path: root/build.cmd
diff options
authorDaniel Podder <>2017-03-07 21:14:57 -0600
committerGitHub <>2017-03-07 21:14:57 -0600
commit1a1fdb8fb0839832b64248582082c90e166b74b5 (patch)
tree6a73c698b34a9537c3f0a0773f71c166371eb927 /build.cmd
parent32f10867031f0913a1bfc4e6bc159639369bf4bb (diff)
Port Windows PGO support to master (#9985)
The bulk of this PR is a cherry-pick of commit fa02660 that shipped in release/1.1.0, updating the build system support for PGO to support consuming PGDs properly during release builds on Windows. Also included are the following new changes: * Skip restore of opdata if the requisite project.json is missing * If the optdata package restore fails, fail the build. * Add new build option: 'skiprestoreoptdata' Note: This change doesn't by itself enable PGO in master yet, because training data (optdata packages) for master don't exist on myget yet. However, with these changes, the only step remaining to enable PGO optimizations is to add a project.json referencing the correct optdata package.
Diffstat (limited to 'build.cmd')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/build.cmd b/build.cmd
index 1e69da4337..685e84cfab 100644
--- a/build.cmd
+++ b/build.cmd
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ set "__SourceDir=%__ProjectDir%\src"
set "__PackagesDir=%__ProjectDir%\packages"
set "__RootBinDir=%__ProjectDir%\bin"
set "__LogsDir=%__RootBinDir%\Logs"
+set "__OptDataVersion="
set __BuildAll=
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ set __BuildNative=1
set __BuildTests=1
set __BuildPackages=1
set __BuildNativeCoreLib=1
+set __RestoreOptData=1
if "%1" == "" goto ArgsDone
@@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ if /i "%1" == "skipmscorlib" (set __BuildCoreLib=0&set __BuildNativeCoreL
if /i "%1" == "skipnative" (set __BuildNative=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "skiptests" (set __BuildTests=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "skipbuildpackages" (set __BuildPackages=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "skiprestoreoptdata" (set __RestoreOptData=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "usenmakemakefiles" (set __NMakeMakefiles=1&set __ConfigureOnly=1&set __BuildNative=1&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildCoreLib=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "buildjit32" (set __BuildJit32="-DBUILD_JIT32=1"&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "pgoinstrument" (set __PgoInstrument=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
@@ -204,6 +207,33 @@ call "%__VSToolsRoot%\VsDevCmd.bat"
REM =========================================================================================
REM ===
+REM === Restore optimization profile data
+REM ===
+REM =========================================================================================
+REM Parse the package version out of project.json so that we can pass it on to CMake
+where /q python || (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Python not found on PATH, please make sure that it is installed.
+ exit /b 1
+set OptDataProjectJsonPath=%__ProjectDir%\src\.nuget\optdata\project.json
+if EXIST "%OptDataProjectJsonPath%" (
+ for /f "tokens=*" %%s in ('python "%__ProjectDir%\" -rf "%OptDataProjectJsonPath%" dependencies optimization.PGO.CoreCLR') do @(
+ set __OptDataVersion=%%s
+ )
+if %__RestoreOptData% EQU 1 (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Restoring the OptimizationData Package
+ @call %__ProjectDir%\run.cmd sync -optdata
+ if not !errorlevel! == 0 (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Failed to restore the optimization data package.
+ exit /b 1
+ )
+REM =========================================================================================
+REM ===
REM === Build the CLR VM
REM ===
REM =========================================================================================
@@ -251,7 +281,7 @@ if %__BuildNative% EQU 1 (
echo %__MsgPrefix%Regenerating the Visual Studio solution
pushd "%__IntermediatesDir%"
- set __ExtraCmakeArgs=!___SDKVersion! "-DCLR_CMAKE_TARGET_OS=%__BuildOs%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_PACKAGES_DIR=%__PackagesDir%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_PGO_INSTRUMENT=%__PgoInstrument%"
+ set __ExtraCmakeArgs=!___SDKVersion! "-DCLR_CMAKE_TARGET_OS=%__BuildOs%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_PACKAGES_DIR=%__PackagesDir%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_PGO_INSTRUMENT=%__PgoInstrument%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_OPTDATA_VERSION=%__OptDataVersion%"
call "%__SourceDir%\pal\tools\gen-buildsys-win.bat" "%__ProjectDir%" %__VSVersion% %__BuildArch% %__BuildJit32% %__BuildStandaloneGC% !__ExtraCmakeArgs!
@if defined _echo @echo on
@@ -305,7 +335,7 @@ if /i "%__DoCrossArchBuild%"=="1" (
pushd "%__CrossCompIntermediatesDir%"
set __CMakeBinDir=%__CrossComponentBinDir%
set "__CMakeBinDir=!__CMakeBinDir:\=/!"
call "%__SourceDir%\pal\tools\gen-buildsys-win.bat" "%__ProjectDir%" %__VSVersion% %__CrossArch% !__ExtraCmakeArgs!
@if defined _echo @echo on
@@ -593,6 +623,7 @@ echo skipmscorlib: skip building System.Private.CoreLib ^(default: System.Privat
echo skipnative: skip building native components ^(default: native components are built^).
echo skiptests: skip building tests ^(default: tests are built^).
echo skipbuildpackages: skip building nuget packages ^(default: packages are built^).
+echo skiprestoreoptdata: skip restoring optimization data used by profile-based optimizations.
echo buildstandalonegc: builds the GC in a standalone mode.
echo -skiprestore: skip restoring packages ^(default: packages are restored during build^).
echo -disableoss: Disable Open Source Signing for System.Private.CoreLib.