path: root/boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp b/boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp
index e7ef4b8248..e0d3a9bebc 100644
--- a/boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp
+++ b/boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp
@@ -28,9 +28,11 @@
#include <boost/random/detail/operators.hpp>
#include <boost/random/detail/uniform_int_float.hpp>
#include <boost/random/detail/signed_unsigned_tools.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/make_unsigned.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_integral.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/traits.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace random {
@@ -50,10 +52,10 @@ T generate_uniform_int(
boost::mpl::true_ /** is_integral<Engine::result_type> */)
typedef T result_type;
- typedef typename make_unsigned<T>::type range_type;
+ typedef typename boost::random::traits::make_unsigned_or_unbounded<T>::type range_type;
typedef typename Engine::result_type base_result;
- // ranges are always unsigned
- typedef typename make_unsigned<base_result>::type base_unsigned;
+ // ranges are always unsigned or unbounded
+ typedef typename boost::random::traits::make_unsigned_or_unbounded<base_result>::type base_unsigned;
const range_type range = random::detail::subtract<result_type>()(max_value, min_value);
const base_result bmin = (eng.min)();
const base_unsigned brange =
@@ -112,7 +114,7 @@ T generate_uniform_int(
// mult+mult*brange by (2), (3) (4)
// Therefore result+(eng()-bmin)*mult <
// mult*(brange+1) by (4)
- result += static_cast<range_type>(random::detail::subtract<base_result>()(eng(), bmin) * mult);
+ result += static_cast<range_type>(static_cast<range_type>(random::detail::subtract<base_result>()(eng(), bmin)) * mult);
// equivalent to (mult * (brange+1)) == range+1, but avoids overflow.
if(mult * range_type(brange) == range - mult + 1) {
@@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ T generate_uniform_int(
- if((std::numeric_limits<range_type>::max)() / mult < result_increment) {
+ if(std::numeric_limits<range_type>::is_bounded && ((std::numeric_limits<range_type>::max)() / mult < result_increment)) {
// The multiplcation would overflow. Reject immediately.
@@ -184,27 +186,43 @@ T generate_uniform_int(
return random::detail::add<range_type, result_type>()(result, min_value);
} else { // brange > range
- base_unsigned bucket_size;
+ typedef typename mpl::if_c<
+ std::numeric_limits<range_type>::is_specialized && std::numeric_limits<base_unsigned>::is_specialized
+ && (std::numeric_limits<range_type>::digits >= std::numeric_limits<base_unsigned>::digits),
+ range_type, base_unsigned>::type mixed_range_type;
+ typedef base_unsigned mixed_range_type;
+ mixed_range_type bucket_size;
// it's safe to add 1 to range, as long as we cast it first,
// because we know that it is less than brange. However,
// we do need to be careful not to cause overflow by adding 1
- // to brange.
+ // to brange. We use mixed_range_type throughout for mixed
+ // arithmetic between base_unsigned and range_type - in the case
+ // that range_type has more bits than base_unsigned it is always
+ // safe to use range_type for this albeit it may be more effient
+ // to use base_unsigned. The latter is a narrowing conversion though
+ // which may be disallowed if range_type is a multiprecision type
+ // and there are no explicit converison operators.
if(brange == (std::numeric_limits<base_unsigned>::max)()) {
- bucket_size = brange / (static_cast<base_unsigned>(range)+1);
- if(brange % (static_cast<base_unsigned>(range)+1) == static_cast<base_unsigned>(range)) {
+ bucket_size = static_cast<mixed_range_type>(brange) / (static_cast<mixed_range_type>(range)+1);
+ if(static_cast<mixed_range_type>(brange) % (static_cast<mixed_range_type>(range)+1) == static_cast<mixed_range_type>(range)) {
} else {
- bucket_size = (brange+1) / (static_cast<base_unsigned>(range)+1);
+ bucket_size = static_cast<mixed_range_type>(brange + 1) / (static_cast<mixed_range_type>(range)+1);
for(;;) {
- base_unsigned result =
+ mixed_range_type result =
random::detail::subtract<base_result>()(eng(), bmin);
result /= bucket_size;
// result and range are non-negative, and result is possibly larger
// than range, so the cast is safe
- if(result <= static_cast<base_unsigned>(range))
- return random::detail::add<base_unsigned, result_type>()(result, min_value);
+ if(result <= static_cast<mixed_range_type>(range))
+ return random::detail::add<mixed_range_type, result_type>()(result, min_value);
@@ -227,7 +245,7 @@ inline T generate_uniform_int(Engine& eng, T min_value, T max_value)
typedef typename Engine::result_type base_result;
return generate_uniform_int(eng, min_value, max_value,
- boost::is_integral<base_result>());
+ boost::random::traits::is_integral<base_result>());