path: root/Source/QtDialog/CMakeSetupDialog.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/QtDialog/CMakeSetupDialog.cxx')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Source/QtDialog/CMakeSetupDialog.cxx b/Source/QtDialog/CMakeSetupDialog.cxx
index c0dde1c2c..4d62f7263 100644
--- a/Source/QtDialog/CMakeSetupDialog.cxx
+++ b/Source/QtDialog/CMakeSetupDialog.cxx
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include <QShortcut>
#include <QKeySequence>
#include <QMacInstallDialog.h>
+#include <QInputDialog>
#include "QCMake.h"
#include "QCMakeCacheView.h"
@@ -122,6 +123,22 @@ CMakeSetupDialog::CMakeSetupDialog()
QObject::connect(this->InstallForCommandLineAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
this, SLOT(doInstallForCommandLine()));
+ ToolsMenu->addSeparator();
+ ToolsMenu->addAction(tr("&Find in Output..."),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputFindDialog()),
+ QKeySequence::Find);
+ ToolsMenu->addAction(tr("Find Next"),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputFindNext()),
+ QKeySequence::FindNext);
+ ToolsMenu->addAction(tr("Find Previous"),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputFindPrev()),
+ QKeySequence::FindPrevious);
+ ToolsMenu->addAction(tr("Goto Next Error"),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputErrorNext()),
+ QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F8)); // in Visual Studio
+ new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Period),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputErrorNext())); // in Eclipse
QMenu* OptionsMenu = this->menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Options"));
this->SuppressDevWarningsAction =
OptionsMenu->addAction(tr("&Suppress dev Warnings (-Wno-dev)"));
@@ -154,10 +171,6 @@ CMakeSetupDialog::CMakeSetupDialog()
QObject::connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
this, SLOT(doHelp()));
- QShortcut* filterShortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence::Find, this);
- QObject::connect(filterShortcut, SIGNAL(activated()),
- this, SLOT(startSearch()));
// get the saved binary directories
@@ -172,6 +185,10 @@ CMakeSetupDialog::CMakeSetupDialog()
+ this->Output->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
+ connect(this->Output, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputContextMenu(const QPoint &)));
// start the cmake worker thread
this->CMakeThread = new QCMakeThread(this);
QObject::connect(this->CMakeThread, SIGNAL(cmakeInitialized()),
@@ -637,7 +654,13 @@ void CMakeSetupDialog::showProgress(const QString& /*msg*/, float percent)
void CMakeSetupDialog::error(const QString& msg)
- this->Output->append(msg);
+ //QTextEdit will terminate the msg with a ParagraphSeparator, but it also replaces
+ //all newlines with ParagraphSeparators. By replacing the newlines by ourself, one
+ //error msg will be one paragraph.
+ QString paragraph(msg);
+ paragraph.replace(QLatin1Char('\n'), QChar::LineSeparator);
+ this->Output->append(paragraph);
void CMakeSetupDialog::message(const QString& msg)
@@ -1149,4 +1172,134 @@ void CMakeSetupDialog::setSearchFilter(const QString& str)
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doOutputContextMenu(const QPoint &pt)
+ QMenu *menu = this->Output->createStandardContextMenu();
+ menu->addSeparator();
+ menu->addAction(tr("Find..."),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputFindDialog()), QKeySequence::Find);
+ menu->addAction(tr("Find Next"),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputFindNext()), QKeySequence::FindNext);
+ menu->addAction(tr("Find Previous"),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputFindPrev()), QKeySequence::FindPrevious);
+ menu->addSeparator();
+ menu->addAction(tr("Goto Next Error"),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputErrorNext()), QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F8));
+ menu->exec(this->Output->mapToGlobal(pt));
+ delete menu;
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doOutputFindDialog()
+ QStringList strings(this->FindHistory);
+ QString selection = this->Output->textCursor().selectedText();
+ if (!selection.isEmpty() &&
+ !selection.contains(QChar::ParagraphSeparator) &&
+ !selection.contains(QChar::LineSeparator))
+ {
+ strings.push_front(selection);
+ }
+ bool ok;
+ QString search = QInputDialog::getItem(this, tr("Find in Output"),
+ tr("Find:"), strings, 0, true, &ok);
+ if (ok && !search.isEmpty())
+ {
+ if (!this->FindHistory.contains(search))
+ {
+ this->FindHistory.push_front(search);
+ }
+ doOutputFindNext();
+ }
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doOutputFindPrev()
+ doOutputFindNext(false);
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doOutputFindNext(bool directionForward)
+ if (this->FindHistory.isEmpty())
+ {
+ doOutputFindDialog(); //will re-call this function again
+ return;
+ }
+ QString search = this->FindHistory.front();
+ QTextCursor cursor = this->Output->textCursor();
+ QTextDocument* document = this->Output->document();
+ QTextDocument::FindFlags flags;
+ if (!directionForward)
+ {
+ flags |= QTextDocument::FindBackward;
+ }
+ cursor = document->find(search, cursor, flags);
+ if (cursor.isNull())
+ {
+ // first search found nothing, wrap around and search again
+ cursor = this->Output->textCursor();
+ cursor.movePosition(directionForward ? QTextCursor::Start
+ : QTextCursor::End);
+ cursor = document->find(search, cursor, flags);
+ }
+ if (cursor.hasSelection())
+ {
+ this->Output->setTextCursor(cursor);
+ }
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doOutputErrorNext()
+ QTextCursor cursor = this->Output->textCursor();
+ bool atEnd = false;
+ // move cursor out of current error-block
+ if (cursor.blockCharFormat() == this->ErrorFormat)
+ {
+ atEnd = !cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextBlock);
+ }
+ // move cursor to next error-block
+ while (cursor.blockCharFormat() != this->ErrorFormat && !atEnd)
+ {
+ atEnd = !cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextBlock);
+ }
+ if (atEnd)
+ {
+ // first search found nothing, wrap around and search again
+ atEnd = !cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start);
+ // move cursor to next error-block
+ while (cursor.blockCharFormat() != this->ErrorFormat && !atEnd)
+ {
+ atEnd = !cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextBlock);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!atEnd)
+ {
+ cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::EndOfBlock, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);
+ QTextCharFormat selectionFormat;
+ selectionFormat.setBackground(Qt::yellow);
+ QTextEdit::ExtraSelection extraSelection = {cursor, selectionFormat};
+ this->Output->setExtraSelections(QList<QTextEdit::ExtraSelection>()
+ << extraSelection);
+ // make the whole error-block visible
+ this->Output->setTextCursor(cursor);
+ // remove the selection to see the extraSelection
+ cursor.setPosition(cursor.anchor());
+ this->Output->setTextCursor(cursor);
+ }