if (NOT EXISTS ${OBJLIB_LISTFILE}) message(SEND_ERROR "Object listing file \"${OBJLIB_LISTFILE}\" not found!") endif() file(STRINGS ${OBJLIB_LISTFILE} objlib_files ENCODING UTF-8) list(LENGTH objlib_files num_objectfiles) if (NOT EXPECTED_NUM_OBJECTFILES EQUAL num_objectfiles) message(SEND_ERROR "Unexpected number of entries in object list file (${num_objectfiles} instead of ${EXPECTED_NUM_OBJECTFILES})") endif() foreach(objlib_file ${objlib_files}) set(file_exists False) if (EXISTS ${objlib_file}) set(file_exists True) endif() if (NOT file_exists) if(attempts) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES attempts) set(tried " Tried ${attempts}") endif() message(SEND_ERROR "File \"${objlib_file}\" does not exist!${tried}") endif() endforeach()