// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_HAS_SELF_INTERSECTIONS_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_HAS_SELF_INTERSECTIONS_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_HAS_SELF_INTERSECTIONS # include # include #endif namespace boost { namespace geometry { #if ! defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_OVERLAY_NO_THROW) /*! \brief Overlay Invalid Input Exception \ingroup overlay \details The overlay_invalid_input_exception is thrown at invalid input */ class overlay_invalid_input_exception : public geometry::exception { public: inline overlay_invalid_input_exception() {} virtual char const* what() const throw() { return "Boost.Geometry Overlay invalid input exception"; } }; #endif #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL namespace detail { namespace overlay { template inline bool has_self_intersections(Geometry const& geometry, RobustPolicy const& robust_policy, bool throw_on_self_intersection = true) { typedef typename point_type::type point_type; typedef turn_info < point_type, typename segment_ratio_type::type > turn_info; std::deque turns; detail::disjoint::disjoint_interrupt_policy policy; geometry::self_turns(geometry, robust_policy, turns, policy); #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_HAS_SELF_INTERSECTIONS bool first = true; #endif for(typename std::deque::const_iterator it = boost::begin(turns); it != boost::end(turns); ++it) { turn_info const& info = *it; bool const both_union_turn = info.operations[0].operation == detail::overlay::operation_union && info.operations[1].operation == detail::overlay::operation_union; bool const both_intersection_turn = info.operations[0].operation == detail::overlay::operation_intersection && info.operations[1].operation == detail::overlay::operation_intersection; bool const valid = (both_union_turn || both_intersection_turn) && (info.method == detail::overlay::method_touch || info.method == detail::overlay::method_touch_interior); if (! valid) { #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_HAS_SELF_INTERSECTIONS if (first) { std::cout << "turn points: " << std::endl; first = false; } std::cout << method_char(info.method); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { std::cout << " " << operation_char(info.operations[i].operation); std::cout << " " << info.operations[i].seg_id; } std::cout << " " << geometry::dsv(info.point) << std::endl; #endif #if ! defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_OVERLAY_NO_THROW) if (throw_on_self_intersection) { throw overlay_invalid_input_exception(); } #endif return true; } } return false; } // For backward compatibility template inline bool has_self_intersections(Geometry const& geometry, bool throw_on_self_intersection = true) { typedef typename geometry::point_type::type point_type; typedef typename geometry::rescale_policy_type::type rescale_policy_type; rescale_policy_type robust_policy = geometry::get_rescale_policy(geometry); return has_self_intersections(geometry, robust_policy, throw_on_self_intersection); } }} // namespace detail::overlay #endif // DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL }} // namespace boost::geometry #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_HAS_SELF_INTERSECTIONS_HPP