path: root/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen
diff options
authorJiyoung Yun <>2016-11-23 19:09:09 +0900
committerJiyoung Yun <>2016-11-23 19:09:09 +0900
commit4b4aad7217d3292650e77eec2cf4c198ea9c3b4b (patch)
tree98110734c91668dfdbb126fcc0e15ddbd93738ca /src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen
parentfa45f57ed55137c75ac870356a1b8f76c84b229c (diff)
Imported Upstream version 1.1.0upstream/1.1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen')
7 files changed, 4080 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/.gitmirror b/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/.gitmirror
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f507630f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/.gitmirror
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Only contents of this folder, excluding subfolders, will be mirrored by the Git-TFS Mirror. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/CMakeLists.txt b/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01ee51f7a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ cvconst.cs
+ diautil.cs
+ main.cs
+ MapSymbolProvider.cs
+# Cmake does not support csharp sources so add custom command
+add_custom_target(dactablegen ALL
+ COMMAND csc.exe /t:exe /platform:anycpu /r:System.dll /r:$<TARGET_FILE:dialib_dll> /out:${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dactablegen.exe ${DACTABLEGEN_SOURCES}
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy $<TARGET_FILE:dialib_dll> $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:dactablegen_exe>
+# In order to use dactablegen as an executable target it needs to be imported.
+# Target is used in dll/mscoree/coreclr/cmakelists.txt
+add_executable(dactablegen_exe IMPORTED GLOBAL)
+set_property(TARGET dactablegen_exe PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dactablegen.exe) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/DacTableGen.csproj b/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/DacTableGen.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..064780e326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/DacTableGen.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="" ToolsVersion="dogfood">
+ <!--*****************************************************-->
+ <!--This MSBuild project file was automatically generated-->
+ <!--from the original SOURCES/DIRS file by the KBC tool.-->
+ <!--*****************************************************-->
+ <!--Import the settings-->
+ <Import Project="$(_NTDRIVE)$(_NTROOT)\ndp\clr\clr.props" />
+ <!--Leaf project Properties-->
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <AssemblyName>DacTableGen</AssemblyName>
+ <OutputType>EXE</OutputType>
+ <DefineConstants>VERBOSE;DEBUG</DefineConstants>
+ <!--
+ # We define /platform:x86 because
+ # 1) this is a build tool, only used in building
+ # 2) In all the places we check this tool into the build system, we
+ # make sure to run it under the WOW if built on an AMD64 machine.
+ #
+ # Checking in /platform:x86 will prevent bugs that occur when this DLL
+ # needs to be updated in the build tools directory, but the person
+ # forgot to rebuild with that flag (happened several times).
+ -->
+ <PlatformTarget>x86</PlatformTarget>
+ <AssemblyAttributeClsCompliant>false</AssemblyAttributeClsCompliant>
+ <SignAssemblyAttribute>false</SignAssemblyAttribute>
+ <!--
+ # We don't want a generated embedded manifest, because we use an explicit
+ # .manifest file in tools\devdiv\x86 to do reg-free COM activation of
+ # msdia80.dll
+ -->
+ <NoWin32Manifest>true</NoWin32Manifest>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <!--Leaf Project Items-->
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <Compile Include="cvconst.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="diautil.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="mapsymbolprovider.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="main.cs" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <ProjectReference Include="$(ClrSrcDirectory)toolbox\sos\diasdk\diasdk.nativeproj" />
+ <Reference Include="DiaLib">
+ <HintPath>$(ClrIntraLibPath)\DiaLib.dll</HintPath>
+ </Reference>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <Reference Include="System">
+ <HintPath>$(NDP_FXRefPath)\System.dll</HintPath>
+ </Reference>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <!--Import the targets-->
+ <Import Project="$(_NTDRIVE)$(_NTROOT)\ndp\clr\clr.targets" />
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/MapSymbolProvider.cs b/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/MapSymbolProvider.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..018ed9fa89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/MapSymbolProvider.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Globalization;
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************************/
+public class MapSymbolProvider : SymbolProvider
+ public MapSymbolProvider(String symbolFilename) {
+ mf = new MapFile(symbolFilename);
+ }
+ public override UInt32 GetGlobalRVA(String symbolName,
+ SymType symType) {
+ return GetRVA(symbolName);
+ }
+ public override UInt32 GetVTableRVA(String symbolName,
+ String keyBaseName) {
+ if (keyBaseName != null) {
+ return GetRVA(symbolName + "__" + keyBaseName);
+ } else {
+ return GetRVA(symbolName);
+ }
+ }
+ UInt32 GetRVA(String symbolName) {
+ SymbolInfo si = mf.FindSymbol(symbolName);
+ if (si == null) {
+ // Ideally this would throw an exception and
+ // cause the whole process to fail but
+ // currently it's too complicated to get
+ // all the ifdef'ing right for all the
+ // mix of debug/checked/free multiplied by
+ // x86/AMD64/IA64/etc.
+ return UInt32.MaxValue;
+ }
+ return mf.GetRVA(si);
+ }
+ MapFile mf = null;
+public class SymbolInfo
+ public SymbolInfo(int Segment, UInt32 Address)
+ {
+ m_Segment = Segment;
+ m_Address = Address;
+ m_dupFound = false;
+ }
+ public int Segment
+ {
+ get
+ { return m_Segment; }
+ }
+ public UInt32 Address
+ {
+ get
+ { return m_Address; }
+ }
+ public bool dupFound
+ {
+ get
+ { return m_dupFound; }
+ set
+ { m_dupFound = value; }
+ }
+ int m_Segment; // The segment index. (Used only in Windows MAP file.)
+ UInt32 m_Address;
+ bool m_dupFound; // Have we found a duplicated entry for this key?
+public class MapFile
+ const String Reg_ExWhiteSpaces = @"\s+";
+ //
+ // These are regular expression strings for Windows MAP file.
+ //
+ const String Reg_MapAddress = @"^ (?<addrPart1>[0-9a-f]{4}):(?<addrPart2>[0-9a-f]{8})";
+ enum WindowsSymbolTypes {
+ ModuleNameClassNameFieldName,
+ ClassNameFieldName,
+ GlobalVarName,
+ GlobalVarName2,
+ GlobalVarName3,
+ SingleVtAddr,
+ MultiVtAddr,
+ };
+ readonly String[] RegExps_WindowsMapfile = {
+ // ModuleNameClassNameFieldName
+ // Example: ?ephemeral_heap_segment@gc_heap@WKS@@
+ Reg_MapAddress +
+ Reg_ExWhiteSpaces +
+ @"\?(?<fieldName>[^\?@]+)@(?<className>[^\?@]+)@(?<moduleName>[^\?@]+)@@",
+ // ClassNameFieldName
+ // Example: ?m_RangeTree@ExecutionManager@@
+ Reg_MapAddress +
+ Reg_ExWhiteSpaces +
+ @"\?(?<fieldName>[^\?@]+)@(?<className>[^\?@]+)@@",
+ // GlobalVarName
+ // Example: ?g_pNotificationTable@@
+ // (or) ?JIT_LMul@@
+ Reg_MapAddress +
+ Reg_ExWhiteSpaces +
+ @"\?(?<globalVarName>[^\?@]+)@@",
+ // GlobalVarName2
+ // Example: @JIT_WriteBarrier@
+ // (or) _JIT_FltRem@
+ // (or) _JIT_Dbl2Lng@
+ // (or) _JIT_LLsh@
+ Reg_MapAddress +
+ Reg_ExWhiteSpaces +
+ @"[@_](?<globalVarName>[^\?@]+)@",
+ // GlobalVarName3
+ // Example: _g_card_table 795e53a4
+ Reg_MapAddress +
+ Reg_ExWhiteSpaces +
+ @"_(?<globalVarName>[^\s@]+)" +
+ Reg_ExWhiteSpaces +
+ @"[0-9a-f]{8}",
+ // Single-inheritance VtAddr
+ // Example: ??_7Thread@@6B@
+ Reg_MapAddress +
+ Reg_ExWhiteSpaces +
+ @"\?\?_7(?<FunctionName>[^\?@]+)@@6B@",
+ // Multiple-inheritance VtAddr
+ // Example: ??_7CompilationDomain@@6BAppDomain@@@
+ Reg_MapAddress +
+ Reg_ExWhiteSpaces +
+ @"\?\?_7(?<FunctionName>[^\?@]+)@@6B(?<BaseName>[^@]+)@@@"
+ };
+ const String Reg_Length = @"(?<length>[0-9a-f]{8})H";
+ const String Reg_SegmentInfo = Reg_MapAddress + " " + Reg_Length;
+ //
+ // These are regular expression strings for Unix NM file.
+ //
+ const String Reg_NmAddress = @"^(?<address>[0-9a-f]{8})";
+ const String Reg_TypeChar = @"[a-zA-Z]";
+ enum UnixSymbolTypes {
+ CxxFieldName,
+ CxxFunctionName,
+ CGlobal,
+ VtAddr,
+ };
+ // Rather than try and encode a particular C++ mangling format here, we rely on the nm output
+ // having been unmanagled through the c++filt tool.
+ readonly String[] RegExps_UnixNmfile = {
+ // C++ field name
+ // Examples:
+ // d WKS::gc_heap::ephemeral_heap_segment
+ // d WKS::GCHeap::hEventFinalizer
+ // s ExecutionManager::m_CodeRangeList
+ // d ExecutionManager::m_dwReaderCount
+ Reg_NmAddress +
+ " " +
+ Reg_TypeChar +
+ " " +
+ @"(?<symName>\w+(::\w+)+)$",
+ // C++ function/method name
+ // Note: may have duplicates due to overloading by argument types
+ // Examples:
+ // t JIT_LMulOvf(int, int, int, long long, long long)
+ // t ThreadpoolMgr::AsyncCallbackCompletion(void*)
+ //
+ // Counter-examples we don't want to include:
+ // b JIT_NewFast(int, int, CORINFO_CLASS_STRUCT_*)::__haveCheckedRestoreState
+ //
+ Reg_NmAddress +
+ " " +
+ Reg_TypeChar +
+ " " +
+ @"(?<symName>\w+(::\w+)*)\(.*\)$",
+ // C global variable / function name
+ // Examples:
+ // s _g_pNotificationTable
+ // t _JIT_LLsh
+ Reg_NmAddress +
+ " " +
+ Reg_TypeChar +
+ " " +
+ @"_(?<symName>\w+)$",
+ // VtAddr
+ // Examples:
+ // s vtable for Thread
+ //
+ // Note that at the moment we don't have any multiple-inheritance vtables that we need
+ // on UNIX (CompilationDomain is the only one which is only present on FEATURE_PREJIT).
+ // It looks like classes with multiple inheritance only list a single vtable in nm output
+ // (eg. RegMeta).
+ // We also don't support nested classes here because there is currently no syntax for them
+ // for daccess.i.
+ //
+ Reg_NmAddress +
+ " " +
+ Reg_TypeChar +
+ " " +
+ @"vtable for (?<symName>\w+)$",
+ };
+ public UInt32 GetRVA(SymbolInfo si)
+ {
+ UInt32 addr = si.Address;
+ if (bIsWindowsMapfile)
+ {
+ addr += (UInt32)SegmentBase[si.Segment];
+ }
+ return addr;
+ }
+ public MapFile(String symdumpFile)
+ {
+ m_symdumpFile = symdumpFile;
+ loadDataFromMapFile();
+ }
+ void ReadMapHeader(StreamReader strm)
+ {
+ Regex regExNmFile = new Regex("^[0-9a-f]{8} ");
+ Regex regEx = new Regex(Reg_SegmentInfo);
+ Regex regHeaderSection = new Regex(@"\s*Address\s*Publics by Value\s*Rva\+Base\s*Lib:Object", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
+ Regex regnonNMHeader = new Regex(@"\s*Start\s*Length\s*Name\s*Class", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
+ Match match = null;
+ UInt32 lastSegmentIndex = 0;
+ UInt32 segmentIndex;
+ UInt32 sectionStart = 0;
+ UInt32 sectionLength = 0;
+ String line;
+ bool bInSegmentDecl = false;
+ const UInt32 baseOfCode = 0x1000;
+ SegmentBase.Add((UInt32)baseOfCode);
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ line = strm.ReadLine();
+ if (bInSegmentDecl) {
+ if (regHeaderSection.IsMatch(line)) {
+ // Header section ends.
+ break;
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine("SegmentDecl: " + line);
+ match = regEx.Match(line);
+ if (match.Success) {
+ segmentIndex = UInt32.Parse(match.Groups["addrPart1"].ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
+ if (segmentIndex != lastSegmentIndex) {
+ // Enter the new segment. Record what we have.
+ // Note, SegmentBase[i] is built upon SegmentBase[i-1]
+ SegmentBase.Add((UInt32)SegmentBase[SegmentBase.Count-1] + (sectionStart + sectionLength + (UInt32)0xFFF) & (~((UInt32)0xFFF)));
+ lastSegmentIndex = segmentIndex;
+ }
+ sectionStart = UInt32.Parse(match.Groups["addrPart2"].ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
+ sectionLength = UInt32.Parse(match.Groups["length"].ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
+ }
+ if (line == null)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid MAP header format.");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!regnonNMHeader.IsMatch(line)) {
+ match = regExNmFile.Match(line);
+ if (match.Success) {
+ // It's a nm file format. There is no header for it.
+ break;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ bInSegmentDecl = true;
+ bIsWindowsMapfile = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bIsWindowsMapfile) {
+ //
+ // Only Windows map file has SegmentBase
+ //
+ for (int i=1 ; i<= lastSegmentIndex; i++) {
+ Console.WriteLine("SegmentBase[{0}] = {1:x8}", i, SegmentBase[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void loadDataFromMapFile()
+ {
+ StreamReader strm =
+ new StreamReader(m_symdumpFile, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII);
+ String line;
+ int i;
+ String[] RegExps;
+ // Read the head of the symbol dump file and
+ // determind the format of it.
+ ReadMapHeader(strm);
+ //
+ // Scan through the symbol dump file looking
+ // for the globals structure.
+ //
+ if (bIsWindowsMapfile) {
+ RegExps = RegExps_WindowsMapfile;
+ }
+ else {
+ RegExps = RegExps_UnixNmfile;
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine("It is a {0} file.", (bIsWindowsMapfile)?"Windows MAP":"Unix NM");
+ Regex[] RegExs = new Regex[RegExps.Length];
+ for (i = 0; i < RegExps.Length; i++) {
+ Console.WriteLine("RegEx[{0}]: {1}", i, RegExps[i]);
+ RegExs[i] = new Regex(RegExps[i]);
+ }
+ Match match = null;
+ SymbolInfo si;
+ String key;
+ int segment;
+ UInt32 address;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ line = strm.ReadLine();
+ if (line == null)
+ {
+ // No more to read.
+ break;
+ }
+ // Console.WriteLine(">{0}", line);
+ for (i = 0; i < RegExps.Length; i++) {
+ match = RegExs[i].Match(line);
+ if (match.Success) {
+ // Console.WriteLine(line);
+ segment = 0;
+ address = 0;
+ if (bIsWindowsMapfile) {
+ switch ((WindowsSymbolTypes)i) {
+ case WindowsSymbolTypes.ModuleNameClassNameFieldName:
+ key = match.Groups["moduleName"].ToString() + "::" + match.Groups["className"].ToString() + "::" + match.Groups["fieldName"];
+ segment = Int32.Parse(match.Groups["addrPart1"].ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
+ address = UInt32.Parse(match.Groups["addrPart2"].ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
+ break;
+ case WindowsSymbolTypes.ClassNameFieldName:
+ key = match.Groups["className"].ToString() + "::" + match.Groups["fieldName"];
+ segment = Int32.Parse(match.Groups["addrPart1"].ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
+ address = UInt32.Parse(match.Groups["addrPart2"].ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
+ break;
+ case WindowsSymbolTypes.GlobalVarName:
+ case WindowsSymbolTypes.GlobalVarName2:
+ case WindowsSymbolTypes.GlobalVarName3:
+ key = match.Groups["globalVarName"].ToString();
+ segment = Int32.Parse(match.Groups["addrPart1"].ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
+ address = UInt32.Parse(match.Groups["addrPart2"].ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
+ break;
+ case WindowsSymbolTypes.SingleVtAddr:
+ key = match.Groups["FunctionName"].ToString();
+ segment = Int32.Parse(match.Groups["addrPart1"].ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
+ address = UInt32.Parse(match.Groups["addrPart2"].ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
+ break;
+ case WindowsSymbolTypes.MultiVtAddr:
+ key = match.Groups["FunctionName"].ToString() +
+ "__" +
+ match.Groups["BaseName"].ToString();
+ segment = Int32.Parse(match.Groups["addrPart1"].ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
+ address = UInt32.Parse(match.Groups["addrPart2"].ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new ApplicationException("Unknown symbolType" + i);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We've got a UNIX nm file
+ // The full unmanaged symbol name is already included in the RegEx
+ // We could consider treating VTable's differently (a vt-specific key or different
+ // hash), but we want to be consistent with the windows map case here.
+ key = match.Groups["symName"].ToString();
+ address = UInt32.Parse(match.Groups["address"].ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
+ if (i == (int)UnixSymbolTypes.VtAddr)
+ {
+ // For VTables, what we really want is the vtAddr used at offset zero of objects.
+ // GCC has the vtAddr point to the 3rd slot of the VTable (in contrast to MSVC where
+ // the vtAddr points to the base of the VTable).
+ // Slot 0 appears to typically be NULL
+ // Slot 1 points to the run-time type info for the type
+ // Slot 2 is the first virtual method
+ // Fix up the symbol address here to match the value used in object headers.
+ // Note that we don't know a lot about the target here (eg. what platform it's
+ // running on), so it might be better to do this adjustment in DAC itself. But
+ // for now doing it here is simpler and more reliable (only one place to update
+ // to make it consistent).
+ address += 2 * 4; // assumes 32-bit
+ }
+ }
+ si = (SymbolInfo)SymbolHash[key];
+ if (si != null)
+ {
+ // Some duplicates are expected (eg. functions with overloads), but we should never
+ // actually care about the address of such symbols. Record that this is a dup
+ // so that we can warn/fail if we try to use it.
+ si.dupFound = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ si = new SymbolInfo(segment, address);
+ // Console.WriteLine("{0:x8} {1}", si.Segment, si.Address, key);
+ SymbolHash.Add(key, si);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ strm.Close();
+ }
+ public SymbolInfo FindSymbol(String key)
+ {
+ SymbolInfo si = (SymbolInfo)SymbolHash[key];
+ if (si != null)
+ {
+ if (si.dupFound)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Warning: Symbol " + key + " has duplicated entry in the symbol dump file.");
+ }
+ }
+ return si;
+ }
+ bool bIsWindowsMapfile = false;
+ String m_symdumpFile;
+ Hashtable SymbolHash = new Hashtable();
+ ArrayList SegmentBase = new ArrayList();
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/cvconst.cs b/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/cvconst.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fee66f0b5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/cvconst.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,2037 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// cvconst.h - codeview constant definitions
+// Enumeration for function call type
+namespace Dia
+public enum NameSearchOptions
+ nsNone = 0,
+ nsfCaseSensitive = 0x1, // apply a case sensitive match
+ nsfCaseInsensitive = 0x2, // apply a case insensitive match
+ nsfFNameExt = 0x4, // treat names as paths and apply a filename.ext match
+ nsfRegularExpression = 0x8, // regular expression
+ nsfUndecoratedName = 0x10, // applies only to symbols that have both undecorated and decorated names
+ // predefined names for backward source compatibility
+ nsCaseSensitive = nsfCaseSensitive, // apply a case sensitive match
+ nsCaseInsensitive = nsfCaseInsensitive, // apply a case insensitive match
+ nsFNameExt = nsfCaseInsensitive | nsfFNameExt, // treat names as paths and apply a filename.ext match
+ nsRegularExpression = nsfRegularExpression | nsfCaseSensitive, // regular expression (using only '*' and '?')
+ nsCaseInRegularExpression = nsfRegularExpression | nsfCaseInsensitive, // case insensitive regular expression
+// the following are error HRESULTS returned by an IDiaDataSource they
+// are based on the FACILITY_VISUALCPP (0x6d) defined in delayimp.h
+public enum E_PDB
+ E_PDB_OK= unchecked((int)(((long)(1)<<31) | ((long)(((long)0x6d))<<16) | ((long)(1)))),
+ E_PDB_OUT_OF_MEMORY , // not used, use E_OUTOFMEMORY
+ E_PDB_V1_PDB ,
+ E_PDB_TI16 ,
+// Errors in finding dynamically loaded dlls or functions.
+public enum DIA_E
+public enum CV_call_e {
+ CV_CALL_NEAR_C = 0x00, // near right to left push, caller pops stack
+ CV_CALL_FAR_C = 0x01, // far right to left push, caller pops stack
+ CV_CALL_NEAR_PASCAL = 0x02, // near left to right push, callee pops stack
+ CV_CALL_FAR_PASCAL = 0x03, // far left to right push, callee pops stack
+ CV_CALL_NEAR_FAST = 0x04, // near left to right push with regs, callee pops stack
+ CV_CALL_FAR_FAST = 0x05, // far left to right push with regs, callee pops stack
+ CV_CALL_SKIPPED = 0x06, // skipped (unused) call index
+ CV_CALL_NEAR_STD = 0x07, // near standard call
+ CV_CALL_FAR_STD = 0x08, // far standard call
+ CV_CALL_NEAR_SYS = 0x09, // near sys call
+ CV_CALL_FAR_SYS = 0x0a, // far sys call
+ CV_CALL_THISCALL = 0x0b, // this call (this passed in register)
+ CV_CALL_MIPSCALL = 0x0c, // Mips call
+ CV_CALL_GENERIC = 0x0d, // Generic call sequence
+ CV_CALL_ALPHACALL = 0x0e, // Alpha call
+ CV_CALL_PPCCALL = 0x0f, // PPC call
+ CV_CALL_SHCALL = 0x10, // Hitachi SuperH call
+ CV_CALL_ARMCALL = 0x11, // ARM call
+ CV_CALL_AM33CALL = 0x12, // AM33 call
+ CV_CALL_TRICALL = 0x13, // TriCore Call
+ CV_CALL_SH5CALL = 0x14, // Hitachi SuperH-5 call
+ CV_CALL_M32RCALL = 0x15, // M32R Call
+ CV_CALL_RESERVED = 0x16 // first unused call enumeration
+// Values for the access protection of class attributes
+public enum CV_access_e {
+ CV_private = 1,
+ CV_protected = 2,
+ CV_public = 3
+public enum THUNK_ORDINAL {
+ THUNK_ORDINAL_NOTYPE, // standard thunk
+ THUNK_ORDINAL_ADJUSTOR, // "this" adjustor thunk
+ THUNK_ORDINAL_VCALL, // virtual call thunk
+ THUNK_ORDINAL_PCODE, // pcode thunk
+ THUNK_ORDINAL_LOAD, // thunk which loads the address to jump to
+ // via unknown means...
+ // trampoline thunk ordinals - only for use in Trampoline thunk symbols
+public enum CV_SourceChksum_t {
+ CHKSUM_TYPE_NONE = 0, // indicates no checksum is available
+// DIA enums
+public enum LocationType
+ LocIsNull,
+ LocIsStatic,
+ LocIsTLS,
+ LocIsRegRel,
+ LocIsThisRel,
+ LocIsEnregistered,
+ LocIsBitField,
+ LocIsSlot,
+ LocIsIlRel,
+ LocInMetaData,
+ LocIsConstant,
+ LocTypeMax
+public enum DataKind
+ DataIsUnknown,
+ DataIsLocal,
+ DataIsStaticLocal,
+ DataIsParam,
+ DataIsObjectPtr,
+ DataIsFileStatic,
+ DataIsGlobal,
+ DataIsMember,
+ DataIsStaticMember,
+ DataIsConstant
+public enum UdtKind
+ UdtStruct,
+ UdtClass,
+ UdtUnion
+public enum BasicType
+ btNoType = 0,
+ btVoid = 1,
+ btChar = 2,
+ btWChar = 3,
+ btInt = 6,
+ btUInt = 7,
+ btFloat = 8,
+ btBCD = 9,
+ btBool = 10,
+ btLong = 13,
+ btULong = 14,
+ btCurrency = 25,
+ btDate = 26,
+ btVariant = 27,
+ btComplex = 28,
+ btBit = 29,
+ btBSTR = 30,
+ btHresult = 31
+// enum describing the compile flag source language
+public enum CV_CFL_LANG {
+ CV_CFL_C = 0x00,
+ CV_CFL_CXX = 0x01,
+ CV_CFL_FORTRAN = 0x02,
+ CV_CFL_MASM = 0x03,
+ CV_CFL_PASCAL = 0x04,
+ CV_CFL_BASIC = 0x05,
+ CV_CFL_COBOL = 0x06,
+ CV_CFL_LINK = 0x07,
+ CV_CFL_CVTRES = 0x08,
+ CV_CFL_CVTPGD = 0x09,
+// enum describing target processor
+public enum CV_CPU_TYPE_e {
+ CV_CFL_8080 = 0x00,
+ CV_CFL_8086 = 0x01,
+ CV_CFL_80286 = 0x02,
+ CV_CFL_80386 = 0x03,
+ CV_CFL_80486 = 0x04,
+ CV_CFL_PENTIUM = 0x05,
+ CV_CFL_MIPS = 0x10,
+ CV_CFL_MIPSR4000 = CV_CFL_MIPS, // don't break current code
+ CV_CFL_MIPS16 = 0x11,
+ CV_CFL_MIPS32 = 0x12,
+ CV_CFL_MIPS64 = 0x13,
+ CV_CFL_MIPSI = 0x14,
+ CV_CFL_MIPSII = 0x15,
+ CV_CFL_MIPSIII = 0x16,
+ CV_CFL_MIPSIV = 0x17,
+ CV_CFL_MIPSV = 0x18,
+ CV_CFL_M68000 = 0x20,
+ CV_CFL_M68010 = 0x21,
+ CV_CFL_M68020 = 0x22,
+ CV_CFL_M68030 = 0x23,
+ CV_CFL_M68040 = 0x24,
+ CV_CFL_ALPHA = 0x30,
+ CV_CFL_ALPHA_21064 = 0x30,
+ CV_CFL_ALPHA_21164 = 0x31,
+ CV_CFL_ALPHA_21164A = 0x32,
+ CV_CFL_ALPHA_21264 = 0x33,
+ CV_CFL_ALPHA_21364 = 0x34,
+ CV_CFL_PPC601 = 0x40,
+ CV_CFL_PPC603 = 0x41,
+ CV_CFL_PPC604 = 0x42,
+ CV_CFL_PPC620 = 0x43,
+ CV_CFL_PPCFP = 0x44,
+ CV_CFL_SH3 = 0x50,
+ CV_CFL_SH3E = 0x51,
+ CV_CFL_SH3DSP = 0x52,
+ CV_CFL_SH4 = 0x53,
+ CV_CFL_SHMEDIA = 0x54,
+ CV_CFL_ARM3 = 0x60,
+ CV_CFL_ARM4 = 0x61,
+ CV_CFL_ARM4T = 0x62,
+ CV_CFL_ARM5 = 0x63,
+ CV_CFL_ARM5T = 0x64,
+ CV_CFL_OMNI = 0x70,
+ CV_CFL_IA64 = 0x80,
+ CV_CFL_IA64_1 = 0x80,
+ CV_CFL_IA64_2 = 0x81,
+ CV_CFL_CEE = 0x90,
+ CV_CFL_AM33 = 0xA0,
+ CV_CFL_M32R = 0xB0,
+ CV_CFL_EBC = 0xE0,
+ CV_CFL_THUMB = 0xF0,
+public enum CV_HREG_e {
+ // Register subset shared by all processor types,
+ // must not overlap with any of the ranges below, hence the high values
+ CV_ALLREG_ERR = 30000,
+ CV_ALLREG_TEB = 30001,
+ CV_ALLREG_TIMER = 30002,
+ CV_ALLREG_EFAD1 = 30003,
+ CV_ALLREG_EFAD2 = 30004,
+ CV_ALLREG_EFAD3 = 30005,
+ // Register set for the Intel 80x86 and ix86 processor series
+ // (plus PCODE registers)
+ CV_REG_NONE = 0,
+ CV_REG_AL = 1,
+ CV_REG_CL = 2,
+ CV_REG_DL = 3,
+ CV_REG_BL = 4,
+ CV_REG_AH = 5,
+ CV_REG_CH = 6,
+ CV_REG_DH = 7,
+ CV_REG_BH = 8,
+ CV_REG_AX = 9,
+ CV_REG_CX = 10,
+ CV_REG_DX = 11,
+ CV_REG_BX = 12,
+ CV_REG_SP = 13,
+ CV_REG_BP = 14,
+ CV_REG_SI = 15,
+ CV_REG_DI = 16,
+ CV_REG_EAX = 17,
+ CV_REG_ECX = 18,
+ CV_REG_EDX = 19,
+ CV_REG_EBX = 20,
+ CV_REG_ESP = 21,
+ CV_REG_EBP = 22,
+ CV_REG_ESI = 23,
+ CV_REG_EDI = 24,
+ CV_REG_ES = 25,
+ CV_REG_CS = 26,
+ CV_REG_SS = 27,
+ CV_REG_DS = 28,
+ CV_REG_FS = 29,
+ CV_REG_GS = 30,
+ CV_REG_IP = 31,
+ CV_REG_FLAGS = 32,
+ CV_REG_EIP = 33,
+ CV_REG_TEMP = 40, // PCODE Temp
+ CV_REG_TEMPH = 41, // PCODE TempH
+ CV_REG_QUOTE = 42, // PCODE Quote
+ CV_REG_PCDR3 = 43, // PCODE reserved
+ CV_REG_PCDR4 = 44, // PCODE reserved
+ CV_REG_PCDR5 = 45, // PCODE reserved
+ CV_REG_PCDR6 = 46, // PCODE reserved
+ CV_REG_PCDR7 = 47, // PCODE reserved
+ CV_REG_CR0 = 80, // CR0 -- control registers
+ CV_REG_CR1 = 81,
+ CV_REG_CR2 = 82,
+ CV_REG_CR3 = 83,
+ CV_REG_CR4 = 84, // Pentium
+ CV_REG_DR0 = 90, // Debug register
+ CV_REG_DR1 = 91,
+ CV_REG_DR2 = 92,
+ CV_REG_DR3 = 93,
+ CV_REG_DR4 = 94,
+ CV_REG_DR5 = 95,
+ CV_REG_DR6 = 96,
+ CV_REG_DR7 = 97,
+ CV_REG_GDTR = 110,
+ CV_REG_GDTL = 111,
+ CV_REG_IDTR = 112,
+ CV_REG_IDTL = 113,
+ CV_REG_LDTR = 114,
+ CV_REG_TR = 115,
+ CV_REG_PSEUDO1 = 116,
+ CV_REG_PSEUDO2 = 117,
+ CV_REG_PSEUDO3 = 118,
+ CV_REG_PSEUDO4 = 119,
+ CV_REG_PSEUDO5 = 120,
+ CV_REG_PSEUDO6 = 121,
+ CV_REG_PSEUDO7 = 122,
+ CV_REG_PSEUDO8 = 123,
+ CV_REG_PSEUDO9 = 124,
+ CV_REG_ST0 = 128,
+ CV_REG_ST1 = 129,
+ CV_REG_ST2 = 130,
+ CV_REG_ST3 = 131,
+ CV_REG_ST4 = 132,
+ CV_REG_ST5 = 133,
+ CV_REG_ST6 = 134,
+ CV_REG_ST7 = 135,
+ CV_REG_CTRL = 136,
+ CV_REG_STAT = 137,
+ CV_REG_TAG = 138,
+ CV_REG_FPIP = 139,
+ CV_REG_FPCS = 140,
+ CV_REG_FPDO = 141,
+ CV_REG_FPDS = 142,
+ CV_REG_ISEM = 143,
+ CV_REG_FPEIP = 144,
+ CV_REG_FPEDO = 145,
+ CV_REG_MM0 = 146,
+ CV_REG_MM1 = 147,
+ CV_REG_MM2 = 148,
+ CV_REG_MM3 = 149,
+ CV_REG_MM4 = 150,
+ CV_REG_MM5 = 151,
+ CV_REG_MM6 = 152,
+ CV_REG_MM7 = 153,
+ CV_REG_XMM0 = 154, // KATMAI registers
+ CV_REG_XMM1 = 155,
+ CV_REG_XMM2 = 156,
+ CV_REG_XMM3 = 157,
+ CV_REG_XMM4 = 158,
+ CV_REG_XMM5 = 159,
+ CV_REG_XMM6 = 160,
+ CV_REG_XMM7 = 161,
+ CV_REG_XMM00 = 162, // KATMAI sub-registers
+ CV_REG_XMM01 = 163,
+ CV_REG_XMM02 = 164,
+ CV_REG_XMM03 = 165,
+ CV_REG_XMM10 = 166,
+ CV_REG_XMM11 = 167,
+ CV_REG_XMM12 = 168,
+ CV_REG_XMM13 = 169,
+ CV_REG_XMM20 = 170,
+ CV_REG_XMM21 = 171,
+ CV_REG_XMM22 = 172,
+ CV_REG_XMM23 = 173,
+ CV_REG_XMM30 = 174,
+ CV_REG_XMM31 = 175,
+ CV_REG_XMM32 = 176,
+ CV_REG_XMM33 = 177,
+ CV_REG_XMM40 = 178,
+ CV_REG_XMM41 = 179,
+ CV_REG_XMM42 = 180,
+ CV_REG_XMM43 = 181,
+ CV_REG_XMM50 = 182,
+ CV_REG_XMM51 = 183,
+ CV_REG_XMM52 = 184,
+ CV_REG_XMM53 = 185,
+ CV_REG_XMM60 = 186,
+ CV_REG_XMM61 = 187,
+ CV_REG_XMM62 = 188,
+ CV_REG_XMM63 = 189,
+ CV_REG_XMM70 = 190,
+ CV_REG_XMM71 = 191,
+ CV_REG_XMM72 = 192,
+ CV_REG_XMM73 = 193,
+ CV_REG_XMM0L = 194,
+ CV_REG_XMM1L = 195,
+ CV_REG_XMM2L = 196,
+ CV_REG_XMM3L = 197,
+ CV_REG_XMM4L = 198,
+ CV_REG_XMM5L = 199,
+ CV_REG_XMM6L = 200,
+ CV_REG_XMM7L = 201,
+ CV_REG_XMM0H = 202,
+ CV_REG_XMM1H = 203,
+ CV_REG_XMM2H = 204,
+ CV_REG_XMM3H = 205,
+ CV_REG_XMM4H = 206,
+ CV_REG_XMM5H = 207,
+ CV_REG_XMM6H = 208,
+ CV_REG_XMM7H = 209,
+ CV_REG_MXCSR = 211, // XMM status register
+ CV_REG_EDXEAX = 212, // EDX:EAX pair
+ CV_REG_EMM0L = 220, // XMM sub-registers (WNI integer)
+ CV_REG_EMM1L = 221,
+ CV_REG_EMM2L = 222,
+ CV_REG_EMM3L = 223,
+ CV_REG_EMM4L = 224,
+ CV_REG_EMM5L = 225,
+ CV_REG_EMM6L = 226,
+ CV_REG_EMM7L = 227,
+ CV_REG_EMM0H = 228,
+ CV_REG_EMM1H = 229,
+ CV_REG_EMM2H = 230,
+ CV_REG_EMM3H = 231,
+ CV_REG_EMM4H = 232,
+ CV_REG_EMM5H = 233,
+ CV_REG_EMM6H = 234,
+ CV_REG_EMM7H = 235,
+ // do not change the order of these regs, first one must be even too
+ CV_REG_MM00 = 236,
+ CV_REG_MM01 = 237,
+ CV_REG_MM10 = 238,
+ CV_REG_MM11 = 239,
+ CV_REG_MM20 = 240,
+ CV_REG_MM21 = 241,
+ CV_REG_MM30 = 242,
+ CV_REG_MM31 = 243,
+ CV_REG_MM40 = 244,
+ CV_REG_MM41 = 245,
+ CV_REG_MM50 = 246,
+ CV_REG_MM51 = 247,
+ CV_REG_MM60 = 248,
+ CV_REG_MM61 = 249,
+ CV_REG_MM70 = 250,
+ CV_REG_MM71 = 251,
+ // registers for the 68K processors
+ CV_R68_D0 = 0,
+ CV_R68_D1 = 1,
+ CV_R68_D2 = 2,
+ CV_R68_D3 = 3,
+ CV_R68_D4 = 4,
+ CV_R68_D5 = 5,
+ CV_R68_D6 = 6,
+ CV_R68_D7 = 7,
+ CV_R68_A0 = 8,
+ CV_R68_A1 = 9,
+ CV_R68_A2 = 10,
+ CV_R68_A3 = 11,
+ CV_R68_A4 = 12,
+ CV_R68_A5 = 13,
+ CV_R68_A6 = 14,
+ CV_R68_A7 = 15,
+ CV_R68_CCR = 16,
+ CV_R68_SR = 17,
+ CV_R68_USP = 18,
+ CV_R68_MSP = 19,
+ CV_R68_SFC = 20,
+ CV_R68_DFC = 21,
+ CV_R68_CACR = 22,
+ CV_R68_VBR = 23,
+ CV_R68_CAAR = 24,
+ CV_R68_ISP = 25,
+ CV_R68_PC = 26,
+ //reserved 27
+ CV_R68_FPCR = 28,
+ CV_R68_FPSR = 29,
+ CV_R68_FPIAR = 30,
+ //reserved 31
+ CV_R68_FP0 = 32,
+ CV_R68_FP1 = 33,
+ CV_R68_FP2 = 34,
+ CV_R68_FP3 = 35,
+ CV_R68_FP4 = 36,
+ CV_R68_FP5 = 37,
+ CV_R68_FP6 = 38,
+ CV_R68_FP7 = 39,
+ //reserved 40
+ CV_R68_MMUSR030 = 41,
+ CV_R68_MMUSR = 42,
+ CV_R68_URP = 43,
+ CV_R68_DTT0 = 44,
+ CV_R68_DTT1 = 45,
+ CV_R68_ITT0 = 46,
+ CV_R68_ITT1 = 47,
+ //reserved 50
+ CV_R68_PSR = 51,
+ CV_R68_PCSR = 52,
+ CV_R68_VAL = 53,
+ CV_R68_CRP = 54,
+ CV_R68_SRP = 55,
+ CV_R68_DRP = 56,
+ CV_R68_TC = 57,
+ CV_R68_AC = 58,
+ CV_R68_SCC = 59,
+ CV_R68_CAL = 60,
+ CV_R68_TT0 = 61,
+ CV_R68_TT1 = 62,
+ //reserved 63
+ CV_R68_BAD0 = 64,
+ CV_R68_BAD1 = 65,
+ CV_R68_BAD2 = 66,
+ CV_R68_BAD3 = 67,
+ CV_R68_BAD4 = 68,
+ CV_R68_BAD5 = 69,
+ CV_R68_BAD6 = 70,
+ CV_R68_BAD7 = 71,
+ CV_R68_BAC0 = 72,
+ CV_R68_BAC1 = 73,
+ CV_R68_BAC2 = 74,
+ CV_R68_BAC3 = 75,
+ CV_R68_BAC4 = 76,
+ CV_R68_BAC5 = 77,
+ CV_R68_BAC6 = 78,
+ CV_R68_BAC7 = 79,
+ // Register set for the MIPS 4000
+ CV_M4_IntZERO = 10, /* CPU REGISTER */
+ CV_M4_IntAT = 11,
+ CV_M4_IntV0 = 12,
+ CV_M4_IntV1 = 13,
+ CV_M4_IntA0 = 14,
+ CV_M4_IntA1 = 15,
+ CV_M4_IntA2 = 16,
+ CV_M4_IntA3 = 17,
+ CV_M4_IntT0 = 18,
+ CV_M4_IntT1 = 19,
+ CV_M4_IntT2 = 20,
+ CV_M4_IntT3 = 21,
+ CV_M4_IntT4 = 22,
+ CV_M4_IntT5 = 23,
+ CV_M4_IntT6 = 24,
+ CV_M4_IntT7 = 25,
+ CV_M4_IntS0 = 26,
+ CV_M4_IntS1 = 27,
+ CV_M4_IntS2 = 28,
+ CV_M4_IntS3 = 29,
+ CV_M4_IntS4 = 30,
+ CV_M4_IntS5 = 31,
+ CV_M4_IntS6 = 32,
+ CV_M4_IntS7 = 33,
+ CV_M4_IntT8 = 34,
+ CV_M4_IntT9 = 35,
+ CV_M4_IntKT0 = 36,
+ CV_M4_IntKT1 = 37,
+ CV_M4_IntGP = 38,
+ CV_M4_IntSP = 39,
+ CV_M4_IntS8 = 40,
+ CV_M4_IntRA = 41,
+ CV_M4_IntLO = 42,
+ CV_M4_IntHI = 43,
+ CV_M4_Fir = 50,
+ CV_M4_Psr = 51,
+ CV_M4_FltF0 = 60, /* Floating point registers */
+ CV_M4_FltF1 = 61,
+ CV_M4_FltF2 = 62,
+ CV_M4_FltF3 = 63,
+ CV_M4_FltF4 = 64,
+ CV_M4_FltF5 = 65,
+ CV_M4_FltF6 = 66,
+ CV_M4_FltF7 = 67,
+ CV_M4_FltF8 = 68,
+ CV_M4_FltF9 = 69,
+ CV_M4_FltF10 = 70,
+ CV_M4_FltF11 = 71,
+ CV_M4_FltF12 = 72,
+ CV_M4_FltF13 = 73,
+ CV_M4_FltF14 = 74,
+ CV_M4_FltF15 = 75,
+ CV_M4_FltF16 = 76,
+ CV_M4_FltF17 = 77,
+ CV_M4_FltF18 = 78,
+ CV_M4_FltF19 = 79,
+ CV_M4_FltF20 = 80,
+ CV_M4_FltF21 = 81,
+ CV_M4_FltF22 = 82,
+ CV_M4_FltF23 = 83,
+ CV_M4_FltF24 = 84,
+ CV_M4_FltF25 = 85,
+ CV_M4_FltF26 = 86,
+ CV_M4_FltF27 = 87,
+ CV_M4_FltF28 = 88,
+ CV_M4_FltF29 = 89,
+ CV_M4_FltF30 = 90,
+ CV_M4_FltF31 = 91,
+ CV_M4_FltFsr = 92,
+ // Register set for the ALPHA AXP
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF0 = 10, // Floating point registers
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF1 = 11,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF2 = 12,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF3 = 13,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF4 = 14,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF5 = 15,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF6 = 16,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF7 = 17,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF8 = 18,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF9 = 19,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF10 = 20,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF11 = 21,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF12 = 22,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF13 = 23,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF14 = 24,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF15 = 25,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF16 = 26,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF17 = 27,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF18 = 28,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF19 = 29,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF20 = 30,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF21 = 31,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF22 = 32,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF23 = 33,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF24 = 34,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF25 = 35,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF26 = 36,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF27 = 37,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF28 = 38,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF29 = 39,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF30 = 40,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltF31 = 41,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntV0 = 42, // Integer registers
+ CV_ALPHA_IntT0 = 43,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntT1 = 44,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntT2 = 45,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntT3 = 46,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntT4 = 47,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntT5 = 48,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntT6 = 49,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntT7 = 50,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntS0 = 51,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntS1 = 52,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntS2 = 53,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntS3 = 54,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntS4 = 55,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntS5 = 56,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntFP = 57,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntA0 = 58,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntA1 = 59,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntA2 = 60,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntA3 = 61,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntA4 = 62,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntA5 = 63,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntT8 = 64,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntT9 = 65,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntT10 = 66,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntT11 = 67,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntRA = 68,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntT12 = 69,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntAT = 70,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntGP = 71,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntSP = 72,
+ CV_ALPHA_IntZERO = 73,
+ CV_ALPHA_Fpcr = 74, // Control registers
+ CV_ALPHA_Fir = 75,
+ CV_ALPHA_Psr = 76,
+ CV_ALPHA_FltFsr = 77,
+ CV_ALPHA_SoftFpcr = 78,
+ // Register Set for Motorola/IBM PowerPC
+ /*
+ ** PowerPC General Registers ( User Level )
+ */
+ CV_PPC_GPR0 = 1,
+ CV_PPC_GPR1 = 2,
+ CV_PPC_GPR2 = 3,
+ CV_PPC_GPR3 = 4,
+ CV_PPC_GPR4 = 5,
+ CV_PPC_GPR5 = 6,
+ CV_PPC_GPR6 = 7,
+ CV_PPC_GPR7 = 8,
+ CV_PPC_GPR8 = 9,
+ CV_PPC_GPR9 = 10,
+ CV_PPC_GPR10 = 11,
+ CV_PPC_GPR11 = 12,
+ CV_PPC_GPR12 = 13,
+ CV_PPC_GPR13 = 14,
+ CV_PPC_GPR14 = 15,
+ CV_PPC_GPR15 = 16,
+ CV_PPC_GPR16 = 17,
+ CV_PPC_GPR17 = 18,
+ CV_PPC_GPR18 = 19,
+ CV_PPC_GPR19 = 20,
+ CV_PPC_GPR20 = 21,
+ CV_PPC_GPR21 = 22,
+ CV_PPC_GPR22 = 23,
+ CV_PPC_GPR23 = 24,
+ CV_PPC_GPR24 = 25,
+ CV_PPC_GPR25 = 26,
+ CV_PPC_GPR26 = 27,
+ CV_PPC_GPR27 = 28,
+ CV_PPC_GPR28 = 29,
+ CV_PPC_GPR29 = 30,
+ CV_PPC_GPR30 = 31,
+ CV_PPC_GPR31 = 32,
+ /*
+ ** PowerPC Condition Register ( User Level )
+ */
+ CV_PPC_CR = 33,
+ CV_PPC_CR0 = 34,
+ CV_PPC_CR1 = 35,
+ CV_PPC_CR2 = 36,
+ CV_PPC_CR3 = 37,
+ CV_PPC_CR4 = 38,
+ CV_PPC_CR5 = 39,
+ CV_PPC_CR6 = 40,
+ CV_PPC_CR7 = 41,
+ /*
+ ** PowerPC Floating Point Registers ( User Level )
+ */
+ CV_PPC_FPR0 = 42,
+ CV_PPC_FPR1 = 43,
+ CV_PPC_FPR2 = 44,
+ CV_PPC_FPR3 = 45,
+ CV_PPC_FPR4 = 46,
+ CV_PPC_FPR5 = 47,
+ CV_PPC_FPR6 = 48,
+ CV_PPC_FPR7 = 49,
+ CV_PPC_FPR8 = 50,
+ CV_PPC_FPR9 = 51,
+ CV_PPC_FPR10 = 52,
+ CV_PPC_FPR11 = 53,
+ CV_PPC_FPR12 = 54,
+ CV_PPC_FPR13 = 55,
+ CV_PPC_FPR14 = 56,
+ CV_PPC_FPR15 = 57,
+ CV_PPC_FPR16 = 58,
+ CV_PPC_FPR17 = 59,
+ CV_PPC_FPR18 = 60,
+ CV_PPC_FPR19 = 61,
+ CV_PPC_FPR20 = 62,
+ CV_PPC_FPR21 = 63,
+ CV_PPC_FPR22 = 64,
+ CV_PPC_FPR23 = 65,
+ CV_PPC_FPR24 = 66,
+ CV_PPC_FPR25 = 67,
+ CV_PPC_FPR26 = 68,
+ CV_PPC_FPR27 = 69,
+ CV_PPC_FPR28 = 70,
+ CV_PPC_FPR29 = 71,
+ CV_PPC_FPR30 = 72,
+ CV_PPC_FPR31 = 73,
+ /*
+ ** PowerPC Floating Point Status and Control Register ( User Level )
+ */
+ CV_PPC_FPSCR = 74,
+ /*
+ ** PowerPC Machine State Register ( Supervisor Level )
+ */
+ CV_PPC_MSR = 75,
+ /*
+ ** PowerPC Segment Registers ( Supervisor Level )
+ */
+ CV_PPC_SR0 = 76,
+ CV_PPC_SR1 = 77,
+ CV_PPC_SR2 = 78,
+ CV_PPC_SR3 = 79,
+ CV_PPC_SR4 = 80,
+ CV_PPC_SR5 = 81,
+ CV_PPC_SR6 = 82,
+ CV_PPC_SR7 = 83,
+ CV_PPC_SR8 = 84,
+ CV_PPC_SR9 = 85,
+ CV_PPC_SR10 = 86,
+ CV_PPC_SR11 = 87,
+ CV_PPC_SR12 = 88,
+ CV_PPC_SR13 = 89,
+ CV_PPC_SR14 = 90,
+ CV_PPC_SR15 = 91,
+ /*
+ ** For all of the special purpose registers add 100 to the SPR# that the
+ ** Motorola/IBM documentation gives with the exception of any imaginary
+ ** registers.
+ */
+ /*
+ ** PowerPC Special Purpose Registers ( User Level )
+ */
+ CV_PPC_PC = 99, // PC (imaginary register)
+ CV_PPC_MQ = 100, // MPC601
+ CV_PPC_XER = 101,
+ CV_PPC_RTCU = 104, // MPC601
+ CV_PPC_RTCL = 105, // MPC601
+ CV_PPC_LR = 108,
+ CV_PPC_CTR = 109,
+ CV_PPC_COMPARE = 110, // part of XER (internal to the debugger only)
+ CV_PPC_COUNT = 111, // part of XER (internal to the debugger only)
+ /*
+ ** PowerPC Special Purpose Registers ( Supervisor Level )
+ */
+ CV_PPC_DSISR = 118,
+ CV_PPC_DAR = 119,
+ CV_PPC_DEC = 122,
+ CV_PPC_SDR1 = 125,
+ CV_PPC_SRR0 = 126,
+ CV_PPC_SRR1 = 127,
+ CV_PPC_SPRG0 = 372,
+ CV_PPC_SPRG1 = 373,
+ CV_PPC_SPRG2 = 374,
+ CV_PPC_SPRG3 = 375,
+ CV_PPC_ASR = 280, // 64-bit implementations only
+ CV_PPC_EAR = 382,
+ CV_PPC_PVR = 287,
+ CV_PPC_BAT0U = 628,
+ CV_PPC_BAT0L = 629,
+ CV_PPC_BAT1U = 630,
+ CV_PPC_BAT1L = 631,
+ CV_PPC_BAT2U = 632,
+ CV_PPC_BAT2L = 633,
+ CV_PPC_BAT3U = 634,
+ CV_PPC_BAT3L = 635,
+ CV_PPC_DBAT0U = 636,
+ CV_PPC_DBAT0L = 637,
+ CV_PPC_DBAT1U = 638,
+ CV_PPC_DBAT1L = 639,
+ CV_PPC_DBAT2U = 640,
+ CV_PPC_DBAT2L = 641,
+ CV_PPC_DBAT3U = 642,
+ CV_PPC_DBAT3L = 643,
+ /*
+ ** PowerPC Special Purpose Registers Implementation Dependent ( Supervisor Level )
+ */
+ /*
+ ** Doesn't appear that IBM/Motorola has finished defining these.
+ */
+ CV_PPC_PMR0 = 1044, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_PMR1 = 1045, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_PMR2 = 1046, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_PMR3 = 1047, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_PMR4 = 1048, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_PMR5 = 1049, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_PMR6 = 1050, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_PMR7 = 1051, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_PMR8 = 1052, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_PMR9 = 1053, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_PMR10 = 1054, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_PMR11 = 1055, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_PMR12 = 1056, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_PMR13 = 1057, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_PMR14 = 1058, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_PMR15 = 1059, // MPC620,
+ CV_PPC_DMISS = 1076, // MPC603
+ CV_PPC_DCMP = 1077, // MPC603
+ CV_PPC_HASH1 = 1078, // MPC603
+ CV_PPC_HASH2 = 1079, // MPC603
+ CV_PPC_IMISS = 1080, // MPC603
+ CV_PPC_ICMP = 1081, // MPC603
+ CV_PPC_RPA = 1082, // MPC603
+ CV_PPC_HID0 = 1108, // MPC601, MPC603, MPC620
+ CV_PPC_HID1 = 1109, // MPC601
+ CV_PPC_HID2 = 1110, // MPC601, MPC603, MPC620 ( IABR )
+ CV_PPC_HID3 = 1111, // Not Defined
+ CV_PPC_HID4 = 1112, // Not Defined
+ CV_PPC_HID5 = 1113, // MPC601, MPC604, MPC620 ( DABR )
+ CV_PPC_HID6 = 1114, // Not Defined
+ CV_PPC_HID7 = 1115, // Not Defined
+ CV_PPC_HID8 = 1116, // MPC620 ( BUSCSR )
+ CV_PPC_HID9 = 1117, // MPC620 ( L2CSR )
+ CV_PPC_HID10 = 1118, // Not Defined
+ CV_PPC_HID11 = 1119, // Not Defined
+ CV_PPC_HID12 = 1120, // Not Defined
+ CV_PPC_HID13 = 1121, // MPC604 ( HCR )
+ CV_PPC_HID14 = 1122, // Not Defined
+ CV_PPC_HID15 = 1123, // MPC601, MPC604, MPC620 ( PIR )
+ //
+ // JAVA VM registers
+ //
+ CV_JAVA_PC = 1,
+ //
+ // Register set for the Hitachi SH3
+ //
+ CV_SH3_IntR0 = 10, // CPU REGISTER
+ CV_SH3_IntR1 = 11,
+ CV_SH3_IntR2 = 12,
+ CV_SH3_IntR3 = 13,
+ CV_SH3_IntR4 = 14,
+ CV_SH3_IntR5 = 15,
+ CV_SH3_IntR6 = 16,
+ CV_SH3_IntR7 = 17,
+ CV_SH3_IntR8 = 18,
+ CV_SH3_IntR9 = 19,
+ CV_SH3_IntR10 = 20,
+ CV_SH3_IntR11 = 21,
+ CV_SH3_IntR12 = 22,
+ CV_SH3_IntR13 = 23,
+ CV_SH3_IntFp = 24,
+ CV_SH3_IntSp = 25,
+ CV_SH3_Gbr = 38,
+ CV_SH3_Pr = 39,
+ CV_SH3_Mach = 40,
+ CV_SH3_Macl = 41,
+ CV_SH3_Pc = 50,
+ CV_SH3_Sr = 51,
+ CV_SH3_BarA = 60,
+ CV_SH3_BasrA = 61,
+ CV_SH3_BamrA = 62,
+ CV_SH3_BbrA = 63,
+ CV_SH3_BarB = 64,
+ CV_SH3_BasrB = 65,
+ CV_SH3_BamrB = 66,
+ CV_SH3_BbrB = 67,
+ CV_SH3_BdrB = 68,
+ CV_SH3_BdmrB = 69,
+ CV_SH3_Brcr = 70,
+ //
+ // Additional registers for Hitachi SH processors
+ //
+ CV_SH_Fpscr = 75, // floating point status/control register
+ CV_SH_Fpul = 76, // floating point communication register
+ CV_SH_FpR0 = 80, // Floating point registers
+ CV_SH_FpR1 = 81,
+ CV_SH_FpR2 = 82,
+ CV_SH_FpR3 = 83,
+ CV_SH_FpR4 = 84,
+ CV_SH_FpR5 = 85,
+ CV_SH_FpR6 = 86,
+ CV_SH_FpR7 = 87,
+ CV_SH_FpR8 = 88,
+ CV_SH_FpR9 = 89,
+ CV_SH_FpR10 = 90,
+ CV_SH_FpR11 = 91,
+ CV_SH_FpR12 = 92,
+ CV_SH_FpR13 = 93,
+ CV_SH_FpR14 = 94,
+ CV_SH_FpR15 = 95,
+ CV_SH_XFpR0 = 96,
+ CV_SH_XFpR1 = 97,
+ CV_SH_XFpR2 = 98,
+ CV_SH_XFpR3 = 99,
+ CV_SH_XFpR4 = 100,
+ CV_SH_XFpR5 = 101,
+ CV_SH_XFpR6 = 102,
+ CV_SH_XFpR7 = 103,
+ CV_SH_XFpR8 = 104,
+ CV_SH_XFpR9 = 105,
+ CV_SH_XFpR10 = 106,
+ CV_SH_XFpR11 = 107,
+ CV_SH_XFpR12 = 108,
+ CV_SH_XFpR13 = 109,
+ CV_SH_XFpR14 = 110,
+ CV_SH_XFpR15 = 111,
+ //
+ // Register set for the ARM processor.
+ //
+ CV_ARM_R0 = 10,
+ CV_ARM_R1 = 11,
+ CV_ARM_R2 = 12,
+ CV_ARM_R3 = 13,
+ CV_ARM_R4 = 14,
+ CV_ARM_R5 = 15,
+ CV_ARM_R6 = 16,
+ CV_ARM_R7 = 17,
+ CV_ARM_R8 = 18,
+ CV_ARM_R9 = 19,
+ CV_ARM_R10 = 20,
+ CV_ARM_R11 = 21, // Frame pointer, if allocated
+ CV_ARM_R12 = 22,
+ CV_ARM_SP = 23, // Stack pointer
+ CV_ARM_LR = 24, // Link Register
+ CV_ARM_PC = 25, // Program counter
+ CV_ARM_CPSR = 26, // Current program status register
+ //
+ // Register set for Intel IA64
+ //
+ // Branch Registers
+ CV_IA64_Br0 = 512,
+ CV_IA64_Br1 = 513,
+ CV_IA64_Br2 = 514,
+ CV_IA64_Br3 = 515,
+ CV_IA64_Br4 = 516,
+ CV_IA64_Br5 = 517,
+ CV_IA64_Br6 = 518,
+ CV_IA64_Br7 = 519,
+ // Predicate Registers
+ CV_IA64_P0 = 704,
+ CV_IA64_P1 = 705,
+ CV_IA64_P2 = 706,
+ CV_IA64_P3 = 707,
+ CV_IA64_P4 = 708,
+ CV_IA64_P5 = 709,
+ CV_IA64_P6 = 710,
+ CV_IA64_P7 = 711,
+ CV_IA64_P8 = 712,
+ CV_IA64_P9 = 713,
+ CV_IA64_P10 = 714,
+ CV_IA64_P11 = 715,
+ CV_IA64_P12 = 716,
+ CV_IA64_P13 = 717,
+ CV_IA64_P14 = 718,
+ CV_IA64_P15 = 719,
+ CV_IA64_P16 = 720,
+ CV_IA64_P17 = 721,
+ CV_IA64_P18 = 722,
+ CV_IA64_P19 = 723,
+ CV_IA64_P20 = 724,
+ CV_IA64_P21 = 725,
+ CV_IA64_P22 = 726,
+ CV_IA64_P23 = 727,
+ CV_IA64_P24 = 728,
+ CV_IA64_P25 = 729,
+ CV_IA64_P26 = 730,
+ CV_IA64_P27 = 731,
+ CV_IA64_P28 = 732,
+ CV_IA64_P29 = 733,
+ CV_IA64_P30 = 734,
+ CV_IA64_P31 = 735,
+ CV_IA64_P32 = 736,
+ CV_IA64_P33 = 737,
+ CV_IA64_P34 = 738,
+ CV_IA64_P35 = 739,
+ CV_IA64_P36 = 740,
+ CV_IA64_P37 = 741,
+ CV_IA64_P38 = 742,
+ CV_IA64_P39 = 743,
+ CV_IA64_P40 = 744,
+ CV_IA64_P41 = 745,
+ CV_IA64_P42 = 746,
+ CV_IA64_P43 = 747,
+ CV_IA64_P44 = 748,
+ CV_IA64_P45 = 749,
+ CV_IA64_P46 = 750,
+ CV_IA64_P47 = 751,
+ CV_IA64_P48 = 752,
+ CV_IA64_P49 = 753,
+ CV_IA64_P50 = 754,
+ CV_IA64_P51 = 755,
+ CV_IA64_P52 = 756,
+ CV_IA64_P53 = 757,
+ CV_IA64_P54 = 758,
+ CV_IA64_P55 = 759,
+ CV_IA64_P56 = 760,
+ CV_IA64_P57 = 761,
+ CV_IA64_P58 = 762,
+ CV_IA64_P59 = 763,
+ CV_IA64_P60 = 764,
+ CV_IA64_P61 = 765,
+ CV_IA64_P62 = 766,
+ CV_IA64_P63 = 767,
+ CV_IA64_Preds = 768,
+ // Banked General Registers
+ CV_IA64_IntH0 = 832,
+ CV_IA64_IntH1 = 833,
+ CV_IA64_IntH2 = 834,
+ CV_IA64_IntH3 = 835,
+ CV_IA64_IntH4 = 836,
+ CV_IA64_IntH5 = 837,
+ CV_IA64_IntH6 = 838,
+ CV_IA64_IntH7 = 839,
+ CV_IA64_IntH8 = 840,
+ CV_IA64_IntH9 = 841,
+ CV_IA64_IntH10 = 842,
+ CV_IA64_IntH11 = 843,
+ CV_IA64_IntH12 = 844,
+ CV_IA64_IntH13 = 845,
+ CV_IA64_IntH14 = 846,
+ CV_IA64_IntH15 = 847,
+ // Special Registers
+ CV_IA64_Ip = 1016,
+ CV_IA64_Umask = 1017,
+ CV_IA64_Cfm = 1018,
+ CV_IA64_Psr = 1019,
+ // Banked General Registers
+ CV_IA64_Nats = 1020,
+ CV_IA64_Nats2 = 1021,
+ CV_IA64_Nats3 = 1022,
+ // General-Purpose Registers
+ // Integer registers
+ CV_IA64_IntR0 = 1024,
+ CV_IA64_IntR1 = 1025,
+ CV_IA64_IntR2 = 1026,
+ CV_IA64_IntR3 = 1027,
+ CV_IA64_IntR4 = 1028,
+ CV_IA64_IntR5 = 1029,
+ CV_IA64_IntR6 = 1030,
+ CV_IA64_IntR7 = 1031,
+ CV_IA64_IntR8 = 1032,
+ CV_IA64_IntR9 = 1033,
+ CV_IA64_IntR10 = 1034,
+ CV_IA64_IntR11 = 1035,
+ CV_IA64_IntR12 = 1036,
+ CV_IA64_IntR13 = 1037,
+ CV_IA64_IntR14 = 1038,
+ CV_IA64_IntR15 = 1039,
+ CV_IA64_IntR16 = 1040,
+ CV_IA64_IntR17 = 1041,
+ CV_IA64_IntR18 = 1042,
+ CV_IA64_IntR19 = 1043,
+ CV_IA64_IntR20 = 1044,
+ CV_IA64_IntR21 = 1045,
+ CV_IA64_IntR22 = 1046,
+ CV_IA64_IntR23 = 1047,
+ CV_IA64_IntR24 = 1048,
+ CV_IA64_IntR25 = 1049,
+ CV_IA64_IntR26 = 1050,
+ CV_IA64_IntR27 = 1051,
+ CV_IA64_IntR28 = 1052,
+ CV_IA64_IntR29 = 1053,
+ CV_IA64_IntR30 = 1054,
+ CV_IA64_IntR31 = 1055,
+ // Register Stack
+ CV_IA64_IntR32 = 1056,
+ CV_IA64_IntR33 = 1057,
+ CV_IA64_IntR34 = 1058,
+ CV_IA64_IntR35 = 1059,
+ CV_IA64_IntR36 = 1060,
+ CV_IA64_IntR37 = 1061,
+ CV_IA64_IntR38 = 1062,
+ CV_IA64_IntR39 = 1063,
+ CV_IA64_IntR40 = 1064,
+ CV_IA64_IntR41 = 1065,
+ CV_IA64_IntR42 = 1066,
+ CV_IA64_IntR43 = 1067,
+ CV_IA64_IntR44 = 1068,
+ CV_IA64_IntR45 = 1069,
+ CV_IA64_IntR46 = 1070,
+ CV_IA64_IntR47 = 1071,
+ CV_IA64_IntR48 = 1072,
+ CV_IA64_IntR49 = 1073,
+ CV_IA64_IntR50 = 1074,
+ CV_IA64_IntR51 = 1075,
+ CV_IA64_IntR52 = 1076,
+ CV_IA64_IntR53 = 1077,
+ CV_IA64_IntR54 = 1078,
+ CV_IA64_IntR55 = 1079,
+ CV_IA64_IntR56 = 1080,
+ CV_IA64_IntR57 = 1081,
+ CV_IA64_IntR58 = 1082,
+ CV_IA64_IntR59 = 1083,
+ CV_IA64_IntR60 = 1084,
+ CV_IA64_IntR61 = 1085,
+ CV_IA64_IntR62 = 1086,
+ CV_IA64_IntR63 = 1087,
+ CV_IA64_IntR64 = 1088,
+ CV_IA64_IntR65 = 1089,
+ CV_IA64_IntR66 = 1090,
+ CV_IA64_IntR67 = 1091,
+ CV_IA64_IntR68 = 1092,
+ CV_IA64_IntR69 = 1093,
+ CV_IA64_IntR70 = 1094,
+ CV_IA64_IntR71 = 1095,
+ CV_IA64_IntR72 = 1096,
+ CV_IA64_IntR73 = 1097,
+ CV_IA64_IntR74 = 1098,
+ CV_IA64_IntR75 = 1099,
+ CV_IA64_IntR76 = 1100,
+ CV_IA64_IntR77 = 1101,
+ CV_IA64_IntR78 = 1102,
+ CV_IA64_IntR79 = 1103,
+ CV_IA64_IntR80 = 1104,
+ CV_IA64_IntR81 = 1105,
+ CV_IA64_IntR82 = 1106,
+ CV_IA64_IntR83 = 1107,
+ CV_IA64_IntR84 = 1108,
+ CV_IA64_IntR85 = 1109,
+ CV_IA64_IntR86 = 1110,
+ CV_IA64_IntR87 = 1111,
+ CV_IA64_IntR88 = 1112,
+ CV_IA64_IntR89 = 1113,
+ CV_IA64_IntR90 = 1114,
+ CV_IA64_IntR91 = 1115,
+ CV_IA64_IntR92 = 1116,
+ CV_IA64_IntR93 = 1117,
+ CV_IA64_IntR94 = 1118,
+ CV_IA64_IntR95 = 1119,
+ CV_IA64_IntR96 = 1120,
+ CV_IA64_IntR97 = 1121,
+ CV_IA64_IntR98 = 1122,
+ CV_IA64_IntR99 = 1123,
+ CV_IA64_IntR100 = 1124,
+ CV_IA64_IntR101 = 1125,
+ CV_IA64_IntR102 = 1126,
+ CV_IA64_IntR103 = 1127,
+ CV_IA64_IntR104 = 1128,
+ CV_IA64_IntR105 = 1129,
+ CV_IA64_IntR106 = 1130,
+ CV_IA64_IntR107 = 1131,
+ CV_IA64_IntR108 = 1132,
+ CV_IA64_IntR109 = 1133,
+ CV_IA64_IntR110 = 1134,
+ CV_IA64_IntR111 = 1135,
+ CV_IA64_IntR112 = 1136,
+ CV_IA64_IntR113 = 1137,
+ CV_IA64_IntR114 = 1138,
+ CV_IA64_IntR115 = 1139,
+ CV_IA64_IntR116 = 1140,
+ CV_IA64_IntR117 = 1141,
+ CV_IA64_IntR118 = 1142,
+ CV_IA64_IntR119 = 1143,
+ CV_IA64_IntR120 = 1144,
+ CV_IA64_IntR121 = 1145,
+ CV_IA64_IntR122 = 1146,
+ CV_IA64_IntR123 = 1147,
+ CV_IA64_IntR124 = 1148,
+ CV_IA64_IntR125 = 1149,
+ CV_IA64_IntR126 = 1150,
+ CV_IA64_IntR127 = 1151,
+ // Floating-Point Registers
+ // Low Floating Point Registers
+ CV_IA64_FltF0 = 2048,
+ CV_IA64_FltF1 = 2049,
+ CV_IA64_FltF2 = 2050,
+ CV_IA64_FltF3 = 2051,
+ CV_IA64_FltF4 = 2052,
+ CV_IA64_FltF5 = 2053,
+ CV_IA64_FltF6 = 2054,
+ CV_IA64_FltF7 = 2055,
+ CV_IA64_FltF8 = 2056,
+ CV_IA64_FltF9 = 2057,
+ CV_IA64_FltF10 = 2058,
+ CV_IA64_FltF11 = 2059,
+ CV_IA64_FltF12 = 2060,
+ CV_IA64_FltF13 = 2061,
+ CV_IA64_FltF14 = 2062,
+ CV_IA64_FltF15 = 2063,
+ CV_IA64_FltF16 = 2064,
+ CV_IA64_FltF17 = 2065,
+ CV_IA64_FltF18 = 2066,
+ CV_IA64_FltF19 = 2067,
+ CV_IA64_FltF20 = 2068,
+ CV_IA64_FltF21 = 2069,
+ CV_IA64_FltF22 = 2070,
+ CV_IA64_FltF23 = 2071,
+ CV_IA64_FltF24 = 2072,
+ CV_IA64_FltF25 = 2073,
+ CV_IA64_FltF26 = 2074,
+ CV_IA64_FltF27 = 2075,
+ CV_IA64_FltF28 = 2076,
+ CV_IA64_FltF29 = 2077,
+ CV_IA64_FltF30 = 2078,
+ CV_IA64_FltF31 = 2079,
+ // High Floating Point Registers
+ CV_IA64_FltF32 = 2080,
+ CV_IA64_FltF33 = 2081,
+ CV_IA64_FltF34 = 2082,
+ CV_IA64_FltF35 = 2083,
+ CV_IA64_FltF36 = 2084,
+ CV_IA64_FltF37 = 2085,
+ CV_IA64_FltF38 = 2086,
+ CV_IA64_FltF39 = 2087,
+ CV_IA64_FltF40 = 2088,
+ CV_IA64_FltF41 = 2089,
+ CV_IA64_FltF42 = 2090,
+ CV_IA64_FltF43 = 2091,
+ CV_IA64_FltF44 = 2092,
+ CV_IA64_FltF45 = 2093,
+ CV_IA64_FltF46 = 2094,
+ CV_IA64_FltF47 = 2095,
+ CV_IA64_FltF48 = 2096,
+ CV_IA64_FltF49 = 2097,
+ CV_IA64_FltF50 = 2098,
+ CV_IA64_FltF51 = 2099,
+ CV_IA64_FltF52 = 2100,
+ CV_IA64_FltF53 = 2101,
+ CV_IA64_FltF54 = 2102,
+ CV_IA64_FltF55 = 2103,
+ CV_IA64_FltF56 = 2104,
+ CV_IA64_FltF57 = 2105,
+ CV_IA64_FltF58 = 2106,
+ CV_IA64_FltF59 = 2107,
+ CV_IA64_FltF60 = 2108,
+ CV_IA64_FltF61 = 2109,
+ CV_IA64_FltF62 = 2110,
+ CV_IA64_FltF63 = 2111,
+ CV_IA64_FltF64 = 2112,
+ CV_IA64_FltF65 = 2113,
+ CV_IA64_FltF66 = 2114,
+ CV_IA64_FltF67 = 2115,
+ CV_IA64_FltF68 = 2116,
+ CV_IA64_FltF69 = 2117,
+ CV_IA64_FltF70 = 2118,
+ CV_IA64_FltF71 = 2119,
+ CV_IA64_FltF72 = 2120,
+ CV_IA64_FltF73 = 2121,
+ CV_IA64_FltF74 = 2122,
+ CV_IA64_FltF75 = 2123,
+ CV_IA64_FltF76 = 2124,
+ CV_IA64_FltF77 = 2125,
+ CV_IA64_FltF78 = 2126,
+ CV_IA64_FltF79 = 2127,
+ CV_IA64_FltF80 = 2128,
+ CV_IA64_FltF81 = 2129,
+ CV_IA64_FltF82 = 2130,
+ CV_IA64_FltF83 = 2131,
+ CV_IA64_FltF84 = 2132,
+ CV_IA64_FltF85 = 2133,
+ CV_IA64_FltF86 = 2134,
+ CV_IA64_FltF87 = 2135,
+ CV_IA64_FltF88 = 2136,
+ CV_IA64_FltF89 = 2137,
+ CV_IA64_FltF90 = 2138,
+ CV_IA64_FltF91 = 2139,
+ CV_IA64_FltF92 = 2140,
+ CV_IA64_FltF93 = 2141,
+ CV_IA64_FltF94 = 2142,
+ CV_IA64_FltF95 = 2143,
+ CV_IA64_FltF96 = 2144,
+ CV_IA64_FltF97 = 2145,
+ CV_IA64_FltF98 = 2146,
+ CV_IA64_FltF99 = 2147,
+ CV_IA64_FltF100 = 2148,
+ CV_IA64_FltF101 = 2149,
+ CV_IA64_FltF102 = 2150,
+ CV_IA64_FltF103 = 2151,
+ CV_IA64_FltF104 = 2152,
+ CV_IA64_FltF105 = 2153,
+ CV_IA64_FltF106 = 2154,
+ CV_IA64_FltF107 = 2155,
+ CV_IA64_FltF108 = 2156,
+ CV_IA64_FltF109 = 2157,
+ CV_IA64_FltF110 = 2158,
+ CV_IA64_FltF111 = 2159,
+ CV_IA64_FltF112 = 2160,
+ CV_IA64_FltF113 = 2161,
+ CV_IA64_FltF114 = 2162,
+ CV_IA64_FltF115 = 2163,
+ CV_IA64_FltF116 = 2164,
+ CV_IA64_FltF117 = 2165,
+ CV_IA64_FltF118 = 2166,
+ CV_IA64_FltF119 = 2167,
+ CV_IA64_FltF120 = 2168,
+ CV_IA64_FltF121 = 2169,
+ CV_IA64_FltF122 = 2170,
+ CV_IA64_FltF123 = 2171,
+ CV_IA64_FltF124 = 2172,
+ CV_IA64_FltF125 = 2173,
+ CV_IA64_FltF126 = 2174,
+ CV_IA64_FltF127 = 2175,
+ // Application Registers
+ CV_IA64_ApKR0 = 3072,
+ CV_IA64_ApKR1 = 3073,
+ CV_IA64_ApKR2 = 3074,
+ CV_IA64_ApKR3 = 3075,
+ CV_IA64_ApKR4 = 3076,
+ CV_IA64_ApKR5 = 3077,
+ CV_IA64_ApKR6 = 3078,
+ CV_IA64_ApKR7 = 3079,
+ CV_IA64_AR8 = 3080,
+ CV_IA64_AR9 = 3081,
+ CV_IA64_AR10 = 3082,
+ CV_IA64_AR11 = 3083,
+ CV_IA64_AR12 = 3084,
+ CV_IA64_AR13 = 3085,
+ CV_IA64_AR14 = 3086,
+ CV_IA64_AR15 = 3087,
+ CV_IA64_RsRSC = 3088,
+ CV_IA64_RsBSP = 3089,
+ CV_IA64_RsBSPSTORE = 3090,
+ CV_IA64_RsRNAT = 3091,
+ CV_IA64_AR20 = 3092,
+ CV_IA64_StFCR = 3093,
+ CV_IA64_AR22 = 3094,
+ CV_IA64_AR23 = 3095,
+ CV_IA64_EFLAG = 3096,
+ CV_IA64_CSD = 3097,
+ CV_IA64_SSD = 3098,
+ CV_IA64_CFLG = 3099,
+ CV_IA64_StFSR = 3100,
+ CV_IA64_StFIR = 3101,
+ CV_IA64_StFDR = 3102,
+ CV_IA64_AR31 = 3103,
+ CV_IA64_ApCCV = 3104,
+ CV_IA64_AR33 = 3105,
+ CV_IA64_AR34 = 3106,
+ CV_IA64_AR35 = 3107,
+ CV_IA64_ApUNAT = 3108,
+ CV_IA64_AR37 = 3109,
+ CV_IA64_AR38 = 3110,
+ CV_IA64_AR39 = 3111,
+ CV_IA64_StFPSR = 3112,
+ CV_IA64_AR41 = 3113,
+ CV_IA64_AR42 = 3114,
+ CV_IA64_AR43 = 3115,
+ CV_IA64_ApITC = 3116,
+ CV_IA64_AR45 = 3117,
+ CV_IA64_AR46 = 3118,
+ CV_IA64_AR47 = 3119,
+ CV_IA64_AR48 = 3120,
+ CV_IA64_AR49 = 3121,
+ CV_IA64_AR50 = 3122,
+ CV_IA64_AR51 = 3123,
+ CV_IA64_AR52 = 3124,
+ CV_IA64_AR53 = 3125,
+ CV_IA64_AR54 = 3126,
+ CV_IA64_AR55 = 3127,
+ CV_IA64_AR56 = 3128,
+ CV_IA64_AR57 = 3129,
+ CV_IA64_AR58 = 3130,
+ CV_IA64_AR59 = 3131,
+ CV_IA64_AR60 = 3132,
+ CV_IA64_AR61 = 3133,
+ CV_IA64_AR62 = 3134,
+ CV_IA64_AR63 = 3135,
+ CV_IA64_RsPFS = 3136,
+ CV_IA64_ApLC = 3137,
+ CV_IA64_ApEC = 3138,
+ CV_IA64_AR67 = 3139,
+ CV_IA64_AR68 = 3140,
+ CV_IA64_AR69 = 3141,
+ CV_IA64_AR70 = 3142,
+ CV_IA64_AR71 = 3143,
+ CV_IA64_AR72 = 3144,
+ CV_IA64_AR73 = 3145,
+ CV_IA64_AR74 = 3146,
+ CV_IA64_AR75 = 3147,
+ CV_IA64_AR76 = 3148,
+ CV_IA64_AR77 = 3149,
+ CV_IA64_AR78 = 3150,
+ CV_IA64_AR79 = 3151,
+ CV_IA64_AR80 = 3152,
+ CV_IA64_AR81 = 3153,
+ CV_IA64_AR82 = 3154,
+ CV_IA64_AR83 = 3155,
+ CV_IA64_AR84 = 3156,
+ CV_IA64_AR85 = 3157,
+ CV_IA64_AR86 = 3158,
+ CV_IA64_AR87 = 3159,
+ CV_IA64_AR88 = 3160,
+ CV_IA64_AR89 = 3161,
+ CV_IA64_AR90 = 3162,
+ CV_IA64_AR91 = 3163,
+ CV_IA64_AR92 = 3164,
+ CV_IA64_AR93 = 3165,
+ CV_IA64_AR94 = 3166,
+ CV_IA64_AR95 = 3167,
+ CV_IA64_AR96 = 3168,
+ CV_IA64_AR97 = 3169,
+ CV_IA64_AR98 = 3170,
+ CV_IA64_AR99 = 3171,
+ CV_IA64_AR100 = 3172,
+ CV_IA64_AR101 = 3173,
+ CV_IA64_AR102 = 3174,
+ CV_IA64_AR103 = 3175,
+ CV_IA64_AR104 = 3176,
+ CV_IA64_AR105 = 3177,
+ CV_IA64_AR106 = 3178,
+ CV_IA64_AR107 = 3179,
+ CV_IA64_AR108 = 3180,
+ CV_IA64_AR109 = 3181,
+ CV_IA64_AR110 = 3182,
+ CV_IA64_AR111 = 3183,
+ CV_IA64_AR112 = 3184,
+ CV_IA64_AR113 = 3185,
+ CV_IA64_AR114 = 3186,
+ CV_IA64_AR115 = 3187,
+ CV_IA64_AR116 = 3188,
+ CV_IA64_AR117 = 3189,
+ CV_IA64_AR118 = 3190,
+ CV_IA64_AR119 = 3191,
+ CV_IA64_AR120 = 3192,
+ CV_IA64_AR121 = 3193,
+ CV_IA64_AR122 = 3194,
+ CV_IA64_AR123 = 3195,
+ CV_IA64_AR124 = 3196,
+ CV_IA64_AR125 = 3197,
+ CV_IA64_AR126 = 3198,
+ CV_IA64_AR127 = 3199,
+ // CPUID Registers
+ CV_IA64_CPUID0 = 3328,
+ CV_IA64_CPUID1 = 3329,
+ CV_IA64_CPUID2 = 3330,
+ CV_IA64_CPUID3 = 3331,
+ CV_IA64_CPUID4 = 3332,
+ // Control Registers
+ CV_IA64_ApDCR = 4096,
+ CV_IA64_ApITM = 4097,
+ CV_IA64_ApIVA = 4098,
+ CV_IA64_CR3 = 4099,
+ CV_IA64_CR4 = 4100,
+ CV_IA64_CR5 = 4101,
+ CV_IA64_CR6 = 4102,
+ CV_IA64_CR7 = 4103,
+ CV_IA64_ApPTA = 4104,
+ CV_IA64_ApGPTA = 4105,
+ CV_IA64_CR10 = 4106,
+ CV_IA64_CR11 = 4107,
+ CV_IA64_CR12 = 4108,
+ CV_IA64_CR13 = 4109,
+ CV_IA64_CR14 = 4110,
+ CV_IA64_CR15 = 4111,
+ CV_IA64_StIPSR = 4112,
+ CV_IA64_StISR = 4113,
+ CV_IA64_CR18 = 4114,
+ CV_IA64_StIIP = 4115,
+ CV_IA64_StIFA = 4116,
+ CV_IA64_StITIR = 4117,
+ CV_IA64_StIIPA = 4118,
+ CV_IA64_StIFS = 4119,
+ CV_IA64_StIIM = 4120,
+ CV_IA64_StIHA = 4121,
+ CV_IA64_CR26 = 4122,
+ CV_IA64_CR27 = 4123,
+ CV_IA64_CR28 = 4124,
+ CV_IA64_CR29 = 4125,
+ CV_IA64_CR30 = 4126,
+ CV_IA64_CR31 = 4127,
+ CV_IA64_CR32 = 4128,
+ CV_IA64_CR33 = 4129,
+ CV_IA64_CR34 = 4130,
+ CV_IA64_CR35 = 4131,
+ CV_IA64_CR36 = 4132,
+ CV_IA64_CR37 = 4133,
+ CV_IA64_CR38 = 4134,
+ CV_IA64_CR39 = 4135,
+ CV_IA64_CR40 = 4136,
+ CV_IA64_CR41 = 4137,
+ CV_IA64_CR42 = 4138,
+ CV_IA64_CR43 = 4139,
+ CV_IA64_CR44 = 4140,
+ CV_IA64_CR45 = 4141,
+ CV_IA64_CR46 = 4142,
+ CV_IA64_CR47 = 4143,
+ CV_IA64_CR48 = 4144,
+ CV_IA64_CR49 = 4145,
+ CV_IA64_CR50 = 4146,
+ CV_IA64_CR51 = 4147,
+ CV_IA64_CR52 = 4148,
+ CV_IA64_CR53 = 4149,
+ CV_IA64_CR54 = 4150,
+ CV_IA64_CR55 = 4151,
+ CV_IA64_CR56 = 4152,
+ CV_IA64_CR57 = 4153,
+ CV_IA64_CR58 = 4154,
+ CV_IA64_CR59 = 4155,
+ CV_IA64_CR60 = 4156,
+ CV_IA64_CR61 = 4157,
+ CV_IA64_CR62 = 4158,
+ CV_IA64_CR63 = 4159,
+ CV_IA64_SaLID = 4160,
+ CV_IA64_SaIVR = 4161,
+ CV_IA64_SaTPR = 4162,
+ CV_IA64_SaEOI = 4163,
+ CV_IA64_SaIRR0 = 4164,
+ CV_IA64_SaIRR1 = 4165,
+ CV_IA64_SaIRR2 = 4166,
+ CV_IA64_SaIRR3 = 4167,
+ CV_IA64_SaITV = 4168,
+ CV_IA64_SaPMV = 4169,
+ CV_IA64_SaCMCV = 4170,
+ CV_IA64_CR75 = 4171,
+ CV_IA64_CR76 = 4172,
+ CV_IA64_CR77 = 4173,
+ CV_IA64_CR78 = 4174,
+ CV_IA64_CR79 = 4175,
+ CV_IA64_SaLRR0 = 4176,
+ CV_IA64_SaLRR1 = 4177,
+ CV_IA64_CR82 = 4178,
+ CV_IA64_CR83 = 4179,
+ CV_IA64_CR84 = 4180,
+ CV_IA64_CR85 = 4181,
+ CV_IA64_CR86 = 4182,
+ CV_IA64_CR87 = 4183,
+ CV_IA64_CR88 = 4184,
+ CV_IA64_CR89 = 4185,
+ CV_IA64_CR90 = 4186,
+ CV_IA64_CR91 = 4187,
+ CV_IA64_CR92 = 4188,
+ CV_IA64_CR93 = 4189,
+ CV_IA64_CR94 = 4190,
+ CV_IA64_CR95 = 4191,
+ CV_IA64_CR96 = 4192,
+ CV_IA64_CR97 = 4193,
+ CV_IA64_CR98 = 4194,
+ CV_IA64_CR99 = 4195,
+ CV_IA64_CR100 = 4196,
+ CV_IA64_CR101 = 4197,
+ CV_IA64_CR102 = 4198,
+ CV_IA64_CR103 = 4199,
+ CV_IA64_CR104 = 4200,
+ CV_IA64_CR105 = 4201,
+ CV_IA64_CR106 = 4202,
+ CV_IA64_CR107 = 4203,
+ CV_IA64_CR108 = 4204,
+ CV_IA64_CR109 = 4205,
+ CV_IA64_CR110 = 4206,
+ CV_IA64_CR111 = 4207,
+ CV_IA64_CR112 = 4208,
+ CV_IA64_CR113 = 4209,
+ CV_IA64_CR114 = 4210,
+ CV_IA64_CR115 = 4211,
+ CV_IA64_CR116 = 4212,
+ CV_IA64_CR117 = 4213,
+ CV_IA64_CR118 = 4214,
+ CV_IA64_CR119 = 4215,
+ CV_IA64_CR120 = 4216,
+ CV_IA64_CR121 = 4217,
+ CV_IA64_CR122 = 4218,
+ CV_IA64_CR123 = 4219,
+ CV_IA64_CR124 = 4220,
+ CV_IA64_CR125 = 4221,
+ CV_IA64_CR126 = 4222,
+ CV_IA64_CR127 = 4223,
+ // Protection Key Registers
+ CV_IA64_Pkr0 = 5120,
+ CV_IA64_Pkr1 = 5121,
+ CV_IA64_Pkr2 = 5122,
+ CV_IA64_Pkr3 = 5123,
+ CV_IA64_Pkr4 = 5124,
+ CV_IA64_Pkr5 = 5125,
+ CV_IA64_Pkr6 = 5126,
+ CV_IA64_Pkr7 = 5127,
+ CV_IA64_Pkr8 = 5128,
+ CV_IA64_Pkr9 = 5129,
+ CV_IA64_Pkr10 = 5130,
+ CV_IA64_Pkr11 = 5131,
+ CV_IA64_Pkr12 = 5132,
+ CV_IA64_Pkr13 = 5133,
+ CV_IA64_Pkr14 = 5134,
+ CV_IA64_Pkr15 = 5135,
+ // Region Registers
+ CV_IA64_Rr0 = 6144,
+ CV_IA64_Rr1 = 6145,
+ CV_IA64_Rr2 = 6146,
+ CV_IA64_Rr3 = 6147,
+ CV_IA64_Rr4 = 6148,
+ CV_IA64_Rr5 = 6149,
+ CV_IA64_Rr6 = 6150,
+ CV_IA64_Rr7 = 6151,
+ // Performance Monitor Data Registers
+ CV_IA64_PFD0 = 7168,
+ CV_IA64_PFD1 = 7169,
+ CV_IA64_PFD2 = 7170,
+ CV_IA64_PFD3 = 7171,
+ CV_IA64_PFD4 = 7172,
+ CV_IA64_PFD5 = 7173,
+ CV_IA64_PFD6 = 7174,
+ CV_IA64_PFD7 = 7175,
+ // Performance Monitor Config Registers
+ CV_IA64_PFC0 = 7424,
+ CV_IA64_PFC1 = 7425,
+ CV_IA64_PFC2 = 7426,
+ CV_IA64_PFC3 = 7427,
+ CV_IA64_PFC4 = 7428,
+ CV_IA64_PFC5 = 7429,
+ CV_IA64_PFC6 = 7430,
+ CV_IA64_PFC7 = 7431,
+ // Instruction Translation Registers
+ CV_IA64_TrI0 = 8192,
+ CV_IA64_TrI1 = 8193,
+ CV_IA64_TrI2 = 8194,
+ CV_IA64_TrI3 = 8195,
+ CV_IA64_TrI4 = 8196,
+ CV_IA64_TrI5 = 8197,
+ CV_IA64_TrI6 = 8198,
+ CV_IA64_TrI7 = 8199,
+ // Data Translation Registers
+ CV_IA64_TrD0 = 8320,
+ CV_IA64_TrD1 = 8321,
+ CV_IA64_TrD2 = 8322,
+ CV_IA64_TrD3 = 8323,
+ CV_IA64_TrD4 = 8324,
+ CV_IA64_TrD5 = 8325,
+ CV_IA64_TrD6 = 8326,
+ CV_IA64_TrD7 = 8327,
+ // Instruction Breakpoint Registers
+ CV_IA64_DbI0 = 8448,
+ CV_IA64_DbI1 = 8449,
+ CV_IA64_DbI2 = 8450,
+ CV_IA64_DbI3 = 8451,
+ CV_IA64_DbI4 = 8452,
+ CV_IA64_DbI5 = 8453,
+ CV_IA64_DbI6 = 8454,
+ CV_IA64_DbI7 = 8455,
+ // Data Breakpoint Registers
+ CV_IA64_DbD0 = 8576,
+ CV_IA64_DbD1 = 8577,
+ CV_IA64_DbD2 = 8578,
+ CV_IA64_DbD3 = 8579,
+ CV_IA64_DbD4 = 8580,
+ CV_IA64_DbD5 = 8581,
+ CV_IA64_DbD6 = 8582,
+ CV_IA64_DbD7 = 8583,
+ //
+ // Register set for the TriCore processor.
+ //
+ // General Purpose Data Registers
+ CV_TRI_D0 = 10,
+ CV_TRI_D1 = 11,
+ CV_TRI_D2 = 12,
+ CV_TRI_D3 = 13,
+ CV_TRI_D4 = 14,
+ CV_TRI_D5 = 15,
+ CV_TRI_D6 = 16,
+ CV_TRI_D7 = 17,
+ CV_TRI_D8 = 18,
+ CV_TRI_D9 = 19,
+ CV_TRI_D10 = 20,
+ CV_TRI_D11 = 21,
+ CV_TRI_D12 = 22,
+ CV_TRI_D13 = 23,
+ CV_TRI_D14 = 24,
+ CV_TRI_D15 = 25,
+ // General Purpose Address Registers
+ CV_TRI_A0 = 26,
+ CV_TRI_A1 = 27,
+ CV_TRI_A2 = 28,
+ CV_TRI_A3 = 29,
+ CV_TRI_A4 = 30,
+ CV_TRI_A5 = 31,
+ CV_TRI_A6 = 32,
+ CV_TRI_A7 = 33,
+ CV_TRI_A8 = 34,
+ CV_TRI_A9 = 35,
+ CV_TRI_A10 = 36,
+ CV_TRI_A11 = 37,
+ CV_TRI_A12 = 38,
+ CV_TRI_A13 = 39,
+ CV_TRI_A14 = 40,
+ CV_TRI_A15 = 41,
+ // Extended (64-bit) data registers
+ CV_TRI_E0 = 42,
+ CV_TRI_E2 = 43,
+ CV_TRI_E4 = 44,
+ CV_TRI_E6 = 45,
+ CV_TRI_E8 = 46,
+ CV_TRI_E10 = 47,
+ CV_TRI_E12 = 48,
+ CV_TRI_E14 = 49,
+ // Extended (64-bit) address registers
+ CV_TRI_EA0 = 50,
+ CV_TRI_EA2 = 51,
+ CV_TRI_EA4 = 52,
+ CV_TRI_EA6 = 53,
+ CV_TRI_EA8 = 54,
+ CV_TRI_EA10 = 55,
+ CV_TRI_EA12 = 56,
+ CV_TRI_EA14 = 57,
+ CV_TRI_PSW = 58,
+ CV_TRI_PCXI = 59,
+ CV_TRI_PC = 60,
+ CV_TRI_FCX = 61,
+ CV_TRI_LCX = 62,
+ CV_TRI_ISP = 63,
+ CV_TRI_ICR = 64,
+ CV_TRI_BIV = 65,
+ CV_TRI_BTV = 66,
+ CV_TRI_DPRx_0 = 68,
+ CV_TRI_DPRx_1 = 69,
+ CV_TRI_DPRx_2 = 70,
+ CV_TRI_DPRx_3 = 71,
+ CV_TRI_CPRx_0 = 68,
+ CV_TRI_CPRx_1 = 69,
+ CV_TRI_CPRx_2 = 70,
+ CV_TRI_CPRx_3 = 71,
+ CV_TRI_DPMx_0 = 68,
+ CV_TRI_DPMx_1 = 69,
+ CV_TRI_DPMx_2 = 70,
+ CV_TRI_DPMx_3 = 71,
+ CV_TRI_CPMx_0 = 68,
+ CV_TRI_CPMx_1 = 69,
+ CV_TRI_CPMx_2 = 70,
+ CV_TRI_CPMx_3 = 71,
+ CV_TRI_EXEVT = 73,
+ CV_TRI_SWEVT = 74,
+ CV_TRI_CREVT = 75,
+ CV_TRI_TRnEVT = 76,
+ CV_TRI_ASI = 78,
+ CV_TRI_TVA = 79,
+ CV_TRI_TPA = 80,
+ CV_TRI_TPX = 81,
+ CV_TRI_TFA = 82,
+ //
+ // Register set for the AM33 and related processors.
+ //
+ // "Extended" (general purpose integer) registers
+ CV_AM33_E0 = 10,
+ CV_AM33_E1 = 11,
+ CV_AM33_E2 = 12,
+ CV_AM33_E3 = 13,
+ CV_AM33_E4 = 14,
+ CV_AM33_E5 = 15,
+ CV_AM33_E6 = 16,
+ CV_AM33_E7 = 17,
+ // Address registers
+ CV_AM33_A0 = 20,
+ CV_AM33_A1 = 21,
+ CV_AM33_A2 = 22,
+ CV_AM33_A3 = 23,
+ // Integer data registers
+ CV_AM33_D0 = 30,
+ CV_AM33_D1 = 31,
+ CV_AM33_D2 = 32,
+ CV_AM33_D3 = 33,
+ // (Single-precision) floating-point registers
+ CV_AM33_FS0 = 40,
+ CV_AM33_FS1 = 41,
+ CV_AM33_FS2 = 42,
+ CV_AM33_FS3 = 43,
+ CV_AM33_FS4 = 44,
+ CV_AM33_FS5 = 45,
+ CV_AM33_FS6 = 46,
+ CV_AM33_FS7 = 47,
+ CV_AM33_FS8 = 48,
+ CV_AM33_FS9 = 49,
+ CV_AM33_FS10 = 50,
+ CV_AM33_FS11 = 51,
+ CV_AM33_FS12 = 52,
+ CV_AM33_FS13 = 53,
+ CV_AM33_FS14 = 54,
+ CV_AM33_FS15 = 55,
+ CV_AM33_FS16 = 56,
+ CV_AM33_FS17 = 57,
+ CV_AM33_FS18 = 58,
+ CV_AM33_FS19 = 59,
+ CV_AM33_FS20 = 60,
+ CV_AM33_FS21 = 61,
+ CV_AM33_FS22 = 62,
+ CV_AM33_FS23 = 63,
+ CV_AM33_FS24 = 64,
+ CV_AM33_FS25 = 65,
+ CV_AM33_FS26 = 66,
+ CV_AM33_FS27 = 67,
+ CV_AM33_FS28 = 68,
+ CV_AM33_FS29 = 69,
+ CV_AM33_FS30 = 70,
+ CV_AM33_FS31 = 71,
+ // Special purpose registers
+ // Stack pointer
+ CV_AM33_SP = 80,
+ // Program counter
+ CV_AM33_PC = 81,
+ // Multiply-divide/accumulate registers
+ CV_AM33_MDR = 82,
+ CV_AM33_MDRQ = 83,
+ CV_AM33_MCRH = 84,
+ CV_AM33_MCRL = 85,
+ CV_AM33_MCVF = 86,
+ // CPU status words
+ CV_AM33_EPSW = 87,
+ CV_AM33_FPCR = 88,
+ // Loop buffer registers
+ CV_AM33_LIR = 89,
+ CV_AM33_LAR = 90,
+ //
+ // Register set for the Mitsubishi M32R
+ //
+ CV_M32R_R0 = 10,
+ CV_M32R_R1 = 11,
+ CV_M32R_R2 = 12,
+ CV_M32R_R3 = 13,
+ CV_M32R_R4 = 14,
+ CV_M32R_R5 = 15,
+ CV_M32R_R6 = 16,
+ CV_M32R_R7 = 17,
+ CV_M32R_R8 = 18,
+ CV_M32R_R9 = 19,
+ CV_M32R_R10 = 20,
+ CV_M32R_R11 = 21,
+ CV_M32R_R12 = 22, // Gloabal Pointer, if used
+ CV_M32R_R13 = 23, // Frame Pointer, if allocated
+ CV_M32R_R14 = 24, // Link Register
+ CV_M32R_R15 = 25, // Stack Pointer
+ CV_M32R_PSW = 26, // Preocessor Status Register
+ CV_M32R_CBR = 27, // Condition Bit Register
+ CV_M32R_SPI = 28, // Interrupt Stack Pointer
+ CV_M32R_SPU = 29, // User Stack Pointer
+ CV_M32R_SPO = 30, // OS Stack Pointer
+ CV_M32R_BPC = 31, // Backup Program Counter
+ CV_M32R_ACHI = 32, // Accumulator High
+ CV_M32R_ACLO = 33, // Accumulator Low
+ CV_M32R_PC = 34, // Program Counter
+} // Namespace Dia
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/diautil.cs b/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/diautil.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0e9c811a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/diautil.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.Text;
+using System.IO;
+using Dia;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************************/
+namespace Dia.Util
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************************/
+class Util
+ public static IDiaSymbol FindSymbol(String symName, IDiaSymbol parent, SymTagEnum symTag)
+ {
+ IDiaEnumSymbols e;
+ parent.findChildren(symTag,
+ symName,
+ (uint)(NameSearchOptions.nsfCaseSensitive),
+ out e);
+ IDiaSymbol s;
+ uint celt;
+ if (e == null || e.count == 0)
+ return null;
+ e.Next(1, out s, out celt);
+ if (e.count > 1)
+ {
+ for (int i = 1; i < e.count; i++)
+ {
+ IDiaSymbol s2;
+ e.Next(1, out s2, out celt);
+ // Diasym reader returns multiple symbols with same RVA in some cases. Issue the warning only
+ // if the returned symbols actually differ.
+ if (s.virtualAddress != s2.virtualAddress)
+ {
+ Shell.Error("Symbol " + symName + " has " + e.count + " matches. Taking first.");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ public static IDiaSymbol FindClassSymbol(String name, IDiaSymbol sym, SymTagEnum tag)
+ {
+ IDiaSymbol res = null;
+ //Console.WriteLine("Looking for " + name + " in " +;
+ res = Util.FindSymbol(name, sym, tag);
+ if (res == null)
+ {
+ IDiaEnumSymbols e;
+ sym.findChildren(
+ SymTagEnum.SymTagBaseClass,
+ null,
+ (uint)NameSearchOptions.nsNone,
+ out e);
+ if (e == null || e.count == 0)
+ return null;
+ for (int i = 0; i < e.count && res == null; i++)
+ {
+ UInt32 celt;
+ IDiaSymbol s;
+ e.Next(1, out s, out celt);
+ res = FindClassSymbol(name, s.type, tag);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************************/
+public class DiaFile
+ DiaSourceClass m_dsc;
+ IDiaSession m_session;
+ DiaSymbol m_global;
+ IDiaEnumSymbols m_publicsEnum;
+ UInt32 m_debugTimestamp;
+ String m_loadedPdbPath;
+ public DiaFile(String pdbFile, String dllFile)
+ {
+ m_dsc = new DiaSourceClass();
+ string pdbPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(pdbFile);
+ // Open the PDB file, validating it matches the supplied DLL file
+ DiaLoadCallback loadCallback = new DiaLoadCallback();
+ try
+ {
+ m_dsc.loadDataForExe(dllFile, pdbPath, loadCallback);
+ }
+ catch (System.Exception diaEx)
+ {
+ // Provide additional diagnostics context and rethrow
+ string msg = "ERROR from DIA loading PDB for specified DLL";
+ COMException comEx = diaEx as COMException;
+ if (comEx != null)
+ {
+ if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DiaHResults), comEx.ErrorCode))
+ {
+ // This is a DIA-specific error code,
+ DiaHResults hr = (DiaHResults)comEx.ErrorCode;
+ msg += ": " + hr.ToString();
+ // Additional clarification for the common case of the DLL not matching the PDB
+ if (hr == DiaHResults.E_PDB_NOT_FOUND)
+ {
+ msg += " - The specified PDB file does not match the specified DLL file";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ throw new ApplicationException(msg, diaEx);
+ }
+ // Save the path of the PDB file actually loaded
+ Debug.Assert(loadCallback.LoadedPdbPath != null, "Didn't get PDB load callback");
+ m_loadedPdbPath = loadCallback.LoadedPdbPath;
+ // Also use DIA to get the debug directory entry in the DLL referring
+ // to the PDB, and save it's timestamp comparison at runtime.
+ m_debugTimestamp = loadCallback.DebugTimeDateStamp;
+ Debug.Assert(m_debugTimestamp != 0, "Didn't find debug directory entry");
+ m_dsc.openSession(out m_session);
+ m_global = new DiaSymbol(m_session.globalScope);
+ m_publicsEnum = null;
+ }
+ public DiaSymbol GlobalSymbol
+ {
+ get
+ { return m_global; }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Path of the PDB file actually loaded (must be non-null)
+ /// </summary>
+ public String LoadedPdbPath
+ {
+ get { return m_loadedPdbPath; }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Timestamp in the debug directory of the DLL corresponding to the PDB loaded (always set non-zero).
+ /// </summary>
+ public UInt32 DebugTimestamp
+ {
+ get { return m_debugTimestamp; }
+ }
+ private void GetPublicsEnum()
+ {
+ if (m_publicsEnum != null)
+ return;
+ m_session.findChildren(m_global.IDiaSymbol, SymTagEnum.SymTagPublicSymbol,
+ null, (UInt32) NameSearchOptions.nsNone, out m_publicsEnum);
+ }
+ public IDiaEnumSymbols PublicSymbols
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ GetPublicsEnum();
+ if (m_publicsEnum != null)
+ {
+ IDiaEnumSymbols en;
+ m_publicsEnum.Clone(out en);
+ return en;
+ }
+ else
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ public IDiaEnumSymbols FindPublicSymbols(String name)
+ {
+ IDiaEnumSymbols se;
+ m_session.findChildren(m_global.IDiaSymbol, SymTagEnum.SymTagPublicSymbol,
+ name, (UInt32) NameSearchOptions.nsNone, out se);
+ return se;
+ }
+ // Use only the path we supply, don't look for PDBs anywhere else
+ private class DiaLoadCallback : IDiaLoadCallback2
+ {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The path from with the PDB file was actually loaded, or null if none yet.
+ /// </summary>
+ public string LoadedPdbPath
+ {
+ get { return m_loadedPdbPath; }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The time stamp in the debug directory corresponding to the PDB that was loaded
+ /// </summary>
+ public UInt32 DebugTimeDateStamp
+ {
+ get { return m_debugTimeDateStamp; }
+ }
+ private string m_loadedPdbPath = null;
+ private UInt32 m_debugTimeDateStamp = 0;
+ public void NotifyDebugDir(int fExecutable, uint cbData, ref IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY pbData)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(cbData == Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY)), "Got unexpected size for IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY");
+ // There may be mutliple calls, or calls with no timestamp, but only one entry should be
+ // for the code-view record describing the PDB file.
+ if (pbData.Type == ImageDebugType.IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(fExecutable == 1, "Got debug directory that wasn't read from an executable");
+ Debug.Assert(m_debugTimeDateStamp == 0, "Got unexpected duplicate NotifyDebugDir callback");
+ Debug.Assert(pbData.TimeDateStamp != 0, "Got unexpected 0 debug timestamp in DLL");
+ m_debugTimeDateStamp = pbData.TimeDateStamp;
+ }
+ }
+ public void NotifyOpenDBG(string dbgPath, int resultCode)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected DBG opening: " + dbgPath);
+ }
+ public void NotifyOpenPDB(string pdbPath, int resultCode)
+ {
+ // Keep track of the path from which DIA loaded the PDB.
+ // If resultCode is non-zero, it means DIA is not loading this PDB (eg. just probing paths
+ // that may not exist).
+ // The DIA SDK docs say the caller will generally ignore any error HResult we return, so we
+ // don't get the chance to reject any non-matching paths.
+ if (resultCode >= 0)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(m_loadedPdbPath == null, "DIA indicated it was loading more than one PDB file!");
+ m_loadedPdbPath = pdbPath;
+ }
+ }
+ public int RestrictRegistryAccess()
+ {
+ return 1; // don't query the registry
+ }
+ public int RestrictSymbolServerAccess()
+ {
+ return 1; // don't use the symbol server
+ }
+ public int RestrictDBGAccess()
+ {
+ return 1; // don't look for DBG files
+ }
+ public int RestrictOriginalPathAccess()
+ {
+ return 1; // don't look in the full path specified in the debug directory
+ }
+ public int RestrictReferencePathAccess()
+ {
+ return 1; // Don't look in the directory next to the DLL
+ }
+ public int RestrictSystemRootAccess()
+ {
+ return 1; // Don't look in the system directory
+ }
+ }
+ // From WinNt.h
+ [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
+ private struct IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY
+ {
+ public UInt32 Characteristics;
+ public UInt32 TimeDateStamp;
+ public UInt16 MajorVersion;
+ public UInt16 MinorVersion;
+ public ImageDebugType Type;
+ public UInt32 SizeOfData;
+ public UInt32 AddressOfRawData;
+ public UInt32 PointerToRawData;
+ }
+ private enum ImageDebugType : uint
+ {
+ }
+ // DIA Callback interface definitions
+ // These should be in the interop assembly, but due to a bug in dia2.idl, they're missing.
+ // dia2.idl should include these interfaces in the library section to get them into the TLB.
+ // However, it's handy to be able to define them ourselves, because it lets us easily
+ // set the interface that's most convenient (specifically PreserveSig, and explicit use
+ [ComImport,
+ InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown),
+ Guid("C32ADB82-73F4-421B-95D5-A4706EDF5DBE"),
+ System.Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
+ private interface IDiaLoadCallback
+ {
+ void NotifyDebugDir(int fExecutable, uint cbData, [In] ref IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY pbData);
+ void NotifyOpenDBG([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string dbgPath, int resultCode);
+ void NotifyOpenPDB([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pdbPath, int resultCode);
+ [PreserveSig]
+ // return S_OK (0) to allow symbol path lookup from registry
+ int RestrictRegistryAccess();
+ [PreserveSig]
+ // return S_OK (0) to allow symbol server lookup
+ int RestrictSymbolServerAccess();
+ }
+ [ComImport,
+ Guid("4688A074-5A4D-4486-AEA8-7B90711D9F7C"),
+ InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown),
+ System.Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
+ private interface IDiaLoadCallback2 : IDiaLoadCallback
+ {
+ new void NotifyDebugDir(int fExecutable, uint cbData, [In] ref IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY pbData);
+ new void NotifyOpenDBG([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string dbgPath, int resultCode);
+ new void NotifyOpenPDB([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pdbPath, int resultCode);
+ [PreserveSig]
+ // return S_OK (0) to allow symbol path lookup from registry
+ new int RestrictRegistryAccess();
+ [PreserveSig]
+ // return S_OK (0) to allow symbol server lookup
+ new int RestrictSymbolServerAccess();
+ [PreserveSig]
+ // return S_OK (0) to allow symbol path lookup from registry
+ int RestrictDBGAccess();
+ [PreserveSig]
+ // return S_OK (0) to allow symbol path lookup from registry
+ int RestrictOriginalPathAccess();
+ [PreserveSig]
+ // return S_OK (0) to allow symbol path lookup from registry
+ int RestrictReferencePathAccess();
+ [PreserveSig]
+ // return S_OK (0) to allow symbol lookup in the system directory
+ int RestrictSystemRootAccess();
+ }
+ // DIA specific HResults from dia2.idl, for providing better diagnostics messages
+ private enum DiaHResults : int
+ {
+ E_PDB_OK = unchecked((int)0x806d0001),
+ E_PDB_OUT_OF_MEMORY , // not used, use E_OUTOFMEMORY
+ E_PDB_V1_PDB ,
+ E_PDB_TI16 ,
+ }
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************************/
+public class DiaSymbol
+ protected IDiaSymbol m_symbol;
+ public DiaSymbol(IDiaSymbol symbol)
+ {
+ if (symbol == null)
+ throw new ArgumentNullException();
+ m_symbol = symbol;
+ }
+ public DiaSymbol FindSymbol(String name, SymTagEnum tag)
+ {
+ DiaSymbol res = null;
+ IDiaSymbol sym = Util.FindSymbol(name, m_symbol, tag);
+ if (sym != null)
+ {
+ if ((SymTagEnum)sym.symTag == SymTagEnum.SymTagData)
+ res = new DiaDataSymbol(sym);
+ else
+ res = new DiaSymbol(sym);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ public DiaSymbol FindSymbol(String name)
+ {
+ return FindSymbol(name, SymTagEnum.SymTagNull);
+ }
+ public DiaSymbol FindClassSymbol(String name, SymTagEnum tag)
+ {
+ DiaSymbol res = null;
+ IDiaSymbol sym = Util.FindClassSymbol(name, m_symbol, tag);
+ if (sym != null)
+ {
+ if ((SymTagEnum)sym.symTag == SymTagEnum.SymTagData)
+ res = new DiaDataSymbol(sym);
+ else
+ res = new DiaSymbol(sym);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ public DiaSymbol FindClassSymbol(String name)
+ {
+ return FindClassSymbol(name, SymTagEnum.SymTagNull);
+ }
+ public DiaSymbol FindUDTSymbol(String name)
+ {
+ DiaSymbol res = null;
+ IDiaSymbol sym = Util.FindSymbol(name, m_symbol, SymTagEnum.SymTagUDT);
+ if (sym == null)
+ {
+ sym = Util.FindSymbol(name, m_symbol, SymTagEnum.SymTagTypedef);
+ if (sym != null)
+ sym = sym.type;
+ }
+ if (sym != null)
+ res = new DiaSymbol(sym);
+ return res;
+ }
+ private String GetVariantString(Object o)
+ {
+ /*
+ switch( v.vt )
+ {
+ case VT_I8:
+ printf( "%ld", v.llVal );
+ break;
+ //* LONG VT_I4
+ case VT_I4:
+ printf( "%d", v.lVal );
+ break;
+ //* BYTE VT_UI1
+ case VT_UI1:
+ printf( "%d", v.bVal);
+ break;
+ //* SHORT VT_I2
+ case VT_I2:
+ printf( "%d", v.iVal);
+ break;
+ //* CHAR VT_I1
+ case VT_I1:
+ printf( "%d", v.cVal);
+ break;
+ case VT_UI2:
+ printf( "%d", v.uiVal);
+ break;
+ //* ULONG VT_UI4
+ case VT_UI4:
+ printf( "%d", v.ulVal);
+ break;
+ case VT_UI8:
+ printf( "%ld", v.ullVal);
+ break;
+ //* INT VT_INT
+ case VT_INT:
+ printf( "%d", v.intVal);
+ break;
+ case VT_UINT:
+ printf( "%d", v.uintVal);
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf( "<Not implemented>" );
+ break;
+ }
+ */
+ return "VARIANT";
+ }
+ private String GetBoundString(IDiaSymbol bound)
+ {
+ SymTagEnum tag = (SymTagEnum) bound.symTag;
+ LocationType kind = (LocationType) bound.locationType;
+ System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
+ if (tag == SymTagEnum.SymTagData && kind == LocationType.LocIsConstant)
+ {
+ return GetVariantString(bound.value);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ public String GetTypeString()
+ {
+ return GetTypeString(m_symbol);
+ }
+ private String GetTypeString(IDiaSymbol s)
+ {
+ SymTagEnum tag = (SymTagEnum) s.symTag;
+ if (tag == SymTagEnum.SymTagData || tag == SymTagEnum.SymTagTypedef)
+ {
+ s = s.type;
+ tag = (SymTagEnum) s.symTag;
+ }
+ StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
+ if ( != null)
+ {
+ str.Append(;
+ }
+ else if (tag == SymTagEnum.SymTagPointerType)
+ {
+ str.Append(GetTypeString(s.type));
+ str.Append("*");
+ }
+ else if (tag == SymTagEnum.SymTagBaseType)
+ {
+ BasicType bt = (BasicType) s.baseType;
+ str.AppendFormat("(base type={0}, len={1:d})", bt.ToString(), s.length);
+ }
+ else if (tag == SymTagEnum.SymTagArrayType)
+ {
+ str.Append(GetTypeString(s.type));
+ bool succ = true;
+ int i;
+ try
+ {
+ UInt32 rank = s.rank;
+ IDiaEnumSymbols e;
+ s.findChildren(SymTagEnum.SymTagDimension, null, (UInt32) NameSearchOptions.nsNone, out e);
+ for (i = 0; i < e.count; i++)
+ {
+ IDiaSymbol ds;
+ UInt32 celt;
+ e.Next(1, out ds, out celt);
+ str.Append("[" + GetBoundString(ds.lowerBound) + ".." + GetBoundString(ds.upperBound) + "]");
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception)
+ {
+ succ = false;
+ }
+ if (succ == false)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ succ = true;
+ IDiaEnumSymbols e;
+ s.findChildren(SymTagEnum.SymTagCustomType, null, (UInt32) NameSearchOptions.nsNone, out e);
+ for (i = 0; i < e.count; i++)
+ {
+ IDiaSymbol ds;
+ UInt32 celt;
+ e.Next(1, out ds, out celt);
+ str.Append("[" + GetTypeString(ds) + "]");
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception)
+ {
+ succ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (succ == false)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ succ = true;
+ str.AppendFormat("[{0:d}]", s.length/s.type.length );
+ }
+ catch (Exception)
+ {
+ succ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tag == SymTagEnum.SymTagFunctionType)
+ {
+ str.Append("Function Type");
+ }
+ else if (tag == SymTagEnum.SymTagCustomType)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("NYI");
+ /*
+ str.Append("Custom Type: ");
+ try
+ {
+ str.Append(s.guid.ToString());
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ str.AppendFormat("{0:x}:{0:x}", s.oemId, s.oemSymbolId);
+ }
+ catch (Exception)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ DWORD len = 0;
+ if ( s.get_types( 0, &len, NULL ) == S_OK && len > 0 ) {
+ IDiaSymbol** psyms = new IDiaSymbol*[ len ];
+ s.get_types( len, &len, psyms );
+ for ( DWORD i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
+ printf( " <" );
+ printType( psyms[i] );
+ printf( ">" );
+ psyms[i]->Release();
+ }
+ delete [] psyms;
+ }
+ len = 0;
+ if ( s.get_dataBytes( 0, &len, NULL ) == S_OK && len > 0 ) {
+ BYTE* pdata = new BYTE[ len ];
+ s.get_dataBytes( len, &len, pdata );
+ printf( "<data" );
+ for ( DWORD i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
+ printf( " %02x", pdata[i] );
+ }
+ printf( " data>" );
+ delete [] pdata;
+ }
+ */
+ } else {
+ str.Append( "No Type.");
+ }
+ return str.ToString();
+ }
+ public string Name
+ {
+ get
+ { return; }
+ }
+ public UInt64 Address
+ {
+ get
+ { return m_symbol.virtualAddress; }
+ }
+ public UInt32 Offset
+ {
+ get
+ { return (UInt32) m_symbol.offset; }
+ }
+ public UInt64 Size
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ IDiaSymbol symbol = m_symbol;
+ UInt64 size = symbol.length;
+ if (size != 0)
+ return size;
+ SymTagEnum tag = (SymTagEnum) symbol.symTag;
+ if (tag == SymTagEnum.SymTagData || tag == SymTagEnum.SymTagTypedef)
+ {
+ symbol = symbol.type;
+ tag = (SymTagEnum) symbol.symTag;
+ size = symbol.length;
+ if (size != 0)
+ return size;
+ }
+ if (tag == SymTagEnum.SymTagPointerType)
+ {
+ // @TODO: find a way of determining native word size
+ return 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Unknown length.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public IDiaSymbol IDiaSymbol
+ {
+ get
+ { return m_symbol; }
+ }
+public class DiaDataSymbol : DiaSymbol
+ public DiaDataSymbol(IDiaSymbol symbol) : base(symbol)
+ {
+ if ((SymTagEnum)symbol.symTag != SymTagEnum.SymTagData)
+ throw new Exception("Not a data symbol.");
+ }
+ public DataKind DataKind
+ {
+ get
+ { return ((DataKind) m_symbol.dataKind); }
+ }
+ public bool IsGlobal
+ {
+ get
+ { return (DataKind == DataKind.DataIsGlobal); }
+ }
+ public bool IsFileStatic
+ {
+ get
+ { return (DataKind == DataKind.DataIsFileStatic); }
+ }
+ public bool IsMember
+ {
+ get
+ { return (DataKind == DataKind.DataIsMember); }
+ }
+ public bool IsStaticMember
+ {
+ get
+ { return (DataKind == DataKind.DataIsStaticMember); }
+ }
+} // Namespace Dia.Util
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/main.cs b/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/main.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03d1bfde89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/SOS/DacTableGen/main.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using Dia;
+using Dia.Util;
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+using System.Globalization;
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+public abstract class SymbolProvider
+ public enum SymType
+ {
+ GlobalData,
+ GlobalFunction,
+ };
+ public abstract UInt32 GetGlobalRVA(String symbolName,
+ SymType symType);
+ public abstract UInt32 GetVTableRVA(String symbolName,
+ String keyBaseName);
+public class PdbSymbolProvider : SymbolProvider
+ public PdbSymbolProvider(String symbolFilename, String dllFilename)
+ {
+ fPDB = new FileInfo(symbolFilename);
+ df = new DiaFile(fPDB.FullName, dllFilename);
+ }
+ public UInt32 DebugTimestamp
+ {
+ get { return df.DebugTimestamp; }
+ }
+ public string LoadedPdbPath
+ {
+ get { return df.LoadedPdbPath; }
+ }
+ private UInt32 GetSymbolRva(DiaSymbol sy,
+ String symbolName,
+ String typeName)
+ {
+ if (sy == null)
+ {
+ // Ideally this would throw an exception and
+ // cause the whole process to fail but
+ // currently it's too complicated to get
+ // all the ifdef'ing right for all the
+ // mix of debug/checked/free multiplied by
+ // x86/AMD64/IA64/etc.
+ return UInt32.MaxValue;
+ }
+ if (sy.Address > UInt32.MaxValue)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException(typeName +
+ " symbol " +
+ symbolName +
+ " overflows UInt32");
+ }
+ return (UInt32)sy.Address;
+ }
+ private DiaSymbol GetValidPublicSymbolEntry(String name)
+ {
+ IDiaEnumSymbols e = df.FindPublicSymbols(name);
+ if (e.count != 1)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IDiaSymbol s;
+ UInt32 celt;
+ e.Next(1, out s, out celt);
+ return new DiaSymbol(s);
+ }
+ }
+ public override UInt32 GetGlobalRVA(String symbolName,
+ SymType symType)
+ {
+ DiaSymbol sy = df.GlobalSymbol.FindSymbol(symbolName);
+ if (sy == null && symType == SymType.GlobalFunction)
+ {
+ // Try looking for the symbol in public symbols,
+ // as assembly routines do not have normal
+ // global symbol table entries. We don't know
+ // how many parameters to use, so just guess
+ // at a few sizes.
+ for (int i = 0; i <= 16; i += 4)
+ {
+ // Non-fastcall.
+ sy = GetValidPublicSymbolEntry("_" + symbolName + "@" + i);
+ if (sy != null)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Fastcall.
+ sy = GetValidPublicSymbolEntry("@" + symbolName + "@" + i);
+ if (sy != null)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return GetSymbolRva(sy, symbolName, "Symbol");
+ }
+ public override UInt32 GetVTableRVA(String symbolName,
+ String keyBaseName)
+ {
+ String mangledName;
+ // Single-inheritance vtable symbols have different
+ // mangling from multiple-inheritance so form the
+ // proper name based on which case this is.
+ mangledName = "??_7" + symbolName + "@@6B";
+ if (keyBaseName != null)
+ {
+ mangledName += keyBaseName + "@@@";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mangledName += "@";
+ }
+ return GetSymbolRva(GetValidPublicSymbolEntry(mangledName),
+ symbolName, "VTable");
+ }
+ FileInfo fPDB = null;
+ DiaFile df = null;
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+public class Shell
+ const String dacSwitch = "/dac:";
+ const String pdbSwitch = "/pdb:";
+ const String mapSwitch = "/map:";
+ const String binSwitch = "/bin:";
+ const String dllSwitch = "/dll:";
+ const String ignoreErrorsSwitch = "/ignoreerrors";
+ public static void Help()
+ {
+ HelpHdr();
+ Console.WriteLine();
+ HelpBody();
+ }
+ public static void HelpHdr()
+ {
+String helpHdr =
+@"Microsoft (R) CLR External Data Access Data Table Generator Version 0.3
+Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.";
+ Console.WriteLine(helpHdr);
+ }
+ public static void HelpBody()
+ {
+String helpMsg =
+ DacTableGen /dac:<file> [/pdb:<file> /dll:<file>] [/map:<file>] /bin:<file> [/ignoreerrors]
+ /dac: The data access header file containing items to be added.
+ /pdb: The PDB file from which to get details.
+ /map: The MAP file from which to get details.
+ In Windows, this file is created by providing /MAP in link.exe.
+ In UNIX, this file is created by the nm utility.
+ OBSOLETE - Use instead for UNIX systems
+ /dll: The DLL which matches the specified PDB or MAP file.
+ /bin: The binary output file.
+ /ignoreerrors: Turn errors into warnings. The produced binary may hit
+ runtime failures
+ Console.WriteLine(helpMsg);
+ }
+ public static bool MatchArg(String arg, String cmd)
+ {
+ if (arg.Length >= cmd.Length &&
+ arg.Substring(0, cmd.Length).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Equals(cmd.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static int DoMain(String[] args)
+ {
+ String dacFile = null;
+ String pdbFile = null;
+ String mapFile = null;
+ String binFile = null;
+ String dllFile = null;
+ for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
+ {
+ if (MatchArg(args[i], dacSwitch))
+ {
+ dacFile = args[i].Substring(dacSwitch.Length);
+ }
+ else if (MatchArg(args[i], pdbSwitch))
+ {
+ pdbFile = args[i].Substring(pdbSwitch.Length);
+ }
+ else if (MatchArg(args[i], mapSwitch))
+ {
+ mapFile = args[i].Substring(mapSwitch.Length);
+ }
+ else if (MatchArg(args[i], binSwitch))
+ {
+ binFile = args[i].Substring(binSwitch.Length);
+ }
+ else if (MatchArg(args[i], dllSwitch))
+ {
+ dllFile = args[i].Substring(dllSwitch.Length);
+ }
+ else if (MatchArg(args[i], ignoreErrorsSwitch))
+ {
+ s_ignoreErrors = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Help();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dacFile == null ||
+ (pdbFile == null && mapFile == null) ||
+ (dllFile == null && pdbFile != null) ||
+ binFile == null)
+ {
+ HelpHdr();
+ Console.WriteLine();
+ Console.WriteLine("Required option missing.");
+ // Provide some extra help if just the new dllFile option is missing
+ if ((dllFile == null) && (dacFile != null) && (binFile != null) && (pdbFile != null))
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("NOTE that /dll is a new required argument which must point to mscorwks.dll.");
+ Console.WriteLine("Ideally all uses of DacTableGen.exe should use the build logic in ndp/clr/src/DacUpdateDll.");
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine();
+ HelpBody();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Validate the specified files exist
+ string[] inputFiles = new string[] { dacFile, pdbFile, mapFile, dllFile };
+ foreach (string file in inputFiles)
+ {
+ if (file != null && !File.Exists(file))
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("ERROR, file does not exist: " + file);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ HelpHdr();
+ Console.WriteLine();
+ List<UInt32> rvaArray = new List<UInt32>();
+ UInt32 numGlobals;
+ UInt32 debugTimestamp = 0;
+ if (pdbFile != null)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Not supported in Rotor.");
+ PdbSymbolProvider pdbSymProvider = new PdbSymbolProvider(pdbFile, dllFile);
+ // Read the mscorwks debug directory timestamp
+ debugTimestamp = pdbSymProvider.DebugTimestamp;
+ if (debugTimestamp == 0)
+ {
+ throw new System.ApplicationException("Didn't get debug directory timestamp from DIA");
+ }
+ DateTime dt = new DateTime(1970, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
+ dt = dt.AddSeconds(debugTimestamp).ToLocalTime();
+ // Output information about the PDB loaded
+ Console.WriteLine("Processing DLL with PDB timestamp: {0}", dt.ToString("F"));
+ Console.WriteLine("Loaded PDB file: " + pdbSymProvider.LoadedPdbPath);
+ if (Path.GetFullPath(pdbSymProvider.LoadedPdbPath).ToLowerInvariant() != Path.GetFullPath(pdbFile).ToLowerInvariant())
+ {
+ // DIA loaded a PDB oter than the one the user asked for. This could possibly happen if the PDB
+ // also exists in a sub-directory that DIA automatically probes for ("retail" etc.). There doesn't
+ // appear to be any mechanism for turning this sub-directory probing off, but all other searching mechanisms
+ // should be turned off by the DiaLoadCallback. This could also happen if the user specified an incorrect
+ // (but still existing) filename in a path containing the real PDB. Since DIA loaded it, it must match the DLL,
+ // and so should only be an exact copy of the requested PDB (if the requested PDB actuall matches the DLL). So
+ // go ahead and use it anyway with a warning. To be less confusing, we could update the command-line syntax
+ // to take a PDB search path instead of a filename, but that inconsistent with the map path, and probably not
+ // worth changing semantics for. In practice this warning will probably never be hit.
+ Shell.Error("Loaded PDB path differs from requested path: " + pdbFile);
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine();
+ ScanDacFile(dacFile,
+ pdbSymProvider,
+ rvaArray,
+ out numGlobals);
+ if (mapFile != null)
+ {
+ List<UInt32> mapRvaArray = new List<UInt32>();
+ UInt32 mapNumGlobals;
+ // check that both map file and pdb file produce same output to avoid breakages on Rotor
+ ScanDacFile(dacFile,
+ new MapSymbolProvider(mapFile),
+ mapRvaArray,
+ out mapNumGlobals);
+ // Produce a nice message to include with any errors. For some reason, binplace will silently fail
+ // when a PDB can't be updated due to file locking. This means that problems of this nature usually
+ // occur when mscorwks.pdb was locked when mscorwks.dll was last rebuilt.
+ string diagMsg = String.Format(". This is usually caused by mscorwks.pdb and being out of sync. " +
+ "Was {0} (last modified {1}) in-use and locked when {2} was built (last modified {3})? " +
+ "Both should have been created when {4} was last rebuilt (last modified {5}).",
+ pdbFile, File.GetLastWriteTime(pdbFile),
+ mapFile, File.GetLastWriteTime(mapFile),
+ dllFile, File.GetLastWriteTime(dllFile));
+ if (rvaArray.Count != mapRvaArray.Count)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Number of RVAs differes between pdb file and map file: " +
+ numGlobals + " " + mapNumGlobals + diagMsg);
+ for (int i = 0; i < rvaArray.Count; i++)
+ {
+ if (rvaArray[i] != mapRvaArray[i]
+ // it is ok if we find more stuff in the MAP file
+ && rvaArray[i] != UInt32.MaxValue)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("RVAs differ between pdb file and map file: " +
+ ToHexNB(rvaArray[i]) + " " + ToHexNB(mapRvaArray[i]) + diagMsg);
+ }
+ }
+ if (numGlobals != mapNumGlobals)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Number of globals differes between pdb file and map file: " +
+ numGlobals + " " + mapNumGlobals + diagMsg);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ScanDacFile(dacFile,
+ new MapSymbolProvider(mapFile),
+ rvaArray,
+ out numGlobals);
+ }
+ if (s_errors && !s_ignoreErrors)
+ {
+ Console.Error.WriteLine(
+ "DacTableGen : fatal error : Failing due to above validation errors. " +
+ "Do you have an #ifdef (or name) mismatch between the symbol definition and the entry specified? " +
+ "Or perhaps the symbol referenced was optimized away as unused? " +
+ "If you're stuck, send e-mail to 'ClrDac'. Worst case, these errors can be temporarily ignored by passing the /ignoreerrors switch - but you may cause runtime failures instead.");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ UInt32 numVptrs;
+ numVptrs = (UInt32)rvaArray.Count - numGlobals;
+ FileStream outFile = new FileStream(binFile, FileMode.Create,
+ FileAccess.Write);
+ BinaryWriter binWrite = new BinaryWriter(outFile);
+ // Write header information
+ binWrite.Write(numGlobals);
+ binWrite.Write(numVptrs);
+ binWrite.Write(debugTimestamp);
+ binWrite.Write(0); // On Windows we only need a 4-byte timestamp, but on Mac we use
+ binWrite.Write(0); // a 16-byte UUID. We need to be consistent here.
+ binWrite.Write(0);
+ // Write out the table of RVAs
+ for (int i = 0; i < numGlobals + numVptrs; i++)
+ {
+ binWrite.Write(rvaArray[i]);
+ }
+ binWrite.Close();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public static int Main(string[] args)
+ {
+ // Don't catch exceptions if a debugger is attached - makes debugging easier
+ if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
+ {
+ return DoMain(args);
+ }
+ int exitCode;
+ try
+ {
+ exitCode = DoMain(args);
+ }
+ catch(Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("BUILDMSG: " + e.ToString());
+ exitCode = 1;
+ }
+ return exitCode;
+ }
+ private static void ScanDacFile(String file,
+ SymbolProvider sf,
+ List<UInt32> rvaArray,
+ out UInt32 numGlobals)
+ {
+ StreamReader strm =
+ new StreamReader(file, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII);
+ String line;
+ Hashtable vtables = new Hashtable(); // hashtable to guarantee uniqueness of entries
+ //
+ // Scan through the data access header file looking
+ // for the globals structure.
+ //
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ line = strm.ReadLine();
+ if (line == null)
+ {
+ throw new
+ InvalidOperationException("Invalid dac header format");
+ }
+ else if (line == "typedef struct _DacGlobals")
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (strm.ReadLine() != "{")
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid dac header format");
+ }
+ //
+ // All the globals come first so pick up each line that
+ // begins with ULONG.
+ //
+ bool fFoundVptrs = false;
+ numGlobals = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ line = strm.ReadLine().Trim();
+ if ( line.Equals("union {")
+ || line.Equals("struct {")
+ || line.Equals("};")
+ || line.StartsWith("#line ")
+ || line.StartsWith("# "))
+ {
+ // Ignore.
+ }
+ else if (line.StartsWith("ULONG "))
+ {
+ UInt32 rva = 0;
+ line = line.Remove(0, 6);
+ line = line.TrimEnd(";".ToCharArray());
+ string vptrSuffixSingle = "__vtAddr";
+ string vptrSuffixMulti = "__mvtAddr";
+ string vptrSuffix = null;
+ if (line.EndsWith(vptrSuffixSingle))
+ {
+ vptrSuffix = vptrSuffixSingle;
+ }
+ else if (line.EndsWith(vptrSuffixMulti))
+ {
+ vptrSuffix = vptrSuffixMulti;
+ }
+ if (vptrSuffix != null)
+ {
+ if (!fFoundVptrs)
+ {
+ numGlobals = (UInt32)rvaArray.Count;
+ fFoundVptrs = true;
+ }
+ line = line.Remove(line.Length - vptrSuffix.Length,
+ vptrSuffix.Length);
+ string keyBaseName = null;
+ string descTail = null;
+ if (vptrSuffix == vptrSuffixMulti)
+ {
+ // line now has the form <class>__<base>, so
+ // split off the base.
+ int basePrefix = line.LastIndexOf("__");
+ if (basePrefix < 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("VPTR_MULTI_CLASS has no keyBase.");
+ }
+ keyBaseName = line.Substring(basePrefix + 2);
+ line = line.Remove(basePrefix);
+ descTail = " for " + keyBaseName;
+ }
+ rva = sf.GetVTableRVA(line, keyBaseName);
+ if (rva == UInt32.MaxValue)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(" " + ToHexNB(rva));
+ Shell.Error("Invalid vtable " + line + descTail);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ String existing = (String)vtables[rva];
+ if (existing != null)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException(existing + " and " + line + " are at the same offsets." +
+ " Add VPTR_UNIQUE(<a random unique number here>) to the offending classes to make their vtables unique.");
+ }
+ vtables[rva] = line;
+ Console.WriteLine(" " + ToHexNB(rva) +
+ ", // vtable " + line + descTail);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SymbolProvider.SymType symType;
+ if (fFoundVptrs)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid dac header format. Vtable pointers must be last.");
+ if (line.StartsWith("dac__"))
+ {
+ // Global variables, use the prefix.
+ line = line.Remove(0, 5);
+ symType = SymbolProvider.SymType.GlobalData;
+ }
+ else if (line.StartsWith("fn__"))
+ {
+ // Global or static functions, use the prefix.
+ line = line.Remove(0, 4);
+ line = line.Replace("__", "::");
+ symType = SymbolProvider.SymType.GlobalFunction;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Static member variable, use the full name with
+ // namespace replacement.
+ line = line.Replace("__", "::");
+ symType = SymbolProvider.SymType.GlobalData;
+ }
+ if (0 == rva)
+ {
+ rva = sf.GetGlobalRVA(line, symType);
+ if (rva == UInt32.MaxValue)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(" " + ToHexNB(rva));
+ Shell.Error("Invalid symbol " + line);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(" " + ToHexNB(rva) + ", // " +
+ line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rvaArray.Add(rva);
+ }
+ else if (line == "")
+ {
+ // Skip blanks.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We hit a non-global so we're done.
+ if (!line.Equals("} DacGlobals;"))
+ {
+ throw new
+ InvalidOperationException("Invalid dac header format at \"" + line + "\"");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fFoundVptrs)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid dac header format. Vtable pointers not found.");
+ }
+ private static String ToHex(Object o)
+ {
+ if (o is UInt32 || o is Int32)
+ return String.Format("0x{0:x8}", o);
+ else if (o is UInt64 || o is Int64)
+ return String.Format("0x{0:x16}", o);
+ else
+ return null;
+ }
+ private static String ToHexNB(Object o)
+ {
+ return String.Format("0x{0:x}", o);
+ }
+ public static void Error(string message)
+ {
+ Console.Error.WriteLine((s_ignoreErrors ? "WARNING: " : "ERROR: ") + message);
+ s_errors = true;
+ }
+ // Try to tolerate errors (as we've always done in the past), which may result in failures at run-time instead.
+ private static bool s_ignoreErrors = false;
+ private static bool s_errors = false;