path: root/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/block_indirect_sort.hpp
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diff --git a/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/block_indirect_sort.hpp b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/block_indirect_sort.hpp
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+++ b/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/block_indirect_sort.hpp
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+/// @file block_indirect_sort.hpp
+/// @brief block indirect sort algorithm
+/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Jose Tapia ( )\n
+/// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
+/// ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// )
+/// @version 0.1
+/// @remarks
+#include <atomic>
+#include <boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/merge_blocks.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/move_blocks.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/parallel_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/pdqsort/pdqsort.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/sort/common/util/algorithm.hpp>
+#include <future>
+#include <iterator>
+// This value is the minimal number of threads for to use the
+// block_indirect_sort algorithm
+namespace boost
+namespace sort
+namespace blk_detail
+namespace bs = boost::sort;
+namespace bsc = bs::common;
+namespace bscu = bsc::util;
+using bscu::compare_iter;
+using bscu::value_iter;
+using bsc::range;
+using bsc::destroy;
+using bsc::initialize;
+using bscu::nbits64;
+using bs::pdqsort;
+using bscu::enable_if_string;
+using bscu::enable_if_not_string;
+using bscu::tmsb;
+/// @struct block_indirect_sort
+/// @brief This class is the entry point of the block indirect sort. The code
+/// of this algorithm is divided in several classes:
+/// bis/block.hpp : basic structures used in the algorithm
+/// bis/backbone.hpp : data used by all the classes
+/// bis/merge_blocks.hpp : merge the internal blocks
+/// bis/move_blocks.hpp : move the blocks, and obtain all the elements
+/// phisicaly sorted
+/// bis/parallel_sort.hpp : make the parallel sort of each part in the
+/// initial division of the data
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t,
+ class Compare = compare_iter<Iter_t> >
+struct block_indirect_sort
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // D E F I N I T I O N S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter_t>::value_type value_t;
+ typedef std::atomic<uint32_t> atomic_t;
+ typedef range<size_t> range_pos;
+ typedef range<Iter_t> range_it;
+ typedef range<value_t *> range_buf;
+ typedef std::function<void(void)> function_t;
+ // classes used in the internal operations of the algorithm
+ typedef block_pos block_pos_t;
+ typedef block<Block_size, Iter_t> block_t;
+ typedef backbone<Block_size, Iter_t, Compare> backbone_t;
+ typedef parallel_sort<Block_size, Iter_t, Compare> parallel_sort_t;
+ typedef merge_blocks<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare> merge_blocks_t;
+ typedef move_blocks<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare> move_blocks_t;
+ typedef compare_block_pos<Block_size, Iter_t, Compare> compare_block_pos_t;
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // V A R I A B L E S A N D C O N S T A N T S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // contains the data and the internal data structures of the algorithm for
+ // to be shared between the classes which are part of the algorithm
+ backbone_t bk;
+ // atomic counter for to detect the end of the works created inside
+ // the object
+ atomic_t counter;
+ // pointer to the uninitialized memory used for the thread buffers
+ value_t *ptr;
+ // indicate if the memory pointed by ptr is initialized
+ bool construct;
+ // range from extract the buffers for the threads
+ range_buf rglobal_buf;
+ // number of threads to use
+ uint32_t nthread;
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // F U N C T I O N S
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp, uint32_t nthr);
+ block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last) :
+ block_indirect_sort(first, last, Compare(),
+ std::thread::hardware_concurrency()) { }
+ block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp) :
+ block_indirect_sort(first, last, cmp,
+ std::thread::hardware_concurrency()) { }
+ block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, uint32_t nthread) :
+ block_indirect_sort(first, last, Compare(), nthread){}
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :destroy_all
+ /// @brief destructor all the data structures of the class (if the memory
+ /// is constructed, is destroyed) and return the uninitialized
+ /// memory
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void destroy_all(void)
+ {
+ if (ptr != nullptr)
+ {
+ if (construct)
+ {
+ destroy(rglobal_buf);
+ construct = false;
+ };
+ std::return_temporary_buffer(ptr);
+ ptr = nullptr;
+ };
+ }
+ //
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // function :~block_indirect_sort
+ /// @brief destructor of the class (if the memory is constructed, is
+ /// destroyed) and return the uninitialized memory
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ~block_indirect_sort(void)
+ {
+ destroy_all();
+ }
+ void split_range(size_t pos_index1, size_t pos_index2,
+ uint32_t level_thread);
+ void start_function(void);
+}; // End class block_indirect_sort
+// ##
+// ##
+// N O N I N L I N E F U N C T I O N S ##
+// ##
+// ##
+// function : block_indirect_sort
+/// @brief begin with the execution of the functions stored in works
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+/// iterators
+/// @param nthr : Number of threads to use in the process.When this value
+/// is lower than 2, the sorting is done with 1 thread
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+block_indirect_sort<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+::block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp, uint32_t nthr)
+: bk(first, last, cmp), counter(0), ptr(nullptr), construct(false),
+ nthread(nthr)
+ try
+ {
+ assert((last - first) >= 0);
+ size_t nelem = size_t(last - first);
+ if (nelem == 0) return;
+ //------------------- check if sort -----------------------------------
+ bool sorted = true;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1; it2 != last and (sorted =
+ not bk.cmp(*it2, *it1)); it1 = it2++);
+ if (sorted) return;
+ //------------------- check if reverse sort ---------------------------
+ sorted = true;
+ for (Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = first + 1; it2 != last and (sorted =
+ not bk.cmp(*it1, *it2)); it1 = it2++);
+ if (sorted)
+ {
+ size_t nelem2 = nelem >> 1;
+ Iter_t it1 = first, it2 = last - 1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nelem2; ++i)
+ {
+ std::swap(*(it1++), *(it2--));
+ };
+ return;
+ };
+ //---------------- check if only single thread -----------------------
+ size_t nthreadmax = nelem / (Block_size * Group_size) + 1;
+ if (nthread > nthreadmax) nthread = (uint32_t) nthreadmax;
+ uint32_t nbits_size = (nbits64(sizeof(value_t)) >> 1);
+ if (nbits_size > 5) nbits_size = 5;
+ size_t max_per_thread = 1 << (18 - nbits_size);
+ if (nelem < (max_per_thread) or nthread < 2)
+ {
+ //intro_sort (first, last, bk.cmp);
+ pdqsort(first, last, bk.cmp);
+ return;
+ };
+ //----------- creation of the temporary buffer --------------------
+ ptr = std::get_temporary_buffer<value_t>(Block_size * nthread).first;
+ if (ptr == nullptr)
+ {
+ bk.error = true;
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ };
+ rglobal_buf = range_buf(ptr, ptr + (Block_size * nthread));
+ initialize(rglobal_buf, *first);
+ construct = true;
+ // creation of the buffers for the threads
+ std::vector<value_t *> vbuf(nthread);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nthread; ++i)
+ {
+ vbuf[i] = ptr + (i * Block_size);
+ };
+ // Insert the first work in the stack
+ bscu::atomic_write(counter, 1);
+ function_t f1 = [&]( )
+ {
+ start_function ( );
+ bscu::atomic_sub (counter, 1);
+ };
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::vector<std::future<void> > vfuture(nthread);
+ // The function launched with the futures is "execute the functions of
+ // the stack until this->counter is zero
+ // vbuf[i] is the memory from the main thread for to configure the
+ // thread local buffer
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nthread; ++i)
+ {
+ auto f1 = [=, &vbuf]( )
+ { bk.exec (vbuf[i], this->counter);};
+ vfuture[i] = std::async(std::launch::async, f1);
+ };
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nthread; ++i)
+ vfuture[i].get();
+ if (bk.error) throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ catch (std::bad_alloc &)
+ {
+ destroy_all();
+ throw;
+ }
+// function : split_rage
+/// @brief this function splits a range of positions in the index, and
+/// depending of the size, sort directly or make to a recursive call
+/// to split_range
+/// @param pos_index1 : first position in the index
+/// @param pos_index2 : position after the last in the index
+/// @param level_thread : depth of the call. When 0 sort the blocks
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+void block_indirect_sort<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+::split_range(size_t pos_index1, size_t pos_index2, uint32_t level_thread)
+ size_t nblock = pos_index2 - pos_index1;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // In the blocks not sorted, the physical position is the logical position
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Iter_t first = bk.get_block(pos_index1).first;
+ Iter_t last = bk.get_range(pos_index2 - 1).last;
+ if (nblock < Group_size)
+ {
+ pdqsort(first, last, bk.cmp);
+ return;
+ };
+ size_t pos_index_mid = pos_index1 + (nblock >> 1);
+ atomic_t son_counter(1);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Insert in the stack the work for the second part, and the actual thread,
+ // execute the first part
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (level_thread != 0)
+ {
+ auto f1 = [=, &son_counter]( )
+ {
+ split_range (pos_index_mid, pos_index2, level_thread - 1);
+ bscu::atomic_sub (son_counter, 1);
+ };
+ if (bk.error) return;
+ split_range(pos_index1, pos_index_mid, level_thread - 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Iter_t mid = first + ((nblock >> 1) * Block_size);
+ auto f1 = [=, &son_counter]( )
+ {
+ parallel_sort_t (bk, mid, last);
+ bscu::atomic_sub (son_counter, 1);
+ };
+ if (bk.error) return;
+ parallel_sort_t(bk, first, mid);
+ };
+ bk.exec(son_counter);
+ if (bk.error) return;
+ merge_blocks_t(bk, pos_index1, pos_index_mid, pos_index2);
+// function : start_function
+/// @brief this function init the process. When the number of threads is lower
+/// than a predefined value, sort the elements with a parallel pdqsort.
+template<uint32_t Block_size, uint32_t Group_size, class Iter_t, class Compare>
+void block_indirect_sort<Block_size, Group_size, Iter_t, Compare>
+ if (nthread < BOOST_NTHREAD_BORDER)
+ {
+ parallel_sort_t(bk, bk.global_range.first, bk.global_range.last);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t level_thread = nbits64(nthread - 1) - 1;
+ split_range(0, bk.nblock, level_thread - 1);
+ if (bk.error) return;
+ move_blocks_t k(bk);
+ };
+// function block_indirect_sort_call
+/// @brief This class is select the block size in the block_indirect_sort
+/// algorithm depending of the type and size of the data to sort
+template <class Iter_t, class Compare,
+ enable_if_string<value_iter<Iter_t>> * = nullptr>
+inline void block_indirect_sort_call(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp,
+ uint32_t nthr)
+ block_indirect_sort<128, 128, Iter_t, Compare>(first, last, cmp, nthr);
+template<size_t Size>
+struct block_size
+ static constexpr const uint32_t BitsSize =
+ (Size == 0) ? 0 : (Size > 256) ? 9 : tmsb[Size - 1];
+ static constexpr const uint32_t sz[10] =
+ { 4096, 4096, 4096, 4096, 2048, 1024, 768, 512, 256, 128 };
+ static constexpr const uint32_t data = sz[BitsSize];
+/// @struct block_indirect_sort_call
+/// @brief This class is select the block size in the block_indirect_sort
+/// algorithm depending of the type and size of the data to sort
+template <class Iter_t, class Compare,
+ enable_if_not_string<value_iter<Iter_t>> * = nullptr>
+inline void block_indirect_sort_call (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare cmp,
+ uint32_t nthr)
+ block_indirect_sort<block_size<sizeof (value_iter<Iter_t> )>::data, 64,
+ Iter_t, Compare> (first, last, cmp, nthr);
+}; // End namespace blk_detail
+namespace bscu = boost::sort::common::util;
+// ##
+// ##
+// B L O C K _ I N D I R E C T _ S O R T ##
+// ##
+// ##
+// function : block_indirect_sort
+/// @brief parallel sample sort algorithm (stable sort)
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+template<class Iter_t>
+void block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last)
+ typedef bscu::compare_iter<Iter_t> Compare;
+ blk_detail::block_indirect_sort_call (first, last, Compare(),
+ std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
+// function : block_indirect_sort
+/// @brief parallel sample sort algorithm (stable sort)
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param nthread : Number of threads to use in the process. When this value
+/// is lower than 2, the sorting is done with 1 thread
+template<class Iter_t>
+void block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, uint32_t nthread)
+ typedef bscu::compare_iter<Iter_t> Compare;
+ blk_detail::block_indirect_sort_call(first, last, Compare(), nthread);
+// function : block_indirect_sort
+/// @brief parallel sample sort algorithm (stable sort)
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+/// iterators
+template <class Iter_t, class Compare,
+ bscu::enable_if_not_integral<Compare> * = nullptr>
+void block_indirect_sort(Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp)
+ blk_detail::block_indirect_sort_call (first, last, comp,
+ std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
+// function : block_indirect_sort
+/// @brief parallel sample sort algorithm (stable sort)
+/// @param first : iterator to the first element of the range to sort
+/// @param last : iterator after the last element to the range to sort
+/// @param comp : object for to compare two elements pointed by Iter_t
+/// iterators
+/// @param nthread : Number of threads to use in the process. When this value
+/// is lower than 2, the sorting is done with 1 thread
+template<class Iter_t, class Compare>
+void block_indirect_sort (Iter_t first, Iter_t last, Compare comp,
+ uint32_t nthread)
+ blk_detail::block_indirect_sort_call(first, last, comp, nthread);
+}; // End namespace sort
+}; // End namespace boost