path: root/boost/sort/spinsort/spinsort.hpp
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diff --git a/boost/sort/spinsort/spinsort.hpp b/boost/sort/spinsort/spinsort.hpp
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index 0000000000..0e9f2d5572
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+++ b/boost/sort/spinsort/spinsort.hpp
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+/// @file spinsort.hpp
+/// @brief Spin Sort algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+//#include <boost/sort/spinsort/util/indirect.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/insert_sort/insert_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/algorithm.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/range.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/indirect.hpp>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstddef>
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace spin_detail
+namespace bsc = boost::sort::common;
+using bsc::range;
+using bsc::util::nbits64;
+using bsc::util::compare_iter;
+using bsc::util::value_iter;
+using boost::sort::insert_sort;
+// ##
+// D E F I N I T I O N S O F F U N C T I O N S ##
+// ##
+template <class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, typename Compare>
+static void insert_partial_sort (Iter1_t first, Iter1_t mid,
+ Iter1_t last, Compare comp,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &rng_aux);
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static bool check_stable_sort (const range<Iter1_t> &rng_data,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &rng_aux, Compare comp);
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static void range_sort (const range<Iter1_t> &range1,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &range2, Compare comp,
+ uint32_t level);
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static void sort_range_sort (const range<Iter1_t> &rng_data,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &rng_aux, Compare comp);
+// function : insert_partial_sort
+/// @brief : Insertion sort of elements sorted
+/// @param first: iterator to the first element of the range
+/// @param mid : last pointer of the sorted data, and first pointer to the
+/// elements to insert
+/// @param last : iterator to the next element of the last in the range
+/// @param comp :
+/// @comments : the two ranges are sorted
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, typename Compare>
+static void insert_partial_sort (Iter1_t first, Iter1_t mid, Iter1_t last,
+ Compare comp, const range<Iter2_t> &rng_aux)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // metaprogram
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same<value_t, value2_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // program
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ assert(size_t(last - mid) <= rng_aux.size());
+ if (mid == last) return;
+ //insertionsort ( mid, last, comp);
+ if (first == mid) return;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // creation of the vector of elements to insert and their position in the
+ // sorted part
+ // the data are inserted in rng_aux
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::vector<Iter1_t> viter;
+ Iter2_t beta = rng_aux.first, data = rng_aux.first;
+ for (Iter1_t alpha = mid; alpha != last; ++alpha)
+ *(beta++) = std::move(*alpha);
+ size_t ndata = last - mid;
+ Iter1_t linf = first, lsup = mid;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ndata; ++i)
+ {
+ Iter1_t it1 = std::upper_bound(linf, lsup, *(data + i), comp);
+ viter.push_back(it1);
+ linf = it1;
+ };
+ // moving the elements
+ viter.push_back(mid);
+ for (uint32_t i = viter.size() - 1; i != 0; --i)
+ {
+ Iter1_t src = viter[i], limit = viter[i - 1];
+ Iter1_t dest = src + (i);
+ while (src != limit) *(--dest) = std::move(*(--src));
+ *(viter[i - 1] + (i - 1)) = std::move(*(data + (i - 1)));
+ };
+// function : check_stable_sort
+/// @brief check if the elements between first and last are osted or reverse
+/// sorted. If the number of elements not sorted is small, insert in
+/// the sorted part
+/// @param range_input : range with the elements to sort
+/// @param range_buffer : range with the elements sorted
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+/// @param level : when is 1, sort with the insertionsort algorithm
+/// if not make a recursive call splitting the ranges
+/// @comments : if the number of levels is odd, the data are in the first
+/// parameter of range_sort, and the results appear in the second parameter
+/// If the number of levels is even, the data are in the second
+/// parameter of range_sort, and the results are in the same parameter
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static bool check_stable_sort(const range<Iter1_t> &rng_data,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &rng_aux, Compare comp)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // metaprogramming
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same<value_t, value2_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // program
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // the maximun number of elements not ordered, for to be inserted in the
+ // sorted part
+ //const ptrdiff_t min_insert_partial_sort = 32 ;
+ const size_t ndata = rng_data.size();
+ if (ndata < 32)
+ {
+ insert_sort(rng_data.first, rng_data.last, comp);
+ return true;
+ };
+ const size_t min_insert_partial_sort =
+ ((ndata >> 3) < 33) ? 32 : (ndata >> 3);
+ if (ndata < 2) return true;
+ // check if sorted
+ bool sw = true;
+ Iter1_t it2 = rng_data.first + 1;
+ for (Iter1_t it1 = rng_data.first;
+ it2 != rng_data.last and (sw = not comp(*it2, *it1)); it1 =
+ it2++)
+ ;
+ if (sw) return true;
+ // insert the elements between it1 and last
+ if (size_t(rng_data.last - it2) < min_insert_partial_sort)
+ {
+ sort_range_sort(range<Iter1_t>(it2, rng_data.last), rng_aux, comp);
+ insert_partial_sort(rng_data.first, it2, rng_data.last, comp, rng_aux);
+ return true;
+ };
+ // check if reverse sorted
+ if ((it2 != (rng_data.first + 1))) return false;
+ sw = true;
+ for (Iter1_t it1 = rng_data.first;
+ it2 != rng_data.last and (sw = comp(*it2, *it1)); it1 =
+ it2++)
+ ;
+ if (size_t(rng_data.last - it2) >= min_insert_partial_sort) return false;
+ // reverse the elements between first and it1
+ size_t nreverse = it2 - rng_data.first;
+ Iter1_t alpha(rng_data.first), beta(it2 - 1), mid(
+ rng_data.first + (nreverse >> 1));
+ while (alpha != mid)
+ std::swap(*(alpha++), *(beta--));
+ // insert the elements between it1 and last
+ if (it2 != rng_data.last)
+ {
+ sort_range_sort(range<Iter1_t>(it2, rng_data.last), rng_aux, comp);
+ insert_partial_sort(rng_data.first, it2, rng_data.last, comp, rng_aux);
+ };
+ return true;
+// function : range_sort
+/// @brief this function divide r_input in two parts, sort it,and merge moving
+/// the elements to range_buf
+/// @param range_input : range with the elements to sort
+/// @param range_buffer : range with the elements sorted
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+/// @param level : when is 1, sort with the insertionsort algorithm
+/// if not make a recursive call splitting the ranges
+/// @comments : if the number of levels is odd, the data are in the first
+/// parameter of range_sort, and the results appear in the second parameter
+/// If the number of levels is even, the data are in the second
+/// parameter of range_sort, and the results are in the same parameter
+/// The two ranges must have the same size
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static void range_sort(const range<Iter1_t> &range1,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &range2, Compare comp,
+ uint32_t level)
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // metaprogram
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same<value_t, value2_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // program
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef range<Iter1_t> range_it1;
+ typedef range<Iter2_t> range_it2;
+ assert(range1.size() == range2.size() and level != 0);
+ //------------------- check if sort --------------------------------------
+ if (range1.size() > 1024)
+ {
+ if ((level & 1) == 0)
+ {
+ if (check_stable_sort(range2, range1, comp)) return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (check_stable_sort(range1, range2, comp))
+ {
+ move_forward(range2, range1);
+ return;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ //------------------- normal process -----------------------------------
+ size_t nelem1 = (range1.size() + 1) >> 1;
+ range_it1 range_input1(range1.first, range1.first + nelem1),
+ range_input2(range1.first + nelem1, range1.last);
+ if (level < 2)
+ {
+ insert_sort(range_input1.first, range_input1.last, comp);
+ insert_sort(range_input2.first, range_input2.last, comp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ range_sort (range_it2(range2.first, range2.first + nelem1),
+ range_input1, comp, level - 1);
+ range_sort (range_it2(range2.first + nelem1, range2.last),
+ range_input2, comp, level - 1);
+ };
+ merge(range2, range_input1, range_input2, comp);
+// function : sort_range_sort
+/// @brief this sort elements using the range_sort function and receiving a
+/// buffer of initialized memory
+/// @param rng_data : range with the elements to sort
+/// @param rng_aux : range of at least the same memory than rng_data used as
+/// auxiliary memory in the sorting
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements
+template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
+static void sort_range_sort(const range<Iter1_t> &rng_data,
+ const range<Iter2_t> &rng_aux, Compare comp)
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // metaprogram
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value_t;
+ typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
+ static_assert (std::is_same<value_t, value2_t>::value,
+ "Incompatible iterators\n");
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // program
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // minimal number of element before to jump to insertionsort
+ static const uint32_t sort_min = 32;
+ if (rng_data.size() <= sort_min)
+ {
+ insert_sort(rng_data.first, rng_data.last, comp);
+ return;
+ };
+#ifdef __BS_DEBUG
+ assert (rng_aux.size () >= rng_data.size ());
+ range<Iter2_t> rng_buffer(rng_aux.first, rng_aux.first + rng_data.size());
+ uint32_t nlevel =
+ nbits64(((rng_data.size() + sort_min - 1) / sort_min) - 1);
+ //assert (nlevel != 0);
+ if ((nlevel & 1) == 0)
+ {
+ range_sort(rng_buffer, rng_data, comp, nlevel);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ range_sort(rng_data, rng_buffer, comp, nlevel);
+ move_forward(rng_data, rng_buffer);
+ };
+// ##
+// S T R U C T ##
+// ##
+// S P I N _ S O R T ##
+// ##
+/// @struct spin_sort
+/// @brief This class implement s stable sort algorithm with 1 thread, with
+/// an auxiliary memory of N/2 elements
+template<class Iter_t, typename Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t>>
+class spinsort
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef value_iter<Iter_t> value_t;
+ typedef range<Iter_t> range_it;
+ typedef range<value_t *> range_buf;
+ // When the number of elements to sort is smaller than Sort_min, are sorted
+ // by the insertion sort algorithm
+ static const uint32_t Sort_min = 36;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Pointer to the auxiliary memory
+ value_t *ptr;
+ // Number of elements in the auxiliary memory
+ size_t nptr;
+ // construct indicate if the auxiliary memory in initialized, and owner
+ // indicate if the auxiliary memory had been created inside the object or
+ // had
+ // been received as a parameter
+ bool construct = false, owner = false;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ spinsort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp, value_t *paux,
+ size_t naux);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ spinsort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp = Compare())
+ : spinsort(first, last, comp, nullptr, 0) { };
+ spinsort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp, range_buf range_aux)
+ : spinsort(first, last, comp, range_aux.first, range_aux.size()) { };
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :~spinsort
+ /// @brief destructor of the struct. Destroy the elements if construct is
+ /// true,
+ /// and return the memory if owner is true
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ~spinsort(void)
+ {
+ if (construct)
+ {
+ destroy(range<value_t *>(ptr, ptr + nptr));
+ construct = false;
+ };
+ if (owner and ptr != nullptr) std::return_temporary_buffer(ptr);
+ };
+// End of class spinsort
+// function : spinsort
+/// @brief constructor of the struct
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+/// iterators
+/// @param paux : pointer to the auxiliary memory provided. If nullptr, the
+/// memory is created inside the class
+/// @param naux : number of elements pointed by paux
+template <class Iter_t, typename Compare>
+spinsort <Iter_t, Compare>
+::spinsort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp, value_t *paux, size_t naux)
+: ptr(paux), nptr(naux), construct(false), owner(false)
+ range<Iter_t> range_input(first, last);
+ assert(range_input.valid());
+ size_t nelem = range_input.size();
+ owner = construct = false;
+ nptr = (nelem + 1) >> 1;
+ size_t nelem_1 = nptr;
+ size_t nelem_2 = nelem - nelem_1;
+ if (nelem <= (Sort_min << 1))
+ {
+ insert_sort(range_input.first, range_input.last, comp);
+ return;
+ };
+ //------------------- check if sort ---------------------------------
+ bool sw = true;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1; it2 != last
+ and (sw = not comp(*it2, *it1)); it1 = it2++) ;
+ if (sw) return;
+ //------------------- check if reverse sort -------------------------
+ sw = true;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1;
+ it2 != last and (sw = comp(*it2, *it1)); it1 = it2++);
+ if (sw)
+ {
+ size_t nelem2 = nelem >> 1;
+ Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = last - 1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nelem2; ++i)
+ std::swap(*(it1++), *(it2--));
+ return;
+ };
+ if (ptr == nullptr)
+ {
+ ptr = std::get_temporary_buffer<value_t>(nptr).first;
+ if (ptr == nullptr) throw std::bad_alloc();
+ owner = true;
+ };
+ range_buf range_aux(ptr, (ptr + nptr));
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Process
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint32_t nlevel = nbits64(((nelem + Sort_min - 1) / Sort_min) - 1) - 1;
+ assert(nlevel != 0);
+ if ((nlevel & 1) == 1)
+ {
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // if the number of levels is odd, the data are in the first
+ // parameter of range_sort, and the results appear in the second
+ // parameter
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ range_it range_1(first, first + nelem_2), range_2(first + nelem_2,
+ last);
+ range_aux = move_construct(range_aux, range_2);
+ construct = true;
+ range_sort(range_aux, range_2, comp, nlevel);
+ range_buf rng_bx(range_aux.first, range_aux.first + nelem_2);
+ range_sort(range_1, rng_bx, comp, nlevel);
+ merge_half(range_input, rng_bx, range_2, comp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // If the number of levels is even, the data are in the second
+ // parameter of range_sort, and the results are in the same
+ // parameter
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ range_it range_1(first, first + nelem_1), range_2(first + nelem_1,
+ last);
+ range_aux = move_construct(range_aux, range_1);
+ construct = true;
+ range_sort(range_1, range_aux, comp, nlevel);
+ range_1.last = range_1.first + range_2.size();
+ range_sort(range_1, range_2, comp, nlevel);
+ merge_half(range_input, range_aux, range_2, comp);
+ };
+};// End namepspace spin_detail
+namespace bsc = boost::sort::common;
+// function : spinsort
+/// @brief this function implement a single thread stable sort
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+/// iterators
+template <class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t>>
+inline void spinsort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp = Compare())
+ spin_detail::spinsort <Iter_t, Compare> (first, last, comp);
+template <class Iter_t, class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t>>
+inline void indirect_spinsort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last,
+ Compare comp = Compare())
+ typedef typename std::vector<Iter_t>::iterator itx_iter;
+ typedef common::less_ptr_no_null <Iter_t, Compare> itx_comp;
+ common::indirect_sort (spinsort<itx_iter, itx_comp>, first, last, comp);
+};// End namespace sort
+};// End namepspace boost