path: root/boost/test/impl/framework.ipp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'boost/test/impl/framework.ipp')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/boost/test/impl/framework.ipp b/boost/test/impl/framework.ipp
index 78459bac27..a513c612e1 100644
--- a/boost/test/impl/framework.ipp
+++ b/boost/test/impl/framework.ipp
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include <boost/test/unit_test_parameters.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test_log.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test_log_formatter.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test_monitor.hpp>
#include <boost/test/results_collector.hpp>
#include <boost/test/progress_monitor.hpp>
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
#include <boost/test/utils/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/test/utils/basic_cstring/io.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/utils/basic_cstring/compare.hpp>
#include <boost/test/detail/global_typedef.hpp>
#include <boost/test/detail/throw_exception.hpp>
@@ -53,6 +55,7 @@
#include <set>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
+#include <numeric>
namespace std { using ::time; using ::srand; }
@@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ tu_depth( test_unit_id tu_id, test_unit_id master_tu_id, order_info_per_tu& tuoi
return 0;
order_info& info = tuoi[tu_id];
if( info.depth == -1 )
info.depth = tu_depth( get_tu_parent( tu_id ), master_tu_id, tuoi ) + 1;
@@ -236,12 +239,12 @@ public:
name_filter( test_unit_id_list& targ_list, const_string filter_expr ) : m_targ_list( targ_list ), m_depth( 0 )
- utils::string_token_iterator tit( filter_expr, (utils::dropped_delimeters = "/",
+ utils::string_token_iterator tit( filter_expr, (utils::dropped_delimeters = "/",
utils::kept_delimeters = utils::dt_none) );
while( tit != utils::string_token_iterator() ) {
- m_components.push_back(
- std::vector<component>( utils::string_token_iterator( *tit, (utils::dropped_delimeters = ",",
+ m_components.push_back(
+ std::vector<component>( utils::string_token_iterator( *tit, (utils::dropped_delimeters = ",",
utils::kept_delimeters = utils::dt_none) ),
utils::string_token_iterator() ) );
@@ -261,6 +264,7 @@ private:
std::vector<component> const& filters = m_components[m_depth-1];
// look for match
+ using namespace boost::placeholders;
return std::find_if( filters.begin(), filters.end(), bind( &component::pass, _1, boost::ref(tu) ) ) != filters.end();
@@ -351,8 +355,8 @@ private:
if( dep.p_run_status == tu.p_run_status )
- BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( "Including test " << dep.p_type_name << ' ' << dep.full_name() <<
- " as a dependency of test " << tu.p_type_name << ' ' << tu.full_name() );
+ BOOST_TEST_FRAMEWORK_MESSAGE( "Including test " << dep.p_type_name << ' ' << dep.full_name() <<
+ " as a dependency of test " << tu.p_type_name << ' ' << tu.full_name() );
m_dep_collector->push_back( dep_id );
@@ -397,22 +401,32 @@ parse_filters( test_unit_id master_tu_id, test_unit_id_list& tu_to_enable, test_
BOOST_TEST_FOREACH( const_string, filter, filters ) {
BOOST_TEST_SETUP_ASSERT( !filter.is_empty(), "Invalid filter specification" );
- enum { SELECTOR, ENABLER, DISABLER } filter_type = SELECTOR;
+ // each --run_test command may also be separated by a ':' (environment variable)
+ utils::string_token_iterator t_filter_it( filter, (utils::dropped_delimeters = ":",
+ utils::kept_delimeters = utils::dt_none) );
- // 11. Deduce filter type
- if( filter[0] == '!' || filter[0] == '+' ) {
- filter_type = filter[0] == '+' ? ENABLER : DISABLER;
- filter.trim_left( 1 );
- BOOST_TEST_SETUP_ASSERT( !filter.is_empty(), "Invalid filter specification" );
- }
+ while( t_filter_it != utils::string_token_iterator() ) {
+ const_string filter_token = *t_filter_it;
+ enum { SELECTOR, ENABLER, DISABLER } filter_type = SELECTOR;
+ // 11. Deduce filter type
+ if( filter_token[0] == '!' || filter_token[0] == '+' ) {
+ filter_type = filter_token[0] == '+' ? ENABLER : DISABLER;
+ filter_token.trim_left( 1 );
+ BOOST_TEST_SETUP_ASSERT( !filter_token.is_empty(), "Invalid filter specification" );
+ }
- had_selector_filter |= filter_type == SELECTOR;
+ had_selector_filter |= filter_type == SELECTOR;
- // 12. Add test units to corresponding list
- switch( filter_type ) {
- case SELECTOR:
- case ENABLER: add_filtered_test_units( master_tu_id, filter, tu_to_enable ); break;
- case DISABLER: add_filtered_test_units( master_tu_id, filter, tu_to_disable ); break;
+ // 12. Add test units to corresponding list
+ switch( filter_type ) {
+ case SELECTOR:
+ case ENABLER: add_filtered_test_units( master_tu_id, filter_token, tu_to_enable ); break;
+ case DISABLER: add_filtered_test_units( master_tu_id, filter_token, tu_to_disable ); break;
+ }
+ ++t_filter_it;
@@ -437,7 +451,7 @@ public:
, m_next_test_suite_id( MIN_TEST_SUITE_ID )
, m_test_in_progress( false )
, m_context_idx( 0 )
- , m_log_sink( std::cout )
+ , m_log_sinks( )
, m_report_sink( std::cerr )
@@ -787,7 +801,7 @@ public:
boost::execution_monitor m_aux_em;
- runtime_config::stream_holder m_log_sink;
+ std::map<output_format, runtime_config::stream_holder> m_log_sinks;
runtime_config::stream_holder m_report_sink;
@@ -809,7 +823,178 @@ setup_for_execution( test_unit const& tu )
s_frk_state().deduce_run_status( tu.p_id );
+struct sum_to_first_only {
+ sum_to_first_only() : is_first(true) {}
+ template <class T, class U>
+ T operator()(T const& l_, U const& r_) {
+ if(is_first) {
+ is_first = false;
+ return l_ + r_.first;
+ }
+ return l_ + ", " + r_.first;
+ }
+ bool is_first;
+ bool has_combined_logger = runtime_config::has( runtime_config::COMBINED_LOGGER )
+ && !runtime_config::get< std::vector<std::string> >( runtime_config::COMBINED_LOGGER ).empty();
+ bool has_combined_logger = false;
+ if( !has_combined_logger ) {
+ unit_test_log.set_threshold_level( runtime_config::get<log_level>( runtime_config::LOG_LEVEL ) );
+ const output_format format = runtime_config::get<output_format>( runtime_config::LOG_FORMAT );
+ unit_test_log.set_format( format );
+ runtime_config::stream_holder& stream_logger = s_frk_state().m_log_sinks[format];
+ if( runtime_config::has( runtime_config::LOG_SINK ) )
+ stream_logger.setup( runtime_config::get<const_string>( runtime_config::LOG_SINK ) );
+ unit_test_log.set_stream( stream_logger.ref() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const std::vector<std::string>& v_output_format = runtime_config::get< std::vector<std::string> >( runtime_config::COMBINED_LOGGER ) ;
+ static const std::pair<const char*, log_level> all_log_levels[] = {
+ std::make_pair( "all" , log_successful_tests ),
+ std::make_pair( "success" , log_successful_tests ),
+ std::make_pair( "test_suite" , log_test_units ),
+ std::make_pair( "unit_scope" , log_test_units ),
+ std::make_pair( "message" , log_messages ),
+ std::make_pair( "warning" , log_warnings ),
+ std::make_pair( "error" , log_all_errors ),
+ std::make_pair( "cpp_exception" , log_cpp_exception_errors ),
+ std::make_pair( "system_error" , log_system_errors ),
+ std::make_pair( "fatal_error" , log_fatal_errors ),
+ std::make_pair( "nothing" , log_nothing )
+ };
+ static const std::pair<const char*, output_format> all_formats[] = {
+ std::make_pair( "HRF" , OF_CLF ),
+ std::make_pair( "CLF" , OF_CLF ),
+ std::make_pair( "XML" , OF_XML ),
+ std::make_pair( "JUNIT", OF_JUNIT )
+ };
+ bool is_first = true;
+ BOOST_TEST_FOREACH( const_string, current_multi_config, v_output_format ) {
+ utils::string_token_iterator current_config( current_multi_config, (utils::dropped_delimeters = ":",
+ utils::kept_delimeters = utils::dt_none) );
+ for( ; current_config != utils::string_token_iterator() ; ++current_config) {
+ utils::string_token_iterator current_format_specs( *current_config, (utils::keep_empty_tokens,
+ utils::dropped_delimeters = ",",
+ utils::kept_delimeters = utils::dt_none) );
+ output_format format = OF_INVALID ; // default
+ if( current_format_specs != utils::string_token_iterator() &&
+ current_format_specs->size() ) {
+ for(size_t elem=0; elem < sizeof(all_formats)/sizeof(all_formats[0]); elem++) {
+ if(const_string(all_formats[elem].first) == *current_format_specs) {
+ format = all_formats[elem].second;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ boost::runtime::access_to_missing_argument()
+ << "Unable to determine the logger type from '"
+ << *current_config
+ << "'. Possible choices are: "
+ << std::accumulate(all_formats,
+ all_formats + sizeof(all_formats)/sizeof(all_formats[0]),
+ std::string(""),
+ sum_to_first_only())
+ );
+ // activates this format
+ if( is_first ) {
+ unit_test_log.set_format( format );
+ }
+ else {
+ unit_test_log.add_format( format );
+ }
+ is_first = false;
+ unit_test_log_formatter * const formatter = unit_test_log.get_formatter(format);
+ BOOST_TEST_SETUP_ASSERT( formatter, "Logger setup error" );
+ log_level formatter_log_level = invalid_log_level;
+ if( !current_format_specs->size() ) {
+ formatter_log_level = formatter->get_log_level(); // default log level given by the formatter
+ }
+ else if( ++current_format_specs != utils::string_token_iterator() ) {
+ for(size_t elem=0; elem < sizeof(all_log_levels)/sizeof(all_log_levels[0]); elem++) {
+ if(const_string(all_log_levels[elem].first) == *current_format_specs) {
+ formatter_log_level = all_log_levels[elem].second;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ BOOST_TEST_I_ASSRT( formatter_log_level != invalid_log_level,
+ boost::runtime::access_to_missing_argument()
+ << "Unable to determine the log level from '"
+ << *current_config
+ << "'. Possible choices are: "
+ << std::accumulate(all_log_levels,
+ all_log_levels + sizeof(all_log_levels)/sizeof(all_log_levels[0]),
+ std::string(""),
+ sum_to_first_only())
+ );
+ unit_test_log.set_threshold_level( format, formatter_log_level );
+ runtime_config::stream_holder& stream_logger = s_frk_state().m_log_sinks[format];
+ if( ++current_format_specs != utils::string_token_iterator() &&
+ current_format_specs->size() ) {
+ stream_logger.setup( *current_format_specs );
+ }
+ else {
+ stream_logger.setup( formatter->get_default_stream_description() );
+ }
+ unit_test_log.set_stream( format, stream_logger.ref() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ BOOST_TEST_I_CATCH( boost::runtime::init_error, ex ) {
+ BOOST_TEST_SETUP_ASSERT( false, ex.msg );
+ }
+ BOOST_TEST_I_CATCH( boost::runtime::input_error, ex ) {
+ std::cerr << ex.msg << "\n\n";
+ BOOST_TEST_I_THROW( framework::nothing_to_test( boost::exit_exception_failure ) );
+ }
} // namespace impl
@@ -829,15 +1014,14 @@ init( init_unit_test_func init_func, int argc, char* argv[] )
runtime_config::init( argc, argv );
// 20. Set the desired log level, format and sink
- unit_test_log.set_threshold_level( runtime_config::get<log_level>( runtime_config::LOG_LEVEL ) );
- unit_test_log.set_format( runtime_config::get<output_format>( runtime_config::LOG_FORMAT ) );
- s_frk_state().m_log_sink.setup( runtime_config::LOG_SINK );
- unit_test_log.set_stream( s_frk_state().m_log_sink.ref() );
+ impl::setup_loggers();
// 30. Set the desired report level, format and sink
results_reporter::set_level( runtime_config::get<report_level>( runtime_config::REPORT_LEVEL ) );
results_reporter::set_format( runtime_config::get<output_format>( runtime_config::REPORT_FORMAT ) );
- s_frk_state().m_report_sink.setup( runtime_config::REPORT_SINK );
+ if( runtime_config::has( runtime_config::REPORT_SINK ) )
+ s_frk_state().m_report_sink.setup( runtime_config::get<const_string>( runtime_config::REPORT_SINK ) );
results_reporter::set_stream( s_frk_state().m_report_sink.ref() );
// 40. Register default test observers
@@ -845,7 +1029,7 @@ init( init_unit_test_func init_func, int argc, char* argv[] )
register_observer( unit_test_log );
if( runtime_config::get<bool>( runtime_config::SHOW_PROGRESS ) ) {
- progress_monitor.set_stream( s_frk_state().m_log_sink.ref() );
+ progress_monitor.set_stream( std::cout ); // defaults to stdout
register_observer( progress_monitor );
@@ -1235,7 +1419,7 @@ run( test_unit_id id, bool continue_test )
case 1:
seed = static_cast<unsigned>( std::rand() ^ std::time( 0 ) ); // better init using std::rand() ^ ...
- BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( "Test cases order is shuffled using seed: " << seed );
+ BOOST_TEST_FRAMEWORK_MESSAGE( "Test cases order is shuffled using seed: " << seed );
std::srand( seed );