path: root/tools/regression/src/compiler_status.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/regression/src/compiler_status.cpp')
1 files changed, 1113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/regression/src/compiler_status.cpp b/tools/regression/src/compiler_status.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4444bbcc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/regression/src/compiler_status.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1113 @@
+// Generate Compiler Status HTML from jam regression test output -----------//
+// Copyright Beman Dawes 2002.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// See
+// See for documentation.
+ Please contact the maintainer, bdawes <at> acm <dot> org, before making
+ any non-trivial changes.
+ This program was designed to work unchanged on all platforms and
+ configurations. All output which is platform or configuration dependent
+ is obtained from external sources such as the .xml file from
+ process_jam_log execution, the tools/build/xxx-tools.jam files, or the
+ output of the config_info tests.
+ Please avoid adding platform or configuration dependencies during
+ program maintenance.
+#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
+#include "boost/config.hpp"
+#include "boost/filesystem/operations.hpp"
+#include "boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp"
+#include "boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp"
+#include "detail/tiny_xml.hpp"
+namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
+namespace xml = boost::tiny_xml;
+#include <cstdlib> // for abort, exit
+#include <cctype> // for toupper
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <cassert>
+using std::string;
+const string pass_msg( "Pass" );
+const string warn_msg( "<i>Warn</i>" );
+const string fail_msg( "<font color=\"#FF0000\"><i>Fail</i></font>" );
+const string note_msg( "<sup>*</sup>" );
+const string missing_residue_msg( "<i>Missing</i>" );
+const std::size_t max_compile_msg_size = 10000;
+ fs::path boost_root; // boost-root complete path
+ fs::path locate_root; // locate-root (AKA ALL_LOCATE_TARGET) complete path
+ bool compile_time;
+ bool run_time;
+ bool ignore_pass;
+ bool no_warn;
+ bool no_links;
+ bool boost_build_v2 = true;
+ fs::path jamfile_path;
+ fs::directory_iterator end_itr;
+ // It's immportant for reliability that we find the same compilers for each
+ // test, and that they match the column header. So save the names at the
+ // time column headings are generated.
+ std::vector<string> toolsets;
+ fs::ifstream jamfile;
+ fs::ofstream report;
+ fs::ofstream links_file;
+ string links_name;
+ fs::path notes_path;
+ string notes_html;
+ fs::path notes_map_path;
+ typedef std::multimap< string, string > notes_map; // key is test_name-toolset,
+ // value is note bookmark
+ notes_map notes;
+ string specific_compiler; // if running on one toolset only
+ const string empty_string;
+ std::vector<int> error_count;
+ // prefix for library and test hyperlink prefix
+ string svn_root ( "" );
+ string url_prefix_dir_view( svn_root );
+ string url_prefix_checkout_view( svn_root );
+ string url_suffix_text_view( "" );
+// get revision number (as a string) if boost_root is svn working copy -----//
+ string revision( const fs::path & boost_root )
+ {
+ string rev;
+ fs::path entries( boost_root / ".svn" / "entries" );
+ fs::ifstream entries_file( entries );
+ if ( entries_file )
+ {
+ std::getline( entries_file, rev );
+ std::getline( entries_file, rev );
+ std::getline( entries_file, rev );
+ std::getline( entries_file, rev ); // revision number as a string
+ }
+ return rev;
+ }
+// build notes_bookmarks from notes HTML -----------------------------------//
+ void build_notes_bookmarks()
+ {
+ if ( notes_map_path.empty() ) return;
+ fs::ifstream notes_map_file( notes_map_path );
+ if ( !notes_map_file )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Could not open --notes-map input file: " << notes_map_path.string() << std::endl;
+ std::exit( 1 );
+ }
+ string line;
+ while( std::getline( notes_map_file, line ) )
+ {
+ string::size_type pos = 0;
+ if ( (pos = line.find( ',', pos )) == string::npos ) continue;
+ string key(line.substr( 0, pos ) );
+ string bookmark( line.substr( pos+1 ) );
+// std::cout << "inserting \"" << key << "\",\"" << bookmark << "\"\n";
+ notes.insert( notes_map::value_type( key, bookmark ) );
+ }
+ }
+// load_notes_html ---------------------------------------------------------//
+ bool load_notes_html()
+ {
+ if ( notes_path.empty() ) return false;
+ fs::ifstream notes_file( notes_path );
+ if ( !notes_file )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Could not open --notes input file: " << notes_path.string() << std::endl;
+ std::exit( 1 );
+ }
+ string line;
+ bool in_body( false );
+ while( std::getline( notes_file, line ) )
+ {
+ if ( in_body && line.find( "</body>" ) != string::npos ) in_body = false;
+ if ( in_body ) notes_html += line;
+ else if ( line.find( "<body>" ) ) in_body = true;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+// relative path between two paths -----------------------------------------//
+ void relative_path( const fs::path & from, const fs::path & to,
+ fs::path & target )
+ {
+ if ( from.string().size() <= to.string().size() ) return;
+ target /= "..";
+ relative_path( from.branch_path(), to, target );
+ return;
+ }
+// extract object library name from target directory string ----------------//
+ string extract_object_library_name( const string & s )
+ {
+ string t( s );
+ string::size_type pos = t.find( "/build/" );
+ if ( pos != string::npos ) pos += 7;
+ else if ( (pos = t.find( "/test/" )) != string::npos ) pos += 6;
+ else return "";
+ return t.substr( pos, t.find( "/", pos ) - pos );
+ }
+// find_file ---------------------------------------------------------------//
+// given a directory to recursively search
+ bool find_file( const fs::path & dir_path, const string & name,
+ fs::path & path_found, const string & ignore_dir_named="" )
+ {
+ if ( !fs::exists( dir_path ) ) return false;
+ for ( fs::directory_iterator itr( dir_path ); itr != end_itr; ++itr )
+ if ( fs::is_directory( *itr )
+ && itr->path().filename() != ignore_dir_named )
+ {
+ if ( find_file( *itr, name, path_found ) ) return true;
+ }
+ else if ( itr->path().filename() == name )
+ {
+ path_found = *itr;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+// platform_desc -----------------------------------------------------------//
+ string platform_desc()
+ {
+ string result = BOOST_PLATFORM;
+ result[0] = std::toupper( result[0] );
+ return result;
+ }
+// version_desc ------------------------------------------------------------//
+// from locate-root/status/bin/config_info.test/xxx/.../config_info.output
+ string version_desc( const string & compiler_name )
+ {
+ string result;
+ fs::path dot_output_path;
+ if ( find_file( locate_root / "bin/boost/status/config_info.test"
+ / compiler_name, "config_info.output", dot_output_path )
+ || find_file( locate_root / "status/bin/config_info.test"
+ / compiler_name, "config_info.output", dot_output_path ) )
+ {
+ fs::ifstream file( dot_output_path );
+ if ( file )
+ {
+ if( std::getline( file, result ) )
+ {
+ string::size_type pos = result.find( "version " );
+ if ( pos != string::npos )
+ {
+ result.erase( 0, pos+8 );
+ }
+ else result.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// compiler_desc -----------------------------------------------------------//
+// from boost-root/tools/build/xxx-tools.jam
+ string compiler_desc( const string & compiler_name )
+ {
+ string result;
+ fs::path tools_path( boost_root / "tools/build/v1" / (compiler_name
+ + "-tools.jam") );
+ if ( !fs::exists( tools_path ) )
+ tools_path = boost_root / "tools/build" / (compiler_name + "-tools.jam");
+ fs::ifstream file( tools_path );
+ if ( file )
+ {
+ while( std::getline( file, result ) )
+ {
+ if ( result.substr( 0, 3 ) == "#//" )
+ {
+ result.erase( 0, 3 );
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ result.clear();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// target_directory --------------------------------------------------------//
+// this amounts to a request to find a unique leaf directory
+ fs::path target_directory( const fs::path & root )
+ {
+ if ( !fs::exists( root ) ) return fs::path("no-such-path");
+ fs::path child;
+ for ( fs::directory_iterator itr( root ); itr != end_itr; ++itr )
+ {
+ if ( fs::is_directory( *itr ) )
+ {
+ // SunCC creates an internal subdirectory everywhere it writes
+ // object files. This confuses the target_directory() algorithm.
+ // This patch ignores the SunCC internal directory. Jens Maurer
+ if ( itr->path().filename() == "SunWS_cache" ) continue;
+ // SGI does something similar for template instantiations. Jens Maurer
+ if( itr->path().filename() == "ii_files" ) continue;
+ if ( child.empty() ) child = *itr;
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << "Warning: only first of two target possibilities will be reported for: \n "
+ << root.string() << ": " << child.filename()
+ << " and " << itr->path().filename() << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( child.empty() ) return root; // this dir has no children
+ return target_directory( child );
+ }
+// element_content ---------------------------------------------------------//
+ const string & element_content(
+ const xml::element & root, const string & name )
+ {
+ static string empty_string;
+ xml::element_list::const_iterator itr;
+ for ( itr = root.elements.begin();
+ itr != root.elements.end() && (*itr)->name != name;
+ ++itr ) {}
+ return itr != root.elements.end() ? (*itr)->content : empty_string;
+ }
+// find_element ------------------------------------------------------------//
+ const xml::element empty_element;
+ const xml::element & find_element(
+ const xml::element & root, const string & name )
+ {
+ xml::element_list::const_iterator itr;
+ for ( itr = root.elements.begin();
+ itr != root.elements.end() && (*itr)->name != name;
+ ++itr ) {}
+ return itr != root.elements.end() ? *((*itr).get()) : empty_element;
+ }
+// attribute_value ----------------------------------------------------------//
+const string & attribute_value( const xml::element & element,
+ const string & attribute_name )
+ static const string empty_string;
+ xml::attribute_list::const_iterator atr;
+ for ( atr = element.attributes.begin();
+ atr != element.attributes.end() && atr->name != attribute_name;
+ ++atr ) {}
+ return atr == element.attributes.end() ? empty_string : atr->value;
+// find_bin_path -----------------------------------------------------------//
+// Takes a relative path from boost root to a Jamfile.
+// Returns the directory where the build targets from
+// that Jamfile are located. If not found, emits a warning
+// and returns empty path.
+const fs::path find_bin_path(const string& relative)
+ fs::path bin_path;
+ if (boost_build_v2)
+ {
+ if ( relative == "status" )
+ bin_path = locate_root / "bin.v2" / "libs";
+ else
+ {
+ bin_path = locate_root / "bin.v2" / relative;
+ if (!fs::exists(bin_path))
+ bin_path = locate_root / "bin" / relative;
+ }
+ if (!fs::exists(bin_path))
+ {
+ std::cerr << "warning: could not find build results for '"
+ << relative << "'.\n";
+ std::cerr << "warning: tried directory "
+ << bin_path.string() << "\n";
+ bin_path = "";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bin_path = locate_root / "bin/boost" / relative;
+ if (!fs::exists(bin_path))
+ {
+ bin_path = locate_root / "bin" / relative / "bin";
+ if (!fs::exists(bin_path))
+ {
+ bin_path = fs::path( locate_root / relative / "bin" );
+ if (!fs::exists(bin_path))
+ {
+ bin_path = fs::path( locate_root / "bin/boost/libs" /
+ relative.substr( relative.find( '/' )+1 ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fs::exists(bin_path))
+ {
+ std::cerr << "warning: could not find build results for '"
+ << relative << "'.\n";
+ bin_path = "";
+ }
+ }
+ return bin_path;
+// generate_report ---------------------------------------------------------//
+ // return 0 if nothing generated, 1 otherwise, except 2 if compiler msgs
+ int generate_report( const xml::element & db,
+ const string & source_library_name,
+ const string & test_type,
+ const string & test_name, // possibly object library name
+ const string & toolset,
+ bool pass,
+ bool always_show_run_output = false )
+ {
+ // compile msgs sometimes modified, so make a local copy
+ string compile( ((pass && no_warn)
+ ? empty_string : element_content( db, "compile" )) );
+ const string & link( pass ? empty_string : element_content( db, "link" ) );
+ const string & run( (pass && !always_show_run_output)
+ ? empty_string : element_content( db, "run" ) );
+ string lib( (pass ? empty_string : element_content( db, "lib" )) );
+ string::size_type pos;
+ if ( (pos = compile.find("30 DAY EVALUATION LICENSE")) != string::npos )
+ {
+ compile.erase(pos, 25);
+ while ( compile[0] == '\n' || compile[0] == '\r' ) compile.erase(0,1);
+ }
+ // some compilers output the filename even if there are no errors or
+ // warnings; detect this if one line of output and it contains no space.
+ pos = compile.find( '\n', 1 );
+ if ( pos != string::npos && compile.size()-pos <= 2
+ && compile.find( ' ' ) == string::npos ) compile.clear();
+ if ( lib.empty()
+ && (compile.empty() || test_type == "compile_fail")
+ && link.empty() && run.empty() ) return 0;
+ int result = 1; // some kind of msg for sure
+ // limit compile message length
+ if ( compile.size() > max_compile_msg_size )
+ {
+ compile.erase( max_compile_msg_size );
+ compile += "...\n (remainder deleted because of excessive size)\n";
+ }
+ links_file << "<h2><a name=\""
+ << source_library_name << "-" << test_name << "-" << toolset << "\">"
+ << source_library_name << " - " << test_name << " - " << toolset << "</a></h2>\n";
+ if ( !compile.empty() )
+ {
+ ++result;
+ links_file << "<h3>Compiler output:</h3><pre>"
+ << compile << "</pre>\n";
+ }
+ if ( !link.empty() )
+ links_file << "<h3>Linker output:</h3><pre>" << link << "</pre>\n";
+ if ( !run.empty() )
+ links_file << "<h3>Run output:</h3><pre>" << run << "</pre>\n";
+ // for an object library failure, generate a reference to the object
+ // library failure message, and (once only) generate the object
+ // library failure message itself
+ static std::set< string > failed_lib_target_dirs; // only generate once
+ if ( !lib.empty() )
+ {
+ if ( lib[0] == '\n' ) lib.erase( 0, 1 );
+ string object_library_name( extract_object_library_name( lib ) );
+ // changing the target directory naming scheme breaks
+ // extract_object_library_name()
+ assert( !object_library_name.empty() );
+ if ( object_library_name.empty() )
+ std::cerr << "Failed to extract object library name from " << lib << "\n";
+ links_file << "<h3>Library build failure: </h3>\n"
+ "See <a href=\"#"
+ << source_library_name << "-"
+ << object_library_name << "-" << toolset << "\">"
+ << source_library_name << " - "
+ << object_library_name << " - " << toolset << "</a>";
+ if ( failed_lib_target_dirs.find( lib ) == failed_lib_target_dirs.end() )
+ {
+ failed_lib_target_dirs.insert( lib );
+ fs::path pth( locate_root / lib / "test_log.xml" );
+ fs::ifstream file( pth );
+ if ( file )
+ {
+ xml::element_ptr db = xml::parse( file, pth.string() );
+ generate_report( *db, source_library_name, test_type, object_library_name, toolset, false );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ links_file << "<h2><a name=\""
+ << object_library_name << "-" << toolset << "\">"
+ << object_library_name << " - " << toolset << "</a></h2>\n"
+ "test_log.xml not found\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ // add_notes --------------------------------------------------------------//
+ void add_notes( const string & key, bool fail, string & sep, string & target )
+ {
+ notes_map::const_iterator itr = notes.lower_bound( key );
+ if ( itr != notes.end() && itr->first == key )
+ {
+ for ( ; itr != notes.end() && itr->first == key; ++itr )
+ {
+ string note_desc( itr->second[0] == '-'
+ ? itr->second.substr( 1 ) : itr->second );
+ if ( fail || itr->second[0] == '-' )
+ {
+ target += sep;
+ sep = ",";
+ target += "<a href=\"";
+ target += "#";
+ target += note_desc;
+ target += "\">";
+ target += note_desc;
+ target += "</a>";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // get_notes -------------------------------------------------------------//
+ string get_notes( const string & toolset,
+ const string & library, const string & test, bool fail )
+ {
+ string sep;
+ string target( "<sup>" );
+ add_notes( toolset + "/" + library + "/" + test, fail, sep, target );
+ add_notes( "*/" + library + "/" + test, fail, sep, target );
+ add_notes( toolset + "/" + library + "/*", fail, sep, target );
+ add_notes( "*/" + library + "/*", fail, sep, target );
+ if ( target == "<sup>" ) target.clear();
+ else target += "</sup>";
+ return target;
+ }
+ // do_cell ---------------------------------------------------------------//
+ bool do_cell(
+ int compiler,
+ const string & lib_name,
+ const fs::path & test_dir,
+ const string & test_type,
+ const string & test_name,
+ const string & toolset,
+ string & target,
+ bool always_show_run_output )
+ // return true if any results except simple pass_msg
+ {
+ fs::path target_dir( target_directory( test_dir / toolset ) );
+ bool pass = false;
+ if ( !fs::exists( target_dir / "test_log.xml" ) )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Missing test_log.xml in target:\n "
+ << target_dir.string() << "\n";
+ target += "<td>" + missing_residue_msg + "</td>";
+ return true;
+ }
+ int anything_generated = 0;
+ bool note = false;
+ fs::path pth( target_dir / "test_log.xml" );
+ fs::ifstream file( pth );
+ if ( !file )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Can't open test_log.xml in target:\n "
+ << target_dir.string() << "\n";
+ target += "<td>" + missing_residue_msg + "</td>";
+ return false;
+ }
+ xml::element_ptr dbp = xml::parse( file, pth.string() );
+ const xml::element & db( *dbp );
+ std::string test_type_base( test_type );
+ if ( test_type_base == "run_pyd" ) test_type_base = "run";
+ else if ( test_type_base.size() > 5 )
+ {
+ const string::size_type trailer = test_type_base.size() - 5;
+ if ( test_type_base.substr( trailer ) == "_fail" )
+ {
+ test_type_base.erase( trailer );
+ }
+ }
+ const xml::element & test_type_element( find_element( db, test_type_base ) );
+ pass = !
+ && attribute_value( test_type_element, "result" ) != "fail";
+ if ( !no_links )
+ {
+ note = attribute_value( test_type_element, "result" ) == "note";
+ // generate bookmarked report of results, and link to it
+ anything_generated
+ = generate_report( db, lib_name, test_type, test_name, toolset, pass,
+ always_show_run_output || note );
+ }
+ target += "<td>";
+ // generate the status table cell pass/warn/fail HTML
+ if ( anything_generated != 0 )
+ {
+ target += "<a href=\"";
+ target += links_name;
+ target += "#";
+ target += lib_name;
+ target += "-";
+ target += test_name;
+ target += "-";
+ target += toolset;
+ target += "\">";
+ target += pass
+ ? (anything_generated < 2 ? pass_msg : warn_msg)
+ : fail_msg;
+ target += "</a>";
+ if ( pass && note ) target += note_msg;
+ }
+ else target += pass ? pass_msg : fail_msg;
+ // if notes, generate the superscript HTML
+ if ( !notes.empty() )
+ target += get_notes( toolset, lib_name, test_name, !pass );
+ // generate compile-time if requested
+ if ( compile_time )
+ {
+ const xml::element & compile_element( find_element( db, "compile" ) );
+ if ( ! )
+ {
+ string times = attribute_value( compile_element, "timings" );
+ if ( !times.empty() )
+ {
+ target += "<br>";
+ target += times.substr( 0, times.find( " " ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // generate run-time if requested
+ if ( run_time )
+ {
+ const xml::element & run_element( find_element( db, "run" ) );
+ if ( ! )
+ {
+ string times = attribute_value( run_element, "timings" );
+ if ( !times.empty() )
+ {
+ target += "<br>";
+ target += times.substr( 0, times.find( " " ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !pass ) ++error_count[compiler];
+ target += "</td>";
+ return (anything_generated != 0) || !pass;
+ }
+// do_row ------------------------------------------------------------------//
+ void do_row(
+ const fs::path & test_dir, // locate_root / "status/bin/any_test.test"
+ const string & test_name, // "any_test"
+ string & target )
+ {
+ // get library name, test-type, test-program path, etc., from the .xml file
+ string lib_name;
+ string test_path( test_name ); // test_name is default if missing .test
+ string test_type( "unknown" );
+ bool always_show_run_output( false );
+ fs::path xml_file_path;
+ if ( find_file( test_dir, "test_log.xml", xml_file_path ) )
+ {
+ fs::ifstream file( xml_file_path );
+ if ( file )
+ {
+ xml::element_ptr dbp = xml::parse( file, xml_file_path.string() );
+ const xml::element & db( *dbp );
+ test_path = attribute_value( db, "test-program" );
+ lib_name = attribute_value( db, "library" );
+ test_type = attribute_value( db, "test-type" );
+ always_show_run_output
+ = attribute_value( db, "show-run-output" ) == "true";
+ }
+ }
+ // generate the library name, test name, and test type table data
+ string::size_type row_start_pos = target.size();
+ target += "<tr><td><a href=\"" + url_prefix_dir_view + "/libs/" + lib_name
+ + "\">" + lib_name + "</a></td>";
+ target += "<td><a href=\"" + url_prefix_checkout_view + "/" + test_path
+ + url_suffix_text_view + "\">" + test_name + "</a>";
+ if ( compile_time ) target += "<br> Compile time:";
+ if ( run_time ) target += "<br> Run time:";
+ target += "</td>";
+ target += "<td>" + test_type + "</td>";
+ bool no_warn_save = no_warn;
+ //if ( test_type.find( "fail" ) != string::npos ) no_warn = true;
+ // for each compiler, generate <td>...</td> html
+ bool anything_to_report = false;
+ int compiler = 0;
+ for ( std::vector<string>::const_iterator itr=toolsets.begin();
+ itr != toolsets.end(); ++itr, ++compiler )
+ {
+ anything_to_report |= do_cell( compiler, lib_name, test_dir, test_type, test_name, *itr, target,
+ always_show_run_output );
+ }
+ target += "</tr>";
+ if ( ignore_pass && !anything_to_report ) target.erase( row_start_pos );
+ no_warn = no_warn_save;
+ }
+// do_rows_for_sub_tree ----------------------------------------------------//
+ void do_rows_for_sub_tree(
+ const fs::path & bin_dir, std::vector<string> & results )
+ {
+ for ( fs::directory_iterator itr( bin_dir ); itr != end_itr; ++itr )
+ {
+ if ( fs::is_directory( *itr )
+ && itr->path().string().find( ".test" ) == (itr->path().string().size()-5) )
+ {
+ results.push_back( std::string() );
+ do_row( *itr,
+ itr->path().filename().string().substr( 0,
+ itr->path().filename().string().size()-5 ),
+ results[results.size()-1] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// find_compilers ------------------------------------------------------------//
+ void find_compilers(const fs::path & bin_dir)
+ {
+ fs::directory_iterator compiler_itr( bin_dir );
+ if ( specific_compiler.empty() )
+ std::clog << "Using " << bin_dir.string() << " to determine compilers\n";
+ for (; compiler_itr != end_itr; ++compiler_itr )
+ {
+ if ( fs::is_directory( *compiler_itr ) // check just to be sure
+ && compiler_itr->path().filename() != "test" ) // avoid strange directory (Jamfile bug?)
+ {
+ if ( specific_compiler.size() != 0
+ && specific_compiler != compiler_itr->path().filename() ) continue;
+ toolsets.push_back( compiler_itr->path().filename().string() );
+ string desc( compiler_desc( compiler_itr->path().filename().string() ) );
+ string vers( version_desc( compiler_itr->path().filename().string() ) );
+ report << "<td>"
+ << (desc.size() ? desc : compiler_itr->path().filename().string())
+ << (vers.size() ? (string( "<br>" ) + vers ) : string( "" ))
+ << "</td>\n";
+ error_count.push_back( 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// do_table_body -----------------------------------------------------------//
+ void do_table_body( const fs::path & bin_dir )
+ {
+ // rows are held in a vector so they can be sorted, if desired.
+ std::vector<string> results;
+ // do primary bin directory
+ do_rows_for_sub_tree( bin_dir, results );
+ // do subinclude bin directories
+ jamfile.clear();
+ jamfile.seekg(0);
+ string line;
+ bool run_tests = false;
+ while( std::getline( jamfile, line ) )
+ {
+ bool v2(false);
+ string::size_type sub_pos( line.find( "subinclude" ) );
+ if ( sub_pos == string::npos ) {
+ sub_pos = line.find( "build-project" );
+ v2 = true;
+ }
+ if ( sub_pos != string::npos
+ && line.find( '#' ) > sub_pos )
+ {
+ if (v2)
+ sub_pos = line.find_first_not_of( " \t./", sub_pos+13 );
+ else
+ sub_pos = line.find_first_not_of( " \t./", sub_pos+10 );
+ if ( sub_pos == string::npos ) continue;
+ string subinclude_bin_dir(
+ line.substr( sub_pos, line.find_first_of( " \t", sub_pos )-sub_pos ) );
+ fs::path bin_path = find_bin_path(subinclude_bin_dir);
+ if (!bin_path.empty())
+ do_rows_for_sub_tree( bin_path, results );
+ }
+ if ( ! run_tests )
+ {
+ string::size_type run_pos = line.find("run-tests");
+ if ( run_pos != string::npos && line.find_first_not_of(" \t") == run_pos )
+ run_tests = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( line.find(";") != string::npos )
+ run_tests = false;
+ else
+ {
+ string::size_type pos = line.find_first_not_of( " \t" );
+ if ( pos != string::npos && line[pos] != '#' )
+ {
+ string::size_type end_pos = line.find_first_of(" \t#", pos);
+ string::iterator end = end_pos != string::npos ? line.begin() + end_pos : line.end();
+ string run_tests_bin_dir(line.begin() + pos, end);
+ fs::path bin_path = find_bin_path("libs/" + run_tests_bin_dir);
+ if (!bin_path.empty())
+ do_rows_for_sub_tree( bin_path, results );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::sort( results.begin(), results.end() );
+ for ( std::vector<string>::iterator v(results.begin());
+ v != results.end(); ++v )
+ { report << *v << "\n"; }
+ }
+// do_table ----------------------------------------------------------------//
+ void do_table()
+ {
+ // Find test result locations, trying:
+ // - Boost.Build V1 location with ALL_LOCATE_TARGET
+ // - Boost.Build V2 location with top-lelve "build-dir"
+ // - Boost.Build V1 location without ALL_LOCATE_TARGET
+ string relative( fs::initial_path().string() );
+ if (relative.size() > 1 && relative[1] == ':') relative[0] = std::tolower(relative[0]);
+ if ( relative.find(boost_root.string()) != string::npos )
+ relative.erase( 0, boost_root.string().size()+1 );
+ else if ( relative.find(locate_root.string()) != string::npos )
+ relative.erase( 0, locate_root.string().size()+1 );
+ fs::path bin_path = find_bin_path(relative);
+ report << "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">\n";
+ // generate the column headings
+ report << "<tr><td>Library</td><td>Test Name</td>\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"compiler_status.html#test-type\">Test Type</a></td>\n";
+ if ( relative == "status" )
+ {
+ fs::recursive_directory_iterator ritr( bin_path );
+ fs::recursive_directory_iterator end_ritr;
+ while ( ritr != end_ritr
+ && ((ritr->path().string().find( ".test" ) != (ritr->path().string().size()-5))
+ || !fs::is_directory( *ritr )))
+ ++ritr; // bypass chaff
+ if ( ritr != end_ritr )
+ {
+ find_compilers( *ritr );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fs::directory_iterator itr( bin_path );
+ while ( itr != end_itr
+ && ((itr->path().string().find( ".test" ) != (itr->path().string().size()-5))
+ || !fs::is_directory( *itr )))
+ ++itr; // bypass chaff
+ if ( itr != end_itr )
+ {
+ find_compilers( *itr );
+ }
+ }
+ report << "</tr>\n";
+ // now the rest of the table body
+ do_table_body( bin_path );
+ // error total row
+ report << "<tr> <td> &nbsp;</td><td>Number of Failures</td><td> &nbsp;</td>\n";
+ // for each compiler, generate <td>...</td> html
+ int compiler = 0;
+ for ( std::vector<string>::const_iterator itr=toolsets.begin();
+ itr != toolsets.end(); ++itr, ++compiler )
+ {
+ report << "<td align=\"center\">" << error_count[compiler] << "</td>\n";
+ }
+ report << "</tr>\n</table>\n";
+ }
+} // unnamed namespace
+// main --------------------------------------------------------------------//
+#include <boost/test/included/prg_exec_monitor.hpp>
+int cpp_main( int argc, char * argv[] ) // note name!
+ fs::path comment_path;
+ while ( argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-' )
+ {
+ if ( argc > 2 && std::strcmp( argv[1], "--compiler" ) == 0 )
+ { specific_compiler = argv[2]; --argc; ++argv; }
+ else if ( argc > 2 && std::strcmp( argv[1], "--locate-root" ) == 0 )
+ { locate_root = fs::path( argv[2] ); --argc; ++argv; }
+ else if ( argc > 2 && std::strcmp( argv[1], "--comment" ) == 0 )
+ { comment_path = fs::path( argv[2] ); --argc; ++argv; }
+ else if ( argc > 2 && std::strcmp( argv[1], "--notes" ) == 0 )
+ { notes_path = fs::path( argv[2] ); --argc; ++argv; }
+ else if ( argc > 2 && std::strcmp( argv[1], "--notes-map" ) == 0 )
+ { notes_map_path = fs::path( argv[2] ); --argc; ++argv; }
+ else if ( std::strcmp( argv[1], "--ignore-pass" ) == 0 ) ignore_pass = true;
+ else if ( std::strcmp( argv[1], "--no-warn" ) == 0 ) no_warn = true;
+ else if ( std::strcmp( argv[1], "--v1" ) == 0 ) boost_build_v2 = false;
+ else if ( std::strcmp( argv[1], "--v2" ) == 0 ) boost_build_v2 = true;
+ else if ( argc > 2 && std::strcmp( argv[1], "--jamfile" ) == 0)
+ { jamfile_path = fs::path( argv[2] ); --argc; ++argv; }
+ else if ( std::strcmp( argv[1], "--compile-time" ) == 0 ) compile_time = true;
+ else if ( std::strcmp( argv[1], "--run-time" ) == 0 ) run_time = true;
+ else { std::cerr << "Unknown option: " << argv[1] << "\n"; argc = 1; }
+ --argc;
+ ++argv;
+ }
+ if ( argc != 3 && argc != 4 )
+ {
+ std::cerr <<
+ "Usage: compiler_status [options...] boost-root status-file [links-file]\n"
+ " boost-root is the path to the boost tree root directory.\n"
+ " status-file and links-file are paths to the output files.\n"
+ "Must be run from directory containing Jamfile\n"
+ " options: --compiler name Run for named compiler only\n"
+ " --locate-root path Path to ALL_LOCATE_TARGET for bjam;\n"
+ " default boost-root.\n"
+ " --comment path Path to file containing HTML\n"
+ " to be copied into status-file.\n"
+ " --notes path Path to file containing HTML\n"
+ " to be copied into status-file.\n"
+ " --notes-map path Path to file of toolset/test,n lines, where\n"
+ " n is number of note bookmark in --notes file.\n"
+ " --jamfile path Path to Jamfile. By default \"Jamfile\".\n"
+ " --v1 Assume Boost.Build version 1.\n"
+ " --v2 Assume Boost.Build version 2. (default)\n"
+ " --ignore-pass Ignore passing tests.\n"
+ " --no-warn Do not report warnings.\n"
+ " --compile-time Show compile time.\n"
+ " --run-time Show run time.\n"
+ "Example: compiler_status --compiler gcc /boost-root cs.html cs-links.html\n"
+ "Note: Only the leaf of the links-file path and --notes file string are\n"
+ "used in status-file HTML links. Thus for browsing, status-file,\n"
+ "links-file, and --notes file must all be in the same directory.\n"
+ ;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ boost_root = fs::path( argv[1] );
+ if ( locate_root.empty() ) locate_root = boost_root;
+ if (jamfile_path.empty())
+ if (boost_build_v2)
+ jamfile_path = "Jamfile.v2";
+ else
+ jamfile_path = "Jamfile";
+ jamfile_path = fs::absolute( jamfile_path, fs::initial_path() );
+ jamfile_path );
+ if ( !jamfile )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Could not open Jamfile: " << jamfile_path.string() << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ fs::path( argv[2] ) );
+ if ( !report )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Could not open report output file: " << argv[2] << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( argc == 4 )
+ {
+ fs::path links_path( argv[3] );
+ links_name = links_path.filename().string();
+ links_path );
+ if ( !links_file )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Could not open links output file: " << argv[3] << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else no_links = true;
+ build_notes_bookmarks();
+ char run_date[128];
+ std::time_t tod;
+ std::time( &tod );
+ std::strftime( run_date, sizeof(run_date),
+ "%X UTC, %A %d %B %Y", std::gmtime( &tod ) );
+ std::string rev = revision( boost_root );
+ report << "<html>\n"
+ "<head>\n"
+ "<title>Boost Test Results</title>\n"
+ "</head>\n"
+ "<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" text=\"#000000\">\n"
+ "<table border=\"0\">\n"
+ "<tr>\n"
+ "<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"\" width=\"277\" "
+ "height=\"86\"></td>\n"
+ "<td>\n"
+ "<h1>Boost Test Results - " + platform_desc() + "</h1>\n"
+ "<b>Run</b> "
+ << run_date;
+ if ( !rev.empty() ) report << ", <b>Revision</b> " << rev;
+ report << "\n";
+ if ( compile_time )
+ report << "<p>Times reported are elapsed wall clock time in seconds.</p>\n";
+ if ( !comment_path.empty() )
+ {
+ fs::ifstream comment_file( comment_path );
+ if ( !comment_file )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Could not open \"--comment\" input file: " << comment_path.string() << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ char c;
+ while ( comment_file.get( c ) ) { report.put( c ); }
+ }
+ report << "</td>\n</table>\n<br>\n";
+ if ( !no_links )
+ {
+ links_file
+ << "<html>\n"
+ "<head>\n"
+ "<title>Boost Test Details</title>\n"
+ "</head>\n"
+ "<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" text=\"#000000\">\n"
+ "<table border=\"0\">\n"
+ "<tr>\n"
+ "<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"\" width=\"277\" "
+ "height=\"86\"></td>\n"
+ "<td>\n"
+ "<h1>Boost Test Details - " + platform_desc() + "</h1>\n"
+ "<b>Run Date:</b> "
+ << run_date;
+ if ( !rev.empty() ) links_file << ", <b>Revision</b> " << rev;
+ links_file << "\n</td>\n</table>\n<br>\n";
+ }
+ do_table();
+ if ( load_notes_html() ) report << notes_html << "\n";
+ report << "</body>\n"
+ "</html>\n"
+ ;
+ if ( !no_links )
+ {
+ links_file
+ << "</body>\n"
+ "</html>\n"
+ ;
+ }
+ return 0;