CMake Source Code Guide *********************** The following is a guide to the CMake source code for developers. See documentation on `CMake Development`_ for more information. .. _`CMake Development`: README.rst C++ Code Style ============== We use `clang-format`_ version **3.8** to define our style for C++ code in the CMake source tree. See the `.clang-format`_ configuration file for our style settings. Use the `Utilities/Scripts/clang-format.bash`_ script to format source code. It automatically runs ``clang-format`` on the set of source files for which we enforce style. The script also has options to format only a subset of files, such as those that are locally modified. .. _`clang-format`: .. _`.clang-format`: ../../.clang-format .. _`Utilities/Scripts/clang-format.bash`: ../../Utilities/Scripts/clang-format.bash C++ Subset Permitted ==================== CMake supports compiling as C++98 in addition to C++11 and C++14. In order to support building on older toolchains some constructs need to be handled with care: * Use ``CM_AUTO_PTR`` instead of ``std::auto_ptr``. The ``std::auto_ptr`` template is deprecated in C++11. We want to use it so we can build on C++98 compilers but we do not want to turn off compiler warnings about deprecated interfaces in general. Use the ``CM_AUTO_PTR`` macro instead. * Use ``CM_EQ_DELETE;`` instead of ``= delete;``. Defining functions as *deleted* is not supported in C++98. Using ``CM_EQ_DELETE`` will delete the functions if the compiler supports it and give them no implementation otherwise. Calling such a function will lead to compiler errors if the compiler supports *deleted* functions and linker errors otherwise. * Use ``CM_DISABLE_COPY(Class)`` to mark classes as non-copyable. The ``CM_DISABLE_COPY`` macro should be used in the private section of a class to make sure that attempts to copy or assign an instance of the class lead to compiler errors even if the compiler does not support *deleted* functions. As a guideline, all polymorphic classes should be made non-copyable in order to avoid slicing. Classes that are composed of or derived from non-copyable classes must also be made non-copyable explicitly with ``CM_DISABLE_COPY``. * Use ``size_t`` instead of ``std::size_t``. Various implementations have differing implementation of ``size_t``. When assigning the result of ``.size()`` on a container for example, the result should be assigned to ``size_t`` not to ``std::size_t``, ``unsigned int`` or similar types.