path: root/build.cmd
diff options
authorVance Morrison <>2016-09-22 06:46:49 -0700
committerJan Kotas <>2016-09-22 06:46:49 -0700
commit787f727c64c1b3034434be265d103fb7d4e0950f (patch)
tree9098682abfaa9ee30e2b4661fa13819b6f8346d2 /build.cmd
parent0c3727eaaad0f255e18959f835de0dca3ce714eb (diff)
Generate CrossGen Pdbs as part of bulid (#7298)
This change has two parts. The first part changes build.cmd and the pkgproj so that as part of generating a .NET Core package we also generate the PDBS for the Native The second part changes crossgen so that it marks the Native Images as having a list of 0 exports. This is important because we want the generated PDBs to be naturally published on the symbol server, and currently the symbol server skips DLLs what are 'resource only' (no imports or exports). Because native images don't use 'normal' PE imports and exports, they get optimized away by the symbol server. Making a empy list of exports fixes this.
Diffstat (limited to 'build.cmd')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/build.cmd b/build.cmd
index 0974b000ad..4e6d4eea63 100644
--- a/build.cmd
+++ b/build.cmd
@@ -167,6 +167,11 @@ if not exist "%__BinDir%" md "%__BinDir%"
if not exist "%__IntermediatesDir%" md "%__IntermediatesDir%"
if not exist "%__LogsDir%" md "%__LogsDir%"
+REM It is convinient to have your Nuget search path include the location where the build
+REM will plass packages. However nuget used during the build will fail if that directory
+REM does not exist. Avoid this in at least one case by agressively creating the directory.
+if not exist "%__BinDir%\.nuget\pkg" md "%__BinDir%\.nuget\pkg"
echo %__MsgPrefix%Commencing CoreCLR Repo build
:: Set the remaining variables based upon the determined build configuration
@@ -344,13 +349,22 @@ if %__BuildCoreLib% EQU 1 (
+REM Need diasymreader.dll on your path for /CreatePdb
+set PATH=%PATH%;%WinDir%\Microsoft.Net\Framework64\V4.0.30319;%WinDir%\Microsoft.Net\Framework\V4.0.30319
if %__BuildNativeCoreLib% EQU 1 (
echo %__MsgPrefix%Generating native image of System.Private.CoreLib for %__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%
echo "%__CrossgenExe%" /Platform_Assemblies_Paths "%__BinDir%" /out "%__BinDir%\" "%__BinDir%\System.Private.CoreLib.dll"
"%__CrossgenExe%" /Platform_Assemblies_Paths "%__BinDir%" /out "%__BinDir%\" "%__BinDir%\System.Private.CoreLib.dll" > "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" 2>&1
if NOT !errorlevel! == 0 (
- echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: CrossGen System.Private.CoreLib build failed. Refer to the build log file for details:
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: CrossGen System.Private.CoreLib build failed. Refer to %__CrossGenCoreLibLog%
+ echo %__CrossGenCoreLibLog%
+ exit /b 1
+ )
+ "%__CrossgenExe%" /Platform_Assemblies_Paths "%__BinDir%" /CreatePdb "%__BinDir%\PDB" "%__BinDir%\" >> "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" 2>&1
+ if NOT !errorlevel! == 0 (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: CrossGen /CreatePdb System.Private.CoreLib build failed. Refer to %__CrossGenCoreLibLog%
echo %__CrossGenCoreLibLog%
exit /b 1
@@ -368,6 +382,8 @@ if %__BuildNativeCoreLib% EQU 1 (
if %__BuildPackages% EQU 1 (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Building Packages for %__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%
set __MsbuildLog=/flp:Verbosity=normal;LogFile="%__LogsDir%\Nuget_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log"
set __MsbuildWrn=/flp1:WarningsOnly;LogFile="%__LogsDir%\Nuget_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.wrn"
set __MsbuildErr=/flp2:ErrorsOnly;LogFile="%__LogsDir%\Nuget_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.err"