Technology hierarchy ==================== Service net.connman Interface net.connman.Technology Object path [variable prefix]/{technology0,technology1,...} Methods dict GetProperties() [deprecated] Returns properties for the technology object. See the properties section for available properties. Usage of this method is highly discouraged. Use the Manager.GetTechnologies() method instead. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments void SetProperty(string name, variant value) Changes the value of the specified property. Only properties that are listed as read-write are changeable. On success a PropertyChanged signal will be emitted. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments [service].Error.InvalidProperty void Scan() Trigger a scan for this specific technology. The method call will return when a scan has been finished and results are available. So setting a longer D-Bus timeout might be a really good idea. Results will be signaled via the ServicesChanged signal from the manager interface. Signals PropertyChanged(string name, variant value) This signal indicates a changed value of the given property. Properties boolean Powered [readwrite] Boolean representing the power state of the technology. False means that the technology is off (and is available RF-Killed) while True means that the technology is enabled. boolean Connected [readonly] Boolean representing if a technology is connected. This is just a convience property for allowing the UI to easily show if this technology has an active connection or not. If this property is True it means that at least one service of this technology is in ready state. string Name [readonly] Name of this technology. string Type [readonly] The technology type (for example "ethernet" etc.) This information should only be used to determine advanced properties or showing the correct icon to the user. boolean Tethering [readwrite] This option allows to enable or disable the support for tethering. When tethering is enabled then the default service is bridged to all clients connected through the technology. string TetheringIdentifier [readwrite] The tethering broadcasted identifier. This property is only valid for the WiFi technology, and is then mapped to the WiFi AP SSID clients will have to join in order to gain internet connectivity. string TetheringPassphrase [readwrite] The tethering connection passphrase. This property is only valid for the WiFi technology, and is then mapped to the WPA pre-shared key clients will have to use in order to establish a connection. uint32 IdleTimeout [readwrite] [experimental] If the technology is idle for given period then it will go offline if no Service with this technology has AutoConnect set to True. If the timeout is 0, this feature is disabled.