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Interpreting these Results

In all of the following tables, the best performing result in each row, is assigned a relative value of "1" and shown in bold, so a score of "2" means "twice as slow as the best performing result". Actual timings in seconds per function call are also shown in parenthesis.

Result were obtained on a system with an Intel 2.8GHz Pentium 4 processor with 2Gb of RAM and running either Windows XP or Mandriva Linux.

[Caution] Caution

As usual with performance results these should be taken with a large pinch of salt: relative performance is known to shift quite a bit depending upon the architecture of the particular test system used. Further more, our performance results were obtained using our own test data: these test values are designed to provide good coverage of our code and test all the appropriate corner cases. They do not necessarily represent "typical" usage: whatever that may be!

[Note] Note

Since these tests were run, most compilers have improved their code optimisation, and processor speeds have improved too, so these results are known to be out of date.
