path: root/build-test.cmd
diff options
authorBruce Forstall <>2018-07-06 17:19:32 -0700
committerBruce Forstall <>2018-08-01 22:37:04 -0700
commit22ba5204472650338e3d695074d1da90ee94ca87 (patch)
tree759b538e9b76ef09d64fb01c49c65fbb1750d6b2 /build-test.cmd
parentd7191b58cfc263479f57b45084097b773d8c235a (diff)
Enable ARM64 builds using release product tools
Remove support for specifying the toolset directory for arm64, which was used to point to an internal toolset. Building for arm64 now works just like the other platforms, e.g. invoke `build arm64`. The requirements: . Visual Studio 2017 Update 4 or later, with ARM64 toolset installed . Windows SDK 10.0.17134.0 or later . CMake 3.10 or later
Diffstat (limited to 'build-test.cmd')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/build-test.cmd b/build-test.cmd
index 17f67c1b8f..38c97b59d0 100644
--- a/build-test.cmd
+++ b/build-test.cmd
@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ if /i "%1" == "checked" (set __BuildType=Checked&set processedArgs
if /i "%1" == "skipmanaged" (set __SkipManaged=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "skipnative" (set __SkipNative=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "buildtesthostonly" (set __SkipNative=1&set __SkipManaged=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "toolset_dir" (set __ToolsetDir=%2&set __PassThroughArgs=%__PassThroughArgs% %2&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1 %2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "buildagainstpackages" (set __ZipTests=1&set __BuildAgainstPackagesArg=-BuildTestsAgainstPackages&set __BuildAgainstPackagesMsbuildArg=/p:BuildTestsAgainstPackages=true&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "skiprestorepackages" (set __SkipRestorePackages=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "ziptests" (set __ZipTests=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
@@ -120,12 +119,6 @@ set __RunArgs=-BuildOS=%__BuildOS% -BuildType=%__BuildType% -BuildArch=%__BuildA
REM As we move from buildtools to arcade, __RunArgs should be replaced with __msbuildArgs
set __msbuildArgs=/p:__BuildOS=%__BuildOS% /p:__BuildType=%__BuildType% /p:__BuildArch=%__BuildArch%
-if defined __ToolsetDir (
- rem arm64 builds currently use private toolset which has not been released yet
- REM TODO, remove once the toolset is open.
- call :PrivateToolSet
echo %__MsgPrefix%Commencing CoreCLR repo test build
set "__BinDir=%__RootBinDir%\Product\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%"
@@ -188,11 +181,6 @@ REM ============================================================================
echo %__MsgPrefix%Commencing build of native test components for %__BuildArch%/%__BuildType%
-if defined __ToolsetDir (
- echo %__MsgPrefix%ToolsetDir is defined to be %__ToolsetDir%
- goto GenVSSolution :: Private ToolSet is Defined
:: Set the environment for the native build
echo %__MsgPrefix%Using environment: "%__VCToolsRoot%\vcvarsall.bat" %__VCBuildArch%
call "%__VCToolsRoot%\vcvarsall.bat" %__VCBuildArch%
@@ -204,8 +192,6 @@ if not defined VSINSTALLDIR (
if not exist "%VSINSTALLDIR%DIA SDK" goto NoDIA
pushd "%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%"
call "%__SourceDir%\pal\tools\gen-buildsys-win.bat" ""%__ProjectFilesDir%"" %__VSVersion% %__BuildArch%
@if defined _echo @echo on
@@ -216,14 +202,6 @@ if not exist "%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%\install.vcxproj" (
exit /b 1
-set __msbuildNativeArgs=-configuration=%__BuildType%
-if defined __ToolsetDir (
- set __msbuildNativeArgs=%__msbuildNativeArgs% -UseEnv
-) else (
- set __msbuildNativeArgs=%__msbuildNativeArgs% -platform=%__BuildArch%
set __BuildLogRootName=Tests_Native
set __BuildLog=%__LogsDir%\%__BuildLogRootName%_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log
set __BuildWrn=%__LogsDir%\%__BuildLogRootName%_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.wrn
@@ -232,7 +210,7 @@ set __msbuildLog=/flp:Verbosity=normal;LogFile="%__BuildLog%"
set __msbuildWrn=/flp1:WarningsOnly;LogFile="%__BuildWrn%"
set __msbuildErr=/flp2:ErrorsOnly;LogFile="%__BuildErr%"
-call "%__ProjectDir%\run.cmd" build -Project="%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%\install.vcxproj" -MsBuildLog=!__msbuildLog! -MsBuildWrn=!__msbuildWrn! -MsBuildErr=!__msbuildErr! %__msbuildNativeArgs% %__RunArgs% %__PriorityArg% %__PassThroughArg% %__unprocessedBuildArgs%
+call "%__ProjectDir%\run.cmd" build -Project="%__NativeTestIntermediatesDir%\install.vcxproj" -MsBuildLog=!__msbuildLog! -MsBuildWrn=!__msbuildWrn! -MsBuildErr=!__msbuildErr! -configuration=%__BuildType% -platform=%__BuildArch% %__RunArgs% %__PriorityArg% %__PassThroughArg% %__unprocessedBuildArgs%
if errorlevel 1 (
echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: build failed. Refer to the build log files for details:
echo %__BuildLog%
@@ -500,15 +478,21 @@ exit /b 0
+echo Build the CoreCLR tests.
echo Usage:
echo %0 [option1] [option2] ...
echo All arguments are optional. Options are case-insensitive. The options are:
echo. -? -h -help: view this message.
-echo Build architecture: -buildArch: only x64 is currently allowed ^(default: x64^).
-echo Build type: -buildType: one of Debug, Checked, Release ^(default: Debug^).
+echo Build architecture: one of x64, x86, arm, arm64 ^(default: x64^).
+echo Build type: one of Debug, Checked, Release ^(default: Debug^).
+echo skipmanaged: skip the managed tests build
+echo skipnative: skip the native tests build
+echo buildtesthostonly: build the CoreFX testhost only
echo buildagainstpackages: builds tests against restored packages, instead of against a built product.
-echo runtimeid ^<ID^>: Builds a test overlay for the specified OS (Only supported when building against packages). Supported IDs are:
+echo skiprestorepackages: skip package restore
+echo runtimeid ^<ID^>: Builds a test overlay for the specified OS ^(Only supported when building against packages^). Supported IDs are:
echo alpine.3.4.3-x64: Builds overlay for Alpine 3.4.3
echo debian.8-x64: Builds overlay for Debian 8
echo fedora.24-x64: Builds overlay for Fedora 24
@@ -524,7 +508,8 @@ echo win-x64: Builds overlay for portable Windows
echo win7-x64: Builds overlay for Windows 7
echo ziptests: zips CoreCLR tests and Core_Root for a Helix run
echo crossgen: Precompiles the framework managed assemblies
-echo Exclude- Optional parameter - specify location of default exclusion file (defaults to tests\issues.targets if not specified)
+echo targetsNonWindows:
+echo Exclude- Optional parameter - specify location of default exclusion file ^(defaults to tests\issues.targets if not specified^)
echo Set to "" to disable default exclusion file.
echo -- ... : all arguments following this tag will be passed directly to msbuild.
echo -priority=^<N^> : specify a set of test that will be built and run, with priority N.
@@ -545,36 +530,6 @@ You need Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 (Community is free).
echo See:
exit /b 1
-echo %__MsgPrefix%Setting up the usage of __ToolsetDir:%__ToolsetDir%
-if /i "%__ToolsetDir%" == "" (
- echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: A toolset directory is required for the Arm64 Windows build. Use the toolset_dir argument.
- exit /b 1
-if not exist "%__ToolsetDir%"\buildenv_arm64.cmd goto :Not_EWDK
-call "%__ToolsetDir%"\buildenv_arm64.cmd
-exit /b 0
-set PATH=%__ToolsetDir%\VC_sdk\bin;%PATH%
-set LIB=%__ToolsetDir%\VC_sdk\lib\arm64;%__ToolsetDir%\sdpublic\sdk\lib\arm64
-set INCLUDE=^
-exit /b 0
for %%F in (%CORE_ROOT%\*.dll) do call :PrecompileAssembly "%%F" %%~nF%%~xF
exit /b 0