path: root/tools/quickbook/src/actions.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/quickbook/src/actions.cpp')
1 files changed, 1978 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/quickbook/src/actions.cpp b/tools/quickbook/src/actions.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4802893cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/quickbook/src/actions.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1978 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2002 2004 2006 Joel de Guzman
+ Copyright (c) 2004 Eric Niebler
+ Copyright (c) 2005 Thomas Guest
+ Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
+ License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <numeric>
+#include <functional>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <boost/filesystem/v3/convenience.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem/v3/fstream.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/distance.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/algorithm/replace.hpp>
+#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
+#include <boost/next_prior.hpp>
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include "quickbook.hpp"
+#include "actions.hpp"
+#include "utils.hpp"
+#include "files.hpp"
+#include "markups.hpp"
+#include "actions_class.hpp"
+#include "actions_state.hpp"
+#include "grammar.hpp"
+#include "input_path.hpp"
+#include "block_tags.hpp"
+#include "phrase_tags.hpp"
+#include "id_manager.hpp"
+namespace quickbook
+ char const* quickbook_get_date = "__quickbook_get_date__";
+ char const* quickbook_get_time = "__quickbook_get_time__";
+ unsigned qbk_version_n = 0; // qbk_major_version * 100 + qbk_minor_version
+ namespace {
+ void write_anchors(quickbook::actions& actions, collector& tgt)
+ {
+ for(quickbook::actions::string_list::iterator
+ it = actions.anchors.begin(),
+ end = actions.anchors.end();
+ it != end; ++it)
+ {
+ tgt << "<anchor id=\"";
+ detail::print_string(*it, tgt.get());
+ tgt << "\"/>";
+ }
+ actions.anchors.clear();
+ }
+ std::string add_anchor(quickbook::actions& actions,
+ std::string const& id,
+ id_category::categories category =
+ id_category::explicit_anchor_id)
+ {
+ std::string placeholder = actions.ids.add_anchor(id, category);
+ actions.anchors.push_back(placeholder);
+ return placeholder;
+ }
+ }
+ void explicit_list_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void header_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void begin_section_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void end_section_action(quickbook::actions&, value, string_iterator);
+ void block_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void block_empty_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void macro_definition_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void template_body_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void variable_list_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void table_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void xinclude_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void include_action(quickbook::actions&, value, string_iterator);
+ void image_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void anchor_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void link_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void phrase_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void role_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void footnote_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void raw_phrase_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void source_mode_action(quickbook::actions&, value);
+ void do_template_action(quickbook::actions&, value, string_iterator);
+ void element_action::operator()(parse_iterator first, parse_iterator) const
+ {
+ value_consumer values = actions.values.release();
+ if(!values.check() || !actions.conditional) return;
+ value v = values.consume();
+ values.finish();
+ switch(v.get_tag())
+ {
+ case block_tags::ordered_list:
+ case block_tags::itemized_list:
+ return explicit_list_action(actions, v);
+ case block_tags::generic_heading:
+ case block_tags::heading1:
+ case block_tags::heading2:
+ case block_tags::heading3:
+ case block_tags::heading4:
+ case block_tags::heading5:
+ case block_tags::heading6:
+ return header_action(actions, v);
+ case block_tags::begin_section:
+ return begin_section_action(actions, v);
+ case block_tags::end_section:
+ return end_section_action(actions, v, first.base());
+ case block_tags::blurb:
+ case block_tags::preformatted:
+ case block_tags::blockquote:
+ case block_tags::warning:
+ case block_tags::caution:
+ case block_tags::important:
+ case block_tags::note:
+ case block_tags::tip:
+ case block_tags::block:
+ return block_action(actions,v);
+ case block_tags::hr:
+ return block_empty_action(actions,v);
+ case block_tags::macro_definition:
+ return macro_definition_action(actions,v);
+ case block_tags::template_definition:
+ return template_body_action(actions,v);
+ case block_tags::variable_list:
+ return variable_list_action(actions, v);
+ case block_tags::table:
+ return table_action(actions, v);
+ case block_tags::xinclude:
+ return xinclude_action(actions, v);
+ case block_tags::import:
+ case block_tags::include:
+ return include_action(actions, v, first.base());
+ case phrase_tags::image:
+ return image_action(actions, v);
+ case phrase_tags::anchor:
+ return anchor_action(actions, v);
+ case phrase_tags::url:
+ case phrase_tags::link:
+ case phrase_tags::funcref:
+ case phrase_tags::classref:
+ case phrase_tags::memberref:
+ case phrase_tags::enumref:
+ case phrase_tags::macroref:
+ case phrase_tags::headerref:
+ case phrase_tags::conceptref:
+ case phrase_tags::globalref:
+ return link_action(actions, v);
+ case phrase_tags::bold:
+ case phrase_tags::italic:
+ case phrase_tags::underline:
+ case phrase_tags::teletype:
+ case phrase_tags::strikethrough:
+ case phrase_tags::quote:
+ case phrase_tags::replaceable:
+ return phrase_action(actions, v);
+ case phrase_tags::footnote:
+ return footnote_action(actions, v);
+ case phrase_tags::escape:
+ return raw_phrase_action(actions, v);
+ case phrase_tags::role:
+ return role_action(actions, v);
+ case source_mode_tags::cpp:
+ case source_mode_tags::python:
+ case source_mode_tags::teletype:
+ return source_mode_action(actions, v);
+ case template_tags::template_:
+ return do_template_action(actions, v, first.base());
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ void break_action::operator()(parse_iterator first, parse_iterator) const
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, phrase);
+ if(*first == '\\')
+ {
+ detail::outwarn(actions.current_file, first.base())
+ //<< "in column:" << pos.column << ", "
+ << "'\\n' is deprecated, pleases use '[br]' instead" << ".\n";
+ }
+ if(!actions.warned_about_breaks)
+ {
+ detail::outwarn(actions.current_file, first.base())
+ << "line breaks generate invalid boostbook "
+ "(will only note first occurrence).\n";
+ actions.warned_about_breaks = true;
+ }
+ phrase << detail::get_markup(phrase_tags::break_mark).pre;
+ }
+ void error_message_action::operator()(parse_iterator first, parse_iterator last) const
+ {
+ file_position const pos = actions.current_file->position_of(first.base());
+ std::string value(first, last);
+ std::string formatted_message = message;
+ boost::replace_all(formatted_message, "%s", value);
+ boost::replace_all(formatted_message, "%c",
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(pos.column));
+ detail::outerr(actions.current_file->path, pos.line)
+ << detail::utf8(formatted_message) << std::endl;
+ ++actions.error_count;
+ }
+ void error_action::operator()(parse_iterator first, parse_iterator /*last*/) const
+ {
+ file_position const pos = actions.current_file->position_of(first.base());
+ detail::outerr(actions.current_file->path, pos.line)
+ << "Syntax Error near column " << pos.column << ".\n";
+ ++actions.error_count;
+ }
+ void block_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value block)
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.out);
+ detail::markup markup = detail::get_markup(block.get_tag());
+ value_consumer values = block;
+ actions.out << markup.pre << values.consume().get_encoded() <<;
+ values.finish();
+ }
+ void block_empty_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value block)
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.out);
+ detail::markup markup = detail::get_markup(block.get_tag());
+ actions.out << markup.pre;
+ }
+ void phrase_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value phrase)
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.phrase);
+ detail::markup markup = detail::get_markup(phrase.get_tag());
+ value_consumer values = phrase;
+ actions.phrase << markup.pre << values.consume().get_encoded() <<;
+ values.finish();
+ }
+ void role_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value role)
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.phrase);
+ value_consumer values = role;
+ actions.phrase
+ << "<phrase role=\"";
+ detail::print_string(values.consume().get_quickbook(), actions.phrase.get());
+ actions.phrase
+ << "\">"
+ << values.consume().get_encoded()
+ << "</phrase>";
+ values.finish();
+ }
+ void footnote_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value phrase)
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.phrase);
+ value_consumer values = phrase;
+ actions.phrase
+ << "<footnote id=\""
+ << actions.ids.add_id("f", id_category::numbered)
+ << "\"><para>"
+ << values.consume().get_encoded()
+ << "</para></footnote>";
+ values.finish();
+ }
+ void raw_phrase_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value phrase)
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.phrase);
+ detail::markup markup = detail::get_markup(phrase.get_tag());
+ actions.phrase << markup.pre << phrase.get_quickbook() <<;
+ }
+ void paragraph_action::operator()() const
+ {
+ std::string str;
+ actions.phrase.swap(str);
+ std::string::const_iterator
+ pos = str.begin(),
+ end = str.end();
+ while(pos != end && cl::space_p.test(*pos)) ++pos;
+ if(pos != end) {
+ detail::markup markup = detail::get_markup(block_tags::paragraph);
+ actions.out << markup.pre << str;
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.out);
+ actions.out <<;
+ }
+ }
+ void list_item_action::operator()() const
+ {
+ std::string str;
+ actions.phrase.swap(str);
+ actions.out << str;
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.out);
+ }
+ void phrase_end_action::operator()() const
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.phrase);
+ }
+ namespace {
+ void write_bridgehead(quickbook::actions& actions, int level,
+ std::string const& str, std::string const& id, bool self_link)
+ {
+ if (self_link && !id.empty())
+ {
+ actions.out << "<bridgehead renderas=\"sect" << level << "\"";
+ actions.out << " id=\"";
+ actions.out << actions.ids.add_id("h", id_category::numbered);
+ actions.out << "\">";
+ actions.out << "<phrase id=\"" << id << "\"/>";
+ actions.out << "<link linkend=\"" << id << "\">";
+ actions.out << str;
+ actions.out << "</link>";
+ actions.out << "</bridgehead>";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ actions.out << "<bridgehead renderas=\"sect" << level << "\"";
+ if(!id.empty()) actions.out << " id=\"" << id << "\"";
+ actions.out << ">";
+ actions.out << str;
+ actions.out << "</bridgehead>";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void header_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value heading_list)
+ {
+ value_consumer values = heading_list;
+ bool generic = heading_list.get_tag() == block_tags::generic_heading;
+ value element_id = values.optional_consume(general_tags::element_id);
+ value content = values.consume();
+ values.finish();
+ int level;
+ if (generic)
+ {
+ level = actions.ids.section_level() + 1;
+ // We need to use a heading which is one greater
+ // than the current.
+ if (level > 6 ) // The max is h6, clip it if it goes
+ level = 6; // further than that
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ level = heading_list.get_tag() - block_tags::heading1 + 1;
+ }
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.out);
+ if (!element_id.empty())
+ {
+ std::string anchor = actions.ids.add_id(
+ element_id.get_quickbook(),
+ id_category::explicit_id);
+ write_bridgehead(actions, level,
+ content.get_encoded(), anchor, self_linked_headers);
+ }
+ else if (!generic && actions.ids.compatibility_version() < 103) // version 1.2 and below
+ {
+ // This generates the old id style if both the interpreting
+ // version and the generation version are less then 103u.
+ std::string anchor = actions.ids.old_style_id(
+ detail::make_identifier(
+ actions.ids.replace_placeholders_with_unresolved_ids(
+ content.get_encoded())),
+ id_category::generated_heading);
+ write_bridgehead(actions, level,
+ content.get_encoded(), anchor, false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string anchor = actions.ids.add_id(
+ detail::make_identifier(
+ actions.ids.compatibility_version() >= 106 ?
+ content.get_quickbook() :
+ actions.ids.replace_placeholders_with_unresolved_ids(
+ content.get_encoded())
+ ),
+ id_category::generated_heading);
+ write_bridgehead(actions, level,
+ content.get_encoded(), anchor, self_linked_headers);
+ }
+ }
+ void simple_phrase_action::operator()(char mark) const
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, out);
+ int tag =
+ mark == '*' ? phrase_tags::bold :
+ mark == '/' ? phrase_tags::italic :
+ mark == '_' ? phrase_tags::underline :
+ mark == '=' ? phrase_tags::teletype :
+ 0;
+ assert(tag != 0);
+ detail::markup markup = detail::get_markup(tag);
+ value_consumer values = actions.values.release();
+ value content = values.consume();
+ values.finish();
+ out << markup.pre;
+ out << content.get_encoded();
+ out <<;
+ }
+ bool cond_phrase_push::start()
+ {
+ value_consumer values = actions.values.release();
+ saved_conditional = actions.conditional;
+ if (saved_conditional)
+ {
+ string_ref macro1 = values.consume().get_quickbook();
+ std::string macro(macro1.begin(), macro1.end());
+ actions.conditional = find(actions.macro, macro.c_str());
+ if (!actions.conditional) {
+ actions.phrase.push();
+ actions.out.push();
+ actions.anchors.swap(anchors);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void cond_phrase_push::cleanup()
+ {
+ if (saved_conditional && !actions.conditional)
+ {
+ actions.phrase.pop();
+ actions.out.pop();
+ actions.anchors.swap(anchors);
+ }
+ actions.conditional = saved_conditional;
+ }
+ namespace {
+ int indent_length(std::string const& indent)
+ {
+ int length = 0;
+ for(std::string::const_iterator
+ first = indent.begin(), end = indent.end(); first != end; ++first)
+ {
+ switch(*first) {
+ case ' ': ++length; break;
+ // hardcoded tab to 4 for now
+ case '\t': length = ((length + 4) / 4) * 4; break;
+ default: BOOST_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ }
+ return length;
+ }
+ }
+ void actions::start_list(char mark)
+ {
+ write_anchors(*this, out);
+ assert(mark == '*' || mark == '#');
+ out << ((mark == '#') ? "<orderedlist>\n" : "<itemizedlist>\n");
+ }
+ void actions::end_list(char mark)
+ {
+ write_anchors(*this, out);
+ assert(mark == '*' || mark == '#');
+ out << ((mark == '#') ? "\n</orderedlist>" : "\n</itemizedlist>");
+ }
+ void actions::start_list_item()
+ {
+ out << "<listitem><simpara>";
+ write_anchors(*this, out);
+ }
+ void actions::end_list_item()
+ {
+ write_anchors(*this, out);
+ out << "</simpara></listitem>";
+ }
+ void explicit_list_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value list)
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.out);
+ detail::markup markup = detail::get_markup(list.get_tag());
+ actions.out << markup.pre;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(value item, list)
+ {
+ actions.out << "<listitem>";
+ actions.out << item.get_encoded();
+ actions.out << "</listitem>";
+ }
+ actions.out <<;
+ }
+ void anchor_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value anchor)
+ {
+ value_consumer values = anchor;
+ value anchor_id = values.consume();
+ // Note: anchor_id is never encoded as boostbook. If it
+ // is encoded, it's just things like escapes.
+ add_anchor(actions, anchor_id.is_encoded() ?
+ anchor_id.get_encoded() : anchor_id.get_quickbook());
+ values.finish();
+ }
+ void do_macro_action::operator()(std::string const& str) const
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, phrase);
+ if (str == quickbook_get_date)
+ {
+ char strdate[64];
+ strftime(strdate, sizeof(strdate), "%Y-%b-%d", current_time);
+ phrase << strdate;
+ }
+ else if (str == quickbook_get_time)
+ {
+ char strdate[64];
+ strftime(strdate, sizeof(strdate), "%I:%M:%S %p", current_time);
+ phrase << strdate;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ phrase << str;
+ }
+ }
+ void raw_char_action::operator()(char ch) const
+ {
+ out << ch;
+ }
+ void raw_char_action::operator()(parse_iterator first, parse_iterator last) const
+ {
+ while (first != last)
+ out << *first++;
+ }
+ void source_mode_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value source_mode)
+ {
+ actions.source_mode = source_mode_tags::name(source_mode.get_tag());
+ }
+ void code_action::operator()(parse_iterator first, parse_iterator last) const
+ {
+ bool inline_code = type == inline_ ||
+ (type == inline_block && qbk_version_n < 106u);
+ bool block = type != inline_;
+ if (inline_code) {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.phrase);
+ }
+ else {
+ actions.paragraph();
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.out);
+ }
+ std::string str;
+ if (block) {
+ // preprocess the code section to remove the initial indentation
+ mapped_file_builder mapped;
+ mapped.start(actions.current_file);
+ mapped.unindent_and_add(first.base(), last.base());
+ file_ptr f = mapped.release();
+ if (f->source.empty())
+ return; // Nothing left to do here. The program is empty.
+ parse_iterator first_(f->source.begin());
+ parse_iterator last_(f->source.end());
+ file_ptr saved_file = f;
+ boost::swap(actions.current_file, saved_file);
+ // print the code with syntax coloring
+ str = syntax_highlight(first_, last_, actions, actions.source_mode);
+ boost::swap(actions.current_file, saved_file);
+ }
+ else {
+ parse_iterator first_(first);
+ str = syntax_highlight(first_, last, actions, actions.source_mode);
+ }
+ if (block) {
+ collector& output = inline_code ? actions.phrase : actions.out;
+ // We must not place a \n after the <programlisting> tag
+ // otherwise PDF output starts code blocks with a blank line:
+ //
+ output << "<programlisting>";
+ output << str;
+ output << "</programlisting>\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ actions.phrase << "<code>";
+ actions.phrase << str;
+ actions.phrase << "</code>";
+ }
+ }
+ void plain_char_action::operator()(char ch) const
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, phrase);
+ detail::print_char(ch, phrase.get());
+ }
+ void plain_char_action::operator()(parse_iterator first, parse_iterator last) const
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, phrase);
+ while (first != last)
+ detail::print_char(*first++, phrase.get());
+ }
+ void escape_unicode_action::operator()(parse_iterator first, parse_iterator last) const
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, phrase);
+ while(first != last && *first == '0') ++first;
+ // Just ignore \u0000
+ // Maybe I should issue a warning?
+ if(first == last) return;
+ std::string hex_digits(first, last);
+ if(hex_digits.size() == 2 && *first > '0' && *first <= '7') {
+ using namespace std;
+ detail::print_char(strtol(hex_digits.c_str(), 0, 16), phrase.get());
+ }
+ else {
+ phrase << "&#x" << hex_digits << ";";
+ }
+ }
+ void write_plain_text(std::ostream& out, value const& v)
+ {
+ if (v.is_encoded())
+ {
+ detail::print_string(v.get_encoded(), out);
+ }
+ else {
+ std::string value = v.get_quickbook();
+ for(std::string::const_iterator
+ first = value.begin(), last = value.end();
+ first != last; ++first)
+ {
+ if (*first == '\\' && ++first == last) break;
+ detail::print_char(*first, out);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void image_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value image)
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.phrase);
+ // Note: attributes are never encoded as boostbook, if they're
+ // encoded, it's just things like escapes.
+ typedef std::map<std::string, value> attribute_map;
+ attribute_map attributes;
+ value_consumer values = image;
+ attributes["fileref"] = values.consume();
+ BOOST_FOREACH(value pair_, values)
+ {
+ value_consumer pair = pair_;
+ value name = pair.consume();
+ value value = pair.consume();
+ pair.finish();
+ if(!attributes.insert(std::make_pair(name.get_quickbook(), value)).second)
+ {
+ detail::outwarn(name.get_file(), name.get_position())
+ << "Duplicate image attribute: "
+ << detail::utf8(name.get_quickbook())
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ values.finish();
+ // Find the file basename and extension.
+ //
+ // Not using Boost.Filesystem because I want to stay in UTF-8.
+ // Need to think about uri encoding.
+ std::string fileref = attributes["fileref"].is_encoded() ?
+ attributes["fileref"].get_encoded() :
+ attributes["fileref"].get_quickbook();
+ // Check for windows paths, then convert.
+ // A bit crude, but there you go.
+ if(fileref.find('\\') != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ (qbk_version_n >= 106u ?
+ detail::outerr(attributes["fileref"].get_file(), attributes["fileref"].get_position()) :
+ detail::outwarn(attributes["fileref"].get_file(), attributes["fileref"].get_position()))
+ << "Image path isn't portable: '"
+ << detail::utf8(fileref)
+ << "'"
+ << std::endl;
+ if (qbk_version_n >= 106u) ++actions.error_count;
+ }
+ boost::replace(fileref, '\\', '/');
+ // Find the file basename and extension.
+ //
+ // Not using Boost.Filesystem because I want to stay in UTF-8.
+ // Need to think about uri encoding.
+ std::string::size_type pos;
+ std::string stem, extension;
+ pos = fileref.rfind('/');
+ stem = pos == std::string::npos ?
+ fileref :
+ fileref.substr(pos + 1);
+ pos = stem.rfind('.');
+ if (pos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ extension = stem.substr(pos + 1);
+ stem = stem.substr(0, pos);
+ }
+ // Extract the alt tag, to use as a text description.
+ // Or if there isn't one, use the stem of the file name.
+ attribute_map::iterator alt_pos = attributes.find("alt");
+ quickbook::value alt_text =
+ alt_pos != attributes.end() ? alt_pos->second :
+ qbk_version_n < 106u ? encoded_value(stem) :
+ quickbook::value();
+ attributes.erase("alt");
+ if(extension == "svg")
+ {
+ //
+ // SVG's need special handling:
+ //
+ // 1) We must set the "format" attribute, otherwise
+ // HTML generation produces code that will not display
+ // the image at all.
+ // 2) We need to set the "contentwidth" and "contentdepth"
+ // attributes, otherwise the image will be displayed inside
+ // a tiny box with scrollbars (Firefox), or else cropped to
+ // fit in a tiny box (IE7).
+ //
+ attributes.insert(attribute_map::value_type("format",
+ encoded_value("SVG")));
+ //
+ // Image paths are relative to the html subdirectory:
+ //
+ fs::path img = detail::generic_to_path(fileref);
+ if (!img.has_root_directory())
+ img = quickbook::image_location / img; // relative path
+ //
+ // Now load the SVG file:
+ //
+ std::string svg_text;
+ fs::ifstream fs(img);
+ char c;
+ while(fs.get(c) && fs.good())
+ svg_text.push_back(c);
+ //
+ // Extract the svg header from the file:
+ //
+ std::string::size_type a, b;
+ a = svg_text.find("<svg");
+ b = svg_text.find('>', a);
+ svg_text = (a == std::string::npos) ? "" : svg_text.substr(a, b - a);
+ //
+ // Now locate the "width" and "height" attributes
+ // and borrow their values:
+ //
+ a = svg_text.find("width");
+ a = svg_text.find('=', a);
+ a = svg_text.find('\"', a);
+ b = svg_text.find('\"', a + 1);
+ if(a != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ attributes.insert(std::make_pair(
+ "contentwidth", encoded_value(std::string(
+ svg_text.begin() + a + 1, svg_text.begin() + b))
+ ));
+ }
+ a = svg_text.find("height");
+ a = svg_text.find('=', a);
+ a = svg_text.find('\"', a);
+ b = svg_text.find('\"', a + 1);
+ if(a != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ attributes.insert(std::make_pair(
+ "contentdepth", encoded_value(std::string(
+ svg_text.begin() + a + 1, svg_text.begin() + b))
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ actions.phrase << "<inlinemediaobject>";
+ actions.phrase << "<imageobject><imagedata";
+ BOOST_FOREACH(attribute_map::value_type const& attr, attributes)
+ {
+ actions.phrase << " " << attr.first << "=\"";
+ write_plain_text(actions.phrase.get(), attr.second);
+ actions.phrase << "\"";
+ }
+ actions.phrase << "></imagedata></imageobject>";
+ // Add a textobject containing the alt tag from earlier.
+ // This will be used for the alt tag in html.
+ if (alt_text.check()) {
+ actions.phrase << "<textobject><phrase>";
+ write_plain_text(actions.phrase.get(), alt_text);
+ actions.phrase << "</phrase></textobject>";
+ }
+ actions.phrase << "</inlinemediaobject>";
+ }
+ void macro_definition_action(quickbook::actions& actions, quickbook::value macro_definition)
+ {
+ value_consumer values = macro_definition;
+ std::string macro_id = values.consume().get_quickbook();
+ value phrase_value = values.optional_consume();
+ std::string phrase;
+ if (phrase_value.check()) phrase = phrase_value.get_encoded();
+ values.finish();
+ std::string* existing_macro =
+ boost::spirit::classic::find(actions.macro, macro_id.c_str());
+ quickbook::ignore_variable(&existing_macro);
+ if (existing_macro)
+ {
+ if (qbk_version_n < 106) return;
+ // Do this if you're using spirit's TST.
+ //
+ // *existing_macro = phrase;
+ // return;
+ }
+ actions.macro.add(
+ macro_id.begin()
+ , macro_id.end()
+ , phrase);
+ }
+ void template_body_action(quickbook::actions& actions, quickbook::value template_definition)
+ {
+ value_consumer values = template_definition;
+ std::string identifier = values.consume().get_quickbook();
+ std::vector<std::string> template_values;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(value const& p, values.consume()) {
+ template_values.push_back(p.get_quickbook());
+ }
+ BOOST_ASSERT(values.check(template_tags::block) || values.check(template_tags::phrase));
+ value body = values.consume();
+ BOOST_ASSERT(!values.check());
+ if (!actions.templates.add(
+ template_symbol(
+ identifier,
+ template_values,
+ body,
+ &actions.templates.top_scope())))
+ {
+ detail::outwarn(body.get_file(), body.get_position())
+ << "Template Redefinition: " << detail::utf8(identifier) << std::endl;
+ ++actions.error_count;
+ }
+ }
+ namespace
+ {
+ string_iterator find_first_seperator(string_iterator begin, string_iterator end)
+ {
+ if(qbk_version_n < 105) {
+ for(;begin != end; ++begin)
+ {
+ switch(*begin)
+ {
+ case ' ':
+ case '\t':
+ case '\n':
+ case '\r':
+ return begin;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ unsigned int depth = 0;
+ for(;begin != end; ++begin)
+ {
+ switch(*begin)
+ {
+ case '[':
+ ++depth;
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ if(++begin == end) return begin;
+ break;
+ case ']':
+ if (depth > 0) --depth;
+ break;
+ case ' ':
+ case '\t':
+ case '\n':
+ case '\r':
+ if (depth == 0) return begin;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return begin;
+ }
+ std::pair<string_iterator, string_iterator> find_seperator(string_iterator begin, string_iterator end)
+ {
+ string_iterator first = begin = find_first_seperator(begin, end);
+ for(;begin != end; ++begin)
+ {
+ switch(*begin)
+ {
+ case ' ':
+ case '\t':
+ case '\n':
+ case '\r':
+ break;
+ default:
+ return std::make_pair(first, begin);
+ }
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(first, begin);
+ }
+ void break_arguments(
+ std::vector<value>& args
+ , std::vector<std::string> const& params
+ , fs::path const& filename
+ )
+ {
+ // Quickbook 1.4-: If there aren't enough parameters seperated by
+ // '..' then seperate the last parameter using
+ // whitespace.
+ // Quickbook 1.5+: If '..' isn't used to seperate the parameters
+ // then use whitespace to separate them
+ // (2 = template name + argument).
+ if (qbk_version_n < 105 || args.size() == 1)
+ {
+ while (args.size() < params.size())
+ {
+ // Try to break the last argument at the first space found
+ // and push it into the back of args. Do this
+ // recursively until we have all the expected number of
+ // arguments, or if there are no more spaces left.
+ value last_arg = args.back();
+ string_iterator begin = last_arg.get_quickbook().begin();
+ string_iterator end = last_arg.get_quickbook().end();
+ std::pair<string_iterator, string_iterator> pos =
+ find_seperator(begin, end);
+ if (pos.second == end) break;
+ value new_arg(
+ qbk_value(last_arg.get_file(),
+ pos.second, end, template_tags::phrase));
+ args.back() = qbk_value(last_arg.get_file(),
+ begin, pos.first, last_arg.get_tag());
+ args.push_back(new_arg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::pair<bool, std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator>
+ get_arguments(
+ std::vector<value> const& args
+ , std::vector<std::string> const& params
+ , template_scope const& scope
+ , string_iterator first
+ , quickbook::actions& actions
+ )
+ {
+ std::vector<value>::const_iterator arg = args.begin();
+ std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator tpl = params.begin();
+ std::vector<std::string> empty_params;
+ // Store each of the argument passed in as local templates:
+ while (arg != args.end())
+ {
+ if (!actions.templates.add(
+ template_symbol(*tpl, empty_params, *arg, &scope)))
+ {
+ detail::outerr(actions.current_file, first)
+ << "Duplicate Symbol Found" << std::endl;
+ ++actions.error_count;
+ return std::make_pair(false, tpl);
+ }
+ ++arg; ++tpl;
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(true, tpl);
+ }
+ bool parse_template(
+ value const& content
+ , quickbook::actions& actions
+ )
+ {
+ file_ptr saved_current_file = actions.current_file;
+ actions.current_file = content.get_file();
+ string_ref source = content.get_quickbook();
+ parse_iterator first(source.begin());
+ parse_iterator last(source.end());
+ bool r = cl::parse(first, last,
+ content.get_tag() == template_tags::block ?
+ actions.grammar().block :
+ actions.grammar().inline_phrase
+ ).full;
+ boost::swap(actions.current_file, saved_current_file);
+ return r;
+ }
+ }
+ void call_template(quickbook::actions& actions,
+ template_symbol const* symbol,
+ std::vector<value> const& args,
+ string_iterator first)
+ {
+ // If this template contains already encoded text, then just
+ // write it out, without going through any of the rigamarole.
+ if (symbol->content.is_encoded())
+ {
+ if (symbol->content.get_tag() == template_tags::block)
+ {
+ actions.paragraph();
+ actions.out << symbol->content.get_encoded();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ actions.phrase << symbol->content.get_encoded();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // The template arguments should have the scope that the template was
+ // called from, not the template's own scope.
+ //
+ // Note that for quickbook 1.4- this value is just ignored when the
+ // arguments are expanded.
+ template_scope const& call_scope = actions.templates.top_scope();
+ std::string block;
+ std::string phrase;
+ {
+ template_state state(actions);
+ actions.templates.start_template(symbol);
+ qbk_version_n = symbol->content.get_file()->version();
+ ++actions.template_depth;
+ if (actions.template_depth > actions.max_template_depth)
+ {
+ detail::outerr(actions.current_file, first)
+ << "Infinite loop detected" << std::endl;
+ ++actions.error_count;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Store the current section level so that we can ensure that
+ // [section] and [endsect] tags in the template are balanced.
+ actions.min_section_level = actions.ids.section_level();
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ // Prepare the arguments as local templates
+ bool get_arg_result;
+ std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator tpl;
+ boost::tie(get_arg_result, tpl) =
+ get_arguments(args, symbol->params, call_scope, first, actions);
+ if (!get_arg_result)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ // parse the template body:
+ if (!parse_template(symbol->content, actions))
+ {
+ detail::outerr(actions.current_file, first)
+ << "Expanding "
+ << (symbol->content.get_tag() == template_tags::block ? "block" : "phrase")
+ << " template: " << detail::utf8(symbol->identifier) << std::endl
+ << std::endl
+ << "------------------begin------------------" << std::endl
+ << detail::utf8(symbol->content.get_quickbook())
+ << "------------------end--------------------" << std::endl
+ << std::endl;
+ ++actions.error_count;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (actions.ids.section_level() != actions.min_section_level)
+ {
+ detail::outerr(actions.current_file, first)
+ << "Mismatched sections in template "
+ << detail::utf8(symbol->identifier)
+ << std::endl;
+ ++actions.error_count;
+ return;
+ }
+ actions.out.swap(block);
+ actions.phrase.swap(phrase);
+ }
+ if(symbol->content.get_tag() == template_tags::block || !block.empty()) {
+ actions.paragraph(); // For paragraphs before the template call.
+ actions.out << block;
+ actions.phrase << phrase;
+ actions.paragraph();
+ }
+ else {
+ actions.phrase << phrase;
+ }
+ }
+ void call_code_snippet(quickbook::actions& actions,
+ template_symbol const* symbol,
+ string_iterator first)
+ {
+ value_consumer values = symbol->content;
+ value content = values.consume(template_tags::block);
+ value callouts = values.consume();
+ values.finish();
+ std::vector<std::string> callout_ids;
+ std::vector<value> args;
+ unsigned int size = symbol->params.size();
+ std::string callout_base("c");
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+ {
+ std::string callout_id1 = actions.ids.add_id(callout_base, id_category::numbered);
+ std::string callout_id2 = actions.ids.add_id(callout_base, id_category::numbered);
+ std::string code;
+ code += "<co id=\"" + callout_id1 + "\" ";
+ code += "linkends=\"" + callout_id2 + "\" />";
+ args.push_back(encoded_value(code, template_tags::phrase));
+ callout_ids.push_back(callout_id1);
+ callout_ids.push_back(callout_id2);
+ }
+ // Create a fake symbol for call_template
+ template_symbol t(
+ symbol->identifier,
+ symbol->params,
+ content,
+ symbol->lexical_parent);
+ call_template(actions, &t, args, first);
+ std::string block;
+ if(!callouts.empty())
+ {
+ block += "<calloutlist>";
+ int i = 0;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(value c, callouts)
+ {
+ std::string callout_id1 = callout_ids[i++];
+ std::string callout_id2 = callout_ids[i++];
+ std::string callout_value;
+ {
+ template_state state(actions);
+ ++actions.template_depth;
+ bool r = parse_template(c, actions);
+ if(!r)
+ {
+ detail::outerr(c.get_file(), c.get_position())
+ << "Expanding callout." << std::endl
+ << "------------------begin------------------" << std::endl
+ << detail::utf8(c.get_quickbook())
+ << std::endl
+ << "------------------end--------------------" << std::endl
+ ;
+ ++actions.error_count;
+ return;
+ }
+ actions.out.swap(callout_value);
+ }
+ block += "<callout arearefs=\"" + callout_id1 + "\" ";
+ block += "id=\"" + callout_id2 + "\">";
+ block += callout_value;
+ block += "</callout>";
+ }
+ block += "</calloutlist>";
+ }
+ actions.out << block;
+ }
+ void do_template_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value template_list,
+ string_iterator first)
+ {
+ // Get the arguments
+ value_consumer values = template_list;
+ bool template_escape = values.check(template_tags::escape);
+ if(template_escape) values.consume();
+ std::string identifier = values.consume(template_tags::identifier).get_quickbook();
+ std::vector<value> args;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(value arg, values)
+ {
+ args.push_back(arg);
+ }
+ values.finish();
+ template_symbol const* symbol = actions.templates.find(identifier);
+ BOOST_ASSERT(symbol);
+ // Deal with escaped templates.
+ if (template_escape)
+ {
+ if (!args.empty())
+ {
+ detail::outerr(actions.current_file, first)
+ << "Arguments for escaped template."
+ <<std::endl;
+ ++actions.error_count;
+ }
+ if (symbol->content.is_encoded())
+ {
+ actions.phrase << symbol->content.get_encoded();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ actions.phrase << symbol->content.get_quickbook();
+ /*
+ This would surround the escaped template in escape
+ comments to indicate to the post-processor that it
+ isn't quickbook generated markup. But I'm not sure if
+ it would work.
+ quickbook::detail::markup escape_markup
+ = detail::get_markup(phrase_tags::escape);
+ actions.phrase
+ << escape_markup.pre
+ << symbol->content.get_quickbook()
+ <<
+ ;
+ */
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ // Initialise the arguments
+ switch(symbol->content.get_tag())
+ {
+ case template_tags::block:
+ case template_tags::phrase:
+ // Break the arguments for a template
+ break_arguments(args, symbol->params, actions.current_file->path);
+ if (args.size() != symbol->params.size())
+ {
+ detail::outerr(actions.current_file, first)
+ << "Invalid number of arguments passed. Expecting: "
+ << symbol->params.size()
+ << " argument(s), got: "
+ << args.size()
+ << " argument(s) instead."
+ << std::endl;
+ ++actions.error_count;
+ return;
+ }
+ call_template(actions, symbol, args, first);
+ break;
+ case template_tags::snippet:
+ if (!args.empty())
+ {
+ detail::outerr(actions.current_file, first)
+ << "Arguments for code snippet."
+ <<std::endl;
+ ++actions.error_count;
+ args.clear();
+ }
+ call_code_snippet(actions, symbol, first);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ }
+ void link_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value link)
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.phrase);
+ detail::markup markup = detail::get_markup(link.get_tag());
+ value_consumer values = link;
+ value dst_value = values.consume();
+ value content = values.consume();
+ values.finish();
+ // Note: dst is never actually encoded as boostbook, which
+ // is why the result is called with 'print_string' later.
+ std::string dst = dst_value.is_encoded() ?
+ dst_value.get_encoded() : dst_value.get_quickbook();
+ actions.phrase << markup.pre;
+ detail::print_string(dst, actions.phrase.get());
+ actions.phrase << "\">";
+ if (content.empty())
+ detail::print_string(dst, actions.phrase.get());
+ else
+ actions.phrase << content.get_encoded();
+ actions.phrase <<;
+ }
+ void variable_list_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value variable_list)
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.out);
+ value_consumer values = variable_list;
+ std::string title = values.consume(table_tags::title).get_quickbook();
+ actions.out << "<variablelist>\n";
+ actions.out << "<title>";
+ detail::print_string(title, actions.out.get());
+ actions.out << "</title>\n";
+ BOOST_FOREACH(value_consumer entry, values) {
+ actions.out << "<varlistentry>";
+ if(entry.check()) {
+ actions.out << "<term>";
+ actions.out << entry.consume().get_encoded();
+ actions.out << "</term>";
+ }
+ if(entry.check()) {
+ actions.out << "<listitem>";
+ BOOST_FOREACH(value phrase, entry) actions.out << phrase.get_encoded();
+ actions.out << "</listitem>";
+ }
+ actions.out << "</varlistentry>\n";
+ }
+ actions.out << "</variablelist>\n";
+ values.finish();
+ }
+ void table_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value table)
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.out);
+ value_consumer values = table;
+ std::string element_id;
+ if(values.check(general_tags::element_id))
+ element_id = values.consume().get_quickbook();
+ value title = values.consume(table_tags::title);
+ bool has_title = !title.empty();
+ std::string table_id;
+ if (!element_id.empty()) {
+ table_id = actions.ids.add_id(element_id, id_category::explicit_id);
+ }
+ else if (has_title) {
+ if (actions.ids.compatibility_version() >= 105) {
+ table_id = actions.ids.add_id(detail::make_identifier(title.get_quickbook()), id_category::generated);
+ }
+ else {
+ table_id = actions.ids.add_id("t", id_category::numbered);
+ }
+ }
+ // Emulating the old behaviour which used the width of the final
+ // row for span_count.
+ int row_count = 0;
+ int span_count = 0;
+ value_consumer lookahead = values;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(value row, lookahead) {
+ ++row_count;
+ span_count = boost::distance(row);
+ }
+ lookahead.finish();
+ if (has_title)
+ {
+ actions.out << "<table frame=\"all\"";
+ if(!table_id.empty())
+ actions.out << " id=\"" << table_id << "\"";
+ actions.out << ">\n";
+ actions.out << "<title>";
+ if (qbk_version_n < 106u) {
+ detail::print_string(title.get_quickbook(), actions.out.get());
+ }
+ else {
+ actions.out << title.get_encoded();
+ }
+ actions.out << "</title>";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ actions.out << "<informaltable frame=\"all\"";
+ if(!table_id.empty())
+ actions.out << " id=\"" << table_id << "\"";
+ actions.out << ">\n";
+ }
+ actions.out << "<tgroup cols=\"" << span_count << "\">\n";
+ if (row_count > 1)
+ {
+ actions.out << "<thead>" << "<row>";
+ BOOST_FOREACH(value cell, values.consume()) {
+ actions.out << "<entry>" << cell.get_encoded() << "</entry>";
+ }
+ actions.out << "</row>\n" << "</thead>\n";
+ }
+ actions.out << "<tbody>\n";
+ BOOST_FOREACH(value row, values) {
+ actions.out << "<row>";
+ BOOST_FOREACH(value cell, row) {
+ actions.out << "<entry>" << cell.get_encoded() << "</entry>";
+ }
+ actions.out << "</row>\n";
+ }
+ values.finish();
+ actions.out << "</tbody>\n"
+ << "</tgroup>\n";
+ if (has_title)
+ {
+ actions.out << "</table>\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ actions.out << "</informaltable>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ void begin_section_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value begin_section_list)
+ {
+ value_consumer values = begin_section_list;
+ value element_id = values.optional_consume(general_tags::element_id);
+ value content = values.consume();
+ values.finish();
+ std::string full_id = actions.ids.begin_section(
+ !element_id.empty() ?
+ element_id.get_quickbook() :
+ detail::make_identifier(content.get_quickbook()),
+ !element_id.empty() ?
+ id_category::explicit_section_id :
+ id_category::generated_section);
+ actions.out << "\n<section id=\"" << full_id << "\">\n";
+ actions.out << "<title>";
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.out);
+ if (self_linked_headers && actions.ids.compatibility_version() >= 103)
+ {
+ actions.out << "<link linkend=\"" << full_id << "\">"
+ << content.get_encoded()
+ << "</link>"
+ ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ actions.out << content.get_encoded();
+ }
+ actions.out << "</title>\n";
+ }
+ void end_section_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value end_section, string_iterator first)
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.out);
+ if (actions.ids.section_level() <= actions.min_section_level)
+ {
+ file_position const pos = actions.current_file->position_of(first);
+ detail::outerr(actions.current_file->path, pos.line)
+ << "Mismatched [endsect] near column " << pos.column << ".\n";
+ ++actions.error_count;
+ return;
+ }
+ actions.out << "</section>";
+ actions.ids.end_section();
+ }
+ void element_id_warning_action::operator()(parse_iterator first, parse_iterator) const
+ {
+ detail::outwarn(actions.current_file, first.base()) << "Empty id.\n";
+ }
+ // Not a general purpose normalization function, just
+ // from paths from the root directory. It strips the excess
+ // ".." parts from a path like: "x/../../y", leaving "y".
+ std::vector<fs::path> normalize_path_from_root(fs::path const& path)
+ {
+ assert(!path.has_root_directory() && !path.has_root_name());
+ std::vector<fs::path> parts;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(fs::path const& part, path)
+ {
+ if (part.empty() || part == ".") {
+ }
+ else if (part == "..") {
+ if (!parts.empty()) parts.pop_back();
+ }
+ else {
+ parts.push_back(part);
+ }
+ }
+ return parts;
+ }
+ // The relative path from base to path
+ fs::path path_difference(fs::path const& base, fs::path const& path)
+ {
+ fs::path
+ absolute_base = fs::absolute(base),
+ absolute_path = fs::absolute(path);
+ // Remove '.', '..' and empty parts from the remaining path
+ std::vector<fs::path>
+ base_parts = normalize_path_from_root(absolute_base.relative_path()),
+ path_parts = normalize_path_from_root(absolute_path.relative_path());
+ std::vector<fs::path>::iterator
+ base_it = base_parts.begin(),
+ base_end = base_parts.end(),
+ path_it = path_parts.begin(),
+ path_end = path_parts.end();
+ // Build up the two paths in these variables, checking for the first
+ // difference.
+ fs::path
+ base_tmp = absolute_base.root_path(),
+ path_tmp = absolute_path.root_path();
+ fs::path result;
+ // If they have different roots then there's no relative path so
+ // just build an absolute path.
+ if (!fs::equivalent(base_tmp, path_tmp))
+ {
+ result = path_tmp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Find the point at which the paths differ
+ for(; base_it != base_end && path_it != path_end; ++base_it, ++path_it)
+ {
+ if(!fs::equivalent(base_tmp /= *base_it, path_tmp /= *path_it))
+ break;
+ }
+ // Build a relative path to that point
+ for(; base_it != base_end; ++base_it) result /= "..";
+ }
+ // Build the rest of our path
+ for(; path_it != path_end; ++path_it) result /= *path_it;
+ return result;
+ }
+ fs::path check_path(value const& path, quickbook::actions& actions)
+ {
+ std::string path_text = path.is_encoded() ? path.get_encoded() :
+ path.get_quickbook();
+ if(path_text.find('\\') != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ (qbk_version_n >= 106u ?
+ detail::outerr(path.get_file(), path.get_position()) :
+ detail::outwarn(path.get_file(), path.get_position()))
+ << "Path isn't portable: '"
+ << detail::utf8(path_text)
+ << "'"
+ << std::endl;
+ if (qbk_version_n >= 106u) ++actions.error_count;
+ }
+ boost::replace(path_text, '\\', '/');
+ return detail::generic_to_path(path_text);
+ }
+ xinclude_path calculate_xinclude_path(value const& p, quickbook::actions& actions)
+ {
+ fs::path path = check_path(p, actions);
+ fs::path full_path = path;
+ // If the path is relative
+ if (!path.has_root_directory())
+ {
+ // Resolve the path from the current file
+ full_path = actions.current_file->path.parent_path() / path;
+ // Then calculate relative to the current xinclude_base.
+ path = path_difference(actions.xinclude_base, full_path);
+ }
+ return xinclude_path(full_path, detail::escape_uri(detail::path_to_generic(path)));
+ }
+ void xinclude_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value xinclude)
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.out);
+ value_consumer values = xinclude;
+ xinclude_path x = calculate_xinclude_path(values.consume(), actions);
+ values.finish();
+ actions.out << "\n<xi:include href=\"";
+ detail::print_string(x.uri, actions.out.get());
+ actions.out << "\" />\n";
+ }
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct include_search_return
+ {
+ include_search_return(fs::path const& x, fs::path const& y)
+ : filename(x), filename_relative(y) {}
+ fs::path filename;
+ fs::path filename_relative;
+ };
+ include_search_return include_search(fs::path const& path,
+ quickbook::actions const& actions)
+ {
+ fs::path current = actions.current_file->path.parent_path();
+ // If the path is relative, try and resolve it.
+ if (!path.has_root_directory() && !path.has_root_name())
+ {
+ // See if it can be found locally first.
+ if (fs::exists(current / path))
+ {
+ return include_search_return(
+ current / path,
+ actions.filename_relative.parent_path() / path);
+ }
+ // Search in each of the include path locations.
+ BOOST_FOREACH(fs::path full, include_path)
+ {
+ full /= path;
+ if (fs::exists(full))
+ {
+ return include_search_return(full, path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return include_search_return(path,
+ actions.filename_relative.parent_path() / path);
+ }
+ }
+ void load_quickbook(quickbook::actions& actions,
+ include_search_return const& paths,
+ value::tag_type load_type,
+ value const& include_doc_id = value())
+ {
+ assert(load_type == block_tags::include ||
+ load_type == block_tags::import);
+ // Check this before qbk_version_n gets changed by the inner file.
+ bool keep_inner_source_mode = (qbk_version_n < 106);
+ {
+ // When importing, state doesn't scope templates and macros so that
+ // they're added to the existing scope. It might be better to add
+ // them to a new scope then explicitly import them into the
+ // existing scope.
+ //
+ // For old versions of quickbook, templates aren't scoped by the
+ // file.
+ file_state state(actions,
+ load_type == block_tags::import ? file_state::scope_output :
+ qbk_version_n >= 106u ? file_state::scope_callables :
+ file_state::scope_macros);
+ actions.current_file = load(paths.filename); // Throws load_error
+ actions.filename_relative = paths.filename_relative;
+ actions.imported = (load_type == block_tags::import);
+ // update the __FILENAME__ macro
+ *boost::spirit::classic::find(actions.macro, "__FILENAME__")
+ = detail::path_to_generic(actions.filename_relative);
+ // parse the file
+ quickbook::parse_file(actions, include_doc_id, true);
+ // Don't restore source_mode on older versions.
+ if (keep_inner_source_mode) state.source_mode = actions.source_mode;
+ }
+ // restore the __FILENAME__ macro
+ *boost::spirit::classic::find(actions.macro, "__FILENAME__")
+ = detail::path_to_generic(actions.filename_relative);
+ }
+ void load_source_file(quickbook::actions& actions,
+ include_search_return const& paths,
+ value::tag_type load_type,
+ string_iterator first,
+ value const& include_doc_id = value())
+ {
+ assert(load_type == block_tags::include ||
+ load_type == block_tags::import);
+ std::string ext = paths.filename.extension().generic_string();
+ std::vector<template_symbol> storage;
+ // Throws load_error
+ actions.error_count +=
+ load_snippets(paths.filename, storage, ext, load_type);
+ if (load_type == block_tags::include)
+ {
+ actions.templates.push();
+ }
+ BOOST_FOREACH(template_symbol& ts, storage)
+ {
+ std::string tname = ts.identifier;
+ if (tname != "!")
+ {
+ ts.lexical_parent = &actions.templates.top_scope();
+ if (!actions.templates.add(ts))
+ {
+ detail::outerr(ts.content.get_file(), ts.content.get_position())
+ << "Template Redefinition: " << detail::utf8(tname) << std::endl;
+ ++actions.error_count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (load_type == block_tags::include)
+ {
+ BOOST_FOREACH(template_symbol& ts, storage)
+ {
+ std::string tname = ts.identifier;
+ if (tname == "!")
+ {
+ ts.lexical_parent = &actions.templates.top_scope();
+ call_code_snippet(actions, &ts, first);
+ }
+ }
+ actions.templates.pop();
+ }
+ }
+ void include_action(quickbook::actions& actions, value include, string_iterator first)
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.out);
+ value_consumer values = include;
+ value include_doc_id = values.optional_consume(general_tags::include_id);
+ include_search_return paths = include_search(
+ check_path(values.consume(), actions), actions);
+ values.finish();
+ try {
+ if (qbk_version_n >= 106)
+ {
+ if (actions.imported && include.get_tag() == block_tags::include)
+ return;
+ std::string ext = paths.filename.extension().generic_string();
+ if (ext == ".qbk" || ext == ".quickbook")
+ {
+ load_quickbook(actions, paths, include.get_tag(), include_doc_id);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ load_source_file(actions, paths, include.get_tag(), first, include_doc_id);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (include.get_tag() == block_tags::include)
+ {
+ load_quickbook(actions, paths, include.get_tag(), include_doc_id);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ load_source_file(actions, paths, include.get_tag(), first, include_doc_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (load_error& e) {
+ ++actions.error_count;
+ detail::outerr(actions.current_file, first)
+ << "Loading file "
+ << paths.filename
+ << ": "
+ << detail::utf8(e.what())
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ bool to_value_scoped_action::start(value::tag_type t)
+ {
+ actions.out.push();
+ actions.phrase.push();
+ actions.anchors.swap(saved_anchors);
+ tag = t;
+ return true;
+ }
+ void to_value_scoped_action::success(parse_iterator first, parse_iterator last)
+ {
+ std::string value;
+ if (!actions.out.str().empty())
+ {
+ actions.paragraph();
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.out);
+ actions.out.swap(value);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ write_anchors(actions, actions.phrase);
+ actions.phrase.swap(value);
+ }
+ actions.values.builder.insert(encoded_qbk_value(
+ actions.current_file, first.base(), last.base(), value, tag));
+ }
+ void to_value_scoped_action::cleanup()
+ {
+ actions.phrase.pop();
+ actions.out.pop();
+ actions.anchors.swap(saved_anchors);
+ }