path: root/Tests/CMakeTests/
diff options
authorAnas Nashif <>2012-10-30 15:39:57 -0700
committerAnas Nashif <>2012-10-30 15:39:57 -0700
commit035c7fabc3b82cbc9a346c11abe2e9462b4c0379 (patch)
tree7e40f5a790eae329a8c5d3e59f046451767956ff /Tests/CMakeTests/
Imported Upstream version 2.8.9upstream/2.8.9
Diffstat (limited to 'Tests/CMakeTests/')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tests/CMakeTests/ b/Tests/CMakeTests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59b28904d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/CMakeTests/
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+# Check the CMake source tree and report anything suspicious...
+message("CTEST_FULL_OUTPUT (Avoid ctest truncation of output)")
+string(REPLACE "\\" "\\\\" HOME "${HOME}")
+# Is the build directory the same as or underneath the source directory?
+# (i.e. - is it an "in source" build?)
+set(in_source_build 0)
+ message("build dir *is* source dir")
+ set(in_source_build 1)
+ string(LENGTH "${CMake_SOURCE_DIR}" src_len)
+ string(LENGTH "${CMake_BINARY_DIR}" bin_len)
+ if(bin_len GREATER src_len)
+ math(EXPR substr_len "${src_len}+1")
+ string(SUBSTRING "${CMake_BINARY_DIR}" 0 ${substr_len} bin_dir)
+ if(bin_dir STREQUAL "${CMake_SOURCE_DIR}/")
+ message("build dir is under source dir")
+ set(in_source_build 1)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+# If this does not appear to be a git checkout, just pass the test here
+# and now. (Do not let the test fail if it is run in a tree *exported* from a
+# repository or unpacked from a .zip file source installer...)
+set(is_git_checkout 0)
+if(EXISTS "${CMake_SOURCE_DIR}/.git")
+ set(is_git_checkout 1)
+if(NOT is_git_checkout)
+ message("source tree is not a git checkout... test passes by early return...")
+ return()
+# This test looks for the following types of changes in the source tree:
+set(additions 0)
+set(conflicts 0)
+set(modifications 0)
+set(nonadditions 0)
+# ov == output variable... conditionally filled in by either git below:
+set(cmd "")
+set(ov "")
+set(ev "")
+set(rv "")
+# If no GIT_EXECUTABLE, see if we can figure out which git was used
+# for the ctest_update step on this dashboard...
+if(is_git_checkout AND NOT GIT_EXECUTABLE)
+ set(ctest_ini_file "")
+ set(exe "")
+ # Use the old name:
+ if(EXISTS "${CMake_BINARY_DIR}/DartConfiguration.tcl")
+ set(ctest_ini_file "${CMake_BINARY_DIR}/DartConfiguration.tcl")
+ endif()
+ # But if it exists, prefer the new name:
+ if(EXISTS "${CMake_BINARY_DIR}/CTestConfiguration.ini")
+ set(ctest_ini_file "${CMake_BINARY_DIR}/CTestConfiguration.ini")
+ endif()
+ # If there is a ctest ini file, read the update command or git command
+ # from it:
+ #
+ if(ctest_ini_file)
+ file(STRINGS "${ctest_ini_file}" line REGEX "^GITCommand: (.*)$")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^GITCommand: (.*)$" "\\1" line "${line}")
+ if("${line}" MATCHES "^\"")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^\"([^\"]+)\" *.*$" "\\1" line "${line}")
+ else()
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^([^ ]+) *.*$" "\\1" line "${line}")
+ endif()
+ set(exe "${line}")
+ set(exe "")
+ endif()
+ if(exe)
+ message("info: GIT_EXECUTABLE set by 'GITCommand:' from '${ctest_ini_file}'")
+ endif()
+ if(NOT exe)
+ file(STRINGS "${ctest_ini_file}" line REGEX "^UpdateCommand: (.*)$")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^UpdateCommand: (.*)$" "\\1" line "${line}")
+ if("${line}" MATCHES "^\"")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^\"([^\"]+)\" *.*$" "\\1" line "${line}")
+ else()
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^([^ ]+) *.*$" "\\1" line "${line}")
+ endif()
+ set(exe "${line}")
+ set(exe "")
+ endif()
+ if(exe)
+ message("info: GIT_EXECUTABLE set by 'UpdateCommand:' from '${ctest_ini_file}'")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ else()
+ message("info: no DartConfiguration.tcl or CTestConfiguration.ini file...")
+ endif()
+ # If we have still not grokked the exe, look in the Update.xml file to see
+ # if we can parse it from there...
+ #
+ if(NOT exe)
+ file(GLOB_RECURSE update_xml_file "${CMake_BINARY_DIR}/Testing/Update.xml")
+ if(update_xml_file)
+ file(STRINGS "${update_xml_file}" line
+ REGEX "^.*<UpdateCommand>(.*)</UpdateCommand>$" LIMIT_COUNT 1)
+ string(REPLACE "&quot\;" "\"" line "${line}")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*<UpdateCommand>(.*)</UpdateCommand>$" "\\1" line "${line}")
+ if("${line}" MATCHES "^\"")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^\"([^\"]+)\" *.*$" "\\1" line "${line}")
+ else()
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^([^ ]+) *.*$" "\\1" line "${line}")
+ endif()
+ if(line)
+ set(exe "${line}")
+ endif()
+ if(exe)
+ message("info: GIT_EXECUTABLE set by '<UpdateCommand>' from '${update_xml_file}'")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ message("info: no Update.xml file...")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if(exe)
+ set(GIT_EXECUTABLE "${exe}")
+ message("")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "GIT_EXECUTABLE does not exist...")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "could not determine GIT_EXECUTABLE...")
+ endif()
+if(is_git_checkout AND GIT_EXECUTABLE)
+ # Check with "git status" if there are any local modifications to the
+ # CMake source tree:
+ #
+ message("=============================================================================")
+ message("This is a git checkout, using git to verify source tree....")
+ message("")
+ execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} --version
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE version_output
+ message("=== output of 'git --version' ===")
+ message("${version_output}")
+ message("=== end output ===")
+ message("")
+ execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} branch -a
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE git_branch_output
+ message("=== output of 'git branch -a' ===")
+ message("${git_branch_output}")
+ message("=== end output ===")
+ message("")
+ execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} log -1
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE git_log_output
+ message("=== output of 'git log -1' ===")
+ message("${git_log_output}")
+ message("=== end output ===")
+ message("")
+ message("Copy/paste this command to reproduce:")
+ message("cd \"${CMake_SOURCE_DIR}\" && \"${GIT_EXECUTABLE}\" status")
+ message("")
+ set(cmd ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} status)
+ # Use the HOME value passed in to the script for calling git so it can
+ # find its user/global config settings...
+ #
+ set(original_ENV_HOME "$ENV{HOME}")
+ set(ENV{HOME} "${HOME}")
+ execute_process(COMMAND ${cmd}
+ set(ENV{HOME} "${original_ENV_HOME}")
+ message("Results of running ${cmd}")
+ message("rv='${rv}'")
+ message("ov='${ov}'")
+ message("ev='${ev}'")
+ message("")
+ if(NOT rv STREQUAL 0)
+ if(is_git_checkout AND (rv STREQUAL "1"))
+ # Many builds of git return "1" from a "nothing is changed" git status call...
+ # Do not fail with an error for rv==1 with git...
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "error: ${cmd} attempt failed... (see output above)")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "error: no COMMAND to run to analyze source tree...")
+# Analyze output:
+if(NOT ov STREQUAL "")
+ string(REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" lines "${ov}")
+ string(REPLACE "\n" "E;" lines "${lines}")
+ foreach(line ${lines})
+ message("'${line}'")
+ # But do not consider files that exist just because some user poked around
+ # the file system with Windows Explorer or with the Finder from a Mac...
+ # ('Thumbs.db' and '.DS_Store' files...)
+ #
+ set(consider 1)
+ set(ignore_files_regex "^(. |.*(/|\\\\))(\\.DS_Store|Thumbs.db)E$")
+ if(line MATCHES "${ignore_files_regex}")
+ message(" line matches '${ignore_files_regex}' -- not considered")
+ set(consider 0)
+ endif()
+ if(consider)
+ if(is_git_checkout)
+ if(line MATCHES "^#[ \t]*modified:")
+ message(" locally modified file detected...")
+ set(modifications 1)
+ endif()
+ if(line MATCHES "^# Untracked")
+ message(" locally non-added file/directory detected...")
+ set(nonadditions 1)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+# Decide if the test passes or fails:
+ # developers are allowed to have local additions and modifications...
+ set(is_dashboard 0)
+ message("interactive test run")
+ message("")
+ set(is_dashboard 1)
+ message("dashboard test run")
+ message("")
+ # but dashboard machines are not allowed to have local additions or modifications...
+ if(additions)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "test fails: local source tree additions")
+ endif()
+ if(modifications)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "test fails: local source tree modifications")
+ endif()
+ #
+ # It's a dashboard run if ctest was run with '-D ExperimentalTest' or some
+ # other -D arg on its command line or if ctest is running a -S script to run
+ # a dashboard... Running ctest like that sets the DASHBOARD_TEST_FROM_CTEST
+ # env var.
+ #
+# ...and nobody is allowed to have local non-additions or conflicts...
+# Not even developers.
+ if(in_source_build AND is_dashboard)
+ message("
+warning: test results confounded because this is an 'in-source' build - cannot
+distinguish between non-added files that are in-source build products and
+non-added source files that somebody forgot to 'git add'... - this is only ok
+if this is intentionally an in-source dashboard build... Developers should
+use out-of-source builds to verify a clean source tree with this test...
+Allowing test to pass despite the warning message...
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "test fails: local source tree non-additions: use git add before committing, or remove the files from the source tree")
+ endif()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "test fails: local source tree conflicts: resolve before committing")
+# Still here? Good then...
+message("test passes")