/* * * Web service library with GLib integration * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "giognutls.h" #include "gresolv.h" #include "gweb.h" #define DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE 2048 #define SESSION_FLAG_USE_TLS (1 << 0) enum chunk_state { CHUNK_SIZE, CHUNK_R_BODY, CHUNK_N_BODY, CHUNK_DATA, }; struct _GWebResult { guint16 status; const guint8 *buffer; gsize length; gboolean use_chunk; gchar *last_key; GHashTable *headers; }; struct web_session { GWeb *web; char *address; char *host; uint16_t port; unsigned long flags; struct addrinfo *addr; char *content_type; GIOChannel *transport_channel; guint transport_watch; guint send_watch; guint resolv_action; char *request; guint8 *receive_buffer; gsize receive_space; GString *send_buffer; GString *current_header; gboolean header_done; gboolean body_done; gboolean more_data; gboolean request_started; enum chunk_state chunck_state; gsize chunk_size; gsize chunk_left; gsize total_len; GWebResult result; GWebResultFunc result_func; GWebInputFunc input_func; gpointer user_data; }; struct _GWeb { int ref_count; guint next_query_id; int family; int index; GList *session_list; GResolv *resolv; char *proxy; char *accept_option; char *user_agent; char *user_agent_profile; char *http_version; gboolean close_connection; GWebDebugFunc debug_func; gpointer debug_data; }; static inline void debug(GWeb *web, const char *format, ...) { char str[256]; va_list ap; if (web->debug_func == NULL) return; va_start(ap, format); if (vsnprintf(str, sizeof(str), format, ap) > 0) web->debug_func(str, web->debug_data); va_end(ap); } static void free_session(struct web_session *session) { GWeb *web = session->web; if (session == NULL) return; g_free(session->request); if (session->resolv_action > 0) g_resolv_cancel_lookup(web->resolv, session->resolv_action); if (session->transport_watch > 0) g_source_remove(session->transport_watch); if (session->send_watch > 0) g_source_remove(session->send_watch); if (session->transport_channel != NULL) g_io_channel_unref(session->transport_channel); g_free(session->result.last_key); if (session->result.headers != NULL) g_hash_table_destroy(session->result.headers); if (session->send_buffer != NULL) g_string_free(session->send_buffer, TRUE); if (session->current_header != NULL) g_string_free(session->current_header, TRUE); g_free(session->receive_buffer); g_free(session->content_type); g_free(session->host); g_free(session->address); if (session->addr != NULL) freeaddrinfo(session->addr); g_free(session); } static void flush_sessions(GWeb *web) { GList *list; for (list = g_list_first(web->session_list); list; list = g_list_next(list)) free_session(list->data); g_list_free(web->session_list); web->session_list = NULL; } GWeb *g_web_new(int index) { GWeb *web; if (index < 0) return NULL; web = g_try_new0(GWeb, 1); if (web == NULL) return NULL; web->ref_count = 1; web->next_query_id = 1; web->family = AF_UNSPEC; web->index = index; web->session_list = NULL; web->resolv = g_resolv_new(index); if (web->resolv == NULL) { g_free(web); return NULL; } web->accept_option = g_strdup("*/*"); web->user_agent = g_strdup_printf("GWeb/%s", VERSION); web->close_connection = FALSE; return web; } GWeb *g_web_ref(GWeb *web) { if (web == NULL) return NULL; __sync_fetch_and_add(&web->ref_count, 1); return web; } void g_web_unref(GWeb *web) { if (web == NULL) return; if (__sync_fetch_and_sub(&web->ref_count, 1) != 1) return; flush_sessions(web); g_resolv_unref(web->resolv); g_free(web->proxy); g_free(web->accept_option); g_free(web->user_agent); g_free(web->user_agent_profile); g_free(web->http_version); g_free(web); } void g_web_set_debug(GWeb *web, GWebDebugFunc func, gpointer user_data) { if (web == NULL) return; web->debug_func = func; web->debug_data = user_data; g_resolv_set_debug(web->resolv, func, user_data); } gboolean g_web_set_proxy(GWeb *web, const char *proxy) { if (web == NULL) return FALSE; g_free(web->proxy); if (proxy == NULL) { web->proxy = NULL; debug(web, "clearing proxy"); } else { web->proxy = g_strdup(proxy); debug(web, "setting proxy %s", web->proxy); } return TRUE; } gboolean g_web_set_address_family(GWeb *web, int family) { if (web == NULL) return FALSE; if (family != AF_UNSPEC && family != AF_INET && family != AF_INET6) return FALSE; web->family = family; g_resolv_set_address_family(web->resolv, family); return TRUE; } gboolean g_web_add_nameserver(GWeb *web, const char *address) { if (web == NULL) return FALSE; g_resolv_add_nameserver(web->resolv, address, 53, 0); return TRUE; } static gboolean set_accept_option(GWeb *web, const char *format, va_list args) { g_free(web->accept_option); if (format == NULL) { web->accept_option = NULL; debug(web, "clearing accept option"); } else { web->accept_option = g_strdup_vprintf(format, args); debug(web, "setting accept %s", web->accept_option); } return TRUE; } gboolean g_web_set_accept(GWeb *web, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; gboolean result; if (web == NULL) return FALSE; va_start(args, format); result = set_accept_option(web, format, args); va_end(args); return result; } static gboolean set_user_agent(GWeb *web, const char *format, va_list args) { g_free(web->user_agent); if (format == NULL) { web->user_agent = NULL; debug(web, "clearing user agent"); } else { web->user_agent = g_strdup_vprintf(format, args); debug(web, "setting user agent %s", web->user_agent); } return TRUE; } gboolean g_web_set_user_agent(GWeb *web, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; gboolean result; if (web == NULL) return FALSE; va_start(args, format); result = set_user_agent(web, format, args); va_end(args); return result; } gboolean g_web_set_ua_profile(GWeb *web, const char *profile) { if (web == NULL) return FALSE; g_free(web->user_agent_profile); web->user_agent_profile = g_strdup(profile); debug(web, "setting user agent profile %s", web->user_agent); return TRUE; } gboolean g_web_set_http_version(GWeb *web, const char *version) { if (web == NULL) return FALSE; g_free(web->http_version); if (version == NULL) { web->http_version = NULL; debug(web, "clearing HTTP version"); } else { web->http_version = g_strdup(version); debug(web, "setting HTTP version %s", web->http_version); } return TRUE; } void g_web_set_close_connection(GWeb *web, gboolean enabled) { if (web == NULL) return; web->close_connection = enabled; } gboolean g_web_get_close_connection(GWeb *web) { if (web == NULL) return FALSE; return web->close_connection; } static inline void call_result_func(struct web_session *session, guint16 status) { gboolean result; if (session->result_func == NULL) return; if (status != 0) session->result.status = status; result = session->result_func(&session->result, session->user_data); debug(session->web, "[result function] %s", result == TRUE ? "continue" : "stop"); } static gboolean process_send_buffer(struct web_session *session) { GString *buf = session->send_buffer; gsize count, bytes_written; GIOStatus status; count = buf->len; if (count == 0) { if (session->request_started == TRUE && session->more_data == FALSE) session->body_done = TRUE; return FALSE; } status = g_io_channel_write_chars(session->transport_channel, buf->str, count, &bytes_written, NULL); debug(session->web, "status %u bytes to write %zu bytes written %zu", status, count, bytes_written); if (status != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL && status != G_IO_STATUS_AGAIN) return FALSE; g_string_erase(buf, 0, bytes_written); return TRUE; } static void process_next_chunk(struct web_session *session) { GString *buf = session->send_buffer; const guint8 *body; gsize length; if (session->input_func == NULL) { session->more_data = FALSE; return; } session->more_data = session->input_func(&body, &length, session->user_data); if (length > 0) { g_string_append_printf(buf, "%zx\r\n", length); g_string_append_len(buf, (char *) body, length); g_string_append(buf, "\r\n"); } if (session->more_data == FALSE) g_string_append(buf, "0\r\n\r\n"); } static void start_request(struct web_session *session) { GString *buf = session->send_buffer; const char *version; const guint8 *body; gsize length; debug(session->web, "request %s from %s", session->request, session->host); g_string_truncate(buf, 0); if (session->web->http_version == NULL) version = "1.1"; else version = session->web->http_version; if (session->content_type == NULL) g_string_append_printf(buf, "GET %s HTTP/%s\r\n", session->request, version); else g_string_append_printf(buf, "POST %s HTTP/%s\r\n", session->request, version); g_string_append_printf(buf, "Host: %s\r\n", session->host); if (session->web->user_agent != NULL) g_string_append_printf(buf, "User-Agent: %s\r\n", session->web->user_agent); if (session->web->user_agent_profile != NULL) { g_string_append_printf(buf, "x-wap-profile: %s\r\n", session->web->user_agent_profile); } if (session->web->accept_option != NULL) g_string_append_printf(buf, "Accept: %s\r\n", session->web->accept_option); if (session->content_type != NULL) { g_string_append_printf(buf, "Content-Type: %s\r\n", session->content_type); if (session->input_func == NULL) { session->more_data = FALSE; length = 0; } else session->more_data = session->input_func(&body, &length, session->user_data); if (session->more_data == FALSE) g_string_append_printf(buf, "Content-Length: %zu\r\n", length); else g_string_append(buf, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"); } if (session->web->close_connection == TRUE) g_string_append(buf, "Connection: close\r\n"); g_string_append(buf, "\r\n"); if (session->content_type != NULL && length > 0) { if (session->more_data == TRUE) { g_string_append_printf(buf, "%zx\r\n", length); g_string_append_len(buf, (char *) body, length); g_string_append(buf, "\r\n"); } else g_string_append_len(buf, (char *) body, length); } } static gboolean send_data(GIOChannel *channel, GIOCondition cond, gpointer user_data) { struct web_session *session = user_data; if (cond & (G_IO_NVAL | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP)) { session->send_watch = 0; return FALSE; } if (process_send_buffer(session) == TRUE) return TRUE; if (session->request_started == FALSE) { session->request_started = TRUE; start_request(session); } else if (session->more_data == TRUE) process_next_chunk(session); process_send_buffer(session); if (session->body_done == TRUE) { session->send_watch = 0; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static int decode_chunked(struct web_session *session, const guint8 *buf, gsize len) { const guint8 *ptr = buf; gsize counter; while (len > 0) { guint8 *pos; gsize count; char *str; switch (session->chunck_state) { case CHUNK_SIZE: pos = memchr(ptr, '\n', len); if (pos == NULL) { g_string_append_len(session->current_header, (gchar *) ptr, len); return 0; } count = pos - ptr; if (count < 1 || ptr[count - 1] != '\r') return -EILSEQ; g_string_append_len(session->current_header, (gchar *) ptr, count); len -= count + 1; ptr = pos + 1; str = session->current_header->str; counter = strtoul(str, NULL, 16); if ((counter == 0 && errno == EINVAL) || counter == ULONG_MAX) return -EILSEQ; session->chunk_size = counter; session->chunk_left = counter; session->chunck_state = CHUNK_DATA; break; case CHUNK_R_BODY: if (*ptr != '\r') return -EILSEQ; ptr++; len--; session->chunck_state = CHUNK_N_BODY; break; case CHUNK_N_BODY: if (*ptr != '\n') return -EILSEQ; ptr++; len--; session->chunck_state = CHUNK_SIZE; break; case CHUNK_DATA: if (session->chunk_size == 0) { debug(session->web, "Download Done in chunk"); g_string_truncate(session->current_header, 0); return 0; } if (session->chunk_left <= len) { session->result.buffer = ptr; session->result.length = session->chunk_left; call_result_func(session, 0); len -= session->chunk_left; ptr += session->chunk_left; session->total_len += session->chunk_left; session->chunk_left = 0; g_string_truncate(session->current_header, 0); session->chunck_state = CHUNK_R_BODY; break; } /* more data */ session->result.buffer = ptr; session->result.length = len; call_result_func(session, 0); session->chunk_left -= len; session->total_len += len; len -= len; ptr += len; break; } } return 0; } static int handle_body(struct web_session *session, const guint8 *buf, gsize len) { int err; debug(session->web, "[body] length %zu", len); if (session->result.use_chunk == FALSE) { if (len > 0) { session->result.buffer = buf; session->result.length = len; call_result_func(session, 0); } return 0; } err = decode_chunked(session, buf, len); if (err < 0) { debug(session->web, "Error in chunk decode %d", err); session->result.buffer = NULL; session->result.length = 0; call_result_func(session, 400); } return err; } static void handle_multi_line(struct web_session *session) { gsize count; char *str; gchar *value; str = session->current_header->str; if (str[0] != ' ' && str[0] != '\t') return; while (str[0] == ' ' || str[0] == '\t') str++; count = str - session->current_header->str; if (count > 0) { g_string_erase(session->current_header, 0, count); g_string_insert_c(session->current_header, 0, ' '); } value = g_hash_table_lookup(session->result.headers, session->result.last_key); if (value != NULL) { g_string_insert(session->current_header, 0, value); str = session->current_header->str; g_hash_table_replace(session->result.headers, g_strdup(session->result.last_key), g_strdup(str)); } } static void add_header_field(struct web_session *session) { gsize count; guint8 *pos; char *str; gchar *value; gchar *key; str = session->current_header->str; pos = memchr(str, ':', session->current_header->len); if (pos != NULL) { *pos = '\0'; pos++; key = g_strdup(str); /* remove preceding white spaces */ while (*pos == ' ') pos++; count = (char *) pos - str; g_string_erase(session->current_header, 0, count); value = g_hash_table_lookup(session->result.headers, key); if (value != NULL) { g_string_insert_c(session->current_header, 0, ' '); g_string_insert_c(session->current_header, 0, ';'); g_string_insert(session->current_header, 0, value); } str = session->current_header->str; g_hash_table_replace(session->result.headers, key, g_strdup(str)); g_free(session->result.last_key); session->result.last_key = g_strdup(key); } } static gboolean received_data(GIOChannel *channel, GIOCondition cond, gpointer user_data) { struct web_session *session = user_data; guint8 *ptr = session->receive_buffer; gsize bytes_read; GIOStatus status; if (cond & (G_IO_NVAL | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP)) { session->transport_watch = 0; session->result.buffer = NULL; session->result.length = 0; call_result_func(session, 400); return FALSE; } status = g_io_channel_read_chars(channel, (gchar *) session->receive_buffer, session->receive_space - 1, &bytes_read, NULL); debug(session->web, "bytes read %zu", bytes_read); if (status != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL && status != G_IO_STATUS_AGAIN) { session->transport_watch = 0; session->result.buffer = NULL; session->result.length = 0; call_result_func(session, 0); return FALSE; } session->receive_buffer[bytes_read] = '\0'; if (session->header_done == TRUE) { if (handle_body(session, session->receive_buffer, bytes_read) < 0) { session->transport_watch = 0; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } while (bytes_read > 0) { guint8 *pos; gsize count; char *str; pos = memchr(ptr, '\n', bytes_read); if (pos == NULL) { g_string_append_len(session->current_header, (gchar *) ptr, bytes_read); return TRUE; } *pos = '\0'; count = strlen((char *) ptr); if (count > 0 && ptr[count - 1] == '\r') { ptr[--count] = '\0'; bytes_read--; } g_string_append_len(session->current_header, (gchar *) ptr, count); bytes_read -= count + 1; if (bytes_read > 0) ptr = pos + 1; else ptr = NULL; if (session->current_header->len == 0) { char *val; session->header_done = TRUE; val = g_hash_table_lookup(session->result.headers, "Transfer-Encoding"); if (val != NULL) { val = g_strrstr(val, "chunked"); if (val != NULL) { session->result.use_chunk = TRUE; session->chunck_state = CHUNK_SIZE; session->chunk_left = 0; session->total_len = 0; } } if (handle_body(session, ptr, bytes_read) < 0) { session->transport_watch = 0; return FALSE; } break; } str = session->current_header->str; if (session->result.status == 0) { unsigned int code; if (sscanf(str, "HTTP/%*s %u %*s", &code) == 1) session->result.status = code; } debug(session->web, "[header] %s", str); /* handle multi-line header */ if (str[0] == ' ' || str[0] == '\t') handle_multi_line(session); else add_header_field(session); g_string_truncate(session->current_header, 0); } return TRUE; } static int connect_session_transport(struct web_session *session) { GIOFlags flags; int sk; sk = socket(session->addr->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, IPPROTO_TCP); if (sk < 0) return -EIO; if (session->flags & SESSION_FLAG_USE_TLS) { debug(session->web, "using TLS encryption"); session->transport_channel = g_io_channel_gnutls_new(sk); } else { debug(session->web, "no encryption"); session->transport_channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(sk); } if (session->transport_channel == NULL) { close(sk); return -ENOMEM; } flags = g_io_channel_get_flags(session->transport_channel); g_io_channel_set_flags(session->transport_channel, flags | G_IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK, NULL); g_io_channel_set_encoding(session->transport_channel, NULL, NULL); g_io_channel_set_buffered(session->transport_channel, FALSE); g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref(session->transport_channel, TRUE); if (connect(sk, session->addr->ai_addr, session->addr->ai_addrlen) < 0) { if (errno != EINPROGRESS) { close(sk); return -EIO; } } session->transport_watch = g_io_add_watch(session->transport_channel, G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_NVAL | G_IO_ERR, received_data, session); session->send_watch = g_io_add_watch(session->transport_channel, G_IO_OUT | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_NVAL | G_IO_ERR, send_data, session); return 0; } static int create_transport(struct web_session *session) { int err; err = connect_session_transport(session); if (err < 0) return err; debug(session->web, "creating session %s:%u", session->address, session->port); return 0; } static int parse_url(struct web_session *session, const char *url, const char *proxy) { char *scheme, *host, *port, *path; scheme = g_strdup(url); if (scheme == NULL) return -EINVAL; host = strstr(scheme, "://"); if (host != NULL) { *host = '\0'; host += 3; if (strcasecmp(scheme, "https") == 0) { session->port = 443; session->flags |= SESSION_FLAG_USE_TLS; } else if (strcasecmp(scheme, "http") == 0) { session->port = 80; } else { g_free(scheme); return -EINVAL; } } else { host = scheme; session->port = 80; } path = strchr(host, '/'); if (path != NULL) *(path++) = '\0'; if (proxy == NULL) session->request = g_strdup_printf("/%s", path ? path : ""); else session->request = g_strdup(url); port = strrchr(host, ':'); if (port != NULL) { char *end; int tmp = strtol(port + 1, &end, 10); if (*end == '\0') { *port = '\0'; session->port = tmp; } if (proxy == NULL) session->host = g_strdup(host); else session->host = g_strdup_printf("%s:%u", host, tmp); } else session->host = g_strdup(host); g_free(scheme); if (proxy == NULL) return 0; scheme = g_strdup(proxy); if (scheme == NULL) return -EINVAL; host = strstr(proxy, "://"); if (host != NULL) { *host = '\0'; host += 3; if (strcasecmp(scheme, "http") != 0) { g_free(scheme); return -EINVAL; } } else host = scheme; path = strchr(host, '/'); if (path != NULL) *(path++) = '\0'; port = strrchr(host, ':'); if (port != NULL) { char *end; int tmp = strtol(port + 1, &end, 10); if (*end == '\0') { *port = '\0'; session->port = tmp; } } session->address = g_strdup(host); g_free(scheme); return 0; } static void resolv_result(GResolvResultStatus status, char **results, gpointer user_data) { struct web_session *session = user_data; struct addrinfo hints; char *port; int ret; if (results == NULL || results[0] == NULL) { call_result_func(session, 404); return; } debug(session->web, "address %s", results[0]); memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; hints.ai_family = session->web->family; if (session->addr != NULL) { freeaddrinfo(session->addr); session->addr = NULL; } port = g_strdup_printf("%u", session->port); ret = getaddrinfo(results[0], port, &hints, &session->addr); g_free(port); if (ret != 0 || session->addr == NULL) { call_result_func(session, 400); return; } session->address = g_strdup(results[0]); if (create_transport(session) < 0) { call_result_func(session, 409); return; } } static guint do_request(GWeb *web, const char *url, const char *type, GWebInputFunc input, GWebResultFunc func, gpointer user_data) { struct web_session *session; if (web == NULL || url == NULL) return 0; debug(web, "request %s", url); session = g_try_new0(struct web_session, 1); if (session == NULL) return 0; if (parse_url(session, url, web->proxy) < 0) { free_session(session); return 0; } debug(web, "address %s", session->address); debug(web, "port %u", session->port); debug(web, "host %s", session->host); debug(web, "flags %lu", session->flags); debug(web, "request %s", session->request); if (type != NULL) { session->content_type = g_strdup(type); debug(web, "content-type %s", session->content_type); } session->web = web; session->result_func = func; session->input_func = input; session->user_data = user_data; session->receive_buffer = g_try_malloc(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (session->receive_buffer == NULL) { free_session(session); return 0; } session->result.headers = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); if (session->result.headers == NULL) { free_session(session); return 0; } session->receive_space = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; session->send_buffer = g_string_sized_new(0); session->current_header = g_string_sized_new(0); session->header_done = FALSE; session->body_done = FALSE; if (session->address == NULL && inet_aton(session->host, NULL) == 0) { session->resolv_action = g_resolv_lookup_hostname(web->resolv, session->host, resolv_result, session); if (session->resolv_action == 0) { free_session(session); return 0; } } else { struct addrinfo hints; char *port; int ret; if (session->address == NULL) session->address = g_strdup(session->host); memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; hints.ai_family = session->web->family; if (session->addr != NULL) { freeaddrinfo(session->addr); session->addr = NULL; } port = g_strdup_printf("%u", session->port); ret = getaddrinfo(session->address, port, &hints, &session->addr); g_free(port); if (ret != 0 || session->addr == NULL) { free_session(session); return 0; } if (create_transport(session) < 0) { free_session(session); return 0; } } web->session_list = g_list_append(web->session_list, session); return web->next_query_id++; } guint g_web_request_get(GWeb *web, const char *url, GWebResultFunc func, gpointer user_data) { return do_request(web, url, NULL, NULL, func, user_data); } guint g_web_request_post(GWeb *web, const char *url, const char *type, GWebInputFunc input, GWebResultFunc func, gpointer user_data) { return do_request(web, url, type, input, func, user_data); } gboolean g_web_cancel_request(GWeb *web, guint id) { if (web == NULL) return FALSE; return TRUE; } guint16 g_web_result_get_status(GWebResult *result) { if (result == NULL) return 0; return result->status; } gboolean g_web_result_get_chunk(GWebResult *result, const guint8 **chunk, gsize *length) { if (result == NULL) return FALSE; if (chunk == NULL) return FALSE; *chunk = result->buffer; if (length != NULL) *length = result->length; return TRUE; } gboolean g_web_result_get_header(GWebResult *result, const char *header, const char **value) { if (result == NULL) return FALSE; if (value == NULL) return FALSE; *value = g_hash_table_lookup(result->headers, header); if (*value == NULL) return FALSE; return TRUE; } struct _GWebParser { gint ref_count; char *begin_token; char *end_token; const char *token_str; size_t token_len; size_t token_pos; gboolean intoken; GString *content; GWebParserFunc func; gpointer user_data; }; GWebParser *g_web_parser_new(const char *begin, const char *end, GWebParserFunc func, gpointer user_data) { GWebParser *parser; parser = g_try_new0(GWebParser, 1); if (parser == NULL) return NULL; parser->ref_count = 1; parser->begin_token = g_strdup(begin); parser->end_token = g_strdup(end); if (parser->begin_token == NULL) { g_free(parser); return NULL; } parser->func = func; parser->user_data = user_data; parser->token_str = parser->begin_token; parser->token_len = strlen(parser->token_str); parser->token_pos = 0; parser->intoken = FALSE; parser->content = g_string_sized_new(0); return parser; } GWebParser *g_web_parser_ref(GWebParser *parser) { if (parser == NULL) return NULL; __sync_fetch_and_add(&parser->ref_count, 1); return parser; } void g_web_parser_unref(GWebParser *parser) { if (parser == NULL) return; if (__sync_fetch_and_sub(&parser->ref_count, 1) != 1) return; g_string_free(parser->content, TRUE); g_free(parser->begin_token); g_free(parser->end_token); g_free(parser); } void g_web_parser_feed_data(GWebParser *parser, const guint8 *data, gsize length) { const guint8 *ptr = data; if (parser == NULL) return; while (length > 0) { guint8 chr = parser->token_str[parser->token_pos]; if (parser->token_pos == 0) { guint8 *pos; pos = memchr(ptr, chr, length); if (pos == NULL) { if (parser->intoken == TRUE) g_string_append_len(parser->content, (gchar *) ptr, length); break; } if (parser->intoken == TRUE) g_string_append_len(parser->content, (gchar *) ptr, (pos - ptr) + 1); length -= (pos - ptr) + 1; ptr = pos + 1; parser->token_pos++; continue; } if (parser->intoken == TRUE) g_string_append_c(parser->content, ptr[0]); if (ptr[0] != chr) { length--; ptr++; parser->token_pos = 0; continue; } length--; ptr++; parser->token_pos++; if (parser->token_pos == parser->token_len) { if (parser->intoken == FALSE) { g_string_append(parser->content, parser->token_str); parser->intoken = TRUE; parser->token_str = parser->end_token; parser->token_len = strlen(parser->end_token); parser->token_pos = 0; } else { char *str; str = g_string_free(parser->content, FALSE); parser->content = g_string_sized_new(0); if (parser->func) parser->func(str, parser->user_data); g_free(str); parser->intoken = FALSE; parser->token_str = parser->begin_token; parser->token_len = strlen(parser->begin_token); parser->token_pos = 0; } } } } void g_web_parser_end_data(GWebParser *parser) { if (parser == NULL) return; }