path: root/Tools/encoding.targets
diff options
authorGleb Balykov <>2020-07-13 18:17:29 +0300
committerAlexander Soldatov/AI Compiler Lab /SRR/Staff Engineer/Samsung Electronics <>2020-07-23 15:38:33 +0300
commitef4d447326501bbf3f350824ba0bd0098e5fcd58 (patch)
tree48b801cdba98d2a1df5a30baf9c2510352cae0de /Tools/encoding.targets
parent627172e192116c9a7ae9ffa47a9722ce400e83e3 (diff)
[Tizen] Add CoreCLR tests BuildTools v3.1.3 for armel,arm64
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/encoding.targets')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/encoding.targets b/Tools/encoding.targets
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..67ad3ec489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/encoding.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<Project ToolsVersion="12.0" xmlns="">
+ <UsingTask TaskName="GenerateEncodingTable" AssemblyFile="$(BuildToolsTaskDir)Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll" />
+ <!-- Include the following in the .csproj of a project which needs to generate an encoding data-table, uncomment as appropriate:
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ This Task can be re-run with /t:GenerateEncodingSource
+ An IANA Mapping file contains rows of two elements: a valid IANA encoding identifier, and the equivalent code page.
+ There may be many IANA ids (aliases) mapped to a single code page.
+ <IANAMappingPath>nameOfMappingFile</IANAMappingPath>
+ The preferred name file contains rows of three elements: a code page, the 'canonical' IANA identifier,
+ and an "English" or descriptive name. There is one row per code page.
+ <PreferredIANANamesPath>nameOfPreferredNameFile</PreferredIANANamesPath>
+ <OutputDataTablePath>nameOfOutputFile</OutputDataTablePath>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <Import Project="$(ToolsDir)encoding.targets" Condition="Exists('$(ToolsDir)encoding.targets')" />
+ -->
+ <Target Name="GenerateEncodingSource"
+ Condition="'$(OutputDataTablePath)'!='' And '$(IANAMappingPath)'!='' And Exists('$(IANAMappingPath)') And '$(PreferredIANANamesPath)'!='' And Exists('$(PreferredIANANamesPath)')"
+ Inputs="$(IANAMappingPath);$(PreferredIANANamesPath)"
+ Outputs="$(OutputDataTablePath)">
+ <GenerateEncodingTable
+ IANAMappings="$(IANAMappingPath)"
+ PreferedIANANames="$(PreferredIANANamesPath)"
+ OutputDataTable="$(OutputDataTablePath)"
+ BuildProjectDirectory="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\"
+ Namespace="$(Namespace)"
+ ClassName="$(Classname)" />
+ </Target>