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-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
-<a name="bbv2.tutorial"></a>Tutorial</h2></div></div></div>
-<div class="toc"><dl class="toc">
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="tutorial.html#bbv2.tutorial.hello">Hello, world</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="">Properties</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="tutorial.html#bbv2.tutorial.hierarchy">Project Hierarchies</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="tutorial.html#bbv2.tutorial.libs">Dependent Targets</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="tutorial.html#bbv2.tutorial.linkage">Static and shared libraries</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="tutorial.html#bbv2.tutorial.conditions">Conditions and alternatives</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="tutorial.html#bbv2.tutorial.prebuilt">Prebuilt targets</a></span></dt>
- This section will guide you though the most basic features of Boost.Build.
- We will start with the &#8220;Hello, world&#8221; example, learn how
- to use libraries, and finish with testing and installing features.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
-<a name="bbv2.tutorial.hello"></a>Hello, world</h3></div></div></div>
- The simplest project that Boost.Build can construct is stored in
- <code class="filename">example/hello/</code> directory. The project is described by
- a file called <code class="filename">Jamroot</code> that contains:
-<pre class="programlisting">
-exe hello <span class="special">:</span> hello.cpp <span class="special">;</span>
- Even with this simple setup, you can do some interesting things. First of
- all, just invoking <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> will build the <code class="filename">hello
- </code> executable by compiling and linking <code class="filename">hello.cpp
- </code>. By default, the debug variant is built. Now, to build the release
- variant of <code class="filename">hello</code>, invoke
-<pre class="screen">
-b2 release
- Note that the debug and release variants are created in different directories,
- so you can switch between variants or even build multiple variants at
- once, without any unnecessary recompilation. Let us extend the example by
- adding another line to our project's <code class="filename">Jamroot</code>:
-<pre class="programlisting">
-exe hello2 <span class="special">:</span> hello.cpp <span class="special">;</span>
- Now let us build both the debug and release variants of our project again:
-<pre class="screen">
-b2 debug release
- Note that two variants of <code class="filename">hello2</code> are linked. Since we
- have already built both variants of <code class="filename">hello</code>, hello.cpp
- will not be recompiled; instead the existing object files will just be
- linked into the corresponding variants of <code class="filename">hello2</code>. Now
- let us remove all the built products:
-<pre class="screen">
-b2 --clean debug release
- It is also possible to build or clean specific targets. The following two
- commands, respectively, build or clean only the debug version of
- <code class="filename">hello2</code>.
-<pre class="screen">
-b2 hello2
-b2 --clean hello2
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
-<a name=""></a>Properties</h3></div></div></div>
-<div class="toc"><dl class="toc">
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="">Build Requests and Target Requirements</a></span></dt>
-<dt><span class="section"><a href="">Project Attributes</a></span></dt>
- To represent aspects of target configuration such as
- debug and release variants, or single- and multi-threaded
- builds portably, Boost.Build uses <em class="firstterm">features</em> with
- associated <em class="firstterm">values</em>. For
- example, the <code class="computeroutput">debug-symbols</code> feature can have a value of <code class="computeroutput">on</code> or
- <code class="computeroutput">off</code>. A <em class="firstterm">property</em> is just a (feature,
- value) pair. When a user initiates a build, Boost.Build
- automatically translates the requested properties into appropriate
- command-line flags for invoking toolset components like compilers
- and linkers.
- </p>
- There are many built-in features that can be combined to
- produce arbitrary build configurations. The following command
- builds the project's <code class="computeroutput">release</code> variant with inlining
- disabled and debug symbols enabled:
-<pre class="screen">
-b2 release inlining=off debug-symbols=on
- </p>
- Properties on the command-line are specified with the syntax:
-<pre class="screen">
-<em class="replaceable"><code>feature-name</code></em>=<em class="replaceable"><code>feature-value</code></em>
- </p>
- The <code class="option">release</code> and <code class="option">debug</code> that we have seen
- in <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> invocations are just a shorthand way to specify
- values of the <code class="varname">variant</code> feature. For example, the
- command above could also have been written this way:
- </p>
-<pre class="screen">
-b2 variant=release inlining=off debug-symbols=on
- </pre>
- </p>
- <code class="varname">variant</code> is so commonly-used that it has been given
- special status as an <em class="firstterm">implicit</em> feature&#8212;
- Boost.Build will deduce its identity just from the name of one of its
- values.
- </p>
- A complete description of features can be found in <a class="xref" href="reference.html#bbv2.reference.features" title="Features and properties">the section called &#8220;Features and properties&#8221;</a>.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name=""></a>Build Requests and Target Requirements</h4></div></div></div>
- The set of properties specified on the command line constitutes
- a <em class="firstterm">build request</em>&#8212;a description of
- the desired properties for building the requested targets (or,
- if no targets were explicitly requested, the project in the
- current directory). The <span class="emphasis"><em>actual</em></span>
- properties used for building targets are typically a
- combination of the build request and properties derived from
- the project's <code class="filename">Jamroot</code> (and its other
- Jamfiles, as described in <a class="xref" href="tutorial.html#bbv2.tutorial.hierarchy" title="Project Hierarchies">the section called &#8220;Project Hierarchies&#8221;</a>). For example, the
- locations of <code class="computeroutput">#include</code>d header files are normally
- not specified on the command-line, but described in
- Jamfiles as <em class="firstterm">target
- requirements</em> and automatically combined with the
- build request for those targets. Multithread-enabled
- compilation is another example of a typical target
- requirement. The Jamfile fragment below
- illustrates how these requirements might be specified.
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
-exe hello
- <span class="special">:</span> hello.cpp
- <span class="special">:</span> &lt;include&gt;boost &lt;threading&gt;multi
- <span class="special">;</span>
- When <code class="filename">hello</code> is built, the two requirements specified
- above will always be present. If the build request given on the
- <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> command-line explictly contradicts a target's
- requirements, the target requirements usually override (or, in the case
- of &#8220;free&#8221;&#8221; features like
- <code class="varname">&lt;include&gt;</code>,
- <a href="" class="footnote" name="id-"><sup class="footnote">[32]</sup></a>
- augment) the build request.
- </p>
-<div class="tip"><table border="0" summary="Tip">
-<td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Tip]" src="../../../doc/src/images/tip.png"></td>
-<th align="left">Tip</th>
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
- The value of the <code class="varname">&lt;include&gt;</code> feature is
- relative to the location of <code class="filename">Jamroot</code> where it is
- used.
- </p></td></tr>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
-<a name=""></a>Project Attributes</h4></div></div></div>
- If we want the same requirements for our other target,
- <code class="filename">hello2</code>, we could simply duplicate them. However,
- as projects grow, that approach leads to a great deal of repeated
- boilerplate in Jamfiles.
- Fortunately, there's a better way. Each project can specify a set of
- <em class="firstterm">attributes</em>, including requirements:
-<pre class="programlisting">
- <span class="special">:</span> requirements &lt;include&gt;/home/ghost/Work/boost &lt;threading&gt;multi
- <span class="special">;</span>
-exe hello <span class="special">:</span> hello.cpp <span class="special">;</span>
-exe hello2 <span class="special">:</span> hello.cpp <span class="special">;</span></pre>
- The effect would be as if we specified the same requirement for both
- <code class="filename">hello</code> and <code class="filename">hello2</code>.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
-<a name="bbv2.tutorial.hierarchy"></a>Project Hierarchies</h3></div></div></div>
- So far we have only considered examples with one project, with
- one user-written Boost.Jam file, <code class="filename">Jamroot</code>. A typical
- large codebase would be composed of many projects organized into a tree.
- The top of the tree is called the <em class="firstterm">project root</em>.
- Every subproject is defined by a file called <code class="filename">Jamfile</code>
- in a descendant directory of the project root. The parent project of a
- subproject is defined by the nearest <code class="filename">Jamfile</code> or
- <code class="filename">Jamroot</code> file in an ancestor directory. For example,
- in the following directory layout:
-<pre class="screen">
- |
- +-- Jamroot
- |
- +-- app/
- | |
- | +-- Jamfile
- | `-- app.cpp
- |
- `-- util/
- |
- +-- foo/
- . |
- . +-- Jamfile
- . `-- bar.cpp
- the project root is <code class="filename">top/</code>. The projects in
- <code class="filename">top/app/</code> and <code class="filename">top/util/foo/</code> are
- immediate children of the root project.
- </p>
-<div class="note"><table border="0" summary="Note">
-<td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Note]" src="../../../doc/src/images/note.png"></td>
-<th align="left">Note</th>
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
- When we refer to a &#8220;Jamfile,&#8221; set in normal
- type, we mean a file called either
- <code class="filename">Jamfile</code> or
- <code class="filename">Jamroot</code>. When we need to be more
- specific, the filename will be set as
- &#8220;<code class="filename">Jamfile</code>&#8221; or
- &#8220;<code class="filename">Jamroot</code>.&#8221;
- </p></td></tr>
- </p>
- Projects inherit all attributes (such as requirements)
- from their parents. Inherited requirements are combined with
- any requirements specified by the subproject.
- For example, if <code class="filename">top/Jamroot</code> has
-<pre class="programlisting">
- in its requirements, then all of its subprojects will have it
- in their requirements, too. Of course, any project can add
- include paths to those specified by its parents. <a href="" class="footnote" name="id-"><sup class="footnote">[33]</sup></a>
- More details can be found in
- <a class="xref" href="overview.html#bbv2.overview.projects" title="Projects">the section called &#8220;Projects&#8221;</a>.
- </p>
- Invoking <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> without explicitly specifying
- any targets on the command line builds the project rooted in the
- current directory. Building a project does not automatically
- cause its subprojects to be built unless the parent project's
- Jamfile explicitly requests it. In our example,
- <code class="filename">top/Jamroot</code> might contain:
-<pre class="programlisting">
-build-project app <span class="special">;</span>
- which would cause the project in <code class="filename">top/app/</code>
- to be built whenever the project in <code class="filename">top/</code> is
- built. However, targets in <code class="filename">top/util/foo/</code>
- will be built only if they are needed by targets in
- <code class="filename">top/</code> or <code class="filename">top/app/</code>.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
-<a name="bbv2.tutorial.libs"></a>Dependent Targets</h3></div></div></div>
- When building a target <code class="filename">X</code> that depends on first
- building another target <code class="filename">Y</code> (such as a
- library that must be linked with <em class="firstterm">X</em>),
- <code class="filename">Y</code> is called a
- <em class="firstterm">dependency</em> of <code class="filename">X</code> and
- <code class="filename">X</code> is termed a
- <em class="firstterm">dependent</em> of <code class="filename">Y</code>.
- </p>
-<p>To get a feeling of target dependencies, let's continue the
- above example and see how <code class="filename">top/app/Jamfile</code> can
- use libraries from <code class="filename">top/util/foo</code>. If
- <code class="filename">top/util/foo/Jamfile</code> contains
-<pre class="programlisting">
-lib bar <span class="special">:</span> bar.cpp <span class="special">;</span>
- then to use this library in <code class="filename">top/app/Jamfile</code>, we can
- write:
-<pre class="programlisting">
-exe app <span class="special">:</span> app.cpp ../util/foo//bar <span class="special">;</span>
- While <code class="computeroutput">app.cpp</code> refers to a regular source file,
- <code class="computeroutput">../util/foo//bar</code> is a reference to another target:
- a library <code class="filename">bar</code> declared in the Jamfile at
- <code class="filename">../util/foo</code>.
- </p>
-<div class="tip"><table border="0" summary="Tip">
-<td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Tip]" src="../../../doc/src/images/tip.png"></td>
-<th align="left">Tip</th>
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>Some other build system have special syntax for listing dependent
- libraries, for example <code class="varname">LIBS</code> variable. In Boost.Build,
- you just add the library to the list of sources.
- </p></td></tr>
-<p>Suppose we build <code class="filename">app</code> with:
- </p>
-<pre class="screen">
-b2 app optimization=full define=USE_ASM
- </pre>
- Which properties will be used to build <code class="computeroutput">foo</code>? The answer is
- that some features are
- <em class="firstterm">propagated</em>&#8212;Boost.Build attempts to use
- dependencies with the same value of propagated features. The
- <code class="varname">&lt;optimization&gt;</code> feature is propagated, so both
- <code class="filename">app</code> and <code class="filename">foo</code> will be compiled
- with full optimization. But <code class="varname">&lt;define&gt;</code> is not
- propagated: its value will be added as-is to the compiler flags for
- <code class="filename">a.cpp</code>, but won't affect <code class="filename">foo</code>.
- </p>
- Let's improve this project further. The library probably has some headers
- that must be used when compiling <code class="filename">app.cpp</code>. We could
- manually add the necessary <code class="computeroutput">#include</code> paths to
- <code class="filename">app</code>'s requirements as values of the
- <code class="varname">&lt;include&gt; </code> feature, but then this work will be
- repeated for all programs that use <code class="filename">foo</code>. A better
- solution is to modify <code class="filename">util/foo/Jamfile</code> in this way:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
- <span class="special">:</span> usage-requirements &lt;include&gt;.
- <span class="special">;</span>
-lib foo <span class="special">:</span> foo.cpp <span class="special">;</span></pre>
- Usage requirements are applied not to the target being declared but to its
- dependents. In this case, <code class="literal">&lt;include&gt;.</code> will be
- applied to all targets that directly depend on <code class="filename">foo</code>.
- </p>
- Another improvement is using symbolic identifiers to refer to the library,
- as opposed to <code class="filename">Jamfile</code> location. In a large project, a
- library can be used by many targets, and if they all use <code class="filename">Jamfile
- </code> location, a change in directory organization entails much
- work. The solution is to use project ids&#8212;symbolic names not tied to
- directory layout. First, we need to assign a project id by adding this
- code to <code class="filename">Jamroot</code>:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
-use-project /library-example/foo <span class="special">:</span> util/foo <span class="special">;</span></pre>
- Second, we modify <code class="filename">app/Jamfile</code> to use the project id:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
-exe app : app.cpp /library-example/foo//bar ;</pre>
- The <code class="filename">/library-example/foo//bar</code> syntax is used to refer
- to the target <code class="filename">bar</code> in the project with id <code class="filename">
- /library-example/foo</code>. We've achieved our goal&#8212;if the
- library is moved to a different directory, only <code class="filename">Jamroot
- </code> must be modified. Note that project ids are global&#8212;two
- Jamfiles are not allowed to assign the same project id to different
- directories.
- </p>
-<div class="tip"><table border="0" summary="Tip">
-<td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Tip]" src="../../../doc/src/images/tip.png"></td>
-<th align="left">Tip</th>
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top">
-<p>If you want all applications in some project to link to a certain
- library, you can avoid having to specify directly the sources of
- every target by using the <code class="varname">&lt;library&gt;</code> property.
- For example, if <code class="filename">/boost/filesystem//fs</code> should be
- linked to all applications in your project, you can add
- <code class="computeroutput">&lt;library&gt;/boost/filesystem//fs</code> to the project's
- requirements, like this:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
- <span class="special">:</span> requirements &lt;library&gt;/boost/filesystem//fs
- <span class="special">;</span></pre>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
-<a name="bbv2.tutorial.linkage"></a>Static and shared libraries</h3></div></div></div>
- Libraries can be either <span class="emphasis"><em>static</em></span>, which means they are
- included in executable files that use them, or <span class="emphasis"><em>shared</em></span>
- (a.k.a. <span class="emphasis"><em>dynamic</em></span>), which are only referred to from
- executables, and must be available at run time. Boost.Build can create and
- use both kinds.
- </p>
- The kind of library produced from a <code class="computeroutput">lib</code> target is determined
- by the value of the <code class="varname">link</code> feature. Default value is
- <code class="literal">shared</code>, and to build a static library, the value should
- be <code class="literal">static</code>. You can request a static build either on the
- command line:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">b2 link=static</pre>
- or in the library's requirements:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">lib l <span class="special">:</span> l.cpp <span class="special">:</span> &lt;link&gt;static <span class="special">;</span></pre>
- </p>
- We can also use the <code class="varname">&lt;link&gt;</code> property to express
- linking requirements on a per-target basis. For example, if a particular
- executable can be correctly built only with the static version of a
- library, we can qualify the executable's <a class="link" href="reference.html#bbv2.reference.targets.references">target reference</a> to the
- library as follows:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
-exe important <span class="special">:</span> main.cpp helpers/&lt;link&gt;static <span class="special">;</span></pre>
- No matter what arguments are specified on the <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span>
- command line, <code class="filename">important</code> will only be linked with the
- static version of <code class="filename">helpers</code>.
- </p>
- Specifying properties in target references is especially useful if you use
- a library defined in some other project (one you can't change) but you
- still want static (or dynamic) linking to that library in all cases. If
- that library is used by many targets, you <span class="emphasis"><em>could</em></span> use
- target references everywhere:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
-exe e1 <span class="special">:</span> e1.cpp /other_project//bar/&lt;link&gt;static <span class="special">;</span>
-exe e10 <span class="special">:</span> e10.cpp /other_project//bar/&lt;link&gt;static <span class="special">;</span></pre>
- but that's far from being convenient. A better approach is to introduce a
- level of indirection. Create a local <span class="type">alias</span> target that refers
- to the static (or dynamic) version of <code class="filename">foo</code>:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
-alias foo : /other_project//bar/&lt;link&gt;static ;
-exe e1 : e1.cpp foo ;
-exe e10 : e10.cpp foo ;</pre>
- The <a class="link" href="tasks.html#bbv2.tasks.alias" title="Alias">alias</a> rule is specifically
- used to rename a reference to a target and possibly change the
- properties.
- </p>
-<div class="tip"><table border="0" summary="Tip">
-<td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Tip]" src="../../../doc/src/images/tip.png"></td>
-<th align="left">Tip</th>
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top">
- When one library uses another, you put the second library in the source
- list of the first. For example:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
-lib utils <span class="special">:</span> utils.cpp /boost/filesystem//fs <span class="special">;</span>
-lib core <span class="special">:</span> core.cpp utils <span class="special">;</span>
-exe app <span class="special">:</span> app.cpp core <span class="special">;</span></pre>
- This works no matter what kind of linking is used. When <code class="filename">core
- </code> is built as a shared library, links <code class="filename">utils
- </code> directly into it. Static libraries can't link to other
- libraries, so when <code class="filename">core</code> is built as a static
- library, its dependency on <code class="filename">utils</code> is passed along to
- <code class="filename">core</code>'s dependents, causing <code class="filename">app</code>
- to be linked with both <code class="filename">core</code> and <code class="filename">utils
- </code>.
- </p>
-<div class="note"><table border="0" summary="Note">
-<td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Note]" src="../../../doc/src/images/note.png"></td>
-<th align="left">Note</th>
-<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
- (Note for non-UNIX system). Typically, shared libraries must be
- installed to a directory in the dynamic linker's search path. Otherwise,
- applications that use shared libraries can't be started. On Windows, the
- dynamic linker's search path is given by the <code class="envar">PATH</code>
- environment variable. This restriction is lifted when you use
- Boost.Build testing facilities&#8212;the <code class="envar">PATH</code> variable
- will be automatically adjusted before running the executable.
- </p></td></tr>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
-<a name="bbv2.tutorial.conditions"></a>Conditions and alternatives</h3></div></div></div>
- Sometimes, particular relationships need to be maintained among a target's
- build properties. For example, you might want to set specific <code class="computeroutput">
- #define</code> when a library is built as shared, or when a target's
- <code class="computeroutput">release</code> variant is built. This can be achieved using
- <em class="firstterm">conditional requirements</em>.
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
-lib network <span class="special">:</span> network.cpp
- <span class="special">:</span> <span class="bold"><strong>&lt;link&gt;shared:&lt;define&gt;NETWORK_LIB_SHARED</strong></span>
- &lt;variant&gt;release:&lt;define&gt;EXTRA_FAST
- <span class="special">;</span></pre>
- In the example above, whenever <code class="filename">network</code> is built with
- <code class="computeroutput">&lt;link&gt;shared</code>, <code class="computeroutput">&lt;define&gt;NETWORK_LIB_SHARED
- </code> will be in its properties, too. Also, whenever its release variant
- is built, <code class="computeroutput">&lt;define&gt;EXTRA_FAST</code> will appear in its
- properties.
- </p>
- Sometimes the ways a target is built are so different that describing them
- using conditional requirements would be hard. For example, imagine that a
- library actually uses different source files depending on the toolset used
- to build it. We can express this situation using <em class="firstterm">target
- alternatives</em>:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
-lib demangler <span class="special">:</span> dummy_demangler.cpp <span class="special">;</span> <span class="comment"># alternative 1</span>
-lib demangler <span class="special">:</span> demangler_gcc.cpp <span class="special">:</span> &lt;toolset&gt;gcc <span class="special">;</span> <span class="comment"># alternative 2</span>
-lib demangler <span class="special">:</span> demangler_msvc.cpp <span class="special">:</span> &lt;toolset&gt;msvc <span class="special">;</span> <span class="comment"># alternative 3</span></pre>
- When building <code class="filename">demangler</code>, Boost.Build will compare
- requirements for each alternative with build properties to find the best
- match. For example, when building with <code class="computeroutput">&lt;toolset&gt;gcc</code>
- alternative 2, will be selected, and when building with
- <code class="computeroutput">&lt;toolset&gt;msvc</code> alternative 3 will be selected. In all
- other cases, the most generic alternative 1 will be built.
- </p>
-<div class="section">
-<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
-<a name="bbv2.tutorial.prebuilt"></a>Prebuilt targets</h3></div></div></div>
- To link to libraries whose build instructions aren't given in a Jamfile,
- you need to create <code class="computeroutput">lib</code> targets with an appropriate
- <code class="varname">file</code> property. Target alternatives can be used to
- associate multiple library files with a single conceptual target. For
- example:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
-<span class="comment"># util/lib2/Jamfile</span>
-lib lib2
- <span class="special">:</span>
- <span class="special">:</span> &lt;file&gt;lib2_release.a &lt;variant&gt;release
- <span class="special">;</span>
-lib lib2
- <span class="special">:</span>
- <span class="special">:</span> &lt;file&gt;lib2_debug.a &lt;variant&gt;debug
- <span class="special">;</span></pre>
- This example defines two alternatives for <code class="filename">lib2</code>, and
- for each one names a prebuilt file. Naturally, there are no sources.
- Instead, the <code class="varname">&lt;file&gt;</code> feature is used to specify
- the file name.
- </p>
- Once a prebuilt target has been declared, it can be used just like any
- other target:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
-exe app <span class="special">:</span> app.cpp ../util/lib2//lib2 <span class="special">;</span></pre>
- As with any target, the alternative selected depends on the properties
- propagated from <code class="filename">lib2</code>'s dependents. If we build the
- release and debug versions of <code class="filename">app</code> it will be linked
- with <code class="filename">lib2_release.a</code> and <code class="filename">lib2_debug.a
- </code>, respectively.
- </p>
- System libraries&#8212;those that are automatically found by the toolset
- by searching through some set of predetermined paths&#8212;should be
- declared almost like regular ones:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
-lib pythonlib <span class="special">:</span> <span class="special">:</span> &lt;name&gt;python22 <span class="special">;</span></pre>
- We again don't specify any sources, but give a <code class="varname">name</code>
- that should be passed to the compiler. If the gcc toolset were used to
- link an executable target to <code class="filename">pythonlib</code>,
- <code class="option">-lpython22</code> would appear in the command line (other
- compilers may use different options).
- </p>
- We can also specify where the toolset should look for the library:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
-lib pythonlib <span class="special">:</span> <span class="special">:</span> &lt;name&gt;python22 &lt;search&gt;/opt/lib <span class="special">;</span></pre>
- And, of course, target alternatives can be used in the usual way:
- </p>
-<pre class="programlisting">
-lib pythonlib <span class="special">:</span> <span class="special">:</span> &lt;name&gt;python22 &lt;variant&gt;release <span class="special">;</span>
-lib pythonlib <span class="special">:</span> <span class="special">:</span> &lt;name&gt;python22_d &lt;variant&gt;debug <span class="special">;</span></pre>
- </p>
- A more advanced use of prebuilt targets is described in <a class="xref" href="" title="Targets in site-config.jam">the section called &#8220;Targets in site-config.jam&#8221;</a>.
- </p>
-<div class="footnotes">
-<br><hr style="width:100; text-align:left;margin-left: 0">
-<div id="" class="footnote"><p><a href="#id-" class="para"><sup class="para">[32] </sup></a>
- See <a class="xref" href="reference.html#bbv2.reference.features.attributes" title="Feature Attributes">the section called &#8220;Feature Attributes&#8221;</a>
- </p></div>
-<div id="" class="footnote"><p><a href="#id-" class="para"><sup class="para">[33] </sup></a>Many
- features will be overridden,
- rather than added-to, in subprojects. See <a class="xref" href="reference.html#bbv2.reference.features.attributes" title="Feature Attributes">the section called &#8220;Feature Attributes&#8221;</a> for more
- information</p></div>
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