[/ Copyright 2007 John Maddock. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt). ] [section:remove_const remove_const] template struct remove_const { typedef __below type; }; __type The same type as `T`, but with any /top level/ const-qualifier removed. __std_ref 3.9.3. __compat If the compiler does not support partial specialization of class-templates then this template will compile, but the member `type` will always be the same as type `T` except where __transform_workaround have been applied. __header ` #include ` or ` #include ` [table Examples [ [Expression] [Result Type]] [[`remove_const::type`][`int`]] [[`remove_const::type`] [`int`]] [[`remove_const::type`] [`int volatile`]] [[`remove_const::type`] [`int const&`]] [[`remove_const::type`] [`int const*`]] ] [endsect]