INCLUDE(Platform/NetBSD) # On OpenBSD, the compile time linker does not share it's configuration with # the runtime linker. This will extract the library search paths from the # system's file which will allow CMake to set the appropriate # -rpath-link flags IF(NOT CMAKE_PLATFORM_RUNTIME_PATH) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND /sbin/ldconfig -r OUTPUT_VARIABLE LDCONFIG_HINTS ERROR_QUIET) STRING(REGEX REPLACE ".*search\\ directories:\\ ([^\n]*).*" "\\1" LDCONFIG_HINTS "${LDCONFIG_HINTS}") STRING(REGEX REPLACE ":" ";" CMAKE_PLATFORM_RUNTIME_PATH "${LDCONFIG_HINTS}") ENDIF() SET_PROPERTY(GLOBAL PROPERTY FIND_LIBRARY_USE_OPENBSD_VERSIONING 1)