path: root/buildpipeline
diff options
authorMichelle McDaniel <>2017-11-02 09:20:26 -0700
committerGitHub <>2017-11-02 09:20:26 -0700
commitd6c7c91d906b1c21c3d756d5736bfb2e93b16ccc (patch)
treee601eb00ab2f928a9ed723ebb06609919ab36336 /buildpipeline
parent762387ad7bb7a7c351a7f0a2cc8cf71956aa14fc (diff)
Add perf pipeline job full groovy (#14397)
This change converts our perf testing to use pipeline jobs. Pipeline jobs allow us to do the following: 1) Test on the same commit for each of the test legs 2) Parallelize the build and test steps. 3) Separate the build and test steps from one another. This gives us the ability to use the same build assets for all of the test legs of the same configuration. It also allows us to build on virtual machines and test on perf machines, so we only use the perf resources for testing. 4) Have different test scenarios for PRs and rolling. This isn't strictly a benefit of pipeline jobs, but certainly is made easier by them. 5) Allows us to have one trigger for PR jobs which will get us all the perf testing scenarios. This change also cleans up the groovy scripting for perf testing.
Diffstat (limited to 'buildpipeline')
2 files changed, 370 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/buildpipeline/perf-pipeline.groovy b/buildpipeline/perf-pipeline.groovy
index d21ff96f5d..41f71949ad 100644
--- a/buildpipeline/perf-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/buildpipeline/perf-pipeline.groovy
@@ -6,9 +6,378 @@
//--------------------- Windows Functions ----------------------------//
-stage ('Basic') {
+def windowsBuild(String arch, String config, String pgo, boolean isBaseline) {
+ checkout scm
+ String pgoBuildFlag = ((pgo == 'nopgo') ? '-nopgooptimize' : '-enforcepgo')
+ String baselineString = ""
+ // For baseline builds, checkout the merge's parent
+ if (isBaseline) {
+ baselineString = "-baseline"
+ bat "git checkout HEAD^^1"
+ }
+ bat "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&.\\build.cmd -${config} -${arch} -skipbuildpackages ${pgoBuildFlag}"
+ // Stash build artifacts. Stash tests in an additional stash to be used by Linux test runs
+ stash name: "nt-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-build-artifacts", includes: 'bin/**'
+ stash name: "nt-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-test-artifacts", includes: 'bin/tests/**'
+def windowsPerf(String arch, String config, String uploadString, String runType, String opt_level, String jit, String pgo, String scenario, boolean isBaseline) {
+ withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'CoreCLR Perf BenchView Sas', variable: 'BV_UPLOAD_SAS_TOKEN')]) {
+ checkout scm
+ String baselineString = ""
+ if (isBaseline) {
+ baselineString = "-baseline"
+ }
+ dir ('.') {
+ unstash "nt-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-build-artifacts"
+ unstash "benchview-tools"
+ unstash "metadata"
+ }
+ String pgoTestFlag = ((pgo == 'nopgo') ? '-nopgo' : '')
+ // We want to use the baseline metadata for baseline runs. We expect to find the submission metadata in
+ //
+ if (isBaseline) {
+ bat "move /y submission-metadata-baseline.json submission-metadata.json"
+ }
+ String testEnv = ""
+ String failedOutputLogFilename = "run-xunit-perf-scenario.log"
+ bat "py \".\\Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat\\tools\\\""
+ bat ".\\init-tools.cmd"
+ bat "run.cmd build -Project=\"tests\\build.proj\" -BuildOS=Windows_NT -BuildType=${config} -BuildArch=${arch} -BatchRestorePackages"
+ bat "tests\\runtest.cmd ${config} ${arch} GenerateLayoutOnly"
+ // We run run-xunit-perf differently for each of the different job types
+ if (scenario == 'perf') {
+ String runXUnitPerfCommonArgs = "-arch ${arch} -configuration ${config} -generateBenchviewData \"%WORKSPACE%\\Microsoft.Benchview.JSONFormat\\tools\" ${uploadString} -runtype ${runType} ${testEnv} -optLevel ${opt_level} ${pgoTestFlag} -jitName ${jit} -stabilityPrefix \"START \"CORECLR_PERF_RUN\" /B /WAIT /HIGH /AFFINITY 0x2\""
+ bat "tests\\scripts\\run-xunit-perf.cmd ${runXUnitPerfCommonArgs} -testBinLoc bin\\tests\\${os}.${arch}.${config}\\performance\\perflab\\Perflab -library"
+ bat "tests\\scripts\\run-xunit-perf.cmd ${runXUnitPerfCommonArgs} -testBinLoc bin\\tests\\${os}.${arch}.${config}\\Jit\\Performance\\CodeQuality"
+ bat "tests\\scripts\\run-xunit-perf.cmd ${runXUnitPerfCommonArgs} -testBinLoc bin\\tests\\${os}.${arch}.${config}\\performance\\perflab\\Perflab -library -collectionFlags default+BranchMispredictions+CacheMisses+InstructionRetired+gcapi"
+ bat "tests\\scripts\\run-xunit-perf.cmd ${runXUnitPerfCommonArgs} -testBinLoc bin\\tests\\${os}.${arch}.${config}\\Jit\\Performance\\CodeQuality -collectionFlags default+BranchMispredictions+CacheMisses+InstructionRetired+gcapi"
+ }
+ else if (scenario == 'jitbench') {
+ String runXUnitPerfCommonArgs = "-arch ${arch} -configuration ${config} -generateBenchviewData \"%WORKSPACE%\\Microsoft.Benchview.JSONFormat\\tools\" ${uploadString} ${pgoTestFlag} -runtype ${runType} ${testEnv} -optLevel ${opt_level} -jitName ${jit} -scenarioTest"
+ bat "tests\\scripts\\run-xunit-perf.cmd ${runXUnitPerfCommonArgs} -testBinLoc bin\\tests\\${os}.${arch}.${config}\\performance\\Scenario\\JitBench -group CoreCLR-Scenarios || (echo [ERROR] JitBench failed. 1>>\"${failedOutputLogFilename}\" && exit /b 1)"
+ }
+ else if (scenario == 'illink') {
+ String runXUnitPerfCommonArgs = "-arch ${arch} -configuration ${config} -generateBenchviewData \"%WORKSPACE%\\Microsoft.Benchview.JSONFormat\\tools\" ${uploadString} ${pgoTestFlag} -runtype ${runType} ${testEnv} -optLevel ${opt_level} -jitName ${jit} -scenarioTest"
+ bat "tests\\scripts\\run-xunit-perf.cmd ${runXUnitPerfCommonArgs} -testBinLoc bin\\tests\\${os}.${arch}.${config}\\performance\\linkbench\\linkbench -group ILLink -nowarmup || (echo [ERROR] IlLink failed. 1>>\"${failedOutputLogFilename}\" && exit /b 1)"
+ }
+ archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: false, artifacts:'bin/toArchive/**,machinedata.json'
+ }
+def windowsThroughput(String arch, String os, String config, String runType, String optLevel, String jit, String pgo, boolean isBaseline) {
+ withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'CoreCLR Perf BenchView Sas', variable: 'BV_UPLOAD_SAS_TOKEN')]) {
+ checkout scm
+ String baselineString = ""
+ if (isBaseline) {
+ baselineString = "-baseline"
+ }
+ String pgoTestFlag = ((pgo == 'nopgo') ? '-nopgo' : '')
+ dir ('.') {
+ unstash "nt-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-build-artifacts"
+ unstash "benchview-tools"
+ unstash "throughput-benchmarks-${arch}"
+ unstash "metadata"
+ }
+ // We want to use the baseline metadata for baseline runs. We expect to find the submission metadata in
+ //
+ if (isBaseline) {
+ bat "move /y submission-metadata-baseline.json submission-metadata.json"
+ }
+ bat "py \".\\Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat\\tools\\\""
+ bat ".\\init-tools.cmd"
+ bat "tests\\runtest.cmd ${config} ${arch} GenerateLayoutOnly"
+ bat "py -u tests\\scripts\\ -arch ${arch} -os ${os} -configuration ${config} -opt_level ${optLevel} -jit_name ${jit} ${pgoTestFlag} -clr_root \"%WORKSPACE%\" -assembly_root \"%WORKSPACE%\\${arch}ThroughputBenchmarks\\lib\" -benchview_path \"%WORKSPACE%\\Microsoft.Benchview.JSONFormat\\tools\" -run_type ${runType}"
+ archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: false, artifacts:'throughput-*.csv,machinedata.json'
+ }
+//------------------------ Linux Functions ----------------------------//
+def linuxBuild(String arch, String config, String pgo, boolean isBaseline) {
+ checkout scm
+ String pgoBuildFlag = ((pgo == 'nopgo') ? '-nopgooptimize' : '')
+ String baselineString = ""
+ // For baseline runs, checkout the merge's parent
+ if (isBaseline) {
+ baselineString = "-baseline"
+ sh "git checkout HEAD^1"
+ }
+ sh "./ -verbose -${config} -${arch} ${pgoBuildFlag}"
+ stash name: "linux-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-build-artifacts", includes: 'bin/**'
+def linuxPerf(String arch, String os, String config, String uploadString, String runType, String optLevel, String pgo, boolean isBaseline) {
+ withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'CoreCLR Perf BenchView Sas', variable: 'BV_UPLOAD_SAS_TOKEN')]) {
+ checkout scm
+ String baselineString = ""
+ if (isBaseline) {
+ baselineString = "-baseline"
+ }
+ String pgoTestFlag = ((pgo == 'nopgo') ? '--nopgo' : '')
+ dir ('.') {
+ unstash "linux-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-build-artifacts"
+ unstash "nt-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-test-artifacts"
+ unstash "metadata"
+ }
+ dir ('./tests/scripts') {
+ unstash "benchview-tools"
+ }
+ // We want to use the baseline metadata for baseline runs. We expect to find the submission metadata in
+ //
+ if (isBaseline) {
+ sh "mv -f submission-metadata-baseline.json submission-metadata.json"
+ }
+ sh "./tests/scripts/"
+ sh "./"
+ sh "./tests/scripts/ --testRootDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/tests/Windows_NT.${arch}.${config}\" --optLevel=${optLevel} ${pgoTestFlag} --testNativeBinDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/obj/Linux.${arch}.${config}/tests\" --coreClrBinDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/Product/Linux.${arch}.${config}\" --mscorlibDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/Product/Linux.${arch}.${config}\" --coreFxBinDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/corefx\" --runType=\"${runType}\" --benchViewOS=\"${os}\" --stabilityPrefix=\"taskset 0x00000002 nice --adjustment=-10\" --uploadToBenchview --generatebenchviewdata=\"\${WORKSPACE}/tests/scripts/Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat/tools\""
+ archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: false, artifacts:'bin/toArchive/**,machinedata.json'
+ }
+def linuxThroughput(String arch, String os, String config, String uploadString, String runType, String optLevel, String pgo, boolean isBaseline) {
+ withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'CoreCLR Perf BenchView Sas', variable: 'BV_UPLOAD_SAS_TOKEN')]) {
+ checkout scm
+ String baselineString = ""
+ if (isBaseline) {
+ baselineString = "-baseline"
+ }
+ String pgoTestFlag = ((pgo == 'nopgo') ? '-nopgo' : '')
+ dir ('.') {
+ unstash "linux-${arch}-${pgo}${baselineString}-build-artifacts"
+ unstash "throughput-benchmarks-${arch}"
+ unstash "metadata"
+ }
+ dir ('./tests/scripts') {
+ unstash "benchview-tools"
+ }
+ // We want to use the baseline metadata for baseline runs. We expect to find the submission metadata in
+ //
+ if (isBaseline) {
+ sh "mv -f submission-metadata-baseline.json submission-metadata.json"
+ }
+ sh "./tests/scripts/ --throughput"
+ sh "./"
+ sh "python3 ./tests/scripts/ -arch \"${arch}\" -os \"${os}\" -configuration \"${config}\" -opt_level ${optLevel} ${pgoTestFlag} -clr_root \"\${WORKSPACE}\" -assembly_root \"\${WORKSPACE}/${arch}ThroughputBenchmarks/lib\" -run_type \"${runType}\" -benchview_path \"\${WORKSPACE}/tests/scripts/Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat/tools\""
+ archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: false, artifacts:'throughput-*.csv,machinedata.json'
+ }
+//-------------------------- Job Definitions --------------------------//
+String config = "Release"
+String runType = isPR() ? 'private' : 'rolling'
+String uploadString = '-uploadToBenchview'
+stage ('Get Metadata and download Throughput Benchmarks') {
simpleNode('Windows_NT', '20170427-elevated') {
checkout scm
+ String commit = getCommit()
+ def benchViewName = isPR() ? "coreclr private %ghprbPullTitle%" : "coreclr rolling %GIT_BRANCH_WITHOUT_ORIGIN% ${commit}"
+ def benchViewUser = getUserEmail()
+ bat "mkdir tools\n" +
+ "powershell Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile %WORKSPACE%\\tools\\nuget.exe"
+ bat "%WORKSPACE%\\tools\\nuget.exe install Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat -Source -Prerelease -ExcludeVersion"
+ bat "%WORKSPACE%\\tools\\nuget.exe install Microsoft.BenchView.ThroughputBenchmarks.x64.Windows_NT -Source -Prerelease -ExcludeVersion"
+ bat "%WORKSPACE%\\tools\\nuget.exe install Microsoft.BenchView.ThroughputBenchmarks.x86.Windows_NT -Source -Prerelease -ExcludeVersion"
+ bat "set \"GIT_BRANCH_WITHOUT_ORIGIN=%GitBranchOrCommit:*/=%\"\n" +
+ "py \"%WORKSPACE%\\Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat\\tools\\\" --name \"${benchViewName}\" --user-email \"${benchViewUser}\"\n" +
+ "py \"%WORKSPACE%\\Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat\\tools\\\" git --branch %GIT_BRANCH_WITHOUT_ORIGIN% --type ${runType}\n" +
+ "py \"%WORKSPACE%\\Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat\\tools\\\" --name \"${benchViewName}-baseline\" --user-email \"${benchViewUser}\" -o submission-metadata-baseline.json\n"
+ // TODO: revisit these moves. Originally, stash could not find the directories as currently named
+ bat "move Microsoft.BenchView.ThroughputBenchmarks.x64.Windows_NT x64ThroughputBenchmarks"
+ bat "move Microsoft.BenchView.ThroughputBenchmarks.x86.Windows_NT x86ThroughputBenchmarks"
+ stash includes: 'Microsoft.BenchView.JSONFormat/**/*', name: 'benchview-tools'
+ stash name: "metadata", includes: "*.json"
+ stash name: "throughput-benchmarks-x64", includes: "x64ThroughputBenchmarks/**/*"
+ stash name: "throughput-benchmarks-x86", includes: "x86ThroughputBenchmarks/**/*"
+// TODO: use non-pgo builds for throughput?
+def innerLoopBuilds = [
+ "windows x64 pgo build": {
+ simpleNode('Windows_NT','latest') {
+ windowsBuild('x64', config, 'pgo', false)
+ }
+ },
+ "windows x86 pgo build": {
+ simpleNode('Windows_NT','latest') {
+ windowsBuild('x86', config, 'pgo', false)
+ }
+ },
+ "linux x64 pgo build": {
+ simpleNode('RHEL7.2', 'latest-or-auto') {
+ linuxBuild('x64', config, 'pgo', false)
+ }
+ }
+// Only run non-pgo builds on offical builds
+def outerLoopBuilds = [:]
+if (!isPR()) {
+ outerLoopBuilds = [
+ "windows x64 nopgo build": {
+ simpleNode('Windows_NT','latest') {
+ windowsBuild('x64', config, 'nopgo', false)
+ }
+ },
+ "windows x86 nopgo build": {
+ simpleNode('Windows_NT','latest') {
+ windowsBuild('x86', config, 'nopgo', false)
+ }
+ },
+ "linux x64 nopgo build": {
+ simpleNode('RHEL7.2', 'latest-or-auto') {
+ linuxBuild('x64', config, 'nopgo', false)
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+def baselineBuilds = [:]
+if (isPR()) {
+ baselineBuilds = [
+ "windows x64 pgo baseline build": {
+ simpleNode('Windows_NT','latest') {
+ windowsBuild('x64', config, 'pgo', true)
+ }
+ },
+ "windows x86 pgo baseline build": {
+ simpleNode('Windows_NT','latest') {
+ windowsBuild('x86', config, 'pgo', true)
+ }
+ },
+ "linux x64 pgo baseline build": {
+ simpleNode('RHEL7.2', 'latest-or-auto') {
+ linuxBuild('x64', config, 'pgo', true)
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+stage ('Build Product') {
+ parallel innerLoopBuilds + outerLoopBuilds + baselineBuilds
+// Pipeline builds don't allow outside scripts (ie ArrayList.Add) if running from a script from SCM, so manually list these for now.
+// Run the main test mix on all runs (PR + official)
+def innerLoopTests = [:]
+['x64', 'x86'].each { arch ->
+ [true,false].each { isBaseline ->
+ String baseline = ""
+ if (isBaseline) {
+ baseline = " baseline"
+ }
+ if (isPR() || !isBaseline) {
+ innerLoopTests["windows ${arch} ryujit full_opt pgo${baseline} perf"] = {
+ simpleNode('windows_server_2016_clr_perf', 180) {
+ windowsPerf(arch, config, uploadString, runType, 'full_opt', 'ryujit', 'pgo', 'perf', isBaseline)
+ }
+ }
+ if (arch == 'x64') {
+ innerLoopTests["linux ${arch} ryujit full_opt pgo${baseline} perf"] = {
+ simpleNode('linux_clr_perf', 180) {
+ linuxPerf('x64', 'Ubuntu14.04', config, uploadString, runType, 'full_opt', 'pgo', isBaseline)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Run the full test mix only on commits, not PRs
+def outerLoopTests = [:]
+if (!isPR()) {
+ outerLoopTests["windows ${arch} ryujit full_opt pgo${baseline} jitbench"] = {
+ simpleNode('windows_server_2016_clr_perf', 180) {
+ windowsPerf(arch, config, uploadString, runType, 'full_opt', 'ryujit', 'pgo', 'jitbench', false)
+ }
+ }
+ outerLoopTests["windows ${arch} ryujit full_opt pgo${baseline} illink"] = {
+ simpleNode('windows_server_2015_clr_perf', 180) {
+ windowsPerf(arch, config, uploadString, runType, 'full_opt', 'ryujit', 'pgo', 'illink', false)
+ }
+ }
+ ['x64', 'x86'].each { arch ->
+ ['min_opt', 'full_opt'].each { opt_level ->
+ ['ryujit'].each { jit ->
+ ['pgo', 'nopgo'].each { pgo_enabled ->
+ outerLoopTests["windows ${arch} ${jit} ${opt_level} ${pgo_enabled} perf"] = {
+ simpleNode('windows_server_2016_clr_perf', 180) {
+ windowsPerf(arch, config, uploadString, runType, opt_level, jit, pgo_enabled, 'perf', false)
+ }
+ }
+ outerLoopTests["windows ${arch} ${jit} ${opt_level} ${pgo_enabled} throughput"] = {
+ simpleNode('windows_server_2016_clr_perf', 180) {
+ windowsThroughput(arch, 'Windows_NT', config, runType, opt_level, jit, pgo_enabled, false)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ['x64'].each { arch ->
+ ['min_opt', 'full_opt'].each { opt_level ->
+ ['pgo', 'nopgo'].each { pgo_enabled ->
+ outerLoopTests["linux ${arch} ryujit ${opt_level} ${pgo_enabled} perf"] = {
+ simpleNode('linux_clr_perf', 180) {
+ linuxPerf(arch, 'Ubuntu14.04', config, uploadString, runType, opt_level, pgo_enabled, false)
+ }
+ }
+ outerLoopTests["linux ${arch} ryujit ${opt_level} ${pgo_enabled} throughput"] = {
+ simpleNode('linux_clr_perf', 180) {
+ linuxThroughput(arch, 'Ubuntu14.04', config, uploadString, runType, opt_level, pgo_enabled, false)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+stage ('Run testing') {
+ parallel innerLoopTests + outerLoopTests
diff --git a/buildpipeline/perf-pipelinejobs.groovy b/buildpipeline/perf-pipelinejobs.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 5979041dd8..0000000000
--- a/buildpipeline/perf-pipelinejobs.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import jobs.generation.JobReport;
-import jobs.generation.Utilities;
-// The input project name (e.g. dotnet/corefx)
-def project = GithubProject
-// The input branch name (e.g. master)
-def branch = GithubBranchName
-// **************************
-// Define innerloop testing. Any configuration in ForPR will run for every PR but all other configurations
-// will have a trigger that can be
-// **************************
-def perfPipeline = Pipeline.createPipelineForGithub(this, project, branch, 'buildpipeline/perf-pipeline.groovy')
-def triggerName = "Perf Build and Test"
-def pipeline = perfPipeline
-// If we were using parameters for the pipeline job, we would define an array of parameter pairs
-// and pass that array as a parameter to the trigger functions. Ie:
-// def params = ['CGroup':'Release',
-// 'AGroup':'x64',
-// 'OGroup':'Windows_NT']
-// pipeline.triggerPipelinOnGithubPRComment(triggerName, params)