path: root/src/ToolBox/SOS/lldbplugin/services.h
diff options
authorJiyoung Yun <>2016-11-23 19:09:09 +0900
committerJiyoung Yun <>2016-11-23 19:09:09 +0900
commit4b4aad7217d3292650e77eec2cf4c198ea9c3b4b (patch)
tree98110734c91668dfdbb126fcc0e15ddbd93738ca /src/ToolBox/SOS/lldbplugin/services.h
parentfa45f57ed55137c75ac870356a1b8f76c84b229c (diff)
Imported Upstream version 1.1.0upstream/1.1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ToolBox/SOS/lldbplugin/services.h')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/SOS/lldbplugin/services.h b/src/ToolBox/SOS/lldbplugin/services.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c384c9076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/SOS/lldbplugin/services.h
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#include <cstdarg>
+class LLDBServices : public ILLDBServices
+ LONG m_ref;
+ lldb::SBDebugger &m_debugger;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &m_returnObject;
+ lldb::SBProcess *m_currentProcess;
+ lldb::SBThread *m_currentThread;
+ void OutputString(ULONG mask, PCSTR str);
+ ULONG64 GetModuleBase(lldb::SBTarget& target, lldb::SBModule& module);
+ DWORD_PTR GetExpression(lldb::SBFrame& frame, lldb::SBError& error, PCSTR exp);
+ void GetContextFromFrame(lldb::SBFrame& frame, DT_CONTEXT *dtcontext);
+ DWORD_PTR GetRegister(lldb::SBFrame& frame, const char *name);
+ lldb::SBProcess GetCurrentProcess();
+ lldb::SBThread GetCurrentThread();
+ lldb::SBFrame GetCurrentFrame();
+ LLDBServices(lldb::SBDebugger &debugger, lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &returnObject, lldb::SBProcess *process = nullptr, lldb::SBThread *thread = nullptr);
+ ~LLDBServices();
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // IUnknown
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HRESULT QueryInterface(
+ REFIID InterfaceId,
+ PVOID* Interface);
+ ULONG AddRef();
+ ULONG Release();
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ILLDBServices
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PCSTR GetCoreClrDirectory();
+ DWORD_PTR GetExpression(
+ PCSTR exp);
+ HRESULT VirtualUnwind(
+ DWORD threadID,
+ ULONG32 contextSize,
+ PBYTE context);
+ HRESULT SetExceptionCallback(
+ HRESULT ClearExceptionCallback();
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // IDebugControl2
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HRESULT GetInterrupt();
+ HRESULT Output(
+ ULONG mask,
+ PCSTR format,
+ ...);
+ HRESULT OutputVaList(
+ ULONG mask,
+ PCSTR format,
+ va_list args);
+ HRESULT ControlledOutput(
+ ULONG outputControl,
+ ULONG mask,
+ PCSTR format,
+ ...);
+ HRESULT ControlledOutputVaList(
+ ULONG outputControl,
+ ULONG mask,
+ PCSTR format,
+ va_list args);
+ HRESULT GetDebuggeeType(
+ PULONG debugClass,
+ PULONG qualifier);
+ HRESULT GetPageSize(
+ PULONG size);
+ HRESULT GetExecutingProcessorType(
+ PULONG type);
+ HRESULT Execute(
+ ULONG outputControl,
+ PCSTR command,
+ ULONG flags);
+ HRESULT GetLastEventInformation(
+ PULONG type,
+ PULONG processId,
+ PULONG threadId,
+ PVOID extraInformation,
+ ULONG extraInformationSize,
+ PULONG extraInformationUsed,
+ PSTR description,
+ ULONG descriptionSize,
+ PULONG descriptionUsed);
+ HRESULT Disassemble(
+ ULONG64 offset,
+ ULONG flags,
+ PSTR buffer,
+ ULONG bufferSize,
+ PULONG disassemblySize,
+ PULONG64 endOffset);
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // IDebugControl4
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ GetContextStackTrace(
+ PVOID startContext,
+ ULONG startContextSize,
+ ULONG framesSize,
+ PVOID frameContexts,
+ ULONG frameContextsSize,
+ ULONG frameContextsEntrySize,
+ PULONG framesFilled);
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // IDebugDataSpaces
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HRESULT ReadVirtual(
+ ULONG64 offset,
+ PVOID buffer,
+ ULONG bufferSize,
+ PULONG bytesRead);
+ HRESULT WriteVirtual(
+ ULONG64 offset,
+ PVOID buffer,
+ ULONG bufferSize,
+ PULONG bytesWritten);
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // IDebugSymbols
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HRESULT GetSymbolOptions(
+ PULONG options);
+ HRESULT GetNameByOffset(
+ ULONG64 offset,
+ PSTR nameBuffer,
+ ULONG nameBufferSize,
+ PULONG nameSize,
+ PULONG64 displacement);
+ HRESULT GetNumberModules(
+ PULONG loaded,
+ PULONG unloaded);
+ HRESULT GetModuleByIndex(
+ ULONG index,
+ PULONG64 base);
+ HRESULT GetModuleByModuleName(
+ PCSTR name,
+ ULONG startIndex,
+ PULONG index,
+ PULONG64 base);
+ HRESULT GetModuleByOffset(
+ ULONG64 offset,
+ ULONG startIndex,
+ PULONG index,
+ PULONG64 base);
+ HRESULT GetModuleNames(
+ ULONG index,
+ ULONG64 base,
+ PSTR imageNameBuffer,
+ ULONG imageNameBufferSize,
+ PULONG imageNameSize,
+ PSTR moduleNameBuffer,
+ ULONG moduleNameBufferSize,
+ PULONG moduleNameSize,
+ PSTR loadedImageNameBuffer,
+ ULONG loadedImageNameBufferSize,
+ PULONG loadedImageNameSize);
+ HRESULT GetLineByOffset(
+ ULONG64 offset,
+ PULONG line,
+ PSTR fileBuffer,
+ ULONG fileBufferSize,
+ PULONG fileSize,
+ PULONG64 displacement);
+ HRESULT GetSourceFileLineOffsets(
+ PCSTR file,
+ PULONG64 buffer,
+ ULONG bufferLines,
+ PULONG fileLines);
+ HRESULT FindSourceFile(
+ ULONG startElement,
+ PCSTR file,
+ ULONG flags,
+ PULONG foundElement,
+ PSTR buffer,
+ ULONG bufferSize,
+ PULONG foundSize);
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // IDebugSystemObjects
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HRESULT GetCurrentProcessId(
+ PULONG id);
+ HRESULT GetCurrentThreadId(
+ PULONG id);
+ HRESULT SetCurrentThreadId(
+ ULONG id);
+ HRESULT GetCurrentThreadSystemId(
+ PULONG sysId);
+ HRESULT GetThreadIdBySystemId(
+ ULONG sysId,
+ PULONG threadId);
+ HRESULT GetThreadContextById(
+ ULONG32 threadID,
+ ULONG32 contextFlags,
+ ULONG32 contextSize,
+ PBYTE context);
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // IDebugRegisters
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HRESULT GetValueByName(
+ PCSTR name,
+ PDWORD_PTR debugValue);
+ HRESULT GetInstructionOffset(
+ PULONG64 offset);
+ HRESULT GetStackOffset(
+ PULONG64 offset);
+ HRESULT GetFrameOffset(
+ PULONG64 offset);
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // LLDBServices (internal)
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PCSTR GetModuleDirectory(
+ PCSTR name);