path: root/Help/dev
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3 files changed, 207 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/Help/dev/review.rst b/Help/dev/review.rst
index 8ec41d29c..6c7e92cf8 100644
--- a/Help/dev/review.rst
+++ b/Help/dev/review.rst
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ request is accepted" option when creating the MR or by editing it.
This will cause the MR topic branch to be automatically removed from
the user's fork during the `Merge`_ step.
-.. _`CMake Merge Requests Page`:
+.. _`CMake Merge Requests Page`:
.. _`CMake Repository`:
Workflow Status
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ in GitLab to track the state of a MR:
The workflow status labels are intended to be mutually exclusive,
so please remove any existing workflow label when adding one.
-.. _`CMake GitLab Project Developers`:
+.. _`CMake GitLab Project Developers`:
Robot Review
@@ -278,42 +278,52 @@ merging.
Topic Testing
-CMake has a `buildbot`_ instance watching for merge requests to test.
-`CMake GitLab Project Developers`_ may activate buildbot on a MR by
-adding a comment with a command among the `comment trailing lines`_::
+CMake uses `GitLab CI`_ to test merge requests, configured by the top-level
+``.gitlab-ci.yml`` file. Results may be seen both on the merge request's
+pipeline page and on the `CMake CDash Page`_. Filtered CDash results
+showing just the pipeline's jobs can be reached by selecting the ``cdash``
+job in the ``External`` stage of the pipeline.
- Do: test
+Lint and documentation build jobs run automatically after every push.
+Heavier jobs require a manual trigger to run:
-``@kwrobot`` will add an award emoji to the comment to indicate that it
-was processed and also inform buildbot about the request. The buildbot
-user (``@buildbot``) will schedule builds and respond with a comment
-linking to the `CMake CDash Page`_ with a filter for results associated
-with the topic test request. If the MR topic branch is updated by a
-push a new ``Do: test`` command is needed to activate testing again.
-The ``Do: test`` command accepts the following arguments:
-* ``--stop``: clear the list of commands for the merge request
-* ``--clear``: clear previous commands before adding this command
-* ``--regex-include <arg>`` or ``-i <arg>``: only build on builders
- matching ``<arg>`` (a Python regular expression)
-* ``--regex-exclude <arg>`` or ``-e <arg>``: exclude builds on builders
- matching ``<arg>`` (a Python regular expression)
-Builder names follow the pattern ``project-host-os-buildtype-generator``:
-* ``project``: always ``cmake`` for CMake builds
-* ``host``: the buildbot host
-* ``os``: one of ``windows``, ``osx``, or ``linux``
-* ``buildtype``: ``release`` or ``debug``
-* ``generator``: ``ninja``, ``makefiles``, ``vs<year>``,
- or ``lint-iwyu-tidy``
-The special ``lint-<tools>`` generator name is a builder that builds
-CMake using lint tools but does not run the test suite (so the actual
-generator does not matter).
-.. _`buildbot`:
+* Merge request authors may visit their merge request's pipeline and click the
+ "Play" button on one or more jobs manually. If the merge request has the
+ "Allow commits from members who can merge to the target branch" check box
+ enabled, CMake maintainers may use the "Play" button too.
+* `CMake GitLab Project Developers`_ may trigger CI on a merge request by
+ adding a comment with a command among the `comment trailing lines`_::
+ Do: test
+ ``@kwrobot`` will add an award emoji to the comment to indicate that it
+ was processed and also trigger all manual jobs in the merge request's
+ pipeline.
+ The ``Do: test`` command accepts the following arguments:
+ * ``--named <regex>``, ``-n <regex>``: Trigger jobs matching ``<regex>``
+ anywhere in their name. Job names may be seen on the merge request's
+ pipeline page.
+ * ``--stage <stage>``, ``-s <stage>``: Only affect jobs in a given stage.
+ Stage names may be seen on the merge request's pipeline page. Note that
+ the names are determined by what is in the ``.gitlab-ci.yml`` file and may
+ be capitalized in the web page, so lowercasing the webpage's display name
+ for stages may be required.
+ * ``--action <action>``, ``-a <action>``: The action to perform on the jobs.
+ Possible actions:
+ * ``manual`` (the default): Start jobs awaiting manual interaction.
+ * ``unsuccessful``: Start or restart jobs which have not completed
+ successfully.
+ * ``failed``: Restart jobs which have completed, but without success.
+ * ``completed``: Restart all completed jobs.
+If the merge request topic branch is updated by a push, a new manual trigger
+using one of the above methods is needed to start CI again.
+.. _`GitLab CI`:
.. _`CMake CDash Page`:
Integration Testing
@@ -454,8 +464,8 @@ comment instead):
The ``-t`` option to a ``Do: merge`` command overrides any topic
rename set in the MR description.
-.. _`CMake GitLab Project Masters`:
-.. _`backport instructions`:
+.. _`CMake GitLab Project Masters`:
+.. _`backport instructions`:
.. _`git rev-parse`:
diff --git a/Help/dev/source.rst b/Help/dev/source.rst
index 0f7488be0..0ccb8f42d 100644
--- a/Help/dev/source.rst
+++ b/Help/dev/source.rst
@@ -23,12 +23,157 @@ format only a subset of files, such as those that are locally modified.
C++ Subset Permitted
-CMake requires compiling as C++11 or above. However, in order to support
-building on older toolchains some constructs need to be handled with care:
+CMake requires compiling as C++11 in order to support building on older
+toolchains. However, to facilitate development, some standard library
+features from more recent C++ standards are supported through a compatibility
+layer. These features are defined under the namespace ``cm`` and headers
+are accessible under the ``cm/`` directory. The headers under ``cm/`` can
+be used in place of the standard ones when extended features are needed.
+For example ``<cm/memory>`` can be used in place of ``<memory>``.
-* Do not use ``std::auto_ptr``.
+Available features are:
- The ``std::auto_ptr`` template is deprecated in C++11. Use ``std::unique_ptr``.
+* From ``C++14``:
+ * ``<cm/iterator>``:
+ ``cm::make_reverse_iterator``, ``cm::cbegin``, ``cm::cend``,
+ ``cm::rbegin``, ``cm::rend``, ``cm::crbegin``, ``cm::crend``
+ * ``<cm/memory>``:
+ ``cm::make_unique``
+ * ``<cm/shared_mutex>``:
+ ``cm::shared_lock``
+ * ``<cm/type_traits>``:
+ ``cm::enable_if_t``
+* From ``C++17``:
+ * ``<cm/algorithm>``:
+ ``cm::clamp``
+ * ``<cm/iterator>``:
+ ``cm::size``, ``cm::empty``, ``cm::data``
+ * ``<cm/optional>``:
+ ``cm::nullopt_t``, ``cm::nullopt``, ``cm::optional``,
+ ``cm::make_optional``, ``cm::bad_optional_access``
+ * ``<cm/shared_mutex>``:
+ ``cm::shared_mutex``
+ * ``<cm/string_view>``:
+ ``cm::string_view``
+ * ``<cm/type_traits>``:
+ ``cm::bool_constant``, ``cm::invoke_result_t``, ``cm::invoke_result``,
+ ``cm::void_t``
+ * ``<cm/utility>``:
+ ``cm::in_place_t``, ``cm::in_place``
+* From ``C++20``:
+ * ``<cm/deque>``:
+ ``cm::erase``, ``cm::erase_if``
+ * ``<cm/list>``:
+ ``cm::erase``, ``cm::erase_if``
+ * ``<cm/map>`` :
+ ``cm::erase_if``
+ * ``<cm/set>`` :
+ ``cm::erase_if``
+ * ``<cm/string>``:
+ ``cm::erase``, ``cm::erase_if``
+ * ``<cm/unordered_map>``:
+ ``cm::erase_if``
+ * ``<cm/unordered_set>``:
+ ``cm::erase_if``
+ * ``<cm/vector>``:
+ ``cm::erase``, ``cm::erase_if``
+Additionally, some useful non-standard extensions to the C++ standard library
+are available in headers under the directory ``cmext/`` in namespace ``cm``.
+These are:
+* ``<cmext/algorithm>``:
+ * ``cm::append``:
+ Append elements to a sequential container.
+ * ``cm::contains``:
+ Checks if element or key is contained in container.
+* ``<cmext/iterator>``:
+ * ``cm::is_terator``:
+ Checks if a type is an iterator type.
+ * ``cm::is_input_iterator``:
+ Checks if a type is an input iterator type.
+ * ``cm::is_range``:
+ Checks if a type is a range type: functions ``std::begin()`` and
+ ``std::end()`` apply.
+ * ``cm::is_input_range``:
+ Checks if a type is an input range type: functions ``std::begin()`` and
+ ``std::end()`` apply and return an input iterator.
+* ``<cmext/memory>``:
+ * ``cm::static_reference_cast``:
+ Apply a ``static_cast`` to a smart pointer.
+ * ``cm::dynamic_reference_cast``:
+ Apply a ``dynamic_cast`` to a smart pointer.
+* ``<cmext/type_traits>``:
+ * ``cm::is_container``:
+ Checks if a type is a container type.
+ * ``cm::is_associative_container``:
+ Checks if a type is an associative container type.
+ * ``cm::is_unordered_associative_container``:
+ Checks if a type is an unordered associative container type.
+ * ``cm::is_sequence_container``:
+ Checks if a type is a sequence container type.
+ * ``cm::is_unique_ptr``:
+ Checks if a type is a ``std::unique_ptr`` type.
+Dynamic Memory Management
+To ensure efficient memory management, i.e. no memory leaks, it is required
+to use smart pointers. Any dynamic memory allocation must be handled by a
+smart pointer such as ``std::unique_ptr`` or ``std::shared_ptr``.
+It is allowed to pass raw pointers between objects to enable objects sharing.
+A raw pointer **must** not be deleted. Only the object(s) owning the smart
+pointer are allowed to delete dynamically allocated memory.
+Third Parties
+To build CMake, some third parties are needed. Under ``Utilities``
+directory, are versions of these third parties which can be used as an
+alternate to the ones provided by the system.
+To enable the selection of the third parties between the system and CMake ones,
+in CMake sources, third parties headers must be prefixed by ``cm3p/``
+(for example: ``<cm3p/json/reader.h>``). These wrappers are located under
+``Utilities/cm3p`` directory.
Source Tree Layout
@@ -69,6 +214,15 @@ The CMake source tree is organized as follows.
* ``Utilities/``:
Scripts, third-party source code.
+ * ``Utilities/std/cm``:
+ Support files for various C++ standards.
+ * ``Utilities/std/cmext``:
+ Extensions to the C++ STL.
+ * ``Utilities/cm3p``:
+ Public headers for third parties needed to build CMake.
* ``Utilities/Sphinx/``:
Sphinx configuration to build CMake user documentation.
diff --git a/Help/dev/testing.rst b/Help/dev/testing.rst
index 23d0ca3f2..279e4b29f 100644
--- a/Help/dev/testing.rst
+++ b/Help/dev/testing.rst
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ CTest script with local settings and include ``cmake_common.cmake``.
.. _`CMake Review Process`: review.rst
.. _`CMake CDash Page`:
.. _`CMake Dashboard Scripts Repository`:
-.. _`cmake_common.cmake`:
+.. _`cmake_common.cmake`:
Nightly Start Time