path: root/UpdateDependencies.ps1
diff options
authorDavis Goodin <>2016-08-08 18:45:59 -0500
committerDavis Goodin <>2016-08-22 15:22:51 -0500
commit5a63fd855de5d38d8429b68c50c08b8f00973d22 (patch)
treede062b300b47b0dfc83621f8ffb65e7f4dbfaf4a /UpdateDependencies.ps1
parent158db015291e012bb79c6eba15718834cb4ae173 (diff)
Use versions repo tooling from BuildTools.
Sets up dependencies.props config. Removes UpdateDependencies powershell script, to be replaced by a call into VersionTools in Maestro automation. Changes UpdatePublishedVersions to pass through to VersionTools for backward compatibility.
Diffstat (limited to 'UpdateDependencies.ps1')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/UpdateDependencies.ps1 b/UpdateDependencies.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 51f24c5c14..0000000000
--- a/UpdateDependencies.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
-# This script updates dir.props with the current version of CoreCLR
-# dependencies, and then creates a Pull Request for the change.
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$GitHubUser,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$GitHubEmail,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$GitHubPassword,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$VersionFileUrl,
- [string[]]$DirPropsVersionElements = 'CoreClrExpectedPrerelease',
- [string]$GitHubUpstreamOwner='dotnet',
- [string]$GitHubOriginOwner=$GitHubUser,
- [string]$GitHubProject='coreclr',
- [string]$GitHubUpstreamBranch='master',
- # a semi-colon delimited list of GitHub users to notify on the PR
- [string]$GitHubPullRequestNotifications='')
-$LatestVersion = Invoke-WebRequest $VersionFileUrl -UseBasicParsing
-$LatestVersion = $LatestVersion.ToString().Trim()
-if ($DirPropsVersionElements -contains 'CoreClrExpectedPrerelease')
- # Also get list of all package versions, relative to the given prerelease version url.
- $LatestPackagesListUrl = $VersionFileUrl -Replace 'Latest.txt', 'Latest_Packages.txt'
- $LatestPackagesList = Invoke-WebRequest $LatestPackagesListUrl -UseBasicParsing
- $LatestCoreCLRPackage = $LatestPackagesList -split "`n" | ?{ $_.StartsWith('Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime.CoreCLR') }
- $LatestCoreCLRVersion = ($LatestCoreCLRPackage -split ' ')[1].Trim()
-# Make a nicely formatted string of the dir props version elements. Short names, joined by commas.
-$DirPropsVersionNames = ($DirPropsVersionElements | %{ $_ -replace 'ExpectedPrerelease', '' }) -join ', '
-# Updates the dir.props file with the latest build number
-function UpdateValidDependencyVersionsFile
- if (!$LatestVersion)
- {
- Write-Error "Unable to find latest dependency version at $VersionFileUrl ($DirPropsVersionNames)"
- return $false
- }
- $DirPropsPaths = @("$PSScriptRoot\dir.props", "$PSScriptRoot\tests\dir.props")
- $DirPropsPaths | %{
- $DirPropsContent = Get-Content $_ | %{
- $line = $_
- $DirPropsVersionElements | %{
- $line = $line -replace `
- "<$_>.*</$_>", `
- "<$_>$LatestVersion</$_>"
- }
- if ($LatestCoreCLRVersion)
- {
- $line = $line -replace `
- "<CoreClrPackageVersion>.*<", `
- "<CoreClrPackageVersion>$LatestCoreCLRVersion<"
- }
- $line
- }
- Set-Content $_ $DirPropsContent
- }
- return $true
-# Updates all the project.json files with out of date version numbers
-function RunUpdatePackageDependencyVersions
- cmd /c $PSScriptRoot\build-test.cmd updateinvalidpackages | Out-Host
- return $LASTEXITCODE -eq 0
-# Creates a Pull Request for the updated version numbers
-function CreatePullRequest
- $GitStatus = git status --porcelain
- if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($GitStatus))
- {
- Write-Warning "Dependencies are currently up to date"
- return $true
- }
- $CommitMessage = "Updating $DirPropsVersionNames dependencies to $LatestVersion"
- $env:GIT_COMMITTER_NAME = $GitHubUser
- $env:GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL = $GitHubEmail
- git commit -a -m "$CommitMessage" --author "$GitHubUser <$GitHubEmail>" | Out-Host
- $RemoteUrl = "$GitHubOriginOwner/$GitHubProject.git"
- $RemoteBranchName = "UpdateDependencies$([DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString('yyyyMMddhhmmss'))"
- $RefSpec = "HEAD:refs/heads/$RemoteBranchName"
- Write-Host "git push https://$RemoteUrl $RefSpec"
- # pipe this to null so the password secret isn't in the logs
- git push "https://$($GitHubUser):$GitHubPassword@$RemoteUrl" $RefSpec 2>&1 | Out-Null
- if ($GitHubPullRequestNotifications)
- {
- $PRNotifications = $GitHubPullRequestNotifications.Split(';', [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) -join ' @'
- $PRBody = "/cc @$PRNotifications"
- }
- else
- {
- $PRBody = ''
- }
- $CreatePRBody = @"
- {
- "title": "$CommitMessage",
- "body": "$PRBody",
- "head": "$($GitHubOriginOwner):$RemoteBranchName",
- "base": "$GitHubUpstreamBranch"
- }
- $CreatePRHeaders = @{'Accept'='application/vnd.github.v3+json'; 'Authorization'="token $GitHubPassword"}
- try
- {
- Invoke-WebRequest$GitHubUpstreamOwner/$GitHubProject/pulls -UseBasicParsing -Method Post -Body $CreatePRBody -Headers $CreatePRHeaders
- }
- catch
- {
- Write-Error $_.ToString()
- return $false
- }
- return $true
-if (!(UpdateValidDependencyVersionsFile))
- Exit -1
-if (!(RunUpdatePackageDependencyVersions))
- Exit -1
-if (!(CreatePullRequest))
- Exit -1
-Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully updated dependencies from the latest build numbers"
-exit $LastExitCode