Please use the [caffe-users list](!forum/caffe-users) for usage, installation, or modeling questions, or other requests for help. _Do not post such requests to Issues._ Doing so interferes with the development of Caffe. Please read the [guidelines for contributing]( before submitting this issue. ### Issue summary ### Steps to reproduce If you are having difficulty building Caffe or training a model, please ask the caffe-users mailing list. If you are reporting a build error that seems to be due to a bug in Caffe, please attach your build configuration (either Makefile.config or CMakeCache.txt) and the output of the make (or cmake) command. ### Your system configuration Operating system: Compiler: CUDA version (if applicable): CUDNN version (if applicable): BLAS: Python or MATLAB version (for pycaffe and matcaffe respectively):