path: root/baselibs_global-deb.conf
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2009-12-05fix whitespacePavol Rusnak1-1/+0
2009-08-19-added: baselib support for dpkg based targets.Martin Mohring1-0/+40
The code for this was written by David Greaves from project maemo/mer It is the counterpart of the rpm implementation. Both are used e.g. to provide transparent cross compilation - but not limited to. You can activate this by adding 'Support: libparse-debcontrol-perl' to meta prjconf and then adding the file baselibs-deb.conf, which is separate from the rpm baselibs.conf. Work is tested and finally integrated with the help of by Martin Mohring Idea inspired by the rpm version from Jan-Simon Moeller. Reviewed by Jan-Simon Moeller and Martin Mohring M build M mkbaselibs A baselibs_global-deb.conf