path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..36bd37a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use DBI qw(:sql_types);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+use Cwd qw(abs_path);
+use File::Glob qw(:globally);
+use File::Spec::Functions qw(abs2rel catfile);
+use Data::Dumper;
+if ( -d dirname(abs_path(__FILE__))."/modules") {
+ use lib dirname(abs_path(__FILE__))."/modules";
+} else {
+ use lib qw(/etc/configure-dumper/modules);
+use SpecialRules;
+use DumperCommon;
+use strict;
+# maps configure path to the set of its options.
+my %src_path2option;
+my %src_path2help;
+# the same as src_path2option, but for each option variable
+# there are alternatives by which we can determine option value.
+my %option2alternatives;
+# maps dump file path to the set of pairs: (option, value).
+my %build_path2option;
+# automatic variables from autoconf, for example:
+# autoconf -I glibc -I glibc/libidn -t 'AC_ARG_VAR:${|:::::|}%' glibc/libidn/
+# the parsing rule <variable>=<value>
+my %build_path2variable;
+my $UNDEFINED_VALUE = '##########';
+my $out_db = "configure_opts.db";
+my $autoconf_path = '/usr/local';
+my $gcc_vers = '6.2.1';
+my $project_name;
+my $project_version = $gcc_vers;
+my $print_help;
+my $usage_help = "Usage: ".basename($0)." src_dir build_dir [--project name] [--project-version version] [--out_db out.db] [--autoconf-path dir]\n".
+ " src_dir - path to sources\n".
+ " build_dir - build directory\n".
+ " out_db - output database filename, by default $out_db\n".
+ " autoconf-path - base directory for autoconf tools searching, by default '$autoconf_path'\n";
+my $dump_fname = DumperCommon::dump_filename; # 'dump_vars.txt';
+my ($BEGIN_DUMP_STR, $END_DUMP_STR) = DumperCommon::dump_parsing_strings;
+GetOptions ("project" => \$project_name,
+ "project-version" => \$project_version,
+ "out_db=s" => \$out_db,
+ "autoconf-path=s" => \$autoconf_path,
+ "help" => \$print_help) or die "$usage_help";
+if ($print_help) {
+ print($usage_help);
+ exit;
+my ($src_dir, $build_dir) = @ARGV;
+die "$usage_help" unless (defined $src_dir && defined $build_dir);
+die "Can't find source or build dir.\n" unless (-d $src_dir && -d $build_dir);
+# The project autodetection
+my %project_detect = (
+ 'GNU Compiler Collection' => 'gcc',
+ 'GNU development tools' => 'binutils',
+ 'GNU C Library' => 'glibc'
+my $pr_error1 = "Can't detect the project. Please use the --project option.\n";
+open(my $fh_readme, '<', $src_dir."/README") or die "$pr_error1";
+my $fline = <$fh_readme>;
+foreach my $l_readme (keys %project_detect) {
+ if ( $fline =~ /$l_readme/ ) {
+ $project_name = $project_detect{$l_readme};
+ last;
+ }
+die "$pr_error1" unless (defined $project_name);
+print "The $project_name project detected\n";
+my %prefix2opp = (
+ 'disable' => 'enable',
+ 'enable' => 'disable',
+ 'with' => 'without',
+ 'without' => 'with'
+my %ver2autoconf;
+my $default_autoconf_v = '2.69';
+my %autoconf2util;
+my $ignore = qr/
+ disable
+ |enable
+ |with
+ |without
+ |without-PACKAGE
+ |with-PACKAGE
+ |enable-FEATURE
+ |disable-FEATURE
+ |cache-file
+ |help/x;
+my $enable_opp = 1;
+my $alternatives_check = 1;
+my $ignore_neg_opts = 1;
+my $auto_variables_check = 1;
+my $transl_rules = SpecialRules::get_rules($project_name, $project_version);
+my $special_help = SpecialRules::get_help($project_name, $project_version);
+sub get_rdir {
+ my ($file, $dir) = @_;
+ my $rdir = dirname($file);
+ return abs2rel($rdir, $dir);
+sub get_configure_fname {
+ my ($path) = @_;
+ die "The path is not defined" unless (defined $path);
+ my $conf_ac = catfile($path, '');
+ # Support different names of autoconf script
+ $conf_ac = catfile($path, '') unless ( -f catfile($src_dir, $conf_ac) );
+ return unless ( -f catfile($src_dir, $conf_ac) );
+ return $conf_ac;
+sub parse_opt_alternatives {
+ my ($path, $opts) = @_;
+ # my $conf_ac = get_configure_fname($path);
+ my $conf_ac = $autoconf2util{$path}{'conf_ac'};
+ die unless (defined $conf_ac);
+ # print("> ".catfile($src_dir, $path)."\n");
+ #my $autoconf = get_autoconf("$conf_ac", "-I $src_dir -I $src_dir/$path");
+ # my $autoconf = get_autoconf("$src_dir/$conf_ac", "-I $src_dir -I $src_dir/$path");
+ my $autoconf = $autoconf2util{$path}{'autoconf'};
+ foreach my $prefix ('with', 'enable') {
+ my $ucprefix = uc($prefix);
+ #my $cmd = "$autoconf -I $src_dir -I $src_dir/$path -t 'AC_ARG_$ucprefix:\${|:::::|}%' $conf_ac 2>/dev/null";
+ my $cmd = "$autoconf -I $src_dir/$path -t 'AC_ARG_$ucprefix:\${|:::::|}%' $src_dir/$conf_ac 2>/dev/null";
+ # print "> $cmd\n";
+ open(my $fh, '-|', "$cmd") or die "$!";
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ my ($opt, $help, $ifenabled, $ifdisabled) = split(/\|:::::\|/, $line);
+ my $opt_name = $prefix.'_'.$opt;
+ $opt_name =~ s/-/_/g;
+ $option2alternatives{$path}{$opt_name} = ();
+ if (exists $opts->{$opt_name}) {
+ foreach my $arg ($ifenabled, $ifdisabled) {
+ next unless (defined $arg);
+ chomp($arg);
+ if ($arg =~ /^(\w+)=(([^\s]*)|(".*?")|('.*?'))$/i) {
+ $option2alternatives{$path}{$opt_name}{$1}++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn "WARNING: $conf_ac: $opt_name doesn't match to any configure option\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ }
+sub handle_exeptions {
+ # TODO: add for glibc, binutils
+ my ($line) = @_;
+ my $exc_1 = '--enable-serial-[{host,target,build}-]configure';
+ $line =~ s/\Q$exc_1\E/--enable-serial-configure/;
+ return $line;
+sub connect_db {
+ my ($database) = @_;
+ my $driver = "SQLite";
+ my $dsn = "DBI:$driver:dbname=$database";
+ my $userid = "";
+ my $password = "";
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $userid, $password, { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0 })
+ or die $DBI::errstr;
+ return $dbh;
+sub create_db_table {
+ my ($dbh) = @_;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{
+ );});
+ $sth->execute() or die $sth->errstr;
+sub insert_db_row {
+ my ($dbh, $path, $name, $val, $help) = @_;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
+ });
+ $sth->bind_param( 1, $path, SQL_VARCHAR);
+ $sth->bind_param( 2, $name, SQL_VARCHAR);
+ $sth->bind_param( 3, $val, SQL_VARCHAR);
+ $sth->bind_param( 4, $help, SQL_VARCHAR);
+ $sth->execute() or die $sth->errstr;
+# For the given returns path to autoconf
+# which is able to parse it.
+sub get_autoconf {
+ my ($conf_ac, $inc_dirs) = @_;
+ my $autoconf = $ver2autoconf{$default_autoconf_v};
+ my $cmd = "$autoconf $inc_dirs -t 'AC_PREREQ' $conf_ac >/dev/null 2>&1";
+ my $result = system($cmd);
+ # print("> Check '$cmd': $result ".($result == 0 ? "success" : "fail")."\n");
+ return $autoconf if ($result == 0);
+ foreach my $autoconf_v (reverse sort keys %ver2autoconf) {
+ next if ("$autoconf_v" eq "$default_autoconf_v");
+ $autoconf = $ver2autoconf{$autoconf_v};
+ $cmd = "$autoconf $inc_dirs -t 'AC_PREREQ' $conf_ac >/dev/null 2>&1";
+ $result = system($cmd);
+ # print("> Check '$cmd': $result ".($result == 0 ? "success" : "fail")."\n");
+ return $autoconf if ($result == 0);
+ }
+ die "Couldn't find right autoconf version for $conf_ac";
+sub get_auto_variables {
+ my ($path) = @_;
+ unless (defined $path) {
+ warn "WARNING: undefined path\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ die unless (defined $autoconf2util{$path}{'conf_ac'} && defined $autoconf2util{$path}{'autoconf'});
+ my $conf_ac = $autoconf2util{$path}{'conf_ac'};
+ my $autoconf = $autoconf2util{$path}{'autoconf'};
+ my $cmd = "$autoconf -I $src_dir -I $src_dir/$path -t 'AC_ARG_VAR:\${|:::::|}%' $src_dir/$conf_ac 2>/dev/null";
+ # print("> $cmd\n");
+ open(my $fh, '-|', "$cmd") or die "$!";
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ my ($opt, $help) = split(/\|:::::\|/, $line);
+ unless (defined $help) {
+ $help = '';
+ warn "WARNING: $path:$opt - help message is undefined (for variable)\n";
+ }
+ # print("$opt -> $help");
+ # $build_path2variable{$path}{$opt}{'value'} = $UNDEFINED_VALUE;
+ $build_path2variable{$path}{$opt}{'help'} = $help;
+ }
+ close($fh);
+# find available 'autoconf' versions
+my @autoconf_dirs = <$autoconf_path/autoconf-2.*>;
+foreach my $autconf_dir (@autoconf_dirs) {
+ if ($autconf_dir =~ /autoconf-(\d\.\d\d)$/) {
+ $ver2autoconf{$1} = "$autconf_dir/bin/autoconf";
+ }
+die "No autoconf-$default_autoconf_v" unless (exists $ver2autoconf{$default_autoconf_v});
+# parse 'configure --help' to get all available options.
+chomp(my @configures = `find $src_dir -name configure`) or die "$!";
+foreach my $conf (@configures) {
+ my $rdir = get_rdir($conf, $src_dir);
+ # Fill %autoconf2util
+ my $conf_ac = get_configure_fname($rdir);
+ if (defined $conf_ac) {
+ my $autoconf = get_autoconf("$src_dir/$conf_ac", "-I $src_dir -I $src_dir/$rdir");
+ $autoconf2util{$rdir}{'conf_ac'} = $conf_ac;
+ $autoconf2util{$rdir}{'autoconf'} = $autoconf;
+ } else {
+ warn "WARNING: configure undefined for path $rdir\n";
+ }
+ if ($auto_variables_check) {
+ get_auto_variables($rdir);
+ }
+ # No need try to execute, because it have a specific environment for launching
+ next unless -x $conf;
+ my $cmd = "CONFIGURE_DUMPER_OUT=\"/dev/null\" $conf --help";
+ open (my $fh, '-|', "$cmd") or die "$!";
+ my $help;
+ my $prev_opt;
+ my $getting_help = 0;
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ $line = handle_exeptions($line);
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*(--(\w+(-\w+)*))/) {
+ my $opt_var = $2;
+ next if ($opt_var =~ /^$ignore$/);
+ if (defined $prev_opt) {
+ $help =~ s/\s+|\t/ /g;
+ $help =~ s/^\s+//g;
+ $src_path2help{$rdir}{$prev_opt} = $help;
+ }
+ $help = $line;
+ $getting_help = 1;
+ chomp $help;
+ $opt_var =~ s/-/_/g;
+ $prev_opt = $opt_var;
+ $src_path2option{$rdir}{$opt_var}++;
+ next unless $enable_opp;
+ foreach my $pref (keys %prefix2opp) {
+ if ($opt_var =~ /^($pref)_/) {
+ $opt_var =~ s/$pref/$prefix2opp{$pref}/;
+ $src_path2option{$rdir}{$opt_var}++;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($getting_help && $line =~ /^\s+[^\s]+/) {
+ chomp $line;
+ $help .= $line;
+ } else {
+ $getting_help = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $prev_opt) {
+ $help =~ s/\s+|\t/ /g;
+ $help =~ s/^\s+//g;
+ $src_path2help{$rdir}{$prev_opt} = $help;
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ if ($alternatives_check) {
+ parse_opt_alternatives($rdir, \%{$src_path2option{$rdir}});
+ }
+# generate help in terms of opposite options
+my %src_path2opphelp;
+foreach my $path (keys %src_path2help) {
+ foreach my $opt (keys %{$src_path2help{$path}}) {
+ foreach my $pref ('disable', 'without') {
+ if ($opt =~ /^$pref/) {
+ my $opp_opt = $opt;
+ $opp_opt =~ s/$pref/$prefix2opp{$pref}/;
+ next if (exists $src_path2help{$path}{$opp_opt});
+ my $help = $src_path2help{$path}{$opt};
+ $src_path2opphelp{$path}{$opp_opt} = "OPPOSITE: $help";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+foreach my $path (keys %src_path2opphelp) {
+ foreach my $opp_opt (keys %{$src_path2opphelp{$path}}) {
+ $src_path2help{$path}{$opp_opt} = $src_path2opphelp{$path}{$opp_opt};
+ }
+chomp(my @dumps = `find $build_dir -name $dump_fname`) or die "$!";
+# The dump file may content dump from several configures
+my @path_stack;
+my @paths;
+sub init_help_for_build {
+ my ($path, $dump_path) = @_;
+ die "Not defined path or dump_path\n" unless (defined $path && defined $dump_path);
+ # print("Init for $path\n");
+ foreach my $opt (sort keys %{$src_path2option{$path}}) {
+ unless (defined $build_path2option{$dump_path}{$opt}) {
+ $build_path2option{$dump_path}{$opt} = {
+ 'h' => $src_path2help{$path}{$opt}
+ };
+ }
+ }
+foreach my $dump (@dumps) {
+ open(my $fh, '<', $dump) or die "Couldn't open $dump: $!";
+ my $line_num = 0;
+ my $path;
+ my $dump_path = get_rdir($dump, $build_dir);
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ $line_num++;
+ chomp $line;
+ if ($line =~ /^\# /) {
+ if ($line =~ /^\Q$BEGIN_DUMP_STR\E/) {
+ $line =~ s/^\Q$BEGIN_DUMP_STR\E //;
+ unless ($line =~ /\s/ || $line eq '') {
+ push(@path_stack, $path) if (defined $path);
+ $path = $line;
+ push(@paths, $path) unless (grep { $_ eq $path } @paths);
+ # print "SET $path ($dump:$line_num)\n";
+ init_help_for_build($path, $dump_path);
+ } else {
+ warn "WARNING: BEGIN_DUMP_STR found, but path is not defined ($dump:$line_num)\n";
+ }
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^\Q$END_DUMP_STR\E/) {
+ $line =~ s/^\Q$END_DUMP_STR\E //;
+ if (defined $line) {
+ warn "WARNING: END_DUMP_STR found, but path is not defined ($dump:$line_num)\n" if ($line =~ /\s/ || $line eq '');
+ warn "WARNING: END_DUMP_STR found, but paths are not equvivalent: dump read '$line', path '$path' ($dump:$line_num)\n" unless ($line eq $path);
+ }
+ my $path_pop = pop(@path_stack);
+ $path = $path_pop;
+ if (defined $path) {
+ # print "SET $path ($dump:$line_num)\n";
+ push(@paths, $path) unless (grep { $_ eq $path } @paths);
+ }
+ # print "UNSET \$path ($dump:$line_num)\n" unless (defined $path);
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ unless (defined $path) {
+ print "Skip ($dump:$line_num)\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my @check_opts;
+ # checking manual rules.
+ foreach my $opt (keys %{$transl_rules->{$path}}) {
+ my $man_opt_ = $transl_rules->{$path}->{$opt};
+ if ($man_opt_ =~ /^[+\-]?(\w*)$/) {
+ my $man_opt = $1;
+ next if ($man_opt =~ /^$/);
+ if ($line =~ /^$man_opt=(.*)/) {
+ $build_path2option{$dump_path}{$opt}->{'v'} = $1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ die "Wrong format of a translation rule: \'$man_opt_\'\n";
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $opt (keys %{$src_path2option{$path}}) {
+ next if (exists $build_path2option{$dump_path}{$opt}->{'v'});
+ my $man_opt_ = $transl_rules->{$path}->{$opt};
+ next if ((defined $man_opt_) && ($man_opt_ =~ /^[+\-]?(\w+)$/));
+ if ($line =~ /^$opt=(.*)/) {
+ $build_path2option{$dump_path}{$opt}->{'v'} = $1;
+ } elsif ($alternatives_check) {
+ foreach my $alt_opt (keys %{$option2alternatives{$path}{$opt}}) {
+ if ($line =~ /^$alt_opt=(.*)/) {
+ $build_path2option{$dump_path}{$opt}->{'v'} = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ next unless ($auto_variables_check);
+ foreach my $opt (keys %{$build_path2variable{$path}}) {
+ if ($line =~ /^$opt=(.*)/) {
+ if ( catfile($src_dir, $dump_path) eq catfile($src_dir, $path) ) {
+ # name of build subdirectory equvivalent name of source directory
+ if (defined $build_path2variable{$path}{$opt}{'value'}) {
+ warn "WARNING: $path -> $opt already defined ($dump:$line_num) = \"$build_path2variable{$path}{$opt}{'value'}\"\nread from file \"$line\"\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ # add the build path - extend the option name
+ $opt .= "($dump_path)";
+ if (defined $build_path2variable{$path}{$opt}{'value'}) {
+ warn "WARNING: $path -> $opt already defined ($dump:$line_num) = \"$build_path2variable{$path}{$opt}{'value'}\"\nread from file \"$line\"\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # always use the last value
+ $build_path2variable{$path}{$opt}{'value'} = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close $fh;
+ # set up default values for all paths
+ foreach $path (@paths) {
+ foreach my $opt (keys %{$transl_rules->{$path}}) {
+ #next unless (exists $src_path2option{$path}{$opt});
+ next if (exists $build_path2option{$dump_path}{$opt}->{'v'});
+ my $man_opt_ = $transl_rules->{$path}->{$opt};
+ my $sign = '';
+ $sign = $1 if ($man_opt_ =~ /^([+\-])/);
+ my $default_val = undef;
+ if ($sign eq '+') {
+ $default_val = 'yes';
+ } elsif ($sign eq '-') {
+ $default_val = 'no';
+ }
+ if (defined $default_val) {
+ $build_path2option{$dump_path}{$opt}->{'v'} = $default_val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+unlink $out_db;
+my $dbh = connect_db($out_db);
+foreach my $path (sort keys %build_path2option) {
+ print "$path\n";
+ foreach my $opt (sort keys %{$build_path2option{$path}}) {
+ if ($ignore_neg_opts) {
+ next if ($opt =~ /(without|disable)/);
+ }
+ my $val = $build_path2option{$path}{$opt}->{'v'};
+ my $help = $build_path2option{$path}{$opt}->{'h'};
+ $val = $UNDEFINED_VALUE unless (defined $val);
+ unless (defined $help) {
+ $help = $special_help->{$path}->{$opt};
+ unless (defined $help) {
+ $help = '';
+ warn "WARNING: $path:$opt - help message is undefined\n";
+ }
+ }
+ chomp $help;
+ print "\t$opt:$val|:::|$help\n";
+ insert_db_row($dbh, $path, $opt, $val, $help);
+ }
+ next unless ($auto_variables_check);
+ foreach my $opt (sort keys %{$build_path2variable{$path}}) {
+ my $value = $build_path2variable{$path}{$opt}{'value'};
+ unless (defined $value) {
+ # print("$path -> $opt is undefined\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ my $help = $build_path2variable{$path}{$opt}{'help'};
+ unless (defined $help) {
+ if ($opt =~ /(.*)\(.*\)$/ ) {
+ # use help description for extended name of variable
+ my $lopt = $opt;
+ $lopt =~ s/(.*)\(.*\)$/$1/;
+ $help = $build_path2variable{$path}{$lopt}{'help'};
+ $help = '' unless (defined $help);
+ }
+ }
+ chomp $help;
+ print "\t$opt:$value|:::|$help\n";
+ insert_db_row($dbh, $path, $opt, $value, $help);
+ }