/* * NAME * initvm - init for qemu, setup binfmt_misc launch build * * SYNOPSIS * initvm * * DESCRIPTION * This is the kernel init script for virtual machines which will * be running executables for an embedded (non-native) * architecture. It registers binfmt_misc handlers for qemu and * executes the build script, and tests many assumptions. * * FILES * /.build/qemu-reg * text file with lines to stuff into the binfmt_misc * filesystem registration file * /.build/build * build script to execute once binfmts are set up * * AUTHOR * James Perkins */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* to enable debugging, compile with -DDEBUG */ #ifdef DEBUG #define DBG(x) do { x; } while(0) #else #define DBG(x) #endif /* function return codes */ enum okfail { FAIL=0, OK=1 }; /* qemu registration fields, see kernel/Documentation/binfmt_misc.txt */ enum fields { ignore=0, name, type, offset, magic, mask, interpreter, flags }; const char * const fieldnames[] = { "ignore", "name", "type", "offset", "magic", "mask", "interpreter", "flags" }; const int n_fields = 8; /* files in useful places */ #define SYSFS_BINFMT_MISC "/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc" #define SYSFS_BINFMT_MISC_REG "/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register" #define SYSFS_BINFMT_MISC_STAT "/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/status" /* /usr/lib/build/x paths are copied to /.build inside a virtual machine */ #define BINFMT_REGF_0 "/.build/qemu-reg" #define BINFMT_REGF_1 "/usr/lib/build/qemu-reg" #define BUILD "/.build/build" /* useful constant arrays */ static char *rx_files[] = { "/proc", "/proc/sys", "/proc/sys/fs", SYSFS_BINFMT_MISC, NULL }; static char *w_files[] = { SYSFS_BINFMT_MISC_REG, NULL }; static char* const args[] = { BUILD, NULL }; /* test access modes for files, return OK or FAIL */ enum okfail test_access_files(char *files[], int mode, const char *errstr) { int i; for (i = 0; files[i] != NULL; i++) { if (access(files[i], mode) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: fails test\n", files[i], errstr); return FAIL; } } return OK; } /* find a string in the given file, return OK or FAIL */ enum okfail strfile(const char *filename, const char *string) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; FILE *fp; enum okfail found = FAIL; fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { perror(filename); return FAIL; } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { if (strcmp(buf, string) == 0) { found = OK; break; } } (void)fclose(fp); return found; } /* write the file with given string, return OK or FAIL */ enum okfail write_file_string(const char *filename, const char *string) { int fd; if ((fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY)) == -1) { perror(filename); return FAIL; } if (write(fd, string, strlen(string)) == -1) { perror("write"); fprintf(stderr, "%s: write failed\n", filename); close(fd); return FAIL; } close(fd); return OK; } #ifdef DEBUG /* dump contents of the file to stderr, return OK or FAIL */ enum okfail dump_file(char *path) { FILE *fp; char buf[BUFSIZ]; fp = fopen(path, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { perror(path); return FAIL; } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { fputs(buf, stderr); } fclose(fp); return OK; } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* parse datafile and register (to regfile) all binary formats found */ enum okfail binfmt_register(char *datafile, char *regfile) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; FILE *fp; int line; fp = fopen(datafile, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { perror(datafile); return FAIL; } for (line = 1; fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL; line++) { char tokens[BUFSIZ]; char *s = tokens; char *f[n_fields]; /* field content pointers */ int n; /* current field */ char path[BUFSIZ]; if (buf[0] != ':') /* non-data input line */ { goto skip; } /* copy buf and tokenize :-seperated fields into f[] */ strcpy(tokens, buf); for (n = 0; s != NULL && n < n_fields; n++) { f[n] = strsep(&s, ":"); } #ifdef DEBUG int i; fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: line %d, fields %d:\n", line, n); for (i = name; i < n; i++) { fprintf(stderr, " %s %s\n", fieldnames[i], f[i]); } #endif /* DEBUG */ if (n == n_fields && s != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %d: extra fields, ignoring." " Content: %s", datafile, line, buf); goto skip; } if (n < n_fields) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %d: missing fields, ignoring." " Content: %s", datafile, line, buf); goto skip; } if (access(f[interpreter], X_OK) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %d: interpreter '%s' not found," " ignoring\n", datafile, line, f[interpreter]); goto skip; } if (!write_file_string(regfile, buf)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %d: write failed." " Content: %s\n", datafile, line, buf); (void)fclose(fp); return FAIL; } /* verify registration completed correctly */ snprintf(path, sizeof(path), SYSFS_BINFMT_MISC "/%s", f[name]); if (access(path, R_OK) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %d: binfmt path not created, content '%s'\n", path, line, buf); (void)fclose(fp); return FAIL; } DBG(fprintf(stderr, "dumping: %s\n", path)); DBG(dump_file(path)); skip: ; } (void)fclose(fp); return OK; } /* set up/verify binfmt FS support, program more binfmts, and launch build */ int main(int argc, char* argv[], char* env[]) { int retval; /* mount proc filesystem if it isn't already */ if (mount("proc", "/proc", "proc", MS_MGC_VAL, NULL) == -1) { if (errno != EBUSY) { perror("mount: /proc"); exit(1); } } /* try to load binfmt module if present, no big deal if it fails */ if ((retval = system("/sbin/modprobe binfmt_misc")) != 0) { DBG(fprintf(stderr, "modprobe binfmt_misc exit code %d\n", retval)); } /* mount binfmt filesystem */ if (mount("binfmt_misc", SYSFS_BINFMT_MISC, "binfmt_misc", MS_MGC_VAL, NULL) == -1) { if (errno != EBUSY) { perror("mount: binfmt_misc, " SYSFS_BINFMT_MISC); } } /* verify all paths resulting from this are OK */ if (!test_access_files(rx_files, R_OK|X_OK, "read/search")) { exit(1); } if (!test_access_files(w_files, W_OK, "write")) { exit(1); } if (!strfile("/proc/filesystems", "nodev\tbinfmt_misc\n")) { fprintf(stderr, "/proc/filesystems: binfmt_misc support missing\n"); exit(1); } if (!strfile(SYSFS_BINFMT_MISC_STAT, "enabled\n")) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: binfmt_misc filesystem support not enabled\n", SYSFS_BINFMT_MISC_STAT); exit(1); } /* setup all done, do the registration */ if (!binfmt_register(BINFMT_REGF_0, SYSFS_BINFMT_MISC_REG)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed. Trying alternate binfmt file\n", BINFMT_REGF_0); if (!binfmt_register(BINFMT_REGF_1, SYSFS_BINFMT_MISC_REG)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: binfmt registration failed\n", BINFMT_REGF_1); exit(1); } } /* if we are the init process, start build */ if (getpid() == 1) { if (access(BUILD, F_OK) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: build executable missing\n", BUILD); exit(1); } if (access(BUILD, X_OK) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: not executable\n", BUILD); exit(1); } execve(BUILD, args, env); perror("execve"); exit(1); } /* success! */ exit(0); }