avoid using CRT assertions
+ Assert(strlen("<NULL>.") == 7);
+ length = 7;
+ }
+ /* add length of methodName and opening bracket */
+ length += strlen(methodName) + 1;
+ CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE argList = sig.args;
+ for (i = 0; i < sig.numArgs; i++)
+ {
+ // Tweaked to use EE types instead of JIT-specific types
+ DWORD exception;
+ CorInfoType type = strip(mc->repGetArgType(&sig, argList, &typeHandle, &exception));
+ length += strlen(TypeUtils::GetCorInfoTypeName(type));
+ argList = mc->repGetArgNext(argList);
+ }
+ /* add ',' if there is more than one argument */
+ if (sig.numArgs > 1)
+ length += (sig.numArgs - 1);
+ // Tweaked to use EE types instead of JIT-specific types
+ if (sig.retType != CORINFO_TYPE_VOID)
+ {
+ returnType = TypeUtils::GetCorInfoTypeName(sig.retType);
+ length += strlen(returnType) + 1; // don't forget the delimiter ':'
+ }
+ // Does it have a 'this' pointer? Don't count explicit this, which has the this pointer type as the first element of the arg type list
+ if (sig.hasThis() && !sig.hasExplicitThis())
+ {
+ // Tweaked to avoid using CRT assertions
+ Assert(strlen(":this") == 5);
+ length += 5;
+ }
+ /* add closing bracket and null terminator */
+ length += 2;
+ char *retName = new char[length]; // Tweaked to use "new" instead of compGetMem
+ /* Now generate the full signature string in the allocated buffer */
+ if (className)
+ {
+ strcpy_s(retName, length, className);
+ strcat_s(retName, length, ":");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy_s(retName, length, "<NULL>.");
+ }
+ strcat_s(retName, length, methodName);
+ // append the signature
+ strcat_s(retName, length, "(");
+ argList = sig.args;
+ for (i = 0; i < sig.numArgs; i++)
+ {
+ // Tweaked to use EE types instead of JIT-specific types
+ DWORD exception;
+ CorInfoType type = strip(mc->repGetArgType(&sig, argList, &typeHandle, &exception));
+ strcat_s(retName, length, TypeUtils::GetCorInfoTypeName(type));
+ argList = mc->repGetArgNext(argList);
+ if (i + 1 < sig.numArgs)
+ strcat_s(retName, length, ",");
+ }
+ strcat_s(retName, length, ")");
+ if (returnType)
+ {
+ strcat_s(retName, length, ":");
+ strcat_s(retName, length, returnType);
+ }
+ // Does it have a 'this' pointer? Don't count explicit this, which has the this pointer type as the first element of the arg type list
+ if (sig.hasThis() && !sig.hasExplicitThis())
+ {
+ strcat_s(retName, length, ":this");
+ }
+ // Tweaked to avoid using CRT assertions
+ Assert(strlen(retName) == (length-1));
+ return(retName);
+// Originally from jit/compiler.hpp
+inline CorInfoHelpFunc CallUtils::GetHelperNum(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method)
+ // Helpers are marked by the fact that they are odd numbers
+ if (!(((size_t) method) & 1))
+ return((CorInfoHelpFunc) (((size_t) method) >> 2));
+// Originally from jit/compiler.hpp
+inline bool CallUtils::IsNativeMethod(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method)
+ return ((((size_t)method) & 0x2) == 0x2);
+// Originally from jit/compiler.hpp
+inline CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE CallUtils::GetMethodHandleForNative(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method)
+ // Tweaked to avoid using CRT assertions
+ Assert((((size_t) method) & 0x3) == 0x2);
+ return (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)(((size_t)method)& ~0x3);
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/callutils.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/callutils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f428d77795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/callutils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// CallUtils.h - Utility code for analyzing and working with managed calls
+#ifndef _CallUtils
+#define _CallUtils
+#include "methodcontext.h"
+enum CallType
+ CallType_UserFunction = 0,
+ CallType_Helper,
+ CallType_Unknown = -1
+class CallUtils
+ static CallType GetRecordedCallSiteInfo(MethodContext *mc,
+ CompileResult *cr,
+ unsigned int callInstrOffset,
+ /*out*/ CORINFO_SIG_INFO *outSigInfo,
+ /*out*/ char **outCallTargetSymbol);
+ static CallType GetDirectCallSiteInfo(MethodContext *mc,
+ void *callTarget,
+ /*out*/ CORINFO_SIG_INFO *outSigInfo,
+ /*out*/ char **outCallTargetSymbol);
+ static bool HasRetBuffArg(MethodContext *mc, CORINFO_SIG_INFO args);
+ static CorInfoHelpFunc GetHelperNum(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method);
+ static bool IsNativeMethod(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method);
+ static CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE GetMethodHandleForNative(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method);
+ static const char *GetMethodName(MethodContext *mc,
+ const char **classNamePtr);
+ static const char *GetMethodFullName(MethodContext *mc,
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/compileresult.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/compileresult.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b15c51f28a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/compileresult.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1080 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// CompileResult.cpp - CompileResult contains the stuff generated by a compilation
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "compileresult.h"
+#include "methodcontext.h"
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) map = nullptr;
+ #include "crlwmlist.h"
+ //Not persisted to disk. though should it be?
+ CallTargetTypes = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ allocMemDets.hotCodeSize = 0;
+ allocMemDets.coldCodeSize = 0;
+ allocMemDets.roDataSize = 0;
+ allocMemDets.xcptnsCount = 0;
+ allocMemDets.flag = (CorJitAllocMemFlag)0;
+ allocMemDets.hotCodeBlock = 0;
+ allocMemDets.coldCodeBlock = 0;
+ allocMemDets.roDataBlock = 0;
+ allocGCInfoDets.retval = 0;
+ allocGCInfoDets.size = 0;
+ codeHeap = nullptr;
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) if (map != nullptr) delete map;
+ #include "crlwmlist.h"
+ if (CallTargetTypes != nullptr) delete CallTargetTypes;
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL // PAL doesn't have HeapDestroy()
+ if(codeHeap != nullptr)
+ ::HeapDestroy(codeHeap);
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+// Is the CompileResult empty? Define this as whether all the maps that store information given by the JIT are empty.
+// This is useful when determining if a function won't apply after a "mcs -removeDump -thin" operation has been run.
+bool CompileResult::IsEmpty()
+ bool isEmpty = true;
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) if (map != nullptr) isEmpty = false;
+ #include "crlwmlist.h"
+ return isEmpty;
+HANDLE CompileResult::getCodeHeap()
+ if(codeHeap == nullptr)
+ codeHeap = ::HeapCreate(0,0,0);
+ if(codeHeap == nullptr)
+ {
+ LogError("CompileResult::codeHeap() failed to acquire a heap.");
+ __debugbreak();
+ }
+ return codeHeap;
+void CompileResult::recAssert(const char *assertText)
+ if(AssertLog == nullptr)
+ AssertLog = new DenseLightWeightMap<DWORD>();
+ AssertLog->Append(AssertLog->AddBuffer((const unsigned char*)assertText, (DWORD)strlen(assertText)+1));
+void CompileResult::dmpAssertLog(DWORD key, DWORD value)
+ const char *assert = (const char *)AssertLog->GetBuffer(value);
+ printf("AssertLog key %u, value '%s'", key, assert);
+ AssertLog->Unlock();
+const char *CompileResult::repAssert()
+ if((AssertLog==nullptr)||(AssertLog->GetCount()==0))
+ return nullptr;
+ return (const char *)AssertLog->GetBuffer(AssertLog->Get((DWORD)0));
+void CompileResult::AddCall(const char *name)
+ if(CallLog == nullptr)
+ CallLog = new DenseLightWeightMap<DWORD>();
+ //if(name[0] != '+')
+ //CallLog->Append(CallLog->AddBuffer((const unsigned char *)name, (DWORD)strlen(name)+1));
+unsigned int CompileResult::CallLog_GetCount()
+ return CallLog->GetCount();
+bool CompileResult::CallLog_Contains(const char *str)
+ return (CallLog->Contains((unsigned char *)str, (unsigned int)strlen(str))>0);
+void CompileResult::dmpCallLog(DWORD key, DWORD value)
+ const char* temp = (const char*)CallLog->GetBuffer(value);
+ printf("CallLog %u '%s'", key, temp);
+ CallLog->Unlock();
+void CompileResult::dumpToConsole()
+ printf("***************************************** CompileResult\n");
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) dumpLWM(this,map)
+ #define DENSELWM(map,value) dumpLWMDense(this,map)
+ #include "crlwmlist.h"
+ printf("-----------------------------------------\n");
+//Note - EE allocates these blocks (and the exception blocks) in a single linear region.
+//Note - EE assures that RoBlock is 8 byte aligned
+void CompileResult::recAllocMem(ULONG hotCodeSize, ULONG coldCodeSize, ULONG roDataSize, ULONG xcptnsCount, CorJitAllocMemFlag flag,
+ void **hotCodeBlock, void **coldCodeBlock, void **roDataBlock)
+ //Grab the values, so we can scrape the real answers in the capture method
+ allocMemDets.hotCodeSize = hotCodeSize;
+ allocMemDets.coldCodeSize = coldCodeSize;
+ allocMemDets.roDataSize = roDataSize;
+ allocMemDets.xcptnsCount = xcptnsCount;
+ allocMemDets.flag = flag;
+ allocMemDets.hotCodeBlock = *hotCodeBlock;
+ allocMemDets.coldCodeBlock = *coldCodeBlock;
+ allocMemDets.roDataBlock = *roDataBlock;
+void CompileResult::recAllocMemCapture()
+ if(AllocMem == nullptr)
+ AllocMem = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, Agnostic_AllocMemDetails>();
+ Agnostic_AllocMemDetails value;
+ value.hotCodeSize = (DWORD)allocMemDets.hotCodeSize;
+ value.coldCodeSize = (DWORD)allocMemDets.coldCodeSize;
+ value.roDataSize = (DWORD)allocMemDets.roDataSize;
+ value.xcptnsCount = (DWORD)allocMemDets.xcptnsCount;
+ value.flag = (DWORD)allocMemDets.flag;
+ value.hotCodeBlock_offset = (DWORD)AllocMem->AddBuffer((const unsigned char*)allocMemDets.hotCodeBlock, allocMemDets.hotCodeSize);
+ value.coldCodeBlock_offset = (DWORD)AllocMem->AddBuffer((const unsigned char*)allocMemDets.coldCodeBlock, allocMemDets.coldCodeSize);
+ value.roDataBlock_offset = (DWORD)AllocMem->AddBuffer((const unsigned char*)allocMemDets.roDataBlock, allocMemDets.roDataSize);
+ value.hotCodeBlock = (DWORDLONG)allocMemDets.hotCodeBlock;
+ value.coldCodeBlock = (DWORDLONG)allocMemDets.coldCodeBlock;
+ value.roDataBlock = (DWORDLONG)allocMemDets.roDataBlock;
+ AllocMem->Add(0, value);
+void CompileResult::dmpAllocMem(DWORD key, const Agnostic_AllocMemDetails& value)
+ printf("AllocMem key 0, value hotCodeSize-%u coldCodeSize-%u roDataSize-%u xcptnsCount-%u flag-%08X hotCodeBlock_offset-%u coldCodeBlock_offset-%u roDataBlock_offset-%u hotCodeBlock-%016llX coldCodeBlock-%016llX roDataBlock-%016llX",
+ value.hotCodeSize,
+ value.coldCodeSize,
+ value.roDataSize,
+ value.xcptnsCount,
+ value.flag,
+ value.hotCodeBlock_offset,
+ value.coldCodeBlock_offset,
+ value.roDataBlock_offset,
+ value.hotCodeBlock,
+ value.coldCodeBlock,
+ value.roDataBlock);
+// We can't allocate memory in the same place is was during recording, so we pass back code/data block pointers
+// that point into the AllocMem LightWeightMap, but also return what the original addresses were during recording.
+void CompileResult::repAllocMem(
+ ULONG *hotCodeSize,
+ ULONG *coldCodeSize,
+ ULONG *roDataSize,
+ ULONG *xcptnsCount,
+ CorJitAllocMemFlag *flag,
+ unsigned char **hotCodeBlock,
+ unsigned char **coldCodeBlock,
+ unsigned char **roDataBlock,
+ void **orig_hotCodeBlock,
+ void **orig_coldCodeBlock,
+ void **orig_roDataBlock)
+ Agnostic_AllocMemDetails value;
+ value = AllocMem->Get(0);
+ *hotCodeSize = (ULONG)value.hotCodeSize;
+ *coldCodeSize = (ULONG)value.coldCodeSize;
+ *roDataSize = (ULONG)value.roDataSize;
+ *xcptnsCount = (ULONG)value.xcptnsCount;
+ *flag = (CorJitAllocMemFlag)value.flag;
+ if(*hotCodeSize>0)
+ *hotCodeBlock = AllocMem->GetBuffer(value.hotCodeBlock_offset);
+ else
+ *hotCodeBlock = nullptr;
+ if(*coldCodeSize>0)
+ *coldCodeBlock = AllocMem->GetBuffer(value.coldCodeBlock_offset);
+ else
+ *coldCodeBlock = nullptr;
+ if(*roDataSize>0)
+ *roDataBlock = AllocMem->GetBuffer(value.roDataBlock_offset);
+ else
+ *roDataBlock = nullptr;
+ *orig_hotCodeBlock = (void *)value.hotCodeBlock;
+ *orig_coldCodeBlock = (void *)value.coldCodeBlock;
+ *orig_roDataBlock = (void *)value.roDataBlock;
+//Note - Ownership of pMap is transfered with this call. In replay icorjitinfo we should free it.
+void CompileResult::recSetBoundaries(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, ULONG32 cMap, ICorDebugInfo::OffsetMapping *pMap)
+ if(SetBoundaries == nullptr)
+ SetBoundaries = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, Agnostic_SetBoundaries>();
+ Agnostic_SetBoundaries value;
+ value.ftn = (DWORDLONG)ftn;
+ value.cMap = (DWORD)cMap;
+ value.pMap_offset = (DWORD)SetBoundaries->AddBuffer((const unsigned char*)pMap, sizeof(ICorDebugInfo::OffsetMapping)*cMap);
+ SetBoundaries->Add(0, value);
+void CompileResult::dmpSetBoundaries(DWORD key, const Agnostic_SetBoundaries& value)
+ ICorDebugInfo::OffsetMapping *om = (ICorDebugInfo::OffsetMapping *)SetBoundaries->GetBuffer(value.pMap_offset);
+ printf("SetBoundaries key 0, value ftn-%016llX cMap-%u %u{",
+ value.ftn,
+ value.cMap,
+ value.pMap_offset);
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<value.cMap;i++)
+ {
+ if (i != 0)
+ printf(", ");
+ printf("%u %u %u", om[i].ilOffset, om[i].nativeOffset, om[i].source);
+ }
+ printf("}");
+ SetBoundaries->Unlock();
+bool CompileResult::repSetBoundaries(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE *ftn, ULONG32 *cMap, ICorDebugInfo::OffsetMapping **pMap)
+ if((SetBoundaries == nullptr)||(SetBoundaries->GetCount()==0))
+ {
+ *cMap = -1;
+ *pMap = nullptr;
+ return false;
+ }
+ Agnostic_SetBoundaries value;
+ value = SetBoundaries->Get(0);
+ *ftn = (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)value.ftn;
+ *cMap = (ULONG32)value.cMap;
+ *pMap = (ICorDebugInfo::OffsetMapping *)SetBoundaries->GetBuffer(value.pMap_offset);
+ return true;
+//Note - Ownership of vars is transfered with this call. In replay icorjitinfo we should free it.
+void CompileResult::recSetVars(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, ULONG32 cVars, ICorDebugInfo::NativeVarInfo *vars)
+ if(SetVars == nullptr)
+ SetVars = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, Agnostic_SetVars>();
+ Agnostic_SetVars value;
+ value.ftn = (DWORDLONG)ftn;
+ value.cVars = (DWORD)cVars;
+ value.vars_offset = (DWORD)SetVars->AddBuffer((const unsigned char*)vars, sizeof(ICorDebugInfo::NativeVarInfo)*cVars); //not deep enough.. vlt memory is pointer sized.
+ SetVars->Add(0, value);
+void CompileResult::dmpSetVars(DWORD key, const Agnostic_SetVars& value)
+ ICorDebugInfo::NativeVarInfo *om = (ICorDebugInfo::NativeVarInfo *)SetVars->GetBuffer(value.vars_offset);
+ printf("SetVars key %u, value ftn-%016llX cVars-%u %u{",
+ key,
+ value.ftn,
+ value.cVars,
+ value.vars_offset);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < value.cVars; i++)
+ {
+ if (i != 0)
+ printf(", ");
+ printf("so-%u eo-%u var-%u", om[i].startOffset, om[i].endOffset, om[i].varNumber);
+ }
+ printf("}");
+ SetVars->Unlock();
+bool CompileResult::repSetVars(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE *ftn, ULONG32 *cVars, ICorDebugInfo::NativeVarInfo **vars)
+ if((SetVars == nullptr)||(SetVars->GetCount()==0))
+ {
+ *cVars = -1;
+ *vars = nullptr;
+ return false;
+ }
+ Agnostic_SetVars value;
+ value = SetVars->Get(0);
+ *ftn = (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)value.ftn;
+ *cVars = (ULONG32)value.cVars;
+ *vars = (ICorDebugInfo::NativeVarInfo*)SetVars->GetBuffer(value.vars_offset);
+ return true;
+void CompileResult::recAllocGCInfo(size_t size, void* retval)
+ allocGCInfoDets.size = size;
+ allocGCInfoDets.retval = retval;
+void CompileResult::recAllocGCInfoCapture()
+ if(AllocGCInfo == nullptr)
+ AllocGCInfo = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, Agnostic_AllocGCInfo>();
+ Agnostic_AllocGCInfo value;
+ value.size = allocGCInfoDets.size;
+ value.retval_offset = (DWORD)AllocGCInfo->AddBuffer((const unsigned char *)allocGCInfoDets.retval, (DWORD)allocGCInfoDets.size);
+ AllocGCInfo->Add(0, value);
+void CompileResult::dmpAllocGCInfo(DWORD key, const Agnostic_AllocGCInfo& value)
+ const unsigned char *buff = AllocGCInfo->GetBuffer(value.retval_offset);
+ printf("AllocGCInfo key 0, ");
+ printf("sz-%llu %p{ ", value.size, buff);
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<value.size; i++)
+ printf("%02X ", *(buff+i));
+ printf("}");
+ AllocGCInfo->Unlock();
+void CompileResult::repAllocGCInfo(size_t *size, void **retval)
+ Agnostic_AllocGCInfo value;
+ value = AllocGCInfo->Get(0);
+ *size = (size_t)value.size;
+ if(*size>0)
+ *retval = (void *)AllocGCInfo->GetBuffer(value.retval_offset);
+void CompileResult::recCompileMethod(BYTE **nativeEntry, ULONG *nativeSizeOfCode, CorJitResult result)
+ if(CompileMethod == nullptr)
+ CompileMethod = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, Agnostic_CompileMethodResults>();
+ Agnostic_CompileMethodResults value;
+ value.nativeEntry = (DWORDLONG)*nativeEntry;
+ value.nativeSizeOfCode = (DWORD)*nativeSizeOfCode;
+ value.CorJitResult = (DWORD)result;
+ CompileMethod->Add(0, value);
+void CompileResult::dmpCompileMethod(DWORD key, const Agnostic_CompileMethodResults& value)
+ printf("CompileMethod key %u, value nativeEntry-%016llX nativeSizeOfCode-%u CorJitResult-%u",
+ key, value.nativeEntry, value.nativeSizeOfCode, value.CorJitResult);
+void CompileResult::repCompileMethod(BYTE **nativeEntry, ULONG *nativeSizeOfCode, CorJitResult *result)
+ Agnostic_CompileMethodResults value;
+ value = CompileMethod->Get(0);
+ *nativeEntry = (BYTE *)value.nativeEntry;
+ *nativeSizeOfCode = (ULONG)value.nativeSizeOfCode;
+ *result = (CorJitResult)value.CorJitResult;
+void CompileResult::recMessageLog(const char* fmt, ...)
+ // TODO-Cleanup: ???
+ return;
+ if(MessageLog == nullptr)
+ MessageLog = new DenseLightWeightMap<DWORD>();
+ va_list args;
+ // retrieve the variable arguments
+ va_start( args, fmt );
+ size_t len = _vscprintf(fmt, args) + 1; //space for the terminator
+ unsigned char *messageLogBuffer = new unsigned char[len];
+ vsprintf_s((char*)messageLogBuffer, len, fmt, args);
+ messageLogBuffer[len-1] = 0;
+ MessageLog->Append(MessageLog->AddBuffer(messageLogBuffer, (DWORD)len));
+ delete []messageLogBuffer;
+void CompileResult::dmpMessageLog(DWORD key, DWORD value)
+ printf("MessageLog NYI");
+void CompileResult::recClassMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls)
+ if(ClassMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun == nullptr)
+ ClassMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun = new DenseLightWeightMap<DWORDLONG>();
+ ClassMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun->Append((DWORDLONG)cls);
+void CompileResult::dmpClassMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun(DWORD key, DWORDLONG value)
+ printf("ClassMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun key %u, value cls-%016llX",
+ key, value);
+void CompileResult::recReportInliningDecision(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE inlinerHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE inlineeHnd,
+ CorInfoInline inlineResult, const char * reason)
+ if(ReportInliningDecision == nullptr)
+ ReportInliningDecision = new DenseLightWeightMap<Agnostic_ReportInliningDecision>();
+ Agnostic_ReportInliningDecision value;
+ value.inlinerHnd = (DWORDLONG)inlinerHnd;
+ value.inlineeHnd = (DWORDLONG)inlineeHnd;
+ value.inlineResult = (DWORD)inlineResult;
+ if(reason!=nullptr)
+ value.reason_offset = (DWORD)ReportInliningDecision->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)reason, (DWORD)strlen(reason)+1);
+ else
+ value.reason_offset = -1;
+ ReportInliningDecision->Append(value);
+void CompileResult::dmpReportInliningDecision(DWORD key, const Agnostic_ReportInliningDecision& value)
+ const char *reason = (const char*)ReportInliningDecision->GetBuffer(value.reason_offset);
+ printf("ReportInliningDecision key %u, value inliner-%016llX inlinee-%016llX res-%u reason-'%s'",
+ key,
+ value.inlinerHnd,
+ value.inlineeHnd,
+ value.inlineResult,
+ reason);
+ ReportInliningDecision->Unlock();
+CorInfoInline CompileResult::repReportInliningDecision(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE inlinerHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE inlineeHnd)
+ CorInfoInline result = INLINE_FAIL;
+ if(ReportInliningDecision!=nullptr)
+ {
+ Agnostic_ReportInliningDecision *items = ReportInliningDecision->GetRawItems();
+ unsigned int cnt = ReportInliningDecision->GetCount();
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<cnt;i++)
+ {
+ if((items[i].inlinerHnd == (DWORDLONG)inlinerHnd)&&(items[i].inlineeHnd == (DWORDLONG)inlineeHnd)&&
+ (items[i].inlineResult == INLINE_PASS))
+ result = INLINE_PASS;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+void CompileResult::recSetEHcount(unsigned cEH)
+ if(SetEHcount == nullptr)
+ SetEHcount = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, DWORD>();
+ SetEHcount->Add((DWORD)0, (DWORD)cEH);
+void CompileResult::dmpSetEHcount(DWORD key, DWORD value)
+ printf("SetEHcount key %u, value %u", key, value);
+ULONG CompileResult::repSetEHcount()
+ if(SetEHcount==nullptr)
+ SetEHcount = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, DWORD>();
+ ULONG ehCount;
+ int index = SetEHcount->GetIndex(0);
+ if(index < 0)
+ ehCount = 0;
+ else
+ ehCount = (ULONG)SetEHcount->Get(index);
+ return ehCount;
+void CompileResult::recSetEHinfo(unsigned EHnumber, const CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE *clause)
+ if(SetEHinfo == nullptr)
+ SetEHinfo = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, Agnostic_CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE2>();
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE2 value;
+ value.Flags = (DWORD)clause->Flags;
+ value.TryOffset = (DWORD)clause->TryOffset;
+ value.TryLength = (DWORD)clause->TryLength;
+ value.HandlerOffset = (DWORD)clause->HandlerOffset;
+ value.HandlerLength = (DWORD)clause->HandlerLength;
+ value.ClassToken = (DWORD)clause->ClassToken;
+ SetEHinfo->Add((DWORD)EHnumber, value);
+void CompileResult::dmpSetEHinfo(DWORD key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE2& value)
+ printf("SetEHinfo key %u, value flg-%u to-%u tl-%u ho-%u hl-%u",
+ key,
+ value.Flags,
+ value.TryOffset,
+ value.TryLength,
+ value.HandlerOffset,
+ value.HandlerLength);
+ {
+ printf(" fo-%u", value.ClassToken); // FilterOffset
+ }
+ {
+ printf(" cls-%08X", value.ClassToken);
+ }
+ // else, no need to print for finally/fault handlers
+void CompileResult::repSetEHinfo(unsigned EHnumber, ULONG *flags, ULONG *tryOffset, ULONG *tryLength, ULONG *handlerOffset, ULONG *handlerLength, ULONG *classToken)
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE2 value;
+ value = SetEHinfo->Get(EHnumber);
+ *flags=(ULONG)value.Flags;
+ *tryOffset=(ULONG)value.TryOffset;
+ *tryLength=(ULONG)value.TryLength;
+ *handlerOffset=(ULONG)value.HandlerOffset;
+ *handlerLength=(ULONG)value.HandlerLength;
+ *classToken=(ULONG)value.ClassToken;
+void CompileResult::recSetMethodAttribs(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CorInfoMethodRuntimeFlags attribs)
+ if(SetMethodAttribs == nullptr)
+ SetMethodAttribs = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ SetMethodAttribs->Add((DWORDLONG)ftn, (DWORD)attribs);
+void CompileResult::dmpSetMethodAttribs(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("SetMethodAttribs key ftn-%016llX, value attr-%08X", key, value);
+CorInfoMethodRuntimeFlags CompileResult::repSetMethodAttribs (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn)
+ if((SetMethodAttribs==nullptr)||(SetMethodAttribs->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)ftn)==-1))
+ return (CorInfoMethodRuntimeFlags)0;
+ CorInfoMethodRuntimeFlags result = (CorInfoMethodRuntimeFlags)SetMethodAttribs->Get((DWORDLONG)ftn);
+ return result;
+void CompileResult::recMethodMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method)
+ if(MethodMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun == nullptr)
+ MethodMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun = new DenseLightWeightMap<DWORDLONG>();
+ MethodMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun->Append((DWORDLONG)method);
+void CompileResult::dmpMethodMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun(DWORD key, DWORDLONG value)
+ printf("MethodMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun key %u, value ftn-%016llX", key, value);
+void CompileResult::recReportTailCallDecision(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE calleeHnd, bool fIsTailPrefix,
+ CorInfoTailCall tailCallResult, const char * reason)
+ if(ReportTailCallDecision == nullptr)
+ ReportTailCallDecision = new DenseLightWeightMap<Agnostic_ReportTailCallDecision>();
+ Agnostic_ReportTailCallDecision value;
+ value.callerHnd = (DWORDLONG)callerHnd;
+ value.calleeHnd = (DWORDLONG)calleeHnd;
+ value.fIsTailPrefix = (DWORD)fIsTailPrefix;
+ value.tailCallResult = (DWORD)tailCallResult;
+ if(reason!=nullptr) //protect strlen
+ value.reason_index = (DWORD)ReportTailCallDecision->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)reason, (DWORD)strlen(reason)+1);
+ else
+ value.reason_index = (DWORD)-1;
+ ReportTailCallDecision->Append(value);
+void CompileResult::dmpReportTailCallDecision(DWORD key, const Agnostic_ReportTailCallDecision& value)
+ const char *reason = (const char*)ReportTailCallDecision->GetBuffer(value.reason_index);
+ printf("ReportTailCallDecision key-%u, value cr-%016llX ce-%016llX tail-%u call-%u -%s",
+ key, value.callerHnd, value.calleeHnd, value.tailCallResult, value.tailCallResult, reason);
+ ReportTailCallDecision->Unlock();
+void CompileResult::recReportFatalError(CorJitResult result)
+ if(ReportFatalError == nullptr)
+ ReportFatalError = new DenseLightWeightMap<DWORD>();
+ ReportFatalError->Append((DWORD)result);
+void CompileResult::dmpReportFatalError(DWORD key, DWORD value)
+ printf("ReportFatalError key Count-%u, value result-%08X", key, value);
+void CompileResult::recRecordRelocation(void *location, void *target, WORD fRelocType, WORD slotNum, INT32 addlDelta)
+ repRecordRelocation(location, target, fRelocType, slotNum, addlDelta);
+const char* relocationTypeToString(WORD fRelocType)
+ switch (fRelocType)
+ {
+ // From winnt.h
+ case IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE : return "absolute";
+ case IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGH : return "high";
+ case IMAGE_REL_BASED_LOW : return "low";
+ case IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW : return "highlow";
+ case IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHADJ : return "highadj";
+ case IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64 : return "dir64";
+ // From corinfo.h
+ case IMAGE_REL_BASED_REL32 : return "rel32";
+ case IMAGE_REL_BASED_THUMB_BRANCH24 : return "thumb_branch24";
+ default : return "UNKNOWN";
+ }
+void CompileResult::dmpRecordRelocation(DWORD key, const Agnostic_RecordRelocation& value)
+ printf("RecordRelocation key %u, value loc-%016llX tgt-%016llX fRelocType-%u(%s) slotNum-%u addlDelta-%d",
+ key,
+ value.location,
+ value.fRelocType,
+ relocationTypeToString((WORD)value.fRelocType),
+ value.slotNum,
+ (INT32)value.addlDelta);
+void CompileResult::repRecordRelocation(void *location, void *target, WORD fRelocType, WORD slotNum, INT32 addlDelta)
+ if(RecordRelocation == nullptr)
+ RecordRelocation = new DenseLightWeightMap<Agnostic_RecordRelocation>();
+ Agnostic_RecordRelocation value;
+ value.location = (DWORDLONG)location;
+ = (DWORDLONG)target;
+ value.fRelocType = (DWORD)fRelocType;
+ value.slotNum = (DWORD)slotNum;
+ value.addlDelta = (DWORD)addlDelta;
+ RecordRelocation->Append(value);
+// When we do a replay, we replace the CompileResult that was originally recorded. In most cases,
+// though, as part of our collection process we do a "thinning" operation, using "mcs -removeDup -thin",
+// which removes the CompileResult from the stored file. Because of this, we lose access to the original
+// addresses.
+// Unfortunately, we may have generated code based on the original relative addresses. For example,
+// we might have generated a relocation based on the results of a call to GetFunctionEntryPoint, and
+// the delta from the generated code to that address fit in a rel32 reloc. Or, it didn't fit, but the
+// VM constructed a jump stub in the JIT code section that would fit, and returned that.
+// Ideally, we would just keep all the original addresses and relocations, even if we delete the CompileResult.
+// If a new relocation has the same target as an original relocation, then simply substitute the original
+// delta and use that instead of the newly computed delta.
+// For now, for rel32 relocations, if it doesn't fit, then simply pick an address immediately after the
+// current section (using originalAddr), assuming we needed a jump stub. We'll let multiple calls to potentially
+// different functions use the same address because even if they used different ones, and diffs were generated,
+// no textual diffs would appear because most of the textual call names are "hackishMethodName".
+void CompileResult::applyRelocs(unsigned char *block1, ULONG blocksize1, void *originalAddr)
+ if(RecordRelocation == nullptr)
+ return;
+ if(blocksize1 == 0)
+ return;
+ size_t section_begin = (size_t)block1;
+ size_t section_end = (size_t)block1 + (size_t)blocksize1; // address is exclusive
+ LogDebug("applyRelocs block [%p,%p) block size %u, orig addr %p",
+ block1,
+ block1 + blocksize1,
+ blocksize1,
+ originalAddr);
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<RecordRelocation->GetCount();i++)
+ {
+ Agnostic_RecordRelocation tmp = RecordRelocation->GetRawItems()[i];
+ if (Logger::IsLogLevelEnabled(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG))
+ {
+ printf(" ");
+ dmpRecordRelocation(i, tmp);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ switch (tmp.fRelocType)
+ {
+ #if defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+ {
+ DWORDLONG fixupLocation = tmp.location;
+ size_t address = section_begin + (size_t)fixupLocation - (size_t)originalAddr;
+ if ( (section_begin <= address) && (address < section_end) ) //A reloc for our section?
+ {
+ LogDebug(" fixupLoc-%016llX (@%p) : %08X => %08X", fixupLocation, address, *(DWORD*)address, (DWORD);
+ *(DWORD*)address = (DWORD);
+ }
+ if (tmp.addlDelta != 0)
+ __debugbreak();
+ if (tmp.slotNum != 0)
+ __debugbreak();
+ }
+ break;
+ #endif // _TARGET_X86_
+ #if defined(_TARGET_X86_) || defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM_)
+ {
+ DWORDLONG target = + tmp.addlDelta;
+ DWORDLONG fixupLocation = tmp.location + tmp.slotNum;
+ DWORDLONG baseAddr = fixupLocation + sizeof(INT32);
+ INT64 delta = (INT64)((BYTE *)target - baseAddr);
+ #if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM64_)
+ if (delta != (INT64)(int)delta)
+ {
+ // This isn't going to fit in a signed 32-bit address. Use something that will fit,
+ // since we assume that original compilation fit fine. This is only an issue for
+ // 32-bit offsets on 64-bit targets.
+ target = (DWORDLONG)originalAddr + (DWORDLONG)blocksize1;
+ INT64 newdelta = (INT64)((BYTE *)target - baseAddr);
+ LogDebug(" REL32 overflow. Mapping target to %016llX. Mapping delta: %016llX => %016llX", target, delta, newdelta);
+ delta = newdelta;
+ }
+ #endif // defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM64_)
+ if (delta != (INT64)(int)delta)
+ {
+ #if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM64_)
+ LogError("REL32 relocation overflows field! delta=0x%016llX", delta);
+ #else
+ LogError("REL32 relocation overflows field! delta=0x%08X", delta);
+ #endif
+ }
+ // Write 32-bits into location
+ size_t address = section_begin + (size_t)fixupLocation - (size_t)originalAddr;
+ if ( (section_begin <= address) && (address < section_end) ) //A reloc for our section?
+ {
+ LogDebug(" fixupLoc-%016llX (@%p) : %08X => %08X", fixupLocation, address, *(DWORD*)address, delta);
+ *(DWORD*)address = (DWORD)delta;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ #endif // defined(_TARGET_X86_) || defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM_)
+ #if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM64_)
+ {
+ DWORDLONG fixupLocation = tmp.location + tmp.slotNum;
+ // Write 64-bits into location
+ size_t address = section_begin + (size_t)fixupLocation - (size_t)originalAddr;
+ if ( (section_begin <= address) && (address < section_end) ) //A reloc for our section?
+ {
+ LogDebug(" fixupLoc-%016llX (@%p) %016llX => %016llX", fixupLocation, address, *(DWORDLONG*)address,;
+ *(DWORDLONG*)address =;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ #endif // defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM64_)
+ #ifdef _TARGET_ARM64_
+ case IMAGE_REL_ARM64_BRANCH26: // 26 bit offset << 2 & sign ext, for B and BL
+ LogError("Unimplemented reloc type %u", tmp.fRelocType);
+ break;
+ #endif // _TARGET_ARM64_
+ default:
+ LogError("Unknown reloc type %u", tmp.fRelocType);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CompileResult::recProcessName(const char* name)
+ if(ProcessName == nullptr)
+ ProcessName = new DenseLightWeightMap<DWORD>();
+ DWORD index = (DWORD)-1;
+ if(name != nullptr)
+ index = (DWORD)ProcessName->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)name, (DWORD)strlen(name)+1);
+ ProcessName->Append(index);
+void CompileResult::dmpProcessName(DWORD key, DWORD value)
+ const char *procName = (const char *)ProcessName->GetBuffer(value);
+ printf("ProcessName key %u, value '%s'", key, procName);
+ ProcessName->Unlock();
+const char *CompileResult::repProcessName()
+ if(ProcessName == nullptr)
+ return "hackishProcessName";
+ if(ProcessName->GetCount()>0)
+ {
+ return (const char*)ProcessName->GetBuffer(ProcessName->Get((DWORD)0));
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+void CompileResult::recAddressMap(void *originalAddress, void *replayAddress, unsigned int size)
+ if(AddressMap == nullptr)
+ AddressMap = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, Agnostic_AddressMap>();
+ Agnostic_AddressMap value;
+ value.Address = (DWORDLONG)originalAddress;
+ value.size = (DWORD)size;
+ AddressMap->Add((DWORDLONG)replayAddress, value);
+void CompileResult::dmpAddressMap(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_AddressMap& value)
+ printf("AddressMap key %016llX, value addr-%016llX, size-%u",
+ key,
+ value.Address,
+ value.size);
+void* CompileResult::repAddressMap(void *replayAddress)
+ if (AddressMap == nullptr)
+ return nullptr;
+ Agnostic_AddressMap value;
+ value = AddressMap->Get((DWORDLONG)replayAddress);
+ return (void*)value.Address;
+void *CompileResult::searchAddressMap(void *newAddress)
+ if(AddressMap==nullptr)
+ return (void*)-1;
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<AddressMap->GetCount();i++)
+ {
+ DWORDLONG replayAddress = AddressMap->GetRawKeys()[i];
+ Agnostic_AddressMap value = AddressMap->Get(replayAddress);
+ if((replayAddress<=(DWORDLONG)newAddress)&&((DWORDLONG)newAddress<(replayAddress+value.size)))
+ return (void *)(value.Address+((DWORDLONG)newAddress-replayAddress));
+ }
+ return (void*)-1;
+void CompileResult::recReserveUnwindInfo(BOOL isFunclet, BOOL isColdCode, ULONG unwindSize)
+ if(ReserveUnwindInfo == nullptr)
+ ReserveUnwindInfo = new DenseLightWeightMap<Agnostic_ReserveUnwindInfo>();
+ Agnostic_ReserveUnwindInfo value;
+ value.isFunclet = (DWORD)isFunclet;
+ value.isColdCode = (DWORD)isColdCode;
+ value.unwindSize = (DWORD)unwindSize;
+ ReserveUnwindInfo->Append(value);
+void CompileResult::dmpReserveUnwindInfo(DWORD key, const Agnostic_ReserveUnwindInfo& value)
+ printf("ReserveUnwindInfo key %u, value isFun-%u isCold-%u usz-%u",
+ key, value.isFunclet, value.isColdCode, value.unwindSize);
+void CompileResult::recAllocUnwindInfo(BYTE *pHotCode, BYTE *pColdCode, ULONG startOffset, ULONG endOffset, ULONG unwindSize, BYTE *pUnwindBlock,
+ CorJitFuncKind funcKind)
+ if(AllocUnwindInfo == nullptr)
+ AllocUnwindInfo = new DenseLightWeightMap<Agnostic_AllocUnwindInfo>();
+ Agnostic_AllocUnwindInfo value;
+ value.pHotCode = (DWORDLONG)pHotCode;
+ value.pColdCode = (DWORDLONG)pColdCode;
+ value.startOffset = (DWORD)startOffset;
+ value.endOffset = (DWORD)endOffset;
+ value.unwindSize = (DWORD)unwindSize;
+ value.pUnwindBlock_index = AllocUnwindInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pUnwindBlock, unwindSize);
+ value.funcKind = funcKind;
+ AllocUnwindInfo->Append(value);
+void CompileResult::dmpAllocUnwindInfo(DWORD key, const Agnostic_AllocUnwindInfo& value)
+ printf("AllocUnwindInfo key %u, value pHot-%016llX pCold-%016llX startOff-%u endOff-%u unwindSz-%u blki-%u funcKind-%u",
+ key,
+ value.pHotCode,
+ value.pColdCode,
+ value.startOffset,
+ value.endOffset,
+ value.unwindSize,
+ value.pUnwindBlock_index,
+ value.funcKind);
+void CompileResult::recAllocBBProfileBuffer(ULONG count, ICorJitInfo::ProfileBuffer **profileBuffer, HRESULT result)
+ if(AllocBBProfileBuffer == nullptr)
+ AllocBBProfileBuffer=new LightWeightMap<DWORD, Agnostic_AllocBBProfileBuffer>();
+ Agnostic_AllocBBProfileBuffer value;
+ value.count = (DWORD)count;
+ value.result = (DWORD)result;
+ value.profileBuffer_index = AllocBBProfileBuffer->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)*profileBuffer, count * sizeof(ICorJitInfo::ProfileBuffer));
+ AllocBBProfileBuffer->Add((DWORD)0, value);
+void CompileResult::dmpAllocBBProfileBuffer(DWORD key, const Agnostic_AllocBBProfileBuffer& value)
+ printf("AllocBBProfileBuffer key %u, value cnt-%u ind-%u res-%08X",
+ key,
+ value.count,
+ value.profileBuffer_index,
+ value.result);
+HRESULT CompileResult::repAllocBBProfileBuffer(ULONG count, ICorJitInfo::ProfileBuffer **profileBuffer)
+ Agnostic_AllocBBProfileBuffer value;
+ value = AllocBBProfileBuffer->Get((DWORD)0);
+ if(count != value.count)
+ __debugbreak();
+ HRESULT result = (HRESULT)value.result;
+ *profileBuffer = (ICorJitInfo::ProfileBuffer *)AllocBBProfileBuffer->GetBuffer(value.profileBuffer_index);
+ recAddressMap((void*)0x4242, (void*)*profileBuffer, count *(sizeof(ICorJitInfo::ProfileBuffer)));
+ return result;
+void CompileResult::recRecordCallSite(ULONG instrOffset, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *callSig, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle)
+ repRecordCallSite(instrOffset, callSig, methodHandle);
+void CompileResult::dmpRecordCallSite(DWORD key, const Agnostic_RecordCallSite& value)
+ printf("RecordCallSite key %u, callSig{cc-%u rtc-%016llX rts-%016llX rt-%u flg-%u na-%u cc-%u ci-%u mc-%u mi-%u sig-%u pSig-%u scp-%016llX tok-%08X} ftn-%016llX",
+ key,
+ value.callSig.callConv,
+ value.callSig.retTypeClass,
+ value.callSig.retTypeSigClass,
+ value.callSig.retType,
+ value.callSig.flags,
+ value.callSig.numArgs,
+ value.callSig.sigInst_classInstCount,
+ value.callSig.sigInst_classInst_Index,
+ value.callSig.sigInst_methInstCount,
+ value.callSig.sigInst_methInst_Index,
+ value.callSig.cbSig,
+ value.callSig.pSig,
+ value.callSig.scope,
+ value.callSig.token,
+ value.methodHandle);
+void CompileResult::repRecordCallSite(ULONG instrOffset, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *callSig, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle)
+ if (RecordCallSite == nullptr)
+ RecordCallSite = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, Agnostic_RecordCallSite>();
+ Agnostic_RecordCallSite value;
+ ZeroMemory(&value, sizeof(Agnostic_RecordCallSite));
+ if (callSig != nullptr)
+ {
+ value.callSig.callConv = (DWORD)callSig->callConv;
+ value.callSig.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)callSig->retTypeClass;
+ value.callSig.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)callSig->retTypeSigClass;
+ value.callSig.retType = (DWORD)callSig->retType;
+ value.callSig.flags = (DWORD)callSig->flags;
+ value.callSig.numArgs = (DWORD)callSig->numArgs;
+ value.callSig.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)callSig->sigInst.classInstCount;
+ value.callSig.sigInst_classInst_Index = RecordCallSite->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)callSig->sigInst.classInst, callSig->sigInst.classInstCount*8); // porting issue
+ value.callSig.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)callSig->sigInst.methInstCount;
+ value.callSig.sigInst_methInst_Index = RecordCallSite->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)callSig->sigInst.methInst, callSig->sigInst.methInstCount*8); // porting issue
+ value.callSig.args = (DWORDLONG)callSig->args;
+ value.callSig.cbSig = (DWORD)callSig->cbSig;
+ value.callSig.pSig = (DWORD)RecordCallSite->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)callSig->pSig, callSig->cbSig);
+ value.callSig.scope = (DWORDLONG)callSig->scope;
+ value.callSig.token = (DWORD)callSig->token;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ value.callSig.callConv = (DWORD)-1;
+ value.callSig.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)-1;
+ value.callSig.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)-1;
+ value.callSig.retType = (DWORD)-1;
+ value.callSig.flags = (DWORD)-1;
+ value.callSig.numArgs = (DWORD)-1;
+ value.callSig.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)-1;
+ value.callSig.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)-1;
+ value.callSig.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)-1;
+ value.callSig.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)-1;
+ value.callSig.args = (DWORDLONG)-1;
+ value.callSig.cbSig = (DWORD)-1;
+ value.callSig.pSig = (DWORD)-1;
+ value.callSig.scope = (DWORDLONG)-1;
+ value.callSig.token = (DWORD)-1;
+ }
+ value.methodHandle = (DWORDLONG)methodHandle;
+ RecordCallSite->Add(instrOffset, value);
+bool CompileResult::fndRecordCallSiteSigInfo(ULONG instrOffset, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *pCallSig)
+ if (RecordCallSite == nullptr)
+ return false;
+ if (RecordCallSite->GetIndex(instrOffset) == -1)
+ return false;
+ Agnostic_RecordCallSite value = RecordCallSite->Get(instrOffset);
+ if (value.callSig.callConv == -1)
+ return false;
+ pCallSig->callConv = (CorInfoCallConv)value.callSig.callConv;
+ pCallSig->retTypeClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.callSig.retTypeClass;
+ pCallSig->retTypeSigClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.callSig.retTypeSigClass;
+ pCallSig->retType = (CorInfoType)value.callSig.retType;
+ pCallSig->flags = (unsigned)value.callSig.flags;
+ pCallSig->numArgs = (unsigned)value.callSig.numArgs;
+ pCallSig->sigInst.classInstCount = (unsigned)value.callSig.sigInst_classInstCount;
+ pCallSig->sigInst.classInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)RecordCallSite->GetBuffer(value.callSig.sigInst_classInst_Index);
+ pCallSig->sigInst.methInstCount = (unsigned)value.callSig.sigInst_methInstCount;
+ pCallSig->sigInst.methInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)RecordCallSite->GetBuffer(value.callSig.sigInst_methInst_Index);
+ pCallSig->args = (CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE)value.callSig.args;
+ pCallSig->cbSig = (unsigned int)value.callSig.cbSig;
+ pCallSig->pSig = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)RecordCallSite->GetBuffer(value.callSig.pSig);
+ pCallSig->scope = (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE)value.callSig.scope;
+ pCallSig->token = (mdToken)value.callSig.token;
+ return true;
+bool CompileResult::fndRecordCallSiteMethodHandle(ULONG instrOffset, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE *pMethodHandle)
+ if (RecordCallSite == nullptr)
+ return false;
+ if (RecordCallSite->GetIndex(instrOffset) == -1)
+ return false;
+ Agnostic_RecordCallSite value = RecordCallSite->Get(instrOffset);
+ *pMethodHandle = (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)value.methodHandle;
+ return true;
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/compileresult.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/compileresult.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fc3f7a352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/compileresult.h
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// CompileResult.h - CompileResult contains the stuff generated by a compilation
+#ifndef _CompileResult
+#define _CompileResult
+#include "runtimedetails.h"
+#include "lightweightmap.h"
+class CompileResult
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+ struct Agnostic_RecordRelocation
+ {
+ DWORDLONG location;
+ DWORDLONG target;
+ DWORD fRelocType;
+ DWORD slotNum;
+ DWORD addlDelta;
+ };
+ struct Capture_AllocMemDetails
+ {
+ ULONG hotCodeSize;
+ ULONG coldCodeSize;
+ ULONG roDataSize;
+ ULONG xcptnsCount;
+ CorJitAllocMemFlag flag;
+ void *hotCodeBlock;
+ void *coldCodeBlock;
+ void *roDataBlock;
+ };
+ struct allocGCInfoDetails
+ {
+ size_t size;
+ void* retval;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_AddressMap
+ {
+ DWORDLONG Address;
+ DWORD size;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_AllocGCInfo
+ {
+ DWORD retval_offset;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_AllocMemDetails
+ {
+ DWORD hotCodeSize;
+ DWORD coldCodeSize;
+ DWORD roDataSize;
+ DWORD xcptnsCount;
+ DWORD flag;
+ DWORD hotCodeBlock_offset;
+ DWORD coldCodeBlock_offset;
+ DWORD roDataBlock_offset;
+ DWORDLONG hotCodeBlock;
+ DWORDLONG coldCodeBlock;
+ DWORDLONG roDataBlock;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_AllocUnwindInfo
+ {
+ DWORDLONG pColdCode;
+ DWORD startOffset;
+ DWORD endOffset;
+ DWORD unwindSize;
+ DWORD pUnwindBlock_index;
+ DWORD funcKind;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CompileMethodResults
+ {
+ DWORDLONG nativeEntry;
+ DWORD nativeSizeOfCode;
+ DWORD CorJitResult;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_ReportInliningDecision
+ {
+ DWORDLONG inlinerHnd;
+ DWORDLONG inlineeHnd;
+ DWORD inlineResult;
+ DWORD reason_offset;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_ReportTailCallDecision
+ {
+ DWORDLONG callerHnd;
+ DWORDLONG calleeHnd;
+ DWORD fIsTailPrefix;
+ DWORD tailCallResult;
+ DWORD reason_index;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_ReserveUnwindInfo
+ {
+ DWORD isFunclet;
+ DWORD isColdCode;
+ DWORD unwindSize;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_SetBoundaries
+ {
+ DWORD cMap;
+ DWORD pMap_offset;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_SetVars
+ {
+ DWORD cVars;
+ DWORD vars_offset;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE2
+ {
+ DWORD Flags;
+ DWORD TryOffset;
+ DWORD TryLength;
+ DWORD HandlerOffset;
+ DWORD HandlerLength;
+ DWORD ClassToken; //one view of symetric union
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_AllocBBProfileBuffer
+ {
+ DWORD count;
+ DWORD profileBuffer_index;
+ DWORD result;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO2
+ {
+ DWORD callConv;
+ DWORDLONG retTypeClass;
+ DWORDLONG retTypeSigClass;
+ DWORD retType;
+ DWORD flags;
+ DWORD numArgs;
+ DWORD sigInst_classInstCount;
+ DWORD sigInst_classInst_Index;
+ DWORD sigInst_methInstCount;
+ DWORD sigInst_methInst_Index;
+ DWORD pSig;
+ DWORD cbSig;
+ DWORDLONG scope;
+ DWORD token;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_RecordCallSite
+ {
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO2 callSig;
+ DWORDLONG methodHandle;
+ };
+#pragma pack(pop)
+ CompileResult();
+ ~CompileResult();
+ bool IsEmpty();
+ void AddCall(const char *name);
+ unsigned int CallLog_GetCount();
+ bool CallLog_Contains(const char *str);
+ void dmpCallLog(DWORD key, DWORD value);
+ void dumpToConsole();
+ HANDLE getCodeHeap();
+ void recAssert(const char *buff);
+ void dmpAssertLog(DWORD key, DWORD value);
+ const char *repAssert();
+ void recAllocMem(ULONG hotCodeSize, ULONG coldCodeSize, ULONG roDataSize, ULONG xcptnsCount, CorJitAllocMemFlag flag,
+ void **hotCodeBlock, void **coldCodeBlock, void **roDataBlock);
+ void recAllocMemCapture();
+ void dmpAllocMem(DWORD key, const Agnostic_AllocMemDetails& value);
+ void repAllocMem(ULONG *hotCodeSize, ULONG *coldCodeSize, ULONG *roDataSize, ULONG *xcptnsCount, CorJitAllocMemFlag *flag,
+ unsigned char **hotCodeBlock, unsigned char **coldCodeBlock, unsigned char **roDataBlock,
+ void **orig_hotCodeBlock, void **orig_coldCodeBlock, void **orig_roDataBlock);
+ void recSetBoundaries(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, ULONG32 cMap, ICorDebugInfo::OffsetMapping *pMap);
+ void dmpSetBoundaries(DWORD key, const Agnostic_SetBoundaries& value);
+ bool repSetBoundaries(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE *ftn, ULONG32 *cMap, ICorDebugInfo::OffsetMapping **pMap);
+ void recSetVars(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, ULONG32 cVars, ICorDebugInfo::NativeVarInfo *vars);
+ void dmpSetVars(DWORD key, const Agnostic_SetVars& value);
+ bool repSetVars(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE *ftn, ULONG32 *cVars, ICorDebugInfo::NativeVarInfo **vars);
+ void recAllocGCInfo(size_t size, void *retval);
+ void recAllocGCInfoCapture();
+ void dmpAllocGCInfo(DWORD key, const Agnostic_AllocGCInfo& value);
+ void repAllocGCInfo(size_t *size, void **retval);
+ void recCompileMethod(BYTE **nativeEntry, ULONG *nativeSizeOfCode, CorJitResult result);
+ void dmpCompileMethod(DWORD key, const Agnostic_CompileMethodResults& value);
+ void repCompileMethod(BYTE **nativeEntry, ULONG *nativeSizeOfCode, CorJitResult *result);
+ void recMessageLog(const char* fmt, ...);
+ void dmpMessageLog(DWORD key, DWORD value);
+ void recClassMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls);
+ void dmpClassMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun(DWORD key, DWORDLONG value);
+ void recReportInliningDecision(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE inlinerHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE inlineeHnd, CorInfoInline inlineResult, const char * reason);
+ void dmpReportInliningDecision(DWORD key, const Agnostic_ReportInliningDecision& value);
+ CorInfoInline CompileResult::repReportInliningDecision(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE inlinerHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE inlineeHnd);
+ void recSetEHcount(unsigned cEH);
+ void dmpSetEHcount(DWORD key, DWORD value);
+ ULONG repSetEHcount();
+ void recSetEHinfo(unsigned EHnumber, const CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE *clause);
+ void dmpSetEHinfo(DWORD key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE2& value);
+ void repSetEHinfo(unsigned EHnumber, ULONG *flags, ULONG *tryOffset, ULONG *tryLength, ULONG *handlerOffset, ULONG *handlerLength, ULONG *classToken);
+ void recSetMethodAttribs (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CorInfoMethodRuntimeFlags attribs);
+ void dmpSetMethodAttribs(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ CorInfoMethodRuntimeFlags repSetMethodAttribs (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn);
+ void recMethodMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method);
+ void dmpMethodMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun(DWORD key, DWORDLONG value);
+ void recReportTailCallDecision(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE calleeHnd, bool fIsTailPrefix,
+ CorInfoTailCall tailCallResult, const char * reason);
+ void dmpReportTailCallDecision(DWORD key, const Agnostic_ReportTailCallDecision& value);
+ void recReportFatalError(CorJitResult result);
+ void dmpReportFatalError(DWORD key, DWORD value);
+ void recRecordRelocation(void *location, void *target, WORD fRelocType, WORD slotNum, INT32 addlDelta);
+ void dmpRecordRelocation(DWORD key, const Agnostic_RecordRelocation& value);
+ void repRecordRelocation(void *location, void *target, WORD fRelocType, WORD slotNum, INT32 addlDelta);
+ void applyRelocs(unsigned char *block1, ULONG blocksize1, void *originalAddr);
+ void recProcessName(const char* name);
+ void dmpProcessName(DWORD key, DWORD value);
+ const char *repProcessName();
+ void recAddressMap(void *original_address, void *replay_address, unsigned int size);
+ void dmpAddressMap(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_AddressMap& value);
+ void* repAddressMap(void *replay_address);
+ void *searchAddressMap(void *replay_address);
+ void recReserveUnwindInfo(BOOL isFunclet, BOOL isColdCode, ULONG unwindSize);
+ void dmpReserveUnwindInfo(DWORD key, const Agnostic_ReserveUnwindInfo& value);
+ void recAllocUnwindInfo(BYTE *pHotCode, BYTE *pColdCode, ULONG startOffset, ULONG endOffset, ULONG unwindSize, BYTE *pUnwindBlock,
+ CorJitFuncKind funcKind);
+ void dmpAllocUnwindInfo(DWORD key, const Agnostic_AllocUnwindInfo& value);
+ void recAllocBBProfileBuffer(ULONG count, ICorJitInfo::ProfileBuffer **profileBuffer, HRESULT result);
+ void dmpAllocBBProfileBuffer(DWORD key, const Agnostic_AllocBBProfileBuffer& value);
+ HRESULT repAllocBBProfileBuffer(ULONG count, ICorJitInfo::ProfileBuffer **profileBuffer);
+ void recRecordCallSite(ULONG instrOffset, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *callSig, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle);
+ void dmpRecordCallSite(DWORD key, const Agnostic_RecordCallSite& value);
+ void repRecordCallSite(ULONG instrOffset, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *callSig, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle);
+ bool fndRecordCallSiteSigInfo(ULONG instrOffset, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *pCallSig);
+ bool fndRecordCallSiteMethodHandle(ULONG instrOffset, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE *pMethodHandle);
+ DOUBLE secondsToCompile;
+ ULONGLONG clockCyclesToCompile;
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) LightWeightMap<key, value>* map;
+ #define DENSELWM(map,value) DenseLightWeightMap<value>* map;
+ #include "crlwmlist.h"
+//not persisted to disk.
+ LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD> *CallTargetTypes;
+ HANDLE codeHeap;
+ Capture_AllocMemDetails allocMemDets;
+ allocGCInfoDetails allocGCInfoDets;
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/crlwmlist.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/crlwmlist.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84bf13e553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/crlwmlist.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// crlwmlist.h - List of all LightWeightMap in CompileResult.
+// To use, #define LWM(map, key, value) to something.
+// If you need to distinguish DenseLightWeightMap, #define DENSELWM(map, value) as well.
+#ifndef LWM
+#error Define LWM before including this file.
+// If the key is needed, then DENSELWM must be defined.
+#ifndef DENSELWM
+#define DENSELWM(map, value) LWM(map, this_is_an_error, value)
+LWM(AddressMap, DWORDLONG, CompileResult::Agnostic_AddressMap)
+LWM(AllocBBProfileBuffer, DWORD, CompileResult::Agnostic_AllocBBProfileBuffer)
+LWM(AllocGCInfo, DWORD, CompileResult::Agnostic_AllocGCInfo)
+LWM(AllocMem, DWORD, CompileResult::Agnostic_AllocMemDetails)
+DENSELWM(AllocUnwindInfo, CompileResult::Agnostic_AllocUnwindInfo)
+DENSELWM(ClassMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun, DWORDLONG)
+LWM(CompileMethod, DWORD, CompileResult::Agnostic_CompileMethodResults)
+DENSELWM(MethodMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun, DWORDLONG)
+LWM(RecordCallSite, DWORD, CompileResult::Agnostic_RecordCallSite)
+DENSELWM(RecordRelocation, CompileResult::Agnostic_RecordRelocation)
+DENSELWM(ReportFatalError, DWORD)
+DENSELWM(ReportInliningDecision, CompileResult::Agnostic_ReportInliningDecision)
+DENSELWM(ReportTailCallDecision, CompileResult::Agnostic_ReportTailCallDecision)
+DENSELWM(ReserveUnwindInfo, CompileResult::Agnostic_ReserveUnwindInfo)
+LWM(SetBoundaries, DWORD, CompileResult::Agnostic_SetBoundaries)
+LWM(SetEHinfo, DWORD, CompileResult::Agnostic_CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE2)
+LWM(SetMethodAttribs, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+LWM(SetVars, DWORD, CompileResult::Agnostic_SetVars)
+#undef LWM
+#undef DENSELWM
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/errorhandling.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/errorhandling.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad871db4ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/errorhandling.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "errorhandling.h"
+#include "logging.h"
+#include "runtimedetails.h"
+void MSC_ONLY(__declspec(noreturn)) ThrowException(DWORD exceptionCode)
+ RaiseException(exceptionCode, 0, 0, nullptr);
+// Allocating memory here seems moderately dangerous: we'll probably leak like a sieve...
+void MSC_ONLY(__declspec(noreturn)) ThrowException(DWORD exceptionCode, va_list args, const char *message)
+ char *buffer = new char[8192];
+ ULONG_PTR *ptr = new ULONG_PTR();
+ *ptr = (ULONG_PTR)buffer;
+ _vsnprintf_s(buffer, 8192, 8191, message, args);
+ RaiseException(exceptionCode, 0, 1, ptr);
+void MSC_ONLY(__declspec(noreturn)) ThrowException(DWORD exceptionCode, const char *msg, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, msg);
+ ThrowException(exceptionCode, ap, msg);
+SpmiException::SpmiException(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS exp)
+ : exCode(exp->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode)
+ exMessage = (exp->ExceptionRecord->NumberParameters != 1) ? nullptr : (char *) exp->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[0];
+SpmiException::SpmiException(DWORD exceptionCode, char* exceptionMessage)
+ : exCode(exceptionCode)
+ , exMessage(exceptionMessage)
+#if 0
+ delete[] exMessage;
+ exMessage = nullptr;
+char *SpmiException::GetExceptionMessage()
+ return exMessage;
+void SpmiException::ShowAndDeleteMessage()
+ if (exMessage != nullptr)
+ {
+ LogError("Exception thrown: %s", exMessage);
+ delete[] exMessage;
+ exMessage = nullptr;
+ }
+void SpmiException::DeleteMessage()
+ delete[] exMessage;
+ exMessage = nullptr;
+DWORD SpmiException::GetCode()
+ return exCode;
+// This filter function executes the handler only for EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, otherwise it continues the handler search.
+LONG FilterSuperPMIExceptions_CatchMC(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionPointers, LPVOID lpvParam)
+ return (pExceptionPointers->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTIONCODE_MC) ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH;
+// This filter function captures the exception pointers and continues searching.
+LONG FilterSuperPMIExceptions_CaptureExceptionAndContinue(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionPointers, LPVOID lpvParam)
+ FilterSuperPMIExceptionsParam_CaptureException* pSPMIEParam = (FilterSuperPMIExceptionsParam_CaptureException *)lpvParam;
+ pSPMIEParam->exceptionPointers = *pExceptionPointers; // Capture the exception pointers for use later
+ pSPMIEParam->exceptionCode = pSPMIEParam->exceptionPointers.ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode;
+LONG FilterSuperPMIExceptions_CaptureExceptionAndStop(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionPointers, LPVOID lpvParam)
+ FilterSuperPMIExceptionsParam_CaptureException* pSPMIEParam = (FilterSuperPMIExceptionsParam_CaptureException *)lpvParam;
+ pSPMIEParam->exceptionPointers = *pExceptionPointers; // Capture the exception pointers for use later
+ pSPMIEParam->exceptionCode = pSPMIEParam->exceptionPointers.ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode;
+bool IsSuperPMIException(unsigned code)
+ switch (code)
+ {
+ return true;
+ default:
+ if ((EXCEPTIONCODE_DebugBreakorAV <= code) && (code < EXCEPTIONCODE_DebugBreakorAV_MAX))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+// This filter function executes the handler only for non-SuperPMI generated exceptions, otherwise it continues the handler search.
+// This allows for SuperPMI-thrown exceptions to pass through the JIT and be caught by the outer SuperPMI handler.
+LONG FilterSuperPMIExceptions_CatchNonSuperPMIException(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionPointers, LPVOID lpvParam)
+ return !IsSuperPMIException(pExceptionPointers->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode);
+bool RunWithErrorTrap(void (*function)(void*), void* param)
+ bool success = true;
+ struct TrapParam {
+ void (*function)(void*);
+ void *param;
+ } trapParam;
+ trapParam.function = function;
+ trapParam.param = param;
+ PAL_TRY(TrapParam*, pTrapParam, &trapParam)
+ {
+ pTrapParam->function(pTrapParam->param);
+ }
+ PAL_EXCEPT_FILTER(FilterSuperPMIExceptions_CatchNonSuperPMIException)
+ {
+ success = false;
+ }
+ return success;
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/errorhandling.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/errorhandling.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..412bf97ba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/errorhandling.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// ErrorHandling.h - Helpers & whatnot for using SEH for errors
+#ifndef _ErrorHandling
+#define _ErrorHandling
+#include "logging.h"
+// EXCEPTIONCODE_DebugBreakorAV is just the base exception number; calls to DebugBreakorAV()
+// pass a unique number to add to this. EXCEPTIONCODE_DebugBreakorAV_MAX is the maximum number
+// of this exception range.
+#define EXCEPTIONCODE_DebugBreakorAV 0xe0421000
+#define EXCEPTIONCODE_DebugBreakorAV_MAX 0xe0422000
+#define EXCEPTIONCODE_MC 0xe0422000
+#define EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM 0xe0423000
+#define EXCEPTIONCODE_ASSERT 0xe0440000
+// RaiseException wrappers
+void MSC_ONLY(__declspec(noreturn)) ThrowException(DWORD exceptionCode);
+void MSC_ONLY(__declspec(noreturn)) ThrowException(DWORD exceptionCode, const char *message, ...);
+// Assert stuff
+#define AssertCodeMsg(expr, exCode, msg, ...) \
+ do { \
+ if (!(expr)) LogException(exCode, "SuperPMI assertion '%s' failed (" #msg ")", #expr, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
+ } while (0)
+#define AssertCode(expr, exCode) \
+ do { \
+ if (!(expr)) LogException(exCode, "SuperPMI assertion '%s' failed", #expr); \
+ } while (0)
+#define AssertMsg(expr, msg, ...) AssertCodeMsg(expr, EXCEPTIONCODE_ASSERT, msg, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define Assert(expr) AssertCode(expr, EXCEPTIONCODE_ASSERT)
+class SpmiException
+ DWORD exCode;
+ char* exMessage;
+ SpmiException(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS exp);
+ SpmiException(DWORD exceptionCode, char* exceptionMessage);
+#if 0
+ ~SpmiException();
+ char *GetExceptionMessage();
+ DWORD GetCode();
+ void ShowAndDeleteMessage();
+ void DeleteMessage();
+// Functions and types used by PAL_TRY-related macros.
+extern LONG FilterSuperPMIExceptions_CatchMC(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionPointers, LPVOID lpvParam);
+struct FilterSuperPMIExceptionsParam_CaptureException
+ EXCEPTION_POINTERS exceptionPointers;
+ DWORD exceptionCode;
+ FilterSuperPMIExceptionsParam_CaptureException()
+ : exceptionCode(0)
+ {
+ exceptionPointers.ExceptionRecord = nullptr;
+ exceptionPointers.ContextRecord = nullptr;
+ }
+extern LONG FilterSuperPMIExceptions_CaptureExceptionAndContinue(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionPointers, LPVOID lpvParam);
+extern LONG FilterSuperPMIExceptions_CaptureExceptionAndStop(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionPointers, LPVOID lpvParam);
+extern bool RunWithErrorTrap(void (*function)(void*), void* param);
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/icorjitcompilerimpl.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/icorjitcompilerimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..671b45b392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/icorjitcompilerimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#ifndef _ICorJitCompilerImpl
+#define _ICorJitCompilerImpl
+// ICorJitCompilerImpl: declare for implementation all the members of the ICorJitCompiler interface (which are
+// specified as pure virtual methods). This is done once, here, and all implementations share it,
+// to avoid duplicated declarations. This file is #include'd within all the ICorJitCompiler implementation
+// classes.
+// NOTE: this file is in exactly the same order, with exactly the same whitespace, as the ICorJitCompiler
+// interface declaration (with the "virtual" and "= 0" syntax removed). This is to make it easy to compare
+// against the interface declaration.
+ // compileMethod is the main routine to ask the JIT Compiler to create native code for a method. The
+ // method to be compiled is passed in the 'info' parameter, and the code:ICorJitInfo is used to allow the
+ // JIT to resolve tokens, and make any other callbacks needed to create the code. nativeEntry, and
+ // nativeSizeOfCode are just for convenience because the JIT asks the EE for the memory to emit code into
+ // (see code:ICorJitInfo.allocMem), so really the EE already knows where the method starts and how big
+ // it is (in fact, it could be in more than one chunk).
+ //
+ // * In the 32 bit jit this is implemented by code:CILJit.compileMethod
+ // * For the 64 bit jit this is implemented by code:PreJit.compileMethod
+ //
+ // Note: Obfuscators that are hacking the JIT depend on this method having __stdcall calling convention
+ CorJitResult __stdcall compileMethod (
+ ICorJitInfo *comp, /* IN */
+ struct CORINFO_METHOD_INFO *info, /* IN */
+ unsigned /* code:CorJitFlag */ flags, /* IN */
+ BYTE **nativeEntry, /* OUT */
+ ULONG *nativeSizeOfCode /* OUT */
+ );
+ // Some JIT compilers (most notably Phoenix), cache information about EE structures from one invocation
+ // of the compiler to the next. This can be a problem when appdomains are unloaded, as some of this
+ // cached information becomes stale. The code:ICorJitCompiler.isCacheCleanupRequired is called by the EE
+ // early first to see if jit needs these notifications, and if so, the EE will call ClearCache is called
+ // whenever the compiler should abandon its cache (eg on appdomain unload)
+ void clearCache();
+ BOOL isCacheCleanupRequired();
+ // Do any appropriate work at process shutdown. Default impl is to do nothing.
+ void ProcessShutdownWork(ICorStaticInfo* info); /* {}; */
+ // The EE asks the JIT for a "version identifier". This represents the version of the JIT/EE interface.
+ // If the JIT doesn't implement the same JIT/EE interface expected by the EE (because the JIT doesn't
+ // return the version identifier that the EE expects), then the EE fails to load the JIT.
+ //
+ void getVersionIdentifier(
+ GUID* versionIdentifier /* OUT */
+ );
+ // When the EE loads the System.Numerics.Vectors assembly, it asks the JIT what length (in bytes) of
+ // SIMD vector it supports as an intrinsic type. Zero means that the JIT does not support SIMD
+ // intrinsics, so the EE should use the default size (i.e. the size of the IL implementation).
+ unsigned getMaxIntrinsicSIMDVectorLength(DWORD cpuCompileFlags); /* { return 0; } */
+ // IL obfuscators sometimes interpose on the EE-JIT interface. This function allows the VM to
+ // tell the JIT to use a particular ICorJitCompiler to implement the methods of this interface,
+ // and not to implement those methods itself. The JIT must not return this method when getJit()
+ // is called. Instead, it must pass along all calls to this interface from within its own
+ // ICorJitCompiler implementation. If 'realJitCompiler' is nullptr, then the JIT should resume
+ // executing all the functions itself.
+ void setRealJit(ICorJitCompiler* realJitCompiler); /* { } */
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/icorjithostimpl.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/icorjithostimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8bd09e5331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/icorjithostimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#ifndef _ICorJitHostImpl
+#define _ICorJitHostImpl
+// ICorJitHost
+// ICorJitHost provides the interface that the JIT uses to access some functionality that
+// would normally be provided by the operating system. This is intended to allow for
+// host-specific policies re: memory allocation, configuration value access, etc. It is
+// expected that the `ICorJitHost` value provided to `jitStartup` lives at least as
+// long as the JIT itself.
+// ICorJitHostImpl: declare for implementation all the members of the ICorJitHost interface (which are
+// specified as pure virtual methods). This is done once, here, and all implementations share it,
+// to avoid duplicated declarations. This file is #include'd within all the ICorJitHost implementation
+// classes.
+// NOTE: this file is in exactly the same order, with exactly the same whitespace, as the ICorJitHost
+// interface declaration (with the "virtual" and "= 0" syntax removed). This is to make it easy to compare
+// against the interface declaration.
+ // Allocate memory of the given size in bytes. All bytes of the returned block
+ // must be initialized to zero. If `usePageAllocator` is true, the implementation
+ // should use an allocator that deals in OS pages if one exists.
+ void* allocateMemory(size_t size, bool usePageAllocator = false);
+ // Frees memory previous obtained by a call to `ICorJitHost::allocateMemory`. The
+ // value of the `usePageAllocator` parameter must match the value that was
+ // provided to the call to used to allocate the memory.
+ void freeMemory(void* block, bool usePageAllocator = false);
+ // Return an integer config value for the given key, if any exists.
+ int getIntConfigValue(
+ const wchar_t* name,
+ int defaultValue
+ );
+ // Return a string config value for the given key, if any exists.
+ const wchar_t* getStringConfigValue(
+ const wchar_t* name
+ );
+ // Free a string ConfigValue returned by the runtime.
+ // JITs using the getStringConfigValue query are required
+ // to return the string values to the runtime for deletion.
+ // This avoids leaking the memory in the JIT.
+ void freeStringConfigValue(
+ const wchar_t* value
+ );
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/icorjitinfoimpl.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/icorjitinfoimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6eb862c8b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/icorjitinfoimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1316 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#ifndef _ICorJitInfoImpl
+#define _ICorJitInfoImpl
+// ICorJitInfoImpl: declare for implementation all the members of the ICorJitInfo interface (which are
+// specified as pure virtual methods). This is done once, here, and all implementations share it,
+// to avoid duplicated declarations. This file is #include'd within all the ICorJitInfo implementation
+// classes.
+// NOTE: this file is in exactly the same order, with exactly the same whitespace, as the ICorJitInfo
+// interface declaration (with the "virtual" and "= 0" syntax removed). This is to make it easy to compare
+// against the interface declaration.
+ /**********************************************************************************/
+ //
+ // ICorMethodInfo
+ //
+ /**********************************************************************************/
+ // return flags (defined above, CORINFO_FLG_PUBLIC ...)
+ DWORD getMethodAttribs (
+ );
+ // sets private JIT flags, which can be, retrieved using getAttrib.
+ void setMethodAttribs (
+ CorInfoMethodRuntimeFlags attribs /* IN */
+ );
+ // Given a method descriptor ftnHnd, extract signature information into sigInfo
+ //
+ // 'memberParent' is typically only set when verifying. It should be the
+ // result of calling getMemberParent.
+ void getMethodSig (
+ CORINFO_SIG_INFO *sig, /* OUT */
+ CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE memberParent = NULL /* IN */
+ );
+ /*********************************************************************
+ * Note the following methods can only be used on functions known
+ * to be IL. This includes the method being compiled and any method
+ * that 'getMethodInfo' returns true for
+ *********************************************************************/
+ // return information about a method private to the implementation
+ // returns false if method is not IL, or is otherwise unavailable.
+ // This method is used to fetch data needed to inline functions
+ bool getMethodInfo (
+ );
+ // Decides if you have any limitations for inlining. If everything's OK, it will return
+ // INLINE_PASS and will fill out pRestrictions with a mask of restrictions the caller of this
+ // function must respect. If caller passes pRestrictions = NULL, if there are any restrictions
+ // INLINE_FAIL will be returned
+ //
+ // The callerHnd must be the immediate caller (i.e. when we have a chain of inlined calls)
+ //
+ // The inlined method need not be verified
+ CorInfoInline canInline (
+ DWORD* pRestrictions /* OUT */
+ );
+ // Reports whether or not a method can be inlined, and why. canInline is responsible for reporting all
+ // inlining results when it returns INLINE_FAIL and INLINE_NEVER. All other results are reported by the
+ // JIT.
+ void reportInliningDecision (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE inlinerHnd,
+ CorInfoInline inlineResult,
+ const char * reason);
+ // Returns false if the call is across security boundaries thus we cannot tailcall
+ //
+ // The callerHnd must be the immediate caller (i.e. when we have a chain of inlined calls)
+ bool canTailCall (
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE declaredCalleeHnd, /* IN */
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE exactCalleeHnd, /* IN */
+ bool fIsTailPrefix /* IN */
+ );
+ // Reports whether or not a method can be tail called, and why.
+ // canTailCall is responsible for reporting all results when it returns
+ // false. All other results are reported by the JIT.
+ void reportTailCallDecision (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHnd,
+ bool fIsTailPrefix,
+ CorInfoTailCall tailCallResult,
+ const char * reason);
+ // get individual exception handler
+ void getEHinfo(
+ unsigned EHnumber, /* IN */
+ CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE* clause /* OUT */
+ );
+ // return class it belongs to
+ );
+ // return module it belongs to
+ );
+ // This function returns the offset of the specified method in the
+ // vtable of it's owning class or interface.
+ void getMethodVTableOffset (
+ unsigned* offsetOfIndirection, /* OUT */
+ unsigned* offsetAfterIndirection /* OUT */
+ );
+ // If a method's attributes have (getMethodAttribs) CORINFO_FLG_INTRINSIC set,
+ // getIntrinsicID() returns the intrinsic ID.
+ // *pMustExpand tells whether or not JIT must expand the intrinsic.
+ CorInfoIntrinsics getIntrinsicID(
+ bool* pMustExpand = NULL /* OUT */
+ );
+ CorInfoIntrinsics getIntrinsicID(
+ );
+ // Is the given module the System.Numerics.Vectors module?
+ // This defaults to false.
+ bool isInSIMDModule(
+ ); /* { return false; } */
+ // return the unmanaged calling convention for a PInvoke
+ CorInfoUnmanagedCallConv getUnmanagedCallConv(
+ );
+ // return if any marshaling is required for PInvoke methods. Note that
+ // method == 0 => calli. The call site sig is only needed for the varargs or calli case
+ BOOL pInvokeMarshalingRequired(
+ );
+ // Check constraints on method type arguments (only).
+ // The parent class should be checked separately using satisfiesClassConstraints(parent).
+ BOOL satisfiesMethodConstraints(
+ CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE parent, // the exact parent of the method
+ );
+ // Given a delegate target class, a target method parent class, a target method,
+ // a delegate class, check if the method signature is compatible with the Invoke method of the delegate
+ // (under the typical instantiation of any free type variables in the memberref signatures).
+ BOOL isCompatibleDelegate(
+ CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE objCls, /* type of the delegate target, if any */
+ CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE methodParentCls, /* exact parent of the target method, if any */
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, /* (representative) target method, if any */
+ CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE delegateCls, /* exact type of the delegate */
+ BOOL *pfIsOpenDelegate /* is the delegate open */
+ );
+ // Determines whether the delegate creation obeys security transparency rules
+ BOOL isDelegateCreationAllowed (
+ );
+ // Indicates if the method is an instance of the generic
+ // method that passes (or has passed) verification
+ CorInfoInstantiationVerification isInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric (
+ );
+ // Loads the constraints on a typical method definition, detecting cycles;
+ // for use in verification.
+ void initConstraintsForVerification(
+ BOOL *pfHasCircularClassConstraints, /* OUT */
+ BOOL *pfHasCircularMethodConstraint /* OUT */
+ );
+ // Returns enum whether the method does not require verification
+ // Also see ICorModuleInfo::canSkipVerification
+ CorInfoCanSkipVerificationResult canSkipMethodVerification (
+ );
+ // load and restore the method
+ void methodMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun(
+ );
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE mapMethodDeclToMethodImpl(
+ );
+ // Returns the global cookie for the /GS unsafe buffer checks
+ // The cookie might be a constant value (JIT), or a handle to memory location (Ngen)
+ void getGSCookie(
+ GSCookie * pCookieVal, // OUT
+ GSCookie ** ppCookieVal // OUT
+ );
+ /**********************************************************************************/
+ //
+ // ICorModuleInfo
+ //
+ /**********************************************************************************/
+ // Resolve metadata token into runtime method handles. This function may not
+ // return normally (e.g. it may throw) if it encounters invalid metadata or other
+ // failures during token resolution.
+ void resolveToken(/* IN, OUT */ CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken);
+ // Attempt to resolve a metadata token into a runtime method handle. Returns true
+ // if resolution succeeded and false otherwise (e.g. if it encounters invalid metadata
+ // during token reoslution). This method should be used instead of `resolveToken` in
+ // situations that need to be resilient to invalid metadata.
+ bool tryResolveToken(/* IN, OUT */ CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken);
+ // Signature information about the call sig
+ void findSig (
+ unsigned sigTOK, /* IN */
+ );
+ // for Varargs, the signature at the call site may differ from
+ // the signature at the definition. Thus we need a way of
+ // fetching the call site information
+ void findCallSiteSig (
+ unsigned methTOK, /* IN */
+ );
+ CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE getTokenTypeAsHandle (
+ CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken /* IN */);
+ // Returns true if the module does not require verification
+ //
+ // If fQuickCheckOnlyWithoutCommit=TRUE, the function only checks that the
+ // module does not currently require verification in the current AppDomain.
+ // This decision could change in the future, and so should not be cached.
+ // If it is cached, it should only be used as a hint.
+ // This is only used by ngen for calculating certain hints.
+ //
+ // Returns enum whether the module does not require verification
+ // Also see ICorMethodInfo::canSkipMethodVerification();
+ CorInfoCanSkipVerificationResult canSkipVerification (
+ );
+ // Checks if the given metadata token is valid
+ BOOL isValidToken (
+ unsigned metaTOK /* IN */
+ );
+ // Checks if the given metadata token is valid StringRef
+ BOOL isValidStringRef (
+ unsigned metaTOK /* IN */
+ );
+ BOOL shouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction(
+ );
+ /**********************************************************************************/
+ //
+ // ICorClassInfo
+ //
+ /**********************************************************************************/
+ // If the value class 'cls' is isomorphic to a primitive type it will
+ // return that type, otherwise it will return CORINFO_TYPE_VALUECLASS
+ CorInfoType asCorInfoType (
+ );
+ // for completeness
+ const char* getClassName (
+ );
+ // Append a (possibly truncated) representation of the type cls to the preallocated buffer ppBuf of length pnBufLen
+ // If fNamespace=TRUE, include the namespace/enclosing classes
+ // If fFullInst=TRUE (regardless of fNamespace and fAssembly), include namespace and assembly for any type parameters
+ // If fAssembly=TRUE, suffix with a comma and the full assembly qualification
+ // return size of representation
+ int appendClassName(
+ __deref_inout_ecount(*pnBufLen) WCHAR** ppBuf,
+ int* pnBufLen,
+ BOOL fNamespace,
+ BOOL fFullInst,
+ BOOL fAssembly
+ );
+ // Quick check whether the type is a value class. Returns the same value as getClassAttribs(cls) & CORINFO_FLG_VALUECLASS, except faster.
+ // If this method returns true, JIT will do optimization to inline the check for
+ // GetTypeFromHandle(handle) == obj.GetType()
+ BOOL canInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls);
+ // return flags (defined above, CORINFO_FLG_PUBLIC ...)
+ DWORD getClassAttribs (
+ );
+ // Returns "TRUE" iff "cls" is a struct type such that return buffers used for returning a value
+ // of this type must be stack-allocated. This will generally be true only if the struct
+ // contains GC pointers, and does not exceed some size limit. Maintaining this as an invariant allows
+ // an optimization: the JIT may assume that return buffer pointers for return types for which this predicate
+ // returns TRUE are always stack allocated, and thus, that stores to the GC-pointer fields of such return
+ // buffers do not require GC write barriers.
+ BOOL isStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls);
+ );
+ // Returns the assembly that contains the module "mod".
+ );
+ // Returns the name of the assembly "assem".
+ const char* getAssemblyName (
+ );
+ // Allocate and delete process-lifetime objects. Should only be
+ // referred to from static fields, lest a leak occur.
+ // Note that "LongLifetimeFree" does not execute destructors, if "obj"
+ // is an array of a struct type with a destructor.
+ void* LongLifetimeMalloc(size_t sz);
+ void LongLifetimeFree(void* obj);
+ size_t getClassModuleIdForStatics (
+ void **ppIndirection
+ );
+ // return the number of bytes needed by an instance of the class
+ unsigned getClassSize (
+ );
+ unsigned getClassAlignmentRequirement (
+ BOOL fDoubleAlignHint = FALSE
+ );
+ // This is only called for Value classes. It returns a boolean array
+ // in representing of 'cls' from a GC perspective. The class is
+ // assumed to be an array of machine words
+ // (of length // getClassSize(cls) / sizeof(void*)),
+ // 'gcPtrs' is a poitner to an array of BYTEs of this length.
+ // getClassGClayout fills in this array so that gcPtrs[i] is set
+ // to one of the CorInfoGCType values which is the GC type of
+ // the i-th machine word of an object of type 'cls'
+ // returns the number of GC pointers in the array
+ unsigned getClassGClayout (
+ BYTE *gcPtrs /* OUT */
+ );
+ // returns the number of instance fields in a class
+ unsigned getClassNumInstanceFields (
+ );
+ INT num
+ );
+ BOOL checkMethodModifier(
+ LPCSTR modifier,
+ BOOL fOptional
+ );
+ // returns the "NEW" helper optimized for "newCls."
+ CorInfoHelpFunc getNewHelper(
+ );
+ // returns the newArr (1-Dim array) helper optimized for "arrayCls."
+ CorInfoHelpFunc getNewArrHelper(
+ );
+ // returns the optimized "IsInstanceOf" or "ChkCast" helper
+ CorInfoHelpFunc getCastingHelper(
+ bool fThrowing
+ );
+ // returns helper to trigger static constructor
+ CorInfoHelpFunc getSharedCCtorHelper(
+ );
+ CorInfoHelpFunc getSecurityPrologHelper(
+ );
+ // This is not pretty. Boxing nullable<T> actually returns
+ // a boxed<T> not a boxed Nullable<T>. This call allows the verifier
+ // to call back to the EE on the 'box' instruction and get the transformed
+ // type to use for verification.
+ );
+ // returns the correct box helper for a particular class. Note
+ // that if this returns CORINFO_HELP_BOX, the JIT can assume
+ // 'standard' boxing (allocate object and copy), and optimize
+ CorInfoHelpFunc getBoxHelper(
+ );
+ // returns the unbox helper. If 'helperCopies' points to a true
+ // value it means the JIT is requesting a helper that unboxes the
+ // value into a particular location and thus has the signature
+ // void unboxHelper(void* dest, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, Object* obj)
+ // Otherwise (it is null or points at a FALSE value) it is requesting
+ // a helper that returns a poitner to the unboxed data
+ // void* unboxHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, Object* obj)
+ // The EE has the option of NOT returning the copy style helper
+ // (But must be able to always honor the non-copy style helper)
+ // The EE set 'helperCopies' on return to indicate what kind of
+ // helper has been created.
+ CorInfoHelpFunc getUnBoxHelper(
+ );
+ bool getReadyToRunHelper(
+ CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND * pGenericLookupKind,
+ CorInfoHelpFunc id,
+ );
+ void getReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper(
+ );
+ void getReadyToRunHelper(
+ CorInfoHelpFunc id,
+ );
+ const char* getHelperName(
+ CorInfoHelpFunc
+ );
+ // This function tries to initialize the class (run the class constructor).
+ // this function returns whether the JIT must insert helper calls before
+ // accessing static field or method.
+ //
+ // See code:ICorClassInfo#ClassConstruction.
+ CorInfoInitClassResult initClass(
+ CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, // Non-NULL - inquire about cctor trigger before static field access
+ // NULL - inquire about cctor trigger in method prolog
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, // Method referencing the field or prolog
+ CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, // Exact context of method
+ BOOL speculative = FALSE // TRUE means don't actually run it
+ );
+ // This used to be called "loadClass". This records the fact
+ // that the class must be loaded (including restored if necessary) before we execute the
+ // code that we are currently generating. When jitting code
+ // the function loads the class immediately. When zapping code
+ // the zapper will if necessary use the call to record the fact that we have
+ // to do a fixup/restore before running the method currently being generated.
+ //
+ // This is typically used to ensure value types are loaded before zapped
+ // code that manipulates them is executed, so that the GC can access information
+ // about those value types.
+ void classMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun(
+ );
+ // returns the class handle for the special builtin classes
+ CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE getBuiltinClass (
+ CorInfoClassId classId
+ );
+ // "System.Int32" ==> CORINFO_TYPE_INT..
+ CorInfoType getTypeForPrimitiveValueClass(
+ );
+ // TRUE if child is a subtype of parent
+ // if parent is an interface, then does child implement / extend parent
+ BOOL canCast(
+ CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE child, // subtype (extends parent)
+ CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE parent // base type
+ );
+ // TRUE if cls1 and cls2 are considered equivalent types.
+ BOOL areTypesEquivalent(
+ );
+ // returns is the intersection of cls1 and cls2.
+ );
+ // Given a class handle, returns the Parent type.
+ // For COMObjectType, it returns Class Handle of System.Object.
+ // Returns 0 if System.Object is passed in.
+ );
+ // Returns the CorInfoType of the "child type". If the child type is
+ // not a primitive type, *clsRet will be set.
+ // Given an Array of Type Foo, returns Foo.
+ // Given BYREF Foo, returns Foo
+ CorInfoType getChildType (
+ );
+ // Check constraints on type arguments of this class and parent classes
+ BOOL satisfiesClassConstraints(
+ );
+ // Check if this is a single dimensional array type
+ BOOL isSDArray(
+ );
+ // Get the numbmer of dimensions in an array
+ unsigned getArrayRank(
+ );
+ // Get static field data for an array
+ void * getArrayInitializationData(
+ DWORD size
+ );
+ // Check Visibility rules.
+ CorInfoIsAccessAllowedResult canAccessClass(
+ CORINFO_HELPER_DESC *pAccessHelper /* If canAccessMethod returns something other
+ than ALLOWED, then this is filled in. */
+ );
+ /**********************************************************************************/
+ //
+ // ICorFieldInfo
+ //
+ /**********************************************************************************/
+ // this function is for debugging only. It returns the field name
+ // and if 'moduleName' is non-null, it sets it to something that will
+ // says which method (a class name, or a module name)
+ const char* getFieldName (
+ const char **moduleName /* OUT */
+ );
+ // return class it belongs to
+ );
+ // Return the field's type, if it is CORINFO_TYPE_VALUECLASS 'structType' is set
+ // the field's value class (if 'structType' == 0, then don't bother
+ // the structure info).
+ //
+ // 'memberParent' is typically only set when verifying. It should be the
+ // result of calling getMemberParent.
+ CorInfoType getFieldType(
+ CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE memberParent = NULL /* IN */
+ );
+ // return the data member's instance offset
+ unsigned getFieldOffset(
+ );
+ // TODO: jit64 should be switched to the same plan as the i386 jits - use
+ // getClassGClayout to figure out the need for writebarrier helper, and inline the copying.
+ // The interpretted value class copy is slow. Once this happens, USE_WRITE_BARRIER_HELPERS
+ bool isWriteBarrierHelperRequired(
+ void getFieldInfo (CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken,
+ );
+ // Returns true iff "fldHnd" represents a static field.
+ bool isFieldStatic(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE fldHnd);
+ /*********************************************************************************/
+ //
+ // ICorDebugInfo
+ //
+ /*********************************************************************************/
+ // Query the EE to find out where interesting break points
+ // in the code are. The native compiler will ensure that these places
+ // have a corresponding break point in native code.
+ //
+ // Note that unless CORJIT_FLG_DEBUG_CODE is specified, this function will
+ // be used only as a hint and the native compiler should not change its
+ // code generation.
+ void getBoundaries(
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, // [IN] method of interest
+ unsigned int *cILOffsets, // [OUT] size of pILOffsets
+ DWORD **pILOffsets, // [OUT] IL offsets of interest
+ // jit MUST free with freeArray!
+ ICorDebugInfo::BoundaryTypes *implictBoundaries // [OUT] tell jit, all boundries of this type
+ );
+ // Report back the mapping from IL to native code,
+ // this map should include all boundaries that 'getBoundaries'
+ // reported as interesting to the debugger.
+ // Note that debugger (and profiler) is assuming that all of the
+ // offsets form a contiguous block of memory, and that the
+ // OffsetMapping is sorted in order of increasing native offset.
+ void setBoundaries(
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, // [IN] method of interest
+ ULONG32 cMap, // [IN] size of pMap
+ ICorDebugInfo::OffsetMapping *pMap // [IN] map including all points of interest.
+ // jit allocated with allocateArray, EE frees
+ );
+ // Query the EE to find out the scope of local varables.
+ // normally the JIT would trash variables after last use, but
+ // under debugging, the JIT needs to keep them live over their
+ // entire scope so that they can be inspected.
+ //
+ // Note that unless CORJIT_FLG_DEBUG_CODE is specified, this function will
+ // be used only as a hint and the native compiler should not change its
+ // code generation.
+ void getVars(
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, // [IN] method of interest
+ ULONG32 *cVars, // [OUT] size of 'vars'
+ ICorDebugInfo::ILVarInfo **vars, // [OUT] scopes of variables of interest
+ // jit MUST free with freeArray!
+ bool *extendOthers // [OUT] it TRUE, then assume the scope
+ // of unmentioned vars is entire method
+ );
+ // Report back to the EE the location of every variable.
+ // note that the JIT might split lifetimes into different
+ // locations etc.
+ void setVars(
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, // [IN] method of interest
+ ULONG32 cVars, // [IN] size of 'vars'
+ ICorDebugInfo::NativeVarInfo *vars // [IN] map telling where local vars are stored at what points
+ // jit allocated with allocateArray, EE frees
+ );
+ /*-------------------------- Misc ---------------------------------------*/
+ // Used to allocate memory that needs to handed to the EE.
+ // For eg, use this to allocated memory for reporting debug info,
+ // which will be handed to the EE by setVars() and setBoundaries()
+ void * allocateArray(
+ ULONG cBytes
+ );
+ // JitCompiler will free arrays passed by the EE using this
+ // For eg, The EE returns memory in getVars() and getBoundaries()
+ // to the JitCompiler, which the JitCompiler should release using
+ // freeArray()
+ void freeArray(
+ void *array
+ );
+ /*********************************************************************************/
+ //
+ // ICorArgInfo
+ //
+ /*********************************************************************************/
+ // advance the pointer to the argument list.
+ // a ptr of 0, is special and always means the first argument
+ );
+ // Get the type of a particular argument
+ // CORINFO_TYPE_UNDEF is returned when there are no more arguments
+ // If the type returned is a primitive type (or an enum) *vcTypeRet set to NULL
+ // otherwise it is set to the TypeHandle associted with the type
+ // Enumerations will always look their underlying type (probably should fix this)
+ // Otherwise vcTypeRet is the type as would be seen by the IL,
+ // The return value is the type that is used for calling convention purposes
+ // (Thus if the EE wants a value class to be passed like an int, then it will
+ // return CORINFO_TYPE_INT
+ CorInfoTypeWithMod getArgType (
+ CORINFO_SIG_INFO* sig, /* IN */
+ );
+ // If the Arg is a CORINFO_TYPE_CLASS fetch the class handle associated with it
+ CORINFO_SIG_INFO* sig, /* IN */
+ );
+ // Returns type of HFA for valuetype
+ CorInfoType getHFAType (
+ );
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ * ICorErrorInfo contains methods to deal with SEH exceptions being thrown
+ * from the corinfo interface. These methods may be called when an exception
+ * with code EXCEPTION_COMPLUS is caught.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ // Returns the HRESULT of the current exception
+ struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionPointers
+ );
+ // Fetches the message of the current exception
+ // Returns the size of the message (including terminating null). This can be
+ // greater than bufferLength if the buffer is insufficient.
+ ULONG GetErrorMessage(
+ __inout_ecount(bufferLength) LPWSTR buffer,
+ ULONG bufferLength
+ );
+ // returns EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER if it is OK for the compile to handle the
+ // exception, abort some work (like the inlining) and continue compilation
+ // returns EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH if exception must always be handled by the EE
+ // things like ThreadStoppedException ...
+ // returns EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION if exception is fixed up by the EE
+ int FilterException(
+ struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionPointers
+ );
+ // Cleans up internal EE tracking when an exception is caught.
+ void HandleException(
+ struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionPointers
+ );
+ void ThrowExceptionForJitResult(
+ HRESULT result);
+ //Throws an exception defined by the given throw helper.
+ void ThrowExceptionForHelper(
+ const CORINFO_HELPER_DESC * throwHelper);
+ // Runs the given function under an error trap. This allows the JIT to make calls
+ // to interface functions that may throw exceptions without needing to be aware of
+ // the EH ABI, exception types, etc. Returns true if the given function completed
+ // successfully and false otherwise.
+ bool runWithErrorTrap(
+ void (*function)(void*), // The function to run
+ void* parameter // The context parameter that will be passed to the function and the handler
+ );
+ * ICorStaticInfo contains EE interface methods which return values that are
+ * constant from invocation to invocation. Thus they may be embedded in
+ * persisted information like statically generated code. (This is of course
+ * assuming that all code versions are identical each time.)
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ // Return details about EE internal data structures
+ void getEEInfo(
+ );
+ // Returns name of the JIT timer log
+ LPCWSTR getJitTimeLogFilename();
+ /*********************************************************************************/
+ //
+ // Diagnostic methods
+ //
+ /*********************************************************************************/
+ // this function is for debugging only. Returns method token.
+ // Returns mdMethodDefNil for dynamic methods.
+ mdMethodDef getMethodDefFromMethod(
+ );
+ // this function is for debugging only. It returns the method name
+ // and if 'moduleName' is non-null, it sets it to something that will
+ // says which method (a class name, or a module name)
+ const char* getMethodName (
+ const char **moduleName /* OUT */
+ );
+ // this function is for debugging only. It returns a value that
+ // is will always be the same for a given method. It is used
+ // to implement the 'jitRange' functionality
+ unsigned getMethodHash (
+ );
+ // this function is for debugging only.
+ size_t findNameOfToken (
+ mdToken metaTOK, /* IN */
+ __out_ecount (FQNameCapacity) char * szFQName, /* OUT */
+ size_t FQNameCapacity /* IN */
+ );
+ // returns whether the struct is enregisterable. Only valid on a System V VM. Returns true on success, false on failure.
+ bool getSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor(
+ /* IN */ CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE structHnd,
+ );
+ * ICorDynamicInfo contains EE interface methods which return values that may
+ * change from invocation to invocation. They cannot be embedded in persisted
+ * data; they must be requeried each time the EE is run.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ //
+ // These methods return values to the JIT which are not constant
+ // from session to session.
+ //
+ // These methods take an extra parameter : void **ppIndirection.
+ // If a JIT supports generation of prejit code (install-o-jit), it
+ // must pass a non-null value for this parameter, and check the
+ // resulting value. If *ppIndirection is NULL, code should be
+ // generated normally. If non-null, then the value of
+ // *ppIndirection is an address in the cookie table, and the code
+ // generator needs to generate an indirection through the table to
+ // get the resulting value. In this case, the return result of the
+ // function must NOT be directly embedded in the generated code.
+ //
+ // Note that if a JIT does not support prejit code generation, it
+ // may ignore the extra parameter & pass the default of NULL - the
+ // prejit ICorDynamicInfo implementation will see this & generate
+ // an error if the jitter is used in a prejit scenario.
+ //
+ // Return details about EE internal data structures
+ DWORD getThreadTLSIndex(
+ void **ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ const void * getInlinedCallFrameVptr(
+ void **ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ LONG * getAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal(
+ void **ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ SIZE_T* getAddrModuleDomainID(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module);
+ // return the native entry point to an EE helper (see CorInfoHelpFunc)
+ void* getHelperFtn (
+ CorInfoHelpFunc ftnNum,
+ void **ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ // return a callable address of the function (native code). This function
+ // may return a different value (depending on whether the method has
+ // been JITed or not.
+ void getFunctionEntryPoint(
+ // return a directly callable address. This can be used similarly to the
+ // value returned by getFunctionEntryPoint() except that it is
+ // guaranteed to be multi callable entrypoint.
+ void getFunctionFixedEntryPoint(
+ // get the synchronization handle that is passed to monXstatic function
+ void* getMethodSync(
+ void **ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ // get slow lazy string literal helper to use (CORINFO_HELP_STRCNS*).
+ // Returns CORINFO_HELP_UNDEF if lazy string literal helper cannot be used.
+ CorInfoHelpFunc getLazyStringLiteralHelper(
+ );
+ CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE embedModuleHandle(
+ void **ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE embedClassHandle(
+ void **ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE embedMethodHandle(
+ void **ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE embedFieldHandle(
+ void **ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ // Given a module scope (module), a method handle (context) and
+ // a metadata token (metaTOK), fetch the handle
+ // (type, field or method) associated with the token.
+ // If this is not possible at compile-time (because the current method's
+ // code is shared and the token contains generic parameters)
+ // then indicate how the handle should be looked up at run-time.
+ //
+ void embedGenericHandle(
+ BOOL fEmbedParent, // TRUE - embeds parent type handle of the field/method handle
+ // Return information used to locate the exact enclosing type of the current method.
+ // Used only to invoke .cctor method from code shared across generic instantiations
+ // !needsRuntimeLookup statically known (enclosing type of method itself)
+ // needsRuntimeLookup:
+ // CORINFO_LOOKUP_THISOBJ use vtable pointer of 'this' param
+ // CORINFO_LOOKUP_CLASSPARAM use vtable hidden param
+ // CORINFO_LOOKUP_METHODPARAM use enclosing type of method-desc hidden param
+ CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND getLocationOfThisType(
+ );
+ // NOTE: the two methods below--getPInvokeUnmanagedTarget and getAddressOfPInvokeFixup--are
+ // deprecated. New code (i.e. anything that can depend on COR_JIT_EE_VERSION being
+ // greater than 460) should instead use getAddressOfPInvokeTarget, which subsumes the
+ // functionality of these methods.
+ // return the unmanaged target *if method has already been prelinked.*
+ void* getPInvokeUnmanagedTarget(
+ void **ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ // return address of fixup area for late-bound PInvoke calls.
+ void* getAddressOfPInvokeFixup(
+ void **ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ // return the address of the PInvoke target. May be a fixup area in the
+ // case of late-bound PInvoke calls.
+ void getAddressOfPInvokeTarget(
+ );
+ // Generate a cookie based on the signature that would needs to be passed
+ LPVOID GetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig(
+ void ** ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ // returns true if a VM cookie can be generated for it (might be false due to cross-module
+ // inlining, in which case the inlining should be aborted)
+ bool canGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig(
+ );
+ // Gets a handle that is checked to see if the current method is
+ // included in "JustMyCode"
+ );
+ // Gets a method handle that can be used to correlate profiling data.
+ // This is the IP of a native method, or the address of the descriptor struct
+ // for IL. Always guaranteed to be unique per process, and not to move. */
+ void GetProfilingHandle(
+ BOOL *pbHookFunction,
+ void **pProfilerHandle,
+ BOOL *pbIndirectedHandles
+ );
+ // Returns instructions on how to make the call. See code:CORINFO_CALL_INFO for possible return values.
+ void getCallInfo(
+ // Token info
+ //Generics info
+ CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pConstrainedResolvedToken,
+ //Security info
+ //Jit info
+ //out params
+ );
+ BOOL canAccessFamily(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hCaller,
+ // Returns TRUE if the Class Domain ID is the RID of the class (currently true for every class
+ // except reflection emitted classes and generics)
+ // returns the class's domain ID for accessing shared statics
+ unsigned getClassDomainID (
+ void **ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ // return the data's address (for static fields only)
+ void* getFieldAddress(
+ void **ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ // registers a vararg sig & returns a VM cookie for it (which can contain other stuff)
+ void **ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ // returns true if a VM cookie can be generated for it (might be false due to cross-module
+ // inlining, in which case the inlining should be aborted)
+ bool canGetVarArgsHandle(
+ );
+ // Allocate a string literal on the heap and return a handle to it
+ InfoAccessType constructStringLiteral(
+ mdToken metaTok,
+ void **ppValue
+ );
+ InfoAccessType emptyStringLiteral(
+ void **ppValue
+ );
+ // (static fields only) given that 'field' refers to thread local store,
+ // return the ID (TLS index), which is used to find the begining of the
+ // TLS data area for the particular DLL 'field' is associated with.
+ DWORD getFieldThreadLocalStoreID (
+ void **ppIndirection = NULL
+ );
+ // Sets another object to intercept calls to "self" and current method being compiled
+ void setOverride(
+ ICorDynamicInfo *pOverride,
+ );
+ // Adds an active dependency from the context method's module to the given module
+ // This is internal callback for the EE. JIT should not call it directly.
+ void addActiveDependency(
+ );
+ DelegateCtorArgs * pCtorData
+ );
+ void MethodCompileComplete(
+ );
+ // return a thunk that will copy the arguments for the given signature.
+ void* getTailCallCopyArgsThunk (
+ CorInfoHelperTailCallSpecialHandling flags
+ );
+ // return memory manager that the JIT can use to allocate a regular memory
+ IEEMemoryManager* getMemoryManager();
+ // get a block of memory for the code, readonly data, and read-write data
+ void allocMem (
+ ULONG hotCodeSize, /* IN */
+ ULONG coldCodeSize, /* IN */
+ ULONG roDataSize, /* IN */
+ ULONG xcptnsCount, /* IN */
+ CorJitAllocMemFlag flag, /* IN */
+ void ** hotCodeBlock, /* OUT */
+ void ** coldCodeBlock, /* OUT */
+ void ** roDataBlock /* OUT */
+ );
+ // Reserve memory for the method/funclet's unwind information.
+ // Note that this must be called before allocMem. It should be
+ // called once for the main method, once for every funclet, and
+ // once for every block of cold code for which allocUnwindInfo
+ // will be called.
+ //
+ // This is necessary because jitted code must allocate all the
+ // memory needed for the unwindInfo at the allocMem call.
+ // For prejitted code we split up the unwinding information into
+ // separate sections .rdata and .pdata.
+ //
+ void reserveUnwindInfo (
+ BOOL isFunclet, /* IN */
+ BOOL isColdCode, /* IN */
+ ULONG unwindSize /* IN */
+ );
+ // Allocate and initialize the .rdata and .pdata for this method or
+ // funclet, and get the block of memory needed for the machine-specific
+ // unwind information (the info for crawling the stack frame).
+ // Note that allocMem must be called first.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ //
+ // pHotCode main method code buffer, always filled in
+ // pColdCode cold code buffer, only filled in if this is cold code,
+ // null otherwise
+ // startOffset start of code block, relative to appropriate code buffer
+ // (e.g. pColdCode if cold, pHotCode if hot).
+ // endOffset end of code block, relative to appropriate code buffer
+ // unwindSize size of unwind info pointed to by pUnwindBlock
+ // pUnwindBlock pointer to unwind info
+ // funcKind type of funclet (main method code, handler, filter)
+ //
+ void allocUnwindInfo (
+ BYTE * pHotCode, /* IN */
+ BYTE * pColdCode, /* IN */
+ ULONG startOffset, /* IN */
+ ULONG endOffset, /* IN */
+ ULONG unwindSize, /* IN */
+ BYTE * pUnwindBlock, /* IN */
+ CorJitFuncKind funcKind /* IN */
+ );
+ // Get a block of memory needed for the code manager information,
+ // (the info for enumerating the GC pointers while crawling the
+ // stack frame).
+ // Note that allocMem must be called first
+ void * allocGCInfo (
+ size_t size /* IN */
+ );
+ void yieldExecution();
+ // Indicate how many exception handler blocks are to be returned.
+ // This is guaranteed to be called before any 'setEHinfo' call.
+ // Note that allocMem must be called before this method can be called.
+ void setEHcount (
+ unsigned cEH /* IN */
+ );
+ // Set the values for one particular exception handler block.
+ //
+ // Handler regions should be lexically contiguous.
+ // This is because FinallyIsUnwinding() uses lexicality to
+ // determine if a "finally" clause is executing.
+ void setEHinfo (
+ unsigned EHnumber, /* IN */
+ const CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE *clause /* IN */
+ );
+ // Level -> fatalError, Level 2 -> Error, Level 3 -> Warning
+ // Level 4 means happens 10 times in a run, level 5 means 100, level 6 means 1000 ...
+ // returns non-zero if the logging succeeded
+ BOOL logMsg(unsigned level, const char* fmt, va_list args);
+ // do an assert. will return true if the code should retry (DebugBreak)
+ // returns false, if the assert should be igored.
+ int doAssert(const char* szFile, int iLine, const char* szExpr);
+ void reportFatalError(CorJitResult result);
+ /*
+ struct ProfileBuffer // Also defined here: code:CORBBTPROF_BLOCK_DATA
+ {
+ ULONG ILOffset;
+ ULONG ExecutionCount;
+ };
+ */
+ // allocate a basic block profile buffer where execution counts will be stored
+ // for jitted basic blocks.
+ HRESULT allocBBProfileBuffer (
+ ULONG count, // The number of basic blocks that we have
+ ProfileBuffer ** profileBuffer
+ );
+ // get profile information to be used for optimizing the current method. The format
+ // of the buffer is the same as the format the JIT passes to allocBBProfileBuffer.
+ HRESULT getBBProfileData(
+ ULONG * count, // The number of basic blocks that we have
+ ProfileBuffer ** profileBuffer,
+ ULONG * numRuns
+ );
+ // Associates a native call site, identified by its offset in the native code stream, with
+ // the signature information and method handle the JIT used to lay out the call site. If
+ // the call site has no signature information (e.g. a helper call) or has no method handle
+ // (e.g. a CALLI P/Invoke), then null should be passed instead.
+ void recordCallSite(
+ ULONG instrOffset, /* IN */
+ CORINFO_SIG_INFO * callSig, /* IN */
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle /* IN */
+ );
+ // A relocation is recorded if we are pre-jitting.
+ // A jump thunk may be inserted if we are jitting
+ void recordRelocation(
+ void * location, /* IN */
+ void * target, /* IN */
+ WORD fRelocType, /* IN */
+ WORD slotNum, /* IN */
+ INT32 addlDelta /* IN */
+ );
+ WORD getRelocTypeHint(void * target);
+ // A callback to identify the range of address known to point to
+ // compiler-generated native entry points that call back into
+ // MSIL.
+ void getModuleNativeEntryPointRange(
+ void ** pStart, /* OUT */
+ void ** pEnd /* OUT */
+ );
+ // For what machine does the VM expect the JIT to generate code? The VM
+ // returns one of the IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_* values. Note that if the VM
+ // is cross-compiling (such as the case for crossgen), it will return a
+ // different value than if it was compiling for the host architecture.
+ //
+ DWORD getExpectedTargetArchitecture();
+ // Fetches extended flags for a particular compilation instance. Returns
+ // the number of bytes written to the provided buffer.
+ DWORD getJitFlags(
+ CORJIT_FLAGS* flags, /* IN: Points to a buffer that will hold the extended flags. */
+ DWORD sizeInBytes /* IN: The size of the buffer. Note that this is effectively a
+ version number for the CORJIT_FLAGS value. */
+ );
+#endif // _ICorJitInfoImpl
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/lightweightmap.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/lightweightmap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..860f545fac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/lightweightmap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// LightWeightMap.h -
+// Notes:
+// improvements:
+// 1. we could pack the size down a bit with various encoding tricks (don't use 4 bytes for the numItems etc)
+// 2. Add() could find the right place to insert via binary search... though the list is normally very small
+// 3. Buffer encoding could easily be more compact
+#ifndef _LightWeightMap
+#define _LightWeightMap
+#include "errorhandling.h"
+//#define DEBUG_LWM
+// Common base class that implements the raw buffer functionality.
+class LightWeightMapBuffer
+ LightWeightMapBuffer()
+ {
+ InitialClear();
+ }
+ LightWeightMapBuffer(const LightWeightMapBuffer &lwm)
+ {
+ InitialClear();
+ bufferLength = lwm.bufferLength;
+ if((lwm.buffer!=nullptr)&&(lwm.bufferLength>0))
+ {
+ buffer = new unsigned char[lwm.bufferLength];
+ memcpy(buffer, lwm.buffer, lwm.bufferLength);
+ }
+ }
+ ~LightWeightMapBuffer()
+ {
+ delete []buffer;
+ }
+ unsigned int AddBuffer(const unsigned char *buff, unsigned int len)
+ {
+ return AddBuffer(buff, len, false);
+ }
+ unsigned int AddBuffer(const unsigned char *buff, unsigned int len, bool forceUnique)
+ {
+ if(len == 0)
+ return -1;
+ if(buff == nullptr)
+ return -1;
+ int index = Contains(buff, len); //See if there is already a copy of this data in our buffer
+ if((index != -1)&&(!forceUnique))
+ return index;
+ if(locked)
+ {
+ LogError("Added item that extended the buffer after it was locked by a call to GetBuffer()");
+ __debugbreak();
+ }
+ unsigned int newbuffsize = bufferLength + sizeof(unsigned int) + len;
+ unsigned char *newbuffer = new unsigned char[newbuffsize];
+ unsigned int newOffset = bufferLength;
+ if(bufferLength>0)
+ memcpy(newbuffer, buffer, bufferLength);
+ memcpy(newbuffer + bufferLength + sizeof(unsigned int), buff, len);
+ *((unsigned int *)(newbuffer + bufferLength)) = len;
+ bufferLength += sizeof(unsigned int) + len;
+ if(buffer!=nullptr)
+ delete []buffer;
+ buffer = newbuffer;
+ return newOffset + sizeof(unsigned int);
+ }
+ unsigned char *GetBuffer(unsigned int offset)
+ {
+ if(offset == (unsigned int)-1)
+ return nullptr;
+ AssertCodeMsg(offset < bufferLength, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM,
+ "Hit offset bigger than bufferLength %u >= %u", offset, bufferLength);
+ locked = true;
+ // LogDebug("Address given %p", &buffer[offset]);
+ return &buffer[offset];
+ }
+ int Contains(const unsigned char *buff, unsigned int len)
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG_LWM
+ LogDebug("New call to Contains %d {", len);
+ for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
+ LogDebug("0x%02x ", buff[len]);
+ LogDebug("}");
+ if(len == 0)
+ return -1;
+ if(bufferLength == 0)
+ return -1;
+ unsigned int offset = 0;
+ while((offset+sizeof(unsigned int)+len) <= bufferLength)
+ {
+ unsigned int buffChunkLen = *(unsigned int*)(&buffer[offset]);
+#ifdef DEBUG_LWM
+ LogDebug("Investigating len %d @ %d", buffChunkLen, offset);
+ if(buffChunkLen == len)
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG_LWM
+ LogDebug("peering into {");
+ for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
+ LogDebug("0x%02x ", buff[len]);
+ LogDebug("}");
+ if(memcmp(&buffer[offset+sizeof(unsigned int)], buff, len)==0)
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG_LWM
+ LogDebug("Found!");
+ return offset+sizeof(unsigned int);
+ }
+ }
+ offset += sizeof(unsigned int) + buffChunkLen;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG_LWM
+ LogDebug("NOT Found!");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ void Unlock() //did you really mean to use this?
+ {
+ locked = false;
+ }
+ void InitialClear()
+ {
+ buffer = nullptr;
+ bufferLength = 0;
+ locked = false;
+ }
+ unsigned char* buffer; // TODO-Cleanup: this should really be a linked list; we reallocate it with every call to AddBuffer().
+ unsigned int bufferLength;
+ bool locked;
+template<typename _Key, typename _Item>
+class LightWeightMap : public LightWeightMapBuffer
+ LightWeightMap()
+ {
+ InitialClear();
+ }
+ LightWeightMap(const LightWeightMap &lwm)
+ {
+ InitialClear();
+ numItems = lwm.numItems;
+ strideSize = lwm.strideSize;
+ bufferLength = lwm.bufferLength;
+ locked = false;
+ pKeys = nullptr;
+ pItems = nullptr;
+ if(lwm.pKeys!=nullptr)
+ {
+ pKeys = new _Key[numItems];
+ memcpy(pKeys, lwm.pKeys, numItems * sizeof(_Key));
+ }
+ if(lwm.pItems!=nullptr)
+ {
+ pItems = new _Item[numItems];
+ memcpy(pItems, lwm.pItems, numItems * sizeof(_Item));
+ }
+ if((lwm.buffer!=nullptr)&&(lwm.bufferLength>0))
+ {
+ buffer = new unsigned char[lwm.bufferLength];
+ memcpy(buffer, lwm.buffer, lwm.bufferLength);
+ }
+ }
+ ~LightWeightMap()
+ {
+ if(pKeys!=nullptr)
+ delete []pKeys;
+ if(pItems!=nullptr)
+ delete []pItems;
+ }
+ void ReadFromArray(const unsigned char *rawData, unsigned int size)
+ {
+ unsigned int sizeOfKey = sizeof(_Key);
+ unsigned int sizeOfItem = sizeof(_Item);
+ const unsigned char *ptr = rawData;
+ // The tag is optional, to roll forward previous formats which don't have
+ // the tag, but which also have the same format.
+ if (0 == memcmp(ptr, "LWM1", 4))
+ {
+ ptr += 4;
+ }
+ memcpy(&numItems, ptr, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ ptr += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ strideSize = numItems;
+ if(numItems > 0)
+ {
+ //Read the buffersize
+ memcpy(&bufferLength, ptr, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ ptr += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ AssertCodeMsg(pKeys == nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM, "Found existing pKeys");
+ pKeys = new _Key[numItems];
+ //Set the Keys
+ memcpy(pKeys, ptr, sizeOfKey * numItems);
+ ptr += sizeOfKey * numItems;
+ AssertCodeMsg(pItems == nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM, "Found existing pItems");
+ pItems = new _Item[numItems];
+ //Set the Items
+ memcpy(pItems, ptr, sizeOfItem * numItems);
+ ptr += sizeOfItem * numItems;
+ AssertCodeMsg(buffer == nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM, "Found existing buffer");
+ buffer = new unsigned char[bufferLength];
+ //Read the buffer
+ memcpy(buffer, ptr, bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char));
+ ptr += bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char);
+ }
+ // If we have RTTI, we can make this assert report the correct type. No RTTI, though, when
+ // built with .NET Core, especially when built against the PAL.
+ AssertCodeMsg((ptr - rawData) == size, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM,
+ "%s - Ended with unexpected sizes %Ix != %x",
+ "Unknown type" /*typeid(_Item).name()*/, ptr - rawData, size);
+ }
+ unsigned int CalculateArraySize()
+ {
+ int size = 4 /* tag */ + sizeof(unsigned int) /* numItems */;
+ if(numItems >0)
+ {
+ size += sizeof(unsigned int); //size of bufferLength
+ size += sizeof(_Key) * numItems; //size of keyset
+ size += sizeof(_Item) * numItems; //size of itemset
+ size += sizeof(unsigned char) * bufferLength; //bulk size of raw buffer
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+ unsigned int DumpToArray(unsigned char *bytes)
+ {
+ unsigned char *ptr = bytes;
+ unsigned int size = CalculateArraySize();
+ //Write the tag
+ memcpy(ptr, "LWM1", 4);
+ ptr += 4;
+ //Write the header
+ memcpy(ptr, &numItems, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ ptr += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ if(numItems > 0)
+ {
+ unsigned int sizeOfKey = sizeof(_Key);
+ unsigned int sizeOfItem = sizeof(_Item);
+ //Write the buffersize
+ memcpy(ptr, &bufferLength, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ ptr += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ //Write the Keys
+ memcpy(ptr, pKeys, sizeOfKey * numItems);
+ ptr += sizeOfKey * numItems;
+ //Write the Items
+ memcpy(ptr, pItems, sizeOfItem * numItems);
+ ptr += sizeOfItem * numItems;
+ //Write the buffer
+ memcpy(ptr, buffer, bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char));
+ ptr += bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char);
+ }
+ // If we have RTTI, we can make this assert report the correct type. No RTTI, though, when
+ // built with .NET Core, especially when built against the PAL.
+ AssertCodeMsg((ptr - bytes) == size, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM,
+ "%s - Ended with unexpected sizes %p != %x",
+ "Unknown type" /*typeid(_Item).name()*/, (void*)(ptr - bytes), size);
+ return size;
+ }
+ //its worth noting that the acutal order of insert here doesnt meet what you migth expect. Its using memcmp, so
+ // since we are on a little endian machine we'd use the lowest 8 bits as the first part of the key. This is
+ // a side effect of using the same code for large structs and DWORDS etc...
+ bool Add(_Key key, _Item item)
+ {
+ //Make sure we have space left, expand if needed
+ if(numItems == strideSize)
+ {
+ _Key *tKeys = pKeys;
+ _Item *tItems = pItems;
+ pKeys = new _Key[(strideSize * 2) + 4];
+ memcpy(pKeys, tKeys, strideSize * sizeof(_Key));
+ pItems = new _Item[(strideSize * 2) + 4];
+ memcpy(pItems, tItems, strideSize * sizeof(_Item));
+ strideSize = (strideSize * 2) + 4;
+ delete []tKeys;
+ delete []tItems;
+ }
+ unsigned int insert = 0;
+ //Find the right place to insert O(n) version
+/* for(;insert < numItems; insert++)
+ {
+ int res = memcmp(&pKeys[insert], &key, sizeof(_Key));
+ if(res == 0)
+ return false;
+ if(res>0)
+ break;
+ }
+ //O(log n) version
+ int first = 0;
+ int mid = 0;
+ int last = numItems-1;
+ while (first <= last)
+ {
+ mid = (first + last) / 2; // compute mid point.
+ int res = memcmp(&pKeys[mid], &key, sizeof(_Key));
+ if (res < 0)
+ first = mid + 1; // repeat search in top half.
+ else if (res > 0)
+ last = mid - 1; // repeat search in bottom half.
+ else
+ return false; // found it. return position /////
+ }
+ insert = first;
+ if(insert!=first)
+ {
+ LogDebug("index = %u f %u mid = %u l %u***************************", insert, first, mid, last);
+ __debugbreak();
+ }
+ if(numItems>0)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i=numItems; i>insert; i--)
+ {
+ pKeys[i] = pKeys[i-1];
+ pItems[i] = pItems[i-1];
+ }
+ }
+ pKeys[insert] = key;
+ pItems[insert] = item;
+ numItems++;
+ return true;
+ }
+ int GetIndex(_Key key)
+ {
+ if(numItems == 0)
+ return -1;
+ //O(log n) version
+ int first = 0;
+ int mid = 0;
+ int last = numItems;
+ while (first <= last)
+ {
+ mid = (first + last) / 2; // compute mid point.
+ int res = memcmp(&pKeys[mid], &key, sizeof(_Key));
+ if (res < 0)
+ first = mid + 1; // repeat search in top half.
+ else if (res > 0)
+ last = mid - 1; // repeat search in bottom half.
+ else
+ return mid; // found it. return position /////
+ }
+ return -1; // Didn't find key
+ }
+ _Item GetItem(int index)
+ {
+ AssertCodeMsg(index != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM, "Didn't find Key");
+ return pItems[index]; // found it. return position /////
+ }
+ _Key GetKey(int index)
+ {
+ AssertCodeMsg(index != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM, "Didn't find Key (in GetKey)");
+ return pKeys[index];
+ }
+ _Item Get(_Key key)
+ {
+ int index = GetIndex(key);
+ return GetItem(index);
+ }
+ _Item *GetRawItems()
+ {
+ return pItems;
+ }
+ _Key *GetRawKeys()
+ {
+ return pKeys;
+ }
+ unsigned int GetCount()
+ {
+ return numItems;
+ }
+ void InitialClear()
+ {
+ numItems = 0;
+ strideSize = 0;
+ pKeys = nullptr;
+ pItems = nullptr;
+ }
+ unsigned int numItems; // Number of active items in the pKeys and pItems arrays.
+ unsigned int strideSize; // Allocated count of items in the pKeys and pItems arrays.
+ _Key *pKeys;
+ _Item *pItems;
+// Second implementation of LightWeightMap where the Key type is an unsigned int in the range [0 .. numItems - 1] (where
+// numItems is the number of items stored in the map). Keys are not stored, since the index into the pItems array is
+// the key. Appending to the end of the map is O(1), since we don't have to search for it, and we don't have to move anything down.
+template<typename _Item>
+class DenseLightWeightMap : public LightWeightMapBuffer
+ DenseLightWeightMap()
+ {
+ InitialClear();
+ }
+ DenseLightWeightMap(const DenseLightWeightMap &lwm)
+ {
+ InitialClear();
+ numItems = lwm.numItems;
+ strideSize = lwm.strideSize;
+ bufferLength = lwm.bufferLength;
+ if(lwm.pItems!=nullptr)
+ {
+ pItems = new _Item[numItems];
+ memcpy(pItems, lwm.pItems, numItems * sizeof(_Item));
+ }
+ if((lwm.buffer!=nullptr)&&(lwm.bufferLength>0))
+ {
+ buffer = new unsigned char[lwm.bufferLength];
+ memcpy(buffer, lwm.buffer, lwm.bufferLength);
+ }
+ }
+ ~DenseLightWeightMap()
+ {
+ if(pItems!=nullptr)
+ delete []pItems;
+ }
+ void ReadFromArray(const unsigned char *rawData, unsigned int size)
+ {
+ unsigned int sizeOfItem = sizeof(_Item);
+ const unsigned char *ptr = rawData;
+ // Check tag; if this is a v1 LWM, convert it to a DenseLightWeightMap in memory
+ if (0 != memcmp(ptr, "DWM1", 4))
+ {
+ ReadFromArrayAndConvertLWM1(rawData, size);
+ return;
+ }
+ ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(&numItems, ptr, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ ptr += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ strideSize = numItems;
+ if(numItems > 0)
+ {
+ //Read the buffersize
+ memcpy(&bufferLength, ptr, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ ptr += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ AssertCodeMsg(pItems == nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM, "Found existing pItems");
+ pItems = new _Item[numItems];
+ //Set the Items
+ memcpy(pItems, ptr, sizeOfItem * numItems);
+ ptr += sizeOfItem * numItems;
+ AssertCodeMsg(buffer == nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM, "Found existing buffer");
+ buffer = new unsigned char[bufferLength];
+ //Read the buffer
+ memcpy(buffer, ptr, bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char));
+ ptr += bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char);
+ }
+ AssertCodeMsg((ptr - rawData) == size, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM, "Ended with unexpected sizes %Ix != %x", ptr - rawData, size);
+ }
+ void ReadFromArrayAndConvertLWM1(const unsigned char *rawData, unsigned int size)
+ {
+ unsigned int sizeOfKey = sizeof(DWORD);
+ unsigned int sizeOfItem = sizeof(_Item);
+ const unsigned char *ptr = rawData;
+ memcpy(&numItems, ptr, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ ptr += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ strideSize = numItems;
+ if(numItems > 0)
+ {
+ //Read the buffersize
+ memcpy(&bufferLength, ptr, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ ptr += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ DWORD* tKeys = new DWORD[numItems];
+ //Set the Keys
+ memcpy(tKeys, ptr, sizeOfKey * numItems);
+ ptr += sizeOfKey * numItems;
+ _Item* tItems = new _Item[numItems];
+ //Set the Items
+ memcpy(tItems, ptr, sizeOfItem * numItems);
+ ptr += sizeOfItem * numItems;
+ AssertCodeMsg(buffer == nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM, "Found existing buffer");
+ buffer = new unsigned char[bufferLength];
+ //Read the buffer
+ memcpy(buffer, ptr, bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char));
+ ptr += bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char);
+ // Convert to new format
+ AssertCodeMsg(pItems == nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM, "Found existing pItems");
+ bool* tKeySeen = new bool[numItems]; // Used for assert, below: keys must be unique.
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
+ {
+ tKeySeen[i] = false;
+ }
+ pItems = new _Item[numItems];
+ for (unsigned int index = 0; index < numItems; index++)
+ {
+ unsigned int key = tKeys[index];
+ AssertCodeMsg(key < numItems, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM, "Illegal key %d, numItems == %d", key, numItems);
+ AssertCodeMsg(!tKeySeen[key], EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM, "Duplicate key %d", key);
+ tKeySeen[key] = true;
+ pItems[key] = tItems[index];
+ }
+ // Note that if we get here, we've seen every key [0 .. numItems - 1].
+ delete[] tKeySeen;
+ delete[] tKeys;
+ delete[] tItems;
+ }
+ AssertCodeMsg((ptr - rawData) == size, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM, "Ended with unexpected sizes %Ix != %x", ptr - rawData, size);
+ }
+ unsigned int CalculateArraySize()
+ {
+ int size = 4 /* tag */ + sizeof(unsigned int) /* numItems */;
+ if(numItems >0)
+ {
+ size += sizeof(unsigned int); //size of bufferLength
+ size += sizeof(_Item) * numItems; //size of itemset
+ size += sizeof(unsigned char) * bufferLength; //bulk size of raw buffer
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+ unsigned int DumpToArray(unsigned char *bytes)
+ {
+ unsigned char *ptr = bytes;
+ unsigned int size = CalculateArraySize();
+ //Write the tag
+ memcpy(ptr, "DWM1", 4);
+ ptr += 4;
+ //Write the header
+ memcpy(ptr, &numItems, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ ptr += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ if(numItems > 0)
+ {
+ unsigned int sizeOfItem = sizeof(_Item);
+ //Write the buffersize
+ memcpy(ptr, &bufferLength, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ ptr += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ //Write the Items
+ memcpy(ptr, pItems, sizeOfItem * numItems);
+ ptr += sizeOfItem * numItems;
+ //Write the buffer
+ memcpy(ptr, buffer, bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char));
+ ptr += bufferLength * sizeof(unsigned char);
+ }
+ AssertCodeMsg((ptr - bytes) == size, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM, "Ended with unexpected sizes %Ix != %x", ptr - bytes, size);
+ return size;
+ }
+ bool Append(_Item item)
+ {
+ //Make sure we have space left, expand if needed
+ if (numItems == strideSize)
+ {
+ // NOTE: if this is the first allocation, we'll just allocate 4 items. ok?
+ _Item *tItems = pItems;
+ pItems = new _Item[(strideSize * 2) + 4];
+ memcpy(pItems, tItems, strideSize * sizeof(_Item));
+ strideSize = (strideSize * 2) + 4;
+ delete []tItems;
+ }
+ pItems[numItems] = item;
+ numItems++;
+ return true;
+ }
+ int GetIndex(unsigned int key)
+ {
+ if (key >= numItems)
+ return -1;
+ return (int)key;
+ }
+ _Item GetItem(int index)
+ {
+ AssertCodeMsg(index != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_LWM, "Didn't find Key");
+ return pItems[index]; // found it. return position /////
+ }
+ _Item Get(unsigned int key)
+ {
+ int index = GetIndex(key);
+ return GetItem(index);
+ }
+ _Item *GetRawItems()
+ {
+ return pItems;
+ }
+ unsigned int GetCount()
+ {
+ return numItems;
+ }
+ void InitialClear()
+ {
+ numItems = 0;
+ strideSize = 0;
+ pItems = nullptr;
+ }
+ static int CompareKeys(unsigned int key1, unsigned int key2)
+ {
+ if (key1 < key2)
+ return -1;
+ else if (key1 > key2)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0; // equal
+ }
+ unsigned int numItems; // Number of active items in the pKeys and pItems arrays.
+ unsigned int strideSize; // Allocated count of items in the pKeys and pItems arrays.
+ _Item *pItems;
+#define dumpLWM(ptr,mapName) \
+ if (ptr->mapName != nullptr) \
+ { \
+ printf("%s - %u\n", #mapName, ptr->mapName->GetCount()); \
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ptr->mapName->GetCount(); i++) \
+ { \
+ printf("%u-", i); \
+ ptr->dmp##mapName(ptr->mapName->GetRawKeys()[i], ptr->mapName->GetRawItems()[i]); \
+ printf("\n"); \
+ } \
+ }
+#define dumpLWMDense(ptr,mapName) \
+ if (ptr->mapName != nullptr) \
+ { \
+ printf("%s - %u\n", #mapName, ptr->mapName->GetCount()); \
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ptr->mapName->GetCount(); i++) \
+ { \
+ printf("%u-", i); \
+ ptr->dmp##mapName(i, ptr->mapName->GetRawItems()[i]); \
+ printf("\n"); \
+ } \
+ }
+#endif // _LightWeightMap
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/logging.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/logging.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f7aa48a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/logging.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// Logging.cpp - Common logging and console output infrastructure
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "logging.h"
+#include "errorhandling.h"
+#include <time.h>
+// NOTE: Since the logging system is at the core of the error handling infrastructure, any errors
+// that occur while logging will print a message to the console. Fatal errors trigger a debugbreak.
+bool Logger::s_initialized = false;
+UINT32 Logger::s_logLevel = LOGMASK_DEFAULT;
+char *Logger::s_logFilePath = nullptr;
+CRITICAL_SECTION Logger::s_critSec;
+// Initializes the logging subsystem. This must be called before invoking any of the logging functionality.
+/* static */
+void Logger::Initialize()
+ if (!s_initialized)
+ {
+ InitializeCriticalSection(&s_critSec);
+ s_initialized = true;
+ }
+// Shuts down the logging subsystem, freeing resources, closing handles, and such.
+/* static */
+void Logger::Shutdown()
+ if (s_initialized)
+ {
+ DeleteCriticalSection(&s_critSec);
+ CloseLogFile();
+ s_initialized = false;
+ }
+// Opens a log file at the given path and enables file-based logging, if the given path is valid.
+/* static */
+void Logger::OpenLogFile(char *logFilePath)
+ if (s_logFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && logFilePath != nullptr)
+ {
+ s_logFile = CreateFileA(logFilePath,
+ NULL);
+ if (s_logFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ // We may need the file path later in order to delete the log file
+ s_logFilePath = _strdup(logFilePath);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: [Logger::OpenLogFile] Failed to open log file '%s'. GetLastError()=%u\n", logFilePath, GetLastError());
+ }
+ }
+// Closes the currently open log file, if one is open.
+/* static */
+void Logger::CloseLogFile()
+ if (s_logFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ // Avoid polluting the file system with empty log files
+ if (GetFileSize(s_logFile, nullptr) == 0 && s_logFilePath != nullptr)
+ {
+ // We can call this before closing the handle because DeleteFile just marks the file
+ // for deletion, i.e. it does not actually get deleted until its last handle is closed.
+ if (!DeleteFileA(s_logFilePath))
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: [Logger::CloseLogFile] DeleteFile failed. GetLastError()=%u\n", GetLastError());
+ }
+ if (!CloseHandle(s_logFile))
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: [Logger::CloseLogFile] CloseHandle failed. GetLastError()=%u\n", GetLastError());
+ free(s_logFilePath);
+ s_logFilePath = nullptr;
+ }
+// Returns a bitmask representing the logging levels that are specified by the given string. The string
+// format is described explicitly in the command-line usage documentation for SuperPMI and MCS.
+// In essence, each log level has a corresponding character representing it, and the presence of that
+// character in the specifier string indicates that the log mask should include that log level. The
+// "quiet" level will override any other level specified: that is, if a "q" is present in the string,
+// all other levels specified will be disregarded.
+// If "q" is not specified, and "a" is specified, then all log levels are enabled. This is a shorthand
+// to avoid looking up all the log levels and enabling them all by specifying all the individual characters.
+/* static */
+UINT32 Logger::ParseLogLevelString(const char *specifierStr)
+ UINT32 logLevelMask = LOGMASK_NONE;
+ if (strchr(specifierStr, 'q') == nullptr) // "Quiet" overrides all other specifiers
+ {
+ if (strchr(specifierStr, 'a') != nullptr) // "All" overrides the other specifiers
+ {
+ logLevelMask |= LOGMASK_ALL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (strchr(specifierStr, 'e') != nullptr)
+ logLevelMask |= LOGLEVEL_ERROR;
+ if (strchr(specifierStr, 'w') != nullptr)
+ logLevelMask |= LOGLEVEL_WARNING;
+ if (strchr(specifierStr, 'm') != nullptr)
+ logLevelMask |= LOGLEVEL_MISSING;
+ if (strchr(specifierStr, 'i') != nullptr)
+ logLevelMask |= LOGLEVEL_ISSUE;
+ if (strchr(specifierStr, 'n') != nullptr)
+ logLevelMask |= LOGLEVEL_INFO;
+ if (strchr(specifierStr, 'v') != nullptr)
+ logLevelMask |= LOGLEVEL_VERBOSE;
+ if (strchr(specifierStr, 'd') != nullptr)
+ logLevelMask |= LOGLEVEL_DEBUG;
+ }
+ }
+ return logLevelMask;
+/* static */
+void Logger::LogPrintf(const char *function, const char *file, int line,
+ LogLevel level, const char *msg, ...)
+ va_list argList;
+ va_start(argList, msg);
+ LogVprintf(function, file, line, level, argList, msg);
+// Logs a message, if the given log level is enabled, to both the console and the log file. This is the
+// main logging function that all other logging functions eventually funnel into.
+/* static */
+void Logger::LogVprintf(const char *function, const char *file, int line,
+ LogLevel level, va_list argList, const char *msg)
+ if (!s_initialized)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: [Logger::LogVprintf] Invoked the logging system before initializing it.\n");
+ __debugbreak();
+ }
+ // Capture this first to make the timestamp more accurately reflect the actual time of logging
+ time_t timestamp = time(nullptr);
+ int fullMsgLen = _vscprintf(msg, argList) + 1; // This doesn't count the null terminator
+ char *fullMsg = new char[fullMsgLen];
+ _vsnprintf_s(fullMsg, fullMsgLen, fullMsgLen, msg, argList);
+ va_end(argList);
+ const char *logLevelStr = "INVALID_LOGLEVEL";
+ switch (level)
+ {
+ logLevelStr = "ERROR";
+ break;
+ logLevelStr = "WARNING";
+ break;
+ logLevelStr = "MISSING";
+ break;
+ logLevelStr = "ISSUE";
+ break;
+ logLevelStr = "INFO";
+ break;
+ logLevelStr = "VERBOSE";
+ break;
+ logLevelStr = "DEBUG";
+ break;
+ }
+ // NOTE: This implementation doesn't guarantee that log messages will be written in chronological
+ // order, since Windows doesn't guarantee FIFO behavior when a thread relinquishes a lock. If
+ // maintaining chronological order is crucial, then we can implement a priority queueing system
+ // for log messages.
+ EnterCriticalSection(&s_critSec);
+ if (level & GetLogLevel())
+ {
+ // Sends error messages to stderr instead out stdout
+ FILE *dest = (level <= LOGLEVEL_WARNING) ? stderr : stdout;
+ if (level < LOGLEVEL_INFO)
+ fprintf(dest, "%s: ", logLevelStr);
+ fprintf(dest, "%s\n", fullMsg);
+ if (s_logFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL // TODO: no localtime_s() or strftime() in PAL
+ tm timeInfo;
+ errno_t err = localtime_s(&timeInfo, &timestamp);
+ if (err != 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: [Logger::LogVprintf] localtime failed with error %d.\n", err);
+ goto CleanUp;
+ }
+ size_t timeStrBuffSize = 20 * sizeof(char);
+ char *timeStr = (char *)malloc(timeStrBuffSize); // Use malloc so we can realloc if necessary
+ // This particular format string should always generate strings of the same size, but
+ // for the sake of robustness, we shouldn't rely on that assumption.
+ while (strftime(timeStr, timeStrBuffSize, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &timeInfo) == 0)
+ {
+ timeStrBuffSize *= 2;
+ timeStr = (char *)realloc(timeStr, timeStrBuffSize);
+ }
+#else // FEATURE_PAL
+ const char *timeStr = "";
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL
+ const char *logEntryFmtStr = "%s - %s [%s:%d] - %s - %s\r\n";
+ size_t logEntryBuffSize = _snprintf(nullptr, 0, logEntryFmtStr,
+ timeStr, function, file, line, logLevelStr, fullMsg) + 1;
+ char *logEntry = new char[logEntryBuffSize];
+ sprintf_s(logEntry, logEntryBuffSize, logEntryFmtStr,
+ timeStr, function, file, line, logLevelStr, fullMsg);
+ DWORD bytesWritten;
+ if (!WriteFile(s_logFile, logEntry, (DWORD)logEntryBuffSize - 1, &bytesWritten, nullptr))
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: [Logger::LogVprintf] Failed to write to log file. GetLastError()=%u\n", GetLastError());
+ if (!FlushFileBuffers(s_logFile))
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: [Logger::LogVprintf] Failed to flush log file. GetLastError()=%u\n", GetLastError());
+ delete[] logEntry;
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
+ free((void*)timeStr);
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&s_critSec);
+ delete[] fullMsg;
+// Special helper for logging exceptions. This logs the exception message given as a debug message.
+/* static */
+void Logger::LogExceptionMessage(const char *function, const char *file, int line,
+ DWORD exceptionCode, const char *msg, ...)
+ std::string fullMsg = "Exception thrown: ";
+ fullMsg += msg;
+ va_list argList;
+ va_start(argList, msg);
+ LogVprintf(function, file, line, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, argList, fullMsg.c_str());
+// Logger for JIT issues. Identifies the issue type and logs the given message normally.
+/* static */
+void IssueLogger::LogIssueHelper(const char *function, const char *file, int line,
+ IssueType issue, const char *msg, ...)
+ std::string fullMsg;
+ switch (issue)
+ {
+ fullMsg += "<ASSERT>";
+ break;
+ fullMsg += "<ASM_DIFF>";
+ break;
+ default:
+ fullMsg += "<UNKNOWN_ISSUE_TYPE>";
+ break;
+ }
+ fullMsg += " ";
+ fullMsg += msg;
+ va_list argList;
+ va_start(argList, msg);
+ Logger::LogVprintf(function, file, line, LOGLEVEL_ISSUE, argList, fullMsg.c_str());
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/logging.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/logging.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2c388ee3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/logging.h
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// Logging.h - Common logging and console output infrastructure
+#ifndef _Logging
+#define _Logging
+// General purpose logging macros
+#define LogMessage(level, ...) \
+ Logger::LogPrintf(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, level, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogError(...) LogMessage(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogWarning(...) LogMessage(LOGLEVEL_WARNING, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogMissing(...) LogMessage(LOGLEVEL_MISSING, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogInfo(...) LogMessage(LOGLEVEL_INFO, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogVerbose(...) LogMessage(LOGLEVEL_VERBOSE, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogDebug(...) LogMessage(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define LogIssue(issue, msg, ...) \
+ IssueLogger::LogIssueHelper(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, issue, msg, __VA_ARGS__)
+// Captures the exception message before throwing so we can log it at the point of occurrence
+#define LogException(exCode, msg, ...) \
+ do { \
+ Logger::LogExceptionMessage(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, exCode, msg, __VA_ARGS__); \
+ ThrowException(exCode, msg, __VA_ARGS__); \
+ } while (0)
+// These are specified as flags so subsets of the logging functionality can be enabled/disabled at once
+enum LogLevel : UINT32
+ LOGLEVEL_ERROR = 0x00000001, // Internal fatal errors that are non-recoverable
+ LOGLEVEL_WARNING = 0x00000002, // Internal conditions that are unusual, but not serious
+ LOGLEVEL_MISSING = 0x00000004, // Failures to due to missing JIT-EE details
+ LOGLEVEL_ISSUE = 0x00000008, // Issues found with the JIT, e.g. asm diffs, asserts
+ LOGLEVEL_INFO = 0x00000010, // Notifications/summaries, e.g. 'Loaded 5 Jitted 4 FailedCompile 1'
+ LOGLEVEL_VERBOSE = 0x00000020, // Status messages, e.g. 'Jit startup took 151.12ms'
+ LOGLEVEL_DEBUG = 0x00000040 // Detailed output that's only useful for SuperPMI debugging
+// Preset log level combinations
+enum LogLevelMask : UINT32
+ LOGMASK_NONE = 0x00000000,
+ LOGMASK_DEFAULT = (LOGLEVEL_DEBUG - 1), // Default is essentially "enable everything except debug"
+ LOGMASK_ALL = 0xffffffff
+// Manages the SuperPMI logging subsystem, including both file-based logging and logging to the console.
+class Logger
+ static bool s_initialized;
+ static UINT32 s_logLevel;
+ static HANDLE s_logFile;
+ static char *s_logFilePath;
+ static CRITICAL_SECTION s_critSec;
+ static void Initialize();
+ static void Shutdown();
+ static void OpenLogFile(char *logFilePath);
+ static void CloseLogFile();
+ static UINT32 ParseLogLevelString(const char *specifierStr);
+ static void SetLogLevel(UINT32 logLevelMask) { s_logLevel = logLevelMask; }
+ static UINT32 GetLogLevel() { return s_logLevel; }
+ // Return true if all specified log levels are enabled.
+ static bool IsLogLevelEnabled(UINT32 logLevelMask) { return (logLevelMask & GetLogLevel()) == logLevelMask; }
+ static void LogPrintf(const char *function, const char *file, int line,
+ LogLevel level, const char *msg, ...);
+ static void LogVprintf(const char *function, const char *file, int line,
+ LogLevel level, va_list argList, const char *msg);
+ static void LogExceptionMessage(const char *function, const char *file, int line,
+ DWORD exceptionCode, const char *msg, ...);
+enum IssueType
+// JIT issues have more granularity than other types of log messages. The logging of issues is abstracted
+// from the normal logger to reflect this. It also will enable us to track things specific to JIT issues,
+// like statistics on issues that were found during a run.
+class IssueLogger
+ static void LogIssueHelper(const char *function, const char *file, int line,
+ IssueType issue, const char *msg, ...);
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/lwmlist.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/lwmlist.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..774e732620
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/lwmlist.h
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// lwmlist.h - List of all LightWeightMap in MethodContext.
+// To use, #define LWM(map, key, value) to something.
+// If you need to distinguish DenseLightWeightMap, #define DENSELWM(map, value) as well.
+#ifndef LWM
+#error Define LWM before including this file.
+// If the key is needed, then DENSELWM must be defined.
+#ifndef DENSELWM
+#define DENSELWM(map, value) LWM(map, this_is_an_error, value)
+LWM(AppendClassName, Agnostic_AppendClassName, DWORD)
+LWM(AreTypesEquivalent, DLDL, DWORD)
+LWM(CanAccessClass, Agnostic_CanAccessClassIn, Agnostic_CanAccessClassOut)
+LWM(CanAccessFamily, DLDL, DWORD)
+LWM(CanGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig, Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO, DWORD)
+LWM(CanGetVarArgsHandle, Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO, DWORD)
+LWM(CanInline, DLDL, Agnostic_CanInline)
+LWM(CanInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+LWM(CanSkipMethodVerification, DLD, DWORD)
+LWM(CanTailCall, Agnostic_CanTailCall, DWORD)
+LWM(CheckMethodModifier, Agnostic_CheckMethodModifier, DWORD)
+LWM(CompileMethod, DWORD, Agnostic_CompileMethod)
+LWM(ConstructStringLiteral, DLD, DLD)
+LWM(EmbedClassHandle, DWORDLONG, DLDL)
+LWM(EmbedFieldHandle, DWORDLONG, DLDL)
+LWM(EmbedGenericHandle, Agnostic_EmbedGenericHandle, Agnostic_CORINFO_GENERICHANDLE_RESULT)
+LWM(EmbedMethodHandle, DWORDLONG, DLDL)
+LWM(EmbedModuleHandle, DWORDLONG, DLDL)
+DENSELWM(EmptyStringLiteral, DLD)
+DENSELWM(Environment, Agnostic_Environment)
+LWM(FilterException, DWORD, DWORD)
+LWM(FindCallSiteSig, Agnostic_FindCallSiteSig, Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO)
+LWM(FindNameOfToken, DLD, DLD)
+LWM(FindSig, Agnostic_FindSig, Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO)
+LWM(GetAddressOfPInvokeFixup, DWORDLONG, DLDL)
+LWM(GetAddressOfPInvokeTarget, DWORDLONG, DLD)
+LWM(GetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal, DWORD, DLDL)
+LWM(GetArgClass, Agnostic_GetArgClass, Agnostic_GetArgClass_Value)
+LWM(GetArgType, Agnostic_GetArgType, Agnostic_GetArgType_Value)
+LWM(GetArrayInitializationData, DLD, DWORDLONG)
+LWM(GetBBProfileData, DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetBBProfileData)
+LWM(GetBoundaries, DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetBoundaries)
+LWM(GetCallInfo, Agnostic_GetCallInfo, Agnostic_CORINFO_CALL_INFO)
+LWM(GetCastingHelper, Agnostic_GetCastingHelper, DWORD)
+LWM(GetClassAlignmentRequirement, DLD, DWORD)
+LWM(GetClassGClayout, DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetClassGClayout)
+LWM(GetClassModuleIdForStatics, DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetClassModuleIdForStatics)
+LWM(GetClassNumInstanceFields, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+LWM(GetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig, Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO, DLDL)
+LWM(GetDelegateCtor, Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorIn, Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorOut)
+LWM(GetFieldAddress, DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetFieldAddress)
+LWM(GetFieldInfo, Agnostic_GetFieldInfo, Agnostic_CORINFO_FIELD_INFO)
+LWM(GetFieldThreadLocalStoreID, DWORDLONG, DLD)
+LWM(GetFieldType, DLDL, DLD)
+LWM(GetFunctionEntryPoint, DLD, DLD)
+LWM(GetFunctionFixedEntryPoint, DWORDLONG, Agnostic_CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP)
+LWM(GetHelperFtn, DWORD, DLDL)
+LWM(GetHelperName, DWORD, DWORD)
+LWM(GetInlinedCallFrameVptr, DWORD, DLDL)
+LWM(GetIntConfigValue, Agnostic_ConfigIntInfo, DWORD)
+LWM(GetJitFlags, DWORD, DD)
+LWM(GetJitTimeLogFilename, DWORD, DWORD)
+LWM(GetJustMyCodeHandle, DWORDLONG, DLDL)
+LWM(GetLazyStringLiteralHelper, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+LWM(GetMethodAttribs, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+LWM(GetMethodDefFromMethod, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+LWM(GetMethodInfo, DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetMethodInfo)
+LWM(GetMethodName, DLD, DD)
+LWM(GetMethodSig, DLDL, Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO)
+LWM(GetMethodVTableOffset, DWORDLONG, DD)
+LWM(GetNewHelper, Agnostic_GetNewHelper, DWORD)
+LWM(GetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget, DWORDLONG, DLDL)
+LWM(GetProfilingHandle, DWORD, Agnostic_GetProfilingHandle)
+LWM(GetReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+LWM(GetSecurityPrologHelper, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+LWM(GetSharedCCtorHelper, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+LWM(GetStringConfigValue, DWORD, DWORD)
+LWM(GetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor, DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor)
+LWM(GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk, Agnostic_GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk, DWORDLONG)
+LWM(GetThreadTLSIndex, DWORD, DLD)
+LWM(GetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+LWM(GetUnmanagedCallConv, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+LWM(GetVarArgsHandle, Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO, DLDL)
+LWM(GetVars, DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetVars)
+DENSELWM(HandleException, DWORD)
+LWM(InitClass, Agnostic_InitClass, DWORD)
+LWM(InitConstraintsForVerification, DWORDLONG, DD)
+LWM(IsCompatibleDelegate, Agnostic_IsCompatibleDelegate, DD)
+LWM(IsDelegateCreationAllowed, DLDL, DWORD)
+LWM(IsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+LWM(IsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+LWM(IsValidStringRef, DLD, DWORD)
+LWM(IsValidToken, DLD, DWORD)
+LWM(IsWriteBarrierHelperRequired, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+LWM(PInvokeMarshalingRequired, Agnostic_PInvokeMarshalingRequired, DWORD)
+LWM(SatisfiesClassConstraints, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+LWM(SatisfiesMethodConstraints, DLDL, DWORD)
+LWM(ShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction, DWORDLONG, DWORD)
+#undef LWM
+#undef DENSELWM
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/mclist.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/mclist.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a6f8701bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/mclist.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// MCList.h - MethodContext List utility class
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "mclist.h"
+#include "logging.h"
+bool MCList::processArgAsMCL(char *input, int *count, int **list)
+ // If it contains only '0-9', '-', ',' try to see it as a range list, else try to load as a file
+ bool isRangeList = true;
+ size_t len = strlen(input);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; (i < len) && isRangeList; i++)
+ {
+ if ((input[i] != '-') && (input[i] != ',') && (!isdigit((unsigned char)input[i])))
+ isRangeList = false;
+ }
+ if (isRangeList)
+ {
+ //Count items
+ *count = 0;
+ unsigned rangeStart = 0;
+ bool inRange = false;
+ unsigned scratch = 0;
+ bool foundDigit = false;
+ char *tail = input+len;
+ for(char* head = input; head <= tail; head++)
+ {
+ scratch = 0;
+ foundDigit = false;
+ while((head<=tail)&&(isdigit((unsigned char)*head)))
+ {
+ scratch = (scratch*10)+((*head)-'0');
+ foundDigit = true;
+ head++;
+ }
+ if(foundDigit)
+ {
+ if(inRange)
+ {
+ inRange = false;
+ if(rangeStart>=scratch)
+ {
+ LogError("Invalid range in '%s'", input);
+ return false;
+ }
+ (*count) += scratch-rangeStart;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rangeStart = scratch;
+ (*count)++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(*head == '-')
+ inRange = true;
+ }
+ if (*count == 0)
+ {
+ LogError("Didn't find a list!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ inRange = false;
+ rangeStart = 0;
+ int *ll = new int[*count];
+ *list = ll;
+ int index = 0;
+ ll[index] = 0;
+ for(char* head = input; head <= tail; head++)
+ {
+ scratch = 0;
+ foundDigit = false;
+ while((head<=tail)&&(isdigit((unsigned char)*head)))
+ {
+ scratch = (scratch*10)+((*head)-'0');
+ foundDigit = true;
+ head++;
+ }
+ if(foundDigit)
+ {
+ if(inRange)
+ {
+ inRange = false;
+ for(unsigned int i=rangeStart+1;i<=scratch;i++)
+ ll[index++] = i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rangeStart = scratch;
+ ll[index++] = scratch;
+ }
+ }
+ if(*head == '-')
+ inRange = true;
+ }
+ if(inRange)
+ {
+ LogError("Found invalid external range in '%s'", input);
+ return false;
+ }
+ goto checkMCL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *lastdot = strrchr(input,'.');
+ if(lastdot != nullptr && _stricmp(lastdot, ".mcl")==0)
+ {
+ //Read MCLFile
+ if (!getLineData(input, count, list))
+ return false;
+ if (*count >= 0)
+ goto checkMCL;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+checkMCL: //check that mcl list is increasing only
+ int *ll = (*list);
+ if (ll[0] == 0)
+ {
+ LogError("MCL list needs to start from 1!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int i = 1; i < *count; i++)
+ {
+ if (ll[i-1] >= ll[i])
+ {
+ LogError("MCL list must be increasing.. found %d -> %d", ll[i - 1], ll[i]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// Returns true on success, false on failure.
+// On success, sets *pIndexCount to the number of indices read, and *pIndexes to a new array with all the indices read. The caller must
+// free the memory with delete[].
+/* static */
+bool MCList::getLineData(const char *nameOfInput, /* OUT */ int *pIndexCount, /* OUT */ int **pIndexes)
+ {
+ LogError("Unable to open '%s'. GetLastError()=%u", nameOfInput, GetLastError());
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!GetFileSizeEx(hFile, &DataTemp))
+ {
+ LogError("GetFileSizeEx failed. GetLastError()=%u", GetLastError());
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (DataTemp.QuadPart > MAXMCLFILESIZE)
+ {
+ LogError("Size %d exceeds max size of %d", DataTemp.QuadPart, MAXMCLFILESIZE);
+ return false;
+ }
+ int sz = DataTemp.u.LowPart;
+ char* buff = new char[sz];
+ DWORD bytesRead;
+ if (ReadFile(hFile, buff, sz, &bytesRead, nullptr) == 0)
+ {
+ LogError("ReadFile failed. GetLastError()=%u", GetLastError());
+ delete[] buff;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!CloseHandle(hFile))
+ {
+ LogError("CloseHandle failed. GetLastError()=%u", GetLastError());
+ delete[] buff;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Count the lines. Note that the last line better be terminated by a newline.
+ int lineCount = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
+ {
+ if (buff[i] == '\n')
+ {
+ lineCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ int* indexes = new int[lineCount];
+ int indexCount = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ while (i < sz)
+ {
+ //seek the first number on the line. This will skip empty lines and lines with no digits.
+ while (!isdigit((unsigned char)buff[i]))
+ i++;
+ //read in the number
+ indexes[indexCount++] = atoi(&buff[i]);
+ //seek to the start of next line
+ while ((i < sz) && (buff[i] != '\n'))
+ i++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ delete[] buff;
+ *pIndexCount = indexCount;
+ *pIndexes = indexes;
+ return true;
+void MCList::InitializeMCL(char *filename)
+ {
+ LogError("Failed to open output file '%s'. GetLastError()=%u", filename, GetLastError());
+ }
+void MCList::AddMethodToMCL(int methodIndex)
+ {
+ char strMethodIndex[12];
+ DWORD charCount = 0;
+ DWORD bytesWritten = 0;
+ charCount = sprintf(strMethodIndex, "%d\r\n", methodIndex);
+ if (!WriteFile(hMCLFile, strMethodIndex, charCount, &bytesWritten, nullptr) || bytesWritten != charCount)
+ {
+ LogError("Failed to write method index '%d'. GetLastError()=%u", strMethodIndex, GetLastError());
+ }
+ }
+void MCList::CloseMCL()
+ {
+ if (CloseHandle(hMCLFile) == 0)
+ {
+ LogError("CloseHandle failed. GetLastError()=%u", GetLastError());
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/mclist.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/mclist.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93b2879569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/mclist.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// MCList.h - MethodContext List utility class
+#ifndef _MCList
+#define _MCList
+class MCList
+ static bool processArgAsMCL(char *input, int *count, int **list);
+ MCList()
+ {
+ //Initialize the static file handle
+ }
+ //Methods to create an MCL file
+ void InitializeMCL(char *filename);
+ void AddMethodToMCL(int methodIndex);
+ void CloseMCL();
+ static bool getLineData(const char *nameOfInput, /* OUT */ int *pIndexCount, /* OUT */ int **pIndexes);
+ //File handle for MCL file
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c46065b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,6509 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// MethodContext.cpp - Primary structure to store all the EE-JIT details required to replay creation of a method
+// CompileResult contains the stuff generated by a compilation
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "methodcontext.h"
+#include "compileresult.h"
+#include "lightweightmap.h"
+#include "callutils.h"
+struct { int packetID; const char *message; } retiredPackets[] =
+ { 6, "CanEmbedModuleHandleForHelper id 6 superseded by GetLazyStringLiteralHelper id 147 on 12/20/2013" },
+ { 13, "CheckMethodModifier id 13 superseded by id 142 on 2013/07/04. Re-record input with newer shim." },
+ { 14, "CompileMethod id 14 superseded by id 141 on 2013/07/03. Re-record input with newer shim." },
+ { 24, "FindNameOfToken id 24 superseded by id 145 on 2013/07/19. Re-record input with newer shim. Adjusted members to be proper." },
+ { 28, "GetArgClass id 28 superseded by id 139 on 2013/07/03. Re-record input with newer shim." },
+ { 30, "GetArgType id 30 superseded by id 140 on 2013/07/03. Re-record input with newer shim." },
+ { 93, "GetUnBoxHelper2 id 93 unused. 2016/02/19. Re-record input with newer shim." },
+ { 104, "IsValidToken id 104 superseded by id 144 on 2013/07/19. Re-record input with newer shim. Adjusted members to be proper." },
+ { 141, "CompileMethod id 141 superseded by id 142 on 2013/07/09. Re-record input with newer shim. We basically reset lots of other stuff too. :-)" },
+int retiredPacketCount = 7;
+#define sparseMC //Support filling in details where guesses are okay and will still generate good code. (i.e. helper function addresses)
+#if 0
+// Enable these to get verbose logging during record or playback.
+#define DEBUG_REC(x) \
+ printf("rec"); \
+ x; \
+ printf("\n");
+#define DEBUG_REP(x) \
+ printf("rep"); \
+ x; \
+ printf("\n");
+#define DEBUG_REC(x)
+#define DEBUG_REP(x)
+ methodSize = 0;
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) map = nullptr;
+ #include "lwmlist.h"
+ cr = new CompileResult();
+ index = -1;
+ Destroy();
+void MethodContext::Destroy()
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) if (map != nullptr) delete map;
+ #include "lwmlist.h"
+ delete cr;
+#define sparseAddLen(target) \
+ if (target != nullptr) \
+ { \
+ if (target->GetCount() != 0) \
+ totalLen += target->CalculateArraySize() + 6; /* packet canary from lightweightmap + packet marker */ \
+ }
+#define sparseWriteFile(target) \
+ if (target != nullptr) \
+ { \
+ if (target->GetCount() != 0) \
+ { \
+ buff2[buffIndex++] = (unsigned char) Packet_##target; \
+ unsigned int loc = target->DumpToArray(&buff2[buffIndex + 4]); \
+ memcpy(&buff2[buffIndex], &loc, sizeof(unsigned int)); \
+ buffIndex += 4 + loc; \
+ buff2[buffIndex++] = 0x42; \
+ } \
+ }
+#define sparseWriteFileCR(target) \
+ if (cr != nullptr) \
+ { \
+ if (cr->target != nullptr) \
+ { \
+ if (cr->target->GetCount() != 0) \
+ { \
+ buff2[buffIndex++] = (unsigned char) PacketCR_##target; \
+ unsigned int loc = cr->target->DumpToArray(&buff2[buffIndex + 4]); \
+ memcpy(&buff2[buffIndex], &loc, sizeof(unsigned int)); \
+ buffIndex += 4 + loc; \
+ buff2[buffIndex++] = 0x42; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ }
+#define sparseReadFile(target, key, value) \
+ case Packet_##target: \
+ { \
+ target = new LightWeightMap<key, value>(); \
+ target->ReadFromArray(&buff2[buffIndex], localsize); \
+ break; \
+ }
+#define sparseReadFileCR(target, key, value) \
+ case PacketCR_##target: \
+ { \
+ cr->target = new LightWeightMap<key, value>(); \
+ cr->target->ReadFromArray(&buff2[buffIndex], localsize); \
+ break; \
+ }
+#define sparseReadFileDense(target, value) \
+ case Packet_##target: \
+ { \
+ target = new DenseLightWeightMap<value>(); \
+ target->ReadFromArray(&buff2[buffIndex], localsize); \
+ break; \
+ }
+#define sparseReadFileCRDense(target, value) \
+ case PacketCR_##target: \
+ { \
+ cr->target = new DenseLightWeightMap<value>(); \
+ cr->target->ReadFromArray(&buff2[buffIndex], localsize); \
+ break; \
+ }
+unsigned int MethodContext::calculateFileSize()
+ //Calculate file size
+ unsigned int totalLen = 0;
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) sparseAddLen(map)
+ #include "lwmlist.h"
+ //Compile Result members
+ if (cr != nullptr)
+ {
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) sparseAddLen(cr->map);
+ #include "crlwmlist.h"
+ }
+ return totalLen;
+unsigned int MethodContext::calculateRawFileSize()
+ return 2 /* leading magic cookie 'm', 'c' */ + 4 /* 4-byte data length */ + calculateFileSize() + 2 /* end canary '4', '2' */;
+unsigned int MethodContext::saveToFile(HANDLE hFile)
+ unsigned int totalLen = calculateFileSize();
+ unsigned int totalFileSize = 2 /* leading magic cookie 'm', 'c' */ + 4 /* 4-byte data length */ + totalLen + 2 /* end canary '4', '2' */;
+ DWORD bytesWritten = 0;
+ unsigned int buffIndex = 0;
+ unsigned char *buff2 = new unsigned char[totalFileSize];
+ buff2[buffIndex++] = 'm';
+ buff2[buffIndex++] = 'c';
+ memcpy(&buff2[buffIndex], &totalLen, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ buffIndex += 4;
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) sparseWriteFile(map)
+ #include "lwmlist.h"
+ //Compile Result members
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) sparseWriteFileCR(map);
+ #include "crlwmlist.h"
+ // Write the end canary
+ buff2[buffIndex++] = '4';
+ buff2[buffIndex++] = '2';
+ Assert(buffIndex == totalFileSize);
+ WriteFile(hFile, buff2, totalFileSize, &bytesWritten, NULL);
+ delete[]buff2;
+ return bytesWritten;
+// This code can't exist in a function with C++ objects needing destruction. Returns true on success
+// (and sets *ppmc with new MethodContext), false on failure.
+// static
+bool MethodContext::Initialize(int loadedCount, unsigned char* buff, DWORD size, /* OUT */ MethodContext** ppmc)
+ MethodContext* mc = new MethodContext();
+ mc->index = loadedCount;
+ *ppmc = mc;
+ return mc->Initialize(loadedCount, buff, size);
+// static
+bool MethodContext::Initialize(int loadedCount, HANDLE hFile, /* OUT */ MethodContext** ppmc)
+ MethodContext* mc = new MethodContext();
+ mc->index = loadedCount;
+ *ppmc = mc;
+ return mc->Initialize(loadedCount, hFile);
+bool MethodContext::Initialize(int loadedCount, unsigned char* buff, DWORD size)
+ bool result = true;
+ struct Param
+ {
+ unsigned char* buff;
+ DWORD size;
+ MethodContext* pThis;
+ } param;
+ param.buff = buff;
+ param.size = size;
+ param.pThis = this;
+ PAL_TRY(Param*, pParam, &param)
+ {
+ pParam->pThis->MethodInitHelper(pParam->buff, pParam->size);
+ }
+ PAL_EXCEPT_FILTER(FilterSuperPMIExceptions_CatchMC)
+ {
+ LogError("Method %d is of low integrity.", loadedCount);
+ result = false;
+ }
+ return result;
+bool MethodContext::Initialize(int loadedCount, HANDLE hFile)
+ bool result = true;
+ struct Param
+ {
+ HANDLE hFile;
+ MethodContext* pThis;
+ } param;
+ param.hFile = hFile;
+ param.pThis = this;
+ PAL_TRY(Param*, pParam, &param)
+ {
+ pParam->pThis->MethodInitHelperFile(pParam->hFile);
+ }
+ PAL_EXCEPT_FILTER(FilterSuperPMIExceptions_CatchMC)
+ {
+ LogError("Method %d is of low integrity.", loadedCount);
+ result = false;
+ }
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::MethodInitHelperFile(HANDLE hFile)
+ DWORD bytesRead;
+ char buff[512];
+ unsigned int totalLen = 0;
+ AssertCode(ReadFile(hFile, buff, 2 + sizeof(unsigned int), &bytesRead, NULL) == TRUE, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC); //Read Magic number and totalLen
+ AssertCodeMsg((buff[0] == 'm') && (buff[1] == 'c'), EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find magic number");
+ memcpy(&totalLen, &buff[2], sizeof(unsigned int));
+ unsigned char *buff2 = new unsigned char[totalLen + 2]; //total + End Canary
+ AssertCode(ReadFile(hFile, buff2, totalLen + 2, &bytesRead, NULL) == TRUE, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC);
+ AssertCodeMsg((buff2[totalLen] == '4') && (buff2[totalLen + 1] == '2'), EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find end canary");
+ MethodInitHelper(buff2, totalLen);
+void MethodContext::MethodInitHelper(unsigned char *buff2, unsigned int totalLen)
+ MethodContext::MethodContext();
+ unsigned int buffIndex = 0;
+ unsigned int localsize = 0;
+ unsigned char canary = 0xff;
+ unsigned char *buff3 = nullptr;
+ while (buffIndex < totalLen)
+ {
+ unsigned char packetType = buff2[buffIndex++];
+ memcpy(&localsize, &buff2[buffIndex], sizeof(unsigned int));
+ buffIndex += 4;
+ switch (packetType)
+ {
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) sparseReadFile(map,key,value)
+ #define DENSELWM(map,value) sparseReadFileDense(map,value)
+ #include "lwmlist.h"
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) sparseReadFileCR(map,key,value)
+ #define DENSELWM(map,value) sparseReadFileCRDense(map,value)
+ #include "crlwmlist.h"
+ default:
+ for (int i = 0; i < retiredPacketCount; i++)
+ {
+ AssertCodeMsg(retiredPackets[i].packetID != packetType, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Ran into retired packet %u '%s'", packetType, retiredPackets[i].message);
+ }
+ LogException(EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Read ran into unknown packet type %u. Are you using a newer recorder?", packetType);
+ // break;
+ }
+ buffIndex += localsize;
+ canary = buff2[buffIndex++];
+ AssertCodeMsg(canary == 0x42, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find trailing canary for map");
+ }
+ AssertCodeMsg((buff2[buffIndex++] == '4') && (buff2[buffIndex++] == '2'), EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find trailing canary for map");
+ delete[]buff2;
+#define dumpStat(target) \
+ if (target != nullptr) \
+ { \
+ if (target->GetCount() > 0) \
+ { \
+ int t = sprintf_s(buff, len, "%u", target->GetCount()); \
+ buff += t; \
+ len -= t; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ { \
+ *buff++ = ','; \
+ len--; \
+ } \
+ if (target != nullptr) \
+ { \
+ int t = sprintf_s(buff, len, "%u", target->CalculateArraySize()); \
+ buff += t; \
+ len -= t; \
+ } \
+ { \
+ *buff++ = ','; \
+ len--; \
+ }
+// Dump statistics about each LightWeightMap to the buffer: count of elements, and total size in bytes of map.
+int MethodContext::dumpStatToBuffer(char *buff, int len)
+ char *obuff = buff;
+ //assumption of enough buffer.. :-|
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) dumpStat(map)
+ #include "lwmlist.h"
+ //Compile Result members
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) dumpStat(cr->map);
+ #include "crlwmlist.h"
+ return (int)(buff - obuff);
+int MethodContext::dumpStatTitleToBuffer(char *buff, int len)
+ const char *title =
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) #map "," #map " SZ,"
+ #include "lwmlist.h"
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) "CR_" #map ",CR_" #map " SZ,"
+ #include "crlwmlist.h"
+ ;
+ int titleLen = (int)strlen(title);
+ if ((titleLen + 1) > len)
+ {
+ LogError("titleLen is larger than given len");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ strcpy_s(buff, len, title);
+ return titleLen;
+#define softMapEqual(a) \
+ if (a != nullptr) \
+ { \
+ if (other->a == nullptr) return false; \
+ if (a->GetCount() != other->a->GetCount()) return false; \
+ } \
+ else if (other->a != nullptr) return false;
+bool MethodContext::Equal(MethodContext *other)
+ //returns true if equal. Note this is permissive, that is to say that we may reason that too many things are equal. Adding more detailed checks would cause us to reason more things as unique;
+ //Compare MethodInfo's first.
+ unsigned otherFlags = 0;
+ other->repCompileMethod(&otherInfo, &otherFlags);
+ unsigned ourFlags = 0;
+ repCompileMethod(&ourInfo, &ourFlags);
+ if (otherInfo.ILCodeSize != ourInfo.ILCodeSize)
+ return false;
+ if (otherInfo.args.numArgs != ourInfo.args.numArgs)
+ return false;
+ if (otherInfo.args.retType != ourInfo.args.retType)
+ return false;
+ if (otherInfo.locals.numArgs != ourInfo.locals.numArgs)
+ return false;
+ if (otherInfo.EHcount != ourInfo.EHcount)
+ return false;
+ if (otherInfo.options != ourInfo.options)
+ return false;
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < otherInfo.ILCodeSize; j++)
+ if (otherInfo.ILCode[j] != ourInfo.ILCode[j])
+ return false;
+ if (otherInfo.maxStack != ourInfo.maxStack)
+ return false;
+ if (otherInfo.regionKind != ourInfo.regionKind)
+ return false;
+ if (otherInfo.args.callConv != ourInfo.args.callConv)
+ return false;
+ if (otherInfo.args.cbSig != ourInfo.args.cbSig)
+ return false;
+ if (otherInfo.args.flags != ourInfo.args.flags)
+ return false;
+ if (otherInfo.locals.cbSig != ourInfo.locals.cbSig)
+ return false;
+ if (otherFlags != ourFlags)
+ return false;
+ //Now compare the other maps to "estimate" equality.
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) softMapEqual(map)
+ #include "lwmlist.h"
+ //Compile Result members
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) softMapEqual(cr->map)
+ #include "crlwmlist.h"
+ //Base case is we "match"
+ return true;
+// MethodContext::recGlobalContext
+// This method copies any relevant global (i.e. per-JIT-instance) data from
+// the given method context. Currently this is limited to configuiration
+// values, but may grow to encompass other information in the future (e.g.
+// any information that is exposed by the ICorJitHost interface and is
+// therefore accessible outside the context of a call to
+// `ICJI::compileMethod`).
+// This method is intended to be called as part of initializing a method
+// during collection, similar to `methodContext::recEnvironment`.
+void MethodContext::recGlobalContext(const MethodContext& other)
+ Assert(GetIntConfigValue == nullptr);
+ Assert(GetStringConfigValue == nullptr);
+ if (other.GetIntConfigValue != nullptr)
+ {
+ GetIntConfigValue = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_ConfigIntInfo, DWORD>(*other.GetIntConfigValue);
+ }
+ if (other.GetStringConfigValue != nullptr)
+ {
+ GetStringConfigValue = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, DWORD>(*other.GetStringConfigValue);
+ }
+void MethodContext::recEnvironment()
+ if (Environment == nullptr)
+ Environment = new DenseLightWeightMap<Agnostic_Environment>();
+ char *l_EnvStr;
+ char *l_val;
+ l_EnvStr = GetEnvironmentStringsA();
+#else // !FEATURE_PAL
+ l_EnvStr = GetEnvironmentStrings();
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+ l_val = l_EnvStr;
+ char* l_str = l_EnvStr;
+ int count = 0;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (*l_str == 0) break;
+ while (*l_str != 0) l_str++;
+ l_str++;
+ count++;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ if ((_strnicmp(l_EnvStr, "complus_", 8) == 0) || (_strnicmp(l_EnvStr, "dbflag", 6) == 0) || (_strnicmp(l_EnvStr, "BVT_TEST_ID", 11) == 0))
+ {
+ char *val = l_EnvStr;
+ while (*val != '=')
+ val++;
+ *val++ = 0;
+ int nameind = Environment->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)l_EnvStr, (int)strlen(l_EnvStr) + 1);
+ int valind = Environment->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)val, (int)strlen(val) + 1);
+ Agnostic_Environment value;
+ value.name_index = nameind;
+ value.val_index = valind;
+ DWORD key = (DWORD)Environment->GetCount();
+ Environment->Append(value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpEnvironment(key, value));
+ l_EnvStr = val;
+ }
+ while (*l_EnvStr != '\0')
+ l_EnvStr++;
+ l_EnvStr++;
+ }
+ FreeEnvironmentStringsA(l_val);
+void MethodContext::dmpEnvironment(DWORD key, const Agnostic_Environment& value)
+ printf("Environment key %u, value '%s' '%s'", key, (LPCSTR)Environment->GetBuffer(value.name_index),
+ (LPCSTR)Environment->GetBuffer(value.val_index));
+ Environment->Unlock();
+void MethodContext::repEnvironmentSet()
+ if (Environment == nullptr)
+ return;
+ Agnostic_Environment val;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Environment->GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ val = Environment->Get((DWORD)i);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpEnvironment(i, val));
+ SetEnvironmentVariableA((LPCSTR)Environment->GetBuffer(val.name_index), (LPCSTR)Environment->GetBuffer(val.val_index));
+ }
+int MethodContext::repGetTestID()
+ //CLR Test asset only - we capture the testID via smarty-environnent (BVT_TEST_ID) during record time
+ //This procedure returns the test id if found and -1 otherwise
+ if (Environment == nullptr)
+ return -1;
+ Agnostic_Environment val;
+ LPCSTR key;
+ int value = -1;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Environment->GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ val = Environment->Get((DWORD)i);
+ key = (LPCSTR)Environment->GetBuffer(val.name_index);
+ if (_strnicmp(key, "BVT_TEST_ID", 11) == 0)
+ {
+ value = atoi((LPCSTR)Environment->GetBuffer(val.val_index));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (value == -1)
+ {
+ LogError("Couldn't find Smarty test ID");
+ }
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::repEnvironmentUnset()
+ if (Environment == nullptr)
+ return;
+ Agnostic_Environment val;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Environment->GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ val = Environment->Get((DWORD)i);
+ SetEnvironmentVariableA((LPCSTR)Environment->GetBuffer(val.name_index), nullptr);
+ }
+int MethodContext::repEnvironmentGetCount()
+ int result = 0;
+ if (Environment != nullptr)
+ result = Environment->GetCount();
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::dumpToConsole(int mcNumber)
+ printf("*****************************************");
+ if (mcNumber != -1)
+ {
+ printf(" method context #%d", mcNumber);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) dumpLWM(this,map)
+ #define DENSELWM(map,value) dumpLWMDense(this,map)
+ #include "lwmlist.h"
+ //Compile Result members
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) dumpLWM(this->cr,map)
+ #define DENSELWM(map,value) dumpLWMDense(this->cr,map)
+ #include "crlwmlist.h"
+const char* toString(CorInfoType cit)
+ switch (cit)
+ {
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_UNDEF : return "undef";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_VOID : return "void";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_BOOL : return "bool";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_CHAR : return "char";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_BYTE : return "byte";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_UBYTE : return "ubyte";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_SHORT : return "short";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_USHORT : return "ushort";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_INT : return "int";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_UINT : return "uint";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_LONG : return "long";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_ULONG : return "ulong";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_NATIVEINT : return "nativeint";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_NATIVEUINT : return "nativeuint";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_FLOAT : return "float";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_DOUBLE : return "double";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_STRING : return "string";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_PTR : return "ptr";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_BYREF : return "byref";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_VALUECLASS : return "valueclass";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_CLASS : return "class";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_REFANY : return "refany";
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_VAR : return "var";
+ default : return "UNKNOWN";
+ }
+unsigned int toCorInfoSize(CorInfoType cit)
+ switch (cit)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ return 2;
+ return 4;
+ return 8;
+ return sizeof(void *);
+ default:
+ __debugbreak();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+void MethodContext::recCompileMethod(CORINFO_METHOD_INFO *info, unsigned flags)
+ if (CompileMethod == nullptr)
+ CompileMethod = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, Agnostic_CompileMethod>();
+ Agnostic_CompileMethod value;
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->ftn;
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->scope;
+ = (DWORD)CompileMethod->AddBuffer(info->ILCode, info->ILCodeSize);
+ = (DWORD)info->ILCodeSize;
+ = (DWORD)info->maxStack;
+ = (DWORD)info->EHcount;
+ = (DWORD)info->options;
+ = (DWORD)info->regionKind;
+ = (DWORD)info->args.callConv;
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->args.retTypeClass;
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->args.retTypeSigClass;
+ = (DWORD)info->args.retType;
+ = (DWORD)info->args.flags;
+ = (DWORD)info->args.numArgs;
+ = (DWORD)info->args.sigInst.classInstCount;
+ = CompileMethod->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)info->args.sigInst.classInst, info->args.sigInst.classInstCount * 8); // porting issue
+ = (DWORD)info->args.sigInst.methInstCount;
+ = CompileMethod->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)info->args.sigInst.methInst, info->args.sigInst.methInstCount * 8); // porting issue
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->args.args;
+ = (DWORD)info->args.cbSig;
+ = (DWORD)CompileMethod->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)info->args.pSig, info->args.cbSig);
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->args.scope;
+ = (DWORD)info->args.token;
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.callConv;
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->locals.retTypeClass;
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->locals.retTypeSigClass;
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.retType;
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.flags;
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.numArgs;
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.sigInst.classInstCount;
+ = CompileMethod->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)info->locals.sigInst.classInst, info->locals.sigInst.classInstCount * 8); // porting issue
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.sigInst.methInstCount;
+ = CompileMethod->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)info->locals.sigInst.methInst, info->locals.sigInst.methInstCount * 8); // porting issue
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->locals.args;
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.cbSig;
+ = (DWORD)CompileMethod->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)info->locals.pSig, info->locals.cbSig);
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->locals.scope;
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.token;
+ value.flags = (DWORD)flags;
+ CompileMethod->Add(0, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpCompileMethod(0, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpCompileMethod(DWORD key, const Agnostic_CompileMethod& value)
+ printf("CompiledMethod key %u, value ftn-%016llX scp-%016llX ilo-%u ils-%u ms-%u ehc-%u opt-%u rk-%u "
+ "args{cc-%u rc-%016llX rts-%016llX rt-%u(%s) flg-%08X nA-%u cc-%u ci-%u mc-%u mi-%u arg-%016llX cb-%u pSig-%u scp-%016llX tok-%08X} "
+ "locals{cc-%u rc-%016llX rts-%016llX rt-%u(%s) flg-%08X nA-%u cc-%u ci-%u mc-%u mi-%u arg-%016llX cb-%u pSig-%u scp-%016llX tok-%08X} "
+ "flg-%08X",
+ key,
+ toString((CorInfoType),
+ toString((CorInfoType),
+ value.flags);
+void MethodContext::repCompileMethod(CORINFO_METHOD_INFO *info, unsigned *flags)
+ Agnostic_CompileMethod value;
+ value = CompileMethod->Get((DWORD)0); //The only item in this set is a single group of inputs to CompileMethod
+ info->ftn = (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE);
+ info->scope = (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE);
+ info->ILCode = CompileMethod->GetBuffer(;
+ info->ILCodeSize = (unsigned);
+ methodSize = info->ILCodeSize;
+ info->maxStack = (unsigned);
+ info->EHcount = (unsigned);
+ info->options = (CorInfoOptions);
+ info->regionKind = (CorInfoRegionKind);
+ info->args.callConv = (CorInfoCallConv);
+ info->args.retTypeClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE);
+ info->args.retTypeSigClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE);
+ info->args.retType = (CorInfoType);
+ info->args.flags = (unsigned);
+ info->args.numArgs = (unsigned);
+ info->args.sigInst.classInstCount = (unsigned);
+ info->args.sigInst.classInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)CompileMethod->GetBuffer(;
+ info->args.sigInst.methInstCount = (unsigned);
+ info->args.sigInst.methInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)CompileMethod->GetBuffer(;
+ info->args.args = (CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE);
+ info->args.cbSig = (unsigned int);
+ info->args.pSig = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)CompileMethod->GetBuffer(;
+ info->args.scope = (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE);
+ info->args.token = (mdToken);
+ info->locals.callConv = (CorInfoCallConv);
+ info->locals.retTypeClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE);
+ info->locals.retTypeSigClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE);
+ info->locals.retType = (CorInfoType);
+ info->locals.flags = (unsigned);
+ info->locals.numArgs = (unsigned);
+ info->locals.sigInst.classInstCount = (unsigned);
+ info->locals.sigInst.classInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)CompileMethod->GetBuffer(;
+ info->locals.sigInst.methInstCount = (unsigned);
+ info->locals.sigInst.methInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)CompileMethod->GetBuffer(;
+ info->locals.args = (CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE);
+ info->locals.cbSig = (unsigned int);
+ info->locals.pSig = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)CompileMethod->GetBuffer(;
+ info->locals.scope = (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE);
+ info->locals.token = (mdToken);
+ *flags = (unsigned)value.flags;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpCompileMethod(0, value));
+void MethodContext::recGetMethodClass(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE classHandle)
+ if (GetMethodClass == nullptr)
+ GetMethodClass = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORDLONG>();
+ GetMethodClass->Add((DWORDLONG)methodHandle, (DWORDLONG)classHandle);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetMethodClass((DWORDLONG)methodHandle, (DWORDLONG)classHandle));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetMethodClass(DWORDLONG key, DWORDLONG value)
+ printf("GetMethodClass key %016llX, value %016llX", key, value);
+CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE MethodContext::repGetMethodClass(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle)
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetMethodClass != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Found a null GetMethodClass. Probably missing a fatTrigger for %016llX.", (DWORDLONG)methodHandle);
+ int index = GetMethodClass->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)methodHandle);
+ AssertCodeMsg(index != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX. Probably missing a fatTrigger", (DWORDLONG)methodHandle);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetMethodClass((DWORDLONG)methodHandle, (DWORDLONG)value));
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recGetClassAttribs(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE classHandle, DWORD attribs)
+ if (GetClassAttribs == nullptr)
+ GetClassAttribs = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetClassAttribs->Add((DWORDLONG)classHandle, (DWORD)attribs);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetClassAttribs((DWORDLONG)classHandle, attribs));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetClassAttribs(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetClassAttribs key %016llX, value %u", key, value);
+DWORD MethodContext::repGetClassAttribs(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE classHandle)
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetClassAttribs != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Found a null GetMethodClass. Probably missing a fatTrigger for %016llX.", (DWORDLONG)classHandle);
+ int index = GetClassAttribs->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)classHandle);
+ AssertCodeMsg(index != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX. Probably missing a fatTrigger", (DWORDLONG)classHandle);
+ DWORD value = (DWORD)GetClassAttribs->Get((DWORDLONG)classHandle);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetClassAttribs((DWORDLONG)classHandle, value));
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recGetMethodAttribs(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle, DWORD attribs)
+ if (GetMethodAttribs == nullptr)
+ GetMethodAttribs = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetMethodAttribs->Add((DWORDLONG)methodHandle, attribs);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetMethodAttribs((DWORDLONG)methodHandle, attribs));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetMethodAttribs(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetMethodAttribs key %016llX, value %u", key, value);
+DWORD MethodContext::repGetMethodAttribs(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle)
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetMethodAttribs != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Found a null GetMethodAttribs. Probably missing a fatTrigger for %016llX.", (DWORDLONG)methodHandle);
+ int index = GetMethodAttribs->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)methodHandle);
+ AssertCodeMsg(index != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX. Probably missing a fatTrigger", (DWORDLONG)methodHandle);
+ DWORD value = (DWORD)GetMethodAttribs->Get((DWORDLONG)methodHandle);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetMethodAttribs((DWORDLONG)methodHandle, value));
+ if (cr->repSetMethodAttribs(methodHandle) == CORINFO_FLG_BAD_INLINEE)
+ return value;
+//Note - the jit will call freearray on the array we give back....
+void MethodContext::recGetVars(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, ULONG32 *cVars, ICorDebugInfo::ILVarInfo **vars_in, bool *extendOthers)
+ if (GetVars == nullptr)
+ GetVars = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetVars>();
+ Agnostic_GetVars value;
+ value.cVars = (DWORD)*cVars;
+ value.vars_offset = (DWORD)GetVars->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)*vars_in, sizeof(ICorDebugInfo::ILVarInfo) * (*cVars));
+ value.extendOthers = (DWORD)*extendOthers;
+ GetVars->Add((DWORDLONG)ftn, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetVars((DWORDLONG)ftn, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetVars(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetVars& value)
+ ICorDebugInfo::ILVarInfo *vars = (ICorDebugInfo::ILVarInfo *)GetVars->GetBuffer(value.vars_offset);
+ printf("GetVars key ftn-%016llX, value cVars-%u extendOthers-%u (", key, value.cVars, value.extendOthers);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < value.cVars; i++)
+ printf("(%u %u %u %u)", i, vars[i].startOffset, vars[i].endOffset, vars[i].varNumber);
+ printf(")");
+ GetVars->Unlock();
+void MethodContext::repGetVars(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, ULONG32 *cVars, ICorDebugInfo::ILVarInfo **vars_in, bool *extendOthers)
+ Agnostic_GetVars value;
+ if (GetVars == nullptr)
+ {
+ *cVars = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ value = GetVars->Get((DWORDLONG)ftn);
+ *cVars = (ULONG32)value.cVars;
+ if (*cVars > 0)
+ *vars_in = (ICorDebugInfo::ILVarInfo *)GetVars->GetBuffer(value.vars_offset);
+ *extendOthers = value.extendOthers != 0;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetVars((DWORDLONG)ftn, value));
+//Note - the jit will call freearray on the array we give back....
+void MethodContext::recGetBoundaries(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, unsigned int *cILOffsets, DWORD **pILOffsets, ICorDebugInfo::BoundaryTypes *implictBoundaries)
+ if (GetBoundaries == nullptr)
+ GetBoundaries = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetBoundaries>();
+ Agnostic_GetBoundaries value;
+ value.cILOffsets = (DWORD)*cILOffsets;
+ value.pILOffset_offset = (DWORD)GetBoundaries->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)*pILOffsets, sizeof(DWORD)*(*cILOffsets));
+ value.implicitBoundaries = *implictBoundaries;
+ GetBoundaries->Add((DWORDLONG)ftn, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetBoundaries((DWORDLONG)ftn, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetBoundaries(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetBoundaries& value)
+ printf("GetBoundaries key ftn-%016llX, value cnt-%u imp-%u{", key, value.cILOffsets, value.implicitBoundaries);
+ DWORD *bnd = (DWORD *)GetBoundaries->GetBuffer(value.pILOffset_offset);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < value.cILOffsets; i++)
+ {
+ printf("%u", bnd[i]);
+ if (i < (value.cILOffsets + 1))
+ printf(",");
+ }
+ GetBoundaries->Unlock();
+ printf("}");
+void MethodContext::repGetBoundaries(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, unsigned int *cILOffsets, DWORD **pILOffsets, ICorDebugInfo::BoundaryTypes *implictBoundaries)
+ Agnostic_GetBoundaries value;
+ value = GetBoundaries->Get((DWORDLONG)ftn);
+ *cILOffsets = (unsigned int)value.cILOffsets;
+ if (*cILOffsets > 0)
+ *pILOffsets = (DWORD *)GetBoundaries->GetBuffer(value.pILOffset_offset);
+ *implictBoundaries = (ICorDebugInfo::BoundaryTypes)value.implicitBoundaries;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetBoundaries((DWORDLONG)ftn, value));
+void MethodContext::recInitClass(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, BOOL speculative, CorInfoInitClassResult result)
+ if (InitClass == nullptr)
+ InitClass = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_InitClass, DWORD>();
+ Agnostic_InitClass key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_InitClass)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.field = (DWORDLONG)field;
+ key.method = (DWORDLONG)method;
+ key.context = (DWORDLONG)context;
+ key.speculative = (DWORD)speculative;
+ InitClass->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpInitClass(key, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpInitClass(const Agnostic_InitClass& key, DWORD value)
+ printf("InitClass key fld-%016llX meth-%016llX con-%016llX spec-%u, value res-%u", key.field, key.method, key.context, key.speculative, value);
+CorInfoInitClassResult MethodContext::repInitClass(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, BOOL speculative)
+ Agnostic_InitClass key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_InitClass)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.field = (DWORDLONG)field;
+ key.method = (DWORDLONG)method;
+ key.context = (DWORDLONG)context;
+ key.speculative = (DWORD)speculative;
+ AssertCodeMsg(InitClass != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)key.method);
+ AssertCodeMsg(InitClass->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)key.method);
+ CorInfoInitClassResult result = (CorInfoInitClassResult)InitClass->Get(key);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpInitClass(key, result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetMethodName(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, char *methodname, const char **moduleName)
+ if (GetMethodName == nullptr)
+ GetMethodName = new LightWeightMap<DLD, DD>();
+ DD value;
+ DLD key;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)ftn;
+ key.B = (moduleName != nullptr);
+ if (methodname != nullptr)
+ value.A = GetMethodName->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)methodname, (DWORD)strlen(methodname) + 1);
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORD)-1;
+ if (moduleName != nullptr)
+ value.B = GetMethodName->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)*moduleName, (DWORD)strlen(*moduleName) + 1);
+ else
+ value.B = (DWORD)-1;
+ GetMethodName->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetMethodName(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetMethodName(DLD key, DD value)
+ unsigned char *methodName = (unsigned char *)GetMethodName->GetBuffer(value.A);
+ unsigned char *moduleName = (unsigned char *)GetMethodName->GetBuffer(value.B);
+ printf("GetMethodName key - ftn-%016llX modNonNull-%u, value meth-'%s', mod-'%s'", key.A, key.B, methodName, moduleName);
+ GetMethodName->Unlock();
+const char *MethodContext::repGetMethodName(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, const char **moduleName)
+ const char* result = "hackishMethodName";
+ DD value;
+ DLD key;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)ftn;
+ key.B = (moduleName != nullptr);
+ int itemIndex = -1;
+ if (GetMethodName != nullptr)
+ itemIndex = GetMethodName->GetIndex(key);
+ if (itemIndex < 0)
+ {
+ if (moduleName != nullptr)
+ *moduleName = "hackishModuleName";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ value = GetMethodName->Get(key);
+ if (moduleName != nullptr)
+ *moduleName = (const char *)GetMethodName->GetBuffer(value.B);
+ result = (const char *)GetMethodName->GetBuffer(value.A);
+ }
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetMethodName(key, value));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetJitFlags(CORJIT_FLAGS *jitFlags, DWORD sizeInBytes, DWORD result)
+ if (GetJitFlags == nullptr)
+ GetJitFlags = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, DD>();
+ DD value;
+ value.A = (DWORD)GetJitFlags->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)jitFlags, sizeInBytes);
+ value.B = result;
+ // NOTE: getJitFlags() is expected to be idempotent per method, so the mapping key is always
+ // zero.
+ GetJitFlags->Add((DWORD)0, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetJitFlags((DWORD)0, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetJitFlags(DWORD key, DD value)
+ CORJIT_FLAGS *flags = (CORJIT_FLAGS*)GetJitFlags->GetBuffer(value.A);
+ printf("GetJitFlags key %u sizeInBytes-%u corJitFlags-%08X corJitFlags2-%08X", key, value.B, flags->corJitFlags, flags->corJitFlags2);
+ GetJitFlags->Unlock();
+DWORD MethodContext::repGetJitFlags(CORJIT_FLAGS *jitFlags, DWORD sizeInBytes)
+ DD value = GetJitFlags->Get((DWORD)0);
+ CORJIT_FLAGS *resultFlags = (CORJIT_FLAGS*)GetJitFlags->GetBuffer(value.A);
+ memcpy(jitFlags, resultFlags, value.B);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetJitFlags((DWORD)0, value));
+ return value.B;
+void MethodContext::recGetJitTimeLogFilename(LPCWSTR tempFileName)
+ if (GetJitTimeLogFilename == nullptr)
+ GetJitTimeLogFilename = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, DWORD>();
+ DWORD name_index = -1;
+ if (tempFileName != nullptr)
+ {
+ name_index = (DWORD)GetJitTimeLogFilename->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)tempFileName, (DWORD)wcslen(tempFileName) + 2);
+ }
+ GetJitTimeLogFilename->Add((DWORD)0, name_index);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetJitTimeLogFilename((DWORD)0, name_index));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetJitTimeLogFilename(DWORD key, DWORD value)
+ unsigned char *fileName = nullptr;
+ if (value != 0)
+ fileName = (unsigned char *)GetJitTimeLogFilename->GetBuffer(value);
+ printf("GetJitTimeLogFilename key %u, value '%s'", key, fileName);
+ GetJitTimeLogFilename->Unlock();
+LPCWSTR MethodContext::repGetJitTimeLogFilename()
+ DWORD offset = GetJitTimeLogFilename->Get((DWORD)0);
+ LPCWSTR value = nullptr;
+ if (offset != 0)
+ value = (LPCWSTR)GetJitTimeLogFilename->GetBuffer(offset);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetJitTimeLogFilename((DWORD)0, offset));
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recCanInline(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE calleeHnd, DWORD *pRestrictions, CorInfoInline response, DWORD exceptionCode)
+ if (CanInline == nullptr)
+ CanInline = new LightWeightMap<DLDL, Agnostic_CanInline>();
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CanInline value;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)callerHnd;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)calleeHnd;
+ if (pRestrictions != nullptr)
+ value.Restrictions = (DWORD)*pRestrictions;
+ else
+ value.Restrictions = (DWORD)0;
+ value.result = (DWORD)response;
+ value.exceptionCode = (DWORD)exceptionCode;
+ CanInline->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpCanInline(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpCanInline(DLDL key, const Agnostic_CanInline& value)
+ printf("CanInline key - callerHnd-%016llX calleeHnd-%016llX, value pRestrictions-%u result-%u exceptionCode-%08X", key.A, key.B, value.Restrictions, value.result, value.exceptionCode);
+CorInfoInline MethodContext::repCanInline(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE calleeHnd, DWORD* pRestrictions, DWORD *exceptionCode)
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CanInline value;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)callerHnd;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)calleeHnd;
+ if ((CanInline == nullptr) || (CanInline->GetIndex(key) == -1))
+ {
+#ifdef sparseMC
+ LogDebug("Sparse - repCanInline saying INLINE_FAIL");
+ return INLINE_FAIL; //if we have no info, its pretty safe to say we can't inline it.
+ LogException(EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llx, %016llx. probably a missing exception in canInline", key.A, key.B);
+ }
+ value = CanInline->Get(key);
+ *exceptionCode = value.exceptionCode;
+ if (pRestrictions != nullptr)
+ *pRestrictions = (DWORD)value.Restrictions;
+ CorInfoInline response = (CorInfoInline)value.result;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpCanInline(key, value));
+ return response;
+void MethodContext::recResolveToken(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken, DWORD exceptionCode)
+ if (ResolveToken == nullptr)
+ ResolveToken = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENin, Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENout>();
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENin)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENout value;
+ key.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenContext;
+ key.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenScope;
+ key.token = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->token;
+ key.tokenType = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->tokenType;
+ value.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass;
+ value.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hMethod;
+ value.hField = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hField;
+ value.pTypeSpec_Index = (DWORD)ResolveToken->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResolvedToken->pTypeSpec, pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec);
+ value.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec;
+ value.pMethodSpec_Index = (DWORD)ResolveToken->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResolvedToken->pMethodSpec, pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec);
+ value.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec;
+ value.exceptionCode = (DWORD)exceptionCode;
+ ResolveToken->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpResolveToken(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpResolveToken(const Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENin& key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENout& value)
+ printf("ResolveToken key tc-%016llX ts-%016llX tok-%08X tt-%u",
+ key.tokenContext,
+ key.tokenScope,
+ key.token,
+ key.tokenType);
+ printf(", value cls-%016llX meth-%016llX fld-%016llX ti-%u ts-%u mi-%u ms-%u excp-%08X",
+ value.hClass,
+ value.hMethod,
+ value.hField,
+ value.pTypeSpec_Index,
+ value.cbTypeSpec,
+ value.pMethodSpec_Index,
+ value.cbMethodSpec,
+ value.exceptionCode);
+void MethodContext::repResolveToken(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken, DWORD *exceptionCode)
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENin)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENout value;
+ key.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenContext;
+ key.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenScope;
+ key.token = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->token;
+ key.tokenType = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->tokenType;
+ AssertCodeMsg(ResolveToken->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %x", pResolvedToken->token);
+ value = ResolveToken->Get(key);
+ pResolvedToken->hClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.hClass;
+ pResolvedToken->hMethod = (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)value.hMethod;
+ pResolvedToken->hField = (CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE)value.hField;
+ pResolvedToken->pTypeSpec = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)ResolveToken->GetBuffer(value.pTypeSpec_Index);
+ pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec = (ULONG)value.cbTypeSpec;
+ pResolvedToken->pMethodSpec = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)ResolveToken->GetBuffer(value.pMethodSpec_Index);
+ pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec = (ULONG)value.cbMethodSpec;
+ *exceptionCode = (DWORD)value.exceptionCode;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpResolveToken(key, value));
+void MethodContext::recTryResolveToken(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken, bool success)
+ if (TryResolveToken == nullptr)
+ TryResolveToken = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENin, Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENout>();
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENin)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENout value;
+ key.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenContext;
+ key.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenScope;
+ key.token = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->token;
+ key.tokenType = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->tokenType;
+ value.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass;
+ value.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hMethod;
+ value.hField = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hField;
+ value.pTypeSpec_Index = (DWORD)ResolveToken->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResolvedToken->pTypeSpec, pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec);
+ value.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec;
+ value.pMethodSpec_Index = (DWORD)ResolveToken->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResolvedToken->pMethodSpec, pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec);
+ value.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec;
+ value.exceptionCode = success ? 0 : 1;
+ TryResolveToken->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpTryResolveToken(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpTryResolveToken(const Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENin& key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENout& value)
+ printf("TryResolveToken key tc-%016llX ts-%016llX tok-%08X tt-%u",
+ key.tokenContext,
+ key.tokenScope,
+ key.token,
+ key.tokenType);
+ printf(", value cls-%016llX meth-%016llX fld-%016llX ti-%u ts-%u mi-%u ms-%u failed-%u",
+ value.hClass,
+ value.hMethod,
+ value.hField,
+ value.pTypeSpec_Index,
+ value.cbTypeSpec,
+ value.pMethodSpec_Index,
+ value.cbMethodSpec,
+ value.exceptionCode);
+bool MethodContext::repTryResolveToken(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken)
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENin)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENout value;
+ key.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenContext;
+ key.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenScope;
+ key.token = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->token;
+ key.tokenType = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->tokenType;
+ // Best-effort: if the `tryResolveToken` map is missing or the key is not found therein,
+ // fall back to the `resolveToken` map.
+ if (TryResolveToken != nullptr && TryResolveToken->GetIndex(key) != -1)
+ {
+ value = TryResolveToken->Get(key);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AssertCodeMsg(ResolveToken->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %x", pResolvedToken->token);
+ value = ResolveToken->Get(key);
+ }
+ pResolvedToken->hClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.hClass;
+ pResolvedToken->hMethod = (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)value.hMethod;
+ pResolvedToken->hField = (CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE)value.hField;
+ pResolvedToken->pTypeSpec = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)ResolveToken->GetBuffer(value.pTypeSpec_Index);
+ pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec = (ULONG)value.cbTypeSpec;
+ pResolvedToken->pMethodSpec = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)ResolveToken->GetBuffer(value.pMethodSpec_Index);
+ pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec = (ULONG)value.cbMethodSpec;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpTryResolveToken(key, value));
+ return (DWORD)value.exceptionCode == 0;
+void MethodContext::recGetCallInfo(
+ CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pConstrainedResolvedToken,
+ DWORD exceptionCode)
+ if (GetCallInfo == nullptr)
+ GetCallInfo = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_GetCallInfo, Agnostic_CORINFO_CALL_INFO>();
+ Agnostic_GetCallInfo key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetCallInfo)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_CALL_INFO value;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenContext;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenScope;
+ key.ResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->token;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->tokenType;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hMethod;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hField;
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)GetCallInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResolvedToken->pTypeSpec, pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec;
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)GetCallInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResolvedToken->pMethodSpec, pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec;
+ if (pConstrainedResolvedToken != nullptr)
+ {
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)pConstrainedResolvedToken->tokenContext;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)pConstrainedResolvedToken->tokenScope;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)pConstrainedResolvedToken->token;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)pConstrainedResolvedToken->tokenType;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pConstrainedResolvedToken->hClass;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)pConstrainedResolvedToken->hMethod;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)pConstrainedResolvedToken->hField;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)GetCallInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pConstrainedResolvedToken->pTypeSpec, pConstrainedResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec);
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)pConstrainedResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)GetCallInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pConstrainedResolvedToken->pMethodSpec, pConstrainedResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec);
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)pConstrainedResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ }
+ key.callerHandle = (DWORDLONG)callerHandle;
+ key.flags = (DWORD)flags;
+ if (exceptionCode == 0)
+ {
+ value.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)pResult->hMethod;
+ value.methodFlags = (DWORD)pResult->methodFlags;
+ value.classFlags = (DWORD)pResult->classFlags;
+ value.sig.callConv = (DWORD)pResult->sig.callConv;
+ value.sig.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)pResult->sig.retTypeClass;
+ value.sig.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)pResult->sig.retTypeSigClass;
+ value.sig.retType = (DWORD)pResult->sig.retType;
+ value.sig.flags = (DWORD)pResult->sig.flags;
+ value.sig.numArgs = (DWORD)pResult->sig.numArgs;
+ value.sig.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)pResult->sig.sigInst.classInstCount;
+ value.sig.sigInst_classInst_Index = GetCallInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResult->sig.sigInst.classInst, pResult->sig.sigInst.classInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ value.sig.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)pResult->sig.sigInst.methInstCount;
+ value.sig.sigInst_methInst_Index = GetCallInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResult->sig.sigInst.methInst, pResult->sig.sigInst.methInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ value.sig.args = (DWORDLONG)pResult->sig.args;
+ value.sig.cbSig = (DWORD)pResult->sig.cbSig;
+ value.sig.pSig = (DWORD)GetCallInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)pResult->sig.pSig, pResult->sig.cbSig);
+ value.sig.scope = (DWORDLONG)pResult->sig.scope;
+ value.sig.token = (DWORD)pResult->sig.token;
+ {
+ value.verMethodFlags = (DWORD)pResult->verMethodFlags;
+ value.verSig.callConv = (DWORD)pResult->verSig.callConv;
+ value.verSig.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)pResult->verSig.retTypeClass;
+ value.verSig.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)pResult->verSig.retTypeSigClass;
+ value.verSig.retType = (DWORD)pResult->verSig.retType;
+ value.verSig.flags = (DWORD)pResult->verSig.flags;
+ value.verSig.numArgs = (DWORD)pResult->verSig.numArgs;
+ value.verSig.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)pResult->verSig.sigInst.classInstCount;
+ value.verSig.sigInst_classInst_Index = GetCallInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResult->verSig.sigInst.classInst, pResult->verSig.sigInst.classInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ value.verSig.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)pResult->verSig.sigInst.methInstCount;
+ value.verSig.sigInst_methInst_Index = GetCallInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResult->verSig.sigInst.methInst, pResult->verSig.sigInst.methInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ value.verSig.args = (DWORDLONG)pResult->verSig.args;
+ value.verSig.cbSig = (DWORD)pResult->verSig.cbSig;
+ value.verSig.pSig = (DWORD)GetCallInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)pResult->verSig.pSig, pResult->verSig.cbSig);
+ value.verSig.scope = (DWORDLONG)pResult->verSig.scope;
+ value.verSig.token = (DWORD)pResult->verSig.token;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ value.verMethodFlags = (DWORD)0;
+ value.verSig.callConv = (DWORD)0;
+ value.verSig.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.verSig.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.verSig.retType = (DWORD)0;
+ value.verSig.flags = (DWORD)0;
+ value.verSig.numArgs = (DWORD)0;
+ value.verSig.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ value.verSig.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ value.verSig.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ value.verSig.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ value.verSig.args = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.verSig.cbSig = (DWORD)0;
+ value.verSig.pSig = (DWORD)0;
+ value.verSig.scope = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.verSig.token = (DWORD)0;
+ }
+ value.accessAllowed = (DWORD)pResult->accessAllowed;
+ value.callsiteCalloutHelper.helperNum = (DWORD)pResult->callsiteCalloutHelper.helperNum;
+ value.callsiteCalloutHelper.numArgs = (DWORD)pResult->callsiteCalloutHelper.numArgs;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_ACCESS_ALLOWED_MAX_ARGS; i++)
+ {
+ value.callsiteCalloutHelper.args[i].constant = (DWORDLONG)pResult->callsiteCalloutHelper.args[i].constant;
+ value.callsiteCalloutHelper.args[i].argType = (DWORD)pResult->callsiteCalloutHelper.args[i].argType;
+ }
+ value.thisTransform = (DWORD)pResult->thisTransform;
+ value.kind = (DWORD)pResult->kind;
+ value.nullInstanceCheck = (DWORD)pResult->nullInstanceCheck;
+ value.contextHandle = (DWORDLONG)pResult->contextHandle;
+ value.exactContextNeedsRuntimeLookup = (DWORD)pResult->exactContextNeedsRuntimeLookup;
+ value.stubLookup.lookupKind.needsRuntimeLookup = (DWORD)pResult->stubLookup.lookupKind.needsRuntimeLookup;
+ value.stubLookup.lookupKind.runtimeLookupKind = (DWORD)pResult->stubLookup.lookupKind.runtimeLookupKind;
+ if (pResult->stubLookup.lookupKind.needsRuntimeLookup)
+ {
+ value.stubLookup.constLookup.accessType = (DWORD)0;
+ value.stubLookup.constLookup.handle = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.signature = (DWORDLONG)pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.signature; // needs to be a more flexible copy based on value
+ value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (DWORD)pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.helper;
+ value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (DWORD)pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirections;
+ value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = (DWORD)pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull;
+ value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = (DWORD)pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_MAXINDIRECTIONS; i++)
+ value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i] = (DWORDLONG)pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.signature = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (DWORD)0;
+ value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (DWORD)0;
+ value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = (DWORD)0;
+ value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = (DWORD)0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_MAXINDIRECTIONS; i++)
+ value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i] = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.stubLookup.constLookup.accessType = (DWORD)pResult->stubLookup.constLookup.accessType;
+ value.stubLookup.constLookup.handle = (DWORDLONG)pResult->stubLookup.constLookup.handle;
+ }
+ value.instParamLookup.accessType = (DWORD)pResult->instParamLookup.accessType;
+ value.instParamLookup.handle = (DWORDLONG)pResult->instParamLookup.handle;
+ value.secureDelegateInvoke = (DWORD)pResult->secureDelegateInvoke;
+ }
+ else
+ ZeroMemory(&value, sizeof(Agnostic_CORINFO_CALL_INFO));
+ value.exceptionCode = (DWORD)exceptionCode;
+ GetCallInfo->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetCallInfo(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetCallInfo(const Agnostic_GetCallInfo& key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_CALL_INFO& value)
+ printf("GetCallInfo key"
+ " rt{tc-%016llX ts-%016llX tok-%08X tt-%u cls-%016llX meth-%016llX fld-%016llX ti-%u ts-%u mi-%u ms-%u}"
+ " crt{tc-%016llX ts-%016llX tok-%08X tt-%u cls-%016llX meth-%016llX fld-%016llX ti-%u ts-%u mi-%u ms-%u}"
+ " ch-%016llX flg-%08X",
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext,
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope,
+ key.ResolvedToken.token,
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType,
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass,
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod,
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField,
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index,
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec,
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index,
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec,
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenContext,
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenScope,
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.token,
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenType,
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.hClass,
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.hMethod,
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.hField,
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index,
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec,
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index,
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec,
+ key.callerHandle,
+ key.flags);
+ printf(", value mth-%016llX, mf-%08X cf-%08X"
+ " sig{flg-%08X na-%u cc-%u ci-%u mc-%u mi-%u args-%016llX scp-%016llX tok-%08X}"
+ " vsig{flg-%08X na-%u cc-%u ci-%u mc-%u mi-%u args-%016llX scp-%016llX tok-%08X}"
+ " ipl{at-%08X hnd-%016llX}"
+ " sdi-%08X"
+ " excp-%08X",
+ value.hMethod,
+ value.methodFlags,
+ value.classFlags,
+ value.sig.flags,
+ value.sig.numArgs,
+ value.sig.sigInst_classInstCount,
+ value.sig.sigInst_classInst_Index,
+ value.sig.sigInst_methInstCount,
+ value.sig.sigInst_methInst_Index,
+ value.sig.args,
+ value.sig.scope,
+ value.sig.token,
+ value.verSig.flags,
+ value.verSig.numArgs,
+ value.verSig.sigInst_classInstCount,
+ value.verSig.sigInst_classInst_Index,
+ value.verSig.sigInst_methInstCount,
+ value.verSig.sigInst_methInst_Index,
+ value.verSig.args,
+ value.verSig.scope,
+ value.verSig.token,
+ value.instParamLookup.accessType,
+ value.instParamLookup.handle,
+ value.secureDelegateInvoke,
+ value.exceptionCode);
+void MethodContext::repGetCallInfo(
+ CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pConstrainedResolvedToken,
+ DWORD *exceptionCode)
+ Agnostic_GetCallInfo key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetCallInfo)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_CALL_INFO value;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenContext;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenScope;
+ key.ResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->token;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->tokenType;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hMethod;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hField;
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)GetCallInfo->Contains((unsigned char *)pResolvedToken->pTypeSpec, pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec;
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)GetCallInfo->Contains((unsigned char *)pResolvedToken->pMethodSpec, pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec;
+ if (pConstrainedResolvedToken != nullptr)
+ {
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)pConstrainedResolvedToken->tokenContext;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)pConstrainedResolvedToken->tokenScope;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)pConstrainedResolvedToken->token;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)pConstrainedResolvedToken->tokenType;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pConstrainedResolvedToken->hClass;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)pConstrainedResolvedToken->hMethod;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)pConstrainedResolvedToken->hField;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)GetCallInfo->Contains((unsigned char *)pConstrainedResolvedToken->pTypeSpec, pConstrainedResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec);
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)pConstrainedResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)GetCallInfo->Contains((unsigned char *)pConstrainedResolvedToken->pMethodSpec, pConstrainedResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec);
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)pConstrainedResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ }
+ key.callerHandle = (DWORDLONG)callerHandle;
+ key.flags = (DWORD)flags;
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetCallInfo->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %08x, %016llx. Probably a missing exception in GetCallInfo", key.ResolvedToken.token, key.ResolvedToken.hClass);
+ value = GetCallInfo->Get(key);
+ pResult->hMethod = (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)value.hMethod;
+ pResult->methodFlags = (unsigned)value.methodFlags;
+ pResult->classFlags = (unsigned)value.classFlags;
+ pResult->sig.callConv = (CorInfoCallConv)value.sig.callConv;
+ pResult->sig.retTypeClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.sig.retTypeClass;
+ pResult->sig.retTypeSigClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.sig.retTypeSigClass;
+ pResult->sig.retType = (CorInfoType)value.sig.retType;
+ pResult->sig.flags = (unsigned)value.sig.flags;
+ pResult->sig.numArgs = (unsigned)value.sig.numArgs;
+ pResult->sig.sigInst.classInstCount = (unsigned)value.sig.sigInst_classInstCount;
+ pResult->sig.sigInst.classInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)GetCallInfo->GetBuffer(value.sig.sigInst_classInst_Index);
+ pResult->sig.sigInst.methInstCount = (unsigned)value.sig.sigInst_methInstCount;
+ pResult->sig.sigInst.methInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)GetCallInfo->GetBuffer(value.sig.sigInst_methInst_Index);
+ pResult->sig.args = (CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE)value.sig.args;
+ pResult->sig.cbSig = (unsigned int)value.sig.cbSig;
+ pResult->sig.pSig = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)GetCallInfo->GetBuffer(value.sig.pSig);
+ pResult->sig.scope = (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE)value.sig.scope;
+ pResult->sig.token = (mdToken)value.sig.token;
+ {
+ pResult->verMethodFlags = (unsigned)value.verMethodFlags;
+ pResult->verSig.callConv = (CorInfoCallConv)value.verSig.callConv;
+ pResult->verSig.retTypeClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.verSig.retTypeClass;
+ pResult->verSig.retTypeSigClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.verSig.retTypeSigClass;
+ pResult->verSig.retType = (CorInfoType)value.verSig.retType;
+ pResult->verSig.flags = (unsigned)value.verSig.flags;
+ pResult->verSig.numArgs = (unsigned)value.verSig.numArgs;
+ pResult->verSig.sigInst.classInstCount = (unsigned)value.verSig.sigInst_classInstCount;
+ pResult->verSig.sigInst.classInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)GetCallInfo->GetBuffer(value.verSig.sigInst_classInst_Index);
+ pResult->verSig.sigInst.methInstCount = (unsigned)value.verSig.sigInst_methInstCount;
+ pResult->verSig.sigInst.methInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)GetCallInfo->GetBuffer(value.verSig.sigInst_methInst_Index);
+ pResult->verSig.args = (CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE)value.verSig.args;
+ pResult->verSig.cbSig = (unsigned int)value.verSig.cbSig;
+ pResult->verSig.pSig = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)GetCallInfo->GetBuffer(value.verSig.pSig);
+ pResult->verSig.scope = (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE)value.verSig.scope;
+ pResult->verSig.token = (mdToken)value.verSig.token;
+ }
+ pResult->accessAllowed = (CorInfoIsAccessAllowedResult)value.accessAllowed;
+ pResult->callsiteCalloutHelper.helperNum = (CorInfoHelpFunc)value.callsiteCalloutHelper.helperNum;
+ pResult->callsiteCalloutHelper.numArgs = (unsigned)value.callsiteCalloutHelper.numArgs;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_ACCESS_ALLOWED_MAX_ARGS; i++)
+ {
+ pResult->callsiteCalloutHelper.args[i].constant = (size_t)value.callsiteCalloutHelper.args[i].constant;
+ pResult->callsiteCalloutHelper.args[i].argType = (CorInfoAccessAllowedHelperArgType)value.callsiteCalloutHelper.args[i].argType;
+ }
+ pResult->thisTransform = (CORINFO_THIS_TRANSFORM)value.thisTransform;
+ pResult->kind = (CORINFO_CALL_KIND)value.kind;
+ pResult->nullInstanceCheck = (BOOL)value.nullInstanceCheck;
+ pResult->contextHandle = (CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE)value.contextHandle;
+ pResult->exactContextNeedsRuntimeLookup = (BOOL)value.exactContextNeedsRuntimeLookup;
+ pResult->stubLookup.lookupKind.needsRuntimeLookup = value.stubLookup.lookupKind.needsRuntimeLookup != 0;
+ pResult->stubLookup.lookupKind.runtimeLookupKind = (CORINFO_RUNTIME_LOOKUP_KIND)value.stubLookup.lookupKind.runtimeLookupKind;
+ if (pResult->stubLookup.lookupKind.needsRuntimeLookup)
+ {
+ pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.signature = (LPVOID)value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.signature; // needs to be a more flexible copy based on valuevalue.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.signature;
+ pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (CorInfoHelpFunc)value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.helper;
+ pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (WORD)value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirections;
+ pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull != 0;
+ pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup != 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_MAXINDIRECTIONS; i++)
+ pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i] = (SIZE_T)value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pResult->stubLookup.constLookup.accessType = (InfoAccessType)value.stubLookup.constLookup.accessType;
+ pResult->stubLookup.constLookup.handle = (CORINFO_GENERIC_HANDLE)value.stubLookup.constLookup.handle;
+ }
+ if (pResult->kind == CORINFO_VIRTUALCALL_STUB)
+ {
+ cr->CallTargetTypes->Add((DWORDLONG)pResult->codePointerLookup.constLookup.addr, (DWORD)CORINFO_VIRTUALCALL_STUB);
+ }
+ pResult->instParamLookup.accessType = (InfoAccessType)value.instParamLookup.accessType;
+ pResult->instParamLookup.handle = (CORINFO_GENERIC_HANDLE)value.instParamLookup.handle;
+ pResult->secureDelegateInvoke = (BOOL)value.secureDelegateInvoke;
+ *exceptionCode = (DWORD)value.exceptionCode;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetCallInfo(key, value));
+// Variant of repGetCallInfo that only requires a method handle, i.e. it performs a reverse lookup to find the
+// resolved token info that, along with the given method handle, was passed into getCallInfo.
+// Arguments:
+// methodHandle - The method handle to find call info for.
+// pResult - [out] The call info for the given method.
+// Notes:
+// If this fails to find a recorded call to getCallInfo with the given method handle, this will throw an
+// exception.
+void MethodContext::repGetCallInfoFromMethodHandle(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle, CORINFO_CALL_INFO *pResult)
+ if (GetCallInfo != nullptr)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GetCallInfo->GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ Agnostic_GetCallInfo key = GetCallInfo->GetKey(i);
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_CALL_INFO val = GetCallInfo->GetItem(i);
+ if ((CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)val.hMethod == methodHandle)
+ {
+ DWORD exceptionCode;
+ resolvedToken.tokenContext = (CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE)key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext;
+ resolvedToken.tokenScope = (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE)key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope;
+ resolvedToken.token = (mdToken)key.ResolvedToken.token;
+ resolvedToken.tokenType = (CorInfoTokenKind)key.ResolvedToken.tokenType;
+ repResolveToken(&resolvedToken, &exceptionCode);
+ // If the original call to getCallInfo passed in a null constrainedResolvedToken pointer,
+ // then we won't be able to replay it. In that case, we'll need to pass a null pointer into
+ // repGetCallInfo for constrainedResolvedToken, instead of just passing the address of our
+ // local (but meaningless) constrainedResolvedToken struct.
+ CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN constrainedResolvedToken;
+ CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pConstrainedResolvedToken = nullptr;
+ if (key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenContext != 0 &&
+ key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenScope != 0)
+ {
+ constrainedResolvedToken.tokenContext = (CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE)key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenContext;
+ constrainedResolvedToken.tokenScope = (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE)key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenScope;
+ constrainedResolvedToken.token = (mdToken)key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.token;
+ constrainedResolvedToken.tokenType = (CorInfoTokenKind)key.ConstrainedResolvedToken.tokenType;
+ pConstrainedResolvedToken = &constrainedResolvedToken;
+ repResolveToken(pConstrainedResolvedToken, &exceptionCode);
+ }
+ repGetCallInfo(&resolvedToken,
+ pConstrainedResolvedToken,
+ (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)key.callerHandle,
+ pResult,
+ &exceptionCode);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If we reached here, we didn't find a key associated with the given method handle
+ LogException(EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find key %016llX.", methodHandle);
+void MethodContext::recGetIntrinsicID(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, bool* pMustExpand, CorInfoIntrinsics result)
+ if (GetIntrinsicID == nullptr)
+ GetIntrinsicID = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DD>();
+ DD value;
+ value.A = (pMustExpand != nullptr) ? (DWORD) (*pMustExpand ? 1 : 0) : (DWORD)0;
+ value.B = (DWORD)result;
+ GetIntrinsicID->Add((DWORDLONG)method, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetIntrinsicID((DWORDLONG)method, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetIntrinsicID(DWORDLONG key, DD value)
+ printf("GetIntrinsicID key mth-%016llX, mustExpand-%u, value intr-%u", key, value.A, value.B);
+CorInfoIntrinsics MethodContext::repGetIntrinsicID(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, bool* pMustExpand)
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetIntrinsicID != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)method);
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetIntrinsicID->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)method) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)method);
+ DD value;
+ value = GetIntrinsicID->Get((DWORDLONG)method);
+ if (pMustExpand != nullptr)
+ {
+ *pMustExpand = (value.A == 0) ? false : true;
+ }
+ CorInfoIntrinsics result = (CorInfoIntrinsics)value.B;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetIntrinsicID((DWORDLONG)method, value));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recIsInSIMDModule(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL result)
+ if (IsInSIMDModule == nullptr)
+ IsInSIMDModule = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ IsInSIMDModule->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpIsInSIMDModule((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpIsInSIMDModule(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("IsInSIMDModule key mth-%016llX, value intr-%u", key, value);
+BOOL MethodContext::repIsInSIMDModule(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls)
+ AssertCodeMsg(IsInSIMDModule != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ AssertCodeMsg(IsInSIMDModule->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)cls) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ BOOL result = (BOOL)IsInSIMDModule->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpIsInSIMDModule((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetUnmanagedCallConv(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CorInfoUnmanagedCallConv result)
+ if (GetUnmanagedCallConv == nullptr)
+ GetUnmanagedCallConv = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetUnmanagedCallConv->Add((DWORDLONG)method, result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetUnmanagedCallConv((DWORDLONG)method, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetUnmanagedCallConv(DWORDLONG key, DWORD result)
+ printf("GetUnmanagedCallConv key ftn-%016llX, value res-%u", key, result);
+CorInfoUnmanagedCallConv MethodContext::repGetUnmanagedCallConv(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method)
+ if ((GetUnmanagedCallConv == nullptr) || (GetUnmanagedCallConv->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)method) == -1))
+ {
+#ifdef sparseMC
+ LogDebug("Sparse - repGetUnmanagedCallConv returning CORINFO_UNMANAGED_CALLCONV_STDCALL");
+ LogException(EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Found a null GetUnmanagedCallConv. Probably missing a fatTrigger for %016llX.", (DWORDLONG)method);
+ }
+ CorInfoUnmanagedCallConv result = (CorInfoUnmanagedCallConv)GetUnmanagedCallConv->Get((DWORDLONG)method);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetUnmanagedCallConv((DWORDLONG)method, (DWORD)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recIsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CorInfoInstantiationVerification result)
+ if (IsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric == nullptr)
+ IsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ IsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric->Add((DWORDLONG)method, result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpIsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric((DWORDLONG)method, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpIsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("IsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric key ftn-%016llX, value res-%u", key, value);
+CorInfoInstantiationVerification MethodContext::repIsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method)
+ CorInfoInstantiationVerification result = (CorInfoInstantiationVerification)IsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric->Get((DWORDLONG)method);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpIsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric((DWORDLONG)method, (DWORD)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recAsCorInfoType(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, CorInfoType result)
+ if (AsCorInfoType == nullptr)
+ AsCorInfoType = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ AsCorInfoType->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpAsCorInfoType((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpAsCorInfoType(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("AsCorInfoType key cls-%016llX, value cit-%u(%s)", key, value, toString((CorInfoType)value));
+CorInfoType MethodContext::repAsCorInfoType(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls)
+ AssertCodeMsg((AsCorInfoType != nullptr) && (AsCorInfoType->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)cls) != -1),
+ EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX. Probable cached value in JIT issue", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ CorInfoType result = (CorInfoType)AsCorInfoType->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpAsCorInfoType((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recIsValueClass(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL result)
+ if (IsValueClass == nullptr)
+ IsValueClass = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ IsValueClass->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpIsValueClass((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpIsValueClass(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("IsValueClass key cls-%016llX, value res-%u", key, value);
+BOOL MethodContext::repIsValueClass(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls)
+ AssertCodeMsg((IsValueClass != nullptr) && (IsValueClass->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)cls) != -1),
+ EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ BOOL result = (BOOL)IsValueClass->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpIsValueClass((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recIsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL result)
+ if (IsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf == nullptr)
+ IsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ IsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpIsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpIsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("IsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf key cls-%016llX, value res-%u", key, value);
+BOOL MethodContext::repIsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls)
+ AssertCodeMsg(IsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Found a null IsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf. Probably missing a fatTrigger for %016llX.", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ AssertCodeMsg(IsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)cls) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ BOOL result = (BOOL)IsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpIsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetClassSize(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, unsigned result)
+ if (GetClassSize == nullptr)
+ GetClassSize = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetClassSize->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetClassSize((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetClassSize(DWORDLONG key, DWORD val)
+ printf("GetClassSize key %016llX, value %u", key, val);
+unsigned MethodContext::repGetClassSize(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls)
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetClassSize != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetClassSize->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)cls) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ unsigned result = (unsigned)GetClassSize->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetClassSize((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetClassNumInstanceFields(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, unsigned result)
+ if (GetClassNumInstanceFields == nullptr)
+ GetClassNumInstanceFields = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetClassNumInstanceFields->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetClassNumInstanceFields((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetClassNumInstanceFields(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetClassNumInstanceFields key cls-%016llX, value res-%u", key, value);
+unsigned MethodContext::repGetClassNumInstanceFields(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls)
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetClassNumInstanceFields != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetClassNumInstanceFields->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)cls) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ unsigned result = (unsigned)GetClassNumInstanceFields->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetClassNumInstanceFields((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetNewArrHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE arrayCls, CorInfoHelpFunc result)
+ if (GetNewArrHelper == nullptr)
+ GetNewArrHelper = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetNewArrHelper->Add((DWORDLONG)arrayCls, result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetNewArrHelper((DWORDLONG)arrayCls, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetNewArrHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetNewArrHelper key cls-%016llX, value res-%u", key, value);
+CorInfoHelpFunc MethodContext::repGetNewArrHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE arrayCls)
+ CorInfoHelpFunc result = (CorInfoHelpFunc)GetNewArrHelper->Get((DWORDLONG)arrayCls);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetNewArrHelper((DWORDLONG)arrayCls, (DWORD)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetSharedCCtorHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd, CorInfoHelpFunc result)
+ if (GetSharedCCtorHelper == nullptr)
+ GetSharedCCtorHelper = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetSharedCCtorHelper->Add((DWORDLONG)clsHnd, result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetSharedCCtorHelper((DWORDLONG)clsHnd, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetSharedCCtorHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetSharedCCtorHelper key cls-%016llX, value res-%u", key, value);
+CorInfoHelpFunc MethodContext::repGetSharedCCtorHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd)
+ CorInfoHelpFunc result = (CorInfoHelpFunc)GetSharedCCtorHelper->Get((DWORDLONG)clsHnd);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetSharedCCtorHelper((DWORDLONG)clsHnd, (DWORD)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetSecurityPrologHelper(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CorInfoHelpFunc result)
+ if (GetSecurityPrologHelper == nullptr)
+ GetSecurityPrologHelper = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetSecurityPrologHelper->Add((DWORDLONG)ftn, result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetSecurityPrologHelper((DWORDLONG)ftn, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetSecurityPrologHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetSecurityPrologHelper key ftn-%016llX, value res-%u", key, value);
+CorInfoHelpFunc MethodContext::repGetSecurityPrologHelper(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn)
+ CorInfoHelpFunc result = (CorInfoHelpFunc)GetSecurityPrologHelper->Get((DWORDLONG)ftn);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetSecurityPrologHelper((DWORDLONG)ftn, (DWORD)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetTypeForBox(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE result)
+ if (GetTypeForBox == nullptr)
+ GetTypeForBox = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORDLONG>();
+ GetTypeForBox->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORDLONG)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetTypeForBox((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORDLONG)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetTypeForBox(DWORDLONG key, DWORDLONG value)
+ printf("GetTypeForBox key cls-%016llX, value res-%016llX", key, value);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetTypeForBox((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORDLONG)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetBoxHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, CorInfoHelpFunc result)
+ if (GetBoxHelper == nullptr)
+ GetBoxHelper = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetBoxHelper->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetBoxHelper((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetBoxHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetBoxHelper key cls-%016llX, value res-%u", key, value);
+CorInfoHelpFunc MethodContext::repGetBoxHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls)
+ CorInfoHelpFunc result = (CorInfoHelpFunc)GetBoxHelper->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetBoxHelper((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetBuiltinClass(CorInfoClassId classId, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE result)
+ if (GetBuiltinClass == nullptr)
+ GetBuiltinClass = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, DWORDLONG>();
+ GetBuiltinClass->Add((DWORD)classId, (DWORDLONG)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetBuiltinClass((DWORDLONG)classId, (DWORDLONG)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetBuiltinClass(DWORD key, DWORDLONG value)
+ printf("GetBuiltinClass key cls-%08X, value cls-%016llX", key, value);
+CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE MethodContext::repGetBuiltinClass(CorInfoClassId classId)
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetBuiltinClass((DWORDLONG)classId, (DWORDLONG)value));
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recGetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, CorInfoType result)
+ if (GetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass == nullptr)
+ GetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass key cls-%016llX, value cit-%u(%s)", key, value, toString((CorInfoType)value));
+CorInfoType MethodContext::repGetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls)
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Encountered an empty LWM while looking for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)cls) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ CorInfoType result = (CorInfoType)GetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetParentType(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE result)
+ if (GetParentType == nullptr)
+ GetParentType = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORDLONG>();
+ GetParentType->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORDLONG)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetParentType(DWORDLONG key, DWORDLONG value)
+ printf("GetParentType key cls-%016llX, value cls-%016llX", key, value);
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recIsSDArray(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL result)
+ if (IsSDArray == nullptr)
+ IsSDArray = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ IsSDArray->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpIsSDArray((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpIsSDArray(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("IsSDArray key cls-%016llX, value res-%u", key, value);
+BOOL MethodContext::repIsSDArray(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls)
+ AssertCodeMsg(IsSDArray != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ AssertCodeMsg(IsSDArray->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)cls) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ BOOL temp = (BOOL)IsSDArray->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpIsSDArray((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)temp));
+ return temp;
+void MethodContext::recGetFieldClass(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE result)
+ if (GetFieldClass == nullptr)
+ GetFieldClass = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORDLONG>();
+ GetFieldClass->Add((DWORDLONG)field, (DWORDLONG)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetFieldClass((DWORDLONG)field, (DWORDLONG)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetFieldClass(DWORDLONG key, DWORDLONG value)
+ printf("GetFieldClass key %016llX, value %016llX", key, value);
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetFieldClass != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)field);
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetFieldClass->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)field) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)field);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetFieldClass((DWORDLONG)field, (DWORDLONG)temp));
+ return temp;
+void MethodContext::recGetFieldOffset(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, unsigned result)
+ if (GetFieldOffset == nullptr)
+ GetFieldOffset = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetFieldOffset->Add((DWORDLONG)field, result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetFieldOffset((DWORDLONG)field, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetFieldOffset(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetFieldOffset key FLD-%016llX, value %08X", key, value);
+unsigned MethodContext::repGetFieldOffset(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field)
+ AssertCodeMsg((GetFieldOffset != nullptr) && (GetFieldOffset->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)field) != -1),
+ EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)field);
+ unsigned temp = (unsigned)GetFieldOffset->Get((DWORDLONG)field);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetFieldOffset((DWORDLONG)field, (DWORD)temp));
+ return temp;
+void MethodContext::recGetLazyStringLiteralHelper(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE handle, CorInfoHelpFunc result)
+ if (GetLazyStringLiteralHelper == nullptr)
+ GetLazyStringLiteralHelper = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetLazyStringLiteralHelper->Add((DWORDLONG)handle, result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetLazyStringLiteralHelper((DWORDLONG)handle, result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetLazyStringLiteralHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetLazyStringLiteralHelper key mod-%016llX, value res-%u", key, value);
+CorInfoHelpFunc MethodContext::repGetLazyStringLiteralHelper(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE handle)
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetLazyStringLiteralHelper != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)handle);
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetLazyStringLiteralHelper->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)handle) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)handle);
+ CorInfoHelpFunc temp = (CorInfoHelpFunc)GetLazyStringLiteralHelper->Get((DWORDLONG)handle);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetLazyStringLiteralHelper((DWORDLONG)handle, temp));
+ return temp;
+void MethodContext::recGetUnBoxHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, CorInfoHelpFunc result)
+ if (GetUnBoxHelper == nullptr)
+ GetUnBoxHelper = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetUnBoxHelper->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, result);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetUnBoxHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetUnBoxHelper key cls-%016llX, value res-%u", key, value);
+CorInfoHelpFunc MethodContext::repGetUnBoxHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls)
+ CorInfoHelpFunc temp = (CorInfoHelpFunc)GetUnBoxHelper->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+ return temp;
+void MethodContext::recGetReadyToRunHelper(
+ CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND * pGenericLookupKind,
+ CorInfoHelpFunc id,
+ bool result
+ )
+ LogError("getReadyToRunHelper NYI");
+ // TODO: we need a more sophisticated mapping
+ if (GetReadyToRunHelper == nullptr)
+ GetReadyToRunHelper = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ //GetReadyToRunHelper->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, result);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetReadyToRunHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ LogError("getReadyToRunHelper NYI");
+bool MethodContext::repGetReadyToRunHelper(
+ CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND * pGenericLookupKind,
+ CorInfoHelpFunc id,
+ )
+ LogError("getReadyToRunHelper NYI");
+ return false;
+void MethodContext::recGetReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper(
+ )
+ LogError("GetReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper NYI");
+ // TODO: we need a more sophisticated mapping
+ if (GetReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper == nullptr)
+ GetReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ //GetReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper->Add((DWORDLONG)delegateType, result);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ LogError("getReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper NYI");
+void MethodContext::repGetReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper(
+ )
+ LogError("getReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper NYI");
+void MethodContext::recGetHelperFtn(CorInfoHelpFunc ftnNum, void **ppIndirection, void *result)
+ if (GetHelperFtn == nullptr)
+ GetHelperFtn = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, DLDL>();
+ DLDL value;
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ value.B = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ GetHelperFtn->Add((DWORD)ftnNum, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetHelperFtn((DWORD)ftnNum, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetHelperFtn(DWORD key, DLDL value)
+ printf("GetHelperFtn key ftn-%u, value ppi-%016llX res-%016llX", key, value.A, value.B);
+void* MethodContext::repGetHelperFtn(CorInfoHelpFunc ftnNum, void **ppIndirection)
+ if ((GetHelperFtn == nullptr) || (GetHelperFtn->GetIndex((DWORD)ftnNum) == -1))
+ {
+#ifdef sparseMC
+ LogDebug("Sparse - repGetHelperFtn returning 0xCAFE0002 and 0XCAFE0003");
+ *ppIndirection = (void*)(size_t)0xCAFE0002;
+ return (void*)(size_t)0xCAFE0003;
+ LogException(EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Encountered an empty LWM while looking for %08X", (DWORD)ftnNum);
+ }
+ DLDL value = (DLDL)GetHelperFtn->Get((DWORD)ftnNum);
+ *ppIndirection = (void *)value.A;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetHelperFtn((DWORD)ftnNum, value));
+ return (void *)value.B;
+// Finds the identifier (i.e. the CorInfoHelpFunc enum) of a helper function, based on the address where it
+// is located in memory.
+// Arguments:
+// functionAddress - The starting address of the helper function in memory.
+// pResult - [out] Pointer to write out the identifier of the helper function located at the given
+// address.
+// Return Value:
+// True if there is a helper function associated with the given target address; false otherwise.
+// Assumptions:
+// Only the lower 32 bits of the method address are necessary to identify the method.
+// Notes:
+// - See notes for fndGetFunctionEntryPoint for a more in-depth discussion of why we only match on the
+// lower 32 bits of the target address.
+// - This might not work correctly with method contexts recorded via NGen compilation.
+bool MethodContext::fndGetHelperFtn(void *functionAddress, CorInfoHelpFunc *pResult)
+ if (GetHelperFtn != nullptr)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GetHelperFtn->GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ DWORD key = GetHelperFtn->GetKey(i);
+ DLDL val = GetHelperFtn->GetItem(i);
+ // TODO-Cleanup: this only compares the function addresses, and doesn't account for
+ // ppIndirection, which will break if the helper is a dynamic helper function.
+ if (val.B == (DWORDLONG)functionAddress)
+ {
+ *pResult = (CorInfoHelpFunc)key;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LogDebug("fndGetHelperFtn - didn't find value %p", functionAddress);
+ return false;
+void MethodContext::recGetJustMyCodeHandle(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_JUST_MY_CODE_HANDLE **ppIndirection, CORINFO_JUST_MY_CODE_HANDLE result)
+ if (GetJustMyCodeHandle == nullptr)
+ GetJustMyCodeHandle = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DLDL>();
+ DLDL temp;
+ temp.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ temp.B = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ GetJustMyCodeHandle->Add((DWORDLONG)method, temp);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetJustMyCodeHandle((DWORDLONG)method, temp));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetJustMyCodeHandle(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value)
+ printf("GetJustMyCodeHandle key ftn-%016llX, value pp-%016llX, res-%016llX", key, value.A, value.B);
+ DLDL temp = (DLDL)GetJustMyCodeHandle->Get((DWORDLONG)method);
+ *ppIndirection = (CORINFO_JUST_MY_CODE_HANDLE *)temp.A;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetJustMyCodeHandle((DWORDLONG)method, temp));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetFunctionEntryPoint(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP *pResult, CORINFO_ACCESS_FLAGS accessFlags)
+ if (GetFunctionEntryPoint == nullptr)
+ GetFunctionEntryPoint = new LightWeightMap<DLD, DLD>();
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ DLD value;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)ftn;
+ key.B = (DWORD)accessFlags;
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)pResult->addr; //First union member
+ value.B = (DWORD)pResult->accessType;
+ GetFunctionEntryPoint->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetFunctionEntryPoint(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetFunctionEntryPoint(DLD key, DLD value)
+ printf("GetFunctionEntryPoint key ftn-%016llX af-%08X, value add-%016llX at-%u", key.A, key.B, value.A, value.B);
+void MethodContext::repGetFunctionEntryPoint(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP *pResult, CORINFO_ACCESS_FLAGS accessFlags)
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ DLD value;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)ftn;
+ key.B = (DWORD)accessFlags;
+ if (GetFunctionEntryPoint == nullptr)
+ {
+#ifdef sparseMC
+ LogDebug("Sparse - repGetFunctionEntryPoint fabricated result for request.");
+ pResult->accessType = (InfoAccessType)IAT_PVALUE;
+ pResult->addr = (void *)((DWORDLONG)ftn + 0x1c);
+ return;
+ LogException(EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX, %8x", (DWORDLONG)ftn, accessFlags);
+ }
+ if (GetFunctionEntryPoint->GetIndex(key) == -1)
+ {
+#ifdef sparseMC
+ if (GetFunctionEntryPoint->GetIndex(key) != -1)
+ {
+ LogDebug("Sparse - repGetFunctionEntryPoint found result with inverted CORINFO_ACCESS_NONNULL");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogDebug("Sparse - repGetFunctionEntryPoint fabricated result for request.");
+ pResult->accessType = (InfoAccessType)IAT_PVALUE;
+ pResult->addr = (void *)((DWORDLONG)ftn + 0x1c);
+ return;
+ }
+ LogException(EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX, %8x", (DWORDLONG)ftn, accessFlags);
+ }
+ value = GetFunctionEntryPoint->Get(key);
+ pResult->accessType = (InfoAccessType)value.B;
+ pResult->addr = (void *)value.A;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetFunctionEntryPoint(key, value));
+// Finds the method handle associated with a method, based on the address where its generated code is located
+// in memory.
+// Arguments:
+// methodAddress - The starting address of the generated code for the method.
+// pResult - [out] Pointer to a method handle to write into. If this successfully finds a method
+// handle associated with the given target address, it will be written to here.
+// Return Value:
+// True if there is a helper function associated with the given target address; false otherwise.
+// Assumptions:
+// - The given method address does not point to a jump stub.
+// - The given method is not a generic method.
+// - Only the lower 32 bits of the method address are necessary to identify the method.
+// Notes:
+// On 64-bit platforms, this only checks if the lower 32 bits of the method address match a recorded
+// function entry point because, on AMD64, this only supports reverse lookups for near calls, which
+// encode their target address as a 32-bit PC-relative displacement.
+// Practically speaking, there are two concrete reasons why we ignore the upper 64 bits. First, on
+// AMD64, when the JIT emits a near call, it records the displacement it encodes into the call with
+// the EE as a 32-bit relative "relocation". Consequently, this leads to the second reason why we
+// ignore the upper 64 bits: when SuperPMI is replaying method compilation, it patches up addresses
+// based on the "relocations" the JIT had previously recorded with the EE. Since these relocations
+// are only 32-bit deltas, what you'll usually end up seeing is that, after SuperPMI has applied
+// these fixups, the lower 32 bits of method addresses will match, but the upper 32 bits will differ.
+bool MethodContext::fndGetFunctionEntryPoint(DLD value, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE *pResult)
+ if (GetFunctionEntryPoint != nullptr)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GetFunctionEntryPoint->GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ DLD key = GetFunctionEntryPoint->GetKey(i);
+ DLD val = GetFunctionEntryPoint->GetItem(i);
+ // TODO-Cleanup: we should be more conscious of the rest of the information in CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP
+ if ((DWORD)val.A == (DWORD)value.A)
+ {
+ *pResult = (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)key.A;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LogDebug("fndGetFunctionEntryPoint - didn't find value %016llX", value.A);
+ return false;
+void MethodContext::recConstructStringLiteral(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, mdToken metaTok, void *pValue, InfoAccessType result)
+ if (ConstructStringLiteral == nullptr)
+ ConstructStringLiteral = new LightWeightMap<DLD, DLD>();
+ DLD temp;
+ ZeroMemory(&temp, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ DLD temp2;
+ temp.A = (DWORDLONG)module;
+ temp.B = (DWORD)metaTok;
+ temp2.A = (DWORDLONG)pValue;
+ temp2.B = (DWORD)result;
+ ConstructStringLiteral->Add(temp, temp2);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpConstructStringLiteral(temp, temp2));
+void MethodContext::dmpConstructStringLiteral(DLD key, DLD value)
+ printf("ConstructStringLiteral key mod-%016llX tok-%08X, value pp-%016llX iat-%u", key.A, key.B, value.A, value.B);
+InfoAccessType MethodContext::repConstructStringLiteral(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, mdToken metaTok, void **ppValue)
+ DLD temp;
+ ZeroMemory(&temp, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ DLD temp2;
+ temp.A = (DWORDLONG)module;
+ temp.B = (DWORD)metaTok;
+ AssertCodeMsg(ConstructStringLiteral != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)module);
+ AssertCodeMsg(ConstructStringLiteral->GetIndex(temp) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)module);
+ temp2 = ConstructStringLiteral->Get(temp);
+ *ppValue = (void *)temp2.A;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpConstructStringLiteral(temp, temp2));
+ return (InfoAccessType)temp2.B;
+void MethodContext::recEmptyStringLiteral(void **pValue, InfoAccessType result)
+ if (EmptyStringLiteral == nullptr)
+ EmptyStringLiteral = new DenseLightWeightMap<DLD>();
+ DLD temp2;
+ temp2.A = (DWORDLONG)*pValue;
+ temp2.B = (DWORD)result;
+ EmptyStringLiteral->Append(temp2);
+void MethodContext::dmpEmptyStringLiteral(DWORD key, DLD value)
+ printf("EmptyStringLiteral key %u, value pVal-%016llX res-%u", key, value.A, value.B);
+InfoAccessType MethodContext::repEmptyStringLiteral(void **ppValue)
+ // TODO-Cleanup: sketchy if someone calls this twice
+ DLD temp2;
+ temp2 = EmptyStringLiteral->Get((DWORD)0);
+ *ppValue = (void *)temp2.A;
+ return (InfoAccessType)temp2.B;
+void MethodContext::recGetArgType(CORINFO_SIG_INFO *sig, CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE args, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE *vcTypeRet, CorInfoTypeWithMod result, DWORD exceptionCode)
+ if (GetArgType == nullptr)
+ GetArgType = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_GetArgType, Agnostic_GetArgType_Value>();
+ Agnostic_GetArgType key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetArgType)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_GetArgType_Value value;
+ //Only setting values for things the EE seems to pay attention to... this is necessary since some of the values
+ //are unset and fail our precise comparisions...
+ key.sig.callConv = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.sig.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.sig.retType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.flags = (DWORD)sig->flags;
+ key.sig.numArgs = (DWORD)sig->numArgs;
+ key.sig.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)sig->sigInst.classInstCount;
+ key.sig.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)GetArgType->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)sig->sigInst.classInst, sig->sigInst.classInstCount * 8);
+ key.sig.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)sig->sigInst.methInstCount;
+ key.sig.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)GetArgType->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)sig->sigInst.methInst, sig->sigInst.methInstCount * 8);
+ key.sig.args = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.sig.cbSig = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.pSig = -1;
+ key.sig.scope = (DWORDLONG)sig->scope;
+ key.sig.token = (DWORD)0;
+ key.args = (DWORDLONG)args;
+ value.vcTypeRet = (DWORDLONG)*vcTypeRet;
+ value.result = (DWORD)result;
+ value.exceptionCode = (DWORD)exceptionCode;
+ GetArgType->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetArgType(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetArgType(const Agnostic_GetArgType& key, const Agnostic_GetArgType_Value& value)
+ printf("GetArgType key flg-%08X na-%u cc-%u ci-%u mc-%u mi-%u scp-%016llX arg-%016llX",
+ key.sig.flags,
+ key.sig.numArgs,
+ key.sig.sigInst_classInstCount,
+ key.sig.sigInst_classInst_Index,
+ key.sig.sigInst_methInstCount,
+ key.sig.sigInst_methInst_Index,
+ key.sig.scope,
+ key.args);
+ printf(", value rt-%016llX ci-%u excp-%08X", value.vcTypeRet, value.result, value.exceptionCode);
+CorInfoTypeWithMod MethodContext::repGetArgType(CORINFO_SIG_INFO *sig, CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE args, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE *vcTypeRet, DWORD *exceptionCode)
+ Agnostic_GetArgType key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetArgType)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_GetArgType_Value value;
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetArgType != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llx, %016llx. probably a missing exception in getArgType", key.sig.scope, key.args);
+ key.sig.callConv = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.sig.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.sig.retType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.flags = (DWORD)sig->flags;
+ key.sig.numArgs = (DWORD)sig->numArgs;
+ key.sig.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)sig->sigInst.classInstCount;
+ key.sig.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)GetArgType->Contains((unsigned char*)sig->sigInst.classInst, sig->sigInst.classInstCount * 8);
+ key.sig.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)sig->sigInst.methInstCount;
+ key.sig.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)GetArgType->Contains((unsigned char*)sig->sigInst.methInst, sig->sigInst.methInstCount * 8);
+ key.sig.args = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.sig.cbSig = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.pSig = -1;
+ key.sig.scope = (DWORDLONG)sig->scope;
+ key.sig.token = (DWORD)0;
+ key.args = (DWORDLONG)args;
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetArgType->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llx, %016llx. probably a missing exception in getArgType", key.sig.scope, key.args);
+ value = GetArgType->Get(key);
+ *vcTypeRet = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.vcTypeRet;
+ CorInfoTypeWithMod temp = (CorInfoTypeWithMod)value.result;
+ *exceptionCode = (DWORD)value.exceptionCode;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetArgType(key, value));
+ return temp;
+void MethodContext::recGetArgNext(CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE args, CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE result)
+ if (GetArgNext == nullptr)
+ GetArgNext = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORDLONG>();
+ GetArgNext->Add((DWORDLONG)args, (DWORDLONG)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetArgNext((DWORDLONG)args, (DWORDLONG)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetArgNext(DWORDLONG key, DWORDLONG value)
+ printf("GetArgNext key %016llX, value %016llX", key, value);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetArgNext((DWORDLONG)args, (DWORDLONG)temp));
+ return temp;
+void MethodContext::recGetMethodSig(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *sig, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE memberParent)
+ if (GetMethodSig == nullptr)
+ GetMethodSig = new LightWeightMap<DLDL, Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO>();
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO value;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)ftn;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)memberParent;
+ value.callConv = (DWORD)sig->callConv;
+ value.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)sig->retTypeClass;
+ value.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)sig->retTypeSigClass;
+ value.retType = (DWORD)sig->retType;
+ value.flags = (DWORD)sig->flags;
+ value.numArgs = (DWORD)sig->numArgs;
+ value.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)sig->sigInst.classInstCount;
+ value.sigInst_classInst_Index = GetMethodSig->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)sig->sigInst.classInst, sig->sigInst.classInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ value.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)sig->sigInst.methInstCount;
+ value.sigInst_methInst_Index = GetMethodSig->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)sig->sigInst.methInst, sig->sigInst.methInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ value.args = (DWORDLONG)sig->args;
+ value.cbSig = (DWORD)sig->cbSig;
+ value.pSig = (DWORD)GetMethodSig->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)sig->pSig, sig->cbSig);
+ value.scope = (DWORDLONG)sig->scope;
+ value.token = (DWORD)sig->token;
+ GetMethodSig->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetMethodSig(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetMethodSig(DLDL key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO& value)
+ printf("GetMethodSig key ftn-%016llX prt-%016llX, value cc-%u rtc-%016llX rts-%016llX rt-%u(%s) flg-%08X na-%u cc-%u ci-%u mc-%u mi-%u args-%016llX sig-%u pSig-%u scp-%016llX tok-%08X",
+ key.A, key.B,
+ value.callConv,
+ value.retTypeClass,
+ value.retTypeSigClass,
+ value.retType,
+ toString((CorInfoType)value.retType),
+ value.flags,
+ value.numArgs,
+ value.sigInst_classInstCount,
+ value.sigInst_classInst_Index,
+ value.sigInst_methInstCount,
+ value.sigInst_methInst_Index,
+ value.args,
+ value.cbSig,
+ value.pSig,
+ value.scope,
+ value.token);
+void MethodContext::repGetMethodSig(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *sig, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE memberParent)
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO value;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)ftn;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)memberParent;
+ value = GetMethodSig->Get(key);
+ sig->callConv = (CorInfoCallConv)value.callConv;
+ sig->retTypeClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.retTypeClass;
+ sig->retTypeSigClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.retTypeSigClass;
+ sig->retType = (CorInfoType)value.retType;
+ sig->flags = (unsigned)value.flags;
+ sig->numArgs = (unsigned)value.numArgs;
+ sig->sigInst.classInstCount = (unsigned)value.sigInst_classInstCount;
+ sig->sigInst.classInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)GetMethodSig->GetBuffer(value.sigInst_classInst_Index);
+ sig->sigInst.methInstCount = (unsigned)value.sigInst_methInstCount;
+ sig->sigInst.methInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)GetMethodSig->GetBuffer(value.sigInst_methInst_Index);
+ sig->args = (CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE)value.args;
+ sig->cbSig = (unsigned int)value.cbSig;
+ sig->pSig = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)GetMethodSig->GetBuffer(value.pSig);
+ sig->scope = (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE)value.scope;
+ sig->token = (mdToken)value.token;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetMethodSig(key, value));
+void MethodContext::recGetArgClass(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* sig, CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE args, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE result, DWORD exceptionCode)
+ if (GetArgClass == nullptr)
+ GetArgClass = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_GetArgClass, Agnostic_GetArgClass_Value>();
+ Agnostic_GetArgClass key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetArgClass)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_GetArgClass_Value value;
+ //Only setting values for things the EE seems to pay attention to... this is necessary since some of the values
+ //are unset and fail our precise comparisions...
+ key.sig.callConv = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.sig.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.sig.retType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.flags = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.numArgs = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)sig->sigInst.classInstCount;
+ key.sig.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)GetArgClass->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)sig->sigInst.classInst, sig->sigInst.classInstCount * 8);
+ key.sig.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)sig->sigInst.methInstCount;
+ key.sig.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)GetArgClass->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)sig->sigInst.methInst, sig->sigInst.methInstCount * 8);
+ key.sig.args = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.sig.cbSig = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.pSig = -1;
+ key.sig.scope = (DWORDLONG)sig->scope;
+ key.sig.token = (DWORD)0;
+ key.args = (DWORDLONG)args;
+ value.result = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ value.exceptionCode = exceptionCode;
+ GetArgClass->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetArgClass(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetArgClass(const Agnostic_GetArgClass& key, const Agnostic_GetArgClass_Value& value)
+ printf("GetArgClass key cc-%u ci-%u mc-%u mi-%u scp-%016llX args-%016llX",
+ key.sig.sigInst_classInstCount,
+ key.sig.sigInst_classInst_Index,
+ key.sig.sigInst_methInstCount,
+ key.sig.sigInst_methInst_Index,
+ key.sig.scope,
+ key.args);
+ printf(", value %016llX excp-%08X", value.result, value.exceptionCode);
+CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE MethodContext::repGetArgClass(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* sig, CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE args, DWORD *exceptionCode)
+ Agnostic_GetArgClass key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetArgClass)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetArgClass != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llx, %016llx. probably a missing exception in getArgClass", key.sig.scope, key.args);
+ key.sig.callConv = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.sig.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.sig.retType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.flags = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.numArgs = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)sig->sigInst.classInstCount;
+ key.sig.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)GetArgClass->Contains((unsigned char*)sig->sigInst.classInst, sig->sigInst.classInstCount * 8);
+ key.sig.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)sig->sigInst.methInstCount;
+ key.sig.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)GetArgClass->Contains((unsigned char*)sig->sigInst.methInst, sig->sigInst.methInstCount * 8);
+ key.sig.args = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.sig.cbSig = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sig.pSig = -1;
+ key.sig.scope = (DWORDLONG)sig->scope;
+ key.sig.token = (DWORD)0;
+ key.args = (DWORDLONG)args;
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetArgClass->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llx, %016llx. probably a missing exception in getArgClass", key.sig.scope, key.args);
+ Agnostic_GetArgClass_Value value = GetArgClass->Get(key);
+ *exceptionCode = value.exceptionCode;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetArgClass(key, value));
+ return (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.result;
+void MethodContext::recGetMethodInfo(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CORINFO_METHOD_INFO *info, bool result, DWORD exceptionCode)
+ if (GetMethodInfo == nullptr)
+ GetMethodInfo = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetMethodInfo>();
+ Agnostic_GetMethodInfo value;
+ ZeroMemory(&value, sizeof(Agnostic_GetMethodInfo));
+ if (result)
+ {
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->ftn;
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->scope;
+ = (DWORD)GetMethodInfo->AddBuffer(info->ILCode, info->ILCodeSize);
+ = (DWORD)info->ILCodeSize;
+ = (DWORD)info->maxStack;
+ = (DWORD)info->EHcount;
+ = (DWORD)info->options;
+ = (DWORD)info->regionKind;
+ = (DWORD)info->args.callConv;
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->args.retTypeClass;
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->args.retTypeSigClass;
+ = (DWORD)info->args.retType;
+ = (DWORD)info->args.flags;
+ = (DWORD)info->args.numArgs;
+ = (DWORD)info->args.sigInst.classInstCount;
+ = (DWORD)GetMethodInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)info->args.sigInst.classInst, info->args.sigInst.classInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ = (DWORD)info->args.sigInst.methInstCount;
+ = (DWORD)GetMethodInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)info->args.sigInst.methInst, info->args.sigInst.methInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->args.args;
+ = (DWORD)info->args.cbSig;
+ = (DWORD)GetMethodInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)info->args.pSig, info->args.cbSig);
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->args.scope;
+ = (DWORD)info->args.token;
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.callConv;
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->locals.retTypeClass;
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->locals.retTypeSigClass;
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.retType;
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.flags;
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.numArgs;
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.sigInst.classInstCount;
+ = (DWORD)GetMethodInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)info->locals.sigInst.classInst, info->locals.sigInst.classInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.sigInst.methInstCount;
+ = (DWORD)GetMethodInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)info->locals.sigInst.methInst, info->locals.sigInst.methInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->locals.args;
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.cbSig;
+ = (DWORD)GetMethodInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)info->locals.pSig, info->locals.cbSig);
+ = (DWORDLONG)info->locals.scope;
+ = (DWORD)info->locals.token;
+ }
+ value.result = result;
+ value.exceptionCode = (DWORD)exceptionCode;
+ GetMethodInfo->Add((DWORDLONG)ftn, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetMethodInfo((DWORDLONG)ftn, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetMethodInfo(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetMethodInfo& value)
+ printf("GetMethodInfo key ftn-%016llX", key);
+ printf(", value res-%u ftn-%016llX scp-%016llX ilo-%u ils-%u ms-%u ehc-%u opt-%08X rk-%u "
+ "args{cc-%u rc-%016llX rts-%016llX rt-%u(%s) flg-%08X nA-%u cc-%u ci-%u mc-%u mi-%u arg-%016llX cb-%u pSig-%u scp-%016llX tok-%08X} "
+ "locals{cc-%u rc-%016llX rts-%016llX rt-%u(%s) flg-%08X nA-%u cc-%u ci-%u mc-%u mi-%u arg-%016llX cb-%u pSig-%u scp-%016llX tok-%08X} "
+ "excp-%08X",
+ value.result,
+ toString((CorInfoType),
+ toString((CorInfoType),
+ value.exceptionCode);
+bool MethodContext::repGetMethodInfo(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CORINFO_METHOD_INFO *info, DWORD *exceptionCode)
+ Agnostic_GetMethodInfo value;
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetMethodInfo != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llx. probably a missing exception in getMethodInfo", (DWORDLONG)ftn);
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetMethodInfo->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)ftn) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llx. probably a missing exception in getMethodInfo", (DWORDLONG)ftn);
+ value = GetMethodInfo->Get((DWORDLONG)ftn);
+ if (value.result)
+ {
+ info->ftn = (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE);
+ info->scope = (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE);
+ info->ILCode = GetMethodInfo->GetBuffer(;
+ info->ILCodeSize = (unsigned);
+ info->maxStack = (unsigned);
+ info->EHcount = (unsigned);
+ info->options = (CorInfoOptions);
+ info->regionKind = (CorInfoRegionKind);
+ info->args.callConv = (CorInfoCallConv);
+ info->args.retTypeClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE);
+ info->args.retTypeSigClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE);
+ info->args.retType = (CorInfoType);
+ info->args.flags = (unsigned);
+ info->args.numArgs = (unsigned);
+ info->args.sigInst.classInstCount = (unsigned);
+ info->args.sigInst.classInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)GetMethodInfo->GetBuffer(;
+ info->args.sigInst.methInstCount = (unsigned);
+ info->args.sigInst.methInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)GetMethodInfo->GetBuffer(;
+ info->args.args = (CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE);
+ info->args.cbSig = (unsigned int);
+ info->args.pSig = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)GetMethodInfo->GetBuffer(;
+ info->args.scope = (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE);
+ info->args.token = (mdToken);
+ info->locals.callConv = (CorInfoCallConv);
+ info->locals.retTypeClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE);
+ info->locals.retTypeSigClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE);
+ info->locals.retType = (CorInfoType);
+ info->locals.flags = (unsigned);
+ info->locals.numArgs = (unsigned);
+ info->locals.sigInst.classInstCount = (unsigned);
+ info->locals.sigInst.classInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)GetMethodInfo->GetBuffer(;
+ info->locals.sigInst.methInstCount = (unsigned);
+ info->locals.sigInst.methInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)GetMethodInfo->GetBuffer(;
+ info->locals.args = (CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE);
+ info->locals.cbSig = (unsigned int);
+ info->locals.pSig = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)GetMethodInfo->GetBuffer(;
+ info->locals.scope = (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE);
+ info->locals.token = (mdToken);
+ }
+ bool result = (bool)value.result;
+ *exceptionCode = (DWORD)value.exceptionCode;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetMethodInfo((DWORDLONG)ftn, value));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetNewHelper(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHandle, CorInfoHelpFunc result)
+ if (GetNewHelper == nullptr)
+ GetNewHelper = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_GetNewHelper, DWORD>();
+ Agnostic_GetNewHelper key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetNewHelper)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callerHandle = (DWORDLONG)callerHandle;
+ GetNewHelper->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetNewHelper(key, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetNewHelper(const Agnostic_GetNewHelper& key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetNewHelper key cls-%016llX chan-%016llX, value res-%u", key.ResolvedToken.hClass, key.callerHandle, value);
+CorInfoHelpFunc MethodContext::repGetNewHelper(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHandle)
+ Agnostic_GetNewHelper key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetNewHelper)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callerHandle = (DWORDLONG)callerHandle;
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetNewHelper != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)key.ResolvedToken.hClass);
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetNewHelper->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)key.ResolvedToken.hClass);
+ CorInfoHelpFunc value = (CorInfoHelpFunc)GetNewHelper->Get(key);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetNewHelper(key, value));
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recEmbedGenericHandle(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, BOOL fEmbedParent, CORINFO_GENERICHANDLE_RESULT *pResult)
+ if (EmbedGenericHandle == nullptr)
+ EmbedGenericHandle = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_EmbedGenericHandle, Agnostic_CORINFO_GENERICHANDLE_RESULT>();
+ Agnostic_EmbedGenericHandle key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_EmbedGenericHandle)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenContext;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenScope;
+ key.ResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->token;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->tokenType;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hMethod;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hField;
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)EmbedGenericHandle->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResolvedToken->pTypeSpec, pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec;
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)EmbedGenericHandle->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResolvedToken->pMethodSpec, pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec;
+ key.fEmbedParent = (DWORD)fEmbedParent;
+ value.lookup.lookupKind.needsRuntimeLookup = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.lookupKind.needsRuntimeLookup;
+ value.lookup.lookupKind.runtimeLookupKind = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.lookupKind.runtimeLookupKind;
+ if (pResult->lookup.lookupKind.needsRuntimeLookup)
+ {
+ value.lookup.constLookup.accessType = (DWORD)0;
+ value.lookup.constLookup.handle = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ //copy the runtimeLookup view of the union
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.signature = (DWORDLONG)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.signature;
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.helper;
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections;
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull;
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_MAXINDIRECTIONS; i++)
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i] = (DWORDLONG)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.signature = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (DWORD)0;
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (DWORD)0;
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = (DWORD)0;
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = (DWORD)0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_MAXINDIRECTIONS; i++)
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i] = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ //copy the constLookup view of the union
+ value.lookup.constLookup.accessType = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.constLookup.accessType;
+ value.lookup.constLookup.handle = (DWORDLONG)pResult->lookup.constLookup.handle;
+ }
+ value.compileTimeHandle = (DWORDLONG)pResult->compileTimeHandle;
+ value.handleType = (DWORD)pResult->handleType;
+ EmbedGenericHandle->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpEmbedGenericHandle(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpEmbedGenericHandle(const Agnostic_EmbedGenericHandle& key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_GENERICHANDLE_RESULT& value)
+ printf("EmbedGenericHandle key rt{tokCon-%016llX tokScp-%016llX tok-%08X tokTyp-%08X cls-%016llX ftn-%016llX fld-%016llX tsi-%u cbts-%u msi-%u cbms-%u} emb-%u",
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext,
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope,
+ key.ResolvedToken.token,
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType,
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass,
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod,
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField,
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index,
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec,
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index,
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec,
+ key.fEmbedParent);
+ printf(", value nrl-%u rlk-%u", value.lookup.lookupKind.needsRuntimeLookup, value.lookup.lookupKind.runtimeLookupKind);
+ if (value.lookup.lookupKind.needsRuntimeLookup)
+ {
+ printf(" sig-%016llX hlp-%u ind-%u tfn-%u tff-%u { ",
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.signature,
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.helper,
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections,
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull,
+ value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup);
+ for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_MAXINDIRECTIONS; i++)
+ printf("%016llX ", value.lookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i]);
+ printf("}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf(" at-%u han-%016llX",
+ value.lookup.constLookup.accessType,
+ value.lookup.constLookup.handle);
+ }
+ printf(" cth-%016llX ht-%u", value.compileTimeHandle, value.handleType);
+void MethodContext::repEmbedGenericHandle(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, BOOL fEmbedParent, CORINFO_GENERICHANDLE_RESULT *pResult)
+ Agnostic_EmbedGenericHandle key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_EmbedGenericHandle)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ AssertCodeMsg(EmbedGenericHandle != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Encountered an empty LWM while looking for ...");
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenContext;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenScope;
+ key.ResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->token;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->tokenType;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hMethod;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hField;
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)EmbedGenericHandle->Contains((unsigned char *)pResolvedToken->pTypeSpec, pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec;
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)EmbedGenericHandle->Contains((unsigned char *)pResolvedToken->pMethodSpec, pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec;
+ key.fEmbedParent = (DWORD)fEmbedParent;
+ AssertCodeMsg(EmbedGenericHandle->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find ...");
+ value = EmbedGenericHandle->Get(key);
+ pResult->lookup.lookupKind.needsRuntimeLookup = value.lookup.lookupKind.needsRuntimeLookup != 0;
+ pResult->lookup.lookupKind.runtimeLookupKind = (CORINFO_RUNTIME_LOOKUP_KIND)value.lookup.lookupKind.runtimeLookupKind;
+ if (pResult->lookup.lookupKind.needsRuntimeLookup)
+ {
+ //copy the runtimeLookup view of the union
+ pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.signature = (LPVOID)value.lookup.runtimeLookup.signature;
+ pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (CorInfoHelpFunc)value.lookup.runtimeLookup.helper;
+ pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (WORD)value.lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections;
+ pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull != 0;
+ pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup != 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_MAXINDIRECTIONS; i++)
+ pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i] = (size_t)value.lookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pResult->lookup.constLookup.accessType = (InfoAccessType)value.lookup.constLookup.accessType;
+ pResult->lookup.constLookup.handle = (CORINFO_GENERIC_HANDLE)value.lookup.constLookup.handle;
+ }
+ pResult->compileTimeHandle = (CORINFO_GENERIC_HANDLE)value.compileTimeHandle;
+ pResult->handleType = (CorInfoGenericHandleType)value.handleType;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpEmbedGenericHandle(key, value));
+void MethodContext::recGetEHinfo(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, unsigned EHnumber, CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE *clause)
+ if (GetEHinfo == nullptr)
+ GetEHinfo = new LightWeightMap<DLD, Agnostic_CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE>();
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE value;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)ftn;
+ key.B = (DWORD)EHnumber;
+ value.Flags = (DWORD)clause->Flags;
+ value.TryOffset = (DWORD)clause->TryOffset;
+ value.TryLength = (DWORD)clause->TryLength;
+ value.HandlerOffset = (DWORD)clause->HandlerOffset;
+ value.HandlerLength = (DWORD)clause->HandlerLength;
+ value.ClassToken = (DWORD)clause->ClassToken;
+ GetEHinfo->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetEHinfo(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetEHinfo(DLD key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE& value)
+ printf("GetEHinfo key ftn-%016llX ehn-%u, value flg-%u to-%u tl-%u ho-%u hl-%u ct-%u",
+ key.A, key.B, value.Flags, value.TryOffset, value.TryLength, value.HandlerOffset, value.HandlerLength, value.ClassToken);
+void MethodContext::repGetEHinfo(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, unsigned EHnumber, CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE *clause)
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE value;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)ftn;
+ key.B = (DWORD)EHnumber;
+ value = GetEHinfo->Get(key);
+ clause->Flags = (CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE_FLAGS)value.Flags;
+ clause->TryOffset = (DWORD)value.TryOffset;
+ clause->TryLength = (DWORD)value.TryLength;
+ clause->HandlerOffset = (DWORD)value.HandlerOffset;
+ clause->HandlerLength = (DWORD)value.HandlerLength;
+ clause->ClassToken = (DWORD)value.ClassToken;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetEHinfo(key, value));
+void MethodContext::recGetMethodVTableOffset(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, unsigned *offsetOfIndirection, unsigned* offsetAfterIndirection)
+ if (GetMethodVTableOffset == nullptr)
+ GetMethodVTableOffset = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DD>();
+ DD value;
+ value.A = (DWORD)*offsetOfIndirection;
+ value.B = (DWORD)*offsetAfterIndirection;
+ GetMethodVTableOffset->Add((DWORDLONG)method, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetMethodVTableOffset((DWORDLONG)method, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetMethodVTableOffset(DWORDLONG key, DD value)
+ printf("GetMethodVTableOffset key ftn-%016llX, value offi-%u, offa-%u", key, value.A, value.B);
+void MethodContext::repGetMethodVTableOffset(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, unsigned *offsetOfIndirection, unsigned* offsetAfterIndirection)
+ DD value;
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetMethodVTableOffset != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)method);
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetMethodVTableOffset->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)method) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)method);
+ value = GetMethodVTableOffset->Get((DWORDLONG)method);
+ *offsetOfIndirection = (unsigned)value.A;
+ *offsetAfterIndirection = (unsigned)value.B;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetMethodVTableOffset((DWORDLONG)method, value));
+void MethodContext::recGetTokenTypeAsHandle(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE result)
+ if (GetTokenTypeAsHandle == nullptr)
+ GetTokenTypeAsHandle = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN, DWORDLONG>();
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.token = (DWORD)0;
+ key.tokenType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.hClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hMethod;
+ key.hField = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hField;
+ key.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ key.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ GetTokenTypeAsHandle->Add(key, (DWORDLONG)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetTokenTypeAsHandle(const Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN& key, DWORDLONG value)
+ printf("GetTokenTypeAsHandle key ftn-%016llX fld-%016llX, value cls-%016llX", key.hMethod, key.hField, value);
+CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE MethodContext::repGetTokenTypeAsHandle(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken)
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.token = (DWORD)0;
+ key.tokenType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.hClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hMethod;
+ key.hField = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hField;
+ key.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ key.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE value = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)GetTokenTypeAsHandle->Get(key);
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recGetFieldInfo(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHandle, CORINFO_ACCESS_FLAGS flags,
+ if (GetFieldInfo == nullptr)
+ GetFieldInfo = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_GetFieldInfo, Agnostic_CORINFO_FIELD_INFO>();
+ Agnostic_GetFieldInfo key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetFieldInfo)); //Since dd has nested structs, and we use memcmp to compare, we need to zero out the padding bytes too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_FIELD_INFO value;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenContext;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenScope;
+ key.ResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->token;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->tokenType;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hMethod;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hField;
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)GetFieldInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResolvedToken->pTypeSpec, pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec;
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)GetFieldInfo->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResolvedToken->pMethodSpec, pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec;
+ key.callerHandle = (DWORDLONG)callerHandle;
+ key.flags = (DWORD)flags;
+ value.fieldAccessor = (DWORD)pResult->fieldAccessor;
+ value.fieldFlags = (DWORD)pResult->fieldFlags;
+ value.helper = (DWORD)pResult->helper;
+ value.offset = (DWORD)pResult->offset;
+ value.fieldType = (DWORD)pResult->fieldType;
+ value.structType = (DWORDLONG)pResult->structType;
+ value.accessAllowed = (DWORD)pResult->accessAllowed;
+ value.accessCalloutHelper.helperNum = (DWORD)pResult->accessCalloutHelper.helperNum;
+ value.accessCalloutHelper.numArgs = (DWORD)pResult->accessCalloutHelper.numArgs;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_ACCESS_ALLOWED_MAX_ARGS; i++)
+ {
+ value.accessCalloutHelper.args[i].constant = (DWORDLONG)pResult->accessCalloutHelper.args[i].constant;
+ value.accessCalloutHelper.args[i].argType = (DWORD)pResult->accessCalloutHelper.args[i].argType;
+ }
+ GetFieldInfo->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetFieldInfo(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetFieldInfo(const Agnostic_GetFieldInfo& key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_FIELD_INFO& value)
+ printf("GetFieldInfo key ch-%016llX flg-%08X rt{tc-%016llX ts-%016llX tok-%08X tt-%u cls-%016llX meth-%016llX fld-%016llX tsi-%u cbts-%u msi-%u cbms-%u}",
+ key.callerHandle,
+ key.flags,
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext,
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope,
+ key.ResolvedToken.token,
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType,
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass,
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod,
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField,
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index,
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec,
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index,
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec);
+ printf(", value fa-%u fflg-%08X hlp-%u off-%u fT-%u(%s) sT-%016llX aa-%u hnum-%u na-%u {",
+ value.fieldAccessor,
+ value.fieldFlags,
+ value.helper,
+ value.offset,
+ value.fieldType,
+ toString((CorInfoType)value.fieldType),
+ value.structType,
+ value.accessAllowed,
+ value.accessCalloutHelper.helperNum,
+ value.accessCalloutHelper.numArgs);
+ for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_ACCESS_ALLOWED_MAX_ARGS; i++)
+ {
+ switch ((CorInfoAccessAllowedHelperArgType)value.accessCalloutHelper.args[i].argType)
+ {
+ default:
+ printf("{%u: illegal}", i);
+ break;
+ printf("{%u: fld-%016llX}", i, value.accessCalloutHelper.args[i].constant);
+ break;
+ printf("{%u: mth-%016llX}", i, value.accessCalloutHelper.args[i].constant);
+ break;
+ printf("{%u: cls-%016llX}", i, value.accessCalloutHelper.args[i].constant);
+ break;
+ printf("{%u: mod-%016llX}", i, value.accessCalloutHelper.args[i].constant);
+ break;
+ printf("{%u: const-%016llX}", i, value.accessCalloutHelper.args[i].constant);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("}");
+void MethodContext::repGetFieldInfo(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHandle, CORINFO_ACCESS_FLAGS flags,
+ Agnostic_GetFieldInfo key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetFieldInfo)); //Since dd has nested structs, and we use memcmp to compare, we need to zero out the padding bytes too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_FIELD_INFO value;
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetFieldInfo != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %x", pResolvedToken->token);
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenContext;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenScope;
+ key.ResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->token;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->tokenType;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hMethod;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hField;
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)GetFieldInfo->Contains((unsigned char *)pResolvedToken->pTypeSpec, pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec;
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)GetFieldInfo->Contains((unsigned char *)pResolvedToken->pMethodSpec, pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec;
+ key.callerHandle = (DWORDLONG)callerHandle;
+ key.flags = (DWORD)flags;
+ DWORD origFlag = key.flags;
+ if (GetFieldInfo->GetIndex(key) == -1)
+ {
+#ifdef sparseMC
+ key.flags = origFlag ^ (DWORD)CORINFO_ACCESS_UNWRAP;
+ if (GetFieldInfo->GetIndex(key) != -1)
+ {
+ LogDebug("Sparse - repGetFieldInfo found value with inverted CORINFO_ACCESS_UNWRAP");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (GetFieldInfo->GetIndex(key) != -1)
+ {
+ LogDebug("Sparse - repGetFieldInfo found value with inverted CORINFO_ACCESS_UNWRAP|CORINFO_ACCESS_THIS");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (GetFieldInfo->GetIndex(key) != -1)
+ {
+ LogDebug("Sparse - repGetFieldInfo found value with inverted CORINFO_ACCESS_INLINECHECK");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogException(EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %x", pResolvedToken->token);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LogException(EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %x", pResolvedToken->token);
+ }
+ value = GetFieldInfo->Get(key);
+ pResult->fieldAccessor = (CORINFO_FIELD_ACCESSOR)value.fieldAccessor;
+ pResult->fieldFlags = (unsigned)value.fieldFlags;
+ pResult->helper = (CorInfoHelpFunc)value.helper;
+ pResult->offset = (DWORD)value.offset;
+ pResult->fieldType = (CorInfoType)value.fieldType;
+ pResult->structType = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.structType;
+ pResult->accessAllowed = (CorInfoIsAccessAllowedResult)value.accessAllowed;
+ pResult->accessCalloutHelper.helperNum = (CorInfoHelpFunc)value.accessCalloutHelper.helperNum;
+ pResult->accessCalloutHelper.numArgs = (unsigned)value.accessCalloutHelper.numArgs;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_ACCESS_ALLOWED_MAX_ARGS; i++)
+ {
+ pResult->accessCalloutHelper.args[i].constant = (size_t)value.accessCalloutHelper.args[i].constant;
+ pResult->accessCalloutHelper.args[i].argType = (CorInfoAccessAllowedHelperArgType)value.accessCalloutHelper.args[i].argType;
+ }
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetFieldInfo(key, value));
+void MethodContext::recEmbedMethodHandle(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE result)
+ if (EmbedMethodHandle == nullptr)
+ EmbedMethodHandle = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DLDL>();
+ DLDL value;
+ if (ppIndirection == nullptr)
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ value.B = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ EmbedMethodHandle->Add((DWORDLONG)handle, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpEmbedMethodHandle((DWORDLONG)handle, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpEmbedMethodHandle(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value)
+ printf("EmbedMethodHandle key ftn-%016llX, value pp-%016llX res-%016llX", key, value.A, value.B);
+CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE MethodContext::repEmbedMethodHandle(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection)
+ DLDL value;
+ AssertCodeMsg(EmbedMethodHandle != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)handle);
+ AssertCodeMsg(EmbedMethodHandle->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)handle) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)handle);
+ value = EmbedMethodHandle->Get((DWORDLONG)handle);
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ *ppIndirection = (void *)value.A;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpEmbedMethodHandle((DWORDLONG)handle, value));
+ return (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recGetFieldAddress(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, void **ppIndirection, void *result, CorInfoType cit)
+ if (GetFieldAddress == nullptr)
+ GetFieldAddress = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetFieldAddress>();
+ Agnostic_GetFieldAddress value;
+ if (ppIndirection == nullptr)
+ value.ppIndirection = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ else
+ value.ppIndirection = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ value.fieldAddress = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ value.fieldValue = (DWORD)-1;
+ // Make an attempt at stashing a copy of the value
+ if (result > (void*)0xffff) //TODO-Cleanup: sometimes there is a field offset?
+ {
+ DWORDLONG scratch = 0x4242424242424242;
+ switch (cit)
+ {
+ value.fieldValue = (DWORD)GetFieldAddress->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)result, sizeof(BYTE), true);//important to not merge two fields into one address
+ break;
+ value.fieldValue = (DWORD)GetFieldAddress->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)result, sizeof(WORD), true);//important to not merge two fields into one address
+ break;
+ value.fieldValue = (DWORD)GetFieldAddress->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)result, sizeof(DWORD), true);//important to not merge two fields into one address
+ break;
+ value.fieldValue = (DWORD)GetFieldAddress->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)result, sizeof(DWORDLONG), true);//important to not merge two fields into one address
+ break;
+ value.fieldValue = (DWORD)GetFieldAddress->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)result, sizeof(size_t), true);//important to not merge two fields into one address
+ GetFieldAddress->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)&scratch, sizeof(DWORD)); //Padding out the data so we can read it back "safetly" on x64
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ GetFieldAddress->Add((DWORDLONG)field, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetFieldAddress((DWORDLONG)field, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetFieldAddress(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetFieldAddress& value)
+ printf("GetFieldAddress key fld-%016llX, value ppi-%016llX addr-%016llX val-%u", key, value.ppIndirection, value.fieldAddress, value.fieldValue);
+void* MethodContext::repGetFieldAddress(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, void **ppIndirection)
+ Agnostic_GetFieldAddress value;
+ value = GetFieldAddress->Get((DWORDLONG)field);
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ *ppIndirection = (void *)value.ppIndirection;
+ void *temp;
+ if (value.fieldValue != (DWORD)-1)
+ {
+ temp = (void*)GetFieldAddress->GetBuffer(value.fieldValue);
+ cr->recAddressMap((void*)value.fieldAddress, temp, toCorInfoSize(repGetFieldType(field, nullptr, nullptr)));
+ }
+ else
+ temp = (void*)value.fieldAddress;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetFieldAddress((DWORDLONG)field, value));
+ return temp;
+void MethodContext::recGetClassGClayout(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BYTE *gcPtrs, unsigned len, unsigned result)
+ if (GetClassGClayout == nullptr)
+ GetClassGClayout = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetClassGClayout>();
+ Agnostic_GetClassGClayout value;
+ value.gcPtrs_Index = (DWORD)GetClassGClayout->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)gcPtrs, len*sizeof(BYTE));
+ value.len = (DWORD)len;
+ value.valCount = (DWORD)result;
+ GetClassGClayout->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetClassGClayout((DWORDLONG)cls, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetClassGClayout(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetClassGClayout& value)
+ printf("GetClassGCLayout key %016llX, value len %u cnt %u {", key, value.len, value.valCount);
+ if (value.gcPtrs_Index != -1)
+ {
+ BYTE *ptr = (BYTE *)GetClassGClayout->GetBuffer(value.gcPtrs_Index);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < value.len; i++)
+ {
+ printf("0x%02x", ptr[i]);
+ if (i + 1 < value.len)
+ printf(",");
+ }
+ GetClassGClayout->Unlock();
+ }
+ printf("}");
+unsigned MethodContext::repGetClassGClayout(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BYTE *gcPtrs)
+ Agnostic_GetClassGClayout value;
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetClassGClayout != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetClassGClayout->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)cls) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ value = GetClassGClayout->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+ unsigned int len = (unsigned int)value.len;
+ unsigned int index = (unsigned int)value.gcPtrs_Index;
+ if (index != -1)
+ {
+ BYTE *ptr = (BYTE *)GetClassGClayout->GetBuffer(index);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ gcPtrs[i] = ptr[i];
+ }
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetClassGClayout((DWORDLONG)cls, value));
+ return (unsigned)value.valCount;
+void MethodContext::recGetClassAlignmentRequirement(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL fDoubleAlignHint, unsigned result)
+ if (GetClassAlignmentRequirement == nullptr)
+ GetClassAlignmentRequirement = new LightWeightMap<DLD, DWORD>();
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)cls;
+ key.B = (DWORD)fDoubleAlignHint;
+ GetClassAlignmentRequirement->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetClassAlignmentRequirement(key, result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetClassAlignmentRequirement(DLD key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetClassAlignmentRequirement key %016llX %u, value %u", key.A, key.B, value);
+unsigned MethodContext::repGetClassAlignmentRequirement(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL fDoubleAlignHint)
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)cls;
+ key.B = (DWORD)fDoubleAlignHint;
+ unsigned result = (unsigned)GetClassAlignmentRequirement->Get(key);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetClassAlignmentRequirement(key, result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recCanAccessClass(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHandle,
+ CORINFO_HELPER_DESC *pAccessHelper, CorInfoIsAccessAllowedResult result)
+ if (CanAccessClass == nullptr)
+ CanAccessClass = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_CanAccessClassIn, Agnostic_CanAccessClassOut>();
+ Agnostic_CanAccessClassIn key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CanAccessClassIn)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CanAccessClassOut value;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenContext;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenScope;
+ key.ResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->token;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->tokenType;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hMethod;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hField;
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)CanAccessClass->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResolvedToken->pTypeSpec, pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec;
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)CanAccessClass->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pResolvedToken->pMethodSpec, pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec;
+ key.callerHandle = (DWORDLONG)callerHandle;
+ value.AccessHelper.helperNum = (DWORD)pAccessHelper->helperNum;
+ value.AccessHelper.numArgs = (DWORD)pAccessHelper->numArgs;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_ACCESS_ALLOWED_MAX_ARGS; i++)
+ {
+ value.AccessHelper.args[i].constant = (DWORDLONG)pAccessHelper->args[i].constant;
+ value.AccessHelper.args[i].argType = (DWORD)pAccessHelper->args[i].argType;
+ }
+ value.result = (DWORD)result;
+ CanAccessClass->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpCanAccessClass(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpCanAccessClass(const Agnostic_CanAccessClassIn& key, const Agnostic_CanAccessClassOut& value)
+ printf("CanAccessClass key tc-%016llX ts-%016llX tok-%08X tt-%u cls-%016llX meth-%016llX fld-%016llX ti-%u ts-%u mi-%u ms-%u",
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext,
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope,
+ key.ResolvedToken.token,
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType,
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass,
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod,
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField,
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index,
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec,
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index,
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec);
+ printf(", value hnum-%u na-%u {",
+ value.AccessHelper.helperNum,
+ value.AccessHelper.numArgs);
+ for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_ACCESS_ALLOWED_MAX_ARGS; i++)
+ {
+ printf("{%016llX %u}",
+ value.AccessHelper.args[i].constant,
+ value.AccessHelper.args[i].argType);
+ }
+ printf("} res-%u", value.result);
+CorInfoIsAccessAllowedResult MethodContext::repCanAccessClass(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHandle,
+ Agnostic_CanAccessClassIn key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CanAccessClassIn)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CanAccessClassOut value;
+ AssertCodeMsg(CanAccessClass != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass);
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenContext;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->tokenScope;
+ key.ResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->token;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->tokenType;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hMethod;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hField;
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)CanAccessClass->Contains((unsigned char *)pResolvedToken->pTypeSpec, pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbTypeSpec;
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)CanAccessClass->Contains((unsigned char *)pResolvedToken->pMethodSpec, pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec);
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)pResolvedToken->cbMethodSpec;
+ key.callerHandle = (DWORDLONG)callerHandle;
+ AssertCodeMsg(CanAccessClass->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass);
+ value = CanAccessClass->Get(key);
+ pAccessHelper->helperNum = (CorInfoHelpFunc)value.AccessHelper.helperNum;
+ pAccessHelper->numArgs = (unsigned)value.AccessHelper.numArgs;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_ACCESS_ALLOWED_MAX_ARGS; i++)
+ {
+ pAccessHelper->args[i].constant = (size_t)value.AccessHelper.args[i].constant;
+ pAccessHelper->args[i].argType = (CorInfoAccessAllowedHelperArgType)value.AccessHelper.args[i].argType;
+ }
+ CorInfoIsAccessAllowedResult temp = (CorInfoIsAccessAllowedResult)value.result;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpCanAccessClass(key, value));
+ return temp;
+void MethodContext::recGetCastingHelper(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, bool fThrowing, CorInfoHelpFunc result)
+ if (GetCastingHelper == nullptr)
+ GetCastingHelper = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_GetCastingHelper, DWORD>();
+ Agnostic_GetCastingHelper key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetCastingHelper)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ key.fThrowing = (DWORD)fThrowing;
+ GetCastingHelper->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetCastingHelper(const Agnostic_GetCastingHelper& key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetCastingHelper key cls-%016llX, thw-%u, value res-%u", key.ResolvedToken.hClass, key.fThrowing, value);
+CorInfoHelpFunc MethodContext::repGetCastingHelper(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, bool fThrowing)
+ Agnostic_GetCastingHelper key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetCastingHelper)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenContext = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenScope = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.token = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.tokenType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hClass = (DWORDLONG)pResolvedToken->hClass;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.hField = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.typeSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbTypeSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.methodSpec_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.ResolvedToken.cbMethodSpec = (DWORD)0;
+ key.fThrowing = (DWORD)fThrowing;
+ CorInfoHelpFunc value = (CorInfoHelpFunc)GetCastingHelper->Get(key);
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recEmbedModuleHandle(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE result)
+ if (EmbedModuleHandle == nullptr)
+ EmbedModuleHandle = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DLDL>();
+ DLDL value;
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.B = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ EmbedModuleHandle->Add((DWORDLONG)handle, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpEmbedModuleHandle(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value)
+ printf("EmbedModuleHandle key mod-%016llX, value pp-%016llX res-%016llX", key, value.A, value.B);
+CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE MethodContext::repEmbedModuleHandle(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection)
+ DLDL value;
+ value = EmbedModuleHandle->Get((DWORDLONG)handle);
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ *ppIndirection = (void*)value.A;
+ return (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recEmbedClassHandle(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE result)
+ if (EmbedClassHandle == nullptr)
+ EmbedClassHandle = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DLDL>();
+ DLDL value;
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.B = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ EmbedClassHandle->Add((DWORDLONG)handle, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpEmbedClassHandle((DWORDLONG)handle, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpEmbedClassHandle(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value)
+ printf("EmbedClassHandle key cls-%016llX, value pp-%016llX res-%016llX", key, value.A, value.B);
+CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE MethodContext::repEmbedClassHandle(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection)
+ DLDL value;
+ AssertCodeMsg(EmbedClassHandle != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)handle);
+ AssertCodeMsg(EmbedClassHandle->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)handle) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)handle);
+ value = EmbedClassHandle->Get((DWORDLONG)handle);
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ *ppIndirection = (void*)value.A;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpEmbedClassHandle((DWORDLONG)handle, value));
+ return (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recPInvokeMarshalingRequired(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_SIG_INFO* callSiteSig, BOOL result)
+ if (PInvokeMarshalingRequired == nullptr)
+ PInvokeMarshalingRequired = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_PInvokeMarshalingRequired, DWORD>();
+ Agnostic_PInvokeMarshalingRequired key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_PInvokeMarshalingRequired)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.method = (DWORDLONG)method;
+ key.callSiteSig.callConv = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.retType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.flags = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.numArgs = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.args = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.pSig = (DWORD)PInvokeMarshalingRequired->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)callSiteSig->pSig, callSiteSig->cbSig);
+ key.callSiteSig.cbSig = (DWORD)callSiteSig->cbSig;
+ key.callSiteSig.scope = (DWORDLONG)callSiteSig->scope;
+ key.callSiteSig.token = (DWORD)0;
+ PInvokeMarshalingRequired->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpPInvokeMarshalingRequired(key, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpPInvokeMarshalingRequired(const Agnostic_PInvokeMarshalingRequired& key, DWORD value)
+ printf("PInvokeMarshalingRequired key mth-%016llX scp-%016llX sig-%u, value res-%u",
+ key.method,
+ key.callSiteSig.scope,
+ key.callSiteSig.pSig,
+ value);
+//Note the jit interface implementation seems to only care about scope and pSig from callSiteSig
+BOOL MethodContext::repPInvokeMarshalingRequired(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_SIG_INFO* callSiteSig)
+ if (PInvokeMarshalingRequired == nullptr)//so when we replay checked on free, we throw from lwm
+ return TRUE; // TODO-Cleanup: hackish...
+ Agnostic_PInvokeMarshalingRequired key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_PInvokeMarshalingRequired)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.method = (DWORDLONG)method;
+ key.callSiteSig.callConv = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.retType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.flags = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.numArgs = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.args = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.callSiteSig.pSig = (DWORD)PInvokeMarshalingRequired->Contains((unsigned char*)callSiteSig->pSig, callSiteSig->cbSig);
+ key.callSiteSig.cbSig = (DWORD)callSiteSig->cbSig;
+ key.callSiteSig.scope = (DWORDLONG)callSiteSig->scope;
+ key.callSiteSig.token = (DWORD)0;
+ DWORD value = PInvokeMarshalingRequired->Get(key);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpPInvokeMarshalingRequired(key, value));
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recFindSig(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned sigTOK, CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *sig)
+ if (FindSig == nullptr)
+ FindSig = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_FindSig, Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO>();
+ Agnostic_FindSig key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_FindSig)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO value;
+ key.module = (DWORDLONG)module;
+ key.sigTOK = (DWORD)sigTOK;
+ key.context = (DWORDLONG)context;
+ value.callConv = (DWORD)sig->callConv;
+ value.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)sig->retTypeClass;
+ value.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)sig->retTypeSigClass;
+ value.retType = (DWORD)sig->retType;
+ value.flags = (DWORD)sig->flags;
+ value.numArgs = (DWORD)sig->numArgs;
+ value.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)sig->sigInst.classInstCount;
+ value.sigInst_classInst_Index = FindSig->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)sig->sigInst.classInst, sig->sigInst.classInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ value.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)sig->sigInst.methInstCount;
+ value.sigInst_methInst_Index = FindSig->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)sig->sigInst.methInst, sig->sigInst.methInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ value.args = (DWORDLONG)sig->args;
+ value.cbSig = (DWORD)sig->cbSig;
+ value.pSig = (DWORD)FindSig->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)sig->pSig, sig->cbSig);
+ value.scope = (DWORDLONG)sig->scope;
+ value.token = (DWORD)sig->token;
+ FindSig->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpFindSig(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpFindSig(const Agnostic_FindSig& key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO& value)
+ printf("FindSig key module-%016llX sigTOK-%08X context-%016llX", key.module, key.sigTOK, key.context);
+ printf(", value callConv-%08X retTypeClass-%016llX retTypeSigClass-%016llX retType-%u(%s) flags-%08X numArgs-%08X classInstCount-%08X classInd-%08X "
+ "methInstCount-%08X methInd-%08X args-%016llX cbSig-%08X pSig-%08X scope-%016llX token-%08X",
+ value.callConv,
+ value.retTypeClass,
+ value.retTypeSigClass,
+ value.retType,
+ toString((CorInfoType)value.retType),
+ value.flags,
+ value.numArgs,
+ value.sigInst_classInstCount,
+ value.sigInst_classInst_Index,
+ value.sigInst_methInstCount,
+ value.sigInst_methInst_Index,
+ value.args,
+ value.cbSig,
+ value.pSig,
+ value.scope,
+ value.token);
+void MethodContext::repFindSig(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned sigTOK, CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *sig)
+ Agnostic_FindSig key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_FindSig)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO value;
+ key.module = (DWORDLONG)module;
+ key.sigTOK = (DWORD)sigTOK;
+ key.context = (DWORDLONG)context;
+ value = FindSig->Get(key);
+ sig->callConv = (CorInfoCallConv)value.callConv;
+ sig->retTypeClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.retTypeClass;
+ sig->retTypeSigClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.retTypeSigClass;
+ sig->retType = (CorInfoType)value.retType;
+ sig->flags = (unsigned)value.flags;
+ sig->numArgs = (unsigned)value.numArgs;
+ sig->sigInst.classInstCount = (unsigned)value.sigInst_classInstCount;
+ sig->sigInst.classInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)FindSig->GetBuffer(value.sigInst_classInst_Index);
+ sig->sigInst.methInstCount = (unsigned)value.sigInst_methInstCount;
+ sig->sigInst.methInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)FindSig->GetBuffer(value.sigInst_methInst_Index);
+ sig->args = (CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE)value.args;
+ sig->cbSig = (unsigned int)value.cbSig;
+ sig->pSig = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)FindSig->GetBuffer(value.pSig);
+ sig->scope = (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE)value.scope;
+ sig->token = (mdToken)value.token;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpFindSig(key, value));
+void MethodContext::recGetEEInfo(CORINFO_EE_INFO *pEEInfoOut)
+ if (GetEEInfo == nullptr)
+ GetEEInfo = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, Agnostic_CORINFO_EE_INFO>();
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_EE_INFO value;
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.size = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.size;
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfGSCookie = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfGSCookie;
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfFrameVptr = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfFrameVptr;
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfFrameLink = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfFrameLink;
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCallSiteSP = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCallSiteSP;
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCalleeSavedFP = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCalleeSavedFP;
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCallTarget = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCallTarget;
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfReturnAddress = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfReturnAddress;
+ value.offsetOfThreadFrame = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->offsetOfThreadFrame;
+ value.offsetOfGCState = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->offsetOfGCState;
+ value.offsetOfDelegateInstance = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->offsetOfDelegateInstance;
+ value.offsetOfDelegateFirstTarget = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->offsetOfDelegateFirstTarget;
+ value.offsetOfSecureDelegateIndirectCell = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->offsetOfSecureDelegateIndirectCell;
+ value.offsetOfTransparentProxyRP = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->offsetOfTransparentProxyRP;
+ value.offsetOfRealProxyServer = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->offsetOfRealProxyServer;
+ value.offsetOfObjArrayData = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->offsetOfObjArrayData;
+ value.sizeOfReversePInvokeFrame = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->sizeOfReversePInvokeFrame;
+ value.osPageSize = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->osPageSize;
+ value.maxUncheckedOffsetForNullObject = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->maxUncheckedOffsetForNullObject;
+ value.targetAbi = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->targetAbi;
+ value.osType = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->osType;
+ value.osMajor = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->osMajor;
+ value.osMinor = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->osMinor;
+ value.osBuild = (DWORD)pEEInfoOut->osBuild;
+ GetEEInfo->Add((DWORD)0, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetEEInfo((DWORD)0, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetEEInfo(DWORD key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_EE_INFO& value)
+ printf("GetEEInfo key %u, value icfi{sz-%u ogs-%u ofv-%u ofl-%u ocsp-%u ocsfp-%u oct-%u ora-%u} "
+ "otf-%u ogcs-%u odi-%u odft-%u osdic-%u otrp-%u orps-%u ooad-%u srpf-%u osps-%u muono-%u tabi-%u osType-%u osMajor-%u osMinor-%u osBuild-%u",
+ key,
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.size,
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfGSCookie,
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfFrameVptr,
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfFrameLink,
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCallSiteSP,
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCalleeSavedFP,
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCallTarget,
+ value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfReturnAddress,
+ value.offsetOfThreadFrame,
+ value.offsetOfGCState,
+ value.offsetOfDelegateInstance,
+ value.offsetOfDelegateFirstTarget,
+ value.offsetOfSecureDelegateIndirectCell,
+ value.offsetOfTransparentProxyRP,
+ value.offsetOfRealProxyServer,
+ value.offsetOfObjArrayData,
+ value.sizeOfReversePInvokeFrame,
+ value.osPageSize,
+ value.maxUncheckedOffsetForNullObject,
+ value.targetAbi,
+ value.osType,
+ value.osMajor,
+ value.osMinor,
+ value.osBuild);
+void MethodContext::repGetEEInfo(CORINFO_EE_INFO *pEEInfoOut)
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_EE_INFO value;
+ int index = -1;
+ if (GetEEInfo != nullptr)
+ index = GetEEInfo->GetIndex((DWORD)0);
+ if (index >= 0)
+ {
+ value = GetEEInfo->Get((DWORD)0);
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.size = (unsigned)value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.size;
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfGSCookie = (unsigned)value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfGSCookie;
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfFrameVptr = (unsigned)value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfFrameVptr;
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfFrameLink = (unsigned)value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfFrameLink;
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCallSiteSP = (unsigned)value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCallSiteSP;
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCalleeSavedFP = (unsigned)value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCalleeSavedFP;
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCallTarget = (unsigned)value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCallTarget;
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfReturnAddress = (unsigned)value.inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfReturnAddress;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfThreadFrame = (unsigned)value.offsetOfThreadFrame;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfGCState = (unsigned)value.offsetOfGCState;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfDelegateInstance = (unsigned)value.offsetOfDelegateInstance;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfDelegateFirstTarget = (unsigned)value.offsetOfDelegateFirstTarget;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfSecureDelegateIndirectCell = (unsigned)value.offsetOfSecureDelegateIndirectCell;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfTransparentProxyRP = (unsigned)value.offsetOfTransparentProxyRP;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfRealProxyServer = (unsigned)value.offsetOfRealProxyServer;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfObjArrayData = (unsigned)value.offsetOfObjArrayData;
+ pEEInfoOut->sizeOfReversePInvokeFrame = (unsigned)value.sizeOfReversePInvokeFrame;
+ pEEInfoOut->osPageSize = (size_t)value.osPageSize;
+ pEEInfoOut->maxUncheckedOffsetForNullObject = (size_t)value.maxUncheckedOffsetForNullObject;
+ pEEInfoOut->targetAbi = (CORINFO_RUNTIME_ABI)value.targetAbi;
+ pEEInfoOut->osType = (CORINFO_OS)value.osType;
+ pEEInfoOut->osMajor = (unsigned)value.osMajor;
+ pEEInfoOut->osMinor = (unsigned)value.osMinor;
+ pEEInfoOut->osBuild = (unsigned)value.osBuild;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetEEInfo((DWORD)0, value));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.size = (unsigned)0x40;
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfGSCookie = (unsigned)0;
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfFrameVptr = (unsigned)0x8;
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfFrameLink = (unsigned)0x10;
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCallSiteSP = (unsigned)0x28;
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCalleeSavedFP = (unsigned)0x38;
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfCallTarget = (unsigned)0x18;
+ pEEInfoOut->inlinedCallFrameInfo.offsetOfReturnAddress = (unsigned)0x30;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfThreadFrame = (unsigned)0x10;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfGCState = (unsigned)0xc;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfDelegateInstance = (unsigned)0x8;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfDelegateFirstTarget = (unsigned)0x18;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfSecureDelegateIndirectCell = (unsigned)0x40;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfTransparentProxyRP = (unsigned)0x8;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfRealProxyServer = (unsigned)0x18;
+ pEEInfoOut->offsetOfObjArrayData = (unsigned)0x18;
+ pEEInfoOut->sizeOfReversePInvokeFrame = (unsigned)0x8;
+ pEEInfoOut->osPageSize = (size_t)0x1000;
+ pEEInfoOut->maxUncheckedOffsetForNullObject = (size_t)((32*1024)-1);
+ pEEInfoOut->targetAbi = CORINFO_DESKTOP_ABI;
+ pEEInfoOut->osType = (CORINFO_OS)0;
+ pEEInfoOut->osMajor = (unsigned)0;
+ pEEInfoOut->osMinor = (unsigned)0;
+ pEEInfoOut->osBuild = (unsigned)0;
+#ifdef DEBUG_REP
+ printf("repGetEEInfo - fell to default params\n");
+ }
+void MethodContext::recGetGSCookie(GSCookie *pCookieVal, GSCookie **ppCookieVal)
+ if (GetGSCookie == nullptr)
+ GetGSCookie = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, DLDL>();
+ DLDL value;
+ if (pCookieVal != nullptr)
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*pCookieVal;
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ if (ppCookieVal != nullptr)
+ value.B = (DWORDLONG)*ppCookieVal;
+ else
+ value.B = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ GetGSCookie->Add((DWORD)0, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetGSCookie(DWORD key, DLDL value)
+ printf("GetGSCookie key 0, value pCookieVal-%016llX ppCookieVal-%016llX", value.A, value.B);
+void MethodContext::repGetGSCookie(GSCookie *pCookieVal, GSCookie **ppCookieVal)
+ DLDL value;
+ value = GetGSCookie->Get((DWORD)0);
+ if (pCookieVal != nullptr)
+ *pCookieVal = (GSCookie)value.A;
+ if (ppCookieVal != nullptr)
+ *ppCookieVal = (GSCookie*)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recGetClassModuleIdForStatics(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE *pModule, void **ppIndirection, size_t result)
+ if (GetClassModuleIdForStatics == nullptr)
+ GetClassModuleIdForStatics = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetClassModuleIdForStatics>();
+ Agnostic_GetClassModuleIdForStatics value;
+ if (pModule != nullptr)
+ value.Module = (DWORDLONG)*pModule;
+ else
+ value.Module = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ value.pIndirection = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ else
+ value.pIndirection = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.result = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ GetClassModuleIdForStatics->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetClassModuleIdForStatics(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetClassModuleIdForStatics& value)
+ printf("GetClassModuleIdForStatics key cls-%016llX, value mod-%016llX pp-%016llX res-%016llX", key, value.Module, value.pIndirection, value.result);
+size_t MethodContext::repGetClassModuleIdForStatics(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE *pModule, void **ppIndirection)
+ Agnostic_GetClassModuleIdForStatics value;
+ value = GetClassModuleIdForStatics->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+ if (pModule != nullptr)
+ *pModule = (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE)value.Module;
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ *ppIndirection = (void*)value.pIndirection;
+ return (size_t)value.result;
+void MethodContext::recGetThreadTLSIndex(void **ppIndirection, DWORD result)
+ if (GetThreadTLSIndex == nullptr)
+ GetThreadTLSIndex = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, DLD>();
+ DLD value;
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.B = (DWORD)result;
+ GetThreadTLSIndex->Add((DWORD)0, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetThreadTLSIndex(DWORD key, DLD value)
+ printf("GetThreadTLSIndex key 0, value ppIndirection-%016llX result-%08X", value.A, value.B);
+DWORD MethodContext::repGetThreadTLSIndex(void **ppIndirection)
+ DLD value;
+ value = GetThreadTLSIndex->Get((DWORD)0);
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ *ppIndirection = (void*)value.A;
+ return (DWORD)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recGetInlinedCallFrameVptr(void **ppIndirection, const void * result)
+ if (GetInlinedCallFrameVptr == nullptr)
+ GetInlinedCallFrameVptr = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, DLDL>();
+ DLDL value;
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.B = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ GetInlinedCallFrameVptr->Add((DWORD)0, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetInlinedCallFrameVptr(DWORD key, DLDL value)
+ printf("GetInlinedCallFrameVptr key 0, value ppIndirection-%016llX result-%016llX\n", value.A, value.B);
+const void * MethodContext::repGetInlinedCallFrameVptr(void **ppIndirection)
+ DLDL value;
+ value = GetInlinedCallFrameVptr->Get((DWORD)0);
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ *ppIndirection = (void*)value.A;
+ return (const void *)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recGetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal(void **ppIndirection, LONG * result)
+ if (GetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal == nullptr)
+ GetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, DLDL>();
+ DLDL value;
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.B = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ GetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal->Add((DWORD)0, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal((DWORD)0, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal(DWORD key, DLDL value)
+ printf("GetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal key %u, value ppi-%016llX res-%016llX", key, value.A, value.B);
+LONG * MethodContext::repGetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal(void **ppIndirection)
+ DLDL value;
+ if ((GetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal == nullptr) || (GetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal->GetIndex((DWORD)0) == -1))
+ {
+#ifdef sparseMC
+ LogDebug("Sparse - repGetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal returning 0xCAFE0001");
+ return (LONG*)(size_t)0xCAFE0001;
+ LogException(EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for GetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal", "");
+ }
+ value = GetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal->Get((DWORD)0);
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ *ppIndirection = (void*)value.A;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal((DWORD)0, value));
+ return (LONG *)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recGetClassDomainID(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, void **ppIndirection, unsigned result)
+ if (GetClassDomainID == nullptr)
+ GetClassDomainID = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DLD>();
+ DLD value;
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.B = (DWORD)result;
+ GetClassDomainID->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetClassDomainID((DWORDLONG)cls, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetClassDomainID(DWORDLONG key, DLD value)
+ printf("GetClassDomainID key cls-%016llX, value pp-%016llX res-%u", key, value.A, value.B);
+unsigned MethodContext::repGetClassDomainID(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, void **ppIndirection)
+ DLD value;
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetClassDomainID != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetClassDomainID->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)cls) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls);
+ value = GetClassDomainID->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ *ppIndirection = (void*)value.A;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetClassDomainID((DWORDLONG)cls, value));
+ return (unsigned)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recGetLocationOfThisType(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE context, CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND *result)
+ if (GetLocationOfThisType == nullptr)
+ GetLocationOfThisType = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, Agnostic_CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND>();
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND value;
+ value.needsRuntimeLookup = (DWORD)result->needsRuntimeLookup;
+ value.runtimeLookupKind = (DWORD)result->runtimeLookupKind;
+ value.runtimeLookupFlags = (WORD)result->runtimeLookupFlags;
+ // We don't store result->runtimeLookupArgs, which is opaque data. Ok?
+ GetLocationOfThisType->Add((DWORDLONG)context, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetLocationOfThisType(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND& value)
+ printf("GetLocationOfThisType key ftn-%016llX, value nrl-%u rlk-%u", key, value.needsRuntimeLookup, value.runtimeLookupKind);
+CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND MethodContext::repGetLocationOfThisType(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE context)
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND value1;
+ value1 = GetLocationOfThisType->Get((DWORDLONG)context);
+ value2.needsRuntimeLookup = value1.needsRuntimeLookup != 0;
+ value2.runtimeLookupKind = (CORINFO_RUNTIME_LOOKUP_KIND)value1.runtimeLookupKind;
+ value2.runtimeLookupFlags = (WORD)value1.runtimeLookupFlags;
+ value2.runtimeLookupArgs = nullptr; // We don't store this opaque data. Ok?
+ return value2;
+void MethodContext::recGetDelegateCtor(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methHnd, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd,
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE targetMethodHnd, DelegateCtorArgs *pCtorData, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE result)
+ if (GetDelegateCtor == nullptr)
+ GetDelegateCtor = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorIn, Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorOut>();
+ Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorIn key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorIn)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorOut value;
+ key.methHnd = (DWORDLONG)methHnd;
+ key.clsHnd = (DWORDLONG)clsHnd;
+ key.targetMethodHnd = (DWORDLONG)targetMethodHnd;
+ value.CtorData.pMethod = (DWORDLONG)pCtorData->pMethod;
+ value.CtorData.pArg3 = (DWORDLONG)pCtorData->pArg3;
+ value.CtorData.pArg4 = (DWORDLONG)pCtorData->pArg4;
+ value.CtorData.pArg5 = (DWORDLONG)pCtorData->pArg5;
+ value.result = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ GetDelegateCtor->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetDelegateCtor(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetDelegateCtor(const Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorIn& key, const Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorOut& value)
+ printf("GetDelegateCtor key ftn-%016llX cls-%016llX tftn-%016llX, value pm-%016llX a3-%016llX a4-%016llX a5-%016llX res-%016llX",
+ key.methHnd,
+ key.clsHnd,
+ key.targetMethodHnd,
+ value.CtorData.pMethod,
+ value.CtorData.pArg3,
+ value.CtorData.pArg4,
+ value.CtorData.pArg5,
+ value.result);
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE targetMethodHnd, DelegateCtorArgs *pCtorData)
+ Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorIn key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorIn)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorOut value;
+ key.methHnd = (DWORDLONG)methHnd;
+ key.clsHnd = (DWORDLONG)clsHnd;
+ key.targetMethodHnd = (DWORDLONG)targetMethodHnd;
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetDelegateCtor != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)key.methHnd);
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetDelegateCtor->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)key.methHnd);
+ value = GetDelegateCtor->Get(key);
+ pCtorData->pMethod = (void*)value.CtorData.pMethod;
+ pCtorData->pArg3 = (void*)value.CtorData.pArg3;
+ pCtorData->pArg4 = (void*)value.CtorData.pArg4;
+ pCtorData->pArg5 = (void*)value.CtorData.pArg5;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetDelegateCtor(key, value));
+ return (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)value.result;
+void MethodContext::recGetFunctionFixedEntryPoint(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP *pResult)
+ if (GetFunctionFixedEntryPoint == nullptr)
+ GetFunctionFixedEntryPoint = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, Agnostic_CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP>();
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP value;
+ value.accessType = (DWORD)pResult->accessType;
+ value.handle = (DWORDLONG)pResult->handle;
+ GetFunctionFixedEntryPoint->Add((DWORDLONG)ftn, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetFunctionFixedEntryPoint(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP& value)
+ printf("GetFunctionFixedEntryPoint key ftn-%016llX, value at-%u han-%016llX", key, value.accessType, value.handle);
+void MethodContext::repGetFunctionFixedEntryPoint(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP *pResult)
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP value;
+ value = GetFunctionFixedEntryPoint->Get((DWORDLONG)ftn);
+ pResult->accessType = (InfoAccessType)value.accessType;
+ pResult->handle = (CORINFO_GENERIC_HANDLE)value.handle;
+void MethodContext::recGetFieldInClass(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd, INT num, CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE result)
+ if (GetFieldInClass == nullptr)
+ GetFieldInClass = new LightWeightMap<DLD, DWORDLONG>();
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)clsHnd;
+ key.B = (DWORD)num;
+ GetFieldInClass->Add(key, (DWORDLONG)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetFieldInClass(key, (DWORDLONG)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetFieldInClass(DLD key, DWORDLONG value)
+ printf("GetFieldInClass key cls-%016llX ind-%u, value %016llX", key.A, key.B, value);
+CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE MethodContext::repGetFieldInClass(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd, INT num)
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)clsHnd;
+ key.B = (DWORD)num;
+ AssertCodeMsg((GetFieldInClass != nullptr) && (GetFieldInClass->GetIndex(key) != -1),
+ EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)key.A);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetFieldInClass(key, (DWORDLONG)temp));
+ return temp;
+void MethodContext::recGetFieldType(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE *structType, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE memberParent, CorInfoType result)
+ if (GetFieldType == nullptr)
+ GetFieldType = new LightWeightMap<DLDL, DLD>();
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ DLD value;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)field;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)memberParent;
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*structType;
+ value.B = (DWORD)result;
+ GetFieldType->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetFieldType(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetFieldType(DLDL key, DLD value)
+ printf("GetFieldType key fld-%016llX cls-%016llX, value ch-%016llX cit-%u(%s)", key.A, key.B, value.A, value.B, toString((CorInfoType)value.B));
+CorInfoType MethodContext::repGetFieldType(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE *structType, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE memberParent)
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ DLD value;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)field;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)memberParent;
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetFieldType != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)key.A);
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetFieldType->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)key.A);
+ value = GetFieldType->Get(key);
+ if (structType != nullptr)
+ *structType = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.A;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetFieldType(key, value));
+ return (CorInfoType)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recGetFieldName(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE ftn, const char **moduleName, const char* result)
+ if (GetFieldName == nullptr)
+ GetFieldName = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DD>();
+ DD value;
+ if (result != nullptr)
+ value.A = GetFieldName->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)result, (DWORD)strlen(result) + 1);
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORD)-1;
+ if (moduleName != nullptr) //protect strlen
+ value.B = (DWORD)GetFieldName->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)*moduleName, (DWORD)strlen(*moduleName) + 1);
+ else
+ value.B = (DWORD)-1;
+ GetFieldName->Add((DWORDLONG)ftn, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetFieldName(DWORDLONG key, DD value)
+ unsigned char *fieldName = (unsigned char *)GetFieldName->GetBuffer(value.A);
+ unsigned char *moduleName = (unsigned char *)GetFieldName->GetBuffer(value.B);
+ printf("GetFieldName key - ftn-%016llX, value fld-'%s', mod-'%s'", key, fieldName, moduleName);
+ GetFieldName->Unlock();
+const char* MethodContext::repGetFieldName(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE ftn, const char **moduleName)
+ DD value;
+ if (GetFieldName == nullptr)
+ {
+ if (moduleName != nullptr)
+ *moduleName = "hackishModuleName";
+ return "hackishFieldName";
+ }
+ value = GetFieldName->Get((DWORDLONG)ftn);
+ if (moduleName != nullptr)
+ *moduleName = (const char *)GetFieldName->GetBuffer(value.B);
+ return (const char *)GetFieldName->GetBuffer(value.A);
+void MethodContext::recCanInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL result)
+ if (CanInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable == nullptr)
+ CanInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ CanInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpCanInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("CanInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable key cls-%016llX, value res-%u", key, value);
+BOOL MethodContext::repCanInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls)
+ return (BOOL)CanInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+void MethodContext::recSatisfiesMethodConstraints(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE parent, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, BOOL result)
+ if (SatisfiesMethodConstraints == nullptr)
+ SatisfiesMethodConstraints = new LightWeightMap<DLDL, DWORD>();
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)parent;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)method;
+ SatisfiesMethodConstraints->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpSatisfiesMethodConstraints(DLDL key, DWORD value)
+ printf("SatisfiesMethodConstraints key cls-%016llX ftn-%016llX, value res-%u", key.A, key.B, value);
+BOOL MethodContext::repSatisfiesMethodConstraints(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE parent, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method)
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)parent;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)method;
+ BOOL value = (BOOL)SatisfiesMethodConstraints->Get(key);
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recInitConstraintsForVerification(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, BOOL *pfHasCircularClassConstraints,
+ BOOL *pfHasCircularMethodConstraint)
+ if (InitConstraintsForVerification == nullptr)
+ InitConstraintsForVerification = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DD>();
+ DD value;
+ value.A = (DWORD)*pfHasCircularClassConstraints;
+ value.B = (DWORD)*pfHasCircularMethodConstraint;
+ InitConstraintsForVerification->Add((DWORDLONG)method, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpInitConstraintsForVerification(DWORDLONG key, DD value)
+ printf("InitConstraintsForVerification key ftn-%016llX, value circ-%u cirm-%u", key, value.A, value.B);
+void MethodContext::repInitConstraintsForVerification(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, BOOL *pfHasCircularClassConstraints,
+ BOOL *pfHasCircularMethodConstraint)
+ DD value;
+ value = InitConstraintsForVerification->Get((DWORDLONG)method);
+ *pfHasCircularClassConstraints = (BOOL)value.A;
+ *pfHasCircularMethodConstraint = (BOOL)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recIsValidStringRef(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned metaTOK, BOOL result)
+ if (IsValidStringRef == nullptr)
+ IsValidStringRef = new LightWeightMap<DLD, DWORD>();
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)module;
+ key.B = (DWORD)metaTOK;
+ IsValidStringRef->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpIsValidStringRef(DLD key, DWORD value)
+ printf("IsValidStringRef key mod-%016llX tok-%08X, value res-%u", key.A, key.B, value);
+BOOL MethodContext::repIsValidStringRef(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned metaTOK)
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)module;
+ key.B = (DWORD)metaTOK;
+ BOOL value = (BOOL)IsValidStringRef->Get(key);
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recGetHelperName(CorInfoHelpFunc funcNum, const char* result)
+ if (GetHelperName == nullptr)
+ GetHelperName = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, DWORD>();
+ DWORD value = (DWORD)-1;
+ if (result != nullptr)
+ value = (DWORD)GetHelperName->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)result, (DWORD)strlen(result) + 1);
+ GetHelperName->Add((DWORD)funcNum, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetHelperName((DWORD)funcNum, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetHelperName(DWORD key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetHelperName key ftn-%u, value '%s'", key, (const char*)GetHelperName->GetBuffer(value));
+ GetHelperName->Unlock();
+const char* MethodContext::repGetHelperName(CorInfoHelpFunc funcNum)
+ if (GetHelperName == nullptr) return "Yickish helper name";
+ int itemIndex = GetHelperName->GetIndex((DWORD)funcNum);
+ if (itemIndex < 0)
+ {
+ return "hackishHelperName";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned int buffIndex = GetHelperName->Get((DWORD)funcNum);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetHelperName((DWORD)funcNum, buffIndex));
+ return (const char*)GetHelperName->GetBuffer(buffIndex);
+ }
+void MethodContext::recCanCast(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE child, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE parent, BOOL result)
+ if (CanCast == nullptr)
+ CanCast = new LightWeightMap<DLDL, DWORD>();
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)child;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)parent;
+ CanCast->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpCanCast(key, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpCanCast(DLDL key, DWORD value)
+ printf("CanCast key chd-%016llX par-%016llX, value res-%u", key.A, key.B, value);
+BOOL MethodContext::repCanCast(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE child, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE parent)
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)child;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)parent;
+ AssertCodeMsg(CanCast != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything %016llX, %016llX in map", (DWORDLONG)child, (DWORDLONG)parent);
+ AssertCodeMsg(CanCast->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX, %016llX %u in map", (DWORDLONG)child, (DWORDLONG)parent, CanCast->GetCount());
+ BOOL value = (BOOL)CanCast->Get(key);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpCanCast(key, (DWORD)value));
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recGetChildType(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE *clsRet, CorInfoType result)
+ if (GetChildType == nullptr)
+ GetChildType = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DLD>();
+ DLD value;
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*clsRet;
+ value.B = (DWORD)result;
+ GetChildType->Add((DWORDLONG)clsHnd, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetChildType((DWORDLONG)clsHnd, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetChildType(DWORDLONG key, DLD value)
+ printf("GetChildType key cls-%016llX, value clsr-%016llX cit-%u(%s)", key, value.A, value.B, toString((CorInfoType)value.B));
+CorInfoType MethodContext::repGetChildType(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE *clsRet)
+ DLD value;
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetChildType != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)clsHnd);
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetChildType->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)clsHnd) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)clsHnd);
+ value = GetChildType->Get((DWORDLONG)clsHnd);
+ *clsRet = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.A;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetChildType((DWORDLONG)clsHnd, value));
+ return (CorInfoType)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recGetArrayInitializationData(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, DWORD size, void *result)
+ if (GetArrayInitializationData == nullptr)
+ GetArrayInitializationData = new LightWeightMap<DLD, DWORDLONG>();
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)field;
+ key.B = (DWORD)size;
+ GetArrayInitializationData->Add(key, (DWORDLONG)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetArrayInitializationData(DLD key, DWORDLONG value)
+ printf("GetArrayInitializationData key field-%016llX size-%08X, value result-%016llX", key.A, key.B, value);
+void *MethodContext::repGetArrayInitializationData(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, DWORD size)
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)field;
+ key.B = (DWORD)size;
+ void *value = (void*)GetArrayInitializationData->Get(key);
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recFilterException(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionPointers, int result)
+ if (FilterException == nullptr)
+ FilterException = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, DWORD>();
+ FilterException->Add((DWORD)pExceptionPointers->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, (DWORD)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpFilterException(DWORD key, DWORD value)
+ printf("FilterException key %u, value %u", key, value);
+int MethodContext::repFilterException(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionPointers)
+ if (FilterException == nullptr)
+ if (FilterException->GetIndex((DWORD)pExceptionPointers->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode) < 0)
+ else
+ {
+ int result = FilterException->Get((DWORD)pExceptionPointers->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode);
+ return result;
+ }
+void MethodContext::recHandleException(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionPointers)
+ if (HandleException == nullptr)
+ HandleException = new DenseLightWeightMap<DWORD>();
+ HandleException->Append(pExceptionPointers->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode);
+void MethodContext::dmpHandleException(DWORD key, DWORD value)
+ printf("HandleException key %u, value %u", key, value);
+void MethodContext::recGetAddressOfPInvokeFixup(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, void **ppIndirection, void* result)
+ if (GetAddressOfPInvokeFixup == nullptr)
+ GetAddressOfPInvokeFixup = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DLDL>();
+ DLDL value;
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.B = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ GetAddressOfPInvokeFixup->Add((DWORDLONG)method, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetAddressOfPInvokeFixup(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value)
+ printf("GetAddressOfPInvokeFixup key ftn-%016llX, value pp-%016llX res-%016llX", key, value.A, value.B);
+void* MethodContext::repGetAddressOfPInvokeFixup(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, void **ppIndirection)
+ DLDL value;
+ value = GetAddressOfPInvokeFixup->Get((DWORDLONG)method);
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ *ppIndirection = (void *)value.A;
+ return (void*)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recGetAddressOfPInvokeTarget(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP *pLookup)
+ if (GetAddressOfPInvokeTarget == nullptr)
+ GetAddressOfPInvokeTarget = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DLD>();
+ DLD value;
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)pLookup->addr;
+ value.B = (DWORD)pLookup->accessType;
+ GetAddressOfPInvokeTarget->Add((DWORDLONG)method, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetAddressOfPInvokeTarget(DWORDLONG key, DLD value)
+ printf("GetAddressOfPInvokeTarget key ftn-%016llX, value addr-%016llX at-%u", key, value.A, value.B);
+void MethodContext::repGetAddressOfPInvokeTarget(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP *pLookup)
+ DLD value = GetAddressOfPInvokeTarget->Get((DWORDLONG)method);
+ pLookup->addr = (void *)value.A;
+ pLookup->accessType = (InfoAccessType)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recSatisfiesClassConstraints(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL result)
+ if (SatisfiesClassConstraints == nullptr)
+ SatisfiesClassConstraints = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ SatisfiesClassConstraints->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpSatisfiesClassConstraints(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("SatisfiesClassConstraints key cls-%016llX, value res-%u", key, value);
+BOOL MethodContext::repSatisfiesClassConstraints(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls)
+ return (BOOL)SatisfiesClassConstraints->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+void MethodContext::recGetMethodHash(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, unsigned result)
+ if (GetMethodHash == nullptr)
+ GetMethodHash = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetMethodHash->Add((DWORDLONG)ftn, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetMethodHash((DWORDLONG)ftn, (DWORD) result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetMethodHash(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetMethodHash key %016llX, value %u", key, value);
+unsigned MethodContext::repGetMethodHash(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn)
+ unsigned result = 0x43;
+ if (GetMethodHash != nullptr)
+ if (GetMethodHash->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)ftn) >= 0)
+ result = GetMethodHash->Get((DWORDLONG)ftn);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetMethodHash((DWORDLONG)ftn, (DWORD) result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recCanTailCall(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE declaredCalleeHnd,
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE exactCalleeHnd, bool fIsTailPrefix, bool result)
+ if (CanTailCall == nullptr)
+ CanTailCall = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_CanTailCall, DWORD>();
+ Agnostic_CanTailCall key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CanTailCall)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.callerHnd = (DWORDLONG)callerHnd;
+ key.declaredCalleeHnd = (DWORDLONG)declaredCalleeHnd;
+ key.exactCalleeHnd = (DWORDLONG)exactCalleeHnd;
+ key.fIsTailPrefix = (DWORD)fIsTailPrefix;
+ CanTailCall->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpCanTailCall(key,(DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpCanTailCall(const Agnostic_CanTailCall& key, DWORD value)
+ printf("CanTailCall key clr-%016llX dcle-%016llX ecle-%016llX pfx-%u, value res-%u",
+ key.callerHnd,
+ key.declaredCalleeHnd,
+ key.exactCalleeHnd,
+ key.fIsTailPrefix,
+ value);
+bool MethodContext::repCanTailCall(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE declaredCalleeHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE exactCalleeHnd,
+ bool fIsTailPrefix)
+ Agnostic_CanTailCall key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CanTailCall)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.callerHnd = (DWORDLONG)callerHnd;
+ key.declaredCalleeHnd = (DWORDLONG)declaredCalleeHnd;
+ key.exactCalleeHnd = (DWORDLONG)exactCalleeHnd;
+ key.fIsTailPrefix = (DWORD)fIsTailPrefix;
+ AssertCodeMsg(CanTailCall != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)key.callerHnd);
+ AssertCodeMsg(CanTailCall->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)key.callerHnd);
+ bool temp = CanTailCall->Get(key) != 0;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpCanTailCall(key,(DWORD)temp));
+ return temp;
+void MethodContext::recIsCompatibleDelegate(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE objCls, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE methodParentCls,
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE delegateCls, BOOL *pfIsOpenDelegate, BOOL result)
+ if (IsCompatibleDelegate == nullptr)
+ IsCompatibleDelegate = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_IsCompatibleDelegate, DD>();
+ Agnostic_IsCompatibleDelegate key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_IsCompatibleDelegate)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ DD value;
+ key.objCls = (DWORDLONG)objCls;
+ key.methodParentCls = (DWORDLONG)methodParentCls;
+ key.method = (DWORDLONG)method;
+ key.delegateCls = (DWORDLONG)delegateCls;
+ value.A = (DWORD)*pfIsOpenDelegate;
+ value.B = (DWORD)result;
+ IsCompatibleDelegate->Add(key, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpIsCompatibleDelegate(const Agnostic_IsCompatibleDelegate& key, DD value)
+ printf("IsCompatibleDelegate key objCls-%016llX methodParentCls-%016llX method-%016llX delegateCls-%016llX, value pfIsOpenDelegate-%08X result-%08X",
+ key.objCls, key.methodParentCls, key.method, key.delegateCls, value.A, value.B);
+BOOL MethodContext::repIsCompatibleDelegate(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE objCls, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE methodParentCls,
+ Agnostic_IsCompatibleDelegate key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_IsCompatibleDelegate)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ DD value;
+ key.objCls = (DWORDLONG)objCls;
+ key.methodParentCls = (DWORDLONG)methodParentCls;
+ key.method = (DWORDLONG)method;
+ key.delegateCls = (DWORDLONG)delegateCls;
+ value = IsCompatibleDelegate->Get(key);
+ *pfIsOpenDelegate = (BOOL)value.A;
+ return (BOOL)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recIsDelegateCreationAllowed(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE delegateHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE calleeHnd, BOOL result)
+ if (IsDelegateCreationAllowed == nullptr)
+ IsDelegateCreationAllowed = new LightWeightMap<DLDL, DWORD>();
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(key));
+ DWORD value;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)delegateHnd;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)calleeHnd;
+ value = (DWORD)result;
+ IsDelegateCreationAllowed->Add(key, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpIsDelegateCreationAllowed(DLDL key, DWORD value)
+ printf("IsDelegateCreationAllowed key delegateHnd-%016llX calleeHnd-%016llX result-%08X",
+ key.A, key.B, value);
+BOOL MethodContext::repIsDelegateCreationAllowed(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE delegateHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE calleeHnd)
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(key));
+ DWORD value;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)delegateHnd;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)calleeHnd;
+ value = IsDelegateCreationAllowed->Get(key);
+ return (BOOL)value;
+void MethodContext::recCanSkipMethodVerification(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftnHandle, BOOL skip, CorInfoCanSkipVerificationResult result)
+ if (CanSkipMethodVerification == nullptr)
+ CanSkipMethodVerification = new LightWeightMap<DLD, DWORD>();
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)ftnHandle;
+ key.B = (DWORD)skip;
+ CanSkipMethodVerification->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpCanSkipMethodVerification(key,(DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpCanSkipMethodVerification(DLD key, DWORD value)
+ printf("CanSkipMethodVerification key ftn-%016llX skp-%u, value res-%u", key.A, key.B, value);
+CorInfoCanSkipVerificationResult MethodContext::repCanSkipMethodVerification(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftnHandle, BOOL skip)
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)ftnHandle;
+ key.B = (DWORD)skip;
+ AssertCodeMsg(CanSkipMethodVerification != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)ftnHandle);
+ AssertCodeMsg(CanSkipMethodVerification->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)ftnHandle);
+ CorInfoCanSkipVerificationResult temp = (CorInfoCanSkipVerificationResult)CanSkipMethodVerification->Get(key);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpCanSkipMethodVerification(key,(DWORD)temp));
+ return temp;
+void MethodContext::recFindCallSiteSig(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned methTOK, CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *sig)
+ if (FindCallSiteSig == nullptr)
+ FindCallSiteSig = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_FindCallSiteSig, Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO>();
+ Agnostic_FindCallSiteSig key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_FindCallSiteSig)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO value;
+ key.module = (DWORDLONG)module;
+ key.methTok = (DWORD)methTOK;
+ key.context = (DWORDLONG)context;
+ value.callConv = (DWORD)sig->callConv;
+ value.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)sig->retTypeClass;
+ value.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)sig->retTypeSigClass;
+ value.retType = (DWORD)sig->retType;
+ value.flags = (DWORD)sig->flags;
+ value.numArgs = (DWORD)sig->numArgs;
+ value.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)sig->sigInst.classInstCount;
+ value.sigInst_classInst_Index = FindCallSiteSig->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)sig->sigInst.classInst, sig->sigInst.classInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ value.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)sig->sigInst.methInstCount;
+ value.sigInst_methInst_Index = FindCallSiteSig->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)sig->sigInst.methInst, sig->sigInst.methInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ value.args = (DWORDLONG)sig->args;
+ value.cbSig = (DWORD)sig->cbSig;
+ value.pSig = (DWORD)FindCallSiteSig->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)sig->pSig, sig->cbSig);
+ value.scope = (DWORDLONG)sig->scope;
+ value.token = (DWORD)sig->token;
+ FindCallSiteSig->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpFindCallSiteSig(key,value));
+void MethodContext::dmpFindCallSiteSig(const Agnostic_FindCallSiteSig& key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO& value)
+ printf("dmpFindCallSiteSig key module-%016llX methTok-%08X context-%016llX", key.module, key.methTok, key.context);
+ printf(", value callConv-%08X retTypeClass-%016llX retTypeSigClass-%016llX retType-%u(%s) flags-%08X numArgs-%08X classInstCount-%08X classInd-%08X "
+ "methInstCount-%08X methInd-%08X args-%016llX cbSig-%08X pSig-%08X scope-%016llX token-%08X",
+ value.callConv,
+ value.retTypeClass,
+ value.retTypeSigClass,
+ value.retType,
+ toString((CorInfoType)value.retType),
+ value.flags,
+ value.numArgs,
+ value.sigInst_classInstCount,
+ value.sigInst_classInst_Index,
+ value.sigInst_methInstCount,
+ value.sigInst_methInst_Index,
+ value.args,
+ value.cbSig,
+ value.pSig,
+ value.scope,
+ value.token);
+void MethodContext::repFindCallSiteSig(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned methTOK, CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *sig)
+ Agnostic_FindCallSiteSig key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_FindCallSiteSig)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO value;
+ key.module = (DWORDLONG)module;
+ key.methTok = (DWORD)methTOK;
+ key.context = (DWORDLONG)context;
+ AssertCodeMsg(FindCallSiteSig != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %08X", (DWORD)key.methTok);
+ AssertCodeMsg(FindCallSiteSig->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %08X", (DWORD)key.methTok);
+ value = FindCallSiteSig->Get(key);
+ sig->callConv = (CorInfoCallConv)value.callConv;
+ sig->retTypeClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.retTypeClass;
+ sig->retTypeSigClass = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value.retTypeSigClass;
+ sig->retType = (CorInfoType)value.retType;
+ sig->flags = (unsigned)value.flags;
+ sig->numArgs = (unsigned)value.numArgs;
+ sig->sigInst.classInstCount = (unsigned)value.sigInst_classInstCount;
+ sig->sigInst.classInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)FindCallSiteSig->GetBuffer(value.sigInst_classInst_Index);
+ sig->sigInst.methInstCount = (unsigned)value.sigInst_methInstCount;
+ sig->sigInst.methInst = (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE*)FindCallSiteSig->GetBuffer(value.sigInst_methInst_Index);
+ sig->args = (CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE)value.args;
+ sig->cbSig = (unsigned int)value.cbSig;
+ sig->pSig = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)FindCallSiteSig->GetBuffer(value.pSig);
+ sig->scope = (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE)value.scope;
+ sig->token = (mdToken)value.token;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpFindCallSiteSig(key,value));
+void MethodContext::recShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE scope, BOOL result)
+ if (ShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction == nullptr)
+ ShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ ShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction->Add((DWORDLONG)scope, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction((DWORDLONG)scope, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("ShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction key %016llX, value %u", key, value);
+BOOL MethodContext::repShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE scope)
+ AssertCodeMsg(ShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)scope);
+ AssertCodeMsg(ShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)scope) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)scope);
+ BOOL temp = (BOOL)ShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction->Get((DWORDLONG)scope);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction((DWORDLONG)scope, (DWORD)temp));
+ return temp;
+void MethodContext::recGetMethodSync(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, void **ppIndirection, void* result)
+ if (GetMethodSync == nullptr)
+ GetMethodSync = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DLDL>();
+ DLDL value;
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.B = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ GetMethodSync->Add((DWORDLONG)ftn, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetMethodSync(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value)
+ printf("GetMethodSync key %016llX, value pp-%016llX res-%016llX", key, value.A, value.B);
+void* MethodContext::repGetMethodSync(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, void **ppIndirection)
+ DLDL value;
+ value = (DLDL)GetMethodSync->Get((DWORDLONG)ftn);
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ *ppIndirection = (void *)value.A;
+ return (void*)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recGetVarArgsHandle(CORINFO_SIG_INFO *pSig, void **ppIndirection, CORINFO_VARARGS_HANDLE result)
+ if (GetVarArgsHandle == nullptr)
+ GetVarArgsHandle = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO, DLDL>();
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ DLDL value;
+ key.callConv = (DWORD)0;
+ key.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.flags = (DWORD)0;
+ key.numArgs = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.args = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.cbSig = (DWORD)pSig->cbSig;
+ key.pSig = (DWORD)GetVarArgsHandle->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)pSig->pSig, pSig->cbSig);
+ key.scope = (DWORDLONG)pSig->scope;
+ key.token = (DWORD)pSig->token;
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.B = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ GetVarArgsHandle->Add(key, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetVarArgsHandle(const Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO& key, DLDL value)
+ printf("GetVarArgsHandle key cbSig-%08X pSig-%08X scope-%016llX token-%08X",
+ key.cbSig,
+ key.pSig,
+ key.scope,
+ key.token);
+ printf(", value ppIndirection-%016llX result-%016llX", value.A, value.B);
+CORINFO_VARARGS_HANDLE MethodContext::repGetVarArgsHandle(CORINFO_SIG_INFO *pSig, void **ppIndirection)
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ DLDL value;
+ key.callConv = (DWORD)0;
+ key.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.flags = (DWORD)0;
+ key.numArgs = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.args = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.cbSig = (DWORD)pSig->cbSig;
+ key.pSig = (DWORD)GetVarArgsHandle->Contains((unsigned char *)pSig->pSig, pSig->cbSig);
+ key.scope = (DWORDLONG)pSig->scope;
+ key.token = (DWORD)pSig->token;
+ value = (DLDL)GetVarArgsHandle->Get(key);
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ *ppIndirection = (void *)value.A;
+void MethodContext::recCanGetVarArgsHandle(CORINFO_SIG_INFO *pSig, bool result)
+ if (CanGetVarArgsHandle == nullptr)
+ CanGetVarArgsHandle = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO, DWORD>();
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.callConv = (DWORD)0;
+ key.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.flags = (DWORD)0;
+ key.numArgs = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.args = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.cbSig = (DWORD)0;
+ key.pSig = (DWORD)0;
+ key.scope = (DWORDLONG)pSig->scope;
+ key.token = (DWORD)pSig->token;
+ CanGetVarArgsHandle->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpCanGetVarArgsHandle(key, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpCanGetVarArgsHandle(const Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO& key, DWORD value)
+ printf("CanGetVarArgsHandle key scope-%016llX token-%08X, value result-%08X", key.scope, key.token, value);
+bool MethodContext::repCanGetVarArgsHandle(CORINFO_SIG_INFO *pSig)
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.callConv = (DWORD)0;
+ key.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.flags = (DWORD)0;
+ key.numArgs = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.args = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.cbSig = (DWORD)0;
+ key.pSig = (DWORD)0;
+ key.scope = (DWORDLONG)pSig->scope;
+ key.token = (DWORD)pSig->token;
+ AssertCodeMsg(CanGetVarArgsHandle != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)key.token);
+ AssertCodeMsg(CanGetVarArgsHandle->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)key.token);
+ bool value = CanGetVarArgsHandle->Get(key) != 0;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpCanGetVarArgsHandle(key, (DWORD)value));
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recGetFieldThreadLocalStoreID(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, void **ppIndirection, DWORD result)
+ if (GetFieldThreadLocalStoreID == nullptr)
+ GetFieldThreadLocalStoreID = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DLD>();;
+ DLD value;
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.B = (DWORD)result;
+ GetFieldThreadLocalStoreID->Add((DWORDLONG)field, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetFieldThreadLocalStoreID(DWORDLONG key, DLD value)
+ printf("GetFieldThreadLocalStoreID key field-%016llX, value ppIndirection-%016llX result-%08X", key, value.A, value.B);
+DWORD MethodContext::repGetFieldThreadLocalStoreID(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, void **ppIndirection)
+ DLD value;
+ value = (DLD)GetFieldThreadLocalStoreID->Get((DWORDLONG)field);
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ *ppIndirection = (void *)value.A;
+ return (DWORD)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recGetBBProfileData(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftnHnd, ULONG *count, ICorJitInfo::ProfileBuffer **profileBuffer,
+ ULONG *numRuns, HRESULT result)
+ if (GetBBProfileData == nullptr)
+ GetBBProfileData = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetBBProfileData>();
+ Agnostic_GetBBProfileData value;
+ value.count = (DWORD)*count;
+ value.profileBuffer_index = GetBBProfileData->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)*profileBuffer, sizeof(ICorJitInfo::ProfileBuffer)*(*count));
+ value.numRuns = (DWORD)*numRuns;
+ value.result = (DWORD)result;
+ GetBBProfileData->Add((DWORDLONG)ftnHnd, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetBBProfileData(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetBBProfileData& value)
+ printf("GetBBProfileData key ftn-%016llX, value cnt-%u profileBuf-", key, value.count);
+ ICorJitInfo::ProfileBuffer* pBuf = (ICorJitInfo::ProfileBuffer *)GetBBProfileData->GetBuffer(value.profileBuffer_index);
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < value.count; i++, pBuf++)
+ {
+ printf("{il-%u,cnt-%u}", pBuf->ILOffset, pBuf->ExecutionCount);
+ }
+ GetBBProfileData->Unlock();
+ printf(" numRuns-%u result-%u", value.numRuns, value.result);
+HRESULT MethodContext::repGetBBProfileData(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftnHnd, ULONG *count, ICorJitInfo::ProfileBuffer **profileBuffer,
+ ULONG *numRuns)
+ Agnostic_GetBBProfileData tempValue;
+ tempValue = GetBBProfileData->Get((DWORDLONG)ftnHnd);
+ *count = (ULONG)tempValue.count;
+ *profileBuffer = (ICorJitInfo::ProfileBuffer *)GetBBProfileData->GetBuffer(tempValue.profileBuffer_index);
+ *numRuns = (ULONG)tempValue.numRuns;
+ HRESULT result = (HRESULT)tempValue.result;
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recMergeClasses(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls1, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls2, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE result)
+ if (MergeClasses == nullptr)
+ MergeClasses = new LightWeightMap<DLDL, DWORDLONG>();
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)cls1;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)cls2;
+ MergeClasses->Add(key, (DWORDLONG)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpMergeClasses(DLDL key, DWORDLONG value)
+ printf("MergeClasses NYI");
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ DWORDLONG value;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)cls1;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)cls2;
+ AssertCodeMsg(MergeClasses->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC,
+ "Didn't find %016llX %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls1, (DWORDLONG)cls2);
+ value = MergeClasses->Get(key);
+ return (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)value;
+void MethodContext::recGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* szMetaSig, void ** ppIndirection, LPVOID result)
+ if (GetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig == nullptr)
+ GetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO, DLDL>();
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ DLDL value;
+ key.callConv = (DWORD)0;
+ key.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.flags = (DWORD)0;
+ key.numArgs = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.args = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.cbSig = (DWORD)szMetaSig->cbSig;
+ key.pSig = (DWORD)GetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)szMetaSig->pSig, szMetaSig->cbSig);
+ key.scope = (DWORDLONG)szMetaSig->scope;
+ key.token = (DWORD)szMetaSig->token;
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.B = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ GetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig->Add(key, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig(const Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO& key, DLDL value)
+ printf("GetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig NYI");
+LPVOID MethodContext::repGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* szMetaSig, void ** ppIndirection)
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ DLDL value;
+ key.callConv = (DWORD)0;
+ key.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.flags = (DWORD)0;
+ key.numArgs = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.args = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.cbSig = (DWORD)szMetaSig->cbSig;
+ key.pSig = (DWORD)GetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig->Contains((unsigned char *)szMetaSig->pSig, szMetaSig->cbSig);
+ key.scope = (DWORDLONG)szMetaSig->scope;
+ key.token = (DWORD)szMetaSig->token;
+ value = (DLDL)GetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig->Get(key);
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ *ppIndirection = (void *)value.A;
+void MethodContext::recCanGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* szMetaSig, bool result)
+ if (CanGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig == nullptr)
+ CanGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO, DWORD>();
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.callConv = (DWORD)0;
+ key.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.flags = (DWORD)0;
+ key.numArgs = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.args = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.cbSig = (DWORD)0;
+ key.pSig = (DWORD)0;
+ key.scope = (DWORDLONG)szMetaSig->scope;
+ key.token = (DWORD)szMetaSig->token;
+ CanGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpCanGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig(const Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO& key, DWORD value)
+ printf("CanGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig key scope-%016llX token-%08X, value result-%08X", key.scope, key.token, value);
+bool MethodContext::repCanGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* szMetaSig)
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.callConv = (DWORD)0;
+ key.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.retType = (DWORD)0;
+ key.flags = (DWORD)0;
+ key.numArgs = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)0;
+ key.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)0;
+ key.args = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ key.cbSig = (DWORD)0;
+ key.pSig = (DWORD)0;
+ key.scope = (DWORDLONG)szMetaSig->scope;
+ key.token = (DWORD)szMetaSig->token;
+ DWORD temp = CanGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig->Get(key);
+ return temp != 0;
+void MethodContext::recCanAccessFamily(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hCaller, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE hInstanceType, BOOL result)
+ if (CanAccessFamily == nullptr)
+ CanAccessFamily = new LightWeightMap<DLDL, DWORD>();
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)hCaller;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)hInstanceType;
+ CanAccessFamily->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpCanAccessFamily(DLDL key, DWORD value)
+ printf("CanAccessFamily key cal-%016llX inst-%016llX, value %u", key.A, key.B, value);
+BOOL MethodContext::repCanAccessFamily(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hCaller, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE hInstanceType)
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)hCaller;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)hInstanceType;
+ DWORD temp = CanAccessFamily->Get(key);
+ return (BOOL)temp;
+void MethodContext::recErrorList(const char *error)
+ if (ErrorList == nullptr)
+ ErrorList = new DenseLightWeightMap<DWORD>();
+ DWORD temp = (DWORD)-1;
+ if (error != nullptr)
+ temp = (DWORD)ErrorList->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)error, (DWORD)strlen(error) + 1);
+ ErrorList->Append(temp);
+void MethodContext::dmpErrorList(DWORD key, DWORD value)
+ printf("ErrorList NYI");
+void MethodContext::recGetProfilingHandle(BOOL *pbHookFunction, void **pProfilerHandle, BOOL *pbIndirectedHandles)
+ if (GetProfilingHandle == nullptr)
+ GetProfilingHandle = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, Agnostic_GetProfilingHandle>();
+ Agnostic_GetProfilingHandle value;
+ ZeroMemory(&value, sizeof(Agnostic_GetProfilingHandle)); //We use the input structs as a value and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ value.bHookFunction = (DWORD)*pbHookFunction;
+ value.ProfilerHandle = (DWORDLONG)*pProfilerHandle;
+ value.bIndirectedHandles = (DWORD)*pbIndirectedHandles;
+ GetProfilingHandle->Add((DWORD)0, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetProfilingHandle(0, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetProfilingHandle(DWORD key, const Agnostic_GetProfilingHandle& value)
+ printf("GetProfilingHandle key %u, value bHookFtn-%u profHnd-%016llX bIndHnd-%u",
+ key, value.bHookFunction, value.ProfilerHandle, value.bIndirectedHandles);
+void MethodContext::repGetProfilingHandle(BOOL *pbHookFunction, void **pProfilerHandle, BOOL *pbIndirectedHandles)
+ Agnostic_GetProfilingHandle value;
+ value = GetProfilingHandle->Get((DWORD)0);
+ *pbHookFunction = (BOOL)value.bHookFunction;
+ *pProfilerHandle = (void*)value.ProfilerHandle;
+ *pbIndirectedHandles = (BOOL)value.bIndirectedHandles;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetProfilingHandle(0, value));
+void MethodContext::recEmbedFieldHandle(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection, CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE result)
+ if (EmbedFieldHandle == nullptr)
+ EmbedFieldHandle = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DLDL>();
+ DLDL value;
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ else
+ value.A = (DWORDLONG)0;
+ value.B = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ EmbedFieldHandle->Add((DWORDLONG)handle, value);
+void MethodContext::dmpEmbedFieldHandle(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value)
+ printf("EmbedFieldHandle NYI");
+CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE MethodContext::repEmbedFieldHandle(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection)
+ DLDL value;
+ value = EmbedFieldHandle->Get((DWORDLONG)handle);
+ if (ppIndirection != nullptr)
+ *ppIndirection = (void*)value.A;
+ return (CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE)value.B;
+void MethodContext::recAreTypesEquivalent(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls1, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls2, BOOL result)
+ if (AreTypesEquivalent == nullptr)
+ AreTypesEquivalent = new LightWeightMap<DLDL, DWORD>();
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)cls1;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)cls2;
+ AreTypesEquivalent->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpAreTypesEquivalent(DLDL key, DWORD value)
+ printf("AreTypesEquivalent NYI");
+BOOL MethodContext::repAreTypesEquivalent(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls1, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls2)
+ DLDL key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLDL)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)cls1;
+ key.B = (DWORDLONG)cls2;
+ AssertCodeMsg(AreTypesEquivalent->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC,
+ "Didn't find %016llX %016llX", (DWORDLONG)cls1, (DWORDLONG)cls2);
+ BOOL value = (BOOL)AreTypesEquivalent->Get(key);
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recFindNameOfToken(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, mdToken metaTOK, char * szFQName, size_t FQNameCapacity, size_t result)
+ if (FindNameOfToken == nullptr)
+ FindNameOfToken = new LightWeightMap<DLD, DLD>();
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ DLD value;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)module;
+ key.B = (DWORD)metaTOK;
+ value.A = result;
+ value.B = FindNameOfToken->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)szFQName, (unsigned int)result);
+ FindNameOfToken->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpFindNameOfToken(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpFindNameOfToken(DLD key, DLD value)
+ //practically the name of a token wont be bigger than 4gb...
+ unsigned char *buff = new unsigned char[(unsigned int)value.A + 1];
+ ZeroMemory(buff, (unsigned int)value.A + 1);
+ memcpy(buff, FindNameOfToken->GetBuffer(value.B), (unsigned int)value.A);
+ FindNameOfToken->Unlock();
+ printf("FindNameOfToken key mod-%016llX tok-%08X, value '%s'", key.A, key.B, buff);
+ delete[]buff;
+size_t MethodContext::repFindNameOfToken(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, mdToken metaTOK, char * szFQName, size_t FQNameCapacity)
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ DLD value;
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)module;
+ key.B = (DWORD)metaTOK;
+ value = FindNameOfToken->Get(key);
+ unsigned char* temp = nullptr;
+ if (value.B != (DWORD)-1)
+ {
+ temp = FindNameOfToken->GetBuffer(value.B);
+ memcpy(szFQName, temp, (size_t)value.A);
+ }
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpFindNameOfToken(key, value));
+ return (size_t)value.A;
+void MethodContext::recGetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE structHnd, SYSTEMV_AMD64_CORINFO_STRUCT_REG_PASSING_DESCRIPTOR* structPassInRegDescPtr, bool result)
+ if (GetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor == nullptr)
+ GetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, Agnostic_GetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor>();
+ Agnostic_GetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor value;
+ key = (DWORDLONG)structHnd;
+ value.passedInRegisters = (DWORD)structPassInRegDescPtr->passedInRegisters;
+ value.eightByteCount = (DWORD)structPassInRegDescPtr->eightByteCount;
+ {
+ value.eightByteClassifications[i] = (DWORD)structPassInRegDescPtr->eightByteClassifications[i];
+ value.eightByteSizes[i] = (DWORD)structPassInRegDescPtr->eightByteSizes[i];
+ value.eightByteOffsets[i] = (DWORD)structPassInRegDescPtr->eightByteOffsets[i];
+ }
+ value.result = result ? 1 : 0;
+ GetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor->Add(key, value);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor(key, value));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor& value)
+ printf("GetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor key structHnd-%016llX, value passInReg-%u 8bCount-%u", key, value.passedInRegisters, value.eightByteCount);
+ {
+ printf(" 8bClass[%u]-%u 8bSz[%u]-%u 8bOff[%u]-%u",
+ i, value.eightByteClassifications[i],
+ i, value.eightByteSizes[i],
+ i, value.eightByteOffsets[i]);
+ }
+ printf(" result %u", value.result);
+bool MethodContext::repGetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE structHnd, SYSTEMV_AMD64_CORINFO_STRUCT_REG_PASSING_DESCRIPTOR* structPassInRegDescPtr)
+ Agnostic_GetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor value;
+ key = (DWORDLONG)structHnd;
+ value = GetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor->Get(key);
+ structPassInRegDescPtr->passedInRegisters = value.passedInRegisters ? true : false;
+ structPassInRegDescPtr->eightByteCount = (unsigned __int8)value.eightByteCount;
+ {
+ structPassInRegDescPtr->eightByteClassifications[i] = (SystemVClassificationType)value.eightByteClassifications[i];
+ structPassInRegDescPtr->eightByteSizes[i] = (unsigned __int8)value.eightByteSizes[i];
+ structPassInRegDescPtr->eightByteOffsets[i] = (unsigned __int8)value.eightByteOffsets[i];
+ }
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor(key, value));
+ return value.result ? true : false;
+void MethodContext::recGetRelocTypeHint(void * target, WORD result)
+ if (GetRelocTypeHint == nullptr)
+ GetRelocTypeHint = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetRelocTypeHint->Add((DWORDLONG)target, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetRelocTypeHint((DWORDLONG)target, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetRelocTypeHint(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetRelocTypeHint key tgt-%016llX, value hint-%u", key, value);
+WORD MethodContext::repGetRelocTypeHint(void * target)
+ if (GetRelocTypeHint == nullptr)
+ {
+#ifdef sparseMC
+ LogDebug("Sparse - repGetRelocTypeHint yielding fake answer...");
+ return 65535;
+ LogException(EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)target);
+ }
+ if (GetRelocTypeHint->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)target) == -1)
+ {
+ void *origAddr = cr->repAddressMap((void *)target);
+ if (origAddr != (void*)-1 && origAddr != nullptr)
+ {
+ if (GetRelocTypeHint->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)origAddr) == -1)
+ target = origAddr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef sparseMC
+ LogDebug("Sparse - repGetRelocTypeHint yielding fake answer...");
+ return 65535;
+ LogException(EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)target);
+ }
+ }
+ int index = GetRelocTypeHint->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)target);
+ WORD retVal = 0;
+ if (index == -1)
+ {
+ void *subtarget = cr->searchAddressMap(target);
+ int index2 = GetRelocTypeHint->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)subtarget);
+ if (index2 == -1)
+ {
+ // __debugbreak(); // seems like a source of pain
+ }
+ else
+ retVal = (WORD)GetRelocTypeHint->Get((DWORDLONG)subtarget);
+ }
+ else
+ retVal = (WORD)GetRelocTypeHint->Get((DWORDLONG)target);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetRelocTypeHint((DWORDLONG)target, retVal));
+ return retVal;
+void MethodContext::recIsWriteBarrierHelperRequired(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, bool result)
+ if (IsWriteBarrierHelperRequired == nullptr)
+ IsWriteBarrierHelperRequired = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ IsWriteBarrierHelperRequired->Add((DWORDLONG)field, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpIsWriteBarrierHelperRequired((DWORDLONG)field, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpIsWriteBarrierHelperRequired(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("IsWriteBarrierHelperRequired key fld-%016llX, value res-%u", key, value);
+bool MethodContext::repIsWriteBarrierHelperRequired(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field)
+ bool result = IsWriteBarrierHelperRequired->Get((DWORDLONG)field) != 0;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpIsWriteBarrierHelperRequired((DWORDLONG)field, result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recIsValidToken(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned metaTOK, BOOL result)
+ if (IsValidToken == nullptr)
+ IsValidToken = new LightWeightMap<DLD, DWORD>();
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)module;
+ key.B = (DWORD)metaTOK;
+ IsValidToken->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpIsValidToken(DLD key, DWORD value)
+ printf("IsValidToken key mod-%016llX tok-%08X, value res-%u", key.A, key.B, value);
+BOOL MethodContext::repIsValidToken(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned metaTOK)
+ DLD key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(DLD)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.A = (DWORDLONG)module;
+ key.B = (DWORD)metaTOK;
+ BOOL value = (BOOL)IsValidToken->Get(key);
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recGetClassName(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, const char* result)
+ if (GetClassName == nullptr)
+ GetClassName = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ DWORD temp = (DWORD)-1;
+ if (result != nullptr)
+ temp = (DWORD)GetClassName->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)result, (unsigned int)strlen(result) + 1);
+ GetClassName->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)temp);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetClassName((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)temp));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetClassName(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetClassName key %016llX, value %s", key, GetClassName->GetBuffer(value));
+ GetClassName->Unlock();
+const char* MethodContext::repGetClassName(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls)
+ if (GetClassName == nullptr)
+ return "hackishClassName";
+ int index = GetClassName->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)cls);
+ if (index == -1)
+ return "hackishClassName";
+ int offset = GetClassName->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+ const char* name = (const char*)GetClassName->GetBuffer(offset);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetClassName((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)offset));
+ return name;
+void MethodContext::recAppendClassName(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL fNamespace, BOOL fFullInst, BOOL fAssembly, const WCHAR* result)
+ if (AppendClassName == nullptr)
+ AppendClassName = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_AppendClassName, DWORD>();
+ Agnostic_AppendClassName key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_AppendClassName)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.classHandle = (DWORDLONG) cls;
+ key.fNamespace = fNamespace;
+ key.fFullInst = fFullInst;
+ key.fAssembly = fAssembly;
+ DWORD temp = (DWORD)-1;
+ if (result != nullptr)
+ temp = (DWORD)AppendClassName->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)result, (unsigned int)((wcslen(result) * 2) + 2));
+ AppendClassName->Add(key, (DWORD)temp);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpAppendClassName(key, (DWORD)temp));
+void MethodContext::dmpAppendClassName(const Agnostic_AppendClassName& key, DWORD value)
+ printf("AppendClassName key cls-%016llX ns-%u fi-%u as-%u, value %s",
+ key.classHandle, key.fNamespace, key.fFullInst, key.fAssembly, AppendClassName->GetBuffer(value));
+ AppendClassName->Unlock();
+const WCHAR* MethodContext::repAppendClassName(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL fNamespace, BOOL fFullInst, BOOL fAssembly)
+ if (AppendClassName == nullptr)
+ return W("hackishClassName");
+ Agnostic_AppendClassName key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_AppendClassName)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.classHandle = (DWORDLONG) cls;
+ key.fNamespace = fNamespace;
+ key.fFullInst = fFullInst;
+ key.fAssembly = fAssembly;
+ int index = AppendClassName->GetIndex(key);
+ if (index == -1)
+ return W("hackishClassName");
+ int offset = AppendClassName->Get(key);
+ const WCHAR* name = (const WCHAR*)AppendClassName->GetBuffer(offset);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpAppendClassName(key, (DWORD)offset));
+ return name;
+void MethodContext::recGetTailCallCopyArgsThunk(CORINFO_SIG_INFO *pSig, CorInfoHelperTailCallSpecialHandling flags, void* result)
+ if (GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk == nullptr)
+ GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk, DWORDLONG>();
+ Agnostic_GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.Sig.callConv = (DWORD)pSig->callConv;
+ key.Sig.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)pSig->retTypeClass;
+ key.Sig.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)pSig->retTypeSigClass;
+ key.Sig.retType = (DWORD)pSig->retType;
+ key.Sig.flags = (DWORD)pSig->flags;
+ key.Sig.numArgs = (DWORD)pSig->numArgs;
+ key.Sig.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)pSig->sigInst.classInstCount;
+ key.Sig.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pSig->sigInst.classInst, pSig->sigInst.classInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ key.Sig.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)pSig->sigInst.methInstCount;
+ key.Sig.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)pSig->sigInst.methInst, pSig->sigInst.methInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ key.Sig.args = (DWORDLONG)pSig->args;
+ key.Sig.cbSig = (DWORD)pSig->cbSig;
+ key.Sig.pSig = (DWORD)GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk->AddBuffer((unsigned char *)pSig->pSig, pSig->cbSig);
+ key.Sig.scope = (DWORDLONG)pSig->scope;
+ key.Sig.token = (DWORD)pSig->token;
+ key.flags = (DWORD)flags;
+ GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk->Add(key, (DWORDLONG)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetTailCallCopyArgsThunk(key, (DWORDLONG)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetTailCallCopyArgsThunk(const Agnostic_GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk& key, DWORDLONG value)
+ printf("GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk key sig{cc-%u rtc-%016llX rts-%016llX rt-%u flg-%08X na-%u cc-%u ci-%u mc-%u mi-%u sig-%u pSig-%u scp-%016llX tok-%08X} flg-%08X",
+ key.Sig.callConv,
+ key.Sig.retTypeClass,
+ key.Sig.retTypeSigClass,
+ key.Sig.retType,
+ key.Sig.flags,
+ key.Sig.numArgs,
+ key.Sig.sigInst_classInstCount,
+ key.Sig.sigInst_classInst_Index,
+ key.Sig.sigInst_methInstCount,
+ key.Sig.sigInst_methInst_Index,
+ key.Sig.cbSig,
+ key.Sig.pSig,
+ key.Sig.scope,
+ key.Sig.token,
+ key.flags);
+ printf(", value res-%016llX", value);
+void* MethodContext::repGetTailCallCopyArgsThunk(CORINFO_SIG_INFO *pSig, CorInfoHelperTailCallSpecialHandling flags)
+ Agnostic_GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for ...");
+ key.Sig.callConv = (DWORD)pSig->callConv;
+ key.Sig.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)pSig->retTypeClass;
+ key.Sig.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)pSig->retTypeSigClass;
+ key.Sig.retType = (DWORD)pSig->retType;
+ key.Sig.flags = (DWORD)pSig->flags;
+ key.Sig.numArgs = (DWORD)pSig->numArgs;
+ key.Sig.sigInst_classInstCount = (DWORD)pSig->sigInst.classInstCount;
+ key.Sig.sigInst_classInst_Index = (DWORD)GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk->Contains((unsigned char*)pSig->sigInst.classInst, pSig->sigInst.classInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ key.Sig.sigInst_methInstCount = (DWORD)pSig->sigInst.methInstCount;
+ key.Sig.sigInst_methInst_Index = (DWORD)GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk->Contains((unsigned char*)pSig->sigInst.methInst, pSig->sigInst.methInstCount * 8); //porting issue
+ key.Sig.args = (DWORDLONG)pSig->args;
+ key.Sig.cbSig = (DWORD)pSig->cbSig;
+ key.Sig.pSig = (DWORD)GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk->Contains((unsigned char *)pSig->pSig, pSig->cbSig);
+ key.Sig.scope = (DWORDLONG)pSig->scope;
+ key.Sig.token = (DWORD)pSig->token;
+ key.flags = (DWORD)flags;
+ AssertCodeMsg(GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk->GetIndex(key) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)key.Sig.retTypeClass);
+ void *result = (void*)GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk->Get(key);
+ cr->recAddressMap((void*)0x424242, (void*)result, 1);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetTailCallCopyArgsThunk(key, (DWORDLONG)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetMethodDefFromMethod(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hMethod, mdMethodDef result)
+ if (GetMethodDefFromMethod == nullptr)
+ GetMethodDefFromMethod = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetMethodDefFromMethod->Add((DWORDLONG)hMethod, (DWORD)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetMethodDefFromMethod(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetMethodDefFromMethod key ftn-%016llX, value res-%u", key, value);
+mdMethodDef MethodContext::repGetMethodDefFromMethod(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hMethod)
+ // Since this is diagnostic, fake up a result if one wasn't recorded.
+ if (GetMethodDefFromMethod == nullptr)
+ return (mdMethodDef)0x06000000;
+ int index = GetMethodDefFromMethod->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)hMethod);
+ if (index < 0)
+ return (mdMethodDef)0x06000001;
+ return (mdMethodDef)GetMethodDefFromMethod->Get((DWORDLONG)hMethod);
+void MethodContext::recCheckMethodModifier(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hMethod, LPCSTR modifier, BOOL fOptional, BOOL result)
+ if (CheckMethodModifier == nullptr)
+ CheckMethodModifier = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_CheckMethodModifier, DWORD>();
+ Agnostic_CheckMethodModifier key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CheckMethodModifier)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)hMethod;
+ //If the input matches something already in the buffer, just re-use that slot.. easier than searching for a soft key on rep.
+ if (modifier != nullptr)
+ key.modifier = (DWORD)CheckMethodModifier->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)modifier, (unsigned int)strlen(modifier) + 1);
+ else
+ key.modifier = (DWORD)-1;
+ key.fOptional = (DWORD)fOptional;
+ CheckMethodModifier->Add(key, (DWORD)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpCheckMethodModifier(const Agnostic_CheckMethodModifier& key, DWORD value)
+ printf("CheckMethodModifier key, ftn-%016llX mod-'%s' opt-%u, value res-%u", key.hMethod,
+ (unsigned char *)CheckMethodModifier->GetBuffer(key.modifier), key.fOptional, value);
+ CheckMethodModifier->Unlock();
+BOOL MethodContext::repCheckMethodModifier(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hMethod, LPCSTR modifier, BOOL fOptional)
+ Agnostic_CheckMethodModifier key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_CheckMethodModifier)); //We use the input structs as a key and use memcmp to compare.. so we need to zero out padding too
+ key.hMethod = (DWORDLONG)hMethod;
+ if (modifier != nullptr)
+ key.modifier = (DWORD)CheckMethodModifier->Contains((unsigned char *)modifier, (unsigned int)strlen(modifier) + 1);
+ else
+ key.modifier = (DWORD)-1;
+ key.fOptional = (DWORD)fOptional;
+ BOOL value = (BOOL)CheckMethodModifier->Get(key);
+ return value;
+void MethodContext::recGetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, void **ppIndirection, void* result)
+ if (GetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget == nullptr)
+ GetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DLDL>();
+ DLDL temp;
+ temp.A = (DWORDLONG)*ppIndirection;
+ temp.B = (DWORDLONG)result;
+ GetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget->Add((DWORDLONG)method, temp);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget((DWORDLONG)method, temp));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value)
+ printf("GetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget key ftn-%016llX, value pp-%016llX res-%016llX", key, value.A, value.B);
+void* MethodContext::repGetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, void **ppIndirection)
+ DLDL temp = (DLDL)GetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget->Get((DWORDLONG)method);
+ *ppIndirection = (void *)temp.A;
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget((DWORDLONG)method, temp));
+ return (void *)temp.B;
+void MethodContext::recGetArrayRank(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, unsigned result)
+ if (GetArrayRank == nullptr)
+ GetArrayRank = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ GetArrayRank->Add((DWORDLONG)cls, (DWORD)result);
+void MethodContext::dmpGetArrayRank(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("GetArrayRank key %016llX, value %u", key, value);
+unsigned MethodContext::repGetArrayRank(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls)
+ return (unsigned)GetArrayRank->Get((DWORDLONG)cls);
+void MethodContext::recIsFieldStatic(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE fhld, bool result)
+ if (IsFieldStatic == nullptr)
+ IsFieldStatic = new LightWeightMap<DWORDLONG, DWORD>();
+ IsFieldStatic->Add((DWORDLONG)fhld, (DWORD)result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpIsFieldStatic((DWORDLONG)fhld, (DWORD)result));
+void MethodContext::dmpIsFieldStatic(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value)
+ printf("IsFieldStatic key %016llX, value %u", key, value);
+bool MethodContext::repIsFieldStatic(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE fhld)
+ AssertCodeMsg(IsFieldStatic != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find anything for %016llX", (DWORDLONG)fhld);
+ AssertCodeMsg(IsFieldStatic->GetIndex((DWORDLONG)fhld) != -1, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Didn't find %016llX", (DWORDLONG)fhld);
+ bool result = (bool)(IsFieldStatic->Get((DWORDLONG)fhld) != 0);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpIsFieldStatic((DWORDLONG)fhld, (DWORD)result));
+ return result;
+void MethodContext::recGetIntConfigValue(const wchar_t *name, int defaultValue, int result)
+ if (GetIntConfigValue == nullptr)
+ GetIntConfigValue = new LightWeightMap<Agnostic_ConfigIntInfo, DWORD>();
+ AssertCodeMsg(name != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Name can not be nullptr");
+ Agnostic_ConfigIntInfo key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_ConfigIntInfo));
+ DWORD index = (DWORD)GetIntConfigValue->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)name, sizeof(wchar_t) * ((unsigned int)wcslen(name) + 1));
+ key.nameIndex = index;
+ key.defaultValue = defaultValue;
+ GetIntConfigValue->Add(key, result);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetIntConfigValue(key, result));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetIntConfigValue(const Agnostic_ConfigIntInfo& key, int value)
+ const wchar_t *name = (const wchar_t*)GetIntConfigValue->GetBuffer(key.nameIndex);
+ printf("GetIntConfigValue name %S, default value %d, value %d",
+ name, key.defaultValue, value);
+ GetIntConfigValue->Unlock();
+int MethodContext::repGetIntConfigValue(const wchar_t *name, int defaultValue)
+ if (GetIntConfigValue == nullptr)
+ return defaultValue;
+ AssertCodeMsg(name != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Name can not be nullptr");
+ Agnostic_ConfigIntInfo key;
+ ZeroMemory(&key, sizeof(Agnostic_ConfigIntInfo));
+ size_t nameLenInBytes = sizeof(wchar_t) * (wcslen(name) + 1);
+ int nameIndex = GetIntConfigValue->Contains((unsigned char *)name, (unsigned int)nameLenInBytes);
+ if (nameIndex == -1) // config name not in map
+ return defaultValue;
+ key.nameIndex = (DWORD)nameIndex;
+ key.defaultValue = defaultValue;
+ DWORD result = GetIntConfigValue->Get(key);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetIntConfigValue(key, result));
+ return (int)result;
+void MethodContext::recGetStringConfigValue(const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *result)
+ if (GetStringConfigValue == nullptr)
+ GetStringConfigValue = new LightWeightMap<DWORD, DWORD>();
+ AssertCodeMsg(name != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Name can not be nullptr");
+ DWORD nameIndex = (DWORD)GetStringConfigValue->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)name, sizeof(wchar_t) * ((unsigned int)wcslen(name) + 1));
+ DWORD resultIndex = (DWORD)-1;
+ if (result != nullptr)
+ resultIndex = (DWORD)GetStringConfigValue->AddBuffer((unsigned char*)result, sizeof(wchar_t) * ((unsigned int)wcslen(result) + 1));
+ GetStringConfigValue->Add(nameIndex, resultIndex);
+ DEBUG_REC(dmpGetStringConfigValue(nameIndex, resultIndex));
+void MethodContext::dmpGetStringConfigValue(DWORD nameIndex, DWORD resultIndex)
+ const wchar_t *name = (const wchar_t*)GetStringConfigValue->GetBuffer(nameIndex);
+ const wchar_t *result = (const wchar_t*)GetStringConfigValue->GetBuffer(resultIndex);
+ printf("GetStringConfigValue name %S, result %S", name, result);
+ GetStringConfigValue->Unlock();
+const wchar_t *MethodContext::repGetStringConfigValue(const wchar_t *name)
+ if (GetStringConfigValue == nullptr)
+ return nullptr;
+ AssertCodeMsg(name != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_MC, "Name can not be nullptr");
+ size_t nameLenInBytes = sizeof(wchar_t) * (wcslen(name) + 1);
+ int nameIndex = GetStringConfigValue->Contains((unsigned char *)name, (unsigned int)nameLenInBytes);
+ if (nameIndex == -1) // config name not in map
+ return nullptr;
+ int resultIndex = GetStringConfigValue->Get(nameIndex);
+ const wchar_t *value = (const wchar_t *)GetStringConfigValue->GetBuffer(resultIndex);
+ DEBUG_REP(dmpGetStringConfigValue(nameIndex, resultIndex));
+ return value;
+struct EnvironmentVariable
+ char *name;
+ DWORD val_index;
+int __cdecl compareEnvironmentVariable(const void *arg1, const void *arg2)
+ return _stricmp(((EnvironmentVariable *)arg1)->name, ((EnvironmentVariable *)arg2)->name);
+int MethodContext::dumpMethodIdentityInfoToBuffer(char *buff, int len)
+ char *obuff = buff;
+ return -1;
+ //Obtain the Method Info structure for this method
+ unsigned flags = 0;
+ repCompileMethod(&info, &flags);
+ //Add the Method Signature
+ int t = sprintf_s(buff, len, "%s -- ", CallUtils::GetMethodFullName(this, info.ftn, info.args));
+ buff += t;
+ len -= t;
+ //Add Calling convention information, CorInfoOptions and CorInfoRegionKind
+ t = sprintf_s(buff, len, "CallingConvention: %d, CorInfoOptions: %d, CorInfoRegionKind: %d ",
+ info.args.callConv, info.options, info.regionKind);
+ buff += t;
+ len -= t;
+ //Add COMPLUS_* & dbflag environment variables to method Identity
+ //except complus_version and complus_defaultversion
+ //since they change the compilation behaviour of JIT
+ //we also need to sort them to ensure we don't produce a different
+ //hash based on the order of these variables
+ if (Environment != nullptr)
+ {
+ Agnostic_Environment val;
+ EnvironmentVariable *envValues = new EnvironmentVariable[Environment->GetCount()];
+ int envValCount = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Environment->GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ val = Environment->Get((DWORD)i);
+ char *envVariable = (char *)Environment->GetBuffer(val.name_index);
+ if ((_strnicmp(envVariable, "complus_", 8) == 0 || _strnicmp(envVariable, "dbflag", 6) == 0) &&
+ (_stricmp(envVariable, "complus_version") != 0) &&
+ (_stricmp(envVariable, "complus_defaultversion") != 0))
+ {
+ envValues[envValCount].name = envVariable;
+ envValues[envValCount++].val_index = val.val_index;
+ }
+ }
+ //Do a quick sort on envValues if needed
+ if (envValCount > 1)
+ qsort(envValues, envValCount, sizeof(EnvironmentVariable), compareEnvironmentVariable);
+ //Append these values to the IdentityInfobuffer
+ for (int i = 0; i < envValCount; i++)
+ {
+ t = sprintf_s(buff, len, "%s=%s ", _strlwr(envValues[i].name),
+ _strlwr((char *)Environment->GetBuffer(envValues[i].val_index)));
+ buff += t;
+ len -= t;
+ }
+ delete[] envValues;
+ }
+ //Hash the IL Code for this method and append it to the ID info
+ char ilHash[MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ dumpMD5HashToBuffer(info.ILCode, info.ILCodeSize, ilHash, MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ t = sprintf_s(buff, len, "ILCode Hash: %s", ilHash);
+ buff += t;
+ len -= t;
+ return (int)(buff - obuff);
+int MethodContext::dumpMethodMD5HashToBuffer(char *buff, int len)
+ char bufferIdentityInfo[METHOD_IDENTITY_INFO_SIZE];
+ int cbLen = dumpMethodIdentityInfoToBuffer(bufferIdentityInfo, METHOD_IDENTITY_INFO_SIZE);
+ if (cbLen < 0)
+ return cbLen;
+ cbLen = dumpMD5HashToBuffer((BYTE *)bufferIdentityInfo, cbLen, buff, len);
+ return cbLen;
+int MethodContext::dumpMD5HashToBuffer(BYTE *pBuffer, int bufLen, char *hash, int hashLen)
+ MD5HASHDATA md5_hashdata;
+ MD5 md5_hasher;
+ if (hashLen < MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE)
+ return -1;
+ md5_hasher.Hash(pBuffer, (ULONG)bufLen, &md5_hashdata);
+ DWORD md5_hashdata_size = sizeof(md5_hashdata.rgb) / sizeof(BYTE);
+ Assert(md5_hashdata_size == MD5_HASH_BYTE_SIZE);
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < md5_hashdata_size; i++)
+ {
+ sprintf_s(hash + i * 2, hashLen - i * 2, "%02X", md5_hashdata.rgb[i]);
+ }
+ return MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE; //if we had success we wrote MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE bytes to the buffer
+#else // !FEATURE_PAL
+ HCRYPTPROV hProv = NULL; //CryptoProvider
+ if (hashLen < MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE)
+ return -1;
+ // Get handle to the crypto provider
+ if (!CryptAcquireContextA(&hProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT))
+ goto OnError;
+ if (!CryptCreateHash(hProv, CALG_MD5, 0, 0, &hHash))
+ goto OnError;
+ if (!CryptHashData(hHash, pBuffer, bufLen, 0))
+ goto OnError;
+ if (!CryptGetHashParam(hHash, HP_HASHVAL, bHash, &cbHash, 0))
+ goto OnError;
+ if (cbHash != MD5_HASH_BYTE_SIZE)
+ goto OnError;
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < MD5_HASH_BYTE_SIZE; i++)
+ {
+ sprintf_s(hash + i * 2, hashLen - i * 2, "%02X", bHash[i]);
+ }
+ if (hHash != NULL)
+ CryptDestroyHash(hHash);
+ if (hProv != NULL)
+ CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
+ return MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE; //if we had success we wrote MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE bytes to the buffer
+ AssertMsg(false, "Failed to create a hash using the Crypto API (Error %X)", GetLastError());
+ if (hHash != NULL)
+ CryptDestroyHash(hHash);
+ if (hProv != NULL)
+ CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
+ return -1;
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5869c85b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1179 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// MethodContext.h - Primary structure to store all the EE-JIT details required to replay creation of a method
+// CompileResult contains the stuff generated by a compilation
+#ifndef _MethodContext
+#define _MethodContext
+#include "runtimedetails.h"
+#include "compileresult.h"
+#include "lightweightmap.h"
+#include "errorhandling.h"
+#define METHOD_IDENTITY_INFO_SIZE 0x10000 //We assume that the METHOD_IDENTITY_INFO_SIZE will not exceed 64KB
+#define MD5_HASH_BYTE_SIZE 16 //MD5 is 128-bit, so we need 16 bytes to store it
+#define MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE 33 //MD5 is 128-bit, so we need 32 chars + 1 char to store null-terminator
+class MethodContext
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+ struct Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO
+ {
+ DWORD callConv;
+ DWORDLONG retTypeClass;
+ DWORDLONG retTypeSigClass;
+ DWORD retType;
+ DWORD flags;
+ DWORD numArgs;
+ DWORD sigInst_classInstCount;
+ DWORD sigInst_classInst_Index;
+ DWORD sigInst_methInstCount;
+ DWORD sigInst_methInst_Index;
+ DWORD pSig;
+ DWORD cbSig;
+ DWORDLONG scope;
+ DWORD token;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CORINFO_METHOD_INFO
+ {
+ DWORDLONG scope;
+ DWORD ILCode_offset;
+ DWORD ILCodeSize;
+ DWORD maxStack;
+ DWORD EHcount;
+ DWORD options;
+ DWORD regionKind;
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO args;
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO locals;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CompileMethod
+ {
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_METHOD_INFO info;
+ DWORD flags;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_InitClass
+ {
+ DWORDLONG field;
+ DWORDLONG method;
+ DWORDLONG context;
+ DWORD speculative;
+ };
+ struct DLDL
+ {
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CanInline
+ {
+ DWORD Restrictions;
+ DWORD result;
+ DWORD exceptionCode;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetClassGClayout
+ {
+ DWORD gcPtrs_Index;
+ DWORD len;
+ DWORD valCount;
+ };
+ struct DLD
+ {
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENin
+ {
+ DWORDLONG tokenContext;
+ DWORDLONG tokenScope;
+ DWORD token;
+ DWORD tokenType;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENout
+ {
+ DWORDLONG hMethod;
+ DWORD pTypeSpec_Index;
+ DWORD cbTypeSpec;
+ DWORD pMethodSpec_Index;
+ DWORD cbMethodSpec;
+ DWORD exceptionCode;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetArgType
+ {
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO sig;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetArgClass
+ {
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO sig;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetBoundaries
+ {
+ DWORD cILOffsets;
+ DWORD pILOffset_offset;
+ DWORD implicitBoundaries;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CORINFO_EE_INFO
+ {
+ struct Agnostic_InlinedCallFrameInfo
+ {
+ DWORD size;
+ DWORD offsetOfGSCookie;
+ DWORD offsetOfFrameVptr;
+ DWORD offsetOfFrameLink;
+ DWORD offsetOfCallSiteSP;
+ DWORD offsetOfCalleeSavedFP;
+ DWORD offsetOfCallTarget;
+ DWORD offsetOfReturnAddress;
+ }
+ inlinedCallFrameInfo;
+ DWORD offsetOfThreadFrame;
+ DWORD offsetOfGCState;
+ DWORD offsetOfDelegateInstance;
+ DWORD offsetOfDelegateFirstTarget;
+ DWORD offsetOfSecureDelegateIndirectCell;
+ DWORD offsetOfTransparentProxyRP;
+ DWORD offsetOfRealProxyServer;
+ DWORD offsetOfObjArrayData;
+ DWORD sizeOfReversePInvokeFrame;
+ DWORD osPageSize;
+ DWORD maxUncheckedOffsetForNullObject;
+ DWORD targetAbi;
+ DWORD osType;
+ DWORD osMajor;
+ DWORD osMinor;
+ DWORD osBuild;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetFieldAddress
+ {
+ DWORDLONG ppIndirection;
+ DWORDLONG fieldAddress;
+ DWORD fieldValue;
+ };
+ {
+ DWORDLONG tokenContext;
+ DWORDLONG tokenScope;
+ DWORD token;
+ DWORD tokenType;
+ DWORDLONG hMethod;
+ DWORD typeSpec_Index;
+ DWORD cbTypeSpec;
+ DWORD methodSpec_Index;
+ DWORD cbMethodSpec;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetFieldInfo
+ {
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN ResolvedToken;
+ DWORDLONG callerHandle;
+ DWORD flags;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CORINFO_HELPER_ARG
+ {
+ DWORDLONG constant; //one view of a large union of ptr size
+ DWORD argType;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CORINFO_HELPER_DESC
+ {
+ DWORD helperNum;
+ DWORD numArgs;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CORINFO_FIELD_INFO
+ {
+ DWORD fieldAccessor;
+ DWORD fieldFlags;
+ DWORD helper;
+ DWORD offset;
+ DWORD fieldType;
+ DWORDLONG structType;
+ DWORD accessAllowed;
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_HELPER_DESC accessCalloutHelper;
+ };
+ struct DD
+ {
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CanTailCall
+ {
+ DWORDLONG callerHnd;
+ DWORDLONG declaredCalleeHnd;
+ DWORDLONG exactCalleeHnd;
+ WORD fIsTailPrefix;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_Environment
+ {
+ DWORD name_index;;
+ DWORD val_index;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetCallInfo
+ {
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN ResolvedToken;
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN ConstrainedResolvedToken;
+ DWORDLONG callerHandle;
+ DWORD flags;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND
+ {
+ DWORD needsRuntimeLookup;
+ DWORD runtimeLookupKind;
+ WORD runtimeLookupFlags;
+ };
+ {
+ DWORDLONG signature;
+ DWORD helper;
+ DWORD indirections;
+ DWORD testForNull;
+ DWORD testForFixup;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP
+ {
+ DWORD accessType;
+ DWORDLONG handle; // actually a union of two pointer sized things
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CORINFO_LOOKUP
+ {
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND lookupKind;
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_RUNTIME_LOOKUP runtimeLookup; //This and constLookup actually a union, but with different layouts.. :-| copy the right one based on lookupKinds value
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP constLookup;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CORINFO_CALL_INFO
+ {
+ DWORDLONG hMethod;
+ DWORD methodFlags;
+ DWORD classFlags;
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO sig;
+ DWORD verMethodFlags;
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO verSig;
+ DWORD accessAllowed;
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_HELPER_DESC callsiteCalloutHelper;
+ DWORD thisTransform;
+ DWORD kind;
+ DWORD nullInstanceCheck;
+ DWORDLONG contextHandle;
+ DWORD exactContextNeedsRuntimeLookup;
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_LOOKUP stubLookup;//first view of union. others are matching or subordinate
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP instParamLookup;
+ DWORD secureDelegateInvoke;
+ DWORD exceptionCode;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetMethodInfo
+ {
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_METHOD_INFO info;
+ bool result;
+ DWORD exceptionCode;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_FindSig
+ {
+ DWORDLONG module;
+ DWORDLONG context;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_PInvokeMarshalingRequired
+ {
+ DWORDLONG method;
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO callSiteSig;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE
+ {
+ DWORD Flags;
+ DWORD TryOffset;
+ DWORD TryLength;
+ DWORD HandlerOffset;
+ DWORD HandlerLength;
+ DWORD ClassToken;//first view of a two dword union
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetVars
+ {
+ DWORD cVars;
+ DWORD vars_offset;
+ DWORD extendOthers;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CanAccessClassIn
+ {
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN ResolvedToken;
+ DWORDLONG callerHandle;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CanAccessClassOut
+ {
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_HELPER_DESC AccessHelper;
+ DWORD result;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_AppendClassName
+ {
+ DWORDLONG classHandle;
+ DWORD fNamespace;
+ DWORD fFullInst;
+ DWORD fAssembly;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_CheckMethodModifier
+ {
+ DWORDLONG hMethod;
+ DWORD modifier;
+ DWORD fOptional;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_EmbedGenericHandle
+ {
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN ResolvedToken;
+ DWORD fEmbedParent;
+ };
+ {
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_LOOKUP lookup;
+ DWORDLONG compileTimeHandle;
+ DWORD handleType;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorIn
+ {
+ DWORDLONG methHnd;
+ DWORDLONG targetMethodHnd;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_DelegateCtorArgs
+ {
+ DWORDLONG pMethod;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorOut
+ {
+ Agnostic_DelegateCtorArgs CtorData;
+ DWORDLONG result;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_FindCallSiteSig
+ {
+ DWORDLONG module;
+ DWORD methTok;
+ DWORDLONG context;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetNewHelper
+ {
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN ResolvedToken;
+ DWORDLONG callerHandle;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetCastingHelper
+ {
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN ResolvedToken;
+ DWORD fThrowing;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetClassModuleIdForStatics
+ {
+ DWORDLONG pIndirection;
+ DWORDLONG result;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_IsCompatibleDelegate
+ {
+ DWORDLONG methodParentCls;
+ DWORDLONG method;
+ DWORDLONG delegateCls;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetBBProfileData
+ {
+ DWORD count;
+ DWORD profileBuffer_index;
+ DWORD numRuns;
+ DWORD result;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetProfilingHandle
+ {
+ DWORD bHookFunction;
+ DWORDLONG ProfilerHandle;
+ DWORD bIndirectedHandles;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk
+ {
+ Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO Sig;
+ DWORD flags;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetArgClass_Value
+ {
+ DWORDLONG result;
+ DWORD exceptionCode;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetArgType_Value
+ {
+ DWORDLONG vcTypeRet;
+ DWORD result;
+ DWORD exceptionCode;
+ };
+ // Agnostic_ConfigIntInfo combines as a single key the name
+ // and defaultValue of a integer config query.
+ // Note: nameIndex is treated as a DWORD index to the name string.
+ struct Agnostic_ConfigIntInfo
+ {
+ DWORD nameIndex;
+ DWORD defaultValue;
+ };
+ struct Agnostic_GetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor
+ {
+ DWORD passedInRegisters; // Whether the struct is passable/passed (this includes struct returning) in registers.
+ DWORD eightByteCount; // Number of eightbytes for this struct.
+ DWORD eightByteClassifications[CLR_SYSTEMV_MAX_EIGHTBYTES_COUNT_TO_PASS_IN_REGISTERS]; // The eightbytes type classification.
+ DWORD eightByteSizes[CLR_SYSTEMV_MAX_EIGHTBYTES_COUNT_TO_PASS_IN_REGISTERS]; // The size of the eightbytes (an eightbyte could include padding. This represents the no padding size of the eightbyte).
+ DWORD eightByteOffsets[CLR_SYSTEMV_MAX_EIGHTBYTES_COUNT_TO_PASS_IN_REGISTERS]; // The start offset of the eightbytes (in bytes).
+ DWORD result;
+ };
+#pragma pack(pop)
+ MethodContext();
+ MethodContext(HANDLE hFile);
+ MethodContext(unsigned char *buff, unsigned int totalLen);
+ void MethodInitHelper(unsigned char *buff, unsigned int totalLen);
+ void MethodInitHelperFile(HANDLE hFile);
+ bool Initialize(int loadedCount, unsigned char* buff, DWORD size);
+ bool Initialize(int loadedCount, HANDLE hFile);
+ int dumpMD5HashToBuffer(BYTE *pBuffer, int bufLen, char *buff, int len);
+ static bool Initialize(int loadedCount, unsigned char* buff, DWORD size, /* OUT */ MethodContext** ppmc);
+ static bool Initialize(int loadedCount, HANDLE hFile, /* OUT */ MethodContext** ppmc);
+ ~MethodContext();
+ void Destroy();
+ bool Equal(MethodContext *other);
+ unsigned int saveToFile(HANDLE hFile);
+ unsigned int calculateFileSize();
+ unsigned int calculateRawFileSize();
+ void dumpToConsole(int mcNumber = -1); // if mcNumber is not -1, display the method context number before the dumped info
+ int dumpStatToBuffer(char *buff, int len);
+ static int dumpStatTitleToBuffer(char *buff, int len);
+ int methodSize;
+ int dumpMethodIdentityInfoToBuffer(char *buff, int len);
+ int dumpMethodMD5HashToBuffer(char *buff, int len);
+ void recGlobalContext(const MethodContext& other);
+ void recEnvironment();
+ void dmpEnvironment(DWORD key, const Agnostic_Environment& value);
+ void repEnvironmentSet();
+ void repEnvironmentUnset();
+ int repEnvironmentGetCount();
+ int repGetTestID();
+ void recCompileMethod(CORINFO_METHOD_INFO *info, unsigned flags);
+ void dmpCompileMethod(DWORD key, const Agnostic_CompileMethod& value);
+ void repCompileMethod(CORINFO_METHOD_INFO *info, unsigned *flags);
+ void recGetMethodClass(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE classHandle);
+ void dmpGetMethodClass(DWORDLONG key, DWORDLONG value);
+ void recGetClassAttribs(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE classHandle, DWORD attribs);
+ void dmpGetClassAttribs(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ DWORD repGetClassAttribs(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE classHandle);
+ void recGetMethodAttribs(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle, DWORD attribs);
+ void dmpGetMethodAttribs(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ DWORD repGetMethodAttribs(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle);
+ void recGetVars(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, ULONG32 *cVars, ICorDebugInfo::ILVarInfo **vars, bool *extendOthers);
+ void dmpGetVars(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetVars& value);
+ void repGetVars(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, ULONG32 *cVars, ICorDebugInfo::ILVarInfo **vars, bool *extendOthers);
+ void recGetBoundaries(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, unsigned int *cILOffsets, DWORD **pILOffsets, ICorDebugInfo::BoundaryTypes *implictBoundaries);
+ void dmpGetBoundaries(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetBoundaries& value);
+ void repGetBoundaries(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, unsigned int *cILOffsets, DWORD **pILOffsets, ICorDebugInfo::BoundaryTypes *implictBoundaries);
+ void recInitClass(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, BOOL speculative, CorInfoInitClassResult result);
+ void dmpInitClass(const Agnostic_InitClass& key, DWORD value);
+ CorInfoInitClassResult repInitClass(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, BOOL speculative);
+ void recGetMethodName(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, char *methodname, const char **moduleName);
+ void dmpGetMethodName(DLD key, DD value);
+ const char *repGetMethodName(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, const char **moduleName);
+ void MethodContext::recGetJitFlags(CORJIT_FLAGS *jitFlags, DWORD sizeInBytes, DWORD result);
+ void MethodContext::dmpGetJitFlags(DWORD key, DD value);
+ DWORD MethodContext::repGetJitFlags(CORJIT_FLAGS *jitFlags, DWORD sizeInBytes);
+ void recGetJitTimeLogFilename(LPCWSTR tempFileName);
+ void dmpGetJitTimeLogFilename(DWORD key, DWORD value);
+ LPCWSTR repGetJitTimeLogFilename();
+ void recCanInline(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE calleeHnd, DWORD *pRestrictions, CorInfoInline response, DWORD exceptionCode);
+ void dmpCanInline(DLDL key, const Agnostic_CanInline& value);
+ CorInfoInline repCanInline(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE calleeHnd, DWORD* pRestrictions, DWORD *exceptionCode);
+ void recResolveToken(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken, DWORD exceptionCode);
+ void dmpResolveToken(const Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENin& key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENout& value);
+ void repResolveToken(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken, DWORD *exceptionCode);
+ void recTryResolveToken(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken, bool success);
+ void dmpTryResolveToken(const Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENin& key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKENout& value);
+ bool repTryResolveToken(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken);
+ void recGetCallInfo(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pConstrainedResolvedToken,
+ void dmpGetCallInfo(const Agnostic_GetCallInfo& key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_CALL_INFO& value);
+ void repGetCallInfo(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pConstrainedResolvedToken,
+ void repGetCallInfoFromMethodHandle(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle, CORINFO_CALL_INFO *pResult);
+ void recGetIntrinsicID(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, bool* pMustExpand, CorInfoIntrinsics result);
+ void dmpGetIntrinsicID(DWORDLONG key, DD value);
+ CorInfoIntrinsics repGetIntrinsicID(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, bool* pMustExpand);
+ void recGetUnmanagedCallConv(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CorInfoUnmanagedCallConv result);
+ void dmpGetUnmanagedCallConv(DWORDLONG key, DWORD result);
+ CorInfoUnmanagedCallConv repGetUnmanagedCallConv(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method);
+ void recIsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CorInfoInstantiationVerification result);
+ void dmpIsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ CorInfoInstantiationVerification repIsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method);
+ void recAsCorInfoType(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, CorInfoType result);
+ void dmpAsCorInfoType(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ CorInfoType repAsCorInfoType(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls);
+ void recIsValueClass(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL result);
+ void dmpIsValueClass(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ void recIsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL result);
+ void dmpIsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ BOOL repIsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls);
+ void recGetClassSize(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, unsigned result);
+ void dmpGetClassSize(DWORDLONG key, DWORD val);
+ unsigned repGetClassSize(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls);
+ void recGetClassNumInstanceFields(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, unsigned result);
+ void dmpGetClassNumInstanceFields(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ unsigned repGetClassNumInstanceFields(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls);
+ void recGetNewArrHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE arrayCls, CorInfoHelpFunc result);
+ void dmpGetNewArrHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ CorInfoHelpFunc repGetNewArrHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE arrayCls);
+ void recGetSharedCCtorHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd, CorInfoHelpFunc result);
+ void dmpGetSharedCCtorHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ CorInfoHelpFunc repGetSharedCCtorHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd);
+ void recGetSecurityPrologHelper(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CorInfoHelpFunc result);
+ void dmpGetSecurityPrologHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ CorInfoHelpFunc repGetSecurityPrologHelper(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn);
+ void dmpGetTypeForBox(DWORDLONG key, DWORDLONG value);
+ void recGetBoxHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, CorInfoHelpFunc result);
+ void dmpGetBoxHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ CorInfoHelpFunc repGetBoxHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls);
+ void recGetBuiltinClass(CorInfoClassId classId, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE result);
+ void dmpGetBuiltinClass(DWORD key, DWORDLONG value);
+ CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE repGetBuiltinClass(CorInfoClassId classId);
+ void recGetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, CorInfoType result);
+ void dmpGetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ CorInfoType repGetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls);
+ void recGetParentType(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE result);
+ void dmpGetParentType(DWORDLONG key, DWORDLONG value);
+ void recIsSDArray(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL result);
+ void dmpIsSDArray(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ void recIsInSIMDModule(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL result);
+ void dmpIsInSIMDModule(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ void recGetFieldClass(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE result);
+ void dmpGetFieldClass(DWORDLONG key, DWORDLONG value);
+ void recGetFieldOffset(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, unsigned result);
+ void dmpGetFieldOffset(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ unsigned repGetFieldOffset(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field);
+ void recGetLazyStringLiteralHelper(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE handle, CorInfoHelpFunc result);
+ void dmpGetLazyStringLiteralHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ CorInfoHelpFunc repGetLazyStringLiteralHelper(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE handle);
+ void recGetUnBoxHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, CorInfoHelpFunc result);
+ void dmpGetUnBoxHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ CorInfoHelpFunc repGetUnBoxHelper(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls);
+ void recGetReadyToRunHelper(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN* pResolvedToken, CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND* pGenericLookupKind, CorInfoHelpFunc id, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP* pLookup, bool result);
+ void dmpGetReadyToRunHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ bool repGetReadyToRunHelper(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN* pResolvedToken, CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND* pGenericLookupKind, CorInfoHelpFunc id, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP* pLookup);
+ void recGetReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN* pTargetMethod, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE delegateType, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP* pLookup);
+ void dmpGetReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ void repGetReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN* pTargetMethod, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE delegateType, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP* pLookup);
+ void recGetHelperFtn(CorInfoHelpFunc ftnNum, void **ppIndirection, void *result);
+ void dmpGetHelperFtn(DWORD key, DLDL value);
+ void* repGetHelperFtn(CorInfoHelpFunc ftnNum, void **ppIndirection);
+ bool fndGetHelperFtn(void *functionAddress, CorInfoHelpFunc *pResult);
+ void dmpGetJustMyCodeHandle(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value);
+ void recGetFunctionEntryPoint(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP *pResult, CORINFO_ACCESS_FLAGS accessFlags);
+ void dmpGetFunctionEntryPoint(DLD key, DLD value);
+ void repGetFunctionEntryPoint(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP *pResult, CORINFO_ACCESS_FLAGS accessFlags);
+ bool fndGetFunctionEntryPoint(DLD value, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE *pResult);
+ void recConstructStringLiteral(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, mdToken metaTok, void *ppValue, InfoAccessType result);
+ void dmpConstructStringLiteral(DLD key, DLD value);
+ InfoAccessType repConstructStringLiteral(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, mdToken metaTok, void **ppValue);
+ void recEmptyStringLiteral(void **ppValue, InfoAccessType result);
+ void dmpEmptyStringLiteral(DWORD key, DLD value);
+ InfoAccessType repEmptyStringLiteral(void **ppValue);
+ void recGetArgType(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* sig, CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE args, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE *vcTypeRet, CorInfoTypeWithMod result, DWORD exception);
+ void dmpGetArgType(const Agnostic_GetArgType& key, const Agnostic_GetArgType_Value& value);
+ CorInfoTypeWithMod repGetArgType(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* sig, CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE args, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE *vcTypeRet, DWORD *exception);
+ void dmpGetArgNext(DWORDLONG key, DWORDLONG value);
+ void dmpGetMethodSig(DLDL key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO& value);
+ void recGetArgClass(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* sig, CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE args, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE result, DWORD exceptionCode);
+ void dmpGetArgClass(const Agnostic_GetArgClass& key, const Agnostic_GetArgClass_Value& value);
+ void recGetMethodInfo(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CORINFO_METHOD_INFO *info, bool result, DWORD exceptionCode);
+ void dmpGetMethodInfo(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetMethodInfo& value);
+ bool repGetMethodInfo(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CORINFO_METHOD_INFO *info, DWORD *exceptionCode);
+ void recGetNewHelper(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHandle, CorInfoHelpFunc result);
+ void dmpGetNewHelper(const Agnostic_GetNewHelper& key, DWORD value);
+ CorInfoHelpFunc repGetNewHelper(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHandle);
+ void recEmbedGenericHandle(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, BOOL fEmbedParent, CORINFO_GENERICHANDLE_RESULT *pResult);
+ void dmpEmbedGenericHandle(const Agnostic_EmbedGenericHandle& key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_GENERICHANDLE_RESULT& value);
+ void repEmbedGenericHandle(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, BOOL fEmbedParent, CORINFO_GENERICHANDLE_RESULT *pResult);
+ void recGetEHinfo(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, unsigned EHnumber, CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE *clause);
+ void dmpGetEHinfo(DLD key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE& value);
+ void repGetEHinfo(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, unsigned EHnumber, CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE *clause);
+ void recGetMethodVTableOffset(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, unsigned *offsetOfIndirection, unsigned* offsetAfterIndirection);
+ void dmpGetMethodVTableOffset(DWORDLONG key, DD value);
+ void repGetMethodVTableOffset(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, unsigned *offsetOfIndirection, unsigned* offsetAfterIndirection);
+ void recGetTokenTypeAsHandle(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE result);
+ void dmpGetTokenTypeAsHandle(const Agnostic_CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN& key, DWORDLONG value);
+ void recGetFieldInfo(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHandle, CORINFO_ACCESS_FLAGS flags,
+ void dmpGetFieldInfo(const Agnostic_GetFieldInfo& key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_FIELD_INFO& value);
+ void repGetFieldInfo(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHandle, CORINFO_ACCESS_FLAGS flags,
+ void recEmbedMethodHandle(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE result);
+ void dmpEmbedMethodHandle(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value);
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE repEmbedMethodHandle(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection);
+ void recGetFieldAddress(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, void **ppIndirection, void *result, CorInfoType cit);
+ void dmpGetFieldAddress(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetFieldAddress& value);
+ void* repGetFieldAddress(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, void **ppIndirection);
+ void recGetClassGClayout(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BYTE *gcPtrs, unsigned len, unsigned result);
+ void dmpGetClassGClayout(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetClassGClayout& value);
+ unsigned repGetClassGClayout(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BYTE *gcPtrs);
+ void recGetClassAlignmentRequirement(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL fDoubleAlignHint, unsigned result);
+ void dmpGetClassAlignmentRequirement(DLD key, DWORD value);
+ unsigned repGetClassAlignmentRequirement(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL fDoubleAlignHint);
+ void recCanAccessClass(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHandle,
+ CORINFO_HELPER_DESC *pAccessHelper, CorInfoIsAccessAllowedResult result);
+ void dmpCanAccessClass(const Agnostic_CanAccessClassIn& key, const Agnostic_CanAccessClassOut& value);
+ CorInfoIsAccessAllowedResult repCanAccessClass(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHandle,
+ CORINFO_HELPER_DESC *pAccessHelper);
+ void recGetCastingHelper(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, bool fThrowing, CorInfoHelpFunc result);
+ void dmpGetCastingHelper(const Agnostic_GetCastingHelper& key, DWORD value);
+ CorInfoHelpFunc repGetCastingHelper(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN *pResolvedToken, bool fThrowing);
+ void recEmbedModuleHandle(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE result);
+ void dmpEmbedModuleHandle(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value);
+ CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE repEmbedModuleHandle(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection);
+ void recEmbedClassHandle(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE result);
+ void dmpEmbedClassHandle(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value);
+ CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE repEmbedClassHandle(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection);
+ void recPInvokeMarshalingRequired(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_SIG_INFO* callSiteSig, BOOL result);
+ void dmpPInvokeMarshalingRequired(const Agnostic_PInvokeMarshalingRequired& key, DWORD value);
+ BOOL repPInvokeMarshalingRequired(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_SIG_INFO* callSiteSig);
+ void recFindSig(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned sigTOK, CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *sig);
+ void dmpFindSig(const Agnostic_FindSig& key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO& value);
+ void repFindSig(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned sigTOK, CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *sig);
+ void recGetEEInfo(CORINFO_EE_INFO *pEEInfoOut);
+ void dmpGetEEInfo(DWORD key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_EE_INFO& value);
+ void repGetEEInfo(CORINFO_EE_INFO *pEEInfoOut);
+ void recGetGSCookie(GSCookie *pCookieVal, GSCookie **ppCookieVal);
+ void dmpGetGSCookie(DWORD key, DLDL value);
+ void repGetGSCookie(GSCookie *pCookieVal, GSCookie **ppCookieVal);
+ void recGetClassModuleIdForStatics(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE *pModule, void **ppIndirection, size_t result);
+ void dmpGetClassModuleIdForStatics(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetClassModuleIdForStatics& value);
+ size_t repGetClassModuleIdForStatics(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE *pModule, void **ppIndirection);
+ void recGetThreadTLSIndex(void **ppIndirection, DWORD result);
+ void dmpGetThreadTLSIndex(DWORD key, DLD value);
+ DWORD repGetThreadTLSIndex(void **ppIndirection);
+ void recGetInlinedCallFrameVptr(void **ppIndirection, const void * result);
+ void dmpGetInlinedCallFrameVptr(DWORD key, DLDL value);
+ const void * repGetInlinedCallFrameVptr(void **ppIndirection);
+ void recGetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal(void **ppIndirection, LONG * result);
+ void dmpGetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal(DWORD key, DLDL value);
+ LONG * repGetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal(void **ppIndirection);
+ void recGetClassDomainID(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, void **ppIndirection, unsigned result);
+ void dmpGetClassDomainID(DWORDLONG key, DLD value);
+ unsigned repGetClassDomainID(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, void **ppIndirection);
+ void recGetLocationOfThisType(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE context, CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND *result);
+ void dmpGetLocationOfThisType(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_LOOKUP_KIND& value);
+ void recGetDelegateCtor(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methHnd, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd,
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE targetMethodHnd, DelegateCtorArgs *pCtorData, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE result);
+ void dmpGetDelegateCtor(const Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorIn& key, const Agnostic_GetDelegateCtorOut& value);
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE targetMethodHnd, DelegateCtorArgs *pCtorData);
+ void recGetFunctionFixedEntryPoint(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP *pResult);
+ void dmpGetFunctionFixedEntryPoint(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP& value);
+ void repGetFunctionFixedEntryPoint(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP *pResult);
+ void recGetFieldInClass(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd, INT num, CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE result);
+ void dmpGetFieldInClass(DLD key, DWORDLONG value);
+ void recGetFieldType(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE *structType, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE memberParent, CorInfoType result);
+ void dmpGetFieldType(DLDL key, DLD value);
+ CorInfoType repGetFieldType(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE *structType, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE memberParent);
+ void recGetFieldName(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE ftn, const char **moduleName, const char* result);
+ void dmpGetFieldName(DWORDLONG key, DD value);
+ const char* repGetFieldName(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE ftn, const char **moduleName);
+ void recCanInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL result);
+ void dmpCanInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ BOOL repCanInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls);
+ void recSatisfiesMethodConstraints(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE parent, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, BOOL result);
+ void dmpSatisfiesMethodConstraints(DLDL key, DWORD value);
+ BOOL repSatisfiesMethodConstraints(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE parent, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method);
+ void recInitConstraintsForVerification(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, BOOL *pfHasCircularClassConstraints,
+ BOOL *pfHasCircularMethodConstraint);
+ void dmpInitConstraintsForVerification(DWORDLONG key, DD value);
+ void repInitConstraintsForVerification(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, BOOL *pfHasCircularClassConstraints,
+ BOOL *pfHasCircularMethodConstraint);
+ void recIsValidStringRef(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned metaTOK, BOOL result);
+ void dmpIsValidStringRef(DLD key, DWORD value);
+ BOOL repIsValidStringRef(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned metaTOK);
+ void recGetHelperName(CorInfoHelpFunc funcNum, const char* result);
+ void dmpGetHelperName(DWORD key, DWORD value);
+ const char* repGetHelperName(CorInfoHelpFunc funcNum);
+ void recCanCast(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE child, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE parent, BOOL result);
+ void dmpCanCast(DLDL key, DWORD value);
+ void recGetChildType(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE *clsRet, CorInfoType result);
+ void dmpGetChildType(DWORDLONG key, DLD value);
+ CorInfoType repGetChildType(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE *clsRet);
+ void recGetArrayInitializationData(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, DWORD size, void *result);
+ void dmpGetArrayInitializationData(DLD key, DWORDLONG value);
+ void *repGetArrayInitializationData(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, DWORD size);
+ void recFilterException(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionPointers, int result);
+ void dmpFilterException(DWORD key, DWORD value);
+ int repFilterException(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionPointers);
+ void recHandleException(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionPointers);
+ void dmpHandleException(DWORD key, DWORD value);
+ void recGetAddressOfPInvokeFixup(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, void **ppIndirection, void* result);
+ void dmpGetAddressOfPInvokeFixup(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value);
+ void* repGetAddressOfPInvokeFixup(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, void **ppIndirection);
+ void recGetAddressOfPInvokeTarget(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP *pLookup);
+ void dmpGetAddressOfPInvokeTarget(DWORDLONG key, DLD value);
+ void repGetAddressOfPInvokeTarget(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_CONST_LOOKUP *pLookup);
+ void recSatisfiesClassConstraints(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL result);
+ void dmpSatisfiesClassConstraints(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ BOOL repSatisfiesClassConstraints(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls);
+ void recGetMethodHash(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, unsigned result);
+ void dmpGetMethodHash(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ unsigned repGetMethodHash(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn);
+ void recCanTailCall(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE declaredCalleeHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE exactCalleeHnd,
+ bool fIsTailPrefix, bool result);
+ void dmpCanTailCall(const Agnostic_CanTailCall& key, DWORD value);
+ bool repCanTailCall(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE declaredCalleeHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE exactCalleeHnd,
+ bool fIsTailPrefix);
+ void recIsCompatibleDelegate(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE objCls, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE methodParentCls,
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE delegateCls, BOOL *pfIsOpenDelegate, BOOL result);
+ void dmpIsCompatibleDelegate(const Agnostic_IsCompatibleDelegate& key, DD value);
+ BOOL repIsCompatibleDelegate(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE objCls, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE methodParentCls,
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE delegateCls, BOOL *pfIsOpenDelegate);
+ void recIsDelegateCreationAllowed(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE delegateHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE calleeHnd, BOOL result);
+ void dmpIsDelegateCreationAllowed(DLDL key, DWORD value);
+ BOOL repIsDelegateCreationAllowed(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE delegateHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE calleeHnd);
+ void recCanSkipMethodVerification(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftnHandle, BOOL skip, CorInfoCanSkipVerificationResult result);
+ void dmpCanSkipMethodVerification(DLD key, DWORD value);
+ CorInfoCanSkipVerificationResult repCanSkipMethodVerification(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftnHandle, BOOL skip);
+ void recFindCallSiteSig(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned methTOK, CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *sig);
+ void dmpFindCallSiteSig(const Agnostic_FindCallSiteSig& key, const Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO& value);
+ void repFindCallSiteSig(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned methTOK, CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE context, CORINFO_SIG_INFO *sig);
+ void recShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE scope, BOOL result);
+ void dmpShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ BOOL repShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE scope);
+ void recGetMethodSync(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, void **ppIndirection, void* result);
+ void dmpGetMethodSync(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value);
+ void* repGetMethodSync(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftn, void **ppIndirection);
+ void recGetVarArgsHandle(CORINFO_SIG_INFO *pSig, void **ppIndirection, CORINFO_VARARGS_HANDLE result);
+ void dmpGetVarArgsHandle(const Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO& key, DLDL value);
+ CORINFO_VARARGS_HANDLE repGetVarArgsHandle(CORINFO_SIG_INFO *pSig, void **ppIndirection);
+ void recCanGetVarArgsHandle(CORINFO_SIG_INFO *pSig, bool result);
+ void dmpCanGetVarArgsHandle(const Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO& key, DWORD value);
+ bool repCanGetVarArgsHandle(CORINFO_SIG_INFO *pSig);
+ void recGetFieldThreadLocalStoreID(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, void **ppIndirection, DWORD result);
+ void dmpGetFieldThreadLocalStoreID(DWORDLONG key, DLD value);
+ DWORD repGetFieldThreadLocalStoreID(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, void **ppIndirection);
+ void recGetBBProfileData(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftnHnd, ULONG *count, ICorJitInfo::ProfileBuffer **profileBuffer,
+ ULONG *numRuns, HRESULT result);
+ void dmpGetBBProfileData(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetBBProfileData& value);
+ HRESULT repGetBBProfileData(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE ftnHnd, ULONG *count, ICorJitInfo::ProfileBuffer **profileBuffer,
+ ULONG *numRuns);
+ void dmpMergeClasses(DLDL key, DWORDLONG value);
+ void recGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* szMetaSig, void ** ppIndirection, LPVOID result);
+ void dmpGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig(const Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO& key, DLDL value);
+ LPVOID repGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* szMetaSig, void ** ppIndirection);
+ void recCanGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* szMetaSig, bool result);
+ void dmpCanGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig(const Agnostic_CORINFO_SIG_INFO& key, DWORD value);
+ bool repCanGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* szMetaSig);
+ void recCanAccessFamily(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hCaller, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE hInstanceType, BOOL result);
+ void dmpCanAccessFamily(DLDL key, DWORD value);
+ void recErrorList(const char *error);
+ void dmpErrorList(DWORD key, DWORD value);
+ void recGetProfilingHandle(BOOL *pbHookFunction, void **pProfilerHandle, BOOL *pbIndirectedHandles);
+ void dmpGetProfilingHandle(DWORD key, const Agnostic_GetProfilingHandle& value);
+ void repGetProfilingHandle(BOOL *pbHookFunction, void **pProfilerHandle, BOOL *pbIndirectedHandles);
+ void recEmbedFieldHandle(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection, CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE result);
+ void dmpEmbedFieldHandle(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value);
+ CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE repEmbedFieldHandle(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE handle, void **ppIndirection);
+ void recAreTypesEquivalent(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls1, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls2, BOOL result);
+ void dmpAreTypesEquivalent(DLDL key, DWORD value);
+ void recFindNameOfToken(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, mdToken metaTOK, char * szFQName, size_t FQNameCapacity, size_t result);
+ void dmpFindNameOfToken(DLD key, DLD value);
+ size_t repFindNameOfToken(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, mdToken metaTOK, char * szFQName, size_t FQNameCapacity);
+ void recGetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE structHnd, SYSTEMV_AMD64_CORINFO_STRUCT_REG_PASSING_DESCRIPTOR* structPassInRegDescPtr, bool result);
+ void dmpGetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor(DWORDLONG key, const Agnostic_GetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor& value);
+ bool repGetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE structHnd, SYSTEMV_AMD64_CORINFO_STRUCT_REG_PASSING_DESCRIPTOR* structPassInRegDescPtr);
+ void recGetRelocTypeHint(void * target, WORD result);
+ void dmpGetRelocTypeHint(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ WORD repGetRelocTypeHint(void * target);
+ void recIsWriteBarrierHelperRequired(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field, bool result);
+ void dmpIsWriteBarrierHelperRequired(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ bool repIsWriteBarrierHelperRequired(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE field);
+ void recIsValidToken(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned metaTOK, BOOL result);
+ void dmpIsValidToken(DLD key, DWORD value);
+ BOOL repIsValidToken(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, unsigned metaTOK);
+ void recGetClassName(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, const char* result);
+ void dmpGetClassName(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ const char* repGetClassName(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls);
+ void recAppendClassName(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL fNamespace, BOOL fFullInst, BOOL fAssembly, const WCHAR* result);
+ void dmpAppendClassName(const Agnostic_AppendClassName& key, DWORD value);
+ const WCHAR* repAppendClassName(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, BOOL fNamespace, BOOL fFullInst, BOOL fAssembly);
+ void recGetTailCallCopyArgsThunk(CORINFO_SIG_INFO *pSig, CorInfoHelperTailCallSpecialHandling flags, void* result);
+ void dmpGetTailCallCopyArgsThunk(const Agnostic_GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk& key, DWORDLONG value);
+ void* repGetTailCallCopyArgsThunk(CORINFO_SIG_INFO *pSig, CorInfoHelperTailCallSpecialHandling flags);
+ void recGetMethodDefFromMethod(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hMethod, mdMethodDef result);
+ void dmpGetMethodDefFromMethod(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ mdMethodDef repGetMethodDefFromMethod(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hMethod);
+ void recCheckMethodModifier(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hMethod, LPCSTR modifier, BOOL fOptional, BOOL result);
+ void dmpCheckMethodModifier(const Agnostic_CheckMethodModifier& key, DWORD value);
+ BOOL repCheckMethodModifier(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hMethod, LPCSTR modifier, BOOL fOptional);
+ void recGetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, void **ppIndirection, void* result);
+ void dmpGetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget(DWORDLONG key, DLDL value);
+ void* repGetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, void **ppIndirection);
+ void recGetArrayRank(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls, unsigned result);
+ void dmpGetArrayRank(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ unsigned repGetArrayRank(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE cls);
+ void recIsFieldStatic(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE fhld, bool result);
+ void dmpIsFieldStatic(DWORDLONG key, DWORD value);
+ bool repIsFieldStatic(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE fhld);
+ void recGetIntConfigValue(const wchar_t *name, int defaultValue, int result);
+ void dmpGetIntConfigValue(const Agnostic_ConfigIntInfo& key, int value);
+ int repGetIntConfigValue(const wchar_t *name, int defaultValue);
+ void recGetStringConfigValue(const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *result);
+ void dmpGetStringConfigValue(DWORD nameIndex, DWORD result);
+ const wchar_t *repGetStringConfigValue(const wchar_t *name);
+ CompileResult *cr;
+ CompileResult *originalCR;
+ int index;
+ #define LWM(map,key,value) LightWeightMap<key, value>* map;
+ #define DENSELWM(map,value) DenseLightWeightMap<value>* map;
+ #include "lwmlist.h"
+// ********************* Please keep this up-to-date to ease adding more ***************
+// Highest packet number: 158
+// *************************************************************************************
+enum mcPackets
+ Packet_AppendClassName = 149, // Added 8/6/2014 - needed for SIMD
+ Packet_AreTypesEquivalent = 1,
+ Packet_AsCorInfoType = 2,
+ Packet_CanAccessClass = 3,
+ Packet_CanAccessFamily = 4,
+ Packet_CanCast = 5,
+ Retired8 = 6,
+ Packet_GetLazyStringLiteralHelper = 147, //Added 12/20/2013 - as a replacement for CanEmbedModuleHandleForHelper
+ Packet_CanGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig = 7,
+ Packet_CanGetVarArgsHandle = 8,
+ Packet_CanInline = 9,
+ Packet_CanInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable = 10,
+ Packet_CanSkipMethodVerification = 11,
+ Packet_CanTailCall = 12,
+ Retired4 = 13,
+ Packet_CheckMethodModifier = 142, //retired as 13 on 2013/07/04
+ Retired3 = 14,
+ Retired5 = 141, //retired as 14 on 2013/07/03
+ Packet_CompileMethod = 143, //retired as 141 on 2013/07/09
+ Packet_ConstructStringLiteral = 15,
+ Packet_EmbedClassHandle = 16,
+ Packet_EmbedFieldHandle = 17,
+ Packet_EmbedGenericHandle = 18,
+ Packet_EmbedMethodHandle = 19,
+ Packet_EmbedModuleHandle = 20,
+ Packet_EmptyStringLiteral = 21,
+ Packet_Environment = 136, //Added 4/3/2013
+ Packet_ErrorList = 22,
+ Packet_FilterException = 134,
+ Packet_FindCallSiteSig = 23,
+ Retired7 = 24,
+ Packet_FindNameOfToken = 145,//Added 7/19/2013 - adjusted members to proper types
+ Packet_GetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor = 156, //Added 2/17/2016
+ Packet_FindSig = 25,
+ Packet_GetAddressOfPInvokeFixup = 26,
+ Packet_GetAddressOfPInvokeTarget = 153, //Added 2/3/2016
+ Packet_GetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal = 27,
+ Retired1 = 28,
+ Packet_GetArgClass = 139, //retired as 28 on 2013/07/03
+ Packet_GetArgNext = 29,
+ Retired2 = 30,
+ Packet_GetArgType = 140, //retired as 30 on 2013/07/03
+ Packet_GetArrayInitializationData = 31,
+ Packet_GetArrayRank = 32,
+ Packet_GetBBProfileData = 33,
+ Packet_GetBoundaries = 34,
+ Packet_GetBoxHelper = 35,
+ Packet_GetBuiltinClass = 36,
+ Packet_GetCallInfo = 37,
+ Packet_GetCastingHelper = 38,
+ Packet_GetChildType = 39,
+ Packet_GetClassAlignmentRequirement = 40,
+ Packet_GetClassAttribs = 41,
+ Packet_GetClassDomainID = 42,
+ Packet_GetClassGClayout = 43,
+ Packet_GetClassModuleIdForStatics = 44,
+ Packet_GetClassName = 45,
+ Packet_GetClassNumInstanceFields = 46,
+ Packet_GetClassSize = 47,
+ Packet_GetIntConfigValue = 151, //Added 2/12/2015
+ Packet_GetStringConfigValue = 152, // Added 2/12/2015
+ Packet_GetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig = 48,
+ Packet_GetDelegateCtor = 49,
+ Packet_GetEEInfo = 50,
+ Packet_GetEHinfo = 51,
+ Packet_GetFieldAddress = 52,
+ Packet_GetFieldClass = 53,
+ Packet_GetFieldInClass = 54,
+ Packet_GetFieldInfo = 55,
+ Packet_GetFieldName = 56,
+ Packet_GetFieldOffset = 57,
+ Packet_GetFieldThreadLocalStoreID = 58,
+ Packet_GetFieldType = 59,
+ Packet_GetFunctionEntryPoint = 60,
+ Packet_GetFunctionFixedEntryPoint = 61,
+ Packet_GetGSCookie = 62,
+ Packet_GetHelperFtn = 63,
+ Packet_GetHelperName = 64,
+ Packet_GetInlinedCallFrameVptr = 65,
+ Packet_GetIntrinsicID = 66,
+ Packet_GetJitFlags = 154, //Added 2/3/2016
+ Packet_GetJitTimeLogFilename = 67,
+ Packet_GetJustMyCodeHandle = 68,
+ Packet_GetLocationOfThisType = 69,
+ Packet_GetMethodAttribs = 70,
+ Packet_GetMethodClass = 71,
+ Packet_GetMethodDefFromMethod = 72,
+ Packet_GetMethodHash = 73,
+ Packet_GetMethodInfo = 74,
+ Packet_GetMethodName = 75,
+ Packet_GetMethodSig = 76,
+ Packet_GetMethodSync = 77,
+ Packet_GetMethodVTableOffset = 78,
+ Packet_GetNewArrHelper = 79,
+ Packet_GetNewHelper = 80,
+ Packet_GetParentType = 81,
+ Packet_GetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget = 82,
+ Packet_GetProfilingHandle = 83,
+ Packet_GetRelocTypeHint = 84,
+ Packet_GetSecurityPrologHelper = 85,
+ Packet_GetSharedCCtorHelper = 86,
+ Packet_GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk = 87,
+ Packet_GetThreadTLSIndex = 88,
+ Packet_GetTokenTypeAsHandle = 89,
+ Packet_GetTypeForBox = 90,
+ Packet_GetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass = 91,
+ Packet_GetUnBoxHelper = 92,
+ Packet_GetReadyToRunHelper = 150, //Added 10/10/2014
+ Packet_GetReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper = 157, //Added 3/30/2016
+ Packet_GetUnmanagedCallConv = 94,
+ Packet_GetVarArgsHandle = 95,
+ Packet_GetVars = 96,
+ Packet_HandleException = 135,
+ Packet_InitClass = 97,
+ Packet_InitConstraintsForVerification = 98,
+ Packet_IsCompatibleDelegate = 99,
+ Packet_IsDelegateCreationAllowed = 155,
+ Packet_IsFieldStatic = 137,//Added 4/9/2013 - needed for 4.5.1
+ Packet_IsInSIMDModule = 148,// Added 6/18/2014 - SIMD support
+ Packet_IsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric = 100,
+ Packet_IsSDArray = 101,
+ Packet_IsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf = 102,
+ Packet_IsValidStringRef = 103,
+ Retired6 = 104,
+ Packet_IsValidToken = 144,//Added 7/19/2013 - adjusted members to proper types
+ Packet_IsValueClass = 105,
+ Packet_IsWriteBarrierHelperRequired = 106,
+ Packet_MergeClasses = 107,
+ Packet_PInvokeMarshalingRequired = 108,
+ Packet_ResolveToken = 109,
+ Packet_TryResolveToken = 158, //Added 4/26/2016
+ Packet_SatisfiesClassConstraints = 110,
+ Packet_SatisfiesMethodConstraints = 111,
+ Packet_ShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction = 112,
+ PacketCR_AddressMap = 113,
+ PacketCR_AllocBBProfileBuffer = 131,
+ PacketCR_AllocGCInfo = 114,
+ PacketCR_AllocMem = 115,
+ PacketCR_AllocUnwindInfo = 132,
+ PacketCR_AssertLog = 138, //Added 6/10/2013 - added to nicely support ilgen
+ PacketCR_CallLog = 116,
+ PacketCR_ClassMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun = 117,
+ PacketCR_CompileMethod = 118,
+ PacketCR_MessageLog = 119,
+ PacketCR_MethodMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun = 120,
+ PacketCR_ProcessName = 121,
+ PacketCR_RecordRelocation = 122,
+ PacketCR_ReportFatalError = 123,
+ PacketCR_ReportInliningDecision = 124,
+ PacketCR_ReportTailCallDecision = 125,
+ PacketCR_ReserveUnwindInfo = 133,
+ PacketCR_SetBoundaries = 126,
+ PacketCR_SetEHcount = 127,
+ PacketCR_SetEHinfo = 128,
+ PacketCR_SetMethodAttribs = 129,
+ PacketCR_SetVars = 130,
+ PacketCR_RecordCallSite = 146, //Added 10/28/2013 - to support indirect calls
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextiterator.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextiterator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55f8045938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextiterator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "methodcontext.h"
+#include "methodcontextiterator.h"
+bool MethodContextIterator::Initialize(const char* fileName)
+ if (m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ LogError("Failed to open file '%s'. GetLastError()=%u", fileName, GetLastError());
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (GetFileSizeEx(m_hFile, &DataTemp)==0)
+ {
+ LogError("GetFileSizeEx failed. GetLastError()=%u", GetLastError());
+ CloseHandle(m_hFile);
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_fileSize = DataTemp.QuadPart;
+ if (m_progressReport)
+ {
+ m_timer->Start();
+ }
+ return true;
+bool MethodContextIterator::Destroy()
+ bool ret = true; // assume success
+ if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ if (!CloseHandle(m_hFile))
+ {
+ LogError("CloseHandle failed. GetLastError()=%u", GetLastError());
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ }
+ delete m_mc;
+ m_mc = nullptr;
+ if (m_index < m_indexCount)
+ {
+ LogWarning("Didn't use all of index count input: %d < %d (i.e., didn't see MC #%d)",
+ m_index, m_indexCount, m_indexes[m_index]);
+ }
+ delete m_timer;
+ m_timer = nullptr;
+ return ret;
+bool MethodContextIterator::MoveNext()
+ if (m_mc != nullptr)
+ {
+ delete m_mc;
+ m_mc = nullptr;
+ }
+ while (true)
+ {
+ // Figure out where the pointer is currently.
+ pos.QuadPart = 0;
+ if (SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, pos, &m_pos, FILE_CURRENT) == 0)
+ {
+ LogError("SetFilePointerEx failed. GetLastError()=%u", GetLastError());
+ return false; // any failure causes us to bail out.
+ }
+ if (m_pos.QuadPart >= m_fileSize)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Load the current method context.
+ m_methodContextNumber++;
+ if (m_progressReport)
+ {
+ if (m_methodContextNumber % 500 == 0)
+ {
+ m_timer->Stop();
+ LogVerbose("Loaded %d at %d per second", m_methodContextNumber, (int)((double)500 / m_timer->GetSeconds()));
+ m_timer->Start();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!MethodContext::Initialize(m_methodContextNumber, m_hFile, &m_mc))
+ return false;
+ // If we have an array of indexes, skip the loaded indexes that have not been specified.
+ if (m_indexCount == -1)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (m_index == m_indexCount)
+ {
+ return false; // we're beyond the array of indexes
+ }
+ else if (m_index < m_indexCount)
+ {
+ if (m_indexes[m_index] == m_methodContextNumber)
+ {
+ m_index++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextiterator.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextiterator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6002ba852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextiterator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#include "simpletimer.h"
+// Class to implement method context hive reading and iterating.
+class MethodContextIterator
+ MethodContextIterator(bool progressReport = false)
+ , m_fileSize(0)
+ , m_methodContextNumber(0)
+ , m_mc(nullptr)
+ , m_indexCount(-1)
+ , m_index(0)
+ , m_indexes(nullptr)
+ , m_progressReport(progressReport)
+ , m_timer(nullptr)
+ {
+ if (m_progressReport)
+ {
+ m_timer = new SimpleTimer();
+ }
+ }
+ MethodContextIterator(const int indexCount, const int* indexes, bool progressReport = false)
+ , m_fileSize(0)
+ , m_methodContextNumber(0)
+ , m_mc(nullptr)
+ , m_indexCount(indexCount)
+ , m_index(0)
+ , m_indexes(indexes)
+ , m_progressReport(progressReport)
+ , m_timer(nullptr)
+ {
+ if (m_progressReport)
+ {
+ m_timer = new SimpleTimer();
+ }
+ }
+ ~MethodContextIterator()
+ {
+ Destroy();
+ }
+ bool Initialize(const char* fileName);
+ bool Destroy();
+ bool MoveNext();
+ // The iterator class owns the memory returned by Current(); the caller should not delete it.
+ MethodContext* Current()
+ {
+ return m_mc;
+ }
+ // In this case, we are giving ownership of the MethodContext* to the caller. So, null out m_mc
+ // before we return, so we don't attempt to delete it in this class.
+ MethodContext* CurrentTakeOwnership()
+ {
+ MethodContext* ret = m_mc;
+ m_mc = nullptr;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // Return the file position offset of the current method context.
+ __int64 CurrentPos()
+ {
+ return m_pos.QuadPart;
+ }
+ int MethodContextNumber()
+ {
+ return m_methodContextNumber;
+ }
+ HANDLE m_hFile;
+ int64_t m_fileSize;
+ int m_methodContextNumber;
+ MethodContext* m_mc;
+ // If m_indexCount==-1, use all method contexts. Otherwise, m_indexCount is the number of elements in the
+ // m_indexes array, which contains a sorted set of method context indexes to return. In this case, m_index
+ // is the index of the current element in m_indexes.
+ const int m_indexCount;
+ int m_index;
+ const int* m_indexes;
+ // Should we log a progress report as we are loading the method contexts?
+ // The timer is only used when m_progressReport==true.
+ bool m_progressReport;
+ SimpleTimer* m_timer;
+}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextreader.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextreader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e375e0d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextreader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// MethodContextReader.cpp - Abstraction for reading MethodContexts
+// Should eventually support multithreading
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "tocfile.h"
+#include "methodcontextreader.h"
+#include "methodcontext.h"
+#include "logging.h"
+#include "runtimedetails.h"
+// Just a helper...
+HANDLE MethodContextReader::OpenFile(const char *inputFile, DWORD flags)
+ if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ LogError("Failed to open file '%s'. GetLastError()=%u", inputFile, GetLastError());
+ }
+ return fileHandle;
+static std::string to_lower(const std::string &input)
+ std::string res = input;
+ std::transform(input.cbegin(), input.cend(), res.begin(), tolower);
+ return res;
+// Looks for a file named foo.origSuffix.newSuffix or foo.newSuffix
+// but only if foo.origSuffix exists.
+// Note: filename extensions must be lower-case, even on case-sensitive file systems!
+std::string MethodContextReader::CheckForPairedFile(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &origSuffix, const std::string &newSuffix)
+ std::string tmp = to_lower(origSuffix);
+ // First, check to see if foo.origSuffix exists
+ size_t suffix_offset = fileName.find_last_of('.');
+ if ((SSIZE_T)suffix_offset <= 0
+ || (tmp != to_lower(fileName.substr(suffix_offset)))
+ || (GetFileAttributesA(fileName.c_str()) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES))
+ return std::string();
+ // next, check from foo.orig
+ tmp = fileName + newSuffix;
+ if (GetFileAttributesA(tmp.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
+ return tmp;
+ // Now let's check for from
+ tmp = fileName.substr(0, suffix_offset);
+ if (GetFileAttributesA(tmp.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
+ return tmp;
+ // Finally, lets try foo.orig from
+ tmp += newSuffix;
+ if (GetFileAttributesA(tmp.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
+ return tmp;
+ return std::string();
+MethodContextReader::MethodContextReader(const char *inputFileName, const int *indexes, int indexCount, char *hash, int offset, int increment)
+ , fileSize(0)
+ , curMCIndex(0)
+ , Indexes(indexes)
+ , IndexCount(indexCount)
+ , curIndexPos(0)
+ , Hash(hash)
+ , curTOCIndex(0)
+ , Offset(offset)
+ , Increment(increment)
+ this->mutex = CreateMutexA(NULL, FALSE, nullptr);
+ std::string tocFileName, mchFile;
+ // First, check to see if they passed an MCH file (look for a paired MCT file)
+ tocFileName = MethodContextReader::CheckForPairedFile(inputFileName, ".mch", ".mct");
+ if (!tocFileName.empty())
+ {
+ mchFile = inputFileName;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Okay, it wasn't an MCH file, let's check to see if it was an MCT file
+ // so check for a paired MCH file instead
+ mchFile = MethodContextReader::CheckForPairedFile(inputFileName, ".mct", ".mch");
+ if (!mchFile.empty())
+ {
+ tocFileName = inputFileName;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mchFile = inputFileName;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!tocFileName.empty())
+ this->tocFile.LoadToc(tocFileName.c_str());
+ // we'll get here even if we don't have a valid index file
+ this->fileHandle = OpenFile(mchFile.c_str(), (this->hasTOC() && this->hasIndex()) ? FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL : FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN);
+ if (this->fileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ GetFileSizeEx(this->fileHandle, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&this->fileSize);
+ }
+ if (fileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ CloseHandle(this->fileHandle);
+ }
+ CloseHandle(this->mutex);
+bool MethodContextReader::AcquireLock()
+ DWORD res = WaitForSingleObject(this->mutex, INFINITE);
+ return (res == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
+void MethodContextReader::ReleaseLock()
+ ReleaseMutex(this->mutex);
+bool MethodContextReader::atEof()
+ __int64 pos = 0;
+ SetFilePointerEx(this->fileHandle, *(PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, FILE_CURRENT); // LARGE_INTEGER is a crime against humanity
+ return pos == this->fileSize;
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::ReadMethodContextNoLock(bool justSkip)
+ DWORD bytesRead;
+ char buff[512];
+ unsigned int totalLen = 0;
+ if (atEof())
+ {
+ return MethodContextBuffer();
+ }
+ Assert(ReadFile(this->fileHandle, buff, 2 + sizeof(unsigned int), &bytesRead, NULL) == TRUE);
+ AssertMsg((buff[0] == 'm') && (buff[1] == 'c'), "Didn't find magic number");
+ memcpy(&totalLen, &buff[2], sizeof(unsigned int));
+ if (justSkip)
+ {
+ __int64 pos = totalLen + 2;
+ // Just move the file pointer ahead the correct number of bytes
+ AssertMsg(SetFilePointerEx(this->fileHandle, *(PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, FILE_CURRENT) == TRUE, "SetFilePointerEx failed (Error %X)", GetLastError());
+ //Increment curMCIndex as we advanced the file pointer by another MC
+ ++curMCIndex;
+ return MethodContextBuffer(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned char *buff2 = new unsigned char[totalLen + 2]; //total + End Canary
+ Assert(ReadFile(this->fileHandle, buff2, totalLen + 2, &bytesRead, NULL) == TRUE);
+ //Increment curMCIndex as we read another MC
+ ++curMCIndex;
+ return MethodContextBuffer(buff2, totalLen);
+ }
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::ReadMethodContext(bool acquireLock, bool justSkip)
+ if (acquireLock && !this->AcquireLock())
+ {
+ LogError("Can't acquire the reader lock!");
+ return MethodContextBuffer(-1);
+ }
+ struct Param {
+ MethodContextReader* pThis;
+ MethodContextBuffer ret;
+ bool justSkip;
+ } param;
+ param.pThis = this;
+ param.ret = MethodContextBuffer(-2);
+ param.justSkip = justSkip;
+ PAL_TRY(Param*, pParam, &param)
+ {
+ pParam->ret = pParam->pThis->ReadMethodContextNoLock(pParam->justSkip);
+ }
+ {
+ this->ReleaseLock();
+ }
+ return param.ret;
+// Read a method context buffer from the ContextCollection
+// (either a hive [single] or an index)
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::GetNextMethodContext()
+ struct Param : FilterSuperPMIExceptionsParam_CaptureException
+ {
+ MethodContextReader* pThis;
+ MethodContextBuffer mcb;
+ } param;
+ param.pThis = this;
+ PAL_TRY(Param*, pParam, &param)
+ {
+ pParam->mcb = pParam->pThis->GetNextMethodContextHelper();
+ }
+ PAL_EXCEPT_FILTER(FilterSuperPMIExceptions_CaptureExceptionAndStop)
+ {
+ LogError("Method %d is of low integrity.", GetMethodContextIndex());
+ param.mcb = MethodContextBuffer(-1);
+ }
+ return param.mcb;
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::GetNextMethodContextHelper()
+ //If we have an offset/increment combo
+ if (this->Offset > 0 && this->Increment > 0)
+ return GetNextMethodContextFromOffsetIncrement();
+ //If we have an index
+ if (this->hasIndex())
+ {
+ if (this->curIndexPos < this->IndexCount)
+ {
+ //If we are not done with all of them
+ return GetNextMethodContextFromIndexes();
+ }
+ else //We are done with all of them, return
+ return MethodContextBuffer();
+ }
+ //If we have a hash
+ if (this->Hash != nullptr)
+ return GetNextMethodContextFromHash();
+ //If we don't have any of these options return all MCs one by one
+ return this->ReadMethodContext(true);
+// Read a method context buffer from the ContextCollection using Indexes
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::GetNextMethodContextFromIndexes()
+ //Assert if we don't have an Index or we are done with all the indexes
+ Assert(this->hasIndex() && this->curIndexPos < this->IndexCount);
+ if (this->hasTOC())
+ {
+ // If we have an index & we have a TOC, we can just jump to that method!
+ return this->GetSpecificMethodContext(this->Indexes[this->curIndexPos++]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Find the current method (either #0, or the previous index)
+ int curMethod = this->curIndexPos ? this->Indexes[this->curIndexPos - 1] : 0;
+ // Get the next method
+ int nextMethod = this->Indexes[this->curIndexPos++];
+ // Skip over methods until we get to the right now
+ while (++curMethod < nextMethod)
+ {
+ // Skip a method context
+ MethodContextBuffer mcb = this->ReadMethodContext(true, true);
+ if (mcb.allDone() || mcb.Error())
+ return mcb;
+ }
+ }
+ return this->ReadMethodContext(true);
+// Read a method context buffer from the ContextCollection using Hash
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::GetNextMethodContextFromHash()
+ //Assert if we don't have a valid hash
+ Assert(this->Hash != nullptr);
+ if (this->hasTOC())
+ {
+ //We have a TOC so lets go through the TOCElements
+ //one-by-one till we find a matching hash
+ for (; curTOCIndex < (int)this->tocFile.GetTocCount(); curTOCIndex++)
+ {
+ if (_strnicmp(this->Hash, this->tocFile.GetElementPtr(curTOCIndex)->Hash, MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE) == 0)
+ {
+ //We found a match, return this specific method
+ return this->GetSpecificMethodContext(this->tocFile.GetElementPtr(curTOCIndex++)->Number);
+ }
+ }
+ //No more matches in the TOC for our hash value
+ return MethodContextBuffer();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Keep reading all MCs until we hit a match
+ //or we reach the end or hit an error
+ while (true)
+ {
+ // Read a method context
+ // we can't skip because we need to calculate hashes
+ MethodContextBuffer mcb = this->ReadMethodContext(true, false);
+ if (mcb.allDone() || mcb.Error())
+ return mcb;
+ char mcHash[MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ //Create a temporary copy of mcb.buff plus ending 2-byte canary
+ //this will get freed up by MethodContext constructor
+ unsigned char *buff = new unsigned char[mcb.size + 2];
+ memcpy(buff, mcb.buff, mcb.size + 2);
+ MethodContext *mc;
+ if (!MethodContext::Initialize(-1, buff, mcb.size, &mc))
+ return MethodContextBuffer(-1);
+ mc->dumpMethodMD5HashToBuffer(mcHash, MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ delete mc;
+ if (_strnicmp(this->Hash, mcHash, MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE) == 0)
+ {
+ //We found a match, return this specific method
+ return mcb;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //We should never get here under normal conditions
+ AssertMsg(true, "Unexpected condition hit while reading input file.");
+ return MethodContextBuffer(-1);
+// Read a method context buffer from the ContextCollection using offset/increment
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::GetNextMethodContextFromOffsetIncrement()
+ //Assert if we don't have a valid increment/offset combo
+ Assert(this->Offset > 0 && this->Increment > 0);
+ int methodNumber = this->curMCIndex > 0 ? this->curMCIndex + this->Increment : this->Offset;
+ if (this->hasTOC())
+ {
+ //Check if we are within the TOC
+ if ((int)this->tocFile.GetTocCount() >= methodNumber)
+ {
+ //We have a TOC so we can request a specific method context
+ return this->GetSpecificMethodContext(methodNumber);
+ }
+ else
+ return MethodContextBuffer();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Keep skipping MCs until we get to the one we need to return
+ while (this->curMCIndex + 1 < methodNumber)
+ {
+ //skip over a method
+ MethodContextBuffer mcb = this->ReadMethodContext(true, true);
+ if (mcb.allDone() || mcb.Error())
+ return mcb;
+ }
+ }
+ return this->ReadMethodContext(true);
+bool MethodContextReader::hasIndex()
+ return this->IndexCount > 0;
+bool MethodContextReader::hasTOC()
+ return this->tocFile.GetTocCount() > 0;
+bool MethodContextReader::isValid()
+ return this->fileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && this->mutex != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+double MethodContextReader::PercentComplete()
+ if (this->hasIndex() && this->hasTOC())
+ {
+ // Best estimate I can come up with...
+ return 100.0 * (double)this->curIndexPos / (double)this->IndexCount;
+ }
+ this->AcquireLock();
+ __int64 pos = 0;
+ SetFilePointerEx(this->fileHandle, *(PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, FILE_CURRENT);
+ this->ReleaseLock();
+ return 100.0 * (double)pos / (double)this->fileSize;
+// Binary search to get this method number from the index
+// Returns -1 for not found, or -2 for not indexed
+// Interview question alert: hurray for CLR headers incompatibility with STL :-(
+// Note that TOC is 0 based and MC# are 1 based!
+__int64 MethodContextReader::GetOffset(unsigned int methodNumber)
+ if (!this->hasTOC())
+ return -2;
+ size_t high = this->tocFile.GetTocCount() - 1;
+ size_t low = 0;
+ while (low <= high)
+ {
+ size_t pos = (high + low) / 2;
+ unsigned int num = this->tocFile.GetElementPtr(pos)->Number;
+ if (num == methodNumber)
+ return this->tocFile.GetElementPtr(pos)->Offset;
+ if (num > methodNumber)
+ high = pos - 1;
+ else
+ low = pos + 1;
+ }
+ return -1;
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::GetSpecificMethodContext(unsigned int methodNumber)
+ __int64 pos = this->GetOffset(methodNumber);
+ if (pos < 0)
+ {
+ return MethodContextBuffer(-3);
+ }
+ // Take the IO lock before we set the file pointer, so we can do this on multiple threads
+ if (!this->AcquireLock())
+ {
+ return MethodContextBuffer(-2);
+ }
+ if (SetFilePointerEx(this->fileHandle, *(PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, FILE_BEGIN))
+ {
+ // ReadMethodContext will release the lock, but we already acquired it
+ MethodContextBuffer mcb = this->ReadMethodContext(false);
+ //The curMCIndex value updated by ReadMethodContext() is incorrect
+ //since we are repositioning the file pointer we need to update it
+ curMCIndex = methodNumber;
+ return mcb;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Don't forget to release the lock!
+ this->ReleaseLock();
+ return MethodContextBuffer(-4);
+ }
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextreader.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextreader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0068fa231f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextreader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// MethodContextReader.h - Abstraction for reading MethodContexts
+// Should eventually support multithreading
+#ifndef _MethodContextReader
+#define _MethodContextReader
+#include "methodcontext.h"
+#include "tocfile.h"
+struct MethodContextBuffer
+ static const int Completed = 0x1234abcd;
+ unsigned char *buff;
+ DWORD size;
+ MethodContextBuffer() : buff(nullptr), size(Completed) {}
+ MethodContextBuffer(DWORD error) : buff(nullptr), size(error) {}
+ MethodContextBuffer(unsigned char *b, DWORD e) : buff(b), size(e) {}
+ bool allDone() { return size == Completed && buff == nullptr; }
+ bool Error() { return size != 0 && size != Completed && buff == nullptr; }
+// The pack(4) directive is so that each entry is 12 bytes, intead of 16
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(4)
+class MethodContextReader
+ // The MC/MCH file
+ HANDLE fileHandle;
+ // The size of the MC/MCH file
+ __int64 fileSize;
+ // Current MC index in the input MC/MCH file
+ int curMCIndex;
+ // The synchronization mutex
+ HANDLE mutex;
+ bool AcquireLock();
+ void ReleaseLock();
+ TOCFile tocFile;
+ // Method ranges to process
+ // If you have an index file, these things get processed
+ // much faster, now
+ const int *Indexes;
+ int IndexCount;
+ int curIndexPos;
+ // Method hash to process
+ // If you have an index file, these things get processed
+ // much faster, now
+ char *Hash;
+ int curTOCIndex;
+ // Offset/increment if running in parallel mode
+ // If you have an index file, these things get processed
+ // much faster, now
+ int Offset;
+ int Increment;
+ // Binary search to get this method number from the index
+ // Returns -1 for not found, or -2 for not indexed
+ __int64 GetOffset(unsigned int methodNumber);
+ // Just a helper...
+ static HANDLE OpenFile(const char *inputFile, DWORD flags = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
+ MethodContextBuffer ReadMethodContextNoLock(bool justSkip = false);
+ MethodContextBuffer ReadMethodContext(bool acquireLock, bool justSkip = false);
+ MethodContextBuffer GetSpecificMethodContext(unsigned int methodNumber);
+ MethodContextBuffer GetNextMethodContextFromIndexes();
+ MethodContextBuffer GetNextMethodContextFromHash();
+ MethodContextBuffer GetNextMethodContextFromOffsetIncrement();
+ MethodContextBuffer GetNextMethodContextHelper();
+ // Looks for a file named foo.origSuffix.newSuffix or foo.newSuffix
+ // but only if foo.origSuffix exists
+ static std::string CheckForPairedFile(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &origSuffix, const std::string &newSuffix);
+ // are we're at the end of the file...
+ bool atEof();
+ // Do we have a valid TOC?
+ bool hasTOC();
+ // Do we have a valid index?
+ bool hasIndex();
+ MethodContextReader(const char *inputFileName, const int *indexes = nullptr, int indexCount = -1, char *hash = nullptr, int offset = -1, int increment = -1);
+ ~MethodContextReader();
+ // Read a method context buffer from the ContextCollection
+ // (either a hive [single] or an index)
+ MethodContextBuffer GetNextMethodContext();
+ // No C++ exceptions, so the constructor has to always succeed...
+ bool isValid();
+ double PercentComplete();
+ //Returns the index of the last MethodContext read by GetNextMethodContext
+ inline int GetMethodContextIndex()
+ {
+ return curMCIndex;
+ }
+#pragma pack(pop)
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/registertablexarch.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/registertablexarch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4704881082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/registertablexarch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// RegisterTableXarch.h - X macro table for x86/AMD64 registers, for use with DISX86
+#ifndef REGDEF
+#error Must define REGDEF macro before including this file
+REGDEF(msdisID, name)
+// 32 bit general purpose registers
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaEax, "eax")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaEcx, "ecx")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaEdx, "edx")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaEbx, "ebx")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaEsp, "esp")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaEbp, "ebp")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaEsi, "esi")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaEdi, "edi")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR8d, "r8d")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR9d, "r9d")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR10d, "r10d")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR11d, "r11d")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR12d, "r12d")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR13d, "r13d")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR14d, "r14d")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR15d, "r15d")
+// 64 bit general purpose registers
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaRax, "rax")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaRcx, "rcx")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaRdx, "rdx")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaRbx, "rbx")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaRsp, "rsp")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaRbp, "rbp")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaRsi, "rsi")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaRdi, "rdi")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR8, "r8")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR9, "r9")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR10, "r10")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR11, "r11")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR12, "r12")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR13, "r13")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR14, "r14")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR15, "r15")
+// 16 bit general purpose registers
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaAx, "ax")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaCx, "cx")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaDx, "dx")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaBx, "bx")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaSp, "sp")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaBp, "bp")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaSi, "si")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaDi, "di")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR8w, "r8w")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR9w, "r9w")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR10w, "r10w")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR11w, "r11w")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR12w, "r12w")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR13w, "r13w")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR14w, "r14w")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR15w, "r15w")
+// 8 bit general purpose registers
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaAl, "al")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaCl, "cl")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaDl, "dl")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaBl, "bl")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaSpl, "spl")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaBpl, "bpl")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaSil, "sil")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaDil, "dil")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR8b, "r8b")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR9b, "r9b")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR10b, "r10b")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR11b, "r11b")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR12b, "r12b")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR13b, "r13b")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR14b, "r14b")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaR15b, "r15b")
+// 8 bit general purpose registers
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaAh, "ah")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaCh, "ch")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaDh, "dh")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaBh, "bh")
+// x87 floating point stack
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaSt0, "st0")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaSt1, "st1")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaSt2, "st2")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaSt3, "st3")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaSt4, "st4")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaSt5, "st5")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaSt6, "st6")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaSt7, "st7")
+// XMM registers
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm0, "xmm0")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm1, "xmm1")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm2, "xmm2")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm3, "xmm3")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm4, "xmm4")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm5, "xmm5")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm6, "xmm6")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm7, "xmm7")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm8, "xmm8")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm9, "xmm9")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm10, "xmm10")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm11, "xmm11")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm12, "xmm12")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm13, "xmm13")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm14, "xmm14")
+REGDEF(DISX86::REGA::regaXmm15, "xmm15")
+#undef REGDEF
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/runtimedetails.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/runtimedetails.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4677299e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/runtimedetails.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// RuntimeDetails.h - the collection of runtime includes that we need to access.
+#ifndef _RuntimeDetails
+#define _RuntimeDetails
+//Our little collection of enough of the CLR data to get the JIT up and working...
+#if !defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) && !defined(_TARGET_X86_) && !defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) && !defined(_TARGET_ARM_)
+#if defined(_M_X64)
+#define _TARGET_AMD64_ 1
+#elif defined(_M_IX86)
+#define _TARGET_X86_ 1
+#endif // _TARGET_* not previously defined
+#define __EXCEPTION_RECORD_CLR //trick out clrntexception.h to not include another exception record....
+#include <mscoree.h>
+#include <corjit.h>
+#include <utilcode.h>
+///Turn back on direct access to a few OS level things...
+#undef HeapCreate
+#undef HeapAlloc
+#undef HeapFree
+#undef HeapDestroy
+#undef TlsAlloc
+#undef TlsGetValue
+#undef TlsSetValue
+//Jit Exports
+typedef ICorJitCompiler* (__stdcall *PgetJit)();
+typedef void (__stdcall *PjitStartup)(ICorJitHost* host);
+typedef void (__stdcall *PsxsJitStartup)(CoreClrCallbacks const & cccallbacks);
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/simpletimer.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/simpletimer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9c76339bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/simpletimer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "logging.h"
+#include "simpletimer.h"
+ start.QuadPart = 0;
+ stop.QuadPart = 0;
+ BOOL retVal = ::QueryPerformanceFrequency(&proc_freq);
+ if(retVal == FALSE)
+ {
+ LogDebug("SimpleTimer::SimpleTimer unable to QPF. error was 0x%08x", ::GetLastError());
+ ::__debugbreak();
+ }
+void SimpleTimer::Start()
+ BOOL retVal = ::QueryPerformanceCounter(&start);
+ if(retVal == FALSE)
+ {
+ LogDebug("SimpleTimer::Start unable to QPC. error was 0x%08x", ::GetLastError());
+ ::__debugbreak();
+ }
+void SimpleTimer::Stop()
+ BOOL retVal = ::QueryPerformanceCounter(&stop);
+ if(retVal == FALSE)
+ {
+ LogDebug("SimpleTimer::Stop unable to QPC. error was 0x%08x", ::GetLastError());
+ ::__debugbreak();
+ }
+double SimpleTimer::GetMilliseconds()
+ return GetSeconds()*1000.0;
+double SimpleTimer::GetSeconds()
+ return ((stop.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / (double)proc_freq.QuadPart);
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/simpletimer.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/simpletimer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5edd7c65e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/simpletimer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#ifndef _SimpleTimer
+#define _SimpleTimer
+class SimpleTimer
+ SimpleTimer();
+ ~SimpleTimer();
+ void Start();
+ void Stop();
+ double GetMilliseconds();
+ double GetSeconds();
+ LARGE_INTEGER proc_freq;
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/spmiutil.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/spmiutil.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e99e6f4ae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/spmiutil.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// SPMIUtil.cpp - General utility functions
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "logging.h"
+#include "spmiutil.h"
+bool breakOnDebugBreakorAV = false;
+void DebugBreakorAV(int val)
+ if (IsDebuggerPresent())
+ {
+ if (val == 0)
+ __debugbreak();
+ if (breakOnDebugBreakorAV)
+ __debugbreak();
+ }
+ int exception_code = EXCEPTIONCODE_DebugBreakorAV + val;
+ // assert((EXCEPTIONCODE_DebugBreakorAV <= exception_code) && (exception_code < EXCEPTIONCODE_DebugBreakorAV_MAX))
+ LogException(exception_code, "DebugBreak or AV Exception %d", val);
+char* GetEnvironmentVariableWithDefaultA(const char* envVarName, const char* defaultValue)
+ char* retString = nullptr;
+ // Figure out how much space we need to allocate
+ DWORD dwRetVal = ::GetEnvironmentVariableA(envVarName, nullptr, 0);
+ if (dwRetVal != 0)
+ {
+ retString = new char[dwRetVal];
+ dwRetVal = ::GetEnvironmentVariableA(envVarName, retString, dwRetVal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (defaultValue != nullptr)
+ {
+ dwRetVal = (DWORD)strlen(defaultValue) + 1; // add one for null terminator
+ retString = new char[dwRetVal];
+ memcpy_s(retString, dwRetVal, defaultValue, dwRetVal);
+ }
+ }
+ return retString;
+WCHAR* GetEnvironmentVariableWithDefaultW(const WCHAR* envVarName, const WCHAR* defaultValue)
+ WCHAR* retString = nullptr;
+ // Figure out how much space we need to allocate
+ DWORD dwRetVal = ::GetEnvironmentVariableW(envVarName, nullptr, 0);
+ if (dwRetVal != 0)
+ {
+ retString = new WCHAR[dwRetVal];
+ dwRetVal = ::GetEnvironmentVariableW(envVarName, retString, dwRetVal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (defaultValue != nullptr)
+ {
+ dwRetVal = (DWORD)wcslen(defaultValue) + 1; // add one for null terminator
+ retString = new WCHAR[dwRetVal];
+ memcpy_s(retString, dwRetVal * sizeof(WCHAR), defaultValue, dwRetVal * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ }
+ }
+ return retString;
+// For some reason, the PAL doesn't have GetCommandLineA(). So write it.
+LPSTR GetCommandLineA()
+ LPSTR pCmdLine = nullptr;
+ LPWSTR pwCmdLine = GetCommandLineW();
+ if (pwCmdLine != nullptr)
+ {
+ // Convert to ASCII
+ int n = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwCmdLine, -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
+ if (n == 0)
+ {
+ LogError("MultiByteToWideChar failed %d", GetLastError());
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ pCmdLine = new char[n];
+ int n2 = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwCmdLine, -1, pCmdLine, n, nullptr, nullptr);
+ if ((n2 == 0) || (n2 != n))
+ {
+ LogError("MultiByteToWideChar failed %d", GetLastError());
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ return pCmdLine;
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/spmiutil.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/spmiutil.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c8db3948a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/spmiutil.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// SPMIUtil.h - General utility functions
+#ifndef _SPMIUtil
+#define _SPMIUtil
+#include "methodcontext.h"
+extern bool breakOnDebugBreakorAV;
+extern void DebugBreakorAV(int val); //Global(ish) error handler
+extern char* GetEnvironmentVariableWithDefaultA(const char* envVarName, const char* defaultValue = nullptr);
+extern WCHAR* GetEnvironmentVariableWithDefaultW(const WCHAR* envVarName, const WCHAR* defaultValue = nullptr);
+extern LPSTR GetCommandLineA();
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL
+#endif // !_SPMIUtil
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/standardpch.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/standardpch.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b61444351e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/standardpch.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// Don't touch this file: it's just here to create a precompiled header...
+#include "standardpch.h"
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/standardpch.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/standardpch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4164244085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/standardpch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// The point of a PCH file is to never reparse files that never change.
+// Only include files here that will almost NEVER change. Headers for the project
+// itself are probably inappropriate, because if you change them, the entire
+// project will require a recompile. Generally just put SDK style stuff here...
+#ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#endif // WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <windows.h>
+// There are a few features that reference Microsoft internal resources. We can't build these
+// in the open source version.
+#define USE_MSVCDIS
+// Disable CoreDisTools until coredistools.dll is statically-linked to the CRT, or until it is delayload linked.
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // The compiler encountered a deprecated declaration.
+// On Windows, we build against PAL macros that convert to Windows SEH. But we don't want all the
+// Contract stuff that normally gets pulled it. Defining JIT_BUILD prevents this, just as it does
+// when building the JIT using parts of utilcode.
+#define JIT_BUILD
+// Defining this prevents:
+// error C2338 : / RTCc rejects conformant code, so it isn't supported by the C++ Standard Library.
+// Either remove this compiler option, or define _ALLOW_RTCc_IN_STL to acknowledge that you have received this warning.
+#ifndef _ALLOW_RTCc_IN_STL
+#define _ALLOW_RTCc_IN_STL
+#define MSC_ONLY(x) x
+#else // !_MSC_VER
+#define MSC_ONLY(x)
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+#define _CRT_RAND_S
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <wchar.h>
+#include <tchar.h>
+#include <specstrings.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+// Getting STL to work with PAL is difficult, so reimplement STL functionality to not require it.
+#include "clr_std/string"
+#include "clr_std/algorithm"
+#else // !FEATURE_PAL
+#ifndef USE_STL
+#define USE_STL
+#endif // USE_STL
+#include <string>
+#include <algorithm>
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+#define DISLIB
+#include "..\external\msvcdis\inc\msvcdis.h"
+#include "..\external\msvcdis\inc\disx86.h"
+#include "..\external\msvcdis\inc\disarm64.h"
+#endif // USE_MSVCDIS
+#ifndef W
+#define W(str) u##str
+#define W(str) L##str
+#endif // PLATFORM_UNIX
+#endif // !W
+#else // !FEATURE_PAL
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/tocfile.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/tocfile.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c91ca89c93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/tocfile.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// TOCFile.cpp - Abstraction for reading a TOC file
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "tocfile.h"
+#include "logging.h"
+// Tries to load a Table of Contents
+void TOCFile::LoadToc(const char *inputFileName, bool validate)
+ {
+ LogError("Failed to open file '%s'. GetLastError()=%u", inputFileName, GetLastError());
+ return;
+ }
+ // Now read the index file
+ LARGE_INTEGER val; // I'm abusing LARGE_INTEGER here...
+ DWORD read;
+ if (!ReadFile(hIndex, &val, sizeof(val), &read, nullptr) ||
+ (val.u.LowPart != *(DWORD *)("INDX")))
+ {
+ CloseHandle(hIndex);
+ LogWarning("The index file %s is invalid: it seems to be missing the starting sentinel/length", inputFileName);
+ return;
+ }
+ this->m_tocCount = val.u.HighPart;
+ this->m_tocArray = new TOCElement[this->m_tocCount];
+ // Read the whole array
+ if (!ReadFile(hIndex, &this->m_tocArray[0], (DWORD)(this->m_tocCount * sizeof(TOCElement)), &read, nullptr) ||
+ (read != (DWORD)(this->m_tocCount * sizeof(TOCElement))))
+ {
+ CloseHandle(hIndex);
+ this->Clear();
+ LogWarning("The index file %s is invalid: it appears to be truncated.", inputFileName);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get the last 4 byte token (more abuse of LARGE_INTEGER)
+ if (!ReadFile(hIndex, &val.u.HighPart, sizeof(DWORD), &read, nullptr) ||
+ (read != sizeof(DWORD)) ||
+ (val.u.LowPart != val.u.HighPart))
+ {
+ CloseHandle(hIndex);
+ this->Clear();
+ LogWarning("The index file %s is invalid: it appears to be missing the ending sentinel.", inputFileName);
+ return;
+ }
+ CloseHandle(hIndex);
+ if (validate)
+ {
+ int lastNum = -1;
+ // Quickly validate that the index is sorted
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < this->m_tocCount; i++)
+ {
+ int nextNum = this->m_tocArray[i].Number;
+ if (nextNum <= lastNum)
+ {
+ // It wasn't sorted: abort
+ this->Clear();
+ LogWarning("The index file %s is invalid: it is not sorted.", inputFileName);
+ return;
+ }
+ lastNum = nextNum;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/tocfile.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/tocfile.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0e7bde146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/tocfile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// TOCFile.h - Abstraction for reading a TOC file
+#ifndef _TOCFile
+#define _TOCFile
+#include "methodcontext.h"
+class TOCElement
+ __int64 Offset;
+ int Number;
+ char Hash[MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ TOCElement()
+ {
+ }
+ TOCElement(int number, __int64 offset)
+ : Offset(offset)
+ , Number(number)
+ {
+ }
+class TOCFile
+ TOCElement* m_tocArray;
+ size_t m_tocCount;
+ TOCFile()
+ : m_tocArray(nullptr)
+ , m_tocCount(0)
+ {
+ }
+ ~TOCFile()
+ {
+ Clear();
+ }
+ void Clear()
+ {
+ delete[] m_tocArray;
+ m_tocArray = nullptr;
+ m_tocCount = 0;
+ }
+ void LoadToc(const char *inputFileName, bool validate = true);
+ size_t GetTocCount()
+ {
+ return m_tocCount;
+ }
+ const TOCElement* GetElementPtr(size_t i)
+ {
+ if (i >= m_tocCount)
+ {
+ // error!
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return &m_tocArray[i];
+ }
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/typeutils.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/typeutils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b2eee6b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/typeutils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// TypeUtils.cpp - Utility code for working with managed types
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "typeutils.h"
+#include "errorhandling.h"
+// Returns a string representation of the given CorInfoType. The naming scheme is based on JITtype2varType
+// in src/jit/ee_il_dll.hpp.
+const char *TypeUtils::GetCorInfoTypeName(CorInfoType type)
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ return "void";
+ return "bool";
+ return "char";
+ return "byte";
+ return "ubyte";
+ return "short";
+ return "ushort";
+ return "int";
+ return "uint";
+ return "long";
+ return "ulong";
+ return "float";
+ return "double";
+ return "byref";
+ return "struct";
+ return "ref";
+ // Emulates the JIT's concept of TYP_I_IMPL
+#if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) // TODO: should be _TARGET_64BIT_
+ return "long";
+ return "int";
+ // The JIT just treats this as a TYP_I_IMPL because this isn't a GC root,
+ // but we don't care about GC-ness: we care about pointer-sized.
+ return "ptr";
+ default:
+ LogException(EXCEPTIONCODE_TYPEUTILS, "Unknown type passed into GetCorInfoTypeName (0x%x)", type);
+ return "UNKNOWN";
+ }
+bool TypeUtils::IsFloatingPoint(CorInfoType type)
+ return (type == CORINFO_TYPE_FLOAT || type == CORINFO_TYPE_DOUBLE);
+bool TypeUtils::IsPointer(CorInfoType type)
+ return (type == CORINFO_TYPE_STRING || type == CORINFO_TYPE_PTR ||
+bool TypeUtils::IsValueClass(CorInfoType type)
+// Determines if a value class, represented by the given class handle, is required to be passed
+// by reference (i.e. it cannot be stuffed as-is into a register or stack slot).
+bool TypeUtils::ValueClassRequiresByref(MethodContext *mc, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd)
+#if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_)
+ size_t size = mc->repGetClassSize(clsHnd);
+ return ((size > sizeof(void *)) || ((size & (size - 1)) != 0));
+ LogException(EXCEPTIONCODE_TYPEUTILS, "unsupported architecture", "");
+ return false;
+// Returns the size of the given CorInfoType. If there is no applicable size (e.g. CORINFO_TYPE_VOID,
+// CORINFO_TYPE_UNDEF), this throws an exception and returns -1. Taken largely from the MSDN documentation
+// for managed sizeof.
+size_t TypeUtils::SizeOfCorInfoType(CorInfoType type)
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ return sizeof(BYTE);
+ case CORINFO_TYPE_CHAR: // 2 bytes for Unicode
+ return sizeof(WORD);
+ return sizeof(DWORD);
+ return sizeof(DWORDLONG);
+ return sizeof(void *);
+ // This should be obtained via repGetClassSize
+ "SizeOfCorInfoType does not support value types; use repGetClassSize instead (type: 0x%x)",
+ type);
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ LogException(EXCEPTIONCODE_TYPEUTILS, "Unsupported type (0x%x) passed into SizeOfCorInfoType", type);
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/typeutils.h b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/typeutils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31cb478020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/typeutils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// TypeUtils.h - Utility code for working with managed types
+#ifndef _TypeUtils
+#define _TypeUtils
+#include "methodcontext.h"
+class TypeUtils
+ static const char *GetCorInfoTypeName(CorInfoType type);
+ static bool IsFloatingPoint(CorInfoType type);
+ static bool IsPointer(CorInfoType type);
+ static bool IsValueClass(CorInfoType type);
+ static bool ValueClassRequiresByref(MethodContext *mc, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd);
+ static size_t SizeOfCorInfoType(CorInfoType type);
+#endif \ No newline at end of file