/*============================================================================= Copyright (c) 2015 Paul Fultz II reverse_fold.h Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ==============================================================================*/ #ifndef BOOST_HOF_GUARD_REVERSE_FOLD_H #define BOOST_HOF_GUARD_REVERSE_FOLD_H /// reverse_fold /// ======== /// /// Description /// ----------- /// /// The `reverse_fold` function adaptor uses a binary function to apply a /// reverse [fold] /// (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fold_%28higher-order_function%29)(ie right /// fold in functional programming terms) operation to the arguments passed to /// the function. Additionally, an optional initial state can be provided, /// otherwise the first argument is used as the initial state. /// /// The arguments to the binary function, take first the state and then the /// argument. /// /// Synopsis /// -------- /// /// template /// constexpr reverse_fold_adaptor reverse_fold(F f, State s); /// /// template /// constexpr reverse_fold_adaptor reverse_fold(F f); /// /// Semantics /// --------- /// /// assert(reverse_fold(f, z)() == z); /// assert(reverse_fold(f, z)(x, xs...) == f(reverse_fold(f, z)(xs...), x)); /// assert(reverse_fold(f)(x) == x); /// assert(reverse_fold(f)(x, xs...) == f(reverse_fold(f)(xs...), x)); /// /// Requirements /// ------------ /// /// State must be: /// /// * CopyConstructible /// /// F must be: /// /// * [BinaryInvocable](BinaryInvocable) /// * MoveConstructible /// /// Example /// ------- /// /// #include /// #include /// /// struct max_f /// { /// template /// constexpr T operator()(T x, U y) const /// { /// return x > y ? x : y; /// } /// }; /// /// int main() { /// assert(boost::hof::reverse_fold(max_f())(2, 3, 4, 5) == 5); /// } /// /// References /// ---------- /// /// * [Projections](Projections) /// * [Variadic print]() /// #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace hof { namespace detail { struct v_reverse_fold { BOOST_HOF_RETURNS_CLASS(v_reverse_fold); template constexpr BOOST_HOF_SFINAE_MANUAL_RESULT(const F&, result_of, id_, id_...>, id_) operator()(const F& f, State&& state, T&& x, Ts&&... xs) const BOOST_HOF_SFINAE_MANUAL_RETURNS ( f((*BOOST_HOF_CONST_THIS)(f, BOOST_HOF_FORWARD(State)(state), BOOST_HOF_FORWARD(Ts)(xs)...), BOOST_HOF_FORWARD(T)(x)) ); template constexpr State operator()(const F&, State&& state) const noexcept { return BOOST_HOF_FORWARD(State)(state); } }; } template struct reverse_fold_adaptor : detail::compressed_pair, State> { typedef detail::compressed_pair, State> base_type; BOOST_HOF_INHERIT_CONSTRUCTOR(reverse_fold_adaptor, base_type) template constexpr const detail::callable_base& base_function(Ts&&... xs) const noexcept { return this->first(xs...); } template constexpr State get_state(Ts&&... xs) const noexcept { return this->second(xs...); } BOOST_HOF_RETURNS_CLASS(reverse_fold_adaptor); template constexpr BOOST_HOF_SFINAE_RESULT(detail::v_reverse_fold, id_&>, id_, id_...) operator()(Ts&&... xs) const BOOST_HOF_SFINAE_RETURNS ( detail::v_reverse_fold()( BOOST_HOF_MANGLE_CAST(const detail::callable_base&)(BOOST_HOF_CONST_THIS->base_function(xs...)), BOOST_HOF_MANGLE_CAST(State)(BOOST_HOF_CONST_THIS->get_state(xs...)), BOOST_HOF_FORWARD(Ts)(xs)... ) ) }; template struct reverse_fold_adaptor : detail::callable_base { BOOST_HOF_INHERIT_CONSTRUCTOR(reverse_fold_adaptor, detail::callable_base) template constexpr const detail::callable_base& base_function(Ts&&... xs) const noexcept { return boost::hof::always_ref(*this)(xs...); } BOOST_HOF_RETURNS_CLASS(reverse_fold_adaptor); template constexpr BOOST_HOF_SFINAE_RESULT(detail::v_reverse_fold, id_&>, id_...) operator()(Ts&&... xs) const BOOST_HOF_SFINAE_RETURNS ( detail::v_reverse_fold()( BOOST_HOF_MANGLE_CAST(const detail::callable_base&)(BOOST_HOF_CONST_THIS->base_function(xs...)), BOOST_HOF_FORWARD(Ts)(xs)... ) ) }; BOOST_HOF_DECLARE_STATIC_VAR(reverse_fold, detail::make); }} // namespace boost::hof #endif