path: root/matlab/+caffe
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2015-05-30Update ilsvrc_2012_mean.mat to W x H x C, update demo and add commentsRonghang Hu2-1/+9
2015-05-29More tests for Blob, Layer, copy_from and step, fix some typosRonghang Hu6-4/+31
2015-05-29Clean up old matcaffe wrapper and rename caffe.reset to caffe.reset_allRonghang Hu4-10/+10
2015-05-29Aesthetic changes on code style and some minor fixRonghang Hu10-105/+113
2015-05-29Fix matlab tailing dimension 1 issue for shape matchRonghang Hu14-18/+22
2015-05-29MatCaffe3 : a powerful matlab interface for caffeRonghang Hu18-0/+1112