path: root/Tools/Build.Common.targets
diff options
authorGleb Balykov <>2020-07-13 18:17:29 +0300
committerAlexander Soldatov/AI Compiler Lab /SRR/Staff Engineer/Samsung Electronics <>2020-07-23 15:38:33 +0300
commitef4d447326501bbf3f350824ba0bd0098e5fcd58 (patch)
tree48b801cdba98d2a1df5a30baf9c2510352cae0de /Tools/Build.Common.targets
parent627172e192116c9a7ae9ffa47a9722ce400e83e3 (diff)
[Tizen] Add CoreCLR tests BuildTools v3.1.3 for armel,arm64
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/Build.Common.targets')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/Build.Common.targets b/Tools/Build.Common.targets
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2bc4283f53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/Build.Common.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<Project ToolsVersion="12.0" xmlns="" InitialTargets="CheckDesignTime">
+ <!-- Provide default targets which can be hooked onto or overridden as necessary -->
+ <Target Name="BuildAndTest" DependsOnTargets="Build;Test" />
+ <Target Name="RebuildAndTest" DependsOnTargets="Rebuild;Test" />
+ <Target Name="Test" />
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- Due to a bug in the Roslyn Microsoft.NETCore.Compilers.props file, VisualBasicCoreTargetsPath is not set, and instead they set BasicCoreTargetsPath so the wrong targets get imported -->
+ <VisualBasicCoreTargetsPath Condition="'$(VisualBasicCoreTargetsPath)' == '' And '$(BasicCoreTargetsPath)' != ''">$(BasicCoreTargetsPath)</VisualBasicCoreTargetsPath>
+ <BuildToolsTaskDir Condition="'$(BuildToolsTaskDir)' == ''">$(ToolsDir)</BuildToolsTaskDir>
+ <!-- For UAP, we need to bin place the resources as resw files to create the runner's pri file. -->
+ <ResourcesFolderPath Condition="'$(ResourcesFolderPath)' == ''">$(RuntimePath)resw</ResourcesFolderPath>
+ <!-- A number of the imports below depend on these default properties -->
+ <AssemblyVersion Condition="'$(AssemblyVersion)'==''">999.999.999.999</AssemblyVersion>
+ <CLSCompliant Condition="'$(CLSCompliant)'=='' and '$(IsTestProject)'=='true'">false</CLSCompliant>
+ <CLSCompliant Condition="'$(CLSCompliant)'==''">true</CLSCompliant>
+ <!--
+ Find projects in the tests folder which are not executable to distinguish
+ from accompanying support libraries.
+ -->
+ <IsInvokableTestProject Condition="'$(IsTestProject)' == 'true' AND '$(OutputType.ToLower())' != 'exe'">true</IsInvokableTestProject>
+ <!--
+ Check if the project has been localized by looking for the existence of the .de.xlf file. By convention, we assume that if
+ a project is localized in German, then it is localized in all languages.
+ -->
+ <ExcludeLocalizationImport Condition="'$(ExcludeLocalizationImport)'=='' And !Exists('$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)/MultilingualResources/$(MSBuildProjectName).de.xlf')">true</ExcludeLocalizationImport>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- Assembly metadata indicating that an assembly is a framework (as opposed to user) assembly:
+ Test projects need to not have this because of the way "IsFrameworkAssembly" APIs work to check this. -->
+ <ItemGroup Condition="'$(IsDotNetFrameworkProductAssembly)' == 'true' AND '$(IsTestProject)' != 'true'" >
+ <AssemblyMetadata Include=".NETFrameworkAssembly">
+ <Value></Value>
+ </AssemblyMetadata>
+ <AssemblyMetadata Include="Serviceable">
+ <Value>True</Value>
+ </AssemblyMetadata>
+ <AssemblyMetadata Include="PreferInbox">
+ <Value>True</Value>
+ </AssemblyMetadata>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <!--
+ Import the provides support for EnsureBuildToolsRuntime target which will restore a .NET Core based
+ runtime and setup a $(ToolRuntimePath) and $(ToolHost) for others to consume.
+ This must be imported before any tools that need to use it are imported.
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)toolruntime.targets" Condition="'$(ExcludeToolRuntimeImport)' != 'true'"/>
+ <!--
+ Import the reference assembly targets
+ This must be imported early because it modifies OutputPath and IntermediateOutputPath
+ used by other targets
+ Depends on Properties:
+ AssemblyVersion - Needed to determine API version used in
+ IsReferenceAssembly - Set if the project is in the ref assm path
+ Sets Properties:
+ APIVersion - Major.Minor assembly version for the project
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)ReferenceAssemblies.targets" Condition="'$(ExcludeReferenceAssembliesImport)'!='true'" />
+ <!--
+ Import the codeAnalysis.targets file to enable analyzer support during build.
+ This should happen before we import the frameworkTargeting.targets because that import leads to computing a default
+ for the CodeAnalysisRuleset unless one is already specified
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)codeAnalysis.targets" Condition="'$(ExcludeCodeAnalysisImport)' != 'true'" />
+ <!--
+ Import the codeOptimization.targets file to enable profile guided code optimization for managed assemblies.
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)codeOptimization.targets" />
+ <!--
+ Import the Symbols.targets file to provide access to Symbol Server index/archive tooling.
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)Symbols.targets" />
+ <!--
+ Import the PublishProduct.targets file for publish tooling like NuGetPush.
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)PublishProduct.targets" />
+ <!--
+ Import the default target framework targets.
+ Inputs:
+ TargetFrameworkIdentifier - If not set defaults to .NETPortable
+ TargetFrameworkVersion - If not set defaults to v4.5
+ TargetFrameworkProfile - If not set defaults to Profile7
+ This Imports portable.csharp/visualbasic.targets if .NETPortable is the identifier otherwise it imports csharp/visualbasic.targets
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)FrameworkTargeting.targets" Condition="'$(ExcludeFrameworkTargetingImport)'!='true'" />
+ <!--
+ Import the default assembly info generation targets
+ Inputs:
+ GenerateAssemblyInfo - Controls whether or not to generate the assembly info file and defaults to true if not set.
+ AssemblyVersion - If not set defaults to but it is expected to be set in csproj files.
+ CLSCompliant - If not set defaults to true and if it is true then adds the assembly level CLSCompliant(true) attribute.
+ File Version Inputs:
+ MajorVersion - If not set defaults to 1.
+ MinorVersion - If not set defaults to 0.
+ BuildNumberMajor - If not set defaults to 0.
+ BuildNumberMinor - If not set defaults to 0.
+ AssemblyFileVersion - If not set defaults to $(MajorVersion).$(MinorVersion).$(BuildNumberMajor).$(BuildNumberMinor).
+ BuildNumberTarget - If this property is set it will try to import the file which allows for it to override the properties above.
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)versioning.targets" Condition="'$(ExcludeVersioningImport)'!='true'" />
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)Packaging.targets" Condition="'$(ExcludePackagingImport)'!='true' AND '$(MSBuildProjectExtension)' == '.pkgproj'" />
+ <!-- Task to detect the TestNugetRuntimeId of a platform. This target is here to allow both the test build and sync steps to use
+ the same property for asset selection.
+ -->
+ <UsingTask TaskName="GetTargetMachineInfo" AssemblyFile="$(BuildToolsTaskDir)Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll"/>
+ <Target Name="GetDefaultTestRid">
+ <GetTargetMachineInfo>
+ <Output TaskParameter="RuntimeIdentifier" PropertyName="DefaultTestNugetRuntimeId" />
+ </GetTargetMachineInfo>
+ <!-- On Windows, we always use win7-x64 as the default test RID because the build context,
+ usually 32-bit full-framework MSBuild, is not a good default test context. -->
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <DefaultTestNugetRuntimeId Condition="$(DefaultTestNugetRuntimeId.StartsWith('win'))">win7-x64</DefaultTestNugetRuntimeId>
+ <TestArchitecture Condition="'$(TestArchitecture)' == ''">x64</TestArchitecture>
+ <TestNugetRuntimeId Condition="'$(TestNugetRuntimeId)' == '' And '$(TestArchitecture)'=='x86'">win7-x86</TestNugetRuntimeId>
+ <TestNugetRuntimeId Condition="'$(TestNugetRuntimeId)' == ''">$(DefaultTestNugetRuntimeId)</TestNugetRuntimeId>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ </Target>
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <ResolvePkgProjReferencesDependsOn>GetDefaultTestRid;$(ResolvePkgProjReferencesDependsOn)</ResolvePkgProjReferencesDependsOn>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <!--
+ Import the default package restore and resolve targets
+ Inputs:
+ ProjectJson - If not set defaults to $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\project.json
+ RestorePackages - If not set defaults to the existence of the $(ProjectJson)
+ ResolveNuGetPackages - If not set defaults to the existance of $(ProjectJson)
+ Depends on properties:
+ NugetRestoreCommand - Used to restore the project packages from packages.config
+ DnuRestoreCommand - Used to restore the project packages from project.json
+ PackagesDir - Packages are restored to and resolved from this location
+ Depends on properties set by csharp/visualbasic.targets so needs to be imported after.
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)packageresolve.targets" Condition="'$(ExcludePackageResolveImport)'!='true'" />
+ <!--
+ Import the optional tooling restore and resolve targets
+ Inputs:
+ OptionalToolSource - If not set, optional tools are not restored
+ OptionalToolSourceUser - If not set, no authentication is used to access the feed
+ OptionalToolSourcePassword - If not set, no authentication is used to access the feed
+ Depends on properties:
+ DnuRestoreCommand - Used to restore the optional tool packages
+ PackagesDir - Location to resolve optional tool package assets
+ ToolsDir - Location to find optional-tool-runtime project.json
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)OptionalTooling.targets" />
+ <!--
+ Import the partial facade generation targets
+ Inputs:
+ GeneratePlatformNotSupportedAssembly - Determines wether to generate not-supported API for this assembly
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)notsupported.targets" Condition="'$(ExcludePartialFacadesImport)' != 'true'"/>
+ <!--
+ Import the default SR resource generation targets
+ Inputs:
+ ResourcesSourceOutputDirectory - If not set defaults to $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Resources.
+ StringResourcesPath - If not set defaults to $(ResourcesSourceOutputDirectory\Strings.resx if it exists. If the file exists
+ then the targets generates the strongly typed $(ResourcesSourceOutputDirectory)\SR.cs/vb file based on resource strings.
+ OmitResources - If set to true will skip resource inclusion even if StringResourcesPath exists.
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)resources.targets" Condition="'$(ExcludeResourcesImport)'!='true'" />
+ <!--
+ Import the localization target
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)localization.targets" Condition="'$(ExcludeLocalizationImport)'!='true'" />
+ <!--
+ Import the partial facade generation targets
+ Inputs:
+ IsPartialFacadeAssembly - Determines whether the partial facade generation targets will be as a post-processing step on the
+ assembly. Also invokes special logic for determining References.
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)partialfacades.targets" Condition="'$(ExcludePartialFacadesImport)' != 'true'"/>
+ <!-- Import the ApiCompat targets. -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)ApiCompat.targets" Condition="'$(ExcludeApiCompatImport)' != 'true'"/>
+ <!--
+ Import the contract resolution targets
+ Inputs:
+ AssemblyName - Needed to determine which contract name to map to
+ AssemblyVersion - Needed to determine which contract version to map to
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)resolveContract.targets" Condition="'$(ExcludeResolveContractImport)' != 'true'"/>
+ <!--
+ Import the default signing targets which will setup the authenticode properties and do OpenSourceSigning
+ Inputs:
+ SkipSigning - For projects that want to opt-out of strong name signing the can set this to true.
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)sign.targets" Condition="'$(ExcludeSigningImport)'!='true'" />
+ <!--
+ Import the tests.targets which controls the publishing and running of the tests, including code coverage options.
+ Inputs:
+ RunTestsForProject - Usually set at the project level to disable the tests for a single project.
+ CoverageEnabledForProject - Usually set at the project level to disable code coverage for a single project.
+ SkipTests - Usually set at the root level for builds that want to disable all the tests.
+ ProjectJson - If not set defaults to $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\project.json
+ CopyTestToTestDirectory - If not set defaults to $(IsTestProject)
+ Depends on Properties:
+ TestPath - Controls the root path from where the test assets are published and run from.
+ NugetRestoreCommand - Used to restore the test runtime package
+ DnuRestoreCommand - Used to restore the project packages from project.json
+ PackagesDir - Packages are restored to and resolved from this location
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)tests.targets" Condition="'$(IsTestProject)'=='true' and '$(ExcludeTestsImport)'!='true'"/>
+ <!--
+ Import the PackageLibs.targets which exposes targets from library projects to report what
+ assets they contribute to nuget packages.
+ Inputs:
+ PackageTargetFramework - Target moniker to use for harvested dependencies.
+ If PackageTargetPath is not set, PackageTargetPath will be constructed
+ based on PackageTargetFramework.
+ Optional Inputs:
+ PackageSourcePath - Source path to the built output to be packaged, default is $(TargetPath)
+ Can be overridden.
+ IsReferenceAssembly - true if this project is a reference assembly.
+ PackageTargetPath - Destination subpath in the package at which all assets from this project
+ should be located. Default is lib\$(PackageTargetFramework) for implementation
+ assemblies, ref\$(PackageTargetFramework) for reference assemblies. Can be
+ overridden. When overridding also override PackageTargetFramework.
+ PackageTargetRuntime - Runtime id to use for harvested dependencies, default is none.
+ Can be overridden. If PackageTargetRuntime is overridden and PackageTargetPath
+ is not, PackageTargetPath will be constructed based on PackageTargetRuntime.
+ @(PackageDestination) - List of items with TargetFramework metadata that represent destination
+ subpaths in the package at which all assets from this project should be
+ located. When specified takes precedence over PackageTargetPath &
+ PackageTargetFramework.
+ DocumentationFile - location of xml doc produced by this project.
+ XmlDocFileRoot - location to pre-authored localized xml doc files
+ PackageIncludeDocs - true to include the docs next to this project's ouput. Default
+ is true for reference assemblies, false for implementation.
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)PackageLibs.targets" Condition="'$(ExcludePackageLibsImport)'!='true'"/>
+ <Target Name="CheckDesignTime">
+ <!--
+ Visual Studio does a number of background builds to do a variety of tasks such as resolving references and preparing for intellisense.
+ These are called "design time" builds. You can only determine this state within a target as the properties VS sets are added at build time.
+ To see design time logs set TRACEDESIGNTIME=true before launching Visual Studio. Logs will go to %TEMP%.
+ Note that the existing $(DesignTimeBuild) is not set for all background builds.
+ -->
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <VSDesignTimeBuild Condition="'$(BuildingInsideVisualStudio)'=='true' and '$(BuildingOutOfProcess)'=='false'">true</VSDesignTimeBuild>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ </Target>
+ <!--
+ import the MicroBuild boot-strapper project (only relevant for shipping binaries)
+ NOTE: we import this at the end as it will override some dummy targets (e.g. SignFiles)
+ -->
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)MicroBuild.Core.targets" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)MicroBuild.Core.targets') and '$(IsTestProject)' != 'true' and '$(ExcludeSigningImport)' != 'true'" />
+ <!--
+ Providing a definition for __BlockReflectionAttribute in an assembly is a signal to the .NET Native toolchain
+ to remove the metadata for all non-public APIs. This both reduces size and disables private reflection on those
+ APIs in libraries that include this. The attribute can also be applied to individual public APIs to similarly block them.
+ -->
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <BlockReflectionAttribute Condition="'$(BlockReflectionAttribute)' == '' and '$(UWPCompatible)' == 'true' and '$(IsTestProject)' != 'true'">true</BlockReflectionAttribute>
+ <BlockReflectionAttribute Condition="'$(MSBuildProjectExtension)' != '.csproj'">false</BlockReflectionAttribute>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(BlockReflectionAttribute)'=='true'">
+ <CoreCompileDependsOn>$(CoreCompileDependsOn);AddBlockReflectionAttribute</CoreCompileDependsOn>
+ <BlockReflectionAtributeFile>$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)/BlockReflectionAttribute.cs</BlockReflectionAtributeFile>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <Target Name="AddBlockReflectionAttribute" >
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <Compile Include="$(BlockReflectionAtributeFile)" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ </Target>
+ <Import Project="$(CustomAfterBuildCommonTargets)" Condition="Exists('$(CustomAfterBuildCommonTargets)')"/>