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-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
-<a name="jam.language"></a><a class="link" href="language.html" title="Language">Language</a>
-<div class="toc"><dl class="toc">
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.lexical">Lexical Features</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="">Targets</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.rules">Rules</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.flow_of_control">Flow-of-Control</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.variables">Variables</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.modules">Modules</a></span></dt>
- <code class="literal">B2</code> has an interpreted, procedural language. Statements in
- <code class="literal">b2</code> are rule (procedure) definitions, rule invocations, flow-of-control
- structures, variable assignments, and sundry language support.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.lexical"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.lexical" title="Lexical Features">Lexical Features</a>
- <code class="literal">B2</code> treats its input files as whitespace-separated tokens,
- with two exceptions: double quotes (") can enclose whitespace to embed
- it into a token, and everything between the matching curly braces ({}) in
- the definition of a rule action is treated as a single string. A backslash
- (\) can escape a double quote, or any single whitespace character.
- </p>
- <code class="literal">B2</code> requires whitespace (blanks, tabs, or newlines) to
- surround all tokens, including the colon (:) and semicolon (;) tokens.
- </p>
- <code class="literal">B2</code> keywords (an mentioned in this document) are reserved
- and generally must be quoted with double quotes (") to be used as arbitrary
- tokens, such as variable or target names.
- </p>
- Comments start with the <code class="literal">#</code> character and extend until the
- end of line. And block comments start with <code class="literal">#|</code> and extend
- until the next <code class="literal">|#</code>.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
-<a name=""></a><a class="link" href="" title="Targets">Targets</a>
-<div class="toc"><dl class="toc"><dt><span class="section"><a href="">Binding Detection</a></span></dt></dl></div>
- The essential <code class="literal">b2</code> data entity is a target. Build targets
- are files to be updated. Source targets are the files used in updating built
- targets. Built targets and source targets are collectively referred to as
- file targets, and frequently built targets are source targets for other built
- targets. Pseudotargets are symbols representing dependencies on other targets,
- but which are not themselves associated with any real file.
- </p>
- A file target's identifier is generally the file's name, which can be absolutely
- rooted, relative to the directory of <code class="literal">b2</code>'s invocation,
- or simply local (no directory). Most often it is the last case, and the actual
- file path is bound using the <code class="literal">$(SEARCH)</code> and <code class="literal">$(LOCATE)</code>
- special variables. See <a class="link" href="" title="SEARCH and LOCATE">SEARCH
- and LOCATE Variables</a> below. A local filename is optionally qualified
- with grist, a string value used to assure uniqueness. A file target with
- an identifier of the form <span class="emphasis"><em>file(member)</em></span> is a library
- member (usually an <code class="literal">ar</code>(1) archive on Unix).
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name=""></a><a class="link" href="" title="Binding Detection">Binding Detection</a>
- Whenever a target is bound to a location in the filesystem, Boost Jam will
- look for a variable called <code class="literal">BINDRULE</code> (first "on"
- the target being bound, then in the global module). If non-empty, =$(BINDRULE[1])=
- names a rule which is called with the name of the target and the path it
- is being bound to. The signature of the rule named by =$(BINDRULE[1])=
- should match the following:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule <span class="emphasis"><em>bind-rule</em></span> ( <span class="emphasis"><em>target</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>path</em></span> )
- This facility is useful for correct header file scanning, since many compilers
- will search for <code class="computeroutput"><span class="preprocessor">#include</span></code>
- files first in the directory containing the file doing the <code class="computeroutput"><span class="preprocessor">#include</span></code> directive. <code class="literal">$(BINDRULE)</code>
- can be used to make a record of that directory.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules" title="Rules">Rules</a>
-<div class="toc"><dl class="toc">
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.rules.action_modifiers">Action Modifiers</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.rules.argument_lists">Argument lists</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins">Built-in Rules</a></span></dt>
- The basic <code class="literal">b2</code> language entity is called a rule. A rule
- is defined in two parts: the procedure and the actions. The procedure is
- a body of jam statements to be run when the rule is invoked; the actions
- are the OS shell commands to execute when updating the built targets of the
- rule.
- </p>
- Rules can return values, which can be expanded into a list with "[
- <span class="emphasis"><em>rule</em></span> <span class="emphasis"><em>args</em></span> ... ]". A rule's
- value is the value of its last statement, though only the following statements
- have values: 'if' (value of the leg chosen), 'switch' (value of the case
- chosen), set (value of the resulting variable), and 'return' (value of its
- arguments).
- </p>
- The <code class="literal">b2</code> statements for defining and invoking rules are
- as follows:
- </p>
- Define a rule's procedure, replacing any previous definition.
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule <span class="emphasis"><em>rulename</em></span> { <span class="emphasis"><em>statements</em></span> }
- Define a rule's updating actions, replacing any previous definition.
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">actions [ <span class="emphasis"><em>modifiers</em></span> ] <span class="emphasis"><em>rulename</em></span> { <span class="emphasis"><em>commands</em></span> }
- Invoke a rule.
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting"><span class="emphasis"><em>rulename</em></span> <span class="emphasis"><em>field1</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>field2</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>...</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>fieldN</em></span> ;
- Invoke a rule under the influence of target's specific variables..
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">on <span class="emphasis"><em>target</em></span> <span class="emphasis"><em>rulename</em></span> <span class="emphasis"><em>field1</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>field2</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>...</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>fieldN</em></span> ;
- Used as an argument, expands to the return value of the rule invoked.
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">[ <span class="emphasis"><em>rulename</em></span> <span class="emphasis"><em>field1</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>field2</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>...</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>fieldN</em></span> ]
-[ on <span class="emphasis"><em>target</em></span> <span class="emphasis"><em>rulename</em></span> <span class="emphasis"><em>field1</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>field2</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>...</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>fieldN</em></span> ]
- A rule is invoked with values in <span class="emphasis"><em>field1</em></span> through <span class="emphasis"><em>fieldN</em></span>.
- They may be referenced in the procedure's statements as <code class="literal">$(1)</code>
- through <code class="literal">$(<span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span>)</code> (9 max), and the first
- two only may be referenced in the action's <span class="emphasis"><em>commands</em></span>
- as <code class="literal">$(1)</code> and <code class="literal">$(2)</code>. <code class="literal">$(&lt;)</code>
- and <code class="literal">$(&gt;)</code> are synonymous with <code class="literal">$(1)</code>
- and <code class="literal">$(2)</code>.
- </p>
- Rules fall into two categories: updating rules (with actions), and pure procedure
- rules (without actions). Updating rules treat arguments <code class="literal">$(1)</code>
- and <code class="literal">$(2)</code> as built targets and sources, respectively, while
- pure procedure rules can take arbitrary arguments.
- </p>
- When an updating rule is invoked, its updating actions are added to those
- associated with its built targets (<code class="literal">$(1)</code>) before the rule's
- procedure is run. Later, to build the targets in the updating phase, <span class="emphasis"><em>commands</em></span>
- are passed to the OS command shell, with <code class="literal">$(1)</code> and <code class="literal">$(2)</code>
- replaced by bound versions of the target names. See Binding above.
- </p>
- Rule invocation may be indirected through a variable:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">$(<span class="emphasis"><em>var</em></span>) <span class="emphasis"><em>field1</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>field2</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>...</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>fieldN</em></span> ;
-on <span class="emphasis"><em>target</em></span> $(<span class="emphasis"><em>var</em></span>) <span class="emphasis"><em>field1</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>field2</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>...</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>fieldN</em></span> ;
-[ $(<span class="emphasis"><em>var</em></span>) <span class="emphasis"><em>field1</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>field2</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>...</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>fieldN</em></span> ]
-[ on <span class="emphasis"><em>target</em></span> $(<span class="emphasis"><em>var</em></span>) <span class="emphasis"><em>field1</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>field2</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>...</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>fieldN</em></span> ]
- The variable's value names the rule (or rules) to be invoked. A rule is invoked
- for each element in the list of <code class="literal">$(<span class="emphasis"><em>var</em></span>)</code>'s
- values. The fields <code class="literal"><span class="emphasis"><em>field1</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>field2</em></span>
- : <span class="emphasis"><em>...</em></span></code> are passed as arguments for each invocation.
- For the [ ... ] forms, the return value is the concatenation of the return
- values for all of the invocations.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.action_modifiers"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.action_modifiers" title="Action Modifiers">Action Modifiers</a>
- The following action modifiers are understood:
- </p>
-<div class="variablelist">
-<p class="title"><b></b></p>
-<dl class="variablelist">
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">actions bind <span class="emphasis"><em>vars</em></span></code></span></dt>
- <code class="literal">$(<span class="emphasis"><em>vars</em></span>)</code> will be replaced
- with bound values.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">actions existing</code></span></dt>
- <code class="literal">$(&gt;)</code> includes only source targets currently
- existing.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">actions ignore</code></span></dt>
- The return status of the commands is ignored.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">actions piecemeal</code></span></dt>
- commands are repeatedly invoked with a subset of <code class="literal">$(&gt;)</code>
- small enough to fit in the command buffer on this OS.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">actions quietly</code></span></dt>
- The action is not echoed to the standard output.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">actions together</code></span></dt>
- The <code class="literal">$(&gt;)</code> from multiple invocations of the same
- action on the same built target are glommed together.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">actions updated</code></span></dt>
- <code class="literal">$(&gt;)</code> includes only source targets themselves
- marked for updating.
- </p></dd>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.argument_lists"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.argument_lists" title="Argument lists">Argument lists</a>
- You can describe the arguments accepted by a rule, and refer to them by
- name within the rule. For example, the following prints "I'm sorry,
- Dave" to the console:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule report ( pronoun index ? : state : names + )
- local he.suffix she.suffix it.suffix = s ;
- local I.suffix = m ;
- local they.suffix you.suffix = re ;
- ECHO $(pronoun)'$($(pronoun).suffix) $(state), $(names[$(index)]) ;
-report I 2 : sorry : Joe Dave Pete ;
- Each name in a list of formal arguments (separated by "<code class="literal">:</code>"
- in the rule declaration) is bound to a single element of the corresponding
- actual argument unless followed by one of these modifiers:
- </p>
-<div class="informaltable"><table class="table">
- <p>
- Symbol
- </p>
- </th>
- <p>
- Semantics of preceding symbol
- </p>
- </th>
- <p>
- <code class="literal">?</code>
- </p>
- </td>
- <p>
- optional
- </p>
- </td>
- <p>
- <code class="literal">*</code>
- </p>
- </td>
- <p>
- Bind to zero or more unbound elements of the actual argument.
- When <code class="literal">*</code> appears where an argument name is expected,
- any number of additional arguments are accepted. This feature
- can be used to implement "varargs" rules.
- </p>
- </td>
- <p>
- <code class="literal">+</code>
- </p>
- </td>
- <p>
- Bind to one or more unbound elements of the actual argument.
- </p>
- </td>
- The actual and formal arguments are checked for inconsistencies, which
- cause <code class="literal">b2</code> to exit with an error code:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">### argument error
-# rule report ( pronoun index ? : state : names + )
-# called with: ( I 2 foo : sorry : Joe Dave Pete )
-# extra argument foo
-### argument error
-# rule report ( pronoun index ? : state : names + )
-# called with: ( I 2 : sorry )
-# missing argument names
- If you omit the list of formal arguments, all checking is bypassed as in
- "classic" Jam. Argument lists drastically improve the reliability
- and readability of your rules, however, and are <span class="bold"><strong>strongly
- recommended</strong></span> for any new Jam code you write.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins" title="Built-in Rules">Built-in Rules</a>
-<div class="toc"><dl class="toc">
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.dependency_building">Dependency
- Building</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding">Modifying
- Binding</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility">Utility</a></span></dt>
- <code class="literal">B2</code> has a growing set of built-in rules, all of which
- are pure procedure rules without updating actions. They are in three groups:
- the first builds the dependency graph; the second modifies it; and the
- third are just utility rules.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.dependency_building"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.dependency_building" title="Dependency Building">Dependency
- Building</a>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.dependency_building._depends__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.dependency_building._depends__" title="DEPENDS"><code class="literal">DEPENDS</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule DEPENDS ( <span class="emphasis"><em>targets1</em></span> * : <span class="emphasis"><em>targets2</em></span> * )
- Builds a direct dependency: makes each of <span class="emphasis"><em>targets1</em></span>
- depend on each of <span class="emphasis"><em>targets2</em></span>. Generally, <span class="emphasis"><em>targets1</em></span>
- will be rebuilt if <span class="emphasis"><em>targets2</em></span> are themselves rebuilt
- or are newer than <span class="emphasis"><em>targets1</em></span>.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.dependency_building._includes__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.dependency_building._includes__" title="INCLUDES"><code class="literal">INCLUDES</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule INCLUDES ( <span class="emphasis"><em>targets1</em></span> * : <span class="emphasis"><em>targets2</em></span> * )
- Builds a sibling dependency: makes any target that depends on any of
- <span class="emphasis"><em>targets1</em></span> also depend on each of <span class="emphasis"><em>targets2</em></span>.
- This reflects the dependencies that arise when one source file includes
- another: the object built from the source file depends both on the
- original and included source file, but the two sources files don't
- depend on each other. For example:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">DEPENDS foo.o : foo.c ;
-INCLUDES foo.c : foo.h ;
- "<code class="literal">foo.o</code>" depends on "<code class="literal">foo.c</code>"
- and "<code class="literal">foo.h</code>" in this example.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding" title="Modifying Binding">Modifying
- Binding</a>
- The six rules <code class="literal">ALWAYS</code>, <code class="literal">LEAVES</code>,
- <code class="literal">NOCARE</code>, <code class="literal">NOTFILE</code>, <code class="literal">NOUPDATE</code>,
- and <code class="literal">TEMPORARY</code> modify the dependency graph so that
- <code class="literal">b2</code> treats the targets differently during its target
- binding phase. See Binding above. Normally, <code class="literal">b2</code> updates
- a target if it is missing, if its filesystem modification time is older
- than any of its dependencies (recursively), or if any of its dependencies
- are being updated. This basic behavior can be changed by invoking the
- following rules:
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._always__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._always__" title="ALWAYS"><code class="literal">ALWAYS</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule ALWAYS ( <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> * )
- Causes <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> to be rebuilt regardless of whether
- they are up-to-date (they must still be in the dependency graph). This
- is used for the clean and uninstall targets, as they have no dependencies
- and would otherwise appear never to need building. It is best applied
- to targets that are also <code class="literal">NOTFILE</code> targets, but it
- can also be used to force a real file to be updated as well.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._leaves__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._leaves__" title="LEAVES"><code class="literal">LEAVES</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule LEAVES ( <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> * )
- Makes each of <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> depend only on its leaf
- sources, and not on any intermediate targets. This makes it immune
- to its dependencies being updated, as the "leaf" dependencies
- are those without their own dependencies and without updating actions.
- This allows a target to be updated only if original source files change.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._nocare__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._nocare__" title="NOCARE"><code class="literal">NOCARE</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule NOCARE ( <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> * )
- Causes <code class="literal">b2</code> to ignore <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span>
- that neither can be found nor have updating actions to build them.
- Normally for such targets <code class="literal">b2</code> issues a warning and
- then skips other targets that depend on these missing targets. The
- <code class="literal">HdrRule</code> in <code class="literal">Jambase</code> uses <code class="literal">NOCARE</code>
- on the header file names found during header file scanning, to let
- <code class="literal">b2</code> know that the included files may not exist. For
- example, if an <code class="computeroutput"><span class="preprocessor">#include</span></code>
- is within an <code class="computeroutput"><span class="preprocessor">#ifdef</span></code>,
- the included file may not actually be around.
- </p>
-<div class="warning"><table border="0" summary="Warning">
-<td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Warning]" src="../../../doc/src/images/warning.png"></td>
-<th align="left">Warning</th>
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
- For targets with build actions: if their build actions exit with
- a nonzero return code, dependent targets will still be built.
- </p></td></tr>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._notfile__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._notfile__" title="NOTFILE"><code class="literal">NOTFILE</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule NOTFILE ( <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> * )
- Marks <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> as pseudotargets and not real files.
- No timestamp is checked, and so the actions on such a target are only
- executed if the target's dependencies are updated, or if the target
- is also marked with <code class="literal">ALWAYS</code>. The default <code class="literal">b2</code>
- target "<code class="literal">all</code>" is a pseudotarget. In <code class="literal">Jambase</code>,
- <code class="literal">NOTFILE</code> is used to define several addition convenient
- pseudotargets.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._noupdate__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._noupdate__" title="NOUPDATE"><code class="literal">NOUPDATE</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule NOUPDATE ( <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> * )
- Causes the timestamps on <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> to be ignored.
- This has two effects: first, once the target has been created it will
- never be updated; second, manually updating target will not cause other
- targets to be updated. In <code class="literal">Jambase</code>, for example,
- this rule is applied to directories by the <code class="literal">MkDir</code>
- rule, because <code class="literal">MkDir</code> only cares that the target directory
- exists, not when it has last been updated.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._temporary__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._temporary__" title="TEMPORARY"><code class="literal">TEMPORARY</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule TEMPORARY ( <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> * )
- Marks <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> as temporary, allowing them to be
- removed after other targets that depend upon them have been updated.
- If a <code class="literal">TEMPORARY</code> target is missing, <code class="literal">b2</code>
- uses the timestamp of the target's parent. <code class="literal">Jambase</code>
- uses <code class="literal">TEMPORARY</code> to mark object files that are archived
- in a library after they are built, so that they can be deleted after
- they are archived.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._fail_expected__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._fail_expected__" title="FAIL_EXPECTED"><code class="literal">FAIL_EXPECTED</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule FAIL_EXPECTED ( <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> * )
- For handling targets whose build actions are expected to fail (e.g.
- when testing that assertions or compile-time type checking work properly),
- Boost Jam supplies the <code class="literal">FAIL_EXPECTED</code> rule in the
- same style as <code class="literal">NOCARE</code>, et. al. During target updating,
- the return code of the build actions for arguments to <code class="literal">FAIL_EXPECTED</code>
- is inverted: if it fails, building of dependent targets continues as
- though it succeeded. If it succeeds, dependent targets are skipped.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._rmold__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._rmold__" title="RMOLD"><code class="literal">RMOLD</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule RMOLD ( <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> * )
- <code class="literal">B2</code> removes any target files that may exist on disk
- when the rule used to build those targets fails. However, targets whose
- dependencies fail to build are not removed by default. The <code class="literal">RMOLD</code>
- rule causes its arguments to be removed if any of their dependencies
- fail to build.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._isfile__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.modifying_binding._isfile__" title="ISFILE"><code class="literal">ISFILE</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule ISFILE ( <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> * )
- <code class="literal">ISFILE</code> marks targets as required to be files. This
- changes the way <code class="literal">b2</code> searches for the target such
- that it ignores matches for file system items that are not files, like
- directories. This makes it possible to avoid <code class="computeroutput"><span class="preprocessor">#include</span>
- <span class="string">"exception"</span></code> matching
- if one happens to have a directory named exception in the header search
- path.
- </p>
-<div class="warning"><table border="0" summary="Warning">
-<td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Warning]" src="../../../doc/src/images/warning.png"></td>
-<th align="left">Warning</th>
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
- This is currently not fully implemented.
- </p></td></tr>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility" title="Utility">Utility</a>
- The two rules <code class="literal">ECHO</code> and <code class="literal">EXIT</code> are
- utility rules, used only in <code class="literal">b2</code>'s parsing phase.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._echo__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._echo__" title="ECHO"><code class="literal">ECHO</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule ECHO ( <span class="emphasis"><em>args</em></span> * )
- Blurts out the message <span class="emphasis"><em>args</em></span> to stdout.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._exit__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._exit__" title="EXIT"><code class="literal">EXIT</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule EXIT ( <span class="emphasis"><em>message</em></span> * : <span class="emphasis"><em>result-value</em></span> ? )
- Blurts out the <span class="emphasis"><em>message</em></span> to stdout and then exits
- with a failure status if no <span class="emphasis"><em>result-value</em></span> is given,
- otherwise it exits with the given <span class="emphasis"><em>result-value</em></span>.
- </p>
- "<code class="literal">Echo</code>", "<code class="literal">echo</code>",
- "<code class="literal">Exit</code>", and "<code class="literal">exit</code>"
- are accepted as aliases for <code class="literal">ECHO</code> and <code class="literal">EXIT</code>,
- since it is hard to tell that these are built-in rules and not part
- of the language, like "<code class="literal">include</code>".
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._glob__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._glob__" title="GLOB"><code class="literal">GLOB</code>
- </a>
- The <code class="literal">GLOB</code> rule does filename globbing.
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule GLOB ( <span class="emphasis"><em>directories</em></span> * : <span class="emphasis"><em>patterns</em></span> * : <span class="emphasis"><em>downcase-opt</em></span> ? )
- Using the same wildcards as for the patterns in the switch statement.
- It is invoked by being used as an argument to a rule invocation inside
- of "=[ ]=". For example: "<code class="literal">FILES = [ GLOB dir1
- dir2 : *.c *.h ]</code>" sets <code class="literal">FILES</code> to the
- list of C source and header files in <code class="literal">dir1</code> and <code class="literal">dir2</code>.
- The resulting filenames are the full pathnames, including the directory,
- but the pattern is applied only to the file name without the directory.
- </p>
- If <span class="emphasis"><em>downcase-opt</em></span> is supplied, filenames are converted
- to all-lowercase before matching against the pattern; you can use this
- to do case-insensitive matching using lowercase patterns. The paths
- returned will still have mixed case if the OS supplies them. On Windows
- NT and Cygwin, and OpenVMS, filenames are always downcased before matching.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._glob_archive__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._glob_archive__" title="GLOB_ARCHIVE"><code class="literal">GLOB_ARCHIVE</code>
- </a>
- The <code class="literal">GLOB_ARCHIVE</code> rule does name globbing of object
- archive members.
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule GLOB_ARCHIVE ( <span class="emphasis"><em>archives</em></span> * : <span class="emphasis"><em>member-patterns</em></span> * : <span class="emphasis"><em>downcase-opt</em></span> ? : <span class="emphasis"><em>symbol-patterns</em></span> ? )
- Similarly to <code class="literal">GLOB</code>, this rule is used to match names
- of member files in an archive (static object library). List of successfully
- matched members is returned or null otherwise. The resulting member
- names are qualified with pathname of the containing archive in the
- form <code class="literal">archive-path(member-name)</code>. Member patterns
- are for matching member name only; when no wildcards specified -- an
- exact match is assumed. Member names generally correspond to object
- file names and as such are platform-specific -- use of platform-defined
- object suffix in the matching patterns can allow for portability.
- </p>
- If <span class="emphasis"><em>downcase-opt</em></span> is supplied, the member names
- are converted to all-lowercase before matching against the pattern;
- you can use this to do case-insensitive matching using lowercase patterns.
- The paths returned will still have mixed case if the OS supplies them.
- On Windows NT, Cygwin, and OpenVMS, filenames are always downcased
- before matching.
- </p>
- Additionally, members can be matched with symbol/function patterns
- on supported platforms (currently, OpenVMS only). In this case, members
- containing the matching symbols are returned. Member and symbol patterns
- are applied as OR conditions, with member patterns taking precedence.
- On unsupported platforms, null is returned when any symbol patterns
- are specified.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._match__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._match__" title="MATCH"><code class="literal">MATCH</code>
- </a>
- The <code class="literal">MATCH</code> rule does pattern matching.
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule MATCH ( <span class="emphasis"><em>regexps</em></span> + : <span class="emphasis"><em>list</em></span> * )
- Matches the <code class="literal">egrep</code>(1) style regular expressions
- <span class="emphasis"><em>regexps</em></span> against the strings in <span class="emphasis"><em>list</em></span>.
- The result is a list of matching <code class="literal">()</code> subexpressions
- for each string in <span class="emphasis"><em>list</em></span>, and for each regular
- expression in <span class="emphasis"><em>regexps</em></span>.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._backtrace__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._backtrace__" title="BACKTRACE"><code class="literal">BACKTRACE</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule BACKTRACE ( )
- Returns a list of quadruples: <span class="emphasis"><em>filename</em></span> <span class="emphasis"><em>line</em></span>
- <span class="emphasis"><em>module</em></span> <span class="emphasis"><em>rulename</em></span>..., describing
- each shallower level of the call stack. This rule can be used to generate
- useful diagnostic messages from Jam rules.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._update__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._update__" title="UPDATE"><code class="literal">UPDATE</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule UPDATE ( <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> * )
- Classic jam treats any non-option element of command line as a name
- of target to be updated. This prevented more sophisticated handling
- of command line. This is now enabled again but with additional changes
- to the <code class="literal">UPDATE</code> rule to allow for the flexibility
- of changing the list of targets to update. The UPDATE rule has two
- effects:
- </p>
-<div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist" type="1">
-<li class="listitem">
- It clears the list of targets to update, and
- </li>
-<li class="listitem">
- Causes the specified targets to be updated.
- </li>
- If no target was specified with the <code class="literal">UPDATE</code> rule,
- no targets will be updated. To support changing of the update list
- in more useful ways, the rule also returns the targets previously in
- the update list. This makes it possible to add targets as such:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">local previous-updates = [ UPDATE ] ;
-UPDATE $(previous-updates) a-new-target ;
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._w32_getreg__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._w32_getreg__" title="W32_GETREG"><code class="literal">W32_GETREG</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule W32_GETREG ( <span class="emphasis"><em>path</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>data</em></span> ? )
- Defined only for win32 platform. It reads the registry of Windows.
- '<span class="emphasis"><em>path</em></span>' is the location of the information, and
- '<span class="emphasis"><em>data</em></span>' is the name of the value which we want
- to get. If '<span class="emphasis"><em>data</em></span>' is omitted, the default value
- of '<span class="emphasis"><em>path</em></span>' will be returned. The '<span class="emphasis"><em>path</em></span>'
- value must conform to MS key path format and must be prefixed with
- one of the predefined root keys. As usual,
- </p>
-<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
-<li class="listitem">
- '<code class="literal">HKLM</code>' is equivalent to '<code class="literal">HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE</code>'.
- </li>
-<li class="listitem">
- '<code class="literal">HKCU</code>' is equivalent to '<code class="literal">HKEY_CURRENT_USER</code>'.
- </li>
-<li class="listitem">
- '<code class="literal">HKCR</code>' is equivalent to '<code class="literal">HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT</code>'.
- </li>
- Other predefined root keys are not supported.
- </p>
- Currently supported data types : '<code class="literal">REG_DWORD</code>', '<code class="literal">REG_SZ</code>',
- '<code class="literal">REG_EXPAND_SZ</code>', '<code class="literal">REG_MULTI_SZ</code>'.
- The data with '<code class="literal">REG_DWORD</code>' type will be turned into
- a string, '<code class="literal">REG_MULTI_SZ</code>' into a list of strings,
- and for those with '<code class="literal">REG_EXPAND_SZ</code>' type environment
- variables in it will be replaced with their defined values. The data
- with '<code class="literal">REG_SZ</code>' type and other unsupported types will
- be put into a string without modification. If it can't receive the
- value of the data, it just return an empty list. For example,
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">local PSDK-location =
- [ W32_GETREG HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MicrosoftSDK\\Directories : "Install Dir" ] ;
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._w32_getregnames__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._w32_getregnames__" title="W32_GETREGNAMES"><code class="literal">W32_GETREGNAMES</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule W32_GETREGNAMES ( <span class="emphasis"><em>path</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>result-type</em></span> )
- Defined only for win32 platform. It reads the registry of Windows.
- '<span class="emphasis"><em>path</em></span>' is the location of the information, and
- '<span class="emphasis"><em>result-type</em></span>' is either '<code class="literal">subkeys</code>'
- or '<code class="literal">values</code>'. For more information on '<span class="emphasis"><em>path</em></span>'
- format and constraints, please see <code class="literal">W32_GETREG</code>.
- </p>
- Depending on '<span class="emphasis"><em>result-type</em></span>', the rule returns one
- of the following:
- </p>
-<div class="variablelist">
-<p class="title"><b></b></p>
-<dl class="variablelist">
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">subkeys</code></span></dt>
- Names of all direct subkeys of '<span class="emphasis"><em>path</em></span>'.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">values</code></span></dt>
- Names of values contained in registry key given by '<span class="emphasis"><em>path</em></span>'.
- The "default" value of the key appears in the returned
- list only if its value has been set in the registry.
- </p></dd>
- If '<span class="emphasis"><em>result-type</em></span>' is not recognized, or requested
- data cannot be retrieved, the rule returns an empty list. Example:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">local key = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths" ;
-local subkeys = [ W32_GETREGNAMES "$(key)" : subkeys ] ;
-for local subkey in $(subkeys)
- local values = [ W32_GETREGNAMES "$(key)\\$(subkey)" : values ] ;
- for local value in $(values)
- {
- local data = [ W32_GETREG "$(key)\\$(subkey)" : "$(value)" ] ;
- ECHO "Registry path: " $(key)\\$(subkey) ":" $(value) "=" $(data) ;
- }
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._shell__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._shell__" title="SHELL"><code class="literal">SHELL</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule SHELL ( <span class="emphasis"><em>command</em></span> : * )
- <code class="literal">SHELL</code> executes <span class="emphasis"><em>command</em></span>, and
- then returns the standard output of <span class="emphasis"><em>command</em></span>.
- <code class="literal">SHELL</code> only works on platforms with a <code class="literal">popen()</code>
- function in the C library. On platforms without a working <code class="literal">popen()</code>
- function, <code class="literal">SHELL</code> is implemented as a no-op. <code class="literal">SHELL</code>
- works on Unix, MacOS X, and most Windows compilers. <code class="literal">SHELL</code>
- is a no-op on Metrowerks compilers under Windows. There is a variable
- set of allowed options as additional arguments:
- </p>
-<div class="variablelist">
-<p class="title"><b></b></p>
-<dl class="variablelist">
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">exit-status</code></span></dt>
- In addition to the output the result status of the executed command
- is returned as a second element of the result.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">no-output</code></span></dt>
- Don't capture the output of the command. Instead an empty ("")
- string value is returned in place of the output.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">strip-eol</code></span></dt>
- Remove trailing end-of-line character from output, if any.
- </p></dd>
- Because the Perforce/Jambase defines a <code class="literal">SHELL</code> rule
- which hides the builtin rule, <code class="literal">COMMAND</code> can be used
- as an alias for <code class="literal">SHELL</code> in such a case.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._md5__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._md5__" title="MD5"><code class="literal">MD5</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule MD5 ( <span class="emphasis"><em>string</em></span> )
- <code class="literal">MD5</code> computes the MD5 hash of the string passed as
- paramater and returns it.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._split_by_characters__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._split_by_characters__" title="SPLIT_BY_CHARACTERS"><code class="literal">SPLIT_BY_CHARACTERS</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule SPLIT_BY_CHARACTERS ( <span class="emphasis"><em>string</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>delimiters</em></span> )
- <code class="literal">SPLIT_BY_CHARACTERS</code> splits the specified <span class="emphasis"><em>string</em></span>
- on any delimiter character present in <span class="emphasis"><em>delimiters</em></span>
- and returns the resulting list.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._precious__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._precious__" title="PRECIOUS"><code class="literal">PRECIOUS</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule PRECIOUS ( <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> * )
- The <code class="literal">PRECIOUS</code> rule specifies that each of the targets
- passed as the arguments should not be removed even if the command updating
- that target fails.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._pad__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._pad__" title="PAD"><code class="literal">PAD</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule PAD ( <span class="emphasis"><em>string</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>width</em></span> )
- If <span class="emphasis"><em>string</em></span> is shorter than <span class="emphasis"><em>width</em></span>
- characters, pads it with whitespace characters on the right, and returns
- the result. Otherwise, returns <span class="emphasis"><em>string</em></span> unmodified.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._file_open__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._file_open__" title="FILE_OPEN"><code class="literal">FILE_OPEN</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule FILE_OPEN ( <span class="emphasis"><em>filename</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>mode</em></span> )
- The <code class="literal">FILE_OPEN</code> rule opens the specified file and
- returns a file descriptor. The <span class="emphasis"><em>mode</em></span> parameter
- can be either "w" or "r". Note that at present,
- only the <code class="literal">UPDATE_NOW</code> rule can use the resulting file
- descriptor number.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h6 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._update_now__"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.rules.builtins.utility._update_now__" title="UPDATE_NOW"><code class="literal">UPDATE_NOW</code>
- </a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule UPDATE_NOW ( <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> * : <span class="emphasis"><em>log</em></span> ? : <span class="emphasis"><em>ignore-minus-n</em></span> ? )
- The <code class="literal">UPDATE_NOW</code> caused the specified targets to be
- updated immediately. If update was successful, non-empty string is
- returned. The <span class="emphasis"><em>log</em></span> parameter, if present, specifies
- a descriptor of a file where all output from building is redirected.
- If the <span class="emphasis"><em>ignore-minus-n</em></span> parameter is specified,
- the targets are updated even if the <code class="literal">-n</code> parameter
- is specified on the command line.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.flow_of_control"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.flow_of_control" title="Flow-of-Control">Flow-of-Control</a>
- <code class="literal">B2</code> has several simple flow-of-control statements:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">for <span class="emphasis"><em>var</em></span> in <span class="emphasis"><em>list</em></span> { <span class="emphasis"><em>statements</em></span> }
- Executes <span class="emphasis"><em>statements</em></span> for each element in <span class="emphasis"><em>list</em></span>,
- setting the variable <span class="emphasis"><em>var</em></span> to the element value.
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">if <span class="emphasis"><em>cond</em></span> { <span class="emphasis"><em>statements</em></span> }
-[ else { <span class="emphasis"><em>statements</em></span> } ]
- Does the obvious; the <code class="literal">else</code> clause is optional. <span class="emphasis"><em>cond</em></span>
- is built of:
- </p>
-<div class="variablelist">
-<p class="title"><b></b></p>
-<dl class="variablelist">
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal"><span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span></code></span></dt>
- true if any <span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span> element is a non-zero-length string
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal"><span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span> = <span class="emphasis"><em>b</em></span></code></span></dt>
- list <span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span> matches list <span class="emphasis"><em>b</em></span> string-for-string
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal"><span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span> != <span class="emphasis"><em>b</em></span></code></span></dt>
- list <span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span> does not match list <span class="emphasis"><em>b</em></span>
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal"><span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span> &lt; <span class="emphasis"><em>b</em></span></code></span></dt>
- <span class="emphasis"><em>a[i]</em></span> string is less than <span class="emphasis"><em>b[i]</em></span>
- string, where <span class="emphasis"><em>i</em></span> is first mismatched element in
- lists <span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span> and <span class="emphasis"><em>b</em></span>
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal"><span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span> &lt;= <span class="emphasis"><em>b</em></span></code></span></dt>
- every <span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span> string is less than or equal to its <span class="emphasis"><em>b</em></span>
- counterpart
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal"><span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span> &gt; <span class="emphasis"><em>b</em></span></code></span></dt>
- <span class="emphasis"><em>a[i]</em></span> string is greater than <span class="emphasis"><em>b[i]</em></span>
- string, where <span class="emphasis"><em>i</em></span> is first mismatched element
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal"><span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span> &gt;= <span class="emphasis"><em>b</em></span></code></span></dt>
- every <span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span> string is greater than or equal to its
- <span class="emphasis"><em>b</em></span> counterpart
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal"><span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span> in <span class="emphasis"><em>b</em></span></code></span></dt>
- true if all elements of <span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span> can be found in <span class="emphasis"><em>b</em></span>,
- or if <span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span> has no elements
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">! <span class="emphasis"><em>cond</em></span></code></span></dt>
- condition not true
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal"><span class="emphasis"><em>cond</em></span> &amp;&amp; <span class="emphasis"><em>cond</em></span></code></span></dt>
- conjunction
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal"><span class="emphasis"><em>cond</em></span> || <span class="emphasis"><em>cond</em></span></code></span></dt>
- disjunction
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">( <span class="emphasis"><em>cond</em></span> )</code></span></dt>
- precedence grouping
- </p></dd>
-<pre class="programlisting">include <span class="emphasis"><em>file</em></span> ;
- Causes <code class="literal">b2</code> to read the named <span class="emphasis"><em>file</em></span>.
- The <span class="emphasis"><em>file</em></span> is bound like a regular target (see Binding
- above) but unlike a regular target the include <span class="emphasis"><em>file</em></span>
- cannot be built.
- </p>
- The include <span class="emphasis"><em>file</em></span> is inserted into the input stream during
- the parsing phase. The primary input file and all the included file(s) are
- treated as a single file; that is, <code class="literal">b2</code> infers no scope
- boundaries from included files.
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">local <span class="emphasis"><em>vars</em></span> [ = <span class="emphasis"><em>values</em></span> ] ;
- Creates new <span class="emphasis"><em>vars</em></span> inside to the enclosing <code class="literal">{}</code>
- block, obscuring any previous values they might have. The previous values
- for vars are restored when the current block ends. Any rule called or file
- included will see the local and not the previous value (this is sometimes
- called Dynamic Scoping). The local statement may appear anywhere, even outside
- of a block (in which case the previous value is restored when the input ends).
- The <span class="emphasis"><em>vars</em></span> are initialized to <span class="emphasis"><em>values</em></span>
- if present, or left uninitialized otherwise.
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">return <span class="emphasis"><em>values</em></span> ;
- Within a rule body, the return statement sets the return value for an invocation
- of the rule and returns to the caller.
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">switch <span class="emphasis"><em>value</em></span>
- case <span class="emphasis"><em>pattern1</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>statements</em></span> ;
- case <span class="emphasis"><em>pattern2</em></span> : <span class="emphasis"><em>statements</em></span> ;
- ...
- The switch statement executes zero or one of the enclosed <span class="emphasis"><em>statements</em></span>,
- depending on which, if any, is the first case whose <span class="emphasis"><em>pattern</em></span>
- matches <span class="emphasis"><em>value</em></span>. The <span class="emphasis"><em>pattern</em></span> values
- are not variable-expanded. The pattern values may include the following wildcards:
- </p>
-<div class="variablelist">
-<p class="title"><b></b></p>
-<dl class="variablelist">
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">?</code></span></dt>
- match any single character
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">*</code></span></dt>
- match zero or more characters
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">[<span class="emphasis"><em>chars</em></span>]</code></span></dt>
- match any single character in <span class="emphasis"><em>chars</em></span>
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">[^<span class="emphasis"><em>chars</em></span>]</code></span></dt>
- match any single character not in <span class="emphasis"><em>chars</em></span>
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">\<span class="emphasis"><em>x</em></span></code></span></dt>
- match <span class="emphasis"><em>x</em></span> (escapes the other wildcards)
- </p></dd>
-<pre class="programlisting">while <span class="emphasis"><em>cond</em></span> { <span class="emphasis"><em>statements</em></span> }
- Repeatedly execute <span class="emphasis"><em>statements</em></span> while <span class="emphasis"><em>cond</em></span>
- remains true upon entry. (See the description of <span class="emphasis"><em>cond</em></span>
- expression syntax under if, above).
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">break ;
- Immediately exits the nearest enclosing while or for loop.
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">continue ;
- Jumps to the top of the nearest enclosing while or for loop.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.variables"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.variables" title="Variables">Variables</a>
-<div class="toc"><dl class="toc">
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.variables.expansion">Variable Expansion</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.variables.local_for_loop_variables">Local
- For Loop Variables</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.variables.atfile">Generated File Expansion</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.variables.builtins">Built-in Variables</a></span></dt>
- <code class="literal">B2</code> variables are lists of zero or more elements, with
- each element being a string value. An undefined variable is indistinguishable
- from a variable with an empty list, however, a defined variable may have
- one more elements which are null strings. All variables are referenced as
- <code class="literal">$(<span class="emphasis"><em>variable</em></span>)</code>.
- </p>
- Variables are either global or target-specific. In the latter case, the variable
- takes on the given value only during the updating of the specific target.
- </p>
- A variable is defined with:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting"><span class="emphasis"><em>variable</em></span> = <span class="emphasis"><em>elements</em></span> ;
-<span class="emphasis"><em>variable</em></span> += <span class="emphasis"><em>elements</em></span> ;
-<span class="emphasis"><em>variable</em></span> on <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> = <span class="emphasis"><em>elements</em></span> ;
-<span class="emphasis"><em>variable</em></span> on <span class="emphasis"><em>targets</em></span> += <span class="emphasis"><em>elements</em></span> ;
-<span class="emphasis"><em>variable</em></span> default = <span class="emphasis"><em>elements</em></span> ;
-<span class="emphasis"><em>variable</em></span> ?= <span class="emphasis"><em>elements</em></span> ;
- The first two forms set <span class="emphasis"><em>variable</em></span> globally. The third
- and forth forms set a target-specific variable. The <code class="literal">=</code>
- operator replaces any previous elements of <span class="emphasis"><em>variable</em></span>
- with <span class="emphasis"><em>elements</em></span>; the <code class="literal">+=</code> operation adds
- <span class="emphasis"><em>elements</em></span> to <span class="emphasis"><em>variable</em></span>'s list of
- elements. The final two forms are synonymous: they set <span class="emphasis"><em>variable</em></span>
- globally, but only if it was previously unset.
- </p>
- Variables referenced in updating commands will be replaced with their values;
- target-specific values take precedence over global values. Variables passed
- as arguments (<code class="literal">$(1)</code> and <code class="literal">$(2)</code>) to actions
- are replaced with their bound values; the "<code class="literal">bind</code>"
- modifier can be used on actions to cause other variables to be replaced with
- bound values. See Action Modifiers above.
- </p>
- <code class="literal">B2</code> variables are not re-exported to the environment of
- the shell that executes the updating actions, but the updating actions can
- reference <code class="literal">b2</code> variables with <code class="literal">$(<span class="emphasis"><em>variable</em></span>)</code>.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.variables.expansion"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.variables.expansion" title="Variable Expansion">Variable Expansion</a>
- During parsing, <code class="literal">b2</code> performs variable expansion on each
- token that is not a keyword or rule name. Such tokens with embedded variable
- references are replaced with zero or more tokens. Variable references are
- of the form <code class="literal">$(<span class="emphasis"><em>v</em></span>)</code> or <code class="literal">$(<span class="emphasis"><em>vm</em></span>)</code>,
- where <span class="emphasis"><em>v</em></span> is the variable name, and <span class="emphasis"><em>m</em></span>
- are optional modifiers.
- </p>
- Variable expansion in a rule's actions is similar to variable expansion
- in statements, except that the action string is tokenized at whitespace
- regardless of quoting.
- </p>
- The result of a token after variable expansion is the <span class="emphasis"><em>product</em></span>
- of the components of the token, where each component is a literal substring
- or a list substituting a variable reference. For example:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">$(X) -&gt; a b c
-t$(X) -&gt; ta tb tc
-$(X)z -&gt; az bz cz
-$(X)-$(X) -&gt; a-a a-b a-c b-a b-b b-c c-a c-b c-c
- The variable name and modifiers can themselves contain a variable reference,
- and this partakes of the product as well:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">$(X) -&gt; a b c
-$(Y) -&gt; 1 2
-$(Z) -&gt; X Y
-$($(Z)) -&gt; a b c 1 2
- Because of this product expansion, if any variable reference in a token
- is undefined, the result of the expansion is an empty list. If any variable
- element is a null string, the result propagates the non-null elements:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">$(X) -&gt; a ""
-$(Y) -&gt; "" 1
-$(Z) -&gt;
--$(X)$(Y)- -&gt; -a- -a1- -- -1-
--$(X)$(Z)- -&gt;
- A variable element's string value can be parsed into grist and filename-related
- components. Modifiers to a variable are used to select elements, select
- components, and replace components. The modifiers are:
- </p>
-<div class="variablelist">
-<p class="title"><b></b></p>
-<dl class="variablelist">
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">[<span class="emphasis"><em>n</em></span>]</code></span></dt>
- Select element number <span class="emphasis"><em>n</em></span> (starting at 1). If
- the variable contains fewer than <span class="emphasis"><em>n</em></span> elements,
- the result is a zero-element list. <span class="emphasis"><em>n</em></span> can be
- negative in which case the element number <span class="emphasis"><em>n</em></span>
- from the last leftward is returned.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">[<span class="emphasis"><em>n</em></span>-<span class="emphasis"><em>m</em></span>]</code></span></dt>
- Select elements number <span class="emphasis"><em>n</em></span> through <span class="emphasis"><em>m</em></span>.
- <span class="emphasis"><em>n</em></span> and <span class="emphasis"><em>m</em></span> can be negative
- in which case they refer to elements counting from the last leftward.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">[<span class="emphasis"><em>n</em></span>-]</code></span></dt>
- Select elements number <span class="emphasis"><em>n</em></span> through the last.
- <span class="emphasis"><em>n</em></span> can be negative in which case it refers to
- the element counting from the last leftward.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:B</code></span></dt>
- Select filename base.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:S</code></span></dt>
- Select (last) filename suffix.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:M</code></span></dt>
- Select archive member name.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:D</code></span></dt>
- Select directory path.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:P</code></span></dt>
- Select parent directory.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:G</code></span></dt>
- Select grist.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:U</code></span></dt>
- Replace lowercase characters with uppercase.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:L</code></span></dt>
- Replace uppercase characters with lowercase.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:T</code></span></dt>
- Converts all back-slashes ("\") to forward slashes ("/").
- For example
-<pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">x</span> <span class="special">=</span> <span class="string">"C:\\Program Files\\Borland"</span> <span class="special">;</span> <span class="identifier">ECHO</span> <span class="error">$</span><span class="special">(</span><span class="identifier">x</span><span class="special">:</span><span class="identifier">T</span><span class="special">)</span> <span class="special">;</span>
- prints <code class="literal">"C:/Program Files/Borland"</code>
- </p>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:W</code></span></dt>
- When invoking Windows-based tools from <a href="" target="_top">Cygwin</a>
- it can be important to pass them true windows-style paths. The <code class="literal">:W</code>
- modifier, <span class="bold"><strong>under Cygwin only</strong></span>, turns
- a cygwin path into a Win32 path using the <a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">cygwin_conv_to_win32_path</code></a>
- function. For example
-<pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">x</span> <span class="special">=</span> <span class="string">"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Borland"</span> <span class="special">;</span> <span class="identifier">ECHO</span> <span class="error">$</span><span class="special">(</span><span class="identifier">x</span><span class="special">:</span><span class="identifier">W</span><span class="special">)</span> <span class="special">;</span>
- prints <code class="literal">"C:\Program Files\Borland"</code> on
- Cygwin
- </p>
- Similarly, when used on OpenVMS, the <code class="literal">:W</code> modifier
- translates a POSIX-style path into native VMS-style format using
- <code class="literal">decc$to_vms</code> CRTL function. This modifier is generally
- used inside action blocks to properly specify file paths in VMS-specific
- commands. For example
-<pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">x</span> <span class="special">=</span> <span class="string">"subdir/filename.c"</span> <span class="special">;</span> <span class="identifier">ECHO</span> <span class="error">$</span><span class="special">(</span><span class="identifier">x</span><span class="special">:</span><span class="identifier">W</span><span class="special">)</span> <span class="special">;</span>
- prints <code class="literal">"[.subdir]filename.c"</code> on OpenVMS
- </p>
- On other platforms, the string is unchanged.
- </p>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:<span class="emphasis"><em>chars</em></span></code></span></dt>
- Select the components listed in <span class="emphasis"><em>chars</em></span>.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:G=<span class="emphasis"><em>grist</em></span></code></span></dt>
- Replace grist with <span class="emphasis"><em>grist</em></span>.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:D=<span class="emphasis"><em>path</em></span></code></span></dt>
- Replace directory with <span class="emphasis"><em>path</em></span>.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:B=<span class="emphasis"><em>base</em></span></code></span></dt>
- Replace the base part of file name with <span class="emphasis"><em>base</em></span>.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:S=<span class="emphasis"><em>suf</em></span></code></span></dt>
- Replace the suffix of file name with <span class="emphasis"><em>suf</em></span>.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:M=<span class="emphasis"><em>mem</em></span></code></span></dt>
- Replace the archive member name with <span class="emphasis"><em>mem</em></span>.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:R=<span class="emphasis"><em>root</em></span></code></span></dt>
- Prepend <span class="emphasis"><em>root</em></span> to the whole file name, if not
- already rooted.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:E=<span class="emphasis"><em>value</em></span></code></span></dt>
- Assign <span class="emphasis"><em>value</em></span> to the variable if it is unset.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">:J=<span class="emphasis"><em>joinval</em></span></code></span></dt>
- Concatentate list elements into single element, separated by <span class="emphasis"><em>joinval</em></span>'.
- </p></dd>
- On VMS, <code class="literal">$(var:P)</code> is the parent directory of <code class="literal">$(var:D)</code>.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.variables.local_for_loop_variables"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.variables.local_for_loop_variables" title="Local For Loop Variables">Local
- For Loop Variables</a>
- Boost Jam allows you to declare a local for loop control variable right
- in the loop:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">x = 1 2 3 ;
-y = 4 5 6 ;
-for <span class="bold"><strong>local</strong></span> y in $(x)
- ECHO $(y) ; # prints "1", "2", or "3"
-ECHO $(y) ; # prints "4 5 6"
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.variables.atfile"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.variables.atfile" title="Generated File Expansion">Generated File Expansion</a>
- During expansion of expressions <code class="literal">b2</code> also looks for subexpressions
- of the form <code class="literal">@(filename:E=filecontents)</code> and replaces
- the expression with <code class="literal">filename</code> after creating the given
- file with the contents set to <code class="literal">filecontents</code>. This is
- useful for creating compiler response files, and other "internal"
- files. The expansion works both during parsing and action execution. Hence
- it is possible to create files during any of the three build phases.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.variables.builtins"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.variables.builtins" title="Built-in Variables">Built-in Variables</a>
-<div class="toc"><dl class="toc">
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="">SEARCH and
- LOCATE</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.variables.builtins.hdrscan">HDRSCAN
- and HDRRULE</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.variables.builtins.semaphores">Semaphores</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.variables.builtins.platform_identifier">Platform
- Identifier</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.variables.builtins.jam_version">Jam
- Version</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.variables.builtins.jamshell">JAMSHELL</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.variables.builtins.actionrule"><code class="literal">__TIMING_RULE__</code>
- and <code class="literal">__ACTION_RULE__</code></a></span></dt>
- This section discusses variables that have special meaning to <code class="literal">b2</code>.
- All of these must be defined or used in the global module -- using those
- variables inside a named module will not have the desired effect. See
- <a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.modules" title="Modules">Modules</a>.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title">
-<a name=""></a><a class="link" href="" title="SEARCH and LOCATE">SEARCH and
- LOCATE</a>
- These two variables control the binding of file target names to locations
- in the file system. Generally, <code class="literal">$(SEARCH)</code> is used to
- find existing sources while <code class="literal">$(LOCATE)</code> is used to fix
- the location for built targets.
- </p>
- Rooted (absolute path) file targets are bound as is. Unrooted file target
- names are also normally bound as is, and thus relative to the current
- directory, but the settings of <code class="literal">$(LOCATE)</code> and <code class="literal">$(SEARCH)</code>
- alter this:
- </p>
-<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
-<li class="listitem">
- If <code class="literal">$(LOCATE)</code> is set then the target is bound relative
- to the first directory in <code class="literal">$(LOCATE)</code>. Only the
- first element is used for binding.
- </li>
-<li class="listitem">
- If <code class="literal">$(SEARCH)</code> is set then the target is bound to
- the first directory in <code class="literal">$(SEARCH)</code> where the target
- file already exists.
- </li>
-<li class="listitem">
- If the <code class="literal">$(SEARCH)</code> search fails, the target is bound
- relative to the current directory anyhow.
- </li>
- Both <code class="literal">$(SEARCH)</code> and <code class="literal">$(LOCATE)</code> should
- be set target-specific and not globally. If they were set globally,
- <code class="literal">b2</code> would use the same paths for all file binding,
- which is not likely to produce sane results. When writing your own rules,
- especially ones not built upon those in Jambase, you may need to set
- <code class="literal">$(SEARCH)</code> or <code class="literal">$(LOCATE)</code> directly.
- Almost all of the rules defined in Jambase set <code class="literal">$(SEARCH)</code>
- and <code class="literal">$(LOCATE)</code> to sensible values for sources they
- are looking for and targets they create, respectively.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.variables.builtins.hdrscan"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.variables.builtins.hdrscan" title="HDRSCAN and HDRRULE">HDRSCAN
- and HDRRULE</a>
- These two variables control header file scanning. <code class="literal">$(HDRSCAN)</code>
- is an <code class="literal">egrep(1)</code> pattern, with ()'s surrounding the
- file name, used to find file inclusion statements in source files. <code class="literal">Jambase</code>
- uses <code class="literal">$(HDRPATTERN)</code> as the pattern for <code class="literal">$(HDRSCAN)</code>.
- <code class="literal">$(HDRRULE)</code> is the name of a rule to invoke with the
- results of the scan: the scanned file is the target, the found files
- are the sources. This is the only place where <code class="literal">b2</code> invokes
- a rule through a variable setting.
- </p>
- Both <code class="literal">$(HDRSCAN)</code> and <code class="literal">$(HDRRULE)</code>
- must be set for header file scanning to take place, and they should be
- set target-specific and not globally. If they were set globally, all
- files, including executables and libraries, would be scanned for header
- file include statements.
- </p>
- The scanning for header file inclusions is not exact, but it is at least
- dynamic, so there is no need to run something like <code class="literal">makedepend(GNU)</code>
- to create a static dependency file. The scanning mechanism errs on the
- side of inclusion (i.e., it is more likely to return filenames that are
- not actually used by the compiler than to miss include files) because
- it can't tell if <code class="computeroutput"><span class="preprocessor">#include</span></code>
- lines are inside <code class="computeroutput"><span class="preprocessor">#ifdefs</span></code>
- or other conditional logic. In <code class="literal">Jambase</code>, <code class="literal">HdrRule</code>
- applies the <code class="literal">NOCARE</code> rule to each header file found
- during scanning so that if the file isn't present yet doesn't cause the
- compilation to fail, <code class="literal">b2</code> won't care.
- </p>
- Also, scanning for regular expressions only works where the included
- file name is literally in the source file. It can't handle languages
- that allow including files using variable names (as the <code class="literal">Jam</code>
- language itself does).
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.variables.builtins.semaphores"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.variables.builtins.semaphores" title="Semaphores">Semaphores</a>
- It is sometimes desirable to disallow parallel execution of some actions.
- For example:
- </p>
-<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
-<li class="listitem">
- Old versions of yacc use files with fixed names. So, running two
- yacc actions is dangerous.
- </li>
-<li class="listitem">
- One might want to perform parallel compiling, but not do parallel
- linking, because linking is i/o bound and only gets slower.
- </li>
- Craig McPeeters has extended Perforce Jam to solve such problems, and
- that extension was integrated in Boost.Jam.
- </p>
- Any target can be assigned a <span class="emphasis"><em>semaphore</em></span>, by setting
- a variable called <code class="literal">SEMAPHORE</code> on that target. The value
- of the variable is the semaphore name. It must be different from names
- of any declared target, but is arbitrary otherwise.
- </p>
- The semantic of semaphores is that in a group of targets which have the
- same semaphore, only one can be updated at the moment, regardless of
- "<code class="literal">-j</code>" option.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.variables.builtins.platform_identifier"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.variables.builtins.platform_identifier" title="Platform Identifier">Platform
- Identifier</a>
- A number of Jam built-in variables can be used to identify runtime platform:
- </p>
-<div class="variablelist">
-<p class="title"><b></b></p>
-<dl class="variablelist">
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">OS</code></span></dt>
- OS identifier string
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">OSPLAT</code></span></dt>
- Underlying architecture, when applicable
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">MAC</code></span></dt>
- true on MAC platform
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">NT</code></span></dt>
- true on NT platform
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">OS2</code></span></dt>
- true on OS2 platform
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">UNIX</code></span></dt>
- true on Unix platforms
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">VMS</code></span></dt>
- true on VMS platform
- </p></dd>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.variables.builtins.jam_version"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.variables.builtins.jam_version" title="Jam Version">Jam
- Version</a>
-<div class="variablelist">
-<p class="title"><b></b></p>
-<dl class="variablelist">
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">JAMDATE</code></span></dt>
- Time and date at <code class="literal">b2</code> start-up as an ISO-8601
- UTC value.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">JAMUNAME</code></span></dt>
- Ouput of uname(1) command (Unix only)
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">JAMVERSION</code></span></dt>
- <code class="literal">b2</code> version, currently "3.1.19"
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">JAM_VERSION</code></span></dt>
- A predefined global variable with two elements indicates the version
- number of Boost Jam. Boost Jam versions start at "<code class="literal">03</code>"
- "<code class="literal">00</code>". Earlier versions of <code class="literal">Jam</code>
- do not automatically define <code class="literal">JAM_VERSION</code>.
- </p></dd>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.variables.builtins.jamshell"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.variables.builtins.jamshell" title="JAMSHELL">JAMSHELL</a>
- When <code class="literal">b2</code> executes a rule's action block, it forks and
- execs a shell, passing the action block as an argument to the shell.
- The invocation of the shell can be controlled by <code class="literal">$(JAMSHELL)</code>.
- The default on Unix is, for example:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">JAMSHELL = /bin/sh -c % ;
- The <code class="literal">%</code> is replaced with the text of the action block.
- </p>
- <code class="literal">B2</code> does not directly support building in parallel
- across multiple hosts, since that is heavily dependent on the local environment.
- To build in parallel across multiple hosts, you need to write your own
- shell that provides access to the multiple hosts. You then reset <code class="literal">$(JAMSHELL)</code>
- to reference it.
- </p>
- Just as <code class="literal">b2</code> expands a <code class="literal">%</code> to be the
- text of the rule's action block, it expands a <code class="literal">!</code> to
- be the multi-process slot number. The slot number varies between 1 and
- the number of concurrent jobs permitted by the <code class="literal">-j</code>
- flag given on the command line. Armed with this, it is possible to write
- a multiple host shell. For example:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">#!/bin/sh
-# This sample JAMSHELL uses the SunOS on(1) command to execute a
-# command string with an identical environment on another host.
-# Set JAMSHELL = jamshell ! %
-# where jamshell is the name of this shell file.
-# This version handles up to -j6; after that they get executed
-# locally.
-case $1 in
-1|4) on winken sh -c "$2";;
-2|5) on blinken sh -c "$2";;
-3|6) on nod sh -c "$2";;
-*) eval "$2";;
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.variables.builtins.actionrule"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.variables.builtins.actionrule" title="__TIMING_RULE__ and __ACTION_RULE__"><code class="literal">__TIMING_RULE__</code>
- and <code class="literal">__ACTION_RULE__</code></a>
- The <code class="literal">__TIMING_RULE__</code> and <code class="literal">__ACTION_RULE__</code>
- can be set to the name of a rule for <code class="literal">b2</code> to call <span class="bold"><strong>after</strong></span> an action completes for a target. They both
- give diagnostic information about the action that completed. For <code class="literal">__TIMING_RULE__</code>
- the rule is called as:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">rule</span> <span class="identifier">timing</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">rule</span> <span class="special">(</span> <span class="identifier">args</span> <span class="special">*</span> <span class="special">:</span> <span class="identifier">target</span> <span class="special">:</span> <span class="identifier">start</span> <span class="identifier">end</span> <span class="identifier">user</span> <span class="identifier">system</span> <span class="special">)</span>
- And <code class="literal">__ACTION_RULE__</code> is called as:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">rule</span> <span class="identifier">action</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">rule</span> <span class="special">(</span> <span class="identifier">args</span> <span class="special">*</span> <span class="special">:</span> <span class="identifier">target</span> <span class="special">:</span> <span class="identifier">command</span> <span class="identifier">status</span> <span class="identifier">start</span> <span class="identifier">end</span> <span class="identifier">user</span> <span class="identifier">system</span> <span class="special">:</span> <span class="identifier">output</span> <span class="special">?</span> <span class="special">)</span>
- The arguments for both are:
- </p>
-<div class="variablelist">
-<p class="title"><b></b></p>
-<dl class="variablelist">
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">args</code></span></dt>
- Any values following the rule name in the <code class="literal">__TIMING_RULE__</code>
- or <code class="literal">__ACTION_RULE__</code> are passed along here.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">target</code></span></dt>
- The <code class="literal">b2</code> target that was built.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">command</code></span></dt>
- The text of the executed command in the action body.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">status</code></span></dt>
- The integer result of the executed command.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">start</code></span></dt>
- The starting timestamp of the executed command as a ISO-8601 UTC
- value.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">end</code></span></dt>
- The completion timestamp of the executed command as a ISO-8601
- UTC value.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">user</code></span></dt>
- The number of user CPU seconds the executed command spent as a
- floating point value.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">system</code></span></dt>
- The number of system CPU seconds the executed command spent as
- a floating point value.
- </p></dd>
-<dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">output</code></span></dt>
- The output of the command as a single string. The content of the
- output reflects the use of the <code class="literal">-pX</code> option.
- </p></dd>
-<div class="note"><table border="0" summary="Note">
-<td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Note]" src="../../../doc/src/images/note.png"></td>
-<th align="left">Note</th>
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
- If both variables are set for a target both are called, first <code class="literal">__TIMING_RULE__</code>
- then <code class="literal">__ACTION_RULE__</code>.
- </p></td></tr>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.modules"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.modules" title="Modules">Modules</a>
-<div class="toc"><dl class="toc">
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.modules.declaration">Declaration</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.modules.variable_scope">Variable Scope</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.modules.local_rules">Local Rules</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.modules.the__rulenames__rule">The <code class="literal">RULENAMES</code>
- Rule</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.modules.the__varnames__rule">The <code class="literal">VARNAMES</code>
- Rule</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.modules.the__import__rule">The <code class="literal">IMPORT</code>
- Rule</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.modules.the__export__rule">The <code class="literal">EXPORT</code>
- Rule</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.modules.the__caller_module__rule">The
- <code class="literal">CALLER_MODULE</code> Rule</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="language.html#jam.language.modules.the__delete_module__rule">The
- <code class="literal">DELETE_MODULE</code> Rule</a></span></dt>
- Boost Jam introduces support for modules, which provide some rudimentary
- namespace protection for rules and variables. A new keyword, "<code class="literal">module</code>"
- was also introduced. The features described in this section are primitives,
- meaning that they are meant to provide the operations needed to write Jam
- rules which provide a more elegant module interface.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.modules.declaration"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.modules.declaration" title="Declaration">Declaration</a>
-<pre class="programlisting">module <span class="emphasis"><em>expression</em></span> { ... }
- Code within the <code class="literal">{ ... }</code> executes within the module named
- by evaluating expression. Rule definitions can be found in the module's
- own namespace, and in the namespace of the global module as <span class="emphasis"><em>module-name</em></span>.<span class="emphasis"><em>rule-name</em></span>,
- so within a module, other rules in that module may always be invoked without
- qualification:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting"><span class="bold"><strong>module my_module</strong></span>
-<span class="bold"><strong>{</strong></span>
- rule salute ( x ) { ECHO $(x), world ; }
- rule greet ( ) { salute hello ; }
- greet ;
-<span class="bold"><strong>}</strong></span>
-<span class="bold"><strong>my_module.salute</strong></span> goodbye ;
- When an invoked rule is not found in the current module's namespace, it
- is looked up in the namespace of the global module, so qualified calls
- work across modules:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">module your_module
- rule bedtime ( ) { <span class="bold"><strong>my_module.salute</strong></span> goodnight ; }
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.modules.variable_scope"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.modules.variable_scope" title="Variable Scope">Variable Scope</a>
- Each module has its own set of dynamically nested variable scopes. When
- execution passes from module A to module B, all the variable bindings from
- A become unavailable, and are replaced by the bindings that belong to B.
- This applies equally to local and global variables:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">module A
- x = 1 ;
- rule f ( )
- {
- local y = 999 ; # becomes visible again when B.f calls A.g
- B.f ;
- }
- rule g ( )
- {
- ECHO $(y) ; # prints "999"
- }
-module B
- y = 2 ;
- rule f ( )
- {
- ECHO $(y) ; # always prints "2"
- A.g ;
- }
- The only way to access another module's variables is by entering that module:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule peek ( module-name ? : variables + )
- module $(module-name)
- {
- return $($(&gt;)) ;
- }
- Note that because existing variable bindings change whenever a new module
- scope is entered, argument bindings become unavailable. That explains the
- use of "<code class="literal">$(&gt;)</code>" in the peek rule above.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.modules.local_rules"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.modules.local_rules" title="Local Rules">Local Rules</a>
-<pre class="programlisting">local rule <span class="emphasis"><em>rulename</em></span>...
- The rule is declared locally to the current module. It is not entered in
- the global module with qualification, and its name will not appear in the
- result of:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">[ RULENAMES <span class="emphasis"><em>module-name</em></span> ]
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.modules.the__rulenames__rule"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.modules.the__rulenames__rule" title="The RULENAMES Rule">The <code class="literal">RULENAMES</code>
- Rule</a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule RULENAMES ( <span class="emphasis"><em>module</em></span> ? )
- Returns a list of the names of all non-local rules in the given module.
- If <span class="emphasis"><em>module</em></span> is omitted, the names of all non-local rules
- in the global module are returned.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.modules.the__varnames__rule"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.modules.the__varnames__rule" title="The VARNAMES Rule">The <code class="literal">VARNAMES</code>
- Rule</a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule VARNAMES ( <span class="emphasis"><em>module</em></span> ? )
- Returns a list of the names of all variable bindings in the given module.
- If <span class="emphasis"><em>module</em></span> is omitted, the names of all variable bindings
- in the global module are returned.
- </p>
-<div class="note"><table border="0" summary="Note">
-<td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Note]" src="../../../doc/src/images/note.png"></td>
-<th align="left">Note</th>
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
- This includes any local variables in rules from the call stack which
- have not returned at the time of the <code class="literal">VARNAMES</code> invocation.
- </p></td></tr>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.modules.the__import__rule"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.modules.the__import__rule" title="The IMPORT Rule">The <code class="literal">IMPORT</code>
- Rule</a>
- <code class="literal">IMPORT</code> allows rule name aliasing across modules:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule IMPORT ( <span class="emphasis"><em>source_module</em></span> ? : <span class="emphasis"><em>source_rules</em></span> *
- : <span class="emphasis"><em>target_module</em></span> ? : <span class="emphasis"><em>target_rules</em></span> * )
- The <code class="literal">IMPORT</code> rule copies rules from the <span class="emphasis"><em>source_module</em></span>
- into the <span class="emphasis"><em>target_module</em></span> as local rules. If either
- <span class="emphasis"><em>source_module</em></span> or <span class="emphasis"><em>target_module</em></span>
- is not supplied, it refers to the global module. <span class="emphasis"><em>source_rules</em></span>
- specifies which rules from the <span class="emphasis"><em>source_module</em></span> to import;
- <span class="emphasis"><em>target_rules</em></span> specifies the names to give those rules
- in <span class="emphasis"><em>target_module</em></span>. If <span class="emphasis"><em>source_rules</em></span>
- contains a name which doesn't correspond to a rule in <span class="emphasis"><em>source_module</em></span>,
- or if it contains a different number of items than <span class="emphasis"><em>target_rules</em></span>,
- an error is issued. For example,
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting"># import m1.rule1 into m2 as local rule m1-rule1.
-IMPORT m1 : rule1 : m2 : m1-rule1 ;
-# import all non-local rules from m1 into m2
-IMPORT m1 : [ RULENAMES m1 ] : m2 : [ RULENAMES m1 ] ;
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.modules.the__export__rule"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.modules.the__export__rule" title="The EXPORT Rule">The <code class="literal">EXPORT</code>
- Rule</a>
- <code class="literal">EXPORT</code> allows rule name aliasing across modules:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule EXPORT ( <span class="emphasis"><em>module</em></span> ? : <span class="emphasis"><em>rules</em></span> * )
- The <code class="literal">EXPORT</code> rule marks <span class="emphasis"><em>rules</em></span> from
- the <code class="literal">source_module</code> as non-local (and thus exportable).
- If an element of <span class="emphasis"><em>rules</em></span> does not name a rule in <span class="emphasis"><em>module</em></span>,
- an error is issued. For example,
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">module X {
- local rule r { ECHO X.r ; }
-IMPORT X : r : : r ; # error - r is local in X
-EXPORT X : r ;
-IMPORT X : r : : r ; # OK.
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.modules.the__caller_module__rule"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.modules.the__caller_module__rule" title="The CALLER_MODULE Rule">The
- <code class="literal">CALLER_MODULE</code> Rule</a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule CALLER_MODULE ( <span class="emphasis"><em>levels</em></span> ? )
- <code class="literal">CALLER_MODULE</code> returns the name of the module scope enclosing
- the call to its caller (if levels is supplied, it is interpreted as an
- integer number of additional levels of call stack to traverse to locate
- the module). If the scope belongs to the global module, or if no such module
- exists, returns the empty list. For example, the following prints "{Y}
- {X}":
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">module X {
- rule get-caller { return [ CALLER_MODULE ] ; }
- rule get-caller's-caller { return [ CALLER_MODULE 1 ] ; }
- rule call-Y { return ; }
-module Y {
- rule call-X { return X.get-caller ; }
- rule call-X2 { return X.get-caller's-caller ; }
-callers = [ X.get-caller ] [ ] [ ] ;
-ECHO {$(callers)} ;
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name="jam.language.modules.the__delete_module__rule"></a><a class="link" href="language.html#jam.language.modules.the__delete_module__rule" title="The DELETE_MODULE Rule">The
- <code class="literal">DELETE_MODULE</code> Rule</a>
-<pre class="programlisting">rule DELETE_MODULE ( <span class="emphasis"><em>module</em></span> ? )
- <code class="literal">DELETE_MODULE</code> removes all of the variable bindings and
- otherwise-unreferenced rules from the given module (or the global module,
- if no module is supplied), and returns their memory to the system.
- </p>
-<div class="note"><table border="0" summary="Note">
-<td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Note]" src="../../../doc/src/images/note.png"></td>
-<th align="left">Note</th>
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
- Though it won't affect rules that are currently executing until they
- complete, <code class="literal">DELETE_MODULE</code> should be used with extreme
- care because it will wipe out any others and all variable (including
- locals in that module) immediately. Because of the way dynamic binding
- works, variables which are shadowed by locals will not be destroyed,
- so the results can be really unpredictable.
- </p></td></tr>
-<table xmlns:rev="" width="100%"><tr>
-<td align="left"></td>
-<td align="right"><div class="copyright-footer">Copyright &#169; 2003-2007 Rene Rivera, David Abrahams, Vladimir Prus<p>
- Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
- file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <a href="" target="_top"></a>)
- </p>
-<div class="spirit-nav">
-<a accesskey="p" href="../jam.html"><img src="../../../doc/src/images/prev.png" alt="Prev"></a><a accesskey="u" href="../jam.html"><img src="../../../doc/src/images/up.png" alt="Up"></a><a accesskey="h" href="../index.html"><img src="../../../doc/src/images/home.png" alt="Home"></a><a accesskey="n" href="miscellaneous.html"><img src="../../../doc/src/images/next.png" alt="Next"></a>