diff options
authorSmile Wei <>2016-08-30 12:31:25 -0700
committerSmile Wei <>2016-08-30 14:27:14 -0700
commitcb24fe3c2ac3670f3367fe4e934a35bbf6d2cca2 (patch)
parent981ebfbb75ae51c040a88e637250cee079102f6d (diff)
Create coreclr perf jobs for Linux.
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/perf.groovy b/perf.groovy
index 53106ec627..d9acb610d3 100644
--- a/perf.groovy
+++ b/perf.groovy
@@ -6,6 +6,24 @@ def project = GithubProject
def branch = GithubBranchName
def projectFolder = Utilities.getFolderName(project) + '/' + Utilities.getFolderName(branch)
+def static getOSGroup(def os) {
+ def osGroupMap = ['Ubuntu':'Linux',
+ 'RHEL7.2': 'Linux',
+ 'Ubuntu16.04': 'Linux',
+ 'Debian8.4':'Linux',
+ 'Fedora23':'Linux',
+ 'OSX':'OSX',
+ 'Windows_NT':'Windows_NT',
+ 'FreeBSD':'FreeBSD',
+ 'CentOS7.1': 'Linux',
+ 'OpenSUSE13.2': 'Linux',
+ 'OpenSUSE42.1': 'Linux',
+ 'LinuxARMEmulator': 'Linux']
+ def osGroup = osGroupMap.get(os, null)
+ assert osGroup != null : "Could not find os group for ${os}"
+ return osGroupMap[os]
[true, false].each { isPR ->
['Windows_NT'].each { os ->
def newJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, "perf_${os}", isPR)) {
@@ -37,3 +55,79 @@ def projectFolder = Utilities.getFolderName(project) + '/' + Utilities.getFolder
+// Create the Linux/OSX/CentOS coreclr test leg for debug and release and each scenario
+[true, false].each { isPR ->
+ ['Ubuntu'].each { os ->
+ def osGroup = getOSGroup(os)
+ def architecture = 'x64'
+ def configuration = 'Checked'
+ def newJob = job(Utilities.getFullJobName(project, "perf_${osGroup}", isPR)) {
+ parameters {
+ stringParam('CORECLR_WINDOWS_BUILD', '', 'Build number to copy CoreCLR windows test binaries from')
+ stringParam('CORECLR_BUILD', '', "Build number to copy CoreCLR ${osGroup} binaries from")
+ }
+ steps {
+ // Set up the copies
+ // Coreclr build containing the tests and mscorlib
+ copyArtifacts("dotnet_coreclr/master/x64_checked_windows_nt_pri1_bld") {
+ excludePatterns('**/testResults.xml', '**/*.ni.dll')
+ buildSelector {
+ buildNumber('${CORECLR_WINDOWS_BUILD}')
+ }
+ }
+ // Coreclr build we are trying to test
+ copyArtifacts("dotnet_coreclr/master/checked_ubuntu") {
+ excludePatterns('**/testResults.xml', '**/*.ni.dll')
+ buildSelector {
+ buildNumber('${CORECLR_BUILD}')
+ }
+ }
+ def corefxFolder = Utilities.getFolderName('dotnet/corefx') + '/' + 'master'
+ // Corefx components. We now have full stack builds on all distros we test here, so we can copy straight from CoreFX jobs.
+ def osJobName = (os == 'Ubuntu') ? 'ubuntu14.04' : os.toLowerCase()
+ copyArtifacts("${corefxFolder}/${osJobName}_release") {
+ includePatterns('bin/build.tar.gz')
+ buildSelector {
+ latestSuccessful(true)
+ }
+ }
+ // Unpack the corefx binaries
+ shell("tar -xf ./bin/build.tar.gz")
+ // Unzip the tests first. Exit with 0
+ shell("unzip -q -o ./bin/tests/ -d ./bin/tests/Windows_NT.${architecture}.${configuration} || exit 0")
+ // Execute the tests
+ shell('./')
+ shell("""sudo bash ./tests/scripts/ \\
+ --testRootDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/tests/Windows_NT.${architecture}.${configuration}\" \\
+ --testNativeBinDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/obj/${osGroup}.${architecture}.${configuration}/tests\" \\
+ --coreClrBinDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/Product/${osGroup}.${architecture}.${configuration}\" \\
+ --mscorlibDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/Product/${osGroup}.${architecture}.${configuration}\" \\
+ --coreFxBinDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/${osGroup}.AnyCPU.Release;\${WORKSPACE}/bin/Unix.AnyCPU.Release;\${WORKSPACE}/bin/AnyOS.AnyCPU.Release\" \\
+ --coreFxNativeBinDir=\"\${WORKSPACE}/bin/${osGroup}.${architecture}.Release\"""")
+ }
+ }
+ // Save machinedata.json to /artifact/bin/ Jenkins dir
+ def archiveSettings = new ArchivalSettings()
+ archiveSettings.addFiles('perf-*.xml')
+ Utilities.addArchival(newJob, archiveSettings)
+ Utilities.standardJobSetup(newJob, project, isPR, "*/${branch}")
+ if (isPR) {
+ Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(newJob, branch, "${os} Perf Tests") // Add a PR trigger.
+ }
+ else {
+ // Set a push trigger
+ Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(newJob)
+ }
+ } // os
+} // isPR