path: root/eng/common/init-tools-native.ps1
diff options
authorJuan Sebastian Hoyos Ayala <>2018-11-01 13:59:59 -0700
committerJuan Sebastian Hoyos Ayala <>2018-11-01 16:14:03 -0700
commit84387fa5f788603ff6eb85f5a0c6c954bd90d362 (patch)
treea877e42b21915fb859131f9933e58c537c0c97b1 /eng/common/init-tools-native.ps1
parentdf0cd2cd2c026af3aff78206bed6b45429dc9e19 (diff)
Add base arcade scripts and versioning files
Diffstat (limited to 'eng/common/init-tools-native.ps1')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eng/common/init-tools-native.ps1 b/eng/common/init-tools-native.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e25c60fed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/common/init-tools-native.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+Entry point script for installing native tools
+Reads $RepoRoot\global.json file to determine native assets to install
+and executes installers for those tools
+Base file directory or Url from which to acquire tool archives
+.PARAMETER InstallDirectory
+Directory to install native toolset. This is a command-line override for the default
+Install directory precedence order:
+- InstallDirectory command-line override
+- NETCOREENG_INSTALL_DIRECTORY environment variable
+- (default) %USERPROFILE%/.netcoreeng/native
+Switch specifying to not install anything, but cleanup native asset folders
+Clean and then install tools
+.PARAMETER DownloadRetries
+Total number of retry attempts
+.PARAMETER RetryWaitTimeInSeconds
+Wait time between retry attempts in seconds
+.PARAMETER GlobalJsonFile
+File path to global.json file
+Param (
+ [string] $BaseUri = "",
+ [string] $InstallDirectory,
+ [switch] $Clean = $False,
+ [switch] $Force = $False,
+ [int] $DownloadRetries = 5,
+ [int] $RetryWaitTimeInSeconds = 30,
+ [string] $GlobalJsonFile = "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\global.json"
+Set-StrictMode -version 2.0
+Import-Module -Name (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "native\CommonLibrary.psm1")
+try {
+ # Define verbose switch if undefined
+ $Verbose = $VerbosePreference -Eq "Continue"
+ $EngCommonBaseDir = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "native\"
+ $NativeBaseDir = $InstallDirectory
+ if (!$NativeBaseDir) {
+ $NativeBaseDir = CommonLibrary\Get-NativeInstallDirectory
+ }
+ $Env:CommonLibrary_NativeInstallDir = $NativeBaseDir
+ $InstallBin = Join-Path $NativeBaseDir "bin"
+ $InstallerPath = Join-Path $EngCommonBaseDir "install-tool.ps1"
+ # Process tools list
+ Write-Host "Processing $GlobalJsonFile"
+ If (-Not (Test-Path $GlobalJsonFile)) {
+ Write-Host "Unable to find '$GlobalJsonFile'"
+ exit 0
+ }
+ $NativeTools = Get-Content($GlobalJsonFile) -Raw |
+ ConvertFrom-Json |
+ Select-Object -Expand "native-tools" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if ($NativeTools) {
+ $NativeTools.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
+ $ToolName = $_.Name
+ $ToolVersion = $_.Value
+ $LocalInstallerCommand = $InstallerPath
+ $LocalInstallerCommand += " -ToolName $ToolName"
+ $LocalInstallerCommand += " -InstallPath $InstallBin"
+ $LocalInstallerCommand += " -BaseUri $BaseUri"
+ $LocalInstallerCommand += " -CommonLibraryDirectory $EngCommonBaseDir"
+ $LocalInstallerCommand += " -Version $ToolVersion"
+ if ($Verbose) {
+ $LocalInstallerCommand += " -Verbose"
+ }
+ if (Get-Variable 'Force' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') {
+ if($Force) {
+ $LocalInstallerCommand += " -Force"
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Clean) {
+ $LocalInstallerCommand += " -Clean"
+ }
+ Write-Verbose "Installing $ToolName version $ToolVersion"
+ Write-Verbose "Executing '$LocalInstallerCommand'"
+ Invoke-Expression "$LocalInstallerCommand"
+ if ($LASTEXITCODE -Ne "0") {
+ Write-Error "Execution failed"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Host "No native tools defined in global.json"
+ exit 0
+ }
+ if ($Clean) {
+ exit 0
+ }
+ if (Test-Path $InstallBin) {
+ Write-Host "Native tools are available from" (Convert-Path -Path $InstallBin)
+ Write-Host "##vso[task.prependpath]$(Convert-Path -Path $InstallBin)"
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Error "Native tools install directory does not exist, installation failed"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ exit 0
+catch {
+ Write-Host $_
+ Write-Host $_.Exception
+ exit 1