path: root/Source/cmFLTKWrapUICommand.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/cmFLTKWrapUICommand.cxx')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmFLTKWrapUICommand.cxx b/Source/cmFLTKWrapUICommand.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93533e57c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/cmFLTKWrapUICommand.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator
+ Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium
+ Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
+ see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+ See the License for more information.
+#include "cmFLTKWrapUICommand.h"
+#include "cmSourceFile.h"
+// cmFLTKWrapUICommand
+bool cmFLTKWrapUICommand
+::InitialPass(std::vector<std::string> const& args, cmExecutionStatus &)
+ if(args.size() < 2 )
+ {
+ this->SetError("called with incorrect number of arguments");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // what is the current source dir
+ std::string cdir = this->Makefile->GetCurrentDirectory();
+ const char* fluid_exe =
+ this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition("FLTK_FLUID_EXECUTABLE");
+ // get parameter for the command
+ this->Target = args[0]; // Target that will use the generated files
+ std::vector<std::string> newArgs;
+ this->Makefile->ExpandSourceListArguments(args,newArgs, 1);
+ // get the list of GUI files from which .cxx and .h will be generated
+ std::string outputDirectory = this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory();
+ // Some of the generated files are *.h so the directory "GUI"
+ // where they are created have to be added to the include path
+ this->Makefile->AddIncludeDirectory( outputDirectory.c_str() );
+ for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = (newArgs.begin() + 1);
+ i != newArgs.end(); i++)
+ {
+ cmSourceFile *curr = this->Makefile->GetSource(i->c_str());
+ // if we should use the source GUI
+ // to generate .cxx and .h files
+ if (!curr || !curr->GetPropertyAsBool("WRAP_EXCLUDE"))
+ {
+ std::string outName = outputDirectory;
+ outName += "/";
+ outName += cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutExtension(*i);
+ std::string hname = outName;
+ hname += ".h";
+ std::string origname = cdir + "/" + *i;
+ // add starting depends
+ std::vector<std::string> depends;
+ depends.push_back(origname);
+ depends.push_back(fluid_exe);
+ std::string cxxres = outName;
+ cxxres += ".cxx";
+ cmCustomCommandLine commandLine;
+ commandLine.push_back(fluid_exe);
+ commandLine.push_back("-c"); // instructs Fluid to run in command line
+ commandLine.push_back("-h"); // optionally rename .h files
+ commandLine.push_back(hname);
+ commandLine.push_back("-o"); // optionally rename .cxx files
+ commandLine.push_back(cxxres);
+ commandLine.push_back(origname);// name of the GUI fluid file
+ cmCustomCommandLines commandLines;
+ commandLines.push_back(commandLine);
+ // Add command for generating the .h and .cxx files
+ const char* no_main_dependency = 0;
+ const char* no_comment = 0;
+ const char* no_working_dir = 0;
+ this->Makefile->AddCustomCommandToOutput(cxxres.c_str(),
+ depends, no_main_dependency,
+ commandLines, no_comment,
+ no_working_dir);
+ this->Makefile->AddCustomCommandToOutput(hname.c_str(),
+ depends, no_main_dependency,
+ commandLines, no_comment,
+ no_working_dir);
+ cmSourceFile *sf = this->Makefile->GetSource(cxxres.c_str());
+ sf->AddDepend(hname.c_str());
+ sf->AddDepend(origname.c_str());
+ this->GeneratedSourcesClasses.push_back(sf);
+ }
+ }
+ // create the variable with the list of sources in it
+ size_t lastHeadersClass = this->GeneratedSourcesClasses.size();
+ std::string sourceListValue;
+ for(size_t classNum = 0; classNum < lastHeadersClass; classNum++)
+ {
+ if (classNum)
+ {
+ sourceListValue += ";";
+ }
+ sourceListValue += this->GeneratedSourcesClasses[classNum]->GetFullPath();
+ }
+ std::string varName = this->Target;
+ varName += "_FLTK_UI_SRCS";
+ this->Makefile->AddDefinition(varName.c_str(), sourceListValue.c_str());
+ return true;
+void cmFLTKWrapUICommand::FinalPass()
+ // people should add the srcs to the target themselves, but the old command
+ // didn't support that, so check and see if they added the files in and if
+ // they didn;t then print a warning and add then anyhow
+ cmTarget* target = this->Makefile->FindTarget(this->Target.c_str());
+ if(!target)
+ {
+ std::string msg =
+ "FLTK_WRAP_UI was called with a target that was never created: ";
+ msg += this->Target;
+ msg +=". The problem was found while processing the source directory: ";
+ msg += this->Makefile->GetStartDirectory();
+ msg += ". This FLTK_WRAP_UI call will be ignored.";
+ cmSystemTools::Message(msg.c_str(),"Warning");
+ return;
+ }
+ std::vector<cmSourceFile*> const& srcs =
+ target->GetSourceFiles();
+ bool found = false;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < srcs.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (srcs[i]->GetFullPath() ==
+ this->GeneratedSourcesClasses[0]->GetFullPath())
+ {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ std::string msg =
+ "In CMake 2.2 the FLTK_WRAP_UI command sets a variable to the list of "
+ "source files that should be added to your executable or library. It "
+ "appears that you have not added these source files to your target. "
+ "You should change your CMakeLists.txt file to "
+ "directly add the generated files to the target. "
+ "For example FTLK_WRAP_UI(foo src1 src2 src3) "
+ "will create a variable named foo_FLTK_UI_SRCS that contains the list "
+ "of sources to add to your target when you call ADD_LIBRARY or "
+ "ADD_EXECUTABLE. For now CMake will add the sources to your target "
+ "for you as was done in CMake 2.0 and earlier. In the future this may "
+ "become an error.";
+ msg +="The problem was found while processing the source directory: ";
+ msg += this->Makefile->GetStartDirectory();
+ cmSystemTools::Message(msg.c_str(),"Warning");
+ // first we add the rules for all the .fl to .h and .cxx files
+ size_t lastHeadersClass = this->GeneratedSourcesClasses.size();
+ // Generate code for all the .fl files
+ for(size_t classNum = 0; classNum < lastHeadersClass; classNum++)
+ {
+ this->Makefile->GetTargets()[this->Target]
+ .AddSourceFile(this->GeneratedSourcesClasses[classNum]);
+ }
+ }