path: root/boost/sort
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Diffstat (limited to 'boost/sort')
46 files changed, 13948 insertions, 3247 deletions
diff --git a/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/backbone.hpp b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/backbone.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c2fdfec88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/backbone.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+/// @file backbone.hpp
+/// @brief This file constains the class backbone, which is part of the
+/// block_indirect_sort algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <atomic>
+#include <boost/sort/pdqsort/pdqsort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/atomic.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/algorithm.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/stack_cnc.hpp>
+#include <future>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/block.hpp>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace blk_detail
+namespace bsc = boost::sort::common;
+namespace bscu = bsc::util;
+using bsc::stack_cnc;
+using bsc::range;
+/// @struct backbone
+/// @brief This contains all the information shared betwen the classes of the
+/// block indirect sort algorithm
+template < uint32_t Block_size, class Iter_t, class Compare >
+struct backbone
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // D E F I N I T I O N S
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits< Iter_t >::value_type value_t;
+ typedef std::atomic< uint32_t > atomic_t;
+ typedef range< size_t > range_pos;
+ typedef range< Iter_t > range_it;
+ typedef range< value_t * > range_buf;
+ typedef std::function< void(void) > function_t;
+ typedef block< Block_size, Iter_t > block_t;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // V A R I A B L E S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // range with all the element to sort
+ range< Iter_t > global_range;
+ // index vector of block_pos elements
+ std::vector< block_pos > index;
+ // Number of elements to sort
+ size_t nelem;
+ // Number of blocks to sort
+ size_t nblock;
+ // Number of elements in the last block (tail)
+ size_t ntail;
+ // object for to compare two elements
+ Compare cmp;
+ // range of elements of the last block (tail)
+ range_it range_tail;
+ // thread local varible. It is a pointer to the buffer
+ static thread_local value_t *buf;
+ // concurrent stack where store the function_t elements
+ stack_cnc< function_t > works;
+ // global indicator of error
+ bool error;
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // F U N C T I O N S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ backbone (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : get_block
+ /// @brief obtain the block in the position pos
+ /// @param pos : position of the range
+ /// @return block required
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ block_t get_block (size_t pos) const
+ {
+ return block_t (global_range.first + (pos * Block_size));
+ };
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : get_range
+ /// @brief obtain the range in the position pos
+ /// @param pos : position of the range
+ /// @return range required
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ range_it get_range (size_t pos) const
+ {
+ Iter_t it1 = global_range.first + (pos * Block_size);
+ Iter_t it2 =
+ (pos == (nblock - 1)) ? global_range.last : it1 + Block_size;
+ return range_it (it1, it2);
+ };
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : get_range_buf
+ /// @brief obtain the auxiliary buffer of the thread
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ range_buf get_range_buf ( ) const
+ {
+ return range_buf (buf, buf + Block_size);
+ };
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : exec
+ /// @brief Initialize the thread local buffer with the ptr_buf pointer,
+ /// and begin with the execution of the functions stored in works
+ //
+ /// @param ptr_buf : Pointer to the memory assigned to the thread_local
+ /// buffer
+ /// @param counter : atomic counter for to invoke to the exec function
+ /// with only 1 parameter
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void exec (value_t *ptr_buf, atomic_t &counter)
+ {
+ buf = ptr_buf;
+ exec (counter);
+ };
+ void exec (atomic_t &counter);
+}; // end struct backbone
+// ##
+// ##
+// N O N I N L I N E F U N C T I O N S ##
+// ##
+// ##
+// initialization of the thread_local pointer to the auxiliary buffer
+template < uint32_t Block_size, class Iter_t, class Compare >
+thread_local typename std::iterator_traits< Iter_t >
+::value_type *backbone< Block_size, Iter_t, Compare >::buf = nullptr;
+// function : backbone
+/// @brief constructor of the class
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+/// iterators
+template < uint32_t Block_size, class Iter_t, class Compare >
+backbone< Block_size, Iter_t, Compare >
+::backbone (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp)
+: global_range (first, last), cmp (comp), error (false)
+ assert ((last - first) >= 0);
+ if (first == last) return; // nothing to do
+ nelem = size_t (last - first);
+ nblock = (nelem + Block_size - 1) / Block_size;
+ ntail = (nelem % Block_size);
+ index.reserve (nblock + 1);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nblock; ++i) index.emplace_back (block_pos (i));
+ range_tail.first =
+ (ntail == 0) ? last : (first + ((nblock - 1) * Block_size));
+ range_tail.last = last;
+// function : exec
+/// @brief execute the function_t stored in works, until counter is zero
+/// @param counter : atomic counter. When 0 exits the function
+template < uint32_t Block_size, class Iter_t, class Compare >
+void backbone< Block_size, Iter_t, Compare >::exec (atomic_t &counter)
+ function_t func_exec;
+ while (bscu::atomic_read (counter) != 0)
+ {
+ if (works.pop_move_back (func_exec)) func_exec ( );
+ else std::this_thread::yield ( );
+ };
+}; // End namespace blk_detail
+}; // End namespace sort
+}; // End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/block.hpp b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/block.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c14b6103f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/block.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+/// @file block.hpp
+/// @brief This file contains the internal data structures used in the
+/// block_indirect_sort algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <boost/sort/common/range.hpp>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace blk_detail
+using namespace boost::sort::common;
+/// @struct block_pos
+/// @brief represent a pair of values, a position represented as an unsigned
+/// variable ( position ), and a bool variable ( side ). They are packed
+/// in a size_t variable. The Least Significant Bit is the bool variable,
+/// and the others bits are the position
+class block_pos
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_t num; // number which store a position and a bool side
+ public:
+ //----------------------------- FUNCTIONS ------------------------------
+ block_pos (void) : num (0){};
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : block_pos
+ /// @brief constructor from a position and a side
+ /// @param position : position to sotre
+ /// @param side : side to store
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ block_pos (size_t position, bool side = false)
+ {
+ num = (position << 1) + ((side) ? 1 : 0);
+ };
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : pos
+ /// @brief obtain the position stored inside the block_pos
+ /// @return position
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_t pos (void) const { return (num >> 1); };
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : pos
+ /// @brief store a position inside the block_pos
+ /// @param position : value to store
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void set_pos (size_t position) { num = (position << 1) + (num & 1); };
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : side
+ /// @brief obtain the side stored inside the block_pos
+ /// @return bool value
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool side (void) const { return ((num & 1) != 0); };
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : side
+ /// @brief store a bool value the block_pos
+ /// @param sd : bool value to store
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void set_side (bool sd) { num = (num & ~1) + ((sd) ? 1 : 0); };
+}; // end struct block_pos
+/// @struct block
+/// @brief represent a group of Block_size contiguous elements, beginning
+/// with the pointed by first
+template < uint32_t Block_size, class Iter_t >
+struct block
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Iter_t first; // iterator to the first element of the block
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : block
+ /// @brief constructor from an iterator to the first element of the block
+ /// @param it : iterator to the first element of the block
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ block (Iter_t it) : first (it){};
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : get_range
+ /// @brief convert a block in a range
+ /// @return range
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ range< Iter_t > get_range (void)
+ {
+ return range_it (first, first + Block_size);
+ };
+}; // end struct block
+// function : compare_block
+/// @brief compare two blocks using the content of the pointed by first
+/// @param block1 : first block to compare
+/// @param block2 : second block to compare
+/// @param cmp : comparison operator
+template < uint32_t Block_size, class Iter_t, class Compare >
+bool compare_block (block< Block_size, Iter_t > block1,
+ block< Block_size, Iter_t > block2,
+ Compare cmp = Compare ( ))
+ return cmp (*block1.first, *block2.first);
+/// @struct compare_block_pos
+/// @brief This is a object for to compare two block_pos objects
+template < uint32_t Block_size, class Iter_t, class Compare >
+struct compare_block_pos
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Iter_t global_first; // iterator to the first element to sort
+ Compare comp; // comparison object for to compare two elements
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : compare_block_pos
+ /// @brief constructor
+ /// @param g_first : itertor to the first element to sort
+ /// @param cmp : comparison operator
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ compare_block_pos (Iter_t g_first, Compare cmp)
+ : global_first (g_first), comp (cmp){};
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : operator ()
+ /// @brief compare two blocks using the content of the pointed by
+ /// global_first
+ /// @param block_pos1 : first block to compare
+ /// @param block_pos2 : second block to compare
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool operator( ) (block_pos block_pos1, block_pos block_pos2) const
+ {
+ return comp (*(global_first + (block_pos1.pos ( ) * Block_size)),
+ *(global_first + (block_pos2.pos ( ) * Block_size)));
+ };
+}; // end struct compare_block_pos
+}; // End namespace blk_detail
+}; // End namespace sort
+}; // End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/constants.hpp b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/constants.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c407243025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/constants.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/// @file constants.hpp
+/// @brief This file contains the constants values used in the algorithms
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+// This value is the block size in the block_indirect_sort algorithm
+#define BOOST_BLOCK_SIZE 1024
+// This value represent the group size in the block_indirect_sort algorithm
+#define BOOST_GROUP_SIZE 64
+// This value is the minimal number of threads for to use the
+// block_indirect_sort algorithm
diff --git a/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/merge_blocks.hpp b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/merge_blocks.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4185b53af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/merge_blocks.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+/// @file merge_blocks.hpp
+/// @brief contains the class merge_blocks, which is part of the
+/// block_indirect_sort algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <atomic>
+#include <boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/backbone.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/range.hpp>
+#include <future>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iterator>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace blk_detail
+namespace bsc = boost::sort::common;
+namespace bscu = bsc::util;
+using bsc::range;
+using bsc::is_mergeable;
+using bsc::merge_uncontiguous;
+/// @struct merge_blocks
+/// @brief This class merge the blocks. The blocks to merge are defined by two
+/// ranges of positions in the index of the backbone
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+struct merge_blocks
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // D E F I N I T I O N S
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter_t>::value_type value_t;
+ typedef std::atomic<uint32_t> atomic_t;
+ typedef range<size_t> range_pos;
+ typedef range<Iter_t> range_it;
+ typedef range<value_t *> range_buf;
+ typedef std::function<void(void)> function_t;
+ typedef backbone<Block_size, Iter_t, Compare> backbone_t;
+ typedef compare_block_pos<Block_size, Iter_t, Compare> compare_block_pos_t;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // V A R I A B L E S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Object with the elements to sort and all internal data structures of the
+ // algorithm
+ backbone_t &bk;
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // F U N C T I O N S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ merge_blocks(backbone_t &bkb, size_t pos_index1, size_t pos_index2,
+ size_t pos_index3);
+ void tail_process(std::vector<block_pos> &vblkpos1,
+ std::vector<block_pos> &vblkpos2);
+ void cut_range(range_pos rng);
+ void merge_range_pos(range_pos rng);
+ void extract_ranges(range_pos range_input);
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : function_merge_range_pos
+ /// @brief create a function_t with a call to merge_range_pos, and insert
+ /// in the stack of the backbone
+ //
+ /// @param rng_input : range of positions of blocks in the index to merge
+ /// @param son_counter : atomic variable which is decremented when finish
+ /// the function. This variable is used for to know
+ /// when are finished all the function_t created
+ /// inside an object
+ /// @param error : global indicator of error.
+ ///
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void function_merge_range_pos(const range_pos &rng_input, atomic_t &counter,
+ bool &error)
+ {
+ bscu::atomic_add(counter, 1);
+ function_t f1 = [this, rng_input, &counter, &error]( ) -> void
+ {
+ if (not error)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ this->merge_range_pos (rng_input);
+ }
+ catch (std::bad_alloc &ba)
+ {
+ error = true;
+ };
+ }
+ bscu::atomic_sub (counter, 1);
+ };
+ }
+ ;
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : function_cut_range
+ /// @brief create a function_t with a call to cut_range, and inser in
+ /// the stack of the backbone
+ //
+ /// @param rng_input : range of positions in the index to cut
+ /// @param counter : atomic variable which is decremented when finish
+ /// the function. This variable is used for to know
+ /// when are finished all the function_t created
+ /// inside an object
+ /// @param error : global indicator of error.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void function_cut_range(const range_pos &rng_input, atomic_t &counter,
+ bool &error)
+ {
+ bscu::atomic_add(counter, 1);
+ function_t f1 = [this, rng_input, &counter, &error]( ) -> void
+ {
+ if (not error)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ this->cut_range (rng_input);
+ }
+ catch (std::bad_alloc &)
+ {
+ error = true;
+ };
+ }
+ bscu::atomic_sub (counter, 1);
+ };
+ }
+// end struct merge_blocks
+// ##
+// ##
+// N O N I N L I N E F U N C T I O N S ##
+// ##
+// ##
+// function : merge_blocks
+/// @brief make the indirect merge of the two range_pos defined by their index
+/// position [pos_index1, pos_index2 ) and [ pos_index2, pos_index3 )
+/// @param bkb : backbone with all the data to sort , and the internal data
+/// structures of the algorithm
+/// @param pos_index1 : first position of the first range in the index
+/// @param pos_index2 : last position of the first range and first position
+/// of the second range in the index
+/// @param pos_index3 : last position of the second range in the index
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+merge_blocks<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+::merge_blocks( backbone_t &bkb, size_t pos_index1, size_t pos_index2,
+ size_t pos_index3) : bk(bkb)
+ size_t nblock1 = pos_index2 - pos_index1;
+ size_t nblock2 = pos_index3 - pos_index2;
+ if (nblock1 == 0 or nblock2 == 0) return;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Merging of the two intervals
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::vector<block_pos> vpos1, vpos2;
+ vpos1.reserve(nblock1 + 1);
+ vpos2.reserve(nblock2 + 1);
+ for (size_t i = pos_index1; i < pos_index2; ++i)
+ {
+ vpos1.emplace_back(bk.index[i].pos(), true);
+ };
+ for (size_t i = pos_index2; i < pos_index3; ++i)
+ {
+ vpos2.emplace_back(bk.index[i].pos(), false);
+ };
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // tail process
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (vpos2.back().pos() == (bk.nblock - 1)
+ and bk.range_tail.first != bk.range_tail.last)
+ {
+ tail_process(vpos1, vpos2);
+ nblock1 = vpos1.size();
+ nblock2 = vpos2.size();
+ };
+ compare_block_pos_t cmp_blk(bk.global_range.first, bk.cmp);
+ if (bk.error) return;
+ bscu::merge(vpos1.begin(), vpos1.end(), vpos2.begin(), vpos2.end(),
+ bk.index.begin() + pos_index1, cmp_blk);
+ if (bk.error) return;
+ // Extracting the ranges for to merge the elements
+ extract_ranges(range_pos(pos_index1, pos_index1 + nblock1 + nblock2));
+// function : tail_process
+/// @brief make the process when the second vector of block_pos to merge is
+/// the last, and have an incomplete block ( tail)
+/// @param vblkpos1 : first vector of block_pos elements to merge
+/// @param vblkpos2 : second vector of block_pos elements to merge
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+void merge_blocks<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+::tail_process( std::vector<block_pos> &vblkpos1,
+ std::vector<block_pos> &vblkpos2 )
+ if (vblkpos1.size() == 0 or vblkpos2.size() == 0) return;
+ vblkpos2.pop_back();
+ size_t posback1 = vblkpos1.back().pos();
+ range_it range_back1 = bk.get_range(posback1);
+ if (bsc::is_mergeable(range_back1, bk.range_tail, bk.cmp))
+ {
+ bsc::merge_uncontiguous(range_back1, bk.range_tail, bk.get_range_buf(),
+ bk.cmp);
+ if (vblkpos1.size() > 1)
+ {
+ size_t pos_aux = vblkpos1[vblkpos1.size() - 2].pos();
+ range_it range_aux = bk.get_range(pos_aux);
+ if (bsc::is_mergeable(range_aux, range_back1, bk.cmp))
+ {
+ vblkpos2.emplace_back(posback1, false);
+ vblkpos1.pop_back();
+ };
+ };
+ };
+// function : cut_range
+/// @brief when the rng_input is greather than Group_size, this function divide
+/// it in several parts creating function_t elements, which are inserted
+/// in the concurrent stack of the backbone
+/// @param rng_input : range to divide
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+void merge_blocks<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+::cut_range(range_pos rng_input)
+ if (rng_input.size() < Group_size)
+ {
+ merge_range_pos(rng_input);
+ return;
+ };
+ atomic_t counter(0);
+ size_t npart = (rng_input.size() + Group_size - 1) / Group_size;
+ size_t size_part = rng_input.size() / npart;
+ size_t pos_ini = rng_input.first;
+ size_t pos_last = rng_input.last;
+ while (pos_ini < pos_last)
+ {
+ size_t pos = pos_ini + size_part;
+ while (pos < pos_last
+ and bk.index[pos - 1].side() == bk.index[pos].side())
+ {
+ ++pos;
+ };
+ if (pos < pos_last)
+ {
+ merge_uncontiguous(bk.get_range(bk.index[pos - 1].pos()),
+ bk.get_range(bk.index[pos].pos()),
+ bk.get_range_buf(), bk.cmp);
+ }
+ else pos = pos_last;
+ if ((pos - pos_ini) > 1)
+ {
+ range_pos rng_aux(pos_ini, pos);
+ function_merge_range_pos(rng_aux, counter, bk.error);
+ };
+ pos_ini = pos;
+ };
+ bk.exec(counter); // wait until finish all the ranges
+// function : merge_range_pos
+/// @brief make the indirect merge of the blocks inside the rng_input
+/// @param rng_input : range of positions of the blocks to merge
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+void merge_blocks<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+::merge_range_pos(range_pos rng_input)
+ if (rng_input.size() < 2) return;
+ range_buf rbuf = bk.get_range_buf();
+ range_it rng_prev = bk.get_range(bk.index[rng_input.first].pos());
+ move_forward(rbuf, rng_prev);
+ range_it rng_posx(rng_prev);
+ for (size_t posx = rng_input.first + 1; posx != rng_input.last; ++posx)
+ {
+ rng_posx = bk.get_range(bk.index[posx].pos());
+ bsc::merge_flow(rng_prev, rbuf, rng_posx, bk.cmp);
+ rng_prev = rng_posx;
+ };
+ move_forward(rng_posx, rbuf);
+// function : extract_ranges
+/// @brief from a big range of positions of blocks in the index. Examine which
+/// are mergeable, and generate a couple of ranges for to be merged.
+/// With the ranges obtained generate function_t elements and are
+/// inserted in the concurrent stack.
+/// When the range obtained is smaller than Group_size, generate a
+/// function_t calling to merge_range_pos, when is greater, generate a
+/// function_t calling to cut_range
+/// @param rpos range_input : range of the position in the index, where must
+/// extract the ranges to merge
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+void merge_blocks<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+::extract_ranges(range_pos range_input)
+ if (range_input.size() < 2) return;
+ atomic_t counter(0);
+ // The names with x are positions of the index
+ size_t posx_ini = range_input.first;
+ block_pos bp_posx_ini = bk.index[posx_ini];
+ range_it rng_max = bk.get_range(bp_posx_ini.pos());
+ bool side_max = bp_posx_ini.side();
+ block_pos bp_posx;
+ range_it rng_posx = rng_max;
+ bool side_posx = side_max;
+ for (size_t posx = posx_ini + 1; posx <= range_input.last; ++posx)
+ {
+ bool final = (posx == range_input.last);
+ bool mergeable = false;
+ if (not final)
+ {
+ bp_posx = bk.index[posx];
+ rng_posx = bk.get_range(bp_posx.pos());
+ side_posx = bp_posx.side();
+ mergeable = (side_max != side_posx
+ and is_mergeable(rng_max, rng_posx, bk.cmp));
+ };
+ if (bk.error) return;
+ if (final or not mergeable)
+ {
+ range_pos rp_final(posx_ini, posx);
+ if (rp_final.size() > 1)
+ {
+ if (rp_final.size() > Group_size)
+ {
+ function_cut_range(rp_final, counter, bk.error);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ function_merge_range_pos(rp_final, counter, bk.error);
+ };
+ };
+ posx_ini = posx;
+ if (not final)
+ {
+ rng_max = rng_posx;
+ side_max = side_posx;
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (bk.cmp(*(rng_max.back()), *(rng_posx.back())))
+ {
+ rng_max = rng_posx;
+ side_max = side_posx;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ bk.exec(counter);
+}; // End namespace blk_detail
+}; // End namespace sort
+}; // End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/move_blocks.hpp b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/move_blocks.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b556bcf47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/move_blocks.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+/// @file move_blocks.hpp
+/// @brief contains the class move_blocks, which is part of the
+/// block_indirect_sort algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <atomic>
+#include <boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/backbone.hpp>
+#include <future>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iterator>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace blk_detail
+namespace bsc = boost::sort::common;
+/// @struct move_blocks
+/// @brief This class move the blocks, trnasforming a logical sort by an index,
+/// in physical sort
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+struct move_blocks
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // D E F I N I T I O N S
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef move_blocks<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare> this_type;
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter_t>::value_type value_t;
+ typedef std::atomic<uint32_t> atomic_t;
+ typedef bsc::range<size_t> range_pos;
+ typedef bsc::range<Iter_t> range_it;
+ typedef bsc::range<value_t *> range_buf;
+ typedef std::function<void(void)> function_t;
+ typedef backbone<Block_size, Iter_t, Compare> backbone_t;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // V A R I A B L E S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Object with the elements to sort and all internal data structures of the
+ // algorithm
+ backbone_t &bk;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // F U N C T I O N S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ move_blocks(backbone_t &bkb);
+ void move_sequence(const std::vector<size_t> &init_sequence);
+ void move_long_sequence(const std::vector<size_t> &init_sequence);
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : function_move_sequence
+ /// @brief create a function_t with a call to move_sequence, and insert
+ /// in the stack of the backbone
+ ///
+ /// @param sequence :sequence of positions for to move the blocks
+ /// @param counter : atomic variable which is decremented when finish
+ /// the function. This variable is used for to know
+ /// when are finished all the function_t created
+ /// inside an object
+ /// @param error : global indicator of error.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void function_move_sequence(std::vector<size_t> &sequence,
+ atomic_t &counter, bool &error)
+ {
+ bscu::atomic_add(counter, 1);
+ function_t f1 = [this, sequence, &counter, &error]( ) -> void
+ {
+ if (not error)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ this->move_sequence (sequence);
+ }
+ catch (std::bad_alloc &)
+ {
+ error = true;
+ };
+ }
+ bscu::atomic_sub (counter, 1);
+ };
+ }
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : function_move_long_sequence
+ /// @brief create a function_t with a call to move_long_sequence, and
+ /// insert in the stack of the backbone
+ //
+ /// @param sequence :sequence of positions for to move the blocks
+ /// @param counter : atomic variable which is decremented when finish
+ /// the function. This variable is used for to know
+ /// when are finished all the function_t created
+ /// inside an object
+ /// @param error : global indicator of error.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void function_move_long_sequence(std::vector<size_t> &sequence,
+ atomic_t &counter, bool &error)
+ {
+ bscu::atomic_add(counter, 1);
+ function_t f1 = [this, sequence, &counter, &error]( ) -> void
+ {
+ if (not error)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ this->move_long_sequence (sequence);
+ }
+ catch (std::bad_alloc &)
+ {
+ error = true;
+ };
+ }
+ bscu::atomic_sub (counter, 1);
+ };
+ }
+ ;
+}; // end of struct move_blocks
+// ##
+// ##
+// N O N I N L I N E F U N C T I O N S ##
+// ##
+// ##
+// function : move_blocks
+/// @brief constructor of the class for to move the blocks to their true
+/// position obtained from the index
+/// @param bkb : backbone with the index and the blocks
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+move_blocks<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+::move_blocks(backbone_t &bkb) : bk(bkb)
+ std::vector<std::vector<size_t> > vsequence;
+ vsequence.reserve(bk.index.size() >> 1);
+ std::vector<size_t> sequence;
+ atomic_t counter(0);
+ size_t pos_index_ini = 0, pos_index_src = 0, pos_index_dest = 0;
+ while (pos_index_ini < bk.index.size())
+ {
+ while (pos_index_ini < bk.index.size()
+ and bk.index[pos_index_ini].pos() == pos_index_ini)
+ {
+ ++pos_index_ini;
+ };
+ if (pos_index_ini == bk.index.size()) break;
+ sequence.clear();
+ pos_index_src = pos_index_dest = pos_index_ini;
+ sequence.push_back(pos_index_ini);
+ while (bk.index[pos_index_dest].pos() != pos_index_ini)
+ {
+ pos_index_src = bk.index[pos_index_dest].pos();
+ sequence.push_back(pos_index_src);
+ bk.index[pos_index_dest].set_pos(pos_index_dest);
+ pos_index_dest = pos_index_src;
+ };
+ bk.index[pos_index_dest].set_pos(pos_index_dest);
+ vsequence.push_back(sequence);
+ if (sequence.size() < Group_size)
+ {
+ function_move_sequence(vsequence.back(), counter, bk.error);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ function_move_long_sequence(vsequence.back(), counter, bk.error);
+ };
+ };
+ bk.exec(counter);
+// function : move_sequence
+/// @brief move the blocks, following the positions of the init_sequence
+/// @param init_sequence : vector with the positions from and where move the
+/// blocks
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+void move_blocks<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+::move_sequence(const std::vector<size_t> &init_sequence)
+ range_buf rbuf = bk.get_range_buf();
+ size_t pos_range2 = init_sequence[0];
+ range_it range2 = bk.get_range(pos_range2);
+ move_forward(rbuf, range2);
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < init_sequence.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ pos_range2 = init_sequence[i];
+ range_it range1(range2);
+ range2 = bk.get_range(pos_range2);
+ move_forward(range1, range2);
+ };
+ move_forward(range2, rbuf);
+// function : move_long_sequence
+/// @brief move the blocks, following the positions of the init_sequence.
+/// if the sequence is greater than Group_size, it is divided in small
+/// sequences, creating function_t elements, for to be inserted in the
+/// concurrent stack
+/// @param init_sequence : vector with the positions from and where move the
+/// blocks
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+void move_blocks<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+::move_long_sequence(const std::vector<size_t> &init_sequence)
+ if (init_sequence.size() < Group_size) return move_sequence(init_sequence);
+ size_t npart = (init_sequence.size() + Group_size - 1) / Group_size;
+ size_t size_part = init_sequence.size() / npart;
+ atomic_t son_counter(0);
+ std::vector<size_t> sequence;
+ sequence.reserve(size_part);
+ std::vector<size_t> index_seq;
+ index_seq.reserve(npart);
+ auto it_pos = init_sequence.begin();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < (npart - 1); ++i, it_pos += size_part)
+ {
+ sequence.assign(it_pos, it_pos + size_part);
+ index_seq.emplace_back(*(it_pos + size_part - 1));
+ function_move_sequence(sequence, son_counter, bk.error);
+ };
+ sequence.assign(it_pos, init_sequence.end());
+ index_seq.emplace_back(init_sequence.back());
+ function_move_sequence(sequence, son_counter, bk.error);
+ bk.exec(son_counter);
+ if (bk.error) return;
+ move_long_sequence(index_seq);
+}; // End namespace blk_detail
+}; // End namespace sort
+}; // End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/parallel_sort.hpp b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/parallel_sort.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98c0e48a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/parallel_sort.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+/// @file parallel_sort.hpp
+/// @brief Contains the parallel_sort class, which is part of the
+/// block_indirect_sort algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/backbone.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/pdqsort/pdqsort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/pivot.hpp>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace blk_detail
+namespace bsc = boost::sort::common;
+namespace bscu = bsc::util;
+using bscu::nbits64;
+using bsc::pivot9;
+using boost::sort::pdqsort;
+/// @struct parallel_sort
+/// @brief This class do a parallel sort, using the quicksort filtering,
+/// splitting the data until the number of elements is smaller than a
+/// predefined value (max_per_thread)
+template<uint32_t Block_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+struct parallel_sort
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // D E F I N I T I O N S
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter_t>::value_type value_t;
+ typedef std::atomic<uint32_t> atomic_t;
+ typedef std::function<void(void)> function_t;
+ typedef backbone<Block_size, Iter_t, Compare> backbone_t;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // V A R I A B L E S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // reference to a object with all the data to sort
+ backbone_t &bk;
+ // maximun number of element to sort woth 1 thread
+ size_t max_per_thread;
+ // atomic counter for to detect the end of the works created inside
+ // the object
+ atomic_t counter;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // F U N C T I O N S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ parallel_sort(backbone_t &bkbn, Iter_t first, Iter_t last);
+ void divide_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, uint32_t level);
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : function_divide_sort
+ /// @brief create a function_t with a call to divide_sort, and inser in
+ /// the stack of the backbone
+ //
+ /// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to divide
+ /// @param last : iterator to the next element after the last element of
+ /// the range to divide
+ /// @param level : level of depth in the division.When zero call to
+ /// pdqsort
+ /// @param counter : atomic variable which is decremented when finish
+ /// the function. This variable is used for to know
+ /// when are finished all the function_t created
+ /// inside an object
+ /// @param error : global indicator of error.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void function_divide_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, uint32_t level,
+ atomic_t &counter, bool &error)
+ {
+ bscu::atomic_add(counter, 1);
+ function_t f1 = [this, first, last, level, &counter, &error]( )
+ {
+ if (not error)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ this->divide_sort (first, last, level);
+ }
+ catch (std::bad_alloc &)
+ {
+ error = true;
+ };
+ };
+ bscu::atomic_sub (counter, 1);
+ };
+ };
+};// end struct parallel_sort
+// ##
+// ##
+// N O N I N L I N E F U N C T I O N S ##
+// ##
+// ##
+// function : parallel_sort
+/// @brief constructor of the class
+/// @param [in] bkbn : backbone struct with all the information to sort
+/// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element to sort
+/// @param [in] last : iterator to the next element after the last
+template<uint32_t Block_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+parallel_sort<Block_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+::parallel_sort(backbone_t &bkbn, Iter_t first, Iter_t last)
+ : bk(bkbn), counter(0)
+ assert((last - first) >= 0);
+ size_t nelem = size_t(last - first);
+ //------------------- check if sort --------------------------------------
+ bool sorted = true;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1;
+ it2 != last and (sorted = not bk.cmp(*it2, *it1)); it1 = it2++);
+ if (sorted) return;
+ //------------------- check if reverse sort ---------------------------
+ sorted = true;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1;
+ it2 != last and (sorted = not bk.cmp(*it1, *it2)); it1 = it2++);
+ if (sorted)
+ {
+ size_t nelem2 = nelem >> 1;
+ Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = last - 1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nelem2; ++i)
+ std::swap(*(it1++), *(it2--));
+ return;
+ };
+ //-------------------max_per_thread ---------------------------
+ uint32_t nbits_size = (nbits64(sizeof(value_t))) >> 1;
+ if (nbits_size > 5) nbits_size = 5;
+ max_per_thread = 1 << (18 - nbits_size);
+ uint32_t level = ((nbits64(nelem / max_per_thread)) * 3) / 2;
+ //---------------- check if only single thread -----------------------
+ if (nelem < (max_per_thread))
+ {
+ pdqsort(first, last, bk.cmp);
+ return;
+ };
+ if (not bk.error) divide_sort(first, last, level);
+ // wait until all the parts are finished
+ bk.exec(counter);
+// function : divide_sort
+/// @brief this function divide the data in two part, for to be sorted in
+/// a parallel mode
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element to sort
+/// @param last : iterator to the next element after the last
+/// @param level : level of depth before call to pdqsort
+template<uint32_t Block_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+void parallel_sort<Block_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+::divide_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, uint32_t level)
+ //------------------- check if sort -----------------------------------
+ bool sorted = true;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1;
+ it2 != last and (sorted = not bk.cmp(*it2, *it1)); it1 = it2++);
+ if (sorted) return;
+ //---------------- check if finish the subdivision -------------------
+ size_t nelem = last - first;
+ if (level == 0 or nelem < (max_per_thread))
+ {
+ return pdqsort(first, last, bk.cmp);
+ };
+ //-------------------- pivoting ----------------------------------
+ pivot9(first, last, bk.cmp);
+ const value_t &val = const_cast<value_t &>(*first);
+ Iter_t c_first = first + 1, c_last = last - 1;
+ while (bk.cmp(*c_first, val)) ++c_first;
+ while (bk.cmp(val, *c_last)) --c_last;
+ while (not (c_first > c_last))
+ {
+ std::swap(*(c_first++), *(c_last--));
+ while (bk.cmp(*c_first, val))
+ ++c_first;
+ while (bk.cmp(val, *c_last))
+ --c_last;
+ };
+ std::swap(*first, *c_last);
+ // insert the work of the second half in the stack of works
+ function_divide_sort(c_first, last, level - 1, counter, bk.error);
+ if (bk.error) return;
+ // The first half is done by the same thread
+ function_divide_sort(first, c_last, level - 1, counter, bk.error);
+};// End namespace blk_detail
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/block_indirect_sort.hpp b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/block_indirect_sort.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62abde29a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/block_indirect_sort.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+/// @file block_indirect_sort.hpp
+/// @brief block indirect sort algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <atomic>
+#include <boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/merge_blocks.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/move_blocks.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/parallel_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/pdqsort/pdqsort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/algorithm.hpp>
+#include <future>
+#include <iterator>
+// This value is the minimal number of threads for to use the
+// block_indirect_sort algorithm
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace blk_detail
+namespace bs = boost::sort;
+namespace bsc = bs::common;
+namespace bscu = bsc::util;
+using bscu::compare_iter;
+using bscu::value_iter;
+using bsc::range;
+using bsc::destroy;
+using bsc::initialize;
+using bscu::nbits64;
+using bs::pdqsort;
+using bscu::enable_if_string;
+using bscu::enable_if_not_string;
+using bscu::tmsb;
+/// @struct block_indirect_sort
+/// @brief This class is the entry point of the block indirect sort. The code
+/// of this algorithm is divided in several classes:
+/// bis/block.hpp : basic structures used in the algorithm
+/// bis/backbone.hpp : data used by all the classes
+/// bis/merge_blocks.hpp : merge the internal blocks
+/// bis/move_blocks.hpp : move the blocks, and obtain all the elements
+/// phisicaly sorted
+/// bis/parallel_sort.hpp : make the parallel sort of each part in the
+/// initial division of the data
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t,
+ class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t> >
+struct block_indirect_sort
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // D E F I N I T I O N S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter_t>::value_type value_t;
+ typedef std::atomic<uint32_t> atomic_t;
+ typedef range<size_t> range_pos;
+ typedef range<Iter_t> range_it;
+ typedef range<value_t *> range_buf;
+ typedef std::function<void(void)> function_t;
+ // classes used in the internal operations of the algorithm
+ typedef block_pos block_pos_t;
+ typedef block<Block_size, Iter_t> block_t;
+ typedef backbone<Block_size, Iter_t, Compare> backbone_t;
+ typedef parallel_sort<Block_size, Iter_t, Compare> parallel_sort_t;
+ typedef merge_blocks<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare> merge_blocks_t;
+ typedef move_blocks<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare> move_blocks_t;
+ typedef compare_block_pos<Block_size, Iter_t, Compare> compare_block_pos_t;
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // V A R I A B L E S A N D C O N S T A N T S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // contains the data and the internal data structures of the algorithm for
+ // to be shared between the classes which are part of the algorithm
+ backbone_t bk;
+ // atomic counter for to detect the end of the works created inside
+ // the object
+ atomic_t counter;
+ // pointer to the uninitialized memory used for the thread buffers
+ value_t *ptr;
+ // indicate if the memory pointed by ptr is initialized
+ bool construct;
+ // range from extract the buffers for the threads
+ range_buf rglobal_buf;
+ // number of threads to use
+ uint32_t nthread;
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // F U N C T I O N S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp, uint32_t nthr);
+ block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last) :
+ block_indirect_sort(first, last, Compare(),
+ std::thread::hardware_concurrency()) { }
+ block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp) :
+ block_indirect_sort(first, last, cmp,
+ std::thread::hardware_concurrency()) { }
+ block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, uint32_t nthread) :
+ block_indirect_sort(first, last, Compare(), nthread){}
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :destroy_all
+ /// @brief destructor all the data structures of the class (if the memory
+ /// is constructed, is destroyed) and return the uninitialized
+ /// memory
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void destroy_all(void)
+ {
+ if (ptr != nullptr)
+ {
+ if (construct)
+ {
+ destroy(rglobal_buf);
+ construct = false;
+ };
+ std::return_temporary_buffer(ptr);
+ ptr = nullptr;
+ };
+ }
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :~block_indirect_sort
+ /// @brief destructor of the class (if the memory is constructed, is
+ /// destroyed) and return the uninitialized memory
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ~block_indirect_sort(void)
+ {
+ destroy_all();
+ }
+ void split_range(size_t pos_index1, size_t pos_index2,
+ uint32_t level_thread);
+ void start_function(void);
+}; // End class block_indirect_sort
+// ##
+// ##
+// N O N I N L I N E F U N C T I O N S ##
+// ##
+// ##
+// function : block_indirect_sort
+/// @brief begin with the execution of the functions stored in works
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+/// iterators
+/// @param nthr : Number of threads to use in the process.When this value
+/// is lower than 2, the sorting is done with 1 thread
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+block_indirect_sort<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+::block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp, uint32_t nthr)
+: bk(first, last, cmp), counter(0), ptr(nullptr), construct(false),
+ nthread(nthr)
+ try
+ {
+ assert((last - first) >= 0);
+ size_t nelem = size_t(last - first);
+ if (nelem == 0) return;
+ //------------------- check if sort -----------------------------------
+ bool sorted = true;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1; it2 != last and (sorted =
+ not bk.cmp(*it2, *it1)); it1 = it2++);
+ if (sorted) return;
+ //------------------- check if reverse sort ---------------------------
+ sorted = true;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1; it2 != last and (sorted =
+ not bk.cmp(*it1, *it2)); it1 = it2++);
+ if (sorted)
+ {
+ size_t nelem2 = nelem >> 1;
+ Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = last - 1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nelem2; ++i)
+ {
+ std::swap(*(it1++), *(it2--));
+ };
+ return;
+ };
+ //---------------- check if only single thread -----------------------
+ size_t nthreadmax = nelem / (Block_size * Group_size) + 1;
+ if (nthread > nthreadmax) nthread = (uint32_t) nthreadmax;
+ uint32_t nbits_size = (nbits64(sizeof(value_t)) >> 1);
+ if (nbits_size > 5) nbits_size = 5;
+ size_t max_per_thread = 1 << (18 - nbits_size);
+ if (nelem < (max_per_thread) or nthread < 2)
+ {
+ //intro_sort (first, last, bk.cmp);
+ pdqsort(first, last, bk.cmp);
+ return;
+ };
+ //----------- creation of the temporary buffer --------------------
+ ptr = std::get_temporary_buffer<value_t>(Block_size * nthread).first;
+ if (ptr == nullptr)
+ {
+ bk.error = true;
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ };
+ rglobal_buf = range_buf(ptr, ptr + (Block_size * nthread));
+ initialize(rglobal_buf, *first);
+ construct = true;
+ // creation of the buffers for the threads
+ std::vector<value_t *> vbuf(nthread);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nthread; ++i)
+ {
+ vbuf[i] = ptr + (i * Block_size);
+ };
+ // Insert the first work in the stack
+ bscu::atomic_write(counter, 1);
+ function_t f1 = [&]( )
+ {
+ start_function ( );
+ bscu::atomic_sub (counter, 1);
+ };
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::vector<std::future<void> > vfuture(nthread);
+ // The function launched with the futures is "execute the functions of
+ // the stack until this->counter is zero
+ // vbuf[i] is the memory from the main thread for to configure the
+ // thread local buffer
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nthread; ++i)
+ {
+ auto f1 = [=, &vbuf]( )
+ { bk.exec (vbuf[i], this->counter);};
+ vfuture[i] = std::async(std::launch::async, f1);
+ };
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nthread; ++i)
+ vfuture[i].get();
+ if (bk.error) throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ catch (std::bad_alloc &)
+ {
+ destroy_all();
+ throw;
+ }
+// function : split_rage
+/// @brief this function splits a range of positions in the index, and
+/// depending of the size, sort directly or make to a recursive call
+/// to split_range
+/// @param pos_index1 : first position in the index
+/// @param pos_index2 : position after the last in the index
+/// @param level_thread : depth of the call. When 0 sort the blocks
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+void block_indirect_sort<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+::split_range(size_t pos_index1, size_t pos_index2, uint32_t level_thread)
+ size_t nblock = pos_index2 - pos_index1;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // In the blocks not sorted, the physical position is the logical position
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Iter_t first = bk.get_block(pos_index1).first;
+ Iter_t last = bk.get_range(pos_index2 - 1).last;
+ if (nblock < Group_size)
+ {
+ pdqsort(first, last, bk.cmp);
+ return;
+ };
+ size_t pos_index_mid = pos_index1 + (nblock >> 1);
+ atomic_t son_counter(1);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Insert in the stack the work for the second part, and the actual thread,
+ // execute the first part
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (level_thread != 0)
+ {
+ auto f1 = [=, &son_counter]( )
+ {
+ split_range (pos_index_mid, pos_index2, level_thread - 1);
+ bscu::atomic_sub (son_counter, 1);
+ };
+ if (bk.error) return;
+ split_range(pos_index1, pos_index_mid, level_thread - 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Iter_t mid = first + ((nblock >> 1) * Block_size);
+ auto f1 = [=, &son_counter]( )
+ {
+ parallel_sort_t (bk, mid, last);
+ bscu::atomic_sub (son_counter, 1);
+ };
+ if (bk.error) return;
+ parallel_sort_t(bk, first, mid);
+ };
+ bk.exec(son_counter);
+ if (bk.error) return;
+ merge_blocks_t(bk, pos_index1, pos_index_mid, pos_index2);
+// function : start_function
+/// @brief this function init the process. When the number of threads is lower
+/// than a predefined value, sort the elements with a parallel pdqsort.
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+void block_indirect_sort<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+ if (nthread < BOOST_NTHREAD_BORDER)
+ {
+ parallel_sort_t(bk, bk.global_range.first, bk.global_range.last);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t level_thread = nbits64(nthread - 1) - 1;
+ split_range(0, bk.nblock, level_thread - 1);
+ if (bk.error) return;
+ move_blocks_t k(bk);
+ };
+// function block_indirect_sort_call
+/// @brief This class is select the block size in the block_indirect_sort
+/// algorithm depending of the type and size of the data to sort
+template <class Iter_t, class Compare,
+ enable_if_string<value_iter<Iter_t>> * = nullptr>
+inline void block_indirect_sort_call(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp,
+ uint32_t nthr)
+ block_indirect_sort<128, 128, Iter_t, Compare>(first, last, cmp, nthr);
+template<size_t Size>
+struct block_size
+ static constexpr const uint32_t BitsSize =
+ (Size == 0) ? 0 : (Size > 256) ? 9 : tmsb[Size - 1];
+ static constexpr const uint32_t sz[10] =
+ { 4096, 4096, 4096, 4096, 2048, 1024, 768, 512, 256, 128 };
+ static constexpr const uint32_t data = sz[BitsSize];
+/// @struct block_indirect_sort_call
+/// @brief This class is select the block size in the block_indirect_sort
+/// algorithm depending of the type and size of the data to sort
+template <class Iter_t, class Compare,
+ enable_if_not_string<value_iter<Iter_t>> * = nullptr>
+inline void block_indirect_sort_call (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp,
+ uint32_t nthr)
+ block_indirect_sort<block_size<sizeof (value_iter<Iter_t> )>::data, 64,
+ Iter_t, Compare> (first, last, cmp, nthr);
+}; // End namespace blk_detail
+namespace bscu = boost::sort::common::util;
+// ##
+// ##
+// B L O C K _ I N D I R E C T _ S O R T ##
+// ##
+// ##
+// function : block_indirect_sort
+/// @brief parallel sample sort algorithm (stable sort)
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+template<class Iter_t>
+void block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last)
+ typedef bscu::compare_iter<Iter_t> Compare;
+ blk_detail::block_indirect_sort_call (first, last, Compare(),
+ std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
+// function : block_indirect_sort
+/// @brief parallel sample sort algorithm (stable sort)
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param nthread : Number of threads to use in the process. When this value
+/// is lower than 2, the sorting is done with 1 thread
+template<class Iter_t>
+void block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, uint32_t nthread)
+ typedef bscu::compare_iter<Iter_t> Compare;
+ blk_detail::block_indirect_sort_call(first, last, Compare(), nthread);
+// function : block_indirect_sort
+/// @brief parallel sample sort algorithm (stable sort)
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+/// iterators
+template <class Iter_t, class Compare,
+ bscu::enable_if_not_integral<Compare> * = nullptr>
+void block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp)
+ blk_detail::block_indirect_sort_call (first, last, comp,
+ std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
+// function : block_indirect_sort
+/// @brief parallel sample sort algorithm (stable sort)
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+/// iterators
+/// @param nthread : Number of threads to use in the process. When this value
+/// is lower than 2, the sorting is done with 1 thread
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare>
+void block_indirect_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp,
+ uint32_t nthread)
+ blk_detail::block_indirect_sort_call(first, last, comp, nthread);
+}; // End namespace sort
+}; // End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/deque_cnc.hpp b/boost/sort/common/deque_cnc.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb3b31ee6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/deque_cnc.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+/// @file deque_cnc.hpp
+/// @brief This file contains the implementation of the several types of
+/// recursive fastmutex for read and write
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2010 2015 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanyingfile LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <sort/tools/spinlock.hpp>
+#include <vector>
+#include <deque>
+namespace sort
+namespace tools
+// ##
+// ################################################################ ##
+// # # ##
+// # C L A S S # ##
+// # S T A C K _ C N C # ##
+// # # ##
+// ################################################################ ##
+// ##
+/// @class deque_cnc
+/// @brief This class is a concurrent stack controled by a spin_lock
+/// @remarks
+template<typename T, typename Allocator = std::allocator<T> >
+class deque_cnc
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // D E F I N I T I O N S
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef std::deque<T, Allocator> deque_t;
+ typedef typename deque_t::size_type size_type;
+ typedef typename deque_t::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef typename deque_t::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename deque_t::pointer pointer;
+ typedef typename deque_t::const_pointer const_pointer;
+ typedef typename deque_t::reference reference;
+ typedef typename deque_t::const_reference const_reference;
+ typedef typename deque_t::allocator_type allocator_type;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ deque_t dq;
+ mutable spinlock spl;
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // C O N S T R U C T O R S A N D D E S T R U C T O R
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : deque_cnc
+ /// @brief constructor
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ explicit inline deque_cnc(void): dq() { };
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : deque_cnc
+ /// @brief constructor
+ /// @param [in] ALLC : Allocator
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ explicit inline deque_cnc(const Allocator &ALLC): dq(ALLC){ };
+ //
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : ~deque_cnc
+ /// @brief Destructor
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual ~deque_cnc(void){ dq.clear(); };
+ //
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : clear
+ /// @brief Delete all the elements of the deque_cnc.
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void clear(void)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ dq.clear();
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : swap
+ /// @brief swap the data between the two deque_cnc
+ /// @param [in] A : deque_cnc to swap
+ /// @return none
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void swap(deque_cnc & A) noexcept
+ {
+ if (this == &A) return;
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ dq.swap(A.dq);
+ };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // S I Z E , M A X _ S I Z E , R E S I Z E
+ // C A P A C I T Y , E M P T Y , R E S E R V E
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : size
+ /// @brief return the number of elements in the deque_cnc
+ /// @return number of elements in the deque_cnc
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_type size(void) const noexcept
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ return dq.size();
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :max_size
+ /// @brief return the maximun size of the container
+ /// @return maximun size of the container
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_type max_size(void) const noexcept
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ return (dq.max_size());
+ };
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : shrink_to_fit
+ /// @brief resize the current vector size and change to size.\n
+ /// If sz is smaller than the current size, delete elements to end\n
+ /// If sz is greater than the current size, insert elements to the
+ /// end with the value c
+ /// @param [in] sz : new size of the deque_cnc after the resize
+ /// @param [in] c : Value to insert if sz is greather than the current size
+ /// @return none
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void shrink_to_fit()
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ dq.shrink_to_fit();
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : empty
+ /// @brief indicate if the map is empty
+ /// @return true if the map is empty, false in any other case
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool empty(void) const noexcept
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ return (dq.empty());
+ };
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : push_back
+ /// @brief Insert one element in the back of the container
+ /// @param [in] D : value to insert. Can ve a value, a reference or an
+ /// rvalue
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void push_back(const value_type & D)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ dq.push_back(D);
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : emplace_back
+ /// @brief Insert one element in the back of the container
+ /// @param [in] args :group of arguments for to build the object to insert
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<class ... Args>
+ void emplace_back(Args && ... args)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ dq.emplace_back(std::forward <Args>(args) ...);
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : push_back
+ /// @brief Insert one element in the back of the container
+ /// @param [in] D : deque to insert in the actual deque, inserting a copy
+ /// of the elements
+ /// @return reference to the deque after the insertion
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<class Allocator2>
+ deque_cnc & push_back(const std::deque<value_type, Allocator2> & D)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < D.size(); ++i)
+ dq.push_back(D[i]);
+ return *this;
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : push_back
+ /// @brief Insert one element in the back of the container
+ /// @param [in] D : deque to insert in the actual deque, inserting a move
+ /// of the elements
+ /// @return reference to the deque after the insertion
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ deque_cnc & push_back(std::deque<value_type, Allocator> && D)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < D.size(); ++i)
+ dq.emplace_back(std::move(D[i]));
+ return *this;
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :pop_back
+ /// @brief erase the last element of the container
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void pop_back(void)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ dq.pop_back();
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :pop_copy_back
+ /// @brief erase the last element and return a copy over P
+ /// @param [out] P : reference to a variable where copy the element
+ /// @return code of the operation
+ /// true - Element erased
+ /// false - Empty tree
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool pop_copy_back(value_type & P)
+ { //-------------------------- begin -----------------------------
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ if (dq.size() == 0) return false;
+ P = dq.back();
+ dq.pop_back();
+ return true;
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :pop_move_back
+ /// @brief erase the last element and move over P
+ /// @param [out] P : reference to a variable where move the element
+ /// @return code of the operation
+ /// true - Element erased
+ /// false - Empty tree
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool pop_move_back(value_type & P)
+ { //-------------------------- begin -----------------------------
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ if (dq.size() == 0) return false;
+ P = std::move(dq.back());
+ dq.pop_back();
+ return true;
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : push_front
+ /// @brief Insert one copy of the element in the front of the container
+ /// @param [in] D : value to insert
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void push_front(const value_type & D)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ dq.push_front(D);
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : emplace_front
+ /// @brief Insert one element in the front of the container
+ /// @param [in] args :group of arguments for to build the object to insert
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<class ... Args>
+ void emplace_front(Args && ... args)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ dq.emplace_front(std::forward <Args>(args) ...);
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : push_front
+ /// @brief Insert a copy of the elements of the deque V1 in the front
+ /// of the container
+ /// @param [in] V1 : deque with the elements to insert
+ /// @return reference to the deque after the insertion
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<class Allocator2>
+ deque_cnc & push_front(const std::deque<value_type, Allocator2> & V1)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < V1.size(); ++i)
+ dq.push_front(V1[i]);
+ return *this;
+ };
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : push_front
+ /// @brief Insert a move of the elements of the deque V1 in the front
+ /// of the container
+ /// @param [in] V1 : deque with the elements to insert
+ /// @return reference to the deque after the insertion
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ deque_cnc & push_front(std::deque<value_type, Allocator> && V1)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < V1.size(); ++i)
+ dq.emplace_front(std::move(V1[i]));
+ return *this;
+ };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :pop_front
+ /// @brief erase the first element of the container
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void pop_front(void)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ dq.pop_front();
+ };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :pop_copy_front
+ /// @brief erase the first element of the tree and return a copy over P
+ /// @param [out] P : reference to a variable where copy the element
+ /// @return code of the operation
+ /// true- Element erased
+ /// false - Empty tree
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool pop_copy_front(value_type & P)
+ { //-------------------------- begin -----------------------------
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ if (dq.size() == 0) return false;
+ P = dq.front();
+ dq.pop_front();
+ return true;
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :pop_move_front
+ /// @brief erase the first element of the tree and return a move over P
+ /// @param [out] P : reference to a variable where move the element
+ /// @return code of the operation
+ /// true- Element erased
+ /// false - Empty tree
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool pop_move_front(value_type & P)
+ { //-------------------------- begin -----------------------------
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock > S(spl);
+ if (dq.size() == 0) return false;
+ P = std::move(dq.front());
+ dq.pop_front();
+ return true;
+ };
+// end class deque_cnc
+};// end namespace tools
+};// end namespace sort
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/file_vector.hpp b/boost/sort/common/file_vector.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1dc62fc02f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/file_vector.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+/// @file file_vector.hpp
+/// @brief This file contains functions for to work with random data and files
+/// Have functions for to create a vector with random data, and
+/// functions for lo load a vector of numbers or strings from the file
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2015 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanyingfile LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <ios>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <ciso646>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <random>
+#include <cstdint>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+// function : generate_file
+/// @brief Generate a binary file filed with random numbers of 64 bits
+/// @param [in] filename : name of the file
+/// @param [in] NElem : number of 64 bits numbers to insert in the file
+/// @exception
+/// @return
+/// @remarks
+static int generate_file(const std::string & filename, size_t NElem)
+{ //------------------------------- begin ----------------------------------
+ std::ofstream ofile;
+, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary |
+ std::ios_base::trunc);
+ if (ofile.bad())
+ {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("could not open file \n");
+ };
+ std::mt19937_64 my_rand(0);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < NElem; ++i)
+ {
+ uint64_t Aux = my_rand();
+ ofile.write((char *) &Aux, 8);
+ }
+ ofile.close();
+ return 0;
+// function : fill_vector_uint64
+/// @brief : fill a vector of uint64_t elements from a file
+/// @param [in] filename : name of the file
+/// @param [in] V : vector to fill
+/// @param [in] NElem : number of elements for to read from the file
+/// @exception
+/// @return
+/// @remarks
+static int fill_vector_uint64(const std::string & filename,
+ std::vector<uint64_t> & V, size_t NElem)
+{ //----------------------- begin ------------------------------------------
+ std::ifstream input(filename, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
+ if (
+ {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("could not open file \n");
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Calculate the lenght of the file and the number of elements inside
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ input.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
+ size_t length = input.tellg();
+ size_t uCount = length / 8;
+ if (uCount < NElem)
+ {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("incorrect lenght of the file\n");
+ };
+ V.clear();
+ V.reserve(NElem);
+ uint64_t Aux = 0;
+ input.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < NElem; ++i)
+ {
+<char *>(&Aux), 8);
+ V.push_back(Aux);
+ };
+ input.close();
+ return 0;
+// function :write_file_uint64
+/// @brief Write a file with the contnt of a vector of Uint64_t elements
+/// @param [in] V : vector from read the numbersl
+/// @param [in] filename : name of the file
+/// @exception
+/// @return
+/// @remarks
+static int write_file_uint64 (const std::vector<uint64_t> & V,
+ const std::string & filename)
+{ //--------------------------------- begin --------------------------------
+ std::ofstream ofile;
+ std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary
+ | std::ios_base::trunc);
+ if (ofile.bad())
+ {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("could not open file \n");
+ };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < V.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ ofile.write((char *) &(V[i]), 8);
+ }
+ ofile.close();
+ return 0;
+// function : fill_vector_string
+/// @brief fill a vector of strings from a file
+/// @param [in] filename : name of the file from read the strings
+/// @param [in] V : vector where store the strings
+/// @param [in] NElem : Number of strings for to read from the file
+/// @exception
+/// @return
+/// @remarks
+static int fill_vector_string (const std::string & filename,
+ std::vector<std::string> & V, size_t NElem)
+{ //----------------------- begin ------------------------------------------
+ std::ifstream input(filename, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
+ if (
+ {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("could not open file \n");
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Calculate the lenght of the file and the number of elements inside
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ input.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
+ V.clear();
+ V.reserve(NElem);
+ std::string inval;
+ input.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < NElem; ++i)
+ {
+ if (!input.eof())
+ {
+ input >> inval;
+ V.push_back(inval);
+ inval.clear();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Insuficient lenght of the file\n");
+ };
+ };
+ input.close();
+ return 0;
+// function :write_file_string
+/// @brief : write a file with the strings of a vector
+/// @param [in] V : vector from read the sttrings
+/// @param [in] filename : file where store the strings
+/// @exception
+/// @return
+/// @remarks
+static int write_file_string (const std::vector<std::string> & V,
+ const std::string & filename)
+{ //--------------------------------- begin --------------------------------
+ std::ofstream ofile;
+ std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary
+ | std::ios_base::trunc);
+ if (ofile.bad())
+ {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("could not open file \n");
+ };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < V.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ ofile.write((char *) &(V[i][0]), V[i].size());
+ ofile.put(0x0);
+ }
+ ofile.close();
+ return 0;
+/// @struct uint64_file_generator
+/// @brief This struct is a number generator from a file, with several options
+/// for to limit the numbers between 0 and Max_Val
+/// @remarks
+struct uint64_file_generator
+{ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::ifstream input;
+ size_t NMax, Pos;
+ size_t Max_Val;
+ std::string s;
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint64_file_generator(const std::string & filename)
+ { //---------------------------- begin ---------------------------------
+ s = filename;
+, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
+ if ( or input.bad())
+ {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("could not open file \n");
+ };
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Calculate the lenght of the file and the number of elements inside
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ input.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
+ size_t length = input.tellg();
+ NMax = length / 8;
+ Pos = 0;
+ Max_Val = ~((size_t) 0);
+ input.seekg(0);
+ };
+ void set_max_val(size_t MV){ Max_Val = MV; };
+ size_t size() const { return NMax; };
+ uint64_t get(void)
+ {
+ uint64_t Aux;
+<char *>(&Aux), 8);
+ return (Aux % Max_Val);
+ };
+ uint64_t operator ( )(){ return get(); };
+ void reset(void) { input.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg); };
+ ~uint64_file_generator() { if (input.is_open()) input.close(); };
+};// end namespace benchmark
+};// end namespace sort
+};// end namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/indirect.hpp b/boost/sort/common/indirect.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a55ef82023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/indirect.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+/// @file indirect.hpp
+/// @brief Indirect algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+//#include <boost/sort/common/atomic.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+/// @struct less_ptr_no_null
+/// @remarks this is the comparison object for pointers. Compare the objects
+/// pointed by the iterators
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare = util::compare_iter<Iter_t> >
+struct less_ptr_no_null
+ //----------------------------- Variables -----------------------
+ Compare comp; // comparison object of the elements pointed by Iter_t
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : less_ptr_no_null
+ /// @brief constructor from a Compare object
+ /// @param C1 : comparison object
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ less_ptr_no_null(Compare C1 = Compare()): comp(C1) { };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : operator ( )
+ /// @brief Make the comparison of the objects pointed by T1 and T2, using
+ // the internal comp
+ //
+ /// @param T1 : first iterator
+ /// @param T2 : second iterator
+ /// @return bool result of the comparison
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool operator( )(Iter_t T1, Iter_t T2) const
+ {
+ return comp(*T1, *T2);
+ };
+// function : create_index
+/// @brief From a vector of objects, create a vector of iterators to
+/// the objects
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range
+/// @param last : iterator to the element after the last of the range
+/// @param index : vector where store the iterators
+template<class Iter_t>
+static void create_index(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, std::vector<Iter_t> &index)
+ auto nelem = last - first;
+ assert(nelem >= 0);
+ index.clear();
+ index.reserve(nelem);
+ for (; first != last; ++first) index.push_back(first);
+// function : sort_index
+/// @brief This function transform a logical sort of the elements in the index
+/// in a physical sort
+/// @param global_first : iterator to the first element of the data
+/// @param [in] index : vector of the iterators
+template<class Iter_t>
+static void sort_index(Iter_t global_first, std::vector<Iter_t> &index)
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter_t> value_t;
+ size_t pos_dest = 0;
+ size_t pos_src = 0;
+ size_t pos_in_vector = 0;
+ size_t nelem = index.size();
+ Iter_t it_dest, it_src;
+ while (pos_in_vector < nelem)
+ {
+ while (pos_in_vector < nelem and
+ (size_t(index[pos_in_vector] - global_first)) == pos_in_vector)
+ {
+ ++pos_in_vector;
+ };
+ if (pos_in_vector == nelem) return;
+ pos_dest = pos_src = pos_in_vector;
+ it_dest = global_first + pos_dest;
+ value_t Aux = std::move(*it_dest);
+ while ((pos_src = (size_t(index[pos_dest] - global_first)))
+ != pos_in_vector)
+ {
+ index[pos_dest] = it_dest;
+ it_src = global_first + pos_src;
+ *it_dest = std::move(*it_src);
+ it_dest = it_src;
+ pos_dest = pos_src;
+ };
+ *it_dest = std::move(Aux);
+ index[pos_dest] = it_dest;
+ ++pos_in_vector;
+ };
+template<class func, class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t> >
+static void indirect_sort(func method, Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp)
+ auto nelem = (last - first);
+ assert(nelem >= 0);
+ if (nelem < 2) return;
+ std::vector<Iter_t> index;
+ index.reserve((size_t) nelem);
+ create_index(first, last, index);
+ less_ptr_no_null<Iter_t, Compare> index_comp(comp);
+ method(index.begin(), index.end(), index_comp);
+ sort_index(first, index);
+};// End namespace common
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/int_array.hpp b/boost/sort/common/int_array.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22c3b0c5a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/int_array.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+/// @file int_array.hpp
+/// @brief This file contains the struct int_array , which is an array of
+/// uint64_t elements, being the template parameter NN the number of
+/// elements in the array
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2010 2015 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanyingfile LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+template<uint32_t NN>
+struct int_array
+ uint64_t M[NN];
+ template<class generator>
+ static int_array<NN> generate(generator & gen)
+ {
+ int_array<NN> result;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NN; ++i)
+ {
+ result.M[i] = gen();
+ };
+ return result;
+ };
+ uint64_t counter(void) const
+ {
+ uint64_t Acc = M[0];
+ for (uint32_t i = 1; i < NN; Acc += M[i++])
+ ;
+ return Acc;
+ };
+template<class IA>
+struct H_comp
+ bool operator ( )(const IA & A1, const IA & A2) const
+ {
+ return (A1.counter() < A2.counter());
+ };
+template<class IA>
+struct L_comp
+ bool operator ( )(const IA & A1, const IA & A2) const
+ {
+ return (A1.M[0] < A2.M[0]);
+ };
+};// End namespace benchmark
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
+#endif // end of int_array.hpp
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/merge_block.hpp b/boost/sort/common/merge_block.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a7b118270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/merge_block.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+/// @file merge_block.hpp
+/// @brief This file constains the class merge_block, which is part of the
+/// block_indirect_sort algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <boost/sort/common/range.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/rearrange.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/merge.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+/// @struct merge_block
+/// @brief This contains all the information shared betwen the classes of the
+/// block indirect sort algorithm
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare, uint32_t Power2 = 10>
+struct merge_block
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // D E F I N I T I O N S
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter_t> value_t;
+ typedef range<size_t> range_pos;
+ typedef range<Iter_t> range_it;
+ typedef range<value_t *> range_buf;
+ typedef typename std::vector<size_t>::iterator it_index;
+ typedef util::circular_buffer<value_t, Power2 + 1> circular_t;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = (size_t) 1 << Power2;
+ const size_t LOG_BLOCK = Power2;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // V A R I A B L E S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // range with all the element to sort
+ range<Iter_t> global_range;
+ // index vector of block_pos elements
+ std::vector<size_t> index;
+ // Number of elements to sort
+ size_t nelem;
+ // Number of blocks to sort
+ size_t nblock;
+ // Number of elements in the last block (tail)
+ size_t ntail;
+ // object for to compare two elements
+ Compare cmp;
+ // range of elements of the last block (tail)
+ range_it range_tail;
+ // circular buffer
+ circular_t * ptr_circ;
+ // indicate if the circulr buffer is owned by the data structure
+ // or is received as parameter
+ bool owned;
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // F U N C T I O N S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : merge_block
+ /// @brief constructor of the class
+ //
+ /// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+ /// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+ /// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+ /// iterators
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ merge_block (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp,
+ circular_t *pcirc_buffer)
+ : global_range(first, last), cmp(comp), ptr_circ(pcirc_buffer),
+ owned(pcirc_buffer == nullptr)
+ {
+ assert((last - first) >= 0);
+ if (first == last) return; // nothing to do
+ nelem = size_t(last - first);
+ nblock = (nelem + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE;
+ ntail = (nelem % BLOCK_SIZE);
+ index.reserve(nblock + 1);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nblock; ++i)
+ index.emplace_back(i);
+ range_tail.first = first + ((nblock - 1) << LOG_BLOCK);
+ range_tail.last = last;
+ if (owned)
+ {
+ ptr_circ = new circular_t;
+ ptr_circ->initialize(*first);
+ };
+ }
+ merge_block(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp)
+ : merge_block(first, last, comp, nullptr) { };
+ ~ merge_block()
+ {
+ if (ptr_circ != nullptr and owned)
+ {
+ delete ptr_circ;
+ ptr_circ = nullptr;
+ };
+ };
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : get_range
+ /// @brief obtain the range in the position pos
+ /// @param pos : position of the range
+ /// @return range required
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ range_it get_range(size_t pos) const
+ {
+ Iter_t it1 = global_range.first + (pos << LOG_BLOCK);
+ Iter_t it2 = (pos == (nblock - 1)) ?
+ global_range.last : it1 + BLOCK_SIZE;
+ return range_it(it1, it2);
+ };
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : get_group_range
+ /// @brief obtain the range of the contiguous blocks beginning in the
+ // position pos
+ /// @param pos : position of the first range
+ /// @param nrange : number of ranges of the group
+ /// @return range required
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ range_it get_group_range(size_t pos, size_t nrange) const
+ {
+ Iter_t it1 = global_range.first + (pos << LOG_BLOCK);
+ Iter_t it2 = ((pos + nrange) == nblock)?global_range.last: global_range.first + ((pos + nrange) << LOG_BLOCK);
+ //Iter_t it2 = global_range.first + ((pos + nrange) << LOG_BLOCK);
+ //if ((pos + nrange) == nblock) it2 = global_range.last;
+ return range_it(it1, it2);
+ };
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : is_tail
+ /// @brief indicate if a block is the tail
+ /// @param pos : position of the block
+ /// @return true : taiol false : not tail
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool is_tail(size_t pos) const
+ {
+ return (pos == (nblock - 1) and ntail != 0);
+ };
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :
+ /// @brief
+ /// @param
+ /// @return
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void merge_range_pos(it_index itx_first, it_index itx_mid,
+ it_index itx_last);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : move_range_pos_backward
+ /// @brief Move backward the elements of a range of blocks in a index
+ /// @param itx_first : iterator to the position of the first block
+ /// @param itx_last : itertor to the position of the last block
+ /// @param npos : number of positions to move. Must be less than BLOCK_SIZE
+ /// @return
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void move_range_pos_backward(it_index itx_first, it_index itx_last,
+ size_t npos);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : rearrange_with_index
+ /// @brief rearrange the blocks with the relative positions of the index
+ /// @param
+ /// @param
+ /// @param
+ /// @return
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void rearrange_with_index(void);
+};// end struct merge_block
+// ##
+// N O N I N L I N E F U N C T IO N S ##
+// ##
+// function :
+/// @brief
+/// @param
+/// @return
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare, uint32_t Power2>
+void merge_block<Iter_t, Compare, Power2>
+::merge_range_pos(it_index itx_first, it_index itx_mid,it_index itx_last)
+ assert((itx_last - itx_mid) >= 0 and (itx_mid - itx_first) >= 0);
+ size_t nelemA = (itx_mid - itx_first), nelemB = (itx_last - itx_mid);
+ if (nelemA == 0 or nelemB == 0) return;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Create two index with the position of the blocks to merge
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::vector<size_t> indexA, indexB;
+ indexA.reserve(nelemA + 1);
+ indexB.reserve(nelemB);
+ indexA.insert(indexA.begin(), itx_first, itx_mid);
+ indexB.insert(indexB.begin(), itx_mid, itx_last);
+ it_index itx_out = itx_first;
+ it_index itxA = indexA.begin(), itxB = indexB.begin();
+ range_it rngA, rngB;
+ Iter_t itA = global_range.first, itB = global_range.first;
+ bool validA = false, validB = false;
+ while (itxA != indexA.end() and itxB != indexB.end())
+ { //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Load valid ranges from the itxA and ItxB positions
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (not validA)
+ {
+ rngA = get_range(*itxA);
+ itA = rngA.first;
+ validA = true;
+ };
+ if (not validB)
+ {
+ rngB = get_range(*itxB);
+ itB = rngB.first;
+ validB = true;
+ };
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // If don't have merge betweeen the blocks, pass directly the
+ // position of the block to itx_out
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (ptr_circ->size() == 0)
+ {
+ if (not cmp(*rngB.front(), *rngA.back()))
+ {
+ *(itx_out++) = *(itxA++);
+ validA = false;
+ continue;
+ };
+ if (cmp(*rngB.back(), *rngA.front()))
+ {
+ if (not is_tail(*itxB))
+ *(itx_out++) = *itxB;
+ else ptr_circ->push_move_back(rngB.first, rngB.size());
+ ++itxB;
+ validB = false;
+ continue;
+ };
+ };
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Normal merge
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool side = util::merge_circular(itA, rngA.last, itB, rngB.last,
+ *ptr_circ, cmp, itA, itB);
+ if (side)
+ { // rngA is finished
+ ptr_circ->pop_move_front(rngA.first, rngA.size());
+ *(itx_out++) = *(itxA++);
+ validA = false;
+ }
+ else
+ { // rngB is finished
+ if (not is_tail(*itxB))
+ {
+ ptr_circ->pop_move_front(rngB.first, rngB.size());
+ *(itx_out++) = *itxB;
+ };
+ ++itxB;
+ validB = false;
+ };
+ }; // end while
+ if (itxA == indexA.end())
+ { // the index A is finished
+ rngB = get_range(*itxB);
+ ptr_circ->pop_move_front(rngB.first, ptr_circ->size());
+ while (itxB != indexB.end())
+ *(itx_out++) = *(itxB++);
+ }
+ else
+ { // The list B is finished
+ rngA = get_range(*itxA);
+ if (ntail != 0 and indexB.back() == (nblock - 1)) // exist tail
+ { // add the tail block to indexA, and shift the element
+ indexA.push_back(indexB.back());
+ size_t numA = size_t(itA - rngA.first);
+ ptr_circ->pop_move_back(rngA.first, numA);
+ move_range_pos_backward(itxA, indexA.end(), ntail);
+ };
+ ptr_circ->pop_move_front(rngA.first, ptr_circ->size());
+ while (itxA != indexA.end())
+ *(itx_out++) = *(itxA++);
+ };
+// function : move_range_pos_backward
+/// @brief Move backward the elements of a range of blocks in a index
+/// @param itx_first : iterator to the position of the first block
+/// @param itx_last : itertor to the position of the last block
+/// @param npos : number of positions to move. Must be less than BLOCK_SIZE
+/// @return
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare, uint32_t Power2>
+void merge_block<Iter_t, Compare, Power2>
+::move_range_pos_backward(it_index itx_first, it_index itx_last, size_t npos)
+ assert((itx_last - itx_first) >= 0 and npos <= BLOCK_SIZE);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Processing the last block. Must be ready fore to accept npos
+ // elements from the upper block
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ range_it rng1 = get_range(*(itx_last - 1));
+ assert(rng1.size() >= npos);
+ if (rng1.size() > npos)
+ {
+ size_t nmove = rng1.size() - npos;
+ util::move_backward(rng1.last, rng1.first, rng1.first + nmove);
+ };
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Movement of elements between blocks
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for (it_index itx = itx_last - 1; itx != itx_first;)
+ {
+ --itx;
+ range_it rng2 = rng1;
+ rng1 = get_range(*itx);
+ Iter_t it_mid1 = rng1.last - npos, it_mid2 = rng2.first + npos;
+ util::move_backward(it_mid2, it_mid1, rng1.last);
+ util::move_backward(rng1.last, rng1.first, it_mid1);
+ };
+// function : rearrange_with_index
+/// @brief rearrange the blocks with the relative positions of the index
+/// @param
+/// @param
+/// @param
+/// @return
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare, uint32_t Power2>
+void merge_block<Iter_t, Compare, Power2>
+{ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_t pos_dest, pos_src, pos_ini;
+ size_t nelem = index.size();
+ ptr_circ->clear();
+ value_t * aux = ptr_circ->get_buffer();
+ range_buf rng_buf(aux, aux + ptr_circ->NMAX);
+ pos_ini = 0;
+ while (pos_ini < nelem)
+ {
+ while (pos_ini < nelem and index[pos_ini] == pos_ini)
+ ++pos_ini;
+ if (pos_ini == nelem) return;
+ pos_dest = pos_src = pos_ini;
+ rng_buf = move_forward(rng_buf, get_range(pos_ini));
+ pos_src = index[pos_ini];
+ while (pos_src != pos_ini)
+ {
+ move_forward(get_range(pos_dest), get_range(pos_src));
+ index[pos_dest] = pos_dest;
+ pos_dest = pos_src;
+ pos_src = index[pos_src];
+ };
+ move_forward(get_range(pos_dest), rng_buf);
+ index[pos_dest] = pos_dest;
+ ++pos_ini;
+ };
+};// End namespace common
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/merge_four.hpp b/boost/sort/common/merge_four.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edfb2ffc72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/merge_four.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+/// @file merge_four.hpp
+/// @brief This file have the functions for to merge 4 buffers
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/range.hpp>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+// ##
+// F U S I O N O F ##
+// ##
+// F O U R E L E M E N T S R A N G E ##
+// ##
+// function : less_range
+/// @brief Compare the elements pointed by it1 and it2, and if they
+/// are equals, compare their position, doing a stable comparison
+/// @param it1 : iterator to the first element
+/// @param pos1 : position of the object pointed by it1
+/// @param it2 : iterator to the second element
+/// @param pos2 : position of the element pointed by it2
+/// @param comp : comparison object
+/// @return result of the comparison
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare = typename util::compare_iter<Iter_t> >
+inline bool less_range(Iter_t it1, uint32_t pos1, Iter_t it2, uint32_t pos2,
+ Compare comp = Compare())
+ return (comp(*it1, *it2)) ? true :
+ (pos2 < pos1) ? false : not (comp(*it2, *it1));
+// function : full_merge4
+/// @brief Merge four ranges
+/// @param dest: range where move the elements merged. Their size must be
+/// greater or equal than the sum of the sizes of the ranges
+/// in vrange_input
+/// @param vrange_input : array of ranges to merge
+/// @param nrange_input : number of ranges in vrange_input
+/// @param comp : comparison object
+/// @return range with all the elements moved with the size adjusted
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+range<Iter1_t> full_merge4(const range<Iter1_t> &rdest,
+ range<Iter2_t> vrange_input[4],
+ uint32_t nrange_input, Compare comp)
+ typedef range<Iter1_t> range1_t;
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter1_t> type1;
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter2_t> type2;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< type1, type2 >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ size_t ndest = 0;
+ uint32_t i = 0;
+ while (i < nrange_input)
+ {
+ if (vrange_input[i].size() != 0)
+ {
+ ndest += vrange_input[i++].size();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32_t k = i + 1; k < nrange_input; ++k)
+ {
+ vrange_input[k - 1] = vrange_input[k];
+ };
+ --nrange_input;
+ };
+ };
+ if (nrange_input == 0) return range1_t(rdest.first, rdest.first);
+ if (nrange_input == 1) return move_forward(rdest, vrange_input[0]);
+ if (nrange_input == 2)
+ {
+ return merge(rdest, vrange_input[0], vrange_input[1], comp);
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Initial sort
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint32_t pos[4] =
+ { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, npos = nrange_input;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // thanks to Steven Ross by their suggestion about the optimal
+ // sorting networks
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (less_range(vrange_input[pos[1]].first, pos[1],
+ vrange_input[pos[0]].first, pos[0], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[0], pos[1]);
+ };
+ if (npos == 4 and less_range(vrange_input[pos[3]].first, pos[3],
+ vrange_input[pos[2]].first, pos[2], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[3], pos[2]);
+ };
+ if (less_range (vrange_input[pos[2]].first, pos[2],
+ vrange_input[pos[0]].first, pos[0], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[0], pos[2]);
+ };
+ if (npos == 4
+ and less_range (vrange_input[pos[3]].first, pos[3],
+ vrange_input[pos[1]].first, pos[1], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[1], pos[3]);
+ };
+ if (less_range (vrange_input[pos[2]].first, pos[2],
+ vrange_input[pos[1]].first, pos[1], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[1], pos[2]);
+ };
+ Iter1_t it_dest = rdest.first;
+ while (npos > 2)
+ {
+ *(it_dest++) = std::move(*(vrange_input[pos[0]].first++));
+ if (vrange_input[pos[0]].size() == 0)
+ {
+ pos[0] = pos[1];
+ pos[1] = pos[2];
+ pos[2] = pos[3];
+ --npos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (less_range(vrange_input[pos[1]].first, pos[1],
+ vrange_input[pos[0]].first, pos[0], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[0], pos[1]);
+ if (less_range(vrange_input[pos[2]].first, pos[2],
+ vrange_input[pos[1]].first, pos[1], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[1], pos[2]);
+ if (npos == 4
+ and less_range(vrange_input[pos[3]].first,
+ pos[3],
+ vrange_input[pos[2]].first,
+ pos[2], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[2], pos[3]);
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ range1_t raux1(rdest.first, it_dest), raux2(it_dest, rdest.last);
+ if (pos[0] < pos[1])
+ {
+ return concat(raux1,merge(raux2, vrange_input[pos[0]],
+ vrange_input[pos[1]], comp));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return concat(raux1, merge (raux2, vrange_input[pos[1]],
+ vrange_input[pos[0]], comp));
+ };
+// function : uninit_full_merge4
+/// @brief Merge four ranges and put the result in uninitialized memory
+/// @param dest: range where create and move the elements merged. Their
+/// size must be greater or equal than the sum of the sizes
+/// of the ranges in the array R
+/// @param vrange_input : array of ranges to merge
+/// @param nrange_input : number of ranges in vrange_input
+/// @param comp : comparison object
+/// @return range with all the elements move with the size adjusted
+template<class Value_t, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+range<Value_t *> uninit_full_merge4(const range<Value_t *> &dest,
+ range<Iter_t> vrange_input[4],
+ uint32_t nrange_input, Compare comp)
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter_t> type1;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< type1, Value_t >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ size_t ndest = 0;
+ uint32_t i = 0;
+ while (i < nrange_input)
+ {
+ if (vrange_input[i].size() != 0)
+ {
+ ndest += vrange_input[i++].size();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (uint32_t k = i + 1; k < nrange_input; ++k)
+ {
+ vrange_input[k - 1] = vrange_input[k];
+ };
+ --nrange_input;
+ };
+ };
+ if (nrange_input == 0) return range<Value_t *>(dest.first, dest.first);
+ if (nrange_input == 1) return move_construct(dest, vrange_input[0]);
+ if (nrange_input == 2)
+ {
+ return merge_construct(dest, vrange_input[0], vrange_input[1], comp);
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Initial sort
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint32_t pos[4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, npos = nrange_input;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // thanks to Steven Ross by their suggestion about the optimal
+ // sorting networks
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (less_range(vrange_input[pos[1]].first, pos[1],
+ vrange_input[pos[0]].first, pos[0], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[0], pos[1]);
+ };
+ if (npos == 4 and less_range(vrange_input[pos[3]].first, pos[3],
+ vrange_input[pos[2]].first, pos[2], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[3], pos[2]);
+ };
+ if (less_range(vrange_input[pos[2]].first, pos[2],
+ vrange_input[pos[0]].first, pos[0], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[0], pos[2]);
+ };
+ if (npos == 4 and less_range(vrange_input[pos[3]].first, pos[3],
+ vrange_input[pos[1]].first, pos[1], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[1], pos[3]);
+ };
+ if (less_range(vrange_input[pos[2]].first, pos[2],
+ vrange_input[pos[1]].first, pos[1], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[1], pos[2]);
+ };
+ Value_t *it_dest = dest.first;
+ while (npos > 2)
+ {
+ util::construct_object(&(*(it_dest++)),
+ std::move(*(vrange_input[pos[0]].first++)));
+ if (vrange_input[pos[0]].size() == 0)
+ {
+ pos[0] = pos[1];
+ pos[1] = pos[2];
+ pos[2] = pos[3];
+ --npos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (less_range (vrange_input[pos[1]].first, pos[1],
+ vrange_input[pos[0]].first, pos[0], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[0], pos[1]);
+ if (less_range (vrange_input[pos[2]].first, pos[2],
+ vrange_input[pos[1]].first, pos[1], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[1], pos[2]);
+ if (npos == 4 and less_range(vrange_input[pos[3]].first,
+ pos[3],
+ vrange_input[pos[2]].first,
+ pos[2], comp))
+ {
+ std::swap(pos[2], pos[3]);
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ }; // end while (npos > 2)
+ range<Value_t *> raux1(dest.first, it_dest), raux2(it_dest, dest.last);
+ if (pos[0] < pos[1])
+ {
+ return concat(raux1,
+ merge_construct(raux2, vrange_input[pos[0]],
+ vrange_input[pos[1]], comp));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return concat(raux1,
+ merge_construct(raux2, vrange_input[pos[1]],
+ vrange_input[pos[0]], comp));
+ };
+};// End namespace common
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/merge_vector.hpp b/boost/sort/common/merge_vector.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84afea5a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/merge_vector.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+/// @file merge_vector.hpp
+/// @brief In this file have the functions for to do a stable merge of
+// ranges, in a vector
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <boost/sort/common/merge_four.hpp>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+// ##
+// F U S I O N O F ##
+// ##
+// A V E C T O R O F R A N G E S ##
+// ##
+// function : merge_level4
+/// @brief merge the ranges in the vector v_input with the full_merge4 function.
+/// The v_output vector is used as auxiliary memory in the internal
+/// process. The final results is in the dest range.
+/// All the ranges of v_output are inside the range dest
+/// @param dest : range where move the elements merged
+/// @param v_input : vector of ranges to merge
+/// @param v_output : vector of ranges obtained
+/// @param comp : comparison object
+/// @return range with all the elements moved
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+void merge_level4(range<Iter1_t> dest, std::vector<range<Iter2_t> > &v_input,
+ std::vector<range<Iter1_t> > &v_output, Compare comp)
+ typedef range<Iter1_t> range1_t;
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter1_t> type1;
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter2_t> type2;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< type1, type2 >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ v_output.clear();
+ if (v_input.size() == 0) return;
+ if (v_input.size() == 1)
+ {
+ v_output.emplace_back(move_forward(dest, v_input[0]));
+ return;
+ };
+ uint32_t nrange = v_input.size();
+ uint32_t pos_ini = 0;
+ while (pos_ini < v_input.size())
+ {
+ uint32_t nmerge = (nrange + 3) >> 2;
+ uint32_t nelem = (nrange + nmerge - 1) / nmerge;
+ range1_t rz = full_merge4(dest, &v_input[pos_ini], nelem, comp);
+ v_output.emplace_back(rz);
+ dest.first = rz.last;
+ pos_ini += nelem;
+ nrange -= nelem;
+ };
+ return;
+// function : uninit_merge_level4
+/// @brief merge the ranges moving the objects and constructing them in
+/// uninitialized memory, in the vector v_input
+/// using full_merge4. The v_output vector is used as auxiliary memory
+/// in the internal process. The final results is in the dest range.
+/// All the ranges of v_output are inside the range dest
+/// @param dest : range where move the elements merged
+/// @param v_input : vector of ranges to merge
+/// @param v_output : vector of ranges obtained
+/// @param comp : comparison object
+/// @return range with all the elements moved and constructed
+template<class Value_t, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+void uninit_merge_level4(range<Value_t *> dest,
+ std::vector<range<Iter_t> > &v_input,
+ std::vector<range<Value_t *> > &v_output, Compare comp)
+ typedef range<Value_t *> range1_t;
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter_t> type1;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< type1, Value_t >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ v_output.clear();
+ if (v_input.size() == 0) return;
+ if (v_input.size() == 1)
+ {
+ v_output.emplace_back(move_construct(dest, v_input[0]));
+ return;
+ };
+ uint32_t nrange = v_input.size();
+ uint32_t pos_ini = 0;
+ while (pos_ini < v_input.size())
+ {
+ uint32_t nmerge = (nrange + 3) >> 2;
+ uint32_t nelem = (nrange + nmerge - 1) / nmerge;
+ range1_t rz = uninit_full_merge4(dest, &v_input[pos_ini], nelem, comp);
+ v_output.emplace_back(rz);
+ dest.first = rz.last;
+ pos_ini += nelem;
+ nrange -= nelem;
+ };
+ return;
+// function : merge_vector4
+/// @brief merge the ranges in the vector v_input using the merge_level4
+/// function. The v_output vector is used as auxiliary memory in the
+/// internal process
+/// The final results is in the range_output range.
+/// All the ranges of v_output are inside the range range_output
+/// All the ranges of v_input are inside the range range_input
+/// @param range_input : range including all the ranges of v_input
+/// @param ange_output : range including all the elements of v_output
+/// @param v_input : vector of ranges to merge
+/// @param v_output : vector of ranges obtained
+/// @param comp : comparison object
+/// @return range with all the elements moved
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+range<Iter2_t> merge_vector4(range<Iter1_t> range_input,
+ range<Iter2_t> range_output,
+ std::vector<range<Iter1_t> > &v_input,
+ std::vector<range<Iter2_t> > &v_output,
+ Compare comp)
+ typedef range<Iter2_t> range2_t;
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter1_t> type1;
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter2_t> type2;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< type1, type2 >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ v_output.clear();
+ if (v_input.size() == 0)
+ {
+ return range2_t(range_output.first, range_output.first);
+ };
+ if (v_input.size() == 1)
+ {
+ return move_forward(range_output, v_input[0]);
+ };
+ bool sw = false;
+ uint32_t nrange = v_input.size();
+ while (nrange > 1)
+ {
+ if (sw)
+ {
+ merge_level4(range_input, v_output, v_input, comp);
+ sw = false;
+ nrange = v_input.size();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ merge_level4(range_output, v_input, v_output, comp);
+ sw = true;
+ nrange = v_output.size();
+ };
+ };
+ return (sw) ? v_output[0] : move_forward(range_output, v_input[0]);
+};// End namespace common
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/pivot.hpp b/boost/sort/common/pivot.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5182fbd273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/pivot.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+/// @file pivot.hpp
+/// @brief This file contains the description of several low level algorithms
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2010 2015 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <cstdint>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+// ##
+// G L O B A L V A R I B L E S ##
+// ##
+// function : mid3
+/// @brief : return the iterator to the mid value of the three values passsed
+/// as parameters
+/// @param iter_1 : iterator to the first value
+/// @param iter_2 : iterator to the second value
+/// @param iter_3 : iterator to the third value
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two values
+/// @return iterator to mid value
+template < typename Iter_t, typename Compare >
+inline Iter_t mid3 (Iter_t iter_1, Iter_t iter_2, Iter_t iter_3, Compare comp)
+ return comp (*iter_1, *iter_2)
+ ? (comp (*iter_2, *iter_3)?
+ iter_2 : (comp (*iter_1, *iter_3) ? iter_3 : iter_1))
+ : (comp (*iter_3, *iter_2)?
+ iter_2 : (comp (*iter_3, *iter_1) ? iter_3 : iter_1));
+// function : pivot3
+/// @brief : receive a range between first and last, calcule the mid iterator
+/// with the first, the previous to the last, and the central
+/// position. With this mid iterator swap with the first position
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element
+/// @param last : iterator to the last element
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+template < class Iter_t, class Compare >
+inline void pivot3 (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp)
+ auto N2 = (last - first) >> 1;
+ Iter_t it_val = mid3 (first + 1, first + N2, last - 1, comp);
+ std::swap (*first, *it_val);
+// function : mid9
+/// @brief : return the iterator to the mid value of the nine values passsed
+/// as parameters
+/// @param iter_1 : iterator to the first value
+/// @param iter_2 : iterator to the second value
+/// @param iter_3 : iterator to the third value
+/// @param iter_4 : iterator to the fourth value
+/// @param iter_5 : iterator to the fifth value
+/// @param iter_6 : iterator to the sixth value
+/// @param iter_7 : iterator to the seventh value
+/// @param iter_8 : iterator to the eighth value
+/// @param iter_9 : iterator to the ninth value
+/// @return iterator to the mid value
+template < class Iter_t, class Compare >
+inline Iter_t mid9 (Iter_t iter_1, Iter_t iter_2, Iter_t iter_3, Iter_t iter_4,
+ Iter_t iter_5, Iter_t iter_6, Iter_t iter_7, Iter_t iter_8,
+ Iter_t iter_9, Compare comp)
+ return mid3 (mid3 (iter_1, iter_2, iter_3, comp),
+ mid3 (iter_4, iter_5, iter_6, comp),
+ mid3 (iter_7, iter_8, iter_9, comp), comp);
+// function : pivot9
+/// @brief : receive a range between first and last, obtain 9 values between
+/// the elements including the first and the previous to the last.
+/// Obtain the iterator to the mid value and swap with the first
+/// position
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element
+/// @param last : iterator to the last element
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+template < class Iter_t, class Compare >
+inline void pivot9 (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp)
+ size_t cupo = (last - first) >> 3;
+ Iter_t itaux = mid9 (first + 1, first + cupo, first + 2 * cupo,
+ first + 3 * cupo, first + 4 * cupo, first + 5 * cupo,
+ first + 6 * cupo, first + 7 * cupo, last - 1, comp);
+ std::swap (*first, *itaux);
+}; // End namespace common
+}; // End namespace sort
+}; // End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/range.hpp b/boost/sort/common/range.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..072d98a938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/range.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+/// @file range.hpp
+/// @brief Define a range [first, last), and the associated operations
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanyingfile LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/algorithm.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/merge.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <functional>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+/// @struct range
+/// @brief this represent a range between two iterators
+/// @remarks
+template <class Iter_t>
+struct range
+ Iter_t first, last;
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : range
+ /// @brief empty constructor
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ range(void) { };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : range
+ /// @brief constructor with two parameters
+ /// @param frs : iterator to the first element
+ /// @param lst : iterator to the last element
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ range(const Iter_t &frs, const Iter_t &lst): first(frs), last(lst) { };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : empty
+ /// @brief indicate if the range is empty
+ /// @return true : empty false : not empty
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool empty(void) const { return (first == last); };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : not_empty
+ /// @brief indicate if the range is not empty
+ /// @return true : not empty false : empty
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool not_empty(void) const {return (first != last); };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : valid
+ /// @brief Indicate if the range is well constructed, and valid
+ /// @return true : valid, false : not valid
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool valid(void) const { return ((last - first) >= 0); };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : size
+ /// @brief return the size of the range
+ /// @return size
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_t size(void) const { return (last - first); };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : front
+ /// @brief return an iterator to the first element of the range
+ /// @return iterator
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Iter_t front(void) const { return first; };
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : back
+ /// @brief return an iterator to the last element of the range
+ /// @return iterator
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Iter_t back(void) const {return (last - 1); };
+// function : concat
+/// @brief concatenate two contiguous ranges
+/// @param it1 : first range
+/// @param it2 : second range
+/// @return range resulting of the concatenation
+template<class Iter_t>
+inline range<Iter_t> concat(const range<Iter_t> &it1, const range<Iter_t> &it2)
+ return range<Iter_t>(it1.first, it2.last);
+// function : move_forward
+/// @brief Move initialized objets from the range src to dest
+/// @param dest : range where move the objects
+/// @param src : range from where move the objects
+/// @return range with the objects moved and the size adjusted
+template <class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t>
+inline range<Iter2_t> move_forward(const range<Iter2_t> &dest,
+ const range<Iter1_t> &src)
+ assert(dest.size() >= src.size());
+ Iter2_t it_aux = util::move_forward(dest.first, src.first, src.last);
+ return range<Iter2_t>(dest.first, it_aux);
+// function : move_backward
+/// @brief Move initialized objets from the range src to dest
+/// @param dest : range where move the objects
+/// @param src : range from where move the objects
+/// @return range with the objects moved and the size adjusted
+template <class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t>
+inline range<Iter2_t> move_backward(const range<Iter2_t> &dest,
+ const range<Iter1_t> &src)
+ assert(dest.size() >= src.size());
+ Iter2_t it_aux = util::move_backward(dest.first + src.size(), src.first,
+ src.last);
+ return range<Iter2_t>(dest.first, dest.src.size());
+// function : uninit_move
+/// @brief Move uninitialized objets from the range src creating them in dest
+/// @param dest : range where move and create the objects
+/// @param src : range from where move the objects
+/// @return range with the objects moved and the size adjusted
+template<class Iter_t, class Value_t = util::value_iter<Iter_t> >
+inline range<Value_t*> move_construct(const range<Value_t*> &dest,
+ const range<Iter_t> &src)
+ Value_t *ptr_aux = util::move_construct(dest.first, src.first, src.last);
+ return range<Value_t*>(dest.first, ptr_aux);
+// function : destroy
+/// @brief destroy a range of objects
+/// @param rng : range to destroy
+template<class Iter_t>
+inline void destroy(range<Iter_t> rng)
+ util::destroy(rng.first, rng.last);
+// function : initialize
+/// @brief initialize a range of objects with the object val moving across them
+/// @param rng : range of elements not initialized
+/// @param val : object used for the initialization
+/// @return range initialized
+template<class Iter_t, class Value_t = util::value_iter<Iter_t> >
+inline range<Iter_t> initialize(const range<Iter_t> &rng, Value_t &val)
+ util::initialize(rng.first, rng.last, val);
+ return rng;
+// function : is_mergeable
+/// @brief : indicate if two ranges have a possible merge
+/// @param src1 : first range
+/// @param src2 : second range
+/// @param comp : object for to compare elements
+/// @return true : they can be merged
+/// false : they can't be merged
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+inline bool is_mergeable(const range<Iter1_t> &src1, const range<Iter2_t> &src2,
+ Compare comp)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter1_t> type1;
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter2_t> type2;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< type1, type2 >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ return comp(*(src2.front()), *(src1.back()));
+// function : is_mergeable_stable
+/// @brief : indicate if two ranges have a possible merge
+/// @param src1 : first range
+/// @param src2 : second range
+/// @param comp : object for to compare elements
+/// @return true : they can be merged
+/// false : they can't be merged
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+inline bool is_mergeable_stable(const range<Iter1_t> &src1,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &src2, Compare comp)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter1_t> type1;
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter2_t> type2;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< type1, type2 >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ return not comp(*(src1.back()), *(src2.front()));
+// function : merge
+/// @brief Merge two contiguous ranges src1 and src2, and put the result in
+/// the range dest, returning the range merged
+/// @param dest : range where locate the lements merged. the size of dest
+/// must be greater or equal than the sum of the sizes of
+/// src1 and src2
+/// @param src1 : first range to merge
+/// @param src2 : second range to merge
+/// @param comp : comparison object
+/// @return range with the elements merged and the size adjusted
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Iter3_t, class Compare>
+inline range<Iter3_t> merge(const range<Iter3_t> &dest,
+ const range<Iter1_t> &src1,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &src2, Compare comp)
+ Iter3_t it_aux = util::merge(src1.first, src1.last, src2.first, src2.last,
+ dest.first, comp);
+ return range<Iter3_t>(dest.first, it_aux);
+// function : merge_construct
+/// @brief Merge two contiguous uninitialized ranges src1 and src2, and create
+/// and move the result in the uninitialized range dest, returning the
+/// range merged
+/// @param dest : range where locate the elements merged. the size of dest
+/// must be greater or equal than the sum of the sizes of
+/// src1 and src2. Initially is uninitialize memory
+/// @param src1 : first range to merge
+/// @param src2 : second range to merge
+/// @param comp : comparison object
+/// @return range with the elements merged and the size adjusted
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Value_t, class Compare>
+inline range<Value_t *> merge_construct(const range<Value_t *> &dest,
+ const range<Iter1_t> &src1,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &src2,
+ Compare comp)
+ Value_t * ptr_aux = util::merge_construct(src1.first, src1.last, src2.first,
+ src2.last, dest.first, comp);
+ return range<Value_t*>(dest.first, ptr_aux);
+// function : half_merge
+/// @brief : Merge two initialized buffers. The first buffer is in a separate
+/// memory
+/// @param dest : range where finish the two buffers merged
+/// @param src1 : first range to merge in a separate memory
+/// @param src2 : second range to merge, in the final part of the
+/// range where deposit the final results
+/// @param comp : object for compare two elements of the type pointed
+/// by the Iter1_t and Iter2_t
+/// @return : range with the two buffers merged
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+inline range<Iter2_t> merge_half(const range<Iter2_t> &dest,
+ const range<Iter1_t> &src1,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &src2, Compare comp)
+ Iter2_t it_aux = util::merge_half(src1.first, src1.last, src2.first,
+ src2.last, dest.first, comp);
+ return range<Iter2_t>(dest.first, it_aux);
+// function : merge_uncontiguous
+/// @brief : merge two non contiguous ranges src1, src2, using the range
+/// aux as auxiliary memory. The results are in the original ranges
+/// @param src1 : first range to merge
+/// @param src2 : second range to merge
+/// @param aux : auxiliary range used in the merge
+/// @param comp : object for to compare elements
+/// @return true : not changes done, false : changes in the buffers
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Iter3_t, class Compare>
+inline bool merge_uncontiguous(const range<Iter1_t> &src1,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &src2,
+ const range<Iter3_t> &aux, Compare comp)
+ return util::merge_uncontiguous(src1.first, src1.last, src2.first,
+ src2.last, aux.first, comp);
+// function : merge_contiguous
+/// @brief : merge two contiguous ranges ( src1, src2) using buf as
+/// auxiliary memory. The results are in the same ranges
+/// @param src1 : first range to merge
+/// @param src1 : second range to merge
+/// @param buf : auxiliary memory used in the merge
+/// @param comp : object for to compare elements
+/// @return true : not changes done, false : changes in the buffers
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+inline range<Iter1_t> merge_contiguous(const range<Iter1_t> &src1,
+ const range<Iter1_t> &src2,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &buf, Compare comp)
+ util::merge_contiguous(src1.first, src1.last, src2.last, buf.first, comp);
+ return concat(src1, src2);
+// function : merge_flow
+/// @brief : merge two ranges, as part of a merge the ranges in a list. This
+/// function reduce the number of movements compared with inplace_merge
+/// when you need to merge a sequence of ranges.
+/// This function merge the ranges rbuf and rng2, and the results
+/// are in rng1 and rbuf
+/// @param rng1 : range where locate the first elements of the merge
+/// @param rbuf : range which provide the first elements, and where store
+/// the last results of the merge
+/// @param rng2 : range which provide the last elements to merge
+/// @param comp : object for to compare elements
+/// @return true : not changes done, false : changes in the buffers
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static void merge_flow(range<Iter1_t> rng1, range<Iter2_t> rbuf,
+ range<Iter1_t> rng2, Compare cmp)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter1_t> type1;
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter2_t> type2;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< type1, type2 >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ range<Iter2_t> rbx(rbuf);
+ range<Iter1_t> rx1(rng1), rx2(rng2);
+ assert(rbx.size() == rx1.size() and rx1.size() == rx2.size());
+ while (rx1.first != rx1.last)
+ {
+ *(rx1.first++) = (cmp(*rbx.first, *rx2.first)) ?
+ std::move(*(rbx.first++)):
+ std::move(*(rx2.first++));
+ };
+ if (rx2.first == rx2.last) return;
+ if (rbx.first == rbx.last) move_forward(rbuf, rng2);
+ else merge_half(rbuf, rx2, rbx, cmp);
+};// End namespace common
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/rearrange.hpp b/boost/sort/common/rearrange.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c65c4f2b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/rearrange.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+/// @file rearrange.hpp
+/// @brief Indirect algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+//#include <boost/sort/common/atomic.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cassert>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+template<class Iter_data>
+struct filter_iterator
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Variables
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Iter_data origin;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Functions
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ filter_iterator(Iter_data global_first): origin(global_first) { };
+ size_t operator ()(Iter_data itx) const
+ {
+ return size_t(itx - origin);
+ }
+struct filter_pos
+ size_t operator ()(size_t pos) const { return pos; };
+// function : rearrange
+/// @brief This function transform a logical sort of the elements in the index
+/// of iterators in a physical sort.
+/// @param global_first : iterator to the first element of the data
+/// @param [in] index : vector of the iterators
+template<class Iter_data, class Iter_index, class Filter_pos>
+void rearrange(Iter_data global_first, Iter_index itx_first,
+ Iter_index itx_last, Filter_pos pos)
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter_data> value_data;
+ typedef util::value_iter<Iter_index> value_index;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ assert((itx_last - itx_first) >= 0);
+ size_t pos_dest, pos_src, pos_ini;
+ size_t nelem = size_t(itx_last - itx_first);
+ Iter_data data = global_first;
+ Iter_index index = itx_first;
+ pos_ini = 0;
+ while (pos_ini < nelem)
+ {
+ while (pos_ini < nelem and pos(index[pos_ini]) == pos_ini)
+ ++pos_ini;
+ if (pos_ini == nelem) return;
+ pos_dest = pos_src = pos_ini;
+ value_data aux = std::move(data[pos_ini]);
+ value_index itx_src = std::move(index[pos_ini]);
+ while ((pos_src = pos(itx_src)) != pos_ini)
+ {
+ data[pos_dest] = std::move(data[pos_src]);
+ std::swap(itx_src, index[pos_src]);
+ pos_dest = pos_src;
+ };
+ data[pos_dest] = std::move(aux);
+ index[pos_ini] = std::move(itx_src);
+ ++pos_ini;
+ };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : rearrange_pos
+ /// @brief This function transform a logical sort of the elements in the index
+ /// of iterators in a physical sort.
+ //
+ /// @param global_first : iterator to the first element of the data
+ /// @param [in] index : vector of the iterators
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template < class Iter_t, class Number >
+ void rearrange_pos (Iter_t global_first, std::vector< Number> &index)
+ {
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ static_assert ( std::is_integral<Number>::value, "Incompatible Types");
+ typedef iter_value< Iter_t > value_t;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // CODE
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_t pos_dest = 0;
+ size_t pos_src = 0;
+ size_t pos_ini = 0;
+ size_t nelem = index.size ( );
+ Iter_t it_dest (global_first), it_src(global_first);
+ while (pos_ini < nelem)
+ {
+ while (pos_ini < nelem and
+ index[pos_ini] == pos_ini)
+ {
+ ++pos_ini;
+ };
+ if (pos_ini == nelem) return;
+ pos_dest = pos_src = pos_ini;
+ it_dest = global_first + pos_dest;
+ value_t Aux = std::move (*it_dest);
+ while ((pos_src = index[pos_dest]) != pos_ini)
+ {
+ index[pos_dest] = it_dest - global_first;
+ it_src = global_first + pos_src;
+ *it_dest = std::move (*it_src);
+ it_dest = it_src;
+ pos_dest = pos_src;
+ };
+ *it_dest = std::move (Aux);
+ index[pos_dest] = it_dest - global_first;
+ ++pos_ini;
+ };
+ };
+ */
+};// End namespace common
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/scheduler.hpp b/boost/sort/common/scheduler.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33074a4534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/scheduler.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+/// @file scheduler.hpp
+/// @brief This file contains the implementation of the scheduler for
+/// dispatch the works stored
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2010 2015 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanyingfile LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <boost/sort/common/spinlock.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/search.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/compare_traits.hpp>
+#include <scoped_allocator>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <deque>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <unordered_map>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+// ##
+// ################################################################ ##
+// # # ##
+// # C L A S S S C H E D U L E R # ##
+// # # ##
+// ################################################################ ##
+// ##
+/// @class scheduler
+/// @brief This class is a concurrent stack controled by a spin_lock
+/// @remarks
+template<typename Func_t, typename Allocator = std::allocator<Func_t> >
+struct scheduler
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // D E F I N I T I O N S
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef std::scoped_allocator_adaptor <Allocator> scoped_alloc;
+ typedef std::deque <Func_t, scoped_alloc> deque_t;
+ typedef typename deque_t::iterator it_deque;
+ typedef std::thread::id key_t;
+ typedef std::hash <key_t> hash_t;
+ typedef std::equal_to <key_t> equal_t;
+ typedef std::unique_lock <spinlock_t> lock_t;
+ typedef std::unordered_map <key_t, deque_t, hash_t,
+ equal_t, scoped_alloc> map_t;
+ typedef typename map_t::iterator it_map;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // V A R I A B L E S
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ map_t mp;
+ size_t nelem;
+ mutable spinlock_t spl;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : scheduler
+ /// @brief constructor
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ scheduler(void) : mp(), nelem(0) { };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : scheduler
+ /// @brief Copy & move constructor
+ /// @param [in] VT : stack_cnc from where copy the data
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ scheduler(scheduler && VT) = delete;
+ scheduler(const scheduler & VT) = delete;
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : ~scheduler
+ /// @brief Destructor
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual ~scheduler(void) {mp.clear();};
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : operator =
+ /// @brief Asignation operator
+ /// @param [in] VT : stack_cnc from where copy the data
+ /// @return Reference to the stack_cnc after the copy
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ scheduler & operator=(const scheduler &VT) = delete;
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : size
+ /// @brief Asignation operator
+ /// @param [in] VT : stack_cnc from where copy the data
+ /// @return Reference to the stack_cnc after the copy
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_t size(void) const
+ {
+ lock_t s(spl);
+ return nelem;
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : clear
+ /// @brief Delete all the elements of the stack_cnc.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void clear_all(void)
+ {
+ lock_t s(spl);
+ mp.clear();
+ nelem = 0;
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : insert
+ /// @brief Insert one element in the back of the container
+ /// @param [in] D : value to insert. Can ve a value, a reference or an
+ /// rvalue
+ /// @return iterator to the element inserted
+ /// @remarks This operation is O ( const )
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void insert(Func_t & f)
+ {
+ lock_t s(spl);
+ key_t th_id = std::this_thread::get_id();
+ it_map itmp = mp.find(th_id);
+ if (itmp == mp.end())
+ {
+ auto aux = mp.emplace(th_id, deque_t());
+ if (aux.second == false) throw std::bad_alloc();
+ itmp = aux.first;
+ };
+ itmp->second.emplace_back(std::move(f));
+ nelem++;
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :emplace
+ /// @brief Insert one element in the back of the container
+ /// @param [in] args :group of arguments for to build the object to insert
+ /// @return iterator to the element inserted
+ /// @remarks This operation is O ( const )
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<class ... Args>
+ void emplace(Args && ... args)
+ {
+ lock_t s(spl);
+ key_t th_id = std::this_thread::get_id();
+ it_map itmp = mp.find(th_id);
+ if (itmp == mp.end())
+ {
+ auto aux = mp.emplace(th_id, deque_t());
+ if (aux.second == false) throw std::bad_alloc();
+ itmp = aux.first;
+ };
+ itmp->second.emplace_back(std::forward <Args>(args) ...);
+ nelem++;
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : insert
+ /// @brief Insert one element in the back of the container
+ /// @param [in] D : value to insert. Can ve a value, a reference or an rvalue
+ /// @return iterator to the element inserted
+ /// @remarks This operation is O ( const )
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<class it_func>
+ void insert_range(it_func first, it_func last)
+ {
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<it_func> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< Func_t, value2_t >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ assert((last - first) > 0);
+ lock_t s(spl);
+ key_t th_id = std::this_thread::get_id();
+ it_map itmp = mp.find(th_id);
+ if (itmp == mp.end())
+ {
+ auto aux = mp.emplace(th_id, deque_t());
+ if (aux.second == true) throw std::bad_alloc();
+ itmp = aux.first;
+ };
+ while (first != last)
+ {
+ itmp->second.emplace_back(std::move(*(first++)));
+ nelem++;
+ };
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : extract
+ /// @brief erase the last element of the tree and return a copy
+ /// @param [out] V : reference to a variable where copy the element
+ /// @return code of the operation
+ /// 0- Element erased
+ /// 1 - Empty tree
+ /// @remarks This operation is O(1)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool extract(Func_t & f)
+ {
+ lock_t s(spl);
+ if (nelem == 0) return false;
+ key_t th_id = std::this_thread::get_id();
+ it_map itmp = mp.find(th_id);
+ if (itmp != mp.end() and not itmp->second.empty())
+ {
+ f = std::move(itmp->second.back());
+ itmp->second.pop_back();
+ --nelem;
+ return true;
+ };
+ for (itmp = mp.begin(); itmp != mp.end(); ++itmp)
+ {
+ if (itmp->second.empty()) continue;
+ f = std::move(itmp->second.back());
+ itmp->second.pop_back();
+ --nelem;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+// end class scheduler
+// P R I N T F U N C T I O N S
+template<class ... Args>
+std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream &out, const std::deque<Args ...> & dq)
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dq.size(); ++i)
+ out << dq[i] << " ";
+ out << std::endl;
+ return out;
+template<typename Func_t, typename Allocator = std::allocator<Func_t> >
+std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream &out,
+ const scheduler<Func_t, Allocator> &sch)
+ std::unique_lock < spinlock_t > s(sch.spl);
+ out << "Nelem :" << sch.nelem << std::endl;
+ for (auto it =; it !=; ++it)
+ {
+ out << it->first << " :" << it->second << std::endl;
+ }
+ return out;
+};// end namespace common
+};// end namespace sort
+};// end namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/sort_basic.hpp b/boost/sort/common/sort_basic.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68a6f54048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/sort_basic.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+/// @file sort_basic.hpp
+/// @brief Spin Sort algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+//#include <boost/sort/spinsort/util/indirect.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/insert_sort/insert_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/range.hpp>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstddef>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+using boost::sort::insert_sort;
+// function : is_stable_sorted_forward
+/// @brief examine the elements in the range first, last if they are stable
+/// sorted, and return an iterator to the first element not sorted
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element in the range
+/// @param last : ierator after the last element of the range
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+/// @return iterator to the first element not stable sorted. The number of
+/// elements sorted is the iterator returned minus first
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare = std::less<value_iter<Iter_t> > >
+inline Iter_t is_stable_sorted_forward (Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ Compare comp = Compare())
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( (last- first) >= 0);
+ if ((last - first) < 2) return first;
+ Iter_t it2 = first + 1;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first; it2 != last and not comp(*it2, *it1); it1 = it2++);
+ return it2;
+// function : is_reverse_stable_sorted_forward
+/// @brief examine the elements in the range first, last if they are reverse
+/// stable sorted, and return an iterator to the first element not
+/// reverse stable sorted
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element in the range
+/// @param last : ierator after the last element of the range
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+/// @return iterator to the first element not reverse stable sorted. The number
+/// of elements sorted is the iterator returned minus first
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare = std::less<value_iter<Iter_t> > >
+inline Iter_t is_reverse_stable_sorted_forward(Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ Compare comp = Compare())
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( (last- first) >= 0);
+ if ((last - first) < 2) return first;
+ Iter_t it2 = first + 1;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first; it2 != last and comp(*it2, *it1); it1 = it2++);
+ return it2;
+// function : number_stable_sorted_forward
+/// @brief examine the elements in the range first, last if they are stable
+/// sorted, and return the number of elements sorted
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element in the range
+/// @param last : ierator after the last element of the range
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+/// @param min_process : minimal number of elements to be consideer
+/// @return number of element sorted. I f the number is lower than min_process
+/// return 0
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare = std::less<value_iter<Iter_t> > >
+size_t number_stable_sorted_forward (Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ size_t min_process,
+ Compare comp = Compare())
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( (last- first) >= 0);
+ if ((last - first) < 2) return 0;
+ // sorted elements
+ Iter_t it2 = first + 1;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first; it2 != last and not comp(*it2, *it1); it1 = it2++);
+ size_t nsorted = size_t ( it2 - first);
+ if ( nsorted != 1)
+ return (nsorted >= min_process) ? nsorted: 0;
+ // reverse sorted elements
+ it2 = first + 1;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first; it2 != last and comp(*it2, *it1); it1 = it2++);
+ nsorted = size_t ( it2 - first);
+ if ( nsorted < min_process) return 0 ;
+ util::reverse ( first , it2);
+ return nsorted;
+// function : is_stable_sorted_backward
+/// @brief examine the elements in the range first, last beginning at end, and
+/// if they are stablesorted, and return an iterator to the last element
+/// sorted
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element in the range
+/// @param last : ierator after the last element of the range
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+/// @return iterator to the last element stable sorted. The number of
+/// elements sorted is the last minus the iterator returned
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare = std::less<value_iter<Iter_t> > >
+inline Iter_t is_stable_sorted_backward(Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ Compare comp = Compare())
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( (last- first) >= 0);
+ if ((last - first) < 2) return first;
+ Iter_t itaux = last - 1;
+ while (itaux != first and not comp(*itaux, *(itaux - 1))) {--itaux; };
+ return itaux;
+// function : is_reverse_stable_sorted_backward
+/// @brief examine the elements in the range first, last beginning at end, and
+/// if they are stablesorted, and return an iterator to the last element
+/// sorted
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element in the range
+/// @param last : ierator after the last element of the range
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+/// @return iterator to the last element stable sorted. The number of
+/// elements sorted is the last minus the iterator returned
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare = std::less<value_iter<Iter_t> > >
+inline Iter_t is_reverse_stable_sorted_backward (Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ Compare comp = Compare())
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( (last- first) >= 0);
+ if ((last - first) < 2) return first;
+ Iter_t itaux = last - 1;
+ for (; itaux != first and comp(*itaux, *(itaux - 1)); --itaux);
+ return itaux;
+// function : number_stable_sorted_backward
+/// @brief examine the elements in the range first, last if they are stable
+/// sorted, and return the number of elements sorted
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element in the range
+/// @param last : ierator after the last element of the range
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+/// @param min_process : minimal number of elements to be consideer
+/// @return number of element sorted. I f the number is lower than min_process
+/// return 0
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare = std::less<value_iter<Iter_t> > >
+size_t number_stable_sorted_backward (Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ size_t min_process,
+ Compare comp = Compare())
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( (last- first) >= 0);
+ if ((last - first) < 2) return 0;
+ Iter_t itaux = last - 1;
+ while (itaux != first and not comp(*itaux, *(itaux - 1))) {--itaux; };
+ size_t nsorted = size_t ( last - itaux);
+ if ( nsorted != 1)
+ return ( nsorted >= min_process)?nsorted: 0 ;
+ itaux = last - 1;
+ for (; itaux != first and comp(*itaux, *(itaux - 1)); --itaux);
+ nsorted = size_t ( last - itaux);
+ if ( nsorted < min_process) return 0 ;
+ util::reverse ( itaux, last );
+ return nsorted;
+// function : internal_sort
+/// @brief this function divide r_input in two parts, sort it,and merge moving
+/// the elements to range_buf
+/// @param range_input : range with the elements to sort
+/// @param range_buffer : range with the elements sorted
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+/// @param level : when is 1, sort with the insertionsort algorithm
+/// if not make a recursive call splitting the ranges
+template <class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+inline void internal_sort (const range<Iter1_t> &rng1,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &rng2,
+ Compare comp, uint32_t level, bool even = true)
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // metaprogram
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< value_t, value2_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // program
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert (rng1.size ( ) == rng2.size ( ) );
+ size_t nelem = (rng1.size() + 1) >> 1;
+ range<Iter1_t> rng1_left(rng1.first, rng1.first + nelem),
+ rng1_right(rng1.first + nelem, rng1.last);
+ range<Iter2_t> rng2_left(rng2.first, rng2.first + nelem),
+ rng2_right(rng2.first + nelem, rng2.last);
+ if (nelem <= 32 and (level & 1) == even)
+ {
+ insert_sort(rng1_left.first, rng1_left.last, comp);
+ insert_sort(rng1_right.first, rng1_right.last, comp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ internal_sort(rng2_left, rng1_left, comp, level + 1, even);
+ internal_sort(rng2_right, rng1_right, comp, level + 1, even);
+ };
+ merge(rng2, rng1_left, rng1_right, comp);
+// function : range_sort_data
+/// @brief this sort elements using the range_sort function and receiving a
+/// buffer of initialized memory
+/// @param rng_data : range with the elements to sort
+/// @param rng_aux : range of at least the same memory than rng_data used as
+/// auxiliary memory in the sorting
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static void range_sort_data (const range<Iter1_t> & rng_data,
+ const range<Iter2_t> & rng_aux, Compare comp)
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // metaprogram
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< value_t, value2_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // program
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( rng_data.size() == rng_aux.size());
+ // minimal number of element before to jump to insertionsort
+ const uint32_t sort_min = 32;
+ if (rng_data.size() <= sort_min)
+ {
+ insert_sort(rng_data.first, rng_data.last, comp);
+ return;
+ };
+ internal_sort(rng_aux, rng_data, comp, 0, true);
+// function : range_sort_buffer
+/// @brief this sort elements using the range_sort function and receiving a
+/// buffer of initialized memory
+/// @param rng_data : range with the elements to sort
+/// @param rng_aux : range of at least the same memory than rng_data used as
+/// auxiliary memory in the sorting
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static void range_sort_buffer(const range<Iter1_t> & rng_data,
+ const range<Iter2_t> & rng_aux, Compare comp)
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // metaprogram
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< value_t, value2_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // program
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( rng_data.size() == rng_aux.size());
+ // minimal number of element before to jump to insertionsort
+ const uint32_t sort_min = 32;
+ if (rng_data.size() <= sort_min)
+ {
+ insert_sort(rng_data.first, rng_data.last, comp);
+ move_forward(rng_aux, rng_data);
+ return;
+ };
+ internal_sort(rng_data, rng_aux, comp, 0, false);
+};// End namespace common
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namepspace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/spinlock.hpp b/boost/sort/common/spinlock.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..450ba6b53e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/spinlock.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+/// @file spinlock_t.hpp
+/// @brief
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2010 2015 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanyingfile LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <atomic>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <functional>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <thread>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+/// @class spinlock_t
+/// @brief This class implement, from atomic variables, a spinlock
+/// @remarks This class meet the BasicLockable requirements ( lock, unlock )
+class spinlock_t
+ private:
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // P R I V A T E V A R I A B L E S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::atomic_flag af;
+ public:
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : spinlock_t
+ /// @brief class constructor
+ /// @param [in]
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ explicit spinlock_t ( ) noexcept { af.clear ( ); };
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : lock
+ /// @brief Lock the spinlock_t
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void lock ( ) noexcept
+ {
+ while (af.test_and_set (std::memory_order_acquire))
+ {
+ std::this_thread::yield ( );
+ };
+ };
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : try_lock
+ /// @brief Try to lock the spinlock_t, if not, return false
+ /// @return true : locked
+ /// false: not previous locked
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool try_lock ( ) noexcept
+ {
+ return not af.test_and_set (std::memory_order_acquire);
+ };
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : unlock
+ /// @brief unlock the spinlock_t
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void unlock ( ) noexcept { af.clear (std::memory_order_release); };
+}; // E N D C L A S S S P I N L O C K
+}; // end namespace common
+}; // end namespace sort
+}; // end namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/stack_cnc.hpp b/boost/sort/common/stack_cnc.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4d6e53b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/stack_cnc.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+/// @file stack_cnc.hpp
+/// @brief This file contains the implementation concurrent stack
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2010 2015 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanyingfile LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <boost/sort/common/spinlock.hpp>
+#include <vector>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+// ##
+// ################################################################ ##
+// # # ##
+// # C L A S S # ##
+// # S T A C K _ C N C # ##
+// # # ##
+// ################################################################ ##
+// ##
+/// @class stack_cnc
+/// @brief This class is a concurrent stack controled by a spin_lock
+/// @remarks
+template<typename T, typename Allocator = std::allocator<T> >
+class stack_cnc
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // D E F I N I T I O N S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef std::vector<T, Allocator> vector_t;
+ typedef typename vector_t::size_type size_type;
+ typedef typename vector_t::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef typename vector_t::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename vector_t::pointer pointer;
+ typedef typename vector_t::const_pointer const_pointer;
+ typedef typename vector_t::reference reference;
+ typedef typename vector_t::const_reference const_reference;
+ typedef typename vector_t::allocator_type allocator_type;
+ typedef Allocator alloc_t;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ vector_t v_t;
+ mutable spinlock_t spl;
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : stack_cnc
+ /// @brief constructor
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ explicit stack_cnc(void): v_t() { };
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : stack_cnc
+ /// @brief Move constructor
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ stack_cnc(stack_cnc &&) = delete;
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : ~stack_cnc
+ /// @brief Destructor
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual ~stack_cnc(void) { v_t.clear(); };
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : emplace_back
+ /// @brief Insert one element in the back of the container
+ /// @param args : group of arguments for to build the object to insert. Can
+ /// be values, references or rvalues
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<class ... Args>
+ void emplace_back(Args &&... args)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock_t > guard(spl);
+ v_t.emplace_back(std::forward< Args > (args)...);
+ };
+ //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :pop_move_back
+ /// @brief if exist, move the last element to P, and delete it
+ /// @param P : reference to a variable where move the element
+ /// @return true - Element moved and deleted
+ /// false - Empty stack_cnc
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool pop_move_back(value_type &P)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock_t > S(spl);
+ if (v_t.size() == 0) return false;
+ P = std::move(v_t.back());
+ v_t.pop_back();
+ return true;
+ };
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : push_back
+ /// @brief Insert one vector at the end of the container
+ /// @param v_other : vector to insert
+ /// @return reference to the stack_cnc after the insertion
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<class Allocator2>
+ stack_cnc &push_back(const std::vector<value_type, Allocator2> &v_other)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard < spinlock_t > guard(spl);
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < v_other.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ v_t.push_back(v_other[i]);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ };
+// end class stack_cnc
+};// end namespace common
+};// end namespace sort
+};// end namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/time_measure.hpp b/boost/sort/common/time_measure.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef00dd4930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/time_measure.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/// @file time_measure.hpp
+/// @brief This class is done in order to simplify the time measure in the
+/// benchmaark programs
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2010 2015 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanyingfile LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <chrono>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+namespace chrn = std::chrono;
+// D E F I N I T I O N S
+typedef chrn::steady_clock::time_point time_point;
+time_point now ( );
+double subtract_time ( const time_point & t1, const time_point & t2 );
+// function : now
+/// @brief return the time system in a internal format ( steady_clock)
+/// @return time in steady_clock format
+time_point now ( ) { return chrn::steady_clock::now( ); };
+// function : subtract_time
+/// @brief return the time in double format
+/// @param [in] t1 : first time in time_point format
+/// @param [in] t2 : second time in time_point format
+/// @return time in seconds of the difference of t1 - t2
+double subtract_time ( const time_point & t1, const time_point & t2 )
+{ //------------------------ begin ---------------------------------
+ chrn::duration<double> time_span =
+ chrn::duration_cast < chrn::duration < double > > ( t1 - t2 );
+ return time_span.count( );
+};// End namespace benchmark
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/util/algorithm.hpp b/boost/sort/common/util/algorithm.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db7607aaeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/util/algorithm.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+/// @file algorithm.hpp
+/// @brief low level functions of create, destroy, move and merge functions
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2017 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+namespace util
+// I M P O R T A N T
+// The functions of this file are for internal use only
+// All the operations are done with move operations, because the copy
+// operations are unnecesary
+// F U N C T I O N S I N T H E F I L E
+// static inline uint32_t nbits32 (uint32_t num) noexcept
+// static inline uint32_t nbits64 (uint64_t num)
+// template < class Value_t, class... Args >
+// inline void construct_object (Value_t *ptr, Args &&... args)
+// template < class Value_t >
+// inline void destroy_object (Value_t *ptr)
+// template < class Iter_t, class Value_t = value_iter<Iter_t> >
+// void initialize (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Value_t && val)
+// template < class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t >
+// Iter2_t move_forward (Iter2_t it_dest, Iter1_t first, Iter1_t last)
+// template < class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t >
+// Iter2_t move_backward (Iter2_t it_dest, Iter1_t first, Iter1_t last)
+// template < class Iter_t, class Value_t = value_iter< Iter_t > >
+// Value_t * move_construct (Value_t *ptr, Iter_t first, Iter_t last)
+// template < class Iter_t >
+// void destroy (Iter_t first, const Iter_t last)
+// template < class Iter_t >
+// void reverse (Iter_t first, const Iter_t last)
+// G L O B A L V A R I B L E S
+// this array represent the number of bits needed for to represent the
+// first 256 numbers
+static constexpr const uint32_t tmsb[256] =
+{ 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
+ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
+ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8,
+ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 };
+// F U N C T I O N S
+// function : nbits32
+/// @brief Obtain the number of bits of a number equal or greater than num
+/// @param num : Number to examine
+/// @return Number of bits
+static inline uint32_t nbits32 (uint32_t num) noexcept
+ int Pos = (num & 0xffff0000U) ? 16 : 0;
+ if ((num >> Pos) & 0xff00U) Pos += 8;
+ return (tmsb[num >> Pos] + Pos);
+// function : nbits64
+/// @brief Obtain the number of bits of a number equal or greater than num
+/// @param num : Number to examine
+/// @exception none
+/// @return Number of bits
+static inline uint32_t nbits64(uint64_t num)noexcept
+ uint32_t Pos = (num & 0xffffffff00000000ULL) ? 32 : 0;
+ if ((num >> Pos) & 0xffff0000ULL) Pos += 16;
+ if ((num >> Pos) & 0xff00ULL) Pos += 8;
+ return (tmsb[num >> Pos] + Pos);
+// function : construct_object
+/// @brief create an object in the memory specified by ptr
+/// @param ptr : pointer to the memory where to create the object
+/// @param args : arguments to the constructor
+template <class Value_t, class ... Args>
+inline void construct_object (Value_t *ptr, Args &&... args)
+ (::new (static_cast<void *>(ptr)) Value_t(std::forward< Args > (args)...));
+// function : destroy_object
+/// @brief destroy an object in the memory specified by ptr
+/// @param ptr : pointer to the object to destroy
+template<class Value_t>
+inline void destroy_object(Value_t *ptr)
+ ptr->~Value_t();
+// function : initialize
+/// @brief initialize a range of objects with the object val moving across them
+/// @param first : itertor to the first element to initialize
+/// @param last : iterator to the last element to initialize
+/// @param val : object used for the initialization
+template <class Iter_t, class Value_t = value_iter<Iter_t> >
+inline void initialize (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Value_t & val)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter_t> value_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< Value_t, value_t >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (first == last) return;
+ construct_object(&(*first), std::move(val));
+ Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1;
+ while (it2 != last)
+ {
+ construct_object(&(*(it2++)), std::move(*(it1++)));
+ };
+ val = std::move(*(last - 1));
+// function : move_forward
+/// @brief Move initialized objets
+/// @param it_dest : iterator to the final place of the objects
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element to move
+/// @param last : iterator to the last element to move
+/// @return Output iterator to the element past the last element
+/// moved (it_dest + (last - first))
+template <class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t>
+inline Iter2_t move_forward (Iter2_t it_dest, Iter1_t first, Iter1_t last)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value1_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< value1_t, value2_t >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ while (first != last)
+ { *it_dest++ = std::move(*first++);
+ }
+ return it_dest;
+// function : move_backard
+/// @brief Move initialized objets in reverse order
+/// @param it_dest : last iterator to the final place of the objects
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element to move
+/// @param last : iterator to the last element to move
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t>
+inline Iter2_t move_backward(Iter2_t it_dest, Iter1_t first, Iter1_t last)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value1_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< value1_t, value2_t >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ while (first != last)
+ { *(--it_dest) = std::move (*(--last));
+ }
+ return it_dest;
+// function : move_construct
+/// @brief Move objets to uninitialized memory
+/// @param ptr : pointer to the memory where to create the objects
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element to move
+/// @param last : iterator to the last element to move
+template<class Iter_t, class Value_t = value_iter<Iter_t> >
+inline Value_t * move_construct(Value_t *ptr, Iter_t first, Iter_t last)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef typename iterator_traits<Iter_t>::value_type value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< Value_t, value2_t >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ while (first != last)
+ {
+ ::new (static_cast<void *>(ptr++)) Value_t(std::move(*(first++)));
+ };
+ return ptr;
+// function : destroy
+/// @brief destroy the elements between first and last
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element to destroy
+/// @param last : iterator to the last element to destroy
+template<class Iter_t>
+inline void destroy(Iter_t first, const Iter_t last)
+ while (first != last)
+ destroy_object(&(*(first++)));
+// function : reverse
+/// @brief destroy the elements between first and last
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element to destroy
+/// @param last : iterator to the last element to destroy
+template<class Iter_t>
+inline void reverse(Iter_t first, Iter_t last)
+ std::reverse ( first, last);
+};// End namespace util
+};// End namespace common
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/util/atomic.hpp b/boost/sort/common/util/atomic.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15906fe52a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/util/atomic.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+/// @file atomic.hpp
+/// @brief Basic layer for to simplify the use of atomic functions
+/// @author Copyright(c) 2016 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <atomic>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <type_traits>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+namespace util
+// function : atomic_read
+/// @brief make the atomic read of an atomic variable, using a memory model
+/// @param at_var : atomic variable to read
+/// @return value obtained
+template<typename T>
+inline T atomic_read(std::atomic<T> &at_var)
+ return std::atomic_load_explicit < T > (&at_var, std::memory_order_acquire);
+// function : atomic_add
+/// @brief Add a number to an atomic variable, using a memory model
+/// @param at_var : variable to add
+/// @param num : value to add to at_var
+/// @return result of the operation
+template<typename T, typename T2>
+inline T atomic_add(std::atomic<T> &at_var, T2 num)
+ static_assert (std::is_integral< T2 >::value, "Bad parameter");
+ return std::atomic_fetch_add_explicit <T>
+ (&at_var, (T) num, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
+// function : atomic_sub
+/// @brief Atomic subtract of an atomic variable using memory model
+/// @param at_var : Varibale to subtract
+/// @param num : value to sub to at_var
+/// @return result of the operation
+template<typename T, typename T2>
+inline T atomic_sub(std::atomic<T> &at_var, T2 num)
+ static_assert (std::is_integral< T2 >::value, "Bad parameter");
+ return std::atomic_fetch_sub_explicit <T>
+ (&at_var, (T) num, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
+// function : atomic_write
+/// @brief Write a value in an atomic variable using memory model
+/// @param at_var : varible to write
+/// @param num : value to write in at_var
+template<typename T, typename T2>
+inline void atomic_write(std::atomic<T> &at_var, T2 num)
+ static_assert (std::is_integral< T2 >::value, "Bad parameter");
+ std::atomic_store_explicit <T>
+ (&at_var, (T) num, std::memory_order_release);
+template<typename T>
+struct counter_guard
+ typedef std::atomic<T> atomic_t;
+ atomic_t &count;
+ counter_guard(atomic_t & counter): count(counter) { };
+ ~counter_guard() {atomic_sub(count, 1); };
+};// End namespace util
+};// End namespace common
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/util/circular_buffer.hpp b/boost/sort/common/util/circular_buffer.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fc7e973e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/util/circular_buffer.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+/// @file circular_buffer.hpp
+/// @brief This file contains the implementation of the circular buffer
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2010 2015 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanyingfile LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <memory>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <exception>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/algorithm.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+namespace util
+/// @class circular_buffer
+/// @brief This class implement a circular buffer
+/// @remarks
+template <class Value_t, uint32_t Power2 = 11>
+struct circular_buffer
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ static_assert ( Power2 != 0, "Wrong Power2");
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef Value_t value_t;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const size_t NMAX = (size_t) 1 << Power2;
+ const size_t MASK = (NMAX - 1);
+ const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = NMAX >> 1;
+ const size_t LOG_BLOCK = Power2 - 1;
+ Value_t * ptr = nullptr;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // first and last are the position of the first and last elements
+ // always are in the range [0, NMAX - 1]
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_t nelem, first_pos;
+ bool initialized;
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : circular_buffer
+ /// @brief constructor of the class
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ circular_buffer(void)
+ : ptr(nullptr), nelem(0), first_pos(0), initialized(false)
+ {
+ ptr = std::get_temporary_buffer < Value_t > (NMAX).first;
+ if (ptr == nullptr) throw std::bad_alloc();
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : ~circular_buffer
+ /// @brief destructor of the class
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ~circular_buffer()
+ {
+ if (initialized)
+ { for (size_t i = 0; i < NMAX; ++i) (ptr + i)->~Value_t();
+ initialized = false;
+ };
+ std::return_temporary_buffer(ptr);
+ }
+ ;
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : initialize
+ /// @brief : initialize the memory of the buffer from the uninitialize
+ // memory obtained from the temporary buffer
+ /// @param val : value used to initialize the memory
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void initialize(Value_t & val)
+ {
+ assert (initialized == false);
+ ::new (static_cast<void*>(ptr)) Value_t(std::move(val));
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < NMAX; ++i)
+ ::new (static_cast<void*>(ptr + i)) Value_t(std::move(ptr[i - 1]));
+ val = std::move(ptr[NMAX - 1]);
+ initialized = true;
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : destroy_all
+ /// @brief : destroy all the objects in the internal memory
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void destroy_all(void) { destroy(ptr, ptr + NMAX); };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : get_buffer
+ /// @brief return the internal memory of the circular buffer
+ /// @return pointer to the internal memory of the buffer
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Value_t * get_buffer(void) { return ptr; };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : empty
+ /// @brief return if the buffer is empty
+ /// @return true : empty
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool empty(void) const {return (nelem == 0); };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : full
+ /// @brief return if the buffer is full
+ /// @return true : full
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool full(void) const { return (nelem == NMAX); };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : size
+ /// @brief return the number of elements stored in the buffer
+ /// @return number of elements stored
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_t size(void) const { return nelem;};
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : capacity
+ /// @brief : return the maximun capacity of the buffer
+ /// @return number of elements
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_t capacity(void) const { return NMAX;};
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : free_size
+ /// @brief return the free positions in the buffer
+ /// @return number of elements
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_t free_size(void) const { return (NMAX - nelem); };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : clear
+ /// @brief clear the buffer
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void clear(void) { nelem = first_pos = 0; };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : front
+ /// @brief return the first element of the buffer
+ /// @return reference to the first value
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Value_t & front(void)
+ {
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert (nelem > 0);
+ return (ptr[first_pos]);
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :front
+ /// @brief return the first element of the buffer
+ /// @return const reference to the first value
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const Value_t & front(void) const
+ {
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( nelem > 0 );
+ return (ptr[first_pos]);
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : back
+ /// @brief reference to the last value of the buffer
+ /// @return reference to the last value
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Value_t & back(void)
+ {
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( nelem > 0 );
+ return (ptr[(first_pos + nelem - 1) & MASK]);
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : back
+ /// @brief reference to the last value of the buffer
+ /// @return const reference to the last value
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const Value_t & back(void) const
+ {
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( nelem > 0 );
+ return (ptr[(first_pos + nelem - 1) & MASK]);
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : operator []
+ /// @brief positional access to the elements
+ /// @param pos rquested
+ /// @return reference to the element
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Value_t & operator[](uint32_t pos)
+ {
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( nelem > 0 );
+ return ptr[(first_pos + pos) & MASK];
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : operator []
+ /// @brief positional access to the elements
+ /// @param pos rquested
+ /// @return const reference to the element
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const Value_t & operator[](uint32_t pos) const
+ {
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( nelem > 0 );
+ return ptr[(first_pos + pos) & MASK];
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : push_front
+ /// @brief insert an element in the first position of the buffer
+ /// @param val : const value to insert
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void push_front(const Value_t & val)
+ {
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( nelem != NMAX);
+ ++nelem;
+ first_pos = ((first_pos + MASK) & MASK);
+ ptr[first_pos] = val;
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : push_front
+ /// @brief insert an element in the first position of the buffer
+ /// @param val : rvalue to insert
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void push_front(Value_t && val)
+ {
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( nelem != NMAX);
+ ++nelem;
+ first_pos = ((first_pos + MASK) & MASK);
+ ptr[first_pos] = val;
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : push_back
+ /// @brief insert an element in the last position of the buffer
+ /// @param val : value to insert
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void push_back(const Value_t & val)
+ {
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( nelem != NMAX);
+ ptr[(first_pos + (nelem++)) & MASK] = val;
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : push_back
+ /// @brief insert an element in the last position of the buffer
+ /// @param val : value to insert
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void push_back(Value_t && val)
+ {
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( nelem != NMAX);
+ ptr[(first_pos + (nelem++)) & MASK] = std::move(val);
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : pop_front
+ /// @brief remove the first element of the buffer
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void pop_front(void)
+ {
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( nelem > 0 );
+ --nelem;
+ (++first_pos) &= MASK;
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : pop_back
+ /// @brief remove the last element of the buffer
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void pop_back(void)
+ {
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( nelem > 0 );
+ --nelem;
+ };
+ template<class iter_t>
+ void pop_copy_front(iter_t it_dest, size_t num);
+ template<class iter_t>
+ void pop_move_front(iter_t it_dest, size_t num);
+ template<class iter_t>
+ void pop_copy_back(iter_t it_dest, size_t num);
+ template<class iter_t>
+ void pop_move_back(iter_t it_dest, size_t num);
+ template<class iter_t>
+ void push_copy_front(iter_t it_src, size_t num);
+ template<class iter_t>
+ void push_move_front(iter_t it_src, size_t num);
+ template<class iter_t>
+ void push_copy_back(iter_t it_src, size_t num);
+ template<class iter_t>
+ void push_move_back(iter_t it_src, size_t num);
+};// End of class circular_buffer
+// ##
+// N O N I N L I N E F U N C T I O N S ##
+// ##
+// function : pop_copy_front
+/// @brief copy and delete num elements from the front of the buffer
+/// @param it_dest : iterator to the first position where copy the elements
+/// @param num : number of elements to copy
+template <class Value_t, uint32_t Power2>
+template<class iter_t>
+void circular_buffer<Value_t, Power2>
+::pop_copy_front(iter_t it_dest, size_t num)
+ static_assert ( std::is_same <value_iter<iter_t>, Value_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterator");
+ if (num == 0) return;
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( num <= nelem);
+ nelem -= num;
+ size_t pos = first_pos;
+ first_pos = (first_pos + num) & MASK;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i)
+ {
+ *(it_dest++) = ptr[pos++ & MASK];
+ };
+ first_pos &= MASK;
+// function : pop_move_front
+/// @brief move num elements from the front of the buffer to the place
+// pointed by it_dest
+/// @param it_dest : iterator to the first position where move the elements
+/// @param num : number of elements to move
+template <class Value_t, uint32_t Power2>
+template<class iter_t>
+void circular_buffer<Value_t, Power2>
+:: pop_move_front(iter_t it_dest, size_t num)
+ static_assert ( std::is_same <value_iter<iter_t>, Value_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterator");
+ if (num == 0) return;
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( num <= nelem);
+ nelem -= num;
+ size_t pos = first_pos;
+ first_pos = (first_pos + num) & MASK;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i)
+ {
+ *(it_dest++) = std::move(ptr[pos++ & MASK]);
+ };
+ first_pos &= MASK;
+// function : pop_copy_back
+/// @brief copy and delete num elements from the back of the buffer
+/// @param p1 : iterator where begin to copy the elements
+/// @param num : number of elements to copy
+template <class Value_t, uint32_t Power2>
+template<class iter_t>
+void circular_buffer<Value_t, Power2>
+::pop_copy_back(iter_t it_dest, size_t num)
+ static_assert ( std::is_same <value_iter<iter_t>, Value_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterator");
+ if (num == 0) return;
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( num <= nelem);
+ nelem -= num;
+ size_t pos = (first_pos + nelem) & MASK;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i)
+ {
+ *(it_dest++) = ptr[pos++ & MASK];
+ };
+// function : pop_move_back
+/// @brief move and delete num elements from the back of the buffer
+/// @param p1 : iterator where begin to move the elements
+/// @param num : number of elements to move
+template <class Value_t, uint32_t Power2>
+template<class iter_t>
+void circular_buffer<Value_t, Power2>
+::pop_move_back(iter_t it_dest, size_t num)
+ static_assert ( std::is_same <value_iter<iter_t>, Value_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterator");
+ if (num == 0) return;
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( num <= nelem);
+ nelem -= num;
+ size_t pos = (first_pos + nelem) & MASK;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i)
+ {
+ *(it_dest++) = std::move(ptr[pos++ & MASK]);
+ };
+// function : push_copy_front
+/// @brief copy num elements in the front of the buffer
+/// @param it_src : iterator from where begin to copy the elements
+/// @param mun : number of element to copy
+template <class Value_t, uint32_t Power2>
+template<class iter_t>
+void circular_buffer<Value_t, Power2>
+::push_copy_front(iter_t it_src, size_t num)
+ static_assert ( std::is_same <value_iter<iter_t>, Value_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterator");
+ if (num == 0) return;
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( free_size() >= num);
+ nelem += num;
+ first_pos = (first_pos + NMAX - num) & MASK;
+ size_t pos = first_pos;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i)
+ {
+ ptr[(pos++) & MASK] = *(it_src++);
+ };
+// function : push_move_front
+/// @brief move num elements in the front of the buffer
+/// @param p1 : iterator from where begin to move the elements
+/// @param mun : number of element to move
+template <class Value_t, uint32_t Power2>
+template<class iter_t>
+void circular_buffer<Value_t, Power2>
+::push_move_front(iter_t it_src, size_t num)
+ static_assert ( std::is_same <value_iter<iter_t>, Value_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterator");
+ if (num == 0) return;
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( free_size() >= num);
+ nelem += num;
+ size_t pos = first_pos;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i)
+ {
+ ptr[(pos++) & MASK] = std::move(*(it_src++));
+ };
+// function : push_copy_back
+/// @brief copy num elements in the back of the buffer
+/// @param p1 : iterator from where begin to copy the elements
+/// @param mun : number of element to copy
+template <class Value_t, uint32_t Power2>
+template<class iter_t>
+void circular_buffer<Value_t, Power2>
+::push_copy_back(iter_t it_src, size_t num)
+ static_assert ( std::is_same <value_iter<iter_t>, Value_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterator");
+ if (num == 0) return;
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( free_size() >= num);
+ size_t pos = first_pos + nelem;
+ nelem += num;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i)
+ {
+ ptr[(pos++) & MASK] = *(it_src++);
+ };
+// function : push_move_back
+/// @brief move num elements in the back of the buffer
+/// @param p1 : iterator from where begin to move the elements
+/// @param mun : number of element to move
+template <class Value_t, uint32_t Power2>
+template<class iter_t>
+void circular_buffer<Value_t, Power2>
+::push_move_back(iter_t it_src, size_t num)
+ static_assert ( std::is_same <value_iter<iter_t>, Value_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterator");
+ if (num == 0) return;
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( free_size() >= num);
+ size_t pos = first_pos + nelem;
+ nelem += num;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i)
+ {
+ ptr[(pos++) & MASK] = std::move(*(it_src++));
+ };
+};// End namespace util
+};// End namespace common
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/util/insert.hpp b/boost/sort/common/util/insert.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..219fa8a351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/util/insert.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+/// @file insert.hpp
+/// @brief
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+//#include <boost/sort/spinsort/util/indirect.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/insert.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/algorithm.hpp>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstddef>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+namespace util
+namespace here = boost::sort::common::util;
+// D E F I N I T I O N S O F F U N C T I O N S
+// template < class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, typename Compare>
+// void insert_sorted (Iter1_t first, Iter1_t mid, Iter1_t last,
+// Compare comp, Iter2_t it_aux)
+// function : insert_sorted
+/// @brief : Insertion sort of elements sorted
+/// @param first: iterator to the first element of the range
+/// @param mid : last pointer of the sorted data, and first pointer to the
+/// elements to insert
+/// @param last : iterator to the next element of the last in the range
+/// @param comp :
+/// @comments : the two ranges are sorted and in it_aux there is spave for
+/// to store temporally the elements to insert
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, typename Compare>
+static void insert_sorted(Iter1_t first, Iter1_t mid, Iter1_t last,
+ Compare comp, Iter2_t it_aux)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // metaprogram
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< value_t, value2_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // program
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (mid == last) return;
+ if (first == mid) return;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // creation of the vector of elements to insert and their position in the
+ // sorted part
+ // the data are inserted in it_aux
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ move_forward(it_aux, mid, last);
+ // search of the iterators where insert the new elements
+ size_t ndata = last - mid;
+ Iter1_t mv_first = mid, mv_last = mid;
+ for (size_t i = ndata; i > 0; --i)
+ {
+ mv_last = mv_first;
+ mv_first = std::upper_bound(first, mv_last, it_aux[i - 1], comp);
+ Iter1_t it1 = here::move_backward(mv_last + i, mv_first, mv_last);
+ *(it1 - 1) = std::move(it_aux[i - 1]);
+ };
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, typename Compare>
+static void insert_sorted_backward(Iter1_t first, Iter1_t mid, Iter1_t last,
+ Compare comp, Iter2_t it_aux)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // metaprogram
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< value_t, value2_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // program
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (mid == last) return;
+ if (first == mid) return;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // creation of the vector of elements to insert and their position in the
+ // sorted part
+ // the data are inserted in it_aux
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ move_forward(it_aux, first, mid);
+ // search of the iterators where insert the new elements
+ size_t ndata = mid - first;
+ Iter1_t mv_first = mid, mv_last = mid;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ndata; ++i)
+ {
+ mv_first = mv_last;
+ mv_last = std::lower_bound(mv_first, last, it_aux[i], comp);
+ Iter1_t it1 = move_forward(mv_first - (ndata - i), mv_first, mv_last);
+ *(it1) = std::move(it_aux[i]);
+ };
+};// End namespace util
+};// End namepspace common
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namepspace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/util/merge.hpp b/boost/sort/common/util/merge.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5fc90c0fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/util/merge.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+/// @file merge.hpp
+/// @brief low level merge functions
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/algorithm.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/circular_buffer.hpp>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+namespace util
+namespace here = boost::sort::common::util;
+// F U N C T I O N S I N T H E F I L E
+// template < class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare >
+// Iter2_t merge (Iter1_t buf1, const Iter1_t end_buf1, Iter1_t buf2,
+// const Iter1_t end_buf2, Iter2_t buf_out, Compare comp)
+// template < class Iter_t, class Value_t, class Compare >
+// Value_t *merge_construct (Iter_t first1, const Iter_t last1, Iter_t first2,
+// const Iter_t last2, Value_t *it_out, Compare comp)
+// template < class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare >
+// Iter2_t merge_half (Iter1_t buf1, const Iter1_t end_buf1, Iter2_t buf2,
+// const Iter2_t end_buf2, Iter2_t buf_out, Compare comp)
+// template < class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare >
+// Iter2_t merge_half_backward (Iter1_t buf1, Iter1_t end_buf1,
+// Iter2_t buf2, Iter2_t end_buf2,
+// Iter1_t end_buf_out, Compare comp)
+// template < class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Iter3_t, class Compare >
+// bool merge_uncontiguous (Iter1_t src1, const Iter1_t end_src1,
+// Iter2_t src2, const Iter2_t end_src2,
+// Iter3_t aux, Compare comp)
+// template < class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare >
+// bool merge_contiguous (Iter1_t src1, Iter1_t src2, Iter1_t end_src2,
+// Iter2_t buf, Compare comp)
+// template < class Iter_t, class Circular ,class Compare >
+// bool merge_circular (Iter_t buf1, Iter_t end_buf1,
+// Iter_t buf2, Iter_t end_buf2,
+// Circular &circ, Compare comp, Iter_t &it_aux)
+// function : merge
+/// @brief Merge two contiguous buffers pointed by buf1 and buf2, and put
+/// in the buffer pointed by buf_out
+/// @param buf1 : iterator to the first element in the first buffer
+/// @param end_buf1 : final iterator of first buffer
+/// @param buf2 : iterator to the first iterator to the second buffer
+/// @param end_buf2 : final iterator of the second buffer
+/// @param buf_out : buffer where move the elements merged
+/// @param comp : comparison object
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Iter3_t, class Compare>
+static Iter3_t merge(Iter1_t buf1, const Iter1_t end_buf1, Iter2_t buf2,
+ const Iter2_t end_buf2, Iter3_t buf_out, Compare comp)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value1_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter3_t> value3_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< value1_t, value2_t >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ static_assert (std::is_same< value3_t, value2_t >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const size_t MIN_CHECK = 1024;
+ if (size_t((end_buf1 - buf1) + (end_buf2 - buf2)) >= MIN_CHECK)
+ {
+ if (buf1 == end_buf1) return move_forward(buf_out, buf2, end_buf2);
+ if (buf2 == end_buf2) return move_forward(buf_out, buf1, end_buf1);
+ if (not comp(*buf2, *(end_buf1 - 1)))
+ {
+ Iter3_t mid = move_forward(buf_out, buf1, end_buf1);
+ return move_forward(mid, buf2, end_buf2);
+ };
+ if (comp(*(end_buf2 - 1), *buf1))
+ {
+ Iter3_t mid = move_forward(buf_out, buf2, end_buf2);
+ return move_forward(mid, buf1, end_buf1);
+ };
+ };
+ while ((buf1 != end_buf1) and (buf2 != end_buf2))
+ {
+ *(buf_out++) = (not comp(*buf2, *buf1)) ?
+ std::move(*(buf1++)) : std::move(*(buf2++));
+ };
+ return (buf1 == end_buf1) ?
+ move_forward(buf_out, buf2, end_buf2) :
+ move_forward(buf_out, buf1, end_buf1);
+// function : merge_construct
+/// @brief Merge two contiguous buffers pointed by first1 and first2, and put
+/// in the uninitialized buffer pointed by it_out
+/// @param first1 : iterator to the first element in the first buffer
+/// @param last1 : last iterator of the first buffer
+/// @param first2 : iterator to the first element to the second buffer
+/// @param last2 : final iterator of the second buffer
+/// @param it_out : uninitialized buffer where move the elements merged
+/// @param comp : comparison object
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Value_t, class Compare>
+static Value_t *merge_construct(Iter1_t first1, const Iter1_t last1,
+ Iter2_t first2, const Iter2_t last2,
+ Value_t *it_out, Compare comp)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> type1;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> type2;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< Value_t, type1 >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ static_assert (std::is_same< Value_t, type2 >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const size_t MIN_CHECK = 1024;
+ if (size_t((last1 - first1) + (last2 - first2)) >= MIN_CHECK)
+ {
+ if (first1 == last1) return move_construct(it_out, first2, last2);
+ if (first2 == last2) return move_construct(it_out, first1, last1);
+ if (not comp(*first2, *(last1 - 1)))
+ {
+ Value_t* mid = move_construct(it_out, first1, last1);
+ return move_construct(mid, first2, last2);
+ };
+ if (comp(*(last2 - 1), *first1))
+ {
+ Value_t* mid = move_construct(it_out, first2, last2);
+ return move_construct(mid, first1, last1);
+ };
+ };
+ while (first1 != last1 and first2 != last2)
+ {
+ construct_object((it_out++),
+ (not comp(*first2, *first1)) ?
+ std::move(*(first1++)) :
+ std::move(*(first2++)));
+ };
+ return (first1 == last1) ?
+ move_construct(it_out, first2, last2) :
+ move_construct(it_out, first1, last1);
+// function : merge_half
+/// @brief : Merge two buffers. The first buffer is in a separate memory.
+/// The second buffer have a empty space before buf2 of the same size
+/// than the (end_buf1 - buf1)
+/// @param buf1 : iterator to the first element of the first buffer
+/// @param end_buf1 : iterator to the last element of the first buffer
+/// @param buf2 : iterator to the first element of the second buffer
+/// @param end_buf2 : iterator to the last element of the second buffer
+/// @param buf_out : iterator to the first element to the buffer where put
+/// the result
+/// @param comp : object for Compare two elements of the type pointed
+/// by the Iter1_t and Iter2_t
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static Iter2_t merge_half(Iter1_t buf1, const Iter1_t end_buf1, Iter2_t buf2,
+ const Iter2_t end_buf2, Iter2_t buf_out, Compare comp)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value1_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< value1_t, value2_t >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( (buf2 - buf_out) == ( end_buf1 - buf1));
+ const size_t MIN_CHECK = 1024;
+ if (size_t((end_buf1 - buf1) + (end_buf2 - buf2)) >= MIN_CHECK)
+ {
+ if (buf1 == end_buf1) return end_buf2;
+ if (buf2 == end_buf2) return move_forward(buf_out, buf1, end_buf1);
+ if (not comp(*buf2, *(end_buf1 - 1)))
+ {
+ move_forward(buf_out, buf1, end_buf1);
+ return end_buf2;
+ };
+ if (comp(*(end_buf2 - 1), *buf1))
+ {
+ Iter2_t mid = move_forward(buf_out, buf2, end_buf2);
+ return move_forward(mid, buf1, end_buf1);
+ };
+ };
+ while ((buf1 != end_buf1) and (buf2 != end_buf2))
+ {
+ *(buf_out++) = (not comp(*buf2, *buf1)) ?
+ std::move(*(buf1++)) : std::move(*(buf2++));
+ };
+ return (buf2 == end_buf2)? move_forward(buf_out, buf1, end_buf1) : end_buf2;
+// function : merge_half_backward
+/// @brief : Merge two buffers. The first buffer is in a separate memory.
+/// The second buffer have a empty space before buf2 of the same size
+/// than the (end_buf1 - buf1)
+/// @param buf1 : iterator to the first element of the first buffer
+/// @param end_buf1 : iterator to the last element of the first buffer
+/// @param buf2 : iterator to the first element of the second buffer
+/// @param end_buf2 : iterator to the last element of the second buffer
+/// @param buf_out : iterator to the first element to the buffer where put
+/// the result
+/// @param comp : object for Compare two elements of the type pointed
+/// by the Iter1_t and Iter2_t
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static Iter2_t merge_half_backward(Iter1_t buf1, Iter1_t end_buf1, Iter2_t buf2,
+ Iter2_t end_buf2, Iter1_t end_buf_out,
+ Compare comp)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value1_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< value1_t, value2_t >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ((end_buf_out - end_buf1) == (end_buf2 - buf2) );
+ const size_t MIN_CHECK = 1024;
+ if (size_t((end_buf1 - buf1) + (end_buf2 - buf2)) >= MIN_CHECK)
+ {
+ if (buf2 == end_buf2) return buf1;
+ if (buf1 == end_buf1)
+ return here::move_backward(end_buf_out, buf2, end_buf2);
+ if (not comp(*buf2, *(end_buf1 - 1)))
+ {
+ here::move_backward(end_buf_out, buf2, end_buf2);
+ return buf1;
+ };
+ if (comp(*(end_buf2 - 1), *buf1))
+ {
+ Iter1_t mid = here::move_backward(end_buf_out, buf1, end_buf1);
+ return here::move_backward(mid, buf2, end_buf2);
+ };
+ };
+ while ((buf1 != end_buf1) and (buf2 != end_buf2))
+ {
+ *(--end_buf_out) =
+ (not comp(*(end_buf2 - 1), *(end_buf1 - 1))) ?
+ std::move(*(--end_buf2)):
+ std::move(*(--end_buf1));
+ };
+ return (buf1 == end_buf1) ?
+ here::move_backward(end_buf_out, buf2, end_buf2) : buf1;
+// function : merge_uncontiguous
+/// @brief : merge two uncontiguous buffers, placing the results in the buffers
+/// Use an auxiliary buffer pointed by aux
+/// @param src1 : iterator to the first element of the first buffer
+/// @param end_src1 : last iterator of the first buffer
+/// @param src2 : iterator to the first element of the second buffer
+/// @param end_src2 : last iterator of the second buffer
+/// @param aux : iterator to the first element of the auxiliary buffer
+/// @param comp : object for to Compare elements
+/// @return true : not changes done, false : changes in the buffers
+/// @remarks
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Iter3_t, class Compare>
+static bool merge_uncontiguous(Iter1_t src1, const Iter1_t end_src1,
+ Iter2_t src2, const Iter2_t end_src2,
+ Iter3_t aux, Compare comp)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> type1;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> type2;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter3_t> type3;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< type1, type2 >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ static_assert (std::is_same< type3, type2 >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (src1 == end_src1 or src2 == end_src2
+ or not comp(*src2, *(end_src1 - 1))) return true;
+ while (src1 != end_src1 and not comp(*src2, *src1))
+ ++src1;
+ Iter3_t const end_aux = aux + (end_src1 - src1);
+ Iter2_t src2_first = src2;
+ move_forward(aux, src1, end_src1);
+ while ((src1 != end_src1) and (src2 != end_src2))
+ {
+ *(src1++) = std::move((not comp(*src2, *aux)) ? *(aux++) : *(src2++));
+ }
+ if (src2 == end_src2)
+ {
+ while (src1 != end_src1)
+ *(src1++) = std::move(*(aux++));
+ move_forward(src2_first, aux, end_aux);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ merge_half(aux, end_aux, src2, end_src2, src2_first, comp);
+ };
+ return false;
+// function : merge_contiguous
+/// @brief : merge two contiguous buffers,using an auxiliary buffer pointed
+/// by buf. The results are in src1 and src2
+/// @param src1: iterator to the first position of the first buffer
+/// @param src2: final iterator of the first buffer and first iterator
+/// of the second buffer
+/// @param end_src2 : final iterator of the second buffer
+/// @param buf : iterator to buffer used as auxiliary memory
+/// @param comp : object for to Compare elements
+/// @return true : not changes done, false : changes in the buffers
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static bool merge_contiguous(Iter1_t src1, Iter1_t src2, Iter1_t end_src2,
+ Iter2_t buf, Compare comp)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> type1;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> type2;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< type1, type2 >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (src1 == src2 or src2 == end_src2 or not comp(*src2, *(src2 - 1)))
+ return true;
+ Iter1_t end_src1 = src2;
+ while (src1 != end_src1 and not comp(*src2, *src1))
+ ++src1;
+ if (src1 == end_src1) return false;
+ size_t nx = end_src1 - src1;
+ move_forward(buf, src1, end_src1);
+ merge_half(buf, buf + nx, src2, end_src2, src1, comp);
+ return false;
+// function : merge_circular
+/// @brief : merge two buffers,using a circular buffer
+/// This function don't check the parameters
+/// @param buf1: iterator to the first position of the first buffer
+/// @param end_buf1: iterator after the last element of the first buffer
+/// @param buf2: iterator to the first element of the secind buffer
+/// @param end_buf2: iterator to the first element of the secind buffer
+/// @param circ : circular buffer
+/// @param comp : comparison object
+/// @return true : finished buf1, false : finished buf2
+/// @comments : be carefully because the iterators buf1 and buf2 are modified
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Circular, class Compare>
+static bool merge_circular(Iter1_t buf1, Iter1_t end_buf1, Iter2_t buf2,
+ Iter2_t end_buf2, Circular &circ, Compare comp,
+ Iter1_t &it1_out, Iter2_t &it2_out)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Metaprogramming
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> type1;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> type2;
+ static_assert (std::is_same< type1, type2 >::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ typedef typename Circular::value_t type3;
+ static_assert (std::is_same<type1, type3>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Code
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert ( circ.free_size() >= size_t ((end_buf1-buf1) + (end_buf2-buf2)));
+ if (not comp(*buf2, *(end_buf1 - 1)))
+ {
+ circ.push_move_back(buf1, (end_buf1 - buf1));
+ it1_out = end_buf1;
+ it2_out = buf2;
+ return true;
+ };
+ if (comp(*(end_buf2 - 1), *buf1))
+ {
+ circ.push_move_back(buf2, (end_buf2 - buf2));
+ it1_out = buf1;
+ it2_out = end_buf2;
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (buf1 != end_buf1 and buf2 != end_buf2)
+ {
+ circ.push_back(comp(*buf2, *buf1) ? std::move(*(buf2++))
+ : std::move(*(buf1++)));
+ };
+ it2_out = buf2;
+ it1_out = buf1;
+ bool ret = (buf1 == end_buf1);
+ return ret;
+};// End namespace util
+};// End namespace common
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/util/search.hpp b/boost/sort/common/util/search.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbe056e2f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/util/search.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+/// @file search.hpp
+/// @brief
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2017 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See copy at )
+/// @remarks
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+#include <cassert>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+namespace util
+template<class T>
+struct filter_pass
+ typedef T key;
+ const key & operator()(const T & val) const
+ {
+ return val;
+ };
+// ##
+// ################################################################ ##
+// # # ##
+// # I N T E R N A L F U N C T I O N S # ##
+// # # ##
+// ################################################################ ##
+// ##
+// I M P O R T A N T ##
+// ##
+// These functions are not directly callable by the user, are for internal ##
+// use only. ##
+// These functions don't check the parameters ##
+// ##
+// function : internal_find_first
+/// @brief find if a value exist in the range [first, last).
+/// Always return as valid iterator in the range [first, last-1]
+/// If exist return the iterator to the first occurrence. If don't exist
+/// return the first greater than val.
+/// If val is greater than the *(last-1), return (last-1)
+/// If val is lower than (*first), return first
+/// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+/// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+/// @param [in] val : value to find
+/// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+/// @return iterator to the element found,
+template <class Iter_t, class Filter = filter_pass<value_iter<Iter_t> >,
+ class Compare = std::less<typename Filter::key> >
+inline Iter_t internal_find_first(Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ const typename Filter::key &val,
+ const Compare & comp = Compare(),
+ Filter flt = Filter())
+ Iter_t LI = first, LS = last - 1, it_out = first;
+ while (LI != LS)
+ {
+ it_out = LI + ((LS - LI) >> 1);
+ if (comp(flt(*it_out), val))
+ LI = it_out + 1;
+ else LS = it_out;
+ };
+ return LS;
+// function : internal_find_last
+/// @brief find if a value exist in the range [first, last).
+/// Always return as valid iterator in the range [first, last-1]
+/// If exist return the iterator to the last occurrence.
+/// If don't exist return the first lower than val.
+/// If val is greater than *(last-1) return (last-1).
+/// If is lower than the first, return first
+/// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+/// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+/// @param [in] val : value to find
+/// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+/// @return iterator to the element found, if not found return last
+template<class Iter_t, class Filter = filter_pass<value_iter<Iter_t> >,
+ class Compare = std::less<typename Filter::key> >
+inline Iter_t internal_find_last(Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ const typename Filter::key &val,
+ const Compare & comp = Compare(), Filter flt =
+ Filter())
+ Iter_t LI = first, LS = last - 1, it_out = first;
+ while (LI != LS)
+ {
+ it_out = LI + ((LS - LI + 1) >> 1);
+ if (comp(val, flt(*it_out))) LS = it_out - 1;
+ else LI = it_out;
+ };
+ return LS;
+// ##
+// ################################################################ ##
+// # # ##
+// # P U B L I C F U N C T I O N S # ##
+// # # ##
+// ################################################################ ##
+// ##
+// function : find_first
+/// @brief find if a value exist in the range [first, last). If exist return the
+/// iterator to the first occurrence. If don't exist return last
+/// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+/// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+/// @param [in] val : value to find
+/// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+/// @return iterator to the element found, and if not last
+template<class Iter_t, class Filter = filter_pass<value_iter<Iter_t> >,
+ class Compare = std::less<typename Filter::key> >
+inline Iter_t find_first(Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ const typename Filter::key &val,
+ const Compare & comp = Compare(),
+ Filter flt = Filter())
+ assert((last - first) >= 0);
+ if (first == last) return last;
+ Iter_t LS = internal_find_first(first, last, val, comp, flt);
+ return (comp(flt(*LS), val) or comp(val, flt(*LS))) ? last : LS;
+// function : find_last
+/// @brief find if a value exist in the range [first, last). If exist return the
+/// iterator to the last occurrence. If don't exist return last
+/// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+/// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+/// @param [in] val : value to find
+/// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+/// @return iterator to the element found, if not found return last
+template <class Iter_t, class Filter = filter_pass<value_iter<Iter_t> >,
+ class Compare = std::less<typename Filter::key> >
+inline Iter_t find_last(Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ const typename Filter::key &val,
+ const Compare & comp = Compare(),
+ Filter flt = Filter())
+ assert((last - first) >= 0);
+ if (last == first) return last;
+ Iter_t LS = internal_find_last(first, last, val, comp, flt);
+ return (comp(flt(*LS), val) or comp(val, flt(*LS))) ? last : LS;
+// function : lower_bound
+/// @brief Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the range
+/// [first, last) that is not less than (i.e. greater or equal to) val.
+/// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+/// @param [in] val : value to find
+/// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+/// @return iterator to the element found
+template<class Iter_t, class Filter = filter_pass<value_iter<Iter_t> >,
+ class Compare = std::less<typename Filter::key> >
+inline Iter_t lower_bound(Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ const typename Filter::key &val,
+ const Compare & comp = Compare(),
+ Filter flt = Filter())
+ assert((last - first) >= 0);
+ if (last == first) return last;
+ Iter_t itaux = internal_find_first(first, last, val, comp, flt);
+ return (itaux == (last - 1) and comp(flt(*itaux), val)) ? last : itaux;
+// function :upper_bound
+/// @brief return the first element greather than val.If don't exist
+/// return last
+/// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+/// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+/// @param [in] val : value to find
+/// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+/// @return iterator to the element found
+/// @remarks
+template<class Iter_t, class Filter = filter_pass<value_iter<Iter_t> >,
+ class Compare = std::less<typename Filter::key> >
+inline Iter_t upper_bound(Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ const typename Filter::key &val,
+ const Compare & comp = Compare(),
+ Filter flt = Filter())
+ assert((last - first) >= 0);
+ if (last == first) return last;
+ Iter_t itaux = internal_find_last(first, last, val, comp, flt);
+ return (itaux == first and comp(val, flt(*itaux))) ? itaux : itaux + 1;
+// function :equal_range
+/// @brief return a pair of lower_bound and upper_bound with the value val.If
+/// don't exist return last in the two elements of the pair
+/// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+/// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+/// @param [in] val : value to find
+/// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+/// @return pair of iterators
+template<class Iter_t, class Filter = filter_pass<value_iter<Iter_t> >,
+ class Compare = std::less<typename Filter::key> >
+inline std::pair<Iter_t, Iter_t> equal_range(Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ const typename Filter::key &val,
+ const Compare & comp = Compare(),
+ Filter flt = Filter())
+ return std::make_pair(lower_bound(first, last, val, comp, flt),
+ upper_bound(first, last, val, comp, flt));
+// function : insert_first
+/// @brief find if a value exist in the range [first, last). If exist return the
+/// iterator to the first occurrence. If don't exist return last
+/// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+/// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+/// @param [in] val : value to find
+/// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+/// @return iterator to the element found, and if not last
+template<class Iter_t, class Filter = filter_pass<value_iter<Iter_t> >,
+ class Compare = std::less<typename Filter::key> >
+inline Iter_t insert_first(Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ const typename Filter::key &val,
+ const Compare & comp = Compare(), Filter flt =
+ Filter())
+ return lower_bound(first, last, val, comp, flt);
+// function : insert_last
+/// @brief find if a value exist in the range [first, last). If exist return the
+/// iterator to the last occurrence. If don't exist return last
+/// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+/// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+/// @param [in] val : value to find
+/// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+/// @return iterator to the element found, if not found return last
+template<class Iter_t, class Filter = filter_pass<value_iter<Iter_t> >,
+ class Compare = std::less<typename Filter::key> >
+inline Iter_t insert_last(Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ const typename Filter::key &val,
+ const Compare & comp = Compare(), Filter flt =
+ Filter())
+ return upper_bound(first, last, val, comp, flt);
+ //
+ //###########################################################################
+ // ##
+ // ################################################################ ##
+ // # # ##
+ // # I N T E R N A L F U N C T I O N S # ##
+ // # # ##
+ // ################################################################ ##
+ // ##
+ // I M P O R T A N T ##
+ // ##
+ // These functions are not directly callable by the user, are for internal ##
+ // use only. ##
+ // These functions don't check the parameters ##
+ // ##
+ //###########################################################################
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : internal_find_first
+ /// @brief find if a value exist in the range [first, last).
+ /// Always return as valid iterator in the range [first, last-1]
+ /// If exist return the iterator to the first occurrence. If don't exist
+ /// return the first greater than val.
+ /// If val is greater than the *(last-1), return (last-1)
+ /// If val is lower than (*first), return first
+ //
+ /// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+ /// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+ /// @param [in] val : value to find
+ /// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+ /// @return iterator to the element found,
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template < class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t> >
+ inline Iter_t internal_find_first ( Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ const value_iter<Iter_t> &val,
+ const Compare & comp= Compare() )
+ {
+ Iter_t LI = first , LS = last - 1, it_out = first;
+ while ( LI != LS)
+ { it_out = LI + ( (LS - LI) >> 1);
+ if ( comp ( *it_out, val)) LI = it_out + 1 ; else LS = it_out ;
+ };
+ return LS ;
+ };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : internal_find_last
+ /// @brief find if a value exist in the range [first, last).
+ /// Always return as valid iterator in the range [first, last-1]
+ /// If exist return the iterator to the last occurrence.
+ /// If don't exist return the first lower than val.
+ /// If val is greater than *(last-1) return (last-1).
+ /// If is lower than the first, return first
+ //
+ /// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+ /// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+ /// @param [in] val : value to find
+ /// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+ /// @return iterator to the element found, if not found return last
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template < class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t> >
+ inline Iter_t internal_find_last ( Iter_t first, Iter_t last ,
+ const value_iter<Iter_t> &val,
+ const Compare &comp= Compare() )
+ {
+ Iter_t LI = first , LS = last - 1, it_out = first ;
+ while ( LI != LS)
+ { it_out = LI + ( (LS - LI + 1) >> 1);
+ if ( comp (val, *it_out)) LS = it_out - 1 ; else LI = it_out ;
+ };
+ return LS ;
+ };
+ //
+ //###########################################################################
+ // ##
+ // ################################################################ ##
+ // # # ##
+ // # P U B L I C F U N C T I O N S # ##
+ // # # ##
+ // ################################################################ ##
+ // ##
+ //###########################################################################
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : find_first
+ /// @brief find if a value exist in the range [first, last). If exist return the
+ /// iterator to the first occurrence. If don't exist return last
+ //
+ /// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+ /// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+ /// @param [in] val : value to find
+ /// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+ /// @return iterator to the element found, and if not last
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template < class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t> >
+ inline Iter_t find_first ( Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ const value_iter<Iter_t> &val,
+ Compare comp = Compare() )
+ {
+ assert ( (last - first) >= 0 );
+ if ( first == last) return last ;
+ Iter_t LS = internal_find_first ( first, last, val, comp);
+ return (comp (*LS, val) or comp (val, *LS))?last:LS;
+ };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : find_last
+ /// @brief find if a value exist in the range [first, last). If exist return the
+ /// iterator to the last occurrence. If don't exist return last
+ //
+ /// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+ /// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+ /// @param [in] val : value to find
+ /// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+ /// @return iterator to the element found, if not found return last
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template < class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t> >
+ inline Iter_t find_last ( Iter_t first, Iter_t last ,
+ const value_iter<Iter_t> &val,
+ Compare comp = Compare())
+ {
+ assert ( (last - first ) >= 0 );
+ if ( last == first ) return last ;
+ Iter_t LS = internal_find_last (first, last, val, comp);
+ return (comp (*LS, val) or comp (val, *LS))?last:LS ;
+ };
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : lower_bound
+ /// @brief Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the range
+ /// [first, last) that is not less than (i.e. greater or equal to) val.
+ /// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+ /// @param [in] val : value to find
+ /// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+ /// @return iterator to the element found
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template < class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t> >
+ inline Iter_t lower_bound ( Iter_t first, Iter_t last ,
+ const value_iter<Iter_t> &val,
+ Compare &comp = Compare() )
+ {
+ assert ( (last - first ) >= 0 );
+ if ( last == first ) return last ;
+ Iter_t itaux = internal_find_first( first, last, val,comp);
+ return (itaux == (last - 1) and comp (*itaux, val))?last: itaux;
+ };
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :upper_bound
+ /// @brief return the first element greather than val.If don't exist
+ /// return last
+ //
+ /// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+ /// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+ /// @param [in] val : value to find
+ /// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+ /// @return iterator to the element found
+ /// @remarks
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template < class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t> >
+ inline Iter_t upper_bound ( Iter_t first, Iter_t last ,
+ const value_iter<Iter_t> &val,
+ Compare &comp = Compare() )
+ {
+ assert ( (last - first ) >= 0 );
+ if ( last == first ) return last ;
+ Iter_t itaux = internal_find_last( first, last, val,comp);
+ return ( itaux == first and comp (val,*itaux))? itaux: itaux + 1;
+ };
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :equal_range
+ /// @brief return a pair of lower_bound and upper_bound with the value val.If
+ /// don't exist return last in the two elements of the pair
+ //
+ /// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+ /// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+ /// @param [in] val : value to find
+ /// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+ /// @return pair of iterators
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template < class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t> >
+ inline std::pair<Iter_t, Iter_t> equal_range ( Iter_t first, Iter_t last ,
+ const value_iter<Iter_t> &val,
+ Compare &comp = Compare() )
+ {
+ return std::make_pair(lower_bound(first, last, val,comp),
+ upper_bound(first, last, val,comp));
+ };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : insert_first
+ /// @brief find if a value exist in the range [first, last). If exist return the
+ /// iterator to the first occurrence. If don't exist return last
+ //
+ /// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+ /// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+ /// @param [in] val : value to find
+ /// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+ /// @return iterator to the element found, and if not last
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template < class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t> >
+ inline Iter_t insert_first ( Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ const value_iter<Iter_t> &val,
+ Compare comp = Compare() )
+ {
+ return lower_bound (first, last, val, comp);
+ };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : insert_last
+ /// @brief find if a value exist in the range [first, last). If exist return the
+ /// iterator to the last occurrence. If don't exist return last
+ //
+ /// @param [in] first : iterator to the first element of the range
+ /// @param [in] last : iterator to the last element of the range
+ /// @param [in] val : value to find
+ /// @param [in] comp : object for to compare two value_t objects
+ /// @return iterator to the element found, if not found return last
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template < class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t> >
+ inline Iter_t insert_last ( Iter_t first, Iter_t last ,
+ const value_iter<Iter_t> &val,
+ Compare comp = Compare())
+ {
+ return upper_bound (first, last, val, comp);
+ };
+ */
+};// End namespace util
+};// End namespace common
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp b/boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68e5cf0359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+/// @file traits.hpp
+/// @brief this file contains the metaprogramming classes compare_iter and
+/// enable_if_not_integral
+/// @author Copyright(c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <type_traits>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace common
+namespace util
+using std::iterator_traits;
+/// @class value_iter
+/// @brief From the iterator, obtain the type pointed by it
+/// @remarks The main utility of this, is simplify the default template
+/// parameter of comparison
+template<class iter_t>
+using value_iter = typename iterator_traits< iter_t >::value_type;
+/// @class compare_iter
+/// @brief From the iterator, received as template parameter, obtain the type
+/// of the object pointed by the iterator, and with this define the
+/// std::less with this type obtained
+/// @remarks The main utility of this, is simplify the default template
+/// parameter of comparison
+template<class iter_t>
+using compare_iter = std::less< value_iter< iter_t > >;
+/// @class enable_if_not_integral
+/// @brief This is a SFINAE class for to detect if the third parameter in the
+/// invocation of the parallel sorting algorithms is an integer
+/// representing the number of threads to use or is a comparison object
+/// @remarks
+template<class T>
+using enable_if_not_integral =
+ typename std::enable_if< !std::is_integral< T >::value >::type;
+/// @class enable_if_integral
+/// @brief This is a SFINAE class for to detect if the third parameter in the
+/// invocation of the parallel sorting algorithms is an integer
+/// representing the number of threads to use or is a comparison object
+/// @remarks
+template<class T>
+using enable_if_integral =
+ typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value >::type;
+/// @class enable_if_string
+/// @brief This is a SFINAE class for to detect if the parameter is a
+/// std::string for to apply specialized parameters in the invocation
+/// of the block_indirect_sort algorithm
+/// @remarks
+template<class T>
+using enable_if_string =
+ typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, std::string >::value >::type;
+/// @class enable_if_not_string
+/// @brief This is a SFINAE class for to detect if the parameter is a
+/// std::string for to apply specialized parameters in the invocation
+/// of the block_indirect_sort algorithm
+/// @remarks
+template<class T>
+using enable_if_not_string =
+ typename std::enable_if<! std::is_same< T, std::string >::value >::type;
+/// @class constructor
+/// @brief create a functor with the constructor of a class for to be invoked
+/// from a bind or a lambda
+/// @remarks
+template<class T>
+struct constructor
+ template<class ... Args>
+ void operator()(Args && ... args)
+ {
+ T(std::forward<Args> (args) ...);
+ };
+};// End namespace util
+};// End namespace common
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/flat_stable_sort/flat_stable_sort.hpp b/boost/sort/flat_stable_sort/flat_stable_sort.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee48e7b9a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/flat_stable_sort/flat_stable_sort.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+/// @file flat_stable_sort.hpp
+/// @brief Flat stable sort algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2017 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <boost/sort/insert_sort/insert_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/insert.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/merge_block.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/sort_basic.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/range.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/indirect.hpp>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace flat_internal
+namespace bsc = boost::sort::common;
+namespace bscu = boost::sort::common::util;
+/// @struct flat_stable_sort
+/// @brief This class implement s stable sort algorithm with 1 thread, with
+/// an auxiliary memory of N/2 elements
+template <class Iter_t, typename Compare = bscu::compare_iter<Iter_t>,
+ uint32_t Power2 = 10>
+class flat_stable_sort: public bsc::merge_block<Iter_t, Compare, Power2>
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef bsc::merge_block<Iter_t, Compare, Power2> merge_block_t;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // D E F I N I T I O N S
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef typename merge_block_t::value_t value_t;
+ typedef typename merge_block_t::range_pos range_pos;
+ typedef typename merge_block_t::range_it range_it;
+ typedef typename merge_block_t::range_buf range_buf;
+ typedef typename merge_block_t::it_index it_index;
+ typedef typename merge_block_t::circular_t circular_t;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ using merge_block_t::BLOCK_SIZE;
+ using merge_block_t::LOG_BLOCK;
+ using merge_block_t::index;
+ using merge_block_t::cmp;
+ using merge_block_t::ptr_circ;
+ using merge_block_t::get_range;
+ using merge_block_t::get_group_range;
+ using merge_block_t::merge_range_pos;
+ using merge_block_t::move_range_pos_backward;
+ using merge_block_t::rearrange_with_index;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ flat_stable_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp,
+ circular_t *ptr_circ)
+ : merge_block_t(first, last, comp, ptr_circ)
+ {
+ divide(index.begin(), index.end());
+ rearrange_with_index();
+ };
+ flat_stable_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp = Compare())
+ : flat_stable_sort(first, last, comp, nullptr) { };
+ void divide(it_index itx_first, it_index itx_last);
+ void sort_small(it_index itx_first, it_index itx_last);
+ bool is_sorted_forward(it_index itx_first, it_index itx_last);
+ bool is_sorted_backward(it_index itx_first, it_index itx_last);
+// End of class flat_stable_sort
+// function :
+/// @brief :
+/// @param Pos :
+/// @return
+template <class Iter_t, typename Compare, uint32_t Power2>
+void flat_stable_sort <Iter_t, Compare, Power2>
+::divide(it_index itx_first, it_index itx_last)
+ size_t nblock = size_t(itx_last - itx_first);
+ if (nblock < 5)
+ { sort_small(itx_first, itx_last);
+ return;
+ };
+ if ( nblock > 7)
+ { if (is_sorted_forward(itx_first, itx_last)) return;
+ if (is_sorted_backward(itx_first, itx_last)) return;
+ };
+ size_t nblock1 = (nblock + 1) >> 1;
+ divide(itx_first, itx_first + nblock1);
+ divide(itx_first + nblock1, itx_last);
+ merge_range_pos(itx_first, itx_first + nblock1, itx_last);
+// function : sort_small
+/// @brief :
+/// @param
+/// @param
+/// @param
+template <class Iter_t, typename Compare, uint32_t Power2>
+void flat_stable_sort <Iter_t, Compare, Power2>
+::sort_small(it_index itx_first, it_index itx_last)
+ size_t nblock = size_t(itx_last - itx_first);
+ assert(nblock > 0 and nblock < 5);
+ value_t *paux = ptr_circ->get_buffer();
+ range_it rng_data = get_group_range(*itx_first, nblock);
+ if (nblock < 3)
+ {
+ range_buf rng_aux(paux, paux + rng_data.size());
+ range_sort_data(rng_data, rng_aux, cmp);
+ return;
+ };
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // division of range_data in two ranges for be sorted and merged
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_t nblock1 = (nblock + 1) >> 1;
+ range_it rng_data1 = get_group_range(*itx_first, nblock1);
+ range_it rng_data2(rng_data1.last, rng_data.last);
+ range_buf rng_aux1(paux, paux + rng_data1.size());
+ range_buf rng_aux2(paux, paux + rng_data2.size());
+ range_sort_data(rng_data2, rng_aux2, cmp);
+ range_sort_buffer(rng_data1, rng_aux1, cmp);
+ merge_half(rng_data, rng_aux1, rng_data2, cmp);
+// function : is_sorted_forward
+/// @brief : return if the data are ordered,
+/// @param itx_first : iterator to the first block in the index
+/// @param itx_last : iterator to the last block in the index
+/// @return : true : the data are ordered false : not ordered
+template <class Iter_t, typename Compare, uint32_t Power2>
+bool flat_stable_sort <Iter_t, Compare, Power2>
+::is_sorted_forward(it_index itx_first, it_index itx_last)
+ size_t nblock = size_t(itx_last - itx_first);
+ range_it rng = get_group_range(*itx_first, nblock);
+ size_t nelem = rng.size();
+ size_t min_process = std::max(BLOCK_SIZE, (nelem >> 3));
+ size_t nsorted1 = bsc::number_stable_sorted_forward (rng.first, rng.last,
+ min_process, cmp);
+ if (nsorted1 == nelem) return true;
+ if (nsorted1 == 0) return false;
+ size_t nsorted2 = nelem - nsorted1;
+ Iter_t itaux = rng.first + nsorted1;
+ if (nsorted2 <= (BLOCK_SIZE << 1))
+ {
+ flat_stable_sort(itaux, rng.last, cmp, ptr_circ);
+ bscu::insert_sorted(rng.first, itaux, rng.last, cmp,
+ ptr_circ->get_buffer());
+ }
+ else
+ { // Adjust the size of the sorted data to a number of blocks
+ size_t mask = ~(BLOCK_SIZE - 1);
+ size_t nsorted1_adjust = nsorted1 & mask;
+ flat_stable_sort(rng.first + nsorted1_adjust, rng.last, cmp,
+ ptr_circ);
+ size_t nblock1 = nsorted1_adjust >> Power2;
+ merge_range_pos(itx_first, itx_first + nblock1, itx_last);
+ };
+ return true;
+// function : is_sorted_backward
+/// @brief : return if the data are ordered,
+/// @param itx_first : iterator to the first block in the index
+/// @param itx_last : iterator to the last block in the index
+/// @return : true : the data are ordered false : not ordered
+template <class Iter_t, typename Compare, uint32_t Power2>
+bool flat_stable_sort <Iter_t, Compare, Power2>
+::is_sorted_backward(it_index itx_first, it_index itx_last)
+ size_t nblock = size_t(itx_last - itx_first);
+ range_it rng = get_group_range(*itx_first, nblock);
+ size_t nelem = rng.size();
+ size_t min_process = std::max(BLOCK_SIZE, (nelem >> 3));
+ size_t nsorted2 = bsc::number_stable_sorted_backward(rng.first, rng.last,
+ min_process, cmp);
+ if (nsorted2 == nelem) return true;
+ if (nsorted2 == 0 ) return false;
+ Iter_t itaux = rng.last - nsorted2;
+ size_t nsorted1 = nelem - nsorted2;
+ if (nsorted1 <= (BLOCK_SIZE << 1))
+ {
+ flat_stable_sort(rng.first, itaux, cmp, ptr_circ);
+ bscu::insert_sorted_backward(rng.first, itaux, rng.last, cmp,
+ ptr_circ->get_buffer());
+ }
+ else
+ { // Adjust the size of nsorted2 for to be a number of blocks
+ size_t nblock1 = (nsorted1 + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) >> Power2;
+ size_t nsorted1_adjust = (nblock1 << Power2);
+ flat_stable_sort(rng.first, rng.first + nsorted1_adjust, cmp,
+ ptr_circ);
+ merge_range_pos(itx_first, itx_first + nblock1, itx_last);
+ };
+ return true;
+};// End namespace flat_internal
+namespace bscu = boost::sort::common::util;
+namespace flat = boost::sort::flat_internal;
+// function flat_stable_sort
+/// @brief This class is select the block size in the block_indirect_sort
+/// algorithm depending of the type and size of the data to sort
+template <class Iter_t, class Compare = bscu::compare_iter<Iter_t>,
+ bscu::enable_if_string<value_iter<Iter_t> > * = nullptr>
+inline void flat_stable_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ Compare cmp = Compare())
+ flat::flat_stable_sort<Iter_t, Compare, 6> (first, last, cmp);
+template<size_t Size>
+struct block_size_fss
+ static constexpr const uint32_t BitsSize =
+ (Size == 0) ? 0 : (Size > 128) ? 7 : bscu::tmsb[Size - 1];
+ static constexpr const uint32_t sz[10] =
+ { 10, 10, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6 };
+ static constexpr const uint32_t data = sz[BitsSize];
+// function flat_stable_sort
+/// @brief This class is select the block size in the flat_stable_sort
+/// algorithm depending of the type and size of the data to sort
+template <class Iter_t, class Compare = bscu::compare_iter<Iter_t>,
+ bscu::enable_if_not_string<value_iter<Iter_t> >* = nullptr>
+inline void flat_stable_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ Compare cmp = Compare())
+ flat::flat_stable_sort<Iter_t, Compare,
+ block_size_fss<sizeof(value_iter<Iter_t> )>::data>
+ (first, last, cmp);
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t> >
+inline void indirect_flat_stable_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ Compare comp = Compare())
+ typedef typename std::vector<Iter_t>::iterator itx_iter;
+ typedef common::less_ptr_no_null<Iter_t, Compare> itx_comp;
+ common::indirect_sort ( flat_stable_sort<itx_iter, itx_comp>,
+ first, last, comp);
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namepspace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/heap_sort/heap_sort.hpp b/boost/sort/heap_sort/heap_sort.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e89d00b8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/heap_sort/heap_sort.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+/// @file heap_sort.hpp
+/// @brief Insertion Sort algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <utility> // for std::swap
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace heap_detail
+namespace bscu = boost::sort::common::util;
+// struct : heap_sort
+/// @brief : Heap sort algorithm
+/// @remarks This algorithm is O(NLogN)
+template < class Iter_t, class Compare >
+struct heap_sort
+ typedef bscu::value_iter<Iter_t> value_t;
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : sort3
+ /// @brief Sort and signal the changes of three values
+ /// @param val_0 : first value to compare
+ /// @param val_1 : second value to compare
+ /// @param val_2 : third value to compare
+ /// @param [out] bool_0 : if true indicates val_0 had been changed
+ /// @param [out] bool_1 : if true indicates val_1 had been changed
+ /// @param [out] bool_2 : if true indicates val_2 had been changed
+ /// @return if true , some value had changed
+ /// @remarks
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool sort3 (value_t &val_0, value_t &val_1, value_t &val_2, bool &bool_0,
+ bool &bool_1, bool &bool_2)
+ {
+ bool_0 = bool_1 = bool_2 = false;
+ int value = 0;
+ if (val_0 < val_1) value += 4;
+ if (val_1 < val_2) value += 2;
+ if (val_0 < val_2) value += 1;
+ switch (value)
+ {
+ case 0: break;
+ case 2:
+ std::swap (val_1, val_2);
+ bool_1 = bool_2 = true;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (not(val_0 > val_1)) {
+ std::swap (val_0, val_2);
+ bool_0 = bool_2 = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto aux = std::move (val_2);
+ val_2 = std::move (val_1);
+ val_1 = std::move (val_0);
+ val_0 = std::move (aux);
+ bool_0 = bool_1 = bool_2 = true;
+ };
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ std::swap (val_0, val_1);
+ bool_0 = bool_1 = true;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ if (val_1 > val_2) {
+ auto aux = std::move (val_0);
+ val_0 = std::move (val_1);
+ val_1 = std::move (val_2);
+ val_2 = std::move (aux);
+ bool_0 = bool_1 = bool_2 = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::swap (val_0, val_2);
+ bool_0 = bool_2 = true;
+ };
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ std::swap (val_0, val_2);
+ bool_0 = bool_2 = true;
+ break;
+ default: abort ( );
+ };
+ return (bool_0 or bool_1 or bool_2);
+ };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : make_heap
+ /// @brief Make the heap for to extract the sorted elements
+ /// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range
+ /// @param nelem : number of lements of the range
+ /// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+ /// @remarks This algorithm is O(NLogN)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void make_heap (Iter_t first, size_t nelem, Compare comp)
+ {
+ size_t pos_father, pos_son;
+ Iter_t iter_father = first, iter_son = first;
+ bool sw = false;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < nelem; ++i)
+ {
+ pos_father = i;
+ iter_father = first + i;
+ sw = false;
+ do
+ {
+ iter_son = iter_father;
+ pos_son = pos_father;
+ pos_father = (pos_son - 1) >> 1;
+ iter_father = first + pos_father;
+ if ((sw = comp (*iter_father, *iter_son)))
+ std::swap (*iter_father, *iter_son);
+ } while (sw and pos_father != 0);
+ };
+ };
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : heap_sort
+ /// @brief : Heap sort algorithm
+ /// @param first: iterator to the first element of the range
+ /// @param last : iterator to the next element of the last in the range
+ /// @param comp : object for to do the comparison between the elements
+ /// @remarks This algorithm is O(NLogN)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ heap_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp)
+ {
+ assert ((last - first) >= 0);
+ size_t nelem = last - first;
+ if (nelem < 2) return;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Creating the initial heap
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ make_heap (first, nelem, comp);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Sort the heap
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_t pos_father, pos_son;
+ Iter_t iter_father = first, iter_son = first;
+ bool sw = false;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < nelem; ++i)
+ {
+ std::swap (*first, *(first + (nelem - i)));
+ pos_father = 0;
+ pos_son = 1;
+ iter_father = first;
+ sw = true;
+ while (sw and pos_son < (nelem - i))
+ {
+ // if the father have two sons must select the bigger
+ iter_son = first + pos_son;
+ if ((pos_son + 1) < (nelem - i) and
+ comp (*iter_son, *(iter_son + 1)))
+ {
+ ++pos_son;
+ ++iter_son;
+ };
+ if ((sw = comp (*iter_father, *iter_son)))
+ std::swap (*iter_father, *iter_son);
+ pos_father = pos_son;
+ iter_father = iter_son;
+ pos_son = (pos_father << 1) + 1;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+}; // End class heap_sort
+}; // end namespace heap_sort
+namespace bscu = boost::sort::common::util;
+template < class Iter_t, typename Compare = bscu::compare_iter < Iter_t > >
+void heap_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp = Compare())
+ heap_detail::heap_sort<Iter_t, Compare> ( first, last, comp);
+}; // End namespace sort
+}; // End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/insert_sort/insert_sort.hpp b/boost/sort/insert_sort/insert_sort.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d40302ad10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/insert_sort/insert_sort.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+/// @file insert_sort.hpp
+/// @brief Insertion Sort algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <utility> // std::swap
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/insert.hpp>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+using common::util::compare_iter;
+using common::util::value_iter;
+// function : insert_sort
+/// @brief : Insertion sort algorithm
+/// @param first: iterator to the first element of the range
+/// @param last : iterator to the next element of the last in the range
+/// @param comp : object for to do the comparison between the elements
+/// @remarks This algorithm is O(N^2)
+template < class Iter_t, typename Compare = compare_iter < Iter_t > >
+static void insert_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ Compare comp = Compare())
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter< Iter_t > value_t;
+ if ((last - first) < 2) return;
+ for (Iter_t it_examine = first + 1; it_examine != last; ++it_examine)
+ {
+ value_t Aux = std::move (*it_examine);
+ Iter_t it_insertion = it_examine;
+ while (it_insertion != first and comp (Aux, *(it_insertion - 1)))
+ {
+ *it_insertion = std::move (*(it_insertion - 1));
+ --it_insertion;
+ };
+ *it_insertion = std::move (Aux);
+ };
+// function : insert_partial_sort
+/// @brief : Insertion sort of elements sorted
+/// @param first: iterator to the first element of the range
+/// @param mid : last pointer of the sorted data, and first pointer to the
+/// elements to insert
+/// @param last : iterator to the next element of the last in the range
+/// @param comp : object for to do the comparison between the elements
+/// @remarks This algorithm is O(N^2)
+template < class Iter_t, typename Compare = compare_iter < Iter_t > >
+void insert_partial_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t mid, Iter_t last,
+ Compare comp = Compare())
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter< Iter_t > value_t;
+ if ( mid == last ) return ;
+ insert_sort ( mid, last, comp);
+ if (first == mid) return ;
+ // creation of the vector of elements to insert and their position in the
+ // sorted part
+ std::vector<Iter_t> viter ;
+ std::vector<value_t> vdata ;
+ for ( Iter_t alpha = mid ; alpha != last ; ++alpha)
+ vdata.push_back ( std::move ( *alpha));
+ Iter_t linf = first , lsup = mid ;
+ for ( uint32_t i= 0 ; i < vdata.size() ; ++i)
+ { Iter_t it1 = std::upper_bound ( linf, lsup , vdata[i], comp);
+ viter.push_back ( it1 );
+ linf = it1 ;
+ };
+ // moving the elements
+ viter.push_back ( mid) ;
+ for ( uint32_t i = viter.size() -1 ; i!= 0 ; --i)
+ { Iter_t src = viter[i], limit = viter[i-1];
+ Iter_t dest = src + ( i);
+ while ( src != limit) * (--dest) = std::move ( *(--src));
+ *(viter[i-1] + (i -1)) = std::move (vdata[i-1]);
+ };
+}; // End namespace sort
+}; // End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/parallel_stable_sort/parallel_stable_sort.hpp b/boost/sort/parallel_stable_sort/parallel_stable_sort.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9df7dffd2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/parallel_stable_sort/parallel_stable_sort.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+/// @file parallel_stable_sort.hpp
+/// @brief This file contains the class parallel_stable_sort
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <boost/sort/sample_sort/sample_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+#include <functional>
+#include <future>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace stable_detail
+namespace bsc = boost::sort::common;
+namespace bss = boost::sort::spin_detail;
+using bsc::range;
+using bsc::merge_half;
+using boost::sort::sample_detail::sample_sort;
+/// @struct parallel_stable_sort
+/// @brief This a structure for to implement a parallel stable sort, exception
+/// safe
+template <class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter <Iter_t> >
+struct parallel_stable_sort
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter_t> value_t;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Number of elements to sort
+ size_t nelem;
+ // Pointer to the auxiliary memory needed for the algorithm
+ value_t *ptr;
+ // Minimal number of elements for to be sorted in parallel mode
+ const size_t nelem_min = 1 << 16;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // F U N C T I O N S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ parallel_stable_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last)
+ : parallel_stable_sort (first, last, Compare(),
+ std::thread::hardware_concurrency()) { };
+ parallel_stable_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp)
+ : parallel_stable_sort (first, last, cmp,
+ std::thread::hardware_concurrency()) { };
+ parallel_stable_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, uint32_t num_thread)
+ : parallel_stable_sort (first, last, Compare(), num_thread) { };
+ parallel_stable_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp,
+ uint32_t num_thread);
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : destroy_all
+ /// @brief The utility is to destroy the temporary buffer used in the
+ /// sorting process
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void destroy_all()
+ {
+ if (ptr != nullptr) std::return_temporary_buffer(ptr);
+ };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :~parallel_stable_sort
+ /// @brief destructor of the class. The utility is to destroy the temporary
+ /// buffer used in the sorting process
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ~parallel_stable_sort() {destroy_all(); } ;
+// end struct parallel_stable_sort
+// ##
+// ##
+// N O N I N L I N E F U N C T I O N S ##
+// ##
+// ##
+// function : parallel_stable_sort
+/// @brief constructor of the class
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+/// iterators
+/// @param nthread : Number of threads to use in the process. When this value
+/// is lower than 2, the sorting is done with 1 thread
+template <class Iter_t, class Compare>
+parallel_stable_sort <Iter_t, Compare>
+::parallel_stable_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp,
+ uint32_t nthread) : nelem(0), ptr(nullptr)
+ range<Iter_t> range_initial(first, last);
+ assert(range_initial.valid());
+ nelem = range_initial.size();
+ size_t nptr = (nelem + 1) >> 1;
+ if (nelem < nelem_min or nthread < 2)
+ {
+ bss::spinsort<Iter_t, Compare>
+ (range_initial.first, range_initial.last, comp);
+ return;
+ };
+ //------------------- check if sort --------------------------------------
+ bool sw = true;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1;
+ it2 != last and (sw = not comp(*it2, *it1)); it1 = it2++);
+ if (sw) return;
+ //------------------- check if reverse sort ---------------------------
+ sw = true;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1;
+ it2 != last and (sw = comp(*it2, *it1)); it1 = it2++);
+ if (sw)
+ {
+ size_t nelem2 = nelem >> 1;
+ Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = last - 1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nelem2; ++i)
+ std::swap(*(it1++), *(it2--));
+ return;
+ };
+ ptr = std::get_temporary_buffer<value_t>(nptr).first;
+ if (ptr == nullptr) throw std::bad_alloc();
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Parallel Process
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ range<Iter_t> range_first(range_initial.first, range_initial.first + nptr);
+ range<Iter_t> range_second(range_initial.first + nptr, range_initial.last);
+ range<value_t *> range_buffer(ptr, ptr + nptr);
+ try
+ {
+ sample_sort<Iter_t, Compare>
+ (range_initial.first, range_initial.first + nptr,
+ comp, nthread, range_buffer);
+ } catch (std::bad_alloc &)
+ {
+ destroy_all();
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ };
+ try
+ {
+ sample_sort<Iter_t, Compare>
+ (range_initial.first + nptr,
+ range_initial.last, comp, nthread, range_buffer);
+ } catch (std::bad_alloc &)
+ {
+ destroy_all();
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ };
+ range_buffer = move_forward(range_buffer, range_first);
+ range_initial = merge_half(range_initial, range_buffer, range_second, comp);
+}; // end of constructor
+};// End namespace stable_detail
+namespace bsc = boost::sort::common;
+namespace bscu = bsc::util;
+namespace bss = boost::sort::spin_detail;
+using bsc::range;
+using bsc::merge_half;
+// ##
+// ##
+// P A R A L L E L _ S T A B L E _ S O R T ##
+// ##
+// ##
+// function : parallel_stable_sort
+/// @brief : parallel stable sort algorithm.
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+template<class Iter_t>
+void parallel_stable_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last)
+ typedef bscu::compare_iter<Iter_t> Compare;
+ stable_detail::parallel_stable_sort<Iter_t, Compare>(first, last);
+// function : parallel_stable_sort
+/// @brief parallel stable sort.
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param nthread : Number of threads to use in the process. When this value
+/// is lower than 2, the sorting is done with 1 thread
+template<class Iter_t>
+void parallel_stable_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, uint32_t nthread)
+ typedef bscu::compare_iter<Iter_t> Compare;
+ stable_detail::parallel_stable_sort<Iter_t, Compare>(first, last, nthread);
+// function : parallel_stable_sort
+/// @brief : parallel stable sort.
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+/// iterators
+template <class Iter_t, class Compare,
+ bscu::enable_if_not_integral<Compare> * = nullptr>
+void parallel_stable_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp)
+ stable_detail::parallel_stable_sort<Iter_t, Compare>(first, last, comp);
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/pdqsort/pdqsort.hpp b/boost/sort/pdqsort/pdqsort.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc81d87057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/pdqsort/pdqsort.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+// Pattern-defeating quicksort
+// Copyright Orson Peters 2017.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for library home page.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <utility>
+#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
+ #include <cstdint>
+ #define BOOST_PDQSORT_PREFER_MOVE(x) std::move(x)
+namespace boost {
+namespace sort {
+namespace pdqsort_detail {
+ enum {
+ // Partitions below this size are sorted using insertion sort.
+ insertion_sort_threshold = 24,
+ // Partitions above this size use Tukey's ninther to select the pivot.
+ ninther_threshold = 128,
+ // When we detect an already sorted partition, attempt an insertion sort that allows this
+ // amount of element moves before giving up.
+ partial_insertion_sort_limit = 8,
+ // Must be multiple of 8 due to loop unrolling, and < 256 to fit in unsigned char.
+ block_size = 64,
+ // Cacheline size, assumes power of two.
+ cacheline_size = 64
+ };
+ template<class T> struct is_default_compare : boost::false_type { };
+ template<class T> struct is_default_compare<std::less<T> > : boost::true_type { };
+ template<class T> struct is_default_compare<std::greater<T> > : boost::true_type { };
+ // Returns floor(log2(n)), assumes n > 0.
+ template<class T>
+ inline int log2(T n) {
+ int log = 0;
+ while (n >>= 1) ++log;
+ return log;
+ }
+ // Sorts [begin, end) using insertion sort with the given comparison function.
+ template<class Iter, class Compare>
+ inline void insertion_sort(Iter begin, Iter end, Compare comp) {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type T;
+ if (begin == end) return;
+ for (Iter cur = begin + 1; cur != end; ++cur) {
+ Iter sift = cur;
+ Iter sift_1 = cur - 1;
+ // Compare first so we can avoid 2 moves for an element already positioned correctly.
+ if (comp(*sift, *sift_1)) {
+ do { *sift-- = BOOST_PDQSORT_PREFER_MOVE(*sift_1); }
+ while (sift != begin && comp(tmp, *--sift_1));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Sorts [begin, end) using insertion sort with the given comparison function. Assumes
+ // *(begin - 1) is an element smaller than or equal to any element in [begin, end).
+ template<class Iter, class Compare>
+ inline void unguarded_insertion_sort(Iter begin, Iter end, Compare comp) {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type T;
+ if (begin == end) return;
+ for (Iter cur = begin + 1; cur != end; ++cur) {
+ Iter sift = cur;
+ Iter sift_1 = cur - 1;
+ // Compare first so we can avoid 2 moves for an element already positioned correctly.
+ if (comp(*sift, *sift_1)) {
+ do { *sift-- = BOOST_PDQSORT_PREFER_MOVE(*sift_1); }
+ while (comp(tmp, *--sift_1));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Attempts to use insertion sort on [begin, end). Will return false if more than
+ // partial_insertion_sort_limit elements were moved, and abort sorting. Otherwise it will
+ // successfully sort and return true.
+ template<class Iter, class Compare>
+ inline bool partial_insertion_sort(Iter begin, Iter end, Compare comp) {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type T;
+ if (begin == end) return true;
+ int limit = 0;
+ for (Iter cur = begin + 1; cur != end; ++cur) {
+ if (limit > partial_insertion_sort_limit) return false;
+ Iter sift = cur;
+ Iter sift_1 = cur - 1;
+ // Compare first so we can avoid 2 moves for an element already positioned correctly.
+ if (comp(*sift, *sift_1)) {
+ do { *sift-- = BOOST_PDQSORT_PREFER_MOVE(*sift_1); }
+ while (sift != begin && comp(tmp, *--sift_1));
+ limit += cur - sift;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<class Iter, class Compare>
+ inline void sort2(Iter a, Iter b, Compare comp) {
+ if (comp(*b, *a)) std::iter_swap(a, b);
+ }
+ // Sorts the elements *a, *b and *c using comparison function comp.
+ template<class Iter, class Compare>
+ inline void sort3(Iter a, Iter b, Iter c, Compare comp) {
+ sort2(a, b, comp);
+ sort2(b, c, comp);
+ sort2(a, b, comp);
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ inline T* align_cacheline(T* p) {
+#if defined(UINTPTR_MAX) && __cplusplus >= 201103L
+ std::uintptr_t ip = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(p);
+ std::size_t ip = reinterpret_cast<std::size_t>(p);
+ ip = (ip + cacheline_size - 1) & -cacheline_size;
+ return reinterpret_cast<T*>(ip);
+ }
+ template<class Iter>
+ inline void swap_offsets(Iter first, Iter last,
+ unsigned char* offsets_l, unsigned char* offsets_r,
+ int num, bool use_swaps) {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type T;
+ if (use_swaps) {
+ // This case is needed for the descending distribution, where we need
+ // to have proper swapping for pdqsort to remain O(n).
+ for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+ std::iter_swap(first + offsets_l[i], last - offsets_r[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (num > 0) {
+ Iter l = first + offsets_l[0]; Iter r = last - offsets_r[0];
+ for (int i = 1; i < num; ++i) {
+ l = first + offsets_l[i]; *r = BOOST_PDQSORT_PREFER_MOVE(*l);
+ r = last - offsets_r[i]; *l = BOOST_PDQSORT_PREFER_MOVE(*r);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Partitions [begin, end) around pivot *begin using comparison function comp. Elements equal
+ // to the pivot are put in the right-hand partition. Returns the position of the pivot after
+ // partitioning and whether the passed sequence already was correctly partitioned. Assumes the
+ // pivot is a median of at least 3 elements and that [begin, end) is at least
+ // insertion_sort_threshold long. Uses branchless partitioning.
+ template<class Iter, class Compare>
+ inline std::pair<Iter, bool> partition_right_branchless(Iter begin, Iter end, Compare comp) {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type T;
+ // Move pivot into local for speed.
+ Iter first = begin;
+ Iter last = end;
+ // Find the first element greater than or equal than the pivot (the median of 3 guarantees
+ // this exists).
+ while (comp(*++first, pivot));
+ // Find the first element strictly smaller than the pivot. We have to guard this search if
+ // there was no element before *first.
+ if (first - 1 == begin) while (first < last && !comp(*--last, pivot));
+ else while ( !comp(*--last, pivot));
+ // If the first pair of elements that should be swapped to partition are the same element,
+ // the passed in sequence already was correctly partitioned.
+ bool already_partitioned = first >= last;
+ if (!already_partitioned) {
+ std::iter_swap(first, last);
+ ++first;
+ }
+ // The following branchless partitioning is derived from "BlockQuicksort: How Branch
+ // Mispredictions don't affect Quicksort" by Stefan Edelkamp and Armin Weiss.
+ unsigned char offsets_l_storage[block_size + cacheline_size];
+ unsigned char offsets_r_storage[block_size + cacheline_size];
+ unsigned char* offsets_l = align_cacheline(offsets_l_storage);
+ unsigned char* offsets_r = align_cacheline(offsets_r_storage);
+ int num_l, num_r, start_l, start_r;
+ num_l = num_r = start_l = start_r = 0;
+ while (last - first > 2 * block_size) {
+ // Fill up offset blocks with elements that are on the wrong side.
+ if (num_l == 0) {
+ start_l = 0;
+ Iter it = first;
+ for (unsigned char i = 0; i < block_size;) {
+ offsets_l[num_l] = i++; num_l += !comp(*it, pivot); ++it;
+ offsets_l[num_l] = i++; num_l += !comp(*it, pivot); ++it;
+ offsets_l[num_l] = i++; num_l += !comp(*it, pivot); ++it;
+ offsets_l[num_l] = i++; num_l += !comp(*it, pivot); ++it;
+ offsets_l[num_l] = i++; num_l += !comp(*it, pivot); ++it;
+ offsets_l[num_l] = i++; num_l += !comp(*it, pivot); ++it;
+ offsets_l[num_l] = i++; num_l += !comp(*it, pivot); ++it;
+ offsets_l[num_l] = i++; num_l += !comp(*it, pivot); ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ if (num_r == 0) {
+ start_r = 0;
+ Iter it = last;
+ for (unsigned char i = 0; i < block_size;) {
+ offsets_r[num_r] = ++i; num_r += comp(*--it, pivot);
+ offsets_r[num_r] = ++i; num_r += comp(*--it, pivot);
+ offsets_r[num_r] = ++i; num_r += comp(*--it, pivot);
+ offsets_r[num_r] = ++i; num_r += comp(*--it, pivot);
+ offsets_r[num_r] = ++i; num_r += comp(*--it, pivot);
+ offsets_r[num_r] = ++i; num_r += comp(*--it, pivot);
+ offsets_r[num_r] = ++i; num_r += comp(*--it, pivot);
+ offsets_r[num_r] = ++i; num_r += comp(*--it, pivot);
+ }
+ }
+ // Swap elements and update block sizes and first/last boundaries.
+ int num = (std::min)(num_l, num_r);
+ swap_offsets(first, last, offsets_l + start_l, offsets_r + start_r,
+ num, num_l == num_r);
+ num_l -= num; num_r -= num;
+ start_l += num; start_r += num;
+ if (num_l == 0) first += block_size;
+ if (num_r == 0) last -= block_size;
+ }
+ int l_size = 0, r_size = 0;
+ int unknown_left = (last - first) - ((num_r || num_l) ? block_size : 0);
+ if (num_r) {
+ // Handle leftover block by assigning the unknown elements to the other block.
+ l_size = unknown_left;
+ r_size = block_size;
+ } else if (num_l) {
+ l_size = block_size;
+ r_size = unknown_left;
+ } else {
+ // No leftover block, split the unknown elements in two blocks.
+ l_size = unknown_left/2;
+ r_size = unknown_left - l_size;
+ }
+ // Fill offset buffers if needed.
+ if (unknown_left && !num_l) {
+ start_l = 0;
+ Iter it = first;
+ for (unsigned char i = 0; i < l_size;) {
+ offsets_l[num_l] = i++; num_l += !comp(*it, pivot); ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ if (unknown_left && !num_r) {
+ start_r = 0;
+ Iter it = last;
+ for (unsigned char i = 0; i < r_size;) {
+ offsets_r[num_r] = ++i; num_r += comp(*--it, pivot);
+ }
+ }
+ int num = (std::min)(num_l, num_r);
+ swap_offsets(first, last, offsets_l + start_l, offsets_r + start_r, num, num_l == num_r);
+ num_l -= num; num_r -= num;
+ start_l += num; start_r += num;
+ if (num_l == 0) first += l_size;
+ if (num_r == 0) last -= r_size;
+ // We have now fully identified [first, last)'s proper position. Swap the last elements.
+ if (num_l) {
+ offsets_l += start_l;
+ while (num_l--) std::iter_swap(first + offsets_l[num_l], --last);
+ first = last;
+ }
+ if (num_r) {
+ offsets_r += start_r;
+ while (num_r--) std::iter_swap(last - offsets_r[num_r], first), ++first;
+ last = first;
+ }
+ // Put the pivot in the right place.
+ Iter pivot_pos = first - 1;
+ *begin = BOOST_PDQSORT_PREFER_MOVE(*pivot_pos);
+ *pivot_pos = BOOST_PDQSORT_PREFER_MOVE(pivot);
+ return std::make_pair(pivot_pos, already_partitioned);
+ }
+ // Partitions [begin, end) around pivot *begin using comparison function comp. Elements equal
+ // to the pivot are put in the right-hand partition. Returns the position of the pivot after
+ // partitioning and whether the passed sequence already was correctly partitioned. Assumes the
+ // pivot is a median of at least 3 elements and that [begin, end) is at least
+ // insertion_sort_threshold long.
+ template<class Iter, class Compare>
+ inline std::pair<Iter, bool> partition_right(Iter begin, Iter end, Compare comp) {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type T;
+ // Move pivot into local for speed.
+ Iter first = begin;
+ Iter last = end;
+ // Find the first element greater than or equal than the pivot (the median of 3 guarantees
+ // this exists).
+ while (comp(*++first, pivot));
+ // Find the first element strictly smaller than the pivot. We have to guard this search if
+ // there was no element before *first.
+ if (first - 1 == begin) while (first < last && !comp(*--last, pivot));
+ else while ( !comp(*--last, pivot));
+ // If the first pair of elements that should be swapped to partition are the same element,
+ // the passed in sequence already was correctly partitioned.
+ bool already_partitioned = first >= last;
+ // Keep swapping pairs of elements that are on the wrong side of the pivot. Previously
+ // swapped pairs guard the searches, which is why the first iteration is special-cased
+ // above.
+ while (first < last) {
+ std::iter_swap(first, last);
+ while (comp(*++first, pivot));
+ while (!comp(*--last, pivot));
+ }
+ // Put the pivot in the right place.
+ Iter pivot_pos = first - 1;
+ *begin = BOOST_PDQSORT_PREFER_MOVE(*pivot_pos);
+ *pivot_pos = BOOST_PDQSORT_PREFER_MOVE(pivot);
+ return std::make_pair(pivot_pos, already_partitioned);
+ }
+ // Similar function to the one above, except elements equal to the pivot are put to the left of
+ // the pivot and it doesn't check or return if the passed sequence already was partitioned.
+ // Since this is rarely used (the many equal case), and in that case pdqsort already has O(n)
+ // performance, no block quicksort is applied here for simplicity.
+ template<class Iter, class Compare>
+ inline Iter partition_left(Iter begin, Iter end, Compare comp) {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type T;
+ Iter first = begin;
+ Iter last = end;
+ while (comp(pivot, *--last));
+ if (last + 1 == end) while (first < last && !comp(pivot, *++first));
+ else while ( !comp(pivot, *++first));
+ while (first < last) {
+ std::iter_swap(first, last);
+ while (comp(pivot, *--last));
+ while (!comp(pivot, *++first));
+ }
+ Iter pivot_pos = last;
+ *begin = BOOST_PDQSORT_PREFER_MOVE(*pivot_pos);
+ *pivot_pos = BOOST_PDQSORT_PREFER_MOVE(pivot);
+ return pivot_pos;
+ }
+ template<class Iter, class Compare, bool Branchless>
+ inline void pdqsort_loop(Iter begin, Iter end, Compare comp, int bad_allowed, bool leftmost = true) {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::difference_type diff_t;
+ // Use a while loop for tail recursion elimination.
+ while (true) {
+ diff_t size = end - begin;
+ // Insertion sort is faster for small arrays.
+ if (size < insertion_sort_threshold) {
+ if (leftmost) insertion_sort(begin, end, comp);
+ else unguarded_insertion_sort(begin, end, comp);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Choose pivot as median of 3 or pseudomedian of 9.
+ diff_t s2 = size / 2;
+ if (size > ninther_threshold) {
+ sort3(begin, begin + s2, end - 1, comp);
+ sort3(begin + 1, begin + (s2 - 1), end - 2, comp);
+ sort3(begin + 2, begin + (s2 + 1), end - 3, comp);
+ sort3(begin + (s2 - 1), begin + s2, begin + (s2 + 1), comp);
+ std::iter_swap(begin, begin + s2);
+ } else sort3(begin + s2, begin, end - 1, comp);
+ // If *(begin - 1) is the end of the right partition of a previous partition operation
+ // there is no element in [begin, end) that is smaller than *(begin - 1). Then if our
+ // pivot compares equal to *(begin - 1) we change strategy, putting equal elements in
+ // the left partition, greater elements in the right partition. We do not have to
+ // recurse on the left partition, since it's sorted (all equal).
+ if (!leftmost && !comp(*(begin - 1), *begin)) {
+ begin = partition_left(begin, end, comp) + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Partition and get results.
+ std::pair<Iter, bool> part_result =
+ Branchless ? partition_right_branchless(begin, end, comp)
+ : partition_right(begin, end, comp);
+ Iter pivot_pos = part_result.first;
+ bool already_partitioned = part_result.second;
+ // Check for a highly unbalanced partition.
+ diff_t l_size = pivot_pos - begin;
+ diff_t r_size = end - (pivot_pos + 1);
+ bool highly_unbalanced = l_size < size / 8 || r_size < size / 8;
+ // If we got a highly unbalanced partition we shuffle elements to break many patterns.
+ if (highly_unbalanced) {
+ // If we had too many bad partitions, switch to heapsort to guarantee O(n log n).
+ if (--bad_allowed == 0) {
+ std::make_heap(begin, end, comp);
+ std::sort_heap(begin, end, comp);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (l_size >= insertion_sort_threshold) {
+ std::iter_swap(begin, begin + l_size / 4);
+ std::iter_swap(pivot_pos - 1, pivot_pos - l_size / 4);
+ if (l_size > ninther_threshold) {
+ std::iter_swap(begin + 1, begin + (l_size / 4 + 1));
+ std::iter_swap(begin + 2, begin + (l_size / 4 + 2));
+ std::iter_swap(pivot_pos - 2, pivot_pos - (l_size / 4 + 1));
+ std::iter_swap(pivot_pos - 3, pivot_pos - (l_size / 4 + 2));
+ }
+ }
+ if (r_size >= insertion_sort_threshold) {
+ std::iter_swap(pivot_pos + 1, pivot_pos + (1 + r_size / 4));
+ std::iter_swap(end - 1, end - r_size / 4);
+ if (r_size > ninther_threshold) {
+ std::iter_swap(pivot_pos + 2, pivot_pos + (2 + r_size / 4));
+ std::iter_swap(pivot_pos + 3, pivot_pos + (3 + r_size / 4));
+ std::iter_swap(end - 2, end - (1 + r_size / 4));
+ std::iter_swap(end - 3, end - (2 + r_size / 4));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If we were decently balanced and we tried to sort an already partitioned
+ // sequence try to use insertion sort.
+ if (already_partitioned && partial_insertion_sort(begin, pivot_pos, comp)
+ && partial_insertion_sort(pivot_pos + 1, end, comp)) return;
+ }
+ // Sort the left partition first using recursion and do tail recursion elimination for
+ // the right-hand partition.
+ pdqsort_loop<Iter, Compare, Branchless>(begin, pivot_pos, comp, bad_allowed, leftmost);
+ begin = pivot_pos + 1;
+ leftmost = false;
+ }
+ }
+/*! \brief Generic sort algorithm using random access iterators and a user-defined comparison operator.
+ \details @c pdqsort is a fast generic sorting algorithm that is similar in concept to introsort
+but runs faster on certain patterns. @c pdqsort is in-place, unstable, deterministic, has a worst
+case runtime of <em>O(N * lg(N))</em> and a best case of <em>O(N)</em>. Even without patterns, the
+quicksort has been very efficiently implemented, and @c pdqsort runs 1-5% faster than GCC 6.2's
+@c std::sort. If the type being sorted is @c std::is_arithmetic and Compare is @c std::less or
+@c std::greater this function will automatically use @c pdqsort_branchless for far greater speedups.
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">MoveAssignable</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">MoveConstructible</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps
+ (or moves), functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss.
+template<class Iter, class Compare>
+inline void pdqsort(Iter first, Iter last, Compare comp) {
+ if (first == last) return;
+ pdqsort_detail::pdqsort_loop<Iter, Compare,
+ pdqsort_detail::is_default_compare<typename boost::decay<Compare>::type>::value &&
+ boost::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type>::value>(
+ first, last, comp, pdqsort_detail::log2(last - first));
+/*! \brief Generic sort algorithm using random access iterators and a user-defined comparison operator.
+ \details @c pdqsort_branchless is a fast generic sorting algorithm that is similar in concept to
+introsort but runs faster on certain patterns. @c pdqsort_branchless is in-place, unstable,
+deterministic, has a worst case runtime of <em>O(N * lg(N))</em> and a best case of <em>O(N)</em>.
+Even without patterns, the quicksort has been very efficiently implemented with block based
+partitioning, and @c pdqsort_branchless runs 80-90% faster than GCC 6.2's @c std::sort when sorting
+small data such as integers. However, this speedup is gained by totally bypassing the branch
+predictor, if your comparison operator or iterator contains branches you will most likely see little
+gain or a small loss in performance.
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">MoveAssignable</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">MoveConstructible</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps
+ (or moves), functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss.
+template<class Iter, class Compare>
+inline void pdqsort_branchless(Iter first, Iter last, Compare comp) {
+ if (first == last) return;
+ pdqsort_detail::pdqsort_loop<Iter, Compare, true>(
+ first, last, comp, pdqsort_detail::log2(last - first));
+/*! \brief Generic sort algorithm using random access iterators.
+ \details @c pdqsort is a fast generic sorting algorithm that is similar in concept to introsort
+but runs faster on certain patterns. @c pdqsort is in-place, unstable, deterministic, has a worst
+case runtime of <em>O(N * lg(N))</em> and a best case of <em>O(N)</em>. Even without patterns, the
+quicksort partitioning has been very efficiently implemented, and @c pdqsort runs 80-90% faster than
+GCC 6.2's @c std::sort. If the type being sorted is @c std::is_arithmetic this function will
+automatically use @c pdqsort_branchless.
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">MoveAssignable</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">MoveConstructible</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps
+ (or moves), functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss.
+template<class Iter>
+inline void pdqsort(Iter first, Iter last) {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type T;
+ pdqsort(first, last, std::less<T>());
+/*! \brief Generic sort algorithm using random access iterators.
+ \details @c pdqsort_branchless is a fast generic sorting algorithm that is similar in concept to
+introsort but runs faster on certain patterns. @c pdqsort_branchless is in-place, unstable,
+deterministic, has a worst case runtime of <em>O(N * lg(N))</em> and a best case of <em>O(N)</em>.
+Even without patterns, the quicksort has been very efficiently implemented with block based
+partitioning, and @c pdqsort_branchless runs 80-90% faster than GCC 6.2's @c std::sort when sorting
+small data such as integers. However, this speedup is gained by totally bypassing the branch
+predictor, if your comparison operator or iterator contains branches you will most likely see little
+gain or a small loss in performance.
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">MoveAssignable</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">MoveConstructible</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps
+ (or moves), functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss.
+template<class Iter>
+inline void pdqsort_branchless(Iter first, Iter last) {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type T;
+ pdqsort_branchless(first, last, std::less<T>());
diff --git a/boost/sort/sample_sort/sample_sort.hpp b/boost/sort/sample_sort/sample_sort.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ded1781cfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/sample_sort/sample_sort.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+/// @file sample_sort.hpp
+/// @brief contains the class sample_sort
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <functional>
+#include <future>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <boost/sort/spinsort/spinsort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/indirect.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/atomic.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/merge_four.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/merge_vector.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/range.hpp>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace sample_detail
+namespace bsc = boost::sort::common;
+namespace bss = boost::sort::spin_detail;
+namespace bscu = boost::sort::common::util;
+using bsc::range;
+using bscu::atomic_add;
+using bsc::merge_vector4;
+using bsc::uninit_merge_level4;
+using bsc::less_ptr_no_null;
+/// @struct sample_sort
+/// @brief This a structure for to implement a sample sort, exception
+/// safe
+/// @tparam
+/// @remarks
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare>
+struct sample_sort
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter_t> value_t;
+ typedef range<Iter_t> range_it;
+ typedef range<value_t *> range_buf;
+ typedef sample_sort<Iter_t, Compare> this_t;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // minimun numbers of elements for to be sortd in parallel mode
+ static const uint32_t thread_min = (1 << 16);
+ // Number of threads to use in the algorithm
+ // Number of intervals for to do the internal division of the data
+ uint32_t nthread, ninterval;
+ // Bool variables indicating if the auxiliary memory is constructed
+ // and indicating in the auxiliary memory had been obtained inside the
+ /// algorithm or had been received as a parameter
+ bool construct = false, owner = false;
+ // Comparison object for to compare two elements
+ Compare comp;
+ // Range with all the elements to sort
+ range_it global_range;
+ // range with the auxiliary memory
+ range_buf global_buf;
+ // vector of futures
+ std::vector<std::future<void>> vfuture;
+ // vector of vectors which contains the ranges to merge obtained in the
+ // subdivision
+ std::vector<std::vector<range_it>> vv_range_it;
+ // each vector of ranges of the vv_range_it, need their corresponding buffer
+ // for to do the merge
+ std::vector<std::vector<range_buf>> vv_range_buf;
+ // Initial vector of ranges
+ std::vector<range_it> vrange_it_ini;
+ // Initial vector of buffers
+ std::vector<range_buf> vrange_buf_ini;
+ // atomic counter for to know when are finished the function_t created
+ // inside a function
+ std::atomic<uint32_t> njob;
+ // Indicate if an error in the algorithm for to undo all
+ bool error;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void initial_configuration(void);
+ sample_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp, uint32_t num_thread,
+ value_t *paux, size_t naux);
+ sample_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last)
+ : sample_sort (first, last, Compare(), std::thread::hardware_concurrency(),
+ nullptr, 0) { };
+ sample_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp)
+ : sample_sort(first, last, cmp, std::thread::hardware_concurrency(),
+ nullptr, 0) { };
+ sample_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, uint32_t num_thread)
+ : sample_sort(first, last, Compare(), num_thread, nullptr, 0) { };
+ sample_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp, uint32_t num_thread)
+ : sample_sort(first, last, cmp, num_thread, nullptr, 0) { };
+ sample_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp, uint32_t num_thread,
+ range_buf range_buf_initial)
+ : sample_sort(first, last, cmp, num_thread,
+ range_buf_initial.first, range_buf_initial.size()) { };
+ void destroy_all(void);
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :~sample_sort
+ /// @brief destructor of the class. The utility is to destroy the temporary
+ /// buffer used in the sorting process
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ~sample_sort(void) { destroy_all(); };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : execute first
+ /// @brief this a function to assign to each thread in the first merge
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void execute_first(void)
+ {
+ uint32_t job = 0;
+ while ((job = atomic_add(njob, 1)) < ninterval)
+ {
+ uninit_merge_level4(vrange_buf_ini[job], vv_range_it[job],
+ vv_range_buf[job], comp);
+ };
+ };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : execute
+ /// @brief this is a function to assignt each thread the final merge
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void execute(void)
+ {
+ uint32_t job = 0;
+ while ((job = atomic_add(njob, 1)) < ninterval)
+ {
+ merge_vector4(vrange_buf_ini[job], vrange_it_ini[job],
+ vv_range_buf[job], vv_range_it[job], comp);
+ };
+ };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : first merge
+ /// @brief Implement the merge of the initially sparse ranges
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void first_merge(void)
+ { //---------------------------------- begin --------------------------
+ njob = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nthread; ++i)
+ {
+ vfuture[i] = std::async(std::launch::async, &this_t::execute_first,
+ this);
+ };
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nthread; ++i)
+ vfuture[i].get();
+ };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function : final merge
+ /// @brief Implement the final merge of the ranges
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void final_merge(void)
+ { //---------------------------------- begin --------------------------
+ njob = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nthread; ++i)
+ {
+ vfuture[i] = std::async(std::launch::async, &this_t::execute, this);
+ };
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nthread; ++i)
+ vfuture[i].get();
+ };
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// End class sample_sort
+// ##
+// N O N I N L I N E F U N C T I O N S ##
+// ##
+// ##
+// function : sample_sort
+/// @brief constructor of the class
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param cmp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t iterators
+/// @param num_thread : Number of threads to use in the process. When this value
+/// is lower than 2, the sorting is done with 1 thread
+/// @param paux : pointer to the auxiliary memory. If nullptr, the memory is
+/// created inside the class
+/// @param naux : number of elements of the memory pointed by paux
+template<class Iter_t, typename Compare>
+sample_sort<Iter_t, Compare>
+::sample_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp, uint32_t num_thread,
+ value_t *paux, size_t naux)
+: nthread(num_thread), owner(false), comp(cmp), global_range(first, last),
+ global_buf(nullptr, nullptr), error(false)
+ assert((last - first) >= 0);
+ size_t nelem = size_t(last - first);
+ construct = false;
+ njob = 0;
+ vfuture.resize(nthread);
+ // Adjust when have many threads and only a few elements
+ while (nelem > thread_min and (nthread * nthread) > (nelem >> 3))
+ {
+ nthread /= 2;
+ };
+ ninterval = (nthread << 3);
+ if (nthread < 2 or nelem <= (thread_min))
+ {
+ bss::spinsort<Iter_t, Compare>(first, last, comp);
+ return;
+ };
+ //------------------- check if sort --------------------------------------
+ bool sw = true;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1;
+ it2 != last and (sw = not comp(*it2, *it1)); it1 = it2++);
+ if (sw) return;
+ //------------------- check if reverse sort ---------------------------
+ sw = true;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1;
+ it2 != last and (sw = comp(*it2, *it1)); it1 = it2++);
+ if (sw)
+ {
+ size_t nelem2 = nelem >> 1;
+ Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = last - 1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nelem2; ++i)
+ std::swap(*(it1++), *(it2--));
+ return;
+ };
+ if (paux != nullptr)
+ {
+ assert(naux != 0);
+ global_buf.first = paux;
+ global_buf.last = paux + naux;
+ owner = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ value_t *ptr = std::get_temporary_buffer<value_t>(nelem).first;
+ if (ptr == nullptr) throw std::bad_alloc();
+ owner = true;
+ global_buf = range_buf(ptr, ptr + nelem);
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ try
+ {
+ initial_configuration();
+ } catch (std::bad_alloc &)
+ {
+ error = true;
+ };
+ if (not error)
+ {
+ first_merge();
+ construct = true;
+ final_merge();
+ };
+ if (error)
+ {
+ destroy_all();
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ };
+// function : destroy_all
+/// @brief destructor of the class. The utility is to destroy the temporary
+/// buffer used in the sorting process
+template<class Iter_t, typename Compare>
+void sample_sort<Iter_t, Compare>::destroy_all(void)
+ if (construct)
+ {
+ destroy(global_buf);
+ construct = false;
+ }
+ if (global_buf.first != nullptr and owner)
+ std::return_temporary_buffer(global_buf.first);
+// function : initial_configuration
+/// @brief Create the internal data structures, and obtain the inital set of
+/// ranges to merge
+template<class Iter_t, typename Compare>
+void sample_sort<Iter_t, Compare>::initial_configuration(void)
+ std::vector<range_it> vmem_thread;
+ std::vector<range_buf> vbuf_thread;
+ size_t nelem = global_range.size();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_t cupo = nelem / nthread;
+ Iter_t it_first = global_range.first;
+ value_t *buf_first = global_buf.first;
+ vmem_thread.reserve(nthread + 1);
+ vbuf_thread.reserve(nthread + 1);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (nthread - 1); ++i, it_first += cupo, buf_first +=
+ cupo)
+ {
+ vmem_thread.emplace_back(it_first, it_first + cupo);
+ vbuf_thread.emplace_back(buf_first, buf_first + cupo);
+ };
+ vmem_thread.emplace_back(it_first, global_range.last);
+ vbuf_thread.emplace_back(buf_first, global_buf.last);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Sorting of the ranges
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::vector<std::future<void>> vfuture(nthread);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nthread; ++i)
+ {
+ auto func = [=]()
+ {
+ bss::spinsort<Iter_t, Compare> (vmem_thread[i].first,
+ vmem_thread[i].last, comp,
+ vbuf_thread[i]);
+ };
+ vfuture[i] = std::async(std::launch::async, func);
+ };
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nthread; ++i)
+ vfuture[i].get();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Obtain the vector of milestones
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::vector<Iter_t> vsample;
+ vsample.reserve(nthread * (ninterval - 1));
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nthread; ++i)
+ {
+ size_t distance = vmem_thread[i].size() / ninterval;
+ for (size_t j = 1, pos = distance; j < ninterval; ++j, pos += distance)
+ {
+ vsample.push_back(vmem_thread[i].first + pos);
+ };
+ };
+ typedef less_ptr_no_null<Iter_t, Compare> compare_ptr;
+ typedef typename std::vector<Iter_t>::iterator it_to_it;
+ bss::spinsort<it_to_it, compare_ptr>(vsample.begin(), vsample.end(),
+ compare_ptr(comp));
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Create the final milestone vector
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::vector<Iter_t> vmilestone;
+ vmilestone.reserve(ninterval);
+ for (uint32_t pos = nthread >> 1; pos < vsample.size(); pos += nthread)
+ {
+ vmilestone.push_back(vsample[pos]);
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Creation of the first vector of ranges
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::vector<std::vector<range<Iter_t>>>vv_range_first (nthread);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nthread; ++i)
+ {
+ Iter_t itaux = vmem_thread[i].first;
+ for (uint32_t k = 0; k < (ninterval - 1); ++k)
+ {
+ Iter_t it2 = std::upper_bound(itaux, vmem_thread[i].last,
+ *vmilestone[k], comp);
+ vv_range_first[i].emplace_back(itaux, it2);
+ itaux = it2;
+ };
+ vv_range_first[i].emplace_back(itaux, vmem_thread[i].last);
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Copy in buffer and creation of the final matrix of ranges
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ vv_range_it.resize(ninterval);
+ vv_range_buf.resize(ninterval);
+ vrange_it_ini.reserve(ninterval);
+ vrange_buf_ini.reserve(ninterval);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ninterval; ++i)
+ {
+ vv_range_it[i].reserve(nthread);
+ vv_range_buf[i].reserve(nthread);
+ };
+ Iter_t it = global_range.first;
+ value_t *it_buf = global_buf.first;
+ for (uint32_t k = 0; k < ninterval; ++k)
+ {
+ size_t nelem_interval = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nthread; ++i)
+ {
+ size_t nelem_range = vv_range_first[i][k].size();
+ if (nelem_range != 0)
+ {
+ vv_range_it[k].push_back(vv_range_first[i][k]);
+ };
+ nelem_interval += nelem_range;
+ };
+ vrange_it_ini.emplace_back(it, it + nelem_interval);
+ vrange_buf_ini.emplace_back(it_buf, it_buf + nelem_interval);
+ it += nelem_interval;
+ it_buf += nelem_interval;
+ };
+// End namespace sample_detail
+namespace bscu = boost::sort::common::util;
+// ##
+// ##
+// S A M P L E _ S O R T ##
+// ##
+// ##
+// function : sample_sort
+/// @brief parallel sample sort algorithm (stable sort)
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+template<class Iter_t>
+void sample_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last)
+ typedef compare_iter<Iter_t> Compare;
+ sample_detail::sample_sort<Iter_t, Compare>(first, last);
+// function : sample_sort
+/// @brief parallel sample sort algorithm (stable sort)
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param nthread : Number of threads to use in the process. When this value
+/// is lower than 2, the sorting is done with 1 thread
+template<class Iter_t>
+void sample_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, uint32_t nthread)
+ typedef compare_iter<Iter_t> Compare;
+ sample_detail::sample_sort<Iter_t, Compare>(first, last, nthread);
+// function : sample_sort
+/// @brief parallel sample sort algorithm (stable sort)
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+/// iterators
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare, bscu::enable_if_not_integral<Compare> * =
+ nullptr>
+void sample_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp)
+ sample_detail::sample_sort<Iter_t, Compare>(first, last, comp);
+// function : sample_sort
+/// @brief parallel sample sort algorithm (stable sort)
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+/// iterators
+/// @param nthread : Number of threads to use in the process. When this value
+/// is lower than 2, the sorting is done with 1 thread
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare>
+void sample_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp, uint32_t nthread)
+ sample_detail::sample_sort<Iter_t, Compare>(first, last, comp, nthread);
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/sort.hpp b/boost/sort/sort.hpp
index bc4fe974a6..625f134b5c 100644
--- a/boost/sort/sort.hpp
+++ b/boost/sort/sort.hpp
@@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
-// The Boost Sort library cumulative header.
-// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2014
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// See for library home page.
-Cumulative include for the Boost Sort library
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/spreadsort.hpp>
+// The Boost Sort library cumulative header.
+// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2014
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for library home page.
+Cumulative include for the Boost Sort library
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/spreadsort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spinsort/spinsort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/flat_stable_sort/flat_stable_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/pdqsort/pdqsort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/block_indirect_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/sample_sort/sample_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/parallel_stable_sort/parallel_stable_sort.hpp>
diff --git a/boost/sort/spinsort/spinsort.hpp b/boost/sort/spinsort/spinsort.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e9f2d5572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/sort/spinsort/spinsort.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+/// @file spinsort.hpp
+/// @brief Spin Sort algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+//#include <boost/sort/spinsort/util/indirect.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/insert_sort/insert_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/algorithm.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/range.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/indirect.hpp>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstddef>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace spin_detail
+namespace bsc = boost::sort::common;
+using bsc::range;
+using bsc::util::nbits64;
+using bsc::util::compare_iter;
+using bsc::util::value_iter;
+using boost::sort::insert_sort;
+// ##
+// D E F I N I T I O N S O F F U N C T I O N S ##
+// ##
+template <class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, typename Compare>
+static void insert_partial_sort (Iter1_t first, Iter1_t mid,
+ Iter1_t last, Compare comp,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &rng_aux);
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static bool check_stable_sort (const range<Iter1_t> &rng_data,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &rng_aux, Compare comp);
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static void range_sort (const range<Iter1_t> &range1,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &range2, Compare comp,
+ uint32_t level);
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static void sort_range_sort (const range<Iter1_t> &rng_data,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &rng_aux, Compare comp);
+// function : insert_partial_sort
+/// @brief : Insertion sort of elements sorted
+/// @param first: iterator to the first element of the range
+/// @param mid : last pointer of the sorted data, and first pointer to the
+/// elements to insert
+/// @param last : iterator to the next element of the last in the range
+/// @param comp :
+/// @comments : the two ranges are sorted
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, typename Compare>
+static void insert_partial_sort (Iter1_t first, Iter1_t mid, Iter1_t last,
+ Compare comp, const range<Iter2_t> &rng_aux)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // metaprogram
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same<value_t, value2_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // program
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ assert(size_t(last - mid) <= rng_aux.size());
+ if (mid == last) return;
+ //insertionsort ( mid, last, comp);
+ if (first == mid) return;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // creation of the vector of elements to insert and their position in the
+ // sorted part
+ // the data are inserted in rng_aux
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::vector<Iter1_t> viter;
+ Iter2_t beta = rng_aux.first, data = rng_aux.first;
+ for (Iter1_t alpha = mid; alpha != last; ++alpha)
+ *(beta++) = std::move(*alpha);
+ size_t ndata = last - mid;
+ Iter1_t linf = first, lsup = mid;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ndata; ++i)
+ {
+ Iter1_t it1 = std::upper_bound(linf, lsup, *(data + i), comp);
+ viter.push_back(it1);
+ linf = it1;
+ };
+ // moving the elements
+ viter.push_back(mid);
+ for (uint32_t i = viter.size() - 1; i != 0; --i)
+ {
+ Iter1_t src = viter[i], limit = viter[i - 1];
+ Iter1_t dest = src + (i);
+ while (src != limit) *(--dest) = std::move(*(--src));
+ *(viter[i - 1] + (i - 1)) = std::move(*(data + (i - 1)));
+ };
+// function : check_stable_sort
+/// @brief check if the elements between first and last are osted or reverse
+/// sorted. If the number of elements not sorted is small, insert in
+/// the sorted part
+/// @param range_input : range with the elements to sort
+/// @param range_buffer : range with the elements sorted
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+/// @param level : when is 1, sort with the insertionsort algorithm
+/// if not make a recursive call splitting the ranges
+/// @comments : if the number of levels is odd, the data are in the first
+/// parameter of range_sort, and the results appear in the second parameter
+/// If the number of levels is even, the data are in the second
+/// parameter of range_sort, and the results are in the same parameter
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static bool check_stable_sort(const range<Iter1_t> &rng_data,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &rng_aux, Compare comp)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // metaprogramming
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same<value_t, value2_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // program
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // the maximun number of elements not ordered, for to be inserted in the
+ // sorted part
+ //const ptrdiff_t min_insert_partial_sort = 32 ;
+ const size_t ndata = rng_data.size();
+ if (ndata < 32)
+ {
+ insert_sort(rng_data.first, rng_data.last, comp);
+ return true;
+ };
+ const size_t min_insert_partial_sort =
+ ((ndata >> 3) < 33) ? 32 : (ndata >> 3);
+ if (ndata < 2) return true;
+ // check if sorted
+ bool sw = true;
+ Iter1_t it2 = rng_data.first + 1;
+ for (Iter1_t it1 = rng_data.first;
+ it2 != rng_data.last and (sw = not comp(*it2, *it1)); it1 =
+ it2++)
+ ;
+ if (sw) return true;
+ // insert the elements between it1 and last
+ if (size_t(rng_data.last - it2) < min_insert_partial_sort)
+ {
+ sort_range_sort(range<Iter1_t>(it2, rng_data.last), rng_aux, comp);
+ insert_partial_sort(rng_data.first, it2, rng_data.last, comp, rng_aux);
+ return true;
+ };
+ // check if reverse sorted
+ if ((it2 != (rng_data.first + 1))) return false;
+ sw = true;
+ for (Iter1_t it1 = rng_data.first;
+ it2 != rng_data.last and (sw = comp(*it2, *it1)); it1 =
+ it2++)
+ ;
+ if (size_t(rng_data.last - it2) >= min_insert_partial_sort) return false;
+ // reverse the elements between first and it1
+ size_t nreverse = it2 - rng_data.first;
+ Iter1_t alpha(rng_data.first), beta(it2 - 1), mid(
+ rng_data.first + (nreverse >> 1));
+ while (alpha != mid)
+ std::swap(*(alpha++), *(beta--));
+ // insert the elements between it1 and last
+ if (it2 != rng_data.last)
+ {
+ sort_range_sort(range<Iter1_t>(it2, rng_data.last), rng_aux, comp);
+ insert_partial_sort(rng_data.first, it2, rng_data.last, comp, rng_aux);
+ };
+ return true;
+// function : range_sort
+/// @brief this function divide r_input in two parts, sort it,and merge moving
+/// the elements to range_buf
+/// @param range_input : range with the elements to sort
+/// @param range_buffer : range with the elements sorted
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+/// @param level : when is 1, sort with the insertionsort algorithm
+/// if not make a recursive call splitting the ranges
+/// @comments : if the number of levels is odd, the data are in the first
+/// parameter of range_sort, and the results appear in the second parameter
+/// If the number of levels is even, the data are in the second
+/// parameter of range_sort, and the results are in the same parameter
+/// The two ranges must have the same size
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static void range_sort(const range<Iter1_t> &range1,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &range2, Compare comp,
+ uint32_t level)
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // metaprogram
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same<value_t, value2_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // program
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef range<Iter1_t> range_it1;
+ typedef range<Iter2_t> range_it2;
+ assert(range1.size() == range2.size() and level != 0);
+ //------------------- check if sort --------------------------------------
+ if (range1.size() > 1024)
+ {
+ if ((level & 1) == 0)
+ {
+ if (check_stable_sort(range2, range1, comp)) return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (check_stable_sort(range1, range2, comp))
+ {
+ move_forward(range2, range1);
+ return;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ //------------------- normal process -----------------------------------
+ size_t nelem1 = (range1.size() + 1) >> 1;
+ range_it1 range_input1(range1.first, range1.first + nelem1),
+ range_input2(range1.first + nelem1, range1.last);
+ if (level < 2)
+ {
+ insert_sort(range_input1.first, range_input1.last, comp);
+ insert_sort(range_input2.first, range_input2.last, comp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ range_sort (range_it2(range2.first, range2.first + nelem1),
+ range_input1, comp, level - 1);
+ range_sort (range_it2(range2.first + nelem1, range2.last),
+ range_input2, comp, level - 1);
+ };
+ merge(range2, range_input1, range_input2, comp);
+// function : sort_range_sort
+/// @brief this sort elements using the range_sort function and receiving a
+/// buffer of initialized memory
+/// @param rng_data : range with the elements to sort
+/// @param rng_aux : range of at least the same memory than rng_data used as
+/// auxiliary memory in the sorting
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static void sort_range_sort(const range<Iter1_t> &rng_data,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &rng_aux, Compare comp)
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // metaprogram
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same<value_t, value2_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // program
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // minimal number of element before to jump to insertionsort
+ static const uint32_t sort_min = 32;
+ if (rng_data.size() <= sort_min)
+ {
+ insert_sort(rng_data.first, rng_data.last, comp);
+ return;
+ };
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert (rng_aux.size () >= rng_data.size ());
+ range<Iter2_t> rng_buffer(rng_aux.first, rng_aux.first + rng_data.size());
+ uint32_t nlevel =
+ nbits64(((rng_data.size() + sort_min - 1) / sort_min) - 1);
+ //assert (nlevel != 0);
+ if ((nlevel & 1) == 0)
+ {
+ range_sort(rng_buffer, rng_data, comp, nlevel);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ range_sort(rng_data, rng_buffer, comp, nlevel);
+ move_forward(rng_data, rng_buffer);
+ };
+// ##
+// S T R U C T ##
+// ##
+// S P I N _ S O R T ##
+// ##
+/// @struct spin_sort
+/// @brief This class implement s stable sort algorithm with 1 thread, with
+/// an auxiliary memory of N/2 elements
+template<class Iter_t, typename Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t>>
+class spinsort
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter_t> value_t;
+ typedef range<Iter_t> range_it;
+ typedef range<value_t *> range_buf;
+ // When the number of elements to sort is smaller than Sort_min, are sorted
+ // by the insertion sort algorithm
+ static const uint32_t Sort_min = 36;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Pointer to the auxiliary memory
+ value_t *ptr;
+ // Number of elements in the auxiliary memory
+ size_t nptr;
+ // construct indicate if the auxiliary memory in initialized, and owner
+ // indicate if the auxiliary memory had been created inside the object or
+ // had
+ // been received as a parameter
+ bool construct = false, owner = false;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ spinsort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp, value_t *paux,
+ size_t naux);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ spinsort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp = Compare())
+ : spinsort(first, last, comp, nullptr, 0) { };
+ spinsort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp, range_buf range_aux)
+ : spinsort(first, last, comp, range_aux.first, range_aux.size()) { };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :~spinsort
+ /// @brief destructor of the struct. Destroy the elements if construct is
+ /// true,
+ /// and return the memory if owner is true
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ~spinsort(void)
+ {
+ if (construct)
+ {
+ destroy(range<value_t *>(ptr, ptr + nptr));
+ construct = false;
+ };
+ if (owner and ptr != nullptr) std::return_temporary_buffer(ptr);
+ };
+// End of class spinsort
+// function : spinsort
+/// @brief constructor of the struct
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+/// iterators
+/// @param paux : pointer to the auxiliary memory provided. If nullptr, the
+/// memory is created inside the class
+/// @param naux : number of elements pointed by paux
+template <class Iter_t, typename Compare>
+spinsort <Iter_t, Compare>
+::spinsort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp, value_t *paux, size_t naux)
+: ptr(paux), nptr(naux), construct(false), owner(false)
+ range<Iter_t> range_input(first, last);
+ assert(range_input.valid());
+ size_t nelem = range_input.size();
+ owner = construct = false;
+ nptr = (nelem + 1) >> 1;
+ size_t nelem_1 = nptr;
+ size_t nelem_2 = nelem - nelem_1;
+ if (nelem <= (Sort_min << 1))
+ {
+ insert_sort(range_input.first, range_input.last, comp);
+ return;
+ };
+ //------------------- check if sort ---------------------------------
+ bool sw = true;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1; it2 != last
+ and (sw = not comp(*it2, *it1)); it1 = it2++) ;
+ if (sw) return;
+ //------------------- check if reverse sort -------------------------
+ sw = true;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1;
+ it2 != last and (sw = comp(*it2, *it1)); it1 = it2++);
+ if (sw)
+ {
+ size_t nelem2 = nelem >> 1;
+ Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = last - 1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nelem2; ++i)
+ std::swap(*(it1++), *(it2--));
+ return;
+ };
+ if (ptr == nullptr)
+ {
+ ptr = std::get_temporary_buffer<value_t>(nptr).first;
+ if (ptr == nullptr) throw std::bad_alloc();
+ owner = true;
+ };
+ range_buf range_aux(ptr, (ptr + nptr));
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Process
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint32_t nlevel = nbits64(((nelem + Sort_min - 1) / Sort_min) - 1) - 1;
+ assert(nlevel != 0);
+ if ((nlevel & 1) == 1)
+ {
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // if the number of levels is odd, the data are in the first
+ // parameter of range_sort, and the results appear in the second
+ // parameter
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ range_it range_1(first, first + nelem_2), range_2(first + nelem_2,
+ last);
+ range_aux = move_construct(range_aux, range_2);
+ construct = true;
+ range_sort(range_aux, range_2, comp, nlevel);
+ range_buf rng_bx(range_aux.first, range_aux.first + nelem_2);
+ range_sort(range_1, rng_bx, comp, nlevel);
+ merge_half(range_input, rng_bx, range_2, comp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // If the number of levels is even, the data are in the second
+ // parameter of range_sort, and the results are in the same
+ // parameter
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ range_it range_1(first, first + nelem_1), range_2(first + nelem_1,
+ last);
+ range_aux = move_construct(range_aux, range_1);
+ construct = true;
+ range_sort(range_1, range_aux, comp, nlevel);
+ range_1.last = range_1.first + range_2.size();
+ range_sort(range_1, range_2, comp, nlevel);
+ merge_half(range_input, range_aux, range_2, comp);
+ };
+};// End namepspace spin_detail
+namespace bsc = boost::sort::common;
+// function : spinsort
+/// @brief this function implement a single thread stable sort
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+/// iterators
+template <class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t>>
+inline void spinsort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp = Compare())
+ spin_detail::spinsort <Iter_t, Compare> (first, last, comp);
+template <class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t>>
+inline void indirect_spinsort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ Compare comp = Compare())
+ typedef typename std::vector<Iter_t>::iterator itx_iter;
+ typedef common::less_ptr_no_null <Iter_t, Compare> itx_comp;
+ common::indirect_sort (spinsort<itx_iter, itx_comp>, first, last, comp);
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namepspace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp b/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp
index a134761e59..9eebc43c69 100644
--- a/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp
+++ b/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
-//constant definitions for the Boost Sort library
-// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2014
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// See for library home page.
-namespace boost {
-namespace sort {
-namespace spreadsort {
-namespace detail {
-//Tuning constants
-//This should be tuned to your processor cache;
-//if you go too large you get cache misses on bins
-//The smaller this number, the less worst-case memory usage.
-//If too small, too many recursions slow down spreadsort
-enum { max_splits = 11,
-//It's better to have a few cache misses and finish sorting
-//than to run another iteration
-max_finishing_splits = max_splits + 1,
-//Sets the minimum number of items per bin.
-int_log_mean_bin_size = 2,
-//Used to force a comparison-based sorting for small bins, if it's faster.
-//Minimum value 1
-int_log_min_split_count = 9,
-//This is the minimum split count to use spreadsort when it will finish in one
-//iteration. Make this larger the faster std::sort is relative to integer_sort.
-int_log_finishing_count = 31,
-//Sets the minimum number of items per bin for floating point.
-float_log_mean_bin_size = 2,
-//Used to force a comparison-based sorting for small bins, if it's faster.
-//Minimum value 1
-float_log_min_split_count = 8,
-//This is the minimum split count to use spreadsort when it will finish in one
-//iteration. Make this larger the faster std::sort is relative to float_sort.
-float_log_finishing_count = 4,
-//There is a minimum size below which it is not worth using spreadsort
-min_sort_size = 1000 };
+//constant definitions for the Boost Sort library
+// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2014
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for library home page.
+namespace boost {
+namespace sort {
+namespace spreadsort {
+namespace detail {
+//Tuning constants
+//This should be tuned to your processor cache;
+//if you go too large you get cache misses on bins
+//The smaller this number, the less worst-case memory usage.
+//If too small, too many recursions slow down spreadsort
+enum { max_splits = 11,
+//It's better to have a few cache misses and finish sorting
+//than to run another iteration
+max_finishing_splits = max_splits + 1,
+//Sets the minimum number of items per bin.
+int_log_mean_bin_size = 2,
+//Used to force a comparison-based sorting for small bins, if it's faster.
+//Minimum value 1
+int_log_min_split_count = 9,
+//This is the minimum split count to use spreadsort when it will finish in one
+//iteration. Make this larger the faster std::sort is relative to integer_sort.
+int_log_finishing_count = 31,
+//Sets the minimum number of items per bin for floating point.
+float_log_mean_bin_size = 2,
+//Used to force a comparison-based sorting for small bins, if it's faster.
+//Minimum value 1
+float_log_min_split_count = 8,
+//This is the minimum split count to use spreadsort when it will finish in one
+//iteration. Make this larger the faster std::sort is relative to float_sort.
+float_log_finishing_count = 4,
+//There is a minimum size below which it is not worth using spreadsort
+min_sort_size = 1000 };
diff --git a/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/float_sort.hpp b/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/float_sort.hpp
index 03dcbaf4f6..93aaa2f69e 100644
--- a/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/float_sort.hpp
+++ b/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/float_sort.hpp
@@ -1,831 +1,831 @@
-// Details for templated Spreadsort-based float_sort.
-// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2014.
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// See for library home page.
-Some improvements suggested by:
-Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
-float_mem_cast fix provided by:
-Scott McMurray
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
-#include <limits>
-#include <functional>
-#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/serialization/static_warning.hpp>
-#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/integer_sort.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/spreadsort_common.hpp>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-namespace boost {
-namespace sort {
-namespace spreadsort {
- namespace detail {
- //Casts a RandomAccessIter to the specified integer type
- template<class Cast_type, class RandomAccessIter>
- inline Cast_type
- cast_float_iter(const RandomAccessIter & floatiter)
- {
- typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type
- Data_type;
- //Only cast IEEE floating-point numbers, and only to same-sized integers
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Cast_type) == sizeof(Data_type));
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<Data_type>::is_iec559);
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<Cast_type>::is_integer);
- Cast_type result;
- std::memcpy(&result, &(*floatiter), sizeof(Data_type));
- return result;
- }
- // Return true if the list is sorted. Otherwise, find the minimum and
- // maximum. Values are Right_shifted 0 bits before comparison.
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
- inline bool
- is_sorted_or_find_extremes(RandomAccessIter current, RandomAccessIter last,
- Div_type & max, Div_type & min, Right_shift rshift)
- {
- min = max = rshift(*current, 0);
- RandomAccessIter prev = current;
- bool sorted = true;
- while (++current < last) {
- Div_type value = rshift(*current, 0);
- sorted &= *current >= *prev;
- prev = current;
- if (max < value)
- max = value;
- else if (value < min)
- min = value;
- }
- return sorted;
- }
- // Return true if the list is sorted. Otherwise, find the minimum and
- // maximum. Uses comp to check if the data is already sorted.
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
- class Compare>
- inline bool
- is_sorted_or_find_extremes(RandomAccessIter current, RandomAccessIter last,
- Div_type & max, Div_type & min,
- Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
- {
- min = max = rshift(*current, 0);
- RandomAccessIter prev = current;
- bool sorted = true;
- while (++current < last) {
- Div_type value = rshift(*current, 0);
- sorted &= !comp(*current, *prev);
- prev = current;
- if (max < value)
- max = value;
- else if (value < min)
- min = value;
- }
- return sorted;
- }
- //Specialized swap loops for floating-point casting
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type>
- inline void inner_float_swap_loop(RandomAccessIter * bins,
- const RandomAccessIter & nextbinstart, unsigned ii
- , const unsigned log_divisor, const Div_type div_min)
- {
- RandomAccessIter * local_bin = bins + ii;
- for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < nextbinstart;
- ++current) {
- for (RandomAccessIter * target_bin =
- (bins + ((cast_float_iter<Div_type, RandomAccessIter>(current) >>
- log_divisor) - div_min)); target_bin != local_bin;
- target_bin = bins + ((cast_float_iter<Div_type, RandomAccessIter>
- (current) >> log_divisor) - div_min)) {
- typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type tmp;
- RandomAccessIter b = (*target_bin)++;
- RandomAccessIter * b_bin = bins + ((cast_float_iter<Div_type,
- RandomAccessIter>(b) >> log_divisor) - div_min);
- //Three-way swap; if the item to be swapped doesn't belong in the
- //current bin, swap it to where it belongs
- if (b_bin != local_bin) {
- RandomAccessIter c = (*b_bin)++;
- tmp = *c;
- *c = *b;
- }
- else
- tmp = *b;
- *b = *current;
- *current = tmp;
- }
- }
- *local_bin = nextbinstart;
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type>
- inline void float_swap_loop(RandomAccessIter * bins,
- RandomAccessIter & nextbinstart, unsigned ii,
- const size_t *bin_sizes,
- const unsigned log_divisor, const Div_type div_min)
- {
- nextbinstart += bin_sizes[ii];
- inner_float_swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type>
- (bins, nextbinstart, ii, log_divisor, div_min);
- }
- // Return true if the list is sorted. Otherwise, find the minimum and
- // maximum. Values are cast to Cast_type before comparison.
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Cast_type>
- inline bool
- is_sorted_or_find_extremes(RandomAccessIter current, RandomAccessIter last,
- Cast_type & max, Cast_type & min)
- {
- min = max = cast_float_iter<Cast_type, RandomAccessIter>(current);
- RandomAccessIter prev = current;
- bool sorted = true;
- while (++current < last) {
- Cast_type value = cast_float_iter<Cast_type, RandomAccessIter>(current);
- sorted &= *current >= *prev;
- prev = current;
- if (max < value)
- max = value;
- else if (value < min)
- min = value;
- }
- return sorted;
- }
- //Special-case sorting of positive floats with casting
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Size_type>
- inline void
- positive_float_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset
- , size_t *bin_sizes)
- {
- Div_type max, min;
- if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes<RandomAccessIter, Div_type>(first, last,
- max, min))
- return;
- unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<float_log_mean_bin_size>(
- last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type(max - min)));
- Div_type div_min = min >> log_divisor;
- Div_type div_max = max >> log_divisor;
- unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
- unsigned cache_end;
- RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
- cache_end, bin_count);
- //Calculating the size of each bin
- for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
- bin_sizes[unsigned((cast_float_iter<Div_type, RandomAccessIter>(
- current++) >> log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
- bins[0] = first;
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count - 1; u++)
- bins[u + 1] = bins[u] + bin_sizes[u];
- //Swap into place
- RandomAccessIter nextbinstart = first;
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count - 1; ++u)
- float_swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type>
- (bins, nextbinstart, u, bin_sizes, log_divisor, div_min);
- bins[bin_count - 1] = last;
- //Return if we've completed bucketsorting
- if (!log_divisor)
- return;
- //Recursing
- size_t max_count = get_min_count<float_log_mean_bin_size,
- float_log_min_split_count,
- float_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
- RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
- for (unsigned u = cache_offset; u < cache_end; lastPos = bin_cache[u],
- ++u) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- if (count < max_count)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u]);
- else
- positive_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Size_type>
- (lastPos, bin_cache[u], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes);
- }
- }
- //Sorting negative floats
- //Bins are iterated in reverse because max_neg_float = min_neg_int
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Size_type>
- inline void
- negative_float_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
- unsigned cache_offset, size_t *bin_sizes)
- {
- Div_type max, min;
- if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes<RandomAccessIter, Div_type>(first, last,
- max, min))
- return;
- unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<float_log_mean_bin_size>(
- last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type(max - min)));
- Div_type div_min = min >> log_divisor;
- Div_type div_max = max >> log_divisor;
- unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
- unsigned cache_end;
- RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
- cache_end, bin_count);
- //Calculating the size of each bin
- for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
- bin_sizes[unsigned((cast_float_iter<Div_type, RandomAccessIter>(
- current++) >> log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
- bins[bin_count - 1] = first;
- for (int ii = bin_count - 2; ii >= 0; --ii)
- bins[ii] = bins[ii + 1] + bin_sizes[ii + 1];
- //Swap into place
- RandomAccessIter nextbinstart = first;
- //The last bin will always have the correct elements in it
- for (int ii = bin_count - 1; ii > 0; --ii)
- float_swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type>
- (bins, nextbinstart, ii, bin_sizes, log_divisor, div_min);
- //Update the end position because we don't process the last bin
- bin_cache[cache_offset] = last;
- //Return if we've completed bucketsorting
- if (!log_divisor)
- return;
- //Recursing
- size_t max_count = get_min_count<float_log_mean_bin_size,
- float_log_min_split_count,
- float_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
- RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
- for (int ii = cache_end - 1; ii >= static_cast<int>(cache_offset);
- lastPos = bin_cache[ii], --ii) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[ii] - lastPos;
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- if (count < max_count)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[ii]);
- else
- negative_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Size_type>
- (lastPos, bin_cache[ii], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes);
- }
- }
- //Sorting negative floats
- //Bins are iterated in reverse order because max_neg_float = min_neg_int
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
- class Size_type>
- inline void
- negative_float_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset
- , size_t *bin_sizes, Right_shift rshift)
- {
- Div_type max, min;
- if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes(first, last, max, min, rshift))
- return;
- unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<float_log_mean_bin_size>(
- last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type(max - min)));
- Div_type div_min = min >> log_divisor;
- Div_type div_max = max >> log_divisor;
- unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
- unsigned cache_end;
- RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
- cache_end, bin_count);
- //Calculating the size of each bin
- for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
- bin_sizes[unsigned(rshift(*(current++), log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
- bins[bin_count - 1] = first;
- for (int ii = bin_count - 2; ii >= 0; --ii)
- bins[ii] = bins[ii + 1] + bin_sizes[ii + 1];
- //Swap into place
- RandomAccessIter nextbinstart = first;
- //The last bin will always have the correct elements in it
- for (int ii = bin_count - 1; ii > 0; --ii)
- swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift>
- (bins, nextbinstart, ii, rshift, bin_sizes, log_divisor, div_min);
- //Update the end position of the unprocessed last bin
- bin_cache[cache_offset] = last;
- //Return if we've completed bucketsorting
- if (!log_divisor)
- return;
- //Recursing
- size_t max_count = get_min_count<float_log_mean_bin_size,
- float_log_min_split_count,
- float_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
- RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
- for (int ii = cache_end - 1; ii >= static_cast<int>(cache_offset);
- lastPos = bin_cache[ii], --ii) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[ii] - lastPos;
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- if (count < max_count)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[ii]);
- else
- negative_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift,
- Size_type>
- (lastPos, bin_cache[ii], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes, rshift);
- }
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
- class Compare, class Size_type>
- inline void
- negative_float_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset,
- size_t *bin_sizes, Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
- {
- Div_type max, min;
- if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes(first, last, max, min, rshift, comp))
- return;
- unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<float_log_mean_bin_size>(
- last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type(max - min)));
- Div_type div_min = min >> log_divisor;
- Div_type div_max = max >> log_divisor;
- unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
- unsigned cache_end;
- RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
- cache_end, bin_count);
- //Calculating the size of each bin
- for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
- bin_sizes[unsigned(rshift(*(current++), log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
- bins[bin_count - 1] = first;
- for (int ii = bin_count - 2; ii >= 0; --ii)
- bins[ii] = bins[ii + 1] + bin_sizes[ii + 1];
- //Swap into place
- RandomAccessIter nextbinstart = first;
- //The last bin will always have the correct elements in it
- for (int ii = bin_count - 1; ii > 0; --ii)
- swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift>
- (bins, nextbinstart, ii, rshift, bin_sizes, log_divisor, div_min);
- //Update the end position of the unprocessed last bin
- bin_cache[cache_offset] = last;
- //Return if we've completed bucketsorting
- if (!log_divisor)
- return;
- //Recursing
- size_t max_count = get_min_count<float_log_mean_bin_size,
- float_log_min_split_count,
- float_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
- RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
- for (int ii = cache_end - 1; ii >= static_cast<int>(cache_offset);
- lastPos = bin_cache[ii], --ii) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[ii] - lastPos;
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- if (count < max_count)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[ii], comp);
- else
- negative_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift,
- Compare, Size_type>(lastPos, bin_cache[ii],
- bin_cache, cache_end,
- bin_sizes, rshift, comp);
- }
- }
- //Casting special-case for floating-point sorting
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Size_type>
- inline void
- float_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset
- , size_t *bin_sizes)
- {
- Div_type max, min;
- if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes<RandomAccessIter, Div_type>(first, last,
- max, min))
- return;
- unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<float_log_mean_bin_size>(
- last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type(max - min)));
- Div_type div_min = min >> log_divisor;
- Div_type div_max = max >> log_divisor;
- unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
- unsigned cache_end;
- RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
- cache_end, bin_count);
- //Calculating the size of each bin
- for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
- bin_sizes[unsigned((cast_float_iter<Div_type, RandomAccessIter>(
- current++) >> log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
- //The index of the first positive bin
- //Must be divided small enough to fit into an integer
- unsigned first_positive = (div_min < 0) ? unsigned(-div_min) : 0;
- //Resetting if all bins are negative
- if (cache_offset + first_positive > cache_end)
- first_positive = cache_end - cache_offset;
- //Reversing the order of the negative bins
- //Note that because of the negative/positive ordering direction flip
- //We can not depend upon bin order and positions matching up
- //so bin_sizes must be reused to contain the end of the bin
- if (first_positive > 0) {
- bins[first_positive - 1] = first;
- for (int ii = first_positive - 2; ii >= 0; --ii) {
- bins[ii] = first + bin_sizes[ii + 1];
- bin_sizes[ii] += bin_sizes[ii + 1];
- }
- //Handling positives following negatives
- if (first_positive < bin_count) {
- bins[first_positive] = first + bin_sizes[0];
- bin_sizes[first_positive] += bin_sizes[0];
- }
- }
- else
- bins[0] = first;
- for (unsigned u = first_positive; u < bin_count - 1; u++) {
- bins[u + 1] = first + bin_sizes[u];
- bin_sizes[u + 1] += bin_sizes[u];
- }
- //Swap into place
- RandomAccessIter nextbinstart = first;
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count; ++u) {
- nextbinstart = first + bin_sizes[u];
- inner_float_swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type>
- (bins, nextbinstart, u, log_divisor, div_min);
- }
- if (!log_divisor)
- return;
- //Handling negative values first
- size_t max_count = get_min_count<float_log_mean_bin_size,
- float_log_min_split_count,
- float_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
- RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
- for (int ii = cache_offset + first_positive - 1;
- ii >= static_cast<int>(cache_offset);
- lastPos = bin_cache[ii--]) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[ii] - lastPos;
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- if (count < max_count)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[ii]);
- //sort negative values using reversed-bin spreadsort
- else
- negative_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Size_type>
- (lastPos, bin_cache[ii], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes);
- }
- for (unsigned u = cache_offset + first_positive; u < cache_end;
- lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- if (count < max_count)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u]);
- //sort positive values using normal spreadsort
- else
- positive_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Size_type>
- (lastPos, bin_cache[u], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes);
- }
- }
- //Functor implementation for recursive sorting
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift
- , class Size_type>
- inline void
- float_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset
- , size_t *bin_sizes, Right_shift rshift)
- {
- Div_type max, min;
- if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes(first, last, max, min, rshift))
- return;
- unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<float_log_mean_bin_size>(
- last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type(max - min)));
- Div_type div_min = min >> log_divisor;
- Div_type div_max = max >> log_divisor;
- unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
- unsigned cache_end;
- RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
- cache_end, bin_count);
- //Calculating the size of each bin
- for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
- bin_sizes[unsigned(rshift(*(current++), log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
- //The index of the first positive bin
- unsigned first_positive = (div_min < 0) ? unsigned(-div_min) : 0;
- //Resetting if all bins are negative
- if (cache_offset + first_positive > cache_end)
- first_positive = cache_end - cache_offset;
- //Reversing the order of the negative bins
- //Note that because of the negative/positive ordering direction flip
- //We can not depend upon bin order and positions matching up
- //so bin_sizes must be reused to contain the end of the bin
- if (first_positive > 0) {
- bins[first_positive - 1] = first;
- for (int ii = first_positive - 2; ii >= 0; --ii) {
- bins[ii] = first + bin_sizes[ii + 1];
- bin_sizes[ii] += bin_sizes[ii + 1];
- }
- //Handling positives following negatives
- if (static_cast<unsigned>(first_positive) < bin_count) {
- bins[first_positive] = first + bin_sizes[0];
- bin_sizes[first_positive] += bin_sizes[0];
- }
- }
- else
- bins[0] = first;
- for (unsigned u = first_positive; u < bin_count - 1; u++) {
- bins[u + 1] = first + bin_sizes[u];
- bin_sizes[u + 1] += bin_sizes[u];
- }
- //Swap into place
- RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = first;
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count; ++u) {
- next_bin_start = first + bin_sizes[u];
- inner_swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift>
- (bins, next_bin_start, u, rshift, log_divisor, div_min);
- }
- //Return if we've completed bucketsorting
- if (!log_divisor)
- return;
- //Handling negative values first
- size_t max_count = get_min_count<float_log_mean_bin_size,
- float_log_min_split_count,
- float_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
- RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
- for (int ii = cache_offset + first_positive - 1;
- ii >= static_cast<int>(cache_offset);
- lastPos = bin_cache[ii--]) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[ii] - lastPos;
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- if (count < max_count)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[ii]);
- //sort negative values using reversed-bin spreadsort
- else
- negative_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type,
- Right_shift, Size_type>(lastPos, bin_cache[ii], bin_cache,
- cache_end, bin_sizes, rshift);
- }
- for (unsigned u = cache_offset + first_positive; u < cache_end;
- lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- if (count < max_count)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u]);
- //sort positive values using normal spreadsort
- else
- spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Size_type,
- float_log_mean_bin_size, float_log_min_split_count,
- float_log_finishing_count>
- (lastPos, bin_cache[u], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes, rshift);
- }
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
- class Compare, class Size_type>
- inline void
- float_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset,
- size_t *bin_sizes, Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
- {
- Div_type max, min;
- if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes(first, last, max, min, rshift, comp))
- return;
- unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<float_log_mean_bin_size>(
- last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type(max - min)));
- Div_type div_min = min >> log_divisor;
- Div_type div_max = max >> log_divisor;
- unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
- unsigned cache_end;
- RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
- cache_end, bin_count);
- //Calculating the size of each bin
- for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
- bin_sizes[unsigned(rshift(*(current++), log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
- //The index of the first positive bin
- unsigned first_positive =
- (div_min < 0) ? static_cast<unsigned>(-div_min) : 0;
- //Resetting if all bins are negative
- if (cache_offset + first_positive > cache_end)
- first_positive = cache_end - cache_offset;
- //Reversing the order of the negative bins
- //Note that because of the negative/positive ordering direction flip
- //We can not depend upon bin order and positions matching up
- //so bin_sizes must be reused to contain the end of the bin
- if (first_positive > 0) {
- bins[first_positive - 1] = first;
- for (int ii = first_positive - 2; ii >= 0; --ii) {
- bins[ii] = first + bin_sizes[ii + 1];
- bin_sizes[ii] += bin_sizes[ii + 1];
- }
- //Handling positives following negatives
- if (static_cast<unsigned>(first_positive) < bin_count) {
- bins[first_positive] = first + bin_sizes[0];
- bin_sizes[first_positive] += bin_sizes[0];
- }
- }
- else
- bins[0] = first;
- for (unsigned u = first_positive; u < bin_count - 1; u++) {
- bins[u + 1] = first + bin_sizes[u];
- bin_sizes[u + 1] += bin_sizes[u];
- }
- //Swap into place
- RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = first;
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count; ++u) {
- next_bin_start = first + bin_sizes[u];
- inner_swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift>
- (bins, next_bin_start, u, rshift, log_divisor, div_min);
- }
- //Return if we've completed bucketsorting
- if (!log_divisor)
- return;
- //Handling negative values first
- size_t max_count = get_min_count<float_log_mean_bin_size,
- float_log_min_split_count,
- float_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
- RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
- for (int ii = cache_offset + first_positive - 1;
- ii >= static_cast<int>(cache_offset);
- lastPos = bin_cache[ii--]) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[ii] - lastPos;
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- if (count < max_count)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[ii], comp);
- //sort negative values using reversed-bin spreadsort
- else
- negative_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift,
- Compare, Size_type>(lastPos, bin_cache[ii],
- bin_cache, cache_end,
- bin_sizes, rshift, comp);
- }
- for (unsigned u = cache_offset + first_positive; u < cache_end;
- lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- if (count < max_count)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], comp);
- //sort positive values using normal spreadsort
- else
- spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Compare,
- Size_type, float_log_mean_bin_size,
- float_log_min_split_count, float_log_finishing_count>
- (lastPos, bin_cache[u], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes, rshift, comp);
- }
- }
- //Checking whether the value type is a float, and trying a 32-bit integer
- template <class RandomAccessIter>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(boost::uint32_t) ==
- sizeof(typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type)
- && std::numeric_limits<typename
- std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type>::is_iec559,
- void >::type
- float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, boost::int32_t, boost::uint32_t>
- (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes);
- }
- //Checking whether the value type is a double, and using a 64-bit integer
- template <class RandomAccessIter>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(boost::uint64_t) ==
- sizeof(typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type)
- && std::numeric_limits<typename
- std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type>::is_iec559,
- void >::type
- float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, boost::int64_t, boost::uint64_t>
- (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes);
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIter>
- inline typename boost::disable_if_c< (sizeof(boost::uint64_t) ==
- sizeof(typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type)
- || sizeof(boost::uint32_t) ==
- sizeof(typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type))
- && std::numeric_limits<typename
- std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type>::is_iec559,
- void >::type
- float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
- {
- BOOST_STATIC_WARNING(!(sizeof(boost::uint64_t) ==
- sizeof(typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type)
- || sizeof(boost::uint32_t) ==
- sizeof(typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type))
- || !std::numeric_limits<typename
- std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type>::is_iec559);
- std::sort(first, last);
- }
- //These approaches require the user to do the typecast
- //with rshift but default comparision
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(size_t) >= sizeof(Div_type),
- void >::type
- float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
- Right_shift rshift)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, size_t>
- (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, rshift);
- }
- //maximum integer size with rshift but default comparision
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(size_t) < sizeof(Div_type)
- && sizeof(boost::uintmax_t) >= sizeof(Div_type), void >::type
- float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
- Right_shift rshift)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, boost::uintmax_t>
- (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, rshift);
- }
- //sizeof(Div_type) doesn't match, so use std::sort
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
- inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(boost::uintmax_t) >=
- sizeof(Div_type), void >::type
- float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
- Right_shift rshift)
- {
- BOOST_STATIC_WARNING(sizeof(boost::uintmax_t) >= sizeof(Div_type));
- std::sort(first, last);
- }
- //specialized comparison
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
- class Compare>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(size_t) >= sizeof(Div_type),
- void >::type
- float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
- Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Compare,
- size_t>
- (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, rshift, comp);
- }
- //max-sized integer with specialized comparison
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
- class Compare>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(size_t) < sizeof(Div_type)
- && sizeof(boost::uintmax_t) >= sizeof(Div_type), void >::type
- float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
- Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Compare,
- boost::uintmax_t>
- (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, rshift, comp);
- }
- //sizeof(Div_type) doesn't match, so use std::sort
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
- class Compare>
- inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(boost::uintmax_t) >=
- sizeof(Div_type), void >::type
- float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
- Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
- {
- BOOST_STATIC_WARNING(sizeof(boost::uintmax_t) >= sizeof(Div_type));
- std::sort(first, last, comp);
- }
- }
+// Details for templated Spreadsort-based float_sort.
+// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2014.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for library home page.
+Some improvements suggested by:
+Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
+float_mem_cast fix provided by:
+Scott McMurray
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include <limits>
+#include <functional>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/serialization/static_warning.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/integer_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/spreadsort_common.hpp>
+#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace sort {
+namespace spreadsort {
+ namespace detail {
+ //Casts a RandomAccessIter to the specified integer type
+ template<class Cast_type, class RandomAccessIter>
+ inline Cast_type
+ cast_float_iter(const RandomAccessIter & floatiter)
+ {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type
+ Data_type;
+ //Only cast IEEE floating-point numbers, and only to same-sized integers
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Cast_type) == sizeof(Data_type));
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<Data_type>::is_iec559);
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<Cast_type>::is_integer);
+ Cast_type result;
+ std::memcpy(&result, &(*floatiter), sizeof(Data_type));
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Return true if the list is sorted. Otherwise, find the minimum and
+ // maximum. Values are Right_shifted 0 bits before comparison.
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
+ inline bool
+ is_sorted_or_find_extremes(RandomAccessIter current, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Div_type & max, Div_type & min, Right_shift rshift)
+ {
+ min = max = rshift(*current, 0);
+ RandomAccessIter prev = current;
+ bool sorted = true;
+ while (++current < last) {
+ Div_type value = rshift(*current, 0);
+ sorted &= *current >= *prev;
+ prev = current;
+ if (max < value)
+ max = value;
+ else if (value < min)
+ min = value;
+ }
+ return sorted;
+ }
+ // Return true if the list is sorted. Otherwise, find the minimum and
+ // maximum. Uses comp to check if the data is already sorted.
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
+ class Compare>
+ inline bool
+ is_sorted_or_find_extremes(RandomAccessIter current, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Div_type & max, Div_type & min,
+ Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
+ {
+ min = max = rshift(*current, 0);
+ RandomAccessIter prev = current;
+ bool sorted = true;
+ while (++current < last) {
+ Div_type value = rshift(*current, 0);
+ sorted &= !comp(*current, *prev);
+ prev = current;
+ if (max < value)
+ max = value;
+ else if (value < min)
+ min = value;
+ }
+ return sorted;
+ }
+ //Specialized swap loops for floating-point casting
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type>
+ inline void inner_float_swap_loop(RandomAccessIter * bins,
+ const RandomAccessIter & nextbinstart, unsigned ii
+ , const unsigned log_divisor, const Div_type div_min)
+ {
+ RandomAccessIter * local_bin = bins + ii;
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < nextbinstart;
+ ++current) {
+ for (RandomAccessIter * target_bin =
+ (bins + ((cast_float_iter<Div_type, RandomAccessIter>(current) >>
+ log_divisor) - div_min)); target_bin != local_bin;
+ target_bin = bins + ((cast_float_iter<Div_type, RandomAccessIter>
+ (current) >> log_divisor) - div_min)) {
+ typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type tmp;
+ RandomAccessIter b = (*target_bin)++;
+ RandomAccessIter * b_bin = bins + ((cast_float_iter<Div_type,
+ RandomAccessIter>(b) >> log_divisor) - div_min);
+ //Three-way swap; if the item to be swapped doesn't belong in the
+ //current bin, swap it to where it belongs
+ if (b_bin != local_bin) {
+ RandomAccessIter c = (*b_bin)++;
+ tmp = *c;
+ *c = *b;
+ }
+ else
+ tmp = *b;
+ *b = *current;
+ *current = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ *local_bin = nextbinstart;
+ }
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type>
+ inline void float_swap_loop(RandomAccessIter * bins,
+ RandomAccessIter & nextbinstart, unsigned ii,
+ const size_t *bin_sizes,
+ const unsigned log_divisor, const Div_type div_min)
+ {
+ nextbinstart += bin_sizes[ii];
+ inner_float_swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type>
+ (bins, nextbinstart, ii, log_divisor, div_min);
+ }
+ // Return true if the list is sorted. Otherwise, find the minimum and
+ // maximum. Values are cast to Cast_type before comparison.
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Cast_type>
+ inline bool
+ is_sorted_or_find_extremes(RandomAccessIter current, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Cast_type & max, Cast_type & min)
+ {
+ min = max = cast_float_iter<Cast_type, RandomAccessIter>(current);
+ RandomAccessIter prev = current;
+ bool sorted = true;
+ while (++current < last) {
+ Cast_type value = cast_float_iter<Cast_type, RandomAccessIter>(current);
+ sorted &= *current >= *prev;
+ prev = current;
+ if (max < value)
+ max = value;
+ else if (value < min)
+ min = value;
+ }
+ return sorted;
+ }
+ //Special-case sorting of positive floats with casting
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Size_type>
+ inline void
+ positive_float_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset
+ , size_t *bin_sizes)
+ {
+ Div_type max, min;
+ if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes<RandomAccessIter, Div_type>(first, last,
+ max, min))
+ return;
+ unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<float_log_mean_bin_size>(
+ last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type(max - min)));
+ Div_type div_min = min >> log_divisor;
+ Div_type div_max = max >> log_divisor;
+ unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
+ unsigned cache_end;
+ RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
+ cache_end, bin_count);
+ //Calculating the size of each bin
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
+ bin_sizes[unsigned((cast_float_iter<Div_type, RandomAccessIter>(
+ current++) >> log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
+ bins[0] = first;
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count - 1; u++)
+ bins[u + 1] = bins[u] + bin_sizes[u];
+ //Swap into place
+ RandomAccessIter nextbinstart = first;
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count - 1; ++u)
+ float_swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type>
+ (bins, nextbinstart, u, bin_sizes, log_divisor, div_min);
+ bins[bin_count - 1] = last;
+ //Return if we've completed bucketsorting
+ if (!log_divisor)
+ return;
+ //Recursing
+ size_t max_count = get_min_count<float_log_mean_bin_size,
+ float_log_min_split_count,
+ float_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
+ RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
+ for (unsigned u = cache_offset; u < cache_end; lastPos = bin_cache[u],
+ ++u) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ if (count < max_count)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u]);
+ else
+ positive_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Size_type>
+ (lastPos, bin_cache[u], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes);
+ }
+ }
+ //Sorting negative floats
+ //Bins are iterated in reverse because max_neg_float = min_neg_int
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Size_type>
+ inline void
+ negative_float_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
+ unsigned cache_offset, size_t *bin_sizes)
+ {
+ Div_type max, min;
+ if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes<RandomAccessIter, Div_type>(first, last,
+ max, min))
+ return;
+ unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<float_log_mean_bin_size>(
+ last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type(max - min)));
+ Div_type div_min = min >> log_divisor;
+ Div_type div_max = max >> log_divisor;
+ unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
+ unsigned cache_end;
+ RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
+ cache_end, bin_count);
+ //Calculating the size of each bin
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
+ bin_sizes[unsigned((cast_float_iter<Div_type, RandomAccessIter>(
+ current++) >> log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
+ bins[bin_count - 1] = first;
+ for (int ii = bin_count - 2; ii >= 0; --ii)
+ bins[ii] = bins[ii + 1] + bin_sizes[ii + 1];
+ //Swap into place
+ RandomAccessIter nextbinstart = first;
+ //The last bin will always have the correct elements in it
+ for (int ii = bin_count - 1; ii > 0; --ii)
+ float_swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type>
+ (bins, nextbinstart, ii, bin_sizes, log_divisor, div_min);
+ //Update the end position because we don't process the last bin
+ bin_cache[cache_offset] = last;
+ //Return if we've completed bucketsorting
+ if (!log_divisor)
+ return;
+ //Recursing
+ size_t max_count = get_min_count<float_log_mean_bin_size,
+ float_log_min_split_count,
+ float_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
+ RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
+ for (int ii = cache_end - 1; ii >= static_cast<int>(cache_offset);
+ lastPos = bin_cache[ii], --ii) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[ii] - lastPos;
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ if (count < max_count)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[ii]);
+ else
+ negative_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Size_type>
+ (lastPos, bin_cache[ii], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes);
+ }
+ }
+ //Sorting negative floats
+ //Bins are iterated in reverse order because max_neg_float = min_neg_int
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
+ class Size_type>
+ inline void
+ negative_float_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset
+ , size_t *bin_sizes, Right_shift rshift)
+ {
+ Div_type max, min;
+ if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes(first, last, max, min, rshift))
+ return;
+ unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<float_log_mean_bin_size>(
+ last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type(max - min)));
+ Div_type div_min = min >> log_divisor;
+ Div_type div_max = max >> log_divisor;
+ unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
+ unsigned cache_end;
+ RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
+ cache_end, bin_count);
+ //Calculating the size of each bin
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
+ bin_sizes[unsigned(rshift(*(current++), log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
+ bins[bin_count - 1] = first;
+ for (int ii = bin_count - 2; ii >= 0; --ii)
+ bins[ii] = bins[ii + 1] + bin_sizes[ii + 1];
+ //Swap into place
+ RandomAccessIter nextbinstart = first;
+ //The last bin will always have the correct elements in it
+ for (int ii = bin_count - 1; ii > 0; --ii)
+ swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift>
+ (bins, nextbinstart, ii, rshift, bin_sizes, log_divisor, div_min);
+ //Update the end position of the unprocessed last bin
+ bin_cache[cache_offset] = last;
+ //Return if we've completed bucketsorting
+ if (!log_divisor)
+ return;
+ //Recursing
+ size_t max_count = get_min_count<float_log_mean_bin_size,
+ float_log_min_split_count,
+ float_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
+ RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
+ for (int ii = cache_end - 1; ii >= static_cast<int>(cache_offset);
+ lastPos = bin_cache[ii], --ii) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[ii] - lastPos;
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ if (count < max_count)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[ii]);
+ else
+ negative_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift,
+ Size_type>
+ (lastPos, bin_cache[ii], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes, rshift);
+ }
+ }
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
+ class Compare, class Size_type>
+ inline void
+ negative_float_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset,
+ size_t *bin_sizes, Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
+ {
+ Div_type max, min;
+ if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes(first, last, max, min, rshift, comp))
+ return;
+ unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<float_log_mean_bin_size>(
+ last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type(max - min)));
+ Div_type div_min = min >> log_divisor;
+ Div_type div_max = max >> log_divisor;
+ unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
+ unsigned cache_end;
+ RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
+ cache_end, bin_count);
+ //Calculating the size of each bin
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
+ bin_sizes[unsigned(rshift(*(current++), log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
+ bins[bin_count - 1] = first;
+ for (int ii = bin_count - 2; ii >= 0; --ii)
+ bins[ii] = bins[ii + 1] + bin_sizes[ii + 1];
+ //Swap into place
+ RandomAccessIter nextbinstart = first;
+ //The last bin will always have the correct elements in it
+ for (int ii = bin_count - 1; ii > 0; --ii)
+ swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift>
+ (bins, nextbinstart, ii, rshift, bin_sizes, log_divisor, div_min);
+ //Update the end position of the unprocessed last bin
+ bin_cache[cache_offset] = last;
+ //Return if we've completed bucketsorting
+ if (!log_divisor)
+ return;
+ //Recursing
+ size_t max_count = get_min_count<float_log_mean_bin_size,
+ float_log_min_split_count,
+ float_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
+ RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
+ for (int ii = cache_end - 1; ii >= static_cast<int>(cache_offset);
+ lastPos = bin_cache[ii], --ii) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[ii] - lastPos;
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ if (count < max_count)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[ii], comp);
+ else
+ negative_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift,
+ Compare, Size_type>(lastPos, bin_cache[ii],
+ bin_cache, cache_end,
+ bin_sizes, rshift, comp);
+ }
+ }
+ //Casting special-case for floating-point sorting
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Size_type>
+ inline void
+ float_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset
+ , size_t *bin_sizes)
+ {
+ Div_type max, min;
+ if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes<RandomAccessIter, Div_type>(first, last,
+ max, min))
+ return;
+ unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<float_log_mean_bin_size>(
+ last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type(max - min)));
+ Div_type div_min = min >> log_divisor;
+ Div_type div_max = max >> log_divisor;
+ unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
+ unsigned cache_end;
+ RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
+ cache_end, bin_count);
+ //Calculating the size of each bin
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
+ bin_sizes[unsigned((cast_float_iter<Div_type, RandomAccessIter>(
+ current++) >> log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
+ //The index of the first positive bin
+ //Must be divided small enough to fit into an integer
+ unsigned first_positive = (div_min < 0) ? unsigned(-div_min) : 0;
+ //Resetting if all bins are negative
+ if (cache_offset + first_positive > cache_end)
+ first_positive = cache_end - cache_offset;
+ //Reversing the order of the negative bins
+ //Note that because of the negative/positive ordering direction flip
+ //We can not depend upon bin order and positions matching up
+ //so bin_sizes must be reused to contain the end of the bin
+ if (first_positive > 0) {
+ bins[first_positive - 1] = first;
+ for (int ii = first_positive - 2; ii >= 0; --ii) {
+ bins[ii] = first + bin_sizes[ii + 1];
+ bin_sizes[ii] += bin_sizes[ii + 1];
+ }
+ //Handling positives following negatives
+ if (first_positive < bin_count) {
+ bins[first_positive] = first + bin_sizes[0];
+ bin_sizes[first_positive] += bin_sizes[0];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ bins[0] = first;
+ for (unsigned u = first_positive; u < bin_count - 1; u++) {
+ bins[u + 1] = first + bin_sizes[u];
+ bin_sizes[u + 1] += bin_sizes[u];
+ }
+ //Swap into place
+ RandomAccessIter nextbinstart = first;
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count; ++u) {
+ nextbinstart = first + bin_sizes[u];
+ inner_float_swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type>
+ (bins, nextbinstart, u, log_divisor, div_min);
+ }
+ if (!log_divisor)
+ return;
+ //Handling negative values first
+ size_t max_count = get_min_count<float_log_mean_bin_size,
+ float_log_min_split_count,
+ float_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
+ RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
+ for (int ii = cache_offset + first_positive - 1;
+ ii >= static_cast<int>(cache_offset);
+ lastPos = bin_cache[ii--]) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[ii] - lastPos;
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ if (count < max_count)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[ii]);
+ //sort negative values using reversed-bin spreadsort
+ else
+ negative_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Size_type>
+ (lastPos, bin_cache[ii], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes);
+ }
+ for (unsigned u = cache_offset + first_positive; u < cache_end;
+ lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ if (count < max_count)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u]);
+ //sort positive values using normal spreadsort
+ else
+ positive_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Size_type>
+ (lastPos, bin_cache[u], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes);
+ }
+ }
+ //Functor implementation for recursive sorting
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift
+ , class Size_type>
+ inline void
+ float_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset
+ , size_t *bin_sizes, Right_shift rshift)
+ {
+ Div_type max, min;
+ if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes(first, last, max, min, rshift))
+ return;
+ unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<float_log_mean_bin_size>(
+ last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type(max - min)));
+ Div_type div_min = min >> log_divisor;
+ Div_type div_max = max >> log_divisor;
+ unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
+ unsigned cache_end;
+ RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
+ cache_end, bin_count);
+ //Calculating the size of each bin
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
+ bin_sizes[unsigned(rshift(*(current++), log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
+ //The index of the first positive bin
+ unsigned first_positive = (div_min < 0) ? unsigned(-div_min) : 0;
+ //Resetting if all bins are negative
+ if (cache_offset + first_positive > cache_end)
+ first_positive = cache_end - cache_offset;
+ //Reversing the order of the negative bins
+ //Note that because of the negative/positive ordering direction flip
+ //We can not depend upon bin order and positions matching up
+ //so bin_sizes must be reused to contain the end of the bin
+ if (first_positive > 0) {
+ bins[first_positive - 1] = first;
+ for (int ii = first_positive - 2; ii >= 0; --ii) {
+ bins[ii] = first + bin_sizes[ii + 1];
+ bin_sizes[ii] += bin_sizes[ii + 1];
+ }
+ //Handling positives following negatives
+ if (static_cast<unsigned>(first_positive) < bin_count) {
+ bins[first_positive] = first + bin_sizes[0];
+ bin_sizes[first_positive] += bin_sizes[0];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ bins[0] = first;
+ for (unsigned u = first_positive; u < bin_count - 1; u++) {
+ bins[u + 1] = first + bin_sizes[u];
+ bin_sizes[u + 1] += bin_sizes[u];
+ }
+ //Swap into place
+ RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = first;
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count; ++u) {
+ next_bin_start = first + bin_sizes[u];
+ inner_swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift>
+ (bins, next_bin_start, u, rshift, log_divisor, div_min);
+ }
+ //Return if we've completed bucketsorting
+ if (!log_divisor)
+ return;
+ //Handling negative values first
+ size_t max_count = get_min_count<float_log_mean_bin_size,
+ float_log_min_split_count,
+ float_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
+ RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
+ for (int ii = cache_offset + first_positive - 1;
+ ii >= static_cast<int>(cache_offset);
+ lastPos = bin_cache[ii--]) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[ii] - lastPos;
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ if (count < max_count)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[ii]);
+ //sort negative values using reversed-bin spreadsort
+ else
+ negative_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type,
+ Right_shift, Size_type>(lastPos, bin_cache[ii], bin_cache,
+ cache_end, bin_sizes, rshift);
+ }
+ for (unsigned u = cache_offset + first_positive; u < cache_end;
+ lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ if (count < max_count)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u]);
+ //sort positive values using normal spreadsort
+ else
+ spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Size_type,
+ float_log_mean_bin_size, float_log_min_split_count,
+ float_log_finishing_count>
+ (lastPos, bin_cache[u], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes, rshift);
+ }
+ }
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
+ class Compare, class Size_type>
+ inline void
+ float_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset,
+ size_t *bin_sizes, Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
+ {
+ Div_type max, min;
+ if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes(first, last, max, min, rshift, comp))
+ return;
+ unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<float_log_mean_bin_size>(
+ last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type(max - min)));
+ Div_type div_min = min >> log_divisor;
+ Div_type div_max = max >> log_divisor;
+ unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
+ unsigned cache_end;
+ RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
+ cache_end, bin_count);
+ //Calculating the size of each bin
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
+ bin_sizes[unsigned(rshift(*(current++), log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
+ //The index of the first positive bin
+ unsigned first_positive =
+ (div_min < 0) ? static_cast<unsigned>(-div_min) : 0;
+ //Resetting if all bins are negative
+ if (cache_offset + first_positive > cache_end)
+ first_positive = cache_end - cache_offset;
+ //Reversing the order of the negative bins
+ //Note that because of the negative/positive ordering direction flip
+ //We can not depend upon bin order and positions matching up
+ //so bin_sizes must be reused to contain the end of the bin
+ if (first_positive > 0) {
+ bins[first_positive - 1] = first;
+ for (int ii = first_positive - 2; ii >= 0; --ii) {
+ bins[ii] = first + bin_sizes[ii + 1];
+ bin_sizes[ii] += bin_sizes[ii + 1];
+ }
+ //Handling positives following negatives
+ if (static_cast<unsigned>(first_positive) < bin_count) {
+ bins[first_positive] = first + bin_sizes[0];
+ bin_sizes[first_positive] += bin_sizes[0];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ bins[0] = first;
+ for (unsigned u = first_positive; u < bin_count - 1; u++) {
+ bins[u + 1] = first + bin_sizes[u];
+ bin_sizes[u + 1] += bin_sizes[u];
+ }
+ //Swap into place
+ RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = first;
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count; ++u) {
+ next_bin_start = first + bin_sizes[u];
+ inner_swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift>
+ (bins, next_bin_start, u, rshift, log_divisor, div_min);
+ }
+ //Return if we've completed bucketsorting
+ if (!log_divisor)
+ return;
+ //Handling negative values first
+ size_t max_count = get_min_count<float_log_mean_bin_size,
+ float_log_min_split_count,
+ float_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
+ RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
+ for (int ii = cache_offset + first_positive - 1;
+ ii >= static_cast<int>(cache_offset);
+ lastPos = bin_cache[ii--]) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[ii] - lastPos;
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ if (count < max_count)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[ii], comp);
+ //sort negative values using reversed-bin spreadsort
+ else
+ negative_float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift,
+ Compare, Size_type>(lastPos, bin_cache[ii],
+ bin_cache, cache_end,
+ bin_sizes, rshift, comp);
+ }
+ for (unsigned u = cache_offset + first_positive; u < cache_end;
+ lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ if (count < max_count)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], comp);
+ //sort positive values using normal spreadsort
+ else
+ spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Compare,
+ Size_type, float_log_mean_bin_size,
+ float_log_min_split_count, float_log_finishing_count>
+ (lastPos, bin_cache[u], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes, rshift, comp);
+ }
+ }
+ //Checking whether the value type is a float, and trying a 32-bit integer
+ template <class RandomAccessIter>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(boost::uint32_t) ==
+ sizeof(typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type)
+ && std::numeric_limits<typename
+ std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type>::is_iec559,
+ void >::type
+ float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, boost::int32_t, boost::uint32_t>
+ (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes);
+ }
+ //Checking whether the value type is a double, and using a 64-bit integer
+ template <class RandomAccessIter>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(boost::uint64_t) ==
+ sizeof(typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type)
+ && std::numeric_limits<typename
+ std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type>::is_iec559,
+ void >::type
+ float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, boost::int64_t, boost::uint64_t>
+ (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes);
+ }
+ template <class RandomAccessIter>
+ inline typename boost::disable_if_c< (sizeof(boost::uint64_t) ==
+ sizeof(typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type)
+ || sizeof(boost::uint32_t) ==
+ sizeof(typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type))
+ && std::numeric_limits<typename
+ std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type>::is_iec559,
+ void >::type
+ float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
+ {
+ BOOST_STATIC_WARNING(!(sizeof(boost::uint64_t) ==
+ sizeof(typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type)
+ || sizeof(boost::uint32_t) ==
+ sizeof(typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type))
+ || !std::numeric_limits<typename
+ std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type>::is_iec559);
+ std::sort(first, last);
+ }
+ //These approaches require the user to do the typecast
+ //with rshift but default comparision
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(size_t) >= sizeof(Div_type),
+ void >::type
+ float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
+ Right_shift rshift)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, size_t>
+ (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, rshift);
+ }
+ //maximum integer size with rshift but default comparision
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(size_t) < sizeof(Div_type)
+ && sizeof(boost::uintmax_t) >= sizeof(Div_type), void >::type
+ float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
+ Right_shift rshift)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, boost::uintmax_t>
+ (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, rshift);
+ }
+ //sizeof(Div_type) doesn't match, so use std::sort
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
+ inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(boost::uintmax_t) >=
+ sizeof(Div_type), void >::type
+ float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
+ Right_shift rshift)
+ {
+ BOOST_STATIC_WARNING(sizeof(boost::uintmax_t) >= sizeof(Div_type));
+ std::sort(first, last);
+ }
+ //specialized comparison
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
+ class Compare>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(size_t) >= sizeof(Div_type),
+ void >::type
+ float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
+ Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Compare,
+ size_t>
+ (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, rshift, comp);
+ }
+ //max-sized integer with specialized comparison
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
+ class Compare>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(size_t) < sizeof(Div_type)
+ && sizeof(boost::uintmax_t) >= sizeof(Div_type), void >::type
+ float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
+ Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ float_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Compare,
+ boost::uintmax_t>
+ (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, rshift, comp);
+ }
+ //sizeof(Div_type) doesn't match, so use std::sort
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
+ class Compare>
+ inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(boost::uintmax_t) >=
+ sizeof(Div_type), void >::type
+ float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
+ Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
+ {
+ BOOST_STATIC_WARNING(sizeof(boost::uintmax_t) >= sizeof(Div_type));
+ std::sort(first, last, comp);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/integer_sort.hpp b/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/integer_sort.hpp
index bc14b3585c..6d6886cfd9 100644
--- a/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/integer_sort.hpp
+++ b/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/integer_sort.hpp
@@ -1,494 +1,494 @@
-// Details for templated Spreadsort-based integer_sort.
-// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2014.
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// See for library home page.
-Some improvements suggested by:
-Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
-#include <limits>
-#include <functional>
-#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/serialization/static_warning.hpp>
-#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/spreadsort_common.hpp>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-namespace boost {
-namespace sort {
-namespace spreadsort {
- namespace detail {
- // Return true if the list is sorted. Otherwise, find the minimum and
- // maximum using <.
- template <class RandomAccessIter>
- inline bool
- is_sorted_or_find_extremes(RandomAccessIter current, RandomAccessIter last,
- RandomAccessIter & max, RandomAccessIter & min)
- {
- min = max = current;
- //This assumes we have more than 1 element based on prior checks.
- while (!(*(current + 1) < *current)) {
- //If everything is in sorted order, return
- if (++current == last - 1)
- return true;
- }
- //The maximum is the last sorted element
- max = current;
- //Start from the first unsorted element
- while (++current < last) {
- if (*max < *current)
- max = current;
- else if (*current < *min)
- min = current;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Return true if the list is sorted. Otherwise, find the minimum and
- // maximum.
- // Use a user-defined comparison operator
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Compare>
- inline bool
- is_sorted_or_find_extremes(RandomAccessIter current, RandomAccessIter last,
- RandomAccessIter & max, RandomAccessIter & min, Compare comp)
- {
- min = max = current;
- while (!comp(*(current + 1), *current)) {
- //If everything is in sorted order, return
- if (++current == last - 1)
- return true;
- }
- //The maximum is the last sorted element
- max = current;
- while (++current < last) {
- if (comp(*max, *current))
- max = current;
- else if (comp(*current, *min))
- min = current;
- }
- return false;
- }
- //Gets a non-negative right bit shift to operate as a logarithmic divisor
- template<unsigned log_mean_bin_size>
- inline int
- get_log_divisor(size_t count, int log_range)
- {
- int log_divisor;
- //If we can finish in one iteration without exceeding either
- //(2 to the max_finishing_splits) or n bins, do so
- if ((log_divisor = log_range - rough_log_2_size(count)) <= 0 &&
- log_range <= max_finishing_splits)
- log_divisor = 0;
- else {
- //otherwise divide the data into an optimized number of pieces
- log_divisor += log_mean_bin_size;
- //Cannot exceed max_splits or cache misses slow down bin lookups
- if ((log_range - log_divisor) > max_splits)
- log_divisor = log_range - max_splits;
- }
- return log_divisor;
- }
- //Implementation for recursive integer sorting
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Size_type>
- inline void
- spreadsort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset
- , size_t *bin_sizes)
- {
- //This step is roughly 10% of runtime, but it helps avoid worst-case
- //behavior and improve behavior with real data
- //If you know the maximum and minimum ahead of time, you can pass those
- //values in and skip this step for the first iteration
- RandomAccessIter max, min;
- if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes(first, last, max, min))
- return;
- RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
- unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<int_log_mean_bin_size>(
- last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type((*max >> 0) - (*min >> 0))));
- Div_type div_min = *min >> log_divisor;
- Div_type div_max = *max >> log_divisor;
- unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
- unsigned cache_end;
- RandomAccessIter * bins =
- size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset, cache_end, bin_count);
- //Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
- for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
- bin_sizes[size_t((*(current++) >> log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
- //Assign the bin positions
- bins[0] = first;
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count - 1; u++)
- bins[u + 1] = bins[u] + bin_sizes[u];
- RandomAccessIter nextbinstart = first;
- //Swap into place
- //This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count - 1; ++u) {
- RandomAccessIter * local_bin = bins + u;
- nextbinstart += bin_sizes[u];
- //Iterating over each element in this bin
- for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < nextbinstart;
- ++current) {
- //Swapping elements in current into place until the correct
- //element has been swapped in
- for (target_bin = (bins + ((*current >> log_divisor) - div_min));
- target_bin != local_bin;
- target_bin = bins + ((*current >> log_divisor) - div_min)) {
- //3-way swap; this is about 1% faster than a 2-way swap
- //The main advantage is less copies are involved per item
- //put in the correct place
- typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type tmp;
- RandomAccessIter b = (*target_bin)++;
- RandomAccessIter * b_bin = bins + ((*b >> log_divisor) - div_min);
- if (b_bin != local_bin) {
- RandomAccessIter c = (*b_bin)++;
- tmp = *c;
- *c = *b;
- }
- else
- tmp = *b;
- *b = *current;
- *current = tmp;
- }
- }
- *local_bin = nextbinstart;
- }
- bins[bin_count - 1] = last;
- //If we've bucketsorted, the array is sorted and we should skip recursion
- if (!log_divisor)
- return;
- //log_divisor is the remaining range; calculating the comparison threshold
- size_t max_count =
- get_min_count<int_log_mean_bin_size, int_log_min_split_count,
- int_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
- //Recursing
- RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
- for (unsigned u = cache_offset; u < cache_end; lastPos = bin_cache[u],
- ++u) {
- Size_type count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
- //don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- //using std::sort if its worst-case is better
- if (count < max_count)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u]);
- else
- spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Size_type>(lastPos,
- bin_cache[u],
- bin_cache,
- cache_end,
- bin_sizes);
- }
- }
- //Generic bitshift-based 3-way swapping code
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
- inline void inner_swap_loop(RandomAccessIter * bins,
- const RandomAccessIter & next_bin_start, unsigned ii, Right_shift &rshift
- , const unsigned log_divisor, const Div_type div_min)
- {
- RandomAccessIter * local_bin = bins + ii;
- for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
- ++current) {
- for (RandomAccessIter * target_bin =
- (bins + (rshift(*current, log_divisor) - div_min));
- target_bin != local_bin;
- target_bin = bins + (rshift(*current, log_divisor) - div_min)) {
- typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type tmp;
- RandomAccessIter b = (*target_bin)++;
- RandomAccessIter * b_bin =
- bins + (rshift(*b, log_divisor) - div_min);
- //Three-way swap; if the item to be swapped doesn't belong
- //in the current bin, swap it to where it belongs
- if (b_bin != local_bin) {
- RandomAccessIter c = (*b_bin)++;
- tmp = *c;
- *c = *b;
- }
- //Note: we could increment current once the swap is done in this case
- //but that seems to impair performance
- else
- tmp = *b;
- *b = *current;
- *current = tmp;
- }
- }
- *local_bin = next_bin_start;
- }
- //Standard swapping wrapper for ascending values
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
- inline void swap_loop(RandomAccessIter * bins,
- RandomAccessIter & next_bin_start, unsigned ii, Right_shift &rshift
- , const size_t *bin_sizes
- , const unsigned log_divisor, const Div_type div_min)
- {
- next_bin_start += bin_sizes[ii];
- inner_swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift>(bins,
- next_bin_start, ii, rshift, log_divisor, div_min);
- }
- //Functor implementation for recursive sorting
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
- class Compare, class Size_type, unsigned log_mean_bin_size,
- unsigned log_min_split_count, unsigned log_finishing_count>
- inline void
- spreadsort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset
- , size_t *bin_sizes, Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
- {
- RandomAccessIter max, min;
- if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes(first, last, max, min, comp))
- return;
- unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<log_mean_bin_size>(last - first,
- rough_log_2_size(Size_type(rshift(*max, 0) - rshift(*min, 0))));
- Div_type div_min = rshift(*min, log_divisor);
- Div_type div_max = rshift(*max, log_divisor);
- unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
- unsigned cache_end;
- RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
- cache_end, bin_count);
- //Calculating the size of each bin
- for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
- bin_sizes[unsigned(rshift(*(current++), log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
- bins[0] = first;
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count - 1; u++)
- bins[u + 1] = bins[u] + bin_sizes[u];
- //Swap into place
- RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = first;
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count - 1; ++u)
- swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift>(bins, next_bin_start,
- u, rshift, bin_sizes, log_divisor, div_min);
- bins[bin_count - 1] = last;
- //If we've bucketsorted, the array is sorted
- if (!log_divisor)
- return;
- //Recursing
- size_t max_count = get_min_count<log_mean_bin_size, log_min_split_count,
- log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
- RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
- for (unsigned u = cache_offset; u < cache_end; lastPos = bin_cache[u],
- ++u) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- if (count < max_count)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], comp);
- else
- spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Compare,
- Size_type, log_mean_bin_size, log_min_split_count, log_finishing_count>
- (lastPos, bin_cache[u], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes, rshift, comp);
- }
- }
- //Functor implementation for recursive sorting with only Shift overridden
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
- class Size_type, unsigned log_mean_bin_size,
- unsigned log_min_split_count, unsigned log_finishing_count>
- inline void
- spreadsort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset
- , size_t *bin_sizes, Right_shift rshift)
- {
- RandomAccessIter max, min;
- if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes(first, last, max, min))
- return;
- unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<log_mean_bin_size>(last - first,
- rough_log_2_size(Size_type(rshift(*max, 0) - rshift(*min, 0))));
- Div_type div_min = rshift(*min, log_divisor);
- Div_type div_max = rshift(*max, log_divisor);
- unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
- unsigned cache_end;
- RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
- cache_end, bin_count);
- //Calculating the size of each bin
- for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
- bin_sizes[unsigned(rshift(*(current++), log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
- bins[0] = first;
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count - 1; u++)
- bins[u + 1] = bins[u] + bin_sizes[u];
- //Swap into place
- RandomAccessIter nextbinstart = first;
- for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < bin_count - 1; ++ii)
- swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift>(bins, nextbinstart,
- ii, rshift, bin_sizes, log_divisor, div_min);
- bins[bin_count - 1] = last;
- //If we've bucketsorted, the array is sorted
- if (!log_divisor)
- return;
- //Recursing
- size_t max_count = get_min_count<log_mean_bin_size, log_min_split_count,
- log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
- RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
- for (unsigned u = cache_offset; u < cache_end; lastPos = bin_cache[u],
- ++u) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- if (count < max_count)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u]);
- else
- spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Size_type,
- log_mean_bin_size, log_min_split_count, log_finishing_count>(lastPos,
- bin_cache[u], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes, rshift);
- }
- }
- //Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type>
- //Only use spreadsort if the integer can fit in a size_t
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t),
- void >::type
- integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, size_t>(first, last,
- bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes);
- }
- //Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type>
- //Only use spreadsort if the integer can fit in a uintmax_t
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< (sizeof(Div_type) > sizeof(size_t))
- && sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(boost::uintmax_t), void >::type
- integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, boost::uintmax_t>(first,
- last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes);
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type>
- inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t)
- || sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(boost::uintmax_t), void >::type
- //defaulting to std::sort when integer_sort won't work
- integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type)
- {
- //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though integer_sort was called
- BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t) );
- std::sort(first, last);
- }
- //Same for the full functor version
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
- class Compare>
- //Only use spreadsort if the integer can fit in a size_t
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t),
- void >::type
- integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
- Right_shift shift, Compare comp)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Compare,
- size_t, int_log_mean_bin_size, int_log_min_split_count,
- int_log_finishing_count>
- (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, shift, comp);
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
- class Compare>
- //Only use spreadsort if the integer can fit in a uintmax_t
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< (sizeof(Div_type) > sizeof(size_t))
- && sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(boost::uintmax_t), void >::type
- integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
- Right_shift shift, Compare comp)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Compare,
- boost::uintmax_t, int_log_mean_bin_size,
- int_log_min_split_count, int_log_finishing_count>
- (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, shift, comp);
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
- class Compare>
- inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t)
- || sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(boost::uintmax_t), void >::type
- //defaulting to std::sort when integer_sort won't work
- integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
- Right_shift shift, Compare comp)
- {
- //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though integer_sort was called
- BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t) );
- std::sort(first, last, comp);
- }
- //Same for the right shift version
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
- //Only use spreadsort if the integer can fit in a size_t
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t),
- void >::type
- integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
- Right_shift shift)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, size_t,
- int_log_mean_bin_size, int_log_min_split_count,
- int_log_finishing_count>
- (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, shift);
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
- //Only use spreadsort if the integer can fit in a uintmax_t
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< (sizeof(Div_type) > sizeof(size_t))
- && sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(boost::uintmax_t), void >::type
- integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
- Right_shift shift)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift,
- boost::uintmax_t, int_log_mean_bin_size,
- int_log_min_split_count, int_log_finishing_count>
- (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, shift);
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
- inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t)
- || sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(boost::uintmax_t), void >::type
- //defaulting to std::sort when integer_sort won't work
- integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
- Right_shift shift)
- {
- //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though integer_sort was called
- BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t) );
- std::sort(first, last);
- }
- }
+// Details for templated Spreadsort-based integer_sort.
+// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2014.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for library home page.
+Some improvements suggested by:
+Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include <limits>
+#include <functional>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/serialization/static_warning.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/spreadsort_common.hpp>
+#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace sort {
+namespace spreadsort {
+ namespace detail {
+ // Return true if the list is sorted. Otherwise, find the minimum and
+ // maximum using <.
+ template <class RandomAccessIter>
+ inline bool
+ is_sorted_or_find_extremes(RandomAccessIter current, RandomAccessIter last,
+ RandomAccessIter & max, RandomAccessIter & min)
+ {
+ min = max = current;
+ //This assumes we have more than 1 element based on prior checks.
+ while (!(*(current + 1) < *current)) {
+ //If everything is in sorted order, return
+ if (++current == last - 1)
+ return true;
+ }
+ //The maximum is the last sorted element
+ max = current;
+ //Start from the first unsorted element
+ while (++current < last) {
+ if (*max < *current)
+ max = current;
+ else if (*current < *min)
+ min = current;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Return true if the list is sorted. Otherwise, find the minimum and
+ // maximum.
+ // Use a user-defined comparison operator
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Compare>
+ inline bool
+ is_sorted_or_find_extremes(RandomAccessIter current, RandomAccessIter last,
+ RandomAccessIter & max, RandomAccessIter & min, Compare comp)
+ {
+ min = max = current;
+ while (!comp(*(current + 1), *current)) {
+ //If everything is in sorted order, return
+ if (++current == last - 1)
+ return true;
+ }
+ //The maximum is the last sorted element
+ max = current;
+ while (++current < last) {
+ if (comp(*max, *current))
+ max = current;
+ else if (comp(*current, *min))
+ min = current;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //Gets a non-negative right bit shift to operate as a logarithmic divisor
+ template<unsigned log_mean_bin_size>
+ inline int
+ get_log_divisor(size_t count, int log_range)
+ {
+ int log_divisor;
+ //If we can finish in one iteration without exceeding either
+ //(2 to the max_finishing_splits) or n bins, do so
+ if ((log_divisor = log_range - rough_log_2_size(count)) <= 0 &&
+ log_range <= max_finishing_splits)
+ log_divisor = 0;
+ else {
+ //otherwise divide the data into an optimized number of pieces
+ log_divisor += log_mean_bin_size;
+ //Cannot exceed max_splits or cache misses slow down bin lookups
+ if ((log_range - log_divisor) > max_splits)
+ log_divisor = log_range - max_splits;
+ }
+ return log_divisor;
+ }
+ //Implementation for recursive integer sorting
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Size_type>
+ inline void
+ spreadsort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset
+ , size_t *bin_sizes)
+ {
+ //This step is roughly 10% of runtime, but it helps avoid worst-case
+ //behavior and improve behavior with real data
+ //If you know the maximum and minimum ahead of time, you can pass those
+ //values in and skip this step for the first iteration
+ RandomAccessIter max, min;
+ if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes(first, last, max, min))
+ return;
+ RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
+ unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<int_log_mean_bin_size>(
+ last - first, rough_log_2_size(Size_type((*max >> 0) - (*min >> 0))));
+ Div_type div_min = *min >> log_divisor;
+ Div_type div_max = *max >> log_divisor;
+ unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
+ unsigned cache_end;
+ RandomAccessIter * bins =
+ size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset, cache_end, bin_count);
+ //Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
+ bin_sizes[size_t((*(current++) >> log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
+ //Assign the bin positions
+ bins[0] = first;
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count - 1; u++)
+ bins[u + 1] = bins[u] + bin_sizes[u];
+ RandomAccessIter nextbinstart = first;
+ //Swap into place
+ //This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count - 1; ++u) {
+ RandomAccessIter * local_bin = bins + u;
+ nextbinstart += bin_sizes[u];
+ //Iterating over each element in this bin
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < nextbinstart;
+ ++current) {
+ //Swapping elements in current into place until the correct
+ //element has been swapped in
+ for (target_bin = (bins + ((*current >> log_divisor) - div_min));
+ target_bin != local_bin;
+ target_bin = bins + ((*current >> log_divisor) - div_min)) {
+ //3-way swap; this is about 1% faster than a 2-way swap
+ //The main advantage is less copies are involved per item
+ //put in the correct place
+ typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type tmp;
+ RandomAccessIter b = (*target_bin)++;
+ RandomAccessIter * b_bin = bins + ((*b >> log_divisor) - div_min);
+ if (b_bin != local_bin) {
+ RandomAccessIter c = (*b_bin)++;
+ tmp = *c;
+ *c = *b;
+ }
+ else
+ tmp = *b;
+ *b = *current;
+ *current = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ *local_bin = nextbinstart;
+ }
+ bins[bin_count - 1] = last;
+ //If we've bucketsorted, the array is sorted and we should skip recursion
+ if (!log_divisor)
+ return;
+ //log_divisor is the remaining range; calculating the comparison threshold
+ size_t max_count =
+ get_min_count<int_log_mean_bin_size, int_log_min_split_count,
+ int_log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
+ //Recursing
+ RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
+ for (unsigned u = cache_offset; u < cache_end; lastPos = bin_cache[u],
+ ++u) {
+ Size_type count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
+ //don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ //using std::sort if its worst-case is better
+ if (count < max_count)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u]);
+ else
+ spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Size_type>(lastPos,
+ bin_cache[u],
+ bin_cache,
+ cache_end,
+ bin_sizes);
+ }
+ }
+ //Generic bitshift-based 3-way swapping code
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
+ inline void inner_swap_loop(RandomAccessIter * bins,
+ const RandomAccessIter & next_bin_start, unsigned ii, Right_shift &rshift
+ , const unsigned log_divisor, const Div_type div_min)
+ {
+ RandomAccessIter * local_bin = bins + ii;
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
+ ++current) {
+ for (RandomAccessIter * target_bin =
+ (bins + (rshift(*current, log_divisor) - div_min));
+ target_bin != local_bin;
+ target_bin = bins + (rshift(*current, log_divisor) - div_min)) {
+ typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type tmp;
+ RandomAccessIter b = (*target_bin)++;
+ RandomAccessIter * b_bin =
+ bins + (rshift(*b, log_divisor) - div_min);
+ //Three-way swap; if the item to be swapped doesn't belong
+ //in the current bin, swap it to where it belongs
+ if (b_bin != local_bin) {
+ RandomAccessIter c = (*b_bin)++;
+ tmp = *c;
+ *c = *b;
+ }
+ //Note: we could increment current once the swap is done in this case
+ //but that seems to impair performance
+ else
+ tmp = *b;
+ *b = *current;
+ *current = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ *local_bin = next_bin_start;
+ }
+ //Standard swapping wrapper for ascending values
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
+ inline void swap_loop(RandomAccessIter * bins,
+ RandomAccessIter & next_bin_start, unsigned ii, Right_shift &rshift
+ , const size_t *bin_sizes
+ , const unsigned log_divisor, const Div_type div_min)
+ {
+ next_bin_start += bin_sizes[ii];
+ inner_swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift>(bins,
+ next_bin_start, ii, rshift, log_divisor, div_min);
+ }
+ //Functor implementation for recursive sorting
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
+ class Compare, class Size_type, unsigned log_mean_bin_size,
+ unsigned log_min_split_count, unsigned log_finishing_count>
+ inline void
+ spreadsort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset
+ , size_t *bin_sizes, Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
+ {
+ RandomAccessIter max, min;
+ if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes(first, last, max, min, comp))
+ return;
+ unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<log_mean_bin_size>(last - first,
+ rough_log_2_size(Size_type(rshift(*max, 0) - rshift(*min, 0))));
+ Div_type div_min = rshift(*min, log_divisor);
+ Div_type div_max = rshift(*max, log_divisor);
+ unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
+ unsigned cache_end;
+ RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
+ cache_end, bin_count);
+ //Calculating the size of each bin
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
+ bin_sizes[unsigned(rshift(*(current++), log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
+ bins[0] = first;
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count - 1; u++)
+ bins[u + 1] = bins[u] + bin_sizes[u];
+ //Swap into place
+ RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = first;
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count - 1; ++u)
+ swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift>(bins, next_bin_start,
+ u, rshift, bin_sizes, log_divisor, div_min);
+ bins[bin_count - 1] = last;
+ //If we've bucketsorted, the array is sorted
+ if (!log_divisor)
+ return;
+ //Recursing
+ size_t max_count = get_min_count<log_mean_bin_size, log_min_split_count,
+ log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
+ RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
+ for (unsigned u = cache_offset; u < cache_end; lastPos = bin_cache[u],
+ ++u) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ if (count < max_count)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], comp);
+ else
+ spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Compare,
+ Size_type, log_mean_bin_size, log_min_split_count, log_finishing_count>
+ (lastPos, bin_cache[u], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes, rshift, comp);
+ }
+ }
+ //Functor implementation for recursive sorting with only Shift overridden
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
+ class Size_type, unsigned log_mean_bin_size,
+ unsigned log_min_split_count, unsigned log_finishing_count>
+ inline void
+ spreadsort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset
+ , size_t *bin_sizes, Right_shift rshift)
+ {
+ RandomAccessIter max, min;
+ if (is_sorted_or_find_extremes(first, last, max, min))
+ return;
+ unsigned log_divisor = get_log_divisor<log_mean_bin_size>(last - first,
+ rough_log_2_size(Size_type(rshift(*max, 0) - rshift(*min, 0))));
+ Div_type div_min = rshift(*min, log_divisor);
+ Div_type div_max = rshift(*max, log_divisor);
+ unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1;
+ unsigned cache_end;
+ RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
+ cache_end, bin_count);
+ //Calculating the size of each bin
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;)
+ bin_sizes[unsigned(rshift(*(current++), log_divisor) - div_min)]++;
+ bins[0] = first;
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < bin_count - 1; u++)
+ bins[u + 1] = bins[u] + bin_sizes[u];
+ //Swap into place
+ RandomAccessIter nextbinstart = first;
+ for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < bin_count - 1; ++ii)
+ swap_loop<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift>(bins, nextbinstart,
+ ii, rshift, bin_sizes, log_divisor, div_min);
+ bins[bin_count - 1] = last;
+ //If we've bucketsorted, the array is sorted
+ if (!log_divisor)
+ return;
+ //Recursing
+ size_t max_count = get_min_count<log_mean_bin_size, log_min_split_count,
+ log_finishing_count>(log_divisor);
+ RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
+ for (unsigned u = cache_offset; u < cache_end; lastPos = bin_cache[u],
+ ++u) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ if (count < max_count)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u]);
+ else
+ spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Size_type,
+ log_mean_bin_size, log_min_split_count, log_finishing_count>(lastPos,
+ bin_cache[u], bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes, rshift);
+ }
+ }
+ //Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type>
+ //Only use spreadsort if the integer can fit in a size_t
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t),
+ void >::type
+ integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, size_t>(first, last,
+ bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes);
+ }
+ //Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type>
+ //Only use spreadsort if the integer can fit in a uintmax_t
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< (sizeof(Div_type) > sizeof(size_t))
+ && sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(boost::uintmax_t), void >::type
+ integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, boost::uintmax_t>(first,
+ last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes);
+ }
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type>
+ inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t)
+ || sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(boost::uintmax_t), void >::type
+ //defaulting to std::sort when integer_sort won't work
+ integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type)
+ {
+ //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though integer_sort was called
+ BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t) );
+ std::sort(first, last);
+ }
+ //Same for the full functor version
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
+ class Compare>
+ //Only use spreadsort if the integer can fit in a size_t
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t),
+ void >::type
+ integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
+ Right_shift shift, Compare comp)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Compare,
+ size_t, int_log_mean_bin_size, int_log_min_split_count,
+ int_log_finishing_count>
+ (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, shift, comp);
+ }
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
+ class Compare>
+ //Only use spreadsort if the integer can fit in a uintmax_t
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< (sizeof(Div_type) > sizeof(size_t))
+ && sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(boost::uintmax_t), void >::type
+ integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
+ Right_shift shift, Compare comp)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, Compare,
+ boost::uintmax_t, int_log_mean_bin_size,
+ int_log_min_split_count, int_log_finishing_count>
+ (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, shift, comp);
+ }
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift,
+ class Compare>
+ inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t)
+ || sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(boost::uintmax_t), void >::type
+ //defaulting to std::sort when integer_sort won't work
+ integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
+ Right_shift shift, Compare comp)
+ {
+ //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though integer_sort was called
+ BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t) );
+ std::sort(first, last, comp);
+ }
+ //Same for the right shift version
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
+ //Only use spreadsort if the integer can fit in a size_t
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t),
+ void >::type
+ integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
+ Right_shift shift)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift, size_t,
+ int_log_mean_bin_size, int_log_min_split_count,
+ int_log_finishing_count>
+ (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, shift);
+ }
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
+ //Only use spreadsort if the integer can fit in a uintmax_t
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< (sizeof(Div_type) > sizeof(size_t))
+ && sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(boost::uintmax_t), void >::type
+ integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
+ Right_shift shift)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[1 << max_finishing_splits];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ spreadsort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Div_type, Right_shift,
+ boost::uintmax_t, int_log_mean_bin_size,
+ int_log_min_split_count, int_log_finishing_count>
+ (first, last, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, shift);
+ }
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Div_type, class Right_shift>
+ inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t)
+ || sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(boost::uintmax_t), void >::type
+ //defaulting to std::sort when integer_sort won't work
+ integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Div_type,
+ Right_shift shift)
+ {
+ //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though integer_sort was called
+ BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Div_type) <= sizeof(size_t) );
+ std::sort(first, last);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/spreadsort_common.hpp b/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/spreadsort_common.hpp
index 7b299ad5f3..7917fddae0 100644
--- a/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/spreadsort_common.hpp
+++ b/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/spreadsort_common.hpp
@@ -1,124 +1,124 @@
-// Contains get_min_count, the core optimization of the spreadsort algorithm.
-// Also has other helper functions commonly useful across variants.
-// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2014.
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// See for library home page.
-Some improvements suggested by:
-Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <limits>
-#include <functional>
-#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/serialization/static_warning.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-namespace boost {
-namespace sort {
-namespace spreadsort {
- namespace detail {
- //This only works on unsigned data types
- template <typename T>
- inline unsigned
- rough_log_2_size(const T& input)
- {
- unsigned result = 0;
- //The && is necessary on some compilers to avoid infinite loops
- //it doesn't significantly impair performance
- while ((input >> result) && (result < (8*sizeof(T)))) ++result;
- return result;
- }
- //Gets the minimum size to call spreadsort on to control worst-case runtime.
- //This is called for a set of bins, instead of bin-by-bin, to minimize
- //runtime overhead.
- //This could be replaced by a lookup table of sizeof(Div_type)*8 but this
- //function is more general.
- template<unsigned log_mean_bin_size,
- unsigned log_min_split_count, unsigned log_finishing_count>
- inline size_t
- get_min_count(unsigned log_range)
- {
- const size_t typed_one = 1;
- const unsigned min_size = log_mean_bin_size + log_min_split_count;
- //Assuring that constants have valid settings
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(log_min_split_count <= max_splits &&
- log_min_split_count > 0);
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(max_splits > 1 &&
- max_splits < (8 * sizeof(unsigned)));
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(max_finishing_splits >= max_splits &&
- max_finishing_splits < (8 * sizeof(unsigned)));
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(log_mean_bin_size >= 0);
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(log_finishing_count >= 0);
- //if we can complete in one iteration, do so
- //This first check allows the compiler to optimize never-executed code out
- if (log_finishing_count < min_size) {
- if (log_range <= min_size && log_range <= max_splits) {
- //Return no smaller than a certain minimum limit
- if (log_range <= log_finishing_count)
- return typed_one << log_finishing_count;
- return typed_one << log_range;
- }
- }
- const unsigned base_iterations = max_splits - log_min_split_count;
- //sum of n to n + x = ((x + 1) * (n + (n + x)))/2 + log_mean_bin_size
- const unsigned base_range =
- ((base_iterations + 1) * (max_splits + log_min_split_count))/2
- + log_mean_bin_size;
- //Calculating the required number of iterations, and returning
- //1 << (iteration_count + min_size)
- if (log_range < base_range) {
- unsigned result = log_min_split_count;
- for (unsigned offset = min_size; offset < log_range;
- offset += ++result);
- //Preventing overflow; this situation shouldn't occur
- if ((result + log_mean_bin_size) >= (8 * sizeof(size_t)))
- return typed_one << ((8 * sizeof(size_t)) - 1);
- return typed_one << (result + log_mean_bin_size);
- }
- //A quick division can calculate the worst-case runtime for larger ranges
- unsigned remainder = log_range - base_range;
- //the max_splits - 1 is used to calculate the ceiling of the division
- unsigned bit_length = ((((max_splits - 1) + remainder)/max_splits)
- + base_iterations + min_size);
- //Preventing overflow; this situation shouldn't occur
- if (bit_length >= (8 * sizeof(size_t)))
- return typed_one << ((8 * sizeof(size_t)) - 1);
- //n(log_range)/max_splits + C, optimizing worst-case performance
- return typed_one << bit_length;
- }
- // Resizes the bin cache and bin sizes, and initializes each bin size to 0.
- // This generates the memory overhead to use in radix sorting.
- template <class RandomAccessIter>
- inline RandomAccessIter *
- size_bins(size_t *bin_sizes, std::vector<RandomAccessIter>
- &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset, unsigned &cache_end, unsigned bin_count)
- {
- // Clear the bin sizes
- for (size_t u = 0; u < bin_count; u++)
- bin_sizes[u] = 0;
- //Make sure there is space for the bins
- cache_end = cache_offset + bin_count;
- if (cache_end > bin_cache.size())
- bin_cache.resize(cache_end);
- return &(bin_cache[cache_offset]);
- }
- }
+// Contains get_min_count, the core optimization of the spreadsort algorithm.
+// Also has other helper functions commonly useful across variants.
+// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2014.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for library home page.
+Some improvements suggested by:
+Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <limits>
+#include <functional>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/serialization/static_warning.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp>
+#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace sort {
+namespace spreadsort {
+ namespace detail {
+ //This only works on unsigned data types
+ template <typename T>
+ inline unsigned
+ rough_log_2_size(const T& input)
+ {
+ unsigned result = 0;
+ //The && is necessary on some compilers to avoid infinite loops
+ //it doesn't significantly impair performance
+ while ((input >> result) && (result < (8*sizeof(T)))) ++result;
+ return result;
+ }
+ //Gets the minimum size to call spreadsort on to control worst-case runtime.
+ //This is called for a set of bins, instead of bin-by-bin, to minimize
+ //runtime overhead.
+ //This could be replaced by a lookup table of sizeof(Div_type)*8 but this
+ //function is more general.
+ template<unsigned log_mean_bin_size,
+ unsigned log_min_split_count, unsigned log_finishing_count>
+ inline size_t
+ get_min_count(unsigned log_range)
+ {
+ const size_t typed_one = 1;
+ const unsigned min_size = log_mean_bin_size + log_min_split_count;
+ //Assuring that constants have valid settings
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(log_min_split_count <= max_splits &&
+ log_min_split_count > 0);
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(max_splits > 1 &&
+ max_splits < (8 * sizeof(unsigned)));
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(max_finishing_splits >= max_splits &&
+ max_finishing_splits < (8 * sizeof(unsigned)));
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(log_mean_bin_size >= 0);
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(log_finishing_count >= 0);
+ //if we can complete in one iteration, do so
+ //This first check allows the compiler to optimize never-executed code out
+ if (log_finishing_count < min_size) {
+ if (log_range <= min_size && log_range <= max_splits) {
+ //Return no smaller than a certain minimum limit
+ if (log_range <= log_finishing_count)
+ return typed_one << log_finishing_count;
+ return typed_one << log_range;
+ }
+ }
+ const unsigned base_iterations = max_splits - log_min_split_count;
+ //sum of n to n + x = ((x + 1) * (n + (n + x)))/2 + log_mean_bin_size
+ const unsigned base_range =
+ ((base_iterations + 1) * (max_splits + log_min_split_count))/2
+ + log_mean_bin_size;
+ //Calculating the required number of iterations, and returning
+ //1 << (iteration_count + min_size)
+ if (log_range < base_range) {
+ unsigned result = log_min_split_count;
+ for (unsigned offset = min_size; offset < log_range;
+ offset += ++result);
+ //Preventing overflow; this situation shouldn't occur
+ if ((result + log_mean_bin_size) >= (8 * sizeof(size_t)))
+ return typed_one << ((8 * sizeof(size_t)) - 1);
+ return typed_one << (result + log_mean_bin_size);
+ }
+ //A quick division can calculate the worst-case runtime for larger ranges
+ unsigned remainder = log_range - base_range;
+ //the max_splits - 1 is used to calculate the ceiling of the division
+ unsigned bit_length = ((((max_splits - 1) + remainder)/max_splits)
+ + base_iterations + min_size);
+ //Preventing overflow; this situation shouldn't occur
+ if (bit_length >= (8 * sizeof(size_t)))
+ return typed_one << ((8 * sizeof(size_t)) - 1);
+ //n(log_range)/max_splits + C, optimizing worst-case performance
+ return typed_one << bit_length;
+ }
+ // Resizes the bin cache and bin sizes, and initializes each bin size to 0.
+ // This generates the memory overhead to use in radix sorting.
+ template <class RandomAccessIter>
+ inline RandomAccessIter *
+ size_bins(size_t *bin_sizes, std::vector<RandomAccessIter>
+ &bin_cache, unsigned cache_offset, unsigned &cache_end, unsigned bin_count)
+ {
+ // Clear the bin sizes
+ for (size_t u = 0; u < bin_count; u++)
+ bin_sizes[u] = 0;
+ //Make sure there is space for the bins
+ cache_end = cache_offset + bin_count;
+ if (cache_end > bin_cache.size())
+ bin_cache.resize(cache_end);
+ return &(bin_cache[cache_offset]);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/string_sort.hpp b/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/string_sort.hpp
index 582508fb7b..a548ebefa5 100644
--- a/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/string_sort.hpp
+++ b/boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/string_sort.hpp
@@ -1,819 +1,819 @@
-// Details for a templated general-case hybrid-radix string_sort.
-// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2014.
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// See for library home page.
-Some improvements suggested by:
-Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <limits>
-#include <functional>
-#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/serialization/static_warning.hpp>
-#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/spreadsort_common.hpp>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-namespace boost {
-namespace sort {
-namespace spreadsort {
- namespace detail {
- static const int max_step_size = 64;
- //Offsetting on identical characters. This function works a chunk of
- //characters at a time for cache efficiency and optimal worst-case
- //performance.
- template<class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
- inline void
- update_offset(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter finish,
- size_t &char_offset)
- {
- const int char_size = sizeof(Unsigned_char_type);
- size_t nextOffset = char_offset;
- int step_size = max_step_size / char_size;
- while (true) {
- RandomAccessIter curr = first;
- do {
- //Ignore empties, but if the nextOffset would exceed the length or
- //not match, exit; we've found the last matching character
- //This will reduce the step_size if the current step doesn't match.
- if ((*curr).size() > char_offset) {
- if((*curr).size() <= (nextOffset + step_size)) {
- step_size = (*curr).size() - nextOffset - 1;
- if (step_size < 1) {
- char_offset = nextOffset;
- return;
- }
- }
- const int step_byte_size = step_size * char_size;
- if (memcmp(curr->data() + nextOffset, first->data() + nextOffset,
- step_byte_size) != 0) {
- if (step_size == 1) {
- char_offset = nextOffset;
- return;
- }
- step_size = (step_size > 4) ? 4 : 1;
- continue;
- }
- }
- ++curr;
- } while (curr != finish);
- nextOffset += step_size;
- }
- }
- //Offsetting on identical characters. This function works a character
- //at a time for optimal worst-case performance.
- template<class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length>
- inline void
- update_offset(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter finish,
- size_t &char_offset, Get_char getchar, Get_length length)
- {
- size_t nextOffset = char_offset;
- while (true) {
- RandomAccessIter curr = first;
- do {
- //ignore empties, but if the nextOffset would exceed the length or
- //not match, exit; we've found the last matching character
- if (length(*curr) > char_offset && (length(*curr) <= (nextOffset + 1)
- || getchar((*curr), nextOffset) != getchar((*first), nextOffset))) {
- char_offset = nextOffset;
- return;
- }
- } while (++curr != finish);
- ++nextOffset;
- }
- }
- //This comparison functor assumes strings are identical up to char_offset
- template<class Data_type, class Unsigned_char_type>
- struct offset_less_than {
- offset_less_than(size_t char_offset) : fchar_offset(char_offset){}
- inline bool operator()(const Data_type &x, const Data_type &y) const
- {
- size_t minSize = (std::min)(x.size(), y.size());
- for (size_t u = fchar_offset; u < minSize; ++u) {
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(x[u]) == sizeof(Unsigned_char_type));
- if (static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(x[u]) !=
- static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(y[u])) {
- return static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(x[u]) <
- static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(y[u]);
- }
- }
- return x.size() < y.size();
- }
- size_t fchar_offset;
- };
- //Compares strings assuming they are identical up to char_offset
- template<class Data_type, class Unsigned_char_type>
- struct offset_greater_than {
- offset_greater_than(size_t char_offset) : fchar_offset(char_offset){}
- inline bool operator()(const Data_type &x, const Data_type &y) const
- {
- size_t minSize = (std::min)(x.size(), y.size());
- for (size_t u = fchar_offset; u < minSize; ++u) {
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(x[u]) == sizeof(Unsigned_char_type));
- if (static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(x[u]) !=
- static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(y[u])) {
- return static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(x[u]) >
- static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(y[u]);
- }
- }
- return x.size() > y.size();
- }
- size_t fchar_offset;
- };
- //This comparison functor assumes strings are identical up to char_offset
- template<class Data_type, class Get_char, class Get_length>
- struct offset_char_less_than {
- offset_char_less_than(size_t char_offset) : fchar_offset(char_offset){}
- inline bool operator()(const Data_type &x, const Data_type &y) const
- {
- size_t minSize = (std::min)(length(x), length(y));
- for (size_t u = fchar_offset; u < minSize; ++u) {
- if (getchar(x, u) != getchar(y, u)) {
- return getchar(x, u) < getchar(y, u);
- }
- }
- return length(x) < length(y);
- }
- size_t fchar_offset;
- Get_char getchar;
- Get_length length;
- };
- //String sorting recursive implementation
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
- inline void
- string_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- size_t char_offset,
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
- unsigned cache_offset, size_t *bin_sizes)
- {
- typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type
- Data_type;
- //This section makes handling of long identical substrings much faster
- //with a mild average performance impact.
- //Iterate to the end of the empties. If all empty, return
- while ((*first).size() <= char_offset) {
- if (++first == last)
- return;
- }
- RandomAccessIter finish = last - 1;
- //Getting the last non-empty
- for (;(*finish).size() <= char_offset; --finish);
- ++finish;
- //Offsetting on identical characters. This section works
- //a few characters at a time for optimal worst-case performance.
- update_offset<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>(first, finish,
- char_offset);
- const unsigned bin_count = (1 << (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type)*8));
- //Equal worst-case of radix and comparison is when bin_count = n*log(n).
- const unsigned max_size = bin_count;
- const unsigned membin_count = bin_count + 1;
- unsigned cache_end;
- RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
- cache_end, membin_count) + 1;
- //Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
- for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last; ++current) {
- if ((*current).size() <= char_offset) {
- bin_sizes[0]++;
- }
- else
- bin_sizes[static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>((*current)[char_offset])
- + 1]++;
- }
- //Assign the bin positions
- bin_cache[cache_offset] = first;
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < membin_count - 1; u++)
- bin_cache[cache_offset + u + 1] =
- bin_cache[cache_offset + u] + bin_sizes[u];
- //Swap into place
- RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = first;
- //handling empty bins
- RandomAccessIter * local_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset]);
- next_bin_start += bin_sizes[0];
- RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
- //Iterating over each element in the bin of empties
- for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
- ++current) {
- //empties belong in this bin
- while ((*current).size() > char_offset) {
- target_bin =
- bins + static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>((*current)[char_offset]);
- iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
- }
- }
- *local_bin = next_bin_start;
- //iterate backwards to find the last bin with elements in it
- //this saves iterations in multiple loops
- unsigned last_bin = bin_count - 1;
- for (; last_bin && !bin_sizes[last_bin + 1]; --last_bin);
- //This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < last_bin; ++u) {
- local_bin = bins + u;
- next_bin_start += bin_sizes[u + 1];
- //Iterating over each element in this bin
- for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
- ++current) {
- //Swapping into place until the correct element has been swapped in
- for (target_bin = bins + static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>
- ((*current)[char_offset]); target_bin != local_bin;
- target_bin = bins + static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>
- ((*current)[char_offset])) iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
- }
- *local_bin = next_bin_start;
- }
- bins[last_bin] = last;
- //Recursing
- RandomAccessIter lastPos = bin_cache[cache_offset];
- //Skip this loop for empties
- for (unsigned u = cache_offset + 1; u < cache_offset + last_bin + 2;
- lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
- //don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- //using std::sort if its worst-case is better
- if (count < max_size)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u],
- offset_less_than<Data_type, Unsigned_char_type>(char_offset + 1));
- else
- string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>(lastPos,
- bin_cache[u], char_offset + 1, bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes);
- }
- }
- //Sorts strings in reverse order, with empties at the end
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
- inline void
- reverse_string_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- size_t char_offset,
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
- unsigned cache_offset,
- size_t *bin_sizes)
- {
- typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type
- Data_type;
- //This section makes handling of long identical substrings much faster
- //with a mild average performance impact.
- RandomAccessIter curr = first;
- //Iterate to the end of the empties. If all empty, return
- while ((*curr).size() <= char_offset) {
- if (++curr == last)
- return;
- }
- //Getting the last non-empty
- while ((*(--last)).size() <= char_offset);
- ++last;
- //Offsetting on identical characters. This section works
- //a few characters at a time for optimal worst-case performance.
- update_offset<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>(curr, last,
- char_offset);
- RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
- const unsigned bin_count = (1 << (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type)*8));
- //Equal worst-case of radix and comparison when bin_count = n*log(n).
- const unsigned max_size = bin_count;
- const unsigned membin_count = bin_count + 1;
- const unsigned max_bin = bin_count - 1;
- unsigned cache_end;
- RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
- cache_end, membin_count);
- RandomAccessIter * end_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset + max_bin]);
- //Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
- for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last; ++current) {
- if ((*current).size() <= char_offset) {
- bin_sizes[bin_count]++;
- }
- else
- bin_sizes[max_bin - static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>
- ((*current)[char_offset])]++;
- }
- //Assign the bin positions
- bin_cache[cache_offset] = first;
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < membin_count - 1; u++)
- bin_cache[cache_offset + u + 1] =
- bin_cache[cache_offset + u] + bin_sizes[u];
- //Swap into place
- RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = last;
- //handling empty bins
- RandomAccessIter * local_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset + bin_count]);
- RandomAccessIter lastFull = *local_bin;
- //Iterating over each element in the bin of empties
- for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
- ++current) {
- //empties belong in this bin
- while ((*current).size() > char_offset) {
- target_bin =
- end_bin - static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>((*current)[char_offset]);
- iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
- }
- }
- *local_bin = next_bin_start;
- next_bin_start = first;
- //iterate backwards to find the last non-empty bin
- //this saves iterations in multiple loops
- unsigned last_bin = max_bin;
- for (; last_bin && !bin_sizes[last_bin]; --last_bin);
- //This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < last_bin; ++u) {
- local_bin = bins + u;
- next_bin_start += bin_sizes[u];
- //Iterating over each element in this bin
- for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
- ++current) {
- //Swapping into place until the correct element has been swapped in
- for (target_bin =
- end_bin - static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>((*current)[char_offset]);
- target_bin != local_bin;
- target_bin =
- end_bin - static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>((*current)[char_offset]))
- iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
- }
- *local_bin = next_bin_start;
- }
- bins[last_bin] = lastFull;
- //Recursing
- RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
- //Skip this loop for empties
- for (unsigned u = cache_offset; u <= cache_offset + last_bin;
- lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
- //don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- //using std::sort if its worst-case is better
- if (count < max_size)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], offset_greater_than<Data_type,
- Unsigned_char_type>(char_offset + 1));
- else
- reverse_string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>
- (lastPos, bin_cache[u], char_offset + 1, bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes);
- }
- }
- //String sorting recursive implementation
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type, class Get_char,
- class Get_length>
- inline void
- string_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- size_t char_offset, std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
- unsigned cache_offset, size_t *bin_sizes,
- Get_char getchar, Get_length length)
- {
- typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type
- Data_type;
- //This section makes handling of long identical substrings much faster
- //with a mild average performance impact.
- //Iterate to the end of the empties. If all empty, return
- while (length(*first) <= char_offset) {
- if (++first == last)
- return;
- }
- RandomAccessIter finish = last - 1;
- //Getting the last non-empty
- for (;length(*finish) <= char_offset; --finish);
- ++finish;
- update_offset(first, finish, char_offset, getchar, length);
- const unsigned bin_count = (1 << (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type)*8));
- //Equal worst-case of radix and comparison is when bin_count = n*log(n).
- const unsigned max_size = bin_count;
- const unsigned membin_count = bin_count + 1;
- unsigned cache_end;
- RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
- cache_end, membin_count) + 1;
- //Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
- for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last; ++current) {
- if (length(*current) <= char_offset) {
- bin_sizes[0]++;
- }
- else
- bin_sizes[getchar((*current), char_offset) + 1]++;
- }
- //Assign the bin positions
- bin_cache[cache_offset] = first;
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < membin_count - 1; u++)
- bin_cache[cache_offset + u + 1] =
- bin_cache[cache_offset + u] + bin_sizes[u];
- //Swap into place
- RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = first;
- //handling empty bins
- RandomAccessIter * local_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset]);
- next_bin_start += bin_sizes[0];
- RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
- //Iterating over each element in the bin of empties
- for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
- ++current) {
- //empties belong in this bin
- while (length(*current) > char_offset) {
- target_bin = bins + getchar((*current), char_offset);
- iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
- }
- }
- *local_bin = next_bin_start;
- //iterate backwards to find the last bin with elements in it
- //this saves iterations in multiple loops
- unsigned last_bin = bin_count - 1;
- for (; last_bin && !bin_sizes[last_bin + 1]; --last_bin);
- //This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
- for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < last_bin; ++ii) {
- local_bin = bins + ii;
- next_bin_start += bin_sizes[ii + 1];
- //Iterating over each element in this bin
- for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
- ++current) {
- //Swapping into place until the correct element has been swapped in
- for (target_bin = bins + getchar((*current), char_offset);
- target_bin != local_bin;
- target_bin = bins + getchar((*current), char_offset))
- iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
- }
- *local_bin = next_bin_start;
- }
- bins[last_bin] = last;
- //Recursing
- RandomAccessIter lastPos = bin_cache[cache_offset];
- //Skip this loop for empties
- for (unsigned u = cache_offset + 1; u < cache_offset + last_bin + 2;
- lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
- //don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- //using std::sort if its worst-case is better
- if (count < max_size)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], offset_char_less_than<Data_type,
- Get_char, Get_length>(char_offset + 1));
- else
- string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type, Get_char,
- Get_length>(lastPos, bin_cache[u], char_offset + 1, bin_cache,
- cache_end, bin_sizes, getchar, length);
- }
- }
- //String sorting recursive implementation
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type, class Get_char,
- class Get_length, class Compare>
- inline void
- string_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- size_t char_offset, std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
- unsigned cache_offset, size_t *bin_sizes,
- Get_char getchar, Get_length length, Compare comp)
- {
- //This section makes handling of long identical substrings much faster
- //with a mild average performance impact.
- //Iterate to the end of the empties. If all empty, return
- while (length(*first) <= char_offset) {
- if (++first == last)
- return;
- }
- RandomAccessIter finish = last - 1;
- //Getting the last non-empty
- for (;length(*finish) <= char_offset; --finish);
- ++finish;
- update_offset(first, finish, char_offset, getchar, length);
- const unsigned bin_count = (1 << (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type)*8));
- //Equal worst-case of radix and comparison is when bin_count = n*log(n).
- const unsigned max_size = bin_count;
- const unsigned membin_count = bin_count + 1;
- unsigned cache_end;
- RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
- cache_end, membin_count) + 1;
- //Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
- for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last; ++current) {
- if (length(*current) <= char_offset) {
- bin_sizes[0]++;
- }
- else
- bin_sizes[getchar((*current), char_offset) + 1]++;
- }
- //Assign the bin positions
- bin_cache[cache_offset] = first;
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < membin_count - 1; u++)
- bin_cache[cache_offset + u + 1] =
- bin_cache[cache_offset + u] + bin_sizes[u];
- //Swap into place
- RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = first;
- //handling empty bins
- RandomAccessIter * local_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset]);
- next_bin_start += bin_sizes[0];
- RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
- //Iterating over each element in the bin of empties
- for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
- ++current) {
- //empties belong in this bin
- while (length(*current) > char_offset) {
- target_bin = bins + getchar((*current), char_offset);
- iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
- }
- }
- *local_bin = next_bin_start;
- //iterate backwards to find the last bin with elements in it
- //this saves iterations in multiple loops
- unsigned last_bin = bin_count - 1;
- for (; last_bin && !bin_sizes[last_bin + 1]; --last_bin);
- //This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < last_bin; ++u) {
- local_bin = bins + u;
- next_bin_start += bin_sizes[u + 1];
- //Iterating over each element in this bin
- for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
- ++current) {
- //Swapping into place until the correct element has been swapped in
- for (target_bin = bins + getchar((*current), char_offset);
- target_bin != local_bin;
- target_bin = bins + getchar((*current), char_offset))
- iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
- }
- *local_bin = next_bin_start;
- }
- bins[last_bin] = last;
- //Recursing
- RandomAccessIter lastPos = bin_cache[cache_offset];
- //Skip this loop for empties
- for (unsigned u = cache_offset + 1; u < cache_offset + last_bin + 2;
- lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
- //don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- //using std::sort if its worst-case is better
- if (count < max_size)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], comp);
- else
- string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type, Get_char,
- Get_length, Compare>
- (lastPos, bin_cache[u], char_offset + 1, bin_cache, cache_end,
- bin_sizes, getchar, length, comp);
- }
- }
- //Sorts strings in reverse order, with empties at the end
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type, class Get_char,
- class Get_length, class Compare>
- inline void
- reverse_string_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- size_t char_offset, std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
- unsigned cache_offset, size_t *bin_sizes,
- Get_char getchar, Get_length length, Compare comp)
- {
- //This section makes handling of long identical substrings much faster
- //with a mild average performance impact.
- RandomAccessIter curr = first;
- //Iterate to the end of the empties. If all empty, return
- while (length(*curr) <= char_offset) {
- if (++curr == last)
- return;
- }
- //Getting the last non-empty
- while (length(*(--last)) <= char_offset);
- ++last;
- //Offsetting on identical characters. This section works
- //a character at a time for optimal worst-case performance.
- update_offset(curr, last, char_offset, getchar, length);
- const unsigned bin_count = (1 << (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type)*8));
- //Equal worst-case of radix and comparison is when bin_count = n*log(n).
- const unsigned max_size = bin_count;
- const unsigned membin_count = bin_count + 1;
- const unsigned max_bin = bin_count - 1;
- unsigned cache_end;
- RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
- cache_end, membin_count);
- RandomAccessIter *end_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset + max_bin]);
- //Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
- for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last; ++current) {
- if (length(*current) <= char_offset) {
- bin_sizes[bin_count]++;
- }
- else
- bin_sizes[max_bin - getchar((*current), char_offset)]++;
- }
- //Assign the bin positions
- bin_cache[cache_offset] = first;
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < membin_count - 1; u++)
- bin_cache[cache_offset + u + 1] =
- bin_cache[cache_offset + u] + bin_sizes[u];
- //Swap into place
- RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = last;
- //handling empty bins
- RandomAccessIter * local_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset + bin_count]);
- RandomAccessIter lastFull = *local_bin;
- RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
- //Iterating over each element in the bin of empties
- for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
- ++current) {
- //empties belong in this bin
- while (length(*current) > char_offset) {
- target_bin = end_bin - getchar((*current), char_offset);
- iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
- }
- }
- *local_bin = next_bin_start;
- next_bin_start = first;
- //iterate backwards to find the last bin with elements in it
- //this saves iterations in multiple loops
- unsigned last_bin = max_bin;
- for (; last_bin && !bin_sizes[last_bin]; --last_bin);
- //This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
- for (unsigned u = 0; u < last_bin; ++u) {
- local_bin = bins + u;
- next_bin_start += bin_sizes[u];
- //Iterating over each element in this bin
- for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
- ++current) {
- //Swapping into place until the correct element has been swapped in
- for (target_bin = end_bin - getchar((*current), char_offset);
- target_bin != local_bin;
- target_bin = end_bin - getchar((*current), char_offset))
- iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
- }
- *local_bin = next_bin_start;
- }
- bins[last_bin] = lastFull;
- //Recursing
- RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
- //Skip this loop for empties
- for (unsigned u = cache_offset; u <= cache_offset + last_bin;
- lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
- size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
- //don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
- if (count < 2)
- continue;
- //using std::sort if its worst-case is better
- if (count < max_size)
- std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], comp);
- else
- reverse_string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type,
- Get_char, Get_length, Compare>
- (lastPos, bin_cache[u], char_offset + 1, bin_cache, cache_end,
- bin_sizes, getchar, length, comp);
- }
- }
- //Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
- >::type
- string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Unsigned_char_type)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[(1 << (8 * sizeof(Unsigned_char_type))) + 1];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>
- (first, last, 0, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes);
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
- inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
- >::type
- string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Unsigned_char_type)
- {
- //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though string_sort was called
- BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2 );
- std::sort(first, last);
- }
- //Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
- >::type
- reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Unsigned_char_type)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[(1 << (8 * sizeof(Unsigned_char_type))) + 1];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- reverse_string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>
- (first, last, 0, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes);
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
- inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
- >::type
- reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Unsigned_char_type)
- {
- typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type
- Data_type;
- //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though string_sort was called
- BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2 );
- std::sort(first, last, std::greater<Data_type>());
- }
- //Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
- class Unsigned_char_type>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
- >::type
- string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Get_char getchar, Get_length length, Unsigned_char_type)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[(1 << (8 * sizeof(Unsigned_char_type))) + 1];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type, Get_char,
- Get_length>(first, last, 0, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, getchar, length);
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
- class Unsigned_char_type>
- inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
- >::type
- string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Get_char getchar, Get_length length, Unsigned_char_type)
- {
- //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though string_sort was called
- BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2 );
- std::sort(first, last);
- }
- //Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
- class Compare, class Unsigned_char_type>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
- >::type
- string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Get_char getchar, Get_length length, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[(1 << (8 * sizeof(Unsigned_char_type))) + 1];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type, Get_char
- , Get_length, Compare>
- (first, last, 0, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, getchar, length, comp);
- }
- //disable_if_c was refusing to compile, so rewrote to use enable_if_c
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
- class Compare, class Unsigned_char_type>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) > 2), void
- >::type
- string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Get_char getchar, Get_length length, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type)
- {
- //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though string_sort was called
- BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2 );
- std::sort(first, last, comp);
- }
- //Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
- class Compare, class Unsigned_char_type>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
- >::type
- reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Get_char getchar, Get_length length, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type)
- {
- size_t bin_sizes[(1 << (8 * sizeof(Unsigned_char_type))) + 1];
- std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
- reverse_string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type, Get_char,
- Get_length, Compare>
- (first, last, 0, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, getchar, length, comp);
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
- class Compare, class Unsigned_char_type>
- inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
- >::type
- reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Get_char getchar, Get_length length, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type)
- {
- //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though string_sort was called
- BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2 );
- std::sort(first, last, comp);
- }
- }
+// Details for a templated general-case hybrid-radix string_sort.
+// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2014.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for library home page.
+Some improvements suggested by:
+Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <limits>
+#include <functional>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/serialization/static_warning.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/spreadsort_common.hpp>
+#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace sort {
+namespace spreadsort {
+ namespace detail {
+ static const int max_step_size = 64;
+ //Offsetting on identical characters. This function works a chunk of
+ //characters at a time for cache efficiency and optimal worst-case
+ //performance.
+ template<class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
+ inline void
+ update_offset(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter finish,
+ size_t &char_offset)
+ {
+ const int char_size = sizeof(Unsigned_char_type);
+ size_t nextOffset = char_offset;
+ int step_size = max_step_size / char_size;
+ while (true) {
+ RandomAccessIter curr = first;
+ do {
+ //Ignore empties, but if the nextOffset would exceed the length or
+ //not match, exit; we've found the last matching character
+ //This will reduce the step_size if the current step doesn't match.
+ if ((*curr).size() > char_offset) {
+ if((*curr).size() <= (nextOffset + step_size)) {
+ step_size = (*curr).size() - nextOffset - 1;
+ if (step_size < 1) {
+ char_offset = nextOffset;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ const int step_byte_size = step_size * char_size;
+ if (memcmp(curr->data() + nextOffset, first->data() + nextOffset,
+ step_byte_size) != 0) {
+ if (step_size == 1) {
+ char_offset = nextOffset;
+ return;
+ }
+ step_size = (step_size > 4) ? 4 : 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ ++curr;
+ } while (curr != finish);
+ nextOffset += step_size;
+ }
+ }
+ //Offsetting on identical characters. This function works a character
+ //at a time for optimal worst-case performance.
+ template<class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length>
+ inline void
+ update_offset(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter finish,
+ size_t &char_offset, Get_char get_character, Get_length length)
+ {
+ size_t nextOffset = char_offset;
+ while (true) {
+ RandomAccessIter curr = first;
+ do {
+ //ignore empties, but if the nextOffset would exceed the length or
+ //not match, exit; we've found the last matching character
+ if (length(*curr) > char_offset && (length(*curr) <= (nextOffset + 1)
+ || get_character((*curr), nextOffset) != get_character((*first), nextOffset))) {
+ char_offset = nextOffset;
+ return;
+ }
+ } while (++curr != finish);
+ ++nextOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ //This comparison functor assumes strings are identical up to char_offset
+ template<class Data_type, class Unsigned_char_type>
+ struct offset_less_than {
+ offset_less_than(size_t char_offset) : fchar_offset(char_offset){}
+ inline bool operator()(const Data_type &x, const Data_type &y) const
+ {
+ size_t minSize = (std::min)(x.size(), y.size());
+ for (size_t u = fchar_offset; u < minSize; ++u) {
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(x[u]) == sizeof(Unsigned_char_type));
+ if (static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(x[u]) !=
+ static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(y[u])) {
+ return static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(x[u]) <
+ static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(y[u]);
+ }
+ }
+ return x.size() < y.size();
+ }
+ size_t fchar_offset;
+ };
+ //Compares strings assuming they are identical up to char_offset
+ template<class Data_type, class Unsigned_char_type>
+ struct offset_greater_than {
+ offset_greater_than(size_t char_offset) : fchar_offset(char_offset){}
+ inline bool operator()(const Data_type &x, const Data_type &y) const
+ {
+ size_t minSize = (std::min)(x.size(), y.size());
+ for (size_t u = fchar_offset; u < minSize; ++u) {
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(x[u]) == sizeof(Unsigned_char_type));
+ if (static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(x[u]) !=
+ static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(y[u])) {
+ return static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(x[u]) >
+ static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(y[u]);
+ }
+ }
+ return x.size() > y.size();
+ }
+ size_t fchar_offset;
+ };
+ //This comparison functor assumes strings are identical up to char_offset
+ template<class Data_type, class Get_char, class Get_length>
+ struct offset_char_less_than {
+ offset_char_less_than(size_t char_offset) : fchar_offset(char_offset){}
+ inline bool operator()(const Data_type &x, const Data_type &y) const
+ {
+ size_t minSize = (std::min)(length(x), length(y));
+ for (size_t u = fchar_offset; u < minSize; ++u) {
+ if (get_character(x, u) != get_character(y, u)) {
+ return get_character(x, u) < get_character(y, u);
+ }
+ }
+ return length(x) < length(y);
+ }
+ size_t fchar_offset;
+ Get_char get_character;
+ Get_length length;
+ };
+ //String sorting recursive implementation
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
+ inline void
+ string_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ size_t char_offset,
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
+ unsigned cache_offset, size_t *bin_sizes)
+ {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type
+ Data_type;
+ //This section makes handling of long identical substrings much faster
+ //with a mild average performance impact.
+ //Iterate to the end of the empties. If all empty, return
+ while ((*first).size() <= char_offset) {
+ if (++first == last)
+ return;
+ }
+ RandomAccessIter finish = last - 1;
+ //Getting the last non-empty
+ for (;(*finish).size() <= char_offset; --finish);
+ ++finish;
+ //Offsetting on identical characters. This section works
+ //a few characters at a time for optimal worst-case performance.
+ update_offset<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>(first, finish,
+ char_offset);
+ const unsigned bin_count = (1 << (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type)*8));
+ //Equal worst-case of radix and comparison is when bin_count = n*log(n).
+ const unsigned max_size = bin_count;
+ const unsigned membin_count = bin_count + 1;
+ unsigned cache_end;
+ RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
+ cache_end, membin_count) + 1;
+ //Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last; ++current) {
+ if ((*current).size() <= char_offset) {
+ bin_sizes[0]++;
+ }
+ else
+ bin_sizes[static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>((*current)[char_offset])
+ + 1]++;
+ }
+ //Assign the bin positions
+ bin_cache[cache_offset] = first;
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < membin_count - 1; u++)
+ bin_cache[cache_offset + u + 1] =
+ bin_cache[cache_offset + u] + bin_sizes[u];
+ //Swap into place
+ RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = first;
+ //handling empty bins
+ RandomAccessIter * local_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset]);
+ next_bin_start += bin_sizes[0];
+ RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
+ //Iterating over each element in the bin of empties
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
+ ++current) {
+ //empties belong in this bin
+ while ((*current).size() > char_offset) {
+ target_bin =
+ bins + static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>((*current)[char_offset]);
+ iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
+ }
+ }
+ *local_bin = next_bin_start;
+ //iterate backwards to find the last bin with elements in it
+ //this saves iterations in multiple loops
+ unsigned last_bin = bin_count - 1;
+ for (; last_bin && !bin_sizes[last_bin + 1]; --last_bin);
+ //This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < last_bin; ++u) {
+ local_bin = bins + u;
+ next_bin_start += bin_sizes[u + 1];
+ //Iterating over each element in this bin
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
+ ++current) {
+ //Swapping into place until the correct element has been swapped in
+ for (target_bin = bins + static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>
+ ((*current)[char_offset]); target_bin != local_bin;
+ target_bin = bins + static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>
+ ((*current)[char_offset])) iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
+ }
+ *local_bin = next_bin_start;
+ }
+ bins[last_bin] = last;
+ //Recursing
+ RandomAccessIter lastPos = bin_cache[cache_offset];
+ //Skip this loop for empties
+ for (unsigned u = cache_offset + 1; u < cache_offset + last_bin + 2;
+ lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
+ //don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ //using std::sort if its worst-case is better
+ if (count < max_size)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u],
+ offset_less_than<Data_type, Unsigned_char_type>(char_offset + 1));
+ else
+ string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>(lastPos,
+ bin_cache[u], char_offset + 1, bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes);
+ }
+ }
+ //Sorts strings in reverse order, with empties at the end
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
+ inline void
+ reverse_string_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ size_t char_offset,
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
+ unsigned cache_offset,
+ size_t *bin_sizes)
+ {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type
+ Data_type;
+ //This section makes handling of long identical substrings much faster
+ //with a mild average performance impact.
+ RandomAccessIter curr = first;
+ //Iterate to the end of the empties. If all empty, return
+ while ((*curr).size() <= char_offset) {
+ if (++curr == last)
+ return;
+ }
+ //Getting the last non-empty
+ while ((*(--last)).size() <= char_offset);
+ ++last;
+ //Offsetting on identical characters. This section works
+ //a few characters at a time for optimal worst-case performance.
+ update_offset<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>(curr, last,
+ char_offset);
+ RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
+ const unsigned bin_count = (1 << (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type)*8));
+ //Equal worst-case of radix and comparison when bin_count = n*log(n).
+ const unsigned max_size = bin_count;
+ const unsigned membin_count = bin_count + 1;
+ const unsigned max_bin = bin_count - 1;
+ unsigned cache_end;
+ RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
+ cache_end, membin_count);
+ RandomAccessIter * end_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset + max_bin]);
+ //Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last; ++current) {
+ if ((*current).size() <= char_offset) {
+ bin_sizes[bin_count]++;
+ }
+ else
+ bin_sizes[max_bin - static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>
+ ((*current)[char_offset])]++;
+ }
+ //Assign the bin positions
+ bin_cache[cache_offset] = first;
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < membin_count - 1; u++)
+ bin_cache[cache_offset + u + 1] =
+ bin_cache[cache_offset + u] + bin_sizes[u];
+ //Swap into place
+ RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = last;
+ //handling empty bins
+ RandomAccessIter * local_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset + bin_count]);
+ RandomAccessIter lastFull = *local_bin;
+ //Iterating over each element in the bin of empties
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
+ ++current) {
+ //empties belong in this bin
+ while ((*current).size() > char_offset) {
+ target_bin =
+ end_bin - static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>((*current)[char_offset]);
+ iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
+ }
+ }
+ *local_bin = next_bin_start;
+ next_bin_start = first;
+ //iterate backwards to find the last non-empty bin
+ //this saves iterations in multiple loops
+ unsigned last_bin = max_bin;
+ for (; last_bin && !bin_sizes[last_bin]; --last_bin);
+ //This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < last_bin; ++u) {
+ local_bin = bins + u;
+ next_bin_start += bin_sizes[u];
+ //Iterating over each element in this bin
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
+ ++current) {
+ //Swapping into place until the correct element has been swapped in
+ for (target_bin =
+ end_bin - static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>((*current)[char_offset]);
+ target_bin != local_bin;
+ target_bin =
+ end_bin - static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>((*current)[char_offset]))
+ iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
+ }
+ *local_bin = next_bin_start;
+ }
+ bins[last_bin] = lastFull;
+ //Recursing
+ RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
+ //Skip this loop for empties
+ for (unsigned u = cache_offset; u <= cache_offset + last_bin;
+ lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
+ //don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ //using std::sort if its worst-case is better
+ if (count < max_size)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], offset_greater_than<Data_type,
+ Unsigned_char_type>(char_offset + 1));
+ else
+ reverse_string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>
+ (lastPos, bin_cache[u], char_offset + 1, bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes);
+ }
+ }
+ //String sorting recursive implementation
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type, class Get_char,
+ class Get_length>
+ inline void
+ string_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ size_t char_offset, std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
+ unsigned cache_offset, size_t *bin_sizes,
+ Get_char get_character, Get_length length)
+ {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type
+ Data_type;
+ //This section makes handling of long identical substrings much faster
+ //with a mild average performance impact.
+ //Iterate to the end of the empties. If all empty, return
+ while (length(*first) <= char_offset) {
+ if (++first == last)
+ return;
+ }
+ RandomAccessIter finish = last - 1;
+ //Getting the last non-empty
+ for (;length(*finish) <= char_offset; --finish);
+ ++finish;
+ update_offset(first, finish, char_offset, get_character, length);
+ const unsigned bin_count = (1 << (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type)*8));
+ //Equal worst-case of radix and comparison is when bin_count = n*log(n).
+ const unsigned max_size = bin_count;
+ const unsigned membin_count = bin_count + 1;
+ unsigned cache_end;
+ RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
+ cache_end, membin_count) + 1;
+ //Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last; ++current) {
+ if (length(*current) <= char_offset) {
+ bin_sizes[0]++;
+ }
+ else
+ bin_sizes[get_character((*current), char_offset) + 1]++;
+ }
+ //Assign the bin positions
+ bin_cache[cache_offset] = first;
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < membin_count - 1; u++)
+ bin_cache[cache_offset + u + 1] =
+ bin_cache[cache_offset + u] + bin_sizes[u];
+ //Swap into place
+ RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = first;
+ //handling empty bins
+ RandomAccessIter * local_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset]);
+ next_bin_start += bin_sizes[0];
+ RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
+ //Iterating over each element in the bin of empties
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
+ ++current) {
+ //empties belong in this bin
+ while (length(*current) > char_offset) {
+ target_bin = bins + get_character((*current), char_offset);
+ iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
+ }
+ }
+ *local_bin = next_bin_start;
+ //iterate backwards to find the last bin with elements in it
+ //this saves iterations in multiple loops
+ unsigned last_bin = bin_count - 1;
+ for (; last_bin && !bin_sizes[last_bin + 1]; --last_bin);
+ //This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
+ for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < last_bin; ++ii) {
+ local_bin = bins + ii;
+ next_bin_start += bin_sizes[ii + 1];
+ //Iterating over each element in this bin
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
+ ++current) {
+ //Swapping into place until the correct element has been swapped in
+ for (target_bin = bins + get_character((*current), char_offset);
+ target_bin != local_bin;
+ target_bin = bins + get_character((*current), char_offset))
+ iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
+ }
+ *local_bin = next_bin_start;
+ }
+ bins[last_bin] = last;
+ //Recursing
+ RandomAccessIter lastPos = bin_cache[cache_offset];
+ //Skip this loop for empties
+ for (unsigned u = cache_offset + 1; u < cache_offset + last_bin + 2;
+ lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
+ //don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ //using std::sort if its worst-case is better
+ if (count < max_size)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], offset_char_less_than<Data_type,
+ Get_char, Get_length>(char_offset + 1));
+ else
+ string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type, Get_char,
+ Get_length>(lastPos, bin_cache[u], char_offset + 1, bin_cache,
+ cache_end, bin_sizes, get_character, length);
+ }
+ }
+ //String sorting recursive implementation
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type, class Get_char,
+ class Get_length, class Compare>
+ inline void
+ string_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ size_t char_offset, std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
+ unsigned cache_offset, size_t *bin_sizes,
+ Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp)
+ {
+ //This section makes handling of long identical substrings much faster
+ //with a mild average performance impact.
+ //Iterate to the end of the empties. If all empty, return
+ while (length(*first) <= char_offset) {
+ if (++first == last)
+ return;
+ }
+ RandomAccessIter finish = last - 1;
+ //Getting the last non-empty
+ for (;length(*finish) <= char_offset; --finish);
+ ++finish;
+ update_offset(first, finish, char_offset, get_character, length);
+ const unsigned bin_count = (1 << (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type)*8));
+ //Equal worst-case of radix and comparison is when bin_count = n*log(n).
+ const unsigned max_size = bin_count;
+ const unsigned membin_count = bin_count + 1;
+ unsigned cache_end;
+ RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
+ cache_end, membin_count) + 1;
+ //Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last; ++current) {
+ if (length(*current) <= char_offset) {
+ bin_sizes[0]++;
+ }
+ else
+ bin_sizes[get_character((*current), char_offset) + 1]++;
+ }
+ //Assign the bin positions
+ bin_cache[cache_offset] = first;
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < membin_count - 1; u++)
+ bin_cache[cache_offset + u + 1] =
+ bin_cache[cache_offset + u] + bin_sizes[u];
+ //Swap into place
+ RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = first;
+ //handling empty bins
+ RandomAccessIter * local_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset]);
+ next_bin_start += bin_sizes[0];
+ RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
+ //Iterating over each element in the bin of empties
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
+ ++current) {
+ //empties belong in this bin
+ while (length(*current) > char_offset) {
+ target_bin = bins + get_character((*current), char_offset);
+ iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
+ }
+ }
+ *local_bin = next_bin_start;
+ //iterate backwards to find the last bin with elements in it
+ //this saves iterations in multiple loops
+ unsigned last_bin = bin_count - 1;
+ for (; last_bin && !bin_sizes[last_bin + 1]; --last_bin);
+ //This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < last_bin; ++u) {
+ local_bin = bins + u;
+ next_bin_start += bin_sizes[u + 1];
+ //Iterating over each element in this bin
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
+ ++current) {
+ //Swapping into place until the correct element has been swapped in
+ for (target_bin = bins + get_character((*current), char_offset);
+ target_bin != local_bin;
+ target_bin = bins + get_character((*current), char_offset))
+ iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
+ }
+ *local_bin = next_bin_start;
+ }
+ bins[last_bin] = last;
+ //Recursing
+ RandomAccessIter lastPos = bin_cache[cache_offset];
+ //Skip this loop for empties
+ for (unsigned u = cache_offset + 1; u < cache_offset + last_bin + 2;
+ lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
+ //don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ //using std::sort if its worst-case is better
+ if (count < max_size)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], comp);
+ else
+ string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type, Get_char,
+ Get_length, Compare>
+ (lastPos, bin_cache[u], char_offset + 1, bin_cache, cache_end,
+ bin_sizes, get_character, length, comp);
+ }
+ }
+ //Sorts strings in reverse order, with empties at the end
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type, class Get_char,
+ class Get_length, class Compare>
+ inline void
+ reverse_string_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ size_t char_offset, std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
+ unsigned cache_offset, size_t *bin_sizes,
+ Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp)
+ {
+ //This section makes handling of long identical substrings much faster
+ //with a mild average performance impact.
+ RandomAccessIter curr = first;
+ //Iterate to the end of the empties. If all empty, return
+ while (length(*curr) <= char_offset) {
+ if (++curr == last)
+ return;
+ }
+ //Getting the last non-empty
+ while (length(*(--last)) <= char_offset);
+ ++last;
+ //Offsetting on identical characters. This section works
+ //a character at a time for optimal worst-case performance.
+ update_offset(curr, last, char_offset, get_character, length);
+ const unsigned bin_count = (1 << (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type)*8));
+ //Equal worst-case of radix and comparison is when bin_count = n*log(n).
+ const unsigned max_size = bin_count;
+ const unsigned membin_count = bin_count + 1;
+ const unsigned max_bin = bin_count - 1;
+ unsigned cache_end;
+ RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
+ cache_end, membin_count);
+ RandomAccessIter *end_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset + max_bin]);
+ //Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last; ++current) {
+ if (length(*current) <= char_offset) {
+ bin_sizes[bin_count]++;
+ }
+ else
+ bin_sizes[max_bin - get_character((*current), char_offset)]++;
+ }
+ //Assign the bin positions
+ bin_cache[cache_offset] = first;
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < membin_count - 1; u++)
+ bin_cache[cache_offset + u + 1] =
+ bin_cache[cache_offset + u] + bin_sizes[u];
+ //Swap into place
+ RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = last;
+ //handling empty bins
+ RandomAccessIter * local_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset + bin_count]);
+ RandomAccessIter lastFull = *local_bin;
+ RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
+ //Iterating over each element in the bin of empties
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
+ ++current) {
+ //empties belong in this bin
+ while (length(*current) > char_offset) {
+ target_bin = end_bin - get_character((*current), char_offset);
+ iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
+ }
+ }
+ *local_bin = next_bin_start;
+ next_bin_start = first;
+ //iterate backwards to find the last bin with elements in it
+ //this saves iterations in multiple loops
+ unsigned last_bin = max_bin;
+ for (; last_bin && !bin_sizes[last_bin]; --last_bin);
+ //This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
+ for (unsigned u = 0; u < last_bin; ++u) {
+ local_bin = bins + u;
+ next_bin_start += bin_sizes[u];
+ //Iterating over each element in this bin
+ for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
+ ++current) {
+ //Swapping into place until the correct element has been swapped in
+ for (target_bin = end_bin - get_character((*current), char_offset);
+ target_bin != local_bin;
+ target_bin = end_bin - get_character((*current), char_offset))
+ iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
+ }
+ *local_bin = next_bin_start;
+ }
+ bins[last_bin] = lastFull;
+ //Recursing
+ RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
+ //Skip this loop for empties
+ for (unsigned u = cache_offset; u <= cache_offset + last_bin;
+ lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
+ size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
+ //don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
+ if (count < 2)
+ continue;
+ //using std::sort if its worst-case is better
+ if (count < max_size)
+ std::sort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], comp);
+ else
+ reverse_string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type,
+ Get_char, Get_length, Compare>
+ (lastPos, bin_cache[u], char_offset + 1, bin_cache, cache_end,
+ bin_sizes, get_character, length, comp);
+ }
+ }
+ //Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
+ >::type
+ string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Unsigned_char_type)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[(1 << (8 * sizeof(Unsigned_char_type))) + 1];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>
+ (first, last, 0, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes);
+ }
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
+ inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
+ >::type
+ string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Unsigned_char_type)
+ {
+ //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though string_sort was called
+ BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2 );
+ std::sort(first, last);
+ }
+ //Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
+ >::type
+ reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Unsigned_char_type)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[(1 << (8 * sizeof(Unsigned_char_type))) + 1];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ reverse_string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>
+ (first, last, 0, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes);
+ }
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
+ inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
+ >::type
+ reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Unsigned_char_type)
+ {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type
+ Data_type;
+ //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though string_sort was called
+ BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2 );
+ std::sort(first, last, std::greater<Data_type>());
+ }
+ //Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
+ class Unsigned_char_type>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
+ >::type
+ string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Unsigned_char_type)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[(1 << (8 * sizeof(Unsigned_char_type))) + 1];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type, Get_char,
+ Get_length>(first, last, 0, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, get_character, length);
+ }
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
+ class Unsigned_char_type>
+ inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
+ >::type
+ string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Unsigned_char_type)
+ {
+ //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though string_sort was called
+ BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2 );
+ std::sort(first, last);
+ }
+ //Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
+ class Compare, class Unsigned_char_type>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
+ >::type
+ string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[(1 << (8 * sizeof(Unsigned_char_type))) + 1];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type, Get_char
+ , Get_length, Compare>
+ (first, last, 0, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, get_character, length, comp);
+ }
+ //disable_if_c was refusing to compile, so rewrote to use enable_if_c
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
+ class Compare, class Unsigned_char_type>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) > 2), void
+ >::type
+ string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type)
+ {
+ //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though string_sort was called
+ BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2 );
+ std::sort(first, last, comp);
+ }
+ //Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
+ class Compare, class Unsigned_char_type>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
+ >::type
+ reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type)
+ {
+ size_t bin_sizes[(1 << (8 * sizeof(Unsigned_char_type))) + 1];
+ std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
+ reverse_string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type, Get_char,
+ Get_length, Compare>
+ (first, last, 0, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, get_character, length, comp);
+ }
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
+ class Compare, class Unsigned_char_type>
+ inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
+ >::type
+ reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type)
+ {
+ //Warning that we're using std::sort, even though string_sort was called
+ BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2 );
+ std::sort(first, last, comp);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/boost/sort/spreadsort/float_sort.hpp b/boost/sort/spreadsort/float_sort.hpp
index 37966c28db..d5310d19ce 100644
--- a/boost/sort/spreadsort/float_sort.hpp
+++ b/boost/sort/spreadsort/float_sort.hpp
@@ -1,134 +1,176 @@
-//Templated Spreadsort-based implementation of float_sort and float_mem_cast
-// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2014.
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// See for library home page.
-Some improvements suggested by:
-Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
-float_mem_cast fix provided by:
-Scott McMurray
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <limits>
-#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/float_sort.hpp>
-namespace boost {
-namespace sort {
-namespace spreadsort {
- /*!
- \brief Casts a float to the specified integer type.
- \tparam Data_type Floating-point IEEE 754/IEC559 type.
- \tparam Cast_type Integer type (same size) to which to cast.
- \par Example:
- \code
- struct rightshift {
- int operator()(const DATA_TYPE &x, const unsigned offset) const {
- return float_mem_cast<KEY_TYPE, CAST_TYPE>(x.key) >> offset;
- }
- };
- \endcode
- */
- template<class Data_type, class Cast_type>
- inline Cast_type
- float_mem_cast(const Data_type & data)
- {
- // Only cast IEEE floating-point numbers, and only to a same-sized integer.
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Cast_type) == sizeof(Data_type));
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<Data_type>::is_iec559);
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<Cast_type>::is_integer);
- Cast_type result;
- std::memcpy(&result, &data, sizeof(Cast_type));
- return result;
- }
- /*!
- \brief @c float_sort with casting to the appropriate size.
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
-Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_float_sort.htm"> windows_float_sort</a>
- \n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_float_sort.htm"> osx_float_sort</a>
- \par A simple example of sorting some floating-point is:
- \code
- vector<float> vec;
- vec.push_back(1.0);
- vec.push_back(2.3);
- vec.push_back(1.3);
- spreadsort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
- \endcode
- \par The sorted vector contains ascending values "1.0 1.3 2.3".
- */
- template <class RandomAccessIter>
- inline void float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
- {
- if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
- std::sort(first, last);
- else
- detail::float_sort(first, last);
- }
- /*!
- \brief Floating-point sort algorithm using random access iterators with just right-shift functor.
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \param[in] rshift Functor that returns the result of shifting the value_type right a specified number of bits.
- */
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Right_shift>
- inline void float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Right_shift rshift)
- {
- if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
- std::sort(first, last);
- else
- detail::float_sort(first, last, rshift(*first, 0), rshift);
- }
- /*!
- \brief Float sort algorithm using random access iterators with both right-shift and user-defined comparison operator.
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \param[in] rshift Functor that returns the result of shifting the value_type right a specified number of bits.
- \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
- */
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Right_shift, class Compare>
- inline void float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
- {
- if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
- std::sort(first, last, comp);
- else
- detail::float_sort(first, last, rshift(*first, 0), rshift, comp);
- }
+//Templated Spreadsort-based implementation of float_sort and float_mem_cast
+// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2014.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for library home page.
+Some improvements suggested by:
+Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
+float_mem_cast fix provided by:
+Scott McMurray
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <limits>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/float_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/begin.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/end.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace sort {
+namespace spreadsort {
+ /*!
+ \brief Casts a float to the specified integer type.
+ \tparam Data_type Floating-point IEEE 754/IEC559 type.
+ \tparam Cast_type Integer type (same size) to which to cast.
+ \par Example:
+ \code
+ struct rightshift {
+ int operator()(const DATA_TYPE &x, const unsigned offset) const {
+ return float_mem_cast<KEY_TYPE, CAST_TYPE>(x.key) >> offset;
+ }
+ };
+ \endcode
+ */
+ template<class Data_type, class Cast_type>
+ inline Cast_type
+ float_mem_cast(const Data_type & data)
+ {
+ // Only cast IEEE floating-point numbers, and only to a same-sized integer.
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Cast_type) == sizeof(Data_type));
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<Data_type>::is_iec559);
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<Cast_type>::is_integer);
+ Cast_type result;
+ std::memcpy(&result, &data, sizeof(Cast_type));
+ return result;
+ }
+ /*!
+ \brief @c float_sort with casting to the appropriate size.
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_float_sort.htm"> windows_float_sort</a>
+ \n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_float_sort.htm"> osx_float_sort</a>
+ \par A simple example of sorting some floating-point is:
+ \code
+ vector<float> vec;
+ vec.push_back(1.0);
+ vec.push_back(2.3);
+ vec.push_back(1.3);
+ spreadsort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
+ \endcode
+ \par The sorted vector contains ascending values "1.0 1.3 2.3".
+ */
+ template <class RandomAccessIter>
+ inline void float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
+ {
+ if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
+ std::sort(first, last);
+ else
+ detail::float_sort(first, last);
+ }
+ /*!
+ \brief Floating-point sort algorithm using range.
+ \param[in] range Range [first, last) for sorting.
+ */
+ template <class Range>
+ inline void float_sort(Range& range)
+ {
+ float_sort(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range));
+ }
+ /*!
+ \brief Floating-point sort algorithm using random access iterators with just right-shift functor.
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \param[in] rshift Functor that returns the result of shifting the value_type right a specified number of bits.
+ */
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Right_shift>
+ inline void float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Right_shift rshift)
+ {
+ if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
+ std::sort(first, last);
+ else
+ detail::float_sort(first, last, rshift(*first, 0), rshift);
+ }
+ /*!
+ \brief Floating-point sort algorithm using range with just right-shift functor.
+ \param[in] range Range [first, last) for sorting.
+ \param[in] rshift Functor that returns the result of shifting the value_type right a specified number of bits.
+ */
+ template <class Range, class Right_shift>
+ inline void float_sort(Range& range, Right_shift rshift)
+ {
+ float_sort(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), rshift);
+ }
+ /*!
+ \brief Float sort algorithm using random access iterators with both right-shift and user-defined comparison operator.
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \param[in] rshift Functor that returns the result of shifting the value_type right a specified number of bits.
+ \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
+ */
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Right_shift, class Compare>
+ inline void float_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
+ {
+ if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
+ std::sort(first, last, comp);
+ else
+ detail::float_sort(first, last, rshift(*first, 0), rshift, comp);
+ }
+ /*!
+ \brief Float sort algorithm using range with both right-shift and user-defined comparison operator.
+ \param[in] range Range [first, last) for sorting.
+ \param[in] rshift Functor that returns the result of shifting the value_type right a specified number of bits.
+ \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
+ */
+ template <class Range, class Right_shift, class Compare>
+ inline void float_sort(Range& range, Right_shift rshift, Compare comp)
+ {
+ float_sort(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), rshift, comp);
+ }
diff --git a/boost/sort/spreadsort/integer_sort.hpp b/boost/sort/spreadsort/integer_sort.hpp
index 0727ccd4a0..6bf3f683e1 100644
--- a/boost/sort/spreadsort/integer_sort.hpp
+++ b/boost/sort/spreadsort/integer_sort.hpp
@@ -1,185 +1,315 @@
-//Templated Spreadsort-based implementation of integer_sort
-// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2014.
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// See for library home page.
-Some improvements suggested by:
-Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
-Doxygen comments by Paul A. Bristow Jan 2015
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <limits>
-#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/integer_sort.hpp>
-namespace boost {
-namespace sort {
-namespace spreadsort {
- //Top-level sorting call for integers.
-/*! \brief Integer sort algorithm using random access iterators.
- (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
- \details @c integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
-which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
-Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
-so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
-than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
-so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
-<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
-Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_integer_sort.htm"> windows_integer_sort</a>
- \n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_integer_sort.htm"> osx_integer_sort</a>
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
- which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
- \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
- \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
- the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
- \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
- \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
- \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
- enabling faster generic-programming.
- \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
- \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
- \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
- \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
- template <class RandomAccessIter>
- inline void integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
- {
- // Don't sort if it's too small to optimize.
- if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
- std::sort(first, last);
- else
- detail::integer_sort(first, last, *first >> 0);
- }
-/*! \brief Integer sort algorithm using random access iterators with both right-shift and user-defined comparison operator.
- (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
- \details @c integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
-which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
-Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
-so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
-than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
-so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
-<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
-Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_integer_sort.htm"> windows_integer_sort</a>
- \n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_integer_sort.htm"> osx_integer_sort</a>
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \param[in] shift Functor that returns the result of shifting the value_type right a specified number of bits.
- \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
- \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
- \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
- \return @c void.
- \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
- the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
- or any operations on iterators throw.
- \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
- \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
- \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
- enabling faster generic-programming.
- \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
- \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
- \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
- \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Right_shift, class Compare>
- inline void integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Right_shift shift, Compare comp) {
- if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
- std::sort(first, last, comp);
- else
- detail::integer_sort(first, last, shift(*first, 0), shift, comp);
- }
-/*! \brief Integer sort algorithm using random access iterators with just right-shift functor.
- (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
- \details @c integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
-which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
-\par Performance:
-Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
-so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
-than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
-so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
-<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
-Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
- * <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_integer_sort.htm"> windows_integer_sort</a>\n
- * <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_integer_sort.htm"> osx_integer_sort</a>
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \param[in] shift A functor that returns the result of shifting the value_type right a specified number of bits.
- \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
- \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
- \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
- the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
- or any operations on iterators throw.
- \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
- \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
- \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
- enabling faster generic-programming.
- \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
- \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
- \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
- \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Right_shift>
- inline void integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Right_shift shift) {
- if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
- std::sort(first, last);
- else
- detail::integer_sort(first, last, shift(*first, 0), shift);
- }
+//Templated Spreadsort-based implementation of integer_sort
+// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2014.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for library home page.
+Some improvements suggested by:
+Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
+Doxygen comments by Paul A. Bristow Jan 2015
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <limits>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/integer_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/begin.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/end.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace sort {
+namespace spreadsort {
+ //Top-level sorting call for integers.
+/*! \brief Integer sort algorithm using random access iterators.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
+so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
+<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_integer_sort.htm"> windows_integer_sort</a>
+ \n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_integer_sort.htm"> osx_integer_sort</a>
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
+ which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+ template <class RandomAccessIter>
+ inline void integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
+ {
+ // Don't sort if it's too small to optimize.
+ if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
+ std::sort(first, last);
+ else
+ detail::integer_sort(first, last, *first >> 0);
+ }
+/*! \brief Integer sort algorithm using range.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
+so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
+<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_integer_sort.htm"> windows_integer_sort</a>
+ \n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_integer_sort.htm"> osx_integer_sort</a>
+ \param[in] range Range [first, last) for sorting.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors, or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+template <class Range>
+inline void integer_sort(Range& range)
+ integer_sort(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range));
+/*! \brief Integer sort algorithm using random access iterators with both right-shift and user-defined comparison operator.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
+so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
+<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_integer_sort.htm"> windows_integer_sort</a>
+ \n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_integer_sort.htm"> osx_integer_sort</a>
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \param[in] shift Functor that returns the result of shifting the value_type right a specified number of bits.
+ \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Right_shift, class Compare>
+ inline void integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Right_shift shift, Compare comp) {
+ if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
+ std::sort(first, last, comp);
+ else
+ detail::integer_sort(first, last, shift(*first, 0), shift, comp);
+ }
+/*! \brief Integer sort algorithm using range with both right-shift and user-defined comparison operator.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
+so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
+<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_integer_sort.htm"> windows_integer_sort</a>
+ \n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_integer_sort.htm"> osx_integer_sort</a>
+ \param[in] range Range [first, last) for sorting.
+ \param[in] shift Functor that returns the result of shifting the value_type right a specified number of bits.
+ \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+template <class Range, class Right_shift, class Compare>
+inline void integer_sort(Range& range, Right_shift shift, Compare comp)
+ integer_sort(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), shift, comp);
+/*! \brief Integer sort algorithm using random access iterators with just right-shift functor.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+\par Performance:
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
+so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
+<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+ * <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_integer_sort.htm"> windows_integer_sort</a>\n
+ * <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_integer_sort.htm"> osx_integer_sort</a>
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \param[in] shift A functor that returns the result of shifting the value_type right a specified number of bits.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Right_shift>
+ inline void integer_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Right_shift shift) {
+ if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
+ std::sort(first, last);
+ else
+ detail::integer_sort(first, last, shift(*first, 0), shift);
+ }
+/*! \brief Integer sort algorithm using range with just right-shift functor.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+\par Performance:
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
+so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
+<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+ * <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_integer_sort.htm"> windows_integer_sort</a>\n
+ * <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_integer_sort.htm"> osx_integer_sort</a>
+ \param[in] range Range [first, last) for sorting.
+ \param[in] shift A functor that returns the result of shifting the value_type right a specified number of bits.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+template <class Range, class Right_shift>
+inline void integer_sort(Range& range, Right_shift shift)
+ integer_sort(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), shift);
diff --git a/boost/sort/spreadsort/spreadsort.hpp b/boost/sort/spreadsort/spreadsort.hpp
index 48377123e3..49f20ed147 100644
--- a/boost/sort/spreadsort/spreadsort.hpp
+++ b/boost/sort/spreadsort/spreadsort.hpp
@@ -1,146 +1,169 @@
-// Templated generic hybrid sorting
-// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2009.
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// See for library home page.
-Some improvements suggested by:
-Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
-float_mem_cast fix provided by:
-Scott McMurray
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <string>
-#include <limits>
-#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/integer_sort.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/float_sort.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/string_sort.hpp>
-namespace boost {
-namespace sort {
-/*! Namespace for spreadsort sort variants for different data types.
-\note Use hyperlinks (coloured) to get detailed information about functions.
-namespace spreadsort {
- /*!
- \brief Generic @c spreadsort variant detecting integer-type elements so call to @c integer_sort.
- \details If the data type provided is an integer, @c integer_sort is used.
- \note Sorting other data types requires picking between @c integer_sort, @c float_sort and @c string_sort directly,
- as @c spreadsort won't accept types that don't have the appropriate @c type_traits.
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
- which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
- \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
- */
- template <class RandomAccessIter>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< std::numeric_limits<
- typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type >::is_integer,
- void >::type
- spreadsort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
- {
- integer_sort(first, last);
- }
- /*!
- \brief Generic @c spreadsort variant detecting float element type so call to @c float_sort.
- \details If the data type provided is a float or castable-float, @c float_sort is used.
- \note Sorting other data types requires picking between @c integer_sort, @c float_sort and @c string_sort directly,
- as @c spreadsort won't accept types that don't have the appropriate @c type_traits.
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
- which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
- \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
- */
- template <class RandomAccessIter>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c< !std::numeric_limits<
- typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type >::is_integer
- && std::numeric_limits<
- typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type >::is_iec559,
- void >::type
- spreadsort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
- {
- float_sort(first, last);
- }
- /*!
- \brief Generic @c spreadsort variant detecting string element type so call to @c string_sort for @c std::strings.
- \details If the data type provided is a string, @c string_sort is used.
- \note Sorting other data types requires picking between @c integer_sort, @c float_sort and @c string_sort directly,
- as @c spreadsort won't accept types that don't have the appropriate @c type_traits.
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
- which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
- \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
- */
- template <class RandomAccessIter>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c<
- is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type,
- typename std::string>::value, void >::type
- spreadsort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
- {
- string_sort(first, last);
- }
- /*!
- \brief Generic @c spreadsort variant detecting string element type so call to @c string_sort for @c std::wstrings.
- \details If the data type provided is a wstring, @c string_sort is used.
- \note Sorting other data types requires picking between @c integer_sort, @c float_sort and @c string_sort directly,
- as @c spreadsort won't accept types that don't have the appropriate @c type_traits. Also, 2-byte wide-characters are the limit above which string_sort is inefficient, so on platforms with wider characters, this will not accept wstrings.
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
- which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
- \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
- */
- template <class RandomAccessIter>
- inline typename boost::enable_if_c<
- is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type,
- typename std::wstring>::value &&
- sizeof(wchar_t) == 2, void >::type
- spreadsort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
- {
- boost::uint16_t unused = 0;
- string_sort(first, last, unused);
- }
-} // namespace spreadsort
-} // namespace sort
-} // namespace boost
+// Templated generic hybrid sorting
+// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2009.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for library home page.
+Some improvements suggested by:
+Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
+float_mem_cast fix provided by:
+Scott McMurray
+ Range support provided by:
+ Alexander Zaitsev
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <string>
+#include <limits>
+#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/integer_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/float_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/string_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/begin.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/end.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace sort {
+/*! Namespace for spreadsort sort variants for different data types.
+\note Use hyperlinks (coloured) to get detailed information about functions.
+namespace spreadsort {
+ /*!
+ \brief Generic @c spreadsort variant detecting integer-type elements so call to @c integer_sort.
+ \details If the data type provided is an integer, @c integer_sort is used.
+ \note Sorting other data types requires picking between @c integer_sort, @c float_sort and @c string_sort directly,
+ as @c spreadsort won't accept types that don't have the appropriate @c type_traits.
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
+ which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ */
+ template <class RandomAccessIter>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< std::numeric_limits<
+ typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type >::is_integer,
+ void >::type
+ spreadsort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
+ {
+ integer_sort(first, last);
+ }
+ /*!
+ \brief Generic @c spreadsort variant detecting float element type so call to @c float_sort.
+ \details If the data type provided is a float or castable-float, @c float_sort is used.
+ \note Sorting other data types requires picking between @c integer_sort, @c float_sort and @c string_sort directly,
+ as @c spreadsort won't accept types that don't have the appropriate @c type_traits.
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
+ which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ */
+ template <class RandomAccessIter>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c< !std::numeric_limits<
+ typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type >::is_integer
+ && std::numeric_limits<
+ typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type >::is_iec559,
+ void >::type
+ spreadsort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
+ {
+ float_sort(first, last);
+ }
+ /*!
+ \brief Generic @c spreadsort variant detecting string element type so call to @c string_sort for @c std::strings.
+ \details If the data type provided is a string, @c string_sort is used.
+ \note Sorting other data types requires picking between @c integer_sort, @c float_sort and @c string_sort directly,
+ as @c spreadsort won't accept types that don't have the appropriate @c type_traits.
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
+ which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ */
+ template <class RandomAccessIter>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c<
+ is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type,
+ typename std::string>::value, void >::type
+ spreadsort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
+ {
+ string_sort(first, last);
+ }
+ /*!
+ \brief Generic @c spreadsort variant detecting string element type so call to @c string_sort for @c std::wstrings.
+ \details If the data type provided is a wstring, @c string_sort is used.
+ \note Sorting other data types requires picking between @c integer_sort, @c float_sort and @c string_sort directly,
+ as @c spreadsort won't accept types that don't have the appropriate @c type_traits. Also, 2-byte wide-characters are the limit above which string_sort is inefficient, so on platforms with wider characters, this will not accept wstrings.
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
+ which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ */
+ template <class RandomAccessIter>
+ inline typename boost::enable_if_c<
+ is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type,
+ typename std::wstring>::value &&
+ sizeof(wchar_t) == 2, void >::type
+ spreadsort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
+ {
+ boost::uint16_t unused = 0;
+ string_sort(first, last, unused);
+ }
+\brief Generic @c spreadsort variant detects value_type and calls required sort function.
+\note Sorting other data types requires picking between @c integer_sort, @c float_sort and @c string_sort directly,
+as @c spreadsort won't accept types that don't have the appropriate @c type_traits.
+\param[in] range Range [first, last) for sorting.
+\pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+\post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+template <class Range>
+void spreadsort(Range& range)
+ spreadsort(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range));
+} // namespace spreadsort
+} // namespace sort
+} // namespace boost
diff --git a/boost/sort/spreadsort/string_sort.hpp b/boost/sort/spreadsort/string_sort.hpp
index 4c3f1fbfe7..daaa054b6c 100644
--- a/boost/sort/spreadsort/string_sort.hpp
+++ b/boost/sort/spreadsort/string_sort.hpp
@@ -1,449 +1,741 @@
-//Templated hybrid string_sort
-// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2009.
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// See for library home page.
-Some improvements suggested by:
-Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <limits>
-#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp>
-#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/string_sort.hpp>
-namespace boost {
-namespace sort {
-namespace spreadsort {
-/*! \brief String sort algorithm using random access iterators, allowing character-type overloads.\n
- (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
- \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
-which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
-Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
-so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
-than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
-so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
-<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
-Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
-<a href="../../doc/graph/windows_string_sort.htm"> windows_string_sort</a>\n
-<a href="../../doc/graph/osx_string_sort.htm"> osx_string_sort</a>
- \tparam RandomAccessIter <a href="">Random access iterator</a>
- \tparam Unsigned_char_type Unsigned character type used for string.
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \param[in] unused value with the same type as the result of the [] operator, defining the Unsigned_char_type. The actual value is unused.
- \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
- which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
- \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
- \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
- the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
- or any operations on iterators throw.
- \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
- \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
- \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
- enabling faster generic-programming.
- \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
- \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
- \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
- \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
- inline void string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Unsigned_char_type unused)
- {
- //Don't sort if it's too small to optimize
- if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
- std::sort(first, last);
- else
- detail::string_sort(first, last, unused);
- }
-/*! \brief String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of unsigned char.
- (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
- \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
-which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
-Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
-so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
-than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
-so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
-<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
-Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_string_sort.htm"> windows_string_sort</a>
- \n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_string_sort.htm"> osx_string_sort</a>
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
- which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
- \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
- \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
- the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
- or any operations on iterators throw.
- \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
- \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
- \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
- enabling faster generic-programming.
- \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
- \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
- \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
- \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
- template <class RandomAccessIter>
- inline void string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
- {
- unsigned char unused = '\0';
- string_sort(first, last, unused);
- }
-/*! \brief String sort algorithm using random access iterators, allowing character-type overloads.
- (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size).
- \details @c integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
-which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
-Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
-so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
-than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
-so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
-<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
-Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_integer_sort.htm"> windows_integer_sort</a>
- \n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_integer_sort.htm"> osx_integer_sort</a>
- \tparam RandomAccessIter <a href="">Random access iterator</a>
- \tparam Comp Functor type to use for comparison.
- \tparam Unsigned_char_type Unsigned character type used for string.
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
- \param[in] unused value with the same type as the result of the [] operator, defining the Unsigned_char_type. The actual value is unused.
- \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
- which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
- \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
- \return @c void.
- \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
- the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
- or any operations on iterators throw.
- \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
- \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
- \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
- enabling faster generic-programming.
- \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
- \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
- \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
- \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Compare, class Unsigned_char_type>
- inline void reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first,
- RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type unused)
- {
- //Don't sort if it's too small to optimize.
- if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
- std::sort(first, last, comp);
- else
- detail::reverse_string_sort(first, last, unused);
- }
-/*! \brief String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of @c unsigned char.
- (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
- \details @c integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
-which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
-Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
-so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
-than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
-so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
-<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
-Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_integer_sort.htm"> windows_integer_sort</a>
- \n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_integer_sort.htm"> osx_integer_sort</a>
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
- \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
- which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
- \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
- \return @c void.
- \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
- the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
- or any operations on iterators throw.
- \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
- \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
- \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
- enabling faster generic-programming.
- \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
- \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
- \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
- \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Compare>
- inline void reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first,
- RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp)
- {
- unsigned char unused = '\0';
- reverse_string_sort(first, last, comp, unused);
- }
-/*! \brief String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of @c unsigned char.
- (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
- \details @c integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
-which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
-Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
-so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
-than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
-so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
-<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
-Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_integer_sort.htm"> windows_integer_sort</a>
- \n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_integer_sort.htm"> osx_integer_sort</a>
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \param[in] getchar Bracket functor equivalent to @c operator[], taking a number corresponding to the character offset.
- \param[in] length Functor to get the length of the string in characters.
- \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
- which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
- \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
- \return @c void.
- \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
- the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
- or any operations on iterators throw.
- \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
- \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
- \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
- enabling faster generic-programming.
- \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
- \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
- \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
- \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length>
- inline void string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Get_char getchar, Get_length length)
- {
- //Don't sort if it's too small to optimize
- if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
- std::sort(first, last);
- else {
- //skipping past empties, which allows us to get the character type
- //.empty() is not used so as not to require a user declaration of it
- while (!length(*first)) {
- if (++first == last)
- return;
- }
- detail::string_sort(first, last, getchar, length, getchar((*first), 0));
- }
- }
-/*! \brief String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of @c unsigned char.
- (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
- \details @c integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
-which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
-Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
-so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
-than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
-so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
-<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
-Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_integer_sort.htm"> windows_integer_sort</a>
- \n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_integer_sort.htm"> osx_integer_sort</a>
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \param[in] getchar Bracket functor equivalent to @c operator[], taking a number corresponding to the character offset.
- \param[in] length Functor to get the length of the string in characters.
- \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
- \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
- \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
- \return @c void.
- \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
- the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
- or any operations on iterators throw.
- \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
- \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
- \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
- enabling faster generic-programming.
- \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
- \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
- \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
- \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
- class Compare>
- inline void string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
- Get_char getchar, Get_length length, Compare comp)
- {
- //Don't sort if it's too small to optimize
- if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
- std::sort(first, last, comp);
- else {
- //skipping past empties, which allows us to get the character type
- //.empty() is not used so as not to require a user declaration of it
- while (!length(*first)) {
- if (++first == last)
- return;
- }
- detail::string_sort(first, last, getchar, length, comp,
- getchar((*first), 0));
- }
- }
-/*! \brief Reverse String sort algorithm using random access iterators.
- (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
- \details @c integer_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
-which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
-Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
-so @c integer_sort is asymptotically faster
-than pure comparison-based algorithms. @c s is @c max_splits, which defaults to 11,
-so its worst-case with default settings for 32-bit integers is
-<em> O(N * ((32/11) </em> slow radix-based iterations fast comparison-based iterations).\n\n
-Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_integer_sort.htm"> windows_integer_sort</a>
- \n
- <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_integer_sort.htm"> osx_integer_sort</a>
- \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
- \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
- \param[in] getchar Bracket functor equivalent to @c operator[], taking a number corresponding to the character offset.
- \param[in] length Functor to get the length of the string in characters.
- \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
- \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
- \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
- \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
- \return @c void.
- \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
- the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
- or any operations on iterators throw.
- \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
- \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
- \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
- enabling faster generic-programming.
- \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
- \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
- \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
- \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
- template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
- class Compare>
- inline void reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first,
- RandomAccessIter last, Get_char getchar, Get_length length, Compare comp)
- {
- //Don't sort if it's too small to optimize
- if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
- std::sort(first, last, comp);
- else {
- //skipping past empties, which allows us to get the character type
- //.empty() is not used so as not to require a user declaration of it
- while (!length(*(--last))) {
- //If there is just one non-empty at the beginning, this is sorted
- if (first == last)
- return;
- }
- //making last just after the end of the non-empty part of the array
- detail::reverse_string_sort(first, last + 1, getchar, length, comp,
- getchar((*last), 0));
- }
- }
+//Templated hybrid string_sort
+// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2009.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for library home page.
+Some improvements suggested by:
+Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <limits>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/string_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/begin.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/end.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace sort {
+namespace spreadsort {
+/*! \brief String sort algorithm using random access iterators, allowing character-type overloads.\n
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c string_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. \n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/windows_string_sort.htm"> windows_string_sort</a>\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/osx_string_sort.htm"> osx_string_sort</a>
+ \tparam RandomAccessIter <a href="">Random access iterator</a>
+ \tparam Unsigned_char_type Unsigned character type used for string.
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \param[in] unused value with the same type as the result of the [] operator, defining the Unsigned_char_type. The actual value is unused.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
+ which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
+ inline void string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Unsigned_char_type unused)
+ {
+ //Don't sort if it's too small to optimize
+ if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
+ std::sort(first, last);
+ else
+ detail::string_sort(first, last, unused);
+ }
+/*! \brief String sort algorithm using range, allowing character-type overloads.\n
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c string_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. \n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/windows_string_sort.htm"> windows_string_sort</a>\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/osx_string_sort.htm"> osx_string_sort</a>
+ \tparam Unsigned_char_type Unsigned character type used for string.
+ \param[in] range Range [first, last) for sorting.
+ \param[in] unused value with the same type as the result of the [] operator, defining the Unsigned_char_type. The actual value is unused.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+template <class Range, class Unsigned_char_type>
+inline void string_sort(Range& range, Unsigned_char_type unused)
+ string_sort(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), unused);
+/*! \brief String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of unsigned char.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c string_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. \n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_string_sort.htm"> windows_string_sort</a>
+ \n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_string_sort.htm"> osx_string_sort</a>
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
+ which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+ template <class RandomAccessIter>
+ inline void string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)
+ {
+ unsigned char unused = '\0';
+ string_sort(first, last, unused);
+ }
+/*! \brief String sort algorithm using range, wraps using default of unsigned char.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c string_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. \n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_string_sort.htm"> windows_string_sort</a>
+ \n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_string_sort.htm"> osx_string_sort</a>
+ \param[in] range Range [first, last) for sorting.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+template <class Range>
+inline void string_sort(Range& range)
+ string_sort(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range));
+/*! \brief String sort algorithm using random access iterators, allowing character-type overloads.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c string_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. \n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/windows_string_sort.htm"> windows_string_sort</a>\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/osx_string_sort.htm"> osx_string_sort</a>
+ \tparam RandomAccessIter <a href="">Random access iterator</a>
+ \tparam Comp Functor type to use for comparison.
+ \tparam Unsigned_char_type Unsigned character type used for string.
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
+ \param[in] unused value with the same type as the result of the [] operator, defining the Unsigned_char_type. The actual value is unused.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
+ which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Compare, class Unsigned_char_type>
+ inline void reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first,
+ RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type unused)
+ {
+ //Don't sort if it's too small to optimize.
+ if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
+ std::sort(first, last, comp);
+ else
+ detail::reverse_string_sort(first, last, unused);
+ }
+/*! \brief String sort algorithm using range, allowing character-type overloads.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c string_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. \n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/windows_integer_sort.htm"> windows_integer_sort</a>
+ \n
+ <a href="../../doc/graph/osx_integer_sort.htm"> osx_integer_sort</a>
+ \tparam Comp Functor type to use for comparison.
+ \tparam Unsigned_char_type Unsigned character type used for string.
+ \param[in] range Range [first, last) for sorting.
+ \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
+ \param[in] unused value with the same type as the result of the [] operator, defining the Unsigned_char_type. The actual value is unused.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+template <class Range, class Compare, class Unsigned_char_type>
+inline void reverse_string_sort(Range& range, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type unused)
+ reverse_string_sort(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), comp, unused);
+/*! \brief String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of @c unsigned char.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c string_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms.\n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/windows_string_sort.htm"> windows_string_sort</a>\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/osx_string_sort.htm"> osx_string_sort</a>
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
+ which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Compare>
+ inline void reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first,
+ RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp)
+ {
+ unsigned char unused = '\0';
+ reverse_string_sort(first, last, comp, unused);
+ }
+/*! \brief String sort algorithm using range, wraps using default of @c unsigned char.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c string_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. \n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/windows_string_sort.htm"> windows_string_sort</a>\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/osx_string_sort.htm"> osx_string_sort</a>
+ \param[in] range Range [first, last) for sorting.
+ \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+template <class Range, class Compare>
+inline void reverse_string_sort(Range& range, Compare comp)
+ reverse_string_sort(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), comp);
+/*! \brief String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of @c unsigned char.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c string_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. \n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/windows_string_sort.htm"> windows_string_sort</a>\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/osx_string_sort.htm"> osx_string_sort</a>
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \param[in] get_character Bracket functor equivalent to @c operator[], taking a number corresponding to the character offset.
+ \param[in] length Functor to get the length of the string in characters.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type supports the @c operator>>,
+ which returns an integer-type right-shifted a specified number of bits.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length>
+ inline void string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Get_char get_character, Get_length length)
+ {
+ //Don't sort if it's too small to optimize
+ if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
+ std::sort(first, last);
+ else {
+ //skipping past empties, which allows us to get the character type
+ //.empty() is not used so as not to require a user declaration of it
+ while (!length(*first)) {
+ if (++first == last)
+ return;
+ }
+ detail::string_sort(first, last, get_character, length, get_character((*first), 0));
+ }
+ }
+/*! \brief String sort algorithm using range, wraps using default of @c unsigned char.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c string_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. \n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/windows_string_sort.htm"> windows_string_sort</a>\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/osx_string_sort.htm"> osx_string_sort</a>
+ \param[in] range Range [first, last) for sorting.
+ \param[in] get_character Bracket functor equivalent to @c operator[], taking a number corresponding to the character offset.
+ \param[in] length Functor to get the length of the string in characters.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+template <class Range, class Get_char, class Get_length>
+inline void string_sort(Range& range, Get_char get_character, Get_length length)
+ string_sort(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), get_character, length);
+/*! \brief String sort algorithm using random access iterators, wraps using default of @c unsigned char.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c string_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. \n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/windows_string_sort.htm"> windows_string_sort</a>\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/osx_string_sort.htm"> osx_string_sort</a>
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \param[in] get_character Bracket functor equivalent to @c operator[], taking a number corresponding to the character offset.
+ \param[in] length Functor to get the length of the string in characters.
+ \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
+ class Compare>
+ inline void string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
+ Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp)
+ {
+ //Don't sort if it's too small to optimize
+ if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
+ std::sort(first, last, comp);
+ else {
+ //skipping past empties, which allows us to get the character type
+ //.empty() is not used so as not to require a user declaration of it
+ while (!length(*first)) {
+ if (++first == last)
+ return;
+ }
+ detail::string_sort(first, last, get_character, length, comp,
+ get_character((*first), 0));
+ }
+ }
+/*! \brief String sort algorithm using range, wraps using default of @c unsigned char.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c string_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. \n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/windows_string_sort.htm"> windows_string_sort</a>\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/osx_string_sort.htm"> osx_string_sort</a>
+ \param[in] range Range [first, last) for sorting.
+ \param[in] get_character Bracket functor equivalent to @c operator[], taking a number corresponding to the character offset.
+ \param[in] length Functor to get the length of the string in characters.
+ \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+template <class Range, class Get_char, class Get_length, class Compare>
+inline void string_sort(Range& range,
+ Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp)
+ string_sort(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), get_character, length, comp);
+/*! \brief Reverse String sort algorithm using random access iterators.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c string_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. \n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/windows_string_sort.htm"> windows_string_sort</a>\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/osx_string_sort.htm"> osx_string_sort</a>
+ \param[in] first Iterator pointer to first element.
+ \param[in] last Iterator pointing to one beyond the end of data.
+ \param[in] get_character Bracket functor equivalent to @c operator[], taking a number corresponding to the character offset.
+ \param[in] length Functor to get the length of the string in characters.
+ \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is mutable.
+ \pre @c RandomAccessIter @c value_type is <a href="">LessThanComparable</a>
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+ template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
+ class Compare>
+ inline void reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first,
+ RandomAccessIter last, Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp)
+ {
+ //Don't sort if it's too small to optimize
+ if (last - first < detail::min_sort_size)
+ std::sort(first, last, comp);
+ else {
+ //skipping past empties, which allows us to get the character type
+ //.empty() is not used so as not to require a user declaration of it
+ while (!length(*(--last))) {
+ //If there is just one non-empty at the beginning, this is sorted
+ if (first == last)
+ return;
+ }
+ //making last just after the end of the non-empty part of the array
+ detail::reverse_string_sort(first, last + 1, get_character, length, comp,
+ get_character((*last), 0));
+ }
+ }
+/*! \brief Reverse String sort algorithm using range.
+ (All variants fall back to @c std::sort if the data size is too small, < @c detail::min_sort_size).
+ \details @c string_sort is a fast templated in-place hybrid radix/comparison algorithm,
+which in testing tends to be roughly 50% to 2X faster than @c std::sort for large tests (>=100kB).\n
+Worst-case performance is <em> O(N * (lg(range)/s + s)) </em>,
+so @c string_sort is asymptotically faster
+than pure comparison-based algorithms. \n\n
+Some performance plots of runtime vs. n and log(range) are provided:\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/windows_string_sort.htm"> windows_string_sort</a>\n
+<a href="../../doc/graph/osx_string_sort.htm"> osx_string_sort</a>
+ \param[in] range Range [first, last) for sorting.
+ \param[in] get_character Bracket functor equivalent to @c operator[], taking a number corresponding to the character offset.
+ \param[in] length Functor to get the length of the string in characters.
+ \param[in] comp A binary functor that returns whether the first element passed to it should go before the second in order.
+ \pre [@c first, @c last) is a valid range.
+ \post The elements in the range [@c first, @c last) are sorted in ascending order.
+ \return @c void.
+ \throws std::exception Propagates exceptions if any of the element comparisons, the element swaps (or moves),
+ the right shift, subtraction of right-shifted elements, functors,
+ or any operations on iterators throw.
+ \warning Throwing an exception may cause data loss. This will also throw if a small vector resize throws, in which case there will be no data loss.
+ \warning Invalid arguments cause undefined behaviour.
+ \note @c spreadsort function provides a wrapper that calls the fastest sorting algorithm available for a data type,
+ enabling faster generic-programming.
+ \remark The lesser of <em> O(N*log(N)) </em> comparisons and <em> O(N*log(K/S + S)) </em>operations worst-case, where:
+ \remark * N is @c last - @c first,
+ \remark * K is the log of the range in bits (32 for 32-bit integers using their full range),
+ \remark * S is a constant called max_splits, defaulting to 11 (except for strings where it is the log of the character size).
+template <class Range, class Get_char, class Get_length,
+ class Compare>
+inline void reverse_string_sort(Range& range, Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp)
+ reverse_string_sort(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), get_character, length, comp);