// Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Julio M. Merino Vidal // Copyright (c) 2008 Ilya Sokolov, Boris Schaeling // Copyright (c) 2009 Boris Schaeling // Copyright (c) 2010 Felipe Tanus, Boris Schaeling // Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Jeff Flinn, Boris Schaeling // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_PROCESS_DETAIL_POSIX_WAIT_FOR_EXIT_HPP #define BOOST_PROCESS_DETAIL_POSIX_WAIT_FOR_EXIT_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace process { namespace detail { namespace posix { inline void wait(const child_handle &p, int & exit_code, std::error_code &ec) noexcept { pid_t ret; int status; do { ret = ::waitpid(p.pid, &status, 0); } while (((ret == -1) && (errno == EINTR)) || (ret != -1 && !WIFEXITED(status) && !WIFSIGNALED(status))); if (ret == -1) ec = boost::process::detail::get_last_error(); else { ec.clear(); exit_code = status; } } inline void wait(const child_handle &p, int & exit_code) noexcept { std::error_code ec; wait(p, exit_code, ec); boost::process::detail::throw_error(ec, "waitpid(2) failed in wait"); } template< class Clock, class Duration > inline bool wait_until( const child_handle &p, int & exit_code, const std::chrono::time_point& time_out, std::error_code & ec) noexcept { ::sigset_t sigset; //I need to set the signal, because it might be ignore / default, in which case sigwait might not work. using _signal_t = void(*)(int); static thread_local _signal_t sigchld_handler = SIG_DFL; struct signal_interceptor_t { static void handler_func(int val) { if ((sigchld_handler != SIG_DFL) && (sigchld_handler != SIG_IGN)) sigchld_handler(val); } signal_interceptor_t() { sigchld_handler = ::signal(SIGCHLD, &handler_func); } ~signal_interceptor_t() { ::signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler); sigchld_handler = SIG_DFL;} } signal_interceptor{}; if (sigemptyset(&sigset) != 0) { ec = get_last_error(); return false; } if (sigaddset(&sigset, SIGCHLD) != 0) { ec = get_last_error(); return false; } auto get_timespec = [](const Duration & dur) { ::timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = std::chrono::duration_cast(dur).count(); ts.tv_nsec = std::chrono::duration_cast(dur).count() % 1000000000; return ts; }; int ret; int status{0}; struct ::sigaction old_sig; if (-1 == ::sigaction(SIGCHLD, nullptr, &old_sig)) { ec = get_last_error(); return false; } bool timed_out; #if defined(BOOST_POSIX_HAS_SIGTIMEDWAIT) do { auto ts = get_timespec(time_out - Clock::now()); auto ret_sig = ::sigtimedwait(&sigset, nullptr, &ts); errno = 0; ret = ::waitpid(p.pid, &status, WNOHANG); if ((ret_sig == SIGCHLD) && (old_sig.sa_handler != SIG_DFL) && (old_sig.sa_handler != SIG_IGN)) old_sig.sa_handler(ret); if (ret == 0) { timed_out = Clock::now() >= time_out; if (timed_out) return false; } } while ((ret == 0) || (((ret == -1) && errno == EINTR) || ((ret != -1) && !WIFEXITED(status) && !WIFSIGNALED(status)))); #else //if we do not have sigtimedwait, we fork off a child process to get the signal in time pid_t timeout_pid = ::fork(); if (timeout_pid == -1) { ec = boost::process::detail::get_last_error(); return true; } else if (timeout_pid == 0) { auto ts = get_timespec(time_out - Clock::now()); ::timespec rem; while (ts.tv_sec > 0 || ts.tv_nsec > 0) { if (::nanosleep(&ts, &rem) != 0) { auto err = errno; if ((err == EINVAL) || (err == EFAULT)) break; } ts = get_timespec(time_out - Clock::now()); } ::exit(0); } struct child_cleaner_t { pid_t pid; ~child_cleaner_t() { int res; ::kill(pid, SIGKILL); ::waitpid(pid, &res, WNOHANG); } }; child_cleaner_t child_cleaner{timeout_pid}; do { int sig_{0}; if ((::waitpid(timeout_pid, &status, WNOHANG) != 0) && (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status))) return false; ret = ::sigwait(&sigset, &sig_); errno = 0; if ((sig_ == SIGCHLD) && (old_sig.sa_handler != SIG_DFL) && (old_sig.sa_handler != SIG_IGN)) old_sig.sa_handler(ret); ret = ::waitpid(p.pid, &status, WNOHANG); if (ret == 0) // == > is running { timed_out = Clock::now() >= time_out; if (timed_out) return false; } } while ((ret == 0) || (((ret == -1) && errno == EINTR) || ((ret != -1) && !WIFEXITED(status) && !WIFSIGNALED(status)))); #endif if (ret == -1) ec = boost::process::detail::get_last_error(); else { ec.clear(); exit_code = status; } return true; } template< class Clock, class Duration > inline bool wait_until( const child_handle &p, int & exit_code, const std::chrono::time_point& time_out) { std::error_code ec; bool b = wait_until(p, exit_code, time_out, ec); boost::process::detail::throw_error(ec, "waitpid(2) failed in wait_until"); return b; } template< class Rep, class Period > inline bool wait_for( const child_handle &p, int & exit_code, const std::chrono::duration& rel_time, std::error_code & ec) noexcept { return wait_until(p, exit_code, std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + rel_time, ec); } template< class Rep, class Period > inline bool wait_for( const child_handle &p, int & exit_code, const std::chrono::duration& rel_time) { std::error_code ec; bool b = wait_for(p, exit_code, rel_time, ec); boost::process::detail::throw_error(ec, "waitpid(2) failed in wait_for"); return b; } }}}} #endif